Welcome back to another enthralling episode of Creepcast. I need to get like a nice Tales from the Crypt or like a nice Dracula laugh. We need like a nice evil laugh. We do. We need to pay some absurd actor too much money. We need to get like, I know he's dead, but like the Vincent Price laugh, you know?
Exactly. Yeah, yeah. I bet we could get Christopher Walken. I bet he's got a good laugh. We could commission that. That's a good use of income. That's my magic, Christopher Walken. Yeah, I'd love to just be like, welcome back to Creepcast. Today we are stepping out of our... This is the first time this is...
virgin territory we're going into on this show it is the first time we were stepping out of no sleep our comfort zone and we are going into twitter args which if you want to explain what twitter args to people so they kind of know what's going on absolutely so basically a twitter arg is normally when someone creates a twitter account or at least a story within twitter where they imply themselves to be the individual going through the stuff they're going through
Some popular examples of that is things like Dear David. That's an example where the creator, just a normal Twitter user who's like, so this strange thing's been happening to me. And they start to catalog supernatural events. That's one example. Another example is when you have an entire Twitter account dedicated to a story like The Sun Vanished. That's a very popular one. And the one we're going to be covering today is another example of a completely dedicated account. And that is the Gregory88 account.
So are you familiar at all with the Gregory 88 plotline? No, I don't know any of these. I'm going in fresh. I mean, I had a couple questions for you because it seems like you have experienced some of these before. Like, whenever people make these accounts, right, how long does it take for people to realize, like, oh, this is becoming...
Like, this is what this is. Or did some of these start before people even knew what this archetype of storytelling was? A lot of them started before, like, the concept became popular. Like, for example, the Dear David guy, Adam Ellis, that's his name...
The Dear David guy, Adam Ellis, he was just a normal Twitter user for years. I believe he worked at BuzzFeed or at least the movie got picked up by BuzzFeed eventually. But he does like comics, like he does comedic comics and stuff like that.
So he was like a popular Twitter user who all of a sudden was like, strange things are happening around my apartment. So that takes a really long time for people to be like, is this real? Is this, you know, a story or is this something strange actually happening to this guy?
And some of the best Twitter ARGs kind of keep it in a gray zone, right? Of maybe this is someone who individually, like for you, Hunter, if for example, tomorrow you're like, there's this weird thing I keep seeing around the property and you start to catalog it. That could be an example of people not knowing if it's real or not. But typically like if someone starts in a, like a burner account to be like, there's something in the woods, like people catch on pretty quick. But what's interesting about the format is where something like no sleep is
that makes the writer find creative ways to convey their piece of work or what have you to the audience. Like, for example, they'll get to the end of the story and they'll be like, if anyone's reading this, blah, blah, blah, it's posted here. Whereas on the Twitter ARGs, normally they are constantly keeping up with replies, tweets, things people are saying. It's like a live interaction with people who are reading, which is pretty cool. You can do some neat stuff with it.
Yeah, I mean, that was kind of similar to my dead girlfriend's message to me on Facebook story as well. Kind of interacting in that way. That kind of interaction with these horror stories is such a fascinating way to tell it. And do we know exactly who Greg is? Not that I know of. It may be known later on because the Gregory... So I'm actually familiar with this story specifically. I don't remember how it ends, which is useful for what we're doing today. But I remember...
reading like whenever this ARG first started up I saw some tweets about it and was like keeping up with it I don't think I kept with up with it till the ending but I remember as it was coming out there were a lot of people like oh cool what's happening oh and like interacting with him and stuff but I don't I don't remember him ever revealing himself as a creator of the author
So it looks like the first tweet here was in July 22nd, 2018. Pretty simple, straightforward. Guess I'm going to try Twitter again. Nice...
Yeah, I mean, there's just some simple post of like he's showing cocktails. He's showing like food kind of give it like a normal, a really, really normal approach to stuff. I mean, it looks like it's just I mean, like, you know, August 5th, maybe this year I will finally watch Lost. Yeah, yeah. Just like basic tweets. Yeah, right. And then you said it was. Yeah. August 27th, 2018. Greg finds he says, just found out my grandpa died. Never really knew him, but still.
Kind of an interesting little segue there. And then he has one follow-up that says, My mom never wanted to talk about him, and I've never really asked.
Sad face. That is a sad face emoji moment. What's fun about it, too, is if you go to the replies on that tweet, it's a bunch of people tagging their friends being like, it starts here. This is the first tweet. You can start here. It's right here. Please start here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You may begin. That's fun. Guys, Grandpa died. It's right here. That is funny. All the tags.
Interesting. So this is just the nice little jumping off point. So does that mean too that whenever this first came out, because it's a thousand likes, it's not like some viral thing. I was almost expecting some of these tweets to have like,
I don't know, 40,000 likes, you know, just to show like, oh, hey, look at the engagement on these. But it's relatively, I mean, it's still like with the amount of likes there's on it, it still feels very real. Yeah, yeah. It feels like it could still be like a hidden little story you came across, which is like the really fun part about these ARGs. Because imagine if you just came across this, like you didn't see it in a YouTube video or someone did say it was scary. It just popped up in your feed one day. That's pretty cool.
That is cool. October 29th, we have him. He says, made a new friend, and it's a picture of a slug. A nice little snail. So there you go. And then it looks like it picks back up on October 29th again later on. So click on that tweet and then go to the top of the thread, and this is our first dive into the storyline. All right, yeah. And as we want to preface this as well, is that a lot of these are going to be like, let us find these tweets. It's a weird...
It's going to be a weird juggling act just to make sure that we're properly doing this. That we're not missing anything, yeah. Exactly. The narrative is being directed correctly. So like he said, October 29th, 2018, it looks like at the beginning of this thread, it says, Something weird is happening in the woods outside my house and I don't know what to do. Okay, there you go. Yeah, 12,000 likes. Now we're starting to get to someplace here. Cool. So now we truly get into the story on October the 29th of 2018. It reads,
Something weird is happening in the woods outside my house and I don't know what to do. I guess I should start at the beginning. This isn't really my house. It was my grandpa's, but I guess it's mine now. He died a couple months ago and because of some tricky paperwork, I'm apparently responsible for it now. He lived pretty far away, up in the mountains by the lake. There are a couple other houses down the road, but they seemed like they're empty for the season. I assume they're summer houses.
I've been here for a few days and it's really pretty, but it's super quiet and chilly. And then he attaches some images of what the nearby, you know, what the property looks like. Just a...
Yeah. Basically a picture of a lake essentially. And just, it's a very wooded area. Very isolated is what it looks like. Yeah. If you, if you've seen for audio listeners, if you've seen woods and water before, just picture that. Yeah. Yeah. Have you ever seen a lake before? Yeah. You ever seen like water, but it's in one place and outside. That's what it is. Yeah. I know it's a weird concept. I know. Yeah.
He continues on from that and says, So basically, I don't really know what I'm doing here. This guy from my grandpa's estate basically told me the house is mine now, so I came up here to sell it as fast as I can and go home. I guess it's not that easy to just sell a house, especially one in the middle of nowhere.
At any rate, I think I'm alone up here. Or at least I was. I figured I'd be up here for a couple weeks to get all this handled and then I'd go home and be done with it. I'm on a break from grad school so I don't have any other responsibilities at the moment. But now, weird things are starting to happen. It started on my third day here. There's a little town about 25 minutes away and I'd gone to get some food and supplies since I don't know how long I'm staying.
When I got back that evening, there was something strange on my door. It was this artifact. I don't know what to call it. It was obviously handmade. It was made of sticks and twine and had some small bones tied into the middle of it.
And for our audio listeners here, I would say it's reminiscent. It's basically like thin sticks making a triangle. And in the center of the triangle are two bones that are kind of tied between a small piece of twine. I would say very much just kind of think of like Blair Witch Project. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Yeah. Something one of those things in the woods, not necessarily a figure, but just a triangle. Still very creepy.
yeah yeah basically comes home there's this weird thing that looks like probably like small animal bones although i guess you could say those maybe finger bones uh but can i go on a limb here sorry to interject if the first time i see this on my board i'm leaving i'm leaving yeah grandpa just dropped off gave me a new house and the area is kind of pretty and there's a
a pagan artifact just on my door? Hello? No! I'm already, I, it was this artifact question mark? I don't know, man. It's this part of the movie where I'm like, why would you not just run away immediately? Oh, it must be the neighbors. They seem so friendly around here. It was probably just an inquisitive fox. Ha ha ha!
I bet this was the work of a friend and nothing else. Grandpa always said there were friends in these woods and now I know what he meant. Well, see now I want your, what he does next. I want your opinion on that. So after that tweet, he says, I didn't think too much of it at the time. I figured it was probably a kid from one of the other houses trying to mess with me. So I took it off the door and tossed it in the fireplace. Oh God. Why? Why?
Oh, God. First off, you're contradicting yourself because he's like, yeah, everyone's pretty much gone because of the season. And now he's saying that there's children? It's probably one of the random evil children across the lake. Well, I don't want their gifts, so I'm going to burn it. Don't burn the artifact, dude. Rule one. I think we can establish that with all the stuff that we've read and everything so far. If you ever find something like this, I would say just don't even touch it. Don't mess with it.
Like, rule one, right? Well, look, all I'm saying is every forest that I know, every self-respecting forest has the pagan child, right? That runs through the forest and leaves stuff. Of course, yeah. And I suppose burning their gifts is an appropriate response. I always just kept them. Just put them up in my house. I thought they were cool, but I don't know. That's just me. And that's because, and you know what? Even if you did do that,
I think that the pagan evil baby children would respect that more. If they find out that you burnt it, it is going to be hell to pay. Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I would say also in general... Well, what would you do if you were in this scenario? Would you not burn? No, dude, I wouldn't touch it. Would you just leave? I would be... I've always... I've thought about this. If anything paranormal happens, I'm going to be scared, right? I'm going to be like, oh my god. Like, if there's like a ghost...
Oh, God. Like quivering like that. But I'm going to pretend that I don't even know. Like, oh, just reading my book. Hey, it doesn't matter. Everything's normal here. I would act like I don't even see it. Hmm, this is just random. Okay, my door handle looks more decorative. I wouldn't even acknowledge it. Honestly, that's what I would do. I would be so scared. Or, honestly, I would probably leave. There would be no way that I could justify...
that somebody made something with bones twigs and twine for
First off, it's like, where did you find the twigs and twine? Yes, you can find the branches places, but to even go to the store and purchase twine, I don't know that person. And I would have to be completely disconnected with it. We got to keep continuing. Let's put it this way. Let's put it this way. Let's take a step back and kind of observe the story so far. This person's a grad student. We'll call him Greg. Greg is a grad student, right? Yeah.
So he's like, he's going through school, probably doesn't have that much money. Uh, maybe like not really a strained relationship with his mom, but not enough that his mom's willing to talk about her father. Right. So he's probably not that well off. And then he suddenly gifted a house that he could probably sell for like a quarter million, right? Countryside, nice house, stuff like that. Oh dude. So beautiful piece of property. He can't just walk away from that. Right. He has to do something. Absolutely can. Yeah.
I want to go on a limb and say, I... Here's something, too. We're getting too far off the story, but I want to say this. If a family member, a grandpa of mine that I've never met and has no relationship to me whatsoever gave me property and it's free money, and I'm like, hey, where do I sign to sell this, is what I would say immediately.
I have no personal ties to this, right? And also to assume that you're a grad student and you want to live in the middle of nowhere on a lake? Are you kidding me? Yeah, right, dude. That's all I gotta say.
Okay. Well, I'm going to be sympathetic for at least... He hasn't lost me at this moment. At this moment. He's lost you. To you, he's chum. He's shark bait. Who cares? He's shark bait, Wendigoon, because here's the thing, Isaiah. You're like, hey, it's really beautiful out here, and then you come back. Let's just say it's the third day you've been there, and there is a Blair Witch Project artifact on your door.
It's not like, hey, I've lived here for a year. I'm settled, right? That's a different story. That's a totally different story. He's so, Greg is so new to this. It's unbelievable. Unbelievable. And then he burns it. He's a dunce. He's a goon. I don't respect Greg already. We got to continue. I'm sorry, listener.
that's all i got i i i have nothing i have nothing but hate in my heart okay well now now out of necessity i have to be a greg defender that's fine because if we both if we both hate him this is just gonna be mean so i've gotta come to his aid you have to wear that cross i have to bear that cross yeah okay so the guy who rightfully so burned the pagan artifact says right by the next morning i'd pretty much forgotten about it okay he's lost me
After that sentence, he's lost me. What do you mean you forgot about it? Well, by the next morning, I didn't think about the children making demonic triangles and putting them on my door. No, no, I can't. I can't. I can't do it. I can't do it. I have to stay on his train. I'm Greg Defender. I would forget about it too, I guess. All right.
Oh god.
Oh, good God. They're consciously different. And now it's just another... It's the same kind of triangle, except in the middle of the bottom twig, there's just a rock, is all I wanted to say. But they're just the exact same size and everything. Right. And then almost immediately, I saw another one in a tree further down by the ground. I went down the deck steps to retrieve it, and then I started seeing even more of them. I found about eight in total hanging in trees all around the house.
And we have various images of these little stick effigies with rocks tied into them. Found about eight in total is crazy. It's insane. Even if it's one guy to consciously make 10 of these artifacts in total is it's blowing my mind.
Yeah. This is kind of weird. People kind of just dropping this around my house. Someone's a bit strange. We got a bit of an artist and craftsman guy walking around here. They all had different objects tied to them. Bones, feathers, that sort of thing. It was definitely weird, but I was more annoyed than anything. Thinking that someone was in my yard decorating the trees with these ugly goth Christmas ornaments.
Also, if someone was trying to scare me, it was going to take more than some bullshit art and crafts project to do the trick. I gathered all the artifacts together and burned them like the first one. I'm sure that's a good decision. After I disposed of all the stick things, I took a shower, got dressed, and went back outside to do some basic tidying and whatnot. The deck and the yard are sort of overgrown and leaves are starting to fall and cover everything.
Being a new homeowner is a lot of work, turns out. That was when I found something that actually did make me nervous. I was raking a corner of the yard when I saw something dark on the ground, off in the trees. I couldn't tell what it was from afar, so I went to investigate. At first I thought it was a blanket, but when I got closer, it looked like a big sweatshirt or a hoodie or something. I didn't want to touch it, but it was obviously clothing of some kind.
Oh, God. Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope,
There's a lot of questions I have. I do like this build-up, though, so far. I will say it is a bit strange to me that if he is operating under the assumption that kids are playing a prank on him, which is reasonable, right? I remember my grandfather, his house that he used to live in, our family still owned, and it was completely run down, like ceiling falling through and stuff. So we went to go check it out, and it turns out a bunch of kids were using it for a hangout spot.
Um, like there's, you know, beer cans in the floor and stuff like that. Cause it was like, it was a pretty big old, like opulent looking house. That's now just abandoned on some back road. Uh, and while we were walking around in there, a bunch of people had like drawn like six, six, six on the wall and like scary faces and stuff like that. So I get to some degree you inherit an abandoned house. And now there's these little creepy twigs hanging up around the place.
But if you are operating under that assumption, why then does a shirt freak you out? Because you would assume the people who are leaving this stuff up wear clothes, right? So maybe someone left a jacket on the ground. Like...
Well, there's a question I have, too, here, as well is, is he saying that the first time he's been at this place, he's like, oh, I'm finding these weird artifacts around. Or I thought that he was like, oh, I live here and I woke up one day and, oh, there was a weird artifact on the door and around my house. Are we to assume that the first day he's showing up, he's like, oh, it's a nice property. But when I inspected the house, these things are here.
I think that's what the... Well, he says he went back, he went out to town, and he comes back, and the stick thing's there. Yeah, so it implies that it was between the time of him first getting there and him coming back the next morning, he finds the stick thing there. Now, hold on. This could also imply maybe he just didn't notice it the first day, the one on the door, and the others were hung up in the trees around. Or if this is a place kids are still making pranks on, like, the house still looks overgrown. Maybe they don't know someone's moved in yet.
my point is i can almost rationalize because i'm trying to be a greg defender i can almost rationalize getting over the stick things but i don't know then why the sweatshirt would freak you out is all i'm saying yeah no i think that's fair i think um it's interesting i don't know also just clothes being abandoned like someone just like took something off or left something is always just kind of odd but let's just yeah i guess just keep rolling yeah we'll continue
After that, he says, I looked around and realized it was a whole encampment. Oh, okay. Well, that kind of explains why he'd be freaked out. Okay. I walk it back. I walk it back. This would be freaky. There were a couple of old socks, a pair of what I think was underwear. Gross. A few old napkins scattered around a plastic spoon and creepiest of all, a beat up notebook to which we have pictures of all of those things lying in the dirt.
I flipped open the notebook, but nothing was written inside. A whole bunch of pages had been ripped out of it, so I know someone had been using it. Plus, you could sort of see the shadow of pin marks on the most recent page. I couldn't make out what had been written, though. Anyway, that definitely freaked me out. It was clear someone was camping out on my property and possibly trying to scare me out of the house. I wasn't really sure what to do about it, though. What could I do? Definitely didn't sleep well that night. That was the day before yesterday.
The next morning, I sort of expected more weird artifacts to be outside, but I didn't see anything. And the encampment was gone, so I figured it was probably a homeless person passing through or something. And with that, we have the end of the first thread. Yeah, the end of October 29th thread, which is, uh...
pretty i mean pretty alarming first day so basically just to go back he found artifacts closed kind of encampment a journal that looked like somebody was had been writing in it but the pages have been torn out and he's thinking that people are basically pulling a prank on him yes yeah or like it's a homeless guy who was just like hanging out near an old abandoned house which again makes sense
Like I said, that house that my grandfather's house we went and checked out, we saw signs that looked like some guy was living in there for a while. Like, you know, food and like a cot he made in the corner. Right. Like, you know, people need a place to stay. They go somewhere that's got an old abandoned house. Makes sense. But it would be enough to make me freaked out. I wouldn't immediately jump to supernatural conclusions, basically.
Yeah, no, not yet. And it looks like the next thread starts on October 31st, 2018. The next main thread does, but if you scroll up a bit in between, there's some quick replies he gives to the events that just happened. Oh, okay. I see here. Okay. What's the October? I called the cops and explained what happened. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stuff like that. Or like if you look down. So if you go, are you on the main thread right now?
So like the one right above the picture of the notebook where it says, anyway, that definitely freaks me out. Yeah. Yeah. You can, you can take those if you want. Sure. Yeah. I'll do those. Um,
Is that the same? That might be the segment. I think that's the same thing.
Which is just crazy. I just want to say, too, it's insane that he said... It's crazy that he said that apparently the things were gone. Like, someone definitely collected them. I don't know. He says here on 9.53 p.m.,
uh the same day october 29th he says the driveway ends up ends a way up uh a ways up from the house and then you have to trek you have to trek down a path which bends around the side of the house to get in i was walking around the house when i saw some movement across the yard near a tree i froze dead in my tracks so he's starting to see movement out there now yeah he's starting to see some kind of crazy movement down here and he looks like he's oh my god that video
Sorry, I'm looking at another deal here. There's a whole... Oh, there's a whole other deal here. Sorry. I'm like... It's weird navigating around these threads. My bad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it is weird navigating around these threads. All right, hold on. Go to... So that's still all October 29th. Okay, I see how. So go to that thread you were clicking on that has the video. The one that says I ran back around the house and got inside. Go to that one. And then scroll up to... I thought it was the day before yesterday. Okay.
I thought this was the end. Okay, so I see how this is. It's all one giant thread. Caitlin, I'm sorry for all the stuff you have to cut. It's all one giant thread. If you go to click on that thread, then scroll up. It's the tweet that says someone was standing under a tree staring at my house. It's right after that tweet you just read that says the driveway ends a ways up from the house.
okay i see here so someone was standing under a tree yes start okay so actually uh start with the tweet you just did because that's all in the same train of thought i saw someone i freaked out okay caitlin cut what we just read and start here apologies yeah i'll do a little clock test too so hopefully that she can see the audio spike um so it looks like there was a response to the thread on october 29th that says the driveway ends weighs up from a
Someone was standing under a tree staring at my house. They didn't see me though, since I was also partly behind some trees and a good distance away. Whoever it was, they were wearing the same dark hoodie I'd seen in the grass the day before.
As quietly as I could, I set down my shopping bags next to me and slipped my phone out of my pocket. I managed to take a couple photos, but the person turned and disappeared into the woods. Here in the image, you zoom in, you can see who that person is, which looks like a lovely little fellow. I don't care for this man.
don't care for this man this it's Voldemort yeah so for audio listeners it's basically like they kind of have like clean features like no facial hair or anything kind of feminine looking in the face almost but it's hard to tell because they're wearing like an oversized hoodie with the hood down and they're just standing in the trees
And then it has a moment where it's just standing and then it quickly looks at the, uh, the Greg and then Greg's like, "Oh!" Oh, you're down to the video. Oh, shit! I'm on the wrong one. I'm on the wrong one. Sorry. We're not there yet. That's coming in just a second. Okay, sorry. Okay, I'm so sorry, Kate. Um... Him standing like a dark wizard in especially broad daylight, mind you... Yeah. ...is crazy. It's great.
Oh, God. Imagine... Wait. Okay. So I will say the sweatshirt the guy is wearing is not the same as the one that was on the ground. You don't think so? I will say that. I don't think so because the one on the ground looked like it was blue. This is definitely like a black...
Yeah, it could kind of be dark in the trees, I guess. But yeah, maybe. Oh, so you think it is his? I think it could be the same one. Oh, okay. Just the shadow and stuff. Because it makes sense. If that was the person standing outside, they picked up a hoodie that they left on the ground, and now they're wearing it standing out in the trees.
sure sure i mean i i agree i just didn't know i i didn't i i'm assuming there might be more is what i was trying to say oh that's a good point it could be very well it could be i don't know i don't i i honestly do not remember enough details about the story to know if that's correct or not so you could be right as always i am lost i am deeply deeply well don't worry don't worry i'll make it worse in just a moment so oh good with the next tweet he says
I stood there for a couple minutes, too nervous to move, in case the person came back. But they didn't, so I picked up my bags and hurried inside. I picked up the phone to call the cops, but put it back down because I didn't even know what I'd tell them. Someone was looking at my house, like any police officer would take me seriously. And like an idiot, I destroyed all the weird artifacts from before, so there wouldn't even be any evidence.
Oh, Greg. That's what I'm saying. Why? Why would your first thing be like, I'm just going to burn it? You know what? It's just... Burning's a bit extreme. I can see throwing away, perhaps, setting inside. Throwing away or even just throwing them on the ground being like, okay. Like if they're hanging on the door just by tossing them in your yard. The burning seems a bit much. Yeah. Yeah, it's insane. Like, I'm going to start a fire and burn them. I absolutely hate these. Oh, I do not like these. Um...
So it, yeah, yeah, yeah. So after that, I was mad at myself and feeling scared all alone in the house. So I locked all the doors and left out the back. I went down to the lake because I didn't know where else to go. I just know I didn't want to be in the house at that moment. I walked a ways down to the lake. I walked a ways down to the lake shore, then set for a while looking out at the water.
I thought about getting in my car and just going home, but I felt like that would get me in trouble. There's all sorts of property tax stuff I don't understand. I felt trapped. Okay, you can leave. You can leave the house and still pay property taxes if that's your issue. What are you talking about? Yeah, like, are you... You know what, though? If anything, it's like he is...
predominantly young right like a college grad so you could be like i mean i don't know what's going on i mean i guess do the property tax am i allowed to leave if i owe money on the plane that feels outlandishly stupid to me that feels like what are you talking about i felt like that would be get me in trouble there's all sorts of property tax stuff i don't understand i felt trapped okay greg
Sure, Greg, whatever you say. Sure, Greg. It is getting across the idea that Greg's kind of dumb. Yeah, well, he's burnt pagan artifacts, and now he feels he can't leave his house because he owes Robert. Okay, a lot of dumb, not kind of dumb. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm okay with a himbo protagonist from time to time. Just a fool in a dangerous situation. Oh, God. All right, so after that...
He says, "Also, I couldn't decide if I was actually in any danger. When my grandpa died, it took me a couple months to actually get up to the house, so maybe someone was squatting in the empty house? Now that I'm here, they might just leave on their own accord. I was starting to get dark, so I reluctantly headed back to the house. I walked up the stairs leading to the back of my house, but right before going inside, I got this weird chill. I made up my mind that I absolutely did not want to stay in that house overnight.
I decided to go get my car and drive into town to find a motel for the night. This is the first smart decision he's made, by the way. Yeah, I was calling my accountant and I made the decision to go to the motel because...
The property tax issue was not an issue after all. Yeah, it turns out I won't get arrested for not being in a house for a night. Yeah, he pulls up the driveway and there's like cops waiting for him. Where are you going, Greg? You think you can just leave at a property you pay taxes for? Sorry, I'll go back. Tell it to the judge. Get in the car. Tell it to the judge, Greg. The house was all locked up and I already had my keys, so I went back around the house and toward the path that led to the driveway.
And that's when I saw her. The figure from before standing right in the middle of my front lawn, staring straight at my house. I froze in place completely in shock. I was practically right next to her, but it was almost as if she didn't see me. Then it hit me. She couldn't see me because she had no eyes. She has no eyes, just shiny skin over where her eyes should be. And she had almost no hair at all.
I wanted to run, but I felt like if I moved even a little, she'd hear me. As quietly as I could, I went for my phone. I needed some sort of evidence to show the cops. It all felt like it was happening in slow motion. I feel sick to my stomach as I'm writing this, but I was able to get it on video. My heart is racing just thinking about this. I haven't been able to watch it since I recorded it, but here it is.
Then we have the video. Which is very, if I may say, very well done for what this story's doing so far, right? Like...
For those who aren't able to watch, we have this figure from before with the hood down, like appears to be a woman, but there's skin grown over where the eyes should be. And it's facing straight ahead and then suddenly turns towards Greg. And then Greg flips out, like moves the camera and runs away.
It's just uncanny enough to, to be realistic, like something where it's, it's later at night. I also want to say that the idea of a horror element or horror story of, Hey, I inherited this house. That's been kind of abandoned. And now you're feuding with a squatter, like a homeless squatter is terrifying. Yeah. Like that. Within it's like somebody who's like, no, this is my, like some kind of weird territorial issue with somebody who's probably mentally unwell. Like, you know,
homeless whatever that within itself is drives up the wall but then to add this little bit of uncanny element of like the eyes that are kind of sheened over which also you could debate which the video even in the video it's it's hard to see it's kind of night but it's it's the description they give of no eyes light hair and it's just staring at the house and now all i'm wondering is what is inside the house that this person is so fixated by yeah
Yeah. And also like for just like a Twitter ARG, the effect of the skin over the eyes is very well done. Like again, usually we it's complimented by the darkness, the night and everything, of course, but it does give the impression of it's like burn marks over their eyes. It looks really good. I was going to say that too. Almost like a burn victim.
of some kind. Like, yeah, I was going to say, and I will say that I'm usually not a fan of whenever it's like, Oh, they don't have eyes. Like you see that so much in horror stories and like, even like cryptic stuff of like, they don't have eyes, but they do this. This, I think this is a really effective way of doing that. Like I'm, I'm really, I'm bought in right now. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's really cool. So after that video, Greg continues and says, I ran back around the house and got inside. I scrambled upstairs and looked out my bedroom window at the front yard. She had vanished.
Remembering it now, it feels like it didn't really happen, like it was a nightmare or something. I called the cops and explained what had happened. I'm sure I sounded crazy, but they said they'd send someone by in the morning and to keep my doors locked. So that's where I am now, alone in the woods, freaking out. I know I won't be able to sleep tonight. I feel lightheaded and nauseous. I don't know what's going to happen. I'm scared shitless.
And with good reason. Interesting. This later half is written really well. Very believable. It's very believable of someone just being like, I'm horrified. I don't know what to... It's almost like they're dumping all of their thoughts and the encounters they had into just social media. As if also... It's believable that you would put this on social media so people would be like, dude, you're freaking out.
Like, it's fine. You know, and you can, like, get reassurance from people. Yeah. But, man, with that video and, like, some of this other stuff happening, I feel like it would be the worst idea as well because I feel like people would be like, you need to run. You need to, like, you're in danger. Call. Go, you know, ask for help. Do whatever you can because it's insane.
Yep, yep, it absolutely is. And that's all October 29th. That's all that document of that day, correct? Yes, yes. That's all from the first series of reports. Yeah, it started with something weird's happening in the woods in my house.
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Let's get back to the story. And then the next thread begins. I think I found the easier way to read these is just go up to like the first tweet that shows show more replies. Yes. Yeah. And start there. So on October 31st, two days later, 626. Yeah, we get the next thread. It's the past couple of days, right? Yes. Yes. Okay. So now we're on Halloween day. It's been two days now, and this is his first update since then.
Yep. So next we have, again, on Halloween, he says, the past couple days have been really strange. Also have shitty reception up here, so I'm sorry for not updating. They sent a police officer up yesterday morning, but I feel like it didn't accomplish anything. I explained everything to the cop and even took him out to the clearing where I found the stuff, but it was all gone except for the notebook. And since the notebook is empty, it was basically useless. I feel like the cop didn't believe me anyway.
I showed him the photos I took of the stick things, and he said, at worst, it counted as vandalism. But without physical evidence of trespassing, they couldn't do anything. Even when I showed him the video, he still acted really skeptical. Hey, officer, here's the no-eyed lady in my yard. Well, yeah, what's... Can you go arrest her? What's weird... Well, I mean, I would be probably doing the same thing, but... Imagine showing somebody, like, dude, check, this was outside my house, and the guy's like, yeah... Yeah, okay. Okay...
Yeah, I listen to Creepcast. I know what this is. It's one of those ARGs, isn't it? Yeah, this is one of those ARGs. Okay, good luck, sir. He kept asking if I knew the person in the video. I think he thought I was pranking him or something. I ended up just getting frustrated. The cop said to call the station if something happened. After he left, I went back and got the notebook from the clearing. Maybe there's a way to figure out what was written on the last page. I don't know. Anyway, the cop drove away and I was alone again.
It's so damn quiet up here. All I want to do is leave, but I feel like I can't. I'm so far away from home that I can't even invite a friend up here to keep me company, and even if someone did come, it would take them a couple days. I haven't seen the woman from before, but I feel like she's still out there. And other weird things are happening too. I took a walk around the lake yesterday because I wanted to get a look at the house, to get a look at the other houses in the area, maybe see if someone else has noticed anything weird. But they're all empty.
Every house is totally dark and there are no cars in any of the driveways. I hadn't seen a single person at all except once. Well, sort of. After I came back from my walk, I was out on the deck and saw a boat in the water way off in the distance. They weren't moving. They stayed there all afternoon. I feel like they were watching me.
Oh, we have visual, too. Yeah. Audio listeners. It's a it's a I love this. I love this. Yeah, it's good. The photo is so good. It's like a big, wide open lake. And there's just like a very small boat with two figures. It's like you can't identify even if you zoomed in on it. It'd be pixelated. Yeah, but it's just it's very unsettling. Also, the idea, too, that he walks around like Greg's been walking around. He's like, yeah, all of these houses are totally gone.
empty no one is here no one at all is is horrifying which also i don't know about you i'm being a little presumptuous too but with how disregarding the officer was i don't know man i think there's some kind of i i i feel like they're in on it as well like especially after the boroska incident i can't trust the cops in these stories but especially if there's nobody else around and then you're like hey someone is here and i have video proof and they're like yeah
Yeah, I mean, if something weird happens, just call us. That feels a bit suspicious. Yeah, it's a bit strange, admittedly. I'll also make the note that it's funny you're still traumatized from Borosco. That makes me happy.
Everybody is, dude. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anytime someone or every time someone like reacts to something, they're just like, well, at least it's no Baraska. Yeah. I saw a bunch of tweets that were like, if I ever think my friends are bad, I'll just remember they didn't traumatize me like Isaiah did to Hunter. Yeah.
I know, dude. It's bullshit. Yeah. Never forgive you for that, dude. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. I wouldn't change anything, though. I'm glad it happened, but that's fair. So after the picture of the boat, Greg says, they actually stayed out there in the same place until it got too dark to see them anymore. Normally, I'd think they were just fishing if it weren't for what happened the day before. And the fact that all these houses seem empty, where did they come from?
It was in this little inlet by the shore. It was small and white. And at first I thought it was a brightly colored rock, but I wasn't sure. It seemed too round. So again, there's an image. We see a small little white dot and what looks like, you know, an inlet of a lake.
Yeah, it's a very, it's just a picture as if someone's like sitting by water and they're pointing their phone down. And it almost looks like a, like a white marble or pearl or even like maybe like a fishing bob. Uh-huh. Kind of tucked away in the rocks maybe. Yep. And then he continues and says, probably against my better judgment, I took off my shoes and went into the water to retrieve it. It was an eyeball. An eyeball. Oh, God.
And then we have an image of him holding a human eye in his hand. It's a human eyeball in the hand, but it has like a cataract over it. Like it's definitely like almost like an old person's eye or it could have been because it's in the water, but.
Bro literally just picked up an eyeball and posed with it to take a picture of his hand. I don't, Greg, you are your character. I will say, um, as a slight nitpick is someone who's seen a lot of pictures of dead bodies. Um, which I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but the, that's not how eyes look when they're decomposing. They just get kind of white and like jelly looking. Um,
And also, that eyeball is like red. So whoever had this had like red or pink eyes. Like albino eyes. Um...
yeah i mean there's still a lot of blood in it and stuff i mean to be completely transparent it kind of looks like a like a like a ping pong ball yeah like a toy like a toy eyeball i'm just i'm being a jerk because it's a it's a very cool step for the story i'm just being we're we're we're nitpicking but it's just it's all about immersive right now it's the immersion right now especially with how good the the woman uh standing there and then yeah that that that more than makes up for it it's very well done very creepy yeah yeah
So just a little note. Show it on the screen. It's like a little toy. This has to be from an animal, right? Please tell me this is from a big fish or something. I threw it back in the water and hustled back up to the house. Why? Why? Stop. Yeah, yeah. If he's trying to keep evidence. You find an eyeball in the water and you're like, okay, well, I'll just throw it back. Call the cop. I mean, like, yeah. If it was like he thought...
Like, if he was like, oh, this is definitely like an animal's eye, like a deer or fish or whatever, then sure. But, I mean, like, he doesn't think it is, I don't think. And, yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep the eyeball. A perfectly preserved one single eyeball right there. Sure. Let's just say he thinks it's an animal, right? I mean, he says it has to be an animal, right? Whatever, from Big Fish. So he's like, whatever. Throws it back. Sure. Continues as...
I wash my hands in the sink and then sit on the couch for a long time. I don't know what's going on. I can't believe I picked that up out of the water. I feel gross. And to make matters worse, that boat's back out there. It showed up again this afternoon and it's just sitting there in the same place as yesterday. Are they watching me from the boat?
And that's the end of the initial thread from October 31st here, it looks like. And what's interesting is now we have two accounts of people staring and looking at the house. We don't know if it's directly at him, but I have a feeling that we are going to find out that something in the house is obviously grabbing these people to want to, I'm assuming...
they're fixated on something. I don't know. Like I, I think we haven't heard the end of Greg's grandpa. I'm still wondering where that ties into this as well. Yep. Yep. It's it. I assure you it gets worse. I know that much. I have a feeling it does. It gets more terrified as it goes on. So the next thread begins with, I keep hearing things at night beginning with the November 6th thread. Greg says, I keep hearing things at night.
I stand out on the deck and I feel like I can hear things moving through the trees. It's probably just deer or something, but I can't help imagining it's something else. I'm sure I'm making it out to be worse than it is. Are deer nocturnal? I see them out on the road sometimes when I'm driving into town. I try not to think about it. But last night it was worse. I heard… screams? That sounds so stupid to say, but I don't know what else to call it. I was brushing my teeth and heard something out the bathroom window.
I'm sure it was an animal, but my toothbrush was buzzing, so I can't be sure. And then this morning, I found the bloody remains of... something... right in the middle of my yard. It was literal intestines, and they were fresh. I feel like I can't even post something like that to Twitter. Like, is it gonna get flagged if I post it? I don't know what to do. Maybe I can upload it separately and share the link or something.
Fair warning, this is pretty gross, so don't look at it if you're squeamish. I'm sure it's an animal, but what did this? And why was it left right in the front of my house? Then there's an attached link for...
Uh, the image is gone now. Dang, that sucks. Okay, maybe I could search and find it later, but it looks like for the moment it's lost media. That is tragic. Yeah, I wonder, do you think it was ever there, or do you think that he uploaded it and it's like a missing piece of media?
like even there got oh that's a good point like maybe there never was an image maybe it was always just like redacted yeah it could be very well could be if we don't put anything else uh if we don't put anything up assume we were right so yeah all right so on to the next one yeah sorry it's disgusting
Anyway, I scooped it up with the shovel and flung them into the woods away from the house. I don't know if bears are up here, but I couldn't leave it. And besides, animal guts are the least of my worries right now. I have other things on my mind. I've been trying to figure out what's written in this notebook from the woods. I've had it for a couple days, and I can see faint letters, but I can't make them out. A bunch of people replied and told me to do a pencil or charcoal rubbing, but I didn't have anything like that. I found a bunch of pens, but no pencils, so I had to go back into town.
It was actually really hard to find charcoal. I finally had some luck at this little hardware store. The box didn't even have a price tag on it, so I feel like it had been sitting on the shelf for years. It seems like people in town are starting to recognize me. I don't like it. I didn't plan to be here that long, but it looks like I might not have a choice. People are nice enough, but it seems like the kind of town where everyone knows everyone, and I definitely don't belong. When I was in the hardware store, these little kids were following me around, giggling and making fun of me.
I think they were twins. I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but I'm sure they were making fun of me because little kids are jerks. For one, if you're being haunted by like creepy twins in a small town, you should probably leave.
If you've been there and you've had all these things happen, in any capacity, there's little twins that are following you around, poking and prodding you in a store. Not a good sign. Never a good sign. Get out. Absolutely not. Twins are already an anomaly. So it's just another negative on top of a negative. Yep. Absolutely not. On the way out of town, I stopped at the grocery store, but they were out of some of the things I wanted. It seems like they're always out of stuff.
They've been out of eggs for a couple days, so I just got some pop-tarts and stuff and left. Anyway, the notebook. I've actually been putting it off for most of the afternoon because I wasn't sure I wanted to find out what the woman was writing in it. I can't ignore it forever. I'm going to eat dinner and then I guess I'll try the charcoal. Be back in a bit. God. So I did a charcoal rubbing over the most recent page in the book, like people were telling me to.
I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. I'm sort of freaking out. And then would you like to read what the notebook says? Yeah. The image here is trying to make out what the images I'm trying to see. It says, let me see here. It looks like it's just saying they took my eyes. Basically it's, it looks like she is just repeating over and over again. They took my eyes. Correct. Yep. Over and over and over and over again on the paper. If you zoom in. Yeah. It says they took my eyes. They took my eyes. They took my eyes. They took my eyes. It's very, um,
You know, I don't know any other way to say it. I am upset that I had to read like this page. The way the way to with the charcoal is just fairly dirty. Like it's it's a very cool way to reveal this message because it just looks like I don't know, kind of like ash or something like the pages kind of burnt.
So it's like this cryptic burnt message just like coming out of this paper. And the woman was as like very hard, especially to get those imprints on the next page. The person has a right kind of heavy. So it's this person that just kind of right. They took my eyes. I took my eyes over and over again. Yep. Definitely a pleasant thought. And Greg just ends the thread here. Just says, what even is this? What the fuck? I feel like I'm going to throw up. I need to go sit down. What the hell is going on? Well, Greg, let me tell you what's going on. You're in, you're in shit water. You're in deep, buddy.
There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Sorry to be the inquisitive little man here, but let me tell you, Greg, this is not a typical and normal thing going on. What the heck is happening? Well, Greg, you're being fucking haunted. I don't know what this is about. All right? You're up shit creek for sure right now. I feel bad for Greg. I feel bad for Greg, but at the same time, you should have left the first day, dude. The first little sign. You know what I mean?
Yeah, as soon as, realistically, as soon as that effigy was on his doorknob, he should have been like, well, I'm staying at a Motel 8 tonight. Yeah, that would have solved all of this. As soon as a pagan artifact is found, and Greg's like, well, what the heck is, what the heck exactly is all this stuff? How did this get here? Yeah. All right, well, I guess I'll make a fire and burn all of it. That's normal. Should probably burn this thing. I don't understand. Well, I don't understand it, so I'm going to burn it. That makes the most sense to me.
And that's the end of that thread on November 6th, I believe. And we don't pick back up until November 9th, so it's been three days. So it seems like the standard for these updates has been basically every couple days he kind of seems to update some stuff. Yeah, yeah. The next one begins with, I called my mom yesterday. Yeah. So on November the 9th, he says, I called my mom yesterday. I wanted to see if she knew anything about this place. She said, I've actually been here before when I was really young. I don't remember any of that.
I tried to ask her again why she never got along with my grandfather, but she's so cagey about it. She grew up in a town nearby, and my grandfather didn't move into this house until after my mom left for school. I guess she never really came back. I want to say, too, that that's a really interesting little plug-in. I just want to say just that...
I love the line of, you know, she said, I've actually been here before when I was really young. I don't remember any of that. And then you kind of follow that up immediately with like she was really cagey about talking about her dad. Seems like some kind of weird like, hey, grandpa might be a Satanist. Grandpa might be. Yeah. You know what? It actually this isn't where the story is going, but it reminds me almost of like an abuse scenario.
You know, a little bit? Sure. Oh, you've been there before, but you don't need to talk about Grandpa. Sure. Some kind of crazy, dark thing happened, and your mind just tries to bury it. How wild would it be to be in a house, and then you're like, oh, you've been here before, and you have zero memory of it? Oh, that's creepy. I hate that in my own real life. I'm right. I visit...
I remember I visited one of my grandparents one time, and my dad was like, yeah, you came here when you were three. And it's like, what? I don't even remember. It's already kind of like it's disturbing in its own right. Not that it's like anything tragic, but it's just one of those things where it's like, oh, really? I've been to this. I don't know. It's like a weird attachment. It feels weird that your brain isn't doing its job, right? That it's not putting together the pieces. Exactly.
Your own mind betrayed you. The weirdest one I ever had that when I was like five years old. So like we lived right down the street from like my grandparents, my dad's mom and dad.
So I would like, like as a baby, a toddler and stuff like that, they would like watch over me while my parents were at work. I spent like the first years of my life with them. And then one day for seemingly no reason at all, I was like four or five. My parents take me over there. It had been maybe a week since I seen my grandparents and I looked at them and didn't know who they were and got scared and ran away. That is horrible.
I had seen them a week ago, but for some reason my brain had just started collecting data of what people look like and who people were. So when my dad's like, you're going to be staying with Mamo for a couple hours, I bolted. I ran away. I was like, I've never met these people before.
And then like, it was sad because I go back to my grandparents and my grandpa's like, you don't remember me? Yeah, I was going to say, if I was your grandparent, I'm not going to lie, I'd be really pissed. I'd be like, okay, dude, fuck this kid. My grandpa, my grandpa. Does he remember me? Come on. Yeah, my grandpa was like, oh, you don't remember me? And then he like turned on Dragon Tales or something and gave me a root beer and I was like, okay.
All right, yo. All right, yo. All right, yo. Old man's pretty chill. Yeah, you're cool. You're cool. Why he chill like that? I take it back. But yeah, it's weird. It's like all of a sudden my brain's like, oh, I should start remembering what faces look like. And it weirds me out to think about. But yeah, strange encounter. Yeah. So I guess she never came back. We talked for a little bit, but my reception here is spotty. She asked me if there's still wine in the cellar. And I told her there wasn't a cellar, but she said there is.
Dusty wine cellar. The creepiest crest?
Yeah, it's like a crest on the wall. Yeah, there's a crest with like a bird. What is that? A bird and a rabbit, it looks like, or something. Yeah, creepy old. And then the next thread, he shows like some old wine toppers, basically, that look more haunting than anything I've seen in my whole life. Weird little baby man with a top hat and all kinds, like a weird dying beagle or something. It's got like carved faces and stuff like that. Yeah.
yeah these are the kind of things my wife would collect and put around the house yeah and then uh the next story here the next picture he's showing is basically a dead rat and he's like looks like no one's been down here in a while it's like yeah greg yeah it's a mummified mouse basically yeah it's a dead rat that's a pretty dead rat the thing's been down there a while yeah i mean he's right it has been down there a while um
After that, he says, and look at some of these bottles. I don't know anything about wine. I wonder if they're good. Anyway, at least I have a surplus of alcohol down here to take my mind off how weird things have been lately. There is a bottle that's labeled 1864. 1864. The other one's 1934. I mean, like,
Obviously, I don't know anything about it. I just know that that's probably extremely rare and extremely old. So it's aging the basement even more, I guess is what it's trying to do. Or the collection or these people. This place has been here a while. Yeah. Sure. This house keeps surprising me. I keep finding weird shit around the property. Like there's a collapsed shed in the backyard. A little ways through the trees. It's not that strange, I guess. But I can't help overthinking everything I see now.
And we see like, again, a collapsed shed, like what looks like old rusted barrels, a window pane, what looks like the pieces of an old lawnmower, I think. It's like been out in the weather for 30 years. Right. And then an old street sign that says Bermuda. Yeah. Is what I'm seeing here. Yep. So, and then after that he says, a little ways away from the shed, I found this in the middle of a clearing. What is this?
And we have a little Easter bunny looking thing. That's like, I mean, at one point it was an Easter bunny. Now it's like vines grown over it. It looks decayed and like paint shipped and stuff like that. But at one point it was like a little cute bunny decoration. Yeah. Like almost like a yard gnome looking thing. My wife opened the door. Oh, oh, you want to come say hi to everyone after that heart attack? It was going to be in the episode. Oh,
Oh, it's just Hunter I'm talking to now. Oh my gosh. Oh, say hi, Hunter. Hello. That was very, very funny. All right. Sorry about that. Anyway. Gosh, it sent me because she, I didn't hear anything. Then she throws the door open like it's time. Yeah. Easter bunny. Then it says none of it makes sense. And there's something else I found that I can't stop thinking about. There's so much junk around the house and I'm trying to clean it up.
Partly because it'll help this place sell faster, but also to keep my mind off things. I was sorting through some debris and found these old rusty letters in a pile on the ground, partly under the foundation. I could see some nail holes on the side of the house, so I think they were on the house at one point. I know sometimes people give lake houses names. I can't figure out what they might have said though. I brought them inside and laid them all out on the kitchen floor to see if I could make sense of them. No luck so far.
Maybe someone else can figure it out. Super interesting, because the last photo here is...
Yeah, it's just a series of letters. Just to quickly go through them, it's A-L-E-W-D-P-H-A-T-E-C-E-R-P-E. And they're all very rusty on basically kitchen tile flooring kind of thing. It's just a little snapshot of it. And I just want to say, based off of what I have had happen so far, is that this, you know, first, naming a lake house? Okay, I don't know what kind of delusion you're in, dude. Have you heard of that before? Yeah. I've heard people naming boats.
People do that around here. They'll call it like the crane's landing or they'll say like the honey hole or the hideaway or something like that. But normally that's like...
I haven't heard of like nailing letters to the side of the house, especially around Gatlinburg. That's super popular. All the cabins will be named like the three bears nook or the, you know, the, the hideaway or something like that. So I, it's not totally unheard of, but so if it's, if it's okay. So then it's in the realm of it's in, it's in a re like a, a realm that is like, it's, it's, it's in reality. It's normally with like places you rent like Airbnbs and stuff like that.
type thing. Like that I could see where it's like, "Oh, a koozie thing, we went there and it was called, yeah, like the Bear's Cavern or something." Yeah, yeah, yeah, stuff like that. This though, with how rusty it is and everything else, I feel like it's gonna spell something that's like not even ink, like Latin or something. Yeah. What exactly is this? And then he's gonna look at it and it's gonna mean like the devil's horn.
god oh god it's it spells out like if you don't go in the house you'll die yeah exactly if you stay in the house you will be killed and he's like look oh oh geez um it looks like here too that that's the end of november 9th and then the next entry isn't until november 21st yep yep so this is a big this is a bigger jump here
Yes. Yeah. So it's what she addresses because on November 21st, 2018, the first note he has says, sorry for not updating in a while. The reception up here is terrible and I haven't been able to get Twitter to load all that often. At least there's lots of wine in the cellar. So I haven't been too bored. And that's the first thing he says as far as that goes. So he's just, it's just getting hammered.
Yeah, he's slowly becoming an alcoholic out there on the lake. Yeah, I mean... Hairless, eyeless women and dudes on boats watch him. Yeah, like a true American. I found someone's entire spine and nervous system in my bush. Oh, well, I don't know. At least I have wine. So after that, he says, I've mostly been trying to keep busy getting the house in shape to sell. A realtor is supposed to come up here next week to help me formally list it, which is good because I'd like to get out of here.
But there's something weird about the town down the road that I can't figure out. I've been getting cabin fever pretty bad. So the other day I drove into town to have breakfast, wander around a little bit to get my mind off things. And then he, he breaks this up weird. I think. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, it's right here. It does. And then it does. There's only one restaurant. Yes. Okay. So yeah, the next thread, he says, there's only one restaurant in the whole town from what I can tell. I went in there to eat and the whole experience was sort of bizarre. Yeah.
I'm not really sure how to explain it. Anyway, I ordered the Eggs Benedict off the menu. The waitress had a pretty chilly attitude, but nothing out of the ordinary. But then she brought out my food. They totally forgot in the eggs on my Eggs Benedict. It was just ham and hollandaise. I called the waitress back and told her she forgot in my eggs. And all she said was, we don't have that. I asked how a downer could be out of eggs, especially early in the day. She just said sorry and walked away. It was so weird.
I was confused, so I took a second look at the menu. I realized the description doesn't actually list eggs in the Benedict. And then I realized eggs aren't listed anywhere on the menu, even in the sides. That is weird, yeah. I mean, there's a... It has pictures of some menus here, and it's all very... It's like a standard, basically, diner menu, except there are no eggs at all. Like, in any of the...
in any of the dishes. Like there's like a classic lumberjack platter name thing. It says two pancakes, two bacon strips, and two sauces served with potatoes and toast.
uh comes with uh butter and syrup but usually you know as always it'd be like eggs whatever so it's a bit odd i'm getting hungry no i am too dude we're getting to dinner time i'm like i love eggs i love eggs i love eggs so much i need eggs i will say like for this twitter arg pretty cool of him to like make a menu right that looks like dude yeah how fun is that i love it yeah come on great stuff
And also remember earlier when he goes out to town, he said that the place he got groceries from was out of eggs. So yeah, interesting. It's a chicken cult. Chicken cult. Chicken cult called it. What kind of diner doesn't have eggs at all? That might make sense in a vegan restaurant or something, but they have meat all over the menu. I can't figure it out. Also on my way out, there was this family in a booth sort of watching me leave. They're all being really quiet in a sort of obvious way. They had two twin girls with them.
I am definitely not coming back here. And again, there's our second mention of twins. How weird, man. I was thinking about it the whole way home. There are too many things that don't make sense and I don't feel any closer to figuring it out. But one thing seems clear. I'm not welcome here. Can I just interrupt real quick? The twins thing. Yes. So it has the mom and the grandpa. How do we know that the mom isn't the twin of the bald eyeless woman? It's very possible.
I just want to throw that out there as a hypothesis. There was also, and also just to say, when the fishermen were out there, it was two guys. That's also true. It was two people. You're right. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. That's an interesting perspective. All right. Thank you.
So, and to be honest, I don't know if that's right or wrong. Cause I don't, I don't think I ever finished this story. Cause I don't remember how it is. So even if you did know, dude, you'd better not tell me. I would, I would, I would lie and say that whatever you said is interesting and cool. And I'm proud of you. So I like that. That's your go-to life with me. Absolutely. Yeah. Well, I have to compensate somehow. So yeah, yeah, yeah. You have to just pat me on the head and Labrador me. When I got home, I found something folded up and wedged in my front door near the handle.
Someone clearly wants me gone. And it's a little folded note and it just says, leave. Oh, God, dude. Good Lord. It was written... Go ahead. No, continue. No, I just saw that it was written on some sort of tag. He's getting ready to say it. Yeah, it was written on the back of a tag of some sort. I suspect it was the eyeless woman from before.
I haven't seen her, but I think she's still out there. And then the tag... Dude, if it's on the back of the tag of the shirt that was in the yard that he collected... Probably is, because it... I'm going to lose my mind. It looks like it's just a, like, do not... Wait, actually, no.
Clean and dry repair area thoroughly. Cut patch larger than repair area. Remove paper backing. Place patch over hole and press down firmly. Do not inflate for 30 minutes. This is like a tire repair kit or something. Oh, it says here, someone in the comments here, which Greg ends this thread by saying, I think something bad is coming. I'm going to pop another bottle of wine. I don't know what else to do right now. Maybe don't get yourself intoxicated. Yeah, maybe don't get hammered. You need to be on your A game right now. Dude, get in your car and leave. Go anywhere. God.
They said leave. You should leave. A person says, Nico Doom on Twitter says, it's instructions for a patch kit for floaties and inflatables. Yeah. So maybe something down by the water. Maybe it could be the people in the boat or something. Maybe it could be... Probably. The way they say that, it makes me think that it's probably the people in the boat that maybe came ashore, wrote the note, like ripped it off their, maybe their life vest or something. Yeah. Yeah. That would be most likely, I think.
I don't know. I mean, the next one, it looks like November 29th is the next one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we'll keep going with the story. Because now I'm thinking about it. Now I'm trying to remember specifics. But yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. So November. I saw something out in the woods today. Is that the next? Yes, that is the next part of the thread. Okay. Yeah. November 29th, 2018 at 716 p.m. Says I saw something out in the woods today.
I love how simple that intro is. Yeah, it's a good start. It's a good start. Because you know that people are like actively keeping up and waiting on new parts. And then they see that and they're like, oh, yeah. Here we go. Oh, Greg. Back in the fire. I've been trying to not spend all my time at the house since being cooped up all the time makes me feel crazy. Even though it might not be super safe to be out alone in the woods, it still feels better than being home all the time. God, I can't believe I just referred to that place as home. I've been here too long.
Hmm. Hmm.
Like a fold-up white chair. I would just say it's like an antique chair. It definitely has some age to it. It's been outside in the elements, obviously, so it's kind of dirty. But I would say it's not a standard chair that you could just find at a store. It definitely looks like it has some age to it.
This also gives me like stairs in the woods flashbacks is like a structure outside that's not supposed to be there. Obviously not as extreme as stairs, but the same vibe. Sure. Just something where it's obviously someone placed it here to look at specifically something. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. It didn't seem that creepy at first, but I got this funny feeling. So I took out my phone and pulled up my maps app. And sure enough, the chair was pointed in the exact direction of my house.
I was probably a mile away from the house at that point, but it was still weird. That's fun. That even though they can't see the house from that chair, it's pointed towards it. That's eerie. Exactly. Yeah. It made me feel queasy and I didn't want to stick around. So I hustled out of there, but I barely walked 30 feet when I found something else, something way worse. I don't even know how to describe it. What the hell is this?
And then we have, it is a rock that has a carving into it in the shape of the stick effigies we've seen before. But this time at the center, we have some kind of animal skull with a vertebrae placed on top of it and seashells stacked around it.
And there's a video below, and there's just like cockroaches crawling over it or some kind of bug. Yeah, it looks like a wood roach or like a wood louse type thing. Yeah. This caption for it says, I took a video of it too. It freaked me out, but I was mesmerized by it at the same time. I couldn't stop staring at it. I felt like I was in a daze.
So now he's becoming almost transfixed by these things. I mean, if this isn't a sign that it's some kind of pagan cult or some kind of ritual is happening, it seems like it's almost like he is being prepped up for some kind of event. Some kind of ritual. Yep. After that, he says, it seems like every day there's something new, but I'm not closer to understanding what's happening out here or why. I finally pulled myself away and practically stumbled away from the rock.
Oh boy.
I took a video from behind the tree. I don't even know why. It's not like it'll do any good, but at least I have proof that I wasn't imagining any of this. And now the woman is just standing or a figure. I'm guessing it is the woman still. It's the same kind of robe from earlier or like giant sweater from earlier. But you can't really see the person's face. Their head is down and the hood is down and they're just standing there.
which also from before too, I think that she knows that he's there, obviously there. I know that Greg keeps saying stuff like, Oh, she didn't see me. But as we've seen before, she doesn't have eyes, but she can very clearly understand where you're at. Yeah. Yeah. Like I, there's no purpose. If she's blind, there's no purpose in her pointing her head at you. If anything, she's probably got her ear down listening for you. Right. Um,
um so yeah she had her certain kind of mystical sense or something some kind of like force that she uses you know yeah no i wouldn't say like magic or some kind of power but it does seem like she has that ability yeah yeah i think so eventually she left the hill and disappeared into the woods once i was sure she was gone i left the tree and practically ran back home the whole way back i kept expecting her to appear again and attack me or something
I don't understand what she's doing out here. Is she a witch? That sounds so stupid, but I don't know how to explain any of this. Those weird stick artifacts and now this thing on the rock, it feels like witchcraft or something. And who's on that boat I keep seeing out there on the lake? Why is everyone in town so weird? At this point, I just want answers and I feel like I'm getting close to getting them. I'm just scared of what they might be.
I was going to say, I know that he says witch here and stuff. Do you think that it, do you think it's applicable all to in this universe where it's obviously 2018, uh,
It's been by this point almost 20 years since Blair Witch has been out. Do you think it's helpful at all or realistic that somebody might be like, this reminds me of this thing because it's such a big cultural thing? Or do you think it's good that he's been kind of out of... Because to me, in the story so far, if the only reference you've ever had to something that might be witch or cult-like is a movie that you might have heard of or seen...
I almost wonder if he's like, I feel like I've seen this as something I've seen in a movie or like Blair Witch or something. You don't even have to be that specific, but I'm just wondering if like realistically, do you think that someone in a Twitter ARG for something for social media would want to point to something as obvious as that?
Uh, it depends. I mean, it's kind of like the whole zombie movie thing, right? Like, characters in zombie films never know they're in a zombie film, right? Even though, in real life, if dead people started walking around and moaning, we'd be like, oh, that's a zombie. They're always surprised by it, right? So there's kind of this unspoken rule that characters within a supernatural setting aren't aware that setting can take place. But I feel like on Twitter, you don't really get that line of dialogue because it is so social media oriented. So...
That's fair. I always associate, I guess as a rebuttal to the zombies, I always associate that in the zombie movies, zombies have never existed. Correct. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So off of the back of that, a lot of horror stories like this kind of pretend like those things don't exist.
Okay, that's good to know. I'm curious if other people felt the same too. Because if that's the case, then that's totally cool of like, oh, in this universe, these other things have never really happened. So it's like totally new to these people. I would think so. Maybe if they're being more interactive with the audience and like it's a lot more conversational, then yeah, you can't really use that excuse. But for what Greg's doing here is like a totally committed Twitter account just for the ARG. I think it makes sense.
Totally, yeah. And I think in any ways, too, I think it's totally fair to also be like... Not to be like, this is something from a movie. But I think that you can be like... Well, in a way, I think you could be like, oh, I've seen this in horror movies. But it's almost like...
This would never happen. Like in a haunting, right? In like a ghost movie, you're like, you hear about maybe other people being haunted, but you never expect yourself to be a person that's affected by something paranormal. So you're like reaching for things where you're like, oh, why? Because you could also say like that's why the character's in such a level of disbelief is because every other piece of evidence that he's seen towards this has been a work of fiction. So it could like lend itself there of like,
hey i know they're trying to scare me i've seen this stuff before this is stupid blah blah blah until it becomes more and more real i didn't know if you could play into that way but no i i think it's fun too to just be like and this thing has maybe never happened before in this universe yeah yeah or at least or at least like those kind of movies that you're going to reference them yeah
I think so. And it looks like the next entry, because that was the end of that thread, the next entry is December 11th, 2018 at 4.54 p.m. So once again, it's been a couple days. He's got some service again, and he's going to tell us some more. And with our first message in that thread, we have, I found out what those letters spell.
Yes. Which is a great little kickoff. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah, dude. I'd basically forgotten about it after finding them outside the house. I put them in the back of the closet and pretty much stopped thinking about them. But yesterday, I found something else. There's this little alcove upstairs with built-in shelves and a bunch of old books. Sort of a mini library. I was flipping through some of them looking for something to read when I came across this little book about wine.
Tucked inside were a couple of old Polaroid photos. They were pretty faded, so it was hard to make out what they were. We have attached pictures of Polaroid photos as well as the book. The first one... It looks like the book just here for the reader. It's like a red book. Or the audio listeners here. It looks like it's a red book and he's showing the spine of it and it says, Notes on the Cellar Book by George Saintsbury. There you go.
Yeah, so there's that. And then it's just like, yeah, some Polaroids tucked in there, which from what we see here, there's just like faded pictures of maybe the woods. Yep. One says, to the first one he says, the first one was pretty unremarkable. It looks like it's just photos of the trees outside, which it doesn't seem to be anything suspicious in that photo. I will say it's kind of creepy, though. It's creepy. It has like a layer. It almost looks, it's just the age of it. Like it looks aged in a way that's just kind of...
I don't know, a bit haunting, like almost ethereal. There's like weird faded, like the way the light is reflected in it. It feels very, I don't know. Yeah. Ethereal to me. Yeah. Yeah. The second one was even blurrier for a minute. I didn't know what I was looking at, but then I realized it was of the house and letters I found on the ground a couple of weeks ago. The photo was super fuzzy, so it took me a second, but I was able to make it out.
Deepwater Chapel. Oh, dude, I knew it was gonna be this stuff. God! Oh.
My heart. The house you're in is an old chapel. Oh, dude, I knew it was going to be something like this. Oh, that's like music. It's music to me. Oh, it's so good. Oh, God. Weird, culty, weird pagan religion type stuff, dude. Oh, man. I love it. I love it. It's so good. Deepwater Chapel. Oh, right in the field. It's so good. I love it.
It's like crack. It's just like, oh, I'm in an abandoned church, the Deepwater Chapel. Like, you can imagine. Ah! Love. I was reading that deal. You said it's like crack, and you said crack right after. Like, oh, I love it. It's exactly what I love. And you're like, it's like crack. I'm kidding.
It's like, okay, Isaiah, I learned a little something new about you. Yeah. How do you think I keep all these podcasts and shows going, man? You got to... You haven't tapped into the crack meta yet? You haven't gotten into the crack meta? You haven't gotten into the crack DLC yet? Oh, dude, you got to get in there. You get like the best, most productive two years of your life. And then you're dead after five. But for those two, man, you can churn out some bangers. Yeah. Oh, man.
Deepwater Chapel oh that's so good okay alright this is so weird I've never heard that name before was my house a church or something I spent the afternoon going through all the other books in the library but didn't find any other pictures I don't know what to make of this I'll let you know if I find anything else but yeah I don't know so good
The Deepwater Chapel thing is such a good reveal. Did we ever... Did we say where exactly in the country he's at? Because now I'm thinking that he is in the south or in a southern part of maybe like the southern coast a bit. I don't think he ever said. We see the pictures which show a lot of pines. So I'm thinking more east-south. Yeah, like... Oh, you're thinking east-south. I was thinking like Washington or Oregon kind of deal. I mean, he could. He could. But there's also a lot of like...
uh pine type trees around like north carolina true true south carolina so that kind of area that would fit the vibe but yeah oh man deepwater chapel that it's right right where i like it to be it's
That's fantastic, especially with all this stuff. And it looks like he updates again a couple days later, December 13th, almost exactly at midnight, which is kind of crazy. And the message he says to begin this is, she was here, that woman was in my house. Oh, okay. Man, what I wouldn't give to be following this Twitter account while this guy is posting this, and you're scrolling through your phone, and you're like, what?!
my show's on my show's on exactly exactly yeah yeah that's what's fun about these you can get moments like that uh yeah yeah it's dope um so anyway continue three says sorry i'm getting ahead of myself i can barely type sorry i'll try to explain i like how hurried that is too like the like the panic you can feel it yeah all right so i was in the woods out back yesterday when it started pouring
It happened really suddenly, and even though I wasn't far from the house, I got soaked anyway. It rained most of the evening. I left my clothes by the fireplace to dry and ended up going to bed early. Or, I guess it was today. Sorry, I'm still not really awake yet. Anyway, I had this awful dream tonight. Sorry if I'm rambling a bit. I'm still trying to collect my thoughts. Sorry, my hands are shaking. Okay, Greg, we get it. You're fucking sorry. In the dream...
Good God. Sorry. Hi. I'm like, great. Just tell me what you need to do. You want the writer to be a guy who has an eyeless woman in his house or not? I do. But at the same time, I wish if it was this thing where it's like, sorry, my hands are shaking. I'd rather things, things just be like misspelled as if he's typing it quickly and be like, Oh, I get it. He's rushed. All right. That's fair. That's fair.
Sorry, sorry. I need to let you know. Sorry so much. Okay, I think you're a hater. Okay, I'm scared. Sorry. I think you're just a hater. Okay. All right, fine. I'm a hater. No, no, no. Ironically, you are correct. There were different ways to convey that. But anyway, in the dream, I was on the deck outside with a bunch of friends from back home. We were all sitting in a circle. My friend Eric was there talking about how creepy the woods were. He was saying how the trees were just big black silhouettes and anything could be out there watching you and you never know it.
He was sort of freaking me out, but I was trying not to show it. I'm all, I know what you're doing and it's not going to work. You're not going to scare me. And Eric sort of narrowed his eyes at me and says, how about you take, how about you take the quote? You're good at this. You want to do the quotes? Yeah. All right. So I'm going to give Eric, I bet I can scare you. Yeah, there you go. Something about the way he said it made me uneasy. And I was like, all right, very funny. You can stop now.
But Eric wasn't smiling anymore. He was just staring back at me. The whole mood seemed to shift at that point. Nobody in the circle was talking anymore, and it suddenly got really quiet. No sound except the wind and the lake below. Any trace of joking had disappeared from Eric's face. After a long minute, he slowly cocked his head to the side a bit and said, Is there someone here with us right now who shouldn't be? Hahahaha
All of a sudden, I was too scared to break Eric's gaze. After I'd see something, I'd afraid I'd see something I didn't want to. For a long time, we just stared at each other. Nobody said anything. Then, very softly, Eric said, Is there somebody watching you sleep right now, Greg? That's when I bolted awake.
It was the middle of the night. I was alone in my room, but I had this weird feeling that someone had just been there in the room with me. I laid there in bed for a minute, too terrified to move. Too scared to breathe, even. And then I heard something downstairs. At least I thought I did. This house is always making sounds, so I couldn't be sure. I hesitated for a second, then crept out of bed and went down the hall, trying to be as quiet as possible. From the second floor landing, I could see the living room and part of the kitchen.
Everything seemed normal. I could hear the wind blowing pretty loudly outside, so I figured maybe I hadn't heard anything after all. I tried to calm myself down. I was wide awake at that point and too shaken to go back to bed, so I went downstairs to get a snack or some coffee or something. I walked into the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks. There's a door in the kitchen that leads outside, and it was wide open.
Oh, God. In the picture here, there's a picture that's accompanied with that, and it's a picture of his kitchen, and it's just leading out to some steps that lead into absolute darkness to the outside world. Oh, God.
This is good. This is really great. This is like the pacing, the direction, all that. That dream is so good. Someone in your dream saying, is there someone watching you sleep right now? Oh, man. Well, yeah, because it seems totally affected that the person that is in the house with you is almost communicating to you through your sleep. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like Greg's friend in that dream being like talking in that way makes me think like, oh, really? Like he is talking directly to the person that is like plaguing. Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, that's so good. I know I locked it. I lock all the doors every night. And even if I forgot to lock it, I know I wouldn't leave the door open like this. The whole kitchen floor is wet with rain. I'm calling the locksmith first thing in the morning to come change the locks. Shit. I want to leave, but I don't even know where I'd go. I'm alone out here. Should I find a motel? And I just realized my wet clothes are gone. She stole my clothes. I'm not spending the night here.
I'm guessing he means that he had clothes out on some kind of wire to dry, I'm guessing. Yeah, yeah. So, no, like he mentioned that it was pouring the rain and he comes inside and like throws his wet clothes in a pile and goes to bed. Okay. Yeah, so she took the clothes there. She took the clothes that were in his house. Okay. All right.
Also something funny about that. The last, if you click on the last tweet, I realized my clothes are gone and you scroll down a bit. I, maybe it doesn't happen to everyone, but I got a clothes ad for like jeans. Like never, never get wet in your new quick dry pants. Thank you. X. Thank you.
Very cool. Now, here, just as another thought experiment here with the great photo of the kitchen door being open that leads outside, do you wish that there was, like, footsteps or, like, some kind of footprint on the tile floor leading outside or even inside to show, like, somebody's... I mean... Or do you like the fact that it's clear? I like the ambiguousness of it, I think.
um because it's like what rooms were they in where'd they go you know it does make it feel more paranormal yeah sure yeah i think it's a good touch yeah i mean i think either way i think it's cool i just it's it's definitely a stylistic choice here that's happening with having that you know i mean like someone is inexplicably coming in and doing that which also um he did respond on the 13th as well to one of the people
yes so he responded to one of the quotes or one of the responses yeah so someone replied to that last tweet and said if she was able to navigate in the house and she has no eyes that means she's familiar with the house and the house layout she's been in there before and knows it well enough to walk around without bumping into anything and making a lot of noise so then he quote tweet greg quote tweets and says i didn't even think of this i left but i'm still freaking out a bit i'm trying to find a hotel or something
Which is a fun little interaction, you know, with what's going on. And he doesn't respond. He doesn't update us until 10 days later on December 23rd. Which, let me find the top one here. This one looks to be a bit longer. December 23rd here. I'm sorry, I haven't said anything in a while. That's where it begins? Correct. Yes, yeah. All right. So, 10 days later, he says, I'm sorry I haven't said anything in a while. I've been staying in a motel about an hour outside of town.
There you go, Greg. That's the spirit. There you go. When I left the house that night, I just kept driving until I felt like I was far enough away to feel safe. To feel safe. I called the locksmith, but they weren't able to come out right away, and there was no way I was going back to the house without new locks. So I've been waiting out here until I can go back. Basically doing nothing. Jumping at every little sound and feeling crazy.
And I want to say here, that's another little thing to me that indicates that the entire town is a part of this chapel or a part of this maybe paganistic, you know, even a satanic religion thing. Because now that Locksmith's like, I don't know. I doubt it. There's no one else that's living out on that lake. Yeah, there's people in town. But, dude, you're telling me that you couldn't come out on a like there's no one else. What business are you getting to? Like you have so many customers beating down your door. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah.
Finally, a couple days ago, the locksmith called back and said he'd come out, so I checked out of the motel and got in my car to drive home. It was a pretty long drive back, and the closer I got to the woods, the worse I felt. In my head, I knew going back was wrong, but I can't just leave for good. I don't know. I can't explain it. I can't leave. I don't expect anyone to understand. I don't even understand.
I think it's because he's getting indoctrinated. I think he's getting indoctrinated spiritually, and I also think there's a part of him that needs to know what all this means. What does Deepwater Chapel mean? What does the town mean? What does his grandfather... What is his connection to all of it? He's been here before? What was that like? Too many loose ties, and he's being influenced negatively by something that is coercing him to stay. Yep. Yep. Anyway, I drove past town and reached the woods, where the roads get worse and harder to drive on.
They get twisty as you drive up to the house, and you have to be careful not to hit deer. I almost always see a dozen or so deer on my drive, but today, there were none. Not a single deer in sight. In fact, the woods seemed a lot quieter than usual. I could have been imagining it, but something definitely seemed off. I was almost ready to turn around when something darted across the road. It was so fast that I wasn't sure I saw it at all. I panicked and swerved off the road and into a deep groove by the roadside. By the time I realized what had happened...
The thing was gone. I had no idea what it was. It was just a blur. But it wasn't a deer. It was red. Red like blood. Worse, my car was stuck. It's my mom's old car, this weak little two-wheel drive, and I couldn't manage to get it out of the groove. I sat there for a long time trying to figure out what to do. I knew it wasn't a good idea to walk the rest of the way, but if I didn't, I'd miss the locksmith and I'd have to either spend the night in the house with old locks or go back to the motel, which I couldn't afford.
I wasn't too far from the house, so I made the most sense to walk the rest of the way and call a tow truck from home. I needed to meet the locksmith, anyway, so I got out and started walking. Once I was outside, I realized I'd been right about the woods, seeming quieter than usual. I couldn't even hear any birds. It was dead silent. My footsteps seemed so loud. Every twig that cracked under my shoes sounded like a bone breaking. I was periodically checking my phone's GPS to make sure I was heading the right way.
I just checked my route and was about to put my phone away when I saw something that made my heart sink. It was another of those artifacts, like the ones I'd seen on my first day here, but it had one of my gloves tied to it from the rainstorm last week. When I left my clothes by the fire to dry, there was a pair of gloves with them. So now we have one of those effigies, but it's the gloves that were stolen from his room now hung up in the middle of the shape. I think that we can confirm then that the person making it is the woman with the hood. Yeah.
since we have to assume that she was the one who stole the clothes. Who stole the clothes. Correct. Yeah. I knew that woman had taken my clothes that night and this just confirmed it. I also knew I'd find the rest of my clothes before I even saw them. And sure enough, I found more of those artifacts not far from the first. I found my other glove, my socks, bandana, everything from that night except for a sweatshirt I'd been wearing.
And it's just the same kind of photos again, except with other various clothes inside of the artifacts. Basically just like strung up through twine in the middle of these artifacts hanging on various trees in the woods, which also just to has as a thought as well, there being no, there being no animals makes me think that also they're ushering something there. Like maybe they're, I almost feel like something sacrificial is coming. Some kind of evil is coming towards us.
Greg in this house or this chapel. And now even like, cause you know, that's usually an indicator to like birds. Yeah. Animals can kind of sense these things as well. So I'm wondering. Yeah. When they go quiet, something's happened typically. Yeah. I left them alone this time. I didn't want to touch them. All I wanted to do was set, was get back to the house, get the locks changed, call a tow truck. I started jogging a bit wanting nothing more than to get away from those stick things. But after a while I started to think that I should have been home already.
I slowed my pace and took out my phone, but it wouldn't calibrate this time. It couldn't seem to locate me in the GPS. Still, I could hear the lake off to my left, which meant if I kept walking alongside it, I should get to my house eventually. So I kept moving and tried not thinking about getting lost. I must have gotten turned around because I was walking for what seemed like ages.
gosh someone turned on a vacuum cleaner in the house and it scared me to death oh my gosh you need to figure out your house yeah i do i need to get my house in order well someone got right outside my door and turned it on so all i heard was like gosh i'm just gonna i'm gonna find i'm gonna buy a shed and i'm gonna set out there no one can bother me there you go they'll make me feel better um
I kept moving and tried not to think about getting lost. I must have gotten turned around because I was walking for what seemed like ages. I found myself in a part of the woods that seemed unfamiliar. I had no idea where I was, and then suddenly I saw something off in the distance. Something bright white, almost seeming to glow against the dark trees.
Oh, weird. Yeah. I mean, it's like a, to describe the, the image to audio listeners right now, it's, I would say it's a fairly standard photo of trees, but there's just like white, almost like egg looking like eggs kind of well, like large. If we get to the next few tweets, I couldn't figure out what it was from a distance. So I went closer trying to be as quiet as I could, but I actually got close enough to see what it was. My mouth literally fell open. It was eggs.
Huge eggs. All in a cluster like a nest. Oh my god, dude. What are we getting at? What is happening now? I'm so lost in this stuff. Is this going to be about a giant fucking chicken, dude? What are we doing here? If this turns into a giant rooster, I am going to be so pissed.
Because even the giant red, the speedy chicken crossed the road. Oh my god. How did the chicken cross the road? Is this seriously where we're going, dude? That's what happened earlier. Why don't you find out? We're gonna find. They were enormous. It's hard to explain their size, but you can sort of see them in relation to my boot here. What do you mean it's hard to explain? I see them. They're giant.
In the previous photo, there's a tree and they dwarf the tree. It's literally, these eggs are like, what? They're bigger than a basketball. Yeah, they're like basketball size. Just these big, giant white eggs in the middle of the forest. Yeah. I felt like I was dreaming. Before I even knew what I was doing, I touched one. I couldn't help myself. It was warm. Okay, dude. I couldn't help myself. I had to touch the egg.
I had a sudden urge to smash it and see what was inside, but then just as quickly decided against it. That's odd. I would have expected, with how quickly he burned the artifact earlier, I would have expected him to just, like, heel stomp some of these eggs open. Smash, smash, smash. Let's see what happens. Exactly. Let's hope Mom doesn't get mad. Takes it to the diner. I want a proper eggs benedict. You guys don't have eggs? Serve me one of these, huh? Idiot. Yeah, you know there's giant eggs on the wood, right? Yeah.
I felt sick, like I was going to throw up if I didn't leave right away. I left the clearing and tried to listen for the lake, then headed in that direction. I got to the lake shore and felt a little better. Since I was out of the trees, I had a better view of my surroundings, and I was able to pinpoint my house a ways down the shore. I never thought I'd be so happy to see it. The rest of the way back, I felt like I had vertigo. I couldn't make sense of everything that had just happened. I still can't. I reached the house and somehow felt a little better once I was inside.
The locksmith arrived a little bit later and changed out the locks. I watched him work in a daze. I also had him install deadbolts. I called a tow truck and they got my car out of the ditch. But now I'm alone again and I can't stop thinking about what I saw. I can't figure any of this out. I don't know what's happening. I know I should leave, but I just can't. I can't. At least nobody can get inside tonight. At least I'm safe inside. Hmm.
That's the end of that thread. That's the end of that thread there. And it's interesting, too, that he says that the – what was it? Even the guy worked in a daze, basically. You know what I mean? There's just something kind of interesting about that particular thing that I think is just kind of interesting. Yeah.
I don't know why. It makes it just seem like he's, like, not zombie, but, like, almost like, you know how, like, whenever you see culty stuff, you're kind of brainwashed or you're kind of just, like, going with the flow? I don't know if you felt the same way, but I just, I felt like there was some kind of correlation there maybe. Yeah, yeah. Feels like, so the next one here is December 28th, and the first one I see here, I think, is, I heard something. Something was outside. Yep.
Alright, so continuing there, he says,
I thought about chasing her into the woods, but decided against it. I don't want to get lost out there at night. I turned around to go back inside, and that's when I saw what she'd been doing on my deck in the first place. I shouldn't be surprised by these artifacts, but this one was huge, taller than me, and it had my sweatshirt from the storm tied in the middle. And then here we have a much larger effigy this time, with his shirt tied in the middle of it, and the words written next to it that read, FEAR THE NEW MOON.
How are you doing, Hunter? Good God. Just, uh... It's just a horrifying thing. It's so large, too. But the scale of...
I'm also kind of funny. I'm picturing this eyeless, hairless woman trudging through the forest with this giant triangle thing. It's like getting caught on weeds or something. Pulling it through. Probably the twine. Being able to hold the sweatshirt would probably be a huge pain in the ass. I don't know. It's kind of funny to think. It is horrifying. Yeah. Fear the New Moon is very interesting. Fear the New Moon. The New
So after that, he says, honestly, I was just going to leave it there. I'm sick of this. I was about to go back inside when I noticed there was something written on the wall behind the artifact. I had, I hadn't even seen it before, which is the fear of the new moon. What does that mean? I don't know where that woman got a marker and I don't know how familiar she feels around my house. I don't like how familiar she feels around my house of property.
I hate that I consider this my house now. This feels normal now. I'm losing it. I want this to end. Whatever this new moon shit is, I feel like something's coming. Screw this. Yeah, what was your first indicator that something was coming? Well, yeah, it's like, dude, no shit. Something was going on. I don't know. And then he also puts on December 28th here, he says, I guess the next new moon is January 5th.
And he gives like a little indicator, which is kind of interesting. And also we have the next post, which is January 4th. The night before the new moon. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. It says there's going to be a storm tomorrow. And then the new moon is tomorrow too. I should be fine. I'll just stay inside. Just very simple little updates here. That would have been so cool to be a part of that initial run. And then we get a lot of threat on January 5th.
The biggest thread of the whole thing is the January 5th thread. I think this is the main one. Okay, yeah, because I was going to say, after this, the last one is January 16th, so we're coming up on something, but it looks like the January 5th is huge. Yes, January 5th is the main thing, yep. I just, I have this huge, which I'm preemptively just speculating along with the viewer, hopefully, or the listener here is...
I just feel like the woman, the hairless eyeless woman is somehow connected to Greg in some way. The twin aspect is just, it's, it's, there's so much foreshadowing to that to where I don't know if we're going to have something where it's like, I'm actually your mother, Greg, or something like that. Something kind of crazy. Cause also we have not had a lot of, of, uh, insight in from like, is the mom, does the mom even care that Greg is there? Like obviously it's,
The spotty kind of self-service, sure, you have that, but...
It just feels like what exactly is this relation, this retaliation? Also, out of all the family members, you're saying the grandpa just gave it to Greg randomly. What is what is the grandpa setting up that we haven't had yet that also didn't go into his parents hands? There's just a lot of things where I don't think Greg even really knows the kind of danger he's in. Obviously, he doesn't know the kind of danger he's in, but I think like something kind of.
family oriented where it's like he was doomed to fail since he was born or something like that so january 5th the night of the new moon uh we have this tweet oh wait two okay yeah new year sorry january duh yeah holy shit yeah it's been a whole year yeah it's been a week yeah yeah yeah yeah it's been storming all day and ended the night thunder and everything i've stayed inside all day nothing has happened yet maybe nothing will happen still i'm nervous
I've been freaked out all day. Maybe I shouldn't have stayed. I don't know what's wrong with me. I should leave tomorrow. I'm not even really sure what I'm saying. I just need to occupy myself with something. Writing this makes me feel less alone. It's like I'm talking to someone. I can't do this anymore. I'm leaving tomorrow. First thing in the morning. I don't care about selling this house anymore. I just want to go home. I just need to make it through the night.
I'll be fine if I stay inside. The locks are new and nobody can get in. I'll be fine. I'm going to go get some wine and stay in the upstairs bedroom tonight. It'll be okay. And then he replies a few hours later by saying she's here. She was in the cellar. I practically ran right into her. She didn't even hear me because of the thunder outside. Her back was to me and she was standing dead still in the middle of the room, just staring at the wall.
So I actually really like this picture. What a wonderful, wonderful photo. It's great. It's great. So for the audio listeners, uh, standing down in the cellar from earlier, staring at the crest on the wall. Um, it is her with her back facing the camera and she's got like ratty mangled hair and her, uh, she's wearing the hoodie from before, but the hood's down and she's just staring into the crest. Very, very creepy. Um,
Very good vignette too. It's just like this old brick wooden cellar kind of thing and just staring deeply at the crest. I knew that crest was creepy too. Earlier I was like, what the hell is going on with that crest? I couldn't move. I was petrified. At first I was afraid. I was petrified. Yeah, exactly. I was petrified. All I could do was stand there like a fool and stare at the back of her head. And then she turned around and she spoke to me. Oh, here we go. She said she won't hurt me.
she said she'd explain everything i'm sorry this is all happening so fast she's sitting in my living room now i can't believe this is happening what so the eyeless bald woman is just like hey let me tell you what's up and now they're casually talking just wait wait for it okay all right all right sorry i'm just trying to make sense of this she said she'll tell me everything i'll be back so then time passes and he continues with the thread okay
which here do we see so she said I'll be back at 845 and then he comes back two hours later or almost three hours 10 1057 a couple hours later and he says okay so I'll try to relay everything she said but there was so much of it I can barely keep track of it all I'll start at the beginning first she says she made the stick things for my protection she says it's dangerous out here and she was trying to protect me
When I asked what she was trying to protect me from, she was quiet for a long time. When she finally replied, I could barely hear her. You want to do the quotes? There are things in the water. I didn't really believe her, but I didn't have any rational explanation for the things I've seen. So instead, I just listened. Here's what she told me. A long time ago. Oh, no, no. Perfect. Perfect. You go right ahead. Yeah, sorry. A long time ago, something came from the sky and landed in the lake. It brought something with it.
Oh, good. I had so many questions, but didn't know which ones to ask. So I just sat there in silence and took it all in. The woman continued. In the beginning, there was just the one.
It spent most of the time in the deep lake. It spent most of the time deep in the lake, slumbering. But over time it made more. Instinctively, I asked about the eggs. Oh, sorry. It made more. Instinctively, I asked about the eggs I saw in the woods. The woman nodded. There are so many of them now. They come from the water to lay eggs, and the people take care of them, hide them away until they hatch. But when they hatch, they need to feed.
Dude, we're going to get into giant alien chickens. How do you feel about that, giant alien chickens? I don't know. I also am getting a feeling that this is Greg's real mom. I want to say that. I'm putting that bet down. At this point, I was starting to put two and two together. I thought about all the twins I've seen in town. She must have sensed my understanding because she spoke again.
I told you there was a price. The people in this town are blessed with many children, but they don't get to keep them all. When the eggs hatch, the people must bring one of their own to the woods. The creatures need to eat. She was quiet again. Then... They start with your eyes. It's his mom! It's his mom's twin! I'm telling you! I asked her how she knew all this, but I already knew the answer. I know because it happened to me when I was a girl.
My father brought me into the woods with the others, offered me up to the newborns. She turned her head towards the window, like she was gazing into the distance. They took my eyes. I waited until she was ready to speak again. It was a long time before she did. She told me how she was led to one of the eggs, how she watched it break open, how something came out of it. She doesn't know if she managed to push the creature off or if someone helped her, but she got away and ran into the woods. She ran until she couldn't breathe anymore.
I felt completely bewildered. None of this made any sense to me, but at the same time, it did. Somehow. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I couldn't sort my thoughts. I couldn't figure out what to say. Finally, I asked, "Why are you telling me this now, after all this time?" The woman didn't say anything at first. She took a long, labored breath. "It's the same every year. They come out of the water in the fall, lay their eggs, a few of them begin to hatch early,
She turned- Oh, I figured we could just- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep going, keep going. Uh-oh. Oh, sorry. No, sorry. Go ahead. Sorry. I thought her quote was, even without- My bad. She turned to me. Even without eyes, I felt like she was staring right at me. Tonight is the new moon. Tonight is the ceremony.
My stomach began to sink as realization set in. Realization about what was happening out there in the woods at that very moment. We have to do something. Oh, fuck. Fuck. Sorry. You're good. I appreciate the enthusiasm. We have to do something to stop it. I blurted out. I started getting out of my chair, but she just shook her head. She said there was nothing we could do. It happens the same way every year. We can't stop it.
But I wasn't listening anymore. I don't know what came over me, but I jumped up and ran out the door, ran into the woods. I don't even know where I was going. At some point, the rain had stopped. It was dark and I couldn't see anything, but I could hear things all around me. Things moving through the trees, and I could see lights in the distance. Fire or flashlights. I don't know. I had no idea where to go or what to do. More than once, something ran by me in the trees.
Really fun pictures of something weird and red in the...
In the woods here. There's more pictures. I'm going to speculate that these... It looks like a beak on one of them. I think we are going into giant chicken territory. I don't know. What do you think of the photos? The first two photos? What's your feeling on them? What I mean is... To describe to the viewer, it's like he's taking a picture. There's flash. You get some of the weeds in front of him, but it's like a dark...
Okay. After...
It looks like a skinless thing. It looks like you can kind of see the bone on the face of it. Once again, beakish, birdish is what I would say. I would consider that a skull. I think that looks more like a skull.
sure i i think like i said it looks like it's like bloody like blood skin draped over a skull whatever but it doesn't look like a regular nose it's it's arced in a way that looks beakish you have to be honest with yourself say it you're not losing the chicken narrative are you i am refusing until it proves otherwise we are in giant egg chicken territory i don't know okay
Alright, so the giant chickens are out there. I like this one of like the blurred photo of like the bloody skull thing. Oh, it's fun. It's a really fun photo. I think that's neat. Yeah. Super fun. I ran for what seemed like an eternity. Ran in circles. I had no idea where I even was. And then somehow I was back in that same clearing where the eggs had been. They were gone now. Nothing but bits of shell left on the ground.
Yeah, so we get the same kind of area that we were at earlier, and now it's just like kind of broken shell fragments on the ground. Yeah.
And that is the end of that thread. That is the end of January 5th thread. And he doesn't thread. And he doesn't, I think I said Fred. That's the end of the January 5th thread. And he doesn't come back. This is the last thread he does here. Okay, this is very stupid. There is a bit more after it.
Okay. So if you go click on the tweet that says, I couldn't do anything. Branches scrape my face. Wait, no, not even that one. Why did he format it this way? I don't know what to say right now. I'm going to leave in the morning. No. So if you go to the tweet... Wait, it might be that one. Let me look. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Go to that one. And then it says, yeah, I'm back at the house now. Okay, yeah. So after that, after he says, Branches scrape my face...
um he says i reached the water but there was nothing there i saw some faint ripples out in the black water but besides that it was silent it was over i was too late i'm back at the house now the woman's gone it's so quiet i don't know what to say right now i'm gonna leave in the morning i'm sorry i just i just don't know what else to say i'm sorry and there we have the end of the that january 5th thread i think
yeah so that should be the end of it and then it goes up to the january 16th one and this is our last his last entry was on january 16th yes this is the finale as far as we know to at the moment at least because it could pick up any day you know these things but sure you know at the moment this is the end of the series i'm still here i'm alive i left the house after that night i decided not to sell it i don't think anyone would buy it anyway i locked the doors and i got in my car and i left
I'm home now, trying to process everything. The morning after, it was so quiet and peaceful in the woods, it was like nothing had happened at all. I'm still not sure what to believe. It sort of feels like it happened to someone else, or like I dreamed it, maybe. Sorry it took me so long to update, I wasn't sure what to say. I still have so many questions. I might never have all the answers. But something happened out there. I can't explain it, and I don't know if I could have done anything to stop it. But whatever it was...
I can't let it happen again. That's why I'm not selling the house. That woman said this happens every year. If she was telling the truth, then maybe there's something I can do next time. I have to try. So I guess that's all for now. I'm heading back to school next week, so hopefully that will take my mind off things. I need some sense of normalcy again. I'm not sure when I'll tweet again. I need to take a break and get my head together, but I'll be back. I have to go back. I won't let it happen again. And there we have the ending of the Gregory 88 story.
The Gregory 88 story ends there. You know what's interesting about this one is the realism of following the story, and I kind of like that it doesn't get so detailed to where it's like Greg just found out everything. You get little glimpses of stuff, and you have this woman who's obviously, in my opinion, is definitely the twin of his mom.
who's trying to, uh, protect him, which is also maybe why you, when he does these things and he burns these protective things at first, maybe that's why he gets some of the things that are, uh, messing with him. But it seems like he was protected in this incident, in this incident, um, from whatever kind of, uh,
that's been existing in this lake for however long. And now these town folks have just been living here forever, which is why they're so like, oh, this is somebody new. Like, they're probably super, super old. You know what I mean? And they're having these twins, and they have to offer them up to the chicken aliens. I'm still believing that they're chicken aliens. But I will say the story reminds me a lot of, like, Dagon.
It reminds me of like the Innsmouth story where it's like a town is plagued by a creature or a deity. In this case, it was like some eldritch god in the case of H.P. Lovecraft and it makes them live longer and it makes them rich, but it distorts them into fish people. It kind of gave me that vibe. Obviously, the people aren't being like
transformed in that way. They just have to kind of sacrifice one of their offspring, which is kind of interesting, but I don't know. This was a fun one. I think it's cool. I mean, how, how do you feel about it? How do you feel about the ending? All right. So I remember now why I didn't remember how it ended. And it's because I forgot that it ended that way. It ended like what felt like in virtue, like, you know, middle of the action. Okay. Yeah.
I love the premise a lot. Yep. I think it's the idea. Like I've had my grandfather's old house. There's a squatter there. It becomes this like cult conspiracy. I, to me, the story peaks with the deep water chapel reveal.
Because it asks so many questions about why was this a church? What did my grandfather have to do with it? Was he the pastor? Did he come to own it? Why was it changed? Why is everyone in the town around it? Is this why there's cold happenings around it? Because it was a church. It puts you right in the seat. I think that's the pinnacle of the story. And then from there, I think it nose dives a bit. What it feels like from a writing perspective...
Is that he had a lot of threads. I say he because the name's Greg. Whoever wrote this. I feel like whoever wrote this had a lot of threads that they were actively working on that for some reason they wrapped up really quickly. We did not get an explanation as to what the eyeless one. Like we get that she's eyeless because the thing's bitter face. Sure.
But we don't get an explanation as to how she connects to the chapel, why she has a loyalty to the grandson of maybe the preacher, the person who owns it. We do not know what the deep... I mean, sure, we are given enough inference. We can assume that when this thing came to Earth, that maybe the Deepwater Chapel was its first congregants, right? Maybe the pastor, maybe his grandfather was the person who...
spoke and like convinced townspeople that they need to give in to
excuse me, that they need to give into these new alien invaders. And you could even imagine a really cool scenario where you have a pastor in this old timey church who is convincing his congregants that this is Jesus, right? Or that this is the second coming and that people need to give themselves to it. They need to offer up their children like Abraham offered up Isaac to God. There's so many cool visuals you could pull off with that. But everything I just said is inference because we,
Like, maybe if he found, like, an altar underground in the cellar, right? Then maybe that would have some more explanation as to why the mom doesn't even want to mention the grandfather's name. But if that's the case, then the mom should dissuade her son from going back there at all, if it was to that level of extreme. Yeah, that doesn't...
There's too many things left. I mean, like, the biggest thing being the grandpa. I mean, especially if the whole thing is, like, pretty much they're saying that the Prosper, that this basically new deity that falls to Earth and is living there, is offering the town for consumption to eat... Or for consumption is immortality, is what they're saying. Or at least a prolonged life, right? Give us your young, and we'll give you long life, basically. Which is... Which, honestly...
I think this is the reason that the story frustrates me so much, because that is such a cool premise. It's fun. Because it is a church that deals with, like, a lot of American Gothic aesthetics. Deepwater Chapel, right? How cool is that? But then...
what the church is theoretically doing in our head cannon for it, at least is they're doing what a lot of the pagan religions of the old Testament would do. They would serve up their children to bail and to the false gods so that they were given strength and magic and long life or what have you, that they're reverting to this old Testament evil. It's such a cool idea, but everything we just said is like, maybe this is what happened.
And sometimes that's cool and horror, like leaving it up to the audience's imagination, but not entire plot threads, not entire, you know, character changes and stuff. There's too much left. There's too many things given at the beginning that I don't think fully come around. Because I think, like you're saying, there's ways where you can leave it to where it's like, well, dude, is he supposed to find out everything? And the answer is probably no, realistically, the majority of the time. But I think that you can at least unveil enough to where...
You know... That at least you can let your mind run with it a bit more with some of the information that's given to you. I mean, dude, you're given giant eggs in the woods. Yes, correct. And it's like... And it's one of these things where it's like you're giving all of these... These kind of big...
subject matter or themes in the story and they never really come back around like i'm almost wondering if instead of a kid who is who isn't even graduated college yet a college student who's given a house right instead if it was something where it's like hey um
The grandpa's alive and he's been alive way too long and he's still alive and he lives there and you're taking after you're, you're taking care of this grandpa character or whatever. And now you have this, the eyeless bald woman who basically survived this mutilation. That would give him more reason to not leave.
Right. Beyond just, I feel for some reason I need to stick around. Yeah. You need to stick with them. You could also have the mom who survived that was chosen to be the one where he's like, I choose you to live and I'm going to sacrifice your sister, your twin sister. He could feel, she could feel some kind of like loyalty to this religion, which is like, you need to take after your grandpa, blah, blah, blah, all this stuff, which is also why you could have the woman who survived this attack is basically
basically resentful towards this father and has been like trying to kill him or do something along those. You can just set up that stuff, right? And then you have the town of people who is essentially a cult who's like worshiping this kind of God or this religion. And you can have more themes than that, but it just really doesn't explore any of the things that I wish it would have. Cause like you're saying, dude, it sets up all these cool things and,
That's the only reason that I care, because it is cool. It is cool ideas that are being put out there. It's just not really going anywhere. Like, for example, the egg thing. Go ahead, go ahead. Sorry. Well, I was just going to say, it's my first Twitter ARG. I have nothing else to compare it to. So...
the approach to this is still new to me, but it still feels like, you know, even if it is kind of a, a new way of telling a story, I still think that you need some of those, those pieces of information, some of those plot threads or something to put in there. Like, okay. For example, the egg thing, right? If there was given more explanation, like say for example, we find out maybe there's, yeah. What would be cool is if let's say his grandfather is the pastor of this place would explain how he owns the building. Um,
And obviously it quit being a church at some point because it was renovated into a house and
Or maybe it'd be even creepier if it was a church and then the townspeople renovated it into a house because they needed his grandson to be there for some reason. See, all the stuff I'm doing is like conjecture. It's not stuff that's in the story. But for example, the egg thing, right? Maybe he finds his grandfather's book of sermons or writings or something like that. And maybe it is a kind of idolatry for them to disrupt the image of the womb, the image of the egg. Maybe that's why there's no eggs in the town because it's a disgrace to their new God.
That is a feasible explanation. But as it stands in the story, it's just really goofy. Like, they can't eat eggs. What do I mean? Because they worship the big egg? What? There's nothing that comes full circle. It's like, yeah, it's like they worship the big egg or whatever. There's nothing that really makes sense to why that's not in the town. There's just...
too much and like and sure it'd be a bit cheesy but if he could find like a writing from his grandfather in his shelf of books which is where I thought that was going to go in the story have some detail where it's like we should not put forward the idolatry of our God to blah blah blah whatever make it old you know Bible thumping
whore or whatever that's fun um but they don't do that so it's just like oh you can't eat eggs you have you have the benedict on the menu yeah exactly just diner and don't be like i got an eggs benedict without the eggs it's like that doesn't feel satisfying it doesn't come it doesn't come back around i will say too i just wanted to say this while it's on my mind is also i think you should have i think you themed this thing as well to make it like harder to leave
Him continuously being like, all right, I'm leaving. This is crazy. I can't leave this new property. Sure.
Whatever. I think if it was in the dead of winter and you're snowed in... Snowed in's a good one. And it's a much colder environment, it's going to be a lot harder to leave a town when it's like, I physically cannot drive out of the town. Snowed in. You could have town members being like, I really wouldn't drive up there. You have all these elements, too, of him being like, windy roads. It'd be unrealistic. There's no way. What happens... And this is a lesson to anyone out there who wants to write. Not that I'm a professional writer, but I dabble. Like...
What happens when you make an answer two-dimensional? Like, why do you want to stay at the house? Because I want to stay at the house. When you do something like that, you tie your hands for the rest of the story, right? Because then you have to have scenarios like, okay, well, Greg needs to come back to the house later in the story, so...
I want to stay. I'm going to go stay at a motel. I actually want to stay, so I'm going to drive back now. Oh, look, my car's stuck. Rather than if you, like what Hunter suggested, you could have it be he snowed in and his car gets stuck in the ice, so he has to begrudgingly return home. There needs to be elements out of your control. What I would do...
If I was writing this story... I would have his grandfather be... Like the house is willed to him... But his grandfather's like bedside... Like he's comatose almost... In the house... And now the son's there... And so he can't leave... Because his grandfather's there...
But the grandfather can't speak unless later in the story it becomes convenient for him to. Then you have the whole calvacative. You have your book of information delivered right there at the bedside. Then you could keep the eyeless woman as more of a mysterious figure later into the plot and have his suddenly lucid grandfather talking about the new moon. You give yourself options when you don't just make it, well, I feel like I need to stay because I feel like I need to stay. Yeah.
Creepy grandpa on his deathbed is like, or he's like dying and he's just like, maybe he's resentful or he feels guilt about the things that he did or something like that. He's walking around aimlessly. He could wait. Gray could wake up and be like, yeah, my grandpa is just standing in my room. Yep. Yep. And then you could have scenes where like the eyeless woman, you could have grandpa be like, I talked to her today or something like that. Right. Like not supposed to be here.
yeah yeah stuff like that to be here like it's and then you don't have to do stuff like it was fine in the story like it was a creepy moment the whole is someone watching you sleep right now but then you don't have to use dream conversations to lure back into get you could just have like the old man be kind of the delivery for that stuff you can do a lot of really crazy here what this is the first time we get isaiah hater mode dude
Okay, hold on. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't wish that on me. Don't wish that on me. I'm not hating. It's because this is so...
good of a setup that I'm jealous. I, for one, I'm jealous. I didn't come up with it for one, but two, I'm upset that it's like you were, you were right there. You were rounding second base and you tripped, right? Like I, uh, the entire setup is amazing. The early videos and the photos of like the woman standing there, she looks at them all creepy done extremely effectively. It takes a corn ballish look on the eyeball thing, which obviously pays out.
with like oh they're eating the eyeballs but they're eating the eyes yeah yeah why was the eye there uneaten what did that have to do what so i mean it's like so and it wasn't the new moon i i ripped the eye out but i'm just gonna leave it yeah you know i wouldn't
yeah apparently these i eating chicken things don't actually need to eat them that bad if they're willing to just throw them out and also like i'm okay most stories like this would keep it to a purely paranormal angle they would or supernatural i should say they would have it that the cult worshipped the devil or they worshipped uh a ghost an entity in the lake like the lady of the lake or whatever right you could have something like that
I'm not saying it has to be that as a matter of fact I think it's kind of cool if it's a physical monster or like a race of monsters I think that's a neat touch right if it played differently you could have the town worship like the things in the lake like these lizard people things or whatever that could be a lot of fun but when your execution of it is giant eggs like just don't show the eggs just say there's just brutal say brutal say okay look here's your change for that
When they hatch, they crawl out of the water to get food. They kill and then they go back to the water. So then you can play with footsteps around the shores of the lake. You could have... Does it make sense that creatures from a lake that live underwater lay their eggs on land for them to crawl back in the water? Does that make sense? It's like the sea turtle thing.
You know how sea turtles do that? Yeah, but it's like... But let me tell you, let me say this too. If you introduce... Dude, if you introduce giant eggs into your story and you have photos of it, you have a good explanation for it. It's all I got to say. That is a ballsy, ballsy thing to put in a story. It is a thing to throw out there to be like, yeah, I got eggs. Crisp, crisp.
porcelain white eggs. And you know what? You know what? If he executed well on it, I would have been like insane. Oh my God. It would have been, I would have been like, you know, how do you make eggs come full circle in this way? And if it was satisfying, it would have been amazing. And it doesn't really, I've given some theories to how you could like, maybe, maybe,
Okay, maybe you take away some of the supernatural aspect and it's more animalistic. It's more like giant dinosaurs or whatever. And the only reason there's this cult development around them is because his grandfather pushed a cult mindset onto the people. And maybe that's why they still serve him.
Maybe you don't need to do a ritual at all. Maybe the dinosaurs don't give people supernatural abilities. Maybe it's just this broken conviction members of this town have. Maybe you could do something like that. And then you could, like I said, tie in like eggs. Like eating eggs or whatever, as goofy as it is. Was seen as like a form of hypocrisy or heresy or what have you. Like, you could do fun stuff with it. But as it stands, it's like...
Yeah, so anyway, this giant super smart ghost thing, it lays eggs, and then the eggs eat twins' eyes. Also, you can't eat eggs. What do you mean they start with the eyes? They eat people. Why do you need to start with eyes? You can just... What's that say? There's so many visions where it's like, so they just mindlessly eat eyes, and then they go in the water? And if the whole thing...
Okay, maybe I am getting Isaiah Hater mode now. If the whole thing with them is that the only reason this whole transaction goes through of like townspeople get old and live a long life because they feed their children to it. How does things like the eyeless woman getting away happen? What, they don't go grab her and bring her back? Because her getting away endangers their whole cult practice by sacrificing children to it. And they just let her live in the woods now? She spent like the past 20 years as a blind child in the woods. Yeah.
With no supernatural abilities. It's just a blind woman. I have to reiterate this, dude. Because I know... I got some hate last time when we were talking about the Russian sleep experiment. Well, don't worry. I'll get the hate this time. We're gonna get some hate this time. But I'm just saying that it's just because it kind of feels...
that the story here was that it seems like greg was just like i'm getting bored of writing this i'm just gonna end it it's how i think what happened you have so much you have so much fun set up it sits up so fun i was like so hooked dude i got so hooked in deepwater chapel had me by the neck and then yeah dude exactly and then you introduce the eggs and i'm like that's when i was like you'd be a better have something it's a check yeah and it didn't deliver because you can't have the eggs dude you have
You have the eggs and then you have a red, you have the red blur across the road after that to where you have the literal chicken cross the road message. You know what I mean? Yeah. And then you don't have a follow-up. How does that happen? You know what? Okay. There's two options here.
option one is greg is probably someone who writes elsewhere right we keep saying greg that's probably not their real name but whoever i cannot find the name of the person whoever whoever the author is probably writes elsewhere so the gregory 88 was like oh let me do a fun little twitter arg so it was something they were kind of doing off the dome you know and then i think they wrote themselves into a corner right and
Like they get near the end and they're like, ah, they were asking themselves a lot of the questions we were like, well, what does the thing look like? What does it do? What? Isaiah. What? Dude, Greg's follows on Twitter is the fucking writing cast for Big Mouth. What is happening? He follows New John. Oh my God. Was this Twitter ARG written by a Big Mouth writer?
my god oh god this is john oh god oh my god i'm done i'm done with this did we just get trolled super hard this is i can't tell if i just got trolled or what's going on but this i i we have to i'm gonna let the the listeners and the
I'm going to let the listeners and the viewers figure this one out on their own, but I am mentally tapped. I don't even know what else to say. Okay, hold on. Let me propose one more theory about the author. Sure. If it's not a big mouth writer...
or or someone who wrote somewhere else they were just passively writing making it and then i think they wrote themselves into a corner of like okay well he wants to stay because i didn't really give him a reason to and the eyeless ladies there but i didn't really give a reason for that so they're like okay i'm ending it one series of tweets we're done right or here's my other theory that i thought about while we're reading this do you know what this whole thing sounds like to me what this sounds like a college writing project
Oh, it could be. Like an assignment? Yes. I hear a ton because it takes place over the course of a winter break, right? Well, not quite. It starts a bit earlier. Could have told me to start earlier. But it pretty much takes place over the course of winter break, right? So...
Like from 2018 to 2019, I hear a bunch of college assignments. People will tag me in them sometimes and be like, Hey, I made this Twitter thread for university. I'm taking a writing class and we had to put, do a story using Twitter or we had to do a story using like Instagram or whatever. Right. Like they'll use, they'll incorporate social media into assignments and,
And the setup of, oh, I'm a grad student. My grandfather has a house. It sounds like they came up with a basic premise. They did some stuff. And then, oh, the assignment's almost done. I better wrap it up now. That's what it kind of feels like to me. I could see that. I mean, I could see that. The thing, too, is I don't know if I agree with writing in a corner because you set up so many angles.
It's like, well, I mean, I mean, they wrote themselves into a corner right before the last post, like when they added all the different stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Early on, there's a lot of opportunity. I'm saying that your theory of it being an assignment makes a lot more sense where it's like, oh, it's a deadline, so it's just got to be done. Yes. Because everything else is they set up, they set up a lot of great things in it.
I agree. So I don't know. I think that they had all the actions and all the avenues, and it seemed like they had enough traction and people were excited about it to where you could write this thing in so many different doses of like, oh, I do updates every three days. I do updates every month or something like that. Because here's the thing, too, is you can't leave it on like, all right, I'll be back.
i'm gonna come back and i will see if i can defeat the giant chicken or puberty monster that's plaguing the puberty monster and uh and then and then never touch it again it's like you would have to end it in a way where it's just like oh kind of like um kind of like what story did we read where it was kind of like i'm going back uh i'm gonna go back and i'm gonna see what i can do i think that was stair on the stairs right where it was like
Hey, this is my post. I'm going to go see what I can do. I'll let you know what happens when I get back. Did stairs end that way? Because there's more parts to stairs. I'm trying to remember what story we read that...
i'm trying to remember because there's more sections to stairs besides what we read that was like made later and stuff so yeah that's that's true so it may have ended that way ending you know in ending in a way where it's like hey i tried doing something i'll let you know what happens and then you don't post to where it's like oh ted the caver that's what i was thinking of ted the caver he's like hey oh yeah yeah yeah i'm going back in really if you think about it ted the caver was the first creepcast episode before it was creepcast so that's fun but yeah yeah yeah
So I think like that is how I see like, that's maybe a way you can end it, but you can't like just have the story where it's like, by the way,
I had it on Zillow. I took it off Zillow. Yeah. And it's just that kind of thing. I don't know. You know what? I'm curious to hear what people have to say. I'll go. You know what? I'll be this pretentious. I'll be this awful about it. I think January the 5th, 2019, they were about to go to school the next day or the next couple days. It was that weekend. He makes the thread, turns in the assignment, then he gets on the account and makes the what? Eight tweets that are like, I may update this later. Bye. Like,
That's my call. I think it was an assignment of some kind. That's why it ended so quick. That's why it hasn't been picked up since then. Which, for a college assignment or for an early rider, this is fun. It's got great bones. I think there's a lot more you can do with it. I think if this is a first draft of a story, excellent.
great I just wish that maybe it spent a little bit more time in the writers room so to speak before because there's so much good potential whoever wrote this has great Gibbs as a writer has great stuff to go forward with and I think they can adapt a lot of these ideas into something really impressive
Yeah. Again, the only reason I have any frustration with this is because it's so cool. Because I see where you're going. Yeah, I mean, like, you know, we can reiterate that all day. We're not saying that it's poorly written. We're just saying that it had all the opportunity to do something really crazy and cool. And it just felt like you pulled the rug out from underneath it too fast. So, you know, it's a fun one. I will also add...
Unless this was written by Nick Kroll, in which case you got me. I mean, dude, if it's the biggest big mouth troll on earth and we're just like reading into something that they did for an episode, I'm going to feel like such a fucking dumbass. Well, it was 2018, 2019. I don't think so. I will say this, though. Go to the account and see what their one like tweet is. I feel like this is a good ending for you.
It's Alexandra on 1-6-19, which was before the story was done. Gregory, oh my God. Is she a twin? Does she used to live in the house? Maybe she's your mom's sister. There you go. I think you're right. I think that's passive confirmation that you were right. I feel like it was an obvious thing where I feel like if it would have been given more time and stuff...
I think it would have been a really fun reveal. I think having her just clumsily kind of show up and I will be critiquing this way too. I think just having her show up and be like, let me tell you what happened. And he's like, okay, guys, I'm going to talk to this crazy woman who's been leaving Blair Witch style stuff inside my house. I'll be back. I'll be back. Okay, guys, I'm back. Here's what she said. I got the lore dump. Yeah, yeah, I got the lore dump. I think you, you know what? I want this to happen. I want Gregorio,
Gregory 88 to come back. I want to see the story adapted more of like the grandfather aspects, more of the town aspects. I think it can be fun. Um,
but because I really like the ideas but yeah I think there there were definitely mistakes made but it wasn't ruined like the story's not broken or anything I would like to see it yeah I had fun reading it it was a good time I'd like to see it come back the other day I had fun reading it I'm like I said I know I've said it a billion times I'm curious to hear what people say like what people think of it and just because I there's so many people are the people who listen to the show and who comment on like YouTube and stuff some
Some of the things, the theories they have are so fun to read that I'm like, you know, it always adds a whole new level to the story experience. So we're going to leave it in your hands. And once again, this has been...
this has been Gregory 88, uh, first Twitter ARG. I will say the Twitter ARG. I thought it was fun. I'm, I'm stoked to read more of these. It's fun to see it in these little bite size kind of, um, ways of having to keep in mind of like Twitter's, uh, word count cap and stuff like that. Yeah. Um,
So it's a lot of fun. I'm stoked to go into it as well. And I'm curious to see if there's any other Twitter ARGs our beautiful listeners and viewers have for us. So be sure to leave it down below. And as always, we'll have to throw this at the beginning as well, but be sure to check us out on audio platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, all that stuff. It really helps us out. And be sure to go there. Give us a nice rating, all that kind of stuff. We appreciate it. And Isaiah, anything else? Um...
I had a great time. Enjoyed it. I will say that at the time this episode goes up, I think there's like eight hours left or something close to that to get my Wendigoon t-shirt here and Wendigoon beanie. Um...
which i love that shirt dude the cryptid tour that's very kind oh so fun i'll get you and your wife one then i appreciate that um but yeah don't give her anything i just want it for myself all right i'll get you i'll get you too then how's that sound and a size that's far too small for me yeah you're getting a you're getting a uh excess for sure yeah um and someday we'll have to have some nice creep cast merch i think we're just waiting a bit till we get into that and uh
You know, before we start doing that. But yeah, like I said, be sure to go check out the shop on... Is it just windigoon.com? It's windigoon.shop. Windigoon.shop. So... Windigoon.shop. Yeah, it's going to be available for like 12 hours after this is up. So if you missed it, you missed it. But...
If you want to get it on it, get it while you can. Other than that, be sure to go follow Gregory88. The E is spelled with a three. Follow Gregory88 on Twitter in case the story ever starts up. I'd really love to see it do that. But other than that, yeah, that's all I got. Thank you all for watching. Thank you all so much for watching or listening from wherever you are. We appreciate you and stay spooked. See you all later.