Welcome to Legends of Avantras.
Well, once I finish, I'll turn to Willow and ask her, Willow, you were in there praying for quite a while. Did you uncover any kind of holy divine intervention telling you what to do with the statue? I'm going to take a page out of your book and I'm going to start off by saying I mean no offense. But I quite honestly just went in there so I didn't have to listen to you speak anymore.
I wouldn't blame you. It takes a strong constitution to hang with the Darwin way of life. So, anyways, let's do it, lads. I'm already at the statue. I'm holding the big yellow. I shout out from the statue and say, what?
Why are you guys coming? And you see this bird creature heaving, this large statue. The rest of you are able to grab it and bring it into the center room. We place it in and... Let's see what happens. You place it in. And you... Bless you. It sinks in perfectly. And then as soon as both are...
placed in. You see that the clam shell lights up with this bright blue light, almost swirls like the ebbing and flowing of the tide. And then the statue, it's metal plating, shimmers with this bright platinum light. And you hear a... And you hear a stone turning of some kind from the door beyond it.
and professor adams well done everyone it looks as if as if these the prime the pre-historical dragon utilize the power of every school of magic to make sure that this device stayed safe what a shame that is that the helm's gone i i agree you know you know as much as they prepared they
They weren't expecting a da'wee from Karak Azad to walk through these holes. A statue of a clam with a pearl is no match for a dwarf. Well, I don't know what much it would be a match for, but I appreciate all of you for your assistance. I can definitely say that had I actually gotten down into the depths of the water, it would have been too much for a halfling. I could have pulled you out. I mean that I couldn't carry it.
Oh, I suppose that's right. All of you have been supremely helpful. And remind me to add another 30 gold bonus. Oh. For your payment. Does Krah also get that payment? Krah, you know what? Yes, you do. Thank you, Professor. 60 gold? We're saying that's oath gold, right? You owe us as an oath. Then we'll get that as an oath. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I owe it. I
That's right, so make sure he gets 40 of gold and all that stuff. We don't want to be cheating the professor. No, I think you're right. You know that's not right, right? What? That's not right, man. I hate to tell you, but I believe that they're drushing you. 50 plus 10, it's 60 gold. That's 20 more than you're going to take. Like Curson Draconic.
I hear him in a very offended... She blushes. I turn the color of my fire-bloomed tail. And then I turn back to my two friends over here and I say, Can I just kind of chuckle in the corner? Of course not very good. It's good. It's a lot more than that. And meth isn't everything. Thank you, Miss Miller. And that's why you've got friends to make sure that...
They can check your math homework. I have two good friends. Just two. Yes, you do. Yes. Who are your two good friends? It wouldn't
Professor, that would be fantastic! And Krah does have room for one more friend!
and only one more friend. Oh, well, Bagram, I can only assume he's talking about me, you, and the professor. I think that's right. And I never realized friends are like attunement slots. There's only three of them in the heaven anymore. I really think we won him over in the primal room. I think it was just an exciting time, you know?
You broke Andy. You broke him. Here are the three best friends anyone has ever had are charging through the arcane door as we speak and we move onward. Our adventures will be legendary, G. Yay!
Come on, Kra! Best pal! Yes! Gee, best pal! You go first, my friend! Yes, excellent! All right, gee, let's do it, you and I! But while you go first, maybe you let the Professor go first of all. No, Warren! The reason we're being paid this oath gold is to protect the Professor! No, but he knows so much, he's so intelligent!
Well, wouldn't you just like, pertain to like a short rest? I don't know if it's- Yeah, you've all enjoyed a short rest. Thank fucking god. That's making me waste my fucking spell slots on bullshit so I don't drown it down. Professor Azran- It doesn't. Azran opens the door. It slides open.
And the, suddenly the breeze hits you. As if you've gone outdoors. And light shimmers through very faintly through the gloom. And as you open you hear the roar of the sea. And you feel the cool air of the outside open. And Professor Azran looks up and he says, "Oh my."
And the door opens. And you see that you are in a staircase. You see that there, you step outside and there's a large staircase. So we are physically outside. You step inside to what would have been a tower. A completely crumbled and ruined...
And you get the sense that this may have been some sort of wizard arcane tower. But you look down at the cliffs, and there's rubble as half of a tower lay sitting upside down along the cliff of the sheath, directly beneath you.
is the expanse of the ocean crashing up against the cliffs. And you look down at the stairway, well, the stairs up have been completely destroyed. There are stairs down leading towards the sea cliff and you see a small path towards a small alcove in front of which are a large number of wrecked ships on huge rocks.
being thrashed about in the waves. In front of us, there's a tower that we just can't get to. So you imagine in ancient times, there was a huge wizard's tower. Just imagine it. Perhaps an arcane tower. So represent this. It now lies in total ruin. And whatever may have failed of these protections, you get the sense that this may have been the...
The arcane portion of this protection has now laid in ruins.
So we're kind of outside at this point? You're basically in a tower. You're in the ruins, completely exposed to the outside air. It would have been a tower going high up. So we're basically on a cliffside. There's a cliffside, there's like a walkway kind of going, or a path that we could follow that goes to an alcove down along the mountain. So I'm imagining like Shrine of Storms from WoW style. Yes, exactly. So we would, I guess, just looking around as myself, if I look up...
Do I see broken remnants of stairs or is it sheer cliff face? So you look up and you see you're in this circular stairwell going up and going down. The stairs go up for about half a flight and then just break off as if, and then into ruined building and structure and bricks that are loosely stacked.
as it seems it would have connected to a tower going upwards. So, I mean, there's like no passage. There's no passage up. But there's passage down. There's stairs that go down and you see a small narrow path along the cliff.
leading towards an alcove. So that's the passage down? That's the passage down that seems to go down these stairs that are ancient. The sea spray all hits you and the salt hits your nostrils as you can tell that the sun is very close to setting. If we don't want to be out here on this cliff at the edge of the sea by nightfall, you should make haste and head down to that alcove. Croc and Goose!
I've had a taste of that spell. It's rough. What? The haste spell? Oh, make haste. This is one hell of a drug. I lean in. Krah leans into Vind and says, There's more where that came from. And I begin to walk down towards the alcove. Wait, Miss Ruma, wait! And Krah follows. So Professor Asher's like, And he's trying to sketch and he says, What? What?
has been lost as he's not even looking where he's going. He stumbles on those trips as he's looking down at the cliff, the ruined former tower, alongside these cliffs emerging out of the sea. Almost like a monument to the loss of all the great arcane knowledge that these Dragonborn may have had.
as he just looks completely forlorn, sketching in his book as he follows you. I'd like to briefly fly up, if I can, to see if I can discern any evidence of what caused the devastation, like scorch marks from lightning, claws from a dragon, any evidence of anything beyond, just ruin. Yeah, so you fly up. Why don't you make a perception check and an investigation check for me? I'll say because you have a bird's-eye view advantage on both of them.
Professor Azran is immediately behind both of the small folk. As he immediately goes, "Oh, don't leave me behind!" As he's looking longingly down, as he stares, he goes down further and further and further. As he says that, and I'm following Willow, I look back over my shoulder at Professor and I say, "Yes, Professor, please be careful! We wouldn't want anything horrible to happen to you!" Oh, I agree, Krah! Thank you so much!
I really appreciate that you're so concerned for my safety. - What was the other one? - I hope that we all make it down through here. And he's sketching as you make your way down and there's more light coming down from the bottom of the staircase. And there's a small arch about seven feet tall. - Got it. - And three feet, what was that? - 28 for the perception and 18 for the investigation check. - I would say you look
And this seems, you see the scorch marks of where, and the arcing pattern of where lightning had hit the base. And you see the great slash marks of massive claws alongside of this, alongside this tower. Okay.
Ah, fly back down to the group, mate. Oh, a great... It seems like a great battle was waged out here between the primal forces of the elements and what I can only assume is the great dragon Kassigos. That sounds correct. Thank you for fact-checking me, Krah.
Scorch marks lie above us and gigantic talon claws bigger than my entire body cleaved the tower clean from its stone bearing. Do you think it was a draki- I mean a black dragon that did this? It's hard to tell. It's definitely a dragon of sorts, I think.
I would think a bronze dragon wouldn't do this to their own ruins. If these are bronze... Professor, is that right? No, it makes no sense that a bronze dragon would do this to its own ruins. I mean, bronze dragons are good, noble creatures. And to do this to a great piece of history is how much arcane knowledge was lost in that time. Oh, Christ, it's not like what you're insinuating. If we were to consider the, um...
murals we saw earlier with the war of the brass dragons and the black dragons. The bronze dragons. The bronze dragons and the black dragons. It lends to reason that the black dragons lead siege to this castle. I repeat myself in saying that Krod's not like what you're insinuating.
Other way, let's follow Miss Willow as you call her down. No, no, I think Master Ventus has something to say. I would also say that the war happened before we had the brass bronze dragons had the helm.
So it was potentially not the black dragons who attacked the castle. That is an excellent point, Ventus. Master Vint, I knew you were very, very, very smart. And something does not add up about this. As I examine, it seems to be far more recent. Because the relief shows them grabbing the helm. What's the Skazi saying? Somebody explain this to me. The damage on the building has happened after the war.
Sometime after the war. How do we know that? Because they built this old temple and then at some time after they brought this whole tower down. That's a great point. Which would leave the helm undefended. Which would explain why it has gone. Well thought out.
Master Vintas is so very kind and gracious. I mean, not as kind as Miss Willow, but Master Vintas is brave and smart. Not as smart as Miss Willow, but still I love Master Vintas.
As you're all discussing this, Professor Azran is continuing jotting in his notebook. As you leave the arch at the bottom of this... Ow.
that leads to a long constructed path along the sea cliff. Going down and down along the cliff, the spray of the sea hits you, the smell of the salt water in the air as the sun is setting on this gloomy day and you walk down and down towards the ship graveyard. A large cavernous cove, it seems. It seems to lay at the end of this path.
And as you turn, we'll be able to remove this map business. Not that, not that quite yet. That business, yeah. Could you please just quickly boink?
So where are we? Chip, and then a little bit more. And you find a small landing where the path leads right there. Yep. The path leads directly there. How far over can I reveal this? A little bit more. Is there a definitive end? Yeah. Okay. Or it's not quite a wall. No, it looks like... Hold on. It narrows for sure. Yeah. Okay. There we go. So you all make your way to... So Willow would have gotten there well before, I guess, the rest of us, right? Yeah.
It was the Willowcraw professor. Everyone was walking and talking, I will say, while this happens. You all arrive at this landing of this cave as it all looks incredibly dark as you peer inside. And as you get there, the smell of the salt and the sea is overpowered by this horrific stench.
As the music stops, I shout stench. What the fuck? What's the key word? The safe word. Damn it. Jake, you owe me a help, though. It really is my ear. The safe word is stench. As Professor Azran holds, he pulls out a handkerchief and... What is that foul stench? You get used to it.
Julian, it's impossible! I'm right behind Kro- Kro- Whoa! Oh, you do? I'm surprised you're not nose-blind to all these things. Yes, I'm shocked you haven't noticed it before, Professor. I'm also talking about- I immediately start vomiting. It's not hard to vomit from this horrible stench that seems to be- to be baking from this incredible, severe darkness. Unbelievable.
that seems almost supernatural. What does that mean? Bullshit. Oh, Draa's going to start a book of grudges. Taking off with a smelly dwarf. Oh, well, the draki Draa's has finally got a head on his shoulders. You too are going to start a book of grudges, eh? I just, I...
Pen to paper. I start writing in the... Are we just in the mouth of a... You're at the very top of the mouth. As you look in, it is pitch black. Darker than you would expect it to be at this time of day. Almost as if by some supernatural means the stench from within is overpowering. My exceptional vision seems to be failing me right now.
Wait, is this the magical darkness then? To any of my comrades who would see... It seems quite supernatural. So even I am having trouble seeing through the dark. Oh. Uh, uh, gee, uh, you are correct. Krah cannot see, and Krah never has trouble seeing. Oh, well that would... That would lend to... to believe that this is a magical obscurity then. Can anyone disperse it in any way?
Or light it up. Can we have any light? Well, Kral was going to take light, but during character building, everyone said Kral was stupid because he has night vision. I don't want to point fingers, but it's definitely the smelly dwarf. Does... Does Azran... Does Azran still have the torch? I can relight the torch if you want.
But he does it, he lights it as he sticks it into the mouth of the cave. The cave of the mouth. The cave of the mouth. The salmon cave. Literally, I can't help myself. I almost said it too. The light around it seems to be totally swallowed. You see this? Do you know what this is?
This is when Vandross turns into a bat and tries to kill everyone. It's very similar. It's eerily similar, but that's neither here nor there, I guess, I suppose, at the moment. I appreciate your forethought. Foreskin? Yes, I like your foreskin, Nikki. I don't see any penises on the map. The darkness seems to swallow the torchlight. Oh, shit. Let me take a look at my spells. I don't think I have shit, but...
I need everyone passive perception, please. Passive is fucking nine. Oh, passive is... 16. Shout it out. 19. 16. Passive perception. What was yours? 15. 14. What was the highest? 19. 19. 19. It's the old reader, writer rabbit over here. Richard Ryder, Dick Ryder. Get this. As you all approach, you hear a sound. He's shuffling and scraping the...
of sounds like claw on stone. Great. As a number of different, a number of different sounds seem to be approaching. Multiple different, would you say? Yeah, multiple different. Fuck. Fuck you.
But you're right. That is the new cape of the mouth. Multiple different... As Professor just drives off in his Ford... I need to go back and figure out what you said when you were like, he gets in his vehicle and drives away. He gets in his Ford Focus and drives away. Give me the case of the Jeep! Ha ha ha!
You hear a scraping of claw stone as if there's a number of different points of sound heading towards you. This podcast is brought to you by our Patreon. Become a patron today at patreon.com slash legends of Avantris and gain access to tons of exclusive perks, including a monthly movie night and a weekly Patreon exclusive camp and set on the high seas. Shroud over salt marsh.
You can also go to thecrookedmoon.com to pick up your own copy of our first published supplement, The Crooked Moon, a folk horror tome for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition. And don't forget to snag all the extra goodies like dice, miniatures, plushies, a tarot deck, and more. Thank you. What is the actual layout here? That's it. Like, are we sitting on... I'll say you're at a path that leads directly towards that, and you're looking in. Are you trying to understand elevation? Yeah.
So you're basically on level with that. So this is a cliff. This is a cliff that looks down to the ocean and the ship. So does it sound like, and again, metanology out of character, does it sound like to read these creatures are climbing down the cliff face? It sounds like they're coming from the cave. Okay. All right.
Um, Professor, I don't know where the- I'm assuming this is the cave. Only- Only Vint. That is all cave. Oh, this is all cave. So this is the cave of the mouse, and we are standing at the- And only Vint has heard this. And there are multiple different sounds coming from all of them. Did we hear this? Sorry, sorry, sorry. Only Vint has right now has heard it because it has a perception. We haven't heard it. Professor, is it multiple different redundancy?
Bodrim, I think I see something glimmering down in the water. Down a hundred feet down off the cliff. We don't have time for this. There's something coming. Is there? There's something coming. Master, what's coming? Multiple things are coming. From one different thing. From the cave. Multiple different things, Ventus. I said more than one different thing. You are all hurting. You are not... I didn't say the word different. You are not given... There's not a surprise round on you because Ventus noticed this and...
as you hear the scraping and chilling as you hear, now all of you hear as you are able to finally listen and you see reptilian shapes appear from the darkness and drop down as the stench increases and one creature starts to just, you hear
You see a flash of red from the magical darkness. And out of the darkness, still shrouded in this cave mouth, you see a horrible toad-looking abomination that looks wholly unnatural and looks just as demonic as the insectoid creature that you saw. And everyone roll for initiative. And stench nearly overwhelms all of you. Get your bloody
- Allow me to switch the music. - Gotta give it up. - Fuck. - Gotta give it up. - Gotta give it up. - Next 20, it needs to go first for everybody. - I think everyone on natural 20 to fish. - Is it initiative? Sorry. - Hold on to those numbers.
What are you, Mace? Thor? Huh? What's up with the hair, Mace? What are you, Thor? Holy fuck, dude. Less blonde than Thor? No, I would have said he looks like Aquaman. You guys can pledge yourselves. That's significantly longer than I thought it was. That's what she said. Every night. I'm impressed. I gotta give you the fist bump there, bro. Dang. I couldn't relate.
20 to 25! 20... Mike is losing control. 24. I lost control three hours ago. 24, 25. I think we're in ridges here. We said I won't kink shame you, he lost control. So who goes first? 15 to 20. I got a 17. I got a 15. 17 is Craw. And 15 is Vaz. 15 is Vaz. G and Vint is when you get up. 14.
Damn, you have not been rolling all initiative. But as long as initiative isn't that important, as long as you're rolling all your attacks, right? That's what matters. I haven't rolled 90-20 yet. Oh my god, is this F-Zero? Wait, this Mewtwo, you got it, man. And if I can maintain concentration... Remember to hit the repeat button on the music.
Everybody loves this song. Every time it comes on, everybody's like, what is this? I love it. Yeah. You freaking... Okay. As you see a number of humanoid-looking reptilian creatures with these large, pale eyes and dripping, slavering mouths looking at you, crawling along the walls. Uh,
They look, they're not too far up from the ground as they're crawling. As this massive demonic fiendish looking toad stomps towards you as the stench is nearly overpowering. Willow, you are up, but at the start of your turn, the stench is so powerful, I need to make a constitution saving throw. - Oh fuck.
I think it's 19. 19, you pass it. You feel like you're going to be horrifically sick, but you manage to steel yourself against the stench. Is there no issue with obscurity at this point? They are crawling out of the magical darkness in this game. Okay, okay. And then I'm going to cast Bane on this one. Bane? This one and this one. Got it. So, Sadie, go for what? Charisma, 16. Charisma, troglodyte number one succeeds.
Troglodyte number two fails horrifically, and the Hezro also fails. So they're all, where are those two are baned? Baned? The two in the back are baned. Do we need D4s to ban them? Yes. You want to put them on the two that are baned? I need a D4.
The fire rises, brothers. It would be very painful. Okay, then turn around. So you see this glow enshroud them as they look like they're being held back by the blight of a ruined harvest. And with that, it is the creature's turn. That's what I said. No, that was me. What the fuck? That was me.
That was Mike. Yeah, well, you should have said that six hours ago when I said it. Oh, well, I'm sorry. I'm a bit slow. So all your minis place where you want them to be. Oh, yeah.
I would have been a little further up. Yeah, yeah. Everyone plays their minis where they would be. I probably would have been towards the front lines. Yeah, like there. That's perfect. Yeah, that's fine. I'd have been next to Barg. I'm ready for the battle. This toad creature lumbers forward and then gets into an all-out sprint. Massive clawed arms lumber forward, heading directly towards Vintas and Bargram. And with that... Which one? The big one? The big fucker. Fuck.
He's gonna get directly in the other end of both of you. As he's gonna loom toward you. As he is going to lean in for a... Minus a d4. Minus a d4, got it, got it. And even with magic resistance, he still... Okay, he is going to bite...
on uh i'm far actually moving to the left towards uh what's your face towards uh apologies yeah he can't be right there because i'm right there oh well then he's still in range either way right but are you like so he's going to leave for a fight against and he's going to sink his shark yeah yeah yeah yeah 13 points of piercing damage as he sinks his hits with minus four two minus four
Yep. It is very high. It's a 26 to hit. Minus one, so he's dying. And then he's going to bring both of his claws to slice down on both of you. We'll see how he does. So we're going to do... Minus the...
13 plus 7 is 20 minus 2 is an 18. That hits. And so that is going to do... 11 points of slashing damage. And on Ventus... Oh, wow. That is horribly misses. As you manage to dodge out of the way. And that is its turn. Bargain, you're up. Make a con saving joke, please.
Oh, I'm a... Shit. That kind of stuff really fucks my concentration shit. Nine? You feel horribly sick and you're poisoned until your next turn. If you take, like, damage, because it makes it make harder to maintain concentration. Your turn.
Wait, is it poison? It's poison. Ha ha! I'm at advantage! There we go! Okay! So you feel like you're gonna puke, and then you hold it back for 20 or whatever. Oh, old friend, are you resistant to poison? You've reminded me! Um, what I will say is, um...
I'm going to turn to this big frog guy and I will say, "It's you and me, foul demon! I'm a grudge against all fiends and you're my mark!" I'm going to use Channel Divinity to abjure enemy. It has to make a Wisdom saving throw and it's a fiend, so it has disadvantage on the saving throw.
I don't even roll again because it's a natural one. Yeah, it fails. No one touch it! This one's mine! Clear the rest of them out! Its speed is zero and it is frightened and for a minute.
Until it takes damage. Okay. The clang of clanging of silver beard echoes out, and this demon toad creature, its eyes go wide with horror as it looks at you, and it is petrified. So my question is, since I'm out of character next, I'm going next, would I understand that you're trying to tell me not to attack it? So I'm going to say, don't damage it in any way.
He's helpful now. You wouldn't have said that. I got what you were saying when you said your thing, but I'm saying as Krah being a stupid motherfucker, would he understand?
I basically said don't touch him. I would say that as travel on, you don't understand. Okay. Then Krah will know. Krah will say, I will protect my friends! So move me over to the one, to the, just for my movement, I'm going to move to that guy over there in the far corner there, just to get up at his speed. You can disengage. For free? Uh, no. We'll see what happens. If he wants to take an opportunity attack. Can't you petrify him? He can, but he's disadvantaged. So his speed is zero.
And... Nine to hit. Okay, he fails. He lunges out with a bite, but he's unable to move.
Wait, you feared the big guy? Big guy. So he basically told us all not to attack the big guy. Okay. Alright. Okay. Okay, so you run over to Tron the Dive. That's climbing on the wall, getting ready to hit him with his claws. And you're up. Crawl. Speed zero. Ah, fuck. Uh, just con. Oh, you passed. That's pretty good. It's foul, but you passed, yeah. Um, so I will, uh, Crawl will shout, Crawl!
Protect grass friends! And I move up here. I use my bonus action to catch Dragon's Breath on myself. You do that. I shake the voodoo doll and touch my chest and then I use my action to breathe acid damage in a 15-foot cone that direction. So I'm casting it at a level 3. So it's going to be 4d6 plus 4. Yep.
And you have to make a deck saving throw, I think? Yep, deck saving throw for both of those guys. And two has Bane. That's right. He was going to pass, and he doesn't pass. 17 plus 4 is 21 points of damage. Both of the Troglodytes. What kind of damage is this? Acid. Acid. You tap yourself, and you channel the power of the ancient black dragon that you worship, and you feel...
Get away from the big guy!
And that is Krah's turn. Okay. It is their turn. Both of them are heading directly towards you. Yeah, they're heading to Bargram. One of them is off the wall and they both are going to attack you. And with that, the Troglodyte is going to do his multi-attack. One bite is going to be a horrible failure. The other one is going to be...
One claw is going to be a horrible failure. The other one is going to be a horrible failure. Okay. Come on. This is my good die. Whoa. There we go. 19. Okay. Claw. Okay. Another claw.
Okay. Okay. You manage to just fend off both of these troglodytes as they're clawing and biting at you. And you see Bargum with his greataxe not getting... I'm a battleaxe and a shield. A battleaxe and a shield. That's right. Okay. You're bashing off the shield and the battleaxe and he's defending. Come on. You're up. Come save me, girl, please. Boss. Okay.
One natural. Boss, as you're getting ready, the stench overwhelms you and you throw up and you are poisoned until your next turn. But you may still take your turn. You can still take your turn.
You're just disadvantage on attack rolls. And you may take some damage over time or something. No, you're disadvantage on attack rolls, I'd really check. Okay. Yeah, until your next turn. All right, I'm going to go over where Bargain's at, like this side of the tooth. That was 25 feet. Yeah, that's fine. Well, yeah, I mean, they're in a line, so you're good there, right? And I'm going to cast...
Nice! That's a great play. Yeah, you do that. Because that won't be affected by disadvantage shit, right? Nope. They make it like a dex saving throw. They do.
Is it in a line or in a cone? It's in a line or cone. One of them is going to succeed. If he's close enough, that's probably not in the choir, I would say. Because the cone starts like, yeah, it's like, and then it spreads out, right?
It's a little, yeah. In here it would have been different because I had one, two, three. Nine? Nine points of damage. Wait, plus anything or no? No. So you lean forward, you see a bright orange light emerge from his mouth. As he is alive, there's a jet of flame blast out. One managed to dodge. However, let's see. And then what are those numbers? Four and three. Four and three.
So, a three is going to two. As they both get sinned, one manages to dodge out of the way. However, the other one is looking rough as he gets the full brunt of this attack. He's looking rough. Anything else you're gonna do, boss?
Uh, don't think there's anything I can do. Okay, G-Rod. Can you bonus attack the guy? Can I, am I the only one that can bonus attack? Uh, yeah, that's generally my favorite. Probably. G-Rod. I can attack twice, but only if I attack once first. Gotcha. Right, so when you use your dragon's breath, you forego your attacks, yeah. Uh, if I stand here, can I flame breath the two of them?
What's the range on that? It's a 30. But I mean, can I just hit? Would they be in a cone together? You might risk hitting your teammates, but you can try. But if you can get that far enough, what's the range on that? It's 30 feet, but it's a width of 5 feet. You should be able to get back enough where you can probably get there. Yeah, and hit both of them. And right past Bargain. I would say that's fine.
Okay. I flame up my fist and fire off my phoenix punch at him. His one left leg talons, other left talon, they clack against the stone floor and you see flame erupt around his clenched hand and he punches forward and a swirling phoenix erupts from it, arcing forward. And what do I gotta do? Deck saving throw. Deck saving throw. Number three...
gets a 12 and then a 14 for number four. - It's 14 to save. So I rolled 17 damage in total. So the one that got 14 takes half, the one that got 12 takes-- - Doesn't matter.
Cray as the flame erupts and both of them are unable to withstand as they both singe alive. Their eyes burst from the heat as they fall to the ground dead. God dang. Okay. Make it constant with your horn. Dang. That would not have made it happen. Bargain's not going to get his chance to 1v1 this bitch.
Ten. Ten. You fail and you're pulled until your next turn, but it doesn't matter. Vince got nobody else to attack. As you puke up a little bit. Give him hell. There's only one target left. Yeah. Kill the demon! Kill the demon! Kill it!
I'd like to use green flame blade. Bob, I know you wanted this one, but... No, I just didn't want it to move! You can't save all the fun for yourself! Does a 9 hit if it's missing? If you can't move? Does a 9 hit? If you can't move a 9, it does not change its AC. It's AC 16. I vote we use one of our Twists of Fate.
If it's okay with the rest of the party. For what? Alright. We roll stack roll. Any other time we're gonna use it. We have two choices, babe. I mean, it's up to you guys. Use it. We haven't used it so far. We're 75% away from this thing. Yeah, use it. But no, but please, tell me. I just said use it. We're all the freaking baddies. Use it.
Wow. One in 400. So you ignite your flame, this green, you ignite your blade in this green flame, and unfortunately, despite the gods of fate being in your favor, it does not, it just singes this massive, thick, natural demonic armor. I voted for you. I know. And with that, Should I do a conceding throw? Yeah. That's good enough. Yeah, you pass. You overcome it. Willow, you're up.
I'm going to... Nice job, buddy. I also voted for this. Word of Radiance. And he needs to make a wisdom saving throw. Got it. Okay. That is a horrific failure. Yeah, it's a horrific failure.
15 points of necrotic damage. Oh, no, no, no, no. Radiant damage. As you say a prayer to Shantia and this radiating autumnal glow blasts out and lets out this as he almost throws up as the radiant light singes and splashes as he hisses back at you. He seems to be quite weak to it.
With that, is that your turn? Um, no. I'm also going to Guiding Bolt him. Nice. Okay. Fuck yeah. Jack him up. Um, that probably hits. 16 plus 8, so 24. That'll hit. Hell yeah. Okay.
- 11 points of radiant damage. - Damn. - It seems to do quite a bit. As he, as he hits it, it looks like this horrible guttural croak as the radiant damage sinches his flesh and it bubbles and ruptures and a monster's two is dead. - Oh, actually, I'm melee with him, so. Well, that's a one, but I'm a halfling, so it doesn't matter. Yeah, they both hit. - Which one?
Oh, I'm melee, so it's a ranged attack. I need to make it a disadvantage. She was maintaining integrity. I rolled a second time. I got a one, but I'm a halfling, so I get to reroll all of my ones. And so I... You also could have backed up. Because he's made a reaction anyway, so... Oh, yeah. So anyway, what does that do for your business? So it's broken. He's not frightened? No, he's not frightened. So he's no longer frightened as he is going to...
And he's gonna move, he's gonna stand right there. He's gonna go in for a bite attack on, uh, it's gonna be a 19, but he's Bane still. 19 out of 15. No. It looks like he's gonna hit you with his horrible toad-like mouth. Did he get minus four? Minus five out of four. Wow, nice. Man, it's just cold hit back. Bane is fucked up. Bane is so fucking good, dude. And he's gonna go in with his claw attack. That is gonna be a 21. Minus one is a 20. That'll hit you...
Willow? Oh my god. Seven points of slashing damage, and he's going to slice around to you, Ventus. That is going to be 17 plus 24 minus three. Nice. That'll hit regardless, but he'll uncanny dodge this. It's half.
- 11 points of slash damage. - Nice. - Pat, I mess this turn. Okay, with that, it's Bargain, con saving goes. - Is 11 already halved? - No. - No, no. - You need to make it con saving. - Mikey will always tell you what the damage is and then you have to do what you have to do to it. - 10. - 27. - Bear.
Yep, you pass. I will run up to the guy. Okay, you run up. The first attack I believe is advantage, thanks to Guiding Bolt. Yes, it is. Okay, so that is an 18. Is that all it? Just one. 80-16 on this demon. Another 18, okay. So only two attacks with my battle axe. Oh, pretty good. Seven plus five is, what, 12?
20 damage. Oh, you have advantage on your first attack. I did. 20 damage with my battle axe. So you hack and you hack into this demon as he's looking rough. Move me up next to Ventus and Willow, please. Okay. You run up to be by your squishier allies and you hold in your great shield. Crawl your up, contact me, please. Okay.
Shit. Not good. I don't think I passed. I will check. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Con is going to be plus two, so seven. Seven. So you are poisoned. I don't take damage, though, correct? No. So you're poisoned. So what's the second one? Ability checks. Okay. Doesn't matter. So all I do is breathe in. I immediately turn from the two that I just killed. I breathe in, and I breathe acid out, so it's going to be a dex 15 saving throw on the big guy. Okay.
It's a cone, 15, so I think if I aim it this direction, Voss might be in it. Dex? 15. It's close to Voss. Oh, no, with Bane, yeah, it's a horrible fail with Bane. Yeah.
So you have to decide whether or not Vos is within 15. It's a 15 cone. I'd be aiming at this direction to not hit our three teammates. I think it's... I don't think... Because he's like 25 feet away. Yeah, I would say it's barely... I would say it's barely that you dodge out of the way. Damn, I rolled almost max damage. That's pretty crazy. So 11 plus 4... 11 plus 8 is 19 plus 4 is 23. 23 points of damage.
Damn. Acid. As you breathe in, once again, you breathe in, Acid coats this demon. And he's looking very rough. You see that his horrible fiendish flesh is bubbling, looking horribly rough. Crawl the Brave does not move. He stands fast. And with that, Boz, you're up. Calm saving throw. How is he looking right now? He's looking rough. You pass. 22? You pass, yeah.
23 points of damage wasn't enough. I'm going to... I'm shitting damage, too. I'm going to play a Sorcerer in Prime, too. You guys all heard it here first. I'm just going to focus on the main guy with Slayer Sense. Okay. You channel that. Attack twice. Attack twice, yeah. You do that. So we're going to go...
17 and then so that for that one I got 10 and then 6 so that'll do 9 12 plus 6 so that'll first attack do 18 18 was damage? yeah sorry
As you slice in, he's... Wow. He rears back. He's holding on barely. Not barely, but enough. Let me go for the second tag. Go for it. That should do it. Go on. 14 plus 23. Roll. So now we're going four more here. Oh, the tushy tickler. Holy smokes. Plus six, so nine more points.
Nobody, just me? Okay. Okay. What is it? A frog? A big frog? A big layer of monsters. Also took out the cyclops. I would like to grab its tongue and strangle it with it. Okay. So you slice into it and as your first glaive attack slashes it and its long tongue rolls out, you grab it and you swing it around. It wraps around its neck and you pull and it goes
Its eyes burst out of its skull as it pops and this sickening crack as the neck snaps as this demonic force, the life goes out and the darkness fades from the cavern, the magical darkness. The stench drops, still smells foul.
But it seems that all these four lizard creatures and this frog all had this horrible stench that they were exuding in life. Can we see? Is it still magical darkness? No. Is that a drop? It drops. I am using the last three of my sorcerer points to restore a third level spell slot. Okay. You channel your sorceress origin and you...
You regain that magic power. I've just been doing it. You look in and you see as the magical darkness drops, you see the light from the remaining bits of sunset catch on rubies deep into the cave. Remove all the rest of that. Wait, this direction? The whole thing? All of it. Get rid of it. You look ahead as you walk forward, the magical darkness dropping. You see a massive chamber open up
- Is that a double-headed turkey? - I'm not gonna lie. I kinda see breasts. - Oh, no. There are definitely breasts in there. One has two nipples on the areola. - Giant he-mean tits. - Not actually. - Get out of my head! - You see as it narrows open up again, it's a huge chamber. As Professor Asim says, "What a dumb kid, he lied to me!" And he pukes onto the ground again. - What is this?
I will explain. You all step in. I think I know. You probably do. As you look in, you see a large cavernous space that opens up and splits into two smaller sides. On one side to your right, the glint of light catches a beautiful massive pile of coins. Gold, silver, platinum, copper.
Maybe even an Electrum piece. I'll immediately admit it was not what I thought it was. Okay. Wait, what is it? Maybe even a what? A massive Electrum. He made a joke. Electrum is a piece of currency that no one uses. Electrum doesn't use any ventures, so they're actually not Electrum. It's a joke. So 10 coppers, 1 silver, 10 silvers, 1 gold, 1 gold is 10 platinum. Where does Electrum come into play? It's 5.
It's in between gold and silver. So I guess they added electrum to try to make like, making change. Electrum is a real thing, but it doesn't exist in Evantris. It was a joke. I hate electrum. It was a joke. And so you see a massive pile of coins and strange trinkets, occasional weapons pointing out. But then your gaze is drawn towards the thing in the other side of this chamber.
A massive statue of this horrible black stone, almost oily, just to look at. As you see that it's carved into the effigy of a horrific looking beast sitting with its knees up. Oh, those are supposed to be knees.
As its knees are up, you see a creature that has a massive simian torso. Let's just see what happens. With two large heads that seem to be in the shape of mandrills. Yeah, I see it now. And each of their eyes is a glinting red ruby. You see the creature with its knees, however, is not ape-like. Rubies. Rubies.
It's a red gem and its knees are pulled up, are not however ape-like or simian at all, but saurian, dinosaur-like, reptilian, scaling with clawed toes. You see arms that seem to start as with the shoulders like apes, but then extend out and split.
I don't like this at all. No, this is not cool. And a tail that arcs up behind and splits into two almost like two snaking snake tails. Does this look like a creature or like a statue? It's a statue of a Southern Pirate. It's very clearly a statue. It's not a chimera. We shall see. Professor Asran looks in and his eyes go wide and he immediately starts stepping forward. What is this?
Professor, Professor, I've warned you before. We can't risk anything horrible happening to you. Of course not. I appreciate it. Let us go first, Professor. We can see that... No, no, allow the Professor to go first. It ends right there. It ends right there. I would like to be in front of the Professor as he moves down. You do that.
It's your chance in one campaign. That's right. I'd also like to move up next to... This will be a bargain. Actually move your pieces where they should be. Well, I'm going to hang back. You can do what you'd like. But I'm going to hang back because... Hey, EG Mitchell. You're good here, Miggy? I'd also like to note to the healer and the team that I'm quite rough. Even though I didn't take any damage in that fight.
been hit by. - As you take this time to investigate, you all enjoy a short rest. - Oh, sweet. - You can use your hit dice how you would. - Do we show the temporary hit points? - They don't heal, short rests don't heal. - You can use your hit dice. - A short rest allows you to-- - There's nothing we haven't explained. - All right, so here we go. - Damn, please. - Rich, master rules, what do I do? - Okay, so your hit die is a D8, so you have a certain amount of hit dice, so when you go to your short rest option,
there will be a number of hit dice available. I would recommend everyone just use all your hit dice. So here's the idea, right? At this point, if you need to heal, just use them. But...
During a short rest, hit dice allow you to heal. You can use any number of them, yes. You can use any number of them. On a long rest, you gain half of them rounded up back. So the idea is on a short rest, it's a way for you to heal if you don't have potions. Because you're taking the time to rest, steady yourself, right? And everybody's hit dice is going to be different based on your class, what your constitution modifier is.
But if you need to heal at this point and you've never used any hit dice, you might as well top off. So, rolling a d8... Do you cap hit dice? So there are... The amount of hit dice you have is your level. So we are all level 6. You have 6 hit dice.
And Monk's, their kind of level of constitution is a D8. So mine's a D10 because I'm a paladin and I'm a little tankier. So you have six D8s to roll during the short rest to heal up. So roll a D8 or two or three, and for each one of those... Don't mess around. Everyone just use all their handouts. Because the idea is that you're going to regain half of them rounded up.
Or I rounded down each day? Uh, rounded down. Half of them rounded down each day. So at this point, we've been adventuring all day. We're getting close to the night. If you want to metagame it, you know you're going to get a long rest soon, provided you survive. You might as well top off. They ain't going to do you any good when you're dead. Everyone should go into this fall. I would just like to point out that Krah has not taken a single point of damage today. Just wait and see.
Not a single hit. Professor Azran walks up to this statue and he stands about 15 feet back as he flips over a blank page and he begins to sketch this thing. This craftsmanship is unlike any culture or artistic ability I've ever seen before. It's beautiful. While he does that, I ponder a lot.
Don't you think it's odd that Vaz at the beginning sensed a great dragon here and we have yet to encounter it? And when have we ever taken anything that Vaz has to say at face value? He was right about the fiends. Was he? We just encountered fiends. To be quite honest, we don't know if someone with draconic blood would give up the same kind of...
Well, I think he also knew they were in, like, towards the temple. He could not locate the direction. He just knew within a mile. I thought he did. Specifically the direction, he can tell within a mile whether there is one. Okay. Acknowledging what G says, I would like to further inspect the big pile of money. As you begin investigating, make an investigation check. Okay.
Are you going over there? While he's going for the money, I'd like to fly around the room and see if I can tell anything around the walls and the general room. You fly around and you see that there are small holes kind of pockmarked all around. The stone of this chamber is wet with sea spray and ocean. And what was that?
I got a one. A one. Nice! So you roll around and you start to kind of dig through a little bit and you start to see coins, handfuls of coins, and then you hear a loud roar booming out from behind you. Great. And you hear the flapping of wings beat.
Professor Azran backs up behind you. "What was that?" "Keep away, Professor!" "This is the G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G
as a completely shades the entrance of this narrowing of the passage and you see a glint of bronze as the final rays of sunset catch on the bronze scale as a huge bronze dragon enters the chamber. Who enters the lair of Kassogos?
And you look, and you see it as the dragon enters and surveys. I got curious. Greetings, Kassigos. My name is G. Firebloom.
You're an extremely handsome dragon. Can I- can I immediately cower behind Willow? These are my- Put me in front of the professor. These are my traveling companions. He's coming from this way. Oh, I apologize. Oh, well then I'm cowering the completely wrong direction. I'm cowering directly in front of the dragon. As you say that, it looks at you.
As it tilts its head. The lilt. It has a strange lilt to it. Are you fucking kidding me? As you look as this massive bronze dragon very clearly. No, Flan. As sprouting off the side where its head is looking at you, you see almost as very easy to see from the anatomy of a dragon where a head would normally come is a scarred
if the head was severed. We all see this. You all see this. Can I begin to scream? You may. No! No! No! No! Even for the horrible bronze dragons, this is not right! No, this is not right! He's got a great battle scar. I don't know what you mean. No! And I am fucking booking it. I am like...
"Good dragon! We've heard much, sir! We've heard about your wonderful great deeds!" His head thing is very obvious. It's absurdly obvious. It looks at you. His eyes narrow all over you. "The great deeds, yes! But now I've found sacrifices to Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons!"
and it lets out a massive roar. I'm gonna roll for initiative as it lunges towards you. - Oh my god. - And with that-- - Initiative is the worst. - Natural 20! - Hey! - Yeah! - Not for me. - Oh, I've been getting-- - Well, still, I'll roll. - I'll roll Tyler. - I boo for Rich. Boo! I'm kidding, I'm kidding. - I'm gonna roll initiative for Tyler.
He gets a four. He's gonna wish you had it. Twenty to twenty-five. Nope, not me. Twenty-one. Fargren, you're first. Fifteen to twenty. Nineteen. Fifteen. Nineteen and fifteen. What do you got? Nine. Ten to fifteen. Nine.
G got a 9. I got a 9. And Vaz got a 4. Yeah, 4. What did you get? Apologies. 15. 15. G, Vaz, Vint is what you get. 8. 8. Holy shit. Yeah. He's above Vaz. Yeah, I'm before Vaz. He's here. Vint is here before Vaz. And then with that, I believe I have my... So the Hezru and the Chogodites are done. I'm putting them in count.
And with that, I have my bones for the bathroom. And with that, I'm going to... Barroom. Got a 20, Craw, you got a what? 19? Yeah. Oh, fuck!
Goddammit, who goes first? After Bargrim. Oh, wait, who's over there? Oh, Bargrim. Okay. Bargrim. The... Bargrim, as this dragon looks at you with a melted head, seeing where its natural head would emerge is a horrible, scarred wound.
This other head looks at you with wild eyes after calling out that you would be a sacrifice to Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons.
Do you still think that it's just a battle wound? I mean, does Bargain honestly think that? Is it obvious that it had... Well, not now, obviously. He said he worships a demon. Okay, all right. But obviously not now. Is it no longer the dragon's head? Is it a different head? Well, that's what we don't really know. It looks like... Biologically, there would be a head coming out of this normal thing. Where there would normally have been a head is now just this horrible, scarred...
Point. And... If it would have been severed. And then out of the side is a... The bronze dragon head that you're looking at. So I will say what you... So he's still got a head. You are dealing with imperfect information. But he's not headless. Correct.
But he's got a head and he's got a spike coming out of his... No, it's just a little... The head is tilted. It's coming at an unnatural angle. The head is growing with this horrible scar where the natural head would look like it would be. Right, right. He has this head growing out at a weird angle. Okay, got it. Yeah, okay. Got it, yeah, yeah.
This is my turn? Yes. Okay. I am going to... Yes. Look at him and say, I see what's up. You've been corrupted, some good dragon you are. I pick up my book that's hanging from my desk. Let me console the Dama's throne. A demon and a dragon all in one. Oh, this will be a glorious day. Do we know if this is an ancient dragon?
I would say you can make IntelliJ at advantage. I'll wait to enter. Okay. You...
You'll be sorry that you crossed Bergrin Ironguard. I will bring great glory to the Dwarven people this day. Casting is my bonus action to cast my Oath of Vengeance channeled Divinity with a Vow of Emnity, and I now have advantage on all attacks against him. And I will stand in front of the Professor, in front of G, just standing there. I'm within 30 feet, right? Yeah, totally. Okay.
So I'm going to whip out... Oh, you gotta move one up to me. Do I? Move me up one, please. I will take javelins off my back, and I will chuck two javelins at him. A 21... Hits. And a 14. 14 misses, 29 does hit. All right, all right.
Yeah, five damage. Five damage. As one javelin clangs on the side of the other one, however it finds a person, it pierces the scales and does not seem to do that much damage. As this massive beast looks at you and is unable to do anything with their reaction. With that, it's its turn. No, it's not its turn. It is...
Pardon me. As it's a later action turn, as it lets out the Come, servants of Damagorin! And you hear a sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Oh dear fucking god and they slip Triptophobia or whatever it is Yeah, your holes pierce no hole the beast is a part of me
as they all slither down to each of you. And we're just gonna get a quick, both of the bites are gonna hit, all attack all at once. And with that, I'm going, where are my sea serpents here?
Did I miss much? Nope. We are going to get Willow first with a 13. Miss is on Willow. It's going to miss on Ventus. We are going to get a 14 on Crawl. That's a miss? Miss. We're going to get a 13 on G. No, miss. Bargrim.
Okay, here we go. On boss it does hit. As both of the heads clamp into you, dealing a good amount of damage as I attempt to figure out what the fuck I'm doing. Okay, here we go. That is going to deal 8 points of piercing damage. Constitution saving throw, please. 10 plus 13.
13. You manage to pass, you're gonna take half of this damage. 8, 10, 13, half of the 13, so you're gonna take 6 points of poison damage. As the Venom seeps into you, you manage to do this a lot of it, but you do manage to resist it. And that is the lair action. And with that is cross turn. So I would like to do what you suggested, intelligence at advantage, to see if I know if this is an ancient legendary dragon. Yep.
Just straight in. Wow, I rolled an 18 and a 19, so my int is going to be a minus two, so 17. 17. I would say with what you know about dragons, this dragon cannot hope to...
Be amongst the ancient dragons that you know. It seems to be an adult. Okay. So with that knowledge, I'll say nothing. I will cast a mirror image upon myself. Got it. And that's my turn. So after gaining that information, and you also see, however, I'll give you this bit of information, that it seems to be moving a little bit slower.
With this check that seems to be moving a bit slower with not the same ferocity that whatever has been done to this creature has weakened it a bit. And then Crawl turns himself- you see multiple fucking Crawls appear in the same space as him. And Willow, you're up. I'm going to... You're not telling us that it's not an ancient- No. Here's what I'll say. If it was, Crawl would have been screaming.
To run, run, run, run, run. Right? So I don't feel the need, right? Yeah. At this moment. It's not a... Hey, guys, it's Chill. It's not instant death. Yeah, gotcha. I missed a little bit of it. Is this...
dragon obviously dead? Like an undead dragon? No. It's not undead, but it's been corrupted by something. And it's not a fiend, it is a dragon. It is a dragon, but it's been corrupted by something. The king of demons, we can assume. The prince of demons. By Demogorgon, the prince of demons. Lulula, you're up. I'm gonna toll the dead on the one that is behind Vintas. Okay. It's a wisdom saving throw.
13. That fails. It dies horribly. You hear the tolling of the bells of the harvest as both heads, their eyes pop out and it falls to the ground. And you can please push those aside towards, yeah, keep those all in that pile. And then for my bonus action, I'm going to cast my spiritual weapon. Yep. And that is going to show up on the one in front of G.
Kill this thing. Yep. Natural 20. Oh, fuck yeah. The scarecrow holding the sight slices both heads off the serpent and it slides down. I forgot I'm moving...
Professor Azran on layer action. And so he's like, oh, please protect me! And he's going to run towards the pile of gold moving 60 feet. That fucking shitter. Jesus. Fuck this guy. Into the gold? Yeah, he's going to try to dive into it. He's going to screw you. He's going to literally screw you. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Is that your turn? Yeah. This makes me change a lot of how I feel about a lot of things in Prime. And with that...
He beats his wings and is going to use two lair actions. It would have done a lot of damage. He's doing a legendary action. Oh, what? Welcome to boss fights. As his wings beat and he moves his full movement to be in between both of you. So move. I can move myself and Willow. Let me see how you do.
Wing attack. Sorry. You can move half his movement, which is... Pardon me, I'm sorry about this. So he can move 40 feet. So he can move... Yeah, that's definitely... He gets hurt. Yeah. So he's directly in between all of them. Half his 40. Half his 40. Yep. Holy fuck. And he flies towards you using two of his legendary actions, but now... He should have done that earlier, but I'm not great at running boss combat. With that, it's Jay's turn. All right.
These snakes are certainly no match for us! Bagram, you remember the old Ghost Arena shuffle? Oh, how could I forget? I'm gonna fly up into the air and onto the dragon's back.
You do that as you fly up with your wings effortless and you're fucking like 85 feet of movement and you land on the with your talent you try to land on the back of the dragon. Are you doing a dive bomb attack? Hell yeah I'm doing a dive bomb. Are you taking notes? This is how we took down the green dragon back in the old days.
Ghost Arena days. Out of character, I literally can't wait to get eaten in one bite. Skywarden attack. And I fly down with my Skywarden attack. Can I? Swag.
15. 15 misses. Okay. As you bring your core set down, it misses and clangs off the natural armor of this dragon. Okay. Well, okay, okay. I attack him again with a core set. Hmm. Hmm. 17. 17. That will hit. Okay. Cool. Woo.
And you can still roll your D6 Barely, very barely Jesus, my D6 For the sky attack damage Oh, okay Plus the orange die This one? No, that's not a D6 The Q This one, gosh Nice
11 damage and I would like to spend a ki point to attempt to stun this dragon. That's correct, you do that. It's going to use one of its legendary resistances. Oh for Christ sake, fuck dragon. You break death's horn on its head as it uses one of its legendary three resistances as you smash it and it looks like it's going to knock it out and stun it, but it
channels this horrible bullshit power of boss fights and Dungeons and Dragons to not get stunned. But it only has two left. So... That's value. There's value there. Yes. Well, I only have... That was only my actions. You still have your bonus actions. Does that spend my ki point? Yes. Oh, yes. Yeah, absolutely. Using legendary action is crazy valuable. Okay. Uh...
I will follow up with an unarmed strike then. Now I'll spend a ki point to do another unarmed strike. How many ki points do you have?
That was a... Oh, uh, six. That was a key point. Yeah. So I have four left. I have four left. I'm just curious. 17 to hit as it whips its tail off to use Lendor Action to hit you after you... It's 17 to hit? 17. Uh, 18. It doesn't hit me. That's fine. Also, welcome to Mikey's eternal frustration. I'm using my good... Only my good die today. Mike still... Mikey has boss blue balls. I actually... I actually... Agility of the wind.
and I float like a leaf. As it's going to turn, and you've all strategically placed yourselves. I don't know what you mean, dragon. As it is going to turn to be in the line of both Bargrim and Vos. As it breathes in, and you see the crackling of lightning around its jaws. It opens its massive mouth.
It literally goes and a massive line of lightning. Does it kill the two guys that are standing there next to it? Well, there's one. It fries both of them. I've already made that decision, so yeah, great.
I bet. I'm great at boss combat. I fucking bet, Mike. Well, actually, the snake's also fucking done. God damn it! So, this is on fucking point tonight. Willow basically killed us. The two-headed snakes are immediately evaporated as both of you make dexterity saving throws. You fucking shits!
I got a 22. That's going to be good. 22 as well. Oh, that's great. But you're still going to take half of this. Which is fine. You're like one level shy of evasion. Yeah, really? I think seven is evasion. Seven it is, yeah. Dex check, you say?
Evasion complete dodge? So the idea is that at least for rogues and probably monks, if you pass, you take no damage that happens. So dex saving thirds are my favorite. As Vandrus. 39 39 40 41 51 54 points of lightning damage halved.
27. 27 is this massive line of lightning blast out. You both take half that. You're able to dodge it, but it fries you. Vintage drop.
I would like to shoot... I'd like to shoot this snake. You do that. Shortbow. Actually, we can probably get everybody. 17. 17, that'll hit that snake. You fire the bow and it flies in, it pierces the snake, pins it to the ground. 7 damage. Plus...
If this is both heads lull and die... So time out. So from what I... Well, it doesn't matter anyway. But the idea is that at least my understanding of rogues is that if there's another enemy to that rogue within five feet, you're good to go. Now, I don't know if arcane tricksters have something different, but the idea is that if you have an ally, so if the enemy of my enemy is within five feet, you still get some attack damage.
But we can talk about that. Yes. It's dead. So that's why you always look for teammates who are engaging the enemy you're fighting, because you get big attack damage. And then I would like to fall back and sit next to... Six. You can say Krah's name! I would like to fall back and sit next to Krah. For the Krahs.
Krah's name is Krah! No, the Krahs. There's more than one right now. That's true! Oh, yeah, yeah. You go run and sit next to all the Krahs. They're just shifting and moving. All four of them. As the dragon, uh...
I don't even remember his name. Calgus or whatever his name is. Casagos. Casagos. I can't remember my own fucking names. Thank you, G. Thank you, G. Casagos. It's wings beat. I need the three of you to make a dexterity saving throw for me. Who's the three of you? Me as well. G, Bargrim, and Willow. Is Mace within ten feet of me, would you say? Yes. Add three. Do whatever you roll. Nine.
Oh, that three's gonna be valuable. It's still fine. 13. Might be okay. 20.
Oh, fuck. Who, me? Mother. Oh, good. What?!
Master Victus, why do you bring this to me? May I reaction? All three of you may reaction to... As prone? Yep. Oh, I didn't know that. We're just disadvantaged. Okay. We're not? Really?
I'm sure. Pro-Wing, you're still able to do crazy-ass shit. I would think if Vandross was laying on the ground, he'd still be able to stab a motherfucker. Yeah, he would be able to... I mean, you're literally just giving him... He knows. His arm is fucked. He knows exactly how to hit somebody, even if it's on the ground. Yeah, all right, all right. I like the rationale. I like it. I just didn't know. What's the... If patient defense allows me to take the dodge action, that's not a reaction, huh?
Patient defense would be, I don't know how patient defense works, but dodging actually means that everything against you is at disadvantage. You're basically getting ready to dodge anything. Barker. I got a... I probably get 16. 16 barely misses. 17 is the AC, which is very low for an adult dragon, but still, it's high. G? What? I'll give you that. If you want to.
I can opportunity to attack now? You can opportunity to attack the dragon. It's flying away from you towards the statue of Demogorgon. Even though I'm prone? Yes. Not to be that guy. Anzeroth is saying that all rolls prone are disadvantage. Oh, that's fine. Yep. Page 292, he even cooked the pig. Got it. There we go. I'm just saying. Thank you, Anzeroth. I'm just saying. Thank you.
Well, I rolled an 18 and a 2. Yeah, you failed. So everybody misses. The dragon flies away as your pro. Thanks, Andrew. With that, it is Vaz's turn. Thank you, Anzera. I apologize. Vaz, let it rip. Come on. All right. You're right. This is a man of tackles. I apologize.
What is the Darius for? So you can stand in that because it is literally an ethereal thing. It takes half your movement to get up. Okay. So if you need to stand in the one, you can. Do you remember how many hit points I took when I was thrown off? 16? 16. I thought it was 16. 16. Okay, I'm going to say 16.
You weren't able to fly like a wing? He couldn't fly while being... Well, the idea... It was an immediate... Right, the idea is he's... It was a massive wing attack that buffeted them with this... Question. Would I be able to use protection from evil and good against the drag? How does that work? It's... Yeah, but it says... Uh...
Dragon is not one of those. So it wouldn't be considered a fiend? It is not a fiend. Despite being corrupted, it's still a dragon, but it is just a brawn dragon that happens to want to eat you. Got it. I'm going to... I'm going to do a snaring strike. Okay, you do that. Zach, your glaive wraps around with a vine. You get ready to slice in...
- All right, so turn. So I'm gonna roll the-- - Go for it, first one. - AC 17. - Just so it's easy. - That's four. - Plus? - Plus nine. - Ah, you missed. - So it's 13, and then I'm gonna go again, I guess. - Yeah. - Four, yeah. - And I missed again. - Okay.
And that's it. So your blade is still wrapped with vine, but you're not able to hit it. And it is going to look at you and bring its tail down hard against you.
Where is my d20 that I'm using this natural 20? Oh, no. Gotta give it up. For the DM! For the DM! For the boss! Yes, wow, great. I'm probably dead, right? No, you're fine. How much health do you have? Out of character. 25. You might be in deep shit. I rolled low. I already got hit for 27. I was going to say, yeah, it's possible. You might be in deep shit. 16, uh...
19 plus 24. Oh, that would put me at 4. At 1 health, literally 20, 24 points. Welcome to the claw meme from last night. The tail smashes down, hits you, you're not able to dodge. The last of his legendary actions are used and it smashes into you. He's got no more legendary actions? Correct. Actions. Why are you saying it like that? What does that mean? Just to explain boss fights, right?
So a big boss like this on initiative count 20 going after players. So it's anyone who's 20 or above goes before him. He gets something called a layer action. So he gets to do once per round of combat. That's everybody going once, right? You think of the layer as the field. So that's where he's at.
So that's when he brought out all these guys. He got one lair action. He also gets a total of three legendary actions. He can use a legendary action after somebody else goes. So he could say, oh, I'm going to go after G. Or, oh, I'm going to go after this guy. Or I'm going to go after that guy. Somebody said, can we use a legend? A twist of fate? We have one left. Yes, we have one left. So you get the ability. So a boss gets the ability to have three.
three additional actions, four if you count his lair action, per round. He also has something called Legendary Resistances. The first ones he gets every single round doesn't matter. Legendary Resistances is where he can automatically succeed on a saving throw, so if I tried to bane him and he failed, he could use a Legendary Resistance and he wouldn't be baned. So I waste my spell,
And he passes automatically. But if he only gets three of those, or depending on the monster. Generally. Generally three. Right, you don't know. These are things you can only generalize. Yeah, he only gets three of those for the entire combat. So you wasted one of those, that doesn't come back. The legendary actions do, and the lair attack does. And I'm telling you right now that I'm going to master these three legendary actions, one of the legendary resistances, one of those has been burned. Yes. Okay. Okay.
With that, it's Bargain's turn. And even with all that information, you cannot trust anything he fucking says. I will run up, seeing that Vaz just got totally fucked and is probably barely hanging on. Can you run me up to within... Can I get within five feet of the dragon and five feet within Vaz? Yep. Okay. I will run up. You're adjacent, adjacent. Let's see here. I will say...
I will tap my... Actually, no. What I'm going to do is I'm going to say, Oh, dragons messing with demons. You'll regret the day you made that pact. And I want to cast Raffle Smite on my great battle axe. And I will attack in. You do that. I don't know what that does, but you do that. So that's going to hit.
17 easy? Yeah, and then I believe I fail... I barely fail on the second one. Okay. I don't know what Wrathful Spite does. So the first hit, so you have to make a Wiz saving throw. Wiz, 17. It passes. Passes, got it. I want to deal an extra d6 damage. So 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 10 damage.
Ten damage as you slice his head, dealing ten damage. You still smite it? I did, I did the damage, it's gone. But if you would have failed, you would have been frightened, basically, until the spell ends. With that is the lair action. You see that Prozor Azran has screwed McDuck in even further as a little while.
you hear a lot of rumbling of clouds as everything around you, the massive cloud, appears around this bronze dragon. I need all four of you in that general area. Craw, yep, to make a dex saving throw, please. I like dex. Hold on. No, no, no, don't fuck me. Don't you fuck me, Mike.
Yep, dex. Thank god, 19. Passes. 19 as well. Pass. Nine. Fail. Pass. Oh, so only bargains. What the fuck? Why would I do this? This is definitely very tough. 70 points of thunder damage and you're deafened.
As a loud "WHAAAT" Hey, boom, thunderous boom. So, in which thunderdame, you can't hear shit. I-I may be deaf, but I can still hear the sound of my own rage and hatred! Well, I can still feel my beard burn! Crawl. Crawl, you're up. Um, so, uh, with that, um, I'm...
I am illusioned. I've got my, sorry, what's it called? Yeah, Krah's mirror image. And Vint is in front of me, so I turn to Vint. However, I need to make a snake attack on you real quick. Okay. Which is? So the idea, here's what's going to happen. Each time a creature targets you with an attack, I roll a d20 to determine whether the attack instead targets one of my duplicates. Make it roll a d20. So I have to roll a six or higher.
An 8. So it targets one of my duplicates and the duplicate's AC is 13.
So it's less than my AC. Natural 20, and it destroys your duplicate. So the duplicate bursts, and that's it. And you've managed to barely avoid both these two-headed snakes chomping in. And that's that. So with that, I turn to Master Vint, and I say, Master Vint, this is no ancient, legendary dragon. We can do this. I wouldn't steer you wrong. I promise I have your back. And I cast Haste.
on master bench. You do that. You feel his tiny hand touch you and feel the haste as you kind of hear music off in the distance. As you feel like this fast-paced jazz music plays in your mind and you are ready to go. And I'm going to move six away so I will take an attack of opportunity. From the snake. That was still one snake. It fails. Wait, you mean it just misses? What did it get? It got a two plus.
Got a seven. Okay. Because the idea is that I either roll for it. Eight. Got an eight. Either way, it misses, so I think it's fine. Yeah. All right. Sorry. Okay, cool. Can I use a legendary action's will or your up? Oh, it's not going to use it? It's out. It's out. It's used all three. Yeah, this is so good.
I am going to channel divinity, and I am going to utilize my preserve life, and I'm going to grant 15 HP to Fargrim, and I'm immediately going to grant 15 HP to Dee. He has a healing spell, and Willow knows that, so she's not worried about it. Get far!
I don't know that. You didn't tell me that. So that's that action. And then for my bonus action, I am going to use Healing Word on...
Vaz, and I am just gonna chant to Shantaya and steal him 1d4. What do you guys say? Did you get up? Um, so it'll be... You say it right here, Shantaya. No, I don't need to get up. I mean, I will. As you channel, all of you feel, or the three of you feel the glowing warmth of... 12 hit points for you. Actually, the cool sensation of a pleasant autumnal night on a stroll through the Harvest Fields.
And you all enjoy some health, whatever the fuck that is, I don't know. And G, you're up. Oh, I'm emblazoned by the autumnal fires. I feel much better. Oh, Jesus.
What can't you see? Are you blind? I can't see my freaking character! I apologize, I misunderstood.
Stand up, and that kills half my movement, right? Yes. Yeah, you can stand me up. Sorry, my fault, my fault. I apologize. I'm just trying to figure out my stuff. It's a lot to do. There's a lot of stuff. Our characters. Sylvie looks nothing like that, by the way. Not anymore. Not anymore. We're going to get new Prime minis. I'm keeping that one. Well, you should definitely keep that one. You're not going to get a new...
You don't even... I can't stand Hero Forge. I hate the way they look. No offense if anyone from Hero Forge is watching. I'm actually shocked. I think they look awful. To each their own. You have to like your mini, right? And I've looked a million times for more minis that were what I wanted. Would you ever just prime her and repaint her? No. She's my OG. That's the conversation for a minute. I apologize. I will...
So you use half of your movement, but you have a shitset of movement, so you still- Oh, I can still get up to him, but I'm already counting. Sounds like you're bragging. Fly up. Yeah. I'm not bragging. No, I'm not moving up to him. I moved where I wanted to be. No, no, you didn't move. I'm saying you literally stood up and didn't move. I moved one square. I moved one square up into a line of attack on the dragon. Ah.
And I will cast Phoenix Punch. But if I were to punch you like 20 times, you would die. You see...
You see one talon clench and go to its hip, go to its hip, and the other talon clench, and go to the other hip, and then he, all his body, wait, his hands swirl with flame, and he punches out a phoenix flame, it merges, and he punches, phoenix punch. Where is G from? Yulon. Oh, Yulon. Yeah. Yulon.
We're from Yulong, we're proud murderers, and we don't even care. So Yulong, he's Banshee Pepper, let me tell you. What was that? What? What was the DC? 15. Oh, uh... I would absolutely devastate a crowd of two heads for about 30 seconds. That's a 9, and he's not going to use his... Okay, it takes 15 fire damage. Oh, wow. I'm like, maybe an eye, or maybe a tooth. Maybe a tooth.
I then use the rest of my movement to fly up on him. You hear, as this phoenix emerges from his face and singes the dragon. Roar!
You are nothing compared to the Sibilant Beast! And he gets singed in the back, and you fly up to him. And that's your turn. It's his turn. Well, I still have, like, way more. Oh, you do? Yeah. Because I suppose there's one action that I can second-action attack, right? No, you can use the attack action. To do the unarmed strike, you have to use your action to take the attack off. Can I bonus action unarmed strike, then? No, so to use the bonus action...
As an unarmed Shrike, you had to have used the action, your action to attack. But don't I get two attacks in my normal action? You forego them if you don't attack. So instead of attacking, you cast a spell. So there's a difference between casting a spell and the attack action. So I don't get a second attack and I can't bonus action attack if I cast a spell? Correct. Well, I will fly right back. What you should do is just fly up to him and attack him.
I can't attack him. You have a bonus action left. So you can spend a ki point to dodge. I don't know if you want to do that. I apologize. I misunderstood. I'm saying instead of casting the spell, you could just fly at him and attack him. If you wanted to. I would say it's fine. But it's up to you guys. I don't want to... You're learning, right? So...
But no, if you were casting a spell, I would not then approach into death range. Yeah. But those are just my two thoughts, and that's it. I'll cast a spell and then...
What are the other? What are the other powers? You can drink a health potion. You can drink a health pot. I'm a literal full health pot. You have two greater health potions. I thought we had regular. Oh, you have two regular. My apologies. Please let Nikki use these fucking things. They're fucking awesome. Yeah. Two health potions. He's already full. I'm full. Drink it anyway, you bitch. How do I find out what are like other potions? So go to actions.
And then if you scroll down to the bonus action section, so you can't attack or flurry of blows, what you could do is do patient defense if you wanted to get the dodge action. You can use step of the wind, but you don't really need that, and you can't do the unarmed strike. So really, you're... Nothing. I'll chill. You can dodge, but, you know, you probably don't need it right now. I'll just hang tight. And turn.
I saved your message. Got it. Um, I am going to read this message real quick. Quick break while our DM reads the message. Okay, so, uh, I will, uh, the dragon looks at you and it's going to use, uh, its horrific, frightful presence as a lilting head and lets out, like,
Demogorgon will consume the world! And everyone needs to make a wisdom saving throw. Is this against being frightened? It is! Great, well I'm not scared. DC 16. I got a 17. Natural 20! Natural 25! What's the pass? 16. With my minus one, I tie. That's the pass.
I pass as well. You 10. So Vaz is this massive dragon, rears up with his lilting head. It's where the original head was severed off. It looks at you and you are horrified. That's horrible sight. You are now frightened for one minute. You can make the same throw at the end of each turn.
And then it's going to make its attacks. At the end of each round? At the end of each of your turns. And we'll tell you what that means for you when we get here. One bite and two claws is going to lean in for a bite against you, Bargum, because you are quite the tanky boy. Wow, tanky boy. You've got to be kidding me.
14. Fuck yourself. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, no, no, no, no. It's a make-a-call against you, boss. Oh, no, no, no, no. 18. I lunge my shield into the way of the attack. Disadvantage.
Natural 1. He eats shit! He eats shit! The claw looks like it's gonna slice in, and it... hits the... Clang... What's your gut's name? Clangin' in silver, man! I'm gonna turn to you, Vintas, and get an 18 on the claw.
Oh shit. 18 on you. So he's gonna slice in on you with your claw. Hold up. Oh no, haste is plus two, 18. Yes, yes. That's what I'm saying. 18, yeah. Yeah, no, it doesn't hit anybody. See? Business, you're off. Let's get this over with. Can I disengage from the dragon by flipping over the snake and attacking the snake at the same time? You may.
You can attack the snake with your action. But I guess my question is, why do you want to disengage from him? You can just turn around and attack him. Yeah, with your melee range. I want to disengage, flip over the snake, and attack it while I'm flipping. You do that. With your bone area. I was wrong where your head's at. With the green flame blade. Oh, you do that. Oh my god.
Ooh, the green flame! That's nice. That'll help. Your blade erupts into this green flame and it slices the snake in half and both halves get incinerated in this green flame as you completely- Yeah, and then I wanna- My fuckin' man. No, I don't wanna move back. Oh, okay. I wanna shoot him with the bow and arrow. Okay.
Okay. No, no, no, I don't want to be up there. He didn't quite do the Vandross mini the justice I was hoping for, but that's okay. 15 missives as you fire and it plinks off the natural armor. That's 40. With that, it's Vince's turn. Whether he's going to do a legendary action, and he is going to... I thought it was another legendary action. No, it's his turn again. Oh, oh, oh. It refreshes. What?!
All of them? Every round. Every round he gets three. That's how bosses are balanced. Get the fuck outta here! Action economy, Fred. See, we're learning. Now I'm learning how to fuck you with boss battles. So let me ask you a question. How has this boss battle felt to you so far? Easy, medium, difficult?
I'm just saying get ready for nipples to be twisted like off your body.
That's all I'm saying. Prepare for that kind of pain. Alright. I'm just saying. Legendary actions 21 points of bludgeoning damage. We have a lot. That's not king shaming, that's what I live for. And max damage. It smashes into your tail. Voss, you're up. Voss.
So he is frightened, so we have to explain to him what that means. So you're disadvantaged on... And you cannot willingly move towards the dragon. But you already made my attack, so you can still attack. Yes, you're just at disadvantage. I'd like to move away. You can do that for sure.
Okay. I'm going to move pretty much directly back. You won't be out of range, right? And so we do something... Do you want to attack first and then back up? Nope. Okay. So we do something... Normally a potion would take your action to drink. You can drink a potion as a bonus action. You do have two potions, so I would recommend if you're feeling wounded that you drink a potion. Agreed. Okay. Is that...
So that's your... Have I used the bone section? No, you have not. You can attack twice, back up, and chug a potion. I can back up, attack twice, and chug a potion too, right? You could. If you'd like to use the long bones, 100%. It'd be better for you to attack twice with your blade. So you do that. We'll say you attack first twice. Roll two d20s, and you'll take the lowest. Two disadvantage.
DC is seven, er, AC is 17. He still hits. He still hits. Roll damage. Um... He's not very damaged. Jesus Christ. He's not very damaged? Who's he? We haven't really been attacking him. I mean, I've been buffing everybody else. I hit him for max damage. Get your dick out of your hand and do something! I tried! Oh, it's true. Um...
I hit him with my Phoenix Punch. 14? Get the fuck in there. Be a fucking man. Be a rogue. That passes. Is your wisdom plus 3?
Yeah, so it should say... Yeah, yeah, Strength saving throw. Strength saving throw you did? 14. 14. It managed to be revived, rip out, and it managed to rip out, and it succeeds. Okay, one more attack. Vote roll to your 20s. Did you give your damage? Yeah, I took it. Roll vote to your 20s again. Tyler? Hazard? Hazard.
Uh, we can only get six is the lowest, so fifteen? Fifteen, that's his. It's like, you're then able to back up, we'll say that's fine, you back up. And then, if you're doing a potion, you get to just unclog it and drop that out. So we were gonna- This is fucking awesome, I've been waiting for this for like four years. Three. Five. Five points of healing as you chug this little shitty potion. And, uh- No, it was a beautiful potion, you fuck. It was a beautiful potion. And so with that, it is- It's a beautiful potion.
As the tail floss smashes down towards you. Bargain? Bargain.
Does he resolve fear? I thought you said he resolved the... Roll the saving throw at the end of your turn. That is going to be a 15 to hit. Use a secondary legendary action to miss you. Roll a saving throw against the fear. Wisdom? Passes. Passes. So you are no longer frightened. Everyone is now immune from fear of Casper. Oh, nice. I will... So he's backed up already. So back him up.
It was a regular healing potion. Yeah, that's fine. So, I'm not really going to... So what I'm going to do is I am going to, as a bonus action, I'm going to say, Dragon and Silverbeard, use your divine power to protect me this day. And I will cast...
Shield of faith on myself. You're clanging. You're protected this day by clanging on silver. And then I would like to... I think I'll stay... Move me one over towards Andy and Reed. You do that? No, no, no. One that way. Oh, the people. Yes, yes. I apologize. Uh...
I would have taken a bandit ride. Just one time. Yep, good. And then I will stand there and I will pump all 30 points of healing from Lay on Hands into myself. Okay, you place a hand. You feel protected and you feel the power, holy power of the plan of this lord will heal you. And once again, Akatsugos is going to use his legendary action to hit you.
And that is going to be a 23 to hit. Barely. Tail attack. Let's see if I can roll minimum, and I do, of course. Seven points of bludgeoning. Okay. Yep. Goddamn it. Okay, that's fine. With that is monsters won. As once again, he lives up to...
Join me, servants of Dabogorgon! And these snakes slither down on each of you. Just one on every single character. So, yep. And they're all going to make their tests. Not good. That is going to be a natural one on Bargram. We are going to get Horribly Miss on Ventus. We are going to get a natural 20 on G. Oh, great.
Where are you, you little sneaky boy? That is going to be... Out of character bargain, how much health do you have? Ten points of piercing damage. Con saving throw. Con saving throw.
Six. You fail, you take 15 points of poison damage. In addition to the 10 I just took? Yep. Jesus. As the fangs sink into you, we're going to... Va is going to miss on Willow.
Brent, get a natural... Oh, wait, no. You gotta roll a natural 20. I have saved up on you again. Holy fuck. So if I get... Alright, hold up. So you get six or below, right? No, now it's eight. Now it's eight. I have to get an eight or higher. Yeah.
So it targets one of my... So I am now down to one mirror image. One mirror image. And then on Vos, that's going to horribly miss. That has saved me fucking twice. And that is going to... From two crits. That is going to miss on everybody. And with that, it is cross turn. So knowing what I know, and I am going to...
yell, "Bargain, get down!" and Krab begins to shake because he can't contain the energy and he launches a fireball at the dragon. Hitting about here. I would say that you'd be able to hit far enough away that it would only hit him. I'm trying to get number three too. I would say that'd be fine. Okay. So, dex saving throw from the dragon and the number three.
Dex saving through on the dragons at 20. Number 3 is Incinerated immediately. So that's going to be 25 points of damage. 27 points of damage. 27, which is 13 points of damage. A fire damage, which takes in full.
- No way. - Yup. - Good to know. - He is a bronze dragon, which you know is lightning of variety. So he takes all damage but lightning at full. As the fireball erupts, incinerating the two-headed snake and blasting it, despite Casago's managing to avoid a lot of it, is still taking considerable amount of damage. And with that, it is Willow's turn. - I am going to cast Bless.
On... Bargrin. Um... So Bargrin... Um... Yeah, I guess Bargrin, myself, and, um, G. Because we're the only ones within range. You heard? Bless. You feel the power of Tontia walk over your head. Okay.
And then as my bonus action, I'm going to whack it with my spiritual weapon. It slams into it. How much healing was that? It's not healing. I'll tell you what it does. 17 AC. Yeah, it hits. I rolled a natural 19. You got it.
11 points of radiant damage. Force damage, force damage.
And then with Bless... The Scarecrow slices him on the side to take full damage. So with Bless, up to three creatures, that would be us. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number roll to the attack roll or saving throw. So for the next minute, which would be six full rounds of combat... Ten full rounds. Sorry, ten full rounds of combat. Every time you go to attack, you roll a d4 and you add that.
And anytime you make a saving throw, you roll a d4 and you add that. As long as I keep concentration on it. So it helps you hit and it helps you dodge. Alright. Well, I hit this motherfucking snake. It's a goddamn face. Make sure you put a d4 in there. Alright, well, I'm going to do this first. Alright, I'm going to throw the d4 in the house. Ha ha ha!
Come on. Alright. 6 plus something. 8, 12, 14. Missed the 17, it's the 8. No, no, no. I'm a little guy. I'm a little snake. Oh, you're a little guy? A little snake, yeah. You smash, you crack it and it just dies. So minions, if you've learned by now, they have one hit. So as long as you hit, they die. Make sure we keep it all in the same space. Okay. In the same pile. Alright. Alright.
I fly up to the dragon right next to the bar. Shoulder to shoulder. You do that. One more dragon for the pie. That's right. And I use my second, I can use my second attack action now. Yeah, okay. Wait, wait, wait. Natural one automatically. You don't get to do anything else. I use a bonus attack. Okay.
- 18. - That'll happen, that'll happen. - 21, get fucked, 29. - That'll happen. - Okay, I'm just saying, that's a 29. - Well, there's a d6. - Unarmed, yeah. Two plus-- - You flew in a straight line, so add a d6 to that. - Five, okay.
plus three eight since I'm like two plus five seven plus three ten and I'd like to attempt to stun
You do that. You attempt to do that. And it uses secondary legendary resistance. No, that's good. That's good. That's worth it. That's worth it. That's worth it. It looks like you're going to once again stop it. You're burning that shit, right? You're burning it. To pull it back itself together. With that, it's turn. And it is going to see if it can retarget its breath. It is not. So with that, everyone's immune to fear. It's not going to do that.
Why not? It's gonna go in for a bite on Bargrim. Just fuck Bargrim. And it's gonna be... An 18 to hit. That's fine. Claw on Bargrim. 20. Got it. G. 21. Definitely. Reaction.
14. It does not. It is part of the shield. He gets a cut. Okay. This is Silverbeard once again saves. Green Flame Blade the snake. You do that. Make an attack roll.
11. Plus? 11. You hit it, and as you're-- you're supposed to slice this sea snake in half, and your green flame incinerates both halves, and it is killed. Alright, then I want to run forward and also green flame blade will grab you. You do that. My man. Come on, motherfucker, yeah! Yeah, you hit that shit, yeah. You get sneak attack damage, plus screen blade flame blade damage.
Jesus. Okay, so green flame blade is... Probably... Plus five. Yeah, let's see. No, no, no. 1d something. Probably 1d10. It's definitely...
It should, but... 1d8, maybe? Yeah, 1d8. Oh, okay. My guess was 10. That's how little I use it on Mandrake. The sneaky tag is 3d6? Yep. Yeah. And then my regular tag is 1d6 plus 4. Just roll them all at the same time. Let them rip, baby. Good roll. Good roll. 4, 8, 11, 14, 15.
18. Nice! Good hit, brother! 22! Rogue Brothers. As you are stabbed in deep intruders, Dragnol's arrow roars as the flames singe at scale. It is looking bloody at this point. With that, it is going to swing its tail down and smash on Juventus.
You have +2 AC. Now he doesn't have it. And it's 14. Oh. It dodged out of the way. That was bonus for a 4-up. That is for a Bosra. Ah, whatever. Bosra. That was somehow bonus for something, wasn't it? For attacking rolls? Did you do that? Yeah. You rolled E4 when you attacked. You did. Oh, I did, I did, I did. Yeah, you're right, you're right. It's gonna be, uh, 15? 15 hits. You slice it in half. And it collapses to the ground. Can we move it to the same pile?
Who went next to Vaz? To read you guys. Vaz, you're up. You have one more attack.
Why don't we put them in the same pile? Like, I just always afford them. They come back. The lair action is to say, hey, I summon all these snakes, we reuse them. There's also a really great clip of Salt Bay Zombies on our channel.
Look it up. Yeah. You can switch weapons, I think. Depends. You can drop your glaive and pull out a longbow. But you need to drop it. He left his longbow back in the other chamber. I would say you're pretty sure that that's correct. So you drop your glaive onto the ground and you pull out your longbow and fire. Just next round you have to pick it up.
- Which takes, yeah, it takes time to do so. - It would be a free, so you would have to drop your long, so dropping is free and you get one free object interaction each turn. - So you can drop your longbow and grab your wave again and run in. - But then it would be back there, right? - Right, you just have to keep in mind that eventually at some point they catch up to you, right? Those actions catch up to you. - I'll just do the bonus action. - Okay. - Do that. You chug another health potion. Your last health potion-- - Come on, baby, yeah, chug, yeah, knock, yeah, come on, shake it up.
and with that the tail slams out again on you ventus vincis looking nice 18 that's a full heel double force i have 18 you dodge out wait so what do i do yes but he has plus two for paste no no 18 is the time 18 ties which means beat it so you smash it and you almost beat it but you are unfortunately able to dodge the tail still looking pretty rough uncanny dodge
Yes, you can take half here. 20 points of blood because there are 10 points to you. Wow. It smashes down. You may as a dog. You all right? Take some damage. Fine. That's my first damage this fight. I will. Oh, yeah. Name that song. Yeah. Attack twice. Hits.
Hashtag blessed. Ooh. South Ohio Pants. 10-11. It's the same company, though, however. So, swearing is correct. Thank you. Squeenix? Squeenix. Nice. Finally. 13. 21 damage. 21 damage. Holy shit. Okay. Okay.
And then I will take an action to down a bonus action. So you hack and hack as these dragons are... Maw the Sibyl and Beast, Amagorgon, Prince of Demons!
will corrupt all of you and swallow the multiverse! As it seems, his lilting head is roaring out, echoing a new target version. What's this one? I believe it's going to play... It's going to do the last legendary actions too. That is going to be 25. That does indeed hit.
13 points of blood, you know. The tail smashes down on you.
And with that, it is monsters one. And so, because last turn he used his snake business, it is going to... A massive fog cloud erupts around everything that's heavily obscured in a 20-foot radius. Can we get our 20-foot radius around the dragon? And everyone in that is effectively blind. What about the creatures outside of it? Outside of it, it is heavily obscured, so you're going to be disadvantaged.
You can't see into it. Okay. Correct. Okay. That's Lares and Craw, you're up. Seeing this happen, Craw would be extremely worried about Master Ventus and attempt to Chaos Bolt the dragon. How does it work? Well, I mean, it's just an attack roll. I made an attack roll, so it's a disadvantage. Your blast is a massive target, so you know where he was. Come on, baby. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Four. Plus seven is eleven. Eleven. It misses. The chaos fires out and hits the wall of the cavern. Cross is where he is. Okay, he does that. Willow, you're up. Fuck, that feels good. I am going to... Well, my spiritual weapon's right there, so my spiritual weapon's going to attack. Yep, I know. Sixteen. You're blessed. I am. Eighteen. It hits.
Barely. Yeah, we'll do that. Nice. Max damage, right? Who's at 3? 8? 13. 13 points of force damage for my spiritual weapon. The cirgo slices in spite when you fall in cloud.
And then for my bonus action, I am going to... The answer was a Super Mario RPG, by the way. I didn't know that. It was Squeenix. Yeah, it was Squeenix. Didn't know that. Excellent song. Speaking of Squeenix, this is also Squeenix. Yeah, I'm going to Word of Radiance. You do that. So let's say Khan saving throw against this guy right here.
Is it like a range? That's going to be a 14. It comes out from me. I'm gonna fail. So he's dead. So he's going to take... Oh, this thing. Yep, yep, yep, yep. He fails horribly as the... As both heads get sinked by the radiant light of Trantia and fall to the ground to edge you. You're up. A fog cloud is around you. Everything, you're blinded, but you know there's a massive dragon in front of you, but you're going to be disadvantaged on your tackles. Oh, okay.
My disadvantage on spells? No. Well, it depends. If it's the spell attack, then yes. Right, if you have to make a normal attack roll on the spell, then yes, you're disadvantaged. That's what just happened. But if he has to make a DC, then no, it doesn't have any impact. And if you have any air stuff, you might be able to, as a bonus action, you might be able to clear some of it, but I don't know if you have any bonus action here. Who cast this?
Dragon. That's what I thought. It was a lair, actually. Just making sure it wasn't my boy Master Vint over here. Not this time. I've learned from my mistakes. Do I get the sense that it's similar to the...
Obscurity that Vint used in the middle. It's identical. When the forest went against the goblins and the elders, you didn't see chat. Yes, it's identical. It is a fog cloud. I would like to use gust of air just my gantrip. That is an action, by the way. That's when people attack. Oh. I mean, but that's a team player activity.
There's nothing wrong with doing that, you just don't get to attack. Or it only clears right, like it doesn't... But you know that the dragon will also be disadvantaged as well if you keep it. So, as a dungeon master, it's up to you. It's up to you. Okay, okay. I'm just gonna attack him then. I'm just gonna attack him with my core staff. Disadvantage with your core staff. So that's two d20s. Take a lower. And add a d4 as well. Oh, and add a d4 because you're blessed.
6, unfortunately. And then add an E4 to it. 7. 8. 15. You missed, unfortunately. Okay. Follow-up. Sorry. Go ahead if I can. Follow-up with second attack. 7. Okay.
Come on. 11. 11, 19. That hits. Okay. That hits. D8. My quarterstaff. Nice. 6 plus 5, 11 damage. 11. And bonus action. Punch him again. Oh, wait. Actually, I'd like to try and stun him one final time. Yeah.
He uses his final legendary resistance again. I learned all of my key points. So here's the point. I know that it's hard for you to understand as a first-time player what you've done, but you have done more for the team than probably anybody else. You smash your head down on its skull, and it looks like it, and through the fall... It's hard to fathom because you don't understand. You haven't done this enough where you get what that means, right? He's looking rough. Yeah.
It's important. It's important. Bonus one final action, a last attack against him. You do that. Unarmed. Disadvantage. Disadvantage. Nine. Plus d4. Plus. Nice. Three, twelve, twenty. Full damage. Which I think is six. Nice. Plus five, ten.
Yeah, Mace has been shitting damage. He is looking rough. It is now his turn, as he has disadvantaged his own Fog Cloud. He knows that he's protected, but he's also not able to see all of you. And he's going to lunge forward with a bite attack against you. That is awful. That is going to be a 13 to hit. Is it Persona? 13. This is Undertale. 13 to hit. Mace is horribly... The bite hits you. It's going to claw both Ventus.
17 18 okay and then once again a barber for five every neck he misses everything so the business you're up all right I'm just gonna do green flame blade twice good that cuz yeah I've been doing that's good 22 that hits yeah so roll all your shit yeah roll roll your next disadvantage back if you're doing it twice so he may as well roll em both yeah
- 16. - 11 plus, 18.
So just roll all of it. I'll give you some d6s, brother. How many do you need? From one rogue to another here, motherfucker. I just moved one, I believe. That's it? Yeah. So sneak attack, two green flame blades and two... No, two green flame blades. And then you'll add whatever you add. Plus eight. Alright, so add eight to that. Yeah, baby, come on! Feels good to roll lots of dice, though.
Okay, so 7, 9, 15, 17... Plus 8. Plus 8. 25. That's good. For two attacks, that's good. I'm gonna do this. My fucking man! Oh my god! I wanna cut off his head. With the green flame blade.
You do that. As the, as through the fog cloud, you raise up your sword, igniting it in this green flame. It dissolves the fog around you. You see clearly this lilting-headed bronze dragon, and you leap forward, and you slice into it as the flame singes its scales and flesh. You cleave harder and harder and harder, and like in a fucking anime, you go, Ha!
And you slice through. You all see Ventus as you all turn forward. You see the original. You see a gray skin pulling all of his energy as a figure with these large dark eyes and gray skin flashes for just a moment and then shifts back to human and shoots.
The blade cuts cleanly through the head of this dragon and it lops to the ground. It does roar and collapses to the ground in this lair. You have slayed a Kassagos. And gotta give it up. Gotta give it up.
Master Ventus, are you okay? Flip that motherfucker over. I love you, Mayo. Thank you, Mayo. Thank you. Are you sure you didn't mean to donate that to a different stream? LOL. That's going to be a wolf for me, dog. Master Ventus, are you okay? That was amazing. I'm very okay. I'm hyped.
to read what Velveta said. Mem is a scrub. What is GGWP? I take it GGWP does not mean good game, white people. Uh,
No, just... I don't know what it means. It means good game well played. So you'd normally say it after League of Legends. I think that's where it originated with GG. It's literally ancient. Yes, it is ancient. I know GG was. I would say even like StarCraft, like earlier than StarCraft, maybe good game well played. It's just like origin gameplay talk.
GGWJ. GG actually shipped you from GJ, too. So, Professor Azran peaks his head out of the pile. Is it dead? Yes. You! You! You are even less courageous than Grog!
This is why I pay all of you! That's right, he's really paid us for. What do you expect me to do? I'm an archaeologist, I'm a professor! This was not right! Did you know this was not right? I did not have any fathoming that a bronze dragon would attack us in its own lair! That's unbelievable!
A bronze dragon should be good and benevolent! I've heard that Cassegill's was a good omen of sailors! Did anyone else notice it seemed to have the same neck lilt as those of Garm Smith? Craw! Craw noticed! Craw noticed! I walk up to where, um, uh, Vint severed its head and I inspect its separation. We are not safe! We are not safe, Crassus! We are not safe!
13. 13. You look and you see as if despite Vincent having severed the head, it looks like biologically from this dragon you see that it's very clear that its original head had been severed before you ever fought it.
And that this new head, lulting out from the side... No! Completely different head. No, no, no, no, no. You can tell that his original head had been lopped off and the head that you had fought was not the original head. No, no, no, no. Cross, this is not right. We are not safe. We need to go. Since when did Drakki have two heads?
Since... since never! No, no, I turn towards Master Vint, and I'm kind of shouting at Willow. No, no, friends of Crow, we need to go. No, Master Vint, Miss Willow, no, we cannot stay. Professor, have you gotten what you needed here in this here ruin?
would very much like to come back. No! This beautiful statue, but I... I... We need to destroy the statue before we leave. I don't think we have the power. Do you think we have the power to destroy it? I believe I certainly do. I agree with Smelly Dwarf for once. Kral agrees. Kral will give everything he has to destroy the statue.
We should certainly destroy this statue. This foul fiendish abomination! This is not to be... We must hang it down! No! We must hang it down quickly. And you see he'll announce a regret. His eyes are wide. But look at the oily stone. It is unnatural. In a way that...
Can I use your discovery if I bring him back? Bring me grace for now. Can I use my chain to just slap him? You can. You can, absolutely. Make a persuasion check advantage. How about that? Oh. Doesn't matter. The green hand snaps. It's a very natural play. He killed it. Oh, got two people. I got a natural play. His eyes, his eyes.
I will pull out the war hammer that is on my back.
and put away my battleaxe and I will just start to just wail away on it. And I would also safe distance try to use acid splash try to melt the stash and melt the stone like wear it away.
I'm gonna I'm gonna give him guidance you do that you bless him and I'm a successful attack rules uh mine mine is unfortunately a desk 15 save trading on bless so it's gonna be it's gonna be 2d 6 plus 4 yep everyone else you're guiding a 10 I just 10 points of acid and with crawl a channel in and you see her and
As you hear faint music as he... And acid sprays out of his hands and it drops onto the... As I shake my fetish. And you smash in and this strange fetish dances almost as he's...
So I made four attack rolls, three are over 20, one's like 17. I want to go back to the entrance and take a rest because I'm still feeling pretty rough. You're feeling very rough, Austin. The entrance of what? This room? Yeah. I'll go back out to the outside. Well, I'm not. I don't have many attacks that would impact a giant statue. I'm just continuing to
Ponder over the dragon. Okay. Ponder over the dragon. Vintas, you're the last one. Yeah, I'm gonna go over to the professor and, like, lead him out of the cave. Okay. You grab him. Maybe grab some gold. I'd say... Shasty motherfucker. Making an investigation check. Uh, yeah. Advantage. How about that? Bingo. Almost. Big one. So close to another 90-20. Yeah. Five, 24. Professor versus...
Well done, Mrs. Perhaps we'll... And he pours... He's pouring heaps of V-Coins... This fucking guy. ...into his briefcase. You have no idea how much... They pour into it. Just wait, you guys. As they pour in the gold V-Coins... I haven't trusted this professor. He closes that. The middle room here. And he grabs... Well done. From the back of your ear. Even cry!
Even you, Krah! Even the fools of Krah! The acid blasts blood in Krah. Willow and, uh, Bargrim are focusing. You're chanting the power of Trantia, blasting both these creatures. The acid singes, the oily black stone seems to wither, and you see a crack form, and then Bargrim, you...
And your massive warhammer hits a crud. You hear a loud crack as it splinters. And then two massive rubies roll into the cave as the statue of Demogorgon, the prince of demons, is destroyed. Are these rubies magical in any way? No. Please. I agree. These are probably most foul.
I was just wondering if anyone could check. No, no one. No one. Please, please don't touch them. However, I will help myself to that pile over there. I don't want to walk over to the gold. I suggest being careful. Crosses, be careful. And I'll very carefully put gold into my pack. No, no, no. You, so much as you can. And if there's ever a reason to play these characters again, you will enjoy a magical item of your choice at the next...
That does not forebode well. And you pour gold and you get the occasional thing as you pour as much as you can into your pack. And to answer Shatner's question, his briefcase is a bag of holding as well. Which you can insinuate, but we did not know. Well, he called it a briefcase of holding. He did. He did. He did. But you don't hear us, right? Did you steal that idea from us?
I would never do that. Do you know that this, my briefcase is actually a design of my ancestor, Clayton Asram. As he mentions it, as he walks, do you have any idea how many threads, and I'm like, I'm full Charlie. No one has any idea. Some people have some idea. Wait, we're all leaving. You're all leaving.
Master Ventus, now please wait for crime! And you see Sketching as he's stepping back, looking at the statue. Rune! No! Come on, Professor! I wanna stay within five feet of him. You stay within five feet of him. If he lags behind, I'll fuckin' pull him forward. So we're all moving as a unit. Would it be reasonable at this point to tie the Prince of Demons to the god
Faustus of Engansment? Why? Why do you say that? I'm curious. Because the wilted head of the dragon... But what does that mean to you? Are you just making leaps in logic? Well, no, the wilted head of the dragon...
had a scar and he worshipped the demon and the statue of the demon was in his lair and everyone in Gonsmith had the same look I'm not saying I'm not saying it wrong I'm just asking you to prove it you would imagine that their human minds would just perceive a god
Maybe. And the might of a dragon would recognize it for what it is. I'm not saying you're wrong. Well, that's just why I'm asking if it's reasonable to connect the two. I would say that it is. You'd have to be a fool to not see the connection between the lilted head of the dragon and the lilted head of the humans. But, but, as far as Foltis goes...
Whether or not they believe it and whether or not you have no way of knowing, all you know is that every single human except for the children of Gonsmith have had the same malulted head. Which, seeing that the dragons had its head cut off and reattached, we would assume is what happened to them. Right. There's a connection. You don't know how you, you have no idea what kind of leap of logic would happen. All you know is that they had a similar head lint to the dragons.
So the point is, we don't have any proof, but it would make sense that you wouldn't think of that. He's not saying that reattach is the right answer. Okay, exactly right. I think we should go back to Gonsmith. Agree! Agrees! Agrees! But I just want some shoes, and my beard burns with vengeance. This dragon has raised a great many questions in his worship of the demon prince.
Azran, I think draws us back to... Was it Azran? Azran's the first. The demon was Demogorgon. Oh. If you want to change your things to all of our normie friends... Stranger things. Stranger things. Or non-normie friends. Or to our non-normie friends. The demon prince Demogorgon should draw us back to... Gonspip. Gonspip for further investigation of the townsfolk.
We need to get out of here right away. Agreed, agreed! Christ does not want to stay any longer! So we... I assume we all quickly just leave, go back up the cliff. Professor Azran's eyes linger on the ruined... No! ...pasture as he sketches in his eyes' lingo. What could have been achieved? Fair point, all of you. And you all make your way back through the ruins.
the marsh following the path of the Swarm of Bloom. I'll say that you camp. You have to take a full night's rest. You all enjoy a long rest in the marsh. You're not attacked by any trolls or snakes or sturges of any variety. You enjoy a long rest through the camps. You arrive the next morning at about 11:00 AM. - Back in the town. - Back in the same entrance that you left from.
You arrive and you see the same truffled gate. The strange gaze in the lilted heads of the humans that watch you. Strangers to their town. What are you doing? I don't know where everyone plans to go after this. But Kra has several ideas. Kra is looking for things.
And might be able to suggest where we all go next. Where might that be, Dracidras? Well, well, I'm glad you asked. Krah's glad you asked. I miss the swamps. And there are several swamps not far from here that Krah would like to revisit. While we're talking, I'd like to see if there's a...
soul villager near an alleyway I can grab and pull into the alleyway. We're going there. Alright. Alright. I'm going to duck the villager into a dark alleyway. You look around and make a perception check for me. As you say that, Krah, as G looks around, Professor Azran shakes his head. Perception, you say? Yep. You've all done more work than you know. 23. 23. I... My plan...
My path lies northward. The great green dragon, the Thera the Proud, that has terrorized the Vareen Hills has been slain by the great hero, Dobro Sharkbane. My eyes lie north. I've heard there's untold treasures in the great green dragonborn ruins north. Treasures, you say? Treasures that may lie north and who knows what we'll find. You've all...
Have you served your purpose here? As long as we make it back to Hanzhou first, I plan on stopping at my office, gathering a few things very briefly, and heading north to the Vereen Hills. A new town has been erected. It's been entitled Pridefall. Fitting name for its foundation. I intend to learn even more about these ancient Dragonborn, and maybe these things will make sense.
And I'm sure I'll be able to become a world-renowned archaeologist at the end of all of it. That is what I intend. I'd like to cast Zone of Truth on the Professor. You do that. He fails catastrophically. Or he could choose to fail. He chooses to fail. Okay. Oh, Karaki, do you not trust the good Professor? Something's been off about him since the center room. When he saw murals on the wall. Professor...
Yes, Vos? Is there something you're hiding from us? I intend no. Treachery. No secrets from any of you. I see great archaeological finds. Great impacts into the world, into Evangelion as a whole. My line has suffered greatly. My father, his father, his father, his father, had a passion that has led them to their doom. Something I...
choose to finally break, make a true dent in archaeology and history and the event as a whole. And I plan on making an impact on this world in a way that no man or woman could even dream of. That is my dream. His eyes widen. He smiles genuinely. Not a lie is told.
Knowledge is power. It's true.
And the more puzzles solved, the more knowledge gained, the more power gained, Bob. I intend to solve many puzzles in my lifetime. I intend to gain more knowledge and in turn more power. But the power of knowledge cannot be mistaken. How long does Zone of Truth last?
A long hour at least. While everyone is talking to the professor while he's in the zone of truth, I want to lean in towards Vint and try to persuade him. Do I still have a citizen in the alleyway pinned against the wall? You look around. You're looking around and you're not able to find any individual citizen in the alleyway. Damn it.
Master Vint? Now is the time to ask about the book.
I was going to ask about the book. Or I was going to say that I want to continue south where I heard rumors. Are you sure that was your idea? This is a completely original thought. The book? What book? Well, you're from Anzu, right? You heard about the great necromancy theft. I did. The Rivendare School of Necromancy, yes. Yes, I'm looking for their book. The book? Of course. I'm looking to return it.
Why do you look to return it? It's been years since it was stolen. Years when... No, don't even look at him. Don't even fucking look at him. It was reported that it was a doppelganger that had broken in. Maybe a changeling. My goal is to prove that it wasn't. How...
How can that be so? It was first reported by Lord Nagilda, who's an incredibly lauded student of the Academy. And our chemical secrets within that book to enhance the power of necromancy are untold in that book. Why would it be anything? I don't understand. Professor, he asked where the book might be. I do not know. If you join me,
Maybe we can find out. You are still in the zone of truth, right? You are. 100%. Master Vint, it sounds like he has told no lie. Does this affect everybody in the zone? Yeah, is the zone... Can somebody step into it? It's gigantic. It's huge. If you choose to, yes. Is it a 15-foot area? Yeah.
So it's 30 feet across. Master Vint, it sounds like we may still have business with the professor. I concur. I agree. Wherever you go, Master Vint, I will follow. Perhaps we should make our way outside. And as you're looking around for an individual. Yeah, okay, good. You see the lilting head in the gate. Is it Obadiah? It's freaking Obadiah. Father Wilbur Randolph. Oh!
And he steps forward. This motherfucker. He's forward. Well done! You have survived. Step into my sl- The ruins and the marshes. And you see... Individuals behind him. One, two, dozens...
Behind him as they're all walking towards you. Dozens? Dozens. Jesus. I don't like their eyes. I would like to sneakily use Mage Hand to rip his, like, collar. Yes! I can, like, I can use my sleight of hand to make it invisible. And his Mage Hand can be invisible. Oh! Fucking get it! Do it. Do that shit, man. Nineteen.
He does not notice what it comes from. What are you intending to do with us? I want to rip his shirt off. To see if it has a scar. To see if it has a scar. So the invisible force stops him in his tracks, rips the collar, and as his robe is opened up, you see...
Where a neck would be. Oh fuck. A horrible scar. Oh fuck! It is hailed Lilt. It's the demon! It's the fucking prince of demons! Now I can... He looks at you. Almost, he continues to walk forward. I can trust all of you now will observe the one true way of Foltus. And you will join us. Cast Hold Person on him.
Wait. How does that work? How close is he to us? He has to make a wisdom saving throw or he's paralyzed. How close is he to us? He's about... What's the range of the whole person? 60 feet. He's exactly 60 feet away. Damn. As you step forward and suddenly he rolls a 5 plus... He rolls an 8. He fails. And he steps forward as you will join us and...
You have seen too much, so you have seen the one true- as he steps forward. He is held. He was about to tell us we see the one true God. It's the prince. And then all of a sudden more and more individuals start to walk towards you. I saw something say. Join us. And they all grab their collar and pull. And you see the scarred original neck wound of every single adult.
I dart behind him, I sneak because I'm a halfling, and then I just run. And Professor Edgman's like, we should get out of here, and she immediately bolts after you. I'd like to cast Pass Without a Trace on all of us. You do that, self-punishment on everyone!
as immediately the number of one and every around every corner join us that's 40. join us how many how many of them are there roughly hundreds okay hundreds and hundreds of the gunsmith natives all start to begin walk toward you so quick question i'm just curious the past trace how does i mean like
We're standing in front of them. You are running. You can attempt to dodge out of sight behind an alley, but they are popping out of every alleyway more and more. So we get Demogorgon, the Sibilant Beast, the Prince of Demons. The point about it is we have high stealth. So like for me, I can jump behind someone high and then skitter off. You guys, we do need to resolve this. No, this is important.
Because you fucking killed it. You're gone. We can, you guys can, with Pass Without a Trace, like, jump behind something and then sneak off and it will be harder for them to figure out where you went. We can't literally vanish in the middle of the street is my point. Correct. They have your spell. No, I'm not saying we're going to. You cast it and so if you attempt to try to find something, but every single area you turn
That's fine. As more and more their lilt starts to increase, increase, and they start to then book into a run as they all show their wound. There is beauty in the madness of Demogorgon.
The Prince of Demons, join us! The one true path! Let's go, Dory! I turn to Reed's character and I say, Miss Willow is gone! You are my only concern now, Mr. Ventus! Master Ventus, I will protect you! Let's stick with the professor and get out of here. Is the professor with us?
Everyone is booking it out and you see numbers of individuals as they're appearing from every corner as you are all booking it through the town and they are all, uh,
barely out of range as some of them are wearing hoods and they cast their hand. They glow with the same horrible dark magic that you've experienced, but you're just barely out of range as you are sprinting through. What are you guys doing? I want to be flying with the party and then crash in the ground and disrupt the earth behind us and then, like, scorch forward. Like, fly forward. How does that work? I mean, it
It's Mold Earth and it becomes... I don't know, are we on a city street? You are now in a town street heading back towards the salt marsh from where it's you came. If it's relatively narrow, the street just behind us becomes...
Difficult terrain? Yeah, the ground becomes difficult terrain. You see G take off far faster than all of you. His bright red wings radiating as he flies behind you and you see a swarm hundreds...
of these lilted-headed individuals. From his point of view, he can see. From his point of view, you can see now far hundreds now booking into this gate as they are shambling towards you. Join us! Join us! The sibling beast, the prince of demons, there is beauty in the madness. Join us, the one true path!
and they're all screaming this cacophony of screaming. As you dive bomb down, you CG smash down, your hand glows with this green energy. As soon as you hit, the earth is fully disrupted. As you then leap back up and continue to fly with the group. What else? Is that it? All I'm doing is running behind Master Mint. Okay. That's all I can do. I'd like to attempt to hide with that disruption. I would say all of you make a stealth trap with this, the, whatchacallit,
Oh, I think I already did. Yeah, make another one. Make another one. 19 plus... What is stealth? Yep. So I would be at 34. 34? It's plus 10, everybody. 26. 17, unfortunately, with a natural 1. I got, like, a 23.
Willow. I'm not with them. No, she literally booked it in the first. Oh, so you're gone. Yeah, I dodged behind you. You are dodging. You are at least a good 60, 100 feet up. They don't even see you as you are gone. You're long gone.
as the group you manage to dodge up out of the way. The shadow enshrouds you. She gets more than 30 feet away from me. It's her own thing. You all dodge as you feel as you run up. You feel something tug at your wrist. All of us? Just you, Willa. Something tug at your wrist. And pull you as you roll into the tall grass. And as all seven of you
roll into the tall grass, you then see the shambling gate of hundreds of natives of Gotham Smith run past where all of you are as you realize that Professor Asmon is clutching your wrist, clamping a hand on your mouth as all seven of you hide in the tall grass. And the thundering footsteps of the wilted gates of these individuals rush past you until quiet returns.
You roll silent. And eventually, you make your way slowly through the marsh. It is a very long journey away from the town as you eventually make your way out of the salt marshes, away, leaving Gonsmith behind you and all of the lilted-headed residents forever. Let me survive the shadow over Gonsmith.
And that is where we'll end the session.
Thank you, Mike. Thank you. For an incredible session. Thank you. Gotta give it up. Thank you, Mike. And thank Mace, Tyler, Thank you to our new players. Gotta give it up for them. Good job, guys. Fuck yeah. Excellent work. Very, very well done. I want to DM for this group again. These characters are fucking... I now miss... It's been 30 seconds and I miss the characters already.
Thank you so much. Thank you so much for listening to the Legends of Aventress podcast. We hope you enjoyed the session. If you want even more campaigns to listen to, become a member of our Patreon at the Pearl Dolphin tier or higher to unlock Shroud over Saltmarsh, a patron exclusive campaign set on the high seas. You can find that at patreon.com slash Legends of Aventress.
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