cover of episode Once Upon a Witchlight | Ep. 2 | Requiem for a Clown

Once Upon a Witchlight | Ep. 2 | Requiem for a Clown

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Legends of Avantris

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kremily Krew
Madrick Rosloff
@Kremily Krew :剧组身负巨债,为了获得报酬,接受了寻找失踪魅魔导师Zabilna的任务。在前往妖精野地Prismir的途中,他们发现了巫光嘉年华,并经历了一系列奇遇,包括与售票员@Gricko 的互动,以及在嘉年华外发现一只被杀害的妖精。在嘉年华中,他们面临着寻找丢失的门票、与售票员签订契约、以及解决各种谜题的挑战。最终,他们通过完成一个谜题,获得了关于Zabilna下落的重要信息,并与嘉年华的管理者@Diana Cloppington 进行了交流。 @Madrick Rosloff :发布寻找失踪魅魔导师Zabilna的任务,并承诺提供丰厚报酬。 Gricko:巫光嘉年华的售票员,与剧组进行互动,并暗示他们可能被克隆。他提出了与剧组签订契约的建议,并最终帮助他们获得了进入嘉年华的门票。 Diana Cloppington:巫光嘉年华的管理者,向剧组讲述了她与坐骑Sir Cloppington的故事,并通过一个谜题向他们提供关于Zabilna下落的信息。她还解释了嘉年华的规则和一些潜在的危险。 @Chuckles :Kremily Krew意外杀死的丑角,他的鬼魂在嘉年华中出现,并向Gideon透露了一些信息。

Deep Dive

The group encounters a centaur named Diana who asks them to solve a riddle involving naming unicorns to help her reverse a curse.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to Legends of Adventress. What a do. The name's Kremily Krew and you're listening to Once Upon a WitchLight. Here's what happened last time. Fellas, I got bad news. What? We flat broke. Again? A total of 100,000 gold pieces owed to Mr. Krew by end of month. Yeah, how much does everybody have?

We have two gold pieces. You pull it off of the job board and you see Lost Warlock Patron. Madrick Rosloff's Archfey Warlock Guild. My Warlock patron Zabilna has been lost to me for some time now. I am seeking out an adventuring party willing to travel into Prismir and uncover her whereabouts. I can offer grand rewards. Meet me at the giant pumpkin patch to the south of town if interested in this quest.

You found my... Oh, I made that by myself. Oh, it's very nice. Does your green child need a booster seat? My green child? Yes, the green child with the very large dog. Oh, you mean Graco. No, no, no, no, no. This is actually a goblin. It's an adult man. As fate would have it.

The Witchlight Carnival is in town. It was created by Sibilna as a way for mortals to enter Prismir if they wanted to beseech her for her help. Has it already been eight years?

You found yourselves in significant amount of debt when Remigru decided to collect on what he believes he's owed for the, is it defection? Is that the word? Derection. Of one Kremi LaCrue. Yeah. Yeah, sort of. It works. Yeah.

This led your group to take drastic measures, and you, for the first time, did something that you never thought you could. You went to the job board. It was there that you found an old notice for one Madrik Rosloff, a warlock that was looking for help finding his warlock patron, an archfey named Zibilna.

He was offering treasures untold. So you made your way through the swamps outside of Agwe until you found his large pumpkin patch. Having conversations with him, you felt that he might be true to his word. And if you were to make your way to the Witchlight Carnival,

There could be a way into the Feywild, into her realm of Prismir, where you could attempt to find Sibylna and confirm that she was safe and unharmed. That's all he requests for you to have hundreds of years worth of adventuring monies and almost a dragon's court of magical items, gold, and the like.

With your tickets in hand, you made your way once again into the swamps outside of Agwe, heading towards where Kremi believes the Witchlight Carnival to be. It was very clear after some travel that the veil between the Feywild and the Material Plane started to thin. This confirmed you were in the right direction. Some shenanigans ensued, but you were able to make your way towards the outskirts of the carnival.

where the sounds of screaming pierced the jubilant music of the carnival. You found a fae, a fairy whose wings had been ripped from its body. Before her passing, she mumbled some ominous words to you about someone who had done this and that you should be afraid. Prismir was not safe.

She returned to the earth from whence she came, and in a somber mood, all four of you made your way to the entrance of the carnival. It's difficult to look up at the carnival after what you've just witnessed. The sounds echo through the night sky, the sounds of a calliope. The beautiful musics help to soothe the pain in your soul. But looking at this place, the bright colors,

Really, starting off the night hot. It's a natural one.

That's not hot at all, Crimmie. Remember last session I didn't roll above a 12. It's the dice. 17. I cursed them. You really did. 5. 17. 16. I will join you in the 17. All of you are immediately overcome with a sense of peace and calm.

You remember the feeling of holding that poor fey being in your arms, and you know that that was a horrible situation to be in. But that sadness that was lingering on you and clinging to you feels like it has slipped away. And though this is something you remember that has happened to you, and you understand that it was traumatic and difficult, you don't feel that same sense of sadness any longer.

Instead... The shock fades. Yes. Does the curiosity about the mystery of what had happened also dissolve? You're still curious about what happened, and you, I would say, all make a mental note that that is definitely... Those are things to keep in mind. Those are things to remember. They will be important. There is something going on in Prismir. Who is the person that did this to her? But the somberness about you has faded, and you feel neutral.

You look up towards the carnival and you've just entered into this thoroughfare. The ticket booth sits in front of you.

You look around. The first stars of night twinkle above the apricot sunset. Giant dragonflies whir overhead, trailing streamers, and a low mist curls over the ground. Through a floral archway, you glimpse wondrous and vibrant creatures. Elf stiltwalkers, dancing fairies, and painted performers. Everywhere, there is laughter. Pixie dust, bubbles, and the wistful tune of a whistling calliope. In front of you, you see a ticket booth.

A silver statue of a dancing fairy is mounted on the roof of this ticket booth and surrounded by fluttering butterflies. The booth is decorated with an animated depiction of the night sky with shooting stars arcing across it. An elderly goblin perches behind the ticket counter, peering at you quizzically through a spyglass. He lowers the spyglass and calls out to you.

I can't remember what voice I used. And I really want to do Chalfon. I don't think he said anything. He did. He did? He did? I don't even think we got to the carnival last time. Oh, it's me, Gricko. Hello, fellow gold. It's me.

No, my name is Greco! Identity theft is not a joke! Ticket, ticket, ticket! This is real DMing, folks, or you forget what voice you were going to do for your NPC within the first ten minutes of the session. Perhaps you never left the carnival, and this is the real original Greco, and you were cloned and sent out to the world. You're at peace, you're at peace. We're all feeling very neutral.

Hello there! I met a sailor and he said... He said drowning was agony. Hello! Are you talking about Scurvy Dave? Oh, Scurvy Dave! He said drowning was agony. How would he be able to say that? He would have drowned. That doesn't make any of the paradox. I mean, that's a good point. I mean, do you believe anything you hear? Well, you can drown and get resuscitated. Drowning doesn't imply that you have to die. Well, Scurvy Dave also spent all of his time lying to you.

His brain was probably... He wasn't thinking rot. He was... The brain was rotted from the scurvy. Yes. Very sad. But I, for some reason, don't feel that sadness at this time. Oh, yeah. So what I will say is the effect that you're under nullified your emotions. You're not under a perpetual...

You can feel happiness and joy, et cetera. It was just, whatever might have been plaguing your mind before you stepped in, it put you in a neutral state. Would you care to join me in a game of Area 51? We can shoot red barrels or something. You get power-ups from those. Oh, I was going to go to the Jurassic Park. It's like a jeep. Oh, does it move up and down and side to side and roll? Oh, no, it's not that fancy. It's like a low-budget one. Okay, that's fine. I'll still enjoy it.

It's Frost and Gringo on their first date. At the boardwalk. Do you want to get one of those stupid t-shirts that says something beachy on it? I'm with stupid.

I'm walking by the French fry. Oh gosh, I have a peanut allergy. I brought my EpiPen, you're fine. Can we play some fucking games? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We haven't made it to the fucking booth. What a new friend! Hello there.

Greetings, fair goers. You have your tickets on you? Of course we do, my good man. Absolutely, I have one right here. Sure do. This is the ticket you need. Passing my way, passing my way. We're going to have a good time here. Yay! Perfect. Hold on, hold on one second. All right.

Alright, everything, one, two, three, uh... No, no, I swear. Hold on, just give me a second, I do have a ticket, I swear, I swear. No, yeah, no, we just saw it. Y'all saw it, right? No, we just saw, yeah, no, you got, um, Mr. Rosloff gave you a ticket, or saw you put it in your breast pocket. Yeah, I reached out and I started, like, reaching around. You put it in your breast pocket? No, your other breast pocket. I'm checking every pocket. Um, wait. Okay, did I give it to you for safekeeping?

Oh, maybe. Was it this one? I'm not sure this is an in-game joke or not a game. Oh, yeah, yeah. No, yeah, you were back, all right. Yeah, try and slip it to him, see what happens. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, oh, yeah, you get it. Yeah, here we go. Do not do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

What are you trying to say? Oh, children eat free, right? No. Oh. Hootsie. Do we need to buy two tickets? Are you asking about a ticket for your owlbear? Yeah, for children.

That's an owlbear, son. Excuse me, she's my daughter and she's a lovely little girl and she is going to be the princess of the, what was it? The Whistler Carnival. It's been eight years. The Monarch something.

- The Witchlight Monarch? - You think your Owlbear's gonna be the Witchlight Monarch? - No, I don't. - Could she do tricks? - Yes. - Well, she's got a pretty good chance of being the Witchlight Monarch. - How do you hear that? I'm gonna win you so many prizes. - Well, lucky for you, a child ticket is only three silver pieces. - Pay the man. - Can we have one second? - Oh yeah, we're gonna talk. - What's gonna happen if I try to pass this off as mine?

Is my head gonna like turn into a bouquet of roses or something? I imagine he may have magically inspected the ticket and if he recognizes that it's a duplicate and that you're trying to cheat him, he might try to magic you to death. Okay. Whoa, don't do that. Give me that back just in case he bouquets my head. So A, A first of all, A, A, do you remember what happened in the swamp? I turned to pure gold. Oh yeah.

And Gideon broke my jaw! A. Seven. Seven. Seven what? It's A and then seven of all. Seventh of all. Yeah, seventh of all. Seventh of all. So there is, they know everything that happens here.

The carnival can tell what your mood is and what the mood of the whole carnival is. The carnival can tell if you wear a pair of very charming butterfly wings and if you take it off, it's none too good. I don't know what happens. I had to wear them even though I was working a really low-level carny job, okay? You saying we all have to wear butterfly wings? Yes. Don't you want to be a monarch?

Wait, you're saying we have to put a butterfly wing? Yeah, I'm saying that. Aren't you excited? Look how cute he's gonna be in my fly wings. What if it clashes with my suit? So A, seven, monkey paw. All right, look, I gave the ticket back and I can't find mine. We'll just buy them, right? All right, all right, I'm gonna buy. So you go get Hootie, A, and A, a child's ticket. How much money do we have left? Don't steal those same two gold pieces.

I hope that tickets are inexpensive. Monkey paw. All right, friend. We need two tickets, one adult, one child, please. That'll be three gold, three silver pieces. Fuck. I turned to her. Oh, shit.

But one gold short. We don't have enough money to buy you a... Why didn't Mr. Roslock give us some stuff? Or did he just order this magic cloth? Oh, it all looked like a displacement. He didn't give us an advance on the riches besides the cloak and the bean. What if we trade him a bean for it? Oh! Oh, one of my beans. I mean, they're just like worthless beans, right? I mean, I imagine they have some sort of power. I haven't had time to really inspect them. Amazingly, they survived their encounter with the swamp water. Oh.

Those are some magic beans. I'm guessing they're magical beans. Oh, do you think their beans would grow pumpkins? Perhaps. Giant pumpkins. Giant pumpkins. Perhaps they're giant pumpkin seeds. We're going to have to give him something he'll want. Maybe the beans. Wait, do we really not have enough money? And you watch as other people walk by and pay and enter into the carnival. Perhaps one of these other people walking into the ticket booth area would be willing to...

Be a little philanthropic. What do you think? Well, even if they're not willing, maybe they'd be a little unwilling. Wait, then if they're unwilling, then we're not going to get the gold. Well... Hold on. Let me just try something, all right? All right, well, friend, you know, I've looked everywhere. Every nook and cranny, and unfortunately, we only have two gold pieces left.

Would you maybe haggle a little bit and two tickets for two gold pieces, one each? One gold each? I'm sorry, friend, I can't go down on the ticket cost, but if you can't pay the price, you can make a pact. It's only good for one night. Oh, just a one-night kind of pact. All right, well, what's the pact? Well, we'll let the magics of the Fae decide that.

But if you agree, I will tell you, those that make a ticket pact do have a better chance of becoming the Witchlight Monarch. Sounds like a good deal to me. Who do you make a pact? Oh, by the way, I've never worked here in my whole life. Not in that once.

That's great for you, friend. I don't recognize you at all. I don't recognize you, and you don't. You don't recognize this goblin. No, I don't. I don't. I mean, as a goblin, it'd be very offensive for me to say that I do. Just because I've seen one goblin, I haven't seen them all. Does your owlbear agree to make a pact? Well, what are the terms? That your owlbear will agree to make a pact.

The magics of the carnival itself will determine what that pact will be, and as long as your owlbear fulfills that pact, she will have a better chance of becoming a witch-like monarch, and she will not be ejected from the carnival. She will be considered a paid attendee. Hootie, I want this to be your choice. So therefore, I'm giving Fiat to the dungeon master. I know that...

Now she's yours. Fiat is yours. Okay, okay. That's a lot of power, Nikki. I know, but I don't want it. Okay. I don't want it. I never did. She's my queen. Why is it always Jon Snow? I don't want it. She's my queen. Who's safe?

I know that you would like to, I know that you are, this is where we first met, and I know there's a lot of mixed feelings because your tummy was not feeling very well, but Papa came and whisked you away. It's been eight years, we've grown, you're a lot healthier, and maybe we can say hello to Miss Kitty Whiskers if she's still here.

And would you like to make an unbreakable fey pack for the day so you can be the monarch of the feywild? I mean, the witch-like carnival. And I think she will look up enthusiastically and kind of like, what am I imagining with the bear claps? Is that from like a Harvey Birdman attorney at law? And he's also always doing them. Yeah. So I think Hootsie will just do...

Okay, Fae Pact. Hootsie? I would like you to roll a d8 for me, please. Miss, this is Miss Hootsie T. Coochie Grimgrin. All right, and he reaches down and he shakes her paw. Please roll a d8 for me. Five. Good roll. Hootsie must carry around a small pumpkin as though it were a precious egg. Hootsie, we just had all this practice with pumpkin, and this is a small pumpkin.

We just had a big pumpkin pot. No problem. No problem. Effortless. Hootsy, do not lose that pumpkin. We are going to get you. And you will see that as the pact is formed, a very small pumpkin does appear at the ground in front of her feet. The goblin behind the ticket booth takes out two satchels and a map and hands one to you and one to Hootsy.

In that satchel, you look through it and you see that there is a map of the carnival and there's also a pair of, for each of you, cloth butterfly wings. - Oh, butterfly wings. Okay, you can have the pretty pink one, too, see? Did I also receive the satchel? - You do, and so do you, Gideon. - Nice. - All right, so that just leaves me. And you sure you want to take two gold pieces? - I wish I could, but I can't. Rules are rules.

All right, I mean, can you give me any kind of hint about like what the nature of the Fae Pact is? I think I just did. A charming pumpkin. Well, I mean, is it going to be the same?

It really all depends on how the magics of the Feywild twists around you. Well, fuck. Well, can you at least promise me, swear on your mother or whoever else you hold dear, that it will be done after tonight? I can swear to you it's one night only. The moment the Wishlight Monarch is crowned, whatever pact you make fades into non-existence. Eight hours. Eight hours.

Right, this is the beginning of the carnival, right? My-- You are within the first hour, but time is ticking, so if you want your-- I would, I would. I wouldn't know, 'cause I didn't warn you before. It's on the signs outside. Oh yeah. If you want your entry prizes, you wanna make your way in within the next 15 minutes or so. All right, all right, okay. I, Kremlick Krew, do solemnly-- Make a pact with you. Make a pact with you or whoever else. Rhymes are really great. Wait, what?

Well, you could have rhymed that. That would have been really great. Well, that's not really my specialty. Me, Kremula Crew, will make a pact with you. That's a rhyme. All right, well, so I'm making the pact with you? What are you making the pact with? The carnival line, the ticket keeper. All right, well, what to do? The name's Kremula Crew, and I'm making a pact with you. You see that he smiles. Please move the enjoyment token up by one towards happiness. Oh, shit. Hold on. We're going to...

- Over here, the happiness toke tracker, which is we're using. - Little pumpkin. - Little pumpkin. - Oh, nice. - It's up by one, let's go. - Wow. - And you immediately feel, it's almost palpable, the way the energy in the carnival shifts as joy is escalated. And you see the smile on this wizened old goblin's face as Kremi makes this rhyme. He reaches his hand out to shake your hand.

And in doing so, he passes you a ticket. Someone asked why Kremi doesn't have a ticket. Before we go further, let me explain. I handed out the tickets last session and I told everyone, I need you to keep...

the location of your ticket. Make sure you do not lose this. You'll need this next session. I cannot hold onto them for you. It is your responsibility. It is imperative that you know where your ticket is. We sit down and everyone except for Rich had their ticket. And so Rich is paying the price of not having his ticket. - Rich went for a hike, he had his ticket on him, he didn't have any toilet paper. - Ew! Nothing would stick to this.

He regretted it immediately. This is vinyl. Oh, man. He would just smear. And he would get a vapor gun. He's also actively bleeding. Yeah, he's a kind of shark. Yeah. Honestly, that would not be pleasant. You used it more like a scoop, you know? Ew, stop. Please stop. Like shovel? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can curve it. Don't bend it. I worked really hard on these. Well, look, I'm just saying, I think maybe Grickle took mine. Took your what? Took my ticket. I mean, I had a ticket. Oh, you did? You all saw it. You think he took your ticket and maybe gave it to Hootsie?

Well, no, I mean, he had Hootsie make a horrible fake pact, unless it was that dumb. I need you all to date, please. Oh, fuck. Speaking of, what do you think happens if Hootsie shadows that pumpkin? Now that you're accepted a pact. You think it's like you just get kicked out or you get turned inside out? Well, I mean, he wasn't really giving any details. I wrote to Nate, by the way. You must declare your love for unicorns at every opportunity. Ha!

- Fucking love unicorn, wait, oh shit. - Oh no. - I really do.

I've never told anyone that before. Oh, that's kind of cute. I didn't know that about you, Kremi. I mean, you know, I guess I didn't really know that about myself either, but I really like unicorns. I've got nice, colorful manes. I mean, I don't just like them. I really, I love unicorns. Oh, you like collect them and have them all over your wall and stuff?

Well, I mean, you know, there are... I never saw a unicorn in your office at the carnival of the crew. Yeah, I mean, I just, you know, maybe this is some sort of like latent childhood memory that's just flooding back all of a sudden. Or maybe it's horrible, you know, Feywild magic. I don't know.

He reaches out and he hands you a satchel that contains Map of the Carnival and cloth butterfly wings. You know what? I'm all of a sudden kind of looking forward to put these on. I gotta say, how do I look, lads? You look more beautiful, bright blue and red butterfly wings. Does look pretty nice on you. Oh, thank you. And look how cute she is with a little pumpkin and the pink butterfly wings. What color are my wings? What color do you want them to be? They are, uh...

You can see that they're jade in color, obviously, but they have the eyes, circles of yellow in the center. Oh! Like a tin wood off peditons. Exactly right. These are quite fitting, thank you. You're very welcome. Oh, and look, they even got me purple ones to match my suit.

Oh, it really does match, look! I mean, I prefer if they gave us like unicorn horns to wear, you know? Or you could fond them! Yeah, but oh, they sell it? Oh, of course, of course! It's a unicorn horn! You don't, you know, gonna have unicorn horns, it's probably like little shadow horns and... I'm actually pretty excited about that.

I would like mine, if possible, to be orange edged and red in the center and comically too small for my body. Oh, definitely. And mine is way too big. What do you guys think? How these look on me? Pretty striking, right?

I mean, it looks pretty good. I think that crying child, I think you accidentally took his bag. There's no crying in the carnival. That's the step one. He can't come in here. Oh. He's not using them, probably. He said his favorite color is orange and red.

Oh, interesting. Oh, well. Oh, I ordered some really big wings they gave him. Oh, wow. Okay. Fifteen minutes from now, after the kid stops crying, he goes up and he's like, Yes, I'd like to make a pact. My hands turn into what? And with that, you all have your tickets. You have your satchels and your map as you look out over the carnival proper.

It is a wondrous spectacle. The shifting clouds almost look like floating cotton candy as the sun slowly sets beyond the horizon. You see the bubbles floating through the sky. They are catching the light and look iridescent.

as they glide through this place. And you see people everywhere enjoying their time, laughing, smiling, moving from one place to the next. And as you look down at your map and look back up at the carnival, you see that it is an exact representation of what you're seeing here. The carnival is yours to explore and yours to enjoy.

Are the bubbles only like up, up in the air or are there street level bubbles? Street level bubbles. They're floating everywhere. And I would say as you turn and you look towards the right, you see, and it's reflected on your map, a spot called Bubble Pop Teapot.

that has a large teapot at the very top of this attraction. And from the spout are just gigantic bubbles that are billowing up out of it. And as you look, and it's quite a bit of ways off, but you see that there are people in the bubbles.

You see that the bubbles are tearing them over the carnival, almost as if to give them a tour. And they're in these bubbles just watching in awe. You can see children pressing their hands up against the bubbles as they smile and laugh, looking down at the people walking through the thoroughfare and pointing out things in the distance that you can't see from this vantage point. I keep an eye on them for a little while just to make sure none of them are like...

None of them pop and they're no... Shh. Why did you slide so over the ground? Oh! And then it turns into a horror show. Splatterzone's on the map. I wonder what that is. Oh, God, it's a screw-wise carnival. Oh, God.

Is that from Atlanta one more time? No, it's from We're Bad. How are you bad? It's by John Goodman. Help me! Well, there seems to be quite a bit to do here. What does everyone fancy is perhaps their first choice. I mean, what are the options? Well, there's a ride called Lost Property, it would seem. Oh, that's where I saw Hootsy. Oh, really? Yeah.

When there's a-- And Graco, you would know that that's not a ride, that's just-- It's lost. That's lost and found. That is lost and found.

That's where Miss Kitty Whiskey is. Well, I don't want to make any assumptions. This is a place of the Feywild, and if it's just lost property, then we probably shouldn't go there first. Oh, look, there's a carousel. Look, look. Do you think they have unicorns there? Oh, I bet there is. Who's here? Would you like to see a unicorn tube with Uncle Krammy?

She nods very enthusiastically. I like this idea. What we can do is we can go right and then sort of circle around in a counterclockwise direction. What do you think? Logically, huh? Oh, yeah. I mean, whatever. I really want to go to the Dragonfly Ride. That's my favorite. That's adjacent. Right across the fairway here. I'll go on any ride there is. But if we can get something to eat along the way, that would be great. Smells like...

Fainal cake around here. Fainal cake? What? Like funnel cake, but in the Fae. Yeah.

They're fainal cake. Fainal cake. Oh, fainal. That F is so important. That F is so important. Yeah. I know you knew this place. It smells like fainal cake. I did, but I was just a carny that just, like, worked. I worked by the staff area. I'll staff the staff area. And they didn't let you have any? Yeah, no. I had to...

you know, left those heavy jugs of water and put them on the thing and that's all I got to do. I got to walk. I got to go to the lake and refill it and walk back and forth. And that's all I did, really. I'm a little thirsty. I don't know if I want to try this fainal cake, but I could definitely go for some heavy jugs. We'd find a place where we could enjoy a brew, some sort of beverage. I could go for some heavy jugs as well. I could go for a nice brewski. With me, it was the last. We could crack open it. We could go

we're at a carnival. Exactly right. Now, Vigil, finally looking up, it's like I am not covered in the blood of a horribly muted

mutilated feathers. No, look, you're good. Oh, okay. Look, we all look amazing. Well, I think we all need a beer, lads. A cold one. It's at this point that you look forward and you see a 12-foot-tall walking tree garlanded in golden ribbons as it marches down the thoroughfare. Emerald clouds swirl above the tree and rain down golden, spinning sycamore seeds. Fairgoers try to catch the seeds before they hit the ground.

As the seeds gently fall, a chatty squirrel scampers along the boughs of the tree, handing dandelions to select passerby.

♪ Catch the seeds and get your prize ♪ ♪ Catch the seeds and get your prize ♪ ♪ I'm red and I'm in the tree ♪ ♪ I'm red, come get dandelions for me ♪ ♪ I'm red ♪ And he watches it dances about and waves dandelions. And you see that people are rushing up to the tree and red is looking around and selectively giving out dandelions, but noticing the people that dive and attempt to grab the sycamore seeds.

Gentlemen, I'll be right back. I'm going to go acquire myself a seed. And I'm going to use my tabaxi ability to hop. I can't remember what it's actually called because I'm looking at the map right now. It's called tabaxi hop. I tabaxi hop. And I'm going to attempt to get directly between the people and slide in. I have roll...

a dexterity check at advantage because of your tabaxi ability. - I'd love to see it. - Come on guys, we can catch seeds too. - Wait, you're trying to compete with Hootsie? Am I the one with that thing with parents where I just compete and I give everything to Hootsie just so I can

We don't have to do the complicated. If you want to. If you want me to roll for Hootsie, I can. I would say any of the things you don't need to roll for Hootsie, Hootsie, I'll just say Hootsie succeeds at the things Hootsie wants to. She just won't get prizes because it's more meaningful and important for you to have these things. Yeah, so I want to get prizes and if I can give them to Hootsie, that's what I would do. It will be like a you. Like, oh, it's your father-daughter combo.

I get a... Get the fuck out of my way, Frosty! Just dex? Yeah. I dart forward and with tremendous speed, 16...

you are easily able to catch a sycamore seed. You watch as Red, this little squirrel, starts clapping its hands together, realizing that he is smashing these dandelions together and the tufts are flying off this way and that. - No. - So he reaches down and he scurries down the tree and hands you a dandelion. - Oh, thank you, Red. I appreciate that. - Congratulations! - I got a seed and a dandelion.

- That was amazing, I love Tabaxi Hop. - I love you. - I love unicorns and I really love unicorns. - I love you too, and unicorns. - Thank you, I was just overtaken by victory. - My child is gonna win! We're all diving in. - All right, the rest of you make a dexterity check please.

- Finally, let's go. - Does it straight dex? - Yep. - Nine.

Seven. 23. Oh! All right. Death roll. He loves you ones, ladies and gentlemen. Gricko, you are small, and you're easily able to weave your way through the adults that are crowded around here, hoping for their chance at the welcome gift. You remember this, and you know that by catching these seeds, you will get a coveted welcome gift.

And so you find an opening, you dive in and you are able to catch one before it hits the ground. Kremi, you do the same thing. You watch Gricko, you see the way he moves and you dive in, you grab one. And as you look up, you see Red is right there on your shoulder. I love unicorns too. And hands you a dandelion. Oh, thank you, friend. Do I get to keep the seed too?

Yes! You should blow the dandelion and make a wish! Do it! Do it! Is that true? I hope so. That's what it's for! Red knows best! Blow the dandelion! Red knows best! Blow the dandelion! Red knows best! Make a wish! Blow the dandelion! Make a wish! Blow the dandelion! You too, cat! Blow the dandelion! You too, cat!

Blow the dandelion, you too, cat. Blow the dandelion, but you too, cat. I already did. You too, cat. Oh, oh, oh. Frosty's got to blow the dandelion. It's a dandelion. And Frosty's going to blow on it right now. And he's going to make a wish. Probably something cool. Oh, yeah. Yay!

Red claps his hands and you can move the happiness meter up one more mark. That's amazing! You are the best people that's been here all day. Oh, it really sucks that you slipped when you were singing and didn't catch a seed though. I always get caught up in singing and I just lose my hands and I can't find seeds, they're so small. But I appreciate that you collect

You clapped and sang the song with us even though you didn't get a seed and now you're all left out and get no prize. Well, I like to just bask in the success-- And you fell on your face and got beaten by all those children. Oh, well, to be fair, I was trying to steal their seeds from them, so I probably deserved it. You probably did. Anyway,

And he watches Red runs up. I don't know why his voice changed to Sylvie, but it did. And he runs up the boughs of the tree and...

You watch as this 12-foot-tall walking tree just continues to march through the thoroughfare, tossing sycamore seeds as Red chooses someone, multiple people in the crowd that do things that interest him as he gives them their dandelion. I need the both of you to write down what you wished for and hand that to me.

I also need you, all three of you, to roll a d8 for me and tell me what number you got. I'm going to get some index cards. Oh, grab me one as well. Yes. We all roll a d8?

Yes. Except for Gideon. Not me, yeah. You know, you could have twisted. You've got a lot of... Oh, damn it. Oh, shit. I say I will still let you do it if you want to. I want to fucking wish, yeah. The wish had nothing to do with your role.

- Oh, give me that back. - The wish had to do with Red picking people based on the things they did. Frost did his kitty hop and Kremi yelled out that he loves unicorns. - Oh. - Well, I don't know. - Oh, sorry, so I don't need to reroll. - No, you don't need to reroll. - 'Cause I got a seed. - Oh, 21. - So you will also get a seed and you can roll a DA. - Ah, step aside, kids. Caught a seed. We all got seeds.

Oh my god, I know what it is. I know what it is. Did he wish for a unicorn? Did he wish for a fucking unicorn? I know what the deal is! It's not going to go through! They know it! They know it! Damn, you had to confirm it. Damn it!

Oh, now I'm not gonna get my unicorn. I'm gonna go back to the beans. Oh, that's so good. That's so fucking good. It just says a unicorn. Ha ha ha ha!

Do you want to put this back, the pirate one? Oh, perfect. We can sort them out later. Oh my god, that's so funny. Give me a pirate coin! Thank you, Rich, for that. And please roll your d8, so let me know what you got. Oh, I need it. Five. Oh, I gotta roll a d8 too? Yep. Oh, do we have to...

- Is there a bunch of tickets for that? - No. - That wasn't a ride. - No, so timed events. - Oh, it's only for rides. - Yeah, it's for rides and other mini events. The three timed events, which are the welcome gifts, the big top extravaganza, and the crowning of the Witchlight Monarch, you do not, you just come on. - Is the statue the welcome gifts? - No, these are the welcome gifts. - Oh. One. - Okay. - Is the seed the welcome gift? - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, the seed gives you your welcome gift.

It is not what you think it is. So we got one, five... Seven. Seven. Two. Two. How about yours is a four? Mine? Yeah. Oh, I got a four! So that way we can experience all four of them. Yeah, we got a four. Kremi, the creature gains the following personality trait until dawn. You are easily amused. Any conflicting character trait is suppressed in the meantime. Oh, man, this is...

You know, dandelions look pretty even once you sort of blow on them. Isn't that nice? Gricko. It's just a green stick. It's a nice green stick, though. I mean, I guess. Gricko. You gain a die, a d4, which you can add to one ability check that you make before the next dawn. Oh, wow. Do you dance? I feel stronger! Who got the seven? Do I look taller? Your seed turns into a gold piece.

Wow, how did that happen? That is so impressive! Frosty, come on. I've been trying to teach you how to juggle for how long?

And you see it was in your paw and it turned into a gold coin and you just *gibberish* You know, I'm so... I'm happy. It's fine. Gideon, the rich! I got a gold piece. Oh, we just bought that ticket now. Oh my god, man, increased our gold by 50%! That's good math, Crummy. That's pretty good. I mean, hold on to all three of those. Gold pieces. Oh. Three gold pieces. Isn't that interesting?

Exactly right. That's all we got. So don't lose it. Like I lost my ticket. Or like Grickle stole my ticket. I'll put them in my pack. What if that little gremlin thing stole your ticket? Oh, that invisible thing. Yeah.

Gideon, you gain a d8, which you can add to one ability check before the next dawn. Oh, wow! That's huge! Do I look a little taller? You look like you're covered in glitter. Oh, really? Is that just me? Must have been the kids. I mean, you sort of look, you know, you look amusing to me. You know, you're all big and strong, you got those tiny little wings on. What? Are my wings tiny?

I thought they were appropriately sized. If they were actually wings, you wouldn't be able to fly. They'd just flap around like this while you ran around in circles. Oh, well, I think they look kinda fetchin'. I mean, I'm not saying they look bad, they just-- They don't look like they were taken from a child named Jason. Oh, well, good! I think his name was Alexander. Did you actually steal, like, accidentally steal the wings of somebody?

- I don't, no. - I was making a joke. If it is not gonna screw him, then that can be a yes. - Yeah, unless it's absolutely, what's the second rule? - What I will say is if you did, it needs to go down one happiness point. - No, no, no, no, no, we did. - Oh yeah, what are the rules? - They're right here, there are three rules. - Those were also in your welcome pack. - Oh, well we should probably take a second and look at this welcome pack. - Oh yeah, that's true. - All right, Gid, you can read, right? Get at it.

You want me to read the rules out? I mean, if you want to, I'm happy to read. I bet Frost reads pretty good, too. I am capable of reading. Yeah, Frost, why don't you go ahead and read those? The Three Rules to Rule By. Oh, good. Just showing off, I guess. The Three Rules to Rule By. The Three Rules to Rule By. To Rule By.

That seems to be the case here in this carnival, certainly. Is that right? Greg, don't wake up. You need to listen to this. What's the first rule?

Always say please and thank you. That was close enough. The rule of ownership. You must not steal... You must not steal...

Gideon, you must not steal. That's on the sheet. From a friend, an enemy, an enemy, or a stranger. What if they're neutral? Party. But then I know. Between the, it runs the gamut. It's, it's, the whole circle of alignment would be included in this. Oh, you're so soft.

No, I mean, he's got a good point. Look, there's definitely a hold on your focus. Yeah, there's a bit of a loophole here. If I know him... I feel like you're breaking the first rule already. Well, I don't have a home in the carnival. Nobody's coming into it. No, it clearly states you must not steal from a friend, an enemy, or a stranger. But let's say you know somebody, but not really a friend or an enemy...

Then, then that counts. You go steal from some acquaintances there and we'll fucking find out. To take something that doesn't belong to you without the rightful owner's permission is a crime and an unforgivable breach of etiquette. It doesn't matter. To do it in general, regardless of, you'd think you found a loophole, but I don't. Oh, Griggo, Griggo, wait up, wait up. Nice form, Scooby Dave. Oh, you see, you weren't thinking of Kirby Dave? Ah!

Goofy Dave, Doobie Dummy Finn. Gregor, what's the second rule of our pick? Own your shit, that's a hint. If you know takesies-backsies.

Eh, that's close enough. Alright, the rule of reciprocity. When a friend, an enemy, or a stranger, again with a three, that's very interesting. When a friend, an enemy, or a stranger... They don't really care about acquaintances around here. Say again? They don't really care about acquaintances around here. No, no, but they do list three types of...

the relationships. It's very curious. Oh, you know what? I bet it's like a Feywild thing that you can't be more than those three things. As soon as you know somebody, they're either a friend or an enemy. There is no need for that. And patterns are emerging.

You are obliged to accept this gift and offer something of comparable value, be it a gift or a service in return. Such reciprocation... reciprocation? Reciprocation need not happen immediately. So there's perhaps a... Greg, Greg, Greg, wake up. Wake up. Were you listening?

I'm just sorry you always used to read me bedtime stories on the road. As soon as you start reading, I fall asleep instantly. That's a bit of a papalopian response, I understand. However, what is the third rule of reciprocity? Oh, if you don't have the receipt, you can only exchange for store credit. I'll accept it.

I think we're all clear on the rules. All right, I mean, there's only three of them. We should be all right, right, fellas? That was easy. All right, so be nice, don't steal, and if somebody does something nice for you, see rule one.

Exactly right. We just gotta reciprocate, right? So equal or lesser value? Equal or lesser value. No, equal value. Equal or lesser value. No, comparable. Comparable. No, that's not... We'll go over them if we can find a beverage. I'm looking around. Y'all could really use a beer.

I'm gonna look around and see if I can find a cart or a domicile, some sort of a food location. Food hall. You look around and you see an elf on stilts pushing a cart down the thoroughfare. It's a very vibrant cart with a kaleidoscope of colors, a rainbow cart.

as it were. And hanging from the tops, you see the curtains that are pulled back from it. You see our tons of candies and snacks, as well as the base portion of it is almost like a beautiful ice sculpture that doesn't seem to melt. And nestled within what appears to be a beautiful fairy castle sculpted out of the ice are beverages of all sorts kept cold.

Is there also a theme song to this rainbow cart where it's like... It's pushed by a tabaxi. Oh, terrific, terrific. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Yeah, I said in Elf on Stilts it's actually pushed by a tabaxi. Okay. Yeah, wearing a Pop-Tart costume. Well, perhaps this tabaxi Pop-Tart can help us. What the hell is a Pop-Tart? No, I believe it's a breakfast toaster strudel pastry. Oh, okay.

Legally distinct. Perhaps it's a regional difference. You say toaster strudel, I say pop tart. I've never heard that one. I'm gonna get a drink. I'm gonna go up and I'm gonna ask what they have to offer.

Yeah, you make your way up and the, it's an elf on stilts. The elf on stilts. It's not a fucking thing. It's not just accident of untaught. Children love me. Why? Did I just DM a session? You told us to enjoy the carnival.

- We're enjoying the carnival, Nicky! No, no, take his back seat! - Go back to the hospital! Just kidding, please don't, please don't. - And not just to find friends. - Jesus. - Greetings, friend. I've heard of Elphana's shelf, but these stilts are quite tall. - Yeah.

Are you thirsty? I'm barged, yes. I'd love to buy one of your beverages. You're a bard? No, I'm parched. Oh, birched. Oh, a tree bard would be interesting, don't you think? Tree bark? Oh, a dog bard. A dog bard? Yeah. Hmm. Hmm.

Yeah. You're thirsty? I would like to buy one of your beverages. What do you have on offer? We have giggle water. Giggle water. We have a rainbow sorbet bubble drink. Bubble drink. I'll have one of those, please. Oh, all right. Well, I do, by the way. I'm a criminal crew. I love unicorns. Oh, I do, too. Did you want to have the unicorn sparkle in the horn?

Wait, you have that? It's a bubbly effervescent drink with notes of bergamot.

- It's a Drake? Absolutely, please. - And you see that there are a few of them. They are a beautiful unicorn horn that is filled with this foaming, bubbly, pearlescent liquid. And there are these tiny little like purple, pink, blue, green bubbles, almost like boba that are floating in them. - Ooh, I mean, that looks lovely.

Is that the ticket price is just that includes that right? Oh, wow. Okay. Oh, these are these are free I thought perhaps that I mean given how beautiful it is was like a collector's cup and have unlimited reasons You can eat the horn if you like to. You just give this stuff away? It's part of your ticket cost. All right

I mean, I was feeling pretty abandonable, but then get reminded how much we're being shown up right now. Don't you find that amusing? That is kind of amusing. Like, for a second, I'm like, it starts to come back, and I'm like, I don't know, you know what? At our drink station, we charge per ice cube! What?

I'm terribly sorry. I must have been dropped into the amusement of the game. What was number seven? What was my... I'm fucked. You got a gold coin? Yeah, you got a gold coin. Oh, I'm roleplaying the gold coin. Here it is. All right. All right, you know, even though your margins must be terrible, I'm really going to enjoy this. I do hope so.

Oh, it looks very colorful. It is fizzy. Oh, it's a little fizzy. And you swallow one of the bubbles and you immediately float a couple of inches up off of the ground for just a second. And then you land softly. Is that what that looks like? Very cool. Oh my God. Hold on, hold on, hold on. I want to eat another boba to see if it happens again. And you lift a couple of inches off the ground and then you slowly float back down. By the cats.

- Hold on, Gideon, open your mouth. - What? - And as you, it tastes refreshing, almost kind of like a, almost like a raspberry pineapple mix. It's a little bit tart, but really sweet. - A little tart? - And you feel, you feel hydrated just from that single boba as you lift a couple of inches off the ground and then, then softly. - Frost has said that wouldn't work, but here I go!

- I love to say wow. I just started guzzling it down. - And you notice that you- - Did you catch it? - In a second. - Oh, I'm sorry. - You notice that you float, you end up floating about two or three feet off of the ground for a little while. You're zooming around this way and that. You see that bubbles begin to just kind of swirl around Kremi for a while. And then as he finishes the drink, he slowly begins to lift and the bubbles pop and go away. - Oh.

Man, I mean this tastes like-- Well, that was very charming, Grimmy. This tastes like it's worth at least 100 gold pieces. So you have Giggle Water, you have the floaty drink. Are there additional options? Do you have any alcoholic beverages, for example?

No, this is a carnival for children. Oh. There are parents here as well. Yes, but what we offer means that alcohol is unnecessary. I understand. Well, thank you for thinking of the children. My daughter here, her name is Hootsie, and she really would like a, if you have it, a certainly chapel.

A what? A certainly chapel. No. You don't have any certainly cha- I'm sorry, Lucy. We'll get you something else. What would you recommend for a sweet little owlbear who's gonna be the princess of the carnival? A bowl of water. That doesn't sound very fun.

She's a child. She needs something very saccharine at the carnival. Perhaps the giggle water you mentioned earlier. That's a kind of water, isn't it? It's probably as close to water as you're going to get. We'll have two. Okay.

And she reaches down and she takes these two, they're wooden mugs, they're shaped like dryads, they're shaped like a tree with like a dryad attached to it that's the handle. Her curvy body is kind of leaning over into the tree and you hold on to her. And it is a beautiful green liquid, but it's more of a, like a minty green color. And it's,

sparkling little glittery pops and fizzes here and you take one and you hand one to um to Hootsie. Hootsie, it's not red like your favorite beverage but you know it- Blood. Was it? Blood.

Oh no, a Certainly Chapel is your favorite. I've never heard of it. I thought that you were talking about blood too, actually. Giggle blood perhaps would make it... It's every child's favorite beverage. A Certainly Chapel? A Certainly Chapel.

It's just basically like water and sugar and it's just bubbly. That's not what it is. Does it go on? A little bit of cherry. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Or like, oh, it's more cherry. Just once again, the regional differences. I'm still learning so much from you, Krikko. We were born across the world. Anyways, thank you so much. You're very kind. Hootsie, there you go. You drink, and as you attempt to say hootsie, there you go, all you're able to do is giggle. Ha ha ha!

And Hootsie begins to lap up her giggle water. I need you to tell us what Hootsie sounds like when she giggles. Oh, Hootsie! Your laugh is so cute! That's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Oh, no, isn't it? Ha ha!

I mean, it's pretty cute. Kind of worried about him. One time Gideon punched a guy so hard and he acted like that. He died. I mean, it wasn't funny. Oh,

Oh, yeah. Didn't we call that garden shakush? I mean, it was kind of funny. I mean, at the time, we didn't know it was going to die. Well, that would have been insensitive. But in hindsight, it was rather, you know, tricky circumstances. Oh, shake it, bud. You broke.

You shouldn't have made him massage so much traction. As a clown who couldn't stop laughing. That was a good week. We made a lot of money.

I didn't know he died, though. He told him he went to a farm somewhere far away. Yeah, I had big tickets to the pig farm. He said he got married and had a bunch of kids and lived his life out on the farm. Wait, did you believe the Krabby when he said it was a clown farm? What?

Every time people went to the farm from our carnival, they died? I mean, yeah. Clowns and leaves! LAUGHTER

This carnival is so much better than our carnival. I knew we said the clowns generally fell to drink. It wasn't Gideon murdering the monkey man. No, it's not murdering Zack Stannel, all right? Oh, hey, Gideon Manslaughter the Wriggle

I call it workplace accident. I didn't know when we set it up as one night only, it was just one night only. I'm managing this for multiple shows. This is so much better than our shitty carnival. Right?

You know, I'm not going to take offense to that, but this drinks real good. It tastes like the crust at the top of a creme brulee. Oh, man. Wow. How do you make this? Again, that margin's supposed to be terrible, but I don't even care right now. Ma'am, is there perhaps a third drink option? Well, you could always try the lavender lust.

- The lavender lust? - Mm-hmm. - So there are drinks for adults here. I will have one of the lavender lusts. - Oh, all right. And she hands you a beautiful purple heart that has a spot for you to drink out of. And inside, you're overcome with the scent of lavender. You can see petals of the flower swimming through this beautiful glittery purple liquid. - So what you're saying is it's a heart shape like this? - Yes, and then on one-- - And there's this ball sitting right here?

Yes. Yes. That is exactly what I was saying. No, for you to get your tongue, a little tongue action, Frosty. Oh, God. Does it taste like purple? And at this point, you feel your giggling subside as you finish your drink. What does this do?

Is it just like there's water inside? It's a nice lavender tea. It's a nice herbal tea. It's delicious. And you look over at Crummy? Yeah. Oh, Crummy is sexier than you've ever seen him before. What are you doing? Nothing. What?

Grimmy and Brimps, we'll find something to eat. What do you think?

Yeah, I could use a bite. I mean, we did just have a drink. We should probably go on like one ride before we eat, right? I'd be willing to go on the carnival. Perhaps there's a two-seater. Okay.

I don't know what. Sorry, I don't know what. Hold on. Try to concentrate while you're doing that. The carousel. There's perhaps one of those booth rides. Oh, yeah. Where you go up and down. Yeah, that's a shitty one. Well, I mean, on the carousel, I was hoping to ride the unicorn. I mean, maybe there's room for two, but we both have tails is the thing, and I think it might be kind of awkward. You know what? I never understood. I can sit behind you.

Why do they call them unicorns? Why is that? We did not make it out of corn. It's silly. That's a good point. Why do they call them unicorns? Why do they call it there's no corn?

Have you ever seen a unicorn with corn or whatever before? Or maybe because the horn on the head kind of looks like a cobblestone. Well, I've never been to a corn and corn alone day festival and never seen a unicorn. That's all I'm going to say.

I think he's wearing off finally, so I can finally stop this. I will give you a very cute laugh. Was there anything else I could get from the cart before I make my way? Yeah, miss, I would love a drink if I can. Whatever, if you have a favorite drink on the menu, I'll take that. Oh, yes, I like the rainbow explosion. Oh, well, don't mind if I do.

- We all know what that does. - And you see that there is a beautiful, what looks like a ceramic mug that is a white glittery and opalescent cloud with a rainbow shooting out of it. There's a straw that comes out of the top that has two butterfly wings on it. And it is filled with a beautiful multicolored liquid that it's almost what you would imagine an oil slick would look like, but with pure neon colors.

the colors of the rainbow. And she motions for you to take it from one of the nooks in the iced castle that's keeping everything cool. Ooh, quite nice. I've always heard that straws make you suck, but in this case, I'll make an exception. It tastes very fruity. It's, um...

What? It is, it's like apples and pears, basically any fruit that you could possibly imagine. And you all watch as Gideon, the red color of his genasi vibe, is now changing colors as it shifts between all the colors of the rainbow. God, yeah. The skin color? Yeah, try this one.

This is pretty good. It's like a fruit medley. I think it's what's happening to your skin. What? Oh! You've gone heliotropic. What? What? Oh my gosh. What? How much time do I have?

How much time does he have? Well, if it's anything like the zebra, it's the same color, about six seconds. Oh, well, it's been nice knowing you. Oh, gosh, well, it's a delicious drink. Well, no, that might just be an entertaining side effect of his beverage. How do you feel? I feel quite good, refreshed, like I'm on a tropical island now that I've ever been. But I imagine this would be there if I hadn't.

We've probably been close to some of those. Oh, well. Certainly not. Sailed by. Yeah. Never served a delicious drink like this while passing by. I'll tell you that. Usually in the brig. I mean, that's fair. I mean, this is literal fucking magic. I mean, this is nice. I wish I could have magic beverages every day. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's what I should have wished for.

Damn it. Oh well. All right, we're going to the carousel, let's go! Oh yeah, carousel, come on, you'll see! Oh, your laugh is so cute! Thank you for the beverages, miss. You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of the carnival. Look into a certainly chapel. It's very good, kids love it. Goodbye! Goodbye. Before we go to the carousels, perhaps there a restroom, I'm wondering.

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Mace, I need you to roll a d100. I forgot to have you roll on the Fae table when you used the twist. And Griggo too. Griggo didn't have to, remember? He didn't use the twist. Oh, that's right. He didn't actually use a twist. You used a twist to get one of the seeds. So I need a d100 from you, please. 30. Good number. Gideon, who was the last person you killed?

It wasn't the last person they killed. I mean, it might have been the clown from Carnival. You know what? It was the clown from the Carnival. Okay. The voice of the last person you killed tells you things about their life no one wants to know.

- You know, I had chlamydia. - Can Mike just be the clown? - Yes, Mike can just be the clown. So just randomly throughout the session. Randomly throughout the session. - I might give you a clown voice. - Randomly throughout the session, please just say something. Gideon, you're the only person that can hear it.

You have made your pit stop at the restrooms. It is shaped like one of those puppet stands, and you walk in and...

You use the bathroom. Does that mean that the urinal is actually an open window out to a crowd and you have to fight the other urinal users? Yeah. No. No. It just looks like it. Fuck, I didn't think it through. I just thought it'd be cool. It is cool. I walk out. Man, that smells terrible. Don't you know that you have to put the seat down in order to trap the smell so that it can escape through the pipe? Most people don't ever understand that, but it's very true about all of these stationways. Oh.

You're actually using your hands to touch that? To touch the toilet seat? No, you can just give it a kick. I have these nice shoes on for hygienic reasons for a reason, Cremmy. I refuse to put a watch on. That was very logical. We'll put a pin in that for a Vandross and chill. I refuse to put the toilet seat down because I was rebelling against my mother. Who's there?

What was that? Did you guys hear that? You know immediately who that was. Oh, God. Curly the Clown, the last man that you killed. Chuckles? Oh, Chuckles. We called him Chuckles when he punched him. And then was really curly. Oh!

You never did get it right. Did you guys just hear Chuckles? I'm sorry? What? No, I heard giggling because Rico was enjoying his dream. No, no. Chuckles the clown. Did you just hear? Oh, the clown that you accidentally killed. Yeah. That you manslaughtered. Yeah, yeah. That he sent to the farm last night. That you took to the farm to have disposed of. Yeah. That's the one, yeah. Anyone just hear him?

No. No? What'd he say? Wait, oh my God. I said it doesn't put the toilet seat down. Are we in the afterlife? Why? Did we all die? I don't know. I didn't want to know it, but he told me it doesn't put the toilet seat down. In reference to Frosty...

Please move the hour tracker up one. Oh, shit. Hold on, hold on. I want to show... There's an hour tracker here. Look at this. We're using this little frog. It's been one hour. Checked by radio. Well, if this is the afterlife, I would like to enjoy all the things it has to offer. Let's go to the carousel. Tuck who's...

Please don't haunt us on having a very lovely time and who she needs to become the monarch. Don't forget about that time I gave you a Snickers. You know, I always really preferred Three Musketeers.

Did you hear him? He says he prefers three musketeers. Probably haunting us because of you. Is that some sort of candy bar? I don't know, but clearly you didn't give it to him. What's a musketeer? What's a Snickers? You don't remember? Let's move on.

We're about to tear this world apart. Remember that time we went to Hershey Bar? There you go, one pound chocolate. We're walking and we're talking. I told you I wasn't going to stop you.

We approach the carousel. - You make your way through the Witchlight Carnival. I'm gonna look at my map to see where you're going. Fudge, come on D&D Beyond, thank you very much. - D&D Beyond, everybody. - You pass the Calliope, the music is

reverberating throughout the carnival and almost setting the tone of jubilance that you feel here as you make your way forward past the stand where you got your drinks you see uh down the thorough throw fair making um making their way towards the uh left side of the carnival that gigantic uh

walking tree and read the squirrel as they are what they seem to be wrapping up the first hour of the carnival has passed welcome gifts are no longer being given out as you make a quick right turn into into the area with the carousels

and you look towards it. A procession of wooden unicorns stand motionless on a circular wooden platform. Fairgoers clamber onto the unicorn's back, and a female centaur sets the ride in motion. The unicorns shake their manes and creep to life, cantering around the carousel to the delight of their riders. You fellas see this? Grimmy, it's like this was built for you. Every small wish, it came true. There are so many of them.

You wished for unicorns? Well, I wished for one unicorn, but this is, I mean, every single one is a unicorn. You know what? I bet there were multiple animals before I made that wish. Well, you know, so you're telling me you wished for a unicorn and it came true and you could have just wished to have our debt forgiven? Oh, well, you know what, kid? At the time, I didn't think of it.

To be fair, I also did not think of that or wish for that. My greatest wish was to go into taxidermy. But my father always said I had to go into the family business of clowning. Chuggles, I've never heard you talk so much. Well, everything I just don't care about. Nobody cares that you got into one and taxidermy all along.

Well, Gideon's lost. You're a mediocre clown at best. I accidentally killed you and I'm starting to think that it wasn't an accident. Can he respond? Well, he comments on... No, he can't. He just randomly comments. He comments on things that are happening. I don't know if he can respond so far. All he said was that thing about musketeers and taxidermy. Say, can I ask him a question? Chuggles. Chuggles, do you like being dead?

I don't know. That's kind of grim, Gideon. Well, what was I supposed to ask him? Did you regret his life not intact today? Happiness meter down one. Oh. You know, Gideon, I've done a lot of thinking about it and I gotta tell you it's to die for. What? What?

Wait, did it respond? Yeah. Gideon, what's wrong with you? Well, I asked him, you know, now I forget what I asked him, but he said it was to die for, which was a very funny punchline. So I left. Well, he was a clown. Yeah. Tell him to go away. Tell him to go away. Yeah. You've been working on that, Gideon. There you go. There you go.

I haven't been working on my frog for a while. That's really funny. I'm gonna get in line, would you like to join me, Granny? I wanna get in line first. Oh, come on, let's go, Gideon! I'm definitely jumping on one of these. I hope the ghost of Chuckles is fine with us doing this. I hope that we can ride more than just once. I mean...

It says here Valor Fate rides. What do you think a ride entails? I imagine we could ride this eight times if we wanted to. I hope the rides are plenty long, although I really want to get out now, so I hope they're done real quick. Hmm.

What is a man drum? You make your way towards the carousel and you get in line. And it takes about ten minutes until you are at the front of the line. I would say three rounds of carousel rides happen while you're waiting. And you see kids and adults getting off, they're jubilant, everyone seems to be having a lot of fun. And in this time, you have... roll a perception check. Me? All of you.

Oh, there we go. Here we go, Daz. I just needed this session to warm up, you know what I mean?

Oh. Perception? All of us perception? Mm-hmm. Oh, shit. 20. 22. 13. I'm gonna use a twist of fate on this. Ooh! Oh! Oh, no. And I roll a d100. Yep, roll a d100 for me, please. Worth it. Oh, hey, Frosty. 18 perception. The cat's out of the bag. Oh, uh. 97. Wow.

Good year. That's pretty high. Pretty good year. That was a very good year. It was a fine year. I was in Russia at the time. Wow. I didn't get tetanus. It was great. You glow with artificial light. Almost like Jesus. Who the fuck's Jesus? I think she means Weegis. Oh, Weegis. Foltus. Oh, Foltus. Yes. Oh my gosh.

I'm glowing in the day. I'm glowing in the night. I'm glowing in the dark. I'm glowing in the old. And you notice that as people walk by you, ooh, what's that?

- Do you think that's one of the attractions? Oh, it's probably a pop-up entertainer. And you start to have like a group of people that are kind of like milling about watching Frost. - Come on, come on. Enjoy the glowing cat and the clown haunted large men. - Yeah. - Roll a performance check to see if anyone gives a shit.

Well. Oh, performance! Well, that'll be a 20. Yeah, a bunch of kids having just gotten off of the carous wheel and really wanting to go again, but realizing the line is pretty long. They start to crowd around you while you're standing in line. They sit down on the grass and they look up. Oh, what's gonna happen? Well, just you wait, little child. Frosty, come here. I'm gonna throw you up in the air and then spread out and be like the sun.

And there's a clown goes right behind him! Oh, and a dancing elephant! Oh, cool! And the kids are just coming! I take my hat off and I turn it upside down. Tips of the hat, please, if you enjoyed it, please, a gold piece or two, we wouldn't mind at all. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so tell me exactly what you're doing and I'm going to have you roll performance checks. Gideon, you know I don't like it when you throw me, but...

When in which lane? I put my arms out like this so that you can get under my... I get right behind you and do the same motion you do. Throw me with the heavy weight of the clown that haunts your past.

With the weight of a terrible haunted ghost. Here you go! And as you reach up into the sky, I need you all to make a performance check. And Hoot sees, I'm assuming, dancing there at the sign. My past was haunted by crippling loneliness and imposter syndrome. Ah, kids, don't listen to them. Don't listen to the horrible haunted ghost. Ah!

- I'm gonna use a twist on this. - Roll a d100, roll a d100. - Natural 20. - Okay, that means nothing. - I got a 16. Oh, okay. Mine was worse. - Show me some 82 actually. - 82, 82, 82, 82. - Performance, that'll be a six. - That's not that much better. Should I use another twist?

I'll be a six. I don't want to stack. I don't want to fucking stack the matrix just yet. There's a matrix. So I'm going to do one below what you got because the one you got was you can no longer go outside unless it's pouring rain and I don't want to deal with that. To the outhouse. Vines and leaves will now be intermingled with your hair and body hair. Oh, that's so many vines and leaves. That is a lot. 78 for Gricko.

Your irises are now pure black. That's a nightmare. You just have pure black eyes. Gideon throws me, and I am like the sun, and I'm like the sail cat in the sky, and as I reach the peak, the apex of my flight, all of a sudden... That's so graphic!

It's one of those glowing cheetah pets. Frosty. No, no, don't flail so much. We won't be able to catch you. All of the kids stare up in horror. They start to say, good morning.

- Can you roll a deception check? - I certainly can. - Or a persuasion. Would it be a persuasion? Yeah, persuasion check. You're trying to persuade them to chill out. - 15. - Oh yeah, easily. You say this and they're like, "Oh, oh, yeah, good, good."

And all the kids start like clapping and cheering. And Frost is being. Good morning. I'm like trying to minor illusion like sparks and like pink glitter and explosions to kind of like. I'm juggling my totems while Hootsie's dancing. I'm reaching in your long wings. And all the while I will say you collect about five gold pieces. Oh.

- Oh! - Child, child, child, appreciate it, appreciate it. - Thank you, thank you. - Now that you have an audience, these unicorns remind me of my OC pony, Dewdrop Starshine. And she was actually a princess from the Forgotten Kingdom. She had two different colored eyes, and she was actually the most powerful magic user that was the only one that could learn fourth healing. I mean, special magical unicorn healing.

You didn't have to work for it at all. That doesn't make any sense.

- And it's at this point that you hear what sounds like a horn echo just in this area. The centaur that was standing at the front of this line, you now realize that you're at the front of this line as the centaur kind of crosses her arms and looks at you as you were putting on this con. From her hip, she pulls out this horn and blows it. Her voice booms out as she says,

That's going to be it for now. Everyone, except these four, please leave the carousel. We're closing for maintenance, so sorry. You can consider this a free hole punch on the hour. And everyone looks down at their tickets and they see the hole punch that had been popped when they got on the carousel magically reappears.

And everyone cheers and seems to be very excited. And should you come back to the carousel before the big top extravaganza, Diana Cloppington, that's me, will make sure that you ride for free. Now to the exit, please. Oh, Diana. Oh, man, we missed out on a free ride. We missed out on the ride. I was excited to ride the unicorns. And she moves towards you. Not you four. You'll stay. We have things to talk about. Oh, Gringo Gringrin.

Yes, to the exit. Good job, dear. Oh, you're so cute. Yes.

And she's smiling and shaking hands and slowly ushering the crowd towards the exit, but keeping an eye on you and asking you to stay. Thank you, children. And you see that as she gets towards the entrance that you came in, as she ushers the last of the patrons out, she takes a rope with a sign that says, undergoing maintenance, and she closes off the entrance and slowly clops towards you.

Maybe we're getting like a private ride? What do they miss lady? My name is Kramer LeCrew of the LeCrew Carnival and this is my band of carnival performers and we thought you know what? There was another carnival in town. We like a good carnival as you can tell. You seem a little nervous. A little bit. I really like unicorns. Oh. Like a lot and that's a lot of them.

Yes. I've never seen as many people. Can you blame him for how beautiful you are? We're going to have to stop for a moment. It's spiraling into multiple conversations. You don't need to be nervous. I'm not going to hurt you. All right, all right. I didn't assume that. I mean, you look very lovely. What are you doing? No, I'll figure you look lovelier than Kremi thinks. I don't need your baseless flattery. I just simply want to talk.

What are you doing here at the carnival? We're here to ride the carousel. Or is it a merry-go-round? It's a carousel. All right, I always forget the difference. I understand why you're at the carousel ride. I'm asking why you're at the carnival. Why you've come to Witchlight. Oh, and I sort of blink in realization that we're here for a reason, and I just totally forgot. Oh, you're right. Why we're here?

I need you to roll a perception check, you and Gricko, since you're the ones that are immediately talking to her. Oh. I want to twist it. No.

I'm twisting it. Roll D100s for me, please. Natural one. Frost, you do land. Gideon catches you. You feel the wiggly, almost wormy feeling as the vines are just writhing as they're growing out of his fur. You see flower petals burst open all over his body. I'm not sure I enjoy this, Gideon.

But he does feel like a mass of worms. I'm not sure either. You feel a little weird, but you smell a lot better. I'm really Jumanji-ing out. I got a 22 on the check and a 36 on my D100. And what did you get for your check and your D100? Perception is a 9.

- Okay. - I rolled a two and a one. - Brutal. - Oh, and I never got my effect. It was a 78 initially, and then a 71. - Oh, your eyes turned black. - Oh, that's right. - Yeah, your eyes turned black. - Start writing them down, buddy.

- That was the mistake I made during Hypnotode. - You gain the beauty of the gods as long as you look upon yourself in a mirror at least once a day. If you do not, your beauty will corrupt into necrotic horror.

You are the most beautiful goblin anyone has ever seen. Your skin is completely devoid of wrinkles. You have eternal youth. Your hair is perfectly coiffed. It looks like it's as full as it could possibly be. The color is spectacular. Your eyes are piercing and your smile, it's like looking at the goblin version of Gilderoy Lockhart. My hair's never been so blonde.

And it's true, it is blonde now. He was. Every time he smiles, his perfectly white teeth have that like little shiny pop of sparkle that happens in the curtains. Diana, I've never meant to centaur, but now that I have, all I want to do is schmentaur. I'm not quite sure what that means. I'll show you. Ah!

And it's as she's looking at Gricko, Kremi, that you see that even though she seems happy and jubilant, she's not once seemed angry in the removal of the patrons that were here at the spot. You see that underlying all of this is an intense and almost crippling sadness that she's doing her very best to hide.

So I ask you again, why are you here? Well, we're here, we're looking for somebody. Are you alright? Not particularly, no. Well, do you mind me asking what's the matter? You look capable. What you've done here to be able to bewitch the minds of the patrons and get them to fall for that silly performance...

That was quite nice. You enjoyed it, though, right? It was pretty good. Yes. I was concerned for your friend here, covered in vines now, screaming profusely at the top of his lungs. He's very gloomy. Is there something you can do about the swamp thing effect that's happening to me at this time? It's not in my power to fix it. Is it just going to keep growing? I'm not sure what you've done. You've clearly...

"Done something to incur the ire of the magic of the Fae, if you'll?"

Such as you are. Well, I was glowing for a time, and now I'm-- And you still are. --glowing through a viney patch, and it just seems to be getting longer and bigger. I really don't like the way that vine is lapping at your earlobe. No, and I feel that it's just going to continue to-- Oh, it's going in. Oh, it's going in, yes. Ooh. If we comb it a little bit, and kind of comb it out, we can hang little baubles on you. And a little star on top. What languages do you know?

I know common and draconic. Roll a d4 and tell me what you get. One is common, two is draconic, three is common, four is draconic. No. Common. Anytime someone speaks to you in common, it sounds like screaming. Captain. That wasn't going anywhere. Wait, I'm sorry, what?

What part would you like me to repeat? Well, I mean, the volume is just a little loud. I mean... Oh, I'm very sorry. I can speak much more quietly. I mean, you're still screaming. I understand you're upset. I'm not screaming at you.

I mean, you're raising your voice. Oh, okay, no, no. I don't intend to. Now, do not listen to him. We are trying to help you. You seem to have a sadness to you, miss. And we are here to help. That is why we are at the Witchlight Carnival. To help our dearest patron, who's looking for his patron. Which is our patron, once removed by proxy. Hi. Zibuna. Oh, um...

Yes, um... And she looks down and you see that she cringes as the tips of her fingers begin to sprout mushrooms. Are you alright, miss? I can't speak of that. You're really in distress, I understand. How can we help? She...

flails her fingers around and you slowly start to see that as she refrains from continuing down that line of thought, the mushrooms begin to melt back into her fingers. I'm not a centaur. I'm not the thing that you called me. I made a pact gone awry.

That's what turned you into what you are now? Yes. What were you originally? A human. Oh. Was your name originally Diana Clompington? Because that would be very appropriate for your current form. No, it was not. That was a moniker I picked up when I was offered the position here by Mr. Witch and Mr. Light. Wait, are you saying that you're just a human and not a monstrosity type person?

Yes, I'm just a human. Look, if we help you, will you stop screaming? For the love of God, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, but it's just...

It's hurt my ears. She's not screaming. She's not screaming. I'm not screaming. Why are you all screaming? I mean, is everybody okay? Nobody's screaming. This is going to be hard to keep up. This is very unpleasant. Nobody's screaming, Krabby. What are you talking about, Krabby? Disturb it. Disturb it. She's all screaming. Nobody's screaming. We're all talking in a normal voice. No!

- Megan, stop! I'll reach into my coat and I'll pull out two handkerchiefs and I'll just like-- - I will say upon doing that, it still sounds like people are screaming, but it's not overbearing. You can have conversations.

He said "come, Lee." Oh, God. There's probably some fey magic why you all scream and you don't realize it. That's fine.

So, I mean, it sounds like you're under some kind of fate pact and you can't speak about what you were just about to say. That is true. I sought out someone in Echonai Prismir. Oh, wait, that's where we're going. Oh, that's what I was hoping to hear. I will do my best to help you. You see, I... Oh, this is so difficult. I...

I sought out someone in Prismere and I made a deal. Well, more, I asked for their help to be reunited with my warhorse, my best friend, Ser Cloppington. And well, she fulfilled her part of the deal. Oh, I see what you mean. So where's Ser Cloppington? Like, out back?

In a manner of speaking. Does that mean that there's a pair of female legs with the top half of a horse somewhere out there? I'm not sure. That would be most dark. I would love to find some way to have this reversed, and unfortunately part of the deal prevents me from giving a significant amount of information verbally. And I can't write it down.

I know where you're going with this. I love a good game of charades. No. Oh. I work- And unicorns. Oh, well, of course I love unicorns. When I left Prismere, I came to the carnival here, you see, and I began to work at the carousel. I was given the job by Mr. Witch and Mr. Light, which was very kind of them, of course. And I... They've left a riddle on the carousel.

In the hopes that someone clever, an adventurer that's maybe potentially making their way into Prismia, would be able to decipher it and get some information that they need. And could, while they're there, maybe attempt to do something about my current state? To find a way to return you and Sir Cloppington back to their original forms. I would love to be myself again, and I would love to be reunited with...

with my trusty steed, just not in the way I currently am. That was a cruel twist. It was. I know much better now. I can warn you that things are not always as they seem. Be careful what you agree to. Do you remember the name of that fairy? Oh, shit. Do I? I feel like I should remember it. Why do I forget it? Oh, you're thinking of Lexi Potts?

Oh, do you remember, do you know Lexi Potts? No. No? Okay. Are you familiar with any other evils in this carnival? Murders, perhaps, of any kind of creature? I'm not familiar with evil, per se, but things do tend to get lost. Children can go missing.

It's best not to come into the carnival without a ticket. We can't... Those of us, the Witchlight Hands, which is what I am, we can only protect you if you've purchased a ticket. Otherwise, we have no control over what happens to you. Do you have a sense of what happens to the people who try to sneak in here, perhaps? Or the lost children if they lose their ticket? Unfortunately, no. We try not to focus on it too much, as it...

the overall ambiance of the carnival. And you see as she looks dour that the carnival ticker does move down one. Oh, the happiness? Mm-hmm. Oh, no. Back to square one. So, would you... Would you be willing to help? Would you be willing to help me? If you're going to Prismair, anyway, I...

All I can offer is a small bit of information I was able to hide away in my riddle.

And you can give us the riddle now. I can. Well, you'll have to solve it yourself, of course. We are great at riddles. Frosty and I ask each other riddles all the time. I say riddle quite loosely. We're both, we're a great team at riddles. It's not really like a verbal... I'll explain the terms, if you should agree. But via the rule of reciprocity, I'm offering...

the riddle and the answers that come along with it, the information, and you are offering to at least inquire and attempt to help separate me from my steed. Yeah, I mean, we'll definitely do what we can. And we need to be explicit, separate, not just...

Lot, you get your legs back and Sir Cloppington gets his head back. We're not making a fay pact, but yes, I would just simply like your help. Was Sir Cloppington dead before all this, if you don't mind me asking? No, he was not. He had gone missing. He was missing. All right, so this wasn't some kind of decadent. I was hoping to be reunited with him, but just not in this way. Mm, okay.

No good steed goes unpunished, it seems. Yes, unfortunately. You can see that the underlying sorrow makes it hard for her to laugh, but she found it amusing. Well, sure. All right. Well, as you can see... As you can see, I've separated the carousel. It's separated into four pairs of unicorns. Each unicorn would like to find its name. Oh. So...

Well, here. And she reaches out and she hands you what appears to be a crayon. And it is a metallic gold. Just simply find the name tags. Reunite them with a name, all of them. And if it pleased them...

We'll see what happens next. Wait, so this is a unicorn puzzle? Yes. Oh, man. You know, this day just keeps getting better. It is a really nice day. Lucy, aren't you so excited? Isn't this the nicest day that Papa's given you? Oh, it's so nice. We're having fun. Will everybody stop screaming? How does that sound? I have no idea.

All right, well, wait. So we need to find names for unicorns. Do you mean the unicorns at the carousel? There are eight unicorns in total. There are four pairs of unicorns. Right. And they have lost their names. And we need to name all eight of them. You must...

You don't name them, you must find their names. Oh. Find their names, all right. Find the names of all eight? Yes. I will keep the ride under construction until you're through. That way no one can bother you while you are...

Trying to solve the puzzle. When we solve it, can we ride afterwards? Yes. Oh. I will have to charge you a punch. That's fine. No, we're happy to. Coochie really had her heart set on you. She loves unicorns. Mm-hmm.

I don't know if I told you this, but I really love, really, really, really love unicorns. Oh, she really loves, she really loves unicorns. I mean, you don't have to scream it, but I think I love unicorns more than Uzi does. That's how much I love unicorns. I don't know about that. You should go spend time with them then and solve the puzzle before you... Unicorns are gunning ass. What? Unicorns are gunning ass. I mean, you're screaming, but I don't understand.

Full of charm. Also, you are a very attractive goblin. Oh. You're beautiful. Thank you. You're welcome. It's about time someone finally notices my unholy radiance. He doesn't always look like this. I think it's probably the deep pools of black in his eyes. I'm sorry. You have vines growing out of your nostrils. Yes, I know. I am attempting to ignore what is happening to me. Does it tickle?

Very much. You haven't sneezed even once. The Constitution on you. I use my tongue to tickle the top of my mouth and it distracts me just enough not to sneeze. Oh. It's requiring a great deal of concentration. I propose that we solve this riddle immediately and perhaps we'll be resolved of these... Well, we should get to looking. Their names have to be around here somewhere. Or maybe they have a name tag.

Oh, shit, man. It's name tags. Oh, they're named. Whoa, this is good. No, we have to write a name tag with these crowns. These what? It's what Mr. Osloff called these things. It's a crown. A crown? Oh, do you mean a crayon? Wait a minute.

Are you guys gaslighting me? I'm just regular lighting you. Oh, you're still glowing. See, you're glowing in all by then. I imagine that it's actually between the vines and then it's creating those god rays. Oh, yeah, definitely. That's beautiful. Do I have a radiating beauty to me with black eyes? Oh, yeah, you think you're hot shit. Oh, in place of a dark lord, you would have a queen!

Your dark and beautiful and terrible is the dwarf. See, Kremi, now he's screaming. Yeah, no, I mean, he's always screaming. I'm stronger than the vultures of the earth. A dwarf runs up to you and asks for her hair. Oh, my hair? Yeah, I can't do the accent.

What do you mean? Well, because Gimli wanted a piece of her hair. Is it like a little kid door? Yeah. I never knew. Hey, how'd you get in here? Right close for maintenance. I just really would like a piece of your hair, please. Or a locket. Oh, you know, little strange door child, it's a little creepy, but I'm in a good mood. Here you go, child. That's it?

Don't use any creepy divination magic on me. Get out of here. Thanks for indulging me since I can't do that accent. That doesn't actually happen. What's your name? What's your name?

What's whose name? Adolf. No, that doesn't really happen. Oh. Is that non-canon? No, it's canon. But I loved Child Gilme. Okay, Child Gilme's there. Child Gilme. Say this Gilme. That tickled Rich. Gilme. Say this Gilme. Wait. Oh, what's your name, little boy? What's your name, Adolf? Adolf.

Oh, it's just child gil me. It's what me parents called me. I'll obey if you want. Are you sure? Yes. Are you sure they don't just look at you and say, oh, gil me?

Oh, that G is so important. You kill me. The G isn't goblin. You were about to kill a child. I mean, send a child to a farm? I was about to use Mold Earth to bury him alive. That makes you surprisingly more dangerous than I realized as you say that. I've never trusted a magic user to have Mold Earth. One body...

We have a riddle to solve. Goodbye, Kewm. I mean, Gumi. All right, this is kind of your thing. I mean, I'll just, I'll pet the pretty you. Yeah, no, we're really great at riddles.

We're a great team at rhythms. I'm happy to hear it, but for you to solve it, you actually have to go to the carousel and solve it. I'm here, I'm paying the unicorn. Oh wow, it's so beautiful. We can get right over there. Okay. Goodbye, Gilmy. Enjoy my hair, you... How did you get in here? Come on, let me escort you out.

She walks away as she escorts Gilney out of the carousel. Remember, stronger than the foundations of the earth. Which kind of name is Crappington? And what's the name of my trusty steed? Hey, Gilney, get out. I keep telling you to stop coming in here. Ah, Pete. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I miss video games. And with that, you are left alone at the carousel. It is, is no longer in motion. Uh, what you did notice is that, uh,

um the the carousel when it is not in motion they're just these old wooden unicorns uh there are four pairings in total eight unicorns so two two two and two if that makes sense um and that when the carousel came alive the unicorns did too they would shake out their manes they would um

All of us?

- We'll have Crummy do it, 'cause he loves unicorns so much. - Oh, but what a riddle team! - I wanna investigate. - Well, I'm not even really investigating, I'm just petting the unicorn. - Oh, okay, well, who would like to investigate? - I would obviously make you engage with the riddle. - Okay. - And I'm saying, ah, yes, Frosty, we're a great team at riddles. - So please do it at disadvantage.

That makes sense. You distracted Vamon. Yeah, you're gorgeous. Stupid sexy Grigov. He's not wearing nothing at all. I know. I know. Just a regular investigation? Oh no, disadvantage for sure. Disadvantage, okay. You won't be broken. Hey, it's not so bad. Well, that's actually really decent money.

- I'll take a dirty 20. - The fey will it. So you look around at them and you notice that on the harnesses, there is a carved name plate. And you see that the first one, as you look between the two horses, that one of the horses actually has their full name, Fortune.

The other one has the letter B and then what looks to be three empty spaces. I was thinking it. Oh, Frosty, I was thinking it before you even told me it was a B. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

I was thinking that even before, man, we're so good at riddles. Yes. Well, you guys solved it already. Yeah, yeah, no, yeah, this one. Well, we were just working on these first two horses. The game is a hoof, so to speak. Yeah, exactly. I think we should each, each of us, there are four pairs, we should each examine...

Two horses at a time and try to get a sense and then we'll rotate if we're stuck on a problem I'm gonna spend some time with Fortune B here Well, I'll take a look at these two, see what I can figure out Oh, bold! The die was tricky though, you'll get it though Bold? Fortune favors the bold, Frosty Won't try it Should we try to inscribe it here on the nametag? A crown fit for a monarch

You write the letters OLD and nothing seems to happen, but so far you've only named one horse. Or one unicorn. Alright, Gid, should we look at this other pair? Well, yeah, let's see what we can figure out here. Fucking keep it down, alright? Stop screaming. I'm not screaming. Well, I'm screaming a little now. You're frustrating me. Just try to use one word sentences. Okay. Okay.

You know, the one thing I'll never forget is the sound of their screams. Chuckles, who are you even talking about? Who screams?

This is why no one came to your shows. They all screamed. All right. This pretty pink unicorn, I screamed. Oh my God. What is the name? You screamed. We all screamed. In the terrible house fire at the family reunion.

I mean, just hold on, hold on. Chuckles is telling one of his dark backstories again. You know, he always seems to be doing that. I mean, how many origins can one clown have? And you know, you never, until you punch a guy, you really never know what he's going through. Yeah, you know, if I had known that he'd haunt me all my days just because I punched him in the body and killed him. You know? Ah!

I probably still would have done it. - I was like, "Butch doing the potty and..." - Frankly, not that grave transgression, if we're gonna be honest. I mean, I didn't mean to do it. - It was intentional, right? - Yeah, I mean, you did mean to feed him to the pigs at the farm. - Well, I told you to do that. - And he had that fit. What were we gonna do? Just leave him in the grass? Ticket sales were plummet. We'd have to start charging double for us.

I mean, corpses ain't gonna fit in this, right, Dan? Yeah. We've had this conversation like dozens of times. Let's try to wrap this up. Oh, God.

- Extreme guilt. - This is how we process it. - All right, anyway, I fucking love unicorns. - I look at the name tags. - You look at the name tags and you see that one of these horses is named Fall. The other one is, what you see is P-R blank, blank, blank.

All right, fall is one of them. So that's one. P-R blank, blank, blank. Mm-hmm.

Okay, where's the dynamic duo heading next, Frosty? Let's take the next pair. The riddle, the raucous riddle rabble-rabsters. They keep talking about Chuckles for some reason. Let's just move on to this third pair. Yeah, why is Gideon haunted by the murder of Chuckles? Well, did you see how hard he hit his body? Oh, no!

I actually, I didn't hit him that hard. He was a little weak frame. Right here, that's the kidney. Well, I'm not a surgeon. I mean, I actually, I didn't see it. I heard it first. I don't know.

- We go up to the next pair. - You go up to the next pair of horses. You look in the same spot, you find the name tags and what you see here is that one of the horses is named Stone, the other one is M space space S. - That's fascinating. Do you guys have a name combo yet? Have you any ideas of the relationship? - We got a couple ideas.

I'm just not ready to share one. Yeah, look, we all keep working on that one. We're the rebel, we're the dynamic duo. We already got Moss over here. I don't think it's Moss. Oh. You think it's Moss? Moss doesn't gather on a rolling stone, Frosty. That's not bad. Yeah, well, we already have, uh, uh... We have a P. For, uh, Price.

Like price dropping. Oh, falling prices. Oh, that's the worst. Yeah. Competition drives prices down. Oh, of course, it's Prime! Prime coming before the fall! That's pretty good. That's pretty good. Fall Prime? Yeah, most likely. This is like baby games. I don't even know all these fancy sayings.

I mean, there was a lot of time on the ship. Scooby-Doo and I exchanged a lot of sayings and stories. Pride before the fall, huh? What do you think? I mean, I don't know. It doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel like it flows, you know? Yeah. Oh, maybe not.

I mean, it's just storytelling. Didn't you grow up in villages where you would just tell stories to each other? That's all we had to do to pass the time. Well, no, that's not what we did. Have you ever been to goblin towns? No. When would I have ever been to a goblin town?

The food is terrible, the women are beautiful, and all it has to do is to tell stories. Well, if the women look like you, yeah, I bet they are beautiful. Have you always been so symmetrical, by the way? What? This is the best Rick and Blaine I've ever heard.

It's a hard cut to handsome Squidward. Oh, thank you for noticing. With pitch black eyes. I feel like I cut my hand slapping those cheeks.

- Gideon is a disaster. - Oh, you're a charmer. - Thank you. - So are you writing any names down? Are you doing anything? - What do you think, Gideon? - I'll let you have a crack. - I'll take the last one. - Okay. You look at this one and you see that one of the horses is named Stitch and the other horse is blank, blank, and blank.

Blank, blank, N, blank? Four letters. Oh, that's the easiest one yet! You know, Gib, I'm seeing fall, space, PR, blank, blank, blank, right? Yeah, I've seen it too. What I'm thinking when I see the word fall is falling down, and I was reminded when you punched Juggles, so odd that he laughed until he died, he felt prone, didn't he?

Oh, well, what's the definition of prone? Prone means like, you know, horizontal. Oh, yeah, he was prone. Yeah, you broke every rib I had. God, you were strong then. They never tell you how they shit themselves.

Before or after a jackal? They don't put that in the song! Gosh, I wished there was wine in hell!

Poor Gideon, honestly. That would've been a nightmare. Okay, Frosty, oh! The last one's nine.

Easy! How is the last one nine? A stitching tong saves none, Frosty! Scurvy Dave is the most well-read pirate ship-gathering ship-whimper I've ever met. Maybe he was smuggling books. Um... Oh, God. I'm sweating through my shirt. I think Rigo may have fallen down on this. Well, he didn't get prone. That's what I got.

I write in R-O-N-E. Okay. So we've written in bold, prone, moth, and nine. You do this and nothing happens. You misspelled pride. Griggo's got it. Fall pride? Fall pride. I don't know. I mean, I think you fall prone.

You see what happened to Jocles? No, no, he has a saying. You have to have a knowledge about the saying. See, fortune favors the bold. So we're going fortune bold. I thought perhaps it was boon and that it was actually a synonymous thing. All boon? Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. Fortune boon. Fall prone. Sort of similar meanings. He's saying like the second word is like a similar word to the first.

All right, look, I mean, do these things have erasers? Look how proud this new unicorn is. Yes, you would easily be able to remove it. No, you didn't sharp it. I use my thumbnail just to like scream out the crayon. Oh, it's dry already. And I'll put in IDE.

As you finish writing the E, all of the unicorns turn into actual unicorns. And you see eight unicorns standing there in front of you. They paw down at the, gonna fucking pull right through their bodies. - That's a horrible- - Oh my God! - Kremi, now we're screaming! We're screaming, Kremi! - I'm sorry!

- Oh my god, this place is certainly worse than our carnival. - Roll initiative. - My magical blood! - Mercurial silver is spilling out. - Anywho, you watch as they take an active form. You can still see they are made of wood. These are not

to life unicorns, but they're as close to them as they can possibly be. As they turn towards you and they whinny and they make noises. And Gricko, you hear a voice in your head. Well, looks like you solved the puzzle.

Oh, now it's me and Frosty, we're a team. Oh, modest. So humble. Oh, thank you. And a drink. I'm trying to set a good role model for my daughter here, who's just been dying to meet you, whichever unicorn you are. I mean, all of the unicorns. It's just Hoochie the Coochie, Hoochie T, Coochie Grim Grim. Oh my god, is that real? Sibilna is frozen in time.

Three hags have seized control of Zabillna's domain and have split it amongst themselves. Together, these hags form the Hourglass Coven. The hags' names are Bavlorna Blightstra, Scabatha Nightshade, and Endelin Moongrove. Unicorn, slow down! And their splinter realms are called Hither, Thither, and Yawn.

The coven is so riddled with distrust that each hag is convinced her sisters are plotting against her. Good luck.

The unicorn says this? To me or to everybody? To you in your mind. Oh, just before it dies on the pole. It is telepathically. And then you watch as blood spills out of its mouth. It's clearly been moved. And the pole that was going through its body was removed from the area it was clotting as the blood spills forth and it just collapses to the ground. This is what it feels like to be punched in the butt.

No, that doesn't happen. This is not Edge of Midnight. This is Witch Life. They die where they stand. They don't fall on the ground. Um...

But no, as you finish getting this information, the unicorns, you watch as all the unicorns toss their manes this way and that, and with one final whinny, they turn back into wood. Oh, yeah, I mean, we solved it. Yeah, it was easy to solve the riddle. It was all just saying, and then... Greg, I have to admit, the fact that you were able to solve this puzzle so quickly and easily is the most useful and intelligent thing I've seen you do in the entire time that...

I've known you, it's truly remarkable. My hat is off to you, if I had a hat. All the while you're hearing the stuff from the unicorn, Frosty's just talking at you. Yeah, yeah, you're in your head, you might not. You may just also say how attractive you are, right? Very symmetrical. I think the most useful thing he's done is just stand there and smile. What?

Hourglass Coven? What? Free Splinter Realms? Splinter Realms. And if you're here and I'm here, then who's our boy? There's a chuckle. Oh, and as they go back to how they were, you feel your fey curses fade from you. All of them?

except for Kremi's pact that he made. He still loves unicorns. So did I see them come alive? Yeah. Oh, what happened? Did they speak to you? You know, I never forgave you, Gideon. Well, you know what, Chuggles? I never asked for it, okay? Because you were at the farm. Isn't that fading? I never forgave you, Gideon.

So with that, you are now standing at the carnival. You are standing at the carousel. You watch as the unicorns go back to their stationary motion. Gricko, you've just had this experience where you've had this information just offloaded onto you very quickly as all of you feel that strange fey magic that had been affecting you fade away. Gricko, you become wrinkled and disgusting again. Your eyes...

I feel like a popsicle. I can hear your face. Gringo, have you always been so age symmetrical? He's like two-faced. You know, me mom always said I had a nice personality. I'll know where Zibuna is and what happened to her. What? Wait, what? What?

Go on, Alan! The unicorn spoke to me as reward. It spoke into your mind. It spoke into my mind because I solved a-- we solved a riddle together, Frosty. I should have known that they were psionic in nature. Psy-clops.

I'm sorry, what? A cyclops is a giant king with one eye and a horned king. They both have horns, actually. It's also a play on words. Psy is in psionic and then clops is in... Well, unicorn is a celestial creature generally native to the upper planes but is found in the Feywild and the Material Plane and all over. It was my attempt at a joke. Please tell us what information... Oh! It was about the hooves. You overlooked the hooves. Psionic.

She's frozen in time and it's all on account of free hags. It's always hags. There's three of them and it's a coven and they split up Prismia into Hither and Yon. Did you mispronounce that? Is it Vither or is it just Vither? It's Hither, Vither and Yon. Is it Yon or Yon?

Yon with an O. Y-O-N. Y-O-N. Oh, Y-O-N. It's not Yon. Go hither, go thither, and then we shall go yon. To Yon Market place. It gets me every time. This little piggy went to Yon Market. All we have to do is kill these three hags. All we have to do. Well, yeah, we have to figure out how to deal with the hags. I don't know if we've got to kill them.

with these hags that have trapped him. So she's like stuck. She's frozen in time. And they're called the Hourglass Coven, probably on account of the fact that she's frozen in time. I mean, yeah, that stands to reason. Didn't Madrick ask us just to find out how Zabillna was doing?

No need to find her so he can say, oh, the building is safe so I can die peacefully with a slice of pumpkin pie. Do you think he'd be satisfied if we went back right now and we're like, well, she's frozen in time. Please hand over millions of gold pieces. No, she's distressed. There's three hags that carved up a realm into hither-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver-viver

young. Yeah, I mean, that's like the exact opposite of what he wants. That's the last thing he wants, Frosty. He has gratitude towards his patron who's horribly trapped in time and around him. But was our agreement terms? We were gonna say we were. Okay. We were gonna reunite them. We were going to allow for a reunition. Yeah, and deliver his letter to her. Didn't he write a handwritten letter? Yeah, she's gonna read a letter. She can't read it once a second time. We could just be like...

You know, Frost, I'll check the terms, all right? And I'll snap and you'll see this sort of shadow erupt and the contract that he signed with his own blood will appear floating in the air and I'll grab it and I'll let it go. All right, let's see.

DM, do you remember the exact nature of the deal? The exact nature was that he wanted to be reunited with his patron. He wants to be able to tell her thank you and say his goodbyes before he dies because he wants to die. Yep, reunited. We need to bring reunion. So we are going to... Oh, I like that. Thank you. Are we going to... We're going to have to...

rescue Zabilda by unfreezing time by getting a hag. Yeah, we have to go to the hollow bastion and she's frozen and Tom is gonna be crazy and the music's gonna be really cool. And the unicorns didn't tell you anything else about these hags? We have no way of... No, their names are... Their names are... Moongray. Bavlorna Blightstraw. Bavlorna Blightstraw. Bavlorna. Bavlorna.

Blight? Blightstraw. Not straw. Strop? Straw. Like a scarecrow. Stop letting Gricko tell you. I'm getting this ear on her and your ear, I can't hear her.

Blightstraw. Bavlorna Blightstraw. Yes. Scabitha Nightshade. Scabitha. Scabitha Nightshade. Oh, man, she's going to look disgusting. God damn it again. No, her name is Scabitha. She's going to be like. Oh!

Oh, why'd you do that? Come here, my little gosling. Come have a snack from Scavitha. I'm most worried about Scavitha. And then Miss Moongrave. And then it's Endlyn Moongrave. And it's E-N-D-E-L-Y-N. Endlyn.

E-L-Y-N. Endelin Movegrave. Moongrave. Why would it be Movegrave? I love Movegrave. Is she a dancing? She actually sounds kind of hot, though. We just talked to someone named Cloppington. We have to take these names very literally. Oh, she's the end of them. Probably the third one that we'll face. Oh, maybe she's got a... Oh, that makes sense. A dream on the moon?

And you also, Brico would have told you that the coven is riddled with distrust. Oh yeah, they hate each other. And Chag is convinced that her sisters are plotting against her. They hate each other. Oh, that's very competitive. Yeah, we can pit them against each other, yes. Well, wait a second. Before that unicorn died a horrific death, did it tell you how to get into the shadow realms of Prismir's shattered hagi-biz?

Yeah, what he said. No. Oh, well, good. Well, no, but didn't, I mean... No, Cloppington, Diana said she's going to help us get there, eh? No, what's his name? Madrick. Madrick told us that the Witch-like Carnival is how we get to prison. Oh, that's right.

Once it's over, we'll just be in Prismia. You'll see she's on a unicorn rocking back and forth with her paws around the thing. Well, thank you, unicorn. I guess they're no longer able to hear us. Perhaps they can. That's too bad. They were really pretty. I mean, they're still very pretty. They were very nice crushes. I mean, the hoochies. Look at how much fun the hoochies are.

she's having. They're just so beautiful and cute. Yeah, we didn't even get to ride them. When we did get enough information to, I think, honor the rule of reciprocity, we have to do something for Diana to assist her in... That's amazing. Seeing her destiny. We have to sever the... I mean, separate healthily Sir Cloppington and Diana. What did she say about who... It must have been one of these hags who did this to her. And she did say she.

Mushrooms! Who has mushrooms? What are we, fake straw? Is that mushroomy? No. What was it? Nightshade, Moongrove, Moongrave. Moongrave. I mean, graves and mushrooms is kind of... Blight straw. It could be. It's definitely Scabifer. I can see Moongrave. I can see Moongrave. Mushrooms on a grave? It could be both, I mean. Oh, wait. We could ask her. She may know. We could ask. I don't think she could tell us. Oh, don't ask.

I don't want to say, oh, it's the hourglass covered. Oh, no, I can't hear that. My head's going to explode. She probably would explode. Like her hooves get caught off and they bleed until she dies. Who would make a pact where that's an outcome? That's terrifying. Just say a name. I mean, at the very least, we'd be able to make glue afterwards.

That's just grim. That's very grim, Frosty. What do we even need glue for? Look at how happy he is! Look at how full my fucking backpack is. I go ahead and move the one hour. Oh shit.

We gotta do it. Diana, we'd like to ride this thing, Hoochie. I mean, she's having a very nice time while she's not moving, but we'd like it to move. Yes, we're running out of time. I'm more than happy. Yes, I've been here for a while. I'm sorry about the glue comment. That's fine. Oh, it would be a little absurd. I'm sorry? Nothing.

I'm filled with sorrow already, as it were. So, like, water off a duck's back. Remember to smile for the children. Gilmy will be back any moment. Why don't you present your ticket, and I will punch it for you. Please! Oh! And then you can punch it yourself, but she goes through and she punches each one of your tickets once. I'm going to attempt to pierce the ticket. Yeah.

And you are able to mount the unicorns, and as she starts the ride, they all come to life, and you spend a good couple of minutes just going around in circles on these unicorns. Whee! Whee! Whee! Oh, isn't this such a fun day out with Dad? I'm so glad I'm not getting consumed by vines and leaves anymore. Yeah, isn't this such a fun day with Dad? You were gonna go home, and you were gonna tell Mom

and you're in Best Day and Walter sucks and you're like... Oh yeah, I thought you didn't skip Lang Day, motherfucker. Let's go! This is actually sponsored by Bad Dragon. Please.

Good lord. Good lord. Have you seen the price of glue lately? I was not able to pierce the witch light ticket. You very stood. I pierced it. Oh, you did? I pierced it, yeah. Damn. I'm impressed. Yeah, it works really hard on these. Punched. This is the greatest day of my life. It's so beautiful. This is actually quite a fine day already.

However, there's a lot of rides left and we have limited time. It seems it's getting darker. Well, uh, thank you. This was very nice. Oh, isn't it so nice? Hootsie. I accidentally broke the horn off of my unicorn. You're going to have to glue it back on. All right. Oh, fuck! That's connected to my spine! Ah!

They're not really unicorns! Fuck! Ow! Ow! He said calmly. He said calmly. I thought that was what you were supposed to hold on to. Well, they are a little old. Well, thank you for the information. Yes. We promise to do right by the rule of reciprocity, the third rule.

Perhaps the most important one. Equal or lesser value. The equal value. Or approximate. Or comparable, whatever. Yeah, it was store credit or something, I think. Yeah, store credit. That's how it was named, yeah. I greatly appreciated anything that you can do to help. But just please be careful. You seem capable. You seem different than most. It will not be easy.

And I don't have all the answers you seek, but there are others working the carnival that can help you. Just... it will be difficult. I don't know. Prepare yourselves, Betrothed, before you try to make your way into Prismia. We will endeavor to do so. Is there anyone that we should be helping also, or that we should not be helping specifically?

It's Scabitha, isn't it? She explodes in emotion. It's Scabitha, isn't it, for what? I'm sorry, what? What cursed you? She what cursed you? Scabitha? She begins to start to nod her head.

And as she does, a disgusting dark brown sap begins to spill out of her mouth. - Oh, I'm so sorry! - She looks horrified as the mushrooms begin to grow on her hands again, but this time they pop like these like pustules as she winces in pain.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! And she tries to keep herself completely still as eventually the sap recedes and the mushrooms fade away. I'm so sorry, but also I told you, Frosty. Okay! I wasn't asking about that. I was asking here at the carnival, is there anyone that we should distrust? Not this larger question. You misunderstood me. The point is, we got your information. We'll do what we can.

Thank you, I appreciate it. Well, wait a sec. There are people at the carnival, other Witchlight Hands that I'm sure could use your help. They would be much more likely to give you additional information. Depending on where they are and what rides they tend to, they would know things that I possibly could not. The more you help, the more likely you are to find allies here.

So, like, do we have to get, uh, you know, what Dunn, he did mention, do we have to get her to, like, agree to reverse this? Or just like a punch to the ribs kind of situation? I'm unsure. Well, well, uh-oh. I think we have what we need.

We know it involves killing stuff, and between the four of us, I think we can make pretty good on that. Hopefully some ribs. Yeah. Can't solve puzzles, I thought it was wrong. I walk up to one of the drink carts very quickly, and I will grab one of the giggle juices. Let's find ourselves at one of these games, and perhaps we can find additional allies.

Well, I mean, Kit did say he was hungry and all this unicorn bullshit kind of worked up an appetite and we're right by the feasting orchard, so... Oh! Oh! Maybe we can grab a bite? Yeah, let's do that. I guess that was lovely. Mmm.

We hit there. Well, it was really nice to meet you. Oh, no. I thought you were glue. I've been here this whole time. I apologize. You came with us to the drink cart? I was trying to transition us. The drink cart within the carousel area. Oh, this is well equipped. There are bathrooms over yonder. Oh, yeah, don't say that.

It was very nice to meet you. Please enjoy the rest of the carnival. I know that we already agreed, but if you could just put in a good word about the drink cart adding a certainly chapel, I really think he'd like it. Yeah, I also think... We served that at our carnival, and we lost all our money, and we had to lay everyone off, and we had to run away from some colonies who were very upset with Crammy.

Oh, it's just a bad idea. Forget I said anything. There's a suggestion box on your way out.

I dare anybody to read that. A million platinum, my dear. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. We will avenge you. Thank you. And you make your way to the feasting orchard. You know, I don't want to go to the suggestion box, but it's probably going to cast a suggestion on us. That's actually what's going to happen. That was fucking genius. Um...

First of all, I want to say I knew it was scabba for the whole time. That just seemed like a scabba for a thing to do. Do you notice that she said yonder and didn't explode into mushrooms? Oh. It sounded like she was about to. Well, I know that, uh...

Oh wait, was Yon, was that Scarabuffer's realm? No. Do you have any indication from the unicorn which one corresponded? Yes. Blightstraw was Hither. Okay. Notshade, Scarabuffer. Mm-hmm. Phipps. How would you know this?

She didn't tell you what. Oh, she didn't? No. Oh, okay, okay. The unicorn didn't say what. Oh, well, I was presuming the rule of three. They told me three witches in order and Hibberdiver and Darn in order as well. That's exactly what happened. I'm making a presumption. Okay, no presumptions. But I believe that Yon is where Enderlin Moongrave is.

Did Frost perceive her saying yonder and being capable of saying yonder without issue? She was capable of saying yonder. She was just afraid to say anything that was related to the hags, period. But unlike when she was trying to acknowledge something relating to Skabatha, in which she physically could not.

Can I make some sort of deduction or insight whether or not that was a clue from her speech that Jan was something safe for her to say, even if she was afraid to say it, versus when she is incapable of saying something? I would say that it was easily able to see that even though she was afraid to say it, she was capable of saying it. She didn't get those horrible shroom scabs. I think that she's, whichever hag cursed her was from hither or thither, based on this information. What? What?

She was able to say yonder without turning into sappy mushrooms. That's why I think that it was scapifer. Well, yonder's also a different word. Maybe if she had said like... I said it's scapifer and she nodded. We got the answer.

That's far from good. Well, she started to nod, and then she started to squeeze out. But we're a team, Frosty. We figured it out. Frosty and Gricko, the problem solvers extraordinaire, the rabble rousers of riddles. All right, I'm putting a little question mark in there through their column for Diana Kloppington.

That's great. You have columns. See, this is why we're a team. I've got a whole matrix. I've got permutations. This is why we're a team. Frosty's got the permumations. Sure. Kremi, he's the leader. Mm-hmm.

Gideon punches people in the ribs. Right in the body. Right in the body. Generally in the body. Very hard. Really quite hard. I've seen torsos and then I haven't seen them because you punched them. Well, sometimes I hit them with my knee. Who sees the heart and the soul of the group? Gideon Pons! That one time.

I accidentally got mind controlled by a monster and hit Gricko somewhere in the face with my knee. Oh man, I didn't think he was recovering from that one. That was there during that time. Yeah, I know. I'm just reminiscing with you. No, I heard a shine go, and I got KO'd. Oh!

I flew off the screen. I exploded. Did he then float down on a disc and then you were rejoined? That's what happened. I was like, you can buy more particles. And I was flashing right, and I'm like, oh, I feel invincible. Oh, that was brief. LAUGHTER

And with that, you've made your way to the feasting orchard. Oh, and I have a nice personality. Let's go! To the feasting orchard. Oh, who's she? Are you ready? I hope they have a children's menu. I hope kids eat free. Oh no, we all eat free. Let's feast. Music and mirth radiate from this park.

The heady scent of flowers, mead, and blueberry pie waft through the air. Stilt walkers pluck fruit from trees. Musicians drum, pipe, and strum. And everywhere there is singing, dancing, and an inordinate amount of custard. And that is where we'll end the session. Custard? You had me at custard! There's about to be a shortage of custard at this carnival. Sorry, children.

Thank you so much for listening to the Legends of Avantris podcast. We hope you enjoyed the session. If you want even more campaigns to listen to, become a member of our Patreon at the Pearl Dolphin tier or higher to unlock Shroud over Saltmarsh, a patron-exclusive campaign set on the high seas. You can find that at slash legendsofavantris.

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