cover of episode For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2

For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2

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Legends of Avantris

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
@Knuckles : 我认为我们应该利用我们的优势,制定一个周密的计划,确保万无一失。我擅长潜行和爆破,可以负责清除障碍和制造混乱。 在行动中,我发现我的钩爪技能派上了用场,成功打开了通往保险库的隐藏通道。面对突发情况,我冷静地应对,用钩爪击中巨眼,打开了通往保险库的通道,虽然之后出现了意想不到的球体怪,但我成功地用铁瓶将其困住。 在与黑暗精灵对抗时,我展现了强大的战斗力,用精准的打击迅速制服了敌人,为团队争取了宝贵的时间。最后,我凭借敏锐的观察力和超强的实力,成功打开了保险库的大门。 @DM : 这次行动的目标是银色衬里赌场,那里将在弗林弗洛锦标赛决赛之夜聚集大量的金钱。你们需要制定周密的计划,巧妙地潜入赌场,在比赛进行期间获取尽可能多的钱财,然后全身而退。 行动中,我设置了各种挑战,包括复杂的机关、强大的守卫和意想不到的敌人,考验你们的团队合作能力和应变能力。最终,你们成功地完成了任务,但同时也面临着新的挑战。 @Glitzy : 我负责收集情报和使用魔法道具。我提前收集了关于赌场内部结构和保安部署的情报,并从朋友那里获得了可以困住敌人的铁瓶。 在行动中,我成功地利用铁瓶困住了强大的球体怪,为团队化解了危机。此外,我还巧妙地伪装成鸡尾酒女招待,收集情报,并与其他成员配合,顺利完成了任务。 @Orla : 我负责侦察和辅助。我利用自身优势,快速地飞到电梯顶部,发现了电梯被卡住的原因,并及时解决了问题。 在行动中,我展现了出色的侦察能力和灵活的应变能力,为团队提供了关键信息,并协助其他成员顺利完成任务。面对突发情况,我冷静地应对,并成功地完成了任务。 @Gino : 我负责制定计划和协调行动。我提前收集了赌场的信息,并制定了详细的行动计划。 在行动中,我利用自己的经验和知识,成功地伪装成保安,混入了赌场内部。虽然在行动中出现了一些意外,但我凭借冷静的判断和灵活的应变能力,最终带领团队成功完成了任务。

Deep Dive

The episode starts with the characters gathering above Gino's Deli, where they contemplate their next heist: the Silver Lining Casino. They discuss their previous heist, Gino's eccentric behavior, and the details of the upcoming job, including the Grand Fleen Flo Championship which will increase the casino's takings.
  • The heist targets the Silver Lining Casino
  • 10 days until the heist
  • The Grand Fleen Flo Championship will significantly increase the casino's cash on hand
  • Gino's unreliable nature and confusing plans are highlighted

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to Legends of Avantris. Here's what happened last time. Just above a quiet deli known as...

Gino's Deli. Very creative. Gino, can you get a glass of milk for me, please? You know, I saw on a document once. Which one? How to make the one that you're fanning yourself with. Oh, this one? I'll be sipping carrot juice. Talk me off a little bit of that one. Good thing I have a nice glass here for carrot juice. I don't know. I put some liquor in there. Oh. Just a touch.

You know what? I call me Knuckles, don't you? Why? Because I got knuckles. We're gonna heist a museum. We could've just used these air vents and waited for some fucking ducks. You drop down to the marble floor of the interior of the Galtican Museum of, well, Galtica. You need to find a way to get this massive artifact

Out, the four of you and the ten of your children with the crates under each arm are able to make your way through the windows and over the threshold of the grass and immediately to the getaway vehicle. The casino where the money is held by all the gamblers is the real prize. On the eastern shores of Viona, there lies the great city of Galtica, staring out into a dark and turbulent ocean.

This is a place of business and commerce for many, a place of opportunity for some, and home to hundreds of thousands of creatures that make up the many boroughs and districts within the city proper. Its history is old and storied.

Older, certainly, than the noble families that would call themselves its rulers, for Galtica has no king or sovereign. In spite of this, or perhaps because of it, Galtica perseveres. This is a hub of many, many races from across the mortal plane and even beyond, and thus is a city of great spectrums. Tremendous wealth and oppressive poverty.

Festivals and fairs and crime and corruption. Adventure and intrigue. Indulgence and hedonism. A city of many faces, both literally and figuratively.

Each of its myriad wards and neighborhoods houses humans, tieflings, dwarves, elves, dragonborn, and half another world of humanoid creatures. Merchants can be heard from nearly every corner calling out the contents and wares of their stalls. Each street brings its own flavors and smells and spices from the many clustered street cart food vendors and cafes and taverns and eateries.

If you can think of it, you can probably find it here in Big Goodberry. Tonight, we find ourselves in the bustling district of Strelia. I'm sorry, Little Filibarfia. Yeah, that's right. Just above a quiet deli known as Gino's Deli. It is here that you all find yourselves now staring down at... Count them. 100,000 gold pieces. Ooh.

The total payout for successfully delivering the complete skeleton of a massive behir from the Galtican Museum. A job well done. Now is your chance at the big one. This rare opportunity may require significant investment, but could mean more money than you could rightly spend in two lifetimes. Or three. How you approach this job, how you plan for it, and work together to achieve this ultimate aim is up to you.

You're probably wondering why I called you all here today. I know I gave you the whole plan earlier. You know exactly what we're doing. Uh, Dimash, speak it up a little bit. Oh, what? You gotta project for the microphone. Huh? Why are you whispering? I mean, for the wire that I'm... I mean, the microphone. I mean... What did I say about mentioning the feds? You're gonna give me a heart attack. I'm finally gonna have the big one.

Well, my doc is always saying, "Gino, you gotta stop eating all that gabagool and muffalette." So, uh... And mozzarella. What's the plan, boss? Ooh, some galamar would be nice right now. How about we get some galamar and talk about the plan afterwards? What do you think?

Oh no, it's tonight! It's wobbly here! Yeah, but to be fair, we are just right upstairs from the deli, so all you have to do is walk downstairs, grab some galima, and then come back upstairs. It would take like two minutes. Well, I mean, I gotta get up the fryer, go. Here, let me get a little bit of some gabagool, and I'll snack on it. Here, let me go to... Oh, I'm still wearing my bathrobe. Oh.

I wasn't expecting company, even though you arrived exactly when I told you to. Well, the store's closed, boss. You can go downstairs in your bathroom. Okay, as long as no one's trying to trick me so I can put on any lifts. You need to be doing that again. Oh, it's dinner time. Are you closed? I hope he's closed because there's no one downstairs running the deli, that's for sure. You can hear a long line of people outside the store. What the fuck? Hello? Staff in the front desk.

Gosh, all these healthcare regulations. That's why the belly is failing. Hold on a sec. Let me just get some gabagool here. Let me find my slippers. Looks like we'll be going into this heist just as unprepared as last time. No, we're actually prepared. Remember? Oh, we got to spend this 100,000 gold pieces, not at the track.

I'll be right back. I shall follow up to get some gatherer. Alright, so now that Geno's gone, we should actually make a plan. It would be nice to have one this time. And probably not tell him about it, because he'll just confuse it with a different plan. That might be for the best. I mean, he still has some other details he hasn't given us. So, I mean, all we know is that it's a casino. I think that's it, right? And that we're robbing it. We don't even know what we're robbing.

Yeah, sure. But we have strengths, right? So we can talk about what we could do with our strengths and how that might come in handy with a casino heist. Agreed. And I'm not sure that his background knowledge was all that helpful last time around, to be very honest.

He got confused about a lot of things. I've gone back to that museum every single night since at the exact same time looking for those ducks. I feel horrible. Why would you return to the scene of the crime? Because those ducks... They always do. Those ducks are going to show up and wonder why we're not there. I've got to let them know that the deal's done. It's true, they were a huge loose end. I have a question then.

Who made Geno boss? I mean, who wouldn't have r- Oh, Geno! Oh, welcome back! I look like Tony Soprano in like half of the episodes. You're gonna eat louder, though. It's just because he went up the stairs. Yeah, I went up the stairs. Gosh, those 12 stairs! I didn't know if it would work out.

You know, Ron's is always saying I gotta work out more, but I say with those 12 creaky wooden stairs, that's like a gym in my deli. I failed to include this in your mastermind details, but it's about 10 days from now. Oh, it's 10? Is what you're targeting. You have all night to plan.

- All in practical suits, like ready? - I brought all of my bombs.

I'm like so ready. Yeah, you guys are geared up sweating from eating. I'm wearing breast knuckles. So anyways, so oh, oh, you're putting a pen back into a grenade like, ah. I bought enough for everybody and some of the down too. I couldn't help you melt myself. Here you go, here you go, here you go. Oh no thanks. Do you have, did you grab me a fresh jug of milk from downstairs?

You need it right now? Again with the milk. While you're down there, get me some carrots. Be alone. Again with the carrots. Oh, my goodness. What am I? What am I? An athlete here? Am I a Paralympian athlete? I have to go up and down these stairs. I'm an old man. I'm not going to make it.

So what, you're gonna get us the milk? Fire, I'm good on my ice bond. Hold on. Picture of help. You hear him going down the stairs about three steps and then just a sound of like a... I'm sure he's gonna be fine. He'll be fine. So did you hear what he said when he came back up? We got ten days until the heist. Ten more days than I thought we had.

Wait, so then what are we doing wearing all this? And I would take off the black turtleneck off. But you've still got the black makeup around the eyes, right? Yeah, it's all still there, yeah. Because, I mean, I think we should use at least a portion of the 100,000 gold to upgrade my, you know, ram cart. You know, the getaway vehicle. And I think we should use a portion of the 100,000 gold to get me some more incendiary powder. Oh, that's a thing?

how do you think i've run my bombs on pixie dust and hope i mean that's happening but i do have to have a little bit of incendiary powder to get the pixie dust to really make that kaboom you know that i like so much i do know andy so i'm wondering the best part about it the pixie dust mixed with the glitter it's like these tiny little plastic shrapnels that just tear

- Two people, great. Oh, hey boss. Can I have my milk? - I stopped eating some olive soup. I couldn't help myself, I had a, and there's like olive grease everywhere. And it just makes everything, oh!

You hear through the open window, are you open or not? I just want a sandwich. I can hear you. Get a job, hippie. I have a job. That's how I'm going to pay for the sandwich. You hear him leave. Get a job, hippie. Fuck. I can't take that anymore.

Did you remember my carrots? Oh, yeah. Well, the carrots are now covered in olive oil and milk. Do you still want them? I'm a mother of ten. I've eaten weirder things.

Hold on, hold on. Let me dry it off. Let me dry it off. Hold on, hold on. I have wipes. No, I got it, I got it. I dropped it, I dropped it. Oh, there's some fur on this one. Hold on. Maybe I don't want to. Hold on. I'm putting him under my arm as I'm picking him up.

Here you go. Okay, eat up, you're gonna need, 'cause tonight's the night of the 10 days before the heist. Tonight's the big night, you know. Well, I'm not gonna clean up all-- - What's the 10 days of heist, mister? - I'll wait for Vinny to come by to clean all this shit up. We'll leave it here.

Boss, we might want to shut the window. It seems like the customers that are trying to get into the shop can hear everything we're saying. God, these young folks are so entitled these days. It's like, oh, it says Dino's Deli opened late every night. He's entitled. Three in the afternoon. He's entitled. He's entitled.

- Entitled young folks, they come in and with their, it's like, oh hey, I demand and deserve avocado toast and rent that allows me to survive. So entitled, unbelievable. Can you believe these young folks? - There's four guard out there in line. Maybe we should drop our voices a bit. - What? Why are you whispering? - I'm gonna shut the window. I fly over and I shut the window. - You're a friend, Rich, you know that? - What, my brand, Gino? I am Gino's Deli, it's in the name.

and you close your dinner rush look at the line and i like walk look at the window he actually bought the deli from another person named gino

He was hit with spells with an eye and I just added three lines up there. That's amazing. The middle one fell off, so it's just Chicanoo. Well, once Vinny gets back from visiting that quail fella, I'm sure he'll open up shop.

I'm sure he'll be back at a reasonable time. He's a very responsible young lad. All right, so what's the job? Oh, so tonight is the first night of the 10 nights before the night of the heist night.

You following? Yeah, do you think the next time you tell us we gotta come over for the heist that you could maybe preface it with all of that other information first? You think I should include it in the invite in case the feds get it? I do think you should stop- There's reptilian insectoid hands all over my plan. I do think you should stop emailing us to let us know when we're meeting for the heist. And maybe find some other way to let us know. No, I'll have you know that AOL is very secure. Who told you that?

The guy who sold it to me down at the hardware store. Did he sell you one of those old CD discs that you put into your computer? He said he sold me a disc and he said, hey, just shout into this very loudly. It'll be very secure. And an owl will come and bring it. What are you talking about? Why it's called the Anytime Owl. Lettuce?

That's what I can do to you, man. Anytime Owl Letters, AOL. You can reach me at Gino Mufaletta 64-Deli www.flash and I was just thinking it was an alternate spelling of owl. You look at the disk and it just says A-Owl.

- Oh, is that what that says? How is anyone supposed to read this? How is anyone? - Why do I prep sessions? All I have to do is they start, and that's all I have written. - You're in a room. - Hold on, okay. I have all the details. I met with Miss Lady, and she gave me all of the details, so. - Why are you looking at the map of the museum from our last time? - Oh, is that what this is?

Oh no. I spent the last two weeks studying those. Give me 20 and we'll reconfirm. Hold on, no, I'm sure I have the details from this lady. Hold on. As he rolls up the map, you can see that all the details were written on the back of the map.

Hold on, it's gotta be somewhere. It's gotta be somewhere. Oh, ah, my foot, there's glass everywhere. Be careful, be careful. Be careful, watch your foot, watch your step. Okay. So Miss Lady had provided us with gold, as I said, she promised. So the mark is the Silver Lining Casino right next to Goodberry Square. You know the place.

Right. I mean, we all live here. We know the place. Yes, the biggest casino in Galtica at the present moment. Isn't it like the biggest casino in all of Avantra? Oh, yeah. Probably is. I'm just very, you know, insular. I only care about Galtica. You know what I mean? I don't care about the rest of Avantra. Okay, yeah. Continue. Okay. I just think that it's meaningfully important, you know? Oh. Oh, that's where... Oh, I see. Okay.

I have it all written down here. So Miss Lady says, and I had this delivered via AOL. She sent an A-owl. You know what I mean? Wait, so you're telling me that you used A-owl?

to deliver a message on the back of the map we used for the last heist. Yeah, why? Do you think that would incriminate us in case anyone intercepted it? As not only planning a heist, but also as the culprits of the previous heist would then be successfully executed? Undetected? No, I think we're probably fine. Yeah, we're probably fine. You're right. Anyways...

Silver Linings Casino is right next to Goodberry Square. What else is in 10 days? I'm sure you all know. It's probably not just me because I have a sports gambling habit. Habit, not an addiction. Habit. It's the big game, right? It's the big game. Right.

Oh, that Fleen Flo game you're talking about all the time? Yeah, the Grand Fleen Flo Championship. Yeah, who's playing this year? You can see it says, stock up for the big game because this fucking genie owns the rights and if anyone uses, if anyone says it in their advertising, he'll sue you. So who's playing in the big game this year? Oh, well, it's a bunch of different teams. It's a whole championship. It's kind of like the World Cup but also the Super Bowl. So who are you going to vote for?

Oh, I got a guy on the inside. I got a favorite team. The odds are really low. But I stand to make a lot of money if they pull through. That's my betting strategy. Look what I've had the biggest payout and just bet on that.

- It works for me. - I don't know if that's a sound. - It's very sound. That's how I do, that's what I do when I go to the track. Anyway. - For those of you who didn't join us last time, Gino is in tremendous debt.

Anyway, so the whole point of this casino on the night of the big game, the finale, the finals. So we'll see who's in the final match and then that's when I'll make my real bet, you know, but I have my bracket all filled out. You guys want to join my regular Fleeamflail team?

That's pretty funny. Thank you, I appreciate it. I like that joke a lot. Thank you, I appreciate it. Instead of fantasy flamethrower, yeah. Yeah, it took me a while to... Because we're in a fantasy world, I don't know, there's magic all around us.

It's very whimsical. Anyways. Thanks for the explanation. Thanks for bear-splaying that. You know. Okay, so anyway. Here it says... I don't know how anyone reads any of this. Who's handwriting? Oh, it's mine. Ugh.

Okay, so typically the casino, on an average night, you have a few hundred thousand gold pieces. - Boss, based on the way your writing looks, I think you wrote it with your glasses off. - Oh, yeah, that looks a lot clearer. I can finally read it. Okay, but for the championship, people from all over the advancements are coming in to our great city, bringing in and they're spending their money, they're placing bets. They're even taking bets via AOL this year, I've heard.

And there could be half a million to one million gold pieces. One million gold pieces in this casino on that night in 10 days. Are we all in the same place? All in the same place. Can you believe that? Well, if it's all in the same place, then it's a curative way out of this world. Well, I mean, probably literally and figuratively, they probably have some crazy demons or some shit. Aliens or something. I don't know.

That's what I mean. That's why I thought of everything and prepared it. Oh, and I've had the foresight to prepare everything we need. But we need to spend the time. So, Jake, just please continue. Oh, so we need to get in. We need to get out. That could also be up to five million gold pieces. Do you understand?

Not really. Okay, so a million or maybe five million? Between one and five million. Where is he going to be? What time of day is the heist going? I thought you originally said it was between half a million to a million. Now it's half a million to five million? Also, if there are really demons involved in the security, I don't think I want my children to help with this one. Probably. I mean, why don't they just help around at the shop?

I mean, I don't want to pass up on free child labor. That's true. But I also don't want to endanger them if there is out-of-this-world security. So I think Knuckles had a lot of really important questions that you have kind of avoided answering, boss. Yeah. Do you remember what questions I just asked? Oh, no, because the championship regularly inflows a million gold. You silly billies.

so the tournament's gonna be three to five million at least we're not talking about money at the tournament no no no they're showing up the casino and placing the bets

And that's why there's so much money. That's why there's so much money, yeah. You know how there's a section for like, "Oh, I could have gone to the track or the game, but I'm gonna go to the casino and just look at all the..." Alright, is it gonna be in a safe? Is it gonna be in some kind of treasure trove? It's gonna be in a vault. It's gonna be in a vault, yeah. There's always a vault at these places where they keep them, you know what I mean? And they got the tunnels. There's always a vault at these places? Yeah! Is this the background work you've done on this site? Yeah, there's a vault. Yeah, no, I mean, that's about all I got here. That's what I've done. Here's a map. Is there a map?

No, there's no map. It's very secretive. I've squeezed all of my sources. Even Jeramork. Maybe Jeramork. He's no shit. Was Jeramork that guy we had to meet up with after the last hype? Oh yeah, how was that? I squeezed him for all he was worth, too. Oh. Anything good? No, not really. You can tell he doesn't eat much pineapple. What? I do love pina coladas.

That's good to hear boss! Anyways, the main problem with 3-5 million gold pieces is that... You know how much 1 million gold pieces weigh? Take a guess. I don't know, 1 million pounds? About a million ounces. 10 tons! I don't know, I'm not gonna do the conversion. 20,000 pounds actually! 20,000 pounds... Do you know how much electrum piece that is?

- No, I don't boss. I'm not even sure what the conversion rate is between the vault piece and the Electrum. - Neither do I, it was a genuine question. A lot of Electrum. I still don't know. - There's a lot of hypothetical questions on the Heist Planet. - Why is that relevant? You ask that every time. - I just am curious. - We always ask, do you know how many Electrum pieces there is? And then we all go, no, we don't know what the fucking Electrum is. - When was the last time you saw an Electrum anyways? - I don't think I've ever seen an Electrum piece to be honest. - So the best time, the vault is gonna be at its fullest

during the final game, because all the last minute bets, it's very classic. So, and the Flee and Flo game takes about two hours to four hours, depending on how clean the game is, the final game. So we have a window of two at about a minimum. If they clean up, that's two hours. But if they take a long time, they go into some overtime, four hours if we're very lucky. So, we gotta get in, get many tons of gold pieces out,

And we also need to let them think that they've caught the culprits. They can't let it be a mystery, because then we'll live the rest of our lives in fear. And also they'll eventually catch us. Okay, so you're saying with this heist, not only do we have to get the money out, which is about 20,000 pounds worth of money. Times five. Times five. Potentially for Lucky.

- Okay, that's a lot. What's 20 times five? - We need to get as much loot as we can. - 100, I think.

100,000 pounds worth of gold pieces. Yeah, how much is that? Do you think you can carry that? You're a strong guy. I'm not done asking my question. We have to get 100,000 pounds worth of gold pieces out of this casino within potentially two hours of going in and

And we have to, what was the other thing we had to do? We have to let them think that they've all been dead. Oh, we have to let them think that they caught whoever actually did it because... Yeah, we need to pass these. Oh, shit. Yeah, we need to fall back. So who's the fall guy? I'm still working on that. I think that's... You'll hear a thud.

and an owl is smacked into the window. - Ugh. - That would have made it in if you hadn't closed the window. - Arrived in my www.owlgino48. - That's not your email, though. - Ignoring the pile of owls that will slowly accumulate over the next 24 hours, you plan the heist. You talk about your strengths. You talk through additional details. By the end of the evening, you feel very confident that you know what you need to do for the next 10 days,

until the night of the heist in order to get what you need to get and get out. It's the night of the heist. You are all four of you. There were many. All five of you. Thanks, DM. You and Patsy. No, the four of you stand in front of the Silver Lining Casino. It's this eight-story tall building that's been constructed almost zigguratedly, to use a word that I just made up.

Teared? Well, if you're picturing the crag from the television show Guts on Nickelodeon from the 90s. Oh my gosh, I haven't thought of Guts in like 20 years. What a pull! What a pull! You have it, Guts! Oh my gosh. I've been thinking about that jingle all day. All day.

But the exterior has been molded to look kind of like a mountain. And the silver lining is that there's an illusion, a huge swirling cloud right at the very, very top that has this unbelievable sheen

around the edges. If you've ever seen those fast motion, I'm gonna be very anachronistic tonight. If you've ever seen those fast motion videos of an actual mountain and you can see the cloud just undulating that way, that's what's happening in real time as you look up at the- - And every 20 minutes there's a thunderstorm like Rainforest Cafe. - Oh, it's just like the Rainforest Cafe.

For sure, for sure. It's like I'm really in the jungles of chalk. It's like there's really a gorallon. Oh, look at the papier-mâché face. You think these tanks of water used to have fish in them? Yeah, probably. It looks like an aquarium. Why does it smell like chlorine? Probably killed all the fish. And you know that they serve lava cake, but it's not very good. That's disappointing. It's always dry. How do you screw it up? It's crazy. It's always dry. I don't understand it. They have a good flatbread, though.

Oh, do they? I've never had food from a rainforest cafe before. The streets are packed. The exterior of this casino glows with bright lights. This bit is over. You're done!

Shut up! We're in a fucking rainforest, Cafe Jukes! You can see owls flying in all directions. There's a man with suspenders over his shoulders holding up a big tray. He's going, Soup pops for sale! Oh, it's a soup-kake vendor! Let's just stop for one on the way in. That's not real. And there are people who are going from the casino, placing bets, to the...

Goodberry Square where the actual game is being played. People are finding their seats, buying tickets, finding their way in. Families of all shapes and sizes, friends laughing, enjoying flagons available right there on the walking street.

As you walk in through the revolving doors in front of this casino, you're able to see these huge chandeliers, brilliant carpets. You see game table after game table after game table. You can even see the place where people are rushing in. Long strings of people in lines waiting to place their bets on whether or not they think the Mighty Trunks or the Bloodhawks are going to be able to win through the day. Mighty Trunks' odds are better than they probably are.

than you would expect, but still, the Bloodhawks are previous champions and they are undefeated. Flawless victory after flawless victory, 4-0, 4-0, 4-0, and now the final game of the night. You can feel the excitement and the energy, not just here, not just in the streets, but in all of Galtica to enjoy this amazing celebration of athletic skill.

What do you all do? Gino, out of curiosity, did you bet on the people who'd won a lot or hadn't won a lot? I mean, do you see the odds on the mighty Trump? So the ones that haven't won a lot. It was like 75 to 1. I'm going to be rich. The ones that haven't won a lot.

You bet on the mighty touch? Yeah, on credit, too. You could do that? Yeah, well, I borrowed the gold. How do you have any kneecaps left? That's what I want to know. Where did you borrow the gold from, I guess? From a very nice customer. He said, hey, it looks like he was a shock fellow. He was the shock folk. I went down to the docks and he gave me a very reasonable loan.

very nice, very, you know, very reasonable. So what are we going to do about this heist, though? Oh. Because that's happening in like 10 minutes. Just as you're saying that you hush your voice because two casino guards walk right by you. And you can see that this is an already secure game floor. There are

A number of very obviously dressed, but very obviously skilled protectors. People who are there to enforce the casino law, so to speak. Oh, you know what I was thinking? And I don't want to step on your toes at all, boss, because you are the mastermind. I am the mastermind, yeah. But I was thinking it might be a good idea to have a different name for what we're planning on doing tonight. And since we're in a casino, I was thinking we could maybe make it game related, like we could call it Plinko or something. What about Bunko?

Oh, we could be the Bunko Buddies! Oh, yeah, we're all Bunko Buddies.

- Excuse me, what? - Yeah, Bunko's this game where you don't have to have any skill at all or whatever, you just randomly roll dice and whoever gets the highest roll purely by chance wins. It's an excuse to drink a lot of wine and talk a lot of shit about your friends. - Is that the best metaphor for a heist that I think we should probably put a bit more effort and thinking into? - I don't know, I really like that suggestion, boss. I think we should vote on it. - Well, you know I had a cousin named Bunko. He was Bogo's brother.

There's Bogo and Bunko and was this sort of like a scheme? You know, like parents do that for the same kind of convention? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was the Uncle Bongo. He was very proud of his name.

You all know in this moment that Gino is going to keep an eye out for the king's whistle. The moment when the game begins can be heard even outside of the stands. Even here in the casino, you'll be able to hear the cheers of the crowd and the gasps of exhilaration as the game proceeds. Your job is to blend in.

Until that King's Whistle sounds and he uses his shell phone to communicate with you that you need to meet at the first layer of security and do whatever it is that you planned on doing. Yeah, you gotta look natural. And everything will go according to plan, of course. You just need to find a game. They come with free drinks. You could play roulette, you could play hustle, you could play slots, you could play finders, you could play matches. The choice is yours.

Oh, I'm really feeling the slots. That's where I'm going. You know where I'm going. I'm going to be right at the slots. That just sounds fun. I'll be at the matches table. I don't think we should all be at the same place, you know? I think we should really spread ourselves out until it's time to meet up. So maybe I'll pick somewhere else, boss. Okay, well, I'm going to be at the slots. They have the best drink service there. Everybody knows that. I'm going to get so many ye olde fashion before that king's whistle. And you know what? I wanted to say before we all meet up, you know what's very strange? That every team...

is named after a monstrosity in this world, except for the mighty trunks. It's a whole different thing. Why is that? Anyways, I'm going to be at the salons. Keep the yield fashions to a minimum. Ah, psychosinogenic smoke. A man walks up. Ah, Gino, a yield fashion? Ah, you know my good man. I'm going to be hacking up a great sludge soon enough. Wouldn't have it any other way. Ah, yeah.

It's like my grandma's house. - So Gino goes to the slots. Orla, where are you going? - Over to matches for sure. - Knuckles, what's your game of choice? - Well, I already said, I'll do matches. - Oh, matches. Matches sounds fun. - Matches? - Yeah. - You can both enjoy some matches for sure. That's Knuckles and Glitzy. - What are the other ones? - Finders, Hustle, and Roulette.

- You know, I'm really feeling a little hustle. - Okay, okay. Then we'll start there. - I'm just assuming matches is just a big memory game. I'm just like, oh, I thought that was there. I thought the apple was there. - Like you have to pick up the matches so that they have to like smash them. - Why would a rhino ever try and pick up matches? - I'm not a little rhino. I don't have like gigantic ears. - Every single time. Every single time we play a Hoop creature game.

- It's Edmund Penis Hands. - Oh my God. - That's how he drinks his wine. - Glitzy, you sit at the table and-- - It looks more like you than us. - You know the rules, but just as a refresher. - Oh, I don't know the rules. - Minimum of one gold piece on the table. You can bet as much as you like. Players roll a d6 and a d4 in the open.

And so you've rolled your D6 and your D4. - Oh, I have not, but I'll do it. I really need a glass of milk though. - Would you like any booze in that? - No. Can you make it lukewarm, like room temperature? - We can make it however you like, absolutely. - Yeah, I'm gonna need that before I can roll these dice.

I'll be right back. Also, do you have dice that are smaller? These each one fills my entire hand. Of course. Absolutely. We accommodate all sizes of people here at the Silver Lighting Casino. Oh, I love that. Thank you. I'll be right back with your dice and your lukewarm milk. Thank you. Okay. I can't wait. He disappears between the crowd of people and not a few minutes pass before he comes back with a tray and it's a

a very tall highballer glass and a very small dice. Do you have a straw?

Right here, and he pulled the straw out of his apron. Oh, great, thanks. Do you have a smaller straw? I don't think that one will fit in my mouth. That's human-sized. Well, we have one of these ones that we use to stir coffee with, the little red guys. If I had a copper piece for every time I heard that, I would have two copper pieces. That's really great. If I put that in my drink, though, it's going to sink all the way down to the bottom. It's much shorter than the other straw. I'll be right back.

Thanks! You get all the beverage needs that you need, and there are four or five people sitting next to you at the table. I'm chatting with them the entire time. Oh, you're talking to them. Oh, yeah. They're very annoyed that they can't continue with the game until you roll your dice, and they're getting increasingly frustrated. You know my favorite? The person responsible for running the game is also getting drinks. No, no, no. She's talking to the servant. The dealer is standing there professionally. Because I've said I'm over

- Oh my god. - You know what my favorite thing to do is, random lady sitting next to me, what was your name? - Darlene. - Darlene, you know what my favorite thing to do is? - What? - Blow up people who are frustrated. - Where's the milk? Get this girl some milk. - I like you, Darlene. You seem like you, how old are you? - Guess. - I don't know, 74?

- I'm 33. - Oh great, you don't look a day younger than 74. Are you seeing anyone currently, darling? - Her left eye blinks a little slower than the right eye. - Are you seeing anyone currently? - We're gonna play the game now.

- I think we found our Patsy. - Okay, so I rolled this publicly. That's a two. And then I rolled my D4 as the dealer privately.

And you get to, if you hit 10, you double your money. If you hit, if you go above it, then you're bust and you get nothing. But you can roll as many additional d4s as a hit, similar to blackjack, as you want in order to try to beat the dealer's value, and that's the game.

So I don't roll my d6. You roll your d6 and your d4 at the same time. Right, and I add those. And then I keep rolling my d4 as I see fit. If you want to go higher and try to get closer to 10. Okay, well I rolled two ones. Amazing. So I'm going to roll my d4. So you get to reroll your d4. So now I'm at three. No, I don't. So you got a two plus something. I rolled another one. Okay.

I'll stop at nine. You stop at nine. Everyone else is doing this in turn, hitting the gates, this sort of thing, rolling their dice. And then the dealer reveals that they had rolled a one. They got a three total. And so everyone who got more than three and didn't bust wins double their money. So you get a gold piece back.

- Great, I'd like to play again. - And you do, but let's go over to Gino. - I'm gonna need another glass of milk though, I finished this one. - And you find it to swoop in a nice, like wide glass with two small handles that you can like hold and sit from. - I don't like this glass, I really preferred the other one. - The tall one? But we don't have long, thin straws tall enough.

- I refuse to roll again until I get my fucking gun. No, I'm just kidding. - What do you do, there's only bombs on the inside of your jacket? - Would you like to buy a pocket watch or a grenade? - Geno, roll a 3D6 for me. - The most, I'm very skilled at this, you know. - See, this is the one you have to worry about the most, not me.

Do I add it all up? If no match, you get nothing back after your investment. If two match, you get a combined score of matching dice in gold pieces. And if three match, you add double the combined score of matching dice. Well, you know, they always say the first one's the warm-up. One gold piece gone.

You know what? It's a very special night. Thanks for my third year old fashion, Gregory. His name's not Gregory. Gregory, why is my straw soggy and made out of toilet paper? That's just a tube from the toilet, is it?

Why are you trying to get toilet paper in my mouth? You're not saving any turtles, Gregory. You're not saving any turtles, okay? That's your seventh old-fashioned. Do you want an eighth? What, you can't fucking count, Gregory? I'm discounted. This isn't my third old-fashioned. I'm going to whip out my platinum pieces for this. Let's put five platinum pieces. Oh, my God.

It's the same return. You can only get gold back. I don't care. You know what they say. Gregory, do you know what they say? Another old-fashioned? They do say that. Good, you've been paying attention. Third time's the charm, Gregory.

That was zero. Gregory keeps coming back. And you're third old-fashioned, sir. That's exactly right. Oh, crap.

Okay, you know what they say after three locks in a row, you do three wins. Why don't we say double or nothing? Double or nothing. I don't think that's how the slots work. Double or nothing, Gregory. Make it do it. Make it...

I was good with you. She's good with computers. Man, it's all fancy newfangled jangly bells or whatever. I don't want to play a game. I just want to pull a fire machine and look at the pretty lights and the rotating things. At this point, he just has a pressurized tank on his back, remixed old-fashioned. Oh, yeah. And then you hold your glass out. And then you hold your glass out.

- Ah, smell that cigarette smoke. It's sitting in my lungs, it's at the bottom of my lungs now. Look, this is the big one. I'm gonna win that big prize, that big pot up there, Gregory, you know? - Okay. - No pressure.

And that's how slots work. Florla, Knuckles, you find yourself with a very luxurious round table. It's awesome. It's red velvet on the surface. And you'll have a minimum of five gold pieces to invest, but you'll each take turns rolling 46 for three rounds.

You keep matching numbers. And the first one to have four matches before the three rounds are up wins. But if no player has matching dice by the end of three rounds, the player with the highest dice total wins.

- This is a bunker, basically. - It's a pot. - This is bunker. - Five gold pieces, five gold pieces. There's a pot of, let's say, 30 divided by the players at the table, and you're able to roll your-- - Did you just get that? - 46, absolutely. - Also, much like real gambling, I immediately don't understand this. - Okay, so roll a 46. Do any of them miss? - No.

- No. - But they're in a row. - So you roll them again. - Are there straights in this game? - Yeah. - I have a royal flush. - There should be. The dice poker would be a really genius game. That's for round one. Roll again. - All of them? - Yep. - Ooh, I got two fours. - Keep the fours. - I got two threes. - Okay, you both match one, but you get to roll another three, 46 for the third round. - Another three? - Another four? - So roll all of them again. - Roll all of them again.

You would, I don't think that you, no, no, no, no. Yeah, yeah. You count that you have one match, but you are rolling 40, 50 points. Oh, I got three. Hey, I was watching Matt's game the other day.

And the fellow with the ratty was talking about smorgasbord. It's very funny. - Let me just very quickly participate. - Who are you talking to? - The random lady at the slots next to me. - I'm sorry, what were you saying? - She just turns down her hearing aid. - Wow, I did terribly. None of the other players have any matches at all.

You have two matches. - I have two matches. - Because you had a match in the second round and a match now. You have three matches. - Oh, I know. - Yeah. - Because you have a match from the previous and a three and a three and a three and a three. So that will be the win to you. So 30 gold pieces get slid across the velvet to you and you continue to play. - You see a glimmer in my eye where I too may develop a habit. - Ice King's fucking rage. - Well, a habit for a rabbit makes sense.

- Aww, I love that for her. - And as you guys are continuing to play and get more and more luxurious, you hear this sudden sound, this high-pitched wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee. You can hear these, these-- - Ah!

Not creatures, but like these clockwork-like devices are opening and closing like beaks almost, and they are screaming out into the area. And you can see an extremely drunk and rude and violent patron getting pulled out and away from one of the tables. He's clearly lost it, screaming. Look at that Chino. Look at that jacket. What? Can't hold his leg. Look at that jacket. What? Look at that jacket. What?

- What? - Look at that jackass! - There are chickens in the casino! - Oh, there's some chicken tins. Thank you, darling. - I won! - Look at that jackass! - I think I lost. I got three crowns in a row. - Oh yeah, no, yeah. - And I'm just gonna get up and walk away. - Walk away, yeah. - Yeah, get a hand. - Oh, you pulled the platinum pieces out and you actually break even. Outrageously.

And the guards are on top of this guy immediately. And from almost seemingly nowhere, from the wall, what looked like perhaps an ornate decoration of some kind, some sort of piece of art, like corporate art or something, animates and suddenly jumps down and...

Iron bangles grab around his arms and pull him in. It's just like that moment in Doctor Strange when he throws that wacky contraption at the villain. - You weren't kidding about your descriptions tonight. - Oh, it's gonna be very anachronistic tonight. He gets strapped into place and he is frozen. You can hear he can't even. - Which contraption was it?

From the Doctor Strange picture? It was literally like the Iron Bangles of Shasha Shasha. I can't remember. Is that from the first one? In the first one, yeah. I don't recall that. I never saw that one. Well, it's also a D&D object, and you may or may not recall that Percy had one in the first season of Critical Role.

- I don't recall that either. - Basically, you get hit with one of these things and it completely locks up your legs, your torso, your arms, and it makes it impossible for you to speak. It is very effective against mages of all types. - I will immediately get up from the matches table and rush over to make sure that it's not Geno who's being the belligerent drum that's being taken away.

Sorry, I saw the chat recognize what I was referencing and missed what you were actually asking me. So I'm going to get to the table and make sure that the drunk that's being taken away isn't Gino. So I'm just going to like, I'll sort of be standing on the ground. Make a perception check. You're able to see over the head for most given your rhinoceros-like size. Rhinoceros-like size.

10. I would say even with a 10, it's pretty evident that this person is not a Geno. You can see a frock of red hair coming from between the bands and you breathe a sigh of relief.

It's in this moment of silence in the casino that as the murmurs are starting to come back up, that you hear the sound of the announcers from across the street from the very square. Okay. Come on and slam and welcome to the jam. Welcome to the final 42nd Grand Fling Flau Championship. My name is Tank Hammerfall and I'm Veraday.

Welcome everyone, welcome all. And before we get started, I believe we have a very special little something. A local Galtigan I'm sure you all know is going to sing the Galtigan anthem. Moments later, you can hear this quiet voice. And it goes on. You know that this means it's time to...

alert the gang the crew it's time to slam okay how do i you all here how do i turn this thing on where are you i'm right behind you help me oh there you are it's go time go trunks

Oh, is that like a god, you know, when you see that? Is that the signal? You know what I mean? Look at everyone there. They're all looking up at those major images of the game being displayed all over the walls. Um, so where should we meet? We should all meet at security. Would that be inconspicuous enough for this? No, it's worth the least expect of.

Am I understanding that correctly? You know that there are many ways to get to the back of the casino. We're going to go to the back. And so, of the many entrances, and because of your thorough planning and precision and coordination as a team, you know that one of them is almost certainly going to be the most overlooked. And in your due diligence, you know that the...

the two guards who typically stand there are probably not paying as close attention to the door because they're both huge flamethrower fans and they need to sort of move to the side a little bit in order to see that major image. Yeah, the two guards that are at the checkpoint data

They come into the deli for lunch every day and they won't shut the fuck up about fling flow. I guarantee you that they are searching on the job. Also, the one on the left, his marriage is falling apart, so he's turned to drink. So he'll definitely not be aware. That's a shame. I've neglected to mention two things. No, just one. Everyone should have already started with their own

starter twist of foresight. So if you haven't taken your token, make sure you have that in person. - I need my doubloon. - It's a real fake doubloon. And now you can sneak into the back and I would ask anyone who is intending to do so, and I'm assuming all of you, to make a stealth check. - Oh, I need to pull up my character sheet. - I need my toys. - Oh, stealth check. - I think I did all right.

Karen, what's? 17. Natural one. Should we twist that? 23. I have a thing. Hold on one sec. Poe, are you a... You're not a halfling. We used rabbit folk. Yeah, yeah. So that makes it a seven. I have this thing called Lucky Footwork, and it's a dex check thing. But I think it's just straight dex check. No, any dex... A stealth check is a dex check. Does it work like that? Mm-hmm.

So technically it's like, it's a dexterity check, parentheses stealth. It's like the way that you write that. And so it's- Yeah, here it is. When you fail a dex saving throw, you can, oh no, it's a saving throw. Damn it. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Oh, it was a footwork. Stealth check? I got a, what is this? Oh, wow, plus nine. I am so stealthy, I got a 27. 27. You put your eel fashioned in one of the potted plants right next to the animated gorillium. And you're not done?

17. 17. And for you? 7. As a group, you succeed. One of you clicks the door open, and the three of you make your way in. And just because you stub your toe... No, I break my foot, and everybody just walks through in the confusion. Ah! Ah! Oh, that's lucky! Good job!

Should one of us cut it off and wave it around our neck as a token of a trinket? You can't say that about our very good friend Orla. Well, if you really wanted some good luck, you could squeeze the life out of me and create pixie slop. Is that a folk tale I'm not aware of? My blood is filled with magic.

- And it's called fairy slop? - No, that's just what I call it. - I'll stick to pork slop, thank you very much. - 'Cause it kinda looks like spaghetti paste or whatever. - I'll stick to the pork slop. - Except it's purple. - Orla is able to make it inside and keeps herself relatively hush. It doesn't seem like the guards have noticed you and you find yourself when the door comes to a clicking stop.

in the quiet hallways of the back. It's here that you know that you're going to need to very quickly change your attire. It would be obvious that you are patrons of the casino, that you shouldn't be back here without some security escort or something along those lines. And while you think about what you're going to change into in order to not arouse suspicion by passing guards, or as you get deeper into this casino, that's where we'll take a break.

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You all stand in the halls of the Silver Lining Casino in the back. The back area typically only accessible to waiting staff, to the guards, and to high rollers who are taken to the high stakes table, which you know is your next destination.

Before you can proceed, however, you know you must quickly change attire, and wearing what you wore, you are able to very quickly transform yourself as quickly as one could. What do you look like? Were we given any information that we would need to wear anything different for this feist?

than a normal heist where you might be wearing heistery clothes. Yeah. You know that if guards were to come around the corner and see people wearing commoner clothes or heisting clothes, there'd be a problem. They would probably deal with you the same way that was dealt with, that the drunkard was dealt with just before being wheeled out of the casino. Yeah.

And you can see on the walls, in sconces, you can see at almost every corner, these same strange mechanized creatures, still and unalerted, but ready to pounce on any intruders should they be alerted by the shriekers that are placed incrementally down the hallway and the ceiling. Well, let's disguise ourselves as guards.

As guards, or should we do something a little more like... I mean, we probably only planned for this, presumably. Oh, we did, but we did plan for this, of course. That's why, well, I'm a guard. I forget, did we decide to all be guards? Well, no, I'm gonna put on my guard costume, and, you know, the guy what I stole this from, he was about a medium, so it'll definitely fit. I spend a long time trying to button my guard outfit. It does not fit very well.

I'm wearing whatever a casino guard would have if I have that. And you have that option. I would say at a minimal cost and without the need for a foresight twist, you are able to have the attire that you want to wear that you feel is appropriate to sell whatever it is that you're trying to sell should you run into an encounter. Gino looks like a guard. He looks just like all the...

the men and women that you saw out in the game floor. - I'm going heavy maintenance and I'm carrying a ladder. - Ladder from nowhere. Like a single zip up, like gray. - Yeah, it's a telescoping ladder. - Oh wait. - It pops out 10 feet. - Oh, we're doing maintenance? - I'm doing maintenance. - Should we all be maintenance crew? - No.

I will take off my sweater and reveal a dealer's vest. From my hat, I'm gonna pull out a little dealer's visor and then store just my... And so basically I was wearing it the whole time underneath my clothes. All right, I think I'm ready to go. I am going to quickly change behind...

like a something, like a chair. And I'm gonna change into... I don't know. Find her ladder. Find the trash can. I'm only nine inches tall, if you remember. Oh, that's right. I forgot about that. There's a potted plant. Yeah, so like...

I just go behind that and change really quickly. And I change into one of the sexy cocktail waitresses. - Amazing. - Okay. - And so I just kind of fly around with a little tray and a couple of very small drinks. - And the top's like way too small for you. - And the top is way too small. - One wrong move and that's just... - Amazing. - You've been to Vegas. - Hey, honey, can I get a ye olde fashion? Can you make it extra strong, please? - Boss, it's me, it's Glitzy. - Oh, Glitzy, that's you? - Yeah, do you like my outfit? - Wow!

I clean up nice, don't I? I thought that you was going to give me one of them watered-down old fashions. No, I couldn't carry you a drink on my tray. I'm only nine inches tall. Oh, yeah, that makes sense. I don't know how you carry those big jugs of milk.

Anyways, we have great disguises. What a ragtag band. A security guard. All just hanging out in the hallway together. You know what? It's like we all went to a Halloween party. A themed group costume.

I love it. You can even hear muffled through the walls the sound of the patrons of the casino and maybe even more faintly, the outrageous uproar of the Goodberry Square across the street. Oh, let me try to hear the score. Hold on. An explosion of sound. Clearly, there has been a score point of some kind. Oh, I wonder who scored. I hope it's the Trump. I hope it's the Trump. I'm sure it was, and it was probably the people they were against. Clearly, certainly.

I watched one of their interviews and yeah, you think we're bad. Alright, we should probably split up and go to all the places that we dress for, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go to security guard here.

You should go to maybe like where all the guards are and if they have any kind of major image cameras. Oh yeah, I'll disable the cameras. Great call. I mean, I'm disabling the cameras, Knuckles. Let's split up. Let's all do what we agreed to do in our planning. Did you give us roles for what we're supposed to do? Yeah, what your outfits are. That's exactly what you were supposed to do. Well, this was supposed to so that nobody thought twice about me being in here, but...

I mean, if you just want me to serve drinks all night, I guess I could do that. No, no, you gotta go find how to get to the innit in the back of the back. Am I waiting for some ducks? No, you shouldn't. Maybe like this gossip of the other waitresses. Oh, that's a great idea, yeah. Tiffany, she is a goth. Go talk to Tiffany. She gets over here and I'm like, yeah, honey, yeah, honey, okay. Which one is Tiffany? You'll know right away. All right, I'll go look for Tiffany.

And that's what I'll do, is I'll go look for the key. It's the one that I make sure I fit into every time. Oh, I know what you're talking about. I'm going to take my ladder and head off towards where I have decided I need to access a point of access. The, um, high-stakes tables room. Uh, somewhere in the back of this labyrinthine casino set of hallways that you find yourself in. You're looking for a red carpet that you know would please the nobles and, uh,

other high-stakes rollers who high rollers who would Want to play a game of chance or cards against you know a heads-up fashion with a much larger sums of money and experience a little bit more luxury than they might in the common game floor and

And so the three of you start to make your way towards that space. While that happens, Gino, you make your way to security. And sure enough, you're able to go there. You know you've come here for a specific object. Do they all recognize him?

Well, it will affect the advantage or disadvantage qualities of the sword. I'm an answer of disguise, remember? Sorry. It's provision. But in the guard's room, you are able to open the door, and it says...

Not as packed as you would imagine. There's clearly many lockers and security apparati in this space. You've come for the key to the lift that's on the other side of the stakes where we're, the high stakes tables room. Hello, fellow gods. Hello. Are we needed outside? We were just taking five. Taking five? Have you been out there since it started?

What's happened? What's the score? I was asking you. What's the score? No, no, no. We just came back in here 15, 20 minutes ago. We heard the screams. We assume that the game is going well. For whom? I guess the question. Well, that's...

yeah you didn't you just come in here have you have you been out there oh yeah no the the oh yeah the uh the mighty trunks have scored real big oh yeah you know they say that they're they actually the underdogs this year and they're gonna win they have an underdog tail i i've heard that my kid has one of the masks it's hilarious oh wow i know that he's kind of they love the trunks that's right yeah i do you guys bet on the game

We're not allowed to bet as guards. Oh, yeah, no, I didn't mean that. I was just checking. I was just testing you. Anyway, you passed. You passed your test. I've been your... I'm actually an inspector sent here from corporate. As you're talking to this one individual, his... his... comment in arms, he's looking at you very seriously. I don't... gambling is a sin. LAUGHTER

And it's very wasteful spending. My name is, I'm an inspector, and you pass your security training. I'm an expert trainer sent here from corporate. And so I also like you to show me where you keep your playbook for all of your sports betting to make sure that it's the code.

The playbook for all of our sports bettors. Yeah, the Phil Verlining's playbook. Make a deception check. That's pretty good. At disadvantage. Wait, I got to get some kind of advantage shit on this, right?

How long have you been sitting on that joke? All night. Yeah. Literally all night. Um, I don't think I get anything yet. Well, whatever. Okay.

What class of is your character again? I'm on Rogue. Oh, so you'll be really good at this. Seven. That's... What are you playing again? We're just security. We're not running the game. You'd have to go upstairs for something like that. What did you say your name was again? Oh, my name? Yeah.

Oh, my name is Gene. Gene O... O'Malley. Gene O'Malley. That sounds vaguely familiar to me for some reason. There's a lot of O'Malleys, you know? They just, you know, they have a lot of kids. How long have you worked here?

Oh, well I'm from corporate, remember? I'm just visiting. On account of the big game. And so you must be familiar with the commander of corporate, Bladen. Bladen, ah, nice trick. Make a deception check at advantage. Until he died last year. Deception, that'll be a 20. A dirty 20. A dirty 20. Yeah, nice trick.

- I'm the one who's testing you, remember. I'm all the way from corporate. - Well, what do you mean? - Do you even know Blade's name? - What do you wanna inspect? - Do you even know the commander's name? Are you an imposter? Excuse me? Actually, I was told that there would only be one guard here, actually, now that I think about it, from corporate. My itinerary here, as you can see,

It's not from the museum, on the back. My itinerary. Did you get that from the museum? I... When I'm not inspecting guards on a sloppy job, I care about the fine arts, my good man. Anyways...

According to my itinerary, there's only supposed to be one here, so why don't I see your credentials? And the lift pass, too. Prove to me that you know where the lift pass is. Well, we each have one. You can expect mine, and you can see my name right here. My name is Bladen. Bladen. Okay, thank you.

You know, I have a great nephew named Braden and Bladen and Graydon or Grayston. I don't know what they're naming kids these days. I can't believe that.

- Great, thanks a lot. You're free to go. You've succeeded with flying colors. Your holiday bonus is going to be very large. I'll put in a good word for sure. Okay, you gentlemen have a very nice day. - What? - Did you leave? - With his credentials. - No, with the lift pass. - You leave with the lift pass. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay, now make a sleight of hand. - Okay, that was my intention to make a sleight of hand.

Just pretend, pat it back onto his chest. There you go. At advantage or straight? Disadvantage? Three. Okay. Sleight of hand. Where is my sleight of hand? Oh, that will be a ten.

Ah, the lift path. Yeah, yeah. You walk out, and as the door slowly comes to a close and swings shut, you can hear a, man, those inspectors are hard. And you make your way down the hallway, and you start to catch up with the rest of the crew. The three of you are now much farther along your journey. You've found the red carpet, and you know that just around the corner, you'll be able to find the entrance to the high-stakes room.

What have you been doing in this time? Is the lift to the high stakes room or is the lift past the high stakes room? Let me check my notes just to make sure that I have it. What are the dogs angry about? Just doing stuff. Just doing dog stuff. Remy is fueled by rage and hunger. That's pretty much it.

- You are going to go up a lift to get to the high stakes table. And then you know that there's a secondary lift to get up to the vault, which is at the top of this tall casino building a story's up. - Ah, Gino, found a lift. - I got the path for the lift, good work. - Okay, now just from where you came from, just go out the hallway and make a right and then another right and a left and then a right right after that left. And then we'll be right there.

On the left. Wait, right? Right? So there was right? You'll be right? Okay, got it. Over. Make an intelligence check. I don't know where to start. Just right? Ten.

It takes more time than you'd like. No guards come, but the three of you stand awkwardly in front of the lift for another 15 minutes, and you suddenly hear this muffled sound of one team or another, impossible to tell from within this building, but you hear the crash and the screams of excitement and of the sport.

Then Gino finally wanders around the corner and you see him spinning essentially, it's like a long crystal that he'll be able to use to engage the lift. Where have you been? I've been climbing up and down the first two steps of this ladder for 15 minutes trying to look safe! I've been...

I've been trying to get this, see? I mean, this is the skeleton key. Can you believe this thing? It's a skeleton key. And now, with the gossip what Glitzy got from Tiffany, we'll know- I'm not even there. Oh. It's just the three of you. Oh.

that got from Tiffany, when she comes back, we'll have all the information we need to get to the back of the bag. They believed that I was a guard inspector. Can you believe these idiots? Where are you? - Well, you said it was just the three of them there. And so I assumed I was going to get gossip from Tiffany.

The three of you in front of the lift. Oh, I thought you meant including Gino. No, no, no. The three of you were waiting awkwardly in front of the lift and Gino has just joined the party. Got you, I was confused. I was not very clear. So now the four of you stand in front of the lift ready for Gino to apply the lift pass and make your way up four floors to the high stakes room. Okay. No, no, hold on.

Are we opening right up into that room or the hallway outside? Your understanding is that it'll open up right into the room. You know, before you do that, give me one second and I'm going to go over to the bartender. Hi, I need to get a unicorn for you know who, you know where. And I'm going to wink at him. Someone walking just past the opening of this hallway skips to a stop and turns up. You're new?

No, they bring me in for the big jobs. I'm the private pixie for you-know-who-you-know-where. Okay, sure. I look up. What do you mean you're going up there for... My understanding is that the high-stakes roller table is closed for the game. That there's no one up there. They don't tell you much, do they, when you're working down here? Yeah.

The boss is going to get really angry if I don't get the unicorn back up to him soon. And that's not going to look good for your little place, your little casino, is it? And I'm going to like squeeze my boobs together. I wish it was mine. Make a deception check as advantage. What's your name, kid? You know what? It's been a while since we've done this.

Cooves. Cooves. It was Cooves. No, his bloodline's ended.

Apparently my name is Jeanette. It's a lovely name. It's Janet. Janet. It's not Amateur Bennett. It's really nice to meet you. Yeah. The name's Twixie. Twixie the Pixie. Oh, that's...

The best thing you can do in situations like this when you're working with big men like these is to just say yes and do what you're told. Can I get that unicorn with a 19? Right away. Thanks. Just, uh, wait, wait, wait here. I'll be right back. Keep your head down. Presumably to the kitchen. Uh,

He disappears around the corner and not five minutes later, he swings around and he's got this beautiful glass, this silvery mercury-like substance popping and cracking like fireworks at the top and he lowers it down.

hear it. I have to use both of my hands to hold it on my little tray. It's a little heavy. It's almost metal-like in its weight. Oh, God. You have this water carrier with, like, two cocktails hanging off it. I just fly back to the group carrying this unicorn. And you have it. He, um... Thanks, Janet. I'll put in a good word for you with the men upstairs. Thanks. I need a raise badly. I bet. All right. See you later, toots. I'll wink at him and fly away.

Bye. And he turns and walks back. Look, I brought us a unicorn. Can you give me the old-fashioned that I asked for? Gino, I did not go get a drink for you. The old-fashioned? If we're gonna leave... I'm not drinking that shit. Gino, can you shut up for once? Sorry, boss. Sorry. I'm just a little nervous here.

If we are walking out of the elevator into that room, we have to have a reason we're walking out of the elevator into that room. This is the most expensive drink in the entire place. We were told that at the museum. So it's probably right here. You know what I mean?

So, if we're going into a high-stakes room with the most expensive drink in the place, we could potentially have someone we're giving it to. We met this bunny lady who was... Here to fix the air conditioning. Fixing the air conditioning. And the ducks. You are the guard that had to come upstairs with me because I couldn't push any of the buttons because I had to carry the drink with both hands. And this gentleman right here is...

- On a shift change and we were all riding up on the elevator on our own. - Oh, the classic coincidental. Got it, okay. I love this one. - I wasn't really the mastermind. - Well, I mean, we all had to get up there and you have to let us up because there's only one crystal. - Oh, that's right. Everyone follow me. I got the crystal. Here we go.

You wave it, and you feel something magical unlock. And with just a push of the lever, you'll be able to take this from the floor that it's on now to its terminal point, the very top, and be able to make your way into the next space. Okay.

I have a phobia of elevators, so if I start panicking, just hold me down. Okay? It's a little tricky to get the ladder in there, but if you, like, collapse a few of the telescoping legs, no problem. Is it warm in here? I ain't got a ticket or nothing. Do we have spicy food earlier? Yeah.

- You can feel yourselves getting higher and higher. What were you gonna say? - Do you need me to do the thing? - I'm like trying to fly with the speed of the elevator and sometimes I fly too high. - That's hard. - Sometimes I, yeah. - Amazing. - Should I do the thing? - You should probably do the thing.

Do you know how many? No, they've had an inspector come in and take a look at this thing. I'd up the code, I'm sure, if they got fancy wrist people. I'm going to come behind him and just, like, squeeze him like this and just lift him off the ground and, like, restrain him until we're at the top. Oh, thank you. Thank you.

- Thank you, Knuckle, you're very nice. - And I'm gonna squeeze just hard enough to make him black out a little bit. Just cut off the oxygen just enough. - He's old, so he should be. - You've been working out at the beach, is that why there's always sand in your pants?

You get his blood pressure. And then you hear a light ding, and the door's open, and you're staring out into a very dark room. I'm putting you down. It's like, oh, man. All right, we're here. You should lead us onward, because you're the god. Oh, that's right. And our goddess is high security. No, I'm going to...

edge past and be like, "Excuse me, excuse me," and come in with my ladder. It'd be really annoying. You look extremely confident doing so. As if you're here for a purpose. You know exactly why you're going to maintain. And you walk into this gate and-- No one's maintained harder.

Jeanette was not lying. This room has closed for the game. It is empty. There isn't a single person in the high-roof room. There is a bunch of dark gaming tables. You can see a luxurious bar with a faint glow. No one manning it. At first glance, there doesn't seem to be anyone in there. But

But you do feel a very peculiar sensation when you walk into this room. I need everyone to roll an Arcana check. Arcana check. That's a d12. Okay, I'm just gonna... 12! 3. It's a down. I got a 3 too. Everyone who peer pressured me into not using D&D Beyond and rolling roll dice can go fuck themselves. 13. 6.

Well, let's see, maybe it's your attunement with magic, with the Feywild, with something immediately hits you when you go in here, and you realize that if you wanted to use magic, you wouldn't be able to in this space.

High rollers, people with great wealth, nobility, certainly have an incentive to cheat. And it seems that this entire space has an anti-magic field to it, for lack of a better word. Would it be our understanding from the conversation that she had with Janet that this is closed for the night? That was the implication, yeah.

Yeah, so that's what I can tell is that there's no magic use in here. Yeah, good thing that we came prepared for that. We came prepared for that? Oh yeah, absolutely. Everybody would be insane for them to allow magic at the Hyrolis table. From where they could come in and say, oh, I can read your mind, people. Oh, I win the whole pot. So... That's why you have all those charges in your pack, right? That's why you bring in all that stuff.

What are you talking about? Boom without the, you know, you got the boom and the boom. It's magic and not magic. No, it's all powered by magic. Oh. Well, we'll get out of this place quick. Oh, hopefully we don't need explosions. Yeah, even for me to use my, like, laser-based magic. Oh. It spells. So he's, I mean, he's the vault? The vault's passed this way. Let's go. Oh. Okay. Okay.

In this great circular room, you do spy on the other side what appears to be another vault door that would take you farther up. It is. We're at the back of the back of the back now. Looks like I convinced that poor kid to get us a free unicorn for no reason, so... No, it'll come in handy. Well, it's really heavy. Yeah, I'll take it. No, I don't think that's a good idea. Give it to me. Landed over knuckles. Can you handle another lift?

Wait, is there another lift? Yeah, yeah. You're basically at floor four, maybe five at this point. Okay, no, I'm fine. And you've got another few stories to get up to what you believe to be the location of the vault room. Okay. Nothing happens. Oh no. Oh, those guards probably don't have access to the higher floors. Is he some kind of trick?

Oh no, the guy I was talking to was an absolute mook. He definitely didn't have access to the back of the back of the bag. So what are we going to do? You get a sense that the reason why the wand isn't working is because it's being affected by the same anti-magic. Oh.

I thought it was like a chip or something. You thought what was like a chip or something? Oh, this is sour cream and onion. Oh, I love sour cream and onion. Do you have any cheddar and sour cream, the orange ones? Those are my favorite. That's really hard to find. They have to have the ruffles in them, though. I don't like the flat ones. No, we don't care. That's very expensive to stock in the deli. We don't have those. We just made 100,000 gold pieces. But it was all sitting in the... I'll take the sour cream and onion. Okay, there we go.

Well, first of all, we need to get this door open. Well, we should split up and see what's doing it. Oh. Yeah, do we see any other access points to the room? Make an investigation check, anyone who cares to look around. I will definitely look around. How about that? Blithy, why don't you take a look over there? I'll help you. Does that make me an advantage? Oh, thank God. Oh, you should have helped someone else. Investigation, you said?

How does 11 feel? 11, 19. 5. 5. 2. 2. Maybe it's because you have a ladder. Your eyes go up immediately. And you realize that just above the bar, there's an opening. And...

Very unusually, there is a giant single eye staring out from a hole in the, behind this bar. Just still? Or like active? It looks entirely still. But it strikes you as very unusual right away. Does anyone else see this eye? I hadn't seen it before, but now I'm wondering how I could have possibly missed it. It's gigantic. They probably aren't watching us.

All of my intel said that they didn't have constant eyes on this place. Did the intel actually tell you that, or is that something you're just saying? You know, Orla, I know that I am the black bear what climbs, and that's kind of my thing, but since you've been lugging that ladder around, why don't you take a look at it on the ladder? Honestly, I'm looking forward to an opportunity to use it. So I'll go over and, like, prop the ladder up, climb up, and I'm just going to check it out. I think maybe...

I should cast Detect Magic on it. You won't be able to do that in an anti-magic field. Oh, you can't cast any spells at all? That's right. Even at this point in the... Okay. Well, I'm just... I'm checking it out then. Can I poke it? You get up, and as you get closer and closer and closer, what looks like a glass eye starts to feel more and more organic to you. You can see what looks like the bottom ridge of an...

of a lid. You can see little tiny hairs sprouting out. You can see the moisture on the surface of this globular eye staring out into infinity, almost. A thousand yard stare. It does feel like this is the source of this magic. I think this is real. Like an actual, like, like there's some kind of head behind that. It's connected to something.

Is it looking over the whole room? I don't know. I can't tell if it's connected to anything. Stab it with something. Was it going to set off some kind of alarm on me? Probably not. Does it even have a hookshot? I mean, I do. Do you actually have a hookshot? Of course. That's what that literally was made for. It's a giant hole up high. You've got to use the hookshot to shoot it. It'll close and the door's going to open. It's going to go...

You don't know that? That's why you don't have the mass in my knuckles. I can try. You should stop going to the beach so much. I'll pull out my hookshot, and I will aim it at the eyeball, and I'll shoot it. No, you gotta say, yeah! When you do it. Oh, okay. There we go. I'm gonna step out of the way a bit. You lean away, and for whatever reason, it's this movement where the pupil finally turns and looks at you just as the hookshot. Oh, I like it.

smashes into the white side of the eyeball. I won't even make you roll. It closes, and you hear a shriek, and you're horrified to find that the wall that you've been supporting yourself on against this ladder starts to collapse backwards. From behind the wall as it pulls apart, what

you see is a monstrosity, a nightmare from your darkest nightmares. Your darkest nights. A giant fleshy orb behind the back of this bar, what appears to have multiple stalks of eyes pulling out from the top of its head. It is floating, hovering feet from the ground, and it is starting to emerge into the high stakes room, looking around and slathering with one huge mouth, spitting and

garbling in impossible language that you don't understand. I need you all to roll for initiative. - Holy shit! - This is a beholder, yes? - Did you just aggro a beholder?

You know, in my defense, if you see a giant eyeball up in a room like this, you hookshot it. I mean, everybody knows. I got a nine. I've rolled absolute F. I got a nine as well. Twelve. Hold on, let me make sure. Oh, no, I get plus five too. I don't know why. So what am I saying? Oh, no, I rolled a seven plus five. Oh, that's why.

12. What do you got, Glitzy? 18. Orla? 12.

Who's going first? Is that cool? Should we go first or should I go first? What? 12? Yeah. We all have 12? You all have 12. Oh. All four of us have 12? Yeah. No, I have 18. Okay, so you're going first. Yeah, I don't care. I'll go last. Yeah. I'll go middle. You want to go first? I just decided I would go first. Yeah. Or actually, I can use my help action on somebody. Okay, Glitzy, one, two. Yeah, then you go first. Oh, first. Yeah, I'll go last.

Is it very clear that we're still in an anti-magic field? So the Beholder's not going to be able to do anything. A Beholder's Eye projects an anti-magic field.

It's coming from the Beholder. Oh, I don't read about Beholders. But Glitzy would know that, having heard all of these things, for sure. Why don't we put on some combat music and I guess create a space for some sort of figure? I don't have an idea. Should we get minis of some kind? Yeah, I don't have my mini generator, so we're going to have to use actual minis for a second. Let me put the music on.

Thanks! This is what you fight a beholder to. Do you have a beholder? Or can I get one? Oh, I have a beholder. Here. This is what you face. Obi's good for everybody. Is Lumi still up there? Yeah, she is. Second from the top. Give me the werewolf guy. This is perfect.

Queenie! So there's you. There's Juno. The werewolf that climbs. I am a werewolf. I need to find something for old. His toe is big and gray, right? Yeah. He's a good rhino. So where would we be in relation to...

I'd say you guys would all be standing relatively close to each other with the exception of Orla who's like 10 feet away from this thing.

So right there, right there, and then the other three of you, yeah, a good 20, 30 feet back. And it is surprised by its sudden freedom and sort of waking up to the moment and starting to come alive, but you're all able to get the jump on it, being as tense and prepared for this heist as you obviously are. And Glitzy, you're up. I'm going to use my coin and...

Luckily, I'd gone down to the Magical Mysterium

place on 57th. And I had seen Ifrita, one of my really, really good friends. She's an Ifriti. You hadn't been able to tell. She travels with a lot of wares from all over the world and she offered me an iron flask for a combustion job I did for her a while back. And so I would like to use my iron flask on this beholder. You

as clear as if it happened yesterday, because it did. You were able to find this one clue that there was this room that potentially had some sort of anti-magic and very likely from a beholder. And you push the door open and...

You see your friend called... - Afrida. - Afrida? Her name is Afrida? - Yeah, Afrida Kahlo. - Okay. She's got her-- - She's a painter on this side. - She's got her feet on the counter. She's eating some bugles. - Yeah. Well, she had them on her finger. - Yeah, yeah. - But then when I walked in, she started eating them. She was like, "Oh, it's just glitzy." - What do you need?

Oh, you know, I know you travel a lot. And I was thinking, do you have anything kind of fun where you could like trap something in it for long periods of time? Like something much better than a banishment spell, anything like that? I would say a Frida bottle. Are you listening? Frida, Frida, are you listening to me? You got anything you can sell me? I'm thinking. Oh.

Yeah, yeah, I think I got something in the back for you. Do you think I could have it for free considering the fact that I did that combustion job for you when your ex-boyfriend left you? It's a pretty heavy price. I can give you 95% off. Yeah, I'll take it. Okay, that'll be 5,000 gold pieces. How about 99 to 100% off? You know, I did kill that guy and it was never traced back to you. Make a persuasion check. 20.

20. Yeah, absolutely. You were able to give her just 1,500 gold pieces. Perfect, yeah. And she hands you this heavy... It's called an iron flask, but the surface is actually very pewter-like in the way that it feels to the touch, and it thrums with magical energy. I love a good thrum. In your hands, it's...

it's still quite big but something that you could hide on your person should you need it in a pinch and so you push it into your pack and you start to make your way out um just as you do uh you see a um

a loxodon suddenly walk in through the front of the, from the front of the door. And you, you, you recognize this loxodon. This is one of the mighty trunks. Oh, hey, you're one of the mighty trunks. It's Gina. And she is furious because she just found out that her husband has been cheating with a freedom. You know, you look like you're really, really busy. So I'm just gonna...

Excuse me, are you the bitch that's been fucking my husband? And end scene. End scene. Holy shit. Wrap up that. Four years later.

Why is it always Funky Chunk? I don't know. All right. So on your turn, you pull out the Iron Flask and use it. I need a Wisdom Saving Throw. Oh, Wisdom Saving Throw. Of course. Yeah, I know. Hopefully it's really low. Don't they have crazy wisdom? Probably. Apparently not. Oh, it's actually proficient. So that's going to be a 16. Oh, it's a 17 DC! Yeah.

Oh my. It's a trap of Beholder. Yeah. I don't know anything about Beholder lore, but this seems really badass. So as an action, I speak the flask command word, which was...

Forget about it. That's just the whole one word. Forget about it. Forget about it. And I open it up and it's within 60 feet of me. Is it native to this plane of existence? I would say Beholder probably wouldn't be, but I don't know. Not this one. Some maybe, but Thunk, you open it. Has it been trapped by a flask before? No.

- No. - Okay, good, so it's not an advantage. It remains in the flask until released. The flask can only hold one creature at a time. A creature trapped in the flask doesn't need to breathe, eat, or drink, and doesn't age.

And so, I could release it, but I'm not going to. - You see the spots of eyes looking around maniacally and starting to come down looking at you. They seem to be glowing with their own magical energy. It seems they are unaffected by this anti-magic field and they're about to unleash a absolute bombing of rays in all directions. Fear, innervation, telekinetic, sleep, petrification, just fucking die. And all of a sudden you hear this,

From looking down, you see Glitzy holding open the bottle and

And it gets pulled in. And then the cork pulls itself back onto the top of the bottle and you can't even hear if you hold up your ear the screaming madness that must exist and reside within. Thank you, Afrita. May you rest in peace. And that's when my ladder hits the floor.

because that all just happened at the time it took me to fall off my ladder well now we have a beholder if we ever need one is anyone else craving some bolognese is it because they said forget about it i noticed the way that beholder got stuck didn't remind me of like a meaty spaghetti you're always thinking more like a alfredo

Oh. You know, and the sauce is almost as thick as the pasta itself. Oh, like at the every Italian restaurant? Yeah, I mean, yeah. Gaspaccio. Gaspaccio, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's like not real, Alfredo. That is my vengeance for the midnight carnival. The moment he said beholder, I immediately went and I searched my info. Hell yeah. Beautiful vengeance. Couldn't have gone better. And as soon as the corpse on the top of the glass lands, you feel your magical abilities report. Oh, God. Yeah, that was all a Frida. May she rest in peace. How heavy is that thing?

Oh, it doesn't weigh much. Oh, I have a special flask pocket if you want me to keep an eye on it. You know, boss, I think I can trust you with a lot of things. A flask with a beholder in it isn't one of them. I'm going to keep it right here. A flask with anything, really? Time for a little ye olde fashion. Just a... Damn it.

The seriousness of the situation, as much adrenaline as that was just for a moment, restores in your mind and you realize there's a heist going on. You're doing it. You could be caught and put in prison for many years or perhaps even killed by the mysterious owners of this casino. And the crash of sound as a third point

rings out from outside of the casino walls and you can hear that another game point has been scored. I'm going to add an iron flask to my inventory. Yeah, absolutely. And out of curiosity, I'm just very quickly going to look up the actual same magic item price. I'm going to... Gosh, I hope those bloodhawks are choking.

It's a legendary item! If he's buying legendary items, then we're set. I'm just really curious how much the Iron Flask costs.

I don't know. It's not gonna say. They don't have a price? It's literally legendary that you can't... Okay, so you accidentally just added like 250 to 500,000 gold pieces to your... To your price. I brought with you. I would have to charge more because it contains a beholder. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. The fact that it contains a beholder, you now have an unstoppable nightmare in your pocket at any time. A beholder that can be tamed for... Yes, tamed for an hour.

It's under my command for an hour. Who's that pocket monster? Beholder. I got a special slash pocket. I'm not something in the pocket. You see one of the ice dogs start coming out. Oh, then that's the wrong one. Why do they look so similar? What are the chances of that? They look nothing alike. What are the chances of that?

How many yield passions have you had tonight, Cheeto? Gregory's terrible at counting. He said three. I think I just had one. I just had one quick one while playing slots with that nice old man that I was waiting for, sucker. So what are we going to do now? Oh, good job, bud. That was teamwork. I guess we can go up in the escalator now.

Oh, I guess we can. I gotta rewind my hookshot. Oh yeah. Great job telling me to do that by the way. Oh yeah, shoot the eyeball and it'll open the door. That's what my intel said. Can you imagine if she didn't have that? We'd all be dead, vaporized instantly. That's what we planned for it. I was really lucky I happened to stumble across it. I knew that boulder was gonna be there. I knew that was gonna upset you. I knew that would trigger... You know its name is Beholder, not Boulder, right?

Beholder today, begone tomorrow. What? That doesn't mean anything. Behold on, Mechels. While I go activate the lift. Can we all just agree to discuss before we shoot next time? I mean, he's the boss. I'm like, okay, he's the boss. And it's just like a magical oddball shoe. Well, maybe next time we'll have a conversation about it. But I think that we were all very unscathed.

And they got beholden with all the fancy people. I feel like that's a reliability and a risk. That's a pretty impressive aberration they've done under the command. I'm going to be quite honest. I'm surprised that no one else has shot that eye before today. Yeah. Well, maybe it's probably filled with people and gods that would probably execute you if you ever did that. Or they were not prepared to have an eye on Flanthoc we had prepared for.

Let's go up on the escalator. I'm choking on tea now. Bye. You wave and you hear the magical ding indicating that the lift will come down. It seems that it was at the top floor. And you wait. And you wait.

And you start getting concerned about whether or not you're doing brain damage to Gino. We're not concerned. Still, the lint doesn't sound. Putting your ear up against the gate, you're not hearing the tick, tick, tick of the apparatus making its way down. Silent.

Oh. You may have just killed Geno. I guess I may have just killed Geno. I like put him on his feet. You put him on his feet and he immediately crumples. No, I'm not holding him. I'm not holding him. I'm picking him.

Didn't even press the button. You take the crystal and you wave it and you can, you again hear the ding that you heard at the bottom of the previous list.

Indicating that the lift was on the way or that the doors would open right away and allow you to step onto the lift and then use the lever in order to go up. You do it again. Ding, ding. Still the lift is not arriving. It should be here at the speed that it was going if it was the same style lift. There's no reason to presume otherwise. Can we try prying doors open? You may certainly attempt to do so. I would like to try that. Make a strength check. Add advantage if you have a crowbar.

Why did you bring this ladder? You can put the ladder in from ten feet away and just leverage it.

Use your giant muscles to open up the door with Bruce's strength. Oh, hey. Oh, I'm coming too. Thanks, Knuckle. We didn't go anywhere. You watch us, tiny rabbit folk. With a 16, you were able to pull it apart reasonably easy, actually. It takes your strength to do it. For Knuckles, it would be like opening a normal door.

These are tense. You know the collapsing accordion style gates that are some cool elevators? That's the style of thing that you open. - Like from Titanic. - Perfect. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - You know when they use those elevators.

For the car scene. You pull that apart and it stays in place. And then you're actually able to get the tent's doors apart. And you can see it's dark on the other side. It's on the same floor. There's no shaft going down. But there doesn't seem to be a lift behind these doors. All of the Pilates are really paying off. Well done. You should keep it up. You can see that she's been eating from behind. It was the yoga pants.

So, just to be clear, I'm not looking into an elevator itself. I'm looking into an empty... You're looking at the room where the lift would sit if it were in front of you, but it is not. So you think this will work? At this point, it's safe to say that you've all deduced that the lift, for whatever reason, cannot come down. In order to continue your heist, because time is indeed passing, that you must find a way up.

This is why they call me Gino the Butcher of 42nd Street. Also the black bear what climbs. This is what I do. You know what they should call you? Yeah? Doctor Documentary. I mean document. Doctor Document? Yeah. I never finished grad school. What was your plan, Gino?

Well, I was gonna take the much safer and reliable form of going up, climbing, instead of this crazy newfangled contraption that elevators and limps. And what if the elevator is stuck up there and then it's let loose and it falls on your head and smashes you into paste? You think they would... Well, just no one...

no one opened any jars of olives and it won't get unstuck. And then I'll drop down a rope and y'all can climb up. Gino, I don't want to ruin your plan, but I'm nine inches tall and I can fly. Why don't we send her ahead as a bit of a scout? laughter

I haven't climbed anything but the stairmaster at the gold gym next to the deli. In so long. Oh, in the Electrum's gym. In the Electrum's gym. That's fantastic. I'm writing that down right away. Electrum's gym. I signed up at the beginning.

beginning of the year and I haven't been since. I went for two days and I climbed the stairs, the stairs master, just the stairs in the building.

- Lizzie, you're flying up. - Yeah, the plan was I think that I will fly up. - So it's dark and you're able to make your way through the opening of these lift doors and looking up, it's quite dark, but you can see that there are these rods on all four sides of the interior of this column leading up and you can see the bottom very faintly, it's four stories up, you can see very faintly the bottom of the elevator.

I don't know how else to say it. It's an elevator. And so you're able to travel directly up and get to the bottom of this lift. It takes you a little bit of maneuvering, but you can climb around into the side and get above it where the hatch is.

And you can look down through the hatch if you so choose, or you can fly down. Yeah, I'll look through the hatch and see what's inside. Okay. It would be the only way to get inside would be to very narrowly go around the lift and above. And looking down, you can see three things. You can see the crystal that has been jammed into the mechanism that controls the lever.

effectively blocking it from going up and down. That's why the lift is prevented from coming down. Additionally, you can see two pools of blood as what are very obviously security guards lie on the bottom of this lift. No way. I will cast my mage hand and use it to remove the crystal that's jarring the elevator in an attempt to get it to go down. Okay. And then I'll call down...

I'm removing, there's a crystal that's jamming the place. There are two pools of blood. It looks like some people might have died or a hemorrhoid or something. And so I'm hoping that once I get this crystal out that you can reuse your crystal to try and get the elevator to go down. What does the crystal look like? What? Laughter

We're all pleased. You open the hatch, your hand goes down, you pull the crystal free, and sure enough, with the mechanism being released, it moves down much faster than you anticipated.

- It's a cure down the column. It doesn't fall at gravity speed, but it's like barely making it down before it finally slams with a loud sound, loud enough perhaps to alert others and crash. And you can see immediately illuminated within the confines of the lift, the two dead bodies that Glitzy described. - Who the fuck would do this? - This is a real sloppy job. It's like Billy May with the... - You know what this fucking means, right? - What does it mean?

You mean someone else is trying to steal from the vault before we do? We gotta hurry the fuck up. We've been wasting time. Who would do something like that? Probably a more experienced crew, I'll say. Someone with a better boss, probably. Impossible. They're more informed, better plans. No, we are- Do they have a beholder in a flask? No. No.

They killed Paul and they killed Blar. Who cares? No one will ever care about their death. 45 minutes from now when they confront this crew, they turn around and they've got 14 flasks under each arm. Oh, we missed one. We could have just shown all these flasks and made more than this ice. Okay. Knuckle, do the thing. Okay.

And we go up. I guess we walk and try to wave the... The mechanism has been destroyed. It does not magically ascend. I think she's on the ground. He's all covered in dark blood.

- She's like the ball is large. - Oh my god. - As you throw me on the ground, you see a large crack as all of the spill out of my shirt. And a bunch of oil. - Oil and blood dumpers. - All that fucking blood all over the place. I'm covered in blood and all of it. - How broken is this mechanism? - It looks, make a perception check.

I don't know the role more real-time cleaner than computers. The computer room. I'm a computer. I'm in the computer room! The two cards from before seem sus now. Nineteen.

- 19. It would take magical effect to repair it or someone who understands the mechanism to get it back into a magical place that would reinvigorate the lift. - Can I check the bodies of the guards? See if they have any? - Make an investigation check. - See how they died. - Would you say that it's a single break or tear?

Mending? I cast Mending 100 times. What's 100 times 10 minutes? No, it's just one.

So 100 minutes. Nope. One hour and a half later. Is it mending 10 minutes or no? No, it's one minute. I would say that you need to cast it twice to unfix two of the things. Why do I do that shit? It's a cantrip. It'll take 20 minutes at a ritual. It's one minute casting time. Oh, really? I always thought it was 10. Well, D&D Beyond. Ha ha ha!

That's true. I thought that from my pre-D&D Beyond days. That's why everyone needs D&D Beyond. Not sponsored. But we are sponsored by Charmin Ultra. If you have an itchy tush, Charmin Ultra is the choice for you.

The portal of destruction. I had an itchy tush. No, I don't. I started using Charmin Ultra and now I can shit after I eat a full box of Cheez-Its. Wow. I'll never forget the smell when the Charmin came to the thing. I awakened from a nightmare. Are we at the top of the thing?

I'm going to mend it twice. I'm going to make the same judgment and say that it'll take 20 minutes. I will cast Mending 20 times. Okay, you get to work. Anyone else can do this faster? I got a...

With a six, you turn the bodies over and you can see that they've clearly been cut with a blade, but you don't learn any more information. And they're in their pockets or anything? They have the two halberds that would have been at their side. They still have their weapons on them. They have the clothes that they would have had them, some coin, loose change in the pockets. But other than that, they are lacking any crystals or identification. I'll pocket all the loose change. I'll get up and I'll say, they were murdered.

That's what I found out. Killed. Killed? Stabbed. How far from the level IMAX, I'm still flying up there, to where they are in the elevator? What's that distance? 60 feet. I think I have a hempen rope. It's about 60 feet. Let me double check my infant teeth. This is why I like Icebound, where all of a sudden people just pull hempen rope from nowhere in the middle of a D&D session.

You might know how much rope for a nine-inch tall creature you need. You just look like the side of Indiana Jones.

So much rope. Where have you been hiding that? Can I look at the guards to see if I recognize any of them? Speaking of Charmin Ultra, have you ever had rope burn? Okay, so you can see it in your new story because it's that fucking D&D one. It is. I have, but it's only...

- Only 50 feet of bamboo. - Oh, they'd have to get up that extra 10 feet. - Oh, I can climb and jump. - Squelch. - 20 minutes have passed. - I'm at the blood cell coating the wall. - Wait, we broke all my, oh, there's gonna be a victory snack.

- Amma, you can like suck 'em off. - Fine, while you fix the thing, I'm gonna pick up my olive. - If they got on top of the elevator. - Excuse me. - If you guys got on top of the lift. - Watch your feet, watch your feet. - 10 feet away from the bottom of the rope. - Let's stop walking. - I'm not there. - Watch your feet, watch your feet. - She's at the top, door's closed, looking down the lift shaft.

You just gotta call it what it is. It's a shaft. And looking at the three of you, you're finishing up your repairs. You hear another crash of sound from outside as the casino walls reverberate with the sound of cheering because another point has been scored. And if you let down a rope from here, they could get on top of the lift and there'd still be like a 10-foot gap to the bottom dangling rope.

- They're gonna get onto the top of the elevator. I'll fly down, I'll attach the rope, throw it into the elevator so they can climb out of the elevator onto the top. - They do that. - If we fix the elevator, it's a moot point. - Do we have 20 minutes to fix the elevator? - It's been 20 minutes, it just finished, right? - That's what I was assuming that you guys were doing. - Oh, well then let me have this rope back.

Everybody like pain singularly has climbed the rope and the elevator doors just open. I got all of my olives. And the lift engages. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.

Hey, Olive, anyone? There's only a little bit of blood on each one. These are soaking blood. They look like Kamata olives, but they're actually just your normal olive stuff. My mama, my mama Mia, she used to say, little Gino never wasting olives. She always used to say that. May she rest in peace. Oh!

There's a little smack as it hits the back of one of the guards' heads and rolls off into the corner of the mirror. It reaches the top. It doesn't crush Glitzy. You zoom through the top of the hatch, and the doors open, and you are confronted with not a vault, but some sort of a breach room, a room before the vaulted room.

This room is, and I already have a description here. You can see in this room, crossing the threshold on the opposite side, illuminated as it is by ensconces that glow on the walls, a heavy iron reinforced door that appears to be closed and locked. On every wall, there are rows and rows and rows upon levers. Tons of levers, all of them facing up.

At the end of each lever is a small crystal orb that glows with a blue and white energy. If you stand, it almost creates like a pixelation where you can see moving clouds almost through and through. You're getting to the top now. You're getting a sense that you're sort of at the top of the building being affected by this illusion to a certain degree.

- Stepping in, you see the door to be closed and the levers that I just described, that's all. - Can I look for any evidence that anyone's been here? I mean, clearly those guys were murdered. So like, did they leave anything behind? Was there any tracks of blood? And do I recognize either of the guards as I pick up my olive? - These appear to be two new faces to you.

As horror-stricken as they are, you didn't encounter them. Maybe you vaguely recall one from previous times you've been here, because you've been to this casino a number of times, but you don't recognize them from any of your encounters this evening. To your point, make an investigation. Who's an embarrassment to their family in the city now? laughter laughter

Jesus. I'm breathing and you're not. Mind your tongue.

- Can you help me look for tracks? Do your mastermind thing and help me out. - Okay, no, no, there you go. Look for tracks. - 12. - Watch your feet, this is broken glass. - Chino starts stomping all over the place covering the floor. - And all of us. - You're all making sounds as you're passing over the white marble floor of this room. - Are we still wearing our moon shoes from the-- - Not this time, unless you had a flashback to prove it.

And it would be immediately evident if there had been a trace of blood or something else. But this room is featureless on the floor, aside from whatever he described. Wow, that sure is a clean job, let me tell you. I mean, in and out.

Unless they killed each other for some reason? Clean job, that's a bunch of dead bodies and all these olives and broken glass. I am going to cast Fairy Fire. Oh. Just to see if there's anything lurking unhidden in the area. It's a 20-foot cube. Not bad. So I'm just going to cast it kind of...

I don't know how big the room is, but try and get as much of the room as possible. And so anything that, any creatures in the area would be outlined in light. - Oh, great. - Invisible or otherwise. When you cast Faerie Fire, it is enough to encompass the majority of the space. - I rolled a natural one. - On? - On my Chaos Magic. - Oh, did you really? - Yes, I did. - Oh no. - Cool. - Oh no, no, that's wrong.

What'd you get? You and all creatures within 30 feet of me gain vulnerability to piercing damage for the next minute.

- I should have told you I'm full of darts. - That would have been a problem if you guys have tried climbing the shaft. - You know those things that you put in a glass of water and it makes like a Tyrannosaurus? I feel like that guy right now. - Wait, like a Tyrannosaurus or the guy that did it? - No, I feel like the Tyrannosaurus with like my skin that feels like that and I'm covered in fur.

Other than that, your spell illuminates nothing aside from the four of you, if any of them had been encompassed by your fairy fire. Those lights look very familiar. Have you been hanging out with Vinny and that quail? I have no idea what you're talking about when you mentioned Vinny and that quail. Oh, were you talking when we go down and we're hanging out with the juice heads? Is that what you've been doing? Yeah, I'm being a meatball with the juice heads. You've been corrupting my good boy Vinny?

He's one of the hottest guidos on the shore.

He goes to the shore? Oh, yeah, every Friday night. Gosh, that's where he's been. He's been lying to me. He said he's working on his homework. Chino, let's see. He certainly doesn't. Well, to be fair, we're listening to house music. Okay. He is making the homework. I think we're about to be out-heisted. What? I think we're about to be out-heisted. Of course we're not. We've got a beholder in a flask. I'm full of effort.

Just the closest lever. You grab a lever and you swing it down. I thought we were going to discuss these things first. 13. 13. That is a success, so you only take half. I'll let you roll it. It's 10d8 lightning damage.

Imagine. You know, I have a cousin named Molly and she didn't think her name was very Barry enough so she made her name Bailey. You can't survive this. No, you can't. How do you survive this? God, she got so Barry.

What's your... how much health do you have? Well, you know, we're gonna see. I think I can survive. I've got some d8 for you here if you want. I'll just roll a dice. That's very helpful of you. One, two...

Those are D10s. You're rolling D10s. Oh, what are they? 10 D8s. Oh, 10 D8s. Sorry, I thought it was 8 D10. That's alright. 10 D8s. That's even more than I thought. I don't know if it shakes out to the 4, 5, 6. Here's two more.

Seven, eight. He's got it. Nine, ten. There we go. This is the coolest die ever. Twelve. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43. Points of damage.

That's not so bad. That's not so bad at all. That's not so bad. Let me just take a look here. You know I had, you know my cousin Paulie? Oh, the DJ, yeah. Yeah, yeah, Paulie. And he's always trying to turn people into sheep.

They said that was his dream. Yeah, DJ Pauly B. Pauly Bear. Oh, Pauly Bear. Yeah, yeah. You know him? Yeah, DJ Pauly B. Yeah, he's always hanging out down at the shore with Vinny. Oh, wow. Is my whole family just down at the shore while I'm slaving away over a hot, greasy pan? Yeah, they say that you pay for their shore house every year during the summer. Yeah, I mean, those condo fees, they're just absolutely egregious. Uh, yeah, I drop unconscious. Ha ha ha!

You all turn. Or perhaps some of you turn. Or I'll say you. I'll say you turn. Can we get on with this fucking heist? And I flip it. And I'm on the ground. You see like an arc of electricity like over the arm. What hair you do have, I don't know if you have any hair. No. No, none hair. None hair. None hair with left beef. But smoking. You...

this crash, a sphere of electric energy in all directions. - It's like flash white, like there's like the silhouette of a skeleton in the middle of it. - Yeah, but it attaches to the horn, obviously. And you just fall onto his back. - And without a word, I just, cool. I keel over. - He's unconscious, knocked out, KO'd. - That was very shocking. Oh no, Knuckles, you got a Knuckles here.

- Knuckle! - What are you gonna do, boss? We can't keep going without a muscle. - I've-- - You can heal him, right? - I've been waiting a long time to do this. - Don't use one. - Okay. What is the problem you are trying to solve? How is Geno going to anticipate and solve this problem? - I am going to think back

to when I first met Knuckles. And... I got to know him and I realized that he was a lot smarter than he let on. And through us playing games of checkers or something, I learned that he actually... The Knuckles that we know...

has lost a lot of extreme intellect and power that is locked away deep inside of him. And... Where are you going with this? There is... I've been working for years to perfect the perfect thing to awaken those latent powers that he has that will solve this problem in whatever way he might like.

And I will reach into my coat and I will pull out... I've been perfecting the recipe, perfecting every single piece of the Knuckles sandwich. Now... Now... I will feed it to Knuckles. Okay? Go be free, Knuckles! Embrace your destiny! I don't have a...

idea for that. But we all imagine a beautiful montage of you working in the deli. The few hours that you do work. The few hours you work. I was saying it's like a whole Pixar short with really great music. And Pixar moms. Shopping in the deli. I'll be back. That's a really nice...

That's a really nice picture there. I wouldn't expect you to be so much of an artist. What are those geometric shapes that you're drawing? It almost looks like alchemical in nature. I'm not sure what you mean.

Why don't you elaborate on what I might be drawing? I don't know. Maybe you're just sketching something. I don't know. Help me out here. This isn't your coin! Michael, this is your coin! This is going to reference that I'm not getting it. I just need you to be the MacGuffin to save the day in whatever way you choose to, in whatever latent power you might have. And I'm going to activate it by feeding you a sandwich.

You push the sandwich into Knuckles' mouth. For a temporary time. For a temporary time. It's the perfect flavor. You've been watching him. You know exactly what will weaken his latent abilities. I brine these pickles for a decade. And not only do you regain enough health to get back to half of your max HP, you get plus four int for the rest of this heist.

- Is that pickles? - Yeah. - You want me to shake a pickle at my-- - Yeah, what do you think? It tastes very good. I made a sandwich just for you. It was the perfect ratio. It was my life's work. - You fed me a sandwich? - Yeah, the knuckle sandwich.

I get it. Look at this. And now, Knuckles. Now, wait, you got it. You got the joke. Now, Knuckles, look at the levers again with a new perspective. Look with your special eyes. It's like, it's like I'm awake for the first time in my life. I can think. I can...

- I can see! - And I'm gonna, you'll see like all of these sort of transparent calculations. - It's like that meme. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And they're all passing through my head. - It's the moment in the hangover when he's looking at the-- - Be free! - Surprisingly appropriate for a casino heist. - If there is a pattern or some sort of pattern that I can notice in these levers and some sort of puzzle that I can figure out, I will attempt to do so. - The skeleton key is not the,

particular level, you suddenly realize it's thinking backwards will help move you forwards. You grabbed a lever as the crystal stopped glowing white for a moment to transition into that blue. And so going on intellect and instinct... Oh, when I grab the crystal. You grab the crystal. In this case...

this shifting white material that's going around the room, you suspect that you only need to turn a few levers to get the door to unlock, but you can only turn levers that have reached their most radiant white in the center of the cloud. So going on this hunch, you reach up and you pull one of those levers just as the cloud starts to transition, and you're safe, you're fine. Yes! I'll figure it out. Yes!

Something very, it was the lightning on the sandwich, but probably the lightning. It was the knuckle sandwich! There's shocks of intelligence in the meat. We need to pull a few levers, but only when they're as white as can be in the dead center of the cloud. As white as a jar of mayonnaise. So just keep an eye out, we can all maybe pull one as the cloud goes by.

And all, as it goes by, and it's the whitest, I'm gonna pull. As soon as you get to the whitest color, you pull down. You do it again, you do it again. Four sides, four levers, that's all you need. Clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk. And all of a sudden, the door opens.

releases. You can hear the mechanism inside, this magical connection that it has with this puzzle. And you know that if you were to walk up to it now, that even with your great mind, you have muscles enough to move this heavy door. It's the perfect union of muscle and mind. I feel like my will's changed. We're all very proud of you. I feel like on the weekends I need to read the Galtiker. Oh, yeah, yeah. The Galtiker.

The Galtigan's good. Let's listen to jazz. Yeah, and I want to listen to jazz and do Sudoku every day. Oh, yeah, that'll show you that you're really smart. It's actually Soupdoku. Oh, Soupdoku. There's a lot of soup things in Galtigan. Soup-themed things. So the door can be opened? Yes. Okay, I'm going to walk up to the door and open it.

He watches Knuckles, pulls these doors open, and they swing to the side. And across the space is a massive circular door, a vault door.

You've seen those classic bank heist vault doors. This is 20 feet tall. It has a huge arm, and you can tell that there's a spoke turning wheel that'll allow you to, if we're unengaged and unlocked, turn open and be able to swing open to reveal the vault's contents therein. But that's not all that catches your eye.

There are four crouched figures sitting in front of this vault door. You can see the back of them. They haven't turned yet. They're facing the door, and one of them in particular has some sort of instrument clicking through, seemingly attempting to...

Find some combination or listen in to opening it. And they're mumbling and adjusting. You can hear them in very hushed whispers. They're all clad in black, but you can see from the top of their head long white hair. They all have white hair? All of them. What do you do? They all have white hair. Kind of like the light of the...

The rods that you just moved. I was thinking all those fucking characters from Kingdom Hearts that they invented in Kingdom Hearts 2. I would say there's also a silvaresque quality to the hair. Do we understand what the silvaresque means? Yeah, I would say in a city as diverse as Galtica, I won't make you even roll a history check. This looks like the hair of a drow, a dark elf. A bunch of drow?

I assume you don't say that out loud. Are we fucking killing them? No, no deaths, right? Isn't that what Miss Lady said? Are we going to knock them out? Yeah, let's give them the knuckles. Well, not the knuckles. We want to try to talk to them first. I turn to Orla. How old do they look? It's hard to tell. They're still facing the vault door and whispering to each other, seemingly attempting to crack it.

I put on my brass knuckles. I'm ready to go. Still feeling energized, if not a little bruised. You're ready to rock. Knuckles, tonight you've shot an eye that turned into a beholder. You nearly died touching a lever that you didn't know. I don't think that some kind of

Charisma-based activity. Oh, charisma, okay. You know, fair enough. This is, you have five minutes to have a little finesse, but if not, I'm going in. All right, so I will, I'm going to call out to the people. Okay. To the dark elves. All right.

Good luck. Excuse me, over there. They turn swiftly, all four of them, their hair whipping around, and you can see their semi-masked faces staring back at you, and they stand pulling their weapons, these very round, bladed chakrams at each of their side. I'm just going to hold up my hand. In sort of a no-weapons situation. Hello!

You seem to be heisting the same heist that we're heisting. Dreadfully sorry. Could we come to sort of some arrangement? This vault is taken. You can't make your way in here. You turn around and go on your pretty way, rabbit folk. Oh, that vault you haven't gotten into yet. We're working on it. We're very close.

There's like four of them. There's four of them, and the one who stands tallest is speaking to you now. Eight people is better than four. Maybe we could help each other out here. Impossible. We've made a sworn pact to our god to retrieve the contents therein and make our way. In but mere moments, our teammates' friends will win the championship and wish us free of this place.

Are you on with the cult? Yeah, as somebody who didn't watch any of your Flamefall episodes, would that be meaningful to me as a character? I hinted very mildly that the team, the Bloodhawks, was disguised as dark elves.

And so had they won, they would have been able to use their wishes instead of the mighty trunks. But that... Oh, fuck. So our characters don't know. Your characters wouldn't know. And even in that moment, you hear a fifth point suddenly crash and you realize that this game could end at any moment. Maybe 15 minutes from now. All right. I would like...

There does seem to be, like, a leader. There does. And at either side, they are walking. You can hear their footsteps very softly on the marble floor start to walk towards you. They clearly are...

thinking of threatening you and trying to get you out and free and they even look at one of them even looks at you knuckles and and sort of does a an eye-to-eye like stare down Trying to be as intimidating as possible. I'm gonna cast calm emotions on them in their radius So not us at all. Just I'm gonna sort of pick the middle of their group of people and so each humanoid in a 20-foot radius

has to make a charisma saving throw. - Is that a charm? - I don't know how to tell that. - I think it would say charm in the spell, call them emotions, wouldn't it? - Oh, it's a-- - They have advantage on saving throws against being charmed. - I think it is a charm. - I think it is so-- Oh, actually, yeah, I don't know. - I don't see the word charm anywhere.

Oh, choose one of the following two effects. No, no. Oh wait, you can suppress any effect causing a target to be charmed. Oh that's right. You can undo a charm. That's the charm part. Alternatively, you can make a target indifferent about creatures. I think you'll say they are charmed and... Wisdom saving throw? Charisma saving. 14, does that save?

I don't know how to tell. Oh, it's a... no, it's a 15. What happens? They are indifferent about us. So if they were hostile before, they would no longer be hostile. Yeah, which they definitely seemed to be. And it affects all four? Um, yeah. Because I will separate. Each humanoid in a 20-foot radius. Fail. Succeed.

- So one of them is just like, Kai! - They're going to fall in fighting. - The three of them who are advancing on you, suddenly their eyes sort of flash with your magical energy as the spell takes hold. And the one doing the cracking seems,

"Just kill him real quick, just kill him!" And it continues to try to maneuver the door. But the three, they seem a little confused. Moments ago, they were ready to set their weapons on you, and now they feel like maybe you're not as much of a threat. - So I only have a minute of this. So I'm gonna capitalize on just saying, like, let's just agree to work together. You can always split the money.

Your plan doesn't work out, maybe ours will and vice versa. The one in the middle turns and whispers something to the shorter woman at his side. We have brief exchange. Can you help us open this door? Absolutely. Yeah, just turn your back away from us. Ha ha ha!

- Yeah, just do it real quick. - Yeah, what he said. - Yeah. - The Codecracker now stands up. What are you guys thinking? What are you doing? We made a promise. We can't let a single gold coin go to these chumps. It's fine. We'll deal with it later. We need to get in to see the, to get the loot. We don't have much time left. You heard it, there's five points. The Mighty Trunks must have scored at least one.

I'm going to send a codecracker person. I'm hearing a lot of anger. Let's all just bring it down to nothing. Let's take some nice deep breaths and control ourselves and let's use our words. Make a persuasion check. Sorry. Oh. Eighteen. Eighteen. She looks frustrated but hurried by the pressure of time that they all clearly are trying to move forward. Move against. She...

acquiesces to the leader and steps aside. Well, if you think you can do better than I. - Oh, very well done. Yeah, we'll be able to do better. We are a crack team led by the mastermind. - Me. - Me. And seeing how this isn't an emo battle of the band, the local middle school, I think that we'll take a crack at this. How about that? Okay. You're with the cult, right?

Gino, I can only hold this for a few more seconds. Let's hurry. We all with the cult, right? We're not with a cult, no. We serve Loth.

the great spider queen yeah this is the call uh and they uh for for the moment seem to be acquiescing to under the the magic of your spell um you don't know how much more of a minute you have left but uh i can't stress this enough in less than a minute they will attack us again yeah well you know glitzy why don't you get this uh this thing open here

Oh, you want me to open the safe for us? Yeah, crack the safe with your safe cracking tool. Why are you winking? Do you want me to actually do it or do you want me to do something else? I'm going to blow it up. Isn't that what we normally do? Yeah, I'm going to go do my hands thing where I create those laser beams. Like some giant The Bomb for this?

for like the vault bomb i thought i would do it the same way i did all the other ones is that gonna work for a minute no no no bomb will destroy this door it's a magical door the only way to get past it is to guess the the magical word it's the only thing that we didn't have planned in advance it's very amenable but we have this device

And if we get the letters of the word in order, we'll be able to speak that word and open it ourselves. I'm gonna, what kind of material is their device made out of? It looks very mechanical. It looks, I would say, what are those, like, navigational tools? A compass?

No, the other one. The one with the up and down. Sextant. A sextant. Nice. Nice. Yes. It looks kind of like a sextant, but where you'd be able to move it across. Mature stream. You'd be able to move it across the surface and arrive at the correct letter combination. Mature stream.

You can't say sex and arrive in the same sentence on Twitch. The letters would be coming. You can't say that. We can't condone learning anything from RDM tonight. It's very serious. Very serious. So you were saying? That you would be able to... What kind of materials is it made out of? Metal. Okay. Like what kind of metal? Adamantine.

Like, what's the temperature for melting? 1.4 million Kelvin. So I could melt it then? No. Like, easily. You'd have to be the inside of the sun. So me and the sun.

So... Well, you know, I lassoed the sun earlier. So, my mom fucked the sun once. And that's where I came from. Who still has a twist of foresight? You and you. And there's a shared pool of foresight for anyone to enjoy, should there be group agreement. So, that is the situation, and the seconds are ticking down as this minute passes. I will be just eyeing them, and basically if I can, readying an action where the second they look aggressive, I'm gonna just...

I'm going to punch him in the face. In my, like, yeah, and in my last seconds, I think I'm feeling the spell, like, lucid. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And their fingers are tightening around their weapons. I want to ask them to take their masks off, the three that are not hostile towards me. Make one more persuasion check at advantage.

Well, you're a bard, so she's going to be fine. Yeah, 14. 14. I am unbearable. It's not like we need to wear these anymore. Once we get inside the vault, we'll just be zapped out by magical wish power and, well, excellent. And can I just ask as a little behind-the-scenes, are dark elves just people who live in this realm, too? Yeah, yeah, they're from the mortal plane. Okay. Yeah. Give me a good dark elf name.

Good dark elf theme would be... I don't know. Aluna Moonshadow. Shmebula. Aluna. Schmitz. Aluna. Schmoe. Schmirdum. Moonshine, let's call him. We're gonna dudify it by saying Aluna. Okay. We're gonna say Aluna, Darkshine, Maguire. Is that you?

And I'm going to flashback to when my oldest daughter, just a month or so ago, brought home her boyfriend to meet the family.

And this is that very same dark elf that... Man, that's quite an age difference. Which Mary was this? That is exactly what Eamon and I said. This is Mary Mary quite contrary. Oh, she is quite contrary. The quietest and youngest one. She's a scene kid, so...

She was really into his dark eyeliner. The quietest and youngest dark elf who hasn't said a word aside from the three who you've spoken to so far reveals his mask, excited for a breath of fresh air and the heat being what it is, and does recognize you. I'll take off my maintenance hat, which was apparently completely hiding who I was to him. Is that you, Orla?

- What impact are you making? What problem are you solving? - I'm hoping for an end so that we've all just humanized each other a little bit and nobody's gonna kill each other when this one minute spell is up. So I'm saying, aye, how could you in this life of crime?

of all people. - He seems conflicted and he turns to the leader, putting his hand on his shoulder. - We can't, we can't, I know we killed to get in here, but we can't, we have to, we have to let them go or something. I mean, I know they've seen us, but we'll be out of here in seconds. We can just leave them alone. We don't have to kill them. - I'm just gonna say, I told my husband, I thought you were a good boy.

I am a good boy. And there's hesitance. And even though you feel the calm emotions spell pass, the drow are looking around at each other like, well, they're not threatening us. There seems to be an uneasy peace for the foreseeable future. All right, let's get through this door. Olive? Olive? Oh, blood. You eat blood olives?

Yeah. Yeah, is that what you guys like? There you go. That's the max. Yeah. For love. Oh, yeah. For love. Would you like a lovey pop? I got a couple of them. Just blood soup. It's just a couple of chunks. There's like a bunch of bear fur in each one.

I'll look up to the door with my newfound intelligence and see if I can make sense of what the fuck they were talking about with words. Oh, it's quite simple. If you speak a command word, then the letters will emerge in the device. The command word shows that there are five slots for letters. I don't.

All right, so give me your fucking device. You take it, and with your newfound inflict, immediately know how the mechanisms work. And Gino, give me a five-letter word. What does this dot mean? Any word. Yeah, it doesn't matter. Knife. Knife. You speak the command word, and then you run the device across the surface of the vault door, and...

None of the letters illuminate, but you now know that K, N, I, F, and E are not in the word that you just said. That's terrible. What were you thinking, suggestion man? You just said any five-letter word. And what about that one?

- Okay, you want another one? Frost. - Amazing, man. - No, we need a couple more vowels. - Okay. - Groin. - Groin. - Groin, groin, okay. I mean, whatever knuckles is. - No, what did you say? - Groin.

- We already know there's no I. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - So why don't we say Groh. - Groh, C-O-L-S. I say Kohl. - Oh, Kohl, that's nice. - Yes, it is, Nose. And as somebody who's been playing Wordle every day for at least a year or two with Derek, I just died laughing realizing it. - Beans! - The C turns into a C.

Turns green in its first position And then the O turns yellow okay the a is right out and The L turns yellow and the S is right out Okay, so we know that it starts with the C and there's no one in L in it and there's no S and there's no a there are you and

We haven't done you. I get the sense that we may only have six shots of this. Is it a cloud? I mean, we just dealt with fucking clouds. Oh, yeah. Cloud. It's a little on the nose. It is on the nose. And yet. How long have you elves been here? With your great influence.

You hear a... As the vault unhinges. Amazing. Aren't you all guys, you're like 4,000 years old. Which one is Mary Mary Quite Contrary the Boyfriend? Oh, well, we'll see for how much longer, but it's that one over there. Which one? His name was O'Malley or something. O'Malley? O'Malley?

You get the sense that they... Mr. O'Malley, come here, come here. I've been on this adventure for many years. I don't know if I'm more disappointed that you're here or that you're terrible at it. Yeah, no, I mean, I'm saying you're not too bright. You're probably like 800 years old or something. I don't know.

- What are you doing trying to date her daughter? - Hey, hey, that's not very clear. That's not okay. First of all, second of all, you're not gonna be able to provide if you couldn't figure out a cloud. I'm a mastermind, I should know. - Oh, the code cracker. - Cloud! Of course! Yeah, no, I think that you just need to go back

to, you know, whatever. You can stop dating Mary Mary quite contrary. She's just, you're not smart enough to provide for her. You know what I mean? Maybe Merry Christmas is better suited. No, keep him away. Merry Christmas is even younger than Mary Mary. No, you gotta keep him away from this guy, the loser. I don't know how many prospects Merry Christmas will have. You hear an uproar from...

Far, far away, some distant sound of a cheering crowd as the sixth point. And the king's whistle rings high and loud above it, indicating that the end of the game has concluded. Four to two, in some direction. Whoever won is making their way, waiting now, to go and take their wishes. It's a very limited amount of time left. We don't have much time.

I think we have a very limited time. Who won? Guys, do you know who won? Wait, if you stay here, that means that the Mighty Trunks won, right? Because you lose a friend's loss and you're not getting wished out? We need to get inside the vault. We need to get this all packed away so that when we're wished out, we can be free of all of this. We should definitely work on getting all of the gold into some kind of receptacle.

Knuckles, you're a getaway guy. Do you have a solution for this? Oh, yeah. What were you guys gonna... How were you guys gonna transport the girl? Not that I don't have a good idea. LAUGHTER

We get to keep our secrets, you codecracker. I'm going to walk into the vault. Do I get vaporized? You actually have to turn this boat piece to get the door to finally turn. It takes a full minute even for someone of knuckle strength. And looking inside, the vault is a mountain of gold. Oh. I was really expecting it to not be gold. It's chocolate coins!

What are we going to do with all this chocolate? It's the friends we made along the way. My doctor said it's not full of that many antioxidants. We really don't have that much time, guys. We're going to have to figure out a way to get every single piece of this gold into one individual place so it can all leave with us. Yeah, all we leave with all eight of us.

Yeah, of course. So this is how it could work, right? Since you're going to get teleported out, we just get it all packed into a receptacle and then you just tell us where we're going to meet you to split it up. That seems fair. You all look in the vault because the faces of the Dark Elves have dropped. As Knuckles pulls us away, you're all illuminated by golden light. At the...

There's perfectly stacked pallets for easy transport, stack after stack after stack after stack of gold coins. At each of the walls are magical items of all shapes and sizes on shelves and hooks.

Bags, swords, orbs, statuettes, engraved boxes, artifacts like chalices and rods and scepters, gems of all varieties and sizes, armor sets, helms that glimmer and gleam, mastercrafted weapons of all varieties, scrolls and maps and tomes.

Curiously, in one corner, a dusty deck of tarot-sized card perches atop a modest pedestal. Your eyes are filled with purpose and light, staring into this room as you all step inside to observe and collect your quarry. This is it. All according to my masterful play. You step in. Yeah, you do that. And as you do, you feel a slashing feeling. Pfft.

as the drow jump on top of you. What was his name? Luno? Did we decide? Yeah, Luno. Luno, sure. Luno hesitantly is forced to choose between the girl of his dreams mother and his cult-like family, but I need you all to roll for initiative. Holy shit. The second he jumps on Gino, I'm... I got a natural one. I'm going in. Ah, fuck! I got a natural one. Look how close

- Five. - We're rolling for initiative, right? - Thank you, Polymorph. - Thank you, Polymorph. Thanks for hanging out. - And here, you guys can put yourselves where you would. - Oh. - Oh, we've got elfies. - Ooh, that's a couple of dragons. - So let's say that if we're walking in this way, if we're walking in this way to the vault, they were behind us. Geno was in front here. Let's say he's here.

And then one of them jumped on Gino. And then the other, I guess, are right behind us here. I'm going to have to tell my daughter that I killed her boyfriend. 20 to 25. Oh, I got a 22. Okay. 15 to 20. Nope. 10 to 15. 13. 5 to 10. 4. 5. 5.

You know I was in line to get a sign in the Mighty Trunks.

You feel the movement of the Dark Elves start to descend upon you as they have clearly decided, as soon as they saw the treasure, to undo their previously tense agreement with you all. And I would say, Gino, you take... Oh, no. Well, I guess I should ask if your AC is lower than 17. It is 17 exactly. Okay, so it just hits. And what is the...

Where are my D6s? - Mahon Capone asks, "Do you guys ever play online?" The only online we play is we have a quarterly one-shot with patrons at the Dragon tier and higher. And so that is, I think the only online games that we play. Yeah, we're mostly an in-person group. - Seven.

Points of piercing damage. Points of poison damage. How much? And you make a constitution saving throw. Seven plus what, sorry? Seven plus six. Oh no. That's a lot of, that's a lot of damage. Oh no, my friend Phil. I need you. Constitution saving throw, you said? Yeah. Nine. You are poisoned for one hour.

Who is the dirty flora olives wasn't it? You feel the blood olives juice getting into your new fresh wound. But that surprise attack is countered by knuckles surprise attack. So I'm putting you at the top of the round and then we'll enter actual initiative round. Okay, perfect. So I'll just...

Okay, so I have a full round. Knock the pervert out! We'll turn, and then we're gonna start at the top with Gino's turn. I've been fucking waiting to punch something. I'm gonna reach in my back pocket, untwirl my flats, down at it. Oh no, that was the beholder! My head explodes. That was Gricko. I don't know why. I don't know!

He starts off small and gets bigger inside of his throat. And I am going to... So hold on, let me just make sure. So that was my bonus action to drink my flask. Oh yeah, don't you have like a moxie flask or something? Yep, and then... He's playing a two-blitz. As I need each of my turns, I roll my Fisticuffs die and add my proficiency modifier plus my con modifier. Oh wow, that's a lot of 10 HP. I need it. Five, six, seven, eight...

That's pretty good. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. So that's 11 temp HP. Pretty good. Nice. I have advantage on saving things against fear, but I don't need that. And then I am going to punch twice. Actually, no, only punch once because we're not on fire. Oh, yeah. That's a 20-something. Yeah, that's massive. That's right. It smashes into the room.

- My, my-- - Seven points of bludgeoning damage. - Okay, the one who had just struck Gino takes seven points of bludgeoning damage and it clearly does quite a bit of hurt. You can hear her yell out pain. - Reg is fucking mad. - But she doesn't go down. That's the conclusion of your turn? - Yep. - Gino, you're up. - Oh, I'm gonna turn around and say, are you stabbing at me?

Are you stabbing at me? I'm speaking to you, you should look at me. - I'm doing math. - All right, too busy stabbing. - And I'll say, well, I guess I owe you one and I'll pull out a meat hook. - Oh, Jesus Christ. - And I'm going to attempt to meat hook him. The disadvantage. - AC 16.

Oh! Disadvantage, I still get an 18. That hits. And because he's next to Knuckles, I get to roll sneak attack, which would be 1d6. That's right. This is the one that Knuckles just injured? Yes. Okay. Oh, 2d6, how about that? With my meat hook. Meat hook. Meat hook. I am meat hook. Meat hook.

We are Meat Hook. 15 points of piercing damage. She goes down. The Meat Hook is enough that you slice it and it disappears, you know? You try to say words in orders, and then... Oh, Hooker. The Hooker goes down. You barely know her.

- Look at her, I barely know her. - She's dead. - Is that your conclusion of your turn? Orla, you're up. - Serving Dark Elf at Geno's Deli. - All right. - A little bit of Grim Cannibal of a humor. - So one of them's down down. - One of them is dead dead, the one that is adjacent to Knuckles and-- - This guy. - Yeah, yeah, why don't you flip that. - Can I flip him? Okay. All right, and...

- We designate one as the one that's dating my daughter, 'cause I'm for sure going, oh! - No, that was the woman. - That was the Codecracker who was in a fight with Codecracker. - Yeah, that was the Codecracker. - Oh, I thought the one that attacked Geno was the one that-- - No, he was in the back, being very nervous. - I'm just deciding that this one is. - Yes, yes, yes. - So I'm gonna go for him. I think I'm gonna cast Mind Sliver. - That's a good one. - Yeah.

- I drive a disorienting spike of psychic energy into the mind of one creature you can see within range. They must succeed on an intelligence saving throw. Oh, wait. Are elves really smart? - Nine. - Nine?

- That's less than 15, so I think you're gonna fail. - She once saw a bird choke on a worm, isn't that great? - What does it look like when you cast Mind Slipper? - Well, I'm a mother and that's my whole thing, so it's, you're not good enough for my daughter! - Oh no, my latent insecurities! My crippling self-doubt! - Exactly.

- One d6 psychic damage and subtract one d4 from the next saving throw it makes before the end of my next turn. - I'll remember that, do that. - So I do the six damage, do I roll it a six? These pink dice suck, by the way. - These 300 year old-- - Are they chess six? - Four. - Yeah, they look quite good, yeah.

- Four points of damage. - But they're the same things. - Okay, and this is gonna be Luno. - I just got cute pink dice. - I don't think Chessix will ever sponsor us. - And he's disadvantaged on something. - You guys suck and you should feel bad. - He's disadvantaged after he gets hit by a Reisler. - No, he gets a subtract of one to four moving forward. - Oh, got it, one to four, he gets banned. Little ban. - From the next saving throw. - Glitzy. - I'm going to, actually I'll just move. I'm going to move my character here.

and I'm going to cast Agnazar's Scorcher. - Oh. - Oh. - Flo and I'm not-- - Scorcher? - I'm becoming corrupted, I am. - I don't even know her. - Yeah, I'm only gonna hit those two, but it's 30 feet in front of me. - These guys? - Oh, okay. - Yeah. - Real gun style? - Yeah, I'm just gonna be like, I'm just gonna move over. I just really wanted to light something on fire! I'm just gonna cast it. And they have to make a dexterity saving throw.

They both fail. Okay, great. I'm actually blown away by that, but they both rolled sixes. You know what? I am going to re-roll some of these dice because I am a sorcerer and I can do that. Oh, that's right. You are a sorcerer what uses metamagic. I am a sorcerer what uses metamagic. So I am going to cast Use Empowered Spell and I'm going to...

Perfect, that's better. And that's even better, so 18 points of damages is what they're gonna take. To both of them? To each of them, yeah.

Holy man. All right. That was Luno and the other one. You're not good enough for her daughter. Both of them are killed instantly. It's like that moment in the dream where Sarah Connor gives up the nuclear explosion and she just turns into ash and skeleton. Jesus. Yeah. This is like the old days, Ola. It was a level two spell and I got to re-roll the spell.

Did you Chaos? Huh? Oh, I did not. Are they actually dead? A three. Did that flip him over? Yeah. I will breathe in, I love the smell of fey palm in the morning. Oh my god. It's so good! Oh my god, fey palm.

- Oh, Mike, that's brilliant. - That's showing up in our coming campaign, right? - Oh, 100%. - Obviously. - It ain't me starts playing. - Well, shit, that sucks. So I rolled a three, so I did trigger my stuff, but it doesn't really affect this, so. - End of your turn, Knuckles, you're up.

- This is the only guy that's alive, right? - Yeah. - It's the leader, let's say. - And the other ones are all dead. - Yeah. - I'll get you a doodad. - Yeah, I'm just gonna try to snap his neck. - Go for it. - I'm immune to being intoxicated by alcohol for 18 days. - You're immune to alcohol for 16? - Yeah.

How many days? 18. 18 days. 18 days, yeah. It's a very strange number of days. You're gonna notice that nothing in your life changes. Well, I had to roll five days. Why does this milk hit different? I missed my first attack. I want a bonus action with the second attack. All right. There we go. That hits.

Oh, hey, look out. Punch him real hard. Pervert, pervert alert. I help you. 11 points of damage. For the first attack, I help you. What is with you and Snapping? Or no, I forgot to help her. I just love Snapping a couple nights. Well, I'll just, I mean, if everyone else is dead, there's no reason to leave one guy alive.

So Knuckles is going to try to kill him. Yeah, for sure. You do that. But he's not dead. So you attempt to kill him. You punch into him. And now it's top of the round. Do you know your round? He's giving me advantage on my first attack. That missed. That hits. So if you can do four points of damage. Yeah, I kill him.

Okay, now you kill him. And you realize that these Rao, how stealthy and excellent they were to get to this point without too much issue. We're not prepared for the likes of ragtag power.

Well, I mean, they didn't diversify their crew. They seemed to have a mastermind, a safe cracker. They didn't have any muscle. They didn't have any explosives expert. They didn't have a distracting mom. Actually, fun fact, is on my AOL browser. You know just how I always bring the documents? I love it.

And I open it up and I'm like, man, Al Yowza, you're a pervert, Mr. Al. Lying before you are four dead drow and just at the entrance. You can walk in at any moment. What the fuck were you thinking, killing these guys? What are you talking about? We had to frame it on somebody. I mean, we were told not to kill anybody. No, no, actually, that wasn't part of the plan. We can kill.

- Oh, and now you tell us. - That was from the museum we went to. - Yeah, yeah, another museum. - Glad I killed a fucking guy. - What inconsistent rules. - I would have said, hey, let's not kill any employees of the casino. They're just doing their job. But a bunch of heisters that were not part of the plan, I feel like we can murder them either. - That really seems like something we should have arranged before we got here. - And if we can somehow figure out a way to make it seem like they died doing the heist, then I think it all works out.

Well, they'd be double-crossed by the other team and then all the cops show up at the end of the sports movie and arrest them. Yeah, but there won't be any gold inside of this, uh... Do you have any sort of lightning-y explosives that we could make them look like they died from the big lever wall?

No, but I kind of thought if we could find a way to get all of this gold out of here, then as we're leaving, I could just open up the bottle and leave the beholder in here with them. And well, that'll be somebody else's problem. I support this. Then it will look like the beholder was behind it the entire time. Can't the beholder be like, hey guys, it wasn't me. They did the whole thing. It was these people. Yeah, but why are they going to believe them when the beholder is stuck in there and they're dead bodies?

Make a perception check, everyone. Oh, look at all this treasure. Look at all this very nice treasure. Perception? Perception. Damn, these. Oh, got to give it up. Got to give it up. And a natural one.

No, yeah? Can I help you? 12. Thank you. I love you. I didn't hear anybody's values because Lauren's dice sucks. I failed. 12. 22. That's a MVP.

I'd say anyone who got higher than 10, here's a bing from two rooms over. The sound of the lift starting to re-go back down the shaft. My huge rabbit ears could totally have heard that if I hadn't rolled so badly. You're staring and trying to decide what to say about Luna. Oh, man. Well, at least Mary Mary quite contrary is better off

Okay, so here's another idea. For an hour, the Beholder is going to be my best friend. So, what we could do is we tell that Beholder to just stay out in the other room and to let everyone know that there were eight elves.

that came into, he chased them down, because he caught them in the other room. He chased them down to here, but they locked themselves inside of the safe, and they're in there doing whatever with the money. And then, when they come, when they finally break into the vault, there will be four dead elves, and all the money gone, so it would look like the others got away. The only problem, I have no idea how we're going to get all the gold out of here. Oh.

Man, that was the hardest part. What's the carrying weight of a beholder? What's the spell list on a beholder? What's the what? Spell list on a beholder. Oh, it's a lot. Oh, no, no spells, because they use psionics and those aren't spells. Sorry. They're not spellcasters. No, they have rays. They have death rays. Are any of you a warlock or a wizard? I am a sorceress. I'm a wizard. I'm a magician.

Do you get any extra spells being your kind of sorcerer? What do you mean? Do you get an extra expanded spell list? Not really, no. Okay, well, this plan's not going to work. I mean, I can cast Fairy Fire because I'm a fairy. Should we tell your beholder friend to behold the line? Well, he'll be my friend for an hour, so I don't think that joke would offend him. Lover than always on time.

Oh no, the elevator! You're horrified not just to hear the sound of the lift starting to go up, but also the door itself. What kind of beholder was this? This is a classic beholder. This is not a death tyrant or one of the smaller varieties or... 5E Behold Us Deadlock. This is just bread and butter MM. MM. Yoink.

The door to the vault is also starting to close itself. It seems that it only stays open for maybe a minute or two minutes at a time. For however long you were fighting the drow, this time limit seems to have expired and you can see that turning spoke wheel start to move itself and the entire door is starting to swing shut. If you don't go inside the vault, there's a very good chance those heights will be lost.

- We're in, we're already in. - Oh, you're inside? - Yeah, we're in. - You're inside. - Yeah. - The bodies of the drow are just at the door, at the entrance of the vault. They're not in the vault with you. Do you bring them in with you? What are you doing? - Yes, yeah, I think I would try to like chuck them in. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause they need to be in the vault to get the treasure out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - And we'll slam the door.

Oh, and I'll try to clean up the olive juice. Yeah, the hallway should look like nobody's. But we don't have much time. It'll just smear everywhere. I would say make a deception check to see how well you do at cleaning up everything. Oh, 21?

Can I help with that? Can I do it as well? Yeah. I'm the cleaner. Typically, that means he just gets to do it at advantage, but let's do it. Well, I rolled a 17. You want to take that as your advantage? Oh, yeah. I'll take that. Yeah, that's a 23. 23. You all pull yourselves into the vault. You do a pretty good job. At a certain point, somebody is going to...

suspect something looking at the blood on the floor, but you're surprised how well you work together. Perhaps it's your momly cleaning energy and your deli counter wiping down energy combined. For sure. My right arm is much bigger than my left arm. And as you...

As you wait for the door to close, you all are thinking, how are we going to get this treasure out of here? How are we going to get out of this situation? Well, there's no way to teleport. There's no wish coming, perhaps. What is going to be the solution? And when the door closes, it's not darkness that surrounds you.

you realize that you aren't in a dark place at all. In fact, the walls seem to have completely evaporated. You are now staring out at a...

A blue, beautiful sky in all directions. You seem to be at the top of a mountain, at the top of some citadel, looking down, surrounded still by this same treasure. But as soon as the door closed, you have jumped from wherever it was in the top of this building to some other plane of existence, staring out down the mountain, down the citadel, all the way around. You seem to be in a completely new world.

place. All four of you and the bodies of these drows surrounded by mountains of treasure and it's not the clicking of the elevator that you hear anymore, but the loud thump, thump, thump of some massive creature walking, sounding like some huge giant. And as panic overtakes you, that is where we will end tonight's session. Oh, shit. So we're not out?

- No. - We're not out. - So how does our reason work? - You don't have to pay the base in our overtime. - If you didn't spend it, you keep it. - You lose it. - So we keep it for the next heist, for the current heist. - Read the manual, we have a handbook. - No, I skipped it. - You know, I saw it on a document and you get to keep it, so you'll have two next time. - Oh, shit. - Oh, do they roll over? - Yeah. - Is there like rollover minutes? - Yeah, it's rollover PTO. - Oh my gosh. - Rollover minutes. - I haven't dealt with rollover minutes in years.

Thank you so much for listening to the Legends of Avantris podcast. We hope you enjoyed the session. If you want even more campaigns to listen to, become a member of our Patreon at the Pearl Dolphin tier or higher to unlock Shroud Over Saltmarsh, a patron-exclusive campaign set on the high seas. You can find that at slash legendsofavantris.

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