cover of episode Edge of Midnight | Ep. 10 | Pound of Flesh

Edge of Midnight | Ep. 10 | Pound of Flesh

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Legends of Avantris

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Lethika Nightborne
@Lethika Nightborne : 本集讲述了探险队前往废弃矿井寻找失踪圣殿骑士的故事,他们发现骑士们变成了畸形的马形生物,并最终决定将他们焚烧。探险队在矿井中遭遇了各种恐怖的生物和现象,例如会说话的脓包、会移动的墙壁、婴儿头蜈蚣等,并最终与矿井深处的女巫及其爪牙展开战斗。 探险队成员@Marius 在面对这些恐怖的生物时,展现出了果断和决心,他毫不犹豫地杀死了那些已经变成怪物的圣殿骑士,并最终帮助探险队战胜了女巫及其爪牙。@其他玩家 则在战斗中展现出了各自的技能和勇气,他们互相配合,克服了各种困难,最终完成了任务。 整个故事充满了恐怖、悬念和惊险,探险队成员们在面对各种挑战时,展现出了他们的勇气、智慧和团队合作精神。 Marius: 作为探险队的成员之一,Marius在面对恐怖的生物时表现出了果断和决心。他毫不犹豫地杀死了那些已经变成怪物的圣殿骑士,并最终帮助探险队战胜了女巫及其爪牙。在战斗中,Marius展现出了高超的战斗技巧和强大的力量,他用自己的剑和魔法,消灭了一个又一个敌人。 Marius的行动也体现了他的同情心和正义感,他为那些已经变成怪物的圣殿骑士感到惋惜,并试图以尽可能无痛的方式结束他们的痛苦。同时,Marius也展现出了他的领导才能,他带领着探险队克服了各种困难,最终完成了任务。 其他玩家: 探险队的其他成员在战斗中展现出了各自的技能和勇气。他们互相配合,克服了各种困难,最终完成了任务。例如,他们利用魔法攻击敌人,并使用各种战术来应对不同的挑战。 在面对各种恐怖的生物和现象时,其他玩家也展现出了他们的智慧和冷静。他们分析情况,制定策略,并互相鼓励,最终战胜了恐惧,完成了任务。此外,他们还展现出了团队合作精神,他们互相帮助,互相支持,共同克服了各种困难。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to Legends of Aventress. I'm Lethika Nightborne, and you're listening to the mysterious Edge of Midnight. Let me show you what happened last time. Maggie McDuff, I saw her running in the woods. Seconds after the fire hit, the way that everything is littered here, you lose your trail. That Mother Midnight has not been apprehended.

It is clear she hides among them. All these people, they're just going to listen to him again until everyone ends up dead. They erect what appears to be a permanent gallows. Knights abound! Open the gates! You then begin to notice that they do appear to be riderless. You do not need to report this to the Archbishop. Oh, she is probably an inch taller than you.

♪Protecting his friends in every witch fight, he is a knight named Marius♪ You have reached the mine, here to be two dozen horses? And where there should be hooves, pawing into the ground, you see human hands. ♪Trumbrack hagin mines♪ The only thing more loyal than a knight is his trusted steed.

So then that begs the question, is a knight turned into a steed twice as loyal? Our protagonists in this horror story are about to find out, as they meet all that remains of the Templars who made the simple mistake of having a sense of duty and honor, and not abandoning their doomed quest at the first sign of trouble. Will the damn pair knight be so foolish? Only one way to find out.

You have entered an area of the forest that you know to be immediately before the mines that you were headed to in search of the Knights Templar that had gone out to attempt to reopen these mines now that the threat of Mother Midnight had so foolishly been called off.

And it is here that you see what stands before you. The forms of more than two dozen knights formed into sickly horse abominations. Their skin stretched unnaturally into the long haunches of what appears to be like the horses they had rode in on. But no horse hair adorns their body, just the soft pinkish flesh.

human flesh. Their faces pulled, taut, and elongated into the head of an equestrian-like creature. You watch as they all look toward you. They call out with unusual and unnatural sounds. None of them are forming real words, but it sounds like they're begging you, pleading you for help. The only one that was able to make any sound at all, you can clearly see by the mustache that still adorns his upper lip.

The guard captain, Ser Marco Voldo, clearly calls out to you to run, to go back. What do you do? I immediately affix my shield to my back and draw my sword in two hands and begin to approach the first creature. The first creature is Knight Captain Ser Marco Voldo. I put my sword to its neck.

And I look him in the eyes and I say, "I am so, so sorry for this." You see as his head tilts up to you, and you see that he blinks twice and a tear begins to roll down his face as he lowers your head and nuzzles into the side of your sword.

You will be avenged. No, no, no, no, hold on. What the fuck are you doing? I am putting these horrific abominations of life out of their misery. How do you know what it is? You can't be turned back. Huh? Yeah, stay your blade. All around you, the sounds of groaning, painful moans and wails from nearly...

anywhere between 24 to 30 of the other Knights Templar that are out here are almost so loud that it's sickening and deafening as they make this guttural noise, attempting to speak but not able to use their new horse-like voice boxes. Now look, I mean, I don't know what the fuck this is. Clearly, it's a fucking hang in that line. But here's the thing. Maybe if we kill the hang, he'll be right straight.

I'm gonna look the captain in the eyes again and say, "Do you want me to send you to your guard?" You hear a pained guttural moan erupt out of its throat as its tongue falls limply to the side of its mouth. Clearly a human tongue, not a horse-like tongue at all. And you see that the teeth inside of its mouth are clearly human teeth.

as it looks up towards you, its eyes filled with sadness. Roll an insight check. - I've never learned to succeed on any roll more in my life. - You know I'm better about this one. 15. - You can see with the way that Sir Marco has been placing his neck up towards the blade that he clearly wants this horror of a life to end.

Without another word, I draw back and swing as cleanly and fastly as I can to sever his head from his body. Roll to attack and roll for damage. I somehow missed the stationary horseman that would like to be murdered. Ten to hit. Ten doesn't... No, ten doesn't hit. It could hit, but just... I mean, yeah. Let's give Sir Marco a... I don't know how I could possibly miss. If he's presenting himself as an advantage...

Sure. I will say yes. That would make sense. He's not because he's not trying to run away. One more three. Okay, now I'll twist that one, I guess. Natural 20. Oh, my God. Get fucked, stationary horse man. No, wait. Yeah, I guess I won't smite him. No need to, right?

Well, that depends on whether you want him to survive this slash. Oh yeah, fuck that. I'm gonna absolutely murder this motherfucker. Be the nearly headless Sir Marco. I think they might need to smite. Oh, I think they're pigeons! Okay, I'm gonna smite his ass too. I hope you've got 24 more smites. I got a few. We're all right.

Abby wants me to use a twist of dread to negate the nap, Tommy. Oh, that would be really brutal. No. I've got a lot of brutal shit coming up this session. I'll give him a win. I apologize. I forget what my actual... I think it's 2d8s plus 1d8. Nope. So 2, so 4, so 2, 4d8s, 2d10s, 4d10s. Yeah, that'll do it. Oh, snap.

That's gonna be six plus seven is 13, 14, 15, 22, 25, 30, 35, 42 points of damage.

In one quick motion, you watch as Marius raises his blade towards the heaven and calls on the Light of Lathander. As he brings it down in a quick sweeping motion, you're able to cleanly slice the head from this creature.

And it takes a second before the wound separates. The light from Sir Marco Voldo's eyes goes dark as his head with a loud thud and a squish hits the ground. The body stands there for just a second, rocking back and forth on the strange human-like legs, two hands at the front, two feet toward the back where hooves should be. And as the knees begin to buckle, you see movement in the hole at the neck.

as centipedes begin to spill forth out of where the head had been severed. They crawl down the body and begin to burrow into the earth. As the body falls, splat into the earth. - Help me! And I move to the next one. I begin to strike. - I pull out my gun, my voodoo gun, and I'm gonna try to shoot the centipedes with Eldritch Blast. If I can. - Sure.

- I'm just looking on an abject terror, holding my hat to my chest. I have no idea what else to do or-- - I presumably hit, it's a 20. - That hits. - Two damage. - You were able to kill one of the centipedes. You let out a blast as it, you see it severs as part of it is, explodes towards the center. Its body twitches as the life slowly leaves it. The rest of them burrow deep within the earth and disappear from eyesight.

The rest of the human-horse hybrids in this area, though they jumped for a moment at the sound of the head hitting the earth, you watch as slowly, almost mournfully, they all begin to walk toward you. Oh no, do I really have to do this? I am just, I am going, and every one I can, I'm gonna hack, hack, and just start severing heads. I roll the sleeves up to try and...

keep part of me clean in this dirty business and I'll pull out my chakram and I will join you and start to see if I can make as clean a cut for the other horses. Just the two of you? I would be helping as well and each each that I would approach I would kind of gently trace a runic symbol on their chest and then in the cleanest like painlessest painless most painless way try to help them.

I'll hope to. The four of you make your way. You move slowly at first and then with haste, realizing the absolute horror of the situation and what it must look like to these once knights. Yesterday, they had been men. You had met some of them. Some of them had spoken kindly to you. They look at you with eyes filled with sadness, but...

a silent resolve knowing what their fate is, nights ever until the end. And it takes about 30 minutes for you to finish bringing the last night to peace. Do we see additional Philippines? Every single one of these nights.

As you put them to eternal rest, you see as their bodies fall limply towards the ground, out of whatever orifice they can find, centipedes spill forth and begin digging through the earth.

I will say with the amount of time that it took and the things that you're doing, it's easy to see that though these centipedes are far larger and far more grotesque, they don't appear to be monstrous in any way. They just seem to be some sort of, they seem to be real centipedes that have maybe been twisted by the magics that are going on in this earth, but they're not monstrous beasts in any way. Nothing more than centipedes. You're gonna be sick.

You all stand in this outcropping before reaching the mind and the ground around you is a dark red and brown soaked with the blood of the knights as all of their bodies lie limp now.

We can't. We can't leave them like this. No, no we can't. I always, I mean we only met once but that Sir Marco fella was, he was a real stand up gentleman. He was a good man. And they were all good men to the end. Good men to the end. We should return him to the earth. We should. We may not have time to make a grave large enough. Would a fire of spice?

I would agree that we burn them. It won't be my choice, but... All of their ashes will go to the earth. I suppose that's true. And they'll be purified. And there will no longer be these horrific mockeries of life. We can also commit to coming back here when our duty here is done and make sure that they are given a proper burial later if we leave them now. I won't leave without tending to them. Wasted. Wasted, eh?

I'll say we burn 'em, 'cause if we bury 'em, we go in there, we kill the hag, we walk out and it's all just normal human parts, I don't think we'll feel too good about that. Let's burn 'em so we don't have to know. We'll never have to find out. I'll help with that. I just... Them poor knack fellas and gals. I'll start.

dragging bodies into whatever kind of pile, perhaps in more of a clear spot of the forest. Yeah, I would help. Yeah, drag them as well. I would say it'll take you another 30 to 40 minutes to collect the pieces of these knights and find a spot with some dry, um, some dry underbrush and leaves and create a pyre, um,

But you're easily able to, as you pile all the bodies together and you set them ablaze. You have a small ceremony, but you don't know much about these men. Few of them you'd talk to. Marius, you're familiar with the service of a knight. You have a few things to say, but for the most part it's quiet. It's silence in honor of the lives that they had lived, and horror at the way that they had died.

And as the flames consume them, you watch for just a moment to see if that glint of purple will appear in the flames, but it doesn't come. It stays the bright reds, oranges, yellows, and whites of a true burning fire. Captain Roto, I wish I could have known you better. I will not forget you. What's next? I've seen all the fucked up shit in my life. That's the most fucked up thing I've ever seen. Whatever's waiting for us...

inside the godforsaken mine. It's going to pay in burning justice. Well, I don't want to be that feller, but 24, 30 nights, two dozen, put in there and whatever's in that mine did that to them. What chance do we have? I don't care what chance we have. We're going to avenge them and we're going to defeat whatever horrific abomination did this.

The nine hells are too good for that creature! We came here to kill witches. None of us can leave until it's done. There's no turning back. Well said. Well, yeah, of course, of course. We're genuine heroes and that's what genuine heroes do. Alright, Sir Gallant Knight, please do lead the way. I will have cleaned the blood from my sword by this point, re-upped my shield,

and I will proceed towards the entrance of this mine. You make your way out of the area of the forest that you had pulled aside to burn these bodies, and you make your way back towards where you had discovered the knights. You know that the mine was just through the tree line there, and you walk quietly together as you

make your way through the underbrush and then out into the opening that you have seen before. You've walked past this when you made your way to the hut that was the place that Keziah Jenkins lived in. And as you make your way out into this area, you see the tracks of the mine that slowly dip down into it. But something has changed here. The last time you had been here, the mine had been completely boarded up. But now, most of those boards are gone.

It is very clear that the knights had gone into the mine. It's now staring out at you, almost like it's waiting for you. And as you stand here looking towards the almost pure blackness of the depths within, you all feel a strange crawling on your skin. You swat at your arm, feel like there are spiders or centipedes or scorpions walking across your body, but when you look, there aren't. And it stops.

You move. You feel a sickness in your stomach. That feeling again. You look down and... nothing. You all feel it. Do I see anyone else with those gestures? Yes. Before we go in any deeper, should something like what happened to those Templars happen to me, you have my permission to take my life as well. Understood. And I agree. Seconded. Same goes for me. Well, same doesn't go for me.

I'll turn into one of them! Kill the fucking hag first before you put me down! Do you think that... She can do that to me? I don't know. There are powerful magics at play here. We should assume that we're all vulnerable. I suppose.

Considering what you've told us about yourself, I imagine she might have a different fate for you. The worst? The hags, in my experience, are not as bad as these, but... These are so much worse, but if we... If we... If we... If we saved all them spirits in the crooked house, I guess we'll just do it again. That's right. We took part in a ritual in the house to break those magics.

You should be on the lookout for anything that seems like it might be a relic of power. The hag is hiding down here. That's right. Anything that we found in the books. Any of the symbols that I showed you. Anything that looks familiar. Well, Virgil, you keep an eye out too. Let's go in. Pumpkins! I don't know, we'll use dancing lights to attempt to illuminate as we go. You begin to approach the entrance to the mine, and you are...

You feel the stench hit you like a wall. Not a scent of rot like you would expect, but it smells almost like body odor. Old sweat, feet, unwashed flesh. And it takes a moment for you to regain your composure, but you steel yourself against it. As you make your way into the first, you make your way into the entrance of the mine, you can go ahead and remove the fog of war. Just all of it.

Are you sure? I don't see why. I mean, sure. I like the allure of it. Okay. Is that the entrance? Yep. That's good enough. You can remove that other black piece. Give me a second. I'm going to play different music for this place. You can hear me whispering quietly to myself as I make my way down into the mine, whispering prayers to my goddess.

You make your way into the first chamber and here you see that this was clearly at some point a gold mine. You can see the dark, um, you can see the carts piled full of rock and rubble all along these metal tracks that go this way and that. The walls themselves glinting in the light of the pumpkins look fairly normal at first glance. And it's quiet here. Except for the sound of skittering?

You listen, and there was definitely something that just moved off in the shadows to the side. As you look about, you see that this entire first area is strewn with books and papers of some kind. Here and there. Not all over the place, but you do see that they peek up out of the dirt, as if knocked over or left haphazardly or in a rush. I'm just going to pick up whatever piece of paper is closest to me and just see. Roll an investigation check.

I would do the same. Perhaps a total of whatever looks the most substantial. Sure. A roll investigation for me as well. Kelsey, you look around and you see bits of paperwork. It looks like there are notes here about the amount of gold that was taken out on a certain day, shift changes, people who worked here. These appear to be bits and pieces

pieces of mine ledgers that would let you know just the overall workings of this place. What did you get? Sixteen. Sixteen. You look around and you do find a few books here or there. Most of them actually empty. It looks like they are ledgers of a similar kind that would have at some point as the mine continued to work have been filled up.

But nothing different than what Farron found. As you continue to rifle through them, however, Farron, you begin to start seeing some of the paper that looks a little less old, the newer pieces, talks of sickness, the deeper that people went into the mines and how they're going to deal with it. What do we do about it? How do we resolve it? Miners going mad.

And then finally, you discover a large sheet that details "closing of the mine, mine to close immediately, all miners to evacuate." And there is no date on this, but it mentions that at some point there was a collapse in one of the tunnels, and a large portion of miners had been trapped within.

that they had attempted a rescue mission but any that went down started to suffer similar sicknesses and similar madness. They could hear the screaming and the begging of the miners on the other side of the rubble, begging for their freedom, begging for their help. But eventually, the town of Cyril decided to close the mine without rescuing the miners. Too many were getting sick. I left them in here, trapped. Intentionally so.

A few dozen. I vaguely recall someone we met mentioning how long ago the mine was closed. Do I recall that memory? I would say anywhere between a decade to two.

In any of the paperwork, would there have been a layout or a map of previously dug caves? Roll another investigation check. Okay, from now on I just go here. You root around in another pile of papers looking for anything that looks like it would fold out to make some sort of map, and you don't find a map. But what you do find is a large insectoid leg as you move one of the papers aside.

But the leg doesn't end with a long talon like you'd see on a centipede. It ends in a hand.

as it reaches out and grabs onto your finger, it pulls itself up out of the muck, and you see that same large, small, dog-sized creature that you had seen before coming out of Keziah Jenkins' house. As it pulls itself up out of the muck, it looks at you and lets out a small, squeaking laugh as it darts towards

very quickly against the wall into almost darkness. Jericho, your pumpkins shift into the shadows and you see that though you had assumed that the walls here were nothing but dirt and rock, there is clearly flesh. A large, postulant tumor is formed on the side of the wall.

And as this creature climbs up it with its 100 humanoid hands, it turns back and looks at you and smiles as it wrenches open and dives inside. - Oh, jeez. - Yes! - I would point and also attempt to use magic to damage it. - Please do. - Get him! - It needs to make a wisdom saving throw.

I'm just fucking shocked. I'm sure I miss. I'm sure I miss. I would as soon as it releases me, I would send that back. Uh, it's creeps. Miss Farron! And I'm gonna go run over and... Are you alright? I'm alright, yeah. Just scared me. It startled me as well. You...

Lethica, you attempt to do magic on this creature, but it is so tricksy and virile as it moves this way and that, and you're unable to find magical purchase on this entity.

I'm gonna remember your name and not call you Crummy. Briggsie. - Nice. - You utilize, you let loose a magical blast from your voodoo gun and you don't find purchase on this centipedal creature, but you do blast into this tumor-like protrusion on the wall and you watch as a bit of red,

liquid and jelly-like substance pops forth from it. And where this gaping hole is, where you expect to see inside, you begin to see forming the shape of a crooked mouth with rotting teeth. The mouth opens and speaks. - You killed my sister. I know it. And you've come to play.

Stenoga wants you and Stenoga will have you.

- So it's literally like a mouth talking? - So it is, think of a disgusting cyst or tumor on the side of a wall that you have popped open and where the hole that had been leaking fluid was, it formed into a disgusting haggish mouth that is now speaking to you. - Like a burst boil. - Yes. - Full teeth. - Yes, or an abscess. - Aaron was right there, right? - Mm-hmm. - Are you covered in burst boils? - Yes.

In a disgusting reddish bloody pus. It's like Nickelodeon-fined. It's for clarifying. You're welcome. It's Stenoga or Stunoga? It's S-T-O. Stunoga. Stunoga. And it was Vesla. Hmm? Presumably Vesla was the name. Vesla, yes. Stenoga. Vesla. Interesting.

- Where the fuck are you? - It's S-T-O-N-O-G-A for chat, Abby asked. - Does the mouse stay there? - Yes, the mouse stays there. - It's responding to me. - Don't shoot it again. - I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you were saying. I was responding. - What did I scream? - Where the fuck are you? - Oh, you'll find me deep below. There are many things for you to play with. Come and find me if you dare.

- We will. This will be your last day on this earth. We're coming for you. - Good. Then I'll see you soon. - I should run now. - Okay, roll to attack. - Immediately ducking cover. - I missed. - Now what did you roll?

- 12. - You don't hit into the mouth, but you do hit another spot on this abscess. I need you all to roll a constitution saving throw. As the stench in this room begins to affect you, that same feeling that you had outside, that feeling of sickness in your stomach, that feeling that there is something seriously wrong begins to build up in the very pit of your stomach and you can feel

bugs and insects crawling on your flesh where you can see none and you feel a strange allure to this place. Something that makes you want to delve deeper to explore further. Let me know what you all rolled. 23, because I got a natural 20. Feeling real good tonight. 18. 15. Natural 1. 13. I think we can twist. Would you like to twist? I would...

- Huh? Hmm? No, sure, what were you gonna do? Go ahead, you can twist it. - I just wanna twist it, if that's okay. - Yeah, let's twist it. We have a good amount. I'm keeping my eye on you, DM.

Just don't let him crawl in my asshole. That's what he's worried about. I do! I do! Gotta give it a plus. It's his fate. It's his fate. Mace, I need you to roll a 1d6 for me, please. Rip my sphincter, that's all I got to say. I think I'm gonna have to roll another twist. Good luck, Mace. Last time Nikki made me roll a 1d6, I was paralyzed from the waist down. The fuck you doing to my dice? I got a six.

i'm gonna need something a little stronger than water you you watch as um you all stand there

feeling almost woozy with the scent of unwashed flesh and body odor as it billows up out of this pulsing abscess on the side of the wall. And where the teeth had been, you watch as they begin to sink into the flesh and disappear. All that's there now is a leaking, throbbing, pussing boil. As you all stare into it, you're grim.

you feel a pain on your back as one, two grotesque arms sprout out of the side of the upper part of your shoulders and begin to flail around wildly and at odd angles.

You hear the sound of Jorgrim struggling. You all turn to look at him and you see that these grotesque arms do not necessarily look humanoid, but almost like a mix of human and insectoid. And they are doing whatever they so choose as they flesh wildly around on you.

And that is all you know about them for now. - They appear to be hurting him. Like actively trying to rip him apart. - They don't seem to be actively trying to rip him apart, but you do see that they appear to have a mind of their own. - What's happening? Something's wrong with me! You okay? Are you all right?

Is he a run? Put your fucking arms down! I'm gonna summon the cutlass in my hand and mid-sweat. I'm gonna stand incredibly still. I'm gonna stand as still as I can possibly be. I'm gonna try to cut at least one off. I guess you would be a businessman. I access my monk state. I meditate. That's barbarian. You meditate. 21. That will hit your room, yes. I meditate. I gotcha, Yogi! Here we go! That is what?

Bring me peace in the mist. He's fed, I'm sorry. Ten damage.

You raise your cutlass up into the air and you throw it up. You watch as it spin, you catch it, you slice one of these arms off, the one on the left. And with a sickening, almost like suction, you hear the blade break through the flesh and bone as the arm shakes and moves and drops limp on the ground. A large hole.

has formed on the back of Jorgram's shoulder. And you can see the bone move this way or that still as if it should be attached to something. And then with a loud pop and a slurping noise, you watch as two more arms begin to grow up out of the hole. You now have two arms on one side and one on the other. - No, no, no! - As they begin to flail and move. - I've made an enormous-- - No more, Grigsy! All right, all right, don't panic.

Don't panic, Jokren. We cannot be acting rashly. Are you? Tell us it's you. I've got fucking arms growing out of my shoulders and not my normal arms out of my normal shoulder spaces. They're on the back of my shoulders. Are you in pain? Like coming out from behind the tombstone. Does it hurt or am I just terrified? It doesn't hurt, but you feel like you are not in complete control.

and that there's probably an additional effect that you aren't aware of as of yet. - All right, all right, we're going to fix this, don't worry. We're going to get you back to normal. As long as you can stand and fight and you're not actively dying on us, we're going to fix this. - They don't, they don't hurt, but... - I don't know, I'd stand there for like five to 10 seconds and try and stand like relatively calmly and just see

They're just flailing wildly and that never stops or changes? They eventually stop, but you notice that they'll do random things like pull at your tombstone and then let go. They scratch at each other. They're very, very tall, so occasionally they'll run their fingernails against the ceiling of this place.

and bits of flesh and dirt will fall down and land in your... Do you have hair? I got a hood. Land on your hood. Nice. That's why I wore this hood. It's even like the right color.

- It's pretty good. - That's right, I wore green. - And in your beard. - Oh yeah. - What does it smell like? - It smells like body odor. - Why would you ask that? - Unwashed flesh. - She just really wants to get the immersion right. - I'm sorry for asking this, but can I lend you a hand? Okay, I swear that's the last time. That's the last time. I knew I shouldn't make light of the situation. - I would have taken out my water pouch and

splash them on my face to get the like boil pus off of me. I think we ought to bind you, one or two, with the arms. Um, I mean that's not a bad idea. Oh, I mean hear me out. What if we try again and we cut both of them off? No. But then right when it happens we like, like cauterize them, like see what- What do you propose we cauterize it with? I don't know, don't you have some sort of like- I'm not going to brand your room.

No, I don't think it will help. We're dealing with magics that we don't understand. I would walk up to the side of him and kind of like just at the edge of what I think that wingspan of the arm would be like snap next to it.

and see if it reacts. Okay. I would like you to roll a dexterity saving throw. Stop picking up stuff! I know! Stop fucking with everything! I'm just curious. I'm a curious little kid. What is this? 18.

No. Okay. 20. Okay. You walk up around to the side of Jorgren and you snap in an area that you know that this entity could, or these arm pieces could reach you. And as you do, they do seem to react to the sound as they swipe down at you, but you're able to lively dodge out of the way and they find purchase on nothing. I think we should find him.

I don't want to indulge or condone horrible multiple insectoid arms, but do we really want to antagonize him while he's so close to Jorgen's head and his neck and all of his vitals? No. That's a great point. We need to be careful. We need to fix this as quickly as we can.

The fastest way to doing that is finding this hag and killing her. I think we move quickly. There is a chance more arms will sprout given the creature we just saw. Try not to get any of the walls or ceilings on you. Too late. Fucking hate hags. Well, Greed, we're gonna kill her. Easy peasy, just like the last one. You fine? I mean, which way do we go?

And if we see that damn creature again, remember what filthy Jasper did to us. Don't underestimate it. Kill it if possible. I would like you all to roll a perception check for me, please. Do you think this one has a silly name too?

Ooh, I fail whatever it is. Do I think that's what? Yikes. Me too. I got a nine. Not very good. I thought it was, uh... We learned it, didn't we? So could Scooby-Doo. You made up one. Yeah, I thought we made, like... We're gonna call him Centipede. We called it Icky Ian, but it wasn't his real name. You think his name is Icky Ian? I think his name is Centipede.

I got a 12. 16. I got a none. 23. 14. Farron, you listen with Briggsie mentioning where you should go next or whoever said it. And you listen. You try and tune in to the nature around you, though this is unlike anything you've ever been in. You're still from the Earth. Especially deep within the Earth is a place that you would find yourself familiar with.

And off to the right, in that small alcove, it sounds like... Is that the whimpering, crying of a newborn infant? In here? Do y'all hear that? No. No. Hear what? It's a child. A little one. A baby. How could that be? You can hear it crying, can't you? I hear it. It's just down there. I listen for it. Oh, now that you say it, do I hear it?

Once she points it out to you, you and your listening in that direction, you all can hear the faint cries of what sounds like multiple infants. It must be an illusion, a trick. Agreed. You're right. I mean, we have, we must, we must check it out. We have to go deeper into this, this, this mine, but I agree. Almost anything we see down here is unlikely to be real. Why is it a trick?

Why would there be an infant down? I mean the last time we saw ghosts of kids they were real ghosts of real fucking kids! There's no reason why there would be ghosts of infants or infants in this area. The Templars were here. Must have taken them for sacrifice. Exactly right. Well yeah all them kids... Didn't we hear stories of kidnappings? I think we did. Alright we have to go quickly.

- Are there natural forms of illumination? Are we walking into a darker and darker mine? - Darker and darker, but you do have your dancing lights and they seem to be effective in here. It's not a magical darkness. It's just a cave with, or it's just tunnels, a mine with no light sources. - I did not put that together when you started saying pumpkin. I was just like, I guess he's just saying that. - All right, time to go. Stay with me. Let's go.

I would, uh... I'll be in the back! Sorry. I would, um, just kind of like tap my staff on the ground and, um, kind of glow blue for a second, would come down over me and I'll cast Symbiotic Antique on myself. Ooh! That is so badass. When you tap the ground, you hit another boil. And now you have 40 arms. Congratulations. Now I have 40 arms. Let... let me go first. I don't want these arms to be at anyone's back. Fair enough. I'll stay. At arm's length? Yes.

Yes. That's pretty funny. You are so damn funny. I'll bury you. I apologize, Jorgrim. I use humor as a coping mechanism, especially when I'm feared.

- So how would we navigate this map to get to infant town? - So it is towards Andy. - Yeah. - Oh God. - We're entering this room. - Okay. - Do we want a one token or party it up? - Up to you, well, we'll party it. - Okay. - Okay. - So Jericho's in the back.

It's Jorgram at the lead, then Marius is behind. He's got a shield to the arms. I'll be behind Marius. I made the map big enough to party it, so. I'm firmly in the middle. I'm in the back. I'm definitely in the back. Where do you want to be? I feel like I would be towards the front because I heard him would be trying to guide. I'm sure Briggs would be happy to get closer and farther away from Jorgram and his arms. All right. Then I guess we'll begin to go this direction. I'm going to just kind of rotate us a little bit.

As you make your way down this next tunnel, at first it's darkness, but then you begin to see the pulsing green illumination. And it is, as you get closer, brighter and brighter. And as you make your way into this cavern,

You hear the sounds of babies wailing and crying louder and louder and louder, and the green light getting brighter and brighter, and as you step in, silence. The sounds of the crying stops, and you're surrounded by a cavern filled to the brim with the same strange glowing bioluminescent mushrooms growing out of the walls and out of the floor in patches.

so thick together that it's almost as if they're stacked one on top of another. And a sound, a strange skittering sound for just a second. An illusion. We should go. Are these the same mushrooms that have been falling all over the place? Do they appear to be? They appear to be exactly the same mushrooms. They're all the same.

- These however, you-- - Are they growing? - They appear to be growing. You imagine that with your connection to nature and fungus specifically, that you could spend some time with these and learn some more about them. - This must be where they're getting them from. - And I'll bend down to a patch and try to investigate them. - You may all want to cover your mouths. - And I tap my mask.

Oh, come on. Yeah, I would just reach in and pull out like a red cloth and tie it to like a bandana around my face. No, no, no, no, no. I put a little needle and thread. I take the bandana off. Me and you, we can just... I'm gonna stop breathing.

- Look at this! - It's been so long, I just don't even think about it anymore. - Oh, I, I, I-- - I take the bandana back and I just tuck it back in my pocket and I just begin to stop breathing. - We'll all be very quiet over here while you breathe all over the mushrooms. - I'll take a dirty rag out of my pocket and just kind of go away. - You guys are the only two mouth breathers over here. - I've got a mouth and a mouth guard. - So it's like a genie's thing. - I would like you to roll a nature check. - I forgot that I'm in bed, basically.

- You have to. - At advantage because this is something you're familiar with, our mushrooms. - Nature's? - Mm-hmm. - Are we pausing to review the mushrooms? - 16. - Yeah, she's, I don't know how much time we'll take. - I'd like to just, I mean, you don't have to have an answer for this, but I'd like to just,

enter my mind palace and see if I can, uh, recognize anything. See if I can recognize anything that feels like it's pulling at the edge of my mind or if I can recognize any kind of like additional presence. Okay. Uh, roll a perception check. Okay.

What did you get? 16. 16. Looking at these, you can tell that these are much more mature than the ones that you have come into contact with. And they're actually significantly larger. It seems like the darkness of this cave and maybe something specifically about it has almost twisted it a little bit. But you look in towards the roots and you see that the roots are digging into the walls themselves and almost pulsing, almost as if these mushrooms are drinking something up.

But it's hard to tell and I will say you do notice that though they are the exact type of mushrooms, there's something different about these that almost a tint to them that you did not see on the other ones. And I'll say it's enough for you to know that though they are the same mushroom, the ones that you've seen have clearly not come from this mine. Oh, interesting. Yorgrum. A 10. A 10, that is enough.

- Farron, Farron is staring specifically at these mushrooms, inspecting their roots and their caps and everything about them, almost blinded by the bioluminescence of them that she doesn't notice what lurks just beyond.

But you do, as you turn and you look towards these things, and you're familiar with walking through the mists and walking through darkness, and you almost blot out the light as you look behind the caps. And at first, you can't believe your eyes as you see what appears to be the face of a small infant, but not just one face, two, three, four,

These mushrooms look like they're almost stacked one on top of each other, but they're not. They're spread apart and it's a thick, dark fur. An almost arachnid spider-like body with the face of a

a child, and I need you all to roll for initiative. Shut the fuck up! As all of a sudden these entities begin to skitter and move, they've seen you. And as one of their mouths open, it lets out a wail and a cry. The cry of an infant. You move forward and you trip and you see that littered about the ground mixed in with these mushrooms are piles of children's bones. Very cool. Very cool and very legal. Wee!

- I know what to play. - And so all around you coming off the walls, I need you to spread out these six tokens please. And you can show it to the camera. - Baby spider, baby spider. - You might have to put your hand behind it to focus it. - Would I be able to use my reaction with these screens like that?

Oh, I turn a lot of focus. That's pretty horrific. Oh, really? Oh, that's disgusting. It's like from Toy Story. It is. Oh, it's like Sid's toy. Yeah. Just all around you, they're coming off of the walls. Like the edges. Yeah. I don't think these are bad. Yeah, you would be in the center of the room. There's just not a lot of them. Make sure we're in squares.

We gotta do this for realsies, guys. How do I do combat in this campaign? What the hell? How do you do what? Combat? Oh, I guess I should go for the sword. I'm ready for the sword. 20 to 25. No, 21. Nice. Was that a no on me getting a reactionary? Huh? Never mind.

- 15 to 20. - 18. - 10 to 15. - 14. - Uh oh. - Five to 10. - Oh, that's 16, I'm sorry. - What did you get? - 14, so yeah. - I was looking at my spells. - You literally said, "I'm ready for initiative, Nikki." You were the best in the closet ready for initiative. - Breezy and Farron, what did you get? - Five. - Four. - Four. - No play. - All right.

You watch as these entities, these babies, or these baby-headed insects begin to make their way off of the walls, popping out from behind these bioluminescent mushrooms. Their soft downy baby hair still present on their heads and all over the entirety of their bodies. I told you this was a disgusting fucking campaign, I warned you.

As they, you look as their eyes are puffy and red from years and years of crying as they wail and cry as the tears drip down their face and they all make the move to move towards you. And though these infant-like creatures should not be old enough to have teeth, these do. Sharp, fang-like incisors. And you can see that they clearly look like they could lap up blood if they wanted to. And your grandma, it is your turn.

I would strike, well, I would swirl my shovel out very quickly, hook the lantern towards the end of it, and then strike down towards one, and as I'm striking, mists would erupt kind of out from around me. You might see wraiths kind of swirling through them, and my eyes will kind of turn like a

like a smoky white and slight drops of almost like freezer smoke will come off the edges of my eyes as I strike the shovel down towards whichever one kind of like leapt towards Farron. Or just this one. Two. Okay, number two you say? Yeah. Which one? Give me numbers if you don't mind. Two, number two. All right, roll to attack. And I think, what's the...

Oh, I think I just did normal attack. Well, it looks cool, but it's an eight, so there's that. An eight and that misses. You got two of those? No, that's my only attack. I pass to the monsters. All right.

- Unfortunate. - They are still up on the walls. They are all going to move. You watch as almost in unison, almost as if with one brain, they move together as they skitter 15 feet down and every single one of them, there are six of you and six of them, each of them is going to leap onto you.

Yes, it's very fun. Also, Jorgrim, don't feel bad. I need you all to make strength saving throws for me, please. Strength? Yes. All of us? Yes. Oh, actually, Jorgrim, I need you to roll a d10 for me. Oh, Christ. I need you to twist it.

- Please, let me do it. - I mean, I have a pretty good chance to pass. I feel like I just rolled really shitty. I got a two. I got a plus five to my strength. - The first thing was a strength saving throw? - Yes, and I also need you to make a D10. - Okay, I got a...

12 for the strength saving throw. We'll be in it together. And a three on the d10. Okay, d10 is good. Nothing else happens there. Everybody's strength save. I fail. 13. 13. 14.

What's yours? It was 12. Oh, so yes, Marius and Jorgren, you are both knocked prone as these entities jump onto your chest. For both of you, yours are going to, because they've knocked you prone, they are able to consume flesh as a bonus action. And since they have pack tactics, they're going to do them an advantage.

But the silver lining is you hear two arms breaking when you land on your back. And then you hear four more, bro. So on your Grimm, it misses. On Marius, it hits. Tight. And it is going to... So do you want these tokens on top of our tokens? Yes, please. Five piercing damage. And then I need you to make a constitution saving throw. Sweet.

Don't fail me now. I'm proficient in that. I'm pretty sure I am. God damn it. It's wisdom and charisma. Oh, just kidding. I knew it was one of the Cs. Can I use a reaction as a result of this? I don't know why I went back. Give me a second. Am I allowed to use a reaction for this? Yeah. Oh, still got a 19, though.

All right, so you are able to shrug off most of the necrotic damage as it bites into you, but you are going to take three points of necrotic damage as it begins to feast on you. Now all of them are going to make attacks against all of you. Ooh. That chills. Yeah, that would be really fucking good. Baby spiders crawling all over me. Yikes. That's just the pun.

- Yeah, that's actually really good. - Who has number one on them? - No, no, no, okay. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No

I'm still trying to get my reaction up in there. Whoever does number three is going to take eight points of slashing damage. Four is seven points of slashing damage. Lefika. Five is five points of slashing damage. Yes, Marius. And six is seven points of slashing damage. Jericho.

And that is their turn. What's your reaction? As soon as I see number two, it has some strength saving throw. You would see my kind of like a surge of blue for my halo of spores. Just tell me how that works because I don't remember. Sorry.

Reaction, you have to make a con saving throw. - Oh, con, okay. - When I see it or it moves into a space within 10 feet of me or starts its turn. - And what does it do? - Damage. - Okay, cool. So it got a 12. - Okay, so it will take. - And that's number two? - Number two will take six necrotic damage. - That's actually a good chunk. - It is blasted with the spores that erupt out of you and you see that it recoils back.

as it takes the damage and that is what happens. - Sick. - But that is their turn. - Can I stand up? - Yeah, you can. It's still on you. - Even with this thing on my chest? - But yes, you can stand up. - And then, well, I'm gonna stand up for sure. I'm not gonna lay on it. - Spiders are light 'cause they're from Jesus. - Then, can I attack it if it's on my body? - Yeah, I don't see why you couldn't. - You do whatever you need. - Get the sword, get the sword. - I'm gonna make an attack on it. This is on number five.

Okay. Hi-yah! 21 to hit. That hits, miraculously. That's really good. Pretty good damage.

12 points of damage. Amazing. You slice into it and it does a significant amount of damage as it severs some of the limbs from this entity. It's still able to hold onto you as it looks up at you with its infantile face and it begins to wail and cry in pain. Quiet, vile creature! Fire damage?

I forgot that I had an actual weapon. I apologize. - We all have new vestige upgrades. - I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. It's been so long. - Can we take like a two second? - Yeah, remember the ones that I... - Oh, those were, oh, okay, okay. - They're not like legit. You don't get your legitimate vestige upgrades until your next level. - I think it's just an extra 2d6.

I don't know where it is. I think it's just two to six. So actually that's gonna be 20 total damage. Nice. You slice into it and it looks up at you and it cries and wails as your sword blazes with a holy fire and you watch as the eyes go milky white and it falls from you, dead. Thank you. Sorry, I'll remember next time. I gotta put these in here. Damn.

Jericho. Oh, oh gosh. I will look at the... I'll look at the shed. I am going... So are they all on my friends?

There's one on each of us. Okay, so one on each of us. So I'm going to say, will everyone cover your ear? I'm going to play a little... I'm going to put these kids to bed. Oh, that was dark. Lullaby and good night. And I'll string a power chord and I'm going to use thunderclap on all of them. Hell yeah. And so they all need to make a constitution saving throw. I think that hits all of us, too. I believe we're not exempt from that. You're not? Oh, yeah. I believe it's also a cube.

I'm a little busy to close my ears. They fail. I don't know. It is a DC 15 con. It's a cube. It's not radius. You have to decide which one you get. Is it? Right? Thunderwave? No, Thunderclash. And did you say it's six? It's what? 15? 15 con. Yeah, 15 con. The only one that fails is number one. I met it.

So it's no damage if they succeed in four thunder damage if they pass. So if we fail, we take four damage. What saving for Khan? 15? Yep. And then I am going to not part Inspiring Love. That's my turn. Wow. Caprice is very disappointed in you.

I have a feeling this is a big lie. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah, you're not really... You're not realistable yet, are you? I really didn't want to burn a fucking smite on the damn horses, but I got convinced and I talked to him. It was the right smite. It is Lethika's turn. You let out a wave of thunder and you all dealt with whether you got thunder damaged. Oh, sorry, sorry. I did, yep, I took my damage. I passed. Jericho lets out a wave of sound and...

Most of these insectoid infants drown out the noise with the sound of their wailing, but one of them seems to succumb to the pain as it tries to cover its ears with its long spindly legs. Lothica. Are they on my friends adjacent to me? Yes, they're all on top of you.

- Five is dead. - Okay. - The only one who doesn't have one attached to them is Marius. - Even though there's one attached to me, can I struggle forward or am I grappled?

No, you're not grappled. Okay, I'm going to, seeing the other spiders and knowing what I'm going to attempt to do, I will move forward so that I can get in range of the spiders that are attached to Jericho and Briggsy, and you will hear me whisper one of those silence prayers to Char. And Word of Radiance, not Radiance, Word of Darkness, let's call it. Yeah! Verse out, they need to make...

One, four, and six need to make a constitution saving throw. You can customize your spell names, too. I didn't know you could do that. It's the word of instant diarrhea. One in six fail, four succeeds. Okay. That means that... I customize my great acts. The ones that fail take... Spells. One gradient damage. The other ones take nothing? Yeah.

Wow. It's Aeolian. One is better than two. Maybe I should speak up. He watches. Two of them seem to be affected by what you're saying, but they continue to scream and cry. Farron. I just continue to whisper.

What? What? I would, using Primal Savagery, my nails would sharpen and extend just a bit and kind of with it on me, I would push my nails into it and try to shove it off of me, making an attack that way. And what number is this? It's on you, Faye. Number two. And that would be a 24 to hit. That hits.

- 10 necrotic damage. - Okay. - That's pretty fucking good. - I'm sorry, four acid damage and six necrotic damage. - Okay, that's meaningfully important. - Okay. - You see, no, you see that the necrotic damage doesn't seem to do as much as you would expect. - Oh, okay. - It's actually.

- I believe it's power savage, right? - All right. - I love it. - But it does seem like it takes a significant amount of damage as you rend into its flesh. You're not able to throw it from your person, but it does recoil a little bit, though it still hangs on. Okay, cool. - Briggsie.

"Ah, fuck, there's so many legs!" And then as it's right on me, I'm gonna, with my, with one of my nails, I'm gonna draw a cross on its head and cast Hex. Hell yeah. As I just basically, like, I'll, I'll just summon the, uh, the cutlass above me and just let it drop as I, like, cast it. He Garen's. Yes! Damn! What number? Number one. Come on, that's gotta hit. Uh...

- Does an 11 hit? - 11 does not hit. - Luke, one of these games you've just gotta summon while you're holding on to something. - Oh, like a door? That you just grab their head and summon the hammer? - With that, your, Grimmon, it's your turn. - I'll roll attack again. I'll do a reckless attack. - Which one are you attacking? - The one that's on my person. - Which is number three? - Three. - That's probably a good thing. - Three and a long rest.

Let us go. Let us go. 26. Roll a d10 for me, please. Okay. I can't wait to continue this adventure with Senta, your five. Okay. You recklessly attack into this thing, and you do how much damage? Oh. Nice. Six. Plus raging? Um...

- Eight damage. - You slice into this entity. It lets out a painful moan. As you cleave into its stomach, you see bits of its intestines exposed, but it is still holding on and it is their turn. They are on you, so they cannot leap.

They are going to make their, and none of you are prone, so they are going to, they are going to claw into each of you. - Two take. - All right, roll it save. It fails, so what does it take? - Four necrotic. - So two, gotcha. All right, it takes the damage, and it looks like it is barely hanging on, but it is holding on strong. One is going to hit on Briggsie.

Two is going to miss on Farron. Hit with a what? It was like a 19 plus four, so 23. Three is going to 19 hits on Jorgrim. Uh-huh. Miss on whoever's number four. Blethica. Perfect. I'm trying to write your names on the top.

and then miss on Jericho. - Ooh, gosh. - You can call me Miss Lethika. - So Briggsie, you are going to take

Eight points of damage, slashing damage. Farron, you are also going to take eight points of slashing damage. And Jörgrim, you are going to take four points of slashing damage. - Oh, nice. - And that is their turn. They will actually climb down you five feet and then spin around you 10 feet. And that will be their movement. So they're still at your feet, but they're on the ground.

So should I move them to an adjacent square? Yeah, sure. Yeah, I'm sorry. What is it? They're attempting not to take opportunity attacks. Oh, I see. They're not, like, attempting to. Like, they will if it's the only way for them to move. I think they're good. But... Okay, but they're no longer on us. But they're no longer on you. All right. My turn. Marius. I'll strike number four. Damn, ten. Ten.

Hold on. Crit fish on your grom? Just roll another 20. Oh. No. No crit. Oh. Yeah. Okay. Jericho. I forgot to assign homework. I stare at the one that is... This just crawled off of me. And I'll say...

I really hate to do this to a poor infant, but I guess I have to melt your brain. And I'm going to use Mind Slipper. And that's an intelligence saving throw. Well, I have a negative three. That's such a good saving throw. So 12? It fails. I forgot we didn't add Mind Slipper to the D&D. I'm sorry.

I need to roll, I think it's 1d6. It should be on our list. It's 1d6 psychic damage. It's five psychic damage. All right. And subtract 1d4 from the next saving throw it makes before the end of my next turn. Thanks. Okay. It takes a significant amount of damage. You see as it tries to hold onto its head, it's thrashing this way and that, the damage to its mind clearly driving it mad. Lethega.

I'll turn and I'll get up my chakram, my circular blade, and I will very dexterously swing down and achieve like a cheetah position almost and slash across only a foot above the ground trying to get all of its legs off in one blow. Okay. This is the only one that looks like it's been untouched.

The one that's on me? Yes. Yeah, because it saves from my whispers. And I missed. I'm at fault too, Derek. One damage. Why don't I know what to do? I rolled a d12. One damage. That's right. I rolled a one like four times tonight. It's all good, though. Those things happen, you know. Natural one. Two. Let's go. Okay. My turn, right? Mm-hmm.

I would again, still with my claws extended from the primal savagery, I would slash out again at number two. Okay. 13. How that hits? 14. 14. I'll put like that in. Three.

necrotic and three acid. That's exactly what you needed. You reach out with your claws and though this thing has climbed down off of you, you reach down and you rend it across the chest and you see as its head falls back limply and it collapses to the ground as it bleeds out in front of you. I would take a moment and just absolutely like gutted by it and then turn around and face the ground.

Briggsie. You brought us again! Yeah! And I'm going to attempt a different d20. That's gotta be good this time. Come on. 15? That hits. Let's go. Nice. Two words. Voodoo gun.

15 points of magical slash. Nice. It had 14 health. Wow. So as you summon your voodoo gun above its head, you watch as Briggs's cutlass appears in midair and falls through the air directly into the fontanelle on the top of its head and slices straight through, impaling it on the floor below. What's a fontanelle? A soft spot on a baby's head. I don't know. I'm getting nothing on. You ask. I don't know.

I'm good, I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good.

No, it does hit, but I need you to roll a d10 for me, please. Where do I keep putting it? Oh, there it is right there. 10. Okay. That's what the zero is, right? That's not a zero by chance. Yep, all right. And you're attacking number four? Yep. All right, tell me your damage. Your damage. Tell me your damage. 14.

You slice into this with your shovel and you nearly slice it in two, but it is still holding on as it, you see as two of its insect-like arms or appendages try to hold its insides into it. But it is still holding on as it moans and cries. And it is their turn. The three that are remaining are going to leap

Number three, the one that was on Jorgrim is going to leap onto Marius. - Dancing around. - That's good enough. - The one that was on Lethika is going to leap towards, can,

Is it 15? Who's at 15? Oh, it's going to leap. Between Lethika, me, and Marius. Okay, that's going to leap towards Lethika. No, no, that was on Lethika. It's going to leap towards you, Jorgren. And then the one that was on Jericho, who's next to Jericho? Brixie. It's going to leap to Brixie. I need you to make a strength saving throw for me, please. Everyone who leapt off? Yes. Let me know if you get 13, or if you get 12 or below.

I got a 12. 26. You are prone, and it is going to immediately make its consume flesh attack on you. It would be advantage on us, right? Because we're prone? Yep. Oh. It's a backshot. And they both actually miss, so... Because the highest I rolled was a six, so they're not going to consume your flesh, but all three of them are going to make their claw attacks. So the first one is going to be on Marius, and that is going to be a 17 to hit. Miss.

Next one is going to be on Jörgrim. You're at advantage. I know. And that is going to be a 14 to hit. 17's my AC. And the next one's going to be on Briggsie, and that's going to be a 15 to hit. Nope. They missed all of their attacks. And four needs to roll the con saving throw. Get out of here. And it rolled a three, so it is going to be a five, a hot five. Get it. That'll take two.

Necrotic? So it'll take one. I'm sorry. Oh, you rolled a four, so it takes... I rolled a four, so it'll take two. Okay, thank you. Perfect. It takes it, but it seems to be doing okay. Marius? I stand up and I attempt to kill number three. Son of a bitch! I miss. Can we warm it up in this goddamn... I can start off way hot. Odor-smelling... That's my problem. Jericho? Jericho.

- I got arms coming out of my back. You got problems. - They're not attached to you. - Well, it is attached to you actually. - All right, you get it. - Do any of them look rough? - Yes. - Or untouched? - No, they've all been damaged. The one that looks the weakest is the one that's hanging onto your groom.

I'm gonna say, oh, Jorgrim, you got something on your back. I mean, your front. And I'm gonna swing with my sickle. Something else? And I am going to make an attack. Oh, that's actually gonna hit. That is going to be... That's what every bard says when they hit. That's gonna be a 20 to hit. That hits. And is this one weak? It does. Okay, I'm just gonna send it.

- That'll be, ooh, five, that'll be, hold on. That'll be three points of slashing damage. - It has five hell. - Oh, hold on. - It had five hell. - It had five hell. - Wait a second, it has five points. - It has two. That's what I was like, oh damn, that's like the second or third time you've killed it the exact amount, but you didn't. It is still holding on. It looks like it is struggling. - That's it, it's my turn. - That is your turn.

I'll this time get close to Jericho. Oh, I'm fucked. I just want to make sure. If I stand here, am I five feet within Briggsie and Mariusz?

I can't tell. If you're here, yes. It's like, they're like, yeah, he's diagonal. I want to stand within distance so that perhaps I was speaking too lowly before. The Lady of Lost sends her regards and I let out a divine word for the purposes of the Song of Sorrow. Thank you. And it's Khan? Yes. Yes.

Wisdom. Oh, wisdom. My apologies, which means they're... The highest I rolled was a 14. Okay, they both take, and I've banished that. Which numbers? Six and three take in the form of radiant damage.

Six points. Six points of radiant damage! Those two baby-like entities, or baby-like insectoids are blasted with the radiant energy. Number three looks like it is barely holding on. Six still looks the strongest with seven hit points, because I ruined it and sent it.

So three is still alive. Three and four are both barely hanging on. Farron. How's four look? Like it's, you know, like it's taken some damage, but not nearly as much as the others. Like a baby spider. It's enjoying the golden corral on my chest. You know what I mean? I might prefer...

- They all open their mouths and the room is filled with darkness. You all die. - I would extend my hand out towards number four and like at the, at my fingertips would be sort of the illusion.

It would start to look as though my fingertips and the end of my hand were beginning to yellow and crumble into dust, and I would blow that towards number four, and the illusion would end, obviously, and my hands would be there.

Well, that's what you think, but your hands actually do begin to crumble. Not again! And you said this is number four? Yes, and that would be effectively poison spray. So con 15 saving throw? Rolled a natural 19. Plus two. Do we all have to make that? Do I have to make that? It's a single use. So nothing happens. Okay. Rigsy.

These guys are trucking you. Who is it on? It's a pretty beefy bait. Fucking get off me! And I'm going to attack the one that is on me currently. Okay. That's going to hit. The problem is that we can't roll higher than seven. Apparently. Nice. Big money. I should have used cycling blades, but... 17 points of damage. I really wish we could use our twist. Number... That would be incredible. Number six? Yeah, what about it? 17 points of damage. 17? Yeah!

It's still alive. No, you absolutely obliterate it. As you, are you using voodoo gun or your blade? I'm using the blade. You use your blade to slice, your cutlass to slice through this entity. It cries out at you as the blade meets its midsection. As you slice into it and it falls over completely dead. Do any of these look really weak? Yes, the only two that are left are very, very weak.

I'm gonna hobble over and I say, "It's fucking disgusting, bud!" And I'm going to pick the one that looks the weakest. Okay, that's number four? And I will use Hungry Jaws. Oh, I took that away from you. No, I didn't. We were talking, I threatened to take it from you. No! It was almost a 20!

- That all hits. - How do you know? - He still tests. - Oh, he doesn't know. You don't know. - What did you roll? - 14 plus a whatever. - Oh, yeah, that's fine. - 20 E1. - That's fine. Yeah, that hits. - Let me make sure. Let me just check my actions real quick, okay? - Classic Rich doing a death roll.

And then I hit just a D6 with my hungry jaws. Nice. And it's six max damage, so six. You bite into it and you rip the flesh from its chest. Its eyes go milky white as its head lolls to the side, also dead.

The only one that's still alive, clean to Marius, is number three. - Okay, all right. - Help me. - Just shovel flat against my chest. - I look down at my chest and Briggsies just collapsed this spider baby that was connected to my chest in his mouth.

And with these arms coming off me. And ripped it off of you. And with these arms coming off me and all like the ceiling on my head, I'll just be like, that's disgusting. And I'll move over towards a comrade. And go straight for... I swing my shovel directly into his chest. Recklessly. I trust my armor. And...

- Try and hit this. - Just don't collapse my lungs. - This whole thing is man-made. - Oh man, that's gotta be a hit. - Maybe not. - 14? - That hits. - Oh, let's go. - I need you to roll a 10 for me, please. - I got him. I kept all my important dice in front of me. - Please don't decapitate me. - Four.

- And 13 points. - You slice into this entity and you are able to sever, you slice down between Marius's chest and this entity severing all of its limbs as it tries to cling on to your friend. And in doing so you watch as blood spurts out of all of the severed portions of its limbs as it wails and cries, its eyes roll back in its head and it falls dead on the ground.

Nice shot, Jordan. Is everyone okay? Yes, I'm alright. The room begins to shake a little as the mushrooms puff and you smell that same putrid stink of unwashed bodies, of feet, of armpits, of disgusting, stinky breath.

I need you all to roll a constitution saving throw except for your Grimm. If you get a six, please re-roll. Sorry, no. That's for something else. - I'm careful, right? - 20! - Oh! - You did two, look at you. - 21? - 13. - We got twists. - Yeah. - My dice roll is gonna drink, so.

God, that was worse. Faded. Yeah, okay. Faded. What was it? Meant to be. Nine. Jericho, Farron, I need you to roll a d6 for me, please. If you get a six, please re-roll. And if you get the same number, why don't you re-roll? Four. Four. Oh my god. Jericho, re-roll for me, please. See? One. Actually, we can ignore the four.

- Whoa. - What's happening? - Oh God. - We're safe and nothing bad happens. We get out of the cave alive. - Immediately you feel this strange pull, Farron, towards Jericho. Jericho, you towards Farron. There's just something drawing you closer and you can't seem to resist it. Almost like a smell.

pheromones or something and as you touch your bodies begin to fuse together as Jericho your right arm and fair in your left begin to twist around each other as you hold hands this twisted abomination of an arm now joining you right here at the side your hips fuse in together you are now one and the same person some Junji Ito shit man Jesus Christ

I'm gonna have horrific fingers. Do I still have my brain? Or is our brain shared? Your brains are the same, but you will now, you will benefit from the same movement and your speed is actually halved because you're benefiting from each other's movement. It's hard to coordinate. It's like a potato sack race. It's very difficult. Yes. It's just spread out over two turns. So you're like this horrific flesh metal abomination. Yes, their body fuses with someone who also lost this role.

But this doesn't seem to freak us out because of the pheromone. It's freaked me out. Or does it? As you wind together, there's almost a sickening yes.

But then as you fuse, you look down and you realize you are now attached to Jericho and that strange, that strange almost compulsion, you are able to shrug off and you are horrified by this. This is absolutely terrible. You do not have use of one of your arms. But Jericho, you have a friend. It's true, a permanent one forever. You'll never be alone now.

Oh gosh! Is that my feminine? Are you guys okay? What happened? Tell us if you want us to kill you. And why is the answer yes? I'm going to try to like, does it hurt if I try to pull us?

- You can try. - Oh, we're actually fully, you're like, you're like, you're like, you're like, - So it's not like, - It's not like your arms, - It's not like your arms, - Like, aligned in. - It's not like your arms like this. Yes, they're literally like twisted together. - Yeah. - Okay. - You guys are hella bright. - It's like something, it's like something out of Hellraiser. - Jericho feigns horror, but secretly is like, "Yes!" - Oh no! - Oh no!

No, no, this is not permanent. I don't know what came over me, but we're stuck. We're fused like this. I'll look around. Is everybody else okay? Yes, for now. We have to keep moving. We have to undo these things. Do better than they are. Maybe we can cut it out. Cut it apart.

Didn't work well for me. I high-fived the second hand on the left shoulder. And even then, if Derek would be alright, we wouldn't be able to stanch the blood flow. But you'd surely die in minutes. Oh, Farron, it's not so bad. I guess I gotta ask, how's your pickin'?

I mean, I can... Can you even cast spells? I can fret. I mean, I'm fretting emotionally. I'm just gonna turn and start walking and kind of dragging him behind. Oh, ah! No, no, hold on. No, no, no. No, let's go... Although you're both pretty frail. I don't know what you're doing. I would like you all to roll a perception check for me, please. I do not think my magic works. No, everybody. Okay.

17. 12. 10. I'm so distracted by my dune. 17's not bad. 18. Okay, Jericho, Marius, and Lethika, as a Farron begins to start pulling you towards the entrance to this room, the bioluminescent mushrooms pulse as it appears that they drink up something out of the walls, the very foundation of this place. And you hear a sickly pop and...

almost like a slither. And as you turn to look, you see the very far end where an outcropping of mushrooms had been. Now sits a putrid, disgusting abscess. Bulging. Undulating. You stare at it for a second. As slowly, a small slit begins to appear as a mouth forms on this thing. You'll be my pet.

You'll be my toys. How did you like my little fun house? You love it, don't you? I don't personally care for it. Can you unfuse my metal flesh from Farron's bony flesh? You'll come to know it. You'll come to like it. They all do. Down.

Calm down. You'll find me, and when you do, Mother Midnight will love me most of all. You took out sister number two. I will be sister number one. Tell us, tell us what we're gonna kill you. Something like that. I have strong words with you.

Now when I hit him on the back. Mitch, if you are... Oh, sorry. If we killed sister number two, then that would make you sister number three, or you would already... Shut your filthy mouth. When we are through with you, you will look like a dropped pie.

I don't have that. And you see as she licks around her mouth, this long, disgusting green tongue begins to lick around the mouth and you see that the lips themselves are cracked and bleeding. I will have the love I seek. Mother Midnight will want me to be one of her true daughters.

Not with these parlor tricks and things that- These are not parlor tricks, you wretched filth! I've done all the work while my sisters sit around. Vesela and her putrid little house. All she had to do was feed the thing below. And wicked sister number one, spending time in the lap of luxury and Cyril. Fuck her! I've done all the work and Mother Midnight will see!

I will reign supreme. Now, we'll play my games now. Hmm, is it time? Should my little one come out? Slippery Oswald!

Hunt them. And you'll watch as this horrible, postulant tumor spits out pus and blood and the mouth reforms into nothing as it pops and explodes all over you. Ugh. Ugh.

That's just... All right, we need to be on our guards. We already know there's at least one more fight ahead of us, and the two of you are going to have to somehow coordinate in combat. Ferrin and I are fiends together. For the sake of combat, it's not going to affect your combat. You can continue to do what you would normally do. There is...

there are other things that may come into play. - I said we'd have to move together. - You have your speed is halved and you are disadvantaged on decks and checks and saving. - Let's just make it official. - There we go. - That's what I'm talking about. You're going to have to work together. - Whichever one of them, no, they'll take their initiative separately.

Well, I guess it's a good thing that you have them long, gross nails. You're primed for pig and banjo. Look, now that Jericho's fused to somebody else, don't fucking mention the word heat miser to him at all, okay?

Look, he's gonna go off on his own. I don't even know what that means, but I won't say it. Fine. Fine. My bag is turned. I'm cleaning my mask off of the birth shit. Were they real kids? Who cares? I think they were at one point.

Because he's right. We did what we needed to do. We need to continue forward. We will continue to slay and destroy any horrific creatures of the night that dwell here. And as far as I'm concerned, we put down those poor guards around outside. Let's put down every other fucking thing in this fucking goat mine. That's right. If this mine is anything like the house, everything was beyond saving by the time we got there. All we could do was give them proper rest. All right. I'm afraid that Gorthos takes him back.

I guess these boons are probably real kids boons. Are there mine carts? Yes. Can we get a Scooby-Doo chase goat? I would say you could get into them, but they've been down here for a decade, maybe two, and their wheels are significantly rusted. I was really hoping we could wheel them.

- Like a DKC2. - I would say you may be able to get one of them going and get them in there and wheel them through. I don't know how effective it's going to be. - I mean, it doesn't sound like we need to though. We can just walk. It's not like one of us is four words. - No, you're just, you're just gonna use that. - That's about it. - That's very difficult.

Her legs are... But I'm imagining that you're not going to be running through this place. Her legs fuse too. Your entire hip and down through your thighs are all fused together. Oh, wow. No, we're like actually just fully fused. We need to proceed.

Real quick, I just want to put it to the group. Are we thinking Farrakoh or Jaren? I like Jaren. Jaren saves me a syllable, so I'm good with that one. How does Virgil feel about this? Oh.

Didn't we leave him out? Oh, is he not here? Well, my intention was to... I think he can sense it, because he should be able to sense that you're fused with something. Is that far? You hear a monster in the doorway. If a horrible nightmare crow could laugh from outside, you hear him laughing malevolently at my last fortune. He's not shuffling his feathers and being like, that's fucked up. Alright, gang, we're one room

mean? Wait, did we get you said Slippery Oswald. Did something appear when she said that? Nothing appeared that you saw, but she did say for Slippery Oswald to begin the chase to hunt you. Slippery is the part of the name. Yeah. Slippery Oswald. So now you have Filthy Jasper and Slippery Oswald.

It must be her little pet, the thing with all the hands. Sounds like a fucking familiar name. I'm gonna, uh... Virgil. Check out her visions. That's actually his voice on his head. I love bugs. I love bugs. I love bugs.

You're okay. For a long time, viewers will enjoy this. Or only us. Hey, viewers, you're 2018. Well, I guess we've got to figure out how to do this. So maybe should we do like a marching tune? I could do a little bit of a rap.

I think you should just follow my lead. Left, right, left. I'm not going to march with you, Jericho. Oh. Just, let's go. Oh, gosh, okay. I'm sorry. I'll start to pull in, but then immediately, like, trip us both. Struggle and struggle, and then I'll finally get there. I have a mechanical spell question. Sure. If I were to cast Fog Cloud on a person, would it travel with us? Fog Cloud does not. You have to move it, like,

Can I move it? No, I think Falk Cloud, you're basically summoning it in an area. And then the cloud just sits there. You can use actions to move it. Only if it says in the spell. There's not like darkness where you cast it on like an object and it like follows that object around. Oh, you can do that with darkness? Nice. Okay, that's good. Good spell. All right.

Okay. That's it. Yeah, it even says wind of moderate or greater speed disperses. Okay. I don't need to know all about how it can't work. A simple yes or no. Yeah, answer the question. It sounds like you do need to know how it doesn't work. No, I don't. It can't work for all of these foreign reasons. It's a conjuration spell. The components are verbal and semantic. Well...

Why are these mushrooms down here? Theron, what did you find? We all got attacked. Yikes. Did we destroy them? We don't know. They seem similar, but something is a bit different. They're obviously bigger and older. Yeah, they seem like they've been growing for much longer. They've been here for quite a while.

So maybe, you know, to hack what was burned and a witch that was burned, Kazaya Jenkins, maybe she was up to no good growing these evil mushrooms. Maybe, but I just, I don't know what's different about them. I mean, they look the fucking same. They look the fucking same.

Have we seen them doing that? You did. You saw that it appears that their mycelium, their essentially roots that go down into the earth, seem to be drinking up something. They're feeding on something. Mine are blood. Do you think that they're feeding on the horrible hag flesh? What are the walls? That's a fungus. Is that a mushroom's natural diet?

Is that what gives power and all that glide that you spray around? And looking around, you can see that the walls aren't completely flesh. There are bits of flesh and and pusher lints here and there, but the walls are clearly that of a mine and littered throughout the floor. Though you see the bones of children clearly spread around this floor. You also see pickaxes and mining gear.

And this, at one point, clearly used to be a mine. Whatever's happened to it and is happening to it is clearly happening after the fact. Yes, Briggsie? Is there any...

Glint of minerals. Gold? Not in this room. Or otherwise. They built all of this, but they skipped this journey. Barf the gold! How many do you and I have for any bits of glinting gold bits? Roll an investigation check. Why don't you like now?

No, I'm just saying I'm going to use that to determine what you find. You see a bar of gold crying like a baby. 20. Okay, thank you. It spins. I suppose Virgil thinks hag flesh is mighty tasty. I won't hate on a mushroom for doing the same. It wouldn't surprise me if these mushrooms are feeding on the blood of the innocents that have died here. This is a place of death.

We know about the trapped miners. We know about all of the workers, the innocents that have been led here to die. I agree. Their blood soaks these walls. Well, so we keep going. We'll kill that fucking hag and then we'll get the fuck out of here. My voice is slightly elevated when I lean forward and say, Yes, let us make our way. And then I...

Oh, you... Look, Lefica's... Lefica's projecting into the monitor. That's not what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to get everyone to huddle. She's using misdirection. Lefica's using misdirection. Lefica's not whispering in her breath six feet away from the monitor. Now that the price is ruined, I'm leaving. And I don't have to turn her up by like five decibels. I will lean in. Oh, sorry. Sorry, Ferret. Oh!

I lean in and all five of my arms drape around that. That is what happens. And two additional arms on my end. Actually, Jorgren, you... I do not let you get that close to me. You do feel this happen, but you also feel on your hip a lone hand begin to protrude out of the side of your hip, just up to maybe mid-thigh.

Midway. Now, when you say hand... Yeah, a human hand protrudes out midway along the... This part of your arm, which I can't remember. I thought one of the arms was going to go into your pocket. What were you saying, Miss Rebecca? Let us also not forget what Marius told us about his meeting with the High Inquisitor. We are also looking for something. Keep your eyes open. Okay.

All right. Let's move on. And I will lead the way through and out into the main hallway.

You make your way out of the room that housed the mushrooms and back towards what you imagine to be the main area that will lead deeper into the mine. And as you get towards this section of the mine, just inside of the main cavern from where you originally spoke to the strange hag beneath the earth...

You find yourself in another open portion, another cavern. And as you look around, this one feels more mine-like to you. You can see the tracks that lead deeper in. You can see mining carts here and there, mining gear, flashlights, pickaxes, and Briggsie. In one of the mining carts, you see the glint of a layer of gold.

Raw gold still adhered to the rock itself, but gold nonetheless. But the thing that immediately catches all of your eyes is that hanging up on the walls all around you in this portion are a mask, or masks that you've seen before. Masks that you had seen over the face of Keziah Jenkins. That strange wooden mask that she had met you with when she came out of her hut.

Are we, do we go deeper? Uh, yeah, you are basically, there's, there you see two mining carts. You're basically right there in the area with the two mining carts as it winds down. Yep. I collect any gold I might think is still in the mining cart. Yeah, it's, you could find about ten pounds of rock that have gold in them. Incomplete snow applies.

I go through every rock and I start finding out. Occasionally you bite into the rock and you will break a little cyst and it will ooze into your mouth, but you are able to put 10 pounds of golden rock into your pack. I will have it in my inventory.

Ten pounds of pussy golden rock. Yep. Coming right up. How do you spell pussy? The same way healing potion stays to the banter.

Anyway. That is what you see. Remind me, when we defeated Keziah Jenkins and went to grab and remove her mask, it just came off. Nothing exploded. I think you had to... It didn't explode and kill you, but I think that you had to use strength to remove it from her face. It seemed very clearly attached. Hmm.

Well, we either did a really good thing or a really bad thing. Really bad thing. Those seem to be the options. What do you make of all the masks? I think, was that Miss Jenkins who wore this mask? Would I have seen anything like this before?

Yeah, you saw it on the face of Kasaya. Before that, in my pre-horrifying life. I mean, I'm sure you've seen wooden masks, but none that looked exactly like this. Okay. Well, the hag here is either collecting them or giving them out to people who might be working for her. Lethika, you're Miss Mask. Just because I wear a mask does not mean I know the dogma or context of these masks.

Are they hanging on the wall with the rest of the mining equipment? Yeah. You see that there are coats and overalls and things like that hanging on pegs on the walls as well as pickaxes and flashlights and headgear and interspersed throughout all of it you see these masks hanging. I don't think that they're hand-picked. There are about dozens of them. You don't think that they are not trophies? That's what worries me. I think it's simple equipment. Things that the miners are going to wear. I would say it's very clear that these are not...

related to the miners. I can even reach into my bag. They're interspersed and hung on the walls, but they're not mining equipment. I see. Ignore everything you just said. What concerns me is if these are trophies. Maybe Keziah wasn't criminal after all. But if these are her acolytes, or people who follow the hag, then the jury might still be out. I mean, this looks like fucking hag bees. They're massing on the walls, or in a horrible hag mine.

It seems pretty clear to me. Probably some sort of vestige worn by the worshippers of the coven, of the hags. Right. In a way, I hope that you're right, which means that we didn't condemn an innocent woman to death. No. I'd like to reach up and pick a mask down. Wait.

You look around and you find one that's fairly low hanging. It's almost in line with what appears to be a clothing rack with miners' jackets and hats and stuff hung up. You reach up and grab one of the masks. I need you to make a wisdom saving throw for me, please. I also want to point out as you make this wisdom saving throw, this is the grabbiest you've ever been in any session. I touch it. You didn't play with Hazel. Oh, fuck.

I'd like to trick the small child and steal their candy. Steal their pie. She's an inquisitive deer. I mean, that's a seven. And what did you ask me to do? Wisdom saving throw. That's 14. Hey, 14. I would like to use a twist of fate or a twist of dread. Oh, exactly. It's only going to get better. So she just rerolls, right?

Odds are it'll be better than the last one.

19. Plus 7. 61. Who is standing next to you? Or who is the closest person to you? Well, what's up with that mess, Miss Ferry? Oh, I need to make a wisdom saving throw? Let me see what happens to me. Oh, plus 2 whiz. Oh,

Oh, that'll be a 14. Your highest was a 15, yeah? No, she got two. My highest was a 17. It was a 15 and then a... She got a 17. Oh, and then a 26. The first one was a 14. Okay. Yeah, okay. No, so you feel the pull from this thing, but both of you are easily able to...

to avoid, you feel almost like a pull towards your face. - Yeah, no balls you won't put them in. - And I don't think Twisted Dread improves your roll, right? It can only make it lower, right? - Oh yeah, okay. - Yeah. - Right? - Yeah, so it's not like if you roll a 19 afterwards, like, "Oh, I got a 19." - You crit that! - It's essentially disadvantage. - Natural 20, I crit this. - Okay.

I was really excited for Jericho, Jim Carrey style. Smoke it! Anyways. What are you doing? We just wanted to look at it. Maybe. No, it feels weird. I shouldn't have picked it up and I'll throw it. You attempt to, but you can't let it go. Like it's stuck to my hand or I'm like... You attempt to throw it, but for whatever reason your hand won't open and you just hold on to it. Ugh.

I can't let it go. No, maybe if I take it. What do you mean? Don't touch it. Do I feel possessive over it or no? You're beginning to. Oh, now that looks mighty fine. Yeah, I guess so is Jericho because he's within five feet of it. I just think I should follow on to it and we should be careful with it.

But moments ago, you said you couldn't let it go. That's concerning. We shouldn't take him with us. Well, if we can't split, I guess I'll have to keep my own. I'm gonna grab another match. I need you to roll a wisdom saving throw for me, please. We're gonna make it...

There's 150 more feet of this goddamn body. And it's fucking cat in the hat in this bitch. Thing one and thing two. I'm just balancing plates and shit. You immediately reach towards the side. There are dozens of masks on the walls and it's easy to find another one. And you are feeling covetous that

Farron has the mask that should belong to both of you. And you reach up and you grab one and you immediately look towards it. And all of you watch as Farron

As Jericho holds this mask and out from the backside of it reaches out spindly arms and pulls around his head and sucks the mask to him. And as it fuses to his face, you watch as the arms move back into this thing. And now that you're looking at it, now that you see what happened, you see that this is not a mask made of wood. This is a mask made of some kind of flesh that is...

almost camouflaged as would think of facehuggers and Jericho inside of your brain you immediately hear they are wicked you will do as I ask you will do as I require kill them all oh fuck and that is what you hear do I hear that through his you'd no because you don't have the same you don't have the same brain okay

And you all watch as this thing fuses to his head. All right. What have you done? You're okay. I'm in there. We shouldn't be messing around with things we find on the walls here. I just want to look at it. Drop the mask. Farron, put yours down. No, I wanted my own. I wanted my own mask. I need you to make another wisdom saving throw for me, please. Can we wait to touch stuff until after we kill the fucking hag?

You put the 10 pounds of gold rocks in your mouth. You put the sauce right there into your mouth. There's a big difference between touching the previous position of my mouth. You are holding onto this and you feel that pull and you, as you're looking down at it, you can see the movement inside of this thing. This is clearly not, it is clearly in the shape of a mask, but it is clearly a creature.

And you see that it is pulling, that you are pulled towards it, almost possessed, but you're able to shrug it off. And you know you at this point, if you don't find a way to get this thing out of your hands, you will eventually succumb to its pull. And that you will need the help of your friends to remove this from you. Jericho has clearly...

Lost it and it's wearing it. I have an idea. Come on, get close. What? Come here, come here. Jericho, get in. This feels wrong. I should have not taken it. Take the mask off and we will take it off. I know how to take it off, but I need your help. Come here. What? How can we help? I mean, I'm staying like five feet away from you. Well, I would just like you all to do me a favor and shatter. And I cast shatter in the middle of all of us. Ah!

We're going to die in this game. We are going to die in this game. No, this is literally entirely only your fault. Literally only your fault. Yeah, what's the, uh, what's the save? Constitution save, uh, 15. I don't think I'm gonna get lucky a third time in a row. Con 15. Con's not really where I'm good here. Come on. Come on. Give me one more good con saving throw. Me too. Come on.

I need to roll a 12 or higher. I fail. Got it! I failed. I'm taking a shitload of damage. You'll take half of this if you pass. 14? No. 15. Holy shit. I pass. Morgrem, do you pass? Yeah, sorry. 23.

So that'll be six plus seven. 13 points of thunder damage. Or half. Or half if you succeed. Six. Shake. Is there any other effect like drone, knockback, something, something? No. I guess it's a non-magic object that isn't being worn or carried. It also takes damage if it's in the spell area. All my teeth fall out. So I'm also going to take that damage. Yeah.

- Oh, I guess I need to make a save. No, I choose to fail. No, I'm not trying to kill myself. - No, you wanna try to kill yourself. - I crush a natural 20. - As soon as I'm hit by this, I would immediately unarmed strike, like punch Jericho in the head. - Okay. - Or tap two, I might miss. - Yeah, roll a hit.

This is the sport that is D&D. And I'm not going to make you do initiative for all of this because... Fuck, I got a natural one. I punch Farron in the head. LAUGHTER

- Actually, you know what, I will say that you do. Because they are fused together, so roll damage on Farron. - No, I'm just kidding. - It's just straight six damage. - I would, I mean, if we can, I would also, as he goes in to hit him, I would try and like tackle the two of them down if I can. I'd like to try and plant my shovel into the mask that Farron is holding in her hand, like plant it to the ground and then rip the bandana off my face and try and grab the one that's on

Jericho and just like try and really as hard as I can. Alright, do a strength contest to see if you can tackle them. And so both of you roll and we'll take whichever one of your rolls is the highest. I'll immediately do a hand motion and hex Jericho. I got ten. Come on. It would be thirteen.

Wow. You are able to wrestle them to the ground. And I'm going to say I'll have you do another... You want to...

Tell me what you wanted to do with the mask. So I'm going to plant my shovel into the mask that's in Farron's hand and then grab the mask that's on his. So I'll say you can plant... I would say you can plant your shovel into the mask that's in Farron's hand with that. And you feel as he slams the mask down to the ground with his shovel that it is wrenched from your grasp and...

You feel that compulsion completely leave your body. You no longer feel like you need to hold on to or keep this thing. - Oh no, Theron, you lost your mask. Let me grab you another one. - You are on the ground. - But you are on the ground. - Yeah, I'm on the ground. - I'm trying to put his arm to the ground. - So you will have to do, I need you to make a strength saving throw to see if you can get the mask off of him.

Oh, you're disadvantaged on strength checks. Ha! Because of Hex. Oh. Oh.

What was this, saving throw? 14. Nice. 14. It is not enough. So you attempt to pull and pull and pull, but you cannot seem to get it. Help me get this over with! It feels like you're about to, but you can see as more tendrils reach out from the top and dig into the, I guess not flesh, but the...

be his face and pull it closer to the mask. After you imagine you were very close. After missing Jericho and punching Farron and regaining my composure and standing up, I will stumble over to where Jorgrim is and attempt to help him. Okay. I will say you can roll. Whichever one of you wants to, you can roll at advantage. Am I able to act after he fails?

I will say, well, you know what's really great, Julegrim? I once killed an orc and I watched a virgin eat his eyeballs. I put my head on his windpipe.

Isn't that great? Intelligence saving throw. 17 for the strength. Okay, well, let's do the intelligence saving throw to see if you die. 10. What a disaster. 10? So you take 3 damage, and you also need to remove d4 from that saving throw. What? You need to remove d4 from that saving throw. 17 minus 1d4.

You're gonna roll a d4 and hope that you still get above like a 15. That's so fucking great. That's so fucking good. Because we're gonna have to try again and he's gonna keep casting Spellbots. God damn it. Son of a bitch! Can I twist? Why do you keep rolling high like that? Can I twist something? You can twist the d20. You can twist the d20 and try to roll higher than... No, there's a 15% chance that you'll get higher than that.

No, you rolled a 10. It's plus 7. We're gonna twist it. So if you twist it... Oh, you rolled a 10? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I thought you rolled a 10 to your total. It's better than a coin flip. Let's twist it. Yes, absolutely. Which one am I re-rolling? Your strength. Yeah. If it's at advantage, should I twist both? I don't think so. That's not how we usually do that. Holy math. So just get higher than 10 and we're golden.

Virgil, get me another mask. Yeah, I think 11 or higher. 11 or higher. That's a good idea. That's a very good idea. Fuck! We fail? I'm cool. Which means we would just try again, but he would have more time, I suppose, to do whatever he'd like. I'm just fucking going to sliver in my brain and get arms on my back? What, in my side? Yeah, I would just, I would help him, I would help you. Mm-hmm.

I hate to say this, but Virgil makes up stories about how all those orcs on your tombstone died and I laughed once. I guess mine slivered. As he says that, I would reach over and say...

you know, take it from him and grab his arm. - Intelligence saving throw? - And I would cast hold person on him. - Intelligence saving throw? - I will let you do the hold person after this minus sliver. - I will choose to fail it. - Oh, actually? - That hurt my feelings. That hurt my actual feelings. That would have stunned me, man.

Just roll one or another fucking three. Okay, we're gonna that's fine. You take one point at another place like you're gonna you're gonna roll with advantage and you're this time you're gonna get higher than 11. That's all we need is 11 or higher. You need 18, 19 or 20 I think. I think the defense is 15. That's what I'm saying. So an 11 or higher gets us there. Right. I feel good about this one. I'm very strong.

19, 19, plus seven, 26. I punch my fist straight into Jericho's face and shatter the mask in half. That was such a casino scream. I will say, yes, sure, you do. I'm angry. As you and Marius attempt to do this, you punch forward and your fist...

collides with Jericho's face and the mask, and you are able to snap the mask in half. You see as the tendrils of this creature that is this mask begins to start reaching out and pulling itself back together, but you are able to tackle him and begin to rip it off as you still want to cast Hold Person. Not if the mask comes off. They are able to pry the mask off.

and it is broken so you can immediately throw it without having to roll a save because they are trying to mend the mask back together. - I'm so sorry. - Jericho, what was that? - You feel your mind begin to clear that voice of the hag that you have heard inside the walls of this place no longer controlling you and telling you, forcing you what to do. - You could have killed us.

Are there any masks within arm reach still? Yes. My hand will disgustingly detach from my arm and float over as I cast Magneach Hand. And I just start taking all of the masks off and down the hallway totally as far away from Jericho as I can. Okay, roll a sleight of hand, please. There's something wrong with him. I shouldn't have touched it. It calls to you.

Mechanically, it's Mage Hand. Yeah, that's fine. Mechanically, throwing them still makes sound. Whether it's thrown by a Mage Hand or your hand. Twelve. Okay. Yeah, you begin to throw these as you all communicate together. I'm gonna, like, get up and grab my sword and shield and

What came over you? Are your wits your own? Speak, Jericho! I think I may have made... I may have had a lapse of judgment. You lost your mind. Was that Virgil, or was that the horrible, gross hag in the mine that didn't sound like Virgil? He has a fancy accent. Trust the masks. When you touch them, they call to you. Did I say what I said? Do you remember not loud?

Yeah, he did. He was very disrespectful. Oh, no. He was very hurtful. I mean, look at him. He's practically got tears in his eyes. Oh, no. My eyes are glassy. We must make a greater effort to not end up like the Templars. Jürgen, I am so very sorry. Stop right there, Jericho. No.

The ground begins to pop and bubble beneath your feet as you watch as one hand, two hands, three hands begin to climb up out of a crevice between two rocks. And you see the disgusting form of Slippery Oswald as he climbs up.

Huh? 97 hands, 98 hands. 98 hands, 99 hands. One hands, two hands, three hands, four hands, five hands, six hands, seven hands, eight hands, nine hands, ten hands. What's going on?

11 hands, 12 hands. Hey, Riff, you know, 14 hands, 15 hands, 16 hands. But you watch as he climbs up out of this crevice and turns and looks towards you. A tongue slips out of his human-like mouth and darts from side to side, almost lizard-like. As he backflips, you see the underside of his belly as he sinks into this fleshy mound behind you.

And once again, the mound begins to grow and turn into this giant pustule-sized abscess on the wall as it opens up and you see a mouth. - I get a good 20 feet away. I immediately back up. I'm just like, fuck this shit. - You're playing with my toys. Oh, you humanoids are so easy to manipulate. Do you like it? Do you like being one of mine? - I am not human, you imperceptive bitch.

And you feel the mouth twitch. You see the mouth twitch for a second. You can be angry all you like, but your fate is the same either way. I'm already spoken for for hags. I got three of them, even though they're dead and by a weird crow. So I'm not emotionally available. I'm sorry. I know what you did to my sister.

And it bothers me not, one less in line. You think you'll be able to take me, but-- - What does your other sister look like? - You know not how strong I am. - No, no, we have a good sense. I tried to kill my friends and I'm fused too deeply.

Breathe in deeply and succumb to me. - And you watch as the mouth fades away again and it bursts. The room is filled with a sick, disgusting ascent of rotten eggs and decaying flesh. I need you all to roll a constitution saving throw except for Jericho, Farron, and Yorgrem. - Even if we don't breathe. - Even if you don't breathe. - Damn.

Come on, come on. Is the mouth gone? Yes. Please, please. I don't want to be fused to Briggsie. Yes! I got a 19. I love big casino Andy. I will not fall today. Chicken dinner! Briggsie? 14.

Okay. Briggsie, I need you to roll a d6. If you get a one or a six, re-roll, please. Don't do it. Oh, your poor chunk. To Chunk Mangrove.

- What's he got? - Crunch. - He got... - I called him Crunch. - Yeah, Crunch. - That's the best. - You smell, the fumes fill this room and you smell them for a second as you begin to rotate your blunderbuss on your hand. As all of a sudden, it becomes a no bones day. The arm in your main hand goes limp at your side.

as the bones within it completely disappear. One of your arms is complete jelly. It's like in Harry Potter when Gilderoy Lockhart removes his bones and it's nothing but a skin sleeve. - Pause for one second. Pause for one second. You said it becomes a no bones day like that's a thing? - Yeah, it's a no bones day. Noodle, noodle has no bones.

That's not a thing. Yeah, it is. Who here has a no bones day? It's a guy on Instagram. Well, it's like a... It's an internet thing. Oh, really? Yes. So there is this person who has a pug named Noodle. And every day, they get up and they try and write Noodle. And if Noodle stands up, it's a bones day. If Noodle immediately falls back down and goes to sleep, it's a no bones day. I didn't know if I was prying too hard into like Richard's character's backstory. No. I don't know. It's...

People that watch the gear right now, they'll be like, what the fuck is that? I only just read about it at this table as well. I'm glad I explained it. Maybe don't edit this out. Yeah. It is a no bones day as your main arm, your trigger arm, is now just a skin sleeve. What's the matter? What is wrong with you? My hand! It isn't working! What do you mean it doesn't work? Are you suffering from some sort of paralysis?

I guess so. I think I'll bring in some of those spore things and now I can't use my left arm. You can still swing with the right. Exactly. I could still swing with the right, but I mean... I'll use my left one too.

I mean, this isn't good, is all I'm gonna say. No, what I'm saying is-- I mean, I prefer this over that. You don't need to say it like that. And you watch and you see that Farron and Jericho, their legs have begun to twist, and where they had just been combined at the hip and the thigh, their calves are now fusing together and beginning to twist.

I'll pull my voodoo gun out of my left hand. Oh no, because my left hand is currently detached as Mage Hand. So I'll just float my hand over and I'll pull it out of my belt and it'll just float next to me. So I'll still have my right arm and my hand will be floating with the gun. And I'll say, okay, this is... I like something.

But I'll just be a stump for my left arm. Brigsy, I hope you are right that when we defeat the hag, we can undo this magics. What happens if this spreads and it goes to your legs and you can't walk anymore? Well, whatever you do, don't put me down. You kill the hag first. We'll leave you right where you are and come back for you. I mean, I don't know what choice I'll have unless you're going to carry me. You're going to drag me? Well, I think that we should just hurry. Let's get it worse over here, too.

And, Jorgren, you see that that hand is now full elbow hand coming out, but you see that it doesn't seem to be functioning properly as it opens and closes and it tries to work, but the bones haven't fully formed inside of it as it's continuing to grow. And then I'll say you also notice that on the side of your leg there is a bulge there, but you can't really see where...

what is forming just right above the knee on your left thigh. It's a lipod. You got a bit of a skeeter bite there, Mr. Yorgin. It's not getting any better over here either. We have to kill this hag quickly. Medius, I saw you back up when the voice re-emerged. Please stay with me. All right, I just didn't want to be covered in any more disgusting fluids.

want of this happening and I just like pick up his arm and let it drop to the ground. Is all of this still happening even with our faces covered? Stay strong and may our gods be with us.

and I start to leave this horrifying pack. - Is that what it'll do at any guy that's out there? My name is old Jericho Sticks. You can call me Jericho. Most folk do. If you wouldn't mind just kind of, you know, go the other way. - You hear the voice of a drunken loxodon from the head. - Laughing. - It didn't work.

Well, I don't think Prain's gonna fix this for us. We've got to keep moving. Very quick. And you do. You begin to move forward in the darkness until you come up against what appears to be at first sight an obstruction in the cave. A cave-in of sorts. You listen. I need you all to roll a perception check.

Oh, you read about this. 17. Perception, you say? Gosh, I'm terrible. Annoying. Oh, perception? That'll be a 25. Anyone who rolls a 15 or above will hear the sounds. It sounds like men.

Help us! Help us! The walls have caved in! Get us out of here! Come on, get us out of here, man! And they're yelling and pleading, we're tired, we're hungry! Get us out of here! And as you get closer and closer to the rocks, you realize that these are not rocks. They're chunks of flesh and body parts. Oh, no.

Bits of skin and hair, sinew, bone, muscle, as it obstructs the only way deeper into this cavern. So we're at this, like, cave-in. Yes. Yes. It is the miners, I think. The... And by that I mean the workmen who used to work here, not children. You mean the world? Yes, I think what you read us in the papers you found when we first entered. That's right. This must be it. How do we get through?

Well... Can we just blast it open, or...? We give them the same treatment we gave the knights. I shudder to think that they've been trapped here, alive in some amalgamous mass, twenty years. As terrible as it was, I still feel more right that we did the captain and his templars the justice they deserved. No doubt. Farron, I don't want to turn into a horse. Ha ha ha!

Jericho, do you have the ability to break things with your instrument again like you did at Temptus? Oh, do you want me to blow apart the meat chunks that are obstructing our way? You've used it twice before me, and I see its ability to destroy is significant. You destroyed those stairs in the mansion, and you almost destroyed us.

Well... It's worth a try. We've gotta get through here. I guess I could. Unless we have a better idea, magic may be the only way through. I can try. I would say, looking at this, you imagine that this is just flesh. It could be hacked through. Alright, let's get started. You'll see my left hand float up and start grabbing handfuls of flesh. Oh! Just dig me it out. It feels disgusting. It's warm.

Oh, it's warm too. I guess every few seconds I'll snap and point and told the dead.

I would just start hacking at it, yeah. I would use two hands and have my shield on my back and just start hacking at this. And you begin to, and you are, by the time you're done with it, it takes about, I would say 15, maybe 20 minutes for you to hack all the way through it with all of your force. You are all covered in blood and viscous bodily liquids. The scent of urine is building up in this place.

As you make your way, finally through the last bit, you hack into it and you hear the crack of bone as this flesh mound falls away from the ceiling and you find a couple of steps down into what feels to be some kind of a natural darkness. Jericho's pumpkins flit this way and that, but are unable to illuminate the darkness here as you all begin to hear the

wild creature, I'm sure. It doesn't sound close. It sounds like it's echoing all around you. I don't know where it's coming from. I like wipe the blood off of my sickle. You hear the sounds of crunching echoing through this part of the cavern. We have to proceed. There's no turning back now. It's real dark in there. We have to go. There's no other way but through. That's right. We have to move. You...

- Three, four, stay between Marius and I, let us go. - Do you want me to like take, like lead the back? - I think one of us should be in the back and one of us should be in the front because we're the only one. - And you can open up some of the map. There should be a big open cabin.

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The Crooked Moon, a folk horror tome for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. And don't forget to snag all the extra goodies like dice, miniatures, plushies, a tarot deck, and more. Thank you. I will... We can't see anything. Sorry. Don't touch anything. It's pure darkness. I am just going to keep my...

I presume I can mentally kind of sense where they are, like just right in front of my face in case there's any chance I can see anything. You have them floating in front of you and you know that they're there, but they shed no light around you. But you can all smell faintly over the stench that assails your nostrils. You can smell that faint bit of pumpkin. So you know they're there. That's pleasant.

I would just try to listen for those sounds to see if we can get a better understanding of where it's coming from. I know you said it's like echoing everywhere, but I would just try to like hone in on it and see if I could discern. I think we should keep moving. Stay close together. Yeah, as we proceed forward, I would just try to listen for the sound. You listen and it feels like it's coming from right next to you. You could reach out your arm and touch whatever it is.

Fuck. I shouldn't have asked. I'm going to say like in a low, I have a feeling the thing is very close to us. It feels as though it is all around us. I'm going to try this. I'm very feared. Can you pluck this one string? I'm going to hold this down. This string is plucking. I don't know if you should try anything. Maybe we should just keep going. Should I pluck it? Pluck it. Pluck it. Pluck it. And I'm going to cast Dispel Magic on Magical Darkness, if possible.

Do you have to roll for it? I don't know. Is it a third level? What level is it? It's a third, darkness is a third level spell. Then it just immediately does it, right? You hear the twang and you hear, you hear it echo all around you. And as you, as the darkness immediately snaps away, you find yourself in a big open cavern.

And all around you are these, you can place these all around you. All around you are these almost, here are some more, some emaciated white creatures, their mouths, dark black maws, their eyes sunken in, completely black, cavernous and empty. Some of them

gnaw on what appears to be skeletons, or not skeletons, sorry, centipedes, as they're chewing away at the flesh of these centipedes. Others, Amarius, right next to you, you see as it is literally standing right in front of you as you are face to face with this thing. All of them snap their heads in complete unison and look at you. I need you all to roll for initiative. Oh, bring the darkness back, bring the darkness back, bring the darkness back! Jesus.

Oh boy. Well, you guys enjoy combat. I'll be taking a nap until the end of the round. Let me know when it's my turn. Are there 12 of these? Stand with me, Marius. There are 12 of them. Well, that's not good. How do I do anything about it? Holy smokes. Yeah, I don't think we have 12. There should be. Oh, yeah, here we go. Sorry. Oh, here are more. My steak is sticky. Those are horrifying. They look like Halloween piece.

- You are clearly able to see that these appear to be some kind of remnants of the miners that had been trapped in here. Those that had not been used as flesh abominations by the hag that resides deep within. - This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare. - Okay, okay. - 20 to 25. - This is fine. - 20 to 25, 21. - 15 to 20. - 15. - 15.

You go first. Cool. You said 15? 15. 10 to 15? 10. 14.

You watch as all of these things snap to attention and begin to shamble towards you. You see that many of them still have the remnants of the centipedes that they had been devouring. That was the strange crunching sound that you'd heard, where their teeth piercing into the carapace of these centipedes and popping the individual sections of its abdomen as they were chewing on them. But they're all now turned to you as they go in to attack Jericho.

You are not caught off guard by this as you do whatever you're gonna do. - That would make surprising narrative sense. I'm gonna just be like, turn the dark back on, turn the dark back on, turn the dark back on! And I'm just gonna cast Shatter once more here. And I think if all four of these on the wall without... - If plus and gold come out from the bag.

- Yes, I'm gonna get these four. - What numbers? - Three, 12, 10 and four. - They need to be a constant saving throw. Hopefully I don't cause a cave in. - Okay. - Broke the stairs. - What is their, what number do they need to get? - 15. - Okay, they fail.

That is going to be 18 points of thunder damage to all four of them. You immediately annihilate those four as you let thunder crash down around you. You do feel bits of the flesh above you fall and splatter into your person. It doesn't cause a cave-in, but you are hit by bits of flesh. Can they all die? Those four do. I mean, that was a mega nuke.

They squeal out in pain as they're essentially ripped from the inside out as they burst. And I will just do like some little ditty. It is their turn. They are each going to move up toward all of you and they're going to try and get two on each of you if they can.

And if they can hit Farron, they can essentially hit Jericho. I mean, they can get two on everybody except... Well, except one pair, right? There's only eight left. Yeah, except Jericho and Farron. There's only eight left. So they can't get to Jericho and Farron? They easily can. They can walk up, yeah. But there are only eight left, so... Okay, so...

They'll find the closest four and attack those four. Okay. And are any of those Jericho? Yeah, sure. One of them is Jericho. Okay, so that one will roll normally. Oh, that's D12. One of them will roll normally on Jericho. That's going to miss. The other ones are on who? One and 11 are around for me. So, Lethika...

Who else has them on them? Nine on Marius, eight and two on Brigsy, five and seven on your Grimm, and oh yeah, 11 and one on Muffet. Okay, and because you haven't had a turn in combat, they are auto-crits if they hit on the three of you. I might be fucked here. Have you heard it? Can I use my reaction? What is your reaction? It's a Halo Spore. Halo Spore. Is it a reaction on something hitting you?

No. When they enter 10 feet. Okay, so which ones would be within 10 feet of you? Six and nine, I'm assuming. Or nine. Okay, so those two, yes. So let's do that really quickly. I can only do one creature, so I will do nine. Okay. And it is just four because my symbiotic entity has dropped. So it is three necrotic damage. And it has to roll up 15. I'm glad I weighed out four of them.

And it is a wisdom? Con. Con. Yeah, so 11. So you let out a burst of spores and it inhales as it bites down on the head of a centipede. And as it inhales the spores, you watch as its skin begins to wrinkle and desiccate and it falls to the ground, Deb.

But the one, there's still one on Marius, yes? Oh yeah. The one on Marius, 15 to hit? No. So that doesn't hit. I don't know. Natural, so two crits on Briggsie. Two crits on Briggsie? My AC is 19. I got a natural 20 and a natural 19. Plus four. Between three kilos.

I'm gonna shield. So that'll get rid of one of them, but it won't get rid of the natural 20. Because that's an auto crit. And then the other one, the highest is a 16 for Jorgrim. 17, so you see. So that is one crit on Briggsie as it goes in and it is going to hit in. Very cool feature. I like this monster a lot. Yes, wicked.

13 piercing damage as it bites into you. - Okay. - Oh, sorry. Actually, that's more. It's actually 25 piercing damage. - For one attack? - So it was a crit. So it's 2d6 plus two. And so the first roll was a six and a five plus two, which is 11, 12, 13.

Right? Okay, yep. Plus the two additional dice for the crits and I got two sixes. So it's a plus 12. So that should be 25. Oh, so it double crits? What? It's normal hit is 2d6. Holy shit. I forgot to use the crit. So I rolled two more die. I'm down. Oh no. It's got broadswords. It's got a gun. As it bites into Briggsie and that is all of their turns. Jorgrum. Briggsie, are you okay? Yeah.

Your chunk! What? Oh, a chunk falls off of him. I did see it, I did. It's hard for me to see. Is this Breezy? Yeah, it's Breezy. Can I hit this one closest to him too? Yeah, that's a melee range. Alright, I'll activate the mists once again. And strike out at the second one. I'll do it recklessly.

17. 17 to hit. The other AC is 12. Okay. And it will do... Which number is this?

- Two, this would be two. - All right. If you hit, you automatically, they only have one hit point. - Got it, got it. - So you were able to slice into it as you watch it fall emaciated to the ground. - They're attached with great force, FYI. - You do need to thank you. Can you please roll a d10 actually? - Thank you. - And gain stayed. - Can you cast a cantrip with your action and a first-world-of-the-cowl with your auto-affect? - Yep. - Thank you.

- One. - You go in to make the strike, but the arms on your body take control and I need to roll a d6. Two is- - I'll roll a d10 bingo if you roll all the way. - Lethika, you are going to move forward and you are going to make that attack against Lethika. So go ahead and roll damage. - Did it grab my shovel? - Yes. - I knew it. You go up like this and you're like,

- And you feel as they swing your shovel towards your friend and not a foe. So you will roll your normal attack against Lethika. - Shouldn't have reached.

Oh, thank God, I saw you rolling. We're all good. I can't do damage. I am shocked. Eight damage. You rolled a one and I take eight? So you take eight. You're also, oddly enough... Wait, something else happens to you, I think, when I rage...

Disadvantage on any attack that's not against you. Yes, you're disadvantaged on any attack that's not against me. Okay, that's fine. As the specter... As the specter... If the arms take it, would it apply my rage, Mikael? Yep. They are part of you. Alright, well, okay.

So the arms are raging too. Did he give my shovel back? Oh, that's right. It's my turn. What the fu- Thank you. I'm advantaged. Wait, is that only racial? Because I'm a zombie! What? Yeah, that counts. 17. Dude, that's actually crazy. Oh! Yep, yep, yep. So that's a success. No, no! Okay.

Dude, that's crazy! I don't have that. I would... What's the need of this poison damage?

What? Was any of this poison damage? You mean for their bite? I told you what their bite was. So same sort of illusion that was on my fingertips before I'll extend my hand out towards number eight and blow that con spores. Which one? Number eight? If he fails, he dies. Oh yeah, so it's a con saving throw.

Seven plus zero. He dies. He blows spores towards number eight, it inhales and you watch as it begins to shrivel and desiccate and fall to the ground dead. Blessica. You're grim. Keep those things under control. Briggsy, you will know this night. And I will cast Healing Word. Pretty good.

That's gonna be one of these Jim Jams. I'll roll that in a moment. They're obviously not dying anymore, and then I'll step forward, and I will invoke my goddess. But you will not know this day. And I will cast on one, 11, and seven. They need to make a wisdom saving throw. 11. They all fail.

They all take two points of damage. They all burn in the radiant darkness of Shar as you watch as their white flesh begins to sizzle and pop as it burns in the darkness. It's like starlight. In the shadow. How much do we heal? Marius. There are two left. After watching everybody, like, reel and

You know, things are going on. I lift my shield up and I say a prayer to Lathander and say, "We are not alone!" And my shield will glow, uh, gold. And golden, like, rose petals will, uh, float down around everybody, and anybody who's under half health will heal, as I use my channel divinity.

10 hit points. Wow. That's fucking neat. Wow. Did it cap when I hit half, or do I just do it? It does not affect you if you have more than half your hit points. No, but if you're under half, you heal the full amount. You heal the full amount. Oh, I do. I do. I do. I do. Very good. That's my turn. That's a great turn. Jericho. Oh, that's really nice. Ooh.

Garsh, I'll look at the one in front of me and I'll say, oh, Garsh, I'm going real dark. It must have been a real terrible existence to slowly wither away and starve to death with nothing to eat but gross centipedes as your body was warped and you lost your humanity. And I cast Mind Slipper on him. On which number? I was ready to fight, and I'm just like... Well, I'm jealous of saving... Which number? Number six. No, it's going to fail. Roll the natural six. His brain explodes and he dies.

- Five is still alive as it shambles forward to whoever's closest to it. And it doesn't have pack tactics anymore. - It is advantage, I attacked recklessly. - Perfect. - So just so you know. - Thanks, great. So it is going to hit and it is going to do, two decent. - 25 points of damage. - 11 points of piercing damage.

- As it slices into you. - Oh, it slices into you? - It bites into you, yes. - It's piercing. - Ooh. - Five, if it's halved. - Yep. - Round down. - Yep. - Fuck. - Choose one to make a con. - Well, there's only one left. - There's two. - There's five and two. - No, I've been marking them off. Only five should be alive. - Oh yeah, yeah.

And I rolled a two. So immediately after going in and biting onto your grom, a puff of spores appears around Farron and you watch as it chokes and coughs on the floating spores in the air and it falls to the ground dead. Silence begins to surround you. - I wanna do an "Adventures in Chill" if there's a version of that fight where we have to do it in the magical darkness. - We'll do that during the "Adventures in Chill." - Oh, that'd be cool.

You mean really bad. Oh, I mean really bad. And you, silence, silence begins to envelop you. And after staring into the cold, lifeless eyes of what decades ago would have been just simple Cerulean men who worked here for a living, feeding their families, bringing gold back to Cyril.

Come on, come on. Please.

I've been on fire this time. My twins. Oh, only the people who have not succumbed to it. What did you get? 21. That's a fail. 16's a fail. Lethika, I need you to roll a d6. Yeah, DC goes up. Is my arm still paralyzed? Yes, your arm is still paralyzed. It's a no bones arm. Three. Lethika.

You all watch as the magical darkness has been dispelled and the dancing pumpkins provide light in here. As all of a sudden, Lethika's neck begins to twist and writhe and elongate. One foot, two foot, three foot, four. The weight of her head and her mask

The neck no longer able to hold up as the neck slumps over and her face shifts on her spine and rights itself. You now, your neck is curved like this. Instead of your face pointing down, it's now pointing straight forward like a horrible, fleshy, creepy creature. Dr. Seuss character. It's a good thing that I can do this.

Yeah, you can. And that is what it looks like. Marius throws up. Marius, so far you were the only person unaffected by the horrors in this place. I absolutely just lose it. I look around for the pussy cyst. You do, and you see nothing. Okay.

I'm not feeling so. Can somebody help me up? I will, uh, I'll run over to you and as I pick you up, I say a soft prayer to Lathander and I give you eight points of Lay on Hands healing. Stand, my friend, and brace yourself. Fakeslap! Is everyone all right? Lathica? I have been corrupted like yourself, Theron.

Yikes. Shut up. We have to be getting closer. This has to be the end soon. We have to end this. For what it's worth, Farron, I think we're starting to get the hang of this and we're working together. Excuse. Do we have time to rest? Should I not have gotten rid of the... I was just really afeard...

I could use... They've left us alone and keep eating them centipedes? It's certainly possible. I think they might have. We just need to be careful. Don't act on fear or impulse or anything else. We all talk together before we do anything. So do we keep going or... I worry that if we sit here... How do we all feel? These... This miasma is going to get worse. Thicker. More dangerous. I just...

I don't know what to do. I don't know if we can afford the time. What do you think? I feel like one of those long horses you hear in exotic tales. That's what? The long horses with the spotted bodies. Giraffes. Long horses. What? Like a weird horse? Like a weird gross horse? You mean a giraffe. That's what that is. They're not called long horses. Who taught you that? I don't know their name. Never knew.

I mean, they look nothing like horses. Yes, they do. They have long legs and they have long necks. Oh, you have legs? Okay, okay. Are you a horse? I think it's safe to say we're all feeling pretty fucking horrible. I'm like the Iron Spider. You've got a really long neck. You're fine. I don't notice any difference in you. Yeah.

You guys are really bad too. Stepping on fresh air outside is not going to save us. Killing this hag will. I think I'm being consumed like a twin. I think I'm the weaker one. I think, I think, I think fair and definite. When it comes to the rules of nature and the laws of survival, I'm just me. She's going to have Virgil as a female. Good luck. Good luck.

If you're gonna do that thing- Careful what you reach for, Virgil! And I'll like, I'll smack, I'll smack the keys, we'll be clang clang clang. She do the thing where she goes, "Ahhhhhh!" Well, I- I- for your sake, I hope you never find out. You're hoping me would say- No saying. That our only path is forward. If we want any chance of reversing what's been done to us. Yeah, I'll be- I'll finger you.

Oh, yes, you can point me. Let's get this the fuck over with. Let's just see what's next or listen and then we can make a call as to if we should take some time to rest. I'm not feeling too great. I'll take a few steps forward. You should take up the back. I'm worried with your current vantage point you won't be able to see much.

It seems that I could be walking in the back and still see at the front. You can't look to the face! Also, just real quick, nose, well done getting that fucking reference. Yeah, I guess I would take a few steps towards this hallway. Roll a perception check. Dun dun dun...

- Twist it, twist it, no you're twisting it. Pulling out of the culprit. - Why am I twisting? - I believe my perception checks happen at advantage. - Thank Jen. - Marius, thank goodness your God protects you. - It's from a one to a 20. - You listen and you hear what sounds to be the rushing of water somewhere deep below and the sound of skittering many, many, many legs.

I think that horrific familiar might be up ahead. But there's no backing down now, right? One leg. Two leg. Three leg. Four legs. Five legs. Six legs. Are the rest of you prepared?

At the best we can possibly be. Well, you're the only one. You're not at my best, no. You're wholly yourself. You gotta charge onwards some areas. We'll catch up. I will do everything in my power to make sure that no one here dies today. Vixen, how do you feel? I mean, I'm definitely better, thanks to a few of them. Lathander and otherwise, but...

I mean one of those guys did like almost half me health if there was like a mechanical thing such as health and hit points I mean we're talking like almost one shot by just like a miner who's been decaying for 20 years well with the light of Lathander or Arius's lady friend regardless of whom it is we'll be fine

That's right, that's right I say unconvincing of myself I still have some of my mushroom tea If anybody needs some help I'm going to give myself six points of light on hands healing as well Okay There's like six left What does that do? Does that make me feel better? Drinks me a mushroom tea? Yeah, that's right It'll help you, it'll bolster you

My hand floats over. Oh, the goopy one? So I will... Wouldn't it also have no bones in it? It's midget. Well, it has bones, but they're not very, like, you know, it's just sort of like... It's got no bones, but it's, like, magically fortified. Yeah.

- If you were trying to use the hand from your no bones hand, that would just be a limp mage hand. You would have to use the hand from your good hand. - Correct. - It's like holding up a cup of tea with a balloon. - You don't get to somehow think your way out of this. - Just let me. - I flip a switch on my shoulder and just. - Air dryer.

Fuck yes. I had a slump thing that did that. It was fucking awesome. Fuck yes! My hand detaches from the mist and floats over. I'll hand him a small wooden cup filled with like a murky brown liquid and I'll just kind of, as I hand it to you, I'll graze your fingers and cast carowinds on you. Oh. I don't even need to drink this, I guess. No, it's rude not to drink. Here we go.

You'll see it spills out of my ribs a little bit. It gets on the floor. We can't even taste it, can you? No. Can't taste it. Damn, girl. Why are we healing so good? You're not rolling well otherwise. We gotta roll it somewhere. Oh, I feel nice. Does anyone else like some? Thanks for brushing your fingers against me. If it will...

I'm feeling okay, but I would enjoy some tea if it will not weaken you for the coming fight. I think the implication is not weakening. If you feel... Well, then I think we will be okay, as long as we do not face any animated guillotines, I think we'll be all right. All right. Are we ready? I hate that sound. Steal yourselves. Stay close to me, and I will do my best to protect everyone.

Thank you. Roll a perception check and advantage for me, Marius. Damn.

I'm gonna go... I don't feel like plucking up... 23. Perfect, thank you. I cast Cure Wounds on myself. If you know the reference and why it's relevant, let us know in the comments. I'll give you the other half of the calzone that knows we'll eat. And with that, Marius, you begin to lead the way into the next section so you may uncover the map.

you travel through a small corridor out into an open chasm all the way down at the very bottom. And you find yourself in front of what appears to be a large chasm deep within this place. And it is hard to see what is down at the very bottom, but from here you can clearly hear the rushing of waters. What appears to be a deep

well spring of water. Water that probably travels all over Folsons. This is clearly so deep. It is probably the waters that are

bringing the disease and pestilence from this cave to every single place in this area. And as you listen and look down, you don't just hear water. You can hear what sounds to be the movements of millions of centipedes. Yeah. Vander, help us. Okay, cast.

purify chasm water. Looking ahead of you, you see that at once there had clearly been a bridge here, probably used during the mining of this cave for gold. But now it is dilapidated and broken, the wooden slats hanging limp against the side of the chasm, the rope completely eaten away. The only way over is to jump.

Are we able to roughly gauge at the distance? It's about 10 to 15 feet. And what are the jump rules? Because my strength is like, I can jump like a thousand feet or something insane. Looks like we're going to have to jump. Ha ha ha ha!

Yeah, I've got no problem jumping. Well, couldn't you just walk along the wall over there and point over this wall? Yes, but I'm very strong, so I'm gonna jump. I want the spectacle of it. Are we actually using the jump rules or am I gonna have to roll like a... So you're gonna... So you would have to roll an acrobatics or an athletics. I think athletics for me, for this... You can choose. Old vampire. Yeah, I would definitely choose athletics because that's the one that I'm proficient in. Um...

What do we think? We can all just make it across? I mean... I have no concerns on my own, but dragonless? One long with me, I don't know. Maybe we can throw you. I was going to suggest the same thing. Great minds. Together. Probably throw you pretty far. Let's attach a rope first. Well, that's a good idea. I suppose we should get them across first.

I start to, I bend down and I dig out, do I have rope? Let's find out, shall we? And... Lepica. I mean, not Lepica. Farron. I'm attached to you and you still don't know my name.

I'm sorry. I don't know if Scarecrow is going to blush. He's truly, Scarecrow is truly embarrassed. And I feel like, oh, I don't want to be a whole, I know I'm just a hunk of wood and metal and straw and burlap and a horrible, gross crow demon. But I don't want to be the anchor around your neck and I'll just do, I'll do, wah, wah, wah, wah.

I'm gonna gas levitate on myself. Does that work on pits? What the hell? Yeah. And so I'll levitate 20 feet in the air. Ah! Ah!

Now they're like a balloon. Oh, God. How can we make us more horrible? So what I will say is levitate doesn't make you fly. It lets you levitate off the ground. The ground is thousands of feet below you once you get over that casa. So what I will say is instead of being disadvantaged on your jump, it'll be a natural jump. Okay. Because of the levitate. And you'll make the jump. Okay.

I actually think that's gonna be quite helpful. You feel as hard as you can get. I'm miscalculating. Your hat begins to slowly lift from your head.

I've seen Willow Wonka in the chocolate bar. I love to laugh! I need you all to roll a constitution saving throw, and by you all, I mean Marius. Can I pull it out one more time? Come on. Come on. Lathander, don't fuck me. Those were two very conflicting statements. I was doing Mary Poppins. I get it. I get it, too.

- You feel the energies of this place begin to overcome you, but you are able to shake them off, only barely. - I steel myself. Quick, we have to hurry. It's getting worse.

Just walk the wall then and get the rope on the other side. Okay, fine, then fuck you guys. I run really fast, I run along the wall and I get to the other side. There is no wall along the other side. There's a subterranean river and it just keeps going. You imagine, I mean, you could run along the side and see how far you get, but. No, I'm good. Just run down a thousand feet and then up a thousand feet. Into the water in the centerpiece? Yeah. Into the darkness. So who's going to jump first?

I'll do it. I don't have any rub, so I could go first. Alright. Y'all just start jumping, and then somebody dies, then die. And so, Mirthful Leaps. Whenever you make a long or high jump, you can roll a d8 and add that number to the amount of people you covered. That's kinda tight. Cause I'm a d8-er person! F8-er? I don't even know her.

I don't know why I did that. I got a 20 and a five. - Let's go. - So I assume you are with Jericho floating at your side, you run back and with your fawn legs or your satyr legs, you're able to rush forward and leap easily over this chasm. You feel for a second like Jericho is going to pull you down, but he,

remains light at your side, almost like a balloon, and you are able to land safely on the other side. As you land, though, your feet sink into the ground, popping a boil that is right at your feet as you are completely covered in pus and blood and a foul stench. Nice.

This is almost really good. Does it do anything bad or just makes me stinky? It just makes you really stinky. Oh, we're stinky now. We really cannot get any worse. No, it really couldn't. Well, now that you said it, I'm sure it will. Let's see who's next to jump the dark chasm above us. I believe that I am next to cut, and I will attempt to jump over. Wait, should we toss over a rope for you?

Do you have rope? I should assume. I assume I would have rope. I made the assumption as well, but it was not in the inventory. Did he start with regular inventory?

You started with whatever you started with. What pack did you start with? I didn't start with any pack because I'm dumb. I didn't start with any pack. Not all packs have rope. That's true. I have a backpack and rope. Okay. Do you have rope hempen 50 feet? I have rope hempen 50 feet. There you go. And you have rope. Well, I didn't know if I just put that in there or if I was allowed to. No, that would have been your pack. Did you put it in there? I don't even know if it must have been in your pack. Part of the character creation process. Ah.

No, you probably pick your pack. Well, we can say that I put it in your pack. Peter Packer picked his pack. You have rope. What are you going to do? I'm going to take some rope out awkwardly with one arm and... That's okay. Catch it. And what are you going to tie the other end of the rope to?

There's a rail tied to any of the boards that are nailed to the ground. Okay. You do that. So you're now holding one end of the rope and the other one is tied to the portion of the bridge. I'm not good at knots, I'm sorry. Over then under. Oh. So I'll tie that...

Just be careful when you land. It's a little goopy over here. I will take the other side of the rope, quickly work it around my waist as tightly as possible, tie it up, and then with enough slack to give myself a good run, I will leap off the edge and over to the other side. Can I twist that? Yes. Yes, you may. Please, God, do. Uh-huh. What?

- Oh, that's... Nope. - Oh. - It was 18 over here, but yeah. - But it was so big. - Uh-oh. - Lefka, you run and you leap into the air. - I'm not used to my long neck. - And you are not, yeah, exactly. You're not used to the long neck that is now sprouting from you. And you make it to the other edge for just a second, but your feet slip on the clearly,

The clearly mush-like texture of the flesh, not ground, that is right here at the edge as you begin to slide and fall down into the cavern. You fall 20, 30, 40, 50 feet and you feel your insides pull as the rope around your waist pulls against the tautness of the bridge up above.

But the bridge is two decades old with no repair as it completely gives way and you begin to plummet another 10, 20, 30, 40 feet. And then all of a sudden you feel something catch you digging into your flesh, feeling all along you.

And you look around, this is in a magical darkness and it takes a while. There is light below you, you can now hear the rushing of the water as it moves past. It is not too far from you, you can see scorpion, or it's not scorpions why I keep saying that, centipedes coating the length of the walls not too far below you, all over swimming in the water. And you realize that you are being held up by strange fleshy hands protruding from the walls.

is they wrap themselves around you and you look into the length of the cavern wall and you see that almost jutting out from it appears to be an absolutely monstrous, gigantic centipede as it begins to move you one hand after the next up the length of it.

as it is moving you to the other side. And you hear in your mind, almost as if these hands are imbuing you with some kind of telepathic magic. You won't die here.

You have to meet my children. As some extension of this hag will not let you drown here today, as this strange centipede in the form of the wall begins to move you back up and toss you over, you will, however, take...

six points of piercing damage as they're not, they weren't like the hands of her familiar where they were human hands. They were like the centipedes, like talons. And as they moved you all the way up, almost like a ladder was piercing into you and causing harm. Yeah, like if you've seen Labyrinth and she's got the helping hands. Which one do you want to go? It's just like that, but with the centipede instead. This is not the end for Giraffica.

The good news is your head was like over the branch the whole time, so you're just having casual conversations. When I initially jumped and fell, I liked the idea that I grabbed onto the edge of the bridge and you could see my super fucking long neck stretched out under the rail. I was like, fly, you fools. Who's next? Um...

Instead, I stand at the now collapsed bridge cliff edge on the other side. I will say you do look down and you see that that form, that gigantic centipede is now gone. It looks like if someone were to fall at this point, there would be no helping hands to help them up. I will hook my neck over the cliff and say, you will regret this. It should be the point where I probably roll one now. We can hope so. Who's next?

How are you feeling about this? You're going to be all right. No. What choice do I have? I mean, unless you want to sit around for like an hour. Can't you teleport short distances? I'd have to sit around for an hour. Oh, that's where you're going. The rope is still around. Yeah, but it was loosened and probably there's like a dangling piece of wood from the other end. Yeah. Throw me the fucking rope and hold on to it this time.

That's exactly right. We've got three of us over here now. You can't make much. You're mostly rotten. I'll use the plank as ballast to toss the rope over to you. Do we catch it? Yeah. I am going to... For the sake of brevity, yeah. I'm going to fly. Here, float me over, and I'm going to try to basically float over the chasm. Just keep your foot in. Because you two are attached, that wouldn't work. Oh, yeah, that's true. Oh. Well, I'm going to stretch out my arm.

I'm gonna fashion to myself, you better hold tight, and I'm going to jump. Roll for it, Blaze. All three of us are holding onto the rope. Athletics or acrobatics? You should be okay. Don't tie yourself at the very end of the rope. Not yet.

- Everyone fails. - I'm about to miss, I rolled a 14 and I'm gonna be like, oh no, Crossroads help! And I'm going to add a three to that. - Nice. - That's a 17 total. - You are with the help of Mr. Crossroads, you do feel yourself slipping and falling backwards. You see the chasm below you, but you are able to, it's almost as if a friendly hand pushes you forward as you lunge forward and you are safely on the other side.

Nice job. Alright, Jorgrim. I'm sure you'll see Roy. Good luck. With an unnaturally deft amount of speed, I run at the cliff and hope I don't trip. Seventeen.

you are able to rush forward. You watch as Marius gets down, even though he is weighed down by the plate armor that he's wearing, and natural inhuman speed overtakes him as he quickly and gracefully leaps over to the other side. - Does he make a sound when he lands? - No, no sound, just quiet. - I will back up and run towards the edge with a totally normal amount of speed.

- If only I didn't have this tombstone. - Barely any convenience. - What is it? - Oh, yeah. - You are able to rush forward and jump over the arms on your back, the foot that's now appeared on your thigh pushing, I told you that there was a lump there on your thigh, a full foot.

has started to form from your thigh. It's pushing out at your pants, trying to break through the fibers, and they're flailing, trying to knock you off balance, but you are able to safely make it over to the other side. ♪ I believe I can fly ♪ - All right, well, I guess we all made it. We might as well proceed. - We proceed. - You do. - I wonder how far in the Templars made it. - Oh.

Yeah, I would say you would probably guess the entrance way. And you make it down to, you begin walking through a dark cavern that twists its way up and around and you can keep going until you get to the cavern on the next side, right before the color starts to change. There you go.

You make your way in and it is dark but the dancing lights, the pumpkins, illuminate an area around you and for the first time in this place you feel almost a sense of calm, a sense of quiet. But the smell is getting worse here. The smell of sweat reminds you so much of the room that you almost drowned in in the crooked house.

The smell of body odor just billows up around you with every step that you take. The smell of pus is becoming all too familiar. I need you, Marius, I need you to make a constitution saving throw. This is absolutely no way I'd get this for like a sixth or seventh time, right? Hey, you know. Come on, Lathander. We got it ready to go. Come on, Lathander, help me. I once watched someone roll four natural 20th in a row.

16. I think I finally failed one. That is not enough. I need you to roll a d6 and let me know if it's a 4. Roll until you get a 4 or a 5. Oh. Or just flip a coin. Coin flip that? Yeah, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. 9. 2, 2. 4. I was going to say you purchased us. Yeah, you're absolutely going to merge. You're going to hate me. I'm so sorry. What else can you do?

You turn towards you are leading the way and the light is reflecting off of the beautiful shining metal surface of your armor and you turn to say something to your friends and they all see that covered from head to toe you are covered in

like ugly popping cysts. - I'm a leper now. - Red, disgusting, gross cysts that pop and ooze with every motion that you make. As your armor rubs against your flesh, they pop and more sprout up. The smell is nearly overwhelming, so much so that it hinders your movement.

And you will find out what happens during combat. I'm sure I'm just going to be stuck. That is... Not good. That is what is happening to you. And I will reveal in Adventures in Chill what the one was that nobody got.

But you are able to move forward as you all witness this. You see that Marius has finally succumbed to the aura inside of this cave. As you make your way into another cavern, it's dark here at first. Then you begin to see bits of bioluminescence. A strange red and purple bioluminescence appear on the walls. A dot here, a dot there, a dot here, a dot there.

And then you hear the slithering and you see the hands begin to pull itself up out of the crevice.

As the horrible, horrible face of the hags familiar looks at all of you and it smiles as it dips back down into the fleshy surface along one of these walls and where it disappears you begin to see the flesh grow yet again in a way you're familiar with until a tumor-like postulant bulb sits before you. A mouth begins to form on it and open as you hear the hags speak.

I will make Mother Midnight love me. My wicked sister will pay. Go, love. Resting away in Cyril like a princess. We will see which one of us wins in the end. What I do to you will make Mother Midnight love me the most. Third and second no more. Stenoga will triumph. But now, it's time for you to meet my children.

Tell them that mommy says hello. And all of a sudden, the room will erupt in light. As you see from the corner of the room, three large, horrifying, shambling monsters begin to rush towards you. The first that you see is unlike anything you could ever imagine. It appears to be...

20 torsos formed together, the top one still containing the head, into a human-like centipede that rushes towards you out of the darkness. Its movements are undulating this way and that. The torso's not fully working in unison. You can take that and pass that around. As it tries to move, but it's so difficult, only one of the torsos containing a head...

And then following behind it, you see where all of the heads went. One giant torso, all of the heads protruding from every single portion of it. Lopsided and twisted, they all look at you and smile and gurgle. None of them having the ability to speak, but the disgusting noises that they make are more than enough as their mouths froth.

and finally following them, the last child of Stenoga. Oh, I might have given you the wrong one. This is the head one.

- The final one. - That's so much worse. - The final one is the rest of the body parts, arms, legs, noses, or not noses, arms, legs, additional torsos, feet, hands, all amalgamized into this gigantic form as all of them skitter out of the darkness and head directly toward you. And that is where we will end the session.

The heads is really gross. I don't know which one's more... The first one's pretty bad. They're all pretty fucked up, Kels! I'm horrible at my automation. Jesus! I think it's 1, 2, 3 in order of carefulness. 1, 3, 2.

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