cover of episode Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 38 | The Webs They Weave: Part 2

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 38 | The Webs They Weave: Part 2

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Legends of Avantris

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#educational#literature and publishing#video game discussion#mystery and suspense#relationship dynamics and dating#absent father People
Captain Freewing
Toa Komonui
Torvald Anvilhard
@Toa Komonui : 我们需要重铸法杖,将其制成武器,终结巴弗灭在这个位面的统治。这是一个艰巨的任务,需要我们团结一致,克服重重困难。首先,我们需要与法杖分离,以便准备重铸过程。然后,我们需要净化自己,去除身上的污秽。在这个过程中,我们需要保持冷静和清醒的头脑,不要被恐惧和绝望所吞噬。我相信,只要我们齐心协力,就一定能够成功。 @Captain Freewing : 我曾经是一个充满愤怒和仇恨的人,但我已经改变了。在永恒之花的治愈和宁静中,我看到了过去错误的根源,并认识到愤怒和仇恨是没有必要的。现在,我明白了,我们应该装作相信他们所说的话,并假装我们是为了帮助他们,而实际上他们很可能是敌人。为了Molly,我们必须这样做。 @Caprice : 我做了一个噩梦,梦中我看到一个雕像,它预示着我的厄运。这个雕像有着六只眼睛,四只翅膀,一只手向上,一只手向下。它让我感到恐惧和不安。梦中的声音告诉我,我被诅咒了,只有它才能拯救我。但我拒绝了它的帮助,因为我相信我的朋友们。 @Torvald Anvilhard : 我很高兴见到@Herja 。我已经好几周没见到她了,我很担心。我戒酒了,并且减轻了体重。我跟着天空中的一道金光来到了这里,并在这里重铸法杖。这是一个神圣的仪式,需要你们每个人的参与。你们需要把个人信物投入熔化的金属中,这是仪式的一部分。这需要你们付出自己的灵魂,但这是值得的。 @Felix : 我对这个重铸法杖的仪式感到不安。我担心这可能会导致一些不好的后果。但我相信我的朋友们,我们一定能够克服困难,成功重铸法杖。 @Lufty : 我会尽我所能帮助我的朋友们。我会照顾Caprice,并为他准备茶水。我也会尽力解决Caprice的问题。 @Iris : 我会尽我所能帮助我的朋友们。我会支持他们,并为他们加油。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Hey man, welcome to Legends of Adventress. I'm Toa Komonui and you're listening to Beneath Thark Wings. Here's basically what happened last time. How is a week past? That's not possible. How do you intend to use the rod? What are you going to do with it? The Warchief has been preparing his entire unnaturally long life for this moment. We will reforge it, fashion it into a weapon, and Warchief Frostfang

We'll put an end to Baphomet's reign on this plane. What you're saying is we have to separate from the rod so that you can prepare it for the process of re-ing into the law rod, and then we have to go get untainted? Yes, we will purify you in our hot springs. Feel the warmth, the pure water all around you. And tell me of a time you were at peace. Tell me about a time you experienced unity. Tell me about a time

when you felt good. Captain Freewing! How are you feeling, sir? Captain Freewing, how are you feeling, sir? Hey, Freewing, what's up, buddy? I'm feeling great, thanks. Thank you.

I used to be someone who was filled with anger and hatred and rage and bitterness, but that's not me anymore. I guess, oh no, ow, ow. I only have one arm, fuck. After experiencing the healing and the tranquility of the Eternal Blossom, I see that that is what led me to the failures, to the loss, to the anger, and there was no need for it.

There was no need at all. My obsession with being a free spirit, having stupid wings of liberty, was all useless. What? I see now. We should toe the line. Pretend as if we believe what they're saying, and pretend that we are in it to help them. All the while knowing that they more than likely are the enemy. For the Wally.

We have to do this for her, Molly. As you all have been reeling from your time in limbo, feeling a little definitely more rested and relaxed after your time in the Hot Springs, after N-Beneath Airwings finally got a Hot Springs episode, you all settle down and you finally manage to fall asleep.

Caprice. This is never good. Oh no! Sorry. You begin to dream. You are... It's darkness. Same as it always is. You see, once again, the shadows start to shift, start to shape, and you see a silhouette.

And at this point, you are just ready at this point. You're used to it almost. You recall your previous dream of a similar nature, and you see the silhouette start to take form, and you're expecting that same shapely feminine form. And then cold blasts you. Suddenly there's no more darkness. There's no shadow. There's the cold. There's the wind.

There's the sky above you, a horrific mountain peak below you. As the wind wraps around you, you suddenly no longer feel the chill. You feel calm. You feel nothing. But what you see is what's important. Directly ahead of you is the same statue you remember. The six eyes on a bird's head. Four wings. One hand up, one hand down.

The statue stands before you, high above Gronn. And where you were expecting Glazia is now far worse than even that horrible nightmare. And as the eyes of the statue are seemingly still, they are frozen. You still feel them piercing deep into your soul. And as the howling of the wind stops,

Silence overcomes you. And then you hear a voice. You are doomed. She has you. You require respite. You require salvation. And you feel like you can respond. What's it to you? Only I can save you from your fate. You have seen

What she will do. You have seen what is happening around you. Do you think that you all will get out of this? Your souls say, what will happen to you? What will happen to your child? What will happen to Hersha? I don't have the answers to those questions. How? How?

I have already told you. But how can I trust? I can't trust anyone in this world. Except for my friends, I can't trust your promises. I can't trust hers. A man on the edge should trust no one.

But you do not have the luxury of trust, do you, Caprice? The statue stares, unmoving, unblinking, the six eyes boring into you. The wind seems to howl, the snow whips around, but it's as if you are in a void. You may accept my gift. I can help you. Do you think you're friends, Ganon?

What is your plan? The hour draws near where you will make a choice. Why not be freed of such a choice? Why not say my name thrice? You know, you could just come to me. You don't have to do all this...

You're freaking me out, all right, man? You're freaking me out. I just, I don't want to be here anymore. I can make choices for myself. I do not need your help. I do not accept a single gift from you, all right? Is that your final selection, Caprice? You should have got to me sooner, man. The answer might have been yes, but I trust in my friends. I'm confident we're going to be able to get through this. Very well. You know how.

to call me. Apparently you know how to call me. I do. My eyes are on you. I, Cabris, am far more than you even understand. I did not always have six eyes. Farewell from Pazuzu. And you are suddenly jolted awake. Heard ya?


Am I okay? Everyone's feeling like they had. Shit, I'm not okay. Hearing the distress in his voice, I'm gonna rip off the covers and like patter across all the broken charts all over the floor. Fuck. Hey, what's wrong? I'm right here, it's okay. And I'm like, grab your hand in bed. You can feel that I'm shaking, cold sweat. What's what happened? I was back on top of the mountain.

Oh no. I saw the statue again. It spoke to me. Did you bring your winter boots this time? I didn't need them. I could have been like we were in the hot spring and I would have been fine. It wasn't... This is such a complex situation and we can't... You're gonna... I don't know what to do. Just breathe. It's okay. You'll be okay. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere.

Just stay with me for a minute. Okay. Yeah, you don't want to get up right now. It's kind of messy. You're definitely gonna get some splinters. So maybe we should just stay here. Okay. Okay. Okay. Nice and quick. And give him a big hug. That's better. Yeah. That's better.

You know, I stink, but I can't seem to wash it off. Not even Golden Borders can wash it off. It's a good stink. It's not as bad as everyone says. Oh, well, it's good. You should wear an outside shirt. Thank God I'm not going to bust it. It's not good. Oh, boy. Tell me about it. Walk me through it. What I told you before about the statue? Mm-hmm. Uh...

It spoke to me again and said that he was going to free me of the thing that we also have already spoken about and that he could give me a gift of some kind. I don't know what kind of gift that would have been. I said no, though. I think I did okay. You did great. You did great, Caprice. I'm very proud of you. I don't know.

I could have just doomed us all. Well, we're not going anywhere and we'll find out soon enough, I suppose. Better than you taking it. Not knowing what it is. Did he tell you what he was going to give you? No, and I don't think it's the last time we're going to see him. Is she still visiting you at night? I would say it's been weeks since I've been visited by Glossia. Yeah, it was right before the whole mountain pass, I believe. My dreams have been...

Dreamless. I've been having the normal dreams. You know, wacky shenanigans. Do you think they're separate? They're not... They're definitely not working together. This woman and this being. I hadn't thought of that. Fuck. Oh, no. Oh, my God.

Well, I didn't mean to add, you know, oil and fire here. I suppose it's possible that this whole thing has been an illusion because of the person who owns my line. I suppose that's true, but something tells me that I'm kind of getting competed for. This seemed like a new courting, so to speak. I wonder why.

Is there any reason why both of them would be going after you? I don't think anyone else has been having these kind of nightmares. The only reason I can think of is because maybe... Maybe he's against the person who's been trying to manipulate me all along? I could have allied, but that just seems like choosing the worst of two evils, or just an evil against an evil. You're rocking a thin rope, and they're just hoping you're gonna teeter one way or another. Jesus...

I just want to play music. I don't want any of this. Let's play some music then. Would that make you feel better? I'll, uh... I'll grab my viol and I'll start just from a tune.

Sometimes in the morning I am petrified and can't move. Awake but cannot open my eyes. And the weight is crushing down on my lungs. I know I can't breathe and hope someone will save me sometime.

And your mother's still cold in her grave. She lies. It never gets easier with time. Maybe you should give in to the devils that possess you. The gods, they never blessed your insides. Then you... You got it. Keep going. It didn't help. Just...

Can you be Bakespoon and see him in the morning? Sure. I'll be Bakespoon for you, Caprice, any day. I'll just roll over. I'll tuck him in, like, full-on mummified sausage mode all the way down to his feet, and then I'll crawl up next to him, and I'll give him the Bakespoons. As you were settling in, Caprice, you hear the flapping of wings. You look, and there's just a crane on the edge of the lake.

It shoots its head in and spears a fish. And it raises its head and it turns. And you see one of its eyes linger on you for just a little bit. Or for flying away into the night. I shut my eyes immediately shut, pretending I didn't see that. And I try to enjoy the warm embrace of Herja and see if I can get to sleep. And you all enjoy a long rest. I'm going to get up early and make myself some tea.

You do that. And I will be waiting in the common area where the fire pit is. Maybe I will have started a fire. Yeah. And I will be drinking tea while I peruse over my spell book and continue to work on the solution for the Caprice problem. But I would never call it that in front of his face. Okay. You are working on the Caprice problem, totally oblivious and unaware to just how much the Caprice problem has advanced since you went to sleep.

I would have probably gotten up with... Yeah, you get up together and you see Revali over on the far end of the lake sitting underneath a tree with beautiful golden blossoms as he seems to meditate. I would make no effort to get anywhere near Revali. Got it. I'm hurt by his words. I would have my totem, my maul in my lap. For my pack, I would have just kind of some pigments and, you know, as I use it and be

being that it's just a hunk of wood, paint gets chipped off and I would basically touch up and sort of try to keep it as fully colored as possible from any damage that it's sustained over the past battles. You do that. The rest of you wake up as you would. I'm going to wake up before Caprice knowing that he generally sleeps in and I'm going to like pull my pillow down as I'm like sliding out and just like press it up against his back so it still feels like I'm there.

And I'm just going to tuck him in gently. And with minimizing the sound of my clattering thunder thighs, I will try to like tiptoe out of the room and also try to make him some tea or something to help him wake up in the morning. I might be awake during all of that, but sometimes in the morning I feel petrified and can't move. So I stay awake and just try to muster strength for the day.

I probably won't notice that because you're facing away. It's dark. That's pretty fucked up. See, I'll come pattering back in with tea and biscuits and just be like, "Hi, good morning!" And just like kind of pile them onto my plate and like hike up my pajama pants that my butt crack is showing and I'll just like patter back over to Caprice's room.

It's also your room. Oh yeah, it's our room. I knock, of course. I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. Lifty and Iris are still sleeping. And it's starting to get late in the morning. Hey, Caprice. And I'm like, trying not to knock over the teacup, I'm just gonna... Hey, yeah, what's up? I made you some

I mean, I don't know what kind of food they have here, but I just brought whatever Toa and Felix were eating because they didn't seem they were immediately poisoned by it or foaming at the mouth, so I assume it's safe to eat. So I thought I'd bring you some for a good morning. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Cheers. Yeah, okay. Cheers. And I'll enjoy a breakfast with her. Do that. The morning gets on a little bit and your escort still hasn't arrived.

Eventually, you hear the heavy, measured footsteps of what sounds like approaching orcs. And you see them turn the corner, and they are heavily armored in that same elegant design as all the others. The tendrils looking just the same, the same length, and they...

let you know that the time to begin the process of the reforging has arrived. And they will give you a few moments to get ready and join them.

Is everyone ready? It's forging time. Dun, dun, dun, dun. I'm just gonna... There's gonna be a whole cutscene of me donning my armor. Montage style. It's gonna be a montage style. Tying the laces. You need a montage! You're just, like, practicing your black... I'm gonna nod, like, at the group, but specifically try to get Caprice's attention and, like, speak to him, maybe as he lags behind and the rest of the group falls behind.

Yeah, you're able to do that. If there's a moment. I would say there'd be a moment easily, yeah. Hey, Caprice, I...

I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I know that I kinda lost my cool when we were all in the hot tub, which is weird, but regardless, it was everything after that happened with Limbo and seeing Toa disappear right in front of my eyes, I kinda lost who I was. And then I was yelling at you, and I didn't mean to. And I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, and I know that you know the severity of the situation, and...

And I don't mean to belittle you or your sense of humor because I know that you just do what you do because you do. And I wanted to know that I trust you and I know that you're going to do the right thing. And that's all. Sure.

And I just wanted to apologize. And I hope that, you know, if anything weird were to happen, you would tell me. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. No, you don't need to apologize. Yesterday was a fuck of a day. I mean, think about all of the shit we went through in Limbo. Crazy. Shibatu was surprisingly stereotypical. It was just really bizarre. Yeah. And then we had the hut.

springs action and we've seen all of each other's junks now except for yours so you're the only person who hasn't shown everybody else your thing actually really that I mean that seems like you really should do that just to clear the air I don't think we have to go there you know I mean I understand how complex my situation is and I really appreciate you expressing concern additionally last night it got overly complicated

complicated because the creature at the top of the mountain that I described to you earlier came to me and offered me a gift in order to free me from my terrible, eternal hellish contract. So, you know, I'll see you at the forge. What? What? Gabriels? Gabriels, come back!

Um, can you tell me that one more time? I will absolutely tell you that one more time because I know you're interested and I'm not holding anything back anymore from you guys. You're having a good time with me, aren't you? Yeah, yeah. Alright, so... And then I really quickly recount what I experienced in my dream. Okay. And I said no. And that I trusted my friends. And so, uh... Be a good friend.

Of course. Absolutely. I would never think to be anything else. Nice holes in your hands, buddy. Well, not your hands. Technically a devil's hand, but in your hands to help wrestle a tree.

Thank you for telling me. Otherwise, I'll be doomed for my entire lineage for eternity. We're gonna solve this, alright? Please do. There's no question in this world that we can't answer with enough knowledge. I believe that. We're gonna fix it. Damn straight. Let's go. Nothing we can't do. Fuck yeah. Right. I'm excited about the plan. Let's go. Okay. I'll... Right behind you.

I'll run to catch up with you. I'll knock on Lufty and Iris' door. Hey, guys? You hear yelling inside. Is everyone okay? I'll kick the door out. Iris, you promised. You promised me. She promised me. What did she promise you? She said she would not again get... She's so cute when she sleeps.

But she again got chicken wings while I was asleep. And she ate them like it was not even a big deal. But it wasn't a big deal. But I can't stay mad at her. We can probably get you chicken wings. They have pistachios that are already pre-dechilled. They must have everything. If you want chicken wings, I would feel like it could be a rain. It's just different when they're hers. They just taste a little bit better. Iris!

Iris! Don't wake her, she's so sweet. Oh, no, we have to go, no, we have to wake her. Oh. I'll carry her, maybe. Oh, she would love this. Is she, is she, do you think she would? Yeah, you carry her, and I'll carry the wings. I'll, uh, I'll gently pick up Iris. Is she dressed? I'm in my negligee. Iris, can you wake up, please? Quick to go. Shh!

- Oh yeah, I just put you right back down into these big rocky arms. - No, I want to be in the bed. See now I'm turning into a winged girl. - We are Vistani. - It's so hard. - It is.

I want to go back to the bed, Lufty. Not rocks. The bed. Please. I'll put her down. And I'll slowly flutter my eyes open. Lufty, you're grey. Are you tired? No, that's me. Oh! Toa! Toa! Um... Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. You look good. I will. I'm sorry. Good morning, Toa. I just think those guards are waiting for us and it'd just be disrespectful to keep them waiting any longer. Well, if you could go into...

They're... they're... around. With like your face away. Oh yeah, I'll wait outside, just wanted to let you know. Great, thank you. Alright, I'll leave and I'll just like, meet with everybody else. Is it? You brought this on yourself. I asked you a question, but you didn't. No. How did I bring this upon myself?

You don't have the decency to lick the chicken grease off of your lips. And you said it to me? Let me get this straight. I'm awoken from a dream where I have a lovely feeling chasing a butterfly. That sounds nice. In the arms of two. And you're angry that before you came back to the room, I had dinner? Yeah. Yes, I am.

Lufty? What? You will carry me today? All day? Yes, I would, but I'm just so weak from not shaking. No, no, Lufty. You will, or I will tell Felix what you say while you're sleeping.

What do I say when I'm sleeping? Carry me. I have a climb onto her back. Go. Her claws sink into my shoulders. And rejoin. You do that. As you join the guards, and they are very obviously not talkative. You smell good, though. Uh...

They're very untalkative as they guide you through the city.

And you see now, you are high up in the mountains at this point, and you see the bridges going over the various ravines and chasms. And now, plain as day, there is not smoke there. It's not just smoke. It's not just the distant destruction. You see, as far as you can, fields of beastmen, of the transformed giants, the ettins, the orcs that have turned.

It is a massive army that is descending upon Mogra Kai. And once again, the vibe and the atmosphere has not changed. Everyone is going about their business. And you see that there is some marshalling happening and some defenses, but no panic, no rushing, just waiting for the inevitable to come.

You are guided through, and you do seem to notice up ahead, up on the peaks, far more yetis than you have seen previously, all hanging off of various rocky outcroppings or in caves, and they seem to be at the ready for something.

And you make your way through and you see a plume of smoke rising from a building, a circular building. And the doors are open and there is a warm glow coming from it. And this is definitely not a building that you've been brought to. But with this large of a city, there's no way that you could have seen the whole thing while you've been here.

And as you approach, you see that hitched out front is a wagon filled with all sorts of blacksmithing equipment. And Herja, you recognize that wagon. And you don't even need to see the seal that's been hammered onto the hilt of one of the swords to know that this is your father's cart. And you are brought up.

you are brought up to the building, and as you make your way up the stairs and into the glow, you are in the midst of a massive forge, and you feel the heat as soon as you step a mere 10 feet from the door, as you...

Also notice that the way that this has been built out is not the same style of architecture as everything else in Moverkei. And it's immediately given away when you see hanging above the entrance to this is the symbol of Morden.

the god of the dwarves, the god of the forge. As you see the hard lines, the jagged edges, not a single curve in this room, and you see massive bellows going into a roaring fire, large trays of molds

just rows and rows and rows of all sorts of hammers. Go ahead. Does it look like the things that you've described now, the sharp angles and all that, is older than everything else? No, I would say that it's new. It's been built. Okay. It's been built out. Is that the Simbolano shield? It is, and that was my dad's card. Oh, right.

You think so? My dad's a guard. He's gotta be close. I'm not trying to cause a scene here, but there's no fucking way he's not in this house. He's somewhere in the city. Well, let's all keep our cool, but keep an eye out for him, and if you see him, say something. This is kind of unusual, no? Like, would I know that having, like, a sanctuary warden in the middle of a...

- This is very bizarre. - Or city. - It does not make sense. And it seems to be all inside. The outside of the building seemed normal compared to what you had seen. But you can see the large smoke stacks as just plumes and plumes of smoke billow out from it. And you hear the groaning of the bellows going in and out, the roaring of the fire. And you hear the clanging of

of a hammer on an anvil or some kind of metal of wrought iron, wrought steel. And you almost start to sweat immediately as you get further and further into this, into the long hallway that leads to this glowing forge.

And as you all enter the room, you see that there is a massive anvil with a mold built into it. And perfectly placed in seven parts is the rod of the seven parts. And you see that there is...

that there's a massive vat of molten metal on the far end of the room with grooves and channels going into this mold. And the roaring flame is almost, it's almost blinding from its glow as you see a single figure in this forge hammering away at something on this, at the head of this anvil. And then you see him take it and pull,

drive it into the cool water and the water vapor the water vapor and steam fills the room and you see two tongs or rather a pair of tongs reach in and grab it

and pulls out one of the final pieces. The seventh piece of the rod goes exactly into its slot. As the steam clears, you see a stout dwarven gentleman with a wild, bushy beard, his face completely covered in soot, with a leather apron. And he...

And you see, as his eyes adjust, you see that he has small eyes deeply set into his head, great big bushy eyebrows. And you all see Torvald Anvilhard. And as soon as you enter the room, he looks at you, Herja, and he says, "Oh, hi there, Herja. How you doing?"

I immediately like reach and grab for Kerpreis' hand and I'm like digging my nails into his skin and just completely aghast. Did you have a good trip? Yeah, yeah. Is that you? Yeah, me. Do you not recognize your old pa? I've been looking for you for fucking weeks.

Do you know how worried Mai is right back home in Yonah? Are you out of your fucking mind? Well, gee, Erja, the second you get here, you're starting yelling at me. Come on, give your old man a hug. He waddles over and you see that this man is just slightly larger than Erja as he gives you a mighty bear hug. And you are completely covered in soot and...

and filth and grime and oils that he's been working on as he steps back and like, "Well, your mother, I was going to send for her once we, uh, once we took care of this old bad, uh, bad demon business, you know? It's not safe yet." I'm just like feeling his face and his cheeks and like kind of his shoulders and down his waist and just trying to make sense of like-- I have lost a little bit of weight. I stopped drinking.

There's no way you stopped drinking. No! What? Yeah, no, I realized what it was doing to my relationships and I had an epiphany while I was out working the forge. I was out one morning, I saw a flash of gold in the sky. And I heard the calling of a beautiful voice and it was... It was great.

So is that calling why you couldn't write a fucking letter back home to let us know you were doing okay? Do you realize how long you've been missing for?

Well, I mean, I knew it would take a while, but I had hope that you would show up eventually. That's what she said. I'm going to, like, look around for a second, see if I can, like, pull him aside, like, or, like, all eyes on us kind of thing, or can I, like, talk to him privately? It's just him and you guys. Oh, okay. Are these your new friends? Yeah. I was told you would have friends. No, these are, this is, like, my friends.

Oh yeah, for lack of a better word, they're my traveling family, Dad.

Oh, well. Hello, traveling family. I'm Torvald. I'm Urge's dad. It's nice to meet you. Hi, my name is Capriccio Nassesto. You can call me Caprice. It's a pleasure to meet you. Well, slow down there. I didn't understand anything you just said. He's from Galtico, Pa. Oh, really? Yeah, he's from Galtico. Don't we used to do business with him? I may have blacked out when we met. I don't... We've never met in my whole life.

Oh, well, it's nice to meet you. Yeah, a pleasure, a pleasure. How are you folks? Well, my dad's good. Well, that's good to hear. I'm Torvald. Oh, this is Tor. Mr. Anvilheart, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad that you're okay and fine and safe and helping us. This is wonderful. Well, yeah, really, of course. I mean, why wouldn't I be fine?

Well, Urge has been pretty worried about you for like months at this point and we thought you maybe did. Well, you know, I have lost track of certain days, certain weeks occasionally. You know, it happens, it comes with the territory. But I was always told, she said, Urge will be showing up, just wait for her and there you are.

I never would have imagined that this is how all this would end, but my name is Felix Ackerman and I've got many questions for you if you don't mind, sir. Well, hey, Felix Ackerman. I'm Urge's dad, Thorvald Anbelard. It's a pleasure. And this is...

Hello? I don't know your last name, but I just gotta recall you Lofty. I don't know. Does she have a last name? I'm just kidding. It doesn't matter. Lofty's right. You know, Virgin never told me she had really cute friends.

He blushes. - You will get used to it, she has a thing for dads. Hello, I'm Iris of the Sands. - Don't tell your ma. Hello, Iris of the Sands. I would hug you, but I'm allergic. - I would hug you as well, but I'm on Luhti's back. - Okay, well, I'll say hello, hi there from the distance. - Great, did you say you were allergic? - Yeah, real bad, real bad. - Is it a vaccine?

Yeah, the backseat cats, other feline type things, they bring around these tigers here. As soon as Golden Lotus shows up, I just start sneezing. It's real bad. Your dad is charming.

I don't think I inherited it, Iris. I think I got my master. I don't think my master... No, I'm pretty sure you are straight off of your father's tree. Well, I really like it. Well, that's a real compliment, Erza. You should thank your friend, your good friend. Yes. Your good friend, the cat. And Lufti. If you were to sidle up next to Erza's father, you could be Lufti and Willhardt.

You're not... No, absolutely not. I do not stand for this. What... Can you explain to me what is happening here and why is it that when I asked people when I arrived in this city, when I saw your fucking car up on that mountain, which I know you fucking climbed by yourself alone...

- Well, it was fine. - Is it a dwarf thing to curse at your parents? My father would never stand for this. - Listen, why is it when I asked them, nobody told me that you were here. Everyone was dodging questions left and right. - Well, obviously, you had to go to Crazy Frog Town to get the rod, the piece of the rod that I just put in there. - You talking about Limbo, Pat? - Yeah, yeah. - Crazy Frog Town? - That's what-- - Where are they feeding you? - I heard it described to me. I don't know. I don't know. I ain't not here about the planes and the chaos.

I ain't no academic! You're the best blacksmith in all of Yona! What do you mean you don't know about crazy fractized limbo? Well, I don't... I'm more of a Moradin guy myself. I don't know why... Why are you giving me... You haven't seen your old pa in how long? Yeah, because you ran away from home! You disappeared! Well, I guess I suppose that's true. Yeah, I suppose it is. Well, but, you know...

I knew, I was reassured that you'd be fine, that Ma would be fine, and that you would all come to live here after it was all over. Yeah, go ahead. If I may, Mr. Anvilheart, I'm sorry, I don't want to interrupt because I know what it's like to get back together with your family. I'm sorry, if I'm overstepping the bounds here, please let me know. You keep saying...

She told me. Yeah. Who? The Eternal Blossom. I saw the star, the flash of gold in the sky. I said, hey, there's going to be a really cool fella in the sky who's going to guide you to where you got to be. And then I followed the Kirin and here I am. Have you actually met this person or is it just a voice? There was more of a...

More of a voice. I saw gold. That, you know, gold is a good thing. I'm a dwarf. I'm going to look at Herta real with piercing daggers in my eyeballs and say nothing. So what you're telling me, Dad, is you followed a yellow fart in the sky and you came here and decided not to write home? Well, that was part of the plan, yeah. Everything is great here.

I stopped drinking, I lost a little weight, started lifting a little bit. You're sick. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. Is it not good? No, it's great. I'm gonna nudge Noah really hard. I don't know how to do Noah. You nudge. I touch Noah. You nudge hard in the ribs. I'm like, ah!

I'm like, sort of pinching his cheeks and making sure he's not an illusion as I'm saying this. This is all great, it means everything she said was real! And then we'll call for Ma after all Baphomet is all taken care of and then we can all live here forever, it'll be great! Yeah, Baphomet, yeah, it's Baphomet and he's a big fucking problem. He's a big fucking bullfella, that's for sure!

Do you need any help with your forge? I'd be happy to. I'm quite dexterous myself. I grab a pair of tongs. It would be my pleasure. Oh, careful, Caprice. To, uh...

Why are you all so, uh, you know, on edge? Why did you not go through the purification process? I... That is not the case at all. What are you talking about?

Charlie, is that through Charlie? I'm simply asking questions as to why Caprice was acting like this, and it's quite obvious he wants to bang Hersha, and he's standing in the presence of a father. I gotta go. Is that through Charlie? Are you trying to be untoward through my own flesh and blood? I'm just here to stoke with the... I...

That's really not the first thing with that leaf we have an offering or something. Hi, my name is Capriccio Nassesto. You can call me Caprice. I heard you the first time, Charlie. Okay. Caprice, I have one thing to say to you. What? Well... What does this mean? Don't worry about that. No, dad, I...

That might be a Tabaxi language. I don't know much beyond Dwarvish, so I always add Urza, Brandelate for all of the other folk. No, Wap is not too far off from like Pap, you know, from where she's from. No, not at all. Very close, depending on whether you're a Luthier.

Well, that all stands to reason. Sure, sure. So, how you been? Did you watch for deer on your way here? Oh, no, yeah, I know, yeah. I squeezed right past it and grabbed the ridge! No, no, I already got it right on my hip. Yeah, I could, like, slide it out of his thing and I'd open it and give it a whiff. It's good.

It's the good stuff. They make it here for me. Have you had their pistachios? I know, they're great. I think Caprice has enjoyed quite a few of them. Life is real good here. Really good. That's basically 70% pistachio at this point. Is this a tea that I'm smelling in the bottle? No, just ranch.

That's gotta be like somewhere, that doesn't even record. Is this tea that I smell in the bottle? Nah, it's just ranch. What?

In what fucking world is that mixing? It's just ranch. Oh, thank you. That reassures me. I feel better now. That the bottle smells like ranch. It's just ranch, silly. Okay, well, I'm glad you quit drinking. I'm, like, taking a look at his belt to see if he's got any other bottles on there that I should be consuming. No, I'm dry, Erja.

Without it all, because I found the Eternal Blossom. I found, you know, Morden didn't do nothing. I mean, I still worship Morden. Morden Prince. I'm gonna look absolutely mortified when he says that. Are you alright, Vela? I'm... There's nothing to sweat about besides the great giant flame that I'm stoking. It's not that bad. No, it's not too hot here. It's not too bad. I'm fine.

Does anybody have any tea? I don't want any ranch. Do you want some ranch? No, I do not want any ranch. Thank you. I'll hand you my water skin. Thank you.

Thank you, Jella. Well, how long have you been here for? How long have you been sober, I suppose? Well, like I said, I lose track of time really easy, especially here. It's like I feel really great, though. I was told that you'd all show up and we'd do the old... We'd forge this ride here.

And you take care of all the bullfellas, and then we call for Ma, and we live here for the rest of our lives. What do you mean, live here? We live here. No, no, no, we're gonna go back home. It's way past your curfew, Dad. It's time to pack it up. Don't tell Ma. Does she realize I'm gone yet? Does she realize you're gone yet? She's pretty worried about you. She was pretty upset when I had to leave to go find your ass. Oh, gee.

It'll be fine. We'll just tell her I met some some crazy golden goddess in the sky and she doesn't got nothing to worry about but I'm saying that it's here. Everything is fine. We're saving the world.

you're gonna leave her the ranch and the anvil and all that well i we're going to back it up she can back it up she can hire some folk i know i know guy right down this three we'll do it real cheap you want her to move in here yeah we're all going to move in here we'll pack it up we'll hire some some fellows down oh uh the jeremy down in the corner house there he does he does this kind of stuff for cheap i think jeremy retired like oh did he yeah i know you've been gone for a while

Wow, how's he doing? He's got two kids now, did you know? Oh, he does? Congratulations! Congratulations! Tell him, give him a gift for me. Anyway, are we going to forge this thing? Thank you so much for the raid! Welcome, raiders. We play Dungeons & Dragons here on this channel. Sometimes. Sometimes. This is our... Go ahead. Um...

- Yes. - Do you actually need all of us here to forge this thing? - Yeah, that's part of the ritual. - Why? - 'Cause it's all about like the power of the souls and the anima of what got touched by the Wind Dukes of Acre and you are the only six people who I think can do it. I think that's how it works. - You know about the Wind Dukes of Acre? - Oh yeah, no, I got told all about that. - But you're calling it a Fraggy Plain where we came from? - Well, some things I pick up in less than others.

Things that are relevant to forging. I don't need no frog stuff. I need angel stuff though. But the rod came from the frog stuff. That's Izaki's problem. That ain't my problem. No way. So what do you need us to do? We'll get started. I'll start hammering this out. We'll get the mold going. And then you gotta give a token into the metal that is personal to you, that has some of your soul in it.

No, we're not, Pa. No, it's more of a memento. It's more figurative. Is this... Hold on. Is this why you always kept your door shut and locked? Have you been chipping away at your soul every time you forge a new magic item back home? Is that why you moved in here? No, this is all new stuff for me, too. I don't feel good about this, Pa. Why can't we just help you forge it like you taught me back home?

I don't have anything left. I have money that I don't even want. And the things I personally need. My soul. What's that mean? I can't just like give up something that's not important. I'll see what I have. I'll see what I have. Maybe I can give you something. Loan me something. I'll let you borrow it. Oh, God. We'll say it counts for you.

Yeah, I don't know if you guys are trying to whisper, but I don't think that works. This is a private conversation between me and Toa. Thank you very much. Just keep looking in your bag, please. Oh, look, oh, look, oh, look. So I'm going to start, like, desperately digging through. Yeah, you start. You drop it down. Well, I guess you got it. Yeah, good. It's a moment.

The thought that counts is more the fact that this is a process that was once forged by the powers of Morden and the Wind Dukes. And so it's got to kind of be replicated in sort of similar ways. But it's going to be enhanced by what I got going, this whole operation here. And we got to then, of course, purge the corruption. That's more on you folk. And I think then we'll be good.

- Have you talked to Morden recently? - Well, I've said a few prayers. You know, I say, "How you doing?" He's fine. I more talk to the Eternal Blossom at this point, but Morden still shines on me. I am dwarf. - I look around the sanctuary, the anvil, and I just try to see if, like, this is my dad's craft. - It seems to be very much as if he had full carte blanche to basically build out the kind of forage that he would need.

in order to reforge this rod. Does anything look like off or corrupted or like mixed in with Eternal Blossom stuff that would really change? I would say it's very easy for you to tell with your knowledge of his operations. It seems as if like they gave him the building and he just basically built this all out. So you went through that whole purification check in. Oh, it was very, I do it every week.

Every week for at least an hour. It's very relaxing. They got some good tea out there. Everything smells like flowers and such. They got the pistachios out there. It's great. And this golden lotus come by and... Oh, yeah. No, she's the best. Does she give you the... What do you mean the tap-tap? Never mind it.

No, she don't get... I'm allergic. I told you I'm allergic. No, I forgot. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were allergic. Is that a new allergy that you developed on the trip? No, we don't have... Were there any cats back home? I thought maybe all the coyotes got them. Did you talk to Dr. Jim before you left to let him know so you could put it down in your records? You know, it's important. Well, maybe when we call Ma, we'll have her call Dr. Jim. Well, I guess we should get to it then, eh?

Yeah, but if you all are ready, you don't look very certain. This is all foretold in the plans. Well, we're just a little taken aback. We thought you were dead, Mr. Anvilhart.

- Yeah. - Why would I be dead? That's ridiculous! That's ridiculous! - You would have told him without saying anything. - Well, to be fair, your daughter told us that you were a drunk and there was a very good chance that you might just, you know, not show up again. - Well, that would be very offensive if that weren't true. - Sorry, Hersha. I don't mean to bring any offense. - No, no, I mean, you see how I'm talking to him.

We all come from problem backgrounds, I guess. About this whole, like, put a part of your soul into this, I'm really hung up on this. I really don't have much to my name. I don't know what you expect or the Wind Dukes expect me to give. Well, I don't. It's more of the fact that Golden loves that she's all about trinkets and, like, collecting them and, like, using the power of the magical things, and there's...

It's more of a sentiment. If you just say that it's important and it's kinda true, it'll be fine. So are we actually putting some of our soul in there?

Hold on there, Charlie. Because I don't know if I can do that. No, it's more of a figure of speech. Gosh, where'd you meet these folks? Well, you're scaring us, Dad. I hope you know when all this is over, I'm calling you Charlie until the day we die. Please, just... That might be soon. Who knows? Felix, I found this little raven statue. Give it to me. First day we all... Yeah, that's fine. Do it to me. Excuse me.

So anyway, like I said, I found him in Galtica. And you know about Galtica, yeah. And everyone else, yeah, we just kind of met up in Stryka. Yeah, well, I mean, I was told it was foretold, so that tracks. That's for sure. I was told you would all be here, and that's what happened. So it's a pretty good track record for the Eternal Blossom there. So are we just going to reforge the rod? Are you making it like a weapon of some kind? We're doing both.

Oh. And then what happens? So then we have a real powerful weapon that's gonna... And he's going to take care of old Baffy. And he'll be right out of here. So it's alright, I like Baffy. Go continue. And that's all we gotta do. And I get to live in a nice house for the rest of my life here. Real nice. Are you living alone? Now I am, yeah. What do you mean now you are? Well, I'm...

You and Ma are gonna come. Oh, okay. Just checking. You think I got some secret girlfriend or something? No, you're hitting on my friend. To be fair, she hit on me. There's some desire there. That's not me. How do we... What is the weapon shape that we're gonna pick here? How are we gonna do this?

What do you need help with? Big sword, big spearhead, big arrowhead, big something? Rod? So this is the process, okay? Pay attention because I have a feeling y'all are a little slow, okay? Yeah, okay. Yes, Mr. Edibleheart. We're gonna get this forge real hot. I'm gonna put each part in. I'm going to hammer it away and get it all connected.

And then, once it's reforged, we're going to have to, you, with each piece, you put in one of your tokens or trinkets. That's more of Golden Lotus's request. And then we're gonna pour, coat the rod with the mold, create the glaive that is going to be used, and then there might be some lingering corruption from some horrible demon that's worse than a demon. We might have to deal with that.

I don't know what that's going to be like, but you gotta be ready for anything. And then, easy. Alright, so how do we get started? Are y'all ready? Yeah, I guess so. I'm very ready, yes. Well, let's go. And he guides you all to this molten vat of metal. It's incredibly, impressively hot.

and you see him go through all of his tools and implements, and he grabs his favorite hammer, and he grabs all of his favorite tools, and they're glowing with the symbols of Mordor. And let me put on some Morphe Mordor music. Some good old Mordor music. That'd be great. That'd be nice. A little bit of Mordor music. Mordor music.

So, um... With that, you see him grab a...

You see him grab all of his implements. He puts it all into his belt. And he, with his tongs, he grabs one of the rods and it's been heated and molded and hammered out to fit this mold.

and he grabs the first piece and he says, "For each of these pieces, I'm gonna stick it into the fire, then I get it nice and heated up, and then I'm gonna place it down, and then one of you is gonna have to throw in something that's important, say a few words about why it's important. I don't know why, that's just what Golden Lotus says.

That's an important process. And then next one, so on, so forth. And then the final one we're gonna gotta take care of and then there might be some corruption. We'll handle that when it comes. And then... Does that all make sense? Does it have to be a physical trinkety-objecty thing? It's going into the metal for the mold, so yeah. You gotta do it. All right. How can we just throw in some money?

I don't think that's how it works. It's gotta be like sentimental. - Can we ask someone else to give him, give us sentimental stuff and we'll just help him forge it? - No, it has to be something that you came up with yourself and you certainly can't get it from anybody else in the group.

Oh, yeah. That's exactly right. What are you going to use? I found my item. Oh, what is it? It's an... I can't tell you. Well, I think... You'll find out soon enough, Lufty. Just mind your own business, please. Okay, when Felix is ready and he wants to go right now. I am ready. I'm ready whenever we have to go. Okay, go ahead. I will go when Mr. Anvilhart tells me to go. Yeah, well, that's what I said, so go. When Mr. Anvilhart tells me ready. Tell him to go, Dad. I mean...

Mr. Anvilheart. You thought you were urgent for a second. That makes sense. Sorry. Is everybody ready? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Months I traveled with her before I met all of you. Months. I don't even think I understand the way that I am that I am, let alone you or any of you. I don't even know what I'm doing here anymore. Mr. Anvilheart, just let me know when you're ready.

Everyone gather around the not dangerous at all vat of molten metal. Sorry, I apologize. I have to take my medication. Put the tongs down first, Felix. You gotta get your safety gear on.

But first take your meds and then we'll put your safety gear on. I took my meds, I'm good. I have to put on protective gear to just throw the trinket into the thing? Oh, if you're anywhere near or within 60 feet of the fire, you should have protective gear on. Thanks, Caprice, I appreciate that. Persia, goggles please. Thank you, thank you. Everyone else have to put your goggles on. And Mr. Anvil, are you sure I have to go first?

Doesn't matter what order it is. It just feels like Lufty's trying to prod me into going first for some reason. Don't worry, Lufty is going to be my sacrifice. What? What?

Don't let yourself get brothered, boy. We can't throw Lufty into a molten vat of lava. You can't do that. Of course we can. Why? No, we need her. We saved her once. You remember what happened back in that town? Yeah. That'll make us no better than the bull who horribly stabbed me and I yelled, ah, fuck. Oh, I was thinking about that time that we almost sold her into slavery and Iris was really... Who's we? No, you didn't own

We lent her and she was fine. We were going back together. It was part of a master plan. It was fine. It all worked out. The point is, you were really upset then, so why would you be okay with yeeting her into a molten battle lava now? Yeah, what did I do? I'm sorry, I'm busy eating my chicken.

All right, Mr. Anvilheart, you let me know when you're ready to go. Well, I hope you are, because if this goes wrong, we are all screwed. And so he steps over and he pulls down, he puts on his goggles and...

He takes the tongs and he's holding the first piece of the rod, and he shoves it into the forge and he reaches up and grabs the bellows and starts to... the chain on the bellows and starts yanking it and the fire gets hotter and hotter. And as he does it, he starts to chant a prayer in Dwarvish. As he...

As it gets louder and louder, suddenly the fire gets brightened, but there's more than just the glow of the flame. There's the glow of the power of Moradin. As the entire anvil starts to glow, and you see the running lines of holy magic running in all directions, as the entire room begins to glow with the molten power of Moradin.

As he finishes his prayer, he pulls out the piece of the rod and places it down and puts another piece, and he hammers it, hammers it, hammers it, and starts to fuse it together, and he says, "Okay, you're up, boy!" "Um, okay. This seems like pretty powerful magic. Is there any way that this could go wrong? Like, if I were to lie or something?"

Do you want the truth or not? I mean, yes, I want the truth. Oh, there's a lot of ways this could go wrong, but it's too late. We already started. Oh, God. Damn it. Okay. Well, um, okay. Anyone who's listening, um, this is a very important item. And I pull out a small silver figurine that looks like a raven. And I pull it. I'm holding it in my hand. I seem to have not let it go. Uh,

Um, this is a very special bird, I mean raven, raven figurine, it's worth its weight in silver, which means that it's extra magical! And my best friend in the whole world, Toa, gave this to me at the beginning of our adventure, and I'll cherish it forever!

And then I throw it in the lava. You, you, you, and it chucks, it chucks out and then it just hits it and then sinks in and suddenly a magical film kind of covers the molten metal. And you see Torvald look over as he finishes fusing that part and he says, well, that looks good enough to me. And he takes it.

picks up the other piece and he sticks it into the forest. As I walk away, I turn towards the rest of the group. There's this fire in my heat. It's like blowing my hair back. And I look at the rest of the group and I say, all right, everybody, this is really powerful magic. Make sure you know why. And I walk back next to Tela and I stand next to Tela

And then I take one step back and I stand kind of behind Toa as he continues to stoke the flames. What does yeeting mean? Do I have to do it when I get up there? No, it means to throw with great power. It's a magic thing. I love to yeet then. Whatever makes you happy. I usually yeet. I'm very clearly half behind Toa at this point.

- Your fan's looking really pink there. - It's really hot up there! - You see him, once again, he chants as the metal heats up more and more and more. He places it down and fuses the next piece together. And with that, he says, "Okay, who's next? "Hurry up!" - I'll run up there and I'll run off.

Oh, this is very warm, yes. Hello, Mr. Emerald Hut. Are you ready for it? Yes, I am. I'll reach in my bag and I'll pull out. This is my fishing net from home. It's one of the few things that I still have left and I've got many fish with it. It's fed me many, many times and every time when I'm out sailing, I would yeet it out of the water and pull it back in and it would surely feed me that day.

It's a powerful memory for me and I'm ready to let it go now. And I throw the fishing net into the metal. - You throw it and it immediately ignites the second the rope hits this, but you actually see it sink in and once again, whoosh, there's a shimmer of a glowing film on it. As he says, "That was real powerful, keep that up, "that was the good stuff." And he hammers it together and once again, it fuses.

- Thank you. - And he blasts you, he grabs the other piece once again, he sticks it into the flame as it gets hotter and hotter, he's chanting another prayer in Dwarvish as he grabs it out and places it back into the mold to get ready to fuse, like okay, who's next? - We got seven of these to go, right? - Well, we gotta do it six times and then there's gonna be something else, hurry up somebody! - I'll step forward.

and I reach into my pack and I pull out a natural rope of climbing. This rope is really important to me because should I fall or something, this rope could hold me aloft or something, and also could hold aloft my friends, which is a metaphor for caring about people. So here's this rope. And I throw it at him.

You throw it in, and it hits the molten metal, and it ignites. And it actually takes a little bit because it is magical. But you get a sense that as it consumes the magic of this and sinks in, once again, it glows with a similar film. Well, I'm convinced. I guess that's how it works. I ain't questioning as he continues to hammer it.

as he pulls it out and once again begins to heat up. He's chanting in Dwarvish. "Okay, not much more to go there!" Oh, I'll go. Okay. You're going to love this. I got this. Tiger's Eye Jam worth ten gold. In Nekbet. The day that I met my best friend in the world, Iris, and her delicious daddy.

And every time I look at it, I'm reminded of you. But since we would never be apart ever in our lives, I don't need it anymore. And I'll throw it in the plane. That was actually kind of adorable. Don't mention my father again. Daddy? And that kind of...

Oh, you were so close. So close. You were in. Do it again. Do it again. Nope. We there. No restart. The gem melts immediately into this metal. It glows. And like, oh, that, that works. That Dyer's Eye is one of Golden Lotus's favorite. There we go. And once again, continue, it glows and it gets more magical as he confuses another piece. I'll read forward.

I'll get extra close to the furnace, the heat not seeming to affect me as it might my companions. I'll pull out a piece of parchment and unfurling it. It's a page ripped from a book, the page that I stole from a library in order to set me on this very quest. And I'll lean real forward and I'll say, I don't know if this is going to do anything, but this is why I'm here in the first place. And, uh,

I'll whisper. Burn in the nine hells, you fuck. Ah!

Daniel! And I'll just lower very slowly, my fingers almost touching the molten metal, before releasing the paper. It immediately ignites and whips up and consumes it, licking your fingers. But once again, you are very resistant to the heat as it gets completely consumed. It explodes out and the glow of this molten metal gets stronger. And

He says, "Wow, that was really good stuff. Okay, you're gonna bring us home." And he fuses together. There's just one more piece to fuse. - I'm gonna lock up and give him a hand, kind of leaning against him as I'm pulling out a small bottle from my pack, and I'm gonna shout it at him in hopes that Caprice doesn't hear, but I imagine everyone can hear it over the sound of the worrying elbow. I'll be like, "I don't know what this is, but I got it from Caprice, and, um..."

It means a lot to me because he's a cool friend and I think, Dad, I think I might like like him a little bit and if it's alright with you I might ask him to take me to the Sadie Stockins dance back home. But that's a big commitment. I mean, come on with him!

I don't know what they do. The Sadie Hawkins dance go away. That's real love. Maybe we can talk about it later, but... The vicious Sadie Hawk flies through the sky, soaring through the air at 60 miles per... Okay.

I think he gave me a bottle of lube down. I don't know what the fuck to do with this. And I take out my oil of slipperiness that Caprice gifted me and I'm going to throw it. I think it's meant to be for my weapons, but who knows? It's definitely for a rod. Let's go. And I'll throw it. He takes it immediately. It immediately ignites as it...

The shimmering film on this metal gets brighter and brighter. Holy shit, that's going to be flammable. It gets completely consumed, and it sinks in, and he's like, wow, that was real good stuff. That's a real good friend. He fuses it together, and he starts hammering it away, and you actually see the rod now is actually fully pieced together.

But it's still in the mold. And he looks at all of you and says, now we're going to need that feather that you got from the wing from the Windu person. You gotta throw that in there or it ain't gonna work. This blue feather? Yes. What? It was forged of the Windu. It's gotta have a little piece of that. And that's the only one that we have, right? We only have one, right? Or do we have two? I'm gonna do that.

I think you had two, I think. Or maybe, no, I think you had one. It's very, the only reason I asked is it was a way for us to get back to the plane. Yep. And everybody generally had one. I would have thought we only had one. Is there anything else we can give it, Dad? Wait, I mean, we can't just throw that in. We need that to take the rod back to where we need to go before the, God damn it, is there any other way? But, well, it's giving up, it's giving up, pretty much.

That's all that works, that we can be able to forge a weapon. It was forged of them with more than without their bees. I don't know if it's going to work. Okay. All right. All right. The Aarakocra device. The thing that looks like a giant tuning fork. We can do this. Throw it in. We'll get back. We'll get back to your mother. I promise. All right, Felix. Ah.

And I'll throw the feather in. It flies and it catches in the air, this beautiful feather that just floats down.

and as soon as it lands, it explodes into this light blue shimmering light and gets completely consumed. And it immediately glows of this beautiful color that seems to be a combination of both the glowing orange molten power of Moradin, but also the pure essence of air of the Vaati and the Wind Dukes of Akka. And...

you see Torvald kind of cover his eyes as the blue glow fills the room and shrinks back down. He says, well, Dad, those

and he pulls a lever, and immediately the huge vat of metal pours down and it arcs into an elaborate pathway that goes all around the room and then fills in. And as soon as this metal hits the rod, you start to see this thick, strange, gritty,

goopy substance start to singe and bubble and pop and start erupting out of it. And you start to see this sickening ichor start to emerge from the rod. And he looks around and says, "Well, I guess that is the corruption of the blood of that spider fella that you mentioned." As it begins to form more and more and as it starts to almost

singe away. Like, well, this is the corruption that we're gonna have to take care of. I hope this all works. I'm gonna change the music real quick. I bet you will. This is fun. This is fun. I'm ready to roll initiative. I am not ready to roll initiative. Oh.

As soon as this molten metal with the power enchanted by the power of Moradin and the Wind Dukes of Akka hit this, it begins to coat and form a weapon of incredible power. But it's very clear that the demonic blood that shattered this thing in the first place is still tainting.

the pieces as it begins to erupt. And although it's being singed away, it's not being purged. It's almost as being scared away from the staff as it all erupts into the center of the room. The swirling bloody orb almost peers above the pieces of the rod and suddenly it bursts out coating the entire room.

and suddenly you lose grips on your consciousness as if you feel like your body is changing and your consciousness slips out of your current reality and suddenly appears in an entirely different realm or world. It's a difficult sensation to put your finger on, but you feel

You feel like yourselves, but you feel changed in a way. And you look around and you hear the horrific sounds of a massive battle all around you. You look around as you see swarms and swarms and swarms of individual warriors flying around, clashing with hordes and hordes of demons. And you recognize these as the Vaati.

You are in the middle of a massive battle of the obsidian-skinned Vaati against legions and legions and legions of demons. The terrain around you seems ancient.

But you can look around and it's all horribly charred with the remnants of battle and hellfire. But you see the mountains and you can almost tell, is that the serpent spying mountains? Are you in Grond? As you are on, you feel like you're on the plains of ancient primeval strinna. As the Vaati fight

the demons, and at the very head of this massive army, you see a fiend far more horrifying than even Baphomet himself. It seems to be, at first, humanoid.

but you see that it has this horrible sickly purplish, tealish skin with maddened eyes and an unhinged jaw with two horns rising to the sky, a strange flaming crown on the head.

And on either side of this creature's neck are two disformed gnashing wolf heads. And you see as from the shoulders are two pairs of horrible arms with claws, venom dripping from the fingertips. And you see then where the torso looks like a mockery of a humanoid figure, then goes into the bulbous abdomen of what looks like a spider.

And from that abdomen are two more sets of arms, almost like legs, but they are clearly hands with those same gripping nails. And this horrific, demonic creature roars forward, reaching up, tearing apart body that attack him.

and from his mouth, and from both his mouth and the two wolf heads, spewing webs all over as these Vati flying fall to the ground and are completely consumed by hordes of demons. As you see, however, the Vati are putting up a fight. They are slaughtering waves and waves and waves, and as you're trying to get a sense of yourself, you realize now that

that you feel like you're in Striga, that you're in Grondon in a time long forgotten. And you see, however, that there are, as far as you can see, there are a number of banners, horrific demonic banners bearing strange

strange sigils and symbols. One you see, the one closest to you is held by these demons that are, seem to be, have the traits of both wolf and spider. And it seems to be at the head with these larger demons that some look like horrible wolf abominations, some look like spiders, some, most of them look like horrible fusions of the two.

as they seem to be commanding hordes of these lesser demons, some of which that you may have fought in the past, as you then see that there is, not too far, there is a banner that bears the sigil of a horrific, fishy head with bulbous eyes and razor-sharp teeth. You see

you see far ahead that there is one with a, with wriggling tentacles. You see the bloated corpse of what looks like a whale, and you see a few more, and then you see towards the back a banner that bears four wings in a cross-like pattern, and you then realize that although you are on the

You are in Striga, you realize now that you're flying, that there are wings from your back, and although you are still yourselves, you look around to yourself and to your friends, and you are simultaneously yourselves, and...

figures that you remember, people that you remember. The seven Wind Dukes. Oh shit. You've each been changed into one of them, as it seems as if Torvald is at the head with his forging hammer, as you all begin to descend around this horrific spider-like demon. And as you fly in, you turn and you see something behind you that's glowing and pulsing with this horrific

this strange, dull silver. And it seemed to be a massive, glowing room in the ground that seems to be in the shape of a spiral with chains running along it, as you see one of the seals where Mogra Kai now stands.

And as you all begin to fly in, you feel like this is a moment in history that you need to defeat this horrible demon abomination, the original prince of demons, Miska the Wolf Spider. Immediately he erupts with webs, wrapping all of your wings up. You fall to the ground. And however you have him,

Surrounded, swarms of Vaati fly in and clash with the demons that attempt to run to assist him. I think I'm gonna roll for initiative. - Hey! - Holy shit. - Let's fucking go. - I think I have advantage. - Jesus. - Can we get rid of the fog of war, please? - Lifted. - I think I have advantage. - I think I have advantage.

Love that. Love that for you. Love that for you. Like, we're gonna get rid of this? Oh wow, this looks like crazy. How did you go right in the first one? And so... Could you place him on the center? Yes.

Can I trade the Father Dwarf like that? And... With that, you feel... He's creepy. So he's in the middle. Are we surrounding him? Yeah, you're surrounding him, and you feel like your bodies have changed as you gain the powers of the angels that you have turned into. Oh, shit. And in this echo reality... Andy, here, take this.

This for me? Yep. Oh shit, okay. These are additional, this is for Nikki. I think the close up is Wolfman. Spider guy. This is for Derek. Rich can guess that this is Derek.

This is for Lifty. This is for you. - What did I get? - As you feel like you still have your same abilities, but you are empowered by the fact that you are these Echoes in this Echo history. - Damn. - As you attempt to purge the corruption that's within the rod. And you gain these certain abilities. And...

Wow. Are they all the same or are they unique? What? Are they unique or are they all the same? Each of the once a day abilities are unique per person. Once a day abilities? Yeah, so all of the other features are the same. So, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. So, I need 20 to 25. 23. Easy, bubba. 23. Okay. 15 to 20. 18. 19. 17. 19. Felix. Oh.

Thank you very much. So we have our actual abilities, but stacked with the... Iris and Jo, what'd you get? Twelve. Eleven. With seven. Okay, let me roll initiative for Omiska here. Omiska devoted for Spyder. And what we're going to do here... So do we not...

Do we have... We don't have our own abilities. Yeah, you do. We just have... So you have your own abilities. You're still yourself, but you gave me additional features. Yeah. You're welcome. Damn, this is badass. This is awesome.

With that, it is Caprice's turn. As you fly in as an angel of a monitor, the sun god. You're not sure how you feel about being the aspect of a sun god, given your history. Yeah, I feel a little weird about that. You feel your

not sure if it's a cool twist of fate, but you fly in all the same. And you understand, you all understand at this point as the magic, kind of the magic knowledge washes over you that this is the nature of the corruption that if this

that this is probably the last remnant of Miska. And if it is not stopped, who knows how far the corruption can go. - Damn. - And Uncheck, you've seen the power of the corruption of Baphomet. If this creature is indeed as powerful as Golden Lotus said, it will be far worse than a horned magent.

Caprice, you're up. Yeah, I, uh, oh, oh, oh, oh, shit! Um, oh, I, I, uh, ho, ho, ho, fuck. Uh, I'll go... And each web, every time you go over webs, you're going to need to make a dexterity or strength saving throw. Oh, really? Or use your bonus action. Yes. Okay, well, I'll stop there. If that triggers a saving throw, let me know.

You're good. Okay. Okay. Wow, I've forgotten how to play completely. It's fine. It's been a long time. It's been a very long time. Yep, yep, yep. I will...

Sure. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to... I didn't have a song prepared for this. And I remember going back to Galtica, the stupid song that this mascot of a restaurant that I once frequented used to sing. He would stand on the corner, a weird...

chicken cutlet with eyeballs in a costume dancing back and forth. All across Adventress the song of freedom rings. A song that's grown

♪ Going stronger every day ♪ And I continue to sing the Galtican theme song for Gazpachos as I cast, I will attempt to cast Slow on the creature. He has to beat a DC 17, which I don't think I get a bonus to. I'm sure he just completely annihilates that. - DC 17.

he uh he does pass as you see all six eyes turn towards you as uh no words as the the human the humanoid mouth the jaw is unhinged it just lets out this is horrible uh uh guttural roaring do i recognize this abyssal uh i would say i would say that you that it is

almost like a language that sounds slightly like abyssal, but even older and formal. I sort of trail off. It tells us when we listen. And

And it is going to pass as the magic washes over it and it resists it. And it's going to follow up by turning at you and all three heads open their mouths and this horrible string of webs shoots out from the backs of their throats and flies towards you. It's gonna make a web attack. This guy must do real well on the internet. That is gonna hit. Oof.

My handwriting's real bad, guys. - Real bad. - Real bad. - I can't do the dash words. - I love how you typed these sheets up for us. - Yeah. - That would have been a fun way to try and read them in Mike's handwriting. - Oh my gosh. - This would have been heavy. - This is not an episode.

28 points of acid damage as the webbing wraps around you. And you make a dexterity saving throw. You get an additional plus five on your saving throws. Yeah, I think I'm gonna be okay. If you're within 30. A natural 20 is gonna be a 29. You manage to dodge out of the way before it confuses. I'm gonna deny that natural 20 with you.

- Cocoon you. - Cocoon you. And with that, it is the lair action's turn as it lets out this horrible skittering and it finishes with a howl as you see from the webbing all around you, almost like these cocoons pop out from all of the webbing and then burst

as skittering demonic wolf spiders. These horrible hybrids all pop out and skitter around you. So I'm gonna need two at each person. They are howling, biting, skittering with their horrible mandibles, and with that I'm going to just make some attacks on everybody. And they, being that they are wolf, like they have pack tactics,

And, um... So they need to be adjacent to each other? No, no, no, as long as they're within the same guy. That's going to be a natural 20 on Toa.

No, I am close enough. No, it's not. Okay, it still hits, but it does not. One random heal. That is going to hit. Both are going to hit, and so we're going to do damage here. What is the webs on our wings doing to us, by the way? You can't fly. You have to make a saving throw, but you can use a bonus action to immediately rid yourself of webs. Can we walk? Or

12 points of piercing damage and then... 12 points and then... Then 8 points of piercing damage and then I need 2 con saving throws. I got a 20. K, passes.

- And I crushed it the second time. - Okay, cool. So you feel this horrible venom coming from the wolf mouth. It bites you like a wolf, but the venom starts to seep in and it's horrible, its flesh is bulging, threatening to burst. With that, it's Lifty's turn. - My turn? Okay. I am going to take my Le Spoon,

and whack it at the little skittering wolfy spiders. And I apologize because I can't do it with my paddle play. And I have... No, I do not because I'm not near anything. Ooh, that's god awful. I got a one and a two.

So that'll be a 10 and an 11. - Do that miss as they skitter around from the webs as they attempt to Nash you but they effortlessly dodge. Oh wait, hold on, I didn't attack for everybody, I apologize. But I'll let that happen. Okay, with that herjia, what's your AC herjia? - 22. - 22, that's actually gonna hit.

- I am. - And that's gonna hit, both are gonna hit. And so I'm just gonna roll two attacks, deal a, and you can make two consciousness saving throws for me. - So one's a 23. - I don't know. - One's a nine. - So 22 points of piercing damage as the wolf heads bite you. - Did you get it all? - And you feel a poison seep into your blood as you are poisoned now and suddenly as,

As the poison seeps in, you feel like it is going to do some horrible damage by the start of your next turn. How does that affect with... The damage that you did was... Piercing, but then you're poisoned. Okay, that is actually going to miss on Felix. Was this a con saving throw against poison? Yes. So you can roll an advantage, yeah. So I need to roll the second one. I miss both on Felix. Yay! Wow. Uh...

So the second one was a 19 for con saving throw. That passes. So I'm okay? Yep. So, 21 on Caprice and then the other one was a 9. So 21 hits. I'm just going to roll this real quick. That is going to be 10 points of piercing damage and con saving throw for me. Oh! Iris, a natural 20. That is. Okay. And that is going to miss. 24 con saving throw. So con saving throw for me, Nikki. Okay.

- Oh wow, I am hurt. - Natural 20. - Oh wow, 16 points of piercing damage to you. - 22. - And then one more. - Is it 16? - 16, yep. That's gonna hit you, Lufty, a dirty 20 and that's gonna miss. - Did I take any damage? - Yes, you took two, two hits.

- Do you remember how much that was? - No. - Three. - I'd say like 25. - Three plus-- - Like 25? - They would both hit him. Three plus six is eight. 12 points of piercing damage and then constantly aiming for four make-believe lifting. Okay, with that it is, the lifting already went, Felix, you're up. - 17. - 17, that passes.

As all of this is unfolding around me, I'm gonna be like, "Ah, um, okay! Which one of you lied about your offering?" And then I'm going to, uh, I don't have my dagger or anything, but I'm gonna, like, wave my hands and be like, "Um, uh, Spiegelbild!" And cast Mirror Image, and there will be three more angels that simultaneously split from my body, and that's gonna be my turn. They erupt.

and they almost look at each other. - I don't even wanna move, I don't think, right? Maybe I'll move here so I'm still in contact with them, but I'm farther away from the webbing, and that's about it. - Cool, that makes sense. Cool, that makes sense to me. With that, it is...

Who is... Big Bad. Oh, we're gonna... It is Big Bad's turn. Oh, yes. I like this. I like this. And so with that, you're going to see Mystic of the Wall Spider look around with all six of its eyes, and you see the webbing on the ground start to burst up as it sprays all over you. I need... That is going to be... I think it's all... Actually, it's all attack rolls. And so Artoa, that's going to be a natural 20.

- Yeah, rolling high. - Yeah, really, really rolling high. Natural 20, that one's gonna actually miss. Actually, no, no, no, one is a natural, so that was an advantage, so that was just, one's gonna be natural 20, the other one's not gonna hit.

Actually, no, it's only one. So there was... Actually, I'm gonna roll that again because that was not... That is going to be a 23. Still hits with a natural 20. Okay. Apologies. Felix, it's going to be a 19. All right, that's a hit. So I'm going to try to take it because that's... Oh, no, six or more. Yeah, it's a seven. So it pops in one of my rear images. Okay, cool. It smacks into it. Caprice, it's going to be a 25. It hits.

For Iris, that's going to be a 17. - Business. - Flies over you, the web. For Lufty, this is going to be a 21. Okay? And for Herja, that's going to be a 20. - 20 does not hit. - You block it. So everyone who gets hit, I'm just going to just roll all the damage once. That is going to deal

- 10, 15, 18, 25. - 27 points of acid damage. - I'm sorry, what? - 27. - Uh-huh. - For everyone who got hit. And then I need everyone to make a dexterity saving because I got hit. - Oh no. - Maybe you get plus five if you're all within one of each other. - DC 22. - Crushed it. - Plus five. - 22. - I don't think I'm ready. - Oh no.

I don't think I'm within 30 feet of anyone. - Only got a 31. - Only a 31. - So you manage to dodge out of the way. You still get hit by this horrible acidic webbing. Caprice, you manage, you unfortunately, however, are wrapped up in webs. You are blinded, you're restrained, you're cocooned in this horrible webbing as the acid starts to seep into you. It's going to be very painful. It'll be extremely painful.

With that, it is her turn. So this was a dexterity saving throw against like an acid thing? You know you already, you didn't get hit, so it's only if you get hit. Oh, okay. So it hits you and then tries to wrap around you. Got it, okay. So now it's my turn. Holy shit. Okay. I'm gonna take two swings on these guys here and see if I can get rid of them. Hold attack.

You hit them and you kill them. Plus five. Oh, really? Yep. They just hit? As long as...

Oh. If you hit them, they die. Oh, I see. Yeah, so 17 and 26. 17 and 26. 17 they both hit. As you smash, both may explode into that similar horrible, dark, demonic ichor that you saw from, and you obviously keep a hold on to those. And so do I have my wings wrapped up right now? Yes, they're still wrapped up. So I'll use my bonus action to shake off the webs. You do that. You burst free. I'm coming, you guys!

and I'm gonna move 45 feet towards everyone else. - So if you're moving in that direction, you're gonna have to make a dexterity saving throw or strength saving throw to get out of the, to not get wrapped up in the webs. - I thought I'd just use my bonus action to shake them off. - So you can fly, but when you pass through any of that webbing, there's a chance it'll-- - Even if you're flying. - Yes. - It's not flying over, you're still up. - Yes, yes. - Whether you're walking or flying, you're still up. - A strength saving throw to move. - That was my question as well.

Strength saving, right? Strength or dex. To get out of the webbing? No, to not get wrapped again. Yeah, to not get wrapped again. So 11? Plus the five. That is going to, once again, shoot up and wrap you. You are now grappled and restrained. So I haven't moved at all. That's after she moves, though, right? Or is it before she moves? No, that's before she moves. She tried to move through the webbing. And so now it has wrapped her up.

Okay, so I can't move where I'm at. Correct. But I used my bonus action to shake off the web, so I suppose that's my turn. Okay, cool. With that, there is going to be a... Just a clarifying point, Mike. Yeah. So she's here at the very edge. Yes. She used her bonus action to shake off the web. She should be able to move to the right. Oh, I didn't see she was flying toward Lufty. Is that where you were going? If you want to fly out of that and try to...

- Yeah. - Avoid it then. - So I was here, right? Or was I here? - Yes, you were there. - You were like right on the edge. - So can I try to maneuver away from these? - Yeah, you can do that. - Okay, so I'm trying to move 45 feet towards friends, so five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.

- So I'm within 30, yeah, so I'll stay there. - Okay, you fly up to Miska and it looks down at you and as for he's gonna do a legendary action and he swings with his venomous claw at you. - All right. - And with that, he's gonna make an attack roll. - Natural 20. - No, it's gonna be, it's gonna be a 26, but it is going to...

I need you to roll a d4, as it has a random effect. You feel the maddening claws. Four. Four. Okay. Let me just make sure that I'm doing this correctly. Okay. That's gonna be...

- 14, 18, nine. - 27 points of piercing damage. And with the four, you need to make a wisdom saving throw. As you see all three heads look at you and snarl down, it's a horrifying experience. - Ooh, natural one. Can I twist this? - Yes. - Yes, yes, yes. Let's use 'em. - Thank you, Chad. - Thank you, Chad.

That's much better. That'd be a 22. 22, just enough. You feel afraid as it snarls at you, as Miskit snarls at you, but you manage to hold your ground. And with that, it is Toa's turn. I will immediately spread my legs and get down into my battle trance, and then I will make an attack on this guy next to me, okay? So I'll do one of these, and I've got a save Windfury Prox here. Mm-hmm.

That is a 79, so it does, okay. So then that is a 29, or 28. 28, that hits. Okay. So he dies. Yeah, smashes into him. I'm going to attack the other one. AC 17 for these little guys, 22 for Misko. Okay, so he dies. You smash and smash, your maul gets completely coated in this ichor.

And then I'm just gonna try to charge right through the web to try to space myself in front. - Okay, dexterity more strength saving between, I'm going to choose strength. - Okay. - Let's try to get between him and, that is a 21.

21 passes. AC for the webs is 20. So then I still have one attack left. So I will go in and I will make a power attack against the big bad AC 20. AC 22. Sorry. 22. Um...

Can I twist this just so he's disadvantaged? Sure. You may. Oh wow, that's really good. Okay. Big money. So that is, yup, so that hits. Your maul smashes into Misca and lets out a, it doesn't seem to feel it, but it does some damage for sure. Okay, so it is gonna do this. It is going to do this. Is it this? Yeah, that's the arrow.

Okay, so it'll do 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, plus, sorry, 22, plus 20 is 42.

plus 10 is 52 damage. - 52 damage, you're smashing with a single, and he's at his advantage now? - Let me make sure that it can be a person of my choice. - Okay. - And not the first person. I think it's my choice, but I'll check. - Okay, you smash into it and you see the swirling spirit, your tattoos are glowing, and the swirling spirits fly around Misca and distract him slightly as it focuses on you.

What? It is my first. Okay, so it does not do that, but your things are glowing, and he's going to follow up with a Claw attack on you, and that is going to be a 23 to hit, and that is going to hit you. As the Claw enrolls the four form of blues... Three. Three. I'm going to need you to make a Wisdom saving throw, please, as you feel this demonic confusion wash over you.

How's my Wiz doing? How's my Wiz looking? Everybody? It's 15! 15 with the plus 5? Yikes. That is not enough. So you take 18 points of slashing damage, and you feel this Madden. You are under the effect of the Confusion spell.

Until the start of the end of your next turn. Okay, Iris, it's your turn. I'm gonna use my bonus action to fly up in the air. Okay, you do that, your wings break free and you fly up. And I'm gonna fly into that clean area between Toa and that thing in front of Grace. Yeah. Like in the middle of it. So I should be within...

Did she take opportunity attacks from the tomb? I guess, yes. I guess so, if she was right next to it. I was. Okay, I'm just going to roll both of them. Oh, wow. That's going to be... Neither of them hit. You're 18, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah, neither. And then I'm going to cast Beacon of Hope on everybody. Oh, shit! So you have...

advantage on wisdom saving throws now. And you also have advantage on death saving throws. That's what I feel like we're gonna need. That'd be awesome. Do you get me too? And then what does Beacon of Hope do? No, except for you. Oh good! Oh, very cool. Great!

That's good. No, that's great. The effect is full healing spells, right? Mm-hmm. Is the effect full healing spells? Yes. So if you quack a potion, anything like that, you get full. Or use the healing touch ability that you all have. Can I touch myself? Yeah.

- No, of course you can. - As you feel a beacon of warm sand wash over you, Iris, as it casts out and you all feel that radiant glow. It's not of any Eternal Blossom or Moradin or even the Wind Dukes. This is of Anubis as you feel empowered. And with that, out of legendary actions, Caprice, it's your turn. - Oh, good God.

I'll use my action, I'll activate my Ashen Gauntlet and I will attempt to

and she'd go shooty shooty rootin' tooty uh number six right here uh 17 you say yeah so i need to roll a seven or higher i roll a natural 20 it explodes in the dust gotta give it up number five as well uh five 17 uh 15 i miss and so i have one more shot

I will try again on him. You got it. 16, easy. 17. 16. Oh, you got it. It explodes. It singes and falls to the ground. Okay, holy shit, what the fuck? I will... Oh, shit, I need to use my bonus action to heal. Sorry, Looseby, I'll inspire you next time.

And I will heal myself for the amount of healing. The maximum amount. You use your angelic power to touch yourself as you wash in a glow, and you feel almost like the sand starting to seep into your wounds, and it fully heals you. Damn. Oh, it fully heals me? Yes, because it's the Beacon of Hope. So you get the max. 8 by 8 is 64, plus 5 is, fuck, like 69. Shit.

Wow. Six points of healing. Fuck. That does remind me that he does get alleged, because he already went, so he actually has two more, or one more. He has one more. And with that, he is going to... He is going to basically swipe down at you, Toa, because you just hit him. You're the only one that's hit him yet.

He's going to do that. He's at his advantage. He's going to hit you, and you need to roll another d4 for me, please. Well, 1. 15. 15, you fail. 1? You take extra damage as the claws swipe into you, so I'm just going to roll all of that right now. Ooh. We have babies. Oh, wow, that's not good. 6, 10, 18. I love big ones. 18. Come here.

32 points of damage. Piercing and poison. What's the piercing? The piercing is 18.

And with that, it is Leia's turn as it leans back and all three heads train around and it does like a full 360 as the heads spin around and the wolf heads howl. And it's such a sickening, guttural, otherworldly howl. This is like a mockery of a wolf as it all rattles into the corner. Everyone to make a wisdom saving throw. Plus five, plus advantage. And then you get... Nikki knows I love wisdom.

- You get plus three if you're within 10 feet of me, so that will be plus three to Iris and plus three to Caprice. - 32. - DC's 22. - Oh no. - Very important, if you are within 10 feet of me, you are immune to charm and frightened. - Nice. - Oh wow. - 26. - 26, anyone get below 22? - Yes. - Wow. - Toa, you, so both of you,

feel a horrible sense of fear as you are both under the effect of the fear spell. - Oh my gosh. - As you are absolutely desperately afraid of this prince of demons before you. - But not Toa, right? - No, you. - Or is Toa outside of it? - Toa and Luffy. - If Toa's outside of 10 feet, I think he is. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, you're fine. - With that, it's Luffy's turn. - Yeah, I pass. - Luffy's turn. - But she's feared.

- But I also have not the action. - Oh, you're feared, so what you need to do is you need to use your action to dash away from-- - And take lots of opportunity to exit. ♪ I'm gonna use an action for stillness and might ♪ - What does that do? ♪ Clear as frighten ♪ - Hold on. - But what does that mean? Would you like to elaborate? - I can use an action and one effect on myself that is causing me to be charmed or frightened. - Do I have to use your action to dash away though? And you lose your action. - What the fuck good is that?

So there's a frightened effect. So you're both frightened effect and you're under the effect of the fear spell. Did you not hear me sing it? If I sing it, it's... That's how fear works, right? Her thing is in reference to the feared condition. Yes, exactly right. And it would get rid of both because it's connected, but unfortunately...

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You can repeat the saving throw at the enemies from your turn. So I have to run away? Run away from him. But they don't get opportunity attacks because you have to do it against your own. How far do I have to go? As far as you can towards you. Yes. So basically to the edge of the map and take two opportunity attacks. No, she doesn't. Keep a track of how many squares you would be, and that'll be what you have to...

What do I have right now? 60. Okay, so 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60. Come on!

- I love to eat! - Although you have more speed because you're a-- - I included it, thank you. - Okay, got it, got it, got it. - Thank you for the reminder, DM. - Were you dashing? - But you have to dash. - Oh god! - So that's double. - So yeah. - I'm off the table. - Yeah, so that's another 60 feet away. - Just remember the total. - So why can't she use stillness of mind? - She has to use her action to dash. - Right. - Because she can't use her action to use that ability. - The fear spell is different than the frightened. - If it's a bonus action, then she can use it. - And so the fear spell makes you use your action to run away.

So she doesn't have an action anymore to do it anyway. But if she had just been frightened, she could have used her action to... You can make the... Now re-roll the saving throw. Oh, can I? Yes, you can. Oh, I can?

- Is that a wisdom? - Wisdom, yep. Plus five. - I don't get plus five. - And it's an action, not a reaction. - No, 'cause you're an angel. - So she would also have to do it on her turn. - Oh, well shit, I didn't do that the last time. I thought it was plus five from your thing. - No, no, it's plus five from being within, I actually was saying just tack on plus five as long as you're within another person's house. - 30 feet or more. - Yes. - But you're not anymore. - Not anymore, yeah. Oh, that's where I got plus five, sorry about that. 22. - It's 20. - Natural 20.

That's whatever you're doing. You manage to break free of that. Why the fuck am I all the way over here? And suddenly you shake your fear and you turn, and you are very fortunate that you ran that way because you see the other way, you would have run into a massive horde of demons, of lesser demons, and you see now that as you're turning around, you see the mass, as you're running away, you finally get control of your senses, and you see the glowing, pulsing magic of the seals.

which is where you get the sense of where Mogra Kai is. And as you turn around to run the other direction, you see these larger, more prominent demons that are almost controlling and subjugating these swarms of lesser demons as they crash into waves of Vaati.

Okay. Felix? Um, I'm looking around and surveying the battlefield, and again, I guess I don't really have my knife, but I have the ability to pass through the spells. You have your knife still, yeah. So I have it. Yes, you have it. I have my things, even though I'm, like, encased in this Deva mecha. Exactly right. It's kind of a simultaneous, like, you get both at the same time. Okay, so then I have my things, and I'm looking around and surveying it, and I look towards this horrible spider demon, and I say, uh,

All right, well, there's no time for messing around. Fear often! And I'm gonna cast Immolation on the spider demon at a fifth level. That would be a dex saving throw from you, my friend. That's awesome. Okay. Oh, shit.

- Yeah, that's right. - What's the, it's 18. - He's gonna follow Westgate. - 18. - Oh, you got it, you beat me. - Oh really? Okay. - Unless I have a plus to my, no, I don't think I do. - Oh, it should be plus three, did I not include that? - Oh no, if it's plus three, then you fail. - I have a plus five to hit. - Well, not to hit, for saving throws, but you don't have plus three to anything on here. - Oh, then I fucked that up, then it is plus three to your saving throw spell to set safeties. - Then you do fail. - Okay, so it,

It fails, as it is going to have to use a Legendary Resistance on it. Wow! It uses, it channels its demonic powers, the Prince of Demonies. So then you'll take half of 8d6, plus, I assume, 4d8 radiant damage. Yes. Plus 5. So let me roll all of that, because good god. Good god, you missed my luck. You'll take half of all of this. I reroll 1s and 2s.

That's a one. Fire damage. Well, some of it's radiant, but some of it's fire. Can you separate that? Yeah, I can separate the radiant from the fire. Oh, shit.

So the radiant is going to be... And that's not halved. The radiant's not halved. No, no, I haven't halved anything yet. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So the radiant is going to be 17 points. Yeah, yeah, that blasts him. And then the fire is going to be 5 plus 12 is 17 plus 4 is 21 plus 6 is 27, 32...

34, 39, 39 and a half would be just shot, 19. 19. Do you have elemental adapter or anything? No. Okay. Okay, so as you blast it, it does, it managed to dodge some of it out of the way using its supernatural demonic powers, but you see it's similar to other demons. There seems to be a resistance there as it's still wounding it, but it's not as much as you would have expected.

- And then it used the resistance to pass the saving throw. One of these days it's gonna fucking stick. - It's used one of them. - One of these days.

With that, it is its turn, getting its legendary actions back once more. And it is going to see... Does it see me all the way over here? It seems to not notice. It's turned one of its wolf heads back. I'm going...

and then it flings it forward as it looks at all of you and its four hands that act, I mean, it has eight hands, but four of its upper hands are going to swirl around and this horrible demonic magic is gonna pulse and in a massive line that will hit all of you will be an eruption of a wall of thorns. And so everyone in that line, I believe that hits everyone,

Yes, as it casts Wall of Thorns. Does it also hit the bad guys? It does not. Oh, actually... Yes, actually it would. Why not? It would hit the two-armed Felix. It wouldn't hit Toa. Okay. As it seems to not care of its own spawn, as it immediately destroys it, or it erupts into Wall of Thorns, everyone besides Lufty needs to make a dexterity saving of +5.

I'm flying. Does that matter? It is... 24. 20 feet up in the air. So... 36. I got 26. Plus whatever...

No, 24. You get plus 3 from me, and then you get the plus 5 from me. I fail. Okay, there is a wall of... Wow, I rolled really bad. I'm rolling terribly. 2, 5, 10, 12... Can I twist?

Yeah. Yes, you may. 24 points of piercing damage. 24 points of piercing damage if you fail, half if you succeed. And it is a... it affects line of sight as a massive ball of thorns appears. I'm going to draw... Can we just draw that on the map? It's a 60 foot line, 60 foot by... Can we just put down tens to indicate? 60 by... we're doing 60 by 10.

That is the straight line or it can be any shape, right? No, it's just straight line. So 60 by 10. Like this? Push me on this side of it if I had to dodge. Okay. You can be within it. I don't want to be within it. I'll take another pen, two pens. Here's a long one. I'll be in it, but I'll move out on my turn, I guess. Another pen. What was the DC for this? 22.

God damn it, I feel like I'm at one. So I'm in it. Oh no. I'll just stay up there. And those of you that are in it are getting pierced by tons of thorns. And that is its turn as you're blinded. And with that, it's her turn. Oh no, that looks terrible.

So do these motherfuckers die? Oh yes, they're dead. They get completely torn apart, and those guys get torn apart too, yeah, why not. So I was looking at shield master stuff, it's 24? Uh, 22, 22 is the DC. Oh, I'm sorry, how much damage? 24 points of damage. Yes, roll very low. I roll very low.

So I did fail that, so I'm going to use my bonus action to healing touch myself for 88 plus 5, which may stack with Beacon of Hope. Do I just get max healing from that? You get max healing. And so if you are in the Wall of Thorns, just so everyone knows, if you're in it, for every one foot of movement that you use through the Wall of Thorns, you need to spend four additional ones. So basically, if you want to move five feet, you have to spend 20 feet of movement.

Jesus, I'm just gonna fucking-- well, okay. If we step out of it-- What's the width? Oh, the width is 10. So it's 60 by 10. So we should be able to get out of it in one go. Yes. But it just costs most of our movement. It costs movement. You're pushing your way out of it, and it only does damage if you end your turn there. You've not taken the damage, and so when you enter and you end your turn there, it does the damage. So it's actually both of these squares. I'm just gonna draw them. Yes. Oh my god, I don't want that. Okay, draw them now.

I heal for 69 for the healing touch at max because it's going to help thank god and then is this effect with the wall of thorns a magical effect? I am going to attempt to dispel it. Okay, roll for it. I only do third level. Roll for it.

And so I add my whiz modifier to this? Yep. Six level spell. Or I guess, I'm charisma, right? For paladin? Yeah, charisma. So I add three to this. Ooh, 17. 17, barely, no, it hits it, it hits it, yeah. And immediately it dispels, so you don't need to draw it anymore. I'm sorry. Wow. I'm sorry, Rich. It's gone now, Rich. You hear the clanging of a hammer on the anvil. It is...

I was really hoping that Wall of Thorns would be there, let me tell ya. Let me tell you there. Ignore the red lines. I'm sorry. Yeah, that looks good, Reg. That looks good. It's gonna turn around and he's going to swipe at you, Herja, in response. Bring it on, big boy. That is going to be a 26 to hit. That hits. And you need to roll a d4 for me, please. Okay.

- I got a three. - Three. With a three, you need to make a wisdom saving throw for me. - Advantage plus five. That's a nine, so that's eight. 17 plus five, 20. - 22. You pass and it's 26 points of piercing damage. The claw is piercing to you. You are able to resist the effect of the claw. Okay, with that, that is-- - Can I take full damage? - Yes. - Okay.

This just doesn't trigger the extra effect. Got it. Toa, you're up. I will bonus action Healing Word and heal for 69. Okay. Nice. Nice. Then you'll hear roaring through the distance, it's the circle of life. And it moves us. I use Crown of the Lion King. Yes!

What? And the family arrived on the planet. And it's basically Crown of Stars, and so I have Crown of Stars. I'm done, that's my action. You hear the roar of the lion as you channel the holy power of Nobanyan, the lawful good god, also known as the Lion King, as this roar as a swirling, you see the shape of a lion in the clouds, and you hear, remember,

And it shrinks into a cloud of constellations, and then they shrink onto a crown on your head. And what are you doing?

- I'm done. - Is it? Oh, I did not know that was a flag. - Where is Iris standing? I wanna be within five feet of her if I was allowed to move. - Oh, Iris is here, so you could go here. - Yeah, do that. - Yeah. - That's perfect. - And you see the heads open up. It spews at you, Herjot. It needs to make a... - I'll be here. - That's gonna be a 28 to head. - Oh, well, yeah, I'll take it. - Make an extra saving throw for me while I roll damage, please. - Okay.

Oh, was someone in Cocoon that I didn't...? No. Okay. No? Is this an effect that is only targeting me? Yes. So I get to add my shield's AC to this as part of Shieldmaster. Sorry, the thing keeps trying to roll the dice on the screen. I need to turn that off.

You can add your shields AC bonus to any deck saving throw you make against a spell or other harmful effect that targets a player. I would say you'd be able to try to raise your shield to prevent it from the webs from getting around you. Regardless, you're going to take 22 points of acid damage. Okay, sorry, hold on. So it was a dirty 20, and then it was my shields AC. This is the first time I'm using this. I'm just making sure I'm doing it right.

So yeah, it would have been 23. - 23, barely, yeah, barely passes, yeah. - Passes, okay. - 22 is the DC. So you still take the 23 points of poison, of acid damage, but you manage, as it tries to wrap around you, take your shield and you burst it out. Okay, with that it is, blah, blah, blah.

- Toa, Iris. - I'm gonna use my bonus action to heal for 69 points. - Nice. - Nice. - You know, I wasn't accounting for Beacon of Hope. - I figured. - I wasn't accounting, oh, is that concentration, right? - Yeah. - Oh, okay. - Don't worry, I'm a Warcaster.

- Fuck! - Bacon of hope, bacon of hope. - I love bacon of hope. - Bacon! - And then I am going to, since I'm in front of it, I am going to reach out my hand and inflict it with boons. - Ooh. - Hell yeah. - Very cool. - Spell attack. - I know how that works, I've been a cleric. - We love an inflict boons queen. 23 to hit. - That hits? - No. - Great.

Just give me a second. Does anybody have any extra D10? Oh, you know it. I need two more D10. There you go. Oh, you got it. You got it. Here's the Tridia. Yuma's a Tridia. Yeah, he's a Tridia. And everybody knows the Tridia one is a little better. Well, no. Those balance it out. Yeah, okay. But still.

37 points of necrotic damage. You place your... Plus my radiant damage because I'm the Sentinel of Anubis or whatever. So you got that 38, right? I will add it currently. 38. Don't you forget. Don't you forget. Plus 20 more necrotic damage. 58. Thank you, my darling.

- Thank you, my darling. - Mm-hmm, no problem. - As you see the mummy bindings erupt as the kind of the withering curse of the sands seeps into this creature, it seems to have the effect, the power of Anubis channeled through you even in this,

this echo state that you're in as you're attempting to cleanse the corruption in the forge. And with that, it is going to, are you in melee range? - Yeah. - It's gonna follow up with a claw attack and attempt to hit you. - I'm gonna use my bonus action to impose protection. I'm sorry, my reaction to impose protection to make that a disadvantage.

Is a 17 hit? No. It looks like it's going to hit, and her just reaches up with her shield and blocks it. I am rolling like hot garbage. You guys fucking jinxed me. Okay. With that, that is Iris. Iris and Caprice, you're up. Oh, I'm up? Yep. Oh my goodness.

I will... Yes. I will... Let's just make sure that I'm happy with this particular choice now that I have eyes on the creature again. It's better with a group. That's still a fantastic move, so I'm going to do it anyway. I'm going to point at the creature and I'll...

yell some obscenities at it, I'll call it a maggot pie, that kind of thing. I'm gonna go over here too as I do this. And then I will cast synaptic static on it, which requires it to make a intelligence saving throw. Unless it has an intelligence score of two or lower, then it cannot be affected by this spell.

16, I presume, doesn't hit it. It does not. I will definitely use a fucking... Yeah, you absolutely should. That would have super fucked you. You take half of all this, which would be 7, 8, 12, 16, 19, 25, 28. You take 14 points of psychic damage. Plus the radiant. Plus...

The radiant damage, which is 48, which is going to be 8 plus... Damn. Remember to mark off your healing touches, because we only have 4 a day. Yes.

23 points of radiant damage to the creature. And then I will... Oh, Lufty's too far away. Shit. I'm so far away. Yeah, I wouldn't fire you, but I... Oh, yeah, no, I'm still singing Gazpacho. I feel reinvigorated enough to be like... A song that's growing stronger every day. It tells us when to listen.

To the message that it sings, let us lift our voices. We can make the choices. We will make the most of all the best that freedom brings. And I'll inspire Herja while you enjoy that. That was beautiful, Caprice. Thank you. I'll take you there one day. It's beautiful. I'm never going to forget that you never inspire me, Caprice. Really? Really? When was the last time, darling?

You didn't enjoy the... It's gonna use the rest of its legendary actions to let out this... And it howls, and suddenly all of the webs shake as tons of tiny demonic wolf spiders erupt from the webs as it casts Insect Plague.

- Can you grab the little sphere there? - Oh no. - It's a place like over here. - It'll get as many people as it possibly can. - Yeah, no, that way. Yeah, no, yep, perfect. - As close as you can get. - No, no. - Ooh, it's gonna miss. - It can't get to Felix. - It can't, but it's still gonna go there.

I mean, so the closest it can get is, like, right. Yeah, it's gonna go right there. Everyone... It's gonna be a constitution saving throw as the spiders all skitter up. Constitution plus five. Toa is not within ten. Okay, so plus five, and then plus three to you, and then plus three to you. Pass. What are we rolling again? Eighteen. Dexterity, con? We're rolling con. Is this for poison? Nope.

- Oh, 20. - 26. - You hit the other two. - 26, pass, DC's 22. - I got a natural one. Do you want me to twist it or should I save? - Oh, for this? Oh, we got some, right? - Yeah. - How are you looking? - Use the twist-a-meet.

I am looking at half. I'm bloodied. Yeah. I need to get rid of it. I don't know why it keeps rolling on my screen. Because when you click on certain things, it automatically does. I just want to get rid of that. It would be nice if you turn it off. Like, it was an option to keep it on or off. There we go. Thank you. So I get 18 plus 5. 23. So now I pass. Thank you, chat. 40.

46 points of piercing damage as the spiders bite you if you failed, and at half if you succeed. - What was the number? - And the area is difficult terrain. - 46, 23, so 23 if you have. - Oh, no, that I need to beat on the ground.

And if you start or end your turn. - Okay, I definitely think all four effects. - So you'll have to make the constant aiming throw at the start of your turn. - Even with the plus three and the plus five. - Okay, with that it is, whose was that? - Lufti's turn. - Lufti's turn, Lufti. You are no longer frightened, 'cause that was from the lair action, right? - Oh good. - So you are suddenly unfeared. Oh, you rolled it anyway, you rolled it anyway, nevermind. - I forgot to do confusion. - I am going to run 60 feet to here.

And then I'm going to use my a key point to dash on my bonus action to here. And then I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I'm really, really, really good at doing that. Right here. Ooh.

I'm going to use Featherstorm to cast the Whirlwind spell without any material components. A whirlwind howls down to a point that I can see on the ground within 300 feet.

Whirlwind is a 10-foot radius, 30-foot high cylinder centered on that point. Until the spell ends, you can use your action to move it 30 feet in any direction along the ground. The whirlwind sucks up any medium or smaller objects that aren't secured to anything or that aren't worn or carried by anyone. The creature must make a dex, saving throw DC 19 the first time on a turn that enters the blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Does it do damage? Yes. Okay, does even half of you fail? Yes. So you hear the flapping of wings, the colorful feathers of Kotal, who was the god of your guardian angel, Akula, as it swirls down and whips around and smashes these creatures to bits. Their body parts fly all over the place. Pfft.

- Oh, I'm gonna use, I'm gonna rip my coin out and that'll be my whirlwind. So that was my action. I already used my bonus action, so I am done. - Okay, cool. With that, I think that was the, Felix, you're up. - I'm going to see all of this unfolding and see that he kind of shrugged off my immolation and with my dagger in my right hand, I'm gonna kind of wind up and take a look at him and say, okay, take this!

FEETER HUNT! And I'm gonna punch and cast Arcane Hand, Clenching Fist. So I'm gonna have to make an attack.

- At you. - A magical fist erupts and starts to smash towards it. - I just had to flavor it that it looks like Fire Hand. - It does look like Fire Hand, exactly right. - It's not a purpley arcane Clayton Hand. - Oh, you're so special. - That's gonna be plus 16, which is a 22 to hit. - Barely hits, exactly what you needed. As Fire Hand smashes.

So that is going to be 4d8 for the hand, 4d8 for the radiant, and then plus 5 because I have my wizard. Because you have got your whiz beads. So it's technically force damage, even though it's a fire hand. I get to reroll one of the twos. It's not evocation, so that's actually a one and a two. My hand glows with...

I don't remember. Anyway, any G Gundam fans? Nope. Fire of a Thousand Suns. Help us out, Chad. Ten, seventeen. So seventeen for the hand. For the radiant damage, it's going to be... So it is... Sorry. It's 23 force damage. Yes. Okay. Then the holy damage, radiant damage, is going to be 17. Got it. Okay. And that's my turn. I'm concentrating on that.

It smashes into it. This fire burns as it smashes, and it's not fire damage. It is force damage. You see it kind of all start to lose its disgusting grip on the ground and then writes itself back up. Its heavy chitinous armor is blocking much of it, and its wounds are oozing, but it is not close. It's the Prince of Demons. And with that, it is... It's a little bit more than Prince of Demons. With that, it is its turn. It's a big rake.

Oh, you're out of it. So as in, what does a 30 foot cube look like, Rich? Can you help me out here? A 30 foot cube is... It is a cube from a point that is just six by six. Yeah. Okay. It's a big ass cube. So it's, I'm going to try to hit as many people as I can. You've been hit. Wherever. It's about the same size as this. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you basically hit all the... So you get everybody that's currently in the insect. Or everyone but Toa. Toa.

I mean, you can just keep pummeling these people and leave poor Felix alone. Actually, Felix probably moved away during his turn because he hasn't spent any of his movement ever. You can move it that way and hit all of them and not get breathed. Or just hit move two. You can definitely not hit Felix. I would say it would be... I didn't move on my turn. I would say it would be right up in his person. And you are familiar, you nature folks are familiar with how spiders eat where they cocoon you. They liquefy your insides. And

and then drink it. As this horrible demonic energy burst out of all of you, as it washed over you, you start to feel like your insides are being liquified. - Yes! - As I ever wanted to make a constitution saving throw for me. - This is what soup feels like with a Persian blender. - But not me, right? - Anyone who's in that 30 foot cube? - I don't think I'm in it. - What type of throw? - Oh no, you're not in it, lucky you. - 22. - Can I?

Can I twist this because I am not looking to help you right now? Oh, the hand is actually in it too. So what did we need to roll? I'm sorry. Calm saving time. Okay. Great. I rolled the same number, so it is what it is.

So, con plus five. So, 16. Actually, it doesn't say anything about... For those that failed, 51 points. 51 points of necrotic damage as you feel, almost you feel like you're inside as all three heads... As they just drink your essence.

50 something? 53. Alright, the hand is still alive then. 53? 53 if you failed. Half of you passed. Mr. Chronic? Okay, I had a 26, so I passed. Yes, 22 is the DC. If I go under from taking necrotic damage, is that, do I need to, this is nothing special about this one, like an elephant sucking my brains out? Nope. Okay, I am, I'm, I pass out.

Yikes! What is happening? Well, yeah.

- As it's all six of its eyes look around, you hear the gnashing and the howling and the clattering of the unhinged jaw clocking its teeth as it speaks in this horrible ancient version of abyssal that you can't even understand. - Spachos is the one who brings the-- - You both have advantage on your death saving throws. - Hell yeah. - Oh great. - Fucking go. - And as,

And as you all look around, you start to see as you fall, as you, the way that you're, as two of your members fall, you start to see all of the Vaati, thousands of them, tens of thousands of them. You had only seen a small handful of a hundred, maybe a little bit more. And this is probably what happened to their entire people. As thousands of them are dying and you start to see the demons start to gain ground and get closer towards you as they, as,

As soon as it, however you all are doing is how the battle's going. Should we have been doing shit since the start? Probably. And with that- I'm saying Sister Donnie being like, "It's not a spell." It's not a spell. It's not a spell. Not a spell. With that- Not spell cast. It's my turn, I think. I really dropped the ball on this one, guys. I haven't played a wizard in like a year.

Cleric, would you like to choose my two die that I'll be rolling at these two? Excellent choice. So I don't add anything to these? I just have to roll ten or more? Yes. Yes, you get an advantage because of Beacon of Hope. Okay, so ten or more. Yeah, on one of them.

14 and 19. Okay, we're good. Okay, you feel Anubis keeping you on to life as Persia is still bleeding out. You see your time. As it looks down right and it is going to attempt to just sink its claws into you. Into who? Into you.

- Fuck! - And it's gonna- - Oh, sweet. - So that's like two fails? - It hits you as you get two fails and it's claw- - What? - Stuck into you. - Actually, hold on, let me roll damage. How much hit points do you have? - How much? - How many hit points do you have? - Total? - Total, how many hit points do you have? I wanna see, I'll roll the damage if I can kill you outright.

Wowie. I like this new one. 104? You should take breaks more. I love this. I'm not even gonna argue what the fuck you be doing, Mike. Mike, he's talking dirty to me right now. 104 is my max damage. Oh, that's an auto-crit, so I'm gonna roll the damage and see if it can kill you. Oh, jeez. As it sinks in, well, actually, roll a d4, and it could actually kill you with the... Because I'm saving! If you roll... I roll a 1. I love this.

- That is an extra 6d6 poison damage. - What? - Wait, wait, wait. - 6d6. - Oh God. - I'm resistant to poison. - You'll take half of that. So I'll roll the poison first. - And the total has to be less than 100 something. - 104. - Which is what? - 104. - 104. - Which it probably won't.

- That would be a lot of damage. - All over a vampire. - That would be horrible. - He's been hitting really hard, but-- - That's a lot. - He's a crit, so yeah. - 23 points of poison damage, so not that much. - So 23 is-- - And then I'm gonna roll all of the claw damage now, which is... - That doesn't sound like enough. - Nah, it's probably not enough.

Still kind of trying. Yeah, it is. 10, 15, 16.

19. No, not even close. As it still tears into you, you see Herge's armor splintering as the venom drips from the claws as it lets out a sinister laughing howl. All three of these eyes seem to have a recognition of who you are, not knowing you as your individuals, but it seems to know that these are the seven angels for a final battle. I got you.

- Is this a fail save? - Two fail saves. - What's the deal with move-- oh, so first, I forgot to do confusion last round. Should I resolve it this round? - What is it? - You didn't do it. - What is it? - I'm gonna do confusion now so that I'm being honest and I will confuse this round. And I get a five. Which I think I just can't do anything.

I don't move or take action, so that's my turn. Okay, so you just pass it. But your confusion's done. But your confusion is done. Oh, is it? No, it was over at the end of your turn. Yes. Regardless of what happened. But that was at the end of your last turn, right? But he didn't do it, so he just did it again. He's just swapping them. Okay, yeah, I think that's fair. Iris, you're up. I am going to... Are we going to cast a Masculine Warden?

- Okay. - Mass, Cure Wounds, sorry. - Okay. - At a fifth level. - Is it still back? - Yeah, but Mass, Cure Wounds doesn't really do shit. - Really? - I mean, it does. It's 32 hit points to everybody who's within range of me. - Which the range? - And I believe it is 60. - Oh, no. I hate to do this, but he has a later reaction. - 35, 40, 35, 50, I'm here! - Hold on, hold on, hold on. - It's a later reaction, so I need to make an attack on her.

Okay. As once in a while, it's torn into you. Actually, no, he's going to bite you. He's going to hold you as much as he's dead dead. Yes. If he misses 22... Well, hold on. Uh...

No, I didn't attack it. Hold on. I don't have any kind of reaction. You can't do anything because you lost your turn. You should still have a reaction. I have a reaction left, but let me just make sure that I can. I didn't hit him, so he's not disadvantaged. If you're close enough, you could do it. I cast the spell Gun, and I save Urge. What?

- It's like bam, it unfolds. - Okay, well okay. - Do it Mike, come on. - Kill me. - Come on Mike, just kill me. - Oh, it's a plus 14. You're AC 22, right? - He misses. - 22, I'm gonna show you. - Oh no. - What these dice are. I rolled at advantage. They're both sevens.

21. Double 21s. It wasn't in the fate, man. It was not. It wasn't in the dice. I swear to fucking God. You took away my first opportunity to use Rebuild with I am so upset. I'm trying! It's also not over yet. I had a speech prepared for you. Oh, man.

- It's not over yet. - We all have 32 additional hit points. - Yeah, 'cause that's what I'm gonna do now. - As it tears in, but almost as if the blessing over you from Anubis, it's kind of stumbles forward and misses your body and,

Now it's Cyrus' turn. And so yes, everyone except for Lufty. No, you said 60 feet. Maybe. I said I'm not sure and then Mikey did that thing. So let me double check. Yes, 60 feet. So everybody gets 32 hit points and then I am going to turn towards Persia and... What happened? What the fuck? No, I'm not because I'm selfish. I'm going to heal myself. That's fine. Holy cow. Oopsie.

- Whoopsie-deezy. - Okay, you once again, you're all horribly wounded, but you feel the warmth, the blessing of Anubis. You hear once again the gong and the howl of a jackal mixed in with the howl of the wolves. As your wounds begin to heal, you feel that warmth as you regain consciousness, both Persia and Caprice.

But you're still prone. I'm still prone, but I'm up. I am on the ground. Gaze from the fact that I was just unconscious and back up and I'm just trying to crawl forward. Because Pachos brings the choices that you've been looking for.

Giving you the right to choose. We're offering much more. I'll stand. Very good. I don't know what I'm fucking going to do. I guess I'll just fucking... I am going... This little pig monster is going to stand there forever. Your turn? No, hold on. What is a pig monster? If you end your turn, it's a little terrain, and if you end your turn there, you need to make a custom save. Oh, because of the circle of whatever. Oh, so we should have all been doing that.

Getting the fuck out of there. We end our turn here, right? So I ended my turn there, so we all need to make constant count. Well, I will attempt to leave before the end of my turn. Oh dear. I pass. You said it's difficult terrain? Yep. Oh, you're not getting out? What's the DC? Thank god I rolled a knight. What's the DC? 22. So my movement speed right now is 40. You should be alright. 27. And so it would be 20 to get up. Yeah, you're good. You can move 10. I was here, and then I get there.

So I can get out of the nightmare range and then I will turn around and I will continue to sing the theme of Gazpacho's, one of my favorite restaurants in Galtica, which is overly long and weirdly patriotic. And then I will cast Slow on the creature. Slow. Slow hands.

You need to make some kind of a saving throw, I imagine. Just one moment. I'm gonna roll damage for anyone who rolls. For everybody who failed at the end of their turn, that is 10. If you passed, you take half. 18, yeah. Oh, and Caprice did walk into webs. I don't know if that matters. Yes, it will. 22. 25 points of piercing damage. If you fail, half of you succeed. 12 if you succeed. Okay. And then Caprice, make a dexterity or a constitution saving because you walk into webs.

You get +5, not +8. Don't worry, it's still up, fam. 5, 15... 20 is the DC for the webs. That'll be 23. Okay, yeah, you manage to dodge the webs as they shoot up, attempting to grapple you. Okay, so then I will attempt to cast Slow on the big beast, and also his minion. Fuck him. And they both need to make a wisdom saving throw, DC 17.

I can imagine that means he's gonna be serrated 12 times over at this point. Yeah. Uh, which one? Uh... Oh, he's fucking dead. He's gone. He's gone. Fucking great. He was like, you know, just absolutely torn apart. Uh, that's a 26. 26. You succeed. I'll use my bonus action to touch myself. You do that as you feel human power. When I bonus action, I touch myself. Ah!

With that, it is... Play action! Who has hit... It is going to look at you, Toa. And all six of his eyes are going to bore in your soul as you're starting to feel the reality around you crush in as it's going to cast Telekinesis. Oh my god. Oh my god.

- I would like to use my reaction to cast Counterspell. - You can do that. - At a fourth level. - Go ahead. - Telekinesis, I believe, is seven-level. - Seven-level it is, yep. - So I have to roll a what with a fourth-level spell to beat a seven-level? - A 17. - It's a seven-level spell, you roll a 17, but you add your end, which is five, so you need to roll a 12 or a 100.

For you, my friend, no problem. Thank you. Look at that, I got a 15, which is more than I needed. Oh, 15 natural plus. Yeah. Okay, yep, you got it. So I yell, uh, Genghis Albrin. And it's magic, it's all six of his eyes glow and suddenly it fizzles out as you heal the spell and you cancel it. Okay, that's the last of his legendary actions. Genghis Albrin. Can't kill anybody, but it is a lair actions turn. Ah, pills.

- That was out of my spell ring. - I can heal for 69. Nice. - As you see as I see.

It looks as you counterspell it, and suddenly all the webs start shaking and turning, and as you realize it, it's actually kind of creeping. The webs are alive themselves, dripping with acid and demonic magic, and they all shoot towards you. I need everyone in the room, or everyone in this battlefield, to make a dexterity saving throw. - What's that? - Oh, I don't have plus five. I ran away from everybody like this coward. 28.

I'm gonna fail this one. Do I automatically fail because I'm prone? Oh yeah. Or do I roll at disadvantage? That's a fucking fail. 26. 22 is the DC. I failed. I failed on this one. I'm just gonna write that at the top of my paper. We have twist. I can't pass it. 11. So you get plus 5 and then if...

- Iris would get another plus three. - 30 points of acid damage. - Oh my goodness. - 30 points of acid damage. - Oh no. - 30 if you fail. And half of you succeed. And if you fail, the webs wrap around you. You are now grappled and restrained. - I'm grappled, restrained, and I'm passed out again. I haven't gotten up yet. - That leaves me with, hold on here. - What is wrong with Hoja today? - I can't get up!

You can't say that you're unconscious. So wait, can we do the web thing? Can you roll the web thing? You toot a little and it sounds like you said that. Nikki's like, yes! Die! Die, Rich! You're already in it. You're already rolling. Yeah, I have an unlimited next area. I passed my constitution second throw. Okay. Lufty, you're up. How big is Big Boy? He's a huge creature.

How is he looking?

- He hasn't been hit in a while. - I know. - I was the last person that hit him. - We're like damage control over here. We haven't been able to do much against him. - He's been wounded. - Okay, I'm going to use my action to move my Videstorm for defeat. - Okay. - Remember that it does hit friendlies. - Yes, but it's only a 10. - What saving throw is this? - I'm sorry. That is a dex saving throw. - Oh, dex is pretty good.

- Dex, you say? - 20. - Just beats it, so you will take half damage of 10d6 plus the 48 radiant damage. I don't know, do you half the radiant damage if it's not part of the spell? - No, that's always, every single time you attack and you're stacking on radiant damage, which was, so hitting him more often is. - Okay, so. - Rowan doesn't add? - Oh, I could take half of the 10d6. - Yeah. - That's a lot. - So I'll take the full radiant.

Okay, so that's 18 radiant damage. Okay. And we've got 10... Okay. 25... 30... 34... 35, so half of 35 bludgeoning damage. Half of 35 bludgeoning. And it's magic from a spell, so that's fine. And since you're huge, you don't have to deal with the other stuff.

I will move... The feathers smack around and they are obviously affecting the divine power, affecting the flesh of this horrible abomination. You have to roll... I'm not taking that 30. I forgot that my AC... I'm going to move when I'm taking ranged attacks. Oh. Yeah. Because it's my cauldron. So I'm going to roll a dex to go through these webs. Okay, yeah. Dexer, 30, C20. What is it? C20. What? 20. Dex. Dex. Dex or strike, but for you it's dex.

Yeah. Yeah, you pass it. You manage to leap through the webs. And then I will use a key point to take the dodge action. Okay. You channel your key and you are very dexterous in this moment. Okay. With that, I'm still out of layup, so I can't follow up on Hersha. Feel it, Trout. So if I'm grappled from the web, but I don't want to move or do anything, I still just use my bonus action or my action.

Yes, you just can't move. So you teleport out of your HUD. So then, focusing, I pass all my saving throws and everything else that I needed to do. I'm focusing on this Fire Fist. I go for another attack. 22 AC.

That's going to crush him. So that's going to be 4d8 plus 4d8. So radiant first. The radiant is going to be 3, 10, 20 points of radiant damage. And then force damage is going to be pretty good. Wow, actually. It's a 1, not a... So it's going to be another 20. Another 20 points of force damage. That's my bonus action. So then my normal action, I'm going to cast fireball.

Oh. At a fourth level, which is going to be 96. That's gonna pass as like a 20, 30. Okay, so he'll take half. Okay. Because it's dex 17. So the radiant damage first is going to be 19. 19, okay. And then half of this. I get to reroll ones.

Yep, that'll just be a two. That's gonna be five, plus nine is fourteen, plus eight is twenty-two. Fourteen plus eight is twenty-two. Plus seven is twenty-nine, plus five is thirty... four. Plus four is thirty-eight, divided by two is fifteen, plus four is nineteen points of fire damage. So, nineteen. So that's half what they're resistant to.

No, that's half because he passed. So then a quarter of that is going to be... Nine. Eighteen, so nine points of damage as it dodges. Wow, that's really sad for a four-level spell. The fire-resistant...

That's fucking pathetic. Fire isn't hide. It's not your fault. Blast. I choose to fireball myself instead. He twins it. Holy shit. What a waste of a turn. I don't do anything else. I mope and wallow in self-pity. At least you're not dead. I almost would rather be. I'm not dead.

Nine points of damage for a level 5-4 fireball? And you roll like 18 dice. What the fuck? That's how it goes. I quit this game. I want to go home. This is why Clayton decided to be a util wizard. Seriously. I do. I cast Tantrum on myself and I cry. He's going to...

- He's going to once again open all three mouths and spray Webb. It's gonna hit everyone except for Felix. - Thank you. - And it's gonna make spell attacks and it's gonna be ranged. There's actually a disadvantage on everybody because yeah. That's still gonna hit Toa. Dexterity saving throw for everyone that gets hit.

Which I... I auto-fail because I'm unconscious, right? None of you have to work it. You'd be disadvantaged. Doesn't mean it's going to miss on fucking Urza. I pass. That's going to hit on Dixarity Savings, don't fool me, Kels.

And then Caprice is gonna hit as well. So, we're gonna miss this. I got a five and a seven again. 29. I pass the dexterity test. So everyone passes, you're not gonna-- You're all for me too?

Oh, I didn't roll for you. Apologies. I can't see. The camera queen's blocking my entire line of sight. Let me adjust here. Yeah, tell me about it. That was the entirety of Curse of Stronghold. You've got to be kidding me. Just tell me where you're at and I will you. 17 misses of you, doesn't it? Yes. Disadvantage. Oh, no, it is regular. It is regular, so I'm not at disadvantage. Oh, no, you're at disadvantage. Never mind. So it does not hit you. I'm just going to roll all this damage together. Okay.

Is this going to be acid smell? No, this is basically, he's flinging webs. That's what I get for acid. Several times.

He has been casting some spells that have not been counter spells. Yeah, well, okay, I know. Right, Mike, I already met, I dropped the ball the first few rounds, everybody just settled the fuck down. 23 points of acid damage. As the webs hit you and they try to wrap around you, but you're all dexterous enough that you're able to dodge them. So we all take the damage even though... If you get hit. If you had gotten hit, you take it. If you pass, you just don't get restrained. You basically, the web effect, if you fail the dexterity saving throw, which is 22, then you basically, it's the effect of being devoured.

- I'm gonna use a reaction to reduce, does it have to be on somebody else? - So if we pass, we still take 23 points of damage? - No. - Oh. - Yes.

So 22 points of damage if you get hit. If you pass the saving throw, you're just not getting cocooned in a horrible acid well. - Who got hit? - Not me. - Caprice did. - I'm gonna use my reaction to reduce that by pretty good, 13. - Nice, how about that? - Oh yeah. - There you go, okay, that is his turn. - Yeah. - Persia, you're up. - Oh my god, get me out of here. Come on girl, give me a natural 20.

- Nope, but I did pass with an 11. - That was close. - That was close, I rolled a nine and 11. So I needed that, thank you. - I wish they'd both been nine so I could use remove. - You're such a bane. - Such a bane. - I'll give it to you fair and square. - Once again, so hold on, it's the end of her turn and she is in the bad stuff. Yes, so it's the end of her turn. So you take a fail. - What's the saving throw? - The saving throw is, it's Khan. So I think Khan, you can pass just with your natural concentration, right?

Can you succeed a con saving throw while you're unconscious? I think Wiz ain't true charisma and con. You can pass. But you take, it's still half damage. So it still would be a, it would still be a. So it's still one save. So it's one save because it's not a direct. Because it's not, it's not a crit. Okay.

- Yeah, so I will take a fail and a save. - But you're probably gonna die right now when he does the lair action. - But you're probably gonna die right now. - He's not disadvantaged, right, Rush? - I haven't done anything. - No, water! - No, no, this is gray ice. - Please stop making that face. - I wanna hear your speech. - Can I file for divorce based on that face?

That is going to be a five and a seven. Wait, against me? Yeah. Oh, baby. Oh, baby. I'm not meant to die. Not today. Well, Toa, we'll see what Toa does. Toa, you are up as... I'm grappled and restrained. How does that work? What does that do? We're so tough, Tess.

- You are unable to move. - I tried, I did nothing damage with a fucking fireball. That's literally one damage per die. - I think me attacking it is a better use of our, it will be, I will prevent way more damage by attacking it than doing anything else. - I'm going to recklessly attack.

Ooh, get reckless. So then I'm just baseline. Oh, baby. And so we'll do the first one. It's 6 plus 15, so 21 to hit. 21 misses. No, wait, wait. Hold on. It's 11 plus 5, so it's actually plus 16. Yep. So that's 6 plus 16. 22. It's 22. 22.

- It barely hits. - Well done, Rich! - So I'll just roll that one first. It's radiant versus bludgeoning banner. - Okay. - So let me roll that one first.

- I just wanted to say that I did one thing by dispelling the vine. - So he is going to be disadvantaged on everything after the next round. - With my measly plus three charisma. - Where's my other G8? - Wait, what did he say? - I dispelled the thing he started drawing. - Oh. - The thorny wall. - Yeah, the vine, the thorn wall. - The thorny wall. - The teeth. - I was kind of useful for like a little bit. - Just a little bit. - Just a little bit. - Just trying to time you a little bit. - My AOE aura, you know.

- 28 points of damage for the Hover Swarm. I'm gonna see if this procs. - I'm gonna try this guy. - Windfury does not proc. I'm going to use my second attack on him. It is going to be a, can I twist that? - Yes. - Yeah, dude.

Yes, yeah, yep, that sucks.

Only one, twenty-five, twenty-nine, thirty-nine points of damage. Thirty-nine points of damage, okay. You smash into it, smash into it. And then, how's he looking?

- I mean, he's-- - We have not been fighting him. - Yeah, I would say he's-- - I've been beating his ass. - I will use a bonus action to heal myself. - Yeah. - For 69 blood damage.

You smash into it, you smash into it the radiant power of yourself and become divine and elemental as air and holy combine, or smash into it. It's doing a good amount of damage. Is he now at his advantage on this? Yes, he's at his advantage. So if I'm going to, he's going to use his legendary action. That's not me, he can be advantaged on me.

He's going to attempt to coup de grace her. Six times the charm for killing this dwarf. If he gets an eight or higher, she's dead. Is that disadvantage? But it's disadvantage because you're on top. So it's neutral. Okay, well thank you for helping. Hold on, before you roll it, I want to get to the big screen. There you go. Eight or higher. You can ask Mikey. Six gone. She gone.

- Okay. - She's got her head stomped off. - As you see her on the ground, you see all three heads.

descend upon Herja and you see them just absolutely tear her flesh apart. And although you see the angel of Tyr get completely devoured, you also see Herja herself as if your friend gets torn apart by this horrible, vicious, demonic force.

Prince. How much damage might it do? Uh, it... Oh. Does it matter if it's... If this is an auto-crit? You would have to drop the damage to zero, right? I could theoretically drop it to zero if Iris... And again, if it's like a plus a gazillion. And so, fair enough. Fair enough. You have to drop the damage to zero. It's 3d8 plus 9.

You have to roll really low. You would have to roll middle? Yeah. Yeah. Let's try it. Let's try it. But you didn't get a grab or what you went for? No. That's fine. Let it roll. Let it roll. Tears into a Kershaw. You...

You feel your life leave you. Mainly because I don't know how well what I do would work on a Kudogra. I feel like it's twisting the rules a little bit for them. As they tear into you, Herja, as you're on the ground unconscious, doing the best you can to help your friends in this situation, this horrific battle. You've never experienced a battle this brutal before. As you understand fully what this Obereth lord, truly ancient,

being is capable of, and you realize that you are empowered as a very powerful angel, and still, you've fallen in battle. Okay, with that, it is Ira's turn.

Oh wow.

magic. To Anubis, whose work is the care of the dead, I offer my praise. Oh God of the graveyard, great God of the tomb, preserver of Osiris, protector of Horus the child, bearer of the scales, counter of hearts, balancer against the feather of Maat, you lead us into the Duat, the life after life in which we may dwell in peace and plenty, in which may we

we may be reborn among those we have loved, our dearest ones, in whose steps we hope to follow, to whose arms we hope to return. O guardian and guide of souls, O foremost of the Western gods, Anubis who leads us into the necropolis, who carries us from world into world, Anubis who opens the sacred way, Anubis who is ancient of name and ancient of might, speaker of spells and grantor of breath, I honor you, O friend of the departed.

I beseech you and I thank you for your many gifts. Herrscher Andelhart, your heart has been judged. Arise. - You cast all of that. - Not a beautiful bitch, I appreciate you. - You all hear that same gong as the sand in a similar way that you smell that sweet cinnamon on the air and the sand,

that had washed over Kargash washes over Herja. Herja, your consciousness fades.

and then reemerges. - Oh, and then as my bonus action, I'm gonna heal her for 69 points. - You will do that. - Nice! - You lose your life and suddenly, you had just been on the ground, a horrible, vicious, demonic spider over you and you finally realize, you look around, it's darkness. You've died, you knew this could happen, but you didn't think it would happen like this.

And suddenly, before you is... I'm going to pause this for some drama. And as you... Suddenly, there's something in your vision. As two torches suddenly appear in the light. And you see sandals.

Massive sandals with black furred flesh rising up into muscular legs as a jackal headed creature in Pharaoh's regalia looks down at you with unblinking eyes. And you see before him a scale with a heart on one side.

It is your heart. And with... In the massive fingers of Anubis, you see a feather. And as he stares down at you, you hear his voice boom out.

My chosen has judged for you. And he drops the feather onto the scale. It lands and it's perfectly balanced. Suddenly, you come back to life. And as you realize you're not on the battle anymore, you're in the midst of the forge.

And you realize now this horrible black ichor is consuming. You are floating. Your friends are all floating in this corruption as you realize it's starting to spread. You see your father and your friends, and suddenly as it washes over you and consumes you as life has returned, you are snapped back into reality in this echo. As you realize that as you battle here, that...

you are still able to be killed, still able to take damage. And the longer that you take to kill this thing, the more that the corruption spreads to threaten from the forge. - Wow! - Holy fuck. - And seep out into Mogur Kai. - Me fucked up, so you can't win this. - So yes, for my bonus action, I kneel down next to her, I scoop her head up into my arms, and I use my hand right against her heart as I give her 69 health.

You feel your heart skip a beat as you return to life. Your wounds are healed. And with that, it's your... Nikki wants it to happen, but Iris does not. Evil. Evil. I love it. You need to make a con saving throw, Nikki, as the insects. I keep forgetting this. Oh, is this the AoE effect that I'm in? Twenty-two?

- It passes to take half of this. - Oh my god. - Can I twist this? - Beacon of Hope's still up. - I don't know, it's only a twitchy end of turn. - Oh, sorry. - Wow, that is terrible. Seven, 10, 17 points of piercing damage. - And half. - So half of that, yeah. I rolled like hot garbage. And then with that, it is a legendary action. And so, let's see what legendary action's gonna happen here. - Fantastic.

Bless. It is going to see the power of Anubis, and as it's doing horrible, devastating divine might, not just the seven gods that...

that Miska the wolf spider had been prepared for, but also a new challenger approaching and turns its six eyes towards you, Iris, and makes, attempts to make an attempt. No, I'm just kidding. Fuck me, dude. A droggling will be happening.

23, as the claws smash and pierce into you, roll a d4 for me, please. Can I impose disadvantage here with my shield if I'm prone? I don't know how that works. That's a tough one. I don't know.

- I feel like, I mean, yeah, I'd say you would actually in combat. - I'm holding her head for what it's worth. - Yeah, okay. - Can I like swing my shield around and protect both of you? - It doesn't say prone then, yeah, it says advantage. We'll see. - Yeah, no idea. - Let me just double check real quick. - It's still gonna be a 21 at the lowest.

- That still hits. - Creature, you can see attacks at target other than you that's within five feet. You can use your reaction. - Yeah, that's according to the rules. - It doesn't say anything about-- - And I got a three. - 19, a three. So three, you need to make a wisdom saving throw. - Oh, dude, it still hits. - Three, 19 plus nine.

I'm gonna use a twist. 28 points of piercing damage. Piercing to you. Wait, advantage? Way better. With some saving throws? Oh, well then you can put that twist back because that was my second roll. 22 was the best. Oh. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.

36. 36. You feel the maddening effect of this horrible prince of demons, of all demons. Not just demons, but also the oboreths. As you manage to resist this horrible, maddening effect. And what was the damage? Would I say 32? 31 or 32. A...

sort of a spectral blue spirit for a parrot will kind of fly in and deflect some of that magic. - Perfect. - Okay. - And you reduce it by 12. - Nice. - So I will add 12 back. - That's the last of his legendary acts though, Caprice her up.

I'm pissed off. I know that I need to keep singing the song that I'm singing to maintain the magic that I have enjoyed. Still got our boon. But I'm furious. And I'm filled with the blessed, radiant power, the holy energy of Salima, the angel of Amunadar. Ooh.

Wholesome Galtigan cooking. Fresh fish. A variety of salads. Wonderful hot appetizers. Tantalizing combination platters! And I'll cast Rays of the Eternal Sun in a 60-foot cone exploding out in this direction. No!

Wow. You have to make a dexterity saving throw. The DC's 19. Oh my god. This is the kind of quality play that you just don't see ever. It's true. It's absolutely right. This is elite, elite level play. I have Tickfire, so don't forget about it. That is going to actually shockingly fail as I'm going to use-- I roll a fucking two as I'm going to use the last of the Legendary Resistances. Okay. I still have to do some shit. I will roll a d8.

It'll be a one, the worst possible one I could have rolled. So you're gonna get 10d6 of fire damage, but you'll get the fucking shit. And then do a quarter. Right. So enjoy the points of fire damage, Mike, you fuck. Yeah, you fuck.

Fire squad, unite! Wow, that's not bad. Yeah, that's like-- Oh, back for the new kind of courteous friendly service! This is not the total of six damage! Look at that! That means 28, 31, 37, 41.

Oh, 45 divided in quarters. So, what were you saying? 10, like 12? Like 11? 11. Great. That feels so good. Of all the ones that I could have rolled, the only fire damage one is one.

"Kid Machos introduces a new kind of dining "with two completely different dining experiences "in one restaurant!" You hear Caprice yelling as, almost like the golden sun above his head is larger and larger, and actually, as he chants it, it starts to shift the shape from,

Assigned to just something that's deep fried golden. It blasts with the heat of hot grease as of the sun. And you hear the jingle of gazpachos in your ears. This is a horse shit fucking spell. It's like, what's this?

With my bonus action, I'll inspire Herja. Oh, thanks. Because she can probably hear the emotion in my voice. I just saved the love of your life, and yet I still don't get inspiration from it. You're standing right next to Iris. If it makes you feel any better, Mike designed this boss fight and gave me a special ability that only does fire. That's right, that's right. I turn to Iris, and I'm like, wow. Oh, she's going to kill me now. She steps on my skull. Oh.

- I slowly start to stroke her just-- - With that, you see, you hear a loud skittering and howling as 12 more of the demonic spiders erupt and emerge, two on each once again, please.

And now you do this after I use my AoE? That's fine, I don't care. Whatever. Fuck. So great. Love it. So I have to do my constitution taking first. I'm gonna do Choa first. It's gonna hit. It's gonna miss. We're gonna do Felix next. 19.

Sure, I'm gonna roll this d20 to see if I get higher than 11, and I don't, so it hits me. 19, and then... And then I cast shield, and then it misses. And then a 16, as your shield erupts as a clash against the arcane magic. Toa, I'm just gonna roll, so Caprice...

That's gonna be a 20 to 21 to hit. And that's gonna be a 17 to hit. That's bold. It's unique. It's ahead of the competition. The attack on Iris is gonna be a natural 20 for the first one. I'm gonna use my reaction to deny it. 17 on the next one, so that misses. That's gonna be a natural 20 on Lufty. I can't do my reaction, so I use my reaction.

And another 21. Okay.

- We're good. - I'm gonna consider it all the blood markers. - It's gonna be a 19. - Yeah, I'm gonna do one point. - That's true. - Persia and then 24 on the next one. So one's gonna hit. So does everyone know how much they got hit? How many times they got hit? - Zero. - Those hit though, so once. - Okay, so I'm just gonna roll for each of the hits and then each of you will take the damage for the ease of this. - Okay. - I don't know if I got hit once or twice. - I think I got hit once.

You got hit twice. You got crit, and you also got hit. Okay, crit and a regular. Got it. So I'll roll the crit separately for you. What? Jesus. Are you telling me you're numpty? I'm going to... We're going to fight. I'm...

15 points of piercing damage. Is it like a 50 or 15? 15 points of piercing damage. For who? For the first head. So I'm doing that for everybody. 15 points. And then everyone needs to make a constitution saving throw. If you got a head. If you got a head. This is piercing.

- Con is poison damage, it's piercing. The first hit is piercing, then a con state hit you for poison. - Oh, can we get a plus five for within 30 feet, right? - What is that? - Yes. - This was piercing damage? - This is piercing damage, and you're all rolling for a poison now for the first hit. - So I'm gonna roll an advantage here. So this was a nine. - Okay. - What's the DC? - Thank God, 20, 22. - Can I twist? - Yeah, same, I'm good too. - You may. - I don't wanna get fucked. - It wasn't in the cards there, Rich.

I pass. So 16 is the DC. Oh, then you're good. It's 16, not 22. Oh, it's 16. Oh, okay. It's this little shitty spider guy. Okay. Did I need that twist then? Oh, we used it. It's okay. Okay, that's fine. I'm going for the second attack. 13 points of piercing damage.

For the second, not for you though. Anyone take a second attack. Anyone besides Lifty? Okay. That's 13. I did. I did. Con saving throw, please. And then I'm rolling the crit on Lifty. Plus three for me. That's going to be 20. Yeah, you pass. Yeah. Con saving throw for me, Lifty, please. Both of you make con saving throws. Plus five. Oh, yeah, baby. I love you, Lifty.

28. 28. 19 points of piercing damage to you for the crit. Man, brutal. And did you all pass the poison saving throws? Yep. Okay. So that is their turn. Okay. Cool. As you see all of these wolf-headed spiders erupting and once again their jaws are disjointed. Yes? I forgot I took the dodge action.

Too bad, you lose your turn because Lufty's a numpty. It's Felix's turn. Can I negate the 15? You can't. Oh, you can negate the 15. No, you take, actually you take 45. Your overall is to see what I get. You take trouble damage for being a numpty. I'll say, the first one minutes, you still get crit. Well, yeah. That's fine, I'll take the crit. And then you take the numpty penalty, so you take three times damage.

Some wolf spiders. Okay, with that, that is Lufti's turn. Oh, wait, no, no. That was a lair action. I believe that was the lair action, but I still think that Lufti should lose her turn. I really think that you should shut up. I don't like you. I'm not a novelty. Oh, can I have a clarifying statement from old DMskis? Yes. Okay, with this whirlwind, if it sits there...

Does it need to move and then move back to re-trigger action? What does it say there? When it starts or ends its turn. It says, saving through DC the first time on a turn that it enters the whirlwind or that the whirlwind enters its space. I will say, just for the sake of it, because I have no idea, we'll say we'll roll for it because it's on a turn. Roll.

- So you roll it. - So I would say you can still move it back and forth to hit it anyway. It doesn't necessarily matter, right? - Well, it does to me because if I have to use my action, then I can't do anything else to move it. - Oh, you have to use your action. So no, I would say then if it's just swirling, then it will affect on his turn, right? - Yeah. - If he ends his turn in that space. - If he ends his turn in that space. 'Cause if it's any kind of thing, the first time you enter it and your turn there, then that would be the case. - So you just leave it be. You can do whatever you want. And the end of his turn, if he doesn't move, he'll take damage. - Okay.

in that case, I am going to use my spoon and do a sweeping motion to hit the two... Yes, to hit Hersha. To hit these two little boogie boogers. Arrgh.

That one will definitely hit, and then plus... So that'll be 19 with the extra plus five. So both of those will hit. Yep, they smash into Icar. And then I will use a key point for Fury of Blows to do two more hits on the big guy. Okay.

You smash into it. We'll see. 22 AC. - God awful. I don't think either of these hit.

- 15 plus five, 20, and you said 22? - 22 is the AC. - Yeah, and it'll hit. - Even with the extra plus five? Okay, so you are attempting to punch and kick, but it is smacking helplessly against the chitinous armor. Felix, you're up. - I am going to take another attack with the fist. - Okay, you smash in with the fist. - That is gonna be a 27 to hit. - Yeah, that hits. - So that's gonna be holy damage first, or radiant damage first, I should say.

Which is going to be... 6, 10, 15. 15 radiant damage. 15 radiant damage? And then for force damage, it's going to be a fuckload more. I almost rolled max damage. That's gonna be 26 force damage. Holy shit. Oh, I forgot to add radiant to my power. Oh shit, I did too. Well, you know what? I don't know what to tell you. And then I'm gonna take my turn. How much was it with the force? It was 15 radiant and then 26 force damage. That's what you're for.

But it didn't matter. Then I'm going to use my once a day action platinum flare, which in German is Plattenfackel. Plattenfackel. And it's actually Firestorm, which is 10 10-foot cubes, which I can arrange as I wish as long as they touch. So it's going to be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

They don't stack, but I don't want to hit my friends and I want to burn up all those motherfuckers. - Do you want to put one on you? - I can't spell shape, but it doesn't matter because none of the cubes are going to be on my friends. - Okay, yeah. - Right, like I'm looking at a 10 foot cube here. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. And I don't think anybody gets touched. - Yeah. - I do have evocation magic, but I don't think I need it. - Got it, okay, cool, cool, cool. So you-- - Get close. - So that's a DC 19 on your end. - Okay, sounds good.

and I will be rolling 7d10 fire damage to do roughly three points of damage. - You incinerate, and I'll just say for the sake of this, you incinerate all of the spiders. - Good. - As they get completely, they let out a shriek. - They're wolf spiders. - They're wolf spiders. - They let out wolfs. - They're wolf spiders. As they all get incinerated. - That's an 18. - If you wanna do that. - They're care wolves, not swear wolves. - As you see a blinding platinum light from the power of Bahamut

Or Baha. How are you gonna announce that? 38, 38, 38, 38, 38. Did he know that they were-- Don't the spheres have to be connected? 41 and 42. I think he's giving it to you. I'm just giving each other a chance. Oh, got it, sorry. Roll a full. They are connected. No, the two that were on you. I'm just giving you those two. No, no, no, yeah, those, you can leave them on me, I don't give a fuck. I think it's fine. I was just getting everything there, that's all that matters. The point is, I did 42 points of fire damage. Yep. Did you pass your 19? I did.

- 'Cause it's gonna do quarter damage, so that's why it's two or just one. - I'll do 10 points of fire damage. - Okay. - I'm keeping those two spiders. - Okay. - Wait, doesn't it stack 'cause you have four right here? - No, they don't stack. - No, they don't stack. - Unfortunately. I was just saying I don't wanna keep like snaking it and like-- - Did you do any extra like radiant damage on that? - I did not.

Damn. That's gonna be another 1625. Holy shit. Okay. 25 points of radiant damage. Yeah. I've done a lot more radiant damage than casting multiple. As it blasts, it seems to be resistant, but then again, as the fire, you realize that it's a platinum fire, and it's a holy fire, as it ignites its armor. Yes, it's platinum. Yeah, it's platinum. And it's looking like it's definitely bloody for sure. It's looking like it got platinum faccled. Which Bahamut angel are you? Is it Bahamut?

Bahamut Zero? Bahamut Sin? Neo-Bahamut? Bahamut Fury? Alpha Omega? I am Neon Evangelica. Bahamut 12. Radiant. The End of Evangelion. Bahamut. It rears up.

and all four of its arms go to all four that are directly in front of Miska. I'm just trying to get a hit off on this little fucker. He's disadvantaged on everyone, isn't he? Except for Toa. So I'm advantaged on Toa, and I'm, okay, I'm gonna do Toa first. That is gonna hit. I'm straight on both Iris. That's gonna hit.

That's also gonna hit Caprice and then I'm just straight on the edge on her No, it's just a man. Oh, so you're straight you're disadvantage on I rest in Caprice. Okay, let me roll your straight on her straight on her that is going to be 22 to hit on the virus that also had all steps ahead of those little head Caprice and then I

I'm just trying to get up. It's advantaged. No, it's straight. Straight on her. Straight on her. How much damage? Always. Oh, now that misses. That misses. Everyone but Herja. Thank you. Is this a spell? Thank you, Rich. It is just four attacks. And so I'm just going to roll the damage for everyone. You could try to get rid of this, though. I need to guess a level nine spell for attacks. Everyone who got hit, I need you to roll a d4. Oh, that's fine. How do we know if we got hit?

- 29 points of piercing damage, everyone has four people in front of them. - Oh no. - 29. - We gotta get to, he only hit the four people in front of him. - Can you slowly put me over unconscious please? - Absolutely. - I rolled a two. - Can I leave him here?

Can anyone tell me how to play this game? So who got a two? She's trying, she's trying. Give me my pen back. You're gonna take some extra damage. Okay, that's right. She's trying to be a noti. Can it be less than five, please? No, it's not. It's quite a bit more than five. It's 51. I will make you roll. It falls as the acid seeps into you from a one. That's the ravioli way. LAUGHTER

- Who got a one? Who got a two? - I got a two. - You got a two? Let me see what the two has. Anyone got a two yet? - I'm gonna pee real quick, 'cause I've been holding this for a while. - Kanta, you can throw. - Can I? I gotta twist it. How many twists do we have?

A mini. We probably could have used it this whole time. That passes. And just, what'd you get, Nikki? I went Unconscious. Okay. Yeah, that would not affect it, because it's all affecting your mind, so you're Unconscious. So you go down, Caprice goes down with extra acid dripping from these horrible claws. The only way. And with that, it is Herd's turn. Herd's doing that. Oh.

How's everybody doing? What's everybody's favorite kind of ravioli? Mine's meat ravioli. Mine is a mezzanine ravioli. Lobster ravioli was up there. I had a really good chicken and spinach ravioli, which was really good.

You know, I think I prefer cheese ravioli over ground meat ravioli. I like pepperoni. See, I don't. I don't. No, not pepperoni. I like peppermint nanchopies. Ew! That's my favorite. Yum, Nikki, yum. Hey, girl? Who's dead? Who's down, or who's dead? We're all dead. The three of ours are both down. Okay. We made you sit back at the table and tell you the campaign's over. Everybody go home. Thanks for coming out, everybody. If that happens, I get to play the ending song to fucking Castlevania. All right, we're gonna leave that.

- So no more of all the fun bits. - No more full heals. - It's done. I went unconscious, so it's done. - Oh, I see, okay. - Now it's just the beacon of no. - So I will, at my bonus action, I'm gonna, well, I guess I'll get up.

You heave yourself up. Iris is unconscious. It's the first time you've been up in 36 years. It's true, it feels like forever. Reset the clock! I'm gonna bonus action healing touch. You place your hand in the power of Tear. The wounded god channels in. You'll need to roll the healing in this instance. Yeah, it's 88 plus 5, so...

I will do that. Are you healing yourself? This is still me. Oh wow, that was almost maxed. Is that thing still there, Mike? Are the bug swarm still there? Yes. Actually, no, he probably would have lost concentration at this point and get rid of it. Yeah, I've been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have been beating this multiple I have

- Wow, okay. - We're like a crab cake. - 42. - Given the bonus, there's actually a good chance that we'd have passed all of it, but I think that's fine. - Yeah, that's fair. - 'Cause I fail, it's my fault as a DM. - I rolled really high, you get 57 healing. - Holy shit! - Woo! - Almost max on all of those, so that's two of those. - You feel the power of tear heal your wounds, you suddenly return to consciousness, Iris.

That's great. A chicken poke got stuck in my throat. Can I, like, lean over Iris and try to boop and heal? Are your arms ten feet long? It's like, oh, wait, the thing is gone, right? Go get it for sure! And I'm not in... You can get right there, yep. Okay, so I will get there.

- Would she take opportunity attacks? - Yes. - Since she's getting on a melee ramp? - Yes. - You are so annoying. - I'm just trying to-- - That's okay. - I'll take opportunity attacks. - Okay, okay. - It is going to-- - Mike can't see, so we gotta-- - I'm mumbling in my depth. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

It's gonna make an opportunity attack on you. I wanted to lay across Iris and touch him. It wasn't that big of a deal. It's gonna lean down with its wolfy bite and make an attack on you. Disadvantage, because it's a Toa. Goddamn. I said goddamn. Ooh!

Nope, that is gonna fail. That is a 20. Oh, fuck yeah. Man, you're lucky you're okay. And it goes to dive in and a spectral parrot manages to distract him. You can tell that Miska the wolf spider, the prince of all demons, did not expect a parrot. Too foil. What the fuck?

- What the fuck is that? - His jaw is on hand, his tongue is hanging out. - Fucking parrots. - I don't even think we know what a parrot is. - Probably not. - You take 16 points of healing, I'm gonna cast Cure Wounds at the second level. I wanna reach out and cast Inflict Wounds. - Next time you will give me pocket break.

Has anyone been using their word before? I feel inspired to kill! Been using their word? Because Fawkesh is the child of a pantress. Fawkesh gives us choices every day. Yeah, so that's my action and my bonus action.

And I used pretty much all my movement, so that's me. - Okay. - Good job, good job. - It is going to once again turn its three heads, the jaw hanging out as his eyes flash to cast Telekinesis on Toa once more to attempt to grip him and get him out of the fucking way.

- Okay, I'll cast Gannis Spread on fourth level. - Okay, roll for it. - All right. - Yeah, I'll roll for it. What do I need to get higher than a 12? 12 or higher? - What'd you say, vanish? - You gotta hit 12 or higher. - Counterspell. - Oh. - For you, buddy. - I'm trying so hard. - Crossed it.

- What is a banter? - Once again, it's a... - Wait, was I playing Annie? - Genghis Abad! - You do that and it suddenly gets dispelled. And I'm not able to do that, so okay, let your reaction go on. - Why are you using virus as many? - So am I still grappled in restraint? - What caused that effect, apologies? - It was like a web thing. - Like four turns ago. - Oh yeah. - I would say yes, you're grappled in restraint still. - Okay.

- You could use your bonus action to use your wings to get out of bed. That's what that's for.

No, it wasn't the web thing. It wasn't like me moving through webs. No. Oh. Was it like the bad thing? The really bad thing? Where you got cocooned? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, never mind. So you are cocooned horribly, and you're going to take some acid damage. Oh. You should have just done that. How's that for homework? How about them apples? Applesauce, bitch. As you're grappled and restrained, and you take acid damage at the start of your turn. Yay!

Wow, that's awful. 2, 4, 8, 8, 12, 12, uh,

- 15 points of acid damage. And you're still grappling with a strand and you feel like you'll keep taking acid damage if you do not do that. - You said you were hungry. - For ravioli. - Oh, I will. - This is not ravioli. - That is not ravioli, but thank you. - How's he looking?

You see as his armor is cracked, and you get the sense that if it was just you, six mortals fighting him, that you would have not stood a chance. But through your efforts and what you've been doing as these angels in this echo, you're tearing into the armor, rending the flesh, and ichor is pouring out all over him. The clouds are roiling overhead, and you look around, and you cannot see, you cannot see Torkoal.

- Twerval. - You haven't seen him this entire time. But he is looking relatively rough. - Wait, whose turn is it? - Toa's turn. - Okay. - Okay, so I am going to recklessly strike power attack style. - You're disadvantaged 'cause you're restrained. - But I'm recklessly attacking. - And also because of that, you should be hitting

- Well, Toe is disadvantage. - He's advantage anyway, 'cause of this. - So six plus 16, no, six plus 11 is 17 hit? - To the big guy? - Yeah. - 22. - Should I twist it? - Let me twist it. - For an attack? - Yeah. - Oh! - So that's disadvantage, right? - Oh, he's disadvantaged, yeah. - If I hit. - Yeah. - Natural one. - Okay, that's fine. - I'll make another attack. - Okay.

What am I doing? This battle is just going really well. Another six? Okay. I love that. Bonus action would be... Heal somebody.

Who's looking real bad? I've never looked healthier in my whole life. I'm okay. Probably Caprice. You're looking at me and Felix is like, "Oh, they're smoking a cigar, hanging out, sipping scotch." Caprice is probably feeling pretty bad. I feel like 19 now. I can't even get over there. You're right next to him. You're right next to Caprice. No, I'm on this square. Yeah. Caprice is on this square. Oh, are you restrained? Felix is like, "He's been detained." I can't move. I'm grappling with restraint.

Felix is an adultic in whorehouse. - I'm dying. - Jesus. - Help, I'll take you to gazpacho. - I physically can't get to you. - He's got a coupon for 10% off. - They've got a buffet court, it's a whole experience on its own. - I will heal myself. - Is it a sushi buffet? - No. - Sometimes little kids stick their fingers in the chocolate fountain, but just ignore it. - Okay, you use Healing Touch on your soft goods. - It's going to-- - Do you go in corral?

That was my inspiration. Yeah, I know. That's all good about how disgusting Paul is. As you see it use a legendary action, as once again, the ground beneath you starts to rumble as it casts Wall of Thorns in the line. Is that a spell? Yes, it is. Well, I've already used my reaction, so. I'll counter spell it at what fucking level, I don't care. He's like, "The buffet!"

Now, a level four is a seventh level, I believe. Okay, so how does that work? Six levels, six levels. So, when I cast it at a four, you add your, whatever your modifier is, cost your thing. Probably five, right? For charisma. Yeah. Yeah, so if you cast it at a level four, you need to hit a 12 or higher. Yeah.

Mike, just stop. - Yikes. - Let's twist it. - Twist it, yeah, twist it. Twist it real quick. - Roll and twist as many as you like. - Nope, more. It wasn't meant to be. - It's not meant to be. - But you're near us, so don't you get to plus something? - No.

Oh, not saving. You can get another twist if you want. You get a wall of thorns and you get a wall of thorns. Nah, I don't like you more than one. Let's get thorny. Yeah, it wasn't in the cards, you know? It wasn't in the dice. Are you trying to put it in the same spot as last time, Mike? Uh, yeah.

- Yes. - To make it easy. - All right, there we go, retarget driven. - Everyone needs to make a dexterity saving throw for that. - All of a sudden my vacation in Galtic Whorehouse is ruined. - I'm gonna remember this one. - My scotch is spilled, my cigar is destroyed. - I automatically fail unrestrained. What do I have? Disadvantage.

26. I failed. I failed. I'm still restrained from the last time, I think. Plus 5. You gotta be fucking kidding me. So yeah, Derek, you get plus 5 plus 3. Yep, I rolled like a 5. So I gotta roll to see if the damage goes on my last mirror image. 16. Dex. 16, 20.

Only 22 points if you fail. 22 points of piercing damage if you fail. If I go to 11 or higher, I don't take any damage. 11 piercing. Yes. My last mirror image explodes. I take no damage. I don't have to roll concentration. Is this one of those where if you pass the dex saving throw, you take half?

Yes. Okay, so if I have Shieldmaster, I can negate that completely? That's how it works, yeah. It stacks. And Evasion will do the same? Yes. Evasion has a pass, you take nothing. I was on the ground. So it uses my reaction. Okay, your reaction is gone. Okay, that is its Lair of Iris. I was on my ground, on the ground, and I had only just gotten healed by Hergia, and I'm mumbling incomprehensibly at this point. I try to...

I stand up, I roll my eyes.

The lovebirds are really making this difficult for me as I use my last of the things to heal you for whatever this thing is. Why don't you roll it for me because I'm going to do something else and I'm going to need to roll. Do you want me to roll it for you? It's 48. So you could roll the 48. Plus 9? Plus 5. So that's how much you heal. And then I'm going to turn and I'm going to look towards this thing and I want to flavor it a little bit differently if that's cool instead of a...

- How do you wanna do it? - I'm going to turn towards this creature and you're gonna see as my eyes go completely black, my mouth drops open and scarabs begin to spill out of my body, encompassing this entire thing as I use Reaper of the Harvest. - Holy shit. - I need you to make a constitution saving throw. - I don't know what this is, this is awesome. - Yeah, I'm out of legendary resistance. - Yes you are. - I'll roll this public, okay? So the plus to con is

Where's the focus of the focus now? Do it!

It is also a 14. Get wrecked, Misca. Get wrecked. Get wrecked, Misca. Get wrecked. Get wrecked, Misca. Get wrecked. Get wrecked, Misca. Get wrecked. Get wrecked, Misca. Get wrecked. Keep the die. Keep the die. Okay. It was a natural one, folks. So let me see. Hold on. I'm going to need some D8s. Oh, you can have all my D8s. Honey Bobo.

Seven, I need one more. You get the presumption if it was actually fighting Miska that you have more than three, but you guys are angels, so it's... Oh, look, a real mouse! It's all story. Oh, really? Yeah, it's an echo. The Reaper with the mouse fist. Oh, that's awesome. They're saving them. I was really hoping for that natural run. That was really... Manifestation. That was great. That was great. That was great.

Make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. So my spellcast, is my spellcast ability affected by jack of all trades? I don't think so. That's for skills. Yeah, it's an ability check versus a skill check. The CIA is claiming that my jack of all trades would have been added. I don't think so. You'd have to re-jack all trades. It's an ability check. So if it's the counter spells and ability check.

It's an ability check plus your spellcasting mod. Well, how does Shack of Old Trees work? No, it says make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. Yeah, so it's an ability check. Well, in that case... It's a charisma ability check. Yes. Then yes. Yes.

- If it is an ability sa- - It's way too late to roll. - 95 points of damage. - Nice. - As it begins to swarm with scarabs and they begin to devour it. - I love that. - Got 'em. - You see, you channel the power. You've just been using the power of Anubis, but you now call on the, perhaps the god of your father.

- As you call upon Osiris, as your mouth opens and scarabs erupt, swarming this creature of arachnid and wolf, as it is trying to bat them away, but it is looking a lot weaker now as the scarabs fly away. And how much was it, it was 90? - It was 95. - Holy shit.

And it is looking rough now. It is looking rough as the scarabs fly away, you see the armor is cracked, and the clouds are very low overhead, and you see that the battle is starting to push in the other direction. I'm just trying to make you feel better. Okay, with that, it is, ooh, but I can use a... Blah, blah, blah, blah.

- I will say, because you would have passed it anyway, the wall of thorns is gone now. 'Cause it would have passed. So it still does the initial damage, just to make that fair. But if you would have passed with your jack of all trades. - I'm not sure that I would have, honestly. - But we just know for next time. - I would say, yeah, I would say-- - Two adds two. - Right, I don't have extra time. - I don't know. - Okay, fair enough, then it's still there. Then it's still there. With that, with that, with that. - But for next time.

Caprice is right next to it, right? - You do, I think there was a good call out. - I'm okay. - You do take max healing because she's a grave cleric and you were at zero. - Oh yeah, that's true. - Oh really? - So you take sorry about that. - So it's just 69 again. - Thanks, Mae. - Nice. - Yeah. - Nice. - Thanks for the call out, Jack. - You're standing too, right, Iris? - Yes, yes. - So the person, the only person who's down is Caprice. - Yes. - He's looking weak and so Miska's starting to look weak now as it leans in and tries to bite with its horrible wolf face.

Disadvantage, right? Because of Toa? No, I didn't hit him. No, you didn't hit him. He's advantaged, so we'll see if I crit him. Nope. And sinks in. I'm going to roll some damage here real quick. Apologies. Is he on his turn? Or is he still looking? He's on his... That is a legendary action. Okay. The iris just went...

So I'm gonna do some piercing damage first, and you need to make a DC 22 con saving throw or else you'll get a lot more damage from poison. Plus 8. I'm totally fine. Nice. Nice. Maybe he passed. Hell yeah. 23 points of piercing damage, and you manage to resist the poison that's seeping from the fangs. Fuck! And with that, it is Caprice's turn. Caprice. And that's the last of the legendary actions. Caprice, you're up. Well, uh...

Stand up. Can you stand me up as well? Yes, I can. Perfect. He's looking pretty rough. I look around and all of the chaos is happening. They're not singing anymore. I'll just lean forward and I'll go, "Gaspacho!" And I'll cast Synaptic Static. At this level, it needs to make an Intelligence saving throw, DC 17. Ooh, Int. Int? Int. The worst.

I don't know, I'm trying to make a charisma saving throw. I figured that might be a good one. Int? Oh, well, this is Motherfucker Fron. I rolled a natty two. It is his worst. End him. It's more a matter that this genuinely turns the rest of the battle. It's 86 damage, which is great. Psychic, if he's resistant or any of these things. However, it's not the damage that's meaningful. And the radian. Okay, the radian.

Yes, and radiant. And I'll just do all-- Oh yeah, you get 48 radiant. It's all the same, so it's all straight? Oh yeah? Yeah, so-- Or 4d8, d8. D8, yeah. Ignore those. Oh, that's fine. Thank you. Wow. I can do dice. Five. I don't know if you can. Ten.

15, 18 points of psychic damage and then... Please, help yourself. I'm going to. And then 8, 14, 22 points of radiant damage. How many d6 total is the spell? 8. You only rolled 6. Wow. Can you just give me the straight total?

What was the total of the psychic damage? Oh my god damn it! 18 plus 4 is 22. 22 plus... That was 22, so 44. 44 points of damage total. And moving forward, it has muddled thoughts for one minute. During that time, for the next ten rounds, it rolls a d6 and subtracts the number rolled from all of its attack rolls, ability checks, as well as its constitution saving throws to maintain concentration.

You can make an intelligence saving throw at the end of each of your turns. I would like to ask you, how do you want to do that? Jesus. Respectful DM was waiting for you to finish. I appreciate that. Yeah, I'm at the end of my song. That's literally how the song ends, is when I whisper gazpacho. Gazpacho. I'm hitting it where it hurts the most. It's...

intelligence. It's shown so much in the, it's animalistic, but I am trying to crush its mind from within. I want all of the ichor pouring out of its body to stop and slut out of its head, its ears, its six eyes. It basically turns into a massive sprinkler pouring in every direction before finally popping and then falling limp to the ground. You

And as you call out the word "Gaspacho," the psychic magic starts to mind-melt its all three heads, as all six of its eyes start to go wide with maddening thoughts itself, normally driving others mad. You see Vaati by the thousands being slain, demons by even more so being slain, and

As you look to you seemingly unable to believe that the prince of demons, the prince of the obereths, that possibly you could see by its pride, perhaps the most powerful being on this current plane seems to

be absolutely flabbergasted, and you hear a sickening chittering and howling as its eyes burst out and its mind goes blank, and it finally becomes weakened enough. It collapses forward. Still it lives. It is the Prince of Demons. However, you see a flash

a flash of golden light, molten light, as you see a flutter of wings, as out from the cloud cover, rockets, dive bombs, Torvald Anvilheart, wielding the rod of law, getting ready to swing down and smash into it, and

you see that Misca the Wolf Spider is not able to do anything about it. As it's getting ready to hit him, as you see this mighty swing, as he is in this form an angel of Morden himself, smashes into the carapace as it ruptures, and you see the chaotic nature of Misca, this pure being of chaos, of chaotic evil,

starts to lose its form and start to shrink and be contained into a smaller form. And you see for just a split second, moving lightning fast, another flash above you. You see wings, but it is not an angel. Dive bombing directly after Torvald. You see a muscular humanoid creature

four dark wings wielding a massive greatsword, a jagged beak on its head with tufts looking like razors raging up, wearing nothing more than a brutal toga as its razor-sharp avian talons are hanging behind it as it dive bombs following Torvald.

and you see two eyes look at you, Caprice, as it dies down and suddenly it's as if all of a sudden time returns and it bursts and in a flash of light, the Rod of Law splinters its blood coating it. Seven pieces erupt and fly off out of sight and with a brutal flash of golden blue light,

You are blinded, and as soon as your vision returns, both Miska the wolf spider and Pazuzu are gone. And you hear a horrific demonic upheaval as you hear the screams, but not of the Vaati, but of... They sound like demonic screams.

As the Vaati crash against the hordes of demons, you see the lesser Tenari, the lesser demon-subjugated suddenly lose whatever control there was, and to their chaotic nature, they turn against their masters. You see the ancient elder race of demons suddenly start to be fighting off not just the Vaati, but all of their subjugated slaves and foot soldiers.

It is an absolute rout as the Obereths begin to retreat, as they are torn apart by effectively a chaotic, a united front. Half of the demons going for the body, half of them going for the Obereths. And they seem to be absolutely routed. And all the while you see the humming glow of the seal beneath you, or behind you. Suddenly your consciousness returns.

You are standing in the forge. Torvald is before you. All remnants of that black ichor, now gone. As you see before you, glowing in this beautiful light in the mold, a glaive, a weapon, an improved Rod of Law. And that is where we'll end the session.

- Well done. Thank you, Mike. - Beautifully done. - Well done. - Incredible. - Thank you. - My goodness.

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