cover of episode Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 23 | Executive Power: Part 1

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 23 | Executive Power: Part 1

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Legends of Avantris

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Felix Ackerman
Felix Ackerman:作为本集的叙述者,Felix Ackerman 回顾了上一集的事件,并引导了整个故事的发展,参与了团队的决策和行动。他展现了作为领导者的担当和智慧,并在关键时刻做出了正确的判断。 Caprice:Caprice 在冒险过程中展现了其勇敢和机智的一面,积极参与战斗和决策,并展现了其独特的个性和幽默感。他与其他角色的互动也为故事增添了趣味性。 Herja:Herja 在冒险中展现了其敏锐的观察力和冷静的判断力,并在关键时刻做出了重要的贡献。她的个性相对内敛,但她的行动和言语都展现了其坚韧和智慧。 Lifty:Lifty 在冒险中展现了其灵活的身手和战斗技巧,并为团队做出了重要的贡献。他的个性较为活泼,与其他角色的互动也为故事增添了趣味性。 Iris:Iris 在冒险中展现了其强大的魔法能力和智慧,并在关键时刻扭转了战局。她的个性较为冷静和睿智,她的行动和言语都展现了其强大的领导力和决策能力。 Toa:Toa 在冒险中展现了其强大的力量和战斗技巧,并为团队做出了重要的贡献。他的个性较为沉稳和可靠,他的行动和言语都展现了其强大的责任感和担当。 Heart:Heart 在冒险中展现了其善良和温柔的一面,并为团队提供了重要的支持。她的个性较为单纯和善良,她的行动和言语都展现了其对团队的忠诚和关爱。 Zorbak:Zorbak 在冒险中展现了其强大的力量和战斗技巧,并为团队做出了重要的贡献。他的个性较为粗犷和豪放,他的行动和言语都展现了其强大的战斗力和冒险精神。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the party decide to disguise themselves as Aarakocra nobles?

The party needed to infiltrate enemy territory and gain access to the Aarakocra aristocracy to procure transportation to Caliri without arousing suspicion.

What unusual side effects did the transformation rings have on the party members?

The rings caused various side effects such as an irresistible need to hoot every three words, a desire for carnal pleasures, sensitivity to veiled insults, obsession with wealth, and disdain for lower classes.

How did the party manage to secure transportation to Caliri despite being targeted by the Bloody Beaks gang?

The party negotiated with the Bloody Beaks by offering double the standard price for two carriages and using intimidation to convince the gang to let them pass without further trouble.

What threat did the party face during their journey to Caliri?

The party encountered a hostile Aarakocra named Tybur, the Silent Death, who attacked them with arrows and summoned storm creatures to disrupt their flight.

How did the party ultimately handle the threat of Tybur, the Silent Death?

Despite Felix's attempt to grapple Tybur using Dimension Door, Tybur managed to escape by flying away, leaving the party to continue their journey to Caliri.

What was the party's reception like when they arrived in Caliri?

The party was greeted by armored guards who provided medical attention and escorted them to the Rising Elegance inn, showing concern for their well-being and promising to address the issue of the sky pirates.

The party, disguised as nobles, is attacked by sky pirates while traveling to Caleria. They manage to fend off the attackers but are left in need of medical attention and a new plan.
  • The party is attacked by sky pirates.
  • They manage to heal one of the injured owls.
  • The party needs medical attention and a new plan.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to Legends of Avantris. I'm Felix Ackerman and you're listening to Beneath Dark Wings. Here's what happened last time. Burn it to the ground. Break the chains.

with holy fire. But I hope the next time we meet, it is amidst the ashes of our oppressors. As you see, a number of bugbears appear. Were you looking for me or just any genie? They need one more. They have six. All air? Genasi? Wind, storm. And she's one of them? She has blood. They decide if it is one of seven. I want to eat.

They promised us food. They want to bring storms. You will not kill me. But you have to promise that you'll work with us and you won't abandon us when we need you. We need to get to the top. We need to burn down this incursion. Food, safety, gold, thighs. You are looking for Gaboros.

He has the ability to give people fake identities and make them look different, like they're higher born. Why do you bring this filth into my shop? We have something you may have an interest in. This is a creature of air. Don't you recognize a genie when you see one? I will give you one of my famous little rings. You appear...

Highborn, noble. I think there's no place to go but out here in this city. Are you excited? You seem excited. I am. I mean, I don't care who knows it. This is gonna be a hoot.

We're all standing as these noble-looking Al Era co-crafter distributing all of your various rings. And not having time to really look at your papers, you all look at each other and there's almost like this magical connection that you have and you're able to tell who is who. And as all of the... Who? Who? Who? Who?

As all of the individuals of the lower class Aarakocra look around and their eyes are widening as they look at you in this scurry past, they then try not to make eye contact as they see this group of bickering nobles. Even the guards in this town seem to try to avoid you. And you are all standing and you are wearing these rings and I guess we can kind of see what you all look like. And you all look like a certain kind of owl. Dude!

And so we have first Felix. Yay! Oh, I am noble as fuck. Oh my god, I'm so excited. Look at how noble I am. Very noble. And for all of you- What type of owl is this? That is a common scops owl. Oh, you're the common. Fuck all of you. It's the coolest looking one, though. Of all the scops, this is the coolest. I can't wait to see how crunchy I look. This is Caprice. Oh, yeah. Shut up.

For those that enjoy owls. He's majestic. What type of owl is he? This is an eastern screech owl. Oh, yeah. He would be a screech owl. That's an eastern screech owl. No, this episode is going to be a hoot. There we go. This is Herja. Oh, Herja! Your head wig. Your beauty wig.

This is a snowy owl. Let's get that up there. Not bad, not bad. I like it. She's beautiful. Very wise looking. This is Lifty. Oh my gosh. That is it. Fat and chunky. This is a Ural owl. I love it. This is Iris.

Why is he saving Toa for last? That is a pharaoh eagle owl. Whoa. And you can actually see it standing on one of the pyramids. Oh, yeah. That's a pyramid. That is too thematic. And then this is Toa. And he is a Pueo. That's pretty cool. I can see that. Pueo. It's a Hawaiian owl. Oh, my God. It's so cute.

And then you also see that Zorbak and Heart also have these shapes. And so Heart, like it passes around, is a pig meow. - Aww.

We'll pass this around. And then Zorbek is a long-eared owl. Yes! Let's keep going! He's a big boy! Pass that around. I'm so excited. This one was very surprised. So, and as you all settle in, and these rings are, you're settling into these Aarakocran forms.

You all start talking to each other and you realize that you're switching from common to Auron as you all gain the ability to speak and understand Auron. And you also then start to feel something kind of strange overcome you and however we do this we're gonna all need to make a wisdom saving throw. Oh fuck. For real? Yep. What a great start. I'm rolling a Wyrmwood Dice. As am I.

I choose. Is it wisdom saving throw? 20 to 25. Wisdom saving throw? Oh, that's not hot. 22. 22. So 20 to 25? 14? Oh, sorry. 15 to 20? That wasn't the question. Caprice is 15, okay. 10 to 15? 13. Come on, guys, warm it up in here. 14. 13. Toa and Felix, what do you get? 7, 4. What?

- You guys earned it. - So, Lufty, I mean Iris, I need you to roll a d6 for me. - Oh no, why?

- A six. - Nice. - Six. - So as you feel, not only do you look like a noble, you start to feel like you are noble, but you start to feel like an Aarakocran noble. You have an irresistible need to hoot every three words you speak to showcase your proud owl heritage. - Oh my, I'm so happy. - Caprice.

Take it, or roll D6, please. Three words, huh? Four. Four. That's a good number. You have an irresistible desire for carnal pleasures. Of course he does! He's a fucking fart!

Okay, we need Herja to roll a d6 please. Oh my god. Hey, why are you guys acting? I'm perfectly normal. I rolled a 3. 3. You are sensitive and hear veiled insults in most words addressed to you, and you are quick to anger. Oh no. Herja doesn't get angry. Mufti. D6. 6. 6, roll again. Oh. 4. Yep, roll again.

Okay, got four three times now. Five. Five. You were obsessed with coins, jewels, and other symbols of wealth. Look, he's now Iris. Felix, you're the last one to roll. Yeah, there's only one. One of the two left. So just a one and two. You need to roll a one or a two. I'll do even and odd. Odd for one, even for two. Yeah.

Odd. So one. One. You feel an explicit disdain for everyone you perceive to be a lower class than you. That's horrible. Oh no. Okay, and then Toa, you're last. Why are all of these just Iris? Yeah. You're incredibly paranoid about a scandal that's a secret that could ruin your family forever. Oh no.

I don't know what the secret is. Nope. So just to recap, I constantly hear insults in the back of my mind and I'm quick to anger? Yes. Okay. Not in the back of your mind. No, in the things people say. So you just say everything wrong. You're like, what did you mean by that? Oh, gotcha. Thank you for clarifying. Okay. You're not supposed to need something. Did you mean something by that? Why would you say that like that? Got it. I'm not being a jeweler. I'm sorry.

Do our papers have names in them? So, that's the one I'm getting to next. Oh, shit. So, uh, Heart is looking at her paper, and she says, uh, well, I guess I'm, uh, Friedoria Fritzelweiss. And then Zorbak looks and he says, oh, I'm Theophrastus Bombastus. Ha ha ha!

And so, you all read noble names of whichever you would like to be. Oh. Oh, wow, that's a lot of pressure. I'm reusing my name.

Albert Sunshot, Powerbottom Benedict, Powerbottom the Third, whatever it was. What was Art's name? Art's name is Freedoria Fritzlweiss. Freedoria. Freedoria Fritzlweiss. And then remind me of the other dude, Zorbek. Zorbek is Theophrastus Bombastus. Theophrastus Bombastus. Nah, I... Maybe...

Thank you. Oh, do you have a pen or a pencil or anything over there, Rich, for the chance? Here, you can borrow mine. Cool. Oh, you mean mine? Oh, yeah, yours. The one I'm using. Uh, let's see. As you all think, I'm going to go find mine. So just for background, we all kind of got false identities as these Aarakocren, these owl Aarakocren nobles. So I'm this cute little guy, and I'm going to be, I'm going to think of a good last name.

Shit, this is hard. This is hard. I'm just going by Feather. It's just Heather with an F on the front. Heather? Feather. Feather with an H. Got it. Yeah, it's just Feather. We're too anxious, I guess. Iris is Feather. Yeah. What do you mean, honey, again?

Me? Yeah. Well, I noticed that when I'm looking at my papers here, the name is kind of scratched out and I can't understand it. So I'm just going to go with Albert Sunshot Benedict Powerbottom III, like we used when we were in Skyreach. Can we just call you Albert? You could if you want. Did we see? Oh, well, there we go. That's Toa's name. Albert. So a Powerbottom.

What's your last name? The Third. Well, I guess technically that's a title, so yeah, Powerbottom would be my last name. Albert Benedict Powerbottom? Albert Sunshot Benedict Powerbottom the Third. So you're Albert, but you're not going to go with a Bert? Is that what we're doing here? We'll have to go back around that. I'm going to... I'm Feather Featherton. Feather Featherton. Oh my god. Hold on, I got something. Feather Featherton. Yeah, Albert.

Sunshot Benedict Powerbottom. You can leave this up to us, Mike. Yeah. Hey. Hey. Okay. What else we got? So I have Felix's Albert Sunshine. Powerbottom. What is his Capri? Benedict. Benedict Powerbottom.

- Power B squared. - Thank you, Liz. It spelled exactly the way librarian Liz said it spelled. - Feather, feather, turjan, lifting, still looking. - That's perfect. - Okay, feather, featherton. I'm on it. And then we got bombastus and fredorio. I'm with it, I'm with it. - I can't think of anything good. I feel weird being put on the spot. - I'm gonna go with Gustav Hammerschmidt.

Gustav Hammerschmidt. Okay. Gustav? I'm only reading half words here. Okay.

I also have some names if anyone would like one. That would be great. I'm really coming up blank here. You are Specularia Krigulinda. Specularia. That's me, I guess. What is it? Specularia? Nose just said missed opportunity for Bellastrix. That's a really good one. I was looking at Beatrice, but that's the bird name.

What was the last name of Farherza, Mikey? It is... I'm just going with first names, you guys. I'm going to have a really hard time remembering last names. Really? Featherton? Other than yours. Specularia is me. We're picking names so that we can move amongst the Arcochra aristocracy unimpeded. I am going to be Hildebloom.

Actually, that's not a translation, but it's like potato love.

That's right. Who do we have left? Felix, Iris, Toa, Herjot, Lifty, Caprice. They call me Tim. I was just reading that meme this morning about John Cleese forgot the name of the fucking wizard. He was like, they call me Tim.

Damn. It's because John Cleese forgot the real name that he was supposed to say. No way. And if you need a last name, Iron Balls. Iron Balls. Iron Balls?

Okay. Do you have team iron balls? Holy shit. The long, proud line of team iron balls. So, you're all standing out as you all are reading your names off to each other. What are you guys doing? Uh, question. Yeah. What, um, so aside from being owls, like, do we have clothing on? Is it our old clothing on us? Like, what do we do?

So, uh... Are we? Oooh! So yeah, you have, with you, it basically morphed your clothes into an appropriate looking set of noble clothes that you could probably flavor however you would like. You would have the option to change those as well. Is there a mirror nearby where I could go inspect my proportions?

Yes, I would say that there's, it's not so much as a mirror, but it's like a greasy, dirty window outside of a tavern. We're gonna water. And you look and you see that you are about as thick as you'd hope to be. I just go, Okay. This is different.

This is hor-hoot. Horrible. What was that? What did you say? I said hoot. This is horrible hoot. Why are you doing that? Why am I hoot doing what? Oh, no. Are you feeling all right? No, I'm not feeling very well hoot at all, hoot. Oh, no. I hate this. Hoot. Hoot.

She's in it. Is this all Hoot going to be over? Hoot. Let's just burn this place to the ground and get out of here. I'm serious. This is a mess. Do we even know where we're going? No, we don't know where we're going, Hoot.

Does anybody know my terrible secret that might destroy my entire family? What? All of a sudden I feel like there's some terrible secret out there. Why are you keeping secrets from us? Because it will destroy my entire family. It's funny you say that because I know your terrible secret. No, you do not. You better not tell anyone. I would be willing to stay quiet for all of the rings on your fingers.

I don't believe anything she says, Hoot, because she is a hooting liar. Well, if I give you this ring, I won't be a man anymore. Okay, then the other ones. And your necklace. What has gotten into everyone? I have no idea. It's probably these royal clothes are affecting us. They must be cursed or something. Just stab me. I would highly recommend that we...

I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're

You know? So you better keep it on. Do you think he really goes by Iron Balls because, you know,

So is Caprice's owl form now just like nude, like walking around? No, my clothes are like half off of my body and my pants are probably around my knees. But you know how owl legs go all the way up? There's a lot of feathers underneath there. You can't see anything. It's PG-13. I don't know what's gotten into all of you, but we need to...

and try to focus because the people are staring and we have a certain image we need to maintain. Are the cool stares staring at us? We are hooch nobles. Well, he's also taking his pants off. Wait, are they staring? Do you think that they know my terrible dark secret? We don't even know what you're talking about. How can they know? Yeah, you need to share your secret right now because friends don't lie to each other twice.

I don't know what it is, but they might know what it is. I angrily ruffle my feathers. And I pluck them out. Well, should we kill them? No! No, the terrible secret! All right, all right, I turn to her. I turn to her, and I run up to her, and I'm like, are you all right? Are you normal? What's going on with this? These people. No, I think I'm fine. Oh, no!

What are you talking about? She's so cute. I think I'm fine. Do I remember where we need to go? You had discussed a variety of different things, so you...

The main goal was at least to go to Caliri, which is the capital city. Caliri, okay. You know that it's far away, you could go on the ground, but also you were going to investigate other ways in order to do that. You know that they have-- that nobles oftentimes will not-- may not fly or certain people may not fly on their own, use their own wings. They'll get in like either chariots, ride giant owls or chariots pulled by giant owls and the like.

All right, all right, we're getting out of this disgusting... Why did I say that? This place is perfectly... It's absolutely below us.

We have to get to Kaliri. We have to get out of here. We have to keep moving. Are we all together? Are you imposing that it's gross because of me? Not because of you. This place is just absolutely beneath us and disgusting. That is not very nice. Both of you need to own up to what you're fucking saying. Friends don't say that to each other. I've just been spending too much time with Iris. That has to be it. We have to get to Kaliri. Don't blame this hoot on me. Who?

Fine. Do we know where the closest transportation system would be around here? We could probably rent one of those carriages. Pull your pants up! It might be a little tight in there. We can make it fit. You look over...

you look over and you see Zorbak and he looks over and he's pulling his pants down too and as he sees him he's like So what are

What do our hands look like? Are they feathers? They're talons. They're like bird feet. Imagine our hands, but they're kind of like bird feet. So do we have wings coming out of them? No, so we have wings on our backs. On our backs, okay. But you can't actually use them. They're basically just like... Aesthetics. They don't get any lift. You try to flap and they just don't. I'm picturing Archimedes from Sword in the Stone, if anyone remembers him. The robot one?

No, no, no. The original Disney film, "Sword and the Stone." Oh, I'm thinking of "Frogg" by the Titans. Ruby. Totally different owl. Well, at least we can walk through the streets, and then I can keep an eye on all of the patients to make sure they don't know my dog-terrible secret that may destroy my entire family. Is there any kind of signage that would point to some sort of a transportation? So, make a perception check.

Ooh, that beautiful sound. Sorry, I'm switching. Perception, you say? 13. 13. You look around, and as you're going through the city, you see that this town is very run down. It's almost a shanty town. You see those dwellings and nets all built up around this tree with the huge wooden streets.

built out with the bridges between trees. And you don't see really any signs in the immediate area beyond just taverns and some shops and a lot of residential. Should we ask? Yes, I suppose if we have to, we'll speak to... There's no reason to be upset with me about it. I'm just making a suggestion. I'm not upset with... What is wrong with all of you? Don't give me attitude, Mr...

It's Albert! It's Albert! But you guys are just calling me Felix! We're calling him Felix! No, we have to use our real names. Well, not amongst us, though. Right, he's still Felix. But there's people around him. Are you still Felix? I'm still Felix. Maybe that's a terrible secret. You're not really Felix. I don't have any... Stop keeping secrets from us! Nobody has any secrets. Why are we talking about this? I want to see if I can find somebody who I can talk to.

I'll look at him. You see someone... Yeah, this is going to be so bad. You see the sexual look into Eric's eyes. You see Zorbek's eyes. As you were getting undressed, his eyes are looking at you, and then his eyes kind of look over all of you, and then he goes like... And

And both of you go over and you see someone walking away. It's like, I always knew nobles were perverts. You're telling me. Oh, God. And you see a, um, uh,

You see that there is, there's some rough looking Eric Cochry's larger, these dark brown feathers. And he just seems to be leaning up against the side of one of these bars.

And he really is the only one that isn't immediately looking at you and just running away almost. And he just watches you approach and folds his arms. Excuse me, you ruffian, where is the local transportation area around here? Hmm.

What? Who's asking? I'm asking. My name is Albert Sunshot Benedict Powerbottom the Third. And I'm Jim Ironbold. What? Continue. You ugly...

The nobles are always coming here looking, demanding. What's in it for me? What's in it for him? Tell him what's in it for him! Well, we would be able to, you would have favor amongst the nobles. We would spread, what is your name? My friends call me Claw.

And a fine name. I've always liked it, Claw. The path to the transportation, if you don't mind, is Telethonite.

What kind of transportation? Make a persuasion check. Give me a 21. Okay, yeah, that's enough. He says, if you're looking for the chariots...

Ain't gonna find one easy around here. No. It's the bloody beaks, they run that business. We don't mind finding one hard.

Will they just take-- will they take-- Are you some kind of pervert? No, I just appreciate a helping hand. And I'll like, put my hand over his head and sort of wiggle his chin a little bit. Make a persuasion check. A disadvantage.

Okay, well that's a two. That's going to be a 14. Wow.

As you do that, he immediately knocks your arm away and he's going to try to punch you in the face. Okay. I guess my armor class is the same? Yeah, it's all the same. It's all the same. That's going to be an 18. Yeah, he hits. He punches you and you're going to take eight points of bludgeoning damage. Oh, shit. Once he hits, touch me again, I kill you. Once he hits Capriza, I put myself between the two. Nope.

more of that. We're nobles. You know that. You will be punished for that transgression. Indeed. Who's gonna punish me, you? Who's gonna punish him? Tell him!

uh where's where is um describing where's the punishment that you're going to do to him whips and chains and things bombastus looks around he says impact play um

- I'll cast friends on him, which gives me advantage. - How does that work? - That's gonna be my once a day, it's just one moment. - Oh my God, it's one moment. I will cast friends on him, which means that for a minute I concentrate and I get advantage on all charisma checks from this guy. I'm like, now friend, I believe we got off on the wrong foot. No one's going to punish anyone. If you could just point us the way to the local

local chariot purchasing station, we'd be out of your hair and out of your feathers in but a moment. Make a persuasion check. He thinks for a moment and he says, "Give me five gold and I'll tell you where they are." Done! And I give him five gold. He takes them. Finally someone fucking reasonable. Have a good day, sir.

I'll turn around and, frustrated, walk away. Just tell us where we're going! It's at the hideout of the Bloody Beaks. I hope you're on good terms with Gaboro. Oh, of course! You even have to ask that! He does lick the boots of all you nobles.

Uh oh. Fair enough. Well, you're going to want to go around the gorge and then he basically gives you directions to get to the get to the hideout, basically on the other side of town. And it's in

It's in this, right towards the bottom, there's an additional layer, rung of streets and buildings that is entirely controlled by a gang called the Bloody Beaks. And they seem to be running the chariot service. So then I'll, having heard the directions, I'll turn to leave, and as I'm walking away, I'll be like, absolute scum, I can't believe that we're stuck here. Oh, yeah.

And I'll walk back to the rest of the group. I'm back with the rest of the group. Albert had to pay him for the directions. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm doing that. He had to pay him for the directions. I thought they were just going to be, we're supposed to be nobles, right? There's like no respect. Well, up here,

pants for fuck's sake. Maybe that had something to do with it. Oh, me too. I mean, do you want to? Are you sure? To any of you who know even how to be an over-hoot, I mean, you started to teach us

A little bit, but I'm still working on the face, and I just don't understand why I have such disdain for everyone around me. The only reason, Hoot, that they would have Hoot forced you to pay, Hoot, is because you weren't Hoot doing it properly, Hoot. Kind of one do it properly. You have disdain for everyone around you? Yes, I don't understand it, but please teach us more. Well, that Hoot is the first step, Hoot. It is? Of course. I don't like feeling like this. Then

then you're doing it wrong. Do we have to hoot? Say every other word hoot? What? It's what owls do. We are tabaxi being hoot owls.

I'm not a tabaxi. I'm a tifling. No, Hart, Hoot, and I are tabaxi. Now look around and see if anyone's listening. Everyone is making, there's like, you see this crowd moving and they just, there's a good like 15 feet all around you. I'm going to turn around. Excuse me, Hoot. Do you not see the nobles having a private conversation, Hoot? Make an intimidation check at advantage. We let Iris, I mean...

Feather, feather, tip to the talking. I agree. You said intimidation. I agree with you. 21. 21. As you say that, the crowd immediately disperses, and even people coming in your direction immediately, and they turn around and they fly up. I do this by turning my head completely around in circles as I look. Just evil staring in 360. Yes.

Now, you were saying, Hoot. I was saying, I have directions on where we can go to get the chariot we need to go to K'liri.

But it's run by a gang, a local gang, and we're going to have to work with them or pay them or get them to give us passage. The only catch is that they're pretty close in league with Gaboro, who is the one that Lufty was able to pull on a fastball overall. Well, if you didn't sell her in his slavery, I don't think we'd be in his disposition. Yeah, and I think he still loves me, so we're fine. I'm just saying, we just need to be extra careful as we move through this...

godforsaken town and move on to Caliri. How long has it been since I left? It's probably been like 30 minutes. Yeah, he's probably still asleep. Then we should move quickly. We should go right now, yes.

I don't think he's going to recognize you. I mean, you were a Lufti when you saw him last, right? Correct. Yeah, but he knows that I have this ring. He gave us all of these rings and papers. He's going to recognize us. Sorry, I was very sick while we were on our way up here. But we made our trade. We made our trade. We traded for the rings. We did business. It was done. The transaction was finished. Lufti escaped. That's on him. That's right. So we should be... I just wanted to be aware, everyone to be aware that his name may come up and we need to do...

what we will with that. And I'm just kind of leading them through while we're walking through the crowds and going the directions we were given. I will stop us. No, Hoot. While we are walking, Hoot, stand head tall, Hoot. If anyone, Hoot, looks at you,

Spin your head around, Hoot, and give them the evil eye, Hoot. Don't blink. Do not talk, Hoot, to any of them. So, Hoot, will I have to do that? Puff up your chest, Hoot. I'm weak to that? You will do it, Hoot, now. And then I look at, like, a random passerby, and I make the most evil, horrible owl face that I can at them. Make an intimidation check and admit it. Oh, yeah, maybe that's going to be over 20. That's when they do that thing with their eyebrows where they're like...

19. 19. You see this person that can't be older than maybe 14 looks at you like, and he flies off away. That was fantastic. That was really nothing like you. What? You took real pleasure in that. That was wild. I did. So I just got this like. Look as if you have to take a hoot poop.

It's like always. Is that the evil eye? Now shut your mouth or something's going to happen. We don't talk when we walk. Beats.

Shut up. And I just walk. Chest puffed. My head is constantly spinning around giving people the evil eye. Everyone's chest looks very good puffed. Put your pants back on. What is his name? He's Theodore Zorback. Wouldn't it be funny if Zorback were to kiss Hersha? I'm just kidding. I mean, unless...

- He says that. He says that as you all walk through the streets and every like 20 steps, Heart who's shuffling along, she's obviously the smallest of all of the owls, she's shuffling around, she's constantly looking up at Iris like, "Hey, am I doing this right? "Is this good, is this good?" - Yes, darling, hoot.

It's in your hoot nature. Oh, is that why there's a story about a hoot captain and a hoot owl? What did I say hoot about speaking one word? I'm sorry, hoot.

And you all walk and strut. You all walk and strut. And I'm gonna need everyone to make a group performance check. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - Hey-oh. - No, no. - 18. - Natural 20. - We got it going up, we got it going up.

That's three, that's three 90/20s. Three? I got ornaments. 21. I got the elder side. I got a four. Four? Oh, six two. 18. Seven, 18. Hold on, Caprice. 21.

25. 21. 21, okay. Seven. Seven, okay. And then I need to roll for... Can you fly? No. No. No. It's an illusion. The wings are just an illusion, right? No, it's altered, but basically you're unable to use any additional features. You're unable to actually use them to your benefit. Swiggity-hoodie, I'm coming for that.

- As you make your way through the city, you all put on a great show.

as these commoners and lowborn folk all are avoiding you. The second they even hear your talons clacking against the wood, they are sprinting or flying away in every which direction to get out of your path. It is only once you get deeper and deeper into the city away from where you came that

The individuals seem to be a bit heartened. Some are scarred, others are missing patches of feathers, and some will look at you and maybe turn away, but then others will just keep their eyes on you as the streets get narrower and the state of the building seems to get a lot more worn down.

And eventually you see that you arrive at this one tree that's a lot thinner than the others that the city's built on. It almost seems to be rotten as the leaves are barren and there are large cracks through worn by maybe termites or woodrock. And you see a number of

Eric Okra, both male and female, all standing guard flying around as you see several holes bored into these streets with ladders down. Is this the place? Is this the place? It looks right. It looks right, yeah. Yeah, I mean, according to that guy's directions, then yes, we need to proceed.

Yeah, but this place looks disgusting. I'm not going to find anything shiny in there. It is disgusting, but we don't have a choice. I think once we get to the next place, we'll find more pretty things. Yes, if we just get to Tukaliri, we'll be in a less disgusting place with less disgusting people. This place will take us to Tukaliri? Here, watch your mouth.

I don't appreciate it. You're calling your people disgusting. We're your friends. No, we are above all of this. And I wave my air cooker claws around. Oh, look, Hoot. Felix is learning Hoot. Thank you. Though I do, Hoot, think you're taking it too far. I don't understand. And then I proceed to climb down the ladder.

Now, my concern, Hoot, is that Hersha's Hoot ass Hoot will not fit in through the tiny tree. I would normally be offended, but I would agree with you there. It is a big, this is the smallest Hoot tree. Hoot, can I fit? Hoot, am I doing that right? Are you mocking Hoot me? No, Hoot, I'm just trying to follow Hoot. I hate being an owl.

Purgey, you're going to make it through just fine. You just go in right after me and I start to make my way with you. No, I'll go first. No, no, me first, me first, and Zorbak.

How long is this ladder? It's probably only about 20 feet. Okay, then I'll just wait at the bottom. Yeah, so you wait at the bottom. As they're jostling for position. As they're jostling for position, and Zorbik is going to try to get in front of you. As soon as he starts to, you watch your ass, Zorbik. I will cast a spell magic on you so fast. I have a lot of axes, horny boy!

Normally I'm horny, it's just right now I look like a feathery boy. Did somebody say feather? Did someone say horny? Yes! And he's going to kind of shove you out of the way. I will attempt to jump in front of him. Athletics contest. Why am I rolling like this? That is a nightmare. Oh yeah, three. He just shoves you out of the way.

Hey, can you guys just like hurry up? What's going on? I try to help Caprice. Are you okay? What's going on? Get the fuck down the ladder. My pride is very hurt. I don't give a

the fuck? We're down. We gotta get out of here. If you insist. I know, I just, I'm waiting for it. Oh, Zorbak didn't think this through. Yeah, I'm just like, moving down as fast as I can, trying to get my ass in his face. Oh, well this isn't so bad. Zorbak will take it. Yikes. As you all eventually make your way down a ladder. And...

And as you all arrive, it's not much longer until you see out ahead of you that there is this narrow walkway with various large perches built into either side. And you see that there are owl droppings, the remnants of huge pellets.

as you see these giant brown feathers laying on the ground. It seems as if this is normally a rookery of some kind for owls. However, you don't see any, and you see that there is, through the rot of this wood, there seems to be a large opening carved in like a huge doorway. And it seems to be, it seems to be,

heavily guarded on either side. And you see that there are a number of thug-looking Aarakocras. All of them are rough, and their eyes are watching you very carefully. And you notice that all of them have a similar feature of all their beaks, regardless of size. It seems to have been painted red. Ooh.

Hoot. Hoot.

So we might as well give it to them.

Why don't we just walk right in, like we own the place? Yes. Fantastic. Do we see... So as you walk around, you start to see that there are a number of air cobra that are flying about 30 feet away from the tree, looking at you. And as you approach, you see that all of them have these huge axes. And as you approach, the two guards at the door cross the axes. And one of them looks at you...

and says, "Where are you going?" "We need passage to Celeri, of course." "Have you talked to the boss?" "Oh, you mean, uh..." "I forget his name." "Gaboro." "Gaboro? Of course we have!" "No, not Gaboro. Bosco." "I see." "Well, who are you, friend?" "Oh, Bosco? No, we didn't speak to Bosco. No, my name is..." "We have a lot of money, Hoot. We are very important, Hoot."

You are knocking me, Hoot, to be speaking to us. Let us out. Yeah, yeah, Hoot. And I think I wanted to say, Hoot, that you're because very uninspired, Hoot.

Don't you think it's a lit- on the nose! Hoot! Literally! Hoot! Hoot! Literally on the nose! Hoot! Can I have a pink? To have a red beak when your gang name is the bloody Beak's Hoot. Maybe like a nice purple or a maroon. Alright, alright. What are you doing? He's already dead! As you look...

I just can't with Tela right now. They both are keeping firm their eyes. They're narrowing a little bit. One seems to actually look a little hurt by what you're saying. And so whoever would like to, I'll say make a persuasion check at disadvantage, Iris. Oh, God, Tela. Tela.

Oh no! He's in persuasion? A ten. A ten. And the same one looked at you, not the one that was hurt. She looks over and gives a nod at this other who's like... As he sniffs a little bit, he holds his axe even tighter. And the guard looks at you and says...

You come into our territory, you don't know the boss, you're trying to bribe us. Gabor has said to shut down transportation, he's looking for a little genie. Do you know a little genie? Do we look hoot like we would know a genie, Hoot? I don't know. If we knew a hoot genie, we would own you, Hoot. That makes... You're worth a lot, Hoot. Well then how much gold are you offering? For you? Nothing, Hoot.

For the transportation, hoot, whatever it costs. This is not a bribe, hoot. We are nobos, hoot. And we will take what we deserve, hoot. And I ruffle my feathers, my head goes around. Yeah, what she said, hoot. Yeah, if you're not providing a service of some kind in exchange for money, then we'll be on our way and we'll find our own transportation.

Make an intimidation check at advantage. I'm standing behind her doing that like owl thing where their head goes up and down. Intimidation? 21. 21. This guard seems to relax a little bit as you say this to her, Iris, and slowly puts the axe down. I'm gonna go talk to my boss.

If he wants to see you, we'll send you in. Hopefully you pay better than Gaborot does. We are nobles after all. Hoot. What is she doing? I'm trying to do what I was sent to do. She's a noble like normally. Okay. Alright. So, the guard goes in.

And you stand there and wait. And as you do that, more and more of these thugs surround you. And still there's about six. And after about five minutes, you hear a hoot. And then the one that's standing at the door nods.

and steps away and extends an arm into the darkened hole in the tree. Can we understand what the hoot meant? I would say you don't. Can I discern by the look on her face if this is a trap? Make an insight check. So the hoot wasn't a language? It was just a noise? Yeah. Okay. 18? 18. You get the sense that...

There's a look of satisfaction, but it's hard to decipher exactly what that means. A look of satisfaction. Yeah. I'm going to proceed when they... Okay. When whoever extends them, when I puff up, she'll do it exactly as Iris told us to do. You little hoots smell horrible, too. I want to be the last person to walk in and, like...

open my eyes really wide unblinkingly at her and then poop out of pellet, nod, and then keep walking. That's how owl biology works. Holy shit, Eddie!

I don't know, I thought they shit pellets. They throw up rabbits. They just shit birds shit. Is it just like bird shit? Yeah, they just shit animal bird shit. They shit like a normal bird, but they throw up pellets. They throw up these things that have like the carcasses and what they ate. I will, I will. They're fed with pants. They're fed with pants.

Hergis shits her pants. For absolute alpha status. My favorite part is how quiet everyone got and then Mikey goes, I don't think that's how alpha I am.

That's right, I shit my pants. I don't know if it's better if I should shit my pants and throw up a pad. What are you gonna do about it? I'm gonna shit your pants. I like the pants shooting, but I also like the throwing up the pillow. I think it was choice. If someone looked at me dead in the eye and shit themselves, I'd be like, wow, he means business. Hold on, hold on. I have another part to the shit my pants. So you look at them and you shit your pants and you're like, I'm a noble bitch, someone else is gonna clean that up.

I like it. I say shake your pants, man. There's no way Bosco would not appreciate that. It's not going back 20 seconds. You shake your pants. Yeah, no, take some back seats. Not understanding her own biology. She's like, oh no. I thought it wasn't supposed to happen. I can't.

I'll unbreak it. I will make very pointed eye contact and start heaving. And then as I'm heaving, I will shake my pants. Let's see. Roll a constitution check. This is crazy. This is why you need a natural point. 19. Is it a check? It's just a check. Then 16. 16. Okay. So, yeah, I think that's about... You try to...

And you realize that you haven't eaten any creatures where there'd be bone and flesh. And so with all the extremely horror and suddenly you go, and this is foul smell. And then you can roll an intimidation check at disadvantage. Isn't that straight? Aw.

I think it's going to be great. Remember as a group when we set out to play some serious Dungeons & Dragons? Really tell some good stories. That's next weekend.

So at disadvantage, Dimension is a five. Dimension is a five. She sniffs. Did I have to roll constitution enough? It smells just bad enough that it's awful, but not overpowering. And just looks at you with disgust as you walk in.

get a wipe that smirk off your face or I'm gonna feed these to you later. And I'll walk in. Yikes. There seems to be, the disgust increases as, as the, as you all walk in. You see... I hate my life. I love it. As you see, as you see the, uh,

a large room bored out into this tree and you see the remnants of insect devouring and rot as a large chamber is built out and you see that there's actually three levels built down into the space and you see that this one hole is not the only entrance or exit into the tree.

As you see that there is a much larger one about two floors down. You're on the top floor of this cylindrical chamber. And you hear the hooting and ruffling of feathers as you walk forward. And there are...

There are no railings at all. There are several perches going out for each level. You see that there are roosts. You smell the waste of these giant owls and the food and slop and meat. As you look down at the bottom, you see these shrubs.

strange contraptions that look like carriages almost, but not quite like the carriages that you had seen. They are small sets of four wheels, but each of them has these wooden rigs with wings built out of canvas on either side. And you see that there is leather strapping that seems to connect to harnesses.

And there are a number of just giant owls all around perched. And you hear the commotion of these birds as you step forward. And as you walk in, all of the guards darken the door and begin to follow you. And you see as there is a standing toward the back, there is a single figure.

tall, not particularly broad, but it seems to be a male that is roughed up, patches of dark, that same red beak, and discerning eyes as he stands by a cabinet that seems to be covered in various liquors and bottles of wine. And

As you all approach him, he looks at you and says, I hear you've come to make a deal. Yeah. Yes, we are looking to procure some transportation to... Caleri. Caleri, yes. And we understand that there isn't supposed to be any characters today, but we thought you might make an exception for no group such as us. This guy haven't read me. Yes. Yes, and I just wanted to mention that...

Have you ever thought that having a red beak and being called the Bloody Beaks was a little on the nose, literally and figuratively? It's a little tacky, don't you think? You nobles think- No, wrong voice. You nobles think you can come in here and tell us lowborn folk how to live? Well, we are nobles after all, aren't we, Hoot? What's the point of being a noble if you can't tell a lowborn such as yourself how to live?

Are you nobles or did you just make a deal with the archivist? We are definitely, 100% absolutely nobles, yes. 100%. Make a deception check. Uh-oh. Pretty damn good. Uh, 20. He nods. So, that seems to be case. But, there is one owl that runs this place. It is Gaboro.

I dare not go against him. But what are you offering me? Gaboro doesn't have to know. There may be extra gold in it for you as well. We pay more than Gaboro. How much you pay? Whatever the standard prices are. Multiplied by two, perhaps. What would that be? This. Two carriages. Two thousand gold pieces.

Let's do it. And I start pulling out whatever 2000 divided by six is. There you know, on the way in here, one of the guards mentions that Gabor was looking for a genie, I think? Yeah. Is that right? He is. Do you know what this genie is? Well, no, but this is the funniest thing. I was going by his store earlier.

because I thought I might just pick something up on the way out of town. And I saw like a little blue thing run away down from behind his shop and it's just gone down and going down to the ground. And I thought that is weird. But then I didn't think anything about it because I'm so rich. Maybe that would be valuable information for you to have.

I'm sure if you brought him that, he would not be mad at you for anything you did. Are you saying that was Genie? Well... No, but how many blue things do you see running around up here? Not many.

Make a deception check, please. It's also 333 gold pieces apiece. Which I can't afford. Really? I bought three diamonds to resurrect your asses in town. I have about a thousand, so I have extra. It's 333, you know, apiece. So... Yeah. What did you get, by the way, for deception? Ten. Ten?

He steps forward and his eyes narrow. "Why would you lie to me in my own place?" "Why do you think I'm lying to you?" "I can smell a liar, a rat to be wolfed down." "Perhaps you're smelling my tacky red beet paint." "Exactly what he said." "You know, you nobles do not have respect."

Not for you, no. Who needs respect when you have money? This is to- We give respect where respect is due, friend. As you say all this, the guards from behind you start to surround you, and you realize that there's now six behind you and with Bosco in front of you. They all have their axes drawn. Do you know what death route feels like?

He hesitates and his eyes glance between all of the guards and they all

have their axes at their ready as they come an inch closer. And Hoot, if they found out, Hoot, that you did something to us, Hoot, I'm sure your death, Hoot, would be swift and painful, Hoot. If it doesn't- And that your soul, Hoot, would not find rest, ever. I know what it takes to take a life. But do, Hoot, know what it feels like to lose one, Hoot? Not yet.

Are you threatening me? No. Warning. Who will come? Many nobles go wandering into poor areas, thinking they can get away with whatever they want.

You've not met Hoot many like us. What makes you so special? I know Hoot, the power of war. We are connected to only the highest circles. I withdraw my offer for paying double. I would suggest you just let us through, or the most powerful people in the city will hear of this from our very own geeks. Not even this city, but Caliri itself. Hoot.

Make a intimidation check at advantage. I hate hooting so much. It's horrible. You were still intimidating, though. But do you know what it's like to hoot? Yes, that was badass. Twelve. Twelve. Okay.

And you're casting Suggestion? I am suggesting that he takes just 1000. How does that work? So he has to make a, I suggest a course of activity, such as him taking, letting us pass through for 1000. And he, unless he can't be charmed, he does that thing, assuming he doesn't save on a spell seed DC with some saving proof. Okay.

So, as you say that, Iris, there seems to be a bit of recognition, and something seems to click as he looks at you and all of you. I do see the marks of the K'oiri nobles on you. Perhaps you do know that we rats live beneath you.

the great iris of Kviri and all of the great noble houses. When you stomp down, I am not one to fear much. I sometimes fear Gaboro. But I fear the nobles that run the trees red with blood more. And he nods to all his guards and they back up. And they start to lower their axes a little bit. I look at the guard directly behind me and go...

It was you! It finally gets to me. Oh my gosh, right here. And he turns as the suggestion. What was the suggestion again? That he takes the normal price of a thousand rather than my initial offer of double his whatever they normally pay when transportation. That he let us take the transportation for a thousand. Okay. He thinks and he says...

If you get out of here and never return, never speak to Gaboro. The bloody Beaks will let you use the Chariot.

I think that would be most amenable, don't you? Agree. Yeah. Ys, how much gold do we owe you then? One thousand. Split by six. Oh, okay. Can someone do the math? One thousand divided by 150 apiece, give or take. I will pay that. You will? Yeah. Okay.

I'll pull out my bag of gold. A one, a two, a three. It was one. About 150. We'll just round down to 150 and make it easy. 151.5. That's bullshit. Incredible.

So as you all do that, he looks at all of the coins and he counts them quickly. He slides them all into a box, you hear them rattling around, and he slams the box shut. Locks it up, places it behind the cabinet. Do you know how to fly? Would we know how to fly if we were normal iron poker?

You mean a chariot? A chariot, yeah. Oh, a chariot. No, it's not. We have people for that. Thank you. Not in Hoot. Out of character, I am proficient in land vehicles. These are air vehicles. So, I would say, yeah, that wouldn't quite translate. He says, you are welcome to... I would say that kind of understanding that could give you maybe a little bit of a leg up, and you can certainly try. But...

He thinks for a moment, and he says, We will send one for each of you. To Kaliri, do not speak to the beak that I send with you. Understood? Don't tell us what to do, Hoot. But I wouldn't just speak to him anyway, Hoot. Yes, I'm not sure why we'd want to. Yes, Hoot. Quadrat, Hoot. He nods, and he says, Un-

The ground on the floor, that's where you will get your chariots.

nice doing business with you someone should clean up that huge shit that's over there it's like falling out of purchase I sidestep and I look down at it and I was like it's disgusting and I literally climb back down to the ground floor I'm the last person to go and as we're viewing I'm gonna be like if you know anything about me or my family you best you best forget it

What is your name? My name? I am Bird. I do not know a bird. Well, just forget anything you know about me. I'll grab his shoulders and start to walk him away. For what it's worth, I think the beat is quite fetching, and I give him a wink and start to make my way. You...

You make your way down as the Aarakocra that surrounded you then all lift off with their wings and fly down to the third floor. And you hear Bosco say from up on the top level, as he sees you climbing down ladders like, you nobles are so hot that you do not use your wings. Pathetic. And...

you eventually make your way down to this area that is covered with ramps, and you see these huge feathered owls as they leave their roost, pulled out by the Aarakocra, as they hoot and are fastened up. Each of the...

carriages is fastened to two giant owls in this strange contraption that leaves their wings free. And they all fasten back. And as you all watch them do this, it doesn't take them more than 15 minutes to get everything set up. You see each of the

Each of the carriages gets fastened with one of the smaller of the guards for each of them. They put their axe to the side and they make their way up. And one says, There's going to need to be four of you to each one. Of course. Disperse. I'll take the... Are they side by side? Yep. I'll take the bright one. I'll go with Toen. Which one's fancier? Okay.

They both seem to be equally, they're not fancy. In that case, we'll take heart as our fourth. Okay. So we tow a Felix heart and Iris. Okay. And then that way, Herja can be with her man slice. Okay. Whatever his name is. Man slice? Not Torgroth. And Lufty? Mm-hmm.

So, you, three, and Zorbak. Zorbak, as he walks over and gets in, and it's actually relatively spacious, you see that there, uh, that it's open on either side, and there are some, some loose leather drapes where you could try to close it up. You imagine that when you're in the air flying, it doesn't do too much good. But, um...

You all manage to get in and the whole carriage starts to creak as you all settle down and Zorbak looks at you and says, it's gonna be tight quarters. Indeed it is, yeah. Indeed it is. I have to warn you guys.

What is it? Vino, dear. Vino. Okay. Oh! Oh! It's okay. I don't mind it. Oh, really? Yes. Yikes. Do any of you guys have an extra pair of pants? Yes.

I go through my pack while we're in the air just to see if there's any extra clothes or anything. I'm sure you got extra clothes. You have all your shit. That would fit literally. I have this towel. I have a towel. I don't want a dirty towel. I can't put that around my waist. I pay for them every single time I throw a character. You always need a towel. You always need a towel.

It's a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. So yeah, I have a towel written down right here if you want. I feel bad using it. I'm sure we can find some cleaners.

I just feel like I need to take care of this. Why not? I feel like I should take care of this before we get to Kaliri, right? Or is this good? I didn't... I don't think it's good. Maybe just, like, takes him off and hangs him off the back and gets some air. Oh, yeah, that's a great idea. So I just start deep-pantsing immediately. And I take the towel and I just, like...

Like must be two by one, skirt two style. And I hang it on the back of a chair. You do that. And that happens. And all of these hardened murderous criminals look on you with abject disgust. And disdain. As you all get in four and four.

and you hear various hoots and different calls, and they don't stand out to you as being in Orin at all, but it does seem to be...

that there are just certain call signs that they have. And with one final creak, the carriage jostles around and you hear the loud beat of the wings of the giant owls and they both take off into the sky. And you're pulled forward and suddenly it feels like you're shaking around violently, but then once you achieve a decent altitude...

as you sail away from the town of Bubax, you start to level out as the winds on either side of the carriages open and you hear the sailcloth almost flapping in the wind as you fly through the forest. And as you look back towards the city one last time, as

As it starts to, morning starts to, the sun starts to rise, you see the city start to get a little bit more quiet. And you see one flustered looking grey owl looking around befuddled, searching the streets. And you sail off away from Bubox. And what are you guys doing on the journey?

Where is the guy sitting driving this thing? So... Is it like a carriage where like he's on top or...? Yeah, he's on top and he has these huge reins. Like a stagecoach kind of thing? A stagecoach style. One is connected to each of the owls as you are flying through the forest pulled by these giant owls.

I have fresh pants on. Dirty pants and a towel that I'm pretty scared of. Hanging, flapping wildly in the wind. Hopefully drying. Just shaking out all the extra men. I'm going to continue to study Abyssal. Okay. I'm going to have my head basically out the window like a dog, seeing all the sights. I want to see everything that we go over. Okay. Your

You're watching all these people on the bottom floor of the forest getting bombarded with L shit. Yeah, like... I'll pull out my instrument and play out some tunes to sort of while away the time that we're traveling with some songs.

I'll pour over my paper so I can remember every single detail about my name and whatever my papers say, I want to try to memorize as closely as I can. What kind of information is on the papers that we have other than names? It is basically detailing a house that doesn't actually exist. A long line of lineage that goes back to the early days of Eurios and it includes

a seal of whatever you care for it to be. And just really, it's basically just the proof that you need and it seems to be pristine and incredibly well made. It's clear that Gabor is a very skilled artificer and he was able to, that he's able to forge all of these things, but it seems like most of the individuals and areas aren't able to afford them. And so, as you're all flying,

around the you've been flying for about an hour and the rain starts to trickle down as you hear the rumbling of thunder the wind starts to pick up that same familiar storm but seems to be more intense than the last time and before that it was even more intense and more intense every time it starts to storm

And you... So it is raining? It's raining. As the huge canopy seems to block most of it.

But there are drips of moisture and rain does manage to get through as it's difficult to see the sky as it all just looks like darkness upon darkness. The occasional crash of thunder and the streak of lightning you can see through the leaves. But it's very dark and windy and you begin to get shaken up.

back and forth as you fly through the trees. Can I cast Detect Magic and see if this is a natural storm or if it is a magically created storm? So how does Detect Magic work? I sense the presence of magic within 30 feet, so I'm kind of thinking like if the rain falling down is a product of magic storm, it'll make an aura. Okay.

Yeah, I'll say that you are able to cast it. And while you get this aura that radiates around you, and it seems as if the water itself isn't magical, but it does seem to have some faint hints that this is something that is not quite natural.

And as you're flying through, the storm starts to get worse and worse as the wind whips back and forth. More rain starts to make its way through the canopy and crash down. And... I need to make a perception check, please. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.

No good, no good. Eight. Eighteen. Fifteen. Fifteen?

14. 12. 12. 7. I'm peeking my head out. But my passive perception is 18. Okay. I'm peeking my head out to see if my pants have been rinsed with the rain and the towel as well, flapping behind it. I have my head out the window, which would mean that I could see more, but I'm actually just letting the wind flow into my cheeks and blow out. My tongue's like...

So I see nothing. I don't see shit. I don't see shit. I'm like tuning my instrument, I don't even look. So, as the storm gets worse and worse, you've been flying for probably about six hours at this point. Oh, wow. As you get closer to Calirian, you see that it's slightly off through the trees. You see the faint glow of something.

a city, you're not sure if it's clearing. But as...

But you're riding along, and suddenly you hear a sharp as you see the flapping of feathers as the bloody beak thug that was flying on your chariot falls and crumples dead. You see a huge arrow along through his throat.

and suddenly the giant owls hoot and they start to shake around as your chariot starts to rock back and forth. - I need turbulence Felix! I'm gonna die! - I forget which one I'm in. You're with Derek and Maya. - So did the body fall out of the chariot? - It fell out of the chariot. - So gone.

And falls down. I want to look to see where it came from. And the same thing. Then you hear another and then the driver of yours falls out. Oh shit, it's the ironborn! That's a wolf. I will instead. You've been wrong this whole time!

I will instead be like, does it look like I can take the seat where he was? Like, if I got forward, is there any way for me to get from here to there?

You can see that you would be able to climb out and try to get up in the front, yeah. Can I try to help him as well? Wait, we gotta see if we can standwise this thing, come on! Okay, all right, yeah. We'll climb around both sides and try to get into the field where we might be able to control these giant owls. So you climb in and make an athletics check. Oh good, that's fine. Or athletics. Oh, good. Toad, you feeling the flying sling?

19. 24. I mean, I know how to sail a boat, but I don't know how to sail a wheel. It's fine. It's gotta be almost the exact same thing. Now get up there! I push him up into the seat. I'm gonna touch him and guidance him. Okay. Ooh, hold it, hold it. Ooh, I'm gonna need it. I'm gonna need it. Yikes. Can I use a twist? You may. Yeah. Horse. No way. Uh...

Ooh, uh... 10, 11, 12...

13? That's not horrible. 13. And Toa, as you start to climb out, suddenly the chariot rocks and you lose your footing on the wet, slick wood. And you begin to slip and you have just one more moment before you feel like you're going to fall into the forest floor. I attempt to grab a rope or something. Make an athletics check.

I'm gonna use another twist. - Seven different d20. - How far away is he? - Oh shit. - There we fucking go. - So that's two twists used. Athletics is 19... 27. - 27, okay. So you manage to actually grab onto one of those ropes and it tilts the carriage, but you're able to then heave yourself up into the driver's seat.

As you look down, and then those of you that are up ahead, you see what the source of these two arrows was. I think that all of you would have the chance now to see up ahead as this dark figure is being coated in rain and the wind howls all around you as you see...

that there is a singular figure flying, and a hood blows back with a gust of wind, and you see the face of an owl, almost this heart-shaped face, with a small beak, one eye almost blazing with this menacing orange, the other is this milky white glass with a huge scar down the side. As...

as you see this pure evil intent in the one eye, as you see on one side that there's a spear on this individual's back holding a longbow, and suddenly you start to see around you as the storm is almost coalescing.

and starts to take shape. You start to see creatures through the storm. They look almost serpentine, but feathery wings made out of the storm itself. And you roll for initiative, please. Is the main owl that you described, you see a medium creature like us or some larger? Yes. What? That's a big thing. Wow. Oh, I have advantage over initiative. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Initiative.

I'm a barbarian. I too have a band. Roll a three and a two. Yay! Expo. Yeah, one on nine. Switch out. I can only have one round. Here we go.

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You can place your minis in either one, I forget which one you're in now. Where's my beautiful painted mini? Oh, I found the penis. Yeah, this one's pretty easy. Just the penis has bat wings. So you guys are over there, Marisha and Caprice. Penis and anything that might cross. And we're back here and you're up at the reins, right buddy? Yep.

So, Iris, you're back here. If that's good with you, Nikki. We're on the reins as well. Yeah, we're on the front though, right? The reins are up here. Yeah, we're on the reins. And then we got Lufty in the back. Can you push this about, currently, a little bit further back towards the, right about there.

Man, Joe, I didn't realize you had such huge calves. Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. He's yoked. He has, like, baseballs in there. Or basketballs. He's absolutely yoked. Penis? Balls? Oh, shit. He's like, um...

The Naga business. Coales. Coales. You don't know what they are. Okay. There we go. All right. Okay. So initiative, 20 and 25. 20. 23. 23.

23 for Toa? 22, sorry, 22. 22? I should remember that. Okay, 20 for Caprice? 15, 20? 15. 16. 15 for Lufty, 16 for Felix. Herja and Iris, what do you got? 14. 14, Herja? 5. 5. Okay, I'm gonna roll for Heart. This is really dark, I don't know if you guys can see it, but that is... Hold on. Watch your finger. That just looks black. Yeah, it looks like a black... It's just really dark, it's sort of an owl business, you can kind of see it.

He's like, what, here? He was here. And then these businesses you can see much better. We're doing Bargrim for, uh, for what's-his-face? Bargrim. Bargrim. And then we're gonna do, uh, it's gonna be Willow for, uh, for Harp. Oops, I got Cherry in there. Where was he? Right here? And then we're gonna roll this.

Should we do battle cam business? Yeah! Okay, here we go. Here we go, three, we'll see. I might need some adjustments here and there. Oh, it's pretty good, actually. Monster's good. Monster's two. Okay, nope. Okay, Toad, you are up. I will immediately... Ah! Persia had to really rub that penis in.

That was my purpose. I guess, so I'm holding the reins and attempting just to kind of keep us on an even keel in some way. Using any kind of sailing knowledge I can and rigging, I don't know if it's going to help me at all. But I want to kind of keep the carriage level somewhat. And I guess what I'll do is...

For my action, I'm just going to take the dodge action as I'm trying to kind of... Because I can't do a whole lot. I'm just going to keep the dodge action, trying to keep this thing... Make an athletics check. Throw your vault? Oh, no!

Uh, 21. 21. So as the wind is whipping around, all of these storm creatures are all surrounding you. You feel this carriage start to rock, but Toad, you managed to hold on firmly to these reins. Okay, Caprice, you're up. Oh, and the main dude is that guy right there? Yeah.

No way. 30, right? No way. These are individual owls, right? Yep. Oh, so I'm trying to, I want to try to steady the thing first. That's like my first priority. Whoever is, I mean, both of you are up there, so you can choose. Did our rider or guy got shot down too? Yeah. Okay.

We gotta deal with these guys, but we gotta study this thing first. I'll wrap one arm around the leech and I'll use my action to attempt to study the giant owls. And then we got this together, okay? I'll give you inspiration with my bonus action. I will attempt to study the owls so that we don't die horribly before we end up doing that. Yeah, okay. It's athletics, you say? Mm-hmm.

Where's Athletic Fun here? The top. Oh, yeah, okay. Three. Three! So you feel as you're doing this that it starts to rock and shake, and you're having a difficult time doing this, and as you do that, I'm going to need all four of you to make a dexterity saving throw, please. Okay.

24. 24? 13. 25. 25? Okay. So you all manage to stabilize, even the bugbear manages to. And with that, it is Monsters 1's turn. And as...

as this owl is flying back, as the giant owls that are guiding your chariot seem to be stopping, almost like there's this strange hover, it's slowing down, as this one individual then takes the longbow and is going to shoot an arrow at each of the two of you. With the momentum, he's gonna move about 20 feet closer.

Is he different than these guys? Yeah. Yep. What is he? He's like a barn owl, I'm guessing. Barn owl, air coke, with a hood and a scarred eye and a shooting ass. That's a foe. Yeah. And he's gonna shoot a toe, he's gonna get a natural 20. He's disadvantaged. No, he's not. Hmm? Toe is close to me. I think toe just has to be close to me, but I'm gonna check.

Because I can probably make that an unnatural 20. He's also disadvantage. Oh, yeah, so did you do... Oh. Yeah, no, he is an unnatural 20. Okay. Regular hit. Yes, got it. Okay. So it... Oh, but it's disadvantage, right? Yes. Okay. I need to roll again. That's obviously dodge action. So it's still going to hit you, though, because 15 plus... Oh, well, if it's disadvantage, then I don't need to use that in the lookup score. Okay. Okay.

And with that, it's going to be a... 21. Yep. 21, and as it fires into you, it's going to deal piercing matters for you, right? I'm not ready to... Okay. And as the arrow sinks into you, you feel this horrible, almost like this magic, as the death itself is imbued in these arrows. Oh, shit. And we're going to...


I'm not good with ranged combat, you guys! I'm a paladin! 19 points of damage. I can get Peyton up here. Throw the towel! Stone's Endurance to reduce that by... Can I untie the towel? Wow. As the other arrow flies towards you, and it's gonna get a natural one. It sails off in the wind. Okay, with that, it is Felix. I'm going to cast...

-21. -I can't think of the name of it. -Yep, minus 5. -Flaming Sphere.

Okay. At a third level, I'm gonna cast it right here. Okay. So I'll put this bad boy right there. As a bonus action, she's gonna ram it into him so he takes damage. Okay. Which is gonna be, what does it say? It's when you cast a spell, third level is increased for 1d6 for every thing. So it's gonna be 3d6 of fire damage. He has to make a dexterity saving throw. Okay. Tim Ironball will remember this. Fails. All right.

So he's gonna take 5, 9, 10, 11 damage. 11 damage to number, what number is that? 1? Or is that 7? It's number 7. Number 7. 11 points of fire damage. As a flame sphere erupts, as it's passing, as you're passing through, flying through, it almost just, this creature runs into it, taking some fire damage. You can see the storm dispersing as the flames, it does a good amount of damage. That's badass. Lufta, you're up. Okay.

With my quick and lightness of feet, I am going to quickly run out on the wing and I'm gonna do an unarmed attack and then a period blows onto this number two. Okay, make an acrobatic check and see how well you do that. No, Mike.

Just no... ...pherbattis. 15. 15, that's enough. You manage to just use your monk training to run out along the wing and you swing your spoon at this creature. Okay. I'm doing a plus 8. Okay, so this is 3 attacks on him. 17 plus 8? Yes. 12? 12 misses.

And 16. 16 hits. Okay. That's... Sorbet? Sorbet. 18 total damage. 18 total damage. Number... Number 2. Number 2.

It's usually the full amount as you are slicing through or dispersing this creature's form. And then I will, as a thing that goes along with that, tipsy sway and disengage back to counterbalance. Okay. So it tilts a little bit and you manage to get back into the carriage and it levels out a bit.

Okay, what's that? It is Heart's turn, and she is going to climb out and try to help Toa with the reins, and she'll look at Toa and say, Hey, I can get this! You can do a lot more than I can! Who's, who's, who's, who's? And, uh, I give her the reins because I can. And she is going to make an athletics check, and she manages to do it, and she grabs the reins and pulls, and, okay, that's what she does.

I am going to look out the window towards what's-his-fuck. And I am going to cast... Sorry, give me one second. I'm going to cast Blight on him. Okay! At a fourth level. Is that a saving throw? Yeah, it's a constitution saving throw. I hope that he kills it.

i mean he takes damage anyway it's just whether he takes the ball now tom is a 17. uh he passes okay does anyone have any d8s i got 20. 20. i need eight of them here you go here's two more thanks oh wow

That sounded great! I can't wait to cast Sparkle. I can't just waste my Firebolt. Right, right. It's horrible. I take 16 points of necrotic damage. 16 points of necrotic damage. As Iris, you look out and you extend your paw and you see this corrupting magic.

shoot out towards this hooded Aarakocra, as it starts to extend from your paws and claws all over this Aarakocra. It rends his flesh, you start to see his feathers start to decay and almost rot off. Does he look like he's concentrating on a spell?

Make a perception check. No, I have no idea. Okay. Banner should be easy to make into a cupcake. Just take one of those plastic forks and knives and stab it right into the cupcake. With that...

It is Herge's turn. I'd like to take the cupcake and stab it in the face. Big Bad is holding a bow. And he's spearing his back. Okay, and it appears that there was some sort of arcane magic coming from the bow, the arrow that he shot. Is he glowing? Because I still have to type magic, though. He is... Is he within 30 feet of you? Yeah.

No, he's beyond 30 feet. Yeah. So you notice the arrows seem to have been kind of radiating with this death magic. I don't know. It's only people that got shot. Which would have been Choa. So you wouldn't know about the death magic. How about this guy? He's also got a bow.

No, those are like the feathered serpents. They're just creatures. Some sort of creature. They're doing ranged attacks? They haven't gone yet. Okay, so we have no idea what they're... Are they holding weapons? No, they're just these flapping snakes that have wings, but they're made out of storm clouds. Okay. Does it look like...

Caprice has a pretty good hold on the owls. He does not. Okay. I look like shit right now. And it's an action to try and steady them? Yeah. Okay. Can I steady them and take the dodge action like Toa did? Yeah, I think that's fine. Okay. So I'll do that. Okay. And I'll get up next to Caprice and knock him over with my bite. Um...

I think I got this. You probably got it better than I do. And I also got your inspiration, right? That's why I gave it to you. It's a D8. It's a D8. A 10th level would be a D8. It's an athletics. Yep. I will save this. Yeah, you can decide. 20.

- 21. - 21, you knock Caprice out very effortlessly as he grabs and holds onto it. - Caprice, get those shitty towels in my pants off and throw it at them and try to blind them. - I'll get your pants off, no problem. - All right. - Then Zolombak, it's his turn as he looks out and he grabs the two axes out of his bandolier and he chucks out the one that you had tacked with me. Let's see how he does here.

Both are going to miss. As two of the axes sail and they fly down to the forest floor. It's like, oh, oh no. And with that, it is the serpent's turn as they are going to all move 40 feet. Is it two hands to steer the... Yes. Okay, so I can't have my shield out? No, you have to do that. And so...

They are going to... As they are all going out into the shadows. As they fly into the windows here. Can we move those four next to round the business?

I have one quick question to the other people. Before we start... It's been a long time. Can they come within this or do they have to stay outside? We've not had a long rest since we left their garden. I guess my point is... And then can you move that one next to her? No.

Can they, like, this guy back here, can he come within the circle? He's gonna fly into the carriage. So you see this creature fly, and it's a medium creature, it's able to, all of a sudden there's this serpent made out of storms all around you, and they are all going to make attacks. Okay.

Or most of them are going to make attacks. So we're going to get one on Phoenix. I have miss, AC of 16, because I still have my mage armor up. That's what I was trying to figure out. 16. It hits me. Okay, so it's going to bite into you, and you feel that it does 8 points of thunder damage. That's what I'm thinking. How much? 8 points of thunder damage. You feel this concussive blast next to you. Okay.

One is gonna attack Toa. That is gonna be... I lost concentration. 21. He's a Spanish though. I saw a draw dropped.

21, same as the same roll. And that's gonna be 12 points of thunder damage. And then the other one is going to breathe and try this good clap of thunder as it's trying to knock back everyone here. I need everyone in each carriage to make a dexterity saving throw. Plus three if you're within 10 feet of me.

What, three? Yep. Ah, fine, thank you. Eight. And his dexterity? Oh wait, us too? Yep, two of them are doing it. Four. Four, okay. More like ass. 18. 24. 18. Okay, so those that fail are gonna take six points. So how do we know if we fail? Oh sorry, the DC is 12. So anyone below 12 is gonna take six points of thunder damage.

And whoever has the reins needs to make an acrobatic check, or an athletic check and some mana check. - Anything above failure, if you pass? - If you pass, you don't get any. - For us, no heart. - Heart has our reins. - Yes, okay.

You need to make an ethics advantage, acrobatic or athletic check to make sure you hold on to those. Athletic check, I just managed. Did someone take damage from this character? Yes. I did. Would I have been able to perceive that? I would say I would like to use Spear of Guardians, or Spear Armor. We both took damage, it doesn't matter. I'll just-- So on Iris, I hear her say "boot!"

And you reduce that damage by 11. That's cool. Oh, so I take no damage. Holy shit. Thanks. So, Magpie Dicer. I got an 8 on Athletics to Hold on to the Birds. You also have Inspiration. I have Inspiration. So you can use it, but you can also not get higher than 10. It's up to you. If you're in the break.

I don't want to lose. Alright, that's a 13 to hold on to the birds. 13. So you manage to hold on. It is very precarious. And you feel like you're going to lose the grip and you manage to hold on to the reins. And Heartgut manages to do the same thing. And then we're going to get attacks on... Is it lightning damage 6? Thundering damage. That's going to be 19 on Herja. To hit? Yep. That hits. It's going to deal...

I take the dodge, I was thinking the dodge action. Oh, you're right. I don't know if that-- Disadvantage. That is going to miss, as you need to dodge out of the way. Fabrice, you're going to take an attack. That's gonna be a 21 to hit. That's gonna be seven points of thunder damage, and then look, Dade.

That's gonna horribly miss. You mean it's a dodge out of the way. Okay, with that... Did you do both attacks? This is one. Yep. That one, one used the breath and the other used the... With that, it's total. Cool.

Toad, you're up. Toad, I will, I guess after handing my maul, or handing apart the reins, I will take my maul, I will use my bonus action to rage. Okay. And then I will, is reckless attack a bonus action as well? Let me see here. And you can't burn it, can you? No, I think I just state it.

So I'm going to recklessly attack with power attacks, both attacks. So I'm gonna go for six first. Whichever one's closest to heart. I'm up there protecting heart. So, 15? No, not 15. 15.

What's my question set? It's eight, so... 13 to hit. 13 to hit on which guy? On number... It doesn't hit either of them, unfortunately. Both miss. Okay. With that, it is Capice's turn. It's my turn. It's your turn! Um... I'll cast...


- Slipper Wave at second level. I'll turn to, in my Owly form, I'll turn to these two guys and I'll pull out my viola. I'll and I'll spray out a bunch of magical Weeby energy. They need to both make a constitution saving proof DC 16. - Okay, natural one, that's gonna fail. And... One is going to succeed.

Okay. The one that fails gets pushed back ten feet away from me. That's going to be number one that failed, so ten feet away. Push number one away ten feet. Which way? Away from me. Out of your view. Yeah. Okay. And then the one that failed takes ten points of thunder damage, and the one that succeeds takes half.

So as you do this, you see him strum that power cord and it bursts out. And although one does seem to get knocked back, it seems to not disrupt their form at all as they seem to be made of thunder and lightning. Okay. And with that, it is...

the Aarakocra's turn. As you see as the... Wait, do I get a sense that it's a no-go? Yes. And you get the sense as this Aarakocra is flying around and its one eye is scanning the room, both of the carriages, and it pulls out a crystal. Crystal.

and it looks at it and it immediately turns eyes towards both of you and it flies, it's gonna fly 60 feet. - That's a lot, that's enough. - This one? - Yep. - Towards me? - Towards the wing.

Towards the wing? Yeah, try to fly right next to the wing. Yeah, he can get anywhere he needs to go. He can get here in 30... Just like next to it or like on it or wherever he wants. He's gonna fly outside and he's going to look in and as he's looking at the crystal, he's going to look at you and... Who's you? Lifty. Okay.

And, um, as... And you see this talent emerge as this orange eye is peering at you, the other milky white, blue-in-one. It's completely expressionless. And you see there is a flash of glow. Gounerspell! Okay, at a fourth level, from my Ring of Spell story. Ah!

Yeah, good job! And you cancel command. As you counterspell the command, and he lets out a hiss as he looks back towards you. And that's his fucking turn, okay. Felix, you're up. You're the best. Yeah, I did it again. I dropped, I lost concentration on the attack, so I'm going to cast Flaming Sphere again at a third spell, third level. And I'm gonna drop it right here.

Using my bonus action to, I guess, ram it into seven again. Okay. So, DC safe? Yep. That's gonna be a 12. 16 is what you needed. I forgot to use the tower, so that's gonna be 14 points of damage. To number... Seven. Number seven. Again, 14 points. That's really good.

It's looking rough as the fleer slams into it again. It's sort of struggling to maintain its form. Okay. With that, it is Lufty's turn. Okay, I am going to try to like roundhouse kick this guy. Oh, they can flag him. Okay, I'm still going to roundhouse kick him.

I'm gonna just do it twice. So, I'm gonna roundhouse kick and then follow around with that. Yep. 13. 13 barely misses. Woo! Natural 20. Yeah!

I'm not gonna do the Mai because I want to preserve my vocal cords. Oh wait, I just don't roll a six, right? Yeah. Okay, so... And then only roll double the dice. So it's six and a three. Okay, so six and a three and then nine. Do I do the plus two? No, only the dice. So 14 damage. 14 damage to number... What number is he?

Three. So he hasn't been hit. As you smack in and it misses, but then you bring up your, or you miss the kick, and then you bring your elbow back around and it just bursts through and it loses form and then maintains it barely. And it's looking rough. Cool. And Heart's going to be like, hey, you guys, who got this? And he's going to make an athletics check and then he's going to succeed. Okay. With that, it is Ira's turn.

Um, I'm going to turn to, um, the guy, the big owl guy, and I'm going to cast Dispel Magic on him. Oh, okay. So if he's holding, uh, actually, I'm going to do it on the crystal in his hand. There you go. Got it. Okay. So, and it's a fourth level, so if it's a fourth level...

spell that's on it. So basically, I can do it on a creature, object, or magical effect within range. A spell of fourth level or lower is automatically dropped if it's higher. I just roll. Okay. So as this Aarakocra has its bow on its back, it's any spell. So if it's more than one, we're all gone. I choose one creature, object, or magical effect. Yeah, but any spell on the target ends.

Yeah, so if it has multiple spells on it, all of them end. Right, right. And so as you see that this crystal is glowing, you look outside. I want to try and do it sneakily, since he's not looking at me. Got it. I don't want him to notice, so hopefully he thinks, oh, it must not be working. Okay, let me just... That's my plan.

- Look at me, I'm about humming. ♪ That's what friends are for ♪ - Okay, well, as he's holding in his talent and you see Iris, you peek your face out from the carriage and you see this bad,

looking Barnell Air Cobra flying. Both of its weapons are on its back and is looking directly into the other carriage. And you see, however, this glowing crystal. And it seems to be of a similar style to the one that Zorbeck had had

but this one seems to be far larger, glowing, with more magic than... far more magic than the one that Zorbak had had. You make a stealth check, I suppose, would be how you do it stealthily. And against... I was overused because he wasn't looking at me. No, that all affected the DC. Where is Zorbak?

He's on your chariot. He doesn't have a token, neither does Harp. Thirteen? Oh, okay. He does not notice at all as the crystal begins to glow and hum as it starts to point in Luffy's direction, but it's starting to glow with something else, and you reach out your paw, and with a quick puff of magic, suddenly the crystal, which was once glowing, is completely immobilized.

And the Aarakoba looks down at it and the eye, its eye widens and it lets out this horrifying shriek and it begins to look all around and is absurdly angry. And fuck you, Ferofti. Yeah. With that, it's her turn. Does it look like...

Is he shaking it, is he trying to like fix it? He's just noticed that it's done. And so that's where we are in the round of combat. Have I noticed that she did that or? I would say, oh, if you're holding on the reins, definitely not, you're looking straight ahead. Okay. Do I have to hold on the reins every turn? Yes.

You can give them to me. Right, or you hand them off to someone. To Zorbak. The problem is that it's an action and it's an athletics instead of an acrobatics. If I could use my acrobatics, it would be in the money, but my money is in the money. Right. I guess I'll just do the dog's back and keep holding onto it.

Okay, if you want to hand the reins to Zorbik, you can do that. I feel like he's strong enough to handle him as a bugbear. He's a large bugbear. So, yes. Zorbik, do you mind doing this, please? Anything you ask. Do I need to sit next to you? Yeah. I have a seat next to me. He takes the reins.

And he makes an athletics check, and yeah, he grabs it, and although he, you know, he's in the form of an Aarakocra, he maintains the strength that he had as a bugbear, and he use it, and the owls maintain their, uh, their altitude. I give him a good squeeze on the shoulder. Is that an action to hand him the reins?

I would say that would be your free object interaction. Okay, cool. So I haven't noticed that the thing is, he's just looking at the ball? Yeah, so you're looking straight ahead. I would say to do all that, you're looking straight ahead. Okay, but I know that looking, if I turn to the left, that he's right there. Yeah. Right? Is he still holding his bow? No. Okay, do I know where, like if he stowed it? It's on his back. So the only thing he's holding is his bow? Yes, yes. Okay. Um...

Well, I'm gonna cast Command on him as well, and he has to make a DC 14 wisdom save. That would be a 22. Okay. Nothing happens there. Okay! With that, it is Zorbak's turn.

as he is going to, as you say these commanding words and it seems to have no effect, he resists, he's looking around angrily. With that, it's Zorbek's turn. As he grabs the reins, he is finally out and he's looking around and he is going to make his check and he does not succeed this time as it slips and he looks back and he says, uh...

- Oh, no, I know it. Tybur, the silent death. - Oh God. - And he slips. - What? - As it starts to shake. - He's pointing at this guy saying that's Tybur, the silent death? - Tybur, T-Y-B-U-R, the silent death. - That's a great name. - Like the river. - T-Y-B-U-R, not T-I-B-E-R.

And the carriage begins to rock. I need all three of you and that carriage, so Herja, Caprice, and Lufty to make it next turn. Plus three is the ace. Over 14? The DC, what was it? I don't know.

- I'm at plus 13, so I didn't know if I had the roll. - Natural. - Oh yeah, no, you natural. - Yay! - 17, Herja. - 11. - 11, so Herja, you, with this, as you're handing off the reins, you begin to slide back and you fall out of the seat as you have one chance to try to grab onto something. - I grab onto the fucking-- - Make an athletic check. - The drapes. - I make an athletic check.


I'll use a twist. Why we need our faithful followers is a different one. That's better. Thank you. 18. So I'm going to say that you need knocked back 10 feet out onto the wing as the carriage rocks before Zorbak gets it as this owl is directly now in front of you. And Zorbak goes, I'm sorry!

as he finally regains the fear, somewhat suppressed now. And with that, it is the serpent's turn, as they are going to

Am I just standing or am I prone, like gripping on the-- You're prone, you're prone, you're gripping onto the wing here. Okay. And with that, the Serpents are all going to attack. And one is, however, is going to once again let out a burst. Everyone make a dexterity saving throw, please. Which one? Dexterity, both of them. So each of your-- All of the marriages? Yeah, everybody. Oh, again.

Ah, they suck. 15. Natural fucking try! Yeah!

Plus what, Maya? 25. 25, that succeeds. DC's 12. I fail. 10. 10. Everyone that fails takes nine points of thunder damage. It rocks once again, and each of the person at the reins, so both the NPCs are gonna make their athletic check again to see if they can hold onto it.

Can I use my Shieldmaster ability here to negate the damage completely with the Dexterity saving throw? If that's how it works, I would say that that would make sense. Yes! If I pass it, then I take no damage. Oh, you don't take half of the different attacks. You take nothing. With that, they both manage to hold on to the reins, and then we're going to get some attacks. We're going to get one on Toa.

That is gonna be a 21. Uh-oh. Oh, they're advantaged. Oh, well, okay, we'll see if he crits you. He might crit. He doesn't, no. Thank you, though, for being so honest with me. Of course. Maintaining game state. Seven points of thunder damage. I cheat every time I can. I don't think you can do that after all. One is gonna be a 14.

- On Felix? - Yeah. - A miss. - Okay, and the other one is gonna be an eight. They both miss. And then one is going to, got knocked back, is gonna fly back up to you, Caprice.

Can you present to the Servant to the Priest? And then we're gonna get two attacks on him. One is going to be a 17, and the other is going to be a 13. Okay, blizzard. What? Okay. Or sneakman. Ten points of thunder damage, and then one on lifting. Ow! That's gonna miss. Thanks, Abby! Thank you! Toa!

Given that my dice really suck, I'm kinda nervous if he gets a game. Do it. Do it, Clayton. I'm going to... I'm just gonna keep going in on number six here.

With two attacks. Wait, I'm sorry, did all of the serpents make their turns? Yes. These two remain five feet within this, so they're gonna take some damage. I'm gonna figure it out while he takes his turn. Yep. Oh, you're just gonna make a dex saving throw for each of them. Seven on one, but 17 on the other. On what? On number six. So number six is 17? Yeah. Uh, roll damage.

I love this owl. 28 damage. 28 damage. You smash into the maul, it's hard. Oh wow, that's so cool! Okay, I'm focused! And it smashes through and it's looking very rough. So 8 and 7 have to make dex checks. 8 and 7, okay. 16 is a DC. They both fail.

Take eight points of damage. Eight points of damage, eight and seven? Yes. That is enough. Number seven disperses as the flame bursts into it and lets out this rumbling hiss as it dies. Okay. Okay. Rock and roll. With that, it is... Who's turn is it? It was Toto's, right? What breaks your up? Do I get the sense that this guy's flying by magical means at all? The big dude with the eye.

The owl? The owl, he has wings. So he's using his movement to keep up with us and fly around. Yeah, yeah. You know that Aarakogar can hover and fly and keep up with you. Yeah, alright. I'll... Well, first I'll...

give Zorbak a slap on the back. I'll be like, you do not let this owl fall, all right? You take care of business. I give him an inspiration, and then I run over to just where the, where Herge is, sort of like that. I'll probably trigger two attack of opportunity. Okay, I'll do that right now. Natural one and a six. Okay. And then I'll lean out the window and I'll yell to the big dude, um,

Who looks like an owl-cocra and can't fly and has two thumbs? This guy! And I'll try not to point at myself, and I'll make this weird flapping motion. And he's gonna have to make a wisdom saving throw, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, to see if I can get him to be incapacitated. He gets a natural 20. Oh no! What?

- Wow. - 20. - Yeah. - So he's at 20. - That was a terrible way to frame that joke. - Hey, that girl at that place, 114. - 23. - Hey! - Oh, hey, that girl at that place. - 114. - You say that joke and the anger and the hatred are swelling. He does not even process it at all. And the magic of the weed does not even do anything. With that, it is his turn.

as he is going to take it and look at it, and he's looking around angrily, and with a single motion, just chucks the crystal. And it falls down, completely useless. As... Wow. As he looks around and thinks for a moment... Yeah, I was really hoping to be able to do that next part.

And with that, he's going to look at Lufty one more time as he's going to fly back and once again his eye, his red-orange eye glows and... And once again... Third level. Third level. So that may make a difference. I don't think it does. You're doing a third level this time? Nope. So... Yeah, no. He's casting at a third level and it does not matter.

as the eye, once again, it flares up and then dissipates as he looks around and begins to fly, he's gonna use his movement to fly 60 feet behind you both, you all. - Oh.

Like behind the carriage, like around? Or like just straight back? Right there. Just right there, and he's looking at you. Yep. Okay. Oh god. With that, it is Fielding's turn. I'm going to move the Flaming Sphere with my bonus action and ram it into number eight. So Dex DC 16? Yep.

- 14. - Fails, but it's still only five damage. - To number? - Eight. And then I'm gonna use my action to just cast a cantrip, which is going to be fireboats. - Okay. - On number eight. - You got it. - Ah, 17. - 17, yeah, that hits. - 2d10. - Anyway, you're not right. - I'm sorry, you add your ant mod too?

That's what it's in there. Oh shit, the hit is plus 8. So 9 plus 8 is 17. Okay. It should be roped in there. Four points of fire damage. Four points of fire damage, number 8. So you're just firing this fire damage into him. Okay, with that it is Lifty's turn.

Okay. I am going to, again, I'm going to jab number three with my spoon and try to knock him back some. 26. 26. That hits, yeah. Wow. That's strong. Sorry. You guys. That is 11 damage. Okay. True.

You're still smashing and he's looking bloodied, if you can judge that from a wind circle. Okay, and then I'm going to spend another 20.2 period for those then. Rock and roll. Okay.

So you have two attacks, right? Fourteen. Oh, twelve. Twelve misses, fourteen hits. Oh, that was further. Six damage. Six damage. He's looking rough.

And I will just move away with him for a free disengage. Okay, you dodge back as this serpent is inside the carriage flapping its storming wings. I'm gonna actually kind of hide behind, knowing that that guy's talking on me. You see a heart take the ring, she's pulling and she's like "I got this root! Please give us another eye of root, I don't wanna fall!" And that's her turn. Iris, you're up.

I am going to... Does he look like he's flying away? He's flying away, and as soon as he reaches there, he turns back. So it doesn't look like he's retreating. Yeah, not yet. He's tactically going to fuck us. So I am going to... I'm going to cast Spirit Guardians.

Okay. So, and I'm gonna move basically in between Toa and Felix. Rock and roll. Toa and Felix are immune to it, but the other guys are within 15 feet of me, I believe. Yeah! Everyone rolled below 8. Yes, 7 and a half. So they have to make a... We all roll below a 13. Okay, so then they all fail, so they'll take the max damage from that. Okay. And that's my turn, so I'll let you know the damage as I move. Sure thing.

So roll, we roll damage to your Hergeot, what are you doing? I'm prone on the wing. Yes. Can I get up and walk carefully into the carriage? Yeah, I would make an acrobatic check to see how well you do. There we go. 21. 21, the fear of this, you managed to scramble your way back. How much damage? Half move is good. I rolled three ones. I mean, I'll guess so. Three, you got that.

This is close to... They all take three damage. That's as far as I can get. Sorry, I never grabbed your pants or the towel. Oh, it's alright. And I'm going to try to cast Command on the big bad again.

Okay, what's the range on that? 60 feet. 60 feet? Yeah, that should be enough. 60, 14. As you do that, Iris, you once again cast your Sandy Anubian Warriors as they're all going around slicing into these. However, it seems that these ones are able to dodge most of them just getting clipped. And with that, it's going to be command. Let's see. Wow, he's rolling real hot. That's going to be a 21. Yeah.

- Yeah, nothing happens. - Okay, so you try to command him. Once again, the anger in his one good eye is palpable here. With that, Zorbak is gonna try to grip the reins here, try very hard, and once again, he is going to fail. - Oh, sorry! - No! - What? - Inspiration. - Oh, he does have inspiration. - Nice! - Okay. Let's see, he needs, we'll see.

that's a seven that's enough and he's like I feel so inspired I got your braxar back thank you Tim as he does that and with that it is it is going to be their turn and oh he can't do that

And one of them is going to use Thunderclap. They've... I don't know. So everyone make a dexterity saving throw, please. It's their turn, so these guys have to make their saving throw. 14, 13, and 2. 3. They all fail again. I got a 16. 13.

16 points of radiant damage. Let's actually do this real quick. Five's taking 16. Okay. They're all taking 16. It's got to be close. Five, eight, 16? Yep. And six. Eight. The Nugent slices it down. That was the one that was actually going to breath. And so it's not going to be doing that anymore. And then what was the other one? Six. I did a big 16. Yep.

- Yep. - These slices down as they disappear, and only one is left, and it seems to be this mindless creature that's gonna make an attack on Felix. That is going to be 17. - Ah, it's a shield. - 20 PC. - Yep. A shield emerges and it clangs off against it. - I'm doing it from my ring of spell storing, so I'm out of, I've never gotten to use it, I got to use it twice in this fight. I've exhausted my spell storing.

And however, we still need to save it from this carriage here. 22. 22? I also was 21. Okay, so you all manage to take no damage as you steady yourself and the clap of thunder echoes around you and they are going to all slither in here. We're gonna get two up on Lufti there. The other one's gonna scale around here and one up on Herrscher. There we go.

Okay, as they're going to surround you, we are going to get two attacks on Lufty, natural 20. That being said, right as that happens, the lightning strikes! And I look like I may have shifted a couple feet from where I actually was. You're disadvantaged because of my ring. Oh, that's right! And I do wear it on my pinky.

That's right, and you manage, it hits, but the illusion of the drunken elephant is it does not hit you. That's what we call a pro-Vandross move. So is it all attacks are disadvantage against you? Just before I take damage. Until I take damage. Yeah, every round, everybody's disadvantage against her until she takes damage, then it falls to that round, then on her next turn.

- Caprice is actually gonna get a natural 20 though, unless there's a way that I... - Wait, Caprice has a natural 20. I'm gonna use my reaction to impose this advantage with my shield. - Rock and roll. Yeah, no, that's gonna be a nine, okay. - Yay! - And so you stick up your shield and bash this serpent in the face. - Thanks, Herja. - As we're gonna get one on Hersha. - Bring it!

That is gonna be 22. Don't care, fucking hit. And it's going to bite into you for 14 points of thunder damage. Perfect. That's all of their turns. With that, it is Toa's turn. Well, given that I am not holding the reins anymore, I will attempt to climb back into the carriage and get over here, if I can.

Make an athletics check to see how well you do that. Good. That'll do. 18. 18, yeah, no, that's it. You don't know that, he says. The carriage creaks with each movement of Toa's massive form. It lurches down. It lurches down every single... I have a question. He is still a medium-sized creature, though, correct? Yes. Okay.

So he still weighs the same. He doesn't weigh the same. He weighs more, but he is still... I mean, you still weigh the same as normal you, though you are a bird. Though you look like a bird. Well, no, no. So you can dimension your body. So he's not lighter because he looks like a bird.

I can't pick you up, but it says a creature of the same size. It's conflicting, right? Well, no, so the weight is just what you're holding. You can take a creature that's medium size or below. It says you can't dimension door them if you couldn't lift it. I don't believe that's what it says. Either way, we'll figure it out. I'm going to attack twice with Reckless Attack. Reckless. That is an 18 to hit. Reckless.

And a... Damn it. As long as their weight doesn't exceed what you carry. But I know that we don't usually use encumbrance, so I don't know how that counts. But it says a creature of the same size. 26 standards to number 5. It might be allowed Sylvie to take me to the future, because it wouldn't make sense for her to give you the gnome that she can't grab someone's hand. You smash your wall through it and dissipate. You're not carrying the person you're taking them to. I didn't know how you would roll it.

And then, just real quick, I want to make sure there's nothing I want to do. I would like to-- I think I had a potion left. I was not full health when we started this. You know, if you want heals, you should speak to the healer and not just sit there and say nothing about your health. I will do nothing else. I'm just going to self heal. That's my max movement.

Okay. With that, it is... Natural time one. All right, I'll turn back to Vartra. Zorbak. Zorbak, good job! Just keep him steady so I can play my music! And I'll turn and I'll continue to fiddle with the eyeball dude and I will sing I Believe You Can't Soar.

I believe you'll die on the forest floor. I'm going to attempt to polymorph him. Okay. He has to make a-- Another little wee one. You did it. It's a wisdom saving throw, DC 16. You're so cute. I really like the purple one. Me too.

19. And he succeeds. So he's flapping and you're playing and for whatever reason, just through the storms and his anger, it is not sticking. It is Big Bad's turn. He is going to fly up and he is going to fly directly above you. So he's going to go up probably about...

Pythagoras is a dick. But he's up there. So I'm going to put him here, but he is directly above us. And he is going to pull out his bow and fire. The arrows fly through and he's going to be shooting at the owls. What? Wait, us owls? No, the owls that are probably carrying. They're trying to take us out.

He's trying to make the carriages drop, so we die. Oh, wow. One, he gets a natural one. It does not hit. The other one, however, does fire and hit. On our carriage or theirs? It was on your guys' carriage. No! Does grappling work? No.

It's a athletics contest with the target can be acrobatics. Once you're grappled, they have zero movement, but they can still do everything else. So you can prevent their movement. It fires out and it hits the owl and shockingly, because I rolled so terribly, the owl is barely hanging on and is flapping, looking like it's on the verge of death.

And despite this glowing black arrow, Owl's barely hanging on. That is going to be his turn. With that, he's going to...

Yeah, that's gonna be his business. With that, it is... Feel the Sutan. Alright, uh, fuck, he moved-- oh, he's way up, though. Yeah. How far up is he? 30 feet? I would say he's 30 feet above you guys, yeah. 'Cause he's 60-- yeah, 30 feet, by that. Yeah, I don't have a megaton single-target shitter. He's like 45 feet.

Alright, I'm going to... I'm going to move, and my bonus action move is 30 feet. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. And then I'm going to firebolt him. Which is going to be an attack of plus 8, which is going to be 22. 22, that does that. 2d10 damage. 10. 10 points of fire damage to him. Because I think it's got a range of like 120 feet.

Okay. You let the arrow fly, and it pierces, or the bolt fly, and it pierces it, singeing the feathers, burning some of this cloak. He lets out a screech, and with that, it is Lucky's turn. I'm sure we can position. Lucky's turn. Um...

I'm going to whip around and smack one with the spoons. Number one? Yep. Okay. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one. Natural one

You roll a double dice. Yeah, double all your dice. So nine plus five is 14. Damuch, the number one. Okay. Okay.

14 damage. How's he looking? He had not been hurt at all, so... Oh, he hadn't? Of course he had! Number one? Oh, number one. I thought you meant the big guy. No, no, no, no, yeah, no. So number one is the only one that had... Number one and number four are totally untouched. Then I am going to spend another key point on period blows. Okay. I'm not gonna finish that one. Yeah, shut up. 13 blows, 8. And 19 blows, 8.

Those dice are doing that. I know, right? Three! So 18 total damage. Fuck yeah. After the first one. That's the second one. 18, that's enough as you just smack and beat this thing and let out this rumble of thunder as it is totally dispersed. Okay. Uh,

Once again, Heart is going to maintain the reins, and she is going to fail, and she's like, "No, I don't have it!" It's so wet, it slips. And so I need you guys to make, I think, start examining for us, please.

Eight. Eight. 20. Sorry. 20. 16. 16. Felix, you stumble down, fall down, you knock and fall down and get rolled back to the back of the carriage. You're prone and you're going to take three points of bludgeoning damage as you hit the back of the carriage. I succeed my concentration. Okay. With that, it is Iris' turn. Um...

- Iris, Iris, Iris. - How are you guys looking? I'm literally inspecting you. - I'm beat up, roughly, I'm well below bloody. I'm not bleeding, but I'm beat up, I look rough.

Well below, like, all works well. Roughly a third of my maximum hit points, you might say. Is one of you... Okay, so I am going to turn to... I'm gonna look at you both, and I'm just gonna cast Masculine Word. Okay. No, actually, I'm not, because I don't have the spell slot. So, yeah, I'm just going to touch Toa and cast Cure Witch.

Okay. You put your paw on and you can feel this warm sandiness as the wounds start to close up a bit. Herja, you're up. Let me know how much. Ten. Nice. The owl's barely hanging on, but we haven't started plummeting yet? Not, well, it's maintaining. It's not dead yet. You haven't started plummeting. It's still going, but it's rough. It's herky-dirty. Is it...

And so how far are we off the ground at this point? Can we not see the ground? I mean, you can see the ground, but it's way below you. I know, we're high up. We will be caught. We'll take how many hundreds of these things? I'm trying to determine if we should land. What? Start going towards the ground.

I mean, that's up to whoever's controlling the wall. You can certainly shout a command to Zorbek if you'd like. I would think the amount of time it would take for us to land if every round six seconds would be like... Well, I'm thinking they're having a hard enough time keeping them in control. They're not going to have any idea how to land giant owls. I mean, you can certainly try, as Mike likes to say. Right?

So it's up to you. You can command Zorbek to do-- he already said he'd do anything for you, my queen. Are the owls with it-- they're not reachable from the end of this carriage, right? Like, I can't go and touch either of them? You could use your movement to use an acrobatic check to try to-- They're like, it's-- It's a range, right? Yeah, yeah. You'd have to try to climb out, and you could attempt that.

With an acrobatics or athletics check. If you have a movement. Oh, really? Um... Good dad. Someone needs to protect these goddamn birds. I don't have anything that I can really do to get through fucking...

Fuck. Fucking fuck, okay. Frack. And in this campaign, we do cantrip spell, we can't do spell stuff? Yep, yep, yep. Great. Well, I'm gonna try this one last time. I'm gonna try and cast Command on him one more time. What's the range on that? DC 60 feet. Okay.

DC 14. Wisdom save. Is that like all your spell cards? Gets a 14 exactly. This is meter B, right? Yeah. So you try to command and he's unable to do that. Okay, it is Zorbek's turn. And he managed to hold on to the random...

I'm trying! Monsters two, they're up and they are going to, they all use their breath, so we're just gonna get attacks on each person. We're gonna get one on Lufty, that's a natural, oh, nope, disadvantage. That's still gonna be a 17 to him. That is gonna be eight points of thunder damage. Half. Okay.

Nice. Oh yeah, thunder! Persia's gonna be 21 to hit. I have to do that giggle every time. That's gonna be seven points of thunder damage. Okay. Caprice, that's gonna be 21 to hit. I still have my reaction, so I can impose disadvantage. Yes. Let's do that. That's gonna miss, as it blocks the shield, so it protects it. Okay, that is Toa's turn. Oh.

Let me just make sure, do I, I don't have any javelins, do I? I thought you had some. You have boomerang. Yeah, I'm not using my boomerang. Oh, it'll be going for javelins. Oh, I have javelins. Yeah, you have javelins. Oh, shit, I do have javelins. Yeah, I have javelins. Okay, I am going to go over here. There you are. Yes. Okay. And out the window of the carriage, I'm going to chuck two javelins. Okay. You do that. Uh, rec, hold on, recos might have to be...

Is this fairytale? I think so. No, it's Final Fantasy VIII. Uh, Reckless is-- Reckless is-- yeah. It's not an action, but it's just a fucking feature. Oh! That girl at that place reminds me of the speakeasy we went to and they had a drink called "That Drink I Had at That Bar That One Time." Yes! I meant to say that like minutes and minutes ago, but your username reminds me of the best drink name ever. So Reckless, you have to be melee, so I'm just gonna check two.

13? 13 misses. That's a good roll. That hits. Six. Roll damage. Where do all the soul eggs come from? My mom got them. Okay, so I can have one? Yeah. You can have one regardless. 12. 12 points of damage. We share here. Okay, with that it is Caprice's turn.

- Fuck, all right. Ladies, keep fucking these thunder monsters. Zarbog, you're doing a great job. I'm gonna give him inspiration and-- - Thank you. - Apparently the universe requires me to sing OC in order for you to roll badly enough to be affected by any of my spells. So I'll sing sing. I'll sing, ♪ Murdered a family just for their loot ♪

No shame, 'cause it's what my character would do. My turns are so long you'll think that I'm cruel. Get used to it because I won't learn the rules. And I rolled Class Polymorph. Yay! That's awesome. DC 16. DC 16, okay. I'm gonna roll this publicly. Wism is a roll. I'm rolling this publicly. Wism is plus three. Fuck!

- Apparently 16. - DC was 16? - Oh my God. - This guy has resisted every spell we've thrown at him. - It's me. - I bet he has one or two. ♪ They say I'm that guy but I have a good time ♪ ♪ Everyone say good time, such a good time ♪ ♪ Bad hygiene and manners aren't a crime ♪ ♪ They haven't kicked me out so far ♪ - Yes! Yes!

He's flying. He's pure rage. And with that, it is...

You're rolling hot fire tonight, Mike. For this big fella, I am. I can't roll well for Molag, the archdevil. The fucking Aarakocra Joe over here. Aarakocra Joe. As this owl Aarakocra looks around and you see his orange eye is scanning and you notice that he's been counterspelled and that almost all of the feathered storm serpents

are gone. He is going to look at all of you and yell out You cannot stop the Elder Tempest!

And he then beats both of his wings and just flies 120 feet up in the air. So how many feet is that total, Mike? 180? Well, plus what he's already. He's 150 feet. Oh, yeah, so he's 120 plus 30, so that'd be... So less than 500. Yes. Perfect. And he begins to fly directly upwards. And with that...

He looks her up. Perfect. I stand up and I dimension door at him and try to grapple him. Okay. Okay. Oh my God.

- Oh my god! - And so you look up and as he's flying away, you're going to walk out and you're gonna mention door. So how does that work? I can transport anywhere from 500 feet. So I'm gonna use my giant big wizard brain and try to calculate my Pythagoras angle. - To go Pythagoras. - And appear at him and grapple him. - Okay, make a grapple check. - And then I've got what? Each round is a second, so six seconds to come back. No big deal. - Each round is six seconds. - Easy peasy. What do I do? So it's a contest.

Of what kind? Athletics or acrobatics? I hope we have quiz. We do. Oh, that's actually pretty good. 20. 20? I don't know if I have fire. We'll see. If I'm using acrobatics, it's a 20. Oh, there's the plot. Oh, no. It would be, if you're grappling with athletics. Okay, well then it's an 18. An 18. Still good. A 19. No!

Okay. Well, for the next six seconds, I'm falling through the air. I mean, he just would bat me away, right? So you appear, and he looks at you surprised and hisses at you as you try to grab him. And unfortunately, he elbows you and then kicks you off. And you feel like you're going to grab him, and then the rain is so slick. Bullshit! You are falling. As I see him fall, when he gets to a point where I think I can jump and grab onto him, I will jump off and grab onto him.

Okay. So, however, the field is falling through the air. I mean, but it's only six seconds, right? Yeah, only six seconds. So I've got time. Okay. I did the math one for how far you can fall. We'll deer up pretty far. Takes time to reach terminal four. Do I see them falling? I would say it's very obvious that these, that there's people that's fallen through the air. How far away is he?

Look, meta knowledge, I'm not gonna die. I have plenty of spell slots. Okay. Yes. I'm good. I don't know. No, I'm not gonna... Felix is sacrificing himself to take on Eric Hooper Joe, right? I love Eric Hooper Joe. I've got a game plan here, but react as you would like to react. No, I wouldn't know that. I'm jumping in after you.

Okay. See, now I've got the meta knowledge poisoning my brain. Separate it. What does he do? I'm so pissed at Beavis. Yeah, I'm actually just gonna keep attacking, so I'm gonna attack number... He's still way up high? Yeah. Okay, I'm gonna attack number four. A few hundred feet, a couple hundred feet up. 24. 24, that hits. Not in D&D, though.

I'm gonna look across the carriage and I'm gonna hurl a guiding bolt at one of the number four. Number four, got it.

roll and attack roll. Oh, we're using the old, old, old, old. We are. When Derek wasn't here last session, I think. Oh, yeah. 21. 21 hits. Yeah. And that's going to be 5d6. Bam.

Thanks for calling that out. Yeah. Because my pause screen shows them on here. Pause screen? I paused the stream so it's not just going to chat. Oh, so weird. So I think we... Weird. 21 points of radiant damage. 21 points of radiant damage. That's enough as it bursts through and it dissipates. Very nice. Number four. Okay, Hertha, you're up. Seeing that I'm not doing shit,

With my fighting commands, I'm just gonna take, uh, I'm gonna use a bonus action to try and knock number three prone. Okay. So that's athletics. Yep. Uh, it'll be a 23. Uh, athletics, there's 23. It's not the math one, Rhett. I got a natural 20.

Mikey, you're fucking killing me! You roll him like a fiend, dude. Can I please get this in prime? No. No, you cannot. No, you may not. I roll the natural 20. I roll the natural 20. Their athletics is plus 3. Bullshit! Alright, so they're not knocked from. I'll use my first attack. That should hit with a 21. 21 that hits, yep. Roll damage. Alright, I'm gonna...

Pump a second level Divine Smite into this. Does Radiant versus Bludgeoning do... I'll say no if it's in revenue now. Routine. It was... 2...

And I assume that it's still up. Step in. To which one? 29 points of damage. To number what? Number three. Number three, you completely dissipate it. As it explodes. That's my first attack. That's your first attack. Roll for the second one. Number two. Are they dead? 15 hits. Wow, that hits. All right, this is just going to be a regular flail. Five damage. Five damage. It's looking very weak. That's my turn. Okay. Okay.

Uh, okay. It's looking very, very weak. As, uh, what's-his-face, uh, Zorbak is gonna try to hold on. I got it this time! And the other creature is going to, uh, its eyes are locked on Lufti, and it's gonna hold. We miss. With that, it's Toad's turn. Uh, uh...

Given that I can do literally nothing, I will actually here, let me see, I'm just going to basically ready an attack where if he happens to... I would say you'd be able to see the carriage door is pretty large. Yeah, he's far beyond like javelin range. So I am going to ready an action if I can kind of...

Caprice her up.

Um... Frustrated that none of my spells worked. Oh, no, I'm... You're falling. Yes.

So I was a couple hundred feet in the air. So apparently, via sage advice, you fall 580 feet in a six-second round of combat. That's the five. 580 feet? That's good, because again, minus 200-something and then another whatever, I can get 500 feet back. I'm good. I'm going. Big brain wizard. I'm on it. You guys, you got this feeling? I'm good. I'm good. I yell out if you've got those. You fall that far in six seconds. That's good.

A lot. Well, one went out. Two went out. Yeah, but it takes-- well, that's what I'm saying, it doesn't equate to real life. Which is fine, which is fine. Okay. It takes time to reach terminal velocity. I turn around and I poke the left one with my poking stick. Instead of debating physics of the falling lizard. Thank you for the information. 26, that hits.

Uh, seven-tiered thing. How do you want to do this? Woo! Very lukewarmly. I'm just sort of like...

spin him around like ramen. Just like... No, I was like playing my heart out and I just turned around and was like... You just go, uh-uh, and you stab him into him and you swirl him around. You're not even looking at him, you just punch him in the face and he just drops. I did so many resources in this fight. And he swirls around your rapier and then poofs. And with that it is... It is the air coker's turn as...

Uh, Felix, as you're falling, plummeting, you see the winds continue to flap as it falls. Alright, he gone. He gone. Uh, but I guess, because he is a piece of shit...

He's going to do the BM and as he's flying away, two arrows. - He's disadvantaged 'cause he's marked. I hit him with the javelin. - Oh. - Oh wait, no. 'Cause I went and did nothing. So nevermind, he's not marked. - Oh no. - Two arrow shots. - One is going to be 20 to hit. - Shield AC is 21 for the turn. - 23. One is.

So the first one I block with my shield, the second one pierces my shield. I'll yell "fuck yourself" and he has to reduce that by 1d8 using cutting words. Is he in range? What's the range on that? I would assume it's 60 feet. Oh yeah, he's a couple hundred feet in the air.

You're going to try and-- I always forget about the wrong thing. Let me look it up. 15. It should be whether or not I can-- you can hear me. 23 points of damage. And the arrow stabs into-- I've made bad decisions in my life. And you feel this horrible necrotic magic in your flash. With that, it is...

- It should be my turn. - It was your turn. - I'm going to, again, Pythagoras, big brain wizard, try to Dimension Door back to where I mentally visualize the spot next to T'el. - I would say as you're falling through and you see the chariots being pulled by the owls, the one on the left of this chariot over here is losing its grip, it's very injured, but you manage to calculate it and

blink directly inside of the carriage. What does it say about occupying a space that's already-- as long as I don't hit a space that's already taken. I would say that as you see it, you'd be able to calculate it. You took like 8,000 force damage. It's only 46. 46 force damage. Yeah, it's gone. Alright, so then I'll appear, I'll Dimension Door back to Toa, and as I appear, I'm bleeding profusely because I have a fucking arrow sticking out of me.

And I'd be like, I tried. I tried. I've never done it. I tried. I couldn't get him. I did what I could. Are we out of combat? Yes. I'm going to reach over. No, I'm not going to do that. I'm just going to reach over and cast Cure Wounds on him at a second level. Can you all pull this out of me? How are you guys feeling? I feel fine. I'm going to yell across to the other one. Albert, Sunshot, Benedict, Powerbottoms is hurt. I love you.

It's just feelings. It's just feelings. I ripped the air out of your mouth.

It hurts like shit, but if it totally rips it out, Iris, her paws on you and you feel this magical sandy business. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I tried. What were you going to do? Even if you had grappled him, he can still fly. I can't see. I'm going to bring him back to the carriage and then you could have just crushed his skull in. Can you do that mechanically?

Yes. Yes. It doesn't admit a knowledge to it. Doesn't he have to be willing to join you in dimension door? I didn't say that in the spell's description. Willing. Um, I,

I answer your question. I'm a little hurt. I'll be all right. Let's make sure these owls are okay. I can try to get to them and heal them off, but I have to literally touch their butts. Can I see the owl that's most hurt? The only one that's been hit. So the one that's directly up here on the left is Wundum.

- I see the large arrow sticking out of it. - Can I like grab the rope and like-- - It wasn't gonna work anyway! - The owl? - Yeah. - I'd stop you and I'd be like, "No, no, no, no!" Oh wait, yeah, feeling word. I believe I can just-- - Oh, it's a first level spell. - I can just yell at it. Owl! - No!

And it heals, whatever that is. I walk over to Zorbak. How are you feeling? Good job holding on the reins. And I give him a squeeze. I'm sorry, I lost the reins several times. I feel like I'm a failure. Yeah, it's all right. Are you feeling all right?

If you're sitting next to me, I feel better. And Heart looks at us like, is everyone okay? I'll sit next to him. Just keep dropping the carriage, we're fine. Are you okay? Are you getting the hang of it? I'm going to use my Pearl Tree again as spell slot. Okay. But it's daytime, right? Yeah, so it's into the day now. I just want to look around. Do I see anything coming around us? Make a perception check.

10. 10?

Ten, you look around and you see that through the storm it's difficult to see very far, but you see however the lights of this grand city appearing closer and closer. As you seem to have arrived, you start to see buildings and huge structures all wrapping around these enormous trees as the owls are flying towards that.

You hear Zorbeck say, Oh, that was Tiber! We were going to die! Who the hell is Tiber? Yeah, who is that? I mean, we can't hear across carriages, correct? Should we pull over somewhere? Maybe go through a drive-thru? I'm so hungry. I can't respond. Maybe we can get a McFlurry.

No, but really it's been like seven hours of us being in the air. I'm fucking starving. You have some hard soup. I don't want to eat her soup. No, hard soup. Oh, hard. I heard hard soup. Oh, no. It's my soup. It's just hard.

What's in it? Like a bullion cube? What does that mean? Hard soup is a real thing! It's like, uh, like, almost like a gelatinous, like, but normally it contains like potatoes and carrots. It would be like normally soup, but it is hard and you can eat it on the road. And it's like, this is a world of shit.

Yeah, you had me at Jell-O. Why do we keep bringing this shit up? It's like aspic. Like a 1970s aspic. Oh my god, it's like Jell-O salad. It's a soup sound. Jell-O salad. It's like, where do I go? Yeah, where are we going? Well, we don't know the way to Calary from here, right? Or Calary? I can't hear anything you guys are fucking saying. Are we targets now?

I didn't see anybody out, so. I'll go to the window and I'll gesture and see if my voice can carry to the other. I would say you guys are close. If you're shouting across at each other, you'd be able to hear through the wind. It'd be difficult to hear, but I think you'd be able to do it. Felix! Where do we go? Kaliri! But, no, but where, how, how, how do we go? How, where? Why do you think I knew how to get to Kaliri? Kaliri!

Would I make a reasonable assumption that whatever I can see out on the horizon is... You get the sense that that's probably fine. Those two dead guys who knew how to get the call of duty! Come, please! We're fucked! They seemed... We're fucked! It's over there! Shut up! It's over there! What? Over there! What? Over there! Where? There! I can't see where we're going! Turn your head, stupid!

I'm bleeding out! What? Which direction? Which cardinal direction?

You know what? Just shut up and we'll be there in an hour. Oh, Cardinal, that's funny. Oh, yeah. Because we biz! Yes! Do we want to be looking like this, showing up in the city all fucked up with two dead guys? What? I look fabulous. The dead guys are long gone. They fail instantly. I know, but there's like a lot of blood around here.

And the owl was bleeding too. I looked out the window to see if there was any sign of civilization that we could immediately park at. That would be above the canopy.

So, uh, make yourself some check for me. That would be my pleasure. Jesus Christ, you guys. Um, let's go with a, uh, uh, dirty 19. A dirty 19. You look around, and as you are flying through, you see, uh, the huge sprawling city of Caleria ahead of you. However, on either side, you see a bit closer, there seems to be, uh, at least a small village or outpost not too far from where you're at that seems to, uh,

have no more than just two trees that it's comprised of. And just a very small row of dwellings. We could try to pull up there, but we gotta come up with a game plan because we look like shit. I think we need to press through to Kaliri. When anybody happens, they're gonna arrest us. Bye. What?

We shot a chariot just like everybody else. They're going to wonder where the fuck our drivers are and why we're covered in blood. They were gang members! We don't give a shit! But they're going to be wondering why nobles are driving these cars. Because our two drivers were killed by Tiber the Silent Death. We were attacked! We're the victims! With this to have your shitty pants, we can just say that I am French now. All of a sudden for no reason. Fucking

Yes, Lucy! Your accent's wandering! I think you're cute. Oh, we're cute. Ah, frack. But we can just say that they shit their pants and we let them out. I can't stop. I know. Oh, wee-wee! We are here! We are here! Here's the blue cutoff of Liban. There we go. We're back. I just need to sound angrier. We have to go to Calibri.

We don't need a story. We just need to land and get medical attention and sleep.

Does it look like we could get people over here so that they were... Sorry, does it look like we could get everyone onto one of these birds? Or does it... Like, we need to be only on one carriage because only one fits on the white bird. Yeah, I would say that it'd be difficult to get in on one of you guys. Oh, fuck. The owl, though, that was wounded after you yelled at it seems to be doing better. The arrow is still in it. Stop bleeding!

Okay. Sorry, guys. I'm gonna miss the fucking heist. God damn it. You just would have lost your gold to Derek anyway. Yeah, that's right. I drink your milkshake. I drink it up. What if Tiger's working with him? What if he's part of the crew?

He is a bounty hunter. He's very good at what he does the best. What do you know about him? I know that he is the one that found two of the spirits that they needed. Oh, shit. So he's a mere ally? He wouldn't, unless he's screaming. He's the ally of people who pay him, but he's very good at what he does. Which one?

Which spirits did he find? I do not know. I think he found one of the ladies. I don't know. Blue lady for sure. Oh.

We have to get to Caliria, that's the bottom line, that's the whole point of all of this, we can't take a pit stop, or all of this will have been for nothing. Should we assume that we're just gonna go in a straight line and that we were already on our way and if we hit it, we hit it? Because it could be anywhere in this forest and we have no idea where Caliria is. Lufty was pointing at it! For better knowledge, Lufty knows where it is, she can see it.

I'm pointing, and if anyone would just turn their head, I'm sure you would see it too. I'm just looking at my feet. I'm sorry, I missed that, Theodore. I thought we were still wondering where Kul Arryn is. We can go park. Felix is outright refusing to turn his head. What?! We can go park, but we gotta have a story. We can make sure that we're all-- We have our papers, we have everything in order, they're going to give us medical attention because we're part of the elite. We're part of the nobility.

No, but we were also hunted, and that news might be spreading too. We might be targets. I mean, it would be very clear that that guy wasn't noble, right? No. He's some absolute schmuck. The point is that he... Meta, out of character, I think that the point is that when we land...

We have people that shows who we are, right? We are nobility. They're not going to be like, oh, why were you savaged by some guy who fucked your whole life up? You know, they're gonna be like, oh my God, like, we'll help you. Like you have money, you know, you belong here. The guy, the people who attacked us are not nobles, right? I mean, it's natural to assume that they're going to be like, who attacked you? Right. And if they're like, oh, a bounty hunter, they'd be like, why was a bounty hunter after you?

that's very natural well that's that's fine and then we can figure that out but we're not gonna not go get medical attention right i mean like we need to go to calaria we do need medical attention but i think that we should have some other story than uh we got attacked how did we just say we got attacked by brigands or bro i mean sky agents we know we're attacked we have lots of money there's no reason why they're literally sky pirates right

I mean, why would we have to justify why we were attacked by some people who wanted the things that we had? Look at all my rings. They probably want to see. I mean, I'm just throwing out the character. On my necklaces?

I'm so sorry. In character, this sounds like a great plan. I would think that in character, we would know that we wouldn't want to say the name of this person. Totally. We wouldn't want to say that there was somebody who was trying to... Because then all of a sudden, it's like, well, why do they want Lifty? We were just attacked. Why is this guy trying... We know that he finds elementals, so why does he want you? You must have one. You don't have... We don't know the answer. If we were...

Nobles. All of us would literally just say, just some dumb guy who tried to steal from us. We have no idea who he is. We were just attacked and it was out of the blue and we got all fucked up and we need help. He was making sure we all had the same story. I think we're in agreement.

I will help Zorbek try to land. If he looks like he's struggling, I'll help him try to land the birds, or the owls near the K'lyri landing zone. If that is in fact K'lyri, I don't know. I'm on the lookout for what appears to be a landing zone. Maybe that's where I start. So, you, as the owls are flying and you're grabbing on the reins, it seems as if without much

Without too much coaxing, they seem to be flying directly straight towards this large city that you are all approaching. You pass smaller outposts and villages here and there, but you see this grand, multi-tiered city built into the treetops. One that you had passed previously when you had entered a while ago into Erios.

And as you get closer and closer, you just see the... You had seen from the ground its elegance and opulence, but even through the rain of the storm, as wind whips around you and rain is drenching all of you, you see the true grandeur of this place. As you see...

See rising off dozens and dozens of trees it goes back further you see the glowing lights Through the what should be the day But it's still very dark because of the storm clouds that are all above you and as you get closer you start to see that Make out some of these buildings some of these structures you see that there are Similar to the other town that you've seen there are

these large bridges, these large rope bridges built all between to connect this huge city. And you then see on the outskirts, on some of the smaller, skinnier trees, there seem to be these large roosts and rookeries all spread out with dozens and dozens, maybe even hundreds of giant owls

parked. You see a number of these winged carriages all leveled out and you seem to think that directly ahead of you off to the left is some sort of landing area to those that would be arriving. To the landing area!

I look at the three of them, so Lufti and Caprice and Zorbeck. Does it look like any of them are bleeding? Like, out of their garb? Okay.

Can I try to see how much healing he would need to try and stop the bleeding so that he's not bleeding in his clothes? I would say he's still covered. I think that this time the bleeding would have stopped, but the blood and the remnants of battle are still there, for sure. How bad are you feeling?

You told me earlier you were feeling okay. No, I mean, I'm hurt. I just wanted to make sure that the owl didn't die. I thought that your healing of powers would go better with the owl, but... I have to touch it. Oh, well, please do.

I thought you already took care of it. I haven't taken care of myself, no. I thought we were going to enjoy a long rest. Or a short rest. You all enjoy a short rest. Holy hot dogs. If you use your hit dice, I don't know if that's going to happen, but if you do, you can take an additional 1d6 as I sing some sort of ridiculous bullshit. I have a little foof of hair on my eyes. It's as many of your lives.

I'll just do the final balance and have a rest song. And you enjoy a short rest. It's a D10. As you all... Should we add two to the first one? An extra D8, right?

Is it just to the first one? Yes. Do we hear this one? What's the range on Song of Rest? It just says "Short Rest." I mean, I'd have to look it up. Yeah, I'll say fine. You can hear the notes over the winds. I'll say it real loud. Or play it real loud, I guess. Oh, I'm sorry. Hope you like speaking. Thanks Capriccioni, had to use two die. There you go. So what is your spell doing? Perhaps the dream.

You can add an additional d6. Oh, d6. I get a d8. Let me attack that. Mikey, what's my owl called again? What was your owl called? That's a Ural owl. U-R-A-L. So, you all enjoy a short rest.

And as you all were pulling towards this landing area, you just see some shapes flying through the storm. And suddenly, you are surrounded by four sentries.

As they survey the scene, you see that they're all heavily armored and heavily armed as well. And they seem to be of the similar type of the air coker that had attacked the village and burned it down. And the one in the lead calls out, Who goes there? Do you need assistance?

Yes, right away. Please. We've been attacked. Who are you? My name is Tim. You can call me Tim Ironballs. We're nobles. We're trying to land. We're not the drivers. I'm Specularian. I shit my pants when these guys attacked us, and I'm waving my shitty pants in the shitty towel. Please, we need medical attention immediately. We've been bleeding out. Please help us.

Your pants have been completely cleaned by the rain. But they're wet. You mean peed, Peach! You mean peed! And as the guards make a persuasion check at advantage, or no, a deception check at advantage. Me or you?

Oh, yeah. You do it, Jory. You fucking do it. Wow. A shitload. Wait, what, it's deception? Yeah. 18. So immediately they say, of course it was! And you get two on either side of you, and as they escort you, you fly down to

one of the large ramps leading out and with some difficulty, "Oh, here it goes!" It seems that the owl is however being intelligent making this trip several times, multiple times, that they know where to go as with a bit of a rocky landing, we'll see how well they do. I use cutting words, no.

You get jostled around as the owls land and perch and the characters that you've been flying in clatter to a stop and you finally feel the joy of just being still and not in motion and not in the air.

Oh. Immediately, you hear the sound of footsteps and flapping of wings as a number of individuals fly up to you and open the doors. What happened? Do you need medical attention? And you see there's a medic that appears with a med kit, a lot of bandages, and you see someone wearing these robes with these glowing yellow hands. Oh, I

Thank you. Yeah, I have a hole in me, but you'd be surprised what an hour's rest will do. Who needs medical attention? I'll take a little bit, sure. Absolutely, thanks. I was... I'll hold that way. I'll link my... Any of the wounds that I've bandaged up, I'll open up and let them apply any sound. Yeah, I'm just going to read it. I'm bleeding, but mechanically I'm fine. RP-wise, I need help.

And as you're being patched up, you get patched up and you get some healing. You get healing. You get 13 points of healing. Beautiful. As an armored guard in a helmet flies up to you and says, what exactly happened here?

It was hard to see, I'll be honest. There was a big storm and there were these sky pirate creatures. We were attacked. We couldn't really see what was happening. They sniped all of the two drivers and I think they were after our precious goods. They tried to hurt the poor creatures who were ferrying us. Yeah, you'll see one of the owls was injured. They hit one of the owls and we managed to heal her right back up.

We were very lucky to have a little healing ability amongst our party. But if they had taken my wings... And I'm going to pretend to faint out of the door into whoever will catch me. I'll catch her. For dramatic effect. You do Zarbock's like, oh, let me help you. Yeah. Let me help you. So you are clearly all nobles. Do you have your papers just to confirm? Yes, of course we do. Can we all get all the papers out? You can somewhere on me. Yeah, sure. Ha ha ha.

And we'll check all of them. Okay, and I need a one group deception check, please. Oh, baby. Natural one, so I will use a twist if that's alright. It's a 20. You said deception? Yep. I got an 18. I'll join you in that natural one, but I'm not going to use a 10. I got an 18. Eight.

You got a 10. That's better. 22. I got a 12 for destruction. Okay. The captain...

Uh, takes all of your papers. I am so sorry this happened to you. We've normally been on our routes taking care of brigands and pirates, but the storms have kept us grounded mostly. I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's no one's fault other than the people who attacked us. It's just fine. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your assistance. Thank you. Do you have a destination?

We're looking for the nearest inn that would take a group of very important and powerful nobles. There are many of those, of course. Whichever one you recommend. We didn't have one in particular night. Whichever has the best meals. We've been flying for quite some time and we're all very hungry and very tired. And the alcohol...

The closest one here that I think is of your, would be up to your standards would be the rising elegance. Done.

Take me there. Something's rising. It isn't the elegance. No, it's the elephants. May we escort you? Please do. Please, we would appreciate that. Yes. Yes, I'm so sorry, Lord Powerbottom. Yes, that is my... Lord Ironballs. The third. Don't forget the third. Lord Ironballs. Excuse me, Lord Powerbottom, the third. Thank you. Lord Ironballs.

Lord Hammerschmidt. Oh, that's me, yes, yes, thank you, thank you. Lady Featherton. Lady Contraflibliblarnin. That wasn't even close. Cartoffin, Cartoffin Lieben. Cartoffin Lieben. I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that dialect. Hildeblum.

I don't remember the last name you gave me. Was it S something? Specularia? No, it was... Lady Escrateriot! Escrateriot. If it wasn't then, it is now. Escrateriot. She won the three crowns. Lady Escrateriot, welcome to Caleria. I'm so sorry this happened to you. What is your name?

So that we may thank the authorities in charge for your assistance for healing us and for saving us. My name is Vost. Vost, it's so nice to meet you, Vost. Very nice to meet you. I will escort you. I'm so sorry this happened. Please do not tell. Well, I will not ask for that, but if you speak to any of the other nobles, please go easy on our...

On lack of diligence. Of course, we won't tell anyone. It's fine. And there's a true look of concern that a group of nobles was attacked by bandits on their way to Cleary. As you're immediately escorted through the streets, and as you look around, you just see these... You see a beautiful city.

sprawling through the forest. And as the storm starts to part a little bit,

and not entirely dissipate, but you can see the rays of sunset as it seems like the town is starting to wake up. The streets aren't entirely packed, but you see that there are a number of, a large number of individuals strolling through the various promenades. You see a number of artisans walking to their various shops, but it seems to be mostly merchants.

Some are wearing large, gaudy robes, some poofy hats, large, colorful feathers in all of their clothing. As you are winding through the streets, you see that each tree seems to spiral upwards into tiers with rows of beautiful buildings going up almost to the canopy.

As you make your way into the city, you don't get that far before you arrive at the Rising Elegance. And Vost arrives and all of the guards with him immediately stand back at attention, all armed with halberds. Is there anything you need?

I think a nice good rest and a promise from your lips that everything will be taken care of when it comes to the pirates. Agreed.

We will immediately embark to try to find them. They cannot have gotten far. That's it for me. I just need to get some rest. Thank you, guys. Thank you. I greatly appreciate your service. We're very new to this town, so maybe just some general tips or things we should check out, perhaps? Where do all the greatest nobles lie, or maybe the rulers of the city?

oh well i mean it's it's it's the high perch where the the the grand lord holds court with all the greatest noble houses i assume you're here to see to see

To see them? Oh yes, of course. Are you here for the grand ball tomorrow? Yes, yes. How did you know? That's great. They don't call me Iron Balls for nothing. Many nobles attend, have been traveling in the past several days, usually not this quickly, not this close to the masquerade ball.

Is there any stores you'd recommend where we could get a new change of clothes? I feel like these are going to take forever to dry out and wash by the ball tomorrow. I unfortunately cannot afford any of the stores that you would like to, but just walk through the city and you'll be able to find numerous places to purchase any clothes you can design. Very well.

And you look and you can tell that this Aarakocra, as well as all of the guards that are with him, don't have that same level of sheen in the feathers and the beak. The eyes aren't as glistening and pristine. You can tell that this is not a noble Aarakocra. And I would say that you've also noticed that every single Aarakocra that you've met just has a singular name. There is no surname that any lowborn has ever offered you.

as, uh, as, uh, he says, well, if you need me, you know where, uh, I, I keep my main patrol. Thank you, Rock. I hope you enjoy, uh, the ball and, and, and, and see, uh, whatever counsel you desire. Thank you. Appreciate it. Thank you. Have a lovely day. Thank you.

Dismissed? Yes, of course, sir. And they immediately stand at attention and walks off, leaving you in front of the Rising Elegance, this beautiful tavern with these filigreed of golden accents and colors of gold and purple. It's this beautiful wooden building, and it has that same lacquer.

that you had seen across most of the buildings of these air poker of that shimmering, you believe, was a fire-retardant substance.

As you see these beautiful double doors ahead of you, these large golden knockers. I was trying to find a synonym, but I couldn't. You didn't get there. Licking my beak and looking at the knockers, I turn back to the rest of the group. No, I don't want to have to spend any much more gold. I do it for the...

Stop slapping the nuggets around. But they're so huge. And golden. Thank you so much for listening to the Legends of Adventures podcast. We hope you enjoyed the session. If you want even more campaigns to listen to, become a member of our Patreon at the

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