Today we discuss intermittent fasting with Professor Tim Spector, and Gin Stephens, New York Times best selling author of Fast. Feast. Repeat.
As many of you long term listeners will know, ZOE ran the world’s largest ever study on intermittent fasting. We know a lot of you are interested in the potential benefits. I’m talking about improved blood sugar control, heart health, and mood.
But practically, how do you get started with fasting?
Learn how your body responds to food 👉 for 10% off
🌱 Try our new plant based wholefood supplement - Daily 30)
*Naturally high in copper which contributes to normal energy yielding metabolism and the normal function of the immune system
📚 Books from our ZOE Scientists:
Food For Life) by Prof. Tim Spector
Every Body Should Know This) by Dr Federica Amati
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