cover of episode Recap: How to do intermittent fasting properly | Gin Stephens and Professor Tim Spector

Recap: How to do intermittent fasting properly | Gin Stephens and Professor Tim Spector

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ZOE Science & Nutrition

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Gin Stephens
Tim Spector
Gin Stephens: 间歇性禁食期间,建议进行清洁禁食,只饮用不含添加剂的清水、黑咖啡和不加糖的茶。黑咖啡可以促进自噬作用,对健康有益。进行清洁禁食需要循序渐进,如同"从沙发到5公里跑"一样,需要逐步建立"禁食肌肉"。在间歇性禁食过程中,如果感到头晕或恶心,应立即进食,不必严格遵守计划。不同的人可能更适合不同的进食时间窗口,需要通过实验找到最适合自己的方式。间歇性禁食的益处不仅仅是减肥,更重要的是对健康的益处。可以灵活调整每天的进食时间窗口,但应保持进食时间窗口的持续时间相对恒定。重点在于保持禁食的规律性,而不是每天都严格按照相同的时间进行。 Tim Spector: 关于间歇性禁食期间是否可以饮用茶和咖啡,目前尚无定论,但大多数人认为黑茶、绿茶、咖啡和水是可以饮用的。关于间歇性禁食期间少量添加糖或奶油等物质是否可行,存在争议。一些人认为少量添加不会影响禁食效果,另一些人则认为应避免添加。缩短进食时间窗口(例如,从每天18小时缩短到12小时)对健康有益,这可能与肠道菌群的昼夜节律有关。肠道菌群也具有昼夜节律,进食会影响其活动。禁食期间,一些以肠道黏膜为食的菌群会活跃起来,帮助清洁肠道。一些有益菌群(例如,阿克曼菌)会活跃起来,帮助修复肠道黏膜,预防糖尿病和肥胖。间歇性禁食可以延长身体的修复时间,这可能是其有益于长寿的原因之一。

Deep Dive

Discusses the types of beverages and foods allowed during intermittent fasting, focusing on water, black coffee, and tea, and their effects on autophagy and fat burning.

Shownotes Transcript

Today we discuss intermittent fasting with Professor Tim Spector, and Gin Stephens, New York Times best selling author of Fast. Feast. Repeat. 

As many of you long term listeners will know, ZOE ran the world’s largest ever study on intermittent fasting. We know a lot of you are interested in the potential benefits. I’m talking about improved blood sugar control, heart health, and mood. 

But practically, how do you get started with fasting?

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*Naturally high in copper which contributes to normal energy yielding metabolism and the normal function of the immune system

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