cover of episode How to reverse arthritis in 8 weeks | Dr. Tamiko Katsumoto

How to reverse arthritis in 8 weeks | Dr. Tamiko Katsumoto

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@节目主持人 :本节目讨论了错误的饮食习惯会导致慢性炎症,增加患包括关节炎在内的多种疾病的风险。最新的研究表明,慢性炎症在癌症中也起着至关重要的作用。 @Dr. Tamiko Katsumoto :一项开创性的新研究表明,正确的饮食干预可以逆转关节炎症状,减轻疼痛并增强身体机能。减少炎症可以降低患心脏病甚至癌症等其他致命疾病的风险。关节炎是一种复杂的疾病,关节通常是受保护的区域,炎症会导致这些保护屏障受损,从而导致炎症。肠道和粘膜屏障与导致关节炎的炎症之间存在联系。肠道、口腔等粘膜屏障的破坏可能会刺激某些细菌,从而激活免疫系统,导致免疫细胞攻击关节,引发关节炎。自身免疫系统攻击关节会导致关节炎,使关节疼痛且活动不灵活。关节炎的发生有多种途径,包括免疫攻击和晶体(如尿酸)沉积引起的炎症反应。许多自身免疫性炎症疾病的发病率正在上升,这表明环境因素在疾病发生中起着重要作用。关节炎和其他慢性炎症性疾病发病率上升的原因在于环境因素的影响,而非基因突变。类风湿性关节炎存在遗传易感性,但与环境因素相比,遗传因素的作用相对较小。骨关节炎是一种常见的关节炎,可能与炎症、超重和关节损伤有关。类风湿性关节炎是最常见的炎症性关节炎,可能与遗传和环境因素有关。骨关节炎患者通常在活动时疼痛加剧,而类风湿性关节炎患者则会在早晨感到僵硬,并经历关节凝胶现象。虽然药物可以改善类风湿性关节炎患者的生活质量,但免疫抑制剂会增加感染和癌症的风险。炎症是机体的损伤修复机制,但慢性炎症会对身体造成损害。饮食是导致异常慢性炎症的主要因素之一。“Plants for Joints” 临床试验表明,多学科生活方式干预(包括饮食)可以显著改善类风湿性关节炎和骨关节炎患者的病情。“Plants for Joints” 试验结果表明,饮食在改善类风湿性关节炎患者病情方面发挥了重要作用,该试验采用植物性饮食干预。“Plants for Joints” 试验中,患者的症状和生活质量都得到了显著改善,部分患者甚至能够停用药物。改变饮食可以改善肠道微生物组,减少炎症,从而改善关节炎症状。食用典型的西方饮食会导致血液中的炎症标志物升高。食用富含饱和脂肪的食物会立即导致血液中脂质颗粒增加,引发炎症反应。不需要完美地遵循植物性饮食,就能获得改善关节炎症状的好处,即使偶尔摄入不健康的食物,也会立即在关节中感受到其负面影响。一些关节炎患者能够通过自身实验,找到引发关节炎症的特定食物。现代人的肠道健康状况不如祖先,这可能是导致炎症反应加剧的原因之一。肠道微生物组在食物导致炎症的过程中起着重要作用,改善饮食可以改善微生物组,从而减少炎症。慢性炎症与癌症之间存在联系,免疫系统在癌症控制中起着重要作用。饮食在免疫治疗的反应中起着重要作用,高纤维饮食和多样化的肠道微生物组与更有效的抗肿瘤反应有关。饮食在预防癌症方面起着重要作用,特别是肠胃道癌症。食用传统的西方饮食会导致炎症加剧,增加患心脏病、关节炎和癌症的风险。抗炎饮食金字塔强调多吃蔬菜、水果、豆类和全谷物,少吃加工食品和红肉。抗炎饮食建议将一半的盘子用于蔬菜和水果,四分之一用于植物蛋白或瘦肉蛋白,四分之一用于全谷物。蓝区居民的饮食习惯表明,肉类应该适量食用,每周最多一次。奇异籽和亚麻籽富含纤维、omega-3脂肪酸和蛋白质,对健康有益。富含omega-3脂肪酸的鱼类对健康有益,但应适量食用,并选择小型鱼类,避免摄入重金属和毒素。益生元和益生菌对维持健康的肠道微生物组至关重要,发酵食品比益生菌胶囊更有效。高纤维饮食和发酵食品对改善肠道炎症都有益,但只有在肠道微生物组多样性较高的患者中,高纤维饮食才能发挥作用。食用发酵食品比服用益生菌胶囊更能有效改善肠道微生物组。建议食用发酵食品来改善肠道微生物组,尤其是在服用抗生素后。植物性饮食可以提供足够的蛋白质,并且过量摄入蛋白质可能会对健康造成不利影响。建议每天摄入28-35克纤维,而美国人的平均纤维摄入量仅为15克。建议从小处着手,逐渐改变饮食习惯,例如尝试“无肉星期一”或选择植物奶。 supporting_evidences A groundbreaking new study reveals that the right dietary intervention could reverse arthritis symptoms, reduce pain and enhance physical function. And this reduction in inflammation could reduce your risk of other deadly diseases like heart disease and even cancer. I think the biggest myth is that there's nothing you can do to change your arthritis course. I think there are actually a lot of things that we are all capable of doing through diet, lifestyle, etc., that can make a difference. Literally minutes after you eat that hamburger full of saturated fat and whatever else is in it, that serum layer becomes cloudy. And it's like all these lipid particles that end up going straight to your liver, causing inflammation. That stuff is coursing through your blood. You don't need to be perfect. Nobody's perfect. So the average American is eating about 15 grams of fiber and the amount we should be targeting is between 28 to 35 grams of fiber.

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Arthritis affects millions worldwide. 1 in 5 adults in the U.S suffer with it and many people assume it’s an inevitable part of aging. Bu what if you could reduce joint pain and inflammation through diet and lifestyle?

In this episode, Dr. Tamiko Katsumoto, Clinical Associate Professor at Stanford University, unpacks the science behind arthritis. She explains the key differences between osteoarthritis, caused by wear and tear on joints, and rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks healthy tissue. While there is no cure for arthritis, Tamiko reveals why chronic inflammation plays a central role - and how the modern diet is making things worse.

Tamiko shares evidence-based strategies to reduce inflammation naturally, including the best foods to support joint health and whether supplements and lifestyle changes can make a real difference.

If you or someone you know suffers from joint pain, this episode is packed with insights to help you take control of your health.

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00:00 Can you reverse arthritis?

03:35 What is arthritis?

05:10 How joints work

06:49 Signs of arthritis

11:31 Osteoarthritis explained

12:29 Rheumatoid arthritis explained

14:09 New treatments

15:00 How effective is medication?

15:59 Role of inflammation

20:26 Tamiko’s plant-based eating study

30:30 Can you feel your diet choices in your body?

34:20 Gut microbiome and arthritis

36:20 Does inflammation cause cancer? 

42:02 Is our diet causing disease?

44:00 Anti-inflammatory diet pattern

46:02 Foods to detoxify your body

48:23 Does oily fish help arthritis? 

50:05 The role of prebiotics

53:02 Are probiotic capsules worth it?

📚Books by our ZOE Scientists

The Food For Life Cookbook

Every Body Should Know This by Dr Federica Amati

Food For Life by Prof. Tim Spector

Free resources from ZOE

Live Healthier: Top 10 Tips From ZOE Science & Nutrition

Gut Guide - For a Healthier Microbiome in Weeks 

Mentioned in today's episode

A multidisciplinary lifestyle program for rheumatoid arthritis: the 'Plants for Joints' randomized controlled trial, 2023, published in Rheumatology

A multidisciplinary lifestyle program for metabolic syndrome-associated osteoarthritis: the "Plants for Joints" randomized controlled trial, 2023, published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Gut-microbiota-targeted diets modulate human immune status, 2021, published in Cell

High-fiber diet associated with improved progression-free survival and response to immunotherapy in melanoma patients, 2021, published by MD Anderson

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Episode transcripts are available here.