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I can't drive and I am 55. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang.
Thanks to Baby Wet Wet for that cash-free submission. And pardon me for being a little distracted, but someone pulled something out of their pocket and waved it at me out of the corner of my eye. I felt like... I'll tell you now, Sita. I brought something. I won't use it at the appropriate time. It could be 30 minutes in. But at the end of that song, I thought it was the right time. Comedy, bang, bang. And then I was going to go...
Why didn't you do it then? Because I missed the one second. Oh, you got in your head about it. No, no, one second. That's it. I'll surprise you again, but I won't tell you when. Because that wouldn't be a surprise. All right. That's our first guest. We'll introduce him in a second. But I do want to say my name is Scott Aukerman. This is another episode of Comedy Bang Bang. We have a great one coming up a little later. We have a radio DJ.
named dominic weiss we also have uh uh mike uh mike stacker is on the show um i don't know what mike stacker's whole thing is but mike stacker will be on the show a little later does that excite you yeah well i mean what does he do i don't know that's the thing i don't know it's fun
You know what? Surprises never get old. That's right. Do you like a surprise like... What are you, Ellen DeGeneres? I thought you were going to have another heart attack. No, I don't like surprises because I like to plan everything. Yeah, you're an anal retentive. Hey, watch your mouth. Emphasis on the anal. How dare you?
You're not getting that soft treatment you got on WTF. Yeah. Not here. Not here. Not on Comedy Bang Bang. We're a hard-hitting program. Don't put it back in your pocket. I don't want to use it. That's the thing. You're delaying it by two precious seconds. Two precious seconds. Let's introduce our first guest. He is, of course, one of...
One of the best stand-up comedians in history, I would say. What is the storied history of comedy stand-up? Comedy, stand-up. What do you mean? Like, how far back does it go? That's a good question. I don't know, but wasn't it? I mean, you always hear people go, oh, before, you know, the kings and the clowns. Sure. We're not counting the fucking jesters. Oh, right. Exactly.
you know like fuck them i agree with you we're like we're comedians oh before that day the dog would take a shit on your on somebody's face and if that dog moved either i couldn't think of something some other not sure the dog moved i also don't want to say like because uh the clown uh is something that i wouldn't want to be compared to because the the art of it is you know actually sure they actually have to work very hard at what they
do yeah seriously but so I just mean because they always go but when did it start like me and you know yeah I know
David Brenner. No, it went back before that. Jerry Seinfeld. Probably. I don't know. No, but I mean, vaudeville certainly had people, comedians who would, I don't know that it was exactly what standup has evolved into these days, but certainly like comedians telling jokes in front of people. So like before that though, nothing. Nothing. People just cry into a sock. One day there'll be something. Why? Yeah.
No, before that, this is what a friend of mine told me. I don't know if it's true or not. You know, these people make... He goes, people just had these. See? Outside of the pocket? It's better. It's better. But do me a favor. Yeah. Put this away. Because I don't need it. No, we're not going to put it away. As a matter of fact, if you want to do it, I'll let you, but you'd have to... If you trust him. Okay, I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, I know. It's not... But, you know, the history of stand-up comedy...
Which goes back a hundred or so years. He's one of the best to ever do it. And he's alive right now. A lot of these people who are some of the best to ever do it, they're long gone. They're dead. They're all dying. Every time they die, I cry. And then I go, now it's only me. Moving up a notch. Moving up a notch. That's your only way you can grow is if somebody else... Oh, moving up a notch. There was a good...
you know, 10 years of your career where you were like number 49. Number 49 for a while. Yeah. And now you're up to like 27. You know what? Seriously, I do work. You know, hey, look, because I'm not a good actor, I'm not good in auditions. My career is... You were on Home Improvement. I saw you playing Tim's dad, weren't you, in a flashback? I was, I was. But it's not something that I do very well. And those things can help perpetuate your career. Your acting thing can push...
attention towards your comedy. So I've had a, you know, I could do one thing in the meantime, be, you know, bitter or go, we'll just work really fucking hard on your standup and begin. So why didn't you do either? No, you know what? Come here, come here, come here. He's looking for the whistle. He's looking for the whistle.
Now he's going into the kitchen. What's happening here? I'm going to play this for you right now. What do you have? Here we go. Oh, God. On the way here. I don't know if this is going to be funny or it's going to create a weirdness in the room. You're going to play something off your phone. Yes. Okay. What do you got? Something I said on the way here. As much as I love Scott Aukerman, my prediction is, I hope it doesn't happen, that he will...
Passive aggressively or just aggressively insult the show. At the light, turn left onto South Rosemont Avenue. Somewhere in that area. Okay, and that proves that you are on your way here because of the directions. Well, no, that I thought, as I was leaving that little voice memo, I go, oh, I hope that part doesn't get in. But also, I wanted you to know I have nav. Wow. You got sat-nav'd.
No, of course I wouldn't do that passive-aggressively. I'll do it right to your face. I said passive-aggressively or just aggressively, but that fucking nav interrupted it. But yes to what you said. Yes. I forget what I said. I do too, but that's an old trick. Sure. Back on track. Yes to what you said. But he's one of the best to ever do it. He's alive and you can see him
as he goes out and tours. I mean, you're not going to be able to see the Richard Pryors. You're not going to be able to see the, who are the other good, George Carlin's. Who else is good? How about the comedy of today? Nate Bargatze, Jim Gaffigan, Sarah Silverman. Well, they're not dead yet. My point is... Oh, those. How about the greats that are alive? Just compare me to them. Okay, yeah. I mean, he's a solid, like, 19 out of the ones who are alive right now. 20. Wait, I should go the other way. No.
But he has a new project that we want to hear all about. We rushed to have him on. Emergency podcast recording. I will say this, because after that I get paranoid. Oh, people are... It means a lot.
I haven't been on the show in a while. I reached out to you. Sometimes I get it. People get busy. You also have to understand that. I do understand it, but it hurts a little sometimes when someone you were nice to or whatever. Overwhelmingly, the thing I'm proud about comedians, most of them, you were one of them. Man, right back to me. Yeah, let me call you tomorrow. Follow up. Get your day. I mean, I wasn't right back to you because you still texted me about a day ago.
A day later saying like... But I was, what did I say? I go, I'm going to kill myself. Yeah, if you don't get back to me. Yeah, but then you said, I saw your video. I'm not, I have a reason in this request that people do get back to you. I'm reasonable about it. And I would say being reasonable, you got right back to me. And then you said, I did watch it. Great. We're just trying to find...
The day that we can do it, yes. The day after that, hey, how's this? Boom, boom, boom. We got you in an emergency podcast recording because I want people to know what this is because it's a very exciting project. Please welcome to the show, back to the show, he hasn't been here in a long time by his own admission, Todd Glass. Thank you. Yes, he claps for himself as well. He wants more. Hello.
How dare you? I just wanted to sound like there's something fun going on. You know what? I'll try to get this down. So we started a crowdsource at Seed&Spark. Now I'll go backwards and explain why. Okay, so we started in media res. In media what? In media res, never mind. What does that mean? In the middle of something. So like when you watch a television show and it starts somewhere in the middle of a scene and you're like, what's going on? Then it goes backwards to explain it.
Oh, I didn't know that. And you know, I've learned from when I do listen to podcasts I've been on, it's always embarrassing when you didn't know what something meant and you just plow past it. So I go, ask. If you don't understand something, take the time to ask. And now do you understand it though, Todd? At first I thought it was, we now join the bloom, bloom, bloom in the middle. Yes, I do. I do understand. It's a style which in movies and TV and all sorts of... Okay, you don't understand. Oh! Oh!
Well, tell me. Tell me. No, I told you once already. You're right. It's not that important. But at least I showed. You started a... It's akin to a Kickstarter. These are brand names of other companies, but yours is called... It's Seed and Spark. It's just a place, typically for indie films, that does crowdsourcing. Right. Crowdsourcing.
And this is a valuable tool, uh, for, for funding a project, funding a project that maybe you're interested in that the, you know, the filmmakers aren't independently wealthy. You know, I mean, you do all right, Todd, I do all right, but I don't have the type of money to, uh, to, to do this on my own. Uh,
I would figure it out. If I had to, it would be a lot less that I could do. Let me, I'll give you like, can I give you like the, the good people know what it is? I think I have, I would love, I would love to know exactly what it is that you're asking people to provide resources for. And then I'll tell them what's, I won't tell them what all the tiers are, of course, but I'll tell you what two are. Cause I think they're two interesting ones.
So, you know, mine left Netflix special Act Happy. I had a band after that was over. When was it? When did that come? It was like four. That was five years ago. Five years ago. Yes. So we're talking 2019. Yes. It came out in 2019, right before the pandemic. And was this a super spreader event that caused COVID? This was a super spreader because a lady in the first row coughing. There was a lady in the first row. Thank God the guy spent the money, the director, and he blacked her out. She was just coughing like, like, what do you mean he blacked her out?
her out like even like cops he got rid of her really got rid of her she had a bad resting face too he goes oh she's getting blacked out i'm like oh thank you i said well you're at it can you black out the exit sign because that doesn't look too pretty either but anyway so you know the red exit signs sure so so that then after i toured they green as in like come through these
They're red. I think they're red. I think they're red. Are they red? Really? I don't know. You could probably change them. See, if I see a red exit sign, I'm like, oh, don't exit through this. Now I'm curious. I'm almost positive they're red because they want everyone to see it. And I presume they think red is the most visible. Is like, hey, pay attention to us. Pay attention. Run out of here. Right? Right. I was going to digress, but I won't. No, go ahead and digress. No, no, no. It's not worth it. Hmm. Hmm.
I'll be the judge of that. I'll talk about it on the Patreon show. Okay, sure. That's what I do. Wait, we're also doing a Patreon show? No, I do mine. I do mine. I go on all these podcasts. I half say something and then I go, let me talk about it on my Patreon. And that's how I throw a lot of people there. Thank you very much. So I... You know, I'm paranoid that I'm trying to make this short. So I started touring... Don't make it short. I love talking to you. I started... Thank you. I started touring with the band after that and things loosened up because I wasn't shooting a special, of course. And...
You know, I've always cared about every minute you could take advantage of entertaining on either side of a stand-up comedy show. You know, the guts of this, it's a stand-up comedy show. I know what it's like to want to go out and see stand-up comedy. I want to give that to people. It's just got a lot of production around it. Seeing what happens with music, what you could do with music, and people love music. They like stand-up, put it together.
So it's like before the show, I have a saxophone player playing in the street, and he's not fucking noodling. He's playing songs they recognize and they love. You know, oh, great. That's good if it's a block away. Not in my ear while I'm trying to talk in line. So he plays. I mean, this guy shreds it. And then, well, they're being seated. Some places, that's an hour. The two of the band members are out there.
And there was a good hour and 15 minutes I just was sitting there doing a crossword puzzle the entire time. At a music thing? At a music thing, yeah. Usually they're a little better at it. I mean, clubs play music, but it's not like cool music. So this is like two of the band members. Then after the show, if I can have an ice cream truck or if I can have hot chocolate and cookies to go, I take advantage of every single second. And then there's the show. This year I toured without the band.
I mean, there's like sometimes a seven, eight piece band playing with me and they start the show with two minutes and they don't just noodle again. They shred a song. They've actually rehearsed. They rehearse. It's a tight show. It's like a stand up comedy show backed by a big band. And then there's a lot of production around it as people are waiting to get in, as people are sitting down, as they leave. As they leave. I even one night I sat down with a friend of mine a few months ago. I go, is there any...
second that I haven't thought of. He goes, you could give some people, two people, Instagram me them home eating the cookies and the hot chocolate because it's not with the water in it. They go home and they go, hey, Todd, our cookies and hot chocolate made at home. They posted it on Instagram. I put it at the end of the video. So you could curate a playlist for them to listen to back at their house. So we're doing that. I want to really elongate the money. Would it kill you to go home with them?
with him. I wouldn't have sex with him. I would. I would. Hey, we thought about it one night. Some things I would do to get this show to happen. I would have sex with a girl. I don't give a shit. So what if everyone finds out?
When you flip it, it's a little, it's not so, you know, I can't even say any of the things. I'm trying to think what they say. Would you do this to a guy? But if I say it, it's too vulgar. Anyway, you're not that type of guy. So here it comes. So if I just go do this show in New York, the show's not that expensive to tour with. I've been doing it for four years. It's a well-oiled machine. Right. So what are you asking people to fund? So I don't put a huge amount of money.
money behind the advertising of it like when a play opens up in new york if i don't bring in the real dogs and it's a lot of money and i've done everything to make this show as tight as it can be even my stand-up did i say i toured without the band to make sure my stand-up was fucking tight
This show is a well-oiled machine. And the only thing that could go wrong, and it's not just some line that I say, people that see the show, they're going to go, he's fucking right. Like, that is a show to go see, is if I don't have the money to advertise it, to bring in a PR firm. You know, I don't know what term you use, but to really get the word out. When you open something in New York, if it's like a one-person show usually, like something Mike Birbiglia would do or something like that.
There's a big PR push for it. And it's the people who don't necessarily go out to see stand-up get involved because it's a theatrical experience. Right. And that's what you're looking for is you're looking for a lot of non, just the stand-up lovers that you attract with your normal stand-up. I wouldn't mind if it's still stand-up lovers because there's still a, but the stand-up, I can think of the comedians that I would want their audience.
You know, they do stand up, but they're also there's a creativeness behind it. But it's a produced show. Yeah, the stand up. The thing is, every single thing is tight. So I within it can be loose. Right. Yes. There's a tightness to me being loose. But yes, no, it's not a play. It's it's it's just no, it's not a play. It's it. But it is when I say theatrical experience.
Much like David Byrne's American Utopia, it was not a play, but it was a theatrical experience that belonged on Broadway. Right. Like, if I start talking about, I have this bit, I won't tell you the bit, but it's just about guys that don't trim their toenails. Okay. It is a funny bit, trust me. But if you're doing that bit with production and all of a sudden the stage is now like this cool color and things change over this simple stand-up bit.
So that's what you're trying to achieve. You want to do a run in New York. I want to do a run in New York. And how long do you want? Well, I'd like to do it for, you know, two weeks, a month. What about three years?
Oh, are you kidding me? But I think, yes, of course, three years I met when I said, are you kidding me? But I think you have to do a run first and turn it into something. Sell it out and then, yes. Yes, and then go, oh, or maybe even someone in Chicago because I have a place I'd like to. Because if you do well somewhere, you take all the positive press and you can go do it other places. Well, no, I mean, it's a lot like touring a Broadway show where you come into, say, the Pantages here in town for a month.
and you get enough notice and enough people are like, oh, a theater. Sure, yeah. Let's go to this thing I read about. And last thing. So my pipe dream is to... Not my pipe dream. The second part is the pipe dream. Is...
to get, I don't want to go, nobody would. You go to my comedian friends and go, Hey, would you, would you, uh, you know, a fun this play, but once it is funded, then I will go to them and I will say, can I borrow your name? I don't want to list the people, but instead of one, like you say, Mike Birbiglia presents Alex, you know, um, try to have five. Cause I think it's a kitsch idea. What if you just borrow their name? And so people think they're going to see them instead of you. Well, that's what, that's what my brother said. Um, Oh, your brother, he sounds very funny.
He's hit or miss. He's hit or miss. He's hit or miss. But then to then go to them and ask if I could borrow their name. So on the billboard, it would be very clear. It would just be like, because when it says like this person presents, you know, you get it. Your name's still bigger and it still says presents. And then if one person comes in and pays for the whole thing,
If one person comes in, they can get their name up on the billboard too. But then you got to pay for the whole thing. But could it be, if one person pays for the whole thing, could it be as big as like Batman v Superman? Their name would be as big as... As like Scott Aukerman versus Todd Glass.
As big as yours? Not as big as mine. Come on, Todd. I'm paying for this whole thing. How much is this costing me? Hold on. Hold on. It would be as big as the people. We've got to settle this. I don't want to say the names because then they know I'm getting a call from Todd once this thing's funded. But it would be as big as the people.
You know what it is? I know who you're talking about. It's people I want their audience. Yeah, exactly. And I love what they do, but I also want their audience. I'm jealous of their audience. I'm going to reach out to some of those people. And then if that one person pays for it, yeah, boom. How much? We don't have to talk about how much. We'll talk about that later. You like this car? I'd like my name bigger than yours. Oh, that question has come up so much. What would you do? Absolutely. I take back what I said before. If somebody pays for their whole thing and that name is bigger than everybody, yeah.
Here's my issue. I pay for the whole thing. Issue? Oh, no. There's no issue. I pay for the whole thing, and it's just Scott Aukerman Presents. Yes. 99% of the people that you want to attract say, who the fuck is that?
So don't you want someone to pay for it who also has that audience that you also want? No, because I don't need them at that point. I always think, and I mean this genuinely, like on, if that means anything to you, sometimes, you know, when you think you explained something really well, and I do not mean this passive-aggressively, you realize you don't because of the questions you get after you're done. Yeah.
So like a dumb shit asks you some question and you're like, oh. No, not a dumb shit. People that are very intelligent that I've told about the show and they go, oh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. I'm like, oh. Is that how I sound to you? Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh? Yeah, here's your, ah, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh.
The names would be big that were presenting. Yes. By the way, I would do this if I don't get the names. It would just be very helpful in advertising to say, I'm just going to say some names. Okay, throw out some names. Sarah Silverman, John Mulaney, Eric Andre, Pat Noswald. Present Todd Glass. Right. And if the person pays for the whole thing, their name gets within theirs. If there's one name in there no one recognizes...
It doesn't matter. Other names are big. They're going to help me. But if every person I asked to use their name said no, I would still go to do the show. But that would be helpful to have a few comedians that go, Todd's a nice guy. But it would be someone that has a large audience. Now they have to say you're a nice guy as well as just like saying. No, I'm saying over the years, these comedians will go, yo, he's a nice guy. Todd Glass has always been nice. All right, well, let me use your name.
Let me use your name. So there it is in a nutshell. Okay. Well, so people are... Essentially, you're asking people to put up money to pay for you to get a little backing. Production and also publicity for the show. What do you think it is? We have a number. Do you want to guess? Uh,
And I'll tell you this way. When my manager said to somebody that's in that world, they go, not yet. I know. Cause you know, in the beginning of your career, when you have something to promote, they go, well, she's $2,300 and she got me on this or that. And then someone spent 10,000. He goes, no, to bring in the big dogs. There's other, you can go higher than this, but this is the amount where, yes. What do you think it is to promote a show like that? And it starts a month before it happens.
I'm going to say $3.4 million. No, shut up! Is that what you're trying to raise? No, it's two. No, no. Do you want to guess? Do you want to guess? I'll guess, yeah. Just for the publicity? Just for the PR. And that could include social media. It includes the whole thing. Whatever it is. I'm going to say $10,000. No, no, no, no. Not even that? Not even that. It's much, much more. Oh, it's much, much more? Yeah, much, much more. Just think about it. For someone to really work on something,
You know, you gotta have some money. This is disappointing to me because I had written you a $10,000 check. Well, I can still take it. Where is it? You hear like chaos in the room as I lunge over and try to find the check as your computer knocks over. It's $50,000. $50,000? $30,000 to $50,000. You start at $30,000, just plan on $50,000. And what do they get in return for
pledging their support. Oh, they don't have to get a lot. Come on. There's different levels. There's different tiers. One is an hour show, which certain people, they give a certain amount. I don't know it by heart. They give a certain amount. I do an hour show with the band, with everything in the studio. Of course, not for each individual person. There's different tiers. One is, it's a high ticket item. Name the band after you or your business. So,
See, at first I thought, I'm not letting them in the business. I'm going to have to go, I have Tony's Pizza Band. And then I went, oh, yeah, I would do that. And I have the whole band, all 10 of them or eight of them go, you know what your name is. We're the Joey's Pizza Band. It's a lot like when a pizza joint would sponsor a Little League company or something like that. At least Little League, it's not like this. I want to do it in a jazz type club. I want drinks, no food, but black tablecloths to the ground. What color do you want these exit signs to be?
You know what? I have an opinion on exit signs. You want to know what they are? Yeah, let's hear it. I was at a cool jazz club in Texas called Jazz Texas. The owner's name is Doc Watson. And I noticed that his exit signs were like you can go and get old exit signs. So when it looks stylistic for anything, but especially if you're shooting something and you can't, at least when you see the exit signs, they're not ugly exit signs. I didn't know you were allowed to do that. He goes, yeah, you can put up any exit signs you want.
So, yeah, there's a little tip if you're starting a club. Don't steal this guy's antique. Every little detail matters. So, yeah, it's Seed and Spark. The easiest I could make it was go to I think that's the easiest way. That's the easiest way because who knows how to spell seed? Who knows how to spell spark? You might forget it, but ToddGlass., you're never going to forget that. Boom, it takes you over there, and that shoots you right over to Seed and Spark. And then that says that. There's the four-and-a-half-minute highlight reel, which I think Steve Rosenthal did a
Yeah, I've seen the highlight reel. This is what prompted me to get right back to you. He did a good job. He did a great job. He captured it. And then there's a message from me. And you know what? I said everything. And I appreciate you letting me. I know it's long, but you're so passionate about something. Well, you are. You're a passionate guy. And that's what we love about you. I wouldn't want to see a Todd Glass who's checked out mentally. Thank you.
And, you know, the price that people will see when it's there, obviously we can do it a lot less. We want to shoot the whole process and maybe go into a tour bus, stop at like the Vermont Comedy Club and run it there for a week and then head over to Broadway. Sure, yeah, make it a touring show and shoot it as a documentary. Yeah, but if somebody said, no, but we can come up with this money, the number can be a lot less and I can still do this show. But that's the big goal. Okay, well, we want you to do whatever you want to do.
We want you to be out there passionately defending this, and sure, it's going to take probably 10 years off your life, but what do you do? Why are you making a kissy face to me? Oh, my God. You are sick in your head. Did you see me? Did I do it? Be honest. No. Thank you. He's shaking his head. No. You have a problem. You really do. Oh, my God. You were making a kissy face at me. Oh, my God. And no one else in the room saw it. This makes me look bad. Like, I'm...
I know you're married. You have a kid who's awake because I rang the doorbell. All right. We have to take a break, Todd. But can you stick around? Because we have a radio DJ. We also have Mike Stacker. Mike Stacker. Yeah. I want to find out what Mike Stacker does. Yeah. Yeah. Stick around. Yeah. We all want to find out what Mike Stacker does. We're going to be right back with more Todd Glass, more Comedy Bang Bang. We'll be right back after this. Yeah.
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51 years or older. Terms and conditions apply. Comedy Bang Bang. Todd Glass is here of fame. TikTok and Instagram too. Oh, TikTok and Instagram? I thought you said Big Todd on Instagram. No, no. Big Todd. You can find me at Big Todd.
Todd Glass is here, of course. Go check out his Kickstarter for his show. And we need to get to our next guest, Todd. This is very exciting. We have a radio DJ. I know you love DJs. I remember, wasn't there a time where...
Like, there's never been a time where a microphone has been lying around and you haven't grabbed it and just talked into it first. Well, Pat Oswald said I would. He saw me at the grocery store talking on the PA because I was with him and they let me. And he goes, Todd, I think you'd be happy just working anywhere where there was a PA. I go, I know. There used to be a car wash in my neighborhood when I was young and they'd let me, like, get on the PA. And I spent three hours there sometimes when I was, like, 17, 18 years old just pulling people in. All right, bring it in. He goes, you just want a PA. Yeah.
I love that. Well, let's get to our next guest talks into microphones for a living. He is a radio DJ. Please welcome Dominic Weiss. Hello, Scott. It's Dominic Weiss, and the Weiss is nice. I'm coming in from WFZZ, the fuzz, where we play everything from the 70s, 80s, 90s, all of the 2000s, and the 50s and 60s as well. Ha, ha, ha.
Wow. So pretty much all of recorded music other than the 40s? And they do talk through the night, maybe you could say. You cover every genre of music. This is just a programming suggestion. We talk through the night. We have a live event coming up downtown. It's the Downtown Roller Skate Rink. Oh, Downtown Roller Skate Rink. We're doing the Downtown Roller Skate Rink all summer long. I'll be there, DJ. We're playing all the hits. I'm going to play Migos. We're playing things from Rat and Poison. I'm going to have Cardi B...
playing all night long we're gonna crank those speakers as loud as they can go wow so you got migos and rat and poisa i've never heard that mixture that sounds amazing we're gonna be spinning them all night long over there all night long do you still like because i know some of the djs bring like rec like records still i bring it it's all digital these days todd but i do bring the records everywhere i go but you don't use them no i never do i throw sometimes i'll pass them out to the skaters they can pass them around or sort of wing them at each other like frisbees but i
Need them all back by the end of the night. It sounds dangerous. Yeah, it's very dangerous. And you needed them all back. I need them all back in perfect condition. Well, the condition I gave them to you.
So I'm out there all summer long, every Sunday night. What city is this? This is L.A., baby. This is where it's all happening. But you're at W-something? No, KZZ The Fuzz. Oh, The Fuzz. KZZ The Fuzz. KZZ The Fuzz. You've heard The Fuzz. I have not heard The Fuzz. You haven't tuned into our weekend rollouts where we're playing everything from Tom Petty's solo work, Mormigos. Okay. And Body Rate. All right. Okay. Okay.
It's great to have you. You have such a classic...
DJ voice. How long have you been DJing? I've been DJing since 2012. 2012? 2012! I thought long. I was thinking like, this guy's been around since... That's when I got into it. I saw somebody on, I saw an old Howard Stern clip, and I said, hey, I'd love to do this without all the, you know, throwing cheeseburgers at people's asses. Not all of it. I do some of it. So anytime Howard Stern would throw a cheeseburger at an ass... I'd turn off the TV. Boom, boom, boom.
I'd hit butte on it so I wouldn't hear that slap. I don't remember him doing it. Was that something he did? Something he kind of did on a regular basis. He just throw cheeseburgers? Cheeseburgers. He would throw rodeo burgers, anything he wanted. Rodeo burgers. I'm not being disrespectful. What is the difference between a cheeseburger and a rodeo burger? A rodeo burger, I believe, has barbecue sauce all over it. Oh, okay.
So that inspired a love of the media. I fell in love with the media, and I went down to KWFCZ. KWFCZ. We got the K and the W now.
So you went down there now 12 years ago, and you've been working 12 years. It's been 12 years. I can't believe it. I remember I started there. We were playing. Again, we were playing a lot of Poison back then. Sure. A lot of Migos as well. I'd roll them into the Migos in the doors. Sure. Is there any type of music for whatever the reason you just will never play? I will never play hate music.
Nice. Hate speech is not welcome on WFCC. Okay. So like old recordings of like Adolf Hitler speeches? We are the only station in LA who will not play old Hitler. Old Hitler. Yeah.
None of his new stuff either. We're sitting more in that 70s, 80s groove. Maybe we'll pop in something from the 40s. Sure, yeah. Gospel Music Tuesdays is happening all spring. Oh, yeah. I'd love to tune into that. And don't miss our Halloween Fright Night.
Is that on Halloween? That is the day before Halloween. Okay. All right. Still pretty timely. Why are you having gospel music on Tuesdays? It seems like Sundays. Because Sundays is when I played all the Migos. We got a special day coming up on Tuesday. Next Tuesday. Okay. We're bumping the gospel and we're playing just the song Billie Jean. Okay. That and then we're going to play Billie Eilish songs.
Then back to Billie Jean. So it's going to be Billie Eilish songs with Billie Jean in the middle of it. So alternating Billies. That's right. But every other Billie is a Billie Jean. Every other Billie is a Billie Jean. That's right. That's what the posters say. Todd, I know you're in the poster business these days. Well, no, I put a little money in towards the poster business. How did you know that? I was half listening. So you make and distribute the posters? I'd love to get some money. What were you doing with the other half? I was wrapped. I just put money into a poster business.
I'd love to be a part of that. I would love to get on the poster you're using to promote your business and show. Throw my name on it and put a little word about a very tiny type. You'd need a magnifying glass to see it. Just I want to promote the Fright Fest. To be honest with you, I like your energy and I like that you don't play hate. How could you not like the energy? It's all right here all the time. And what does your hat say?
Give them work. They say to get the headphones off and take a look at it. Oh, you don't know. You just put on a different hat. It says WFCZ The Fuzz. I thought it was KWFCC. Depends what coast you're on. All these coasters. WFCZ KFCZ is out here in the L.A. area.
Well, this, I mean, it sounds like you have great programming. I'm not quite sure why you're on this show. Just to talk about some events and fill in some community service time. You're not expecting a good crowd for your Hollywood Fright Fest? I haven't had a good one yet. What is not good? Like how many people? People? Well, let's see. For the Fright Fest, we do that over at the old Gibson Ampli Theater. The one they tore down? Oh, yeah. Oh, we still do it there.
Wait, that was the old Universal Amphitheater, and now they've turned it into Fast and Furious ride? Right, we do it in there now. Wow, is it like an underground thing? It's kind of underground. Well, hopefully it's not underground. I want a lot of people to know about it.
People get on the ride, and as they come through, they hear me spinning Migos. They hear me spin Body Rage. Do you love Migos? I absolutely love Migos. I don't even think I know one of their songs. I don't even think I heard their name. Black Beatles. Of course. The Black Beatles? By the way, we are going to be spinning some Beatles songs. All besides Beatles sides. Nice. I like it. Thank you.
So you love the Migos. I just call them Migos. Los Migos? No. By the way, Black Beatles is not by Migos. It's by Ray Starr.
that unpronounceable last name of Srimmond. I think Kanye West may have had a Black Beetle song, yes? Or a lyric. I think he's had many lyrics that we should... Too bad for us to listen to. We can't listen to him on our station. Yeah, yeah. The minute he crossed over into hate speech, you took him down? We took all his vinyl and threw it away and then went to our computers and trashed all of ours. Wow. Who did you say you did it to? Kanye West. Did you empty the trash?
Shit! You're going to need to give me your... I might have to bounce a little early to an NBA. Yeah, no problem. By the way, yes, you can put your little ad on my poster. I didn't... Thank you very much. I'm happy to do it. I assumed I could. Nope. Not sure if I like that answer. I'll take it.
So to answer your question, yes, in 2012, I got into the radio business. Yeah. It's been a huge help for me after the passing of my wives. Oh, wait. Wives. Right. You've had many wives over the years? I had two ex-wives that got involved with each other. Oh. They became best friends. Oh, that's one way to get involved. They were involved in a travel group. They went out to the Egyptian pyramids.
And they fell off the top of them. Off the very point? I don't know what they were doing up there. I don't know how they got up there. They're dead now. And it took my mind off it because, you know, I wanted to get back together with both of them. So you were out there wanting to get back together with both of them simultaneously. That's right. I wanted to see if they wanted to thrubble. And then instead they go to the pyramids and go right up to the top. Fell off. Fell off. Fell off.
From what I heard, from the anecdotes I heard from the travel guide. These are anecdotes. I got it. I think that's the wrong word. This came to me anecdotally. The way he tells it, though, what else could you call it? You got to hear the way this guy tells it. So what are these anecdotes? So apparently they were up there with a couple Egyptian rugs they had found at an Egyptian Ikea, brought them up there and slid down on them and landed headfirst into Tutankhamen's... Romains? Romains. Oh.
Oh, man. And you got to imagine. Now, it wasn't the crash that killed him. That was made very clear to me. What killed him? It was the old dust. Oh, okay. That's old dust. That's bad dust. Makes sense. Oh, okay. Gosh. For all you people out there with addicts, don't start inhaling that dust. It is. Yeah. So this happened in 2012. I'm surprised I didn't hear about it. I'm surprised, too. I thought I told the LA Times to print the story.
And did they? They did not. You never followed up? I never followed up. I just assumed that they would do it like Tati. Yes, that's the problem. It just came full circle. I get too used to these. I don't know that the LA Times would print something based on anecdotes. That's what... They need to source these things out. They did get back to my assistant and said they were not going to touch this story. Okay, so you did get your answer. I still want to be...
I used to want to be a DJ when I was little and I used to practice this. There's a radio station called WWDB and I would try to do like the voice. I don't get the tenure that you have, but I would go, I was learning. I'd be like three, six, five, 40, 100. Give us a call. Cell phones are free. WWDB. We'll be right back with Frank Ford. Pretty bad. Not bad. Not bad. Yeah. I would love to see, I would love you to come down to FWCC, HESC, FCC. Hey,
I've worked for so many stations. You have. You've only been working 12 years and you've worked for so many stations? I don't last long in a station because of... You don't last long? No, because I leave the... On the computer, I leave the trash bin filled up. So you've known about this and you've gotten fired for it. That's why I'm sweating bullets here. Okay.
So what else is going on over there at KWFZZ? I mean, it's a long time between now and Halloween. Are you free Thursday night? I could be. Be by your radio Thursday night. We're going to be playing...
Britney Spears. Okay. We're going to be playing Britney Spears, all her hits mixed in with Leonard Skinner. Okay. And you want me to buy my radio for this? You're not going to want to miss this stuff. I'm also going to be having an exclusive interview with Cardi B talking about Ice Spice, the new queen of hip hop. Oh, really? Oh, so how did you get an interview with her? This sounds amazing. Called up. Call her up. I had her phone number. Oh, where'd you get her phone number? I had met her on a plane once. Oh.
really? I got bumped from first class up to a private jet. I didn't realize they could do that. An upgrade. An upgrade at me. Here's the thing.
The private jet flight was five hours later. I still took it. Well, yeah, I can only imagine. You were there. And wait, did Cardi B know about this? Cardi B knew about it. The trick was on me, though. My seat was 0A. And if any flight attendants out there know that is the bathroom. Oh, okay. I was sitting in the bathroom the whole flight. In the bathroom? In the bathroom. What if somebody needed the bathroom? I had to get up. Oh. Stand outside. And I was told specifically I couldn't sit in their seat while they were in the bathroom. Okay. Okay.
And is Cardi B the only person on this plane? Yes. And you couldn't sit on it? Not some of the Migos guys. Oh, okay. This is what developed your love of Migos. That's what I told him. I promised him. I said, you give me 10 minutes in your seat when you're in the bathroom, I will spin need Migos every station I go to. Now it makes sense. No offense, but you should tell that up front. Yeah, because it sounded to me like you couldn't think of any other group other than Migos. Yeah, now this makes sense. No, no, I'm sure I wrote some down. Ha ha ha ha.
No doubt. Sure, no doubt you did. No doubt in Chevelle. We're going to be spinning that at the Springfest. Yeah. Over there at the Alhambra Honda. What is Springfest? Springfest is a time to go out, dress up, and listen to some old tracks from the Beatles, Rolling Stones, and the like.
Okay, and you get dressed up and do what? You go up to this Honda dealership? Yeah, listen to the music. I can only do so much as a DJ. The rest is up to you. Anything else going on, Dominic Weiss? Let's see here. Around the holidays, we're going to be rocking around. Which holidays? Christmas holiday. Oh, okay. New Year's. Only six months away, by the way, I realized yesterday. Yeah, get ready for New Year's. We're going to be doing a Nick Clark Rockin' Eve. Seven months, maybe. Seven.
Until the actual holiday season. What's going on with Rock and Eve? We're going to do it with Nick Clark. Clark's son. His son. Oh, okay. And he's going to be spinning more No Doubt and Migos. Did I mention it was all night long? I was going to say, there's not a lot going on at your station.
It's like... Okay, so is this a slam against me or the good people at WFZZ? I mean, this is a... You've come on here to talk about some of your events. You don't have a lot. You don't seem to know very many bands. I think I've probably named six events at least. Yeah, but they don't sound fun. Well, that hurts. I mean, like, what is just you drive to a Honda dealership and you listen to the radio in your own car? You dress up nice. Right. You dress up nice. Ha ha ha ha!
Take a test drive in a Honda, but you can only do it for free if you listen to KWFCZ while you're driving. And no offense, he's probably fluffing it up a little to make it sound better than it is. Honestly, it's probably even worse. It's probably less. Most people don't under-exaggerate events. To be honest with you, I'm under-exaggerating because we had so many people out last year.
opposite of what the Fright Night was. You said that you didn't have a lot of... Fright Night is a mess. I need to deal with that. You know what I'm trying to get down there? To play live on Fright Night in the Fast and the Furious ride? Chris Farren? Migos. Oh, you're trying... Well...
I have some bad news for you about that. What's that? I'll tell you off air. Okay, good. There's a lot I want to talk about off air. Yeah. Okay, I wish you would have brought stuff to talk about on air. Because your events suck. I'll talk about that. And you're not that interesting. Ouch. That's probably the worst thing you can say to a radio DJ. A guy who lives his life thinking he's interesting.
What's the most interesting thing to ever happen to you? I, look, I, from the two wives who, that didn't happen to you. That happened to your wife. Good point. You're right. I was nowhere near that. I had nothing to do with that. I'm not saying that. I'm not, I'm glad you're not saying that. I'm not your alibi for this. You're my ally. Right.
You're my ally. I'm an ally. I was here the whole time. You heard me talk about it on Comedy Bang Bang. I was nowhere near there. I was here that horrible day in 2012. I was here. Okay. But what's the most interesting thing to happen to you personally? Happen to me? Yeah. Yes, you. That's not a Migos event. Nothing Migos related. I thought getting bumped up to the first class. I mean, to be honest, to have a private plane ride with Cardi B. All right. Interesting thing about me. As a kid, I went to summer camp.
Okay. Right? It got very friendly with the counselors. Okay. And they took advantage of me, took all my money. They conned you out of all your money? They conned all my money. How? How is it? What kind of scam was this? When I would show up at summer camp early on in the summer, I brought a trunk and it was filled with dollar bills.
Okay. Why? Because my parents said, we're not paying for anything for you all summer, and this is what you have to use at the canteen. That's where I got all my candy. So you look like an easy mark. I was an easy mark. I was a nice guy back then. I'm not so nice anymore. Oh, really? Okay. Well, I'll follow up about that later. Off air? Off air, of course. You'll be off. But.
But that was a that was a bad thing to have me. I one time met Larry Bird. Oh, where would you be, Larry Bird? I met him on another plane. OK, he was he was in the first class and I was in the back bathroom. I got a sheet in the back bathroom. Oh, OK. So I went up to him. I snuck it. I got I knocked one of the flight attendants out. He went up, sat next to him and he said, what are you doing? Are you supposed to be serving the drinks?
I said, well, we do a lot more than just serve drinks up here. It's about safety. Sure. Okay. And I sat down next to him. I said, why don't you... I covered his mouth with my hand. He licked my hand. Okay. That's not interesting to you. I mean, I just... I don't think... Does the story end there? It just... It sounds like you're in the middle of it. Oh, the story ends when we land the plane safely. Okay. It's funny. I did...
opposite thing, which is crazy. I got bumped down. I was in a private jet opening up for Daniel Tosh. One of his friends wanted to go. There was only room for seven of us. So they put me on the regular flight two hours later. Wow. Can you say who the friend was? I can't. It sounds like you're bragging about going on tour with Daniel Tosh. Well, I don't think I would. Yeah. Maybe.
You never know. You never know these days. People are funny like that. In a climate like this? In a climate like this, you got to get out these, you know. Yeah. You know, was I bragging? Nah.
Maybe. We'll talk about it off the air. We'll talk about it off the air. We're going to have a big powwow off the air. I'd like to straighten this all out. Yeah, but speaking of off the air, we do need to take a break. I'm sweating like a big old... Yeah. I've never been more nervous on a microphone in my life. Yeah, you're an old hand at this. Well, not incredibly old. I'm too old, but... Yeah, Andy...
Yeah, how old of a guy are you? Let's see here. The wives died when I was 50. I'm in my 60s. Okay, yeah, it sounds like you're 62. Exactly 62. Yeah. Are you 60 also? No. Oh, you said you're 62, so I thought you were 60. Oh, oh, I see, Todd. All right, all right.
We're going to throw the break right here. Coming up next, we got Paul Simon and Madonna. We're going to play those tracks at the same exact time. You don't want to miss it. Well, we do have Mike Stacker after this, so I hope you can stick around because we all want to know what Mike Stacker is about. I got nothing to do all day except empty that trash bin. Okay, right. That's not going to take very long. It's one click. We'll be right back. We'll have more Todd Glass, more Dominic Weiss. We'll be right back with more Comedy Back Makeup after this.
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Comedy Bang Bang listeners can get Rosetta Stone's lifetime membership for 50% off. Visit slash comedy. That's slash comedy. Comedy Bang Bang, we're back here with Todd Glass. Todd, where can people get the information about your thing? takes you right over to Seed&Spark.
You know what? Even if you're not going to give money, go just watch the video. I think you'll appreciate it. And then maybe you don't have the money to give. I totally get that. But you'll come, oh, I want to see him do the show. So you don't have to be giving money to go over and check it out. Surely you can find the money somewhere. I'll find the money somewhere. How about you? Now you're talking to the audience. Do you have any? Yeah. Have you ever funded a show? Where do you keep your money? That trunk of money. Do you still have that? I still have it. It's getting, it's dwindling. Wait a second. You said that, oh, they tried to steal it.
I forget what I said. Forget about that. I remember. That was a mess. Well, guys, we've been hyping it up here ever since the beginning of the show, and this is really exciting. We have a guest here. We don't know what's going on with him. I couldn't believe you got Mike Stack. Do you know anything about Mike Stack? No, that's why I'm so happy to be here. I want to get to know this guy. Can't believe we got him and want to get to know him. That's a great combination. But let's welcome him here. It's his first time on the show. Please welcome Mike Stack. Let's go. Let's go.
Hi. It's nice to be here. Hi, Mike. How you doing? Doing good. Yeah, can you understand me? I can understand you, yeah. Okay, great. Yeah. It's nice to see you again. Yeah, nice to see me. You've been avoiding me. I don't think we... Do we know each other? Yeah, I'm Scott's best friend. Stop acting like that. Come on. Best friend? Yeah, me and Scott came up together in comedy. Okay.
What year? I mean, that is, yeah, that's when I came out here. That's when we met. I don't ever. That was Nirvana's year, 1993. You got to love those guys. He deflects really well.
Well, look, I'm not doing an alpha-beta swap with you. I'm not trying to. What's going on with your voice? Can I ask you what? The roids. The what? The roids. The roids? My wife's not doing great, actually, Scott. That's not why I'm coming here. Is that Quentin L.A.? Again, the hell happened here? Oh, okay. Wait, I kind of... Wait, I... Oh, come on, man. Stop it. When we came out to watch you, we used to go, me and Scott, I don't know if you guys noticed, we used to go watch Trumbo and Siskin together.
Wait, who? Trumpo? We have no fucking mad ladies at the fucking Sunset Hotel. You used to fuck a ton of people. Love that. Wait, I remember going to see Trumbo. You were there? We went to high school. We went to high school. We grew up in Seattle. Outside Seattle.
Did you grow up outside Seattle? Our first job was together. We both played Death Doorman on Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23. We both played that? I don't think that we can both play. The bit on the show was that there were 1,500 doormen in this building. They wanted us to play it too, and I'm pretty sure that's what happened.
What is happening with your voice? You say it's the roids? I don't think you're texting me. Oh, okay. Without needing it?
That's the opposite. Your hair would fall out. There are other benefits to chemo, though. It's not just used for making hair fall out.
It's to kill cancer cells. I mean, there's a whole history of science behind it. But if you don't have any cancer cells, there's no reason to take it. There's no reason to take it unless you just want your hair to fall out. I truly, I maybe, I mean, you look sort of familiar, but you're bald now. I think what he's trying to do is tell us the shit we used to do. We used to go fucking hell. Remember that? No, no. Look, a lot of things happened 30 years ago that we all can't remember, you know? What?
Well, we wouldn't. I can't remember him. I mean, you know, I'm sure I remember things that you've forgotten and vice versa. I guess you remember me, right? I mean, you look so different if I... No, my wife's a mess. I'm sorry to hear that. You know, I spent, like, all my fucking money now. Really? I'm trying to make it in the acting business, but fucking AI and the streaming industry... I don't think AI and streaming are the problem. It's your voice, the way you look. God!
Why does it have to sweat pants on? It's not. The dirty sweat pants are not helping. Yeah, and they do it. By the way, your teeth are bad. You do have a little shit on the back of your pants, so I don't do what we hated that they did to us. I have something called long gum.
Long gums? No gums. Oh, gums. Oh, yeah. Okay, no. Basically, I look like a fucking infant. Yeah, no, you do. You look like a giant baby who's like... Yeah.
I'm having problems. I spent all my money on fucking cold busters. That job I did was like $10,000 on cold busters. Why that much? Did you think that was going to help the long gum situation? It's like buying cool shit. I used to be fucking like
You're going to have to tell me what hotel it is. You can't just say what's in that hotel. Sky Bar. So it did work.
I swear I was not with you last week. This is last week. You should remember that, Scott. Oh. What just happened? What just happened?
Spike TV doesn't even exist. Okay. What exploded? Your nose? Okay.
You cannot stay with me. Well, then leave. You can't stay with me. I live in L.A. I'm not your boyfriend. Why? What happened to your mom?
Oh, she was a lunatic? No, I don't... If she likes cars, she's coming down to Alhambra Honda. That's something I would love to talk about. Yeah.
She just really wanted to break. This sounds like a very sad story. I'm sorry to hear this. Why can't you stay with her, though? She's in the insane asylum. No, where did she live before? Seattle, where we grew up.
I know. Who's in that house now? Oh, that house is sold. Oh, wait. She had the wherewithal to sell her house as she was going into the site? I wouldn't be surprised if Chris Novichelic bought that house. That house was sold a long time ago.
Okay. This story is not adding up. Do you remember this house from your childhood? Did he go to this house in his childhood, you're saying? Well, we were sad we would hang out all the time. In the driveway, we would make believe in car plays. It sounds real. I mean, I remember being in driveways as a kid. We dreamt of making it in Hollywood together. I dreamt of that. Were you a neighbor of mine, maybe? Come on, we hung out last week. Scott, we had the best time ever when we went to see White Year together.
The movie Lightyear? The Pixar movie? The Buzz Lightyear spinoff movie? A reboot? Look, I saw it. Here's what I'm thinking. I saw Lightyear. You might have snuck two martinis into Lightyear and drank them yourself. Here's what I'm thinking. I'm doing a bunch of things that you happen to also be at, like you're following me.
And I don't think I've ever met you in my life. I'm not big. I'm just saying, like, maybe you're some guy who just happens. We happen to be crossing paths a lot. How do you figure this out? I'm sitting between the two of you. His stories do sound real, but I knew you. And I guess I'd never. I've never. Come on.
You look a little familiar, but you know where I think I don't want to be unfair to Scott? Did you park behind me? And I thought maybe I see him from just... Yeah, I mean, this is the thing. I don't think we've ever met. He was masturbating in his car. I didn't want to say anything. He was? I was trying to help him. Yeah, I thought... Why? Because that's my fucking home. Oh, I'm sorry. You should be allowed to do that. Behind closed doors, people should be allowed to do whatever they do. I got a question for Scott and Todd here.
He's in his house. In all fairness. In all fairness. It's where he lives. It's a baddest house. It has tons of windows in it. Yeah. Point taken. And we all have to take a look. There was a question. I was going to ask you and Todd here. This guest we have, Mike Stacker. Yeah. This has got to be. Is this voice coming in crystal clear for you guys? Yeah. I mean. I'm hearing it perfectly. I love this.
It definitely is... I mean, it's odd. It's a problem, yeah. It's a problem. You're having trouble with your respiratory. I also lost my toes last week at the Grove. What happened to your toes? A fucking trolley accident. Oh, no. We all know you need those for the balance. Cut my fucking toes right off. My toes look like a fucking bludgeoned boy right now. Oh, no. Do you just tip over when you stand up? Do I tip over?
Do you tip over? Yes. Now you're having trouble understanding me? Yeah. I'm like, I'm not a Mr. Stacker. I'm not a doctor or anything. But could you, we're talking about the rest. Can you give us a nice clear breath here? I want to see how you're. Sure.
That's trouble. That sounds bad. That's a little better. That's a little better. Two guys that don't want to get involved. Yeah, it sounds good. Let me hear it again, just so we're not putting you out to the wild. I do have to admit that I kissed somebody with bronchitis this morning. Oh, my God.
It wouldn't happen that quick, I don't think. Maybe with all the other ailments, it just snags on top of each other and goes quick. Okay, look, Mike, I can't solve your problem. Maybe you can stay with Todd, but unfortunately we're running out of time. That's fine. Oh, that's nice. Don't involve Cool Up in this. No, please don't text Cool Up.
Whatever you do. All right, look, we are running out of time, guys. We only have time for one final feature on the show. That is, of course, a little something called plugs. Today, I'm in Scottsdale, Arizona, in yet another strip mall. We're going to savor the sweet ragu of CBB's plug bag. First thing you crack open that plug bag, give it a big sniff. You get some booyah bass in your face. Wow. Wow.
I don't even know that it's fair to call that Russian dressing up. What? It's as legit as any bafangco I've ever had. Wow. Get your face in that bag and take a big whiff. That's a good one. That was good. That was Diners, Drive-Ins, and Plug Bags by Randy Smith. Thanks, Randy Smith. Randy Smith, I like that. All right, Randy. Hey, what are we plugging, Todd? What do you got? Tell everyone again the details about everything. No, just shut up.
Not the whole story that took fucking, honestly, 20 minutes longer than it should have. You know what? TikTok and Instagram having fun over there. And then May 12th at the UCB. But Ted, tell people about you. We want people to go to this. Well, I was going to say. Yeah, because they heard me talk about it. So I'll reference it. Go to TalkLess. Maybe they're just tuning in right now.
Oh, then I wouldn't do this to you because, you know, then I don't have a short version of this. The short version is go to and you can sign up for this and fund this thing. Great. Go to and then and then that'll take you right over to seed and spark. And like I said, even if you just want to see what I'm doing and you don't have the funds to donate right now, I totally get that. But you can see the four and a half minute highlight reel and the message for me and then everything will be crystal clear.
Yeah, there we go. All right. And you're doing that show at the UCB in LA too on May 12th. May 12th. And I hope that Chris Ferrant put the pressure out. He hasn't even said yes yet, but opened the show with a song. Oh yeah. So you emailed him. I texted him today. You texted him and he has not texted you back. Well, I literally texted him parked outside of your house. Oh, okay. And that's why when you mentioned his name, I was like, what? He didn't. This is off air, by the way. This is in one of our many off air conversations. Oh, okay. Okay, cool. All right. Everything's fine.
Mike, you doing good? You're doing great, Jeff. Excuse me? Oh, you're welcome. You're welcome. Hey, Dominic Weiss, what do you want to plug? I'm plugging a band, a new band that's
They're doing some shows in Chicago, Milwaukee, Brooklyn, Westerly, Rhode Island, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia. They're playing some music, and they're showing, in some of those places, a new documentary about how they filmed their last album. Okay. Their latest album, The Sloppy Boys. The Sloppy... Oh, yeah, I've heard of The Sloppy Boys. Not bad. Yeah. Yeah.
And, of course, I've got the Burbank Reggae Fest coming up. I'm going to be spinning Kiss all day long. At the Burbank Reggae Fest? At the Burbank Reggae Fest. If I have a little time, I'm going to put a little Migos in the mix. I like it.
I did forget one thing. Oh, okay. You want to plug something? Yeah, get back in here. All plugs are welcome. Ten-year-old Tom is in its second season. I do the voice of the principal. Oh, okay. And it's been a lot of fun. And it's part of an LGBTQ show that Netflix did, and it just got accepted in the Tribeca. So I have a pretty large presence in that, so I'll throw that some love, too. Okay. There you go. Wonderful. Wonderful.
And are you done with your plugs? I think I'm done. Check out the Sloppy Boys social medias for that stuff. Okay, great. And Mike Stacker, I know you don't have a lot going on. I heard there's a big mouth live at the Greek corner. Sure. But what does that have to do with you? I don't know nothing. I just want to plug me and Scott are doing a live show, a two-man show. Oh, I'd love to hear that. Yeah, it's called Brothers and Chris. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Right, Scott? Tell him about it. A minute. I mean, I'll take a look at the details. Take a look. It's two days. Two days? Two men? We've got the fucking New York Times coming to the show. An old gray lady? He's staying at my house. At least you could. I'll do the show. Where are we doing this? We're doing it at the fucking Orpheum. At the Orpheum. And the New York Times is coming? Why? Why didn't you press the dot next time? No.
That makes sense. Okay. But check out that Big Mouth Live at the Greek show as well, if you're in LA. Speaking of live shows, hey, the Comedy Bang Bang Tour 2024, Bang Bang Into Your Mouth Tour. We're coming out there. We're doing our most extensive tour yet. We're going to Boston, Brooklyn, Philly, Brooklyn, Chicago.
I mentioned Brooklyn, Washington, D.C., Durham, Atlanta, St. Louis, Nashville, Tucson, Phoenix, San Diego, Salt Lake City, Denver, Austin, Dallas, Toronto, Royal Oak, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Chicago, Madison, St. Paul, Sacramento, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver. So you can get all the details at slash tour and...
These shows are, a lot of them are sold out already or close to selling out. So we're going to start this up in June and we're going to have a lot of fun. Paul F. Tompkins, myself, and the CBB All-Stars will be coming to a town near you. I hope you come to see us. While you're over at CBB World, go ahead and take a look at all of our shows over there like The Neighborhood Listen and This Book Changed My Life, all the rest of the stuff over there. All right, let's close up the old plug bag. I don't want no splats, splats, I'd rather can't get no love from you.
Is that a good stage name, Tim? Tim!
All right. That was No Plugs by Tim. Thanks so much to Tim for No Plugs. If you want to hear one of your plugs themes on the show, head over to slash plugs. And guys, I want to thank you so much, Todd. Always a pleasure to see you. Scott, I love you. Get back closer to that thing and say that. Don't just say it from afar. I said I love you.
so nice to hear. You know, I probably don't need to say this, but whenever I listen to the show at home and then you don't see... It's easier to do it now because you're in... You just... It's... Never mind. Never mind. You fantasize it a little bit better. You know what's going on in here. Exactly. Always fun. Always fun. I get into it. You know me. I get into the characters and always fucking love it. I love having you on and you got to come back and do Stained Glass 3 at some point. Oh, dear. You know, Scott, no kidding. I've been doing comedy a long time and you know I'm not lying. That thing...
has lived longer than anything that I've ever done. It shows up in comments on TikTok, you know, like the references to it. Stained glass, yeah. So I would be happy to do it. We have to do that. If Adam ever comes back from New York, we'll have to get together and do that. And Dominic Weiss, thank you so much. Thank you. I love you too, Scott.
From now until the end of time, I have found a real connection with you. It means less coming for you. I mean, this is my friend of three decades here. Well, good to know that some people do not like to say here that they are loved. From now until the end of time. And then Mike Zachary hates even... Well, you love me too, obviously. We're going to brunch after this. We're going to brunch after this? I thought you were taking me to all time.
You said you wanted the fucking cheesy eggs. I barely want to go to all time. I don't want to take you there. All right, Todd, you'll go. I don't want to. I'll go. I'll go to brunch with you and you can stay in my house. But I got to be honest, that's about all I can do. Thank you. No, actually, I'm going to pass.
Todd, honestly, you're very needy. Now you're throwing brunch on top of him staying in the plane. I don't want to be seen with you. I'm sorry. You motherfucker! All right. We'll see you next time. Thanks. Bye. Get away with friends to the laid-back Maryland coast.
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