- Welcome back to another episode of Trash Taste. I'm Connor once again, joined by the boys, Joey and Garnt. - Did you say episode? - Episode. - Mike Tyson. - Episode of Trash Taste. - It's one of those days where we all said, "Yeah, we're ready." And then you started talking and I'm like, "Wait, oh yeah, I just said yes, we're recording now."
- Sorry, this is the first recording after the New Year's. My brain- - You really look dead Garnt. I think I look dead too. - This is not gonna be coming out just after New Year's. So it's gonna be a little bit delayed, but this is for the record. I just time gated this episode. - Garnt, you should be excited 'cause we're talking about your favorite thing on the planet.
- No. - Shut the up. We're talking about that the other thing. - We're talking about your favorite thing you mean Joey? - No. - We're talking about anime. - Okay. - It's our monthly or bi-monthly anime episode.
And we're gonna be doing another three by three, but we're not just gonna be doing a regular three by three 'cause we've done that before in the past. Instead, we're gonna be judging other people's three by threes. More specifically, we asked a bunch of our guests, our previous guests on Trash Taste to send in their anime three by threes. And we're gonna be judging their good or bad tastes in anime. - We didn't get everybody's three by three. 'Cause some of them guests haven't watched anime.
And some that have haven't watched enough anime, like Pete and Chris. So the people that we have, or the guests that have submitted their three by threes are Charlie, Didis, Emily, Kaho, Kevin, Mudan, Shindowel, Sydney, and I guess Laserbeam is also included.
- This should be interesting. I always like three by threes because you can normally get a gauge of someone's personality and taste just by seeing like a view of their three by three. So I think it'll be a fun game before it's revealed who the three by three that we're judging is that we have a guess.
of who that person is based on our- - Like get a quick personality. - You sound so tired that you explained it in a way that sounded more confusing than it was. You're like, "I'm gonna guess." - We're gonna guess the guest. - We're gonna guess the guest. - They say, "We're gonna have a look at the list. We're gonna pop one up and we're gonna try and have a, you know, try and gauge who it might be."
- That's what I just said Connor. - I'm saying I'm more excited Garnt. - You both explained it like shit. - You explain it then Joey. - Okay, here's how it's gonna work ladies and gentlemen. Listen carefully, okay? We're gonna be shown a three by three. We don't know who it is. And before we start talking about each individual one, we're gonna take a quick look at it and go, hey, that seems like this person's three by three.
We're gonna each have a guess. If we're right, then cool. - If you get it wrong, you don't know the guests. - Yeah, then we don't know the guests and we've just shamed all of their family. - All right, well let's pull one up, shall we? - Fuck, that's why he's the anime man. - That is why he's the anime man. All right, so give us our first three by three. - Okay. - Okay, so. - What the fuck is this? - We've got, okay, it's over here now. Okay, so we've got Clannad or Clannad: After Story. - Is that Gundam Seed? - Gundam Seed. - Is that Gundam Seed?
- I really hope it's not Gundam SEED. We have Princess Mononoke, we have Rama Half, we have Oreimo. God, did you make this up? We have Welcome to the NHK, we have Naruto, potentially Shippuden, we have Hajime no Ippo, and we have Yu Yu Hakusho. - Oh, this is tough. Who the fuck would make this list? Can you pull up the names again? - Okay, okay.
- There is one big like indicator here, even without looking at the guest names. - Are you gonna, sorry. - Absolutely. - You got to be on the background. - Like absolutely 100% this person grew up in the same era as myself. Because there is no fucking way someone will put Gundam seed on their list if it wasn't the very first Gundam and maybe the only Gundam that they've watched.
- If you've seen any other Gundam, you would not put Seed on there. - That's what I'm saying. And nobody else would put it unless it's like the first Gundam you've put on there. - I think Gundam Seed when it was airing on Cartoon Network or something, I don't know where it aired.
it was like the most popular show on the entire network in the West. - I think I actually might know who this is because from the list we've been given, there is only one person I know that would have the balls to put Seed on here and also has openly expressed how much they love Clannad and Oreemo. - Don't. - No. I think it's Dydus.
- It would make a lot of sense. He does love- - He loves Clannad, he loves Hajime no Hippo, he loves Oreimo and he would put- - He likes Hajime no Hippo? - Yeah. - I've never heard him talk about Hajime no Hippo before. - And I think he's mentioned Rama Half before. - Yeah. - So I reckon this is diet. - I see the degeneracy. Like I know a fellow brother when I see one and then someone like puts Oreimo right slap bang in the center
as I would have done and I think I did do actually. - See, I can already see it, right? Like, Dydas is like, you know, he's listing off like the obvious ones that immediately come to his head, like Orimo and like Princess Mononoke, Hajime, you know, Clannad, stuff like that. And his attempt to seem cultured is him putting "Welcome to the Yenishke."
You know what I mean? He's like, no, no, no. I actually, it's not all the mainstream stuff I love. I also watch other ones like "Welcome to the NHK" but he also forgets "Welcome to the NHK" is mega horny as well, which is also very Dydus. - Is this Dydus? - Yes! - We know our friends. - I read you like a book. - He does. - I don't know anyone in this day and age who still references Naruto as much as-
- Him, I don't know anyone else who references. He just always says something Naruto. - Yeah, but is that anything like special? I don't know. I feel like a lot of people reference Naruto. - I feel like Naruto references becoming less common Garnt. - Yeah, now that Jujutsu Kaisen. - Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like it's, I'm sure this is how like, I don't know. This is pretty some older equivalent involved here. - That's true.
I feel like he springs up narrative more than anyone else or any normal amount, any allowed amount it should be brought up. - That is true. - That is true. One thing that surprises me being on here, I'm really hoping you have seen more Gundams or this is, I'm just not, I'm not gonna let this go. - I don't think he's seen more Gundam. Okay, so I don't know what's so bad about Gundam SEED. Can you explain to me why Gundam SEED is bad and what even it is?
- Well, it's a Gundam for one. - Okay, great. - It was just, I don't know. - Have you seen any Gundam? - Nope. - There's probably a fair amount of viewers watching who haven't seen any Gundam. - Okay, so when most people bring up what their favorite Gundams are, and I'm talking like the kind of older, the first half of the Gundam franchise, right? A lot of people bring up like Wing, a lot of people bring up Double Zero is a very common one. Seed?
Like, I don't know. How do you, I'm trying to figure out the words to describe why Seed is questionable. It's hard. - It's not hard. It's just the writing quality fucking jumped off a cliff.
especially in the second season. It's that one Gundam that's got mega, mega popular. I mean, you mentioned "Wing" and "00". I don't think any of them hold a candle to how popular "Seed" got back in the day. And it was one of those Gundams that you look at the entire history of Gundam, right? You look at this entire franchise with how many shows there are,
And then it's this one that gains the mega mainstream popularity. And it's just confusing because- - Probably right place, right time. - Maybe. - It's the sort online equivalent, you know?
- Holy shit. That is actually, oh my God. That is actually the perfect analogy. - It's the Seed is to the Mecha franchise as Sword Art was to the Isekai franchise where it was just right place at the right time. Mega, mega popular, but not the best writing at in any stretch of the mean. - Yeah. And you watch Gundam Seed and that might be your introduction to Gundam. And then you watch any other Gundam and you're like, oh, this is shit.
- Yeah. - And this is like, or you watch even like any other Mecha show and you realize how- - What is Gundam Seed out of 10 on a scale if you had to give it a rating? - Like a five for me. - I like five, six. - It's pretty brutal. - Especially after the second season. There's more coffee, I need more coffee. - Do we have a reason why he, did he say why he chose the things he chose?
- He didn't give any reasons. - He didn't give any reasons. - Some of the guests have given reasons as to why he did it. I do know for a fact that Didis always talks about how much he loves romance and slice of life shows. And so I'm assuming that's why "Clan Ad After Story" is on here. - Oh, he loves, like if you wanna meet someone who loves "Clan Ad" more than I do, it's Didis. Like Didis fucking loves "Clan Ad" which is based. He also loves "Oriimo" as well, which is not based. - I like...
- Didis is like a fucking brother to me, man. Every time I watch a trashy romance show, I know he's like, I message him and he's always into the same shit. We both fucking love Orimo. He gets the masterpiece that is domestic girlfriend as well. He understands that shit. - Didis just likes car crashes. - Yeah, that's the thing. - When I talk to Didis about shows, he often, one thing that he always makes very apparent is that if he feels like he can predict what's gonna happen, he's not interested.
Right. Yeah, yeah. And I guess the reason why he likes our emo, perhaps, maybe domestic girlfriend. Yeah.
Is that there's such car crashes that he doesn't know where it's going. - Yeah, that is true. - To me that is an indication of a show that's good. There's an indication of a show that's just trying to subvert expectations. - Sure. - And of course, if you're gonna fuck your brother, that's a good way to subvert expectations. - I wouldn't say so. Okay, let me defend the fucking trashy romance genre, okay? Because I'm addicted to this shit. Okay, actually, do you know what I did in the Christmas holiday?
I don't know if you would be, if you know what this is, Joey. I watch White Album too.
- You watch White Album 2? - For the first time. - I fucking know it. - My question is, you could have watched anything else. And you watched White Album 2? - Because it was the one fucking car crash romance that I just did not watch. - What the fuck is White Album 2? - Imagine school days, but without- - Mid 2000s. - Imagine school days, but without the murdering. And it's about that,
I actually think it's on the same level of school days in terms of like the pure fucking shitty reaction and the car crash of an ending that you got. There's like, look at this, this screams like mid 2000s trashy romance. - It was originally an eroge, I think, or at least a visual novel. - Probably an eroge. - Probably an eroge from the mid 2000s. Got mega, mega popular in the doujin world.
And then when the anime came out, I watched it when it came out and I'd forgotten about it until you brought it up. - That ending? - I'm really glad, I'm really hoping you didn't bring it up. - This was an ending where they set up like a love triangle. I fucking love this shit. They set up a love triangle and then the author just sets everything on fire. And I fucking love that shit, man. - You just described a mid-2000s era, guys. - Sounds stressful. - Huh? - Sounds stressful.
I'm not sure.
- I mean, okay, maybe it's because I'm in a happy relationship that this is like, to feel something anymore, I need this kind of romance. I need this kind of story in my life, man, because my real life, I'm like, okay. - It's too solid, your real life. You need some fucking, it's gonna rock the boat. - I need some spice up in there, man. - The imagination. - Now it's gonna get to the point where the only thing that'll get his socks rocking is just playing the most egregious, arrogant,
if it wasn't in 2000s, 'cause all of them are like that. - No, but I've always liked car crash kind of romances just because it gives you an emotional response. It's kind of like drama YouTube, except no one's getting hurt. It's like, no one's actually doing something outrageous. It's all in a place of fantasy and fiction. - Sure, that makes sense. But again, over the Christmas holidays, you could have watched
literally anything. - Bro, I had a great time, man. I got fucking plastered and I watched White's album with Sydney and we fucking shouted at the screen for what all the characters were doing and it was a great fucking time. - This is the weeb equivalent to watching sports, bro. - No, no, this is the weeb equivalent to watching "19th Fiance" and being like, "Yo, they did what? No." - She said, "What?" - "Yo, she slept with him?"
- Wait, wait, this bitch, this bitch came back and she thinks that she can take over again? - Ain't no way, no, it's a great time. - Sounds like horrible time. - One that I am kind of- - How is this that you were defending Orimo? - Yeah, yeah. - So Orimo is just that, the ending to Orimo is just one of like,
- Seeing the reaction to the internet, to the ending of "Oromo" was one of the most funnest period like weekends I've had in my life. Just seeing the internet melt down. - That was me with school days bro. That was me with school days. - Wait what? - Yeah, we're seeing the ending to school days and then just Japanese internet just being like, what the fuck did I just fucking watch? - See with school days, I didn't, I guess it was like on forums and,
on social media last night. - I was on 2Chan. - Oh, you were on 2Chan? - 2Chan caught on flames that day. - What was the reaction like to that? - Dude, everyone was like, wait, so was this like an April Fools joke? Like, did this actually, is this the actual, like, no. They're setting up for a final, final episode, right? And no, it wasn't, and people got mad.
- Mad as fuck. But it was really weird. It was so egregious that half the internet with a stable mind was like, this is the worst fucking ending I've ever seen. And then the other half of 2chan was like, that was an absolute masterpiece. - I have a question about "Orimo." - Yes. - I actually don't know what the fuck "Orimo" is about. All I know is that there's incest.
- That's only from you. - Wait, have you never seen it? - No, 'cause it has incest. I don't wanna watch that. - Well, I mean, it's not the whole laser. - Just a little bit. - Okay, let me explain to you. Let me explain to you. - Oh, just a little bit of incest. - Just a little bit. - All right, let me explain to you why the internet fucking broke down in "ORMO." - Yes, explain to me. - Because people don't feel
- I don't fucking believe me when I say this, but it was a show that debated all of us. It like poured like a reverse Uno card because
RMO in season one came out and it was a show called "My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute", right? And then everyone was memeing on it because, "Ha ha, it's a fucking show called fucking "My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute", obvious incest bait. And then you actually watch season one and then people were like, "Wait, they're actually like acting like real brother and sister, like actual siblings." And it turns out to be like a
pretty interesting look on otaku and like Akihabara culture in Japan. - Okay. - Because this came out before there was a huge wave of, hey, this is like weeb culture. - Yeah. - This is a look into Akihabara culture. - 2000 and when was it? Eight, nine, something like that? - Something around that time. And so it was a genuinely interesting and good show that people hadn't seen before with what at the time felt like a more realistic depiction of a brother and sister in anime.
And then season two came out and that it kind of went, it turned into this kind of slice of life look into Otaku culture into more of like a typical harem best girl kind of like show where every girl around him falls for the main character. - Okay. - And then- - Kuro Neko got robbed bro. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. And then they released the last three episodes as an OVA where spoiler, he chose his sister
after the first season where everyone's like, "No, this ain't an incest show." - They're like kiss or something or? - Yeah. - That's only the beginning. - What? - They got married. That was the like end of the show. They got like fake married and then they broke up. - Oh yeah. - Because they were brother and sister. - Because it was illegal. - Yeah. And it was just,
seeing the internet fucking go into flames because of the author just being like, "Ha ha, this isn't actually an incest show. Just joking. Actually, it was incest the entire time. You guys fell for my reverse bait."
It was just everyone broke down. - The author is such a goddamn troll because then afterwards he was just like, "I'm gonna have to go in and meet Aramanga Sensei." It's just round two. - Yeah, the big difference between Orimo and Aramanga Sensei is Aramanga Sensei just didn't even pretend. - From episode one it was just like- - Genuinely there was a time when I thought Orimo for like season one, genuinely I think it's a good show.
- "Eirin Rangusensei", that was always in the trash, man. That was always- - To give "Oriimo" the benefit of the doubt, it did, as Garnt said, have a lot of interesting aspects to it that actually created a compelling story even for a harem anime. But my problem with it is that it didn't follow through with that till the end. And the author was just like, "Nah, I'm gonna make some DJ shit instead." - So what about this?
do you think maybe was so compelling to Didis? 'Cause obviously Garnier's a big show favorite of yours. What about it do you think could be so compelling to be in the top nine? - To me, "Oromo" was the first show that I would say turns me into a weeb.
I would say before Oromo, okay. Here's what I'm hearing. - For what reason Garnt? - Okay, here's the difference. Before Oromo, right? I went through this kind of like pretentious critic. I have good taste kind of like, everyone goes to that phase where they're like, oh, I went through the male top 100. That's my taste. I like legends of the galactic heroes. I like all of the classics. - You just described me in 23. - And then I'll watch Oromo and I'm like,
I went into this ready to shit on it. And the first season I was like, wait a minute, this is enjoyable, but this goes against everything that I thought I enjoyed. And I think for, I think because,
At the time, this was a very kind of like original take on it or very new take on it. I think that was the first kind of like show for a lot of people in my generation. - And I think people still gravitate to it even now because even though it came out in 2010, there have been so many "Oriimo" clones that have come out since then that have tried to like replicate
that feeling of the show to not that much success because people just see right through it. - In this day and age, "Orimo" doesn't stand out as much anymore because there's like a million different shows that revolve around. - But it does stand out in a sense because I would say out of all of the "Orimo" clones and all the shows that kind of bit off "Orimo", "Orimo" still does "Orimo" best.
if that makes sense. - Yeah, because there was a point where it was genuinely, I think a good show. And then every show copied the second half of the Yoromo show. - This episode is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Going online without ExpressVPN is like not having a case on your phone.
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- Welcome to the NHK. I hear a lot of people talk very positively about this. One of the shows has been on my like, I'm sure I'm gonna watch this at some point and I never have. - That's a fantastic show. - That is the anti-ORMO, if anything. - Mega, mega depressing. - Yeah, it also deals with Otaku culture, except the fucking depressing side of shit. - Well, yeah, from my understanding, it just seems about like a show who guy, a guy who's struggling with,
- Oh, that's why. - How to be normal. - Yeah, it's kind of, "Welcome to the NHK" I think is one of the best anime that- - Joey didn't want one. - Tackles, yeah, I didn't want one.
- "Welcome to the NHK" is one of the best shows in my opinion that tackles the idea of loneliness in Japan. - Okay. - Because, you know. - You're talking, so there's definitely gonna be on camera of Garnt spilling or something. - Right. But yeah, so like, yeah, as Garnt said, like, you know, if the ideal weeb world is the main character of "Orimo", then the,
total opposite of that is the main character of "Welcome to the NHK." Where like him being ostracized and him feeling lonely as a result of being an otaku and struggling to connect to people through his hobbies and his interests is the entire philosophy of "Welcome to the NHK." - It's like a bit more of a real take as opposed to the or emo. - This is just, this is just if BoJack Horseman was a weeb.
- That is welcome to the NHK. - Okay, you've sold me. - It kind of, yeah, it deals with exactly the same thing. - Is it as depressing as BoJack? - It's fucking depressing. - It's pretty depressing. - BoJack is pretty depressing. - Because it's, I mean, you know about Hikikomoris, right? The main character is a Hikikomori and he,
the entire show is him struggling to fucking not become a hikikomori and actually become a member of society. - And it sounds like a great show. - Fucking hard. He just- - It's brutal. - Like this was before, this came out before kind of like the whole mental health awareness was more of a thing now in this day and age. And it's so weird to me
to see this coming out back in the day before that conversation was really as prevalent as it is now. - Yeah, it's very poignant even now. - Yeah, and it still hits just as hard. - It's just so funny just hearing the dichotomy between Orimo and this. You're like, "Yeah, yeah, he fucks his sister." - Well, I feel, yeah. - "They're married." Yeah, it's not a bad thing and you're like,
So he's just trying to be a normal human being like, damn, that's tough. - I can really see. - It's like, fuck your sister, easy pill to swallow, function in a member of society. Fuck, that's tough, dude, that's tough. - Real shit. - It's like, why are we at the world where these two shows are described in this way? - "Dinus" was really like double dipping into like the otaku world, like both ends of the spectrum of like the wee world with these two shows.
- I am surprised with Yu Yu Hakusho though. I've never heard him talk about Yu Yu Hakusho. - Yeah, I've never heard him talk about it either. - If I knew I would fucking geek out about Yu Yu Hakusho with him. - Solid choice, presumably. - Very solid choice. - It's literally Shonen and Weeb. - One of the best 90 Shonen shows in my opinion. - Yeah, I think the most important thing is that he also has Ranma on here as well. - Also good. - So he's just...
- You know, dipping in all generations. - It's got good taste. - Yeah. - Except for a Gundam Seed. - Except for Seed. - Except for Seed. - What about Naruto? - I mean, Naruto is just Naruto, isn't it? - It's pretty just Shonen number one that you first followed, I imagine. It's like whichever Shonen you followed first for the longest time. - See, I don't know. I'm looking at this and I'm like, was the first anime he ever watched Seed or was it Naruto?
- I don't think, does the first matter that much? - It does, 'cause it kind of sets up. - I watched Naruto first and I wouldn't put it as- - And now you like Oreimo, so. - Nostalgia sells, Garnt, for a reason. People tend to be very, even if it might not be their favorite, they tend to have a subconscious kind of tie to the first real long show they watch.
- Right. - 'Cause "Princess Mononoke" was definitely his first anime film, guaranteed. - "Princess Mononoke" was my first anime film. - It was like a gritty film. - I mean, it's one of my favorite Ghibli films. - Yeah, it's one of my favorite as well. - Still haven't watched it.
- What? You've never seen "Waterloo" again? - I think you would enjoy it actually. - You would really like it. - It's more adult than something like "Spirited Away". "Spirited Away" is a bit more- - Is that just trippy? 'Cause "Spirited Away" is just fucking weird a lot of the time. - "Waterloo" gets trippy. - It's pretty trippy. - Trippy as shit. It's fantastic. - Yeah.
- Those kind of films it's like leaning forward you have to watch. 'Cause you're like, oh shit, okay. - Oh yeah. On and okay in some scenes it's just like, oh fuck, okay, they went there. - Yeah. And then of course, "Hajime no Ippo" considered one of the best sports anime of all time. - Oh, absolutely. It is amazing show. - One day I will watch it. - Yeah. - But it is long. - It is long. - It's just long. - You have not watched "Hajime no Ippo"? - No, it's long. If I have, I've lied. I've said that I've watched it, I've lied.
- You would love it actually. - Every, every, every, any time a single time I see a clip from the show, it looks so cool. - It's fun. - Some of the most, I think Hajime no Ippo is some of the most hype you could get in anime just period. Like when I think about the hype anime, what comes up at the top, it's something like Gurren Lagann, I think is the ceiling of how hype
a certain show can be. "Hajime no Ippo" was like a very, very close second there for me in terms of how hype I felt watching a scene or just watching a piece of fiction. I've never had the adrenaline rush of some of the scenes that have happened in "Hajime no Ippo". - Have you seen "UU Hakusho"? - I've seen one episode.
- I think we spoke about this on a podcast where I tried watching it and I just, I wasn't in the right frame of mind. - It also starts off slow as well. - It's so slow. First episode it's like, okay, he dies. - Because Togashi didn't know which direction he wanted to take the story. So it actually started off as like kind of like a slice of life show until Togashi was like, all right, I'm gonna pull a dragon ball route and just do an action show. - Yeah.
- All right, but that was Didis's list, which I think accurately represents everything I know about him. - Yeah, this is very Didis. - So I'm not gonna calling him out for lying. So that definitely screamed his name. - Good job, Didis. - Good job, Didis. - Okay. - All right, here's the next one. - Jesus fucking Christ. - Princess Mononoke is on here again. - I immediately know who this is. - You do? - Yeah.
I immediately know who this is. - Ain't no way School Days is on here. - I immediately know. I immediately know. I saw Ardijuna, I saw School Days. I saw Made in Abyss. - Don't tell me.
I don't know actually. What's the bottom right one? - That's the Shinkai. - "Voice of the Distant Stars" or something like that. - Yeah, it's the first Shinkai Makoto short film. - One of these is not like the other. - I know. - Why is Pokemon there? - Because the Lugia movie is fucking awesome. - The Lugia movie does slap, but not as good as the Mewtwo one, dude. Come on.
- I mean the first one, yeah. - Yeah, the mutual one goes, "Oh." - Yeah, the first movie is definitely the best one. - Is this Shindel? I can't tell. - No. - I think this is Kevin. - It's Kevin. - It's Kevin. Look at this, everything aside from fucking school days- - Has amazing views. - I just wasn't sure if Kevin would put his own show on there. - This is Kevin, right?
- Yeah, of course. - Because literally every show other than "School Days" is considered to have some of the best soundtracks in all of anime. - Yeah, it's definitely much, it's very much, hey, this is a composer's. - The "Lukia" movie, the soundtrack is fucking insane. - I don't remember that. - It's actually really good.
- Was this the Japanese version? 'Cause in the English version, I can't even, I can't remember. Sometimes they would redo songs in English releases. - Well, they did that for the Digimon movie, right? - The soundtrack probably didn't change. - Oh no, in the Digimon movie. - Digimon movie, the soundtrack's completely different. - What? - Yeah, All Stars.
All Star is a track in the Digimon movie. - Why? - They put like bowling for soup. - Yeah, so it's like less than Jake as well. - It's actually sick. - That's officially in the Digimon movie. - It is the most late 90s, early 2000s soundtrack you'll ever hear. - I'm gonna say, I think they made an improvement. - I think it's better. I think the English soundtrack for the Digimon movie is better than the original. - Yeah.
- When that bowling pursuit track comes on, bro. - There must be some like, you know, sometimes you wanna, you used to watch a movie and you're like trying to pirate a movie as a kid. And then the Korean version comes up. You're like, what the fuck is this? I'm actually, maybe there's like a Japanese kid somewhere trying to watch Digimon. And then he pulled up like the English version and he starts hearing all stars like, "Nani called it?" - Banger, Disney. - Holy shit, they had bare naked ladies as well. - They had bare naked ladies.
- Dude, that soundtrack is good. - It's such a good soundtrack. - Okay, look, let's break this down, all right? Obviously, Kevin's gonna put in "Made in Abyss" 'cause he made the fucking soundtrack for it. - Then it could have been a three by three of his entire Kevin's greatest hits, but it's not, so. - Well, I think knowing Kevin- - I think Kevin has favorites. - He has favorites for sure. Like "Made in Abyss" is probably his, I mean, it is his favorite obviously 'cause it's on you. - But also, Kevin just giving himself the gold medal, okay? - I live for it. - You deserve it, Kevin.
Akira has an amazing soundtrack, Mononoke, Arjuna also has an amazing soundtrack. - What the fuck is Arjuna? - So Arjuna was, it was a, when was it? Early nineties, I think, late eighties, something like that. Was it a, what's his name? Anahideaki show? I'm trying to remember. - What? - No, no, no. Arjuna anime.
- 2001. - Oh wow. - Oh, it was actually way after that. - That's the series, right? - Yeah. - Yeah, it's a series. - Is that a movie perhaps? - Is it a movie? - No, I think it's a series. - Well the one, oh really? - Yeah, it's the director's cut. Yeah, . - Is it? Is it "Arno"? - 2001. What is that ad? - 2001. - What is that fucking ad? - What is that ad? - Scroll down, scroll down for a second. - No, it's not.
Anyway, I haven't seen all of it. I've seen clips from it, but it was- - So what was the show about? - Well, let's look at the mail. - Yep. - 'Cause I actually don't remember.
- "Juna Adeyoshi is an ordinary Japanese school girl." Connor's like, "I sleep." "Who possesses a childlike curiosity and a strong admiration towards nature. One day while on a trip with her boyfriend, Juna dies from a motorcycle accident. However, she's given a chance to live by an individual named Chris Hawken." Well, it's very English name all of a sudden. "He offers her powers that makes her the avatar of time. In exchange, she must fight to protect the earth from evil forces." Okay, so it's like a early 2000s sci-fi.
But I do know for a fact though, that I have when I've talked to Kevin about like anime music, he does bring up "Atojina" a lot. And he says that this series is the reason why he started making music.
and why he wanted to make music for anime. - Well, I hope it is 'cause it's scored a 6.78 on my anime. - Yeah, so you gotta have a good reason for liking it. - But according to Kevin, he's like, "Adojima has one of the best soundtracks "that he's ever heard in all of anime."
- Yeah, 'cause I know, I think what immediately gave this away for me, just immediately seeing this is number one, a lot of these are films and films normally have, you know, a more, especially if you're a composer, you know, you're allowed to have, I guess, sometimes it's more impactful to be able to score like,
for certain like for like a feature film. Whereas for certain like anime series, you kind of just have to make certain tracks not knowing what final scene they're gonna be used in. And that just means a lot of film scores end up being very, very memorable and very, very impactful. I have talked to him about "Terran Resonance" Zankyo no Terra as well. - What an amazing soundtrack. - That is his favorite soundtrack.
of all time in terms of anime and it is mine as well. - It's one of my favorites as well. - Actually, to be fair, it does say something 'cause I actually don't remember much about the show, but I do remember that the songs are always very,
- Compelling. - It's the Icelandic-infused music, yeah. - Do like the terrorism though, that was fun too. - Nothing matches terrorism more than an Icelandic music. - I don't know if we need to cut this, but do you know something interesting about "Terror in Resonance"? - What? - So, okay, so the show is obviously about a group of terrorists, right? - Yeah.
- So when this was airing, I can't remember if it was their ninth or 11th episode got delayed. - I do remember this happening, yeah. - Yeah, do you know what dates it aired on? - 9/11? - Yes. - Oh my God.
- Really? - Yeah. - Holy shit. - That was, I'm like, when I have- - Is that why it got delayed or it pushed it back too, like? - I can't remember. I just remember it happening. - Hold on guys, hold on. - Hold on, you know what would be really funny? - We had such a funny moment. - Someone in the boardroom was just like, we can make something really- - We can send a message with this. - We can make something really funny happen right now. - Jesus. - No, but to me, I still think that
I still really, really fucking like Zanki no Terra. - Yeah, it's a good show. - I remember when it came out, everyone was talking about it. I mean, it just kind of disappeared after that year. - I think a lot of people were not happy with the plots and the characters, but I don't know, something about the feeling that show gives is there has been very, very few shows, and a lot of this is to do with the soundtrack, but a lot of this just,
a lot of individual scenes as well. - I don't fully remember what the plot was, but I know that they were terrorists and they had a solid reason. That's all I remember. But I also just remember being like, ah, okay, we did terrorism and now it's over. And now the show's over. It's like, okay, cool. - Guys, terrorism is over. - Guys, it's like, I remember watching it feeling like it should have been longer.
- It was what, 12 episodes, right? - Yeah, it was 12 episodes. - 'Cause you know, nowadays we're starting to get some 24s popping up and even longer. I think when this came out, there was only 12 episode animes coming out. - Does Kevin have any reasons for why he put these on or?
- I mean, I guess it's self-explanatory. - I can pretty much guess which with most of these. - No, I just want to know why he put school days on there, 'cause I'd love to shake his hand. - Because let's just say Kevin didn't put it on there for the fucking soundtrack. - He was probably grinning going like, "I could do a cheeky move here." "Put school days on while I shit."
- That's my Kevin. - Is that your Kevin impression? - Sounds like a Brexit geezer. - Wake up, school days, watch it. - Kevin, you realize now that you are one of the most actual respected staff members in the anime industry right now, especially in composers, found in industry alike. What the fuck is school days doing on here, Kevin? What is it doing on here? - I mean, my respect went up for him.
- Well deserved, I would say. - I don't wanna hear- - If I didn't already love you, I love you even more now. - I don't wanna be listening to fucking "Made in Abyss" having the existential crisis of my life. - He definitely did this for me. - And then in the back of my mind, I'm like, you know, school days played a part in making this, you know? - You're talking like anime creators with the most well-adjusted views on most things. Come on.
- I mean, what I am also surprised about is him putting the voice of the distant star. - Yeah, what the fuck, Kevin? What is this thing? - So this was- - Makoto Shinkai. - This is Shinkai Makoto's first directorial debut. It was a, what was it? It was a short film, I think it was like 20, 30 minutes or something.
kind of Mecca, but also including a lot of like the Shinkai-isms of like, you know, lots of emotional scenes and stuff like that. It does have a good soundtrack to be fair. - Does it? I don't remember it at all. - I remember the soundtrack being pretty good, but the problem is is that I barely remember the plot because- - 'Cause it was shit. - 'Cause it was not very good. - 'Cause Mako Shinkai didn't learn how to do plots until your name.
- Is he the director who keeps making the same movie? - Yeah. - Okay. - Weathering with you five centimeters per second. - Okay, that's a very generalization I said, but that's- - It's the same movie. - He generally makes very similar things. - Yeah, no, 'cause I remember- - You're not gonna believe it, his next film is a romance. - Okay. - I can figure that one out. - Well, he does like different variations, but I remember before your name.
Different variations. - That's almost more insulting, I think you're saying. - He does the same thing, he changes it up sometimes. - I actually watched his newest film over Christmas and it was like- - Oh, the "Susameh". - "Susameh", yeah. - That was kind of felt like Shinkai was like, "I'm gonna try making a Ghibli film."
- Right. - That's what it felt like. And then there was romance in there. That was the part that actually was the weirdest part of it. - Well, no, because before he did Mirai, which was another one that- - No, no, that's the other director. - Oh, that's Hosoda. - Mamoru Hosoda. - Sorry, my bad. - But before that he did, what's the other Radwin fucking thing? - Weathering With You. - Weathering With You, yeah. - I liked Weathering With You. - Yeah, a lot of people liked that. - I prefer to have your name.
- I did not. - Yeah, but you're fucking, you have a boner for your name. - I just think that he, like, here's the thing about Shinkai, 'cause I am a big fan of Shinkai and I'm very familiar with, I've watched everything that he's put out.
something that was always strong in his works pre "Your Name" was that he always had a, I could always tell the idea and the emotions and the feeling that he wanted to put across in his films. Like that was always something that really resonated with me no matter what Shinkai did, including "Voice of a Distant Star" as well.
And the thing that I always thought he was missing was he would always have this idea or emotion that would resonate with me, but the plot would always be fucking boring. - Well, yeah, in my opinion, it was more like, 'cause my favorite Shinkai film is five centimeters per second, but not because-
because I think it has like a really good plot. It's more so the fact that like, as you said, like Shinkai's movies a lot of the times were not like a singular story that was being told. It was kind of just like a collection of emotions, just like kind of stitched together. - Yeah, I mean, five centimeters per second, I think is a beautiful idea for a story. - But there's no story. - What's the story? - There's no story. - What is the compelling like plot line? - Why is it called five centimeters per second? - 'Cause that's how fast it felt the story was going.
- No, it's called five centimeters per second because that's the speed at which a cherry blossom petal falls.
- That's legitimately why it's called five centimeters per second. 'Cause the cherry blossom falling motif is just the one in that movie. - Yeah, but I feel like he discovered, like he discovered something with your name where he took all of these, some of these ideas and emotions and he weaved it into what I thought was a pretty compelling plot line. And I thought that was the only piece of the puzzle he was missing. And then he found that with your name and then he was like,
I don't know how to do something else other than some kind of like the same kind of ideas as that. So like one thing I respect about Susume is that he tried something new. It's definitely different from Weathering With You. - That's good. - I would have liked more if it actually did not have any romance in it, funnily enough. - You're asking Shinkai to not do romance. - Yeah, yeah. I thought that was the least interesting part of that plot. - It's like asking light novel authors to not do incest.
- It's not gonna happen. - Well, funnily enough, I always thought the romance part, you guys have seen "Your Name", right? - Yeah. - I always thought- - What? - No. - You've never seen "Your Name"? - No.
- I've had this struggle honestly with watching anything romance related in anime. And I don't have the problem with normal like Western media. I just find, I don't know what it is about Japanese. - So the Japanese interpretation. - Japanese interpretation of romance stories that I just don't connect with. - Really? - A lot of them I just don't care about. - I'm completely the opposite. I see a Western romance story and I'm like, you know, it's just like- - Except the notebook, notebook is banger.
- It is. It's my favorite. Ironically, it is my favorite Western romance film. Like all these women fucking cry about like,
"Oh, Titanic is the most fucking blah, blah, blah." I'm like, "No, it's just a fucking ship sinking." - Well, that kind of romance, I don't really fucking care about much either. - That's very like angelical Christian interpretation of romance. - Yeah, I don't know if this is a hot take, but the notebook gave me the feeling of a Japanese interpreted romance. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - In the sense that it's like, if the notebook ever got an anime adaptation,
I could totally see Shinkai doing it because it gives that same feeling of like the notebook having this, like it has, you know, unlike a lot of Shinkai films, it does have this coherent story, but there's so many different emotional points that feel very Shinkai in the way that like how the characters change and develop and stuff like that. I mean, like for one, it's just a really solidly written story in my opinion.
I think the only reason why it's had this stigma is because it's the fucking relationship tester movie that everyone talks about, right? But when I actually finally sat down and watched it with Aki, I was like, wow, that was actually a fucking beautiful movie. I cried in the notebook bro. - I think I watched the notebook too. - It was a great film. - I liked it. - I too watched it. - And? - It was, I don't remember much about it. - It wasn't Japanese so I didn't feel anything. - Chang-Tedum was good in it.
- Channing Tatum was good in it. - Channing Tatum? - Isn't it Channing Tatum? - It's not Channing Tatum. - Wait, who is it in the network? - It's not Ryan Gosling. - Was there another movie around that time with Channing Tatum? - Wait, it was Ryan Gosling, wasn't it? - Was it Ryan Gosling? - Was it Ryan Gosling? - I just kind of like- - It's that guy. - I just kind of like-
- What's the guy? Yeah, it's Ryan Gosling. - Oh shit. - Fuck, there must've been another, I got, 'cause I remember I was dating this girl and she forced me to watch like three of these films and they all blended into one in my head. - That had Channing Tatum in it? - Well, at that time, I swear- - "21 Jump Street"? - No, no, I swear there's a movie, 'cause before "21 Jump", before Channing Tatum was a comedy actor, he was doing romance only. - Was he? - Do you remember this? - No. - I remember this. - Yeah, Channing Tatum was the romance guy. - I think I found out about Channing Tatum through "21 Jump Street".
That was when he started to like- - Are you serious? - That was when he started to like pivot. - Yeah, that's when he wanted to like break his image. - He was like the American like romance go-to hot flunk. - Really? - Yes. - Wow, I did not know that. - That's why he did a bunch of weird films to try and kind of get out of that notion.
- What American or what Western romance stories do you like? - When I said this out loud and I know that we're talking about it, I was trying to think in my head 'cause I knew you were gonna ask me this. And I'm trying to think of a piece of media that I think did romance really well. - Oh, what's the fucking Jim Carrey one? - Eternal Spotless Mind. - Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind. That's a romance technically. - I love, and I feel like I haven't seen this ever in a, and maybe that you can correct me 'cause I'd love to be wrong about this.
There's rarely ever stories about romance going horribly wrong.
- That's why I like my fucking romances, man. - No, yours doesn't go horribly wrong. I think what Connor's talking about is that it seems like it's going in the right direction and then it ends up going horribly wrong because the protagonist is- - As it so does in life. - What are you talking about? - What are you talking about? - You want to know who stuck my dick in my little sister? - Your one goes wrong from minute one.
- No, no, it doesn't go wrong. - Okay, this is a horrible example, right? But I really fucking love how they deal with romance in peep show.
- Are you fucking serious? - Where it's this fucking mess of a comp, 'cause romance is super messy in real life. - That's one step away from the fucking dentist system, man. - Yeah, that's so fucked up. But I love the whole arc with like Mark getting married, 'cause in this peep show he gets married to this woman that he doesn't really know if he wants to get married to, but he just thinks it's the right thing to do. And then he realizes it's fucking horrible idea and he didn't want to get married. And I kind of love that they did a story that like,
in, in Western media, we can have a bunch of these stories about stuff like that. I feel like an anime, they would never be a show like that. There would never be a show where a guy gets married, turns out he doesn't like his wife and it, but, and, and they would commit to it in a way that would actually make you think, hold on, these guys are horrible people. Uh,
It would make you think like, oh, his wife is a demon Lord. That's why he doesn't like her. It's like nothing. They can never make an like just unlikable characters that we can figure out that we don't like. It's like, hey, this is a character you shouldn't like. - I think it's because it just hits too close to home.
- That's what I want. - But Japanese don't want that. - How many Japanese people, right? Are in fucking loveless marriages. Why can't we get a fucking anime about a loveless marriage? I would love that. - That's why shows like Aggretsuko was so not popular in Japan because it's too close to home and Japanese people don't want to watch anime for that reason. - But isn't that crazy that it was about fucking animals? And they're still like, "Whoa, this is too real." - But they were still like, "Yo, Haida is totally me, dog." - This guy said he doesn't like work. I don't know. Okay. - No, no, no.
- Based on what you said, Con, I'm gonna say something fucking outrageous. - Okay. You want escapism? - No, fucking rent a girlfriend, man. That is almost exactly without the marriage part, but with the...
- Everyone being assholes? - Yeah, but here's where you're gonna lose him. They're all high schoolers. - Well, okay, no. - University students, actually. - Well, they're all university students, but it's the suspension of disbelief is to a degree where I'm like, ah, I think this is just, this is silly. But I think if it was grounded in some reality. How come every single goddamn love triangle in anime has to be so corny and stupid? Why can't it be an actual love triangle?
- What do you mean? - Well, they have to actually like, they would have to actually explore the mechanics of what it would actually mean to have to juggle this realistic love triangle and how fucked up it would be. - That's why "Golden Time" is one of my favorite romances 'cause it did exactly that in my opinion. That's probably the most,
of a love triangle. - They also did that in "Nichigo" 100%. - I think the problem is that also a lot of the times, if you were to really depict an actual love triangle, you probably wouldn't like the protagonist much. - Yeah. And then you end up with school days. - Yeah, so how do you juggle that? But I feel like that could be, and why "Golden Time" is so compelling, because it tries to do something different and doesn't play the safe route of,
in the romance here here's what's going to happen here's the two people going to get together it's all going to be very happy oh maybe you know and and my my pet peeve is that
they're like, this romance is tough. Or how do we throw some spice into this romance and make it kind of difficult? I don't know, fucking kill that kid or kill someone else around them that makes them have to be sad as opposed to having some actual problems stem from their romance. Like let's make the problem come from an outward source, not something that they're having to deal with. And I feel like that's a much more mature way of approaching romance that we are...
- I'm a little more inclined to exploring in a Western way, but that's, I don't think we do as like a good job either, but I feel like we just do not get this flat out at all in anime. And that's kind of the reason why I'm not too huge into anime, romance anime. - Yeah, I think just in general,
- I don't want everything to be depressing by the way. I'm just saying I would like to go mature. - I actually, give me more depressing romance stories. I think the reason it works for me in anime is because there is that suspension of disbelief because I think I have a lot of the same problems that you have with romance. Except when I see real actors, I'm like, this isn't, this ain't real. This is like some, no, no. When I see real actors, that even if they're real,
brings me out of the story even more. Because with anime, it's like an animated medium, something in my brain just thinks, okay, you have a higher suspension of disbelief just because you know that this is kind of like a fantasy cartoon world. But when I see real actors and something doesn't,
that actually makes the intricacies of what doesn't work. - That's crazy. - Come out even more for me. - I feel the opposite. 'Cause I feel like when I'm watching a movie and there's some really talented actors and just seeing all the little body language that they're doing to really sell this emotion or what they're thinking. I think that's just saying that we just, you just cannot replicate in anime.
'cause you can't have all these tiny little body movements. They all have to be deliberate. Whereas an actor can kind of put in these little, maybe an arm movement, maybe a tongue in the like literally like, I don't know, you know, like little really tiny little body movements that we just can't express in anime. That can really sound emotion or a scene or doubt. - Well, I would go the opposite way where, you know, animation is a different form where you can,
express a certain idea or an uncertain motion in a different way than any real actor can. You can draw expressions, you can exaggerate movement and emotions without making it feel like it's out of place just because it takes place in a world of cartoons. - I think it totally, for me, I'm kind of in between you guys where if for me, it just totally depends on the actual
that is taking place. I think some stories works better in animation. - Yeah, absolutely. - Some stories work better in live action and I don't really have a preference. - And that's why I generally prefer live action stuff for romance just because I find that those very slight body movements really sell romance.
- I had that feeling when I watched the anime version of "I Wanna Eat Your Pancreas" and then I watched the live action version of it. I way preferred the live action version of it because of what you said. - You can add a lot more to it. - The feeling of the emotion was just so much more potent
with real people as opposed to the anime. - There are some stories that I would absolutely want more in anime than- - Oh, totally. - Interesting. - Yeah. Other than that though, I mean, "Ghost in the Shell," Akira, amazing soundtracks, totally get it. The "Lugia" movie, I guess that's just nostalgia for Kevin. - He is a Pokemon fan. - "Entei" was the third one, right?
- Entei was the third one. - Entei was the third one, yeah. - That one was pretty good, but I remember not being as solid as the other two. But I know a lot of people love the Entei movie. - Yeah, and the Celebi movie as well. That one was awesome. - And then there's the "Unknown" movie. - The "Unknown" movie? - Wasn't there a movie about the unknowns? Pokemon, am I crazy? - I don't know, I haven't seen all of them. - Is there a movie? I swear there's a movie about the unknowns. And then fucking- - I think the last- - Lucario got his own movie. - Oh yeah. - I think the last one I actually remember watching was- - Oh, maybe it was, oh yeah, it might've been the third one actually. - Oh, it must've been the third one, yeah. - The unknown, 'cause I think,
- "The Unknown" played a huge part in that movie. - The last one I watched was the "Celiby" movie. - That was a good movie too. - That was great. - And then there was, was there a "Latios" and "Latias" one? - Yeah. - Fuck me, bro. They printed money. Printed money. - Hey man, good on them. - All right, well solid list from Kevin though overall. - Solid list from Kevin. Definitely this is your composer's favorite anime kind of list. - Is that "Ghost in the Shell" the movie? - Yeah, it is the movie. - I haven't watched the movie, only the series.
- It's good. - It's not- - Doesn't matter everything about "Ghost in the Shell", no matter what, except for maybe the live action movie, everything flaps pretty hard. - Okay, oh yeah. - What about the 2045, the new one? - Oh, we don't talk about that one. - Yeah, we don't talk about that one. - Okay, I forgot about that one. - The back flipping up the stairs scene is still my favorite. - If it's a "Ghost in the Shell" like anime,
- Yeah, like an actual anime. - Still my favorite scene ever when the guy gets all his money from getting the one yen from bank transactions. Still my favorite scene ever. - So good. - All right, next list. - Good job, Kevin. - So we have our next three by three up and I can already tell who this is. - Wait, really?
- I'm pretty confident. I'm pretty damn confident. - So we got "Hunter Hunter 2011" I assume, "UGO", "Dragon Ball Z", "Code Geass", "Attack on Titan", "Jesus of Kaisen", "Death Note", "Vinland Saga". What's that last one? - "Code Geass". - Oh, it's "Code", why did they pick that picture? - I think that's Lelouch. - No, "Code Geass" is up there. So what's that one? - That is- - What is that? What's the last one? - That is "Code Geass". That looks like Lelouch and that looks like the Zero Mask. I don't know what that is. Oh, "Casha and Sins"?
- Cash-urn. - Oh my God, I haven't heard that in so long. - What's cash-urn? - Huh? - The fuck is cash-urn? Cash-urn Sins is the beta code key. - I wouldn't go that far. - Is this Charlie's list? - I'm pretty confident it's Charlie's list. - This is the most,
- Male anime fan, generic list ever. - Okay, yeah, that makes sense. - That makes sense. - Not a single romance or slice of life to be seen. Not a single sports anime. - Everything is action, manly stuff. Fucking men, men, men, men. - Boys, boys, boys. - This is the boys only. - Is this Charlie's? - Yeah, it's gotta be. - What's the bottom right one?
- Oh, it is "Cash and Sins." Wow, he watched "Cash and Sins?" - What the fuck is "Cash and Sins?" I don't even know what this is. - Did it come out before or after? - I can't remember. - It was before, right? - It is an action anime. That's all I really know about it. I didn't watch it. I didn't actually watch it. - I haven't watched it in years.
- I think it might be kind of like- - It's a mecha. - It's a 7.5 on Mal. That is literally the most seven, like that means it's like a five out of 10. - But one thing that I am guessing why Charlie put this on is that it just has a very badass art style and a very badass visual kind of like identity. - That is true. - Which, you know, I know Charlie would be a big fan of. - Does Charlie have a reason for putting cash on Sins in? No?
- All right, well, I mean- - Okay, let's go through this, even though this screams, this already screams everything. - Code Yes makes sense because he said on Trash Taste that that's his favorite anime of all time. - That's valid. - Which is valid. - I can see why it's his one, it'd be their favorite.
- I know you went through a phase of collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards as well. - Yu-Gi-Oh is just great. I just love the memes. I just love the, I don't know, the Yu-Gi-Oh fandom seems like they have a good time. - It's so quotable as well. It's such a great show. - The dub is great. - The dub is so good. - You're a third rate jewelist. No, you're a fourth rate jewelist for the third.
Third rate deck or something. - The problem with the dub is that I don't know, like I literally can't tell which scenes are from the original dub and which scenes are from Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged. - I think I wanna just quote it from the Abridged actually. So I think the, no, it should have been me. I think that's from the- - I think that's from the dub. - Is it? Oh fuck. - It should have been me, not him.
- That's from the original dub. - I don't fucking know anymore. - But I keep quoting like, my deck has no pathetic cards Yugi, which I think is from Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged. - And then obviously the fucking pot of greed meme is all from the...
- That's from "Rebridge." - Which one? - "Pot of Greed." They're like, "What does 'Pot of Greed' do?" And no one ever- - No one knows. - No one knows what "Pot of Greed" does. - I think that just became a meme because every time- - "Pot of Greed" came on- - "Pot of Greed" came on, they would always explain the power, even though it was the most
- Simple card you could possibly pull from the deck. - It was like you explain how pot of greed works by using pot of greed or something. - Yeah. - And then I summon another pot of greed. - I unfortunately have no idea which memes, yeah, like you said, come from the abridged and which come from the actual dub. - Have you noticed pot of greed is basically just every ugly bastard fucking design you've seen from Henselaar? - Yeah. It is kind of confusing and kind of concerning. - Yeah, look at this shit, man. - That's my favorite fucking card, bro.
- Can we agree that the- - Look at that. - It's that smile, man. - You're so sorry and got turned on and thought, "Hold on now." - Wait a minute. - Wait a minute. - I have an actual pot of green.
- That's actually kind of bad ass. - Oh, that's really, really sick. I think the dual disc is probably the hardest piece of equipment of all time. It goes so hard. - The what? - The dual disc. - Oh, the- - Fucking coolest piece of anime merchandise that you can own. - Every kid, every kid wanted one. - That's just so iconic, having one. I had one as a kid. - You did? - Yeah, I had one as a disc. - I couldn't get my parents to buy me one. I wanted one of these so bad when I was a kid, holy fuck. - It was so sick, but I remember it was so annoying having to keep your arm
like up all the time while you're playing. But it felt so fucking bad ass that you didn't even mind. What a cool piece of equipment. - That is the coolest card game kind of like piece of equipment that has ever come out. - That's crazy that someone's making a video being like, I got a real dual death. Like it's some kind of ancient artifact. Whereas I just had one as a kid and I'm like, fuck.
- What I loved was the little section above where you could like put your actual deck inside of it and you could pull it out. - Yeah, and there's the graveyard at the bottom and then your life points were there. It was such a cool, such a fucking cool piece of equipment. - What a fucking genius. - God, I wish that Yu-Gi-Oh! came out when nerd culture was a bit more accepted because yeah, dual discs, unironically, one of the coolest things ever. I would love to see what a,
- Can we all buy one and play Yu-Gi-Oh with it? - Sure. - I really wanna do that. - I've never played Yu-Gi-Oh before. - Oh, you want? - I've never played Yu-Gi-Oh before. - I've played Yu-Gi-Oh a few times.
a few times in my life, but I recently played the Forbidden Memories PS1 game. Oh, yeah, yeah. Which came out before the official rules of Yu-Gi-Oh! were established. Yeah. I played it because they...
It's like the craziest speed run of all time. - Oh yeah. - Because the game is fucked. - It's also RNG. - Yeah, they made the game impossible. It's so fucking hard. - Isn't like the 100% record is like 70 something hours or something? - Yeah, because you have to get like 700 cards and some of the cards, actually a lot of the cards have 0.1 drop rates. So you have to just grind. And it's like Konami was just hated kids.
- Well, that was a fun game. And it made me really wanna play more Yu-Gi-Oh! - Yeah, totally. - 'Cause I thought I should love Yu-Gi-Oh! It's so cool. The monster designs are just so cool. - So cool. - Yeah. I mean, of course, "Attack on Titan" is on there as well. I saw his video where he did very much enjoy the ending on the same, I mean, I think Charlie puts it on the same level as "Code Geass" now, just as a whole. - Damn. - As his like favorite anime.
DBZ he obviously grew up with, I assume. - Yes. - Same with like Death Note, I would assume. Vinland Saga, yeah, I mean, who fucking doesn't like, like, "Hunter x Hunter: Vinland Saga," like, who doesn't like it? - "Jujutsu Kaisen," I'm not surprised. - Not surprised. - I think it's, if you're watching "Jujutsu Kaisen" right now, well, I guess- - With season two? - Well, when this is out, it's finished airing, but there's like two episodes left before. It's so hard not to think that it's like,
- It's fucking amazing. It's the only anime I really wanna keep watching every week. - It's like the latest Shibuya arc has just been that modern shonen art classic, in my opinion. - Insane. - It's insane. People are gonna be talking about this arc for generations to come, so that doesn't surprise me. But yeah, this is it. This is the boys only club. Sometimes, I don't know if your guys' Twitter feed has been just,
taken over by Shonen fans recently. I think it's because Jujutsu Kaisen is- - Thankfully not. - Is it not? - No. - Every day I log onto my Twitter and someone is making a certain thread of like, "Oh, here are some manga panels that go hard." - Oh, I've seen those. - Yeah, yeah, manga panels that go hard and shit like that. And it's the same fucking 10 shows. It's like- - They might throw in Danzodan every now and then. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Although it was just like out of nowhere incest scene in Jujutsu Kaisen recently. And that kind of blew up.
I remember when I watched it, I was like, "Huh?" - They kept that in? They kept that in? - Yeah, there was just a random incest part that kind of came out of nowhere. It was really weird.
It literally came out of nowhere. - God, not even Jujutsu Kaisen is safe. - Yeah, and it was really funny watching Twitter react 'cause they were like, it was like a bunch of like all the, 'cause there was this one tweet that blew up that was like, ain't no way they put this in the anime and it was just showing off. But even more concerning, incest with like,
- A really older sister and a very young brother. - Oh, switching it up I see. - And they're actually blood related as well. - And they're blood related. - It's none of this like step-sibling bullshit, they fully committing. - And it was just out of nowhere in the middle of like the most hyped shit ever and they were like, "Incest." You're like, "Fucking what?" - Jesus Christ. - And then all the replies were like, "Vegeta with like bloodshot eyes screaming, being like, 'Why is she so bad though?'"
And it's like, what is wrong with Twitter? It was like literally like Vegeta coughing up blood being like, I don't care though, I would. It's like, what is wrong with Twitter? Like, what have we done? What have we done to these people? - It's so amazing how like DBZ is just one of those shows where every non DBZ anime fan just loves to clown on that community, but fuck.
- Fuck me, they still make some of the best goddamn memes and reaction images. - Honestly, after Modern Shonen, I'm like, maybe we were too harsh on DBZ fans. - Well, I think it's 'cause Goku and Vegeta have such, they're so recognizable, which lends to their meme ability. In the same way that Mario and Sonic are often memed.
because they're so widely recognized. - Yeah, totally. - I'm just liking the fact that there are more anime screenshots that are just becoming widespread memes now. Like the one I've seen recently that's been spread around is the one where like Gon's about to go for the attack and Killua just like got his hand on the shoulder, which is like normally used when someone's like overshooting a tweet or someone's like saying something that might've been going a little bit too far and someone just replies that and I'm like, that's so fucking good.
- Oh my God. Yeah, I mean, there's not much else to say about this one. Good taste, Charlie. I mean, Charlie, this is just good taste. We know this is good taste. - It's just like your bro comes to you who is like, "Hey, I wanna get into anime. Welcome to the starter pack." - Yeah. All right. - All right, let's look at the next one. - Moving on. - Oh shit. - Okay, ooh, wow. All right, so we have Terran Resonance, Afro Samurai.
- Hellsing, Death Note, One Outs. What's the left one? That looks familiar. - There's one thing that stands out to me. - Yeah. - Oh my God, I just saw it. - It's like a sore thumb. - We got- - Prince of Tennis, Kokoku and- - We got Handshakers. - Handshakers. - In the bottom right, which is one of the- - Why? - Considered one of the worst animes of- - It's one of the worst shows ever made. - It's awful. Is that Handshakers or is that Wiz? I can't tell. - No, it's Handshakers. - This has to be Shindou Al, right? - You reckon?
- I don't know if it is. - I really, you know, I love Shindo and I really hope he doesn't say handshakes. - Oh wait, no, no, no, wait to Mudan. - I think it might be Mudan's. - You know why? 'Cause Mudan told me he loved handshakers one time. - What? - Yeah, and I was like, wait, isn't that like the worst anime of the year when it came out? - Yeah. - Yeah, so this is definitely Mudan. I fuck with One Outs though. One Outs is- - One Outs is great. - Sick. - Is this Mudan?
- Oh my God, Mudan, why the fuck would you put handshakers on there? - I saw handshakers and I was like, it's either Shindou or Mudan and I'm leaning more towards Mudan just because from a visual standpoint, like from a purely visual standpoint, it's pretty impressive how- - Shout out to GoHands. - Yeah, it's pretty impressive how bad something can be from a visual standpoint. It's not like it's,
It's not like it's bad 'cause nobody's trying. Someone is trying, the team is trying really hard to make something look visually interesting. - Yeah, the team said how many textures do you want? - Yeah, didn't it look fucking- - The director said yes. - Didn't it look shit? - They just added way too many different textures. So it just looks horrendous. - They added way too many textures and I think at that point they discovered like,
dynamic camera movement. And they tried using that shit for everything. It's like the equivalent of, you know when you're making your first PowerPoint presentation and you learn about the star wipe transition and you use that for every single slide. That's what it felt like the team was doing. - It's like you do that with every single slide and all the text is in word art. That's what it's like, rainbow font word art.
- So what are the, what's the three in the bottom left corner? What are those three? The one with the orb? - Oh, the orb one? - Yeah, what's that one? - Hinamatsuri. That is Hinamatsuri and that is a fucking great series. - I never actually watched that. - Hinamatsuri and then Prince of Tennis. - Prince of Tennis. - Prince of Tennis. - Kokoku.
- I don't know much about "KoKoKu." I would be very, very interesting. All I know is that the opening is one of my favorite openings from that year. In fact, it's an absolute banger opening. Watched the first four episodes and I don't remember anything about it. - What was that show about? - It was time travel thing? - Was it time travel?
- I'm not sure, I don't even remember. I also maybe watched like the first two or three episodes and then didn't get up. - "Prince of Tennis", that's surprising. - That's a classic. - I thought that was, I haven't met anyone who said that's their favorite sports anime. - You'd be surprised, a lot of people in Japan. - I know in Japan it's very popular. - Especially, yeah, it's huge. - But in the Western world. - It's one of my, I would say like guilty pleasure sports anime because the one thing that "Prince of Tennis" and a lot of sports anime does that I personally don't really like is the whole like
bullshit power up thing. - I fucking love that in sports anime. - But shows like "Printer Tennis" do it in a way where it's just fucking entertaining. - Didn't he hit like the sun or something? - No, he, okay, okay, so. Let me explain this. - Which one do you start with? - Let me explain the play by play 'cause I know exactly the one you're talking about. I might've talked about this before. But there is a scene where one of the powers is Tezuka. - Tezuka's own.
- He has a power called Tezga Zone, right? And the power is no matter where you want the ball to go when you return it to him, the ball will always spin towards his zone of control, right? So that's the power. So the visual metaphor that they go
that they go to, is that, so Tezuka is like kind of like the beginning of everything, the start of the universe basically. This is, every time you hit a ball, it always orbits around him. And then the balls turn into planets that turn into the galaxy that turn into the universe. And Tezuka started the big bang and the big bang turns into a tennis ball, I think. And then he hits the tennis ball
And then the ball turns into an asteroid that wipes out the dinosaurs. - Oh, that's sick. - So good. - It's like "Shapiroff's Final Attack." - It's so good. - But like, that's the thing. It's like "Princess Tennis" and "I Shield 21" are the two sports shows in my opinion where these like,
completely unrealistic bullshit power-ups just make for some of the most entertaining matches. - I like Kuroko's bullshit powers too. - See, I thought Kuroko's was just kind of whatever. - I like them, I like them. - Really? - Yeah, I like them. - I wish Kuroko went further like Prince of Tennis did. - I actually, when...
- It was when Prince of Tennis started going a little bit further that it started to lose me. - Really? - Yeah. I think Tezuka Zone was like funny. I mean, I wasn't taking that scene seriously at all. - I didn't take the entire show seriously. - There was a point where I took it seriously. And then I kind of realized, number one, I think I fucking despise the main character.
- Is he a dick or like why? - I was with him until it kind of made me realize that he's like this like 11, 12 year old prodigy who's just so fucking cocky and arrogant. And I'm like, man, imagine if he existed in real life and- - Could you imagine an 11, 12 year old going, "Mother mother mother."
- Yeah, exactly, that's what I'm saying. - He points his fucking tennis racket at you and you do, and you just go as madamada done it. - So you're on a long way to go and I'm like, "You are 12." - And I'm like, "Listen to your little shit." - Shut up! - Yeah, but like "Prince of Tennis" was actually my first sports anime as well. I still have a lot of nostalgia over it, but I can't- - It was fun, it was stupid fun. - I can't say it's better than,
of the sports anime that I've watched after Prince of Tennis. - Yeah, that's why I say it's kind of like my guilty pleasure sports show. 'Cause it's like a sports show that's so ridiculous that you can't take it seriously. And it just goes beyond the sports anime. - I love that we have Death Note and then Sports Death Note on here. - Yeah. - One Outs, I love One Outs so much. - One Outs is such an underrated sports anime. - So underrated. - Not many people talk about it anymore, but this is my favorite.
kind of like pick for a sports anime that not enough people have watched. - So good. - And I still think the quality is there. If you want to watch Death Note, but with the Death Note logic applied to baseball, watch one else. - Does Moodon have opinions? No? He didn't get any? Okay. 'Cause like Afro Samurai is an interesting pick. I mean, it's a fucking fantastic show, but I've never heard him even mentioning Afro Samurai. - I mean, the fact that Samuel Jackson voices- - Oh yeah.
- Didn't he produce it? - I'm not sure actually. - I think he was like one of the lead staff in that. I think he either wrote it or produced it or something. - I've actually never watched it. I just know that Samuel Jackson voices him. - Oh, you would love it. - Really? - You would love it. It's such a good show. Helsing is like, I mean, yeah, who doesn't like Helsing? - I love the dub of Helsing. The English is so fucking good. - It's just fucking handshakers. Like why?
- I can see why he likes it. - Really? - I mean, it's- - I can't see why anyone would like it. - Muda loves bad things. - Yeah. - He loves- - I get that. - 'Cause he loves weird shit. - No, I get that. But like, you know, I have a lot of shows that I love where it's like, it's so bad that it's good, but "Handshakers" wasn't even, it's so bad that it's good. It's just-
- On a visual perspective? - Even a storytelling perspective. - Well, storytelling perspective I think was just very- - I can't power up unless I'm touching a girl's hand. That's literally the entire premise of Handshake. - Storytelling perspective was very generic, but from a visual perspective, it is actually like incredible. - I'd like to imagine that he's rebuttaling all that we're saying. - Yeah, the text notes right here.
- Would say something like he'd look at you dead in the face and go, yeah, and it's awesome. That's what he would say. - That was a really good minute. - Yeah.
- I do like how out of everything here, there's just this nice feel good anime that's Hinamatsuri. - I never actually watched it. - If there's one, Handshakers isn't the thing that stands out to me the most in this one because it's actually Hinamatsuri 'cause it proves to me that Udon isn't a robot. - He's a human. - Yeah, he's a human with emotions.
'Cause everything else I'm like, ah, okay. This is like only an AI could enjoy handshakers. I can understand the enjoyment from just a purely- - It's just fascinating. - From a purely technical perspective that is fucking fascinating. Hina Matsuri is just so fucking feel good. - It looks feel good. - Yeah, it's...
- Would you recommend? - I would actually recommend. The only reason I think that more people didn't talk about it was because it came out in a year that was an absolute banger of anime years in terms of shows coming out. So it just got swept under the rug. But it's one of those shows that does this whole,
showing the relationship between a father and a daughter really, really well. If you watch Hina Matsuri, you will, and you are a father and you have a daughter, this is the show for you 'cause it'll make- - So it's a soggy drop with a good ending.
- It's not even good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Kinda yeah. - All right. - All right. - You sold me. - All right. - All right, cool. Thanks for moving on. - Let's see the next one. - I'm looking forward to the amount of shit he's going to talk on screen. - I've seen a lot of death notes on the list. - And "Terra Resonance" as well. I think that's the second. - Is that third time I've seen death note now or? - Yes. - Second. - I think so. - All right, say no more. Say no more. - Yeah, I know who this is.
- Yep, three, two, one. - Emily. - I saw Fruits Basket, I saw fucking Cardcaptor, I saw Ore Monogatari, I saw fuck, what else is there? Everything. Is that Tokyo Mimmy on the bottom there? - That is Tokyo Mimmy on the bottom. - Yeah, every show is...
- Follows girls. - This is everything Emily draws. This is literally everything Emily draws. So there's Nichijou, Fruits Basket, Cardcaptor Sakura, Ore Monogatari, Kamiya-sama, Panty and Stocking, which is based. Fucking Konosuba, Tokyo Mew Mew, and what's the right one? - Skip and Loafer.
That's something that aired this year. - Yeah, they love "Skip and Loafer." - "Skip and Loafer" is great. - I didn't see it, shockingly. - Yeah, genuinely, I know why Emily put "Skip and Loafer" there. That show screamed Emily. - It looks like Emily drew that. - It's cute, it's feel good. It's one of my favorite romances that aired this year as well. And it's been a long time since I've seen characters that actually feel like people and not anime characters.
It's just a very genuine show. - Honestly, the one that sticks out to me is "Panning and Stocking." I did not expect, I mean, I assume Emily's gonna say like, "Oh, I like "Panning and Stocking" because the art style is so unique," which it was, and it still is to this day. But it just, I don't know, it doesn't seem like a show that Emily would be into, you know what I mean? - I can, I'm like, hang out with Emily, I wouldn't be surprised if she put this on here because she saw, it was like, you know,
- Knowing what type of person Emily is and the background that she has in there, it's like seeing Panty in the stocking for the first time and just hearing the amount of fucking swearing. And just how gross it is at some point, she's like, "Oh my God, maybe this is like awakening something in me. I don't know. Why don't I kind of dig this? What the hell?" - I kind of feel like saying fuck.
- They just say fuck and shit in my anime. And it has a transformation sequence as well. Like magical girls. What? Yeah, because "Panini and Stalking" is just a magical girl series in disguise. - It's so good. - Yeah. - And "Panini and Stalking" season two coming out soon. Fuck yeah. Let's go. I'm so pumped for that.
- Obviously Cardcaptor Sakura as well. I don't know if Emily watched Cardcaptor Sakura or the OG Cardcaptors, which I count as a different show. - That is a different show. - What's the difference? - Because it was dubbed for America and it kind of, did you hear about the One Piece for kids dub controversy at all? - Well, when they changed like animation?
- Which controversy are we talking about? - Yeah, there's a lot. - Okay, just the fact that it exists. - I remember 'cause I watched "One Piece" on Cartoon Network and I remember that
they'd change all like the weapons to like toy weapons. - Sanji doesn't smoke cigarettes, he eats lollipops. - I remember that too. - It goes more than that. They changed all of the music to resemble more like Saturday morning cartoons. So all the original soundtrack is gone. - Best anime opening ever. - They changed characters to be, hey, wacky, I'm gonna say a pun kind of like character. So they basically changed the entire vibe and everything about the show. And I wouldn't say Cardcaptors was on that same level.
but there definitely was a hell of a lot of changes. I mean, they changed the names of the characters. I think Sakura is the same 'cause it's cardcaptor Sakura. I think her best friend, they changed her name to Madison.
- Madison? - Yeah, they changed her name to Madison. - What was her real name? - I can't remember. - Why does- - I'm not gonna lie. - It certainly isn't fucking Madison. - I'm not gonna lie. - That dog looks like it's fan art inserted into that picture. - Furry art, so like salivating. - It doesn't look real. - It does look like a piece of furry art. - It looks like it's just been put in there.
- My OC with Sakura. Like, what is that? - Is that Madison? - No, Madison's the black hair chick. - Yeah, yeah, no. - Yeah, yeah. Well, I forgot what his name was now. - I haven't seen Cardcaptor in so goddamn long. - I'll be honest, I remember more about Cardcaptors than Cardcaptor Sakura. - In Japan, there seems to be these shows that are more aesthetic shows. And this seems to fall into that where I see a lot of
people who like more so the aesthetic than the actual show itself. - Well, "Cod Captain Sakura" is written by Clamp, who-
who made some of the most visually aesthetic shows of that kind. So everything Clamp made was just like, "Oh my God, this looks so pretty." - 'Cause when I asked people who really liked the show, I'm like, "Why do you like it?" They're like, "I just love the aesthetic and I love the vibe of it." As opposed to, "It's got a great story." - Yeah, I remember the vibe of Cardcaptor Sakura. I don't remember. - Oh yeah, her name was Tomoyo.
- Tomoyo? - Tomoyo. - And it became Madison. - Madison. Hey Madison. - That is out of pocket. - So did they change all the character names? - No, I think Lee, they didn't change because Lee there's, you know, we just say- - Teraveris is the same.
- Kiro was his name. - Kiro? - Yeah, Kiro. - I guess Keroberos was too long. - Yeah, Keroberos was too long. Kisaronsana, it was Kiro. I think they changed her brother's name as well. So it's not Yukito. - It's more like John. Sakura and Clive. - I like how they just kept Sakura 'cause it was like Sakura. - Sakura, you're beautiful.
- Cardcaptor Sakura, dub character names, here we go. - Okay, let's see. Let's see, let's see. What do we got? Sakura Avalon instead of Sakura Kinimoto. Sharon Lee is Lee Shoran. - Oh my God. - Okay, Karabaris is still Kero. Okay, that's good. Tomoyo is Madison Taylor. Toya Kinomoto is Tori Avalon. - Okay, okay. - Yukito is Julian Star.
- Okay, Maylene Lee is Maylene Ray. - What the fuck? - Why? Why did that change? That makes no sense whatsoever. - Ariel Hiragizawa is Eli Moon. - What the fuck? - Yeah. - They didn't change Nakuru's name though. - Ruby Moon. - Layla McKenzie. Kaho Mizuki is Layla McKenzie, bro. - Well, yeah, that's- - Chiharu is Chelsea.
- Oh my God, why would you do that? - Zachary. - God, back in the day of English localizing dubs. - Oh, Wei Wang is still Wei Wang. - Wei Wang, yeah. - They're like, that's just a banger. That's a banger name. - Yeah, Wei Wang is so easy to say. - Wei Wang is a banger name, we're not changing that. - Makimoto is just Maggie. - Maggie. - What the actual fuck?
- Oh my God. - Yeah, so I'm interested. I'm assuming she would have watched the dub of Cardcaptors because that was the thing that aired on TV back in the day. - Oh my God, it's so funny. - Of course, yeah, Nichijou is there. - Yeah, I went to the Nichijou Cafe with her. It's awesome. - Yeah. - Nichijou I've still been meaning to watch. - So funny. - Still been meaning to watch.
I know it's so goaded and everyone talks about how amazing it is. I just need to watch it. - I mean, it's like the, obviously the comedy is always subjective. So like it's a lot of, I know a lot of people who don't really understand the comedy of Nichijou because they just don't really like the kind of low random subverting expectations kind of humor. But what makes the show so goaded is just Kyoto animations.
just work on it. It's so aesthetically beautiful. - It's so impressive and expressive. - And they managed to like hold onto Arai Keiichi's like manga art style as well. Like the manga looks exactly the same. - It looks very unique. - Yeah. - Yeah. I'm surprised Nichijou hasn't,
like maybe it came out too early or maybe not enough people watched it. - I think it was ahead of its time. - But it's the perfect meme reaction show. - Oh yeah. - To the point where I'm surprised I don't see more meme reactions of just Nietzsche characters. - Totally. - Yeah, "Ore Monogatari" as well, my love story. I only watched, was there only one season of that? I can't remember. - Yeah, I believe so.
- It was, it was aight, I guess. - It was aight. - It was aight. - It was aight. - It was good. - It was cute. - That character just looks like how Emily draws herself. - I mean, that's a very common theme with Emily favorite shows. Like Emily wishes- - Emily's probably kicking this. No, I don't do that. - Emily wishes she was Tora from "Fruits Basket", bro. That is Emily.
- This is just, hello, I'm a klutz main character energy. The one scene I remember from my love story is just the scene where she,
I don't know, she's running off for something and then she trips over and then she just, and then they show her tripping over and she's just lying flat on the ground. - Just like dead. - Just like dead. And I was like, why did they have to put that scene in? I don't know. - Yeah, I did think all those character types were made up until I met Emily and I was like, wait, people are actually this clumsy in "Claude C." - Yeah, because I know exactly why she put
fucking- - Konosuba. - Konosuba in as well. - Yeah. - Because Aqua is Emily. - Yeah. - Aqua is Emily with blue hair. Tokyo Miu Miu, I guess, you know, you just grew up on that stuff. It's a solo magical girl show.
And yeah, "Kaguya-sama" is just a really fucking good show. Just, you know, in general. - It is the modern like equivalent of that first romance anime that this new generation is gonna look back on. - Totally. - And think, hey, what would you say is the "Kaguya-sama" of our generation?
- School days. - School days. - No, I'd say, well, because like, I don't know, was there a romance comedy like "Kaguya-sama"
'cause I feel a lot of the romance shows that we look fondly over. - I feel it was Toradora. - Yeah, but like I was gonna say Toradora, but like it's not the same vibe, right? 'Cause Kaguya Summer definitely, especially early. - I don't think it has to be the same vibe. - Oh, you're just talking romance in general? - Just the big romance. - Yeah, Toradora for sure. - Because here's the trajectory every like a lot of anime fans take, right? Which is you discover anime through
one of the mainstream stream shodens. Maybe it's probably Naruto back in the day. And then you're like, oh wait, there are things, there are anime about things that aren't people punching each other. And then there's always like that one guy or that one friend who recommends a romance anime for you to watch. And I feel like in this day and age, it is Kaguya-sama.
- In our generation? - It'd probably be Toradora because that one guy was probably like, "Don't worry, there's some actual epic action scenes in Toradora." - I feel like it was either Toradora or Clannad. - Yeah. - Does Clannad count as a romance? I'm not sure. - Yeah, totally. - It's just the slowest romance of all fucking time. - It's also one of the most depressing romances of all time. - Part two is, part two is. - Yeah, I'll just- - I want just depressing 'cause you're like, "Fucking talk to each other."
- Yeah, and yeah, I mean, what else can we say about this? - All of these romances is the kind of romances that Connor absolutely despises as well. - Yeah, these are all romances I would despise. - I mean, the only one you'd kind of like is "Panning Stocking." - I fuck with "Panning Stocking" a lot. - Yeah, "Konosuba" you like, right? - I love "Konosuba," yeah. - And you like "Kaguya Summer"? - I haven't watched "Kaguya Summer." - Oh, okay. I think you'd like "Kaguya Summer." - I don't think you would like "Kaguya Summer." - Really?
- Why not? - Well, because Kageyama has a lot of comedy elements to it, which I think he might find. - He can't look past the high school element of that.
- Yeah, the high school animal is frustrating. - Okay. - The entire, like a lot of the comedy revolves around this idea of them being the student council. - Right. - I fucking hate student council. - I know Connor, I'm like, he'll hear high school, he's like, okay, maybe I could look past it. He'll see student council, he was like, I'm out. - Why is the student council in Japanese anime have more power than the fucking presidency?
They somehow can get shit done. - Because that's what Japanese high school kids wish in their head. That's how they envision it in their head. 'Cause that's all they know. It's just a power fantasy, you know? All right, but yeah, this was very typical of Emily. Good job. - Good job, Emily. - Good job, Emily. - Good job. - For fulfilling your stereotypes. Let's go on to the next one. - Next one. - Oh, good thing to know that we do indeed know our friends. - Yeah, we're pretty good at this. - Yeah, we're four for four so far. - Yeah, four for four. - Oh, I know who this is.
- Oh, I think I know who this is as well. Yeah, I know who this is. - Yeah, I know who this is. - Wait, hold on. - Yeah. - Oh, yeah, yeah, my bad, my bad, yeah. - Wait, what? - You have three people left, Shindo Al, Sydney and Kaho. One of them doesn't make sense, but I'm pretty sure the rest is. - All right. - No, this one's, I actually don't know this one. This could be any of them. - No. - Really? - Yes, I know who this is. - Okay, should we go on three, two, one?
- Okay, I'm gonna take a guess. - Okay. - Ready? - Three, two, one. - Sydney. - Sydney. - Okay. - Okay. - Okay. - Anohana and Oreimo. - Yeah, okay. I looked at like Aiken, Kamichamakari, like Anohana, Oreimo. - What the fuck is that Aiken art? I just saw that. Why does everyone have the most giant tits? - Aiken is...
A, one of the worst anime ever made, B, one of the funniest shows because it's just so bad. - So I remember, so the reason I know this was because she obviously told me to this, told me the shows to put on. I noted down some things about why they're on there as well. Because she was saying some of this shit. The first show she says is Naruto. And I'm like, I've been with you for 10 years. We are married now.
"I didn't even know you watched Naruto." I was, yes, I was like- - I think she was just trying to please her husband. - She was like, "What the fuck? You've watched Naruto? Sydney, we've been married." And she was like, "Yeah, this was her first anime." And it was the very first time she felt goosebumps watching a movie.
watching any Shonen or any show in general. She talks about the Vock Lee versus Gaara fight. And I'm like,
"Excuse me, how have you never talked to me about this?" - You've never referenced taking off the weights. - Yeah, you've never referenced taking off the weights. You clown on everyone who watches Naruto. And so that was the biggest kind of like surprise for me. - So "A-Can", what is the show about other than big tits? - So "A-Can" is a show from the early 2000s and one or two episode OVA if I remember correctly. And it's set in high school. And it is one of the most,
overtly over-sexualized, overreacted, just like comedy shows, I guess. - Imagine if fan service characters were some Lovecraftian nightmare creatures. That's aching because you look at their tits and it's,
- It goes beyond not even knowing how the female anatomy works. - Yeah. I just remember the character with like literally the biggest pair of tits I've ever seen in my life. Like it's like the size of her entire body. - Yeah. And they go full jiggle physics with it as well. - The fucking jump rope scene.
And Sydney told me that this is on there because this is the very first etchy show that she watched. This was the very first etchy show that she watched. - I didn't even stumble across this. I never even heard of this show. - Because this is such an infamous show. - Yeah, because this show got infamous because of the tits. Like you go on like any forums and someone would have
like some sort of like gif of one of the girls with her tits like fucking flopping about. - I wanna check this out on YouTube right now. - Please watch any scene from Aiken and you'll be like, what the fuck is going on? - Definitely gonna get age restricted if we show any clips on here. But she told me that this was the first ecchi show she ever watched. And she was so terrified that her dad would find out what she was watching that she literally system rebooted her entire computer after watching Aiken.
- I mean, you know, that's a great fucking choice. I think I would just smash my computer with a hammer. - What the fuck? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Which scene are you watching? - Just like their boobs are like sentient things. - Yeah. Yep, yep. That's the scene I remember. - That is the scene. - That's the scene I remember.
- What the heck? - I was gonna make a video on this show years ago and I was like, I don't think I can without getting like fucking community guidelines strike for showing anything. Okay, see, I looked at this three by three and the reason why I got confused is because of Boba.
- Same here bro, same here. - I fucking love Bobobo and Sydney and I have never talked about Bobobo. - Sydney's never mentioned this to me either. - Yeah, what the fuck? - No way, she's watched Bobobo? - Yeah, she fucking- - What? - Actually, that was the second thing she said after Naruto. She was like, "Naruto, Bobobobobo,
- 'Cause yeah, those- - It's Bobo, Bobo, Bobo. - I don't fucking know. - Come on, do not put disrespect on my man's name. - I don't fucking know, man. - It is one of the funniest manga series I've ever read. - I'll be honest, I haven't seen it. - It's so fucking funny. - So what was the reasoning for putting it on the list?
- That it was Naruto and Bobobo Bobobo Bobo of however many. Did they say it? - Bobobo Bobobo. - Bobobo Bobobo. Those were like just her two childhood animes. - It was huge on Cartoon Network.
Like the dub was really popular overseas. - Yeah, I think Naruto and Bobobo, I didn't know this because in England we did not get Bobobo at all. So Naruto I knew about, but I didn't know that was like widely spread on television as well. - Bobobo is just the most like, if you took every kind of poopoo peepee humor and throw it into, I think the original- - You sold me. - I think the original manga was like almost 30 volumes.
But it is, oh my God. Like this is still to this day one of the most absurd yet hilarious comedy shows. And the anime as well is really fucking funny as well. - Yeah.
- Obviously, Orin High School Host Club that checks out that is like- - That checks out. - Hello, I have just discovered my first Shoujo anime. - Anohana checks out. I think I've heard Sydney sing the ending more than I've actually heard the actual ending. - Do you think- - Sydney does bring up Anohana a lot. - Yeah. - Yeah, do you think Anohana would have aged well at all? - Oh, that's a good question.
I watched it and when I watched it, I was like, this is a show that I never ever want to watch again. So I'll never find out. I just never wanted to watch it again. - I mean, I for one- - If I needed to cry, I would put on Anna Hanna. - Yeah, I for one fucking loved this show when I watched it. Cried like a baby at the end, beautiful music as well. Opening and ending banger.
- I don't know if I would recommend it to people today though. - I know, right? - It's hard. I think it's really like, I think people who watch it now, some people will like really fucking connect to it and then others will be like, this is so cheesy. - I'm scared to rewatch it because I hold it really, really close to my heart. The vibe of the show is everything that I love, but at the same time, I think back to it and I'm like,
- A lot of this, I love the crying of the sad part of the aspects just feels really cheap. Like here, let me play this really sad song when I want you to cry. And it worked, it worked. It like conditioned us. Like we were a fucking dog. We were like, okay, you hear the bell or you cry now, you cry. - What I would recommend instead, I think, instead of "Anahana" is "Machia".
- "Makia"? - Yeah, because that's written by the same person. And I think "Makia" is just, I think is the better aged version of "Anahana". - God, do you know what I think would be interesting? 'Cause I had this thought the other day where you take a show like "Anahana" or some other really popular show and you do kind of like an after story of all of the characters grown up, right? And just seeing where, like, I think,
- Can you pull up the "Anahana 10 years later." They did a 10 years later drawing and I saw it and I'm like, oh, just give me one side story. - I don't know if I'm ready for this. - Look at this, look at this. Look at that poster. - Oh my God. - Click on the closeup. - My babies. - Can we see a closeup of this one? - He's got a beard. - He's got a beard.
- Oh my God. Nah, nah. - Bro turned into a hippie man, look at the main character. - Yo, the guy on the left is me for real. I wasn't ready for that. - They're like salary men, bro. - Yeah, I know. - Right in the fields man. - That's just, I will say like the fucking blue haired girl.
- Be careful of who you make fun of in high school, man. Be careful of who you make fun of in high school. - If they should have done anime from this age, it would have been more interesting. - Yeah. - I mean, there's still hope, you know, they might remake it, who knows? - Yeah, hopefully. I mean, I would not necessarily "Ana Hana", but I would love to see something like this in general. Especially 'cause all we get is like the fucking, what if?
or what if fan arts, but I would love to see something like that because I think that would be absolutely incredible. - Going back to the three by three though, here's another question I had for Sydney. Higurashi. - Yeah.
- On this three by three, it's the recent remake, readaptation of it. - It should have been the original Higurashi. - I think it's the original, okay. - I think it's just, British put it. - Okay, okay, I wanted to ask, are we talking about the original Higurashi? - Yeah, I mean, checks out. - Checks out. - She loves her horror, so this is not surprising at all. And there is not a lot to pick from for- - It's the most solid entry, I'd say. - Yeah. - The original one, for sure. - Yeah, I can see this one, this is always the first horror anime
that got spread around just because it was like so shocking that cute girls could actually, you know, it's a cutesy art style, but actually they're all murderous girls and there's blood and there's gore. - And it has one of the most convoluted stories ever written in horror. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I've never finished the second season of Higurashi, which I know- - It's bad. - Yeah. - No, I liked it. - I thought it was too slow. - Really?
- Yeah, and the first season is too slow too. - I mean, I played the original vision novel and that is way slower than the anime. - Yeah, that attracts a certain kind of person. - You know what's good though? The Higurashi manga is actually, I think more terrifying than the anime.
Because what they did with the Higurashi manga, which I really like, 'cause you know how Higurashi split up into like different sections, I guess, in the story. So what they did in the manga was each section is actually illustrated by different manga artists. - Oh, that's actually kind of cool. - So each section, yeah. So you actually, when you go through each section, you actually get completely different visuals and different interpretations of that part of the story. And some of them are,
- Some of the most terrifying manga panels I've ever seen. - I cannot think about the show without that scene from that documentary where the guy's like, "Yeah, today I researched how much gas it would take to blow up a school." - What? - What? - No. - There is this documentary on YouTube following, I think, the family that was making the visual novel game. If you go to YouTube, type in like,
Higurashi documentary. It was actually a pretty cool documentary just following the family that makes it. - Right. - And- - The Yukisho Seven, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. And I don't know if it's all dedicated to it, but there is like one scene where the old guy, I swear he looks at his PC, yet he turns around and he goes, "Well today for accuracy, I had to figure out how much gas it would take to blow up a school for one of the scenes." And I was like, "I don't think you had to research that."
- Well, you needed to make it realistic, right? - I was like, did that have any bearing on the plot? Was like a question that was like, how much gas should we buy guys? - Oh yes, yes officer. That's why being an author is just the best way to give yourself- - How many views does this have?
- 629 views. - 629 views. - How the fuck did you find that? - I think it's been re-uploaded a bunch. - Yeah, it's from an NHK program in 2005. - There's no way they uploaded in 60 FPS in 2005. - Yeah, I don't know what the fuck, why did they do that? But yeah, they basically followed him and there's a scene where he's like the old man. Yeah, I think it's this one. Yeah, can you play it for me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it's like around here. - The father who once banned games is in charge of background research.
For one game, I had to research and chart volcanic gas composition. And for another, I had to figure out how much gas was needed to blow up a classroom.
I literally cannot think about this show without just imagining an old man Googling how much gas it takes to blow up a classroom. - Him getting on some government list. - I'm surprised I remembered that exact scenario. - Oh my God. - I have no idea.
- Hey man, they had to make sure it could be a real, because remember Higurashi- - You do not need to measure that. - Higurashi is a mystery horror. That has to be realistic. - How did he calculate that? - I don't know.
- I'm sure there is some way. - Yeah, someone on 2chan probably. - Yeah, dude, I just can't imagine. - Reddit, Reddit, figure it out. There's gonna be someone in the subreddit on this episode being like, "I figured out the gas composition and how much you needed." - Probably someone on Reddit being like, "Depends on the size of the costume." - How did you research that? Tell me, like, okay, did you really need to research that? - I don't know. - I've never once seen an explosion, a piece of media and thought, "No, no."
- No, there wasn't enough gas there. - This just doesn't seem right. - Hey man, some authors want the believability of their story to be watertight. - But it's just the fact that it's the whole family producing it and it's the father. It's just this old man who's just sitting there, looks deadpan on the camera, "Today I had to research how to blow up a school." - It's the deadpan voiceover that fucking kills me. - Yeah, it's so good. - So good. - It's so fucking funny.
- But yeah, good choice I think for a horror anime. - What on earth is this Kami- - Kamichira Kaden. - Kamichira Kaden. - Kamichira Kaden. I've heard Sydney talking about this. I've never seen it myself. - This is like a Saturday Night Live parody of anime. - Yeah. - The eyes are so monstrously big. - All I know is that there is one scene or the one clip screenshot that got really, really memes. And it's the one where
It's like, search up, search up Kimijima Karen eyes and I'm sure it's gotta be- - I know which one you're talking about. - Yeah, yeah. Where she looks like a fucking bug. - Yeah! - That's the one. - Yeah, I see this. - This looks like my drawings of characters. - Everybody thinks this is an edit, but this is actually in the episode. - Why? - Because this is what the art style was in the early 2000s. - What the fuck? - This is the...
- Mid 2000s, how to draw anime art book. - Yeah. - Oh, there's also cannons. - What the fuck is the plot of the show? - I don't even know. - I think it's some kind of magical girl show from the looks of it. - It looks like a magical girl show. - 13 year old Kari Hanazono feels like her life can't get any worse. Parents died when she was young. Jesus. - That was not how I thought the show was gonna go. - Leaving her with an aunt who doesn't hesitate to call us stupid unless they're useless over her poor grades. God damn.
Her only friend, her cat named Xizhan passed away recently. Oh my God. - She can't catch a break. - Begins her moment, her life turns around for the better when she is approached by a girl who also has lost her parents and her cousin who finds girls to be troublesome. Both of them searching for a goddess. The mother's memento ring shines brightly in their presence and fills her with its radiance, making her smarter, faster and capable of granting wishes. Okay, so it's like a mega depressing magical girl spin.
- God damn. - So why does Sydney like- - I don't know. - So what the fuck? - Well, so that leads into Evangelion, right? I know, but- - Well, Evangelion is how you guys met, right? - Evangelion is how we met, but also she actually watched it because-
I showed it to her and it really, really fucking connected with her. - I mean, it's a legendary show for a reason. - Yeah, so I would say, "Kamituwa Karen"
- I don't know. I've talked to her a lot about "Kamichou Karen." She just holds it close to her heart. - This must be like that one nostalgic, you know, guilty pleasure show that you grew up with. - Yeah, exactly. - You know it's not the best, but you have a special place with it. - True. - Yeah. - Which is fair. - All right. - All right, cool. - Very fun. - Well, now I know next time I see Sydney, I'm gonna talk to her about "Bogum". - So we have Kaho or Shindo Al? - Okay. - Okay. - Let's see. - Okay, so here's the second to last one that we have.
- I'm pretty confident. - Wow. - I am pretty confident. - I think I am also confident. No, actually fuck, this could be either Kaho or Shindo.
- Oh shit. - Actually you're right, you're right. Kaha or Shindou Kensei. It's like a mixture of what I think the two of them were like. - Macross Frontier. - So we have Digimon Adventures, we have Isekai Quartet, we have some show I've never seen. Vampire Dives in Nose Time, which is quite a recent one if I'm not mistaken. Neon Genesis Evangelion, Akibisei Uniform, Madoka Magica,
Oh, what is that middle one at the bottom there? I've seen that before. - It's in her circumstances. - Oh yes, you're right. And Macross Frontier. - Yeah. - Shit. - I think I, no. - Actually it's literally, I was confident and then I looked at some of them and I'm like, wait. - I'm leaning more towards Shinda, but.
- Some of these choices could be, is also Kaho. - I'm pretty sure. - I'm gonna say Shindo. - I think it's Kaho. - I think it's Kaho. - Really? - I remember- - Kaho has brought up to me Macross more than anyone else ever in my life. - Kaho has brought up Macross
- In the first podcast that we recorded, I remember. - She loves Macross. - Yeah. - And I believe, I remember talking to her about Digimon as well. - She does like Digimon too. - Yeah. - She does make up Digimon a lot. - Otherwise I would have been like, oh, this is Shindelwell. - Right, yeah, that makes sense. All right, who is it? - Oh, thank God. - Okay, so this is such an interesting, what is that top right one?
- Nudie, it says. - Oh, nudie, sorry. I don't think it's meh. Oh God, Katakana. - It looks like maybe 80s, early 90s maybe. - Yeah, so Kaho has watched an ungodly amount of anime. - Yeah.
I didn't fully appreciate this when we first had Kaho on, when she started bringing up fake weebs. And I was like, I thought she just meant like some people who watch like two anime. But I think she means like 90% of people who watch anime. 'Cause Kaho has watched so much anime. And her knowledge of it is very impressive. So this looks like a very varied list. - Very varied.
And I wonder why, I've always wondered why Kaho likes Digimon so much. She actually did give me reasonings though. - Oh, she did? - She did, yeah. - It's 'cause it's the superior Pokemon. - How fucking did you know? - Okay, well, is there one you'd like to know about first? I can- - What is the top right one? What is that? - The top right one? Okay, that's a good question. Okay, let me scroll up. Okay, here we go. I have the list. It is, is it? - I've never seen it before. It looks like a- - Akibichan's Sailor Uniform? - No, no, that's a different one. - No, no, that's the one on the middle right.
- Akazuki-n-chacha. - Akazuki-n-chacha. - I've seen this around, but I have not, is this like a really- - Ah, shoujo. - OG shoujo anime? - I mean, look at that second picture there. That is OG shoujo manga. - Yeah. - Kaho says, "Capturing the mesmerizingly cute art from anime, the show manages to hold both Seiso vibe and Yuri fan service. It's a gem." - Wow. Seiso and Yuri? - The Seiso, wow. - Wow.
- Okay, I've never seen it or heard of it, but. - This is OG. - When did it come out? Can you go over Wikipedia? - This must have been pretty old. - Kara was also mentioned to me. - 1994. - Yeah, Kara's mentioned to me in the past that she really likes a lot of OVAs. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, the '90s was the fucking- - Peak OVA. - Peak OVA. - I mean, I do kind of miss the OVA
of anime just because you had so many interesting and different fucking ideas that didn't always appeal to the mainstream masses, but they would be able to be made just because it was like a three episode OVA. - We'll never get like another genocide or like violence Jack or any of those. - Yeah, I was talking to Kyle about it and I was like, yeah, I really wanna watch more nineties OVAs. 'Cause I remember watching a show like a random show from the nineties
and the show did not call for it at all, but randomly like five minutes in just titties and like naked. And like, it wasn't brought up in like a sexual way. It was just titties and then it's moved on. - No, no sense of bar either. - Nothing. And I was like, okay, wow. Geez, we're really doing this. - If you want to see anime in its rawest form then just watch much 90s. - Yeah, everything was weird. That's the point. It didn't really matter about appealing to kind of like
writing like a mainstream story. People just had weird fucking ideas. - That's why it's so fascinating to go down that rabbit hole. 'Cause you just find some of the wildest stories. - And not everything is a banger. Not everything is like the best written story, but you will have a very unique time. You will see some very unique things. - Yeah, it's been fun. I've been watching, what did I watch? This one called "Key the Metal Idol." Have you heard of this one? - I have not. - It's fucking weird. It's basically like people who are trying to make
robots that you can pilot via humans, but to pilot it, you need to take...
the like soul out of someone. And it's just this weird, it's so weird. And it's like 15 episode OVA and it's all got, it's like titties all the time. - Is this on Netflix? - No, no, I just found it, it looked weird. And I was like, I'll fucking watch it. - All of these you just have to find online. - And it's like way too dark for no reason. And it's like, I kinda fuck with this. - Checks out, checks out. - I fuck with this 90s stuff. - You go through your metal phase of- - I'm kind of having a fun time. It's fun just watching these random shows that I don't,
I don't think they're good or bad. I just think they're weird. - They're just fascinating. - And I've been trying to find shows that have no pre-existing manga and the show was all just original. - Yeah, yeah. - It's so weird. - Yeah, totally.
- I mean, I think for me, Ava and Madoka Magica, Macross and Digimon make a lot of sense. - Yeah. - You know. - Akebi Sailor uniform, that was- - I never saw that one. - That came out recently. It came out like two years ago, three years ago. When did it come out? - Oh wait, sorry.
- Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. The description I gave was for Sailor's uniform. Capturing mesmerizingly cute art from the managed to hold say so vibe from Yuri fan service. - Okay, I was about to fucking say. - What Kaho actually said about Akazuki and Cha-Cha is this is one of the most differently adapted anime from the manga in 1994, adding magical girl theme, which the original comic didn't have at all. It totally worked. - Wow. - Oh, okay. - And then Kaho liked the Yuri and say so vibes of Akazuki.
- I give you a chance. - Yeah, 'cause I was going to say that this came out, yeah, last year. Okay, it wasn't too long ago. - Two years ago, actually. - Two years ago? - "Caho's Reasoning for Digimon." - Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up, Joey. - "Caho's Reasoning for Digimon" is the best thing I've ever heard in my life. - What?
- The reason why Kaho has put Digimon on this list, she said, "I was a student at a Protestant school. I stopped going to church on Sunday morning for this show and chose my religion, anime." - Based! - Kaho's English is so good that Kaho used a semicolon.
- In a correct way. - In a correct way. What the fuck, Kyle? - Oh my God. - I've never used a semi-colon. I think one time I used it and I had to quadruple check I used it right. - I always get the green like squiggly in my word dog. - It's like, I don't need to use this. - Do I use a colon or a semi-colon here? - I stopped going to Protestant school and chose my religion out of it. - Hell yeah. - That's so good. - Yeah, I mean, I think Digimon, I mean, being a Digimon fan myself, it was, I don't know.
- It was what I thought people found in Pokemon, which is you had your animals and shit like that. But to me, Digimon just had a more engaging storyline to me. - No, totally. I mean, I watched both. I enjoyed both Digimon and Pokemon. As you said, I like Pokemon for completely different reasons to Digimon. - Pokemon is just like heroin of nostalgia.
- Yeah. - Pokemon is just like turn your brain off good fun times. Whereas Digimon is actually like an engaging story. - Yeah, it has an engaging narrative even for its target demographic. - That is until Pokemon gives you the fucking butterfree episode. Then you're like, all right. - Real shit. - Real shit. Only men cry to this shit and the Charizard episode. - The leading forward meme. - The Charizard episode fucked me up.
Caracess for Evangelion, this show made anime more meaningful to a lot of adolescents, even contributed to forming new categories
- Like Sundere and Chunibyo. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I don't know, what is Chunibyo? - Chunibyo is like the trope where it's like, you think you have magical powers, but you actually don't. - I didn't know that. And then Kasa says, "You just cannot ignore the impact." - Well, yeah, I mean, Ayanami Rei is the reason why kudetes fucking exist. And Asuka is the reason why tsundere are so popular. - Isekai Quartet.
- I thought it was Re:Zero, but I only just saw- - No, it's Isekai's quartet. - Kai says, "Basically like Avengers or Justice League of Isekai shows, but turning them into chibi characters and making them go to school together. Could this be more anime? The comedic chaos works so insanely well, even made a movie with solid story."
- Yeah, I enjoyed "Isekai Quartet" enough just because, hey, this is an insane idea. Let's just put a bunch of different characters from different IPs and let's see what happens. - Yeah, I think the only reason why I liked it is because all of the "Isekai" characters that are in it are from "Isekai" I actually enjoy.
- I like "Konosuba." I like "Rezero." Tanya was good enough. So I'm just like, all right, yeah, all right, cool. - Yeah, it was like a nice little fun show. It was like, to me, it more felt like fan service than an actual show. Something like the Avengers, you're like this kind of like
built up to this massive narrative point where all of these different characters come together. This just more felt like, hey, it's nice, like what if fan service show where they all come together. So it was enjoyable. - What did she say about the vampire dies in no time? - Yeah. Vampires die, vampire dies in no time. The mistupidity and comfiness is superb in this comedy. Also voice fits each character so perfectly, including the singing part. It generally captures the original manga while making it more colorful and fun.
I don't know this show. - I saw this show like first couple of episodes, but I've heard from a lot of people that this is actually a really solid show, like solid comedy show. - I knew Kaha would bring out the more- - The left hookers. - Yeah, yeah. - Shows that we hadn't seen as much 'cause Kaha's just watched so many. - One thing that I'm very happy with is that she's watched
- His and her circumstances. And it's been so long since, if you're talking about a romance anime that brings back pure nostalgia for me, it is his and her circumstances. - Which show is this? - It's the bottom middle one. - What's the Japanese title of that? 'Cause there's a show called "Kare Kano". - "Kare Kano". - This was a mass piece of Gainax with Anno-
- It's also on her as well. And you can tell 'cause the ending is whack as shit. The ending is a whack as shit. - With cool transitions and pacing of its own, the show exemplifies one of the rare times when I prefer watching anime over reading manga of the same title for the animation greatly helps you be emotionally invested. - Was it Kare Kano used a bunch of music from Eva or was it the other way around?
I think they both use music from each other. - From each other's shows, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - I guess you've made a banger. Just why not? - Yeah. - Well, he directed "Shin Godzilla" as well. And he just straight up uses the iconic in like the planning scene. And I'm like, wait, hold on a second, Arno. - Yeah, the 2.0 OST is the Katakana OST. - Yeah. - Huh. - Yeah.
- So Ana is just like, "Yep, we made it." - I'm gonna recycle this shit. - Is it even the same genre? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. We're gonna reuse it. - I asked Kaho about "Madrigal Magica." She says, "Everything about "Madrigal Magic" is unique. "Art style music and more importantly, story. "Considering a lot of bait and switch shows came after this, "the anime was so evolutional.
that it made a trend. - Yeah, I mean like Madoka Magica was kind of the reason why the whole like deconstruction of genres thing happened. - He started the deconstruction trend and everyone's like, wait a minute, does anyone know what deconstruction actually means? And then everyone's like, wait, we just been using that word. - We're just making parodies. We gotta think about this. - It's like when people finally realized they didn't know what the word sakuga meant.
- Yeah, it's just like, we're just using it 'cause it sounds cool. - And then Macross kind of says, "Not only the songs by Yoko Kanno were bangers, "the romantic and professional battle between two girls "was well written. "Plus the fact the boy in the love triangle "was a career focused pilot "who had a pretty face with the career background "of playing a female lead in Kabuki "gave him more depth than this typical, 'Why does he get to be?'"
popular dudes in harem shows. - God damn, she's more in depth than like 95% of the show. - The show was catchy in so many ways. - Yeah. - It was, I mean, yeah, it was a good show. - I mean, Macross, that was like- - Legendary for a reason. - That was legendary for its time, legendary in Japan as well, legendary for its genre. It was also kind of like a fucking monkey paw, I guess, because-
I think we have Macross to thank for idols. - Yeah. - Oh God. - First ever anime idol was in Macross. - Yeah, I mean, it was a Mecha show, originally a Mecha show, there was an idol in it. And then everyone was like, wait, we really liked this idol storyline and-
- And now we have VTubers. - And here we are, how many years later? - We can make money off of that. - And now we have VTubers. - And now they're like, wait, what if we just remove the mechas and just keep the idols, right? - Yeah, damn. - What could go wrong? And now we have VTubers. - AKB48 pushed their glasses up and was like, we know what to do. - I feel underqualified to even rate Kaho's List. I feel like Kaho's List is probably good. - It is, yeah. It's solid and very Kaho for sure.
- All right, do you wanna check out this last one? - Let's check out Shindos. - I wonder if they've kept it for last 'cause it's weird. - Yeah, let's find out. I have no clue what he could have put on. - Just look at this be the most- - All right, here we go. Ooh. - Oh.
- Oh wow. - Wow. - This is not what I would have expected. - This is not what I expected. - There's a lack of fucked up stuff. - He's got some fucking good shows here, bro. All right, so Ghost in the Shell, JoJo's Stardust Crusaders, Record of Lotus War, fucking beast, Grim Lagan, Evangelion, Nausicaa, Mushishi, Escaflowne, and Attack on Titan.
- Fuck yeah. - Fuck yeah. - I fuck with it. - Dude, Mushishi and Escaflowne and Nausicaa on here, so good. - Excuse me, Gurren Lagann as well? - Yeah, obviously. - Yeah. - I'm not counting like Jojo, Gurren Lagann, Ava and Ghost in the Shell. - And I very much, like he put Ghost in the Shell but standalone complex, which is to me the best Ghost in the Shell. So it, yeah. - Dude, big props for fucking Mushishi though.
- That is still, in my opinion, one of the most underrated anime. - That is the most Joey anime of all time. - It's such an underrated anime. It's so good. - It's sort of the anime equivalent of lighting a blunt. - I mean, kind of, yeah.
- I've never, I've only, it's just going off clips I've seen of the show. - Yeah. - It's the equivalent of like- - No, it's kind of more the equivalent of like, you know, smoking out of a pipe. - Yeah. - You're a little bit fancier. - No, but "Mushishi" is, I still think visually, it was so incredibly ahead of its time. And the story is just so fucking captivating and it's so good. And the manga is amazing as well. - Yeah, it's a great show. - Yeah. - I just, I, it's-
- It's funny looking back on Mushishi and just like knowing Joey as a mate, I look at Mushishi and I'm like, this is- - This was made for me. - This is everything that encapsulates Joey as a vibe in there. You know, this could be a fucking album cover or something, you know? - Dude, Mushishi manga covers are album covers. This is so aesthetic. - What is record, I mean, I know what it is, but what is Record of Lotus War about?
- Record of Lotus War is, oh God, when did it come out? Fuck, '90s, '80s? - I think it's '90s. - '90s, right? - Yeah, that came out. - Let me see. - Records of Lotus Wars, 1990. - 1990. - Damn. - Okay. Well, I was technically right. - What's the show about?
- It's about a Lotus war, isn't it? - Have you seen it? - I haven't seen it in a long time. - Have you seen Gone? - I haven't seen it either. - Oh, okay, so none of us have seen this. So we, yeah. I've heard about the show weirdly often. - I have seen it. I remember nothing about it. But I still think...
- Created from the aftermath of the last great battle of the gods, Lotus and his kingdoms have been plagued by war for thousands of years as a quiet peace and unity finally became foreseeable over the land and unknown evil being begins to stir. An ancient witch has awakened, bent on preserving the island of Lotus by creating political unbalance throughout the many kingdoms and keeping anyone from maintaining central control. - Sounds like a political fantasy. - There is a certain, is it an isekai?
- I think it's just a fantasy. - Fantasy. - Is it? Okay. - I think it's a political fantasy. - Because I have seen like,
- A lot of, it's kind of nostalgic looking back at a lot of '90s fantasy. 'Cause the '90s era of anime did have a lot of fantasy and funny enough, a lot of isekai as well. It was just totally a totally different vibe than what you see in like the modern isekai landscape right now. A lot of the fantasy back then was about these kind of like
and something more traditional, something more in line with what you see with like traditional JR token kind of like world-esque. - Yeah. - I think one of my favorites was Three Kingdoms as well. That was a big fantasy that came out as well. - What about- - Obviously- - What's the one from the now and- - Now and then here and now. - Yeah. - Now and then here and there. 'Cause he has another East Sky fantasy on here as well. I'm not sure, I think this is just a fancy, but Escaflowne. - Escaflowne.
- People forget that it is an isekai. It is technically an isekai, just totally different vibe. I'm telling you there's so many isekai that came out in the 90s. It was just totally different. It wasn't seen as bottom of the barrel entertainment.
- It was just more classic, kind of like- - They were better at hiding the concepts. - Maybe it's just people who grew up with those are now working and the ones making all these damn stories 'cause they were so inspired by stuff like "Escaflowne". - I mean, technically, Inuyasha is an isekai. - Inuyasha is an isekai, yeah. - Which everyone forgets. - I think the big difference is that nowadays, isekai is used as kind of like a mechanic to get-
the main character somewhere to a fantasy world. And the big difference is that the protagonist always has no problem being in the fantasy world. But all of the 90s, I remember all revolved around, hey, how the fuck do I get back home? - So I have the reasonings for some of these, which is there any that you guys want to hear about?
- Yeah, we'd love to know records of Lotus War. - Okay, record of Lotus War. OG Tolkien/D&D anime that lives rent free in my soul. - There we go. - Deedlit is best goal and everybody's first elf crush. - I love why JoJo's on that. - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. OST alone makes it one of the best ever. Stardust Crusaders is my favorite. Stone Ocean best OP. Barely beating Bloody Stream.
- Bloody stream is fucking go. - Bloody stream is good. - Bloody stream isn't Stardust though. - No, bloody stream is- - Battle tendency. - Battle tendency, yeah. - That is the most fucking hype OP all time, fight me. - What about Escaflowne? - Escaflowne, Isekai before it was cool. - Okay, okay. - Fantasy mix, great OST.
- Fantasy mix, he said fantasy mix twice. Say no more, fantasy mix. - Mishishi, epitome of anime as vibe. Characters are so drenched in sadness, I can't help but love them. - Agreed. - Okay, Nausicaa? - Nausicaa, let's see. Peak Miyazaki, fantastic storytelling with great characters, amazing and haunting OST, still waiting for a manga adaptation.
- There is a manga adaptation, isn't there? - There isn't apparently. - Oh shit. - Evangelion, 'cause another person's probably molested, would love to know why. - Evangelion, where is it? - Evangelion is just simple. Have you felt depression? - This series is probably on anybody's top five. A genre in itself, perfect mix of edginess, militarism, Tokusatsu nostalgia and emotional trauma, Oscar best.
- Hell yeah. - How dare you? - Hell yeah. - I love point and shindo. - That's how I knew he was a man of culture. - How could you, Shindo? - Only anime fans would be like, "Yeah, militarism, some deep topics. Also, this girl's best girl." Can you imagine? - That just sums up weebs perfectly. - Yeah, it does. - But yeah, I'm surprised of the lack of, I guess, like, you know, like,
- Sexual shows? - I am not, I am not. - Really? - This is like the free rent thing.
Where, you know, if it's too in your face, then a lot of artists or fan artists that I've seen just aren't fucking interested. 'Cause why would you, there's no imagination there. There's no way you can take, you know, there's no interesting thing you can take that character that hasn't already been presented. - Yeah. - He did mention that he likes, what is it, like not looting, but like- - Pushing the boundary? - Yeah, like figuring out how to take it further. - It just does surprise me that the guy who made "Minimorphosis" likes Mushishi.
- That's just not a combination I thought would work, but I guess it makes sense. - I see it, 'cause like, I feel like,
- A lot of the times I'm sure with you as well talking to like different authors and what they like, sometimes you ask them what kind of series you're into and it's never the series you think it's going to be. Sometimes the most fucked up or sometimes the authors that make the most fucked up stories or sometimes the most like deep. - I remember when Shindo was on the show, he said his favorite manga was Spy Family.
- That was kinda out of pocket. - It's just like, whoa, all right. Good on you, I guess. - Yeah, I was talking to, oh shit. - Huh? - Vince, like author. - Yukimura. - Makoto Yukimura. - Yeah. - And I was like, so why do you wanna do Vikings? And-
- Wait, let me remember the name. There was this like Viking cartoon that inspired him and you know, inspired him to kind of like make a Viking story outside of just being Vikings. - What, like an asterisk? - Is it Vicky the Viking? Can you search up Vicky the Viking or something like that? - Vicky the Viking. - Oh yeah, animated series. - And he showed me this shit and I was like, what the fuck?
- You can more than say what? - This became "Villain Saga"? - This is inspired, I have no evidence. - What's next? "One Punch Man" author, watch Cali growing up? - It's pretty bizarre. - Like you're like, "Well, this is not the vibe I thought it was going to be." - That is awesome, I love that.
- I mean, he just seems very wholesome in general. - He just seems very wholesome in general, which, you know, surprising.
- Oh, they had a live action apparently. - Yeah, sometimes surprising when you see these authors that do these heavy, deep piercing stories and then they're like, "So what'd you actually like? "What'd you watch?" And I'm like, "Oh, I like Spy Family." Or I like Vicky the Viking. - I'm sure it's fire. - I just like the fact that Vicky had no enemies. - I mean, this looks like a show where she does have no enemies. - Yeah, like what's she- - You know what it feels like? It's like when you,
Like whenever you find out any inspiration is so simple. You're like, what? It's like, have you seen that? There's this like short that's fucking going around. It's-
- I think it's when one of the Gorillaz artists, he's saying how he got like the starting of- - Oh, I've seen this one. - Oh yeah, and it's the preset. - It's a clear preset. - Yeah, yeah. - And it's just the entire like- - It's the Rock One preset. - Yeah, Rock One. - You're like, what? That's how you can't, you didn't even cover that, you heard it. - He just heard that and was like, I'm just gonna add a rap on to this. - Yeah, it was, what is it?
- Clint Eastwood. - Clint Eastwood, yeah. - This is Clint Eastwood. It's like, and it's like, there's no way, there's no way. And it's like, same with like Daft Punk where you find out some of their songs, some of the beats are just straight up just other songs. - Yeah, wasn't it? It was like a '90s Casio keyboard that he bought at a garage sale. And he just like pressed the rock one very soon and it was literally just Clint Eastwood. - That's so awesome. - Got some- - Damon Albarn, what did you use? - Yeah, when that short became viral, I'm sure some audio engineer somewhere around the world was like,
- See, that's what I was been saying all of these years. - Buy out all the Casio keyboards. It's free range. - Oh my God. But yeah, interesting picks Shindo. Yeah. And I guess- - Great picks all around. - Great picks all around. - All around. - Some interesting stuff. Some clear favorites keep popping up. Death Note, Attack on Titan, Evangelion. - Yeah.
- Zankyo no Terra. - Zankyo no Terra. - Zankyo no Terra, yeah. - Twice, impressive. - Great music, great music, what can I say? And I would say nothing was too surprising as well. Everything- - Sydney's was probably the most surprising. - Yeah, I'd say so. - I think it's because she became more of a manga reader. A lot of her anime kind of like represented
the shit she watched when she was younger and just stopped watching anime. - Yeah, that's fair. - 'Cause she showed me her manga three by three and I'm like, oh, this is... Wait, let me see what she put on her manga three by three. - What, is it like a bunch of not very well known shows or? - Just very Sydney. - Okay, so I'm just gonna name these out. So, "Kitchen Princess."
- Drops of God. - Okay. - Okakuzake. - Okay. - Monster. - Okay. - Shiki. - Yep. - Stargazing dog. - Never heard of that one. - It's a manga about a dog. All right, that's- - Okay, say less. - That's a manga about a dog. This one was the biggest one that surprised me. Onani Master Kurosawa. - Really? - Yeah.
- That's, that was like- - I mean, that is a great fucking moment. - That was her most surprising moment. - Don't know what that is. - So- - Onani Master Curacao, Masturbation Master Curacao. - It's actually- - It's actually really funny though. - Okay. - No, it's actually like, it's like an incel redemption story. It's actually one of the- - Oh, fantastic. - Pretty more of that. - Yeah, it's actually one of the hardest, this was before like the incel movement came out, but it's actually a story of a really, really fucked up guy and it's kind of like an inspiring redemption story of this like fucked up incel.
Yeah, a lot of these are just cooking manga, alcohol and cute dogs. - I'm surprised. - Which is Sydney. - Yeah, which is Sydney. - I'm surprised then she didn't put the Shiki anime on a three by three and instead decided to go with Higurashi. - She put the Shiki manga because she was like Shiki manga is way better. - It is better for sure. - Yeah.
But that was all the three by threes. And guess what guys, if you are over on our Patreon, patreon.com/trashtaste, then we've actually released a three by three where we go over the patrons three by three anime and give our thoughts on it. So if you'd like to check it out, hey, here's a little clip of it. And you have fucking "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" which is easily the best space opera story
- Ever told. - I'm just saying, you know, sometimes you gotta be true to yourself. - He's true to himself. - He likes incest. - And if you'd like to be in the next Patreon video like this one, then head on over to our Patreon, patreon.com/trashtaste, links in the description. But hey, look at all these patrons. - Ooh, look at all of them right there. - Supporting the show, abusing people.
What did you guys think of our guests three by threes? Let us know in the comments and hey, thanks for watching guys. If you want to support our show, patreon.com/trashtaste. Also follow us on Twitter, send us some memes on the subreddit. If you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify and we'll see you guys in the next, probably not anime related one 'cause we filled that quarter up already. - Bye.