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Today, boys, rejoice. We're talking about anime.
And Joey, we're gonna be talking about some anime that even you have watched. - Say what? - Because aren't we talking about some of the worst anime to ever be made, which you also conveniently made a video on? - Am I like the worst anime connoisseur? - I guess so, Joey, I guess so. - I don't think we're necessarily gonna go critically, just more so vibe. - Yeah, yeah. - Just the worst. - I don't think anyone's gonna give a shit about the critically bad anime.
Yeah, so we've talked a lot about our three-by-threes of our favorite shows, our favorite anime, our favorite whatever. But we thought we've never actually talked about what we think is objectively or subjectively, I should say, the worst thing we've ever watched and some of the worst...
trash or whatever that we've consumed before. - I've seen a lot of dog shit anime, that's for sure. - This is exactly why you stopped watching anime. - Yeah, it's too much dog shit out there. - Should we name, all name what we think is the worst anime? And you can't pick anyone from the top bottom 100. - Okay, that's fine because I barely remember any of them. - Okay, I was gonna say, good, good. We should name like the worst anime. - There's like a couple I remember just 'cause they were like exceptionally dog shit, but.
- I'm gonna say, oh. - It's hard to remember the bad ones actually now I'm realizing. - That's the thing. - Okay. - I remember bad scenes from okay shows. - What's, how we, I'm gonna go full of critic mode here. How are we defining bad? - Mal.
- Look, that's the only way we can have this fun little game where we all name a shit anime and we can critically see who's the best and worst of it. - I mean, I can tell you what the bottom three are. - It can't be in the bottom 100. - Joey's cheating in that sense. - I've done this rodeo before, man.
- Okay, if it's not in the top 100? - Off the top of my head, the objectively, I gotta stop saying objectively ironically, man. - Objectively. - Okay, objectively, Garnt, what is the worst anime? - What can we do to this? It's objectively bad. - Objectively, the worst anime I've probably watched on every level is, I've forgotten the fucking name. - Explain the show. - Okay, Crunchyroll produced.
- Exome, 3D. - Oh. - Exome. - Exome. - That is it. Exome. - That's absolutely in the bottom 100. - Yeah, Exome has a 2.88 rating. - Yeah. - So how much of this show did you actually watch? Did you watch all of it? - I watched like seven episodes. - Okay, so I had to watch all of it for the video that I did. - Yeah. - It was the longest 12 episodes of my life. - That's pretty long. - Like I've never, I said it in the video, but like I've never,
I've never watched an anime that felt like it was glitchy. - Okay. - You know what I mean? Like, you know when you're like playing like, - Yeah. - And the character just like glitches in? - Yeah. - That was that for 12 episodes. It was bad. - I don't understand how this was made. You know, I think at the end of the day, right? Every anime project, every big project is a fucking miracle that these people got together and finished a piece of work.
- There are so many aspects of this where I'm like, how did this get approved? Or how did this go past any kind of like quality control? - Well, it wasn't the story for this one is like the studio and the director had never worked on anime before. - Yes. - And they were just like, "Hey, Crunchyroll was like, yo, we want to do this story." And, and yeah.
- Yeah, it was like, we don't have anyone else to do it. Do you want to give it a shot? And they were like, okay. - Is this in the bottom 100? - This is absolutely in the bottom 100. I believe this is number, I mean, it might've changed since I made the video, but I believe this was like maybe number five. - That's impressive. - It's in the top 10. - That's impressive that they're that low. - I mean, I think this was the rare case where a bad show got so much press as well. - And it was like, how did this happen?
- 'Cause people are like, "Oh, okay. This is a Crunchyroll producer? All right, let's check it out." And then people, you watch the first two minutes of the first episode and you're like, "Oh, God damn." - Have you ever seen this? - I've seen one episode and I saw- - It's all you need to watch. - I just wanted to watch one episode of being on the joke. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And then I watched it and I was like, "Ah, nah, this is actually for real bad." - It's actually so funny. - Like not funny bad. - Oh no, this is funny bad.
- I thought it was just sad. - Really? - It was sad that people had worked on it. - Yeah. - That like any effort had been put onto this. - The more episodes you go into it, the funnier it gets. - Obviously if you want to look, maybe we'll have some funny little things on screen right now showing you just how. I mean, the animation obviously isn't the,
the be end all of everything, but it gives you a flavor of what is to come. - Dude, the animation is like the least of your worries. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The story is- - I feel bad because- - Pretty fucking awful. - Well, is the story good since you finished it? 'Cause didn't this anime kill the manga that also- - What? - This is based on a manga, right? Can we start off the manga? - Supposedly, so I have never read the manga before, but supposedly the manga for this was actually like not too badly-
Like the reception was not too bad for this. - What's it rated on my anime list? I know it's not gonna be. - For the manga. - So go down, go down. And I'll say X, there, there, there, there, related entries. X arm manga. So click that. Yeah, it's a 6.3. So it's not that bad. - Which isn't great, but isn't bad either. So.
- It looks like the- - Even Wikipedia is just like, yeah, that's what you- - The anime was met with backlash thanks to computer generated images. - I mean, that was one aspect of it. - Great, great. - I think that, what was it again? The main goal,
The voice actress for the main girl, I believe was the same voice actress. Yeah, Kito Akari. I think she played a pretty prominent role. Who was it? - I mean, she looks like she played a lot of prominent roles. - Oh yeah, she was Nezuko. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, it was the girl who played Nezuko. Do I remember the main character's name? No, 'cause who gives a fuck? - Yeah, I mean, the thing about this that stands out so much is like, where do you even begin about
what went wrong with this adaptation, right? What kind of like, what I remember, oh, there's so many things I remember, but like the 2D animated characters talking to the 3D animated characters was just like,
- No, no, they made the boldest move in anime possible where normally, right? If there is an anime that mixes in 2D with 3D, usually the 2D stuff is like the main stuff you'd watch, right? And then maybe they'd have like 3D crowds or like 3D monsters or whatever.
This was the first ever anime where they were like, let's flip that. Let's make the really important characters you see all the time this dogshit 3D and the characters in the backgrounds 2D. Mmm.
And I was like, who thought that was a good idea? It's so distracting because the moment a 3D character pops up, not only is it so obvious, but you're also like, oh fuck, this guy's gonna come back out again 'cause he's a prominent character 'cause he's in fucking 3D. - It reminds me of the fucking, the Ghost in the Shell series that came out as well that had
- I don't think it's as bad, but it was not great. - It had some funny scenes. - It had some very- - Back flipping up the stairs. - Back flipping up the stairs with- - It's so funny. - I just thought that was so funny. - I don't think I've seen an anime that is lower than this. Like not even close. I've been trying to rack my brain now for the past like 20 minutes about
what anime I've seen that is that bad. And I don't think anything comes close to this. Yeah. In just terms of like on every single aspect, like the technical aspect, maybe not the voice acting, but at least on a technical aspect, this is just...
the perfect car crash of everything going wrong. - If you want to play a really fun drinking game, this is the only time you should watch this show. But other than that, it's just, yeah. There were legit parts as well where it's like, again, it's like the 3D and the 2D thing is like the first layer of many layers of problems. Like there are just straight up scenes, for example, like fight scenes where there's just no sound effects.
Like the main goal would be like flipping and dodging bullets and like punching and stuff. But like, it all sounds like it's like, it's literally punch dot wav. Like it's just, there's like no treatment done to any of the sound effects. There's straight up scenes where there should be some kind of like background music, but there isn't. So the intense scenes just are not intense at all. And then there are some moments where they, I swear to God, they use like movie maker effects.
- Oh no, there's one scene that like sticks out to me and it was like two characters and one character got slapped, right? And then what happened was there was this editing effect where the entire frame just got zoomed out into like a black abyss and just start spiraling down like it was some fucking Windows Movie Maker meme or some shit like that or some PowerPoint.
slide transition. I was like, this is in an anime. - It's literally the 12 transition in PowerPoint. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, what am I watching right now? - There's also like literally the opening scene of episode one where I guess the main guy, like it's like foreshadowed that, oh, he has this like insane, like, you know, power or whatever. And it's like lightning shooting out from him. But the lightning literally looks like if you typed into YouTube, lightning 3D effect,
green screen. Let's watch XR is Crunchyroll, mate. I just was, I was curious to see if Crunchyroll like removed it. It's still there, man. Like if they were like willing, like maybe they're like business is business, but I would have, I was under the impression that like, cause I remember them, they promoted it on like social. They promoted the fuck out of this. And like, how did that happen? Like,
Like genuinely. I know how like companies, like the companies are not nearly as functional as people think they are. There's a lot of like bad organization within companies, but how nobody rang the alarm bell and was like, hey, you might want to have a look at the show before we start pushing it. Because I remember they pushed it. They did. I think they- You would have thought they would have like- To be fair, I think they pushed it contractually as much as they needed.
like the minimal amount of what they need to- - For me? - Yeah. - This would have been like a shit at 4:00 AM in a hostel with the boys. I would have tried to sneak that one. No splash. - I think they did because I think all I remember them was they did one tweet about this. And that was it. It was like a minimal kind of like description. And that one tweet was enough to like fire up the engines, you know. There is no way you are sneaking this through. - And it was doing like,
I felt like at a time when hitting Crunchyroll was very popular and still is to be fair. But at that time, like on social media, there are a lot of people were just looking for a dunk. - Yeah, this definitely did not help. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I believe this is still in the top five. - That's ridiculous. I'm trying to think of like,
what could possibly be worse? I can't think of anything, but like, I'm trying to think of like, what are like anime so bad that they like bankrupted the studio? - I mean, there's classics, you know, when you think of like the worst anime ever, for instance, like, you know, "Miles of Destruction" or "Skeletor Heaven," you know, which are all done by the same fucking studio.
- "Hametsu no Mars"? Oh my God, it's even lower. - This is the lowest rated anime. - This is the infamous one as the lowest. So Joey, I haven't watched "Mars of Destruction". You have? - I've watched it multiple times, yes. - Wait, how many episodes are there? Oh, only one. - It's only one. - How can it be that bad? - So it's 19 minutes, right? - Okay. - Which you think like, okay, there's lots of short films that are 20 minutes that are cohesive and stuff like that. But the thing is, I think,
the idea factory, which are the name of the producers, which is a hilarious name is they were like, all right, we have this great idea for a story with this like world and these characters that are all pre-established and everything like that. But we only have 19 minutes of runtime. So we have to decide what to show. And the problem is, is that out of those 19 minutes, I'd say about 14 of those minutes,
just don't add anything to the story. It's just pure fluff. - Okay. - And the thing is so fast paced that by the time you're like, all right, so let me get this straight. There is this, okay, in the case of "Miles of Destruction," right? It's a story about like, it's the near future where like aliens have come to invade and they can't fight, they're called the ancients, I believe. Yeah, the ancients. - Okay.
the ancients have invaded Tokyo and they're like killing all of humanity, but they can't fight back with modern technology because of alien technology or whatever. So they create what is called the Mars suit as in, you know, Mars of destruction, which is like a specific, it's a specific, like,
Basically it's like Kamen Rider. It's like a Kamen Rider suit that only few individuals are selected to be able to wear. - Got it, of course. - And that's the only thing that they can use to fight back with the ancients, right? Kind of an interesting premise on the surface.
But then you have, but that would be a great premise to explore if it was like a full season's worth, right? Or even like a movie length. You can't go anywhere and explain that story and explain that plot in 19 minutes. You just can't do that. And this is-
this is just a pure clusterfuck of just like, all right, this is happening and now this is happening. And then we're not gonna explain this, but now this is happening and credits roll. - We should watch this. - Oh, you guys need to watch this. - We should watch it and then they can watch it on Patreon. I was watching it. - Yeah. - If you guys want to watch us react to Miles of Destruction, go to We will do it. We'll be up right now. But this is, see, but here's the thing, right? I actually think that this,
is not even as bad as people make it out to be. - I was gonna say, like, I feel like it's kind of like the opposite of Full Metal where like people just decide Full Metal is the best. - Yes. - So we're gonna make sure we keep voting for the best. - I mean, don't get me wrong. This is still a dog shit show. - Yeah. No, no, no, no, for sure. But it's like not, it's no Ex-Om, right? It's no stinker like that.
And I think if anything, there's like shows that other shows that Idea Factory made, which I think are actually a lot worse than Mars of Destruction. Skeletor Heaven, I think is worse than that one. - I just realized Free Run is 9.3. - Free Run is the new FMA now. - Free Run is the new FMA. - Free Run is the GOAT. - Wow, One Piece fan letter is number four now.
- With a lot less members. - We're not talking about the good shows. - Connor's like, "I've already lost interest." - I was like, I was like, I said Fullmetal's number one. I was like, "I don't think it's number one." - So if you go back to Miles of Destruction, Connor, and then you go down to Idea Factory, the producers,
So these guys are the king of making- - Slop. - Fucking terrible shows. Oh, actually, "Skeleton Heaven" is the worst rated. It's 1.8. - Oh my God. - That one's even worse. - So you've watched this? - One episode. - How can it be that bad in one episode? - Who's funding this stuff?
This is the most mid 2000s aesthetic I've ever seen in my life. Look at her. - Look at her titties. - Oh my God. - That's 2000 titties. - Yeah. - When a mysterious entity suddenly appears in the center of Tokyo, the Altamira agency is tasked to repel the extraterrestrial threat. This kind of sounds similar to the, okay, nevermind. Otsuya Funagai must guide his all female unit of Battle Soleil, or Sol?
- To take down the strange, but this sounds exactly the same as the Mars. - Yeah, so this one in "Mars the Destruction" was clearly someone at Idea Factory watching a little bit too much "Evangelion" and went, "We can do that."
But we only have the budget to make one episode. - Oh my God, they made "Diabolical Lovers?" That's like an actual like, fuck. I only know one person who's obsessed with this show and they ended up in prison. - Oh shit. - Yeah. That's all you guys need to know for that. - Says it all. - There's another one. I mean, there's a bunch in the top 100. - Dude, what is this studio? - "Spectral Force," that's also terrible. "Generation of Chaos," that's also terrible.
- Is this just one guy funding these random ass anime? - I really don't know. All of these are crap. - Run equals dim. What is, oh it's a Korean movie. - It's a Korean one. - What?
- This is so random. - This is so deep down a rabbit hole. - This one's also in the top 100 as well. This was also shit. - So how many of these have you watched? - Two episodes. - You had to watch two episodes of this. - Yeah. - One episode of this one. - No, no, but with this one, with Generation Chaos, there's three seasons in one episode each and they're all terrible. - The Korean compilation movie of the previously released TV series, not a single soul has rated it.
- So basically this company is in a race to the bottom. - They're like a slop. - Oh, they're not even at the race to the bottom. They're already at the finish line. - I wouldn't even call this slop. It's kind of impressive how bad you can make a TV series sometimes. - 'Cause a lot of people have watched "Miles of Destruction" because again, it's that infamous God awful anime. - Yeah.
you gotta watch the other ones because I would argue out of everything Idea Factory has made, "Mars of Destruction" is probably the best one they've made. The other ones are fucking horrendous. I couldn't believe it. - What's bad about "Hell to Skelter"? Was that the name? - Would you say that that is- - That's a Beatles song. - "Skelter Heaven."
- What's it easy? - Skeletor plus heaven. - Skeletor plus heaven. - Skeletor plus heaven. - Okay, so Skeletor heaven, again, it's this idea of like, they have this really limited runtime of 19 minutes, all right? And now a normal person would be like, "All right, we only have 19 minutes to give you a cohesive story. So let's use every second that we possibly can to like give like expose or like show characters or anything like that." This feels like,
It feels like they animated this properly, but then someone in the editing bay fucked it up and clearly didn't read the script and was just like, all right, I'm just going to guess how I think the show is going to be like. And again, there are so many scenes. Again, Skeletor has a fucking opening and an ending.
- In the 19 minute runtime, they have a 90 second opening and a 90 second ending. - Who's the singer? Now, how deep does this go? 'Cause if they have an opening and ending, that means they had budget to- - All I'm gonna say is, in the case of "Skeletor Heaven," it's probably the best part of the whole show. - Oh, it's Shivoishi's- - Oh, Shivoishi's Nagato Yuki. - Wow, she's like an OG. - Oh my God. - Oh, Shivoishi's Mitsuki.
Yeah, she's a pretty prominent voice actress. Dead Alive. Oh my God, she's got a fucking... Oh my God, she's in fucking My Hero. Oh my God, she's got a long list. Yeah, she's an OG. Yeah, clearly Idea Factory...
have the connections to get a good product made. - Okay, so the director of script and screenplay. - Yeah, this is the guy who's responsible for all of these. - Let's have a look at his score. Oh wow. - Yeah.
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boldly into any weather with Vessi Stormburst. Grab your pair now at slash Trash Taste for 15% off your first pair at checkout and enjoy your daily errands. That's slash Trash Taste. Back to the episode. Yeah, he did everything. He worked on Spectral Force, Generation of Chaos. This man single-handedly made some of the worst anime ever made and I...
almost just have to applaud him for it. 'Cause he is, the consistency of this man is crazy. - Is this, are these like recognized as like the worst anime in Japan as well? Or is it- - No, I think this is very clearly like online anime community. - Yeah, I mean, these are kind of like just memes, you know, where I don't know if they're actually the worst anime ever made, probably not considering how much anime- - Oh, that one's also, yeah, Twinkle Rock Nohomi, that one's also a famous one.
This is the one where like- - Oh, is this- - This is the one where like the animation is like two frames a second. - Yeah, they just ran out of frames. They literally search up one of the scenes. - Look up the scene of this. - Yeah. So this was a pretty infamous one where,
there is this one scene where they literally stopped animating. - Yeah. - They literally just stopped animating it. - Yeah, look at this. - Yeah. - I know, it's like those like really old fucking cartoons. - Yeah. - So it... - It's like they animated it properly and then when they went to go render it out, they were like, "Oh shit, I accidentally set it to two FPS." - It just looks like it's glitching, right? - Yeah.
- Which is a shame because this one is actually a sequel to another anime from, I think like two years prior called, I think it's just called Nora. And that one is actually animated properly by the same studio. So I don't know what the fuck happened with this one. - The animation doesn't look terrible. This doesn't look bad. - The actual story of this one is not too bad. It's just the animation is just,
- That looks sick, that guy, the fucking robot. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a really like, I'm sure the manga is great for this, but. - Oh, this definitely does feel like the '80s, doesn't it? - This is very '80s. - Yeah, it just makes me wonder because I'm sure this was like back in the day where OVAs and ONAs were much more common. So I can't imagine how many like hidden gems or just hidden trashes that we've missed over the years. - Bro, yeah, doing the video,
made me find so many great, oh, Hanukkah. I love Hanukkah. - Okay, what's your opinion of Pupa? Because- - I was gonna say, if you weren't gonna bring up Pupa, I was gonna say Pupa. - Because I watched Pupa ages ago. - That was the biggest disappointment in,
- But like a 3.28. - It's got a hundred thousand reviews. - It's because the manga was actually quite popular when it came out. - Okay. - Yeah, I feel like this is also a really infamous one because I feel like this school is more just a backlash against how bad the adaptation was rather than how bad this singular. - Yeah, because the story is- - The story abandoned by their abusive parents and with only each other to depend on siblings,
Utsu and Yumei Hasegawa find themselves led astray by a beautiful red butterflies that have been appearing in their world. Unbeknownst to them, these crimson winged heralds trump at the beginning of a cannibalistic nightmare, a mysterious virus known as Pupa is about to hatch. - Pupa? - Pupa. - I think it's Pupa. - So the manga was good? - The manga, so the manga in, so the manga was pretty well received in Japan.
And I found out about the manga when it first came out from my friend who was like, this one's actually like, I mean, yeah, I think though this rating is as a result of the anime. Because the anime came out and I was like, all right, cool. A horror anime. We don't get that quite often. It's a five minute per episode anime. And I think about out of those five minutes, maybe three minutes is just a black screen because they just censor everything. Wow.
- What? - Yeah. - Did they ever release it uncensored? - No. - Oh, I didn't know that. - I don't think they did. I mean, if they did, I never saw it. Every version of Pupa that I've seen online has been censored. - Maybe inappropriate for some users, wow.
- Okay. - You know it's bad when the license- - The entire season is 37 minutes. - You know it's bad when the licenses don't care enough to copyright claim it on YouTube. That's how you know the licenses have just given up. They're like, "Eh." - Do what you want with it. - "Eh, we don't care about this stuff." - This is not good at all, even if it was uncensored. - No.
- Oh wow. - Cause the voice acting's also just not very good. - Yeah. - Is there a Studio Dean who, I don't know, they normally do stinkers? - I mean, the fall off needs to be studied with Dean. They've been kind of falling off recently. - Oh yeah, they made, oh wow, yeah, no. - Yeah. - To be fair, when did they fall on?
- To be fair. - I mean, they cooked with Higurashi. - Okay, so they've made like a few good shows. - Yeah, they've cooked with some shows. - Yeah, but- - Higurashi was good, obviously. - A lot of their recent shows do struggle to stay on seven. Yeah, I mean, obviously if you had Sailor Moon, that would- - Yeah, I mean, in terms of like,
- God, they produce so many anime. - Yeah, I think the problem with an anime studio like Studio Dean is that they just produce so much anime that quality control isn't always there. And they're infamous for some scenes like "Seven Deadly Sins" season three, which might not be- - They did the Ito Junji collection as well, which was, you know- - The new one?
- No, the first one they did like back in like a couple of years ago. - The Netflix one? - Yes. - Yeah. - Ooh. - Yeah. Which is also not received well. - Yeah. But I mean, these are some of obviously the most worst anime according to like my anime list in terms of like it's infamy, but what are some of the worst anime that you've seen like personally? - This one's up here.
- You watched this? - Yeah, this was also in the top 100. - You watched the 12 episodes? - I did. - Why? Can I read the plot? - Go for it. - Years ago, extraterrestrials known as the citizens of the stars descend upon the planet of Tokinia? Tokinia? - It's probably. - And wreaked havoc on humanity. To fight against them, the military developed the Imagine Project to create hybrids between humans and citizens of the stars.
With this combination of genes, they hope to exploit both the subservience of man and the powers of the alien. Now, Connor, the most important part of this is the first sentence of the background section.
Hanoka is the first anime television series to be entirely produced in Adobe flash animation. - Yeah. - What? - Oh my God. - So the whole, you should look this up on YouTube. So the whole reason why this show was created was to basically get people to be like, hey guys, Adobe flash can be an actual thing that animators in Japan can use to create anime on a lower budget. And this is what they made.
- Look at this shit. - To be fair, if this was on Newgrounds. - If this was on Newgrounds, this would have slacked. - If this was on Newgrounds, this would- - This would have been like peak. - This would have gone hard. - Holy shit. Oh my- - Like it's not that bad. - Yeah, but to think that- - I mean, it looks like Newgrounds, but it's not that bad. - But to think that an entire anime studio made this. - Okay, if an anime studio made this and it wasn't just a Newgrounds animation, this is like either peak Newgrounds
Newgrounds or the worst studio made anime you've ever seen in your life. - Yeah, but also the story is just dog shit as well. Like it doesn't make any sense. And my favorite part of all of this is that when I went to go look up Hanoka, right? I was looking on the list of the worst 100. They have an entirely different entry on my anime list, a Hanoka recap episode. They thought this show was so good that they were like, hey,
- We need to get the people up to speed on this story. - Oh my God. - Let's make an entire recap episode. - You just unlocked a cool fucking memory for me. - Yeah, if you go up, it should say recap. Hanukkah recap, which is just as bad. It's just a recap episode of Hanukkah. It's like, dog.
Why do we need a recap episode? We didn't watch the fucking show. - Bro, you just unlocked a core fucking memory for me that I didn't know existed. - What? - This doesn't technically count as an anime, but I remember there was this animated,
animated series on Newgrounds that I fucking followed. I think it was called Shin. - Shin? - X-I-N. - Oh, here we go. - I was like, when you,
- Oh my God, I watched this. - Does anyone know this about me? - I watched this. - Do you know this one? - I watched this. - Holy shit, this shit was peak when I was like, when I was a teenager. - Do you remember this? - I remember this. - Basically this was a Shonen anime. They made a Shonen anime. - It's like an hour and a half. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like a proper series that they made and uploaded to Newgrounds. And I was like- - Oh, it's not, sorry, it's 1:30.
- No, no, because there's like 18 episodes or something like that. There are so many episodes. - Oh my God. - People are still commenting on it. - To the credit, the animation does get a lot better, but I completely forgotten that. - Whoa, I completely forgot about this. - Go to the latest episode.
- Oh, this is the HD remaster. - Yeah, this HD remaster. - Oh yeah, go. Wow, I haven't been on Newgrounds in a while. - So this is a series that went on for like years, if I remember correctly. - Yeah. - Yeah, 2006, the finale. - Bro, it's got five stars.
- No, this shit was peak. - Dude, you got front page, weekly users choice. - Yeah, this shit was peak, man. - Yeah, this, yeah, oh my God. I fucking remember this. - I feel like such a fucking boomer right now. - Oh my God, this was the shit. - When you mentioned Newgrounds Anime, I was like, huh. - Dude, this is crazy. I have to click the quality. - Yeah, this in 2006 was like next level. - Yeah, is this back in the day when you couldn't fast forward this shit? - No, you couldn't.
- You can't pause or fast forward. - I can't pause or fast forward. - The moment you press play, you are committed to watching this. - Exactly, right? - And remember this finale was like 20- - This was the Game of Thrones finale. - It was like 30 minutes long. - 30 minutes long for like a Newgrounds animation back in like 2006. - Yeah, someone made this and was like, "I'm gonna show it for free." - No, this is a...
- For like an amateur animation and as a kid back in the day, this shit was so fucking good and so peak and I complete, I'm so glad that someone else watched this other than me. - Oh my God, I'm gonna go home and watch this again. I'm gonna go home and watch this again. - You don't understand Connor, for like independent animation. - No, no, that's cool, that's cool. - Dude, when I was 11, this shit blew my mind. - I know, right? - This shit is so good.
- What the fuck is this show? So I was scrolling down the list. - Oh, "GBR" yeah, I also watched this. - This came out like five years ago. - Yeah. - How have I never heard of this? - I think this and "X-Arm" are like the two latest ones that were in the top 100. I think this is also "Studio Dean", right? No, it's not. - "Studio L" and "Launch Box". I've never even heard of this studio. Oh, they've barely made anything. - Yeah. - What? - Yeah, this one is also dog shit. - Why is it "Launch Box"?
- You know what Gibiate is? Gibiate is what Jojo must look like for people who fucking hate Jojo. - Wait, why? - Because the characters just look like knockoff Jojo characters. - No, they don't. - I think this is the one. - No, no, no. - If I remember correctly. It's like Gibiate, Gibiate? I don't fucking remember the name of it, but. - Doesn't look that bad. - Look at that. Is that not a Jojo character? - That looks like anemic Caesar. - Yeah.
- Yeah, it's fucking bad. - So out of all of these bad anime that you watched Joey, were any of them actually entertaining? Because I feel like sometimes when you watch bad anime, bad anime can be entertaining if it's like just bad, like horrible, you know what I mean? - Yeah, so I think a lot of the idea factory ones, like "Miles of Destruction" and stuff like that are just so bad that they just become really funny.
because it's like, you're watching there, you're sitting there watching the show and you're like, oh my God, I can't believe this is real. Like why would they, every decision where they're like, okay, we could do this the right way or we could do this in the most fucking train crash way, every single time they go with the train crash way, but not in the way you were expecting. So you're just sitting there like, why, why, why did you do this? Why did you do this to yourself?
Like you can't even like aim to do this shit. What the fuck is this? - I don't know, I was just looking at it and it's like, it seems really insane. - For me when I think of like bad anime that are also entertaining. - "Under Third Reich", what is this? What is this show? - Connor's going down a deep rabbit hole. - Yeah. - Yeah, see, when I think about like entertainingly bad anime, I always think like it's gotta have some kind of like
entertaining like bad English dub. I don't know why, but whenever I watch like a bad Japanese anime, the voice actors are still putting like 110% into it, right? - Of course, yes, yes. - But just sometimes there's just something about a bad English dub that just,
puts it all together with a bad anime. - I mean, a lot of these shows, like I couldn't even find the original Japanese version. And the only ones I could find were like the English version. - This show is so fucking funny. - They look like Roblox. - This looks really funny. But that's the thing. It's like out of the hundred that I watched, like a lot of these were like shows like this, where you just want, it's like unironically just,
- This show came out- - Or they were just like weird shorts. - 2002, but it looks like the Final Fantasy VII. Except it's the Third Reich for some reason. - Yeah, the Third Reich.
- Interesting. Yeah, there's a lot more interesting shows that you never hear about, I think. - Yeah. - Like we all hear about the shows that are always popular, but very interesting to think about. - I mean, that's why when I come across an actual good show, I really fucking respect it 'cause I've seen the bottom of the fucking cesspool. - What are your guys' favorites? Hilariously bad English dub or- - I mean, I was gonna say earlier- - You did an entire series around that, didn't you?
- Well, I used to just find bad dubs and half the show I'd never even heard of. And I couldn't find what the actual name was. It was so hard to even find the show. It's just like someone had found a clip and shared it and that became a big meme. Honestly, the Monogatari, not Monogatari. - Ayo, excuse me? - The Monogatari's out now. His cheeks, no. What's the name? The horror one, very slow burn horror in the village. When they cry in English, it's called.
- Oh, Higurashi. - Higurashi? - Dude, that English dub ruined that show for me. Straight up. Like that English dub is so bad. - I've never heard the English dub. - The English dub is pretty funny actually. - Really? - It's awful. - Oh my God. - That was one of the rare cases where a dub was actually bad, where it actually ruined my enjoyment. I feel like that never really happens. Like people overstate how, "The dub's so- - Yeah, they overreact, yeah. - It's fine. It's just not what you prefer, the Japanese. Staying lame to me, right? Just fucking watch. - But this one was actually just bad. - This one was actually just terrible.
But obviously, you know, it was different back then. I feel like dubs really got, if the show was critically received poorly and was not popular, they didn't give the dub a good dub. Yeah, for sure. Like, if it was like, who the fuck's going to watch this? Yeah. Or if it was actually a good show, I feel like they often put a lot more work into making it. There are a few points where there are some, maybe not the entire dub, but there are some, like, hilarious moments. Oh, my God. There's this one moment from...
in the English dub and it's the climactic moment. And I need to show you guys this clip, man. - Okay. - And it's the climactic moment where the main character confesses his love. And I fucking love this anime. It is a great anime. - I love you scene. - I love you scene.
- Oh, we don't have speakers. - Oh. - Just come through Kai's earphones. - Oh. - I think this thing- - All right, Kai gets to listen to it. - Yeah. - Oh, wait, hold on. Oh, actually no, we're coming through the monitor. - Oh, there we go. - Okay. - So. - Okay. - No, turn that shit off. No, turn that off. - I know.
- Go get that again. Wait, I think it's the car. - It's the car. - It's the car. - Run it back, run it back.
- That's diabolical that they cut the music for that. That's so diabolical. It's like the newest sounded dumb and they wanted to make people laugh. - I remember seeing this clip posted around and I was like, "Ain't no way this is real. This is an abridged version." But the comedic timing on that was just,
- Damn, this show is well received too. - Having said that, yeah, this is a great show. - This is a good show. - That's what makes it stand out, right? - It's an eight out of 10 to have a dub clip like that? - Yeah, that's what reminded me of that because you were like, "Oh, this is a good show." This show was one of my favorite romances of the year that this aired. And that was actually like a really, really dramatic moment that you saw in that. - Right.
- That's his number one role. - Why are you putting this man on blast? - I just wanted to see what else he'd done. But that feels like mean. - That's his number one role right there. - Maybe he wanted it to be like so raw that it sounded real, but then it just ended up sounding kind of silly, unfortunately. - Yeah. - Yeah.
That very much reminded me of, what's that scene in, what's this fucking Shinkai movie? Garden of Words. Remember that dub scene? Oh, yeah. Wait, which scene? It's the really fucking climactic scene where she starts crying in the hallway. Yes. And the English dub for it. Garden of Words. Garden of Words. Dub. A crying scene, I guess. Yeah, that one, that one, that one.
The dub is too good. She just sounds like she's laughing. Like I- This is really unfortunate. Come on, listener! Say something for a change! Oh, the feet, man. I forgot- I forgot Mako Shinkai had a thing with feet with this one. You pretend it's none of your business! You've been living your whole life alone! Yeah, that- That- It's just really unfortunate. That does sound like a laugh. And this is like the peak of the climax.
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Back to the episode. I hate to laugh, but it's really funny. It's really funny. And I think the part that really threw me off about this scene when I watched it in the dub was that the guy, I don't know who the voice actor is for the guy character, is pretty good. Yeah, he does actually a really good performance. And then you get...
And then you get that. - Oh my God. - Dude, I agree. I think most of the time when like you have a suspect voice acting performance, what I find a lot of the time, it's not very much up to like the actor's ability, sometimes like direction. - No, no, totally, totally. - There's like a million and one reasons why it ends up sounding like it does. And you know, sometimes,
they use the take that you're like, "Oh, how the fuck did they use that take?" - Yeah. - I'm absolutely not blaming the voice actors. - They always use the worst take. Whenever I do a line, I feel like they always want the one that I thought was the worst. - Right, right. - Sometimes, like to you, that'll sound like laughing, right? But the director, maybe the editor, maybe he just, he was like, "That's it." - He was like, "That's the take." - That's fucking raw. - Yeah.
you know, when you put it like that, it just sounds like they're laughing. - Yeah, yeah. - I thought, I never watched this movie, but I always wanted to. The Final Fantasy movie that pretty much bankrupted- - Didn't you talk about this in a- - I actually liked this movie. - Was it good? - Well, so actually like- - It was good. I liked it for-
- The time that it came out. - Right, right. - So it lost about, just for inflation, just for 2016 inflation, lost $126 million. Not only did this lose, this certainly lead to the closing of Square Pictures, but it also delayed the parent company, Square, from completing its planned merger with the video game publisher, Enix. - Oh my God. - Yeah, this like,
almost like tanked Square's company. And it was, it was a thing. He's love child. I've got his name who made seven. Yeah. Sakaguchi Sakaguchi who like, yeah, it was like, I had a lot of say in, I suppose the early days of final fantasy. Yeah. Like it kind of led,
It didn't do great. It's kind of impressive. It's so over budget that it just almost killed the studio. - Yeah, I kind of need to watch this as well. - I think this is underrated from what I remember as a kid. One thing I will say, the one thing that makes me remember this film, 'cause at this time I knew nothing about Final Fantasy. I had zero expectations going into this film. I don't remember a lot, but I remember that they committed to not having a happy ending. And I was like,
- I respect that. Out of everything, that's what I remember. And even as a kid, I was like, oh, this is sad. This is a sad ending. - Well, I think people have always really enjoyed about Final Fantasy is the fact that they've always been willing to take risks with the characters and the stories, unlike,
maybe other games or, you know, everyone always wants the happy ending or they want to keep all the characters alive. And for sure, only you can't say about Final Fantasy is they don't, they don't kill off characters. They don't give the happy ending. Like some of the stories of Final Fantasy are fucking dark. Very, very much so. And obviously it's kind of lost on you though. Cause I feel like a lot of the characters are like pixels. It's not even like playing six. I was like, this is a really fucking sad story where this guy's wife and kid are poisoned by a literal war crime. Yeah.
And then I'm like, I recognize that it's sad, but it is kind of hard to connect with it when it's literally a pixels and a guy being like, they poisoned my kid. And you watch the kid die in the bed. But again, it's a pixel kid dying. You know, it's the thing goes, boop.
It doesn't have like, but you feel it and you feel the intent there. It feels like that they, back then they were willing to tell a lot more raw stories. - That's why six is the goat. - Fucking hide is the theme song. - Oh yeah, Larkin still did the song. - What the fuck? They had like the most popular fucking dudes at the time. Jesus Christ. - Yeah, I mean, this was a,
big budget, high production film, which is why this- - So wait, is this like, so is this movie based off of any particular game? - No. - It's completely original. - It's all CGI, which at the time was kind of crazy. - Yeah, the CGI for this was insane.
Back when this came out, there was nothing that even came close to this realism. Obviously now you can see this a lot more often, but I mean, when this came out, I remember looking at this and I was like, holy shit, graphics are never going to get better. - 2001, that's crazy. - Yeah, early 2000s. This came out the same fucking year Onizuka was airing.
- If they spent 137 million on a Final Fantasy movie today, I'm pretty sure it would get the money back. I don't think it would do like- - Well, what's the number? - I don't know how- - 137 million now is like the entry to a movie. - Yeah. - I mean, how much did the 15 movie make? How much is 137? - There was a what? There was a 15? - Yeah, the Kingslayer. Final Fantasy 15 movie. - Okay. Ooh. - Yeah, it grossed 6.5 million.
- "Balloon Girl 6.5 theatrical run and earned a third of 4.5 million United States." I didn't hear any fucking, I didn't think it mattered. I would feel like- - Yeah, because it flopped. - Well, look, I think that there is like some fairness in that like, look, the Mario movie crushed. The Sonic movie crushed. I think if they gave a Final Fantasy IP
to some fucking Hollywood studio that poops out these movies that gets 500 million, it would probably be pretty decent. - Probably. - Like it wouldn't, I don't think it would be what Final Fantasy fans want, but I think it would probably do decently well. - It might open the floodgates for some people. - Maybe, but I mean, obviously that's the name, the name brand of Mario is like, and Sonic is like so much better. - Yeah, of course. - But I think that, yeah, there's definitely more that could be done. - I mean, a big problem with Kingslave is that it is,
based on- - You have to know a bunch of shit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Which they need to, if they were to make a financial successfully movie, Final Fantasy, it would have to be even an original story or a story that is like, can be explained with no prior law. - Well, that was the problem with 15. When I watched it, I was like, I mean, I understand this because I've played 15, but-
Also, why did you make a movie off of one of the most mid-Final Fantasy games in the franchise? What was the fucking... There was a movie or a show that came out recently that was from a game, and I didn't know anything about the game, and I thought it was really fun, the movie. What was it? Blue Dragon. Movie. Movie, Jerry. That's an anime. Okay, yes, but it's ass cheeks. Video game movies 2024? Okay. 20,224. Yeah.
- What are you looking for? - I didn't know shit about fallout. Fucking love fallout. I did not watch Lara Croft, the legend. - I mean, I feel like- - Secret level was fun. - I feel like video game movies, the reputation of video game movies has slowly been turned around with shows like Arcane and fallout and last of us before you had Final Fantasy, which I think on a conceptual level, Final Fantasy is just very, very hard
to make a movie about, right? - Absolutely. - Because what is Final Fantasy? What is it? - Gay propaganda. That's it out of context.
- Just in case it wasn't clear. - Because like with Final Fantasy. - I mean, to be honest, yeah, Final Fantasy stories are extremely convoluted. And you have to be willing to sit through a lot of shit to get-
- To the story. - Yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause you can't really make a Final Fantasy movie on an existing game because you would assume that you're appealing- - The movie will have to be like 50 hours long. - The people who wrote the Final Fantasy 14 MMO online story,
- Deranged people. Deranged people how they thought this made any sense. - You haven't got to the good part yet. - Which is crazy 'cause I've put 40 hours in and the story is batshit insane. - JRPG fans like first time, only 40 hours. - It's ridiculous. So needless to say. - Yeah. - I am curious to check this movie out though. - Have you ever watched an anime
where you think it's just jumped the shark, where instead of being like good, good, good, oh, sorry, instead of being just a bad anime, you had faith in it and it just betrayed your investments.
- I mean, "Pupa" was definitely one for me because I actually quite liked the manga for it. What else is there? There's also a lot of- - I'll throw off some of the- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me an example. - Okay. Not exactly the worst anime of all time, but certainly "Akaakurek", the more I watched. "Auno Zero".
- Oh my God. Dude, "Alderaan Zero." That was back when I used to watch "Anime Weekly." And I think I watched your videos as well. And season one was so fucking fun. - It was. It was fucking fire. - And then season two, he just becomes God.
He just literally becomes God. Like for some reason, where in the first one it's like plausible. So I'll know zero, I should explain a little bit. God, take it away. - It is a mecha anime that is written by Genrobuchi. And I believe it's coming from the director of Fate/Zero.
and from Studio Troika. - So that's stacked already. - It's a stacked cast and season one was pretty hype. The problem is that season one ended on the cliffhanger of all cliffhangers. - It was a fucking big cliffhanger. And it was a 25 episodes, so there's meat on the bone. Like it wasn't like you were getting into it. - Yeah, it was 25 episodes and it ends, season one ends on the cliffhanger of basically three of the main, two or three of the main characters getting head shotted. And you're like, what the fuck?
- The fuck? - Yeah, yeah. - This is, yo, Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi has done it again. - The motherfucker did it again. - And then, so season two starts and everyone's alive. Everyone's just alive. - Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
- Yeah, and then he was already kind of OP, the main character in the show. Did you watch it? - I did, but I very- - He was very intelligent. He was a great pilot, yada, yada, yada. And it felt like it was somewhat fair, even though obviously it was always stacked. But then in season two, they just fully went like,
this man cannot be touched. He will win every battle. It's not gonna be close. And I mean, that's, I don't know if even that is accurate, but that's what it felt like watching it. Again, I watched it when it was airing in 2015. So 10 years ago, that's when I watched this. Cause I watched this weekly and this was one of the shows that I was so fucking hyped about. Cause this was like, I think one of the first really hype shows I started watching as it was airing. But before that,
Like I'd watched everything after it aired and this is when I first got into it. - Yeah. - Yeah. Needless to say, like- - Fucking. - This got memed to shit when this was airing, but I mean, it had the staff members and had the cast list to back it up and then it just Akamika kill. - I just clicked the- - I was about to say. - I just clicked the, sorry, the summer 2014, look at this list off rip.
- It's funny, after Alton Noah's Yard, I was gonna bring up Arkham Megakiller. - Dude. - 'Cause this was another one where it was like, all right, premise is sounding interesting. First couple of episodes, okay, they're building it up and then- - Dude, this season was stacked full of like,
- Shows you remember. - Yeah. And then the more episodes that went on, it was just like, oh God. - "Book of Circus" came out then? - Oh shit. - "Railroad". - "Face Dandy" season two. - "Face Dandy", great fucking show. - "Dramatical Murders". - The OG women gooners.
- Fate, what the fuck is this? - Oh, Fate Prisma Ilya. - Yeah, this is the second season. - Persona 4. - Oh yeah, that's right. - Damn, this is a blast from the past, man. - Yeah, look at this.
Back when it felt like they made shows good. - I know, remember when seasons were good? - Okay, actually this, but like, look, I could scroll down all this list. - Yeah. - Yeah. - The TV continue, oh, I mean, I guess this is, this is like the mainstays. - Yeah, this is all mainstay stuff. - But yeah, like, oh, did JoJo part, part three, the second part was airing during this? Oh my God, bro. - Damn, this is peak anime man era, man. - Dude, I watched all of these. - Yes. - I know. - I don't remember most of them, but. - Yeah.
- Yeah, so a lot of these talking about biggest disappointments, it's funny because I don't know Zero Two is here. I can't make a kill. And Tokyo Ghoul. Yo, the big three of like disappointments of this entire decade. - The disparity between the beginning of this season and the end of this season is just like.
- It's like, bro. - Yeah, wow. Like that's, wow. That's like such a fucking lineup for a season. This is when though it was really fun, I felt like, and maybe I'm getting older, but this is when like keeping up weekly with the seasonal shows was really fun. Like it was actually because everyone was only really watching like six or seven shows. And yeah, but you'd have some people who'd watch like Love Stage or whatever, but like,
if you were an anime fan at this time, it was so fucking good because everyone was watching these shows. - Yeah, absolutely. - You could go online and talk to anyone and they'd all be watching "Akeme ga Kill," "Tokyo Ghoul," "Sol Online 2," "Zenkyou no Terror,"
- "All How to Ride" as well, a lot of people watching. - Everyone will be watching "I'll Know Zero". - Three. - Yes, my viewers will be watching "Kurousa Tsuji". Like it was really fun to watch anime at that time. And now, not so much. I guess we just get too much anime and the way it's released is different. - Yeah. - But I think I'm also getting older and I'm more into it. - No, no, as somebody who still makes videos on anime, I think there is definitely a truth to that. Like I've been thinking about, you know,
I sometimes make videos just reviewing the current state of anime, and it almost feels like in this modern day, it's gonna sound like, not hypocritical, it's gonna sound weird now that anime is more popular than ever, but we're kind of seeing the death of the anime community.
- There isn't really an anime community anymore. - Because it's been slowly spread out thin. - Yeah, it's slowly been spread out. - It's gone from like a pretty like small yet deep community to now a really wide, but kind of shallow community. - I was literally thinking about this in like the shower the other day. 'Cause I was like thinking about my first convention experience. Again, this is all we're gonna loop around here, but this is gonna make sense. I met Chris and the first time I told Chris his story, he's fucking dying laughing.
that I went to America and I had just such a weird experience the first time. The first anime convention I went to was in Indiana and I had like 70 or 80,000 subscribers. But, and the reason why I brought it up is because back then, like it was really weird how-
If we went to an anime convention now, like obviously not to like go, you know, but we're pretty well known in the anime space, but I don't feel like at an anime convention now that like a good chunk of people would have any clue who we are. Yeah. Right. Which is whatever. Don't give a fuck. It's fine. But back then it was like, when I went to one of these small cons, so many people would come to me. For sure. Loads of people, loads of people at the convention. And it definitely felt like, okay, that was much more of a community at that point. Yeah. There were a couple of people who were like,
who are definitely like the OG anime fans who've been watching it like VHS trading from that dude from Milwaukee who had a copy of like fucking whatever the fuck he had in his basement. Like those dudes were still around. 'Cause you don't really see those guys anymore at anime conventions. - Yeah. - No. - But like back then there was still like a couple of those people around.
But yeah, no. So that was just really interesting. And I just thought about how, yeah, man, the anime community has changed so much where like now it really does feel like, yeah, it's so shallow. Like you mentioned, like everyone- The culture has shifted for sure. I mean, it's growing more and more. Like, no, you never see-
I say the death of the anime fan because you don't see someone who's just like, "Hey guys, I'm a gaming fan." No one's a fan of gaming. People just game. People just play games. - In the same movies. You watch the movie you like. - Yeah, in the same way that now anime is just becoming more synonymous with pop culture.
that people are just, you know, people don't just say they're an anime fan anymore. People just watch One Piece or they catch the latest episode of "Juice of Caisen." They just watch stuff, you know? - It's gotten to the, yeah, that's the thing. It's gotten to the point now where it's not, it hasn't turned into like a niche that you can like really sink into, but rather just like another thing that everybody does. And now it's almost gone to the point where in some parts it's weird to not watch anime. - Well, yeah, 'cause like, I think,
a lot of people it's very normal to watch Chichikaisen or these big shows. But then like, I would say someone who might watch Ardenoa Zero does not have a whole lot in common with someone who just watches like Chichikaisen or whatever comes up. So it's like, it's just so different, very different. - And not to say that there aren't people within that shallow pool who are like super deep into it or whatever, like of course not. But I feel because now there are so many more people who are just kind of skimming the surface of anime and not wanting to go further deep,
- Yeah, it's harder to be like, "Hey, do you know that like one super niche show from like the mid 2014 or whatever?" - Yeah. - And they'll be like, you know, 99 times out of 100 now, just be like, "No, what the fuck is that?"
You can't talk to these people anymore. - And I think it's just kind of like mirrored the way the internet has grown with this community as well, which is just, instead of being one uniform kind of community, it's just a lot of bubbles. Like you were saying, when you, even though you had a lot less subscribers, you probably got recognized more. - Yeah, way more, way more. - Back in the day, because now, even though our subscriber numbers, our viewer numbers are like way bigger than they were back then,
You don't wake up dreaming of McDonald's fries.
You wake up dreaming of McDonald's hash browns. McDonald's breakfast comes first. People who attend conventions, do they just watch Netflix shows? Do they get their entertainment from TikTok? Maybe there are some people who watch YouTube like us, you know. There are so many different like bubbles and circles where you can be part of an anime community without having to really even...
or engage with any other parts of the community. - Yeah, I felt like there was a lot of emphasis on watching like the classics back then. Like you would watch the best shows that have been around for a long time. Whereas now I feel like there's not really a need to, 'cause there's always so much shit coming out and you're not gonna have a conversation about show bits anymore, unless you're talking to us. - Which as a show bits fan, I'm severely disappointed. - Which let's listen to the opening one more time.
- No, it's gotta be the best one for real. - This is legit the best one for real. - Dude, it's so good. - Oh God. - I hope this doesn't get copyright claim. - This will definitely get copyright claims. - Fuck. - We're gonna have to cut all of this. - Fuck. - They don't make them like the Easter man. - We're vibing right now. You can't see it. - They don't make them like the Easter man. - Crying, I miss being young.
- Oh my God. - God, do you know one of the nights I think about? It's the night where we were in Singapore and it was me, Joey and Alan. And all we did until like 5:00 AM was just blast like anime openings. - Drunk as shit. - Drunk as shit, having Domino's pizza. That was just a absolute fucking nightmare. - I remember I've never sweat more in my life
once the fucking air gear opening came on. - Oh my God. - And I'm like, I've never head banged harder in my fucking life.
- It's just three dudes just fucking mosh in a Singapore like Airbnb to the air gear opening. - I never felt so left out in my life. Seeing all of you guys being happy in Singapore and I was stuck in fucking the UK. - Yeah, this was like pre-Japan. - Yeah, it was years ago. - I was living in Thailand, which is why it was easy for me to- - Yeah, 'cause you just went there. - I just went there. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, fuck man. I was like, I'm living nowhere. I would've showed up if we were partying.
It makes me realize how fucking fun hanging out was when you're so young. Like there's no consequences. Yeah, exactly. You're just like, yeah, let's just fucking get drunk till five and figure it out. Yeah. Tomorrow I'm like, shit, man, I gotta go to the doctor. Gotta switch to my accountant tomorrow. Like,
Dude, if you're watching this and you're 22, just fucking go out and have some fun. Watch some fucking anime. Get the boys together. Get the boys together. Get some fucking pizza. Get some drinks. That's the shit you remember. And then once you get drunk enough, just fucking get the Bluetooth on. Just start blasting your favorite anime openings and just fucking mosh out, man. That's the best nights.
- God, like some of these shows, even though I look back at them, you know, "I Can't Make a Kill" makes me somewhat nostalgic. - I like "I Can't Make a Kill." I'm in the minority. - What did you like about "I Can't Make a Kill?" - How old was I? I was 18, so this is like everything I wanted. - You were on like the tail end, the age this would appeal to. - Yeah, this is literally like my fantasy.
I wanted a strong, powerful woman to dominate my life. - I gotta say, I can't argue with that. - I mean, look, I can't argue with that. - Do I know this show is dumb? 100%. But did I want to be...
- Tatsumi so badly, yes. - It wasn't even just that, it was just the amount of like, I remember people were just like, "Oh, this is so good. Every character is just dying. Oh, it's so unpredictable." - It's like, meanwhile, I'm like me who's played Halo Reach. First time. - I mean, look, don't get me wrong. Like there were parts of it I enjoyed. Like I did have, I do remember having a ravenous attraction to Ezdeath.
- That's what I'm saying bro. - I think the category of being attracted to Ezeth is having a pulse. - Yeah, pretty much. - Yeah, it's just a shame that the show was kind of ass.
- But I think it came at the right time in my life where I felt like it was exactly what I needed. - Well, every, I feel like every generation, I don't know what the modern, what is the modern Akame Gakuen? - Solo level. - Wait, wait, hold up, hold up. - I think he's cooking. Maybe he's cooking. It's not as edgy as Akame Gakuen. - But then when I ask people to tell me why they like solo leveling, I feel like they talk about it the way I talked about Akame Gakuen.
Like they're like, they can't tell me anything that's actually like really unique or good about the show. They're just like, nah, but it's like sick though. - Yeah, I just enjoyed it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - One word, aura. That's it. - Well, that's the shows that go right now, right? Aura farming is a thing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Aura farming. - Yeah. - Like this is all like- - Like I think the JJK community has just proved that if you have aura,
everything else is irrelevant. - Everything is forgiven. - 'Cause one big difference I will say when you compare solo leveling to something like Sword Art Online, Kirito does not have the aura. - Negative aura. - Maybe as a kid, I thought he did, but looking back, I'm like, God damn boy. - He's just a little shit. - But I think like when you're like 15, that shit's like crack to you.
- Just seeing a guy that you wish you could be. - Yeah. - Well, I mean, that's why like, you know, when I was 15, like I thought high school DXD was like the best fucking show on the planet. - Hey, you take that back. - 'Cause I was like, I want to be Issei. I want to be the fucking super, you know,
- The super strong main character with all the bitches. - There is no way this is genuinely a seven. - There is a way it's genuinely a seven. - It is genuinely a seven. - It is a masterpiece, baby. - Like I- - This is the shit. - I did watch three seasons of this, but that's-
- Yeah, dude, this was the shit. - No one who I've, okay, here's the thing. No one who I've met who has watched High School DxD has a bad thing to say about High School DxD. - How many seasons do they have? - They had five, I think. - Oh my God, I watched so many. - But they changed studios halfway and that's when I lost it. - Did they ever become like just straight porn? - What do you mean? Did you watch? - I did, yeah, but it wasn't like porn porn. - I mean, it was pretty much- - It wasn't like Tiddy. - It wasn't like hentai.
- I mean, no, it never got to that realm, but like it was always kind of on the cusp, like, you know. - This is the gateway to hentai. People don't realize it 'cause they want to like draw the line. Like a lot of people don't want to watch hentai and then they watch this and they're like, "I want to watch hentai." - High school DxD ran so Reed Overhealer could walk, all right? - Yeah. - Reed Overhealer was actually terrible. - In terms of the horniness level though, this was the show that like started it. - Like the fact that this is a six, like I hate to be that guy, but this has to be like,
just 'cause of the current political landscape. We're like, yeah, it's a man. - I mean, I don't know. I thought it was all right. - It wasn't good. - I thought it was okay. - You are just saying that 'cause you met the serious writer and you feel like you can't say it's shit. - No, I can't say it's shit. I said it was shit to his face. - Okay, how did he respond to that? - He just laughed. And he's like, I'll cry in my bins. - Is that what he said?
- No way. - He says something along those lines. He's like, bro, I don't care. - Price and money. - He's like, bro, I don't care I'm rich. - Fair enough. - I mean like my generation of Karmaker Kill was most definitely Elfen Lied. - Elfen Lied. - Elfen Lied. - That was the goat. - I think if Elfen Lied, was Elfen Lied sexual?
- I mean, it had naked women. - It had a lot of naked women. - But it wasn't so much like- - It was more edgy. It was just really, really gory. - It wasn't so much like, oh my God, I want to be this guy 'cause holy shit, this world is horrific. - None of these guys you want to be. - Yeah, you don't want to be any of these guys. - But this is the show where you watch as a kid and you're like, damn, I'm an adult now. I see blood. - Anime's not just for kids. - I see blood.
we didn't really have anything like this, like in Western thing where like people were just being fucking decapitated and it was dark and grimy and it was, you know, it was just edge, pure edge. - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean the fucking, the first scene of the first episode is a severed arm on the ground. - Like the entire fucking like, what do they call it? The scientists just all like guards being fucking wrapped. - Yeah, just being getting demolished. - Yeah. - Yeah. And I like, fuck, when did this come out, 2011?
- Something like that. - Oh, 2004? - Yeah, when I got into anime, this was like, 'cause there was like a, I don't know which store it was in the UK. There was a store that you just sold every anime for like 10 pounds a season. And I would just buy everything because this is when I had money, when I went to McDonald's. - Yeah, right. - So I would just buy all these and watch them.
- Yeah. Oh, speaking of fucking disappointments, like this is around the period where like, all right, so this was when what? I was probably 15 maybe when I first watched Elfenlead, you know, right at the peak time where like, you know, I'm 15 and this is deep. - Yeah. - Right. And I was like, Elfenlead, modern masterpiece. What else has this man made? Oh, he made this show called "Gott, Kocken, und Brinnhilde." - Oh!
- Oh my God. - And I watched it thinking, and I watched it thinking, damn, this is gonna be like "Elfin Lead" and it was ass. It was so, so ass. - Was it a horror episode? A horror thing? - Yeah, yeah, it's made by the same guy. - Mild nudity. - Who made "Elfin Lead". - Okay, so what is it about? - He basically was just trying to bank off of "Elfin Lead" success. - Okay. - But with a really just dog water story. - Yeah.
And that was the big disappointment for me. I was like, it was so bad that it made me question if Elfenlead was even good. - Elfenlead wasn't good. - It wasn't good. But at the time I thought it was good. - This basically just didn't have the same edgy appeal as Elfenlead did. - No, no. - It came out 10 years later as well. - Yeah, 2014 again. - Spring 2014, what came out then? What are they competing against? - No game, no life in Haikyuu. - Oh my God, JoJo part three.
- "Fairy tale." - "Black Bullet." - Oh my God. - Dude, I always bring this up as the quintessential, like mid 2010, seven out of 10. - Yeah. - Like when you think of a seven out of 10. - Is this a seven out of 10? - I wouldn't even rate this a seven, dude. - This is realistically a five. - It's a realistically five, yeah. - Dude, but this was really popular when it was airing. - This is very popular. - Yeah. - 'Cause I think, I don't know why, like the fucking masked villain guy was really fucking popular, this guy. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Everyone loved this guy.
You remember this guy? - Yeah, I remember this guy. - This is such a, I don't know why, I can't put my finger on why, but I feel like this is such a Tumblr coded, like, I don't know. Something about it would have popped off from Tumblr. - Look at this fucking season, dude. Make-Up City Actors, Data Light 2, Ping Pong. - Was this good? - I enjoyed it. - I watched this. I don't know anything about it. - I read the novels for it.
- Is this a series? Do they have a bunch? - No, there's only one season of the anime, but the novel series had like 12 volumes or something. It was a really long series. - Oh my God. - Yeah. - She looked like Budget Hatsune Miku. - Yeah. - God, Black Bullet was also fun. - I would wonder if Black Bullet was made
what would Twitter's reaction be to it? 'Cause holy shit, some of the scenes and that, do you remember the scene where- - I know exactly what you're talking about. - It's just, obviously there's like sussy scenes where he wakes up in bed with like the fucking two- - I don't remember this. - Do you not remember this? - No, I don't. - The scene I remember was, I think he was like, he saved a fucking hospital or something and he's just surrounded by kids or something. - What? - He's just laughing.
- Yeah, there's some really sus scenes in Black Bullet. - Black Bullet Hospital. - Hospital. - Was it a hospital? - I can't remember. - Ending, sure. Okay. - I don't think it's this, no. - No, no, no. - But I don't know. You don't have to go too far to find sussy scenes in Black Bullet.
And I'm like, "Ooh, in this current climate, ooh." - Yeah, this was- - "Ooh, how would this go down?" - This was around the time where I think the anime industry was just like a little too reliant on light novels where they're like, "All right, this will do. Let's animate this, I guess." - Oh my God. - Bro. - It'll do all the smirk at the end there.
- Oh my God. - To be fair, there are way sussier scenes than that in Black Bullet. - This scene definitely hits the hardest in the series. Whoa, so sad. - Oh my God. - This anime takes discrimination to its core, makes me so mad. - Oh, fuck. - God. I mean, I think Black Bullet wasn't a bad show, it was just a mid-show. - Yeah, it was okay. - Like a lot of other stuff.
- Another Akamaka kill. Future Diary. - Oh, yeah. - And again, another one where the first time I watched it, I was like, all right, that was pretty good. And then years later I rewatch it. I was like, actually, this was not very good. - So obviously there was Yandere before her. - Yes. - But is she like the one that propelled, you know what I'm saying? Is she the one that propelled
like yandere into like the stratosphere in terms of anime fandom? - In the West, probably. In Japan though, it was Kaede from Shuffle. - What? Shuffle? - You remember Shuffle? - I remember Shuffle. - This was the goat. - 2005? - This was the goat. - Which one's the yandere? - The orange head goat. - Of course it's the orange head girl. - Yeah, Fuyo Kaede. She was the one who for me was like, "Oh shit, yanderes are a thing."
- But what did she, I can't remember, did she go as hard as Yuno Gasai? - No. - 'Cause Yuno Gasai almost- - I thought she was like killing everyone. - But Yuno wasn't even Yandere, she was just fucking psycho. - Joey. - That's the point. - That's the point. - No, no, no, but it's still the point. Like Kaede doesn't kill anyone. - No, no. - That's the thing. - Like Yuno Gasai was literally obsessed
to a cartoonish point. There was zero fucking subtlety to the Yuno Gasai-esque Yandere. - To the point where you couldn't take it seriously. Whereas Kaede was the type of Yandere where it's like, actually someone like this could exist and that's fucking terrifying. And I think that's why she's a better Yandere than Yuno ever would be. - Well, it depends. Different strokes for different folks. - The voice actor in Yuno Gasai has done like nothing else. - Wow. - Yeah. Damn.
- Damn, living on those royalties, huh? But yeah, I mean, you know, to me at least, I feel like she definitely like made it a trope. - Yes. - More so than anything. It's, you know, the same way where you had, you know, tsundere's and kudere's with like Evangelion, where they were more subtle. And then as anime evolved,
they got more and more tropey. You know, Gaslight was the first one in my eyes who was just purely. - Psycho. - Purely psycho on the Yandere side. You point to Yandere and you think, you know, Gaslight. - I think it's because they fuck too, that helps. - Do they? - They fuck in the show. - Do they? - Yeah, they fuck in the show. - When? - Do you remember this? - No. - When do they fuck?
- Oh, that's a porn site. - Oh, careful, careful Connor, careful. - Fantastic Fandub, Mirai Nikki, happy ending. - I don't think they fucked. - No, they'd fuck, dude. - What? - Oh my God. I remember this. - Dude, they fucked. - They had, this happened. Oh my God. - Wait, you don't remember that they fucked? - I don't remember this. - I completely forgot that this happened. - I don't remember this at all. - Why is there a Fandub thing?
Whoa, I don't remember this at all. - Yeah, they're like, fuck. And then she goes like giga psycho. 'Cause I think in the show or something, I can't remember exactly, she's basically just solo carrying him through this thing. And he's like, ah, thanks for that. Love you. - Bye. - Let's fuck. And then she, I think, finishes the job. - Yeah. I completely forgot about that until you- - Yeah, and I think that really helped the popularity of the show.
- Right. - 'Cause I think it was kind of like fucking bad-ass, if you like anime back then. Like no, they didn't have sex scenes in anime. It just didn't happen often. - No, I think it was that, it's just that whole thing of the birth of anime fans being like, I can fix her. - Yeah. - That's all it was. And it's like, oh, cute girl who is psycho and will kill for me, tee hee. I can fix her. Like it was that whole thing. - I can't believe that show is the 36th most popular show on Mal, 'cause I feel like it's- - I'm not surprised. - It's pretty bad. But then again, I feel like the death game,
is really hard to tackle. - Yeah. - 'Cause if you're following someone, you know they're gonna win or not die immediately. So you kind of feel like the stakes are not there. - Yeah. - So I feel like they need to, if they were to do it again, it might be more interesting to follow perspectives and then show people dying. - I mean, I feel like when this came out, death games hadn't been done to death already. And now it's just,
Now it's just everywhere, you know? I think, you know, Battle Royale when that came out was fucking revolutionary. But also, I mean, like the first three episodes of the show were pretty good. And then the moment it started getting deeper, it started just getting worse and worse. Yeah. As it kind of started losing the plot. Yeah. Because it had 26 episodes, but it pretty much broke down pretty quickly, I feel like. Yeah. In terms of... The opening premise was promising, but...
It just, yeah, it just kind of kept derailing in a direction where it's like, "What? No, stop. Why are you going that way?" - Yeah. All right. Actual hot take. - Yeah. - Since this reminded me. Talking about animes that fell off in my eyes. Your Line April. - Really? - Yes.
- See this is interesting because it's like, I hear a lot of, I feel with your line April, it's either you fucking love it and you think this is like the greatest show of the modern era. Or people are like that was a shit ending. - The piano thing. See, this is definitely gonna get me in hot water considering how beloved this is, but,
I kind of like lost interest about halfway through when it switched, it completely switched in my opinion from being a well-written music drama about a guy dealing with his trauma when it comes to playing this musical instrument and kind of like learning to overcome that trauma and learning to like love playing music again. And then it just went full melodrama and I'm like, Oh,
- Have you seen your line, April? - No, I kind of had the two things I wasn't interested in, love and music. So, you know, I would just probably not enjoy this. - Yeah, yeah, for me- - You would not enjoy this one. - For me, it almost felt like halfway through, there were like, this story about this man overcoming his trauma, not depressing enough when he said- - He just like dies, right? - Yeah, okay. - I know that like just randomly- - Spoiler alert. - Sorry, sorry.
- We don't want to put a spoiler alert before we do that. Yeah, I just know that like she dies of like cancer or something halfway. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, she does. Not halfway through, the end. - At the end. - What? - At the very end. - That's fucking evil. - It's hinted maybe like four or five episodes before. - Is it like the coughing blood meme?
- I don't remember. - I can't remember. - My most hated trope in his TV show is when the character coughs blood and then like three episodes later they die. - I guess this is the end. - No, there was nothing like that. They did it in like a subtle way. Whereas like, I think she, I think I remember the scene actually. I think she like the main character just finishes like a concert that he had been like really like hyping up for. And then she's like, you did a good job.
- By the way, I have cancer. - I remember coming like really suddenly. - Was it like horseshoe din or did it just not feel natural? - I mean, I completely understand why people do not like the ending for this because in a sense it does kind of feel
and very almost forced. - Right. - Like for me as a viewer, it felt like the series going one direction. Like I said, like the story about a guy getting over his trauma. And then it just felt like from my memory felt like halfway through there was a sudden shift where it was like, okay, actually we're gonna focus on the cancer aspect of this now, which is depressing. - It's like, did you watch "Marsh Comes in Like a Lion?"
- I did not watch that one. I heard that one was very impressive. - That's a great show. It's like that. It's like, if you're watching this like really great human drama or like ping pong, right? You're watching this like great human drama about like, you know. - And then he just dies of cancer. - And then the main character's best friend comes over and is like, that was a great ping pong match. - I've died. - I've canceled. - I get it. - No, no, no, no. I'm the cherry on top. Also, I actually loved you as well. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I completely forgot about that.
- I loved it this whole time. - I loved it. - So yeah, people in the animation where they're like telling a really well thought out story and then it just turns into like,
like some kind of Oscar bait, like I'm dying. - Yeah, like a Romeo and Juliet situation. - It just kind of like fucking crashes the car into the side of the wall. - Well, I can see why people like it, 'cause it is very sad, very melodramatic. - It's a format that works and it has worked in the past, but I just feel like, yeah, no, I completely get it. Like I love that show. I love "March Comes the Lion", no, yeah. - "You're a Lion April". - "You're a Lion April", excuse me.
- Yeah, I completely get why people are like, yeah, that ending was just kind of forced. - I thought it was like super gray and then it just went full on in your face depression. And I was like, ah, man, I can see what you're doing. - Man, "Yomoshibeto" is another sports anime that I wish I liked more. I watched the full fucking,
- I think it was like 50 episodes or 38. I watched the full 38 episodes. - I never watched this. - I liked it. I just, I don't know. I think cycling is just tough to make it look cool as a cyclist. - I mean, now that you're into cycling, you should give it a watch. - Yeah. - I mean, I watched this. - Oh wait, no, I guess you did. - Like 17, 18. - Yeah. - Watched the whole thing. I believe I watched the second season if I'm not mistaken. Was there a second season?
I watched all of this season, whatever it was. Yo Amushi. So yeah, this is like, and I feel like sports animes are,
They get a lot of like safety from being called shit. I feel like, because they have the fans of the sport. So they liked them. And often it's a very safe formula. Look at all this. - And often with sports anime, there is an incredibly dedicated female audience as well. So it's hard to combat that. - Like so many, okay, the new generation. Okay, this is the second season. I think I watched this one too.
- Yes, I did watch both these seasons. - Holy shit. That's really highly rated, 8.05. - It's really popular. And you know, I think like, for a show that I watched 60 episodes about, you'd think I would remember anything. Or like have felt fondly about it. - Yeah, yeah. - It's not bad. But again, it's like, it's just characters that didn't really like, there's like, this guy was the coolest character. I didn't really like this guy. I don't really like these two.
And then, you know, like we're a crock in our basket when the powers are fucking dumb. You're like, okay, whatever. When the powers are dumb in this, you're like,
What the fuck kind of power can you have with cyclists? - I remember like, dude, have you ever seen the main like antagonist cycle? - No. - Yoamushi Pedal. I don't know if he was the main antagonist. He's definitely one of the weird cycling. Dude, look at this fucking animation, bro. - I've definitely seen this guy's face before though. - He literally looks like a monster. - Yeah. - Dude, look how he cycles.
- Dude, Hadley Cycle is insane. Like, yeah, he has like, he looks like a human snake. - Yeah. - And like, yeah, he's like, he was just, everything's gross. - Oh, I've seen him. - I've seen this, yeah. - He's just so weird.
And he like looks really fucking weird. He's cool though. I liked him. I like him. He's weird though. He's all right. I mean, you know, it was one of those animes that you were like, yeah, cool. Yeah. Happy you there. I think most sports anime end up being like that. Yeah. Don't you think like what? Whenever you watch a sports anime that you never hear about ever again,
You're like, okay, that was fun. - I mean, I feel that's most sports anime. - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I feel like- - I mean, except for the ones that are already in like the goaded style. - Well, 'cause I feel like sports anime aren't often about sports. They're about growing up and moving on with school and stuff a lot of the time. I feel like that's normally,
- Normally. - Yeah. - If it's like this, where it's like, we're in the middle school team, we've got three years left, our senpai's leaving, you know, Haikyuu is the kind of same where it's all about, you know. - Well, I think the difference is that with Yawamushi Pero, it was decently popular, but it was not like the sports anime of the generation. - It wasn't like Haikyuu. - There's no Haikyuu, Kuroko, or Bluelock. - Yeah, I mean, 100,000 ratings for like, you know, that's not a lot. So I think Bluelock,
Yeah, I mean, Bluelock is massive. That is the wrong blue sky. There's a lot of blue. This probably has like hundreds, 400,000. Yeah, 400,000. That's crazy. And I mean, it was the top selling manga in Japan of that year. So-
- I can't understand sometimes though, when it happens in Japan, it feels like they're just like World Cup. All right, we'll buy every manga. Like some guys are like, all right, I'll go and buy every volume. Like what? Is that how you guys decide what you watch? - That's exactly what happens. - It's crazy. - Japan is all about like, oh, is this thing really popular in training right now? I need to be part of this no matter what. - The water cooler conversations need to be kept up with. - Exactly. I need to be a cog in the system. I need to fit in.
- Is there any anime you know is like fucking objectively bad, but you still fuck with? - School days. - Oh for fuck sake Joey. - So you admit that is bad Joey. - It is bad. It's just really fun to watch. - Oh man. What are some, you know, I don't know cause I probably repressed it into my memory. - I don't know why, but I know it's fucking horrific and horrid.
I still like Guilty Gear. No, not Guilty Crown. - Guilty Crown. - I love Guilty Crown, bro. - Guilty Crown, which was so fucking bad. - I mean the ending, I've never watched an ending to an anime that like physically made me angry. - I mean, it's hard because you go from like fucking Lelouch to Shu. Which is like Aura minus five million. And it's like, because you know, Inori's,
- Yeah. - Yeah. - Inori's Inori. - Yeah, Inori. - No complaints. - Yeah. - But Shu, do you remember anything about Shu? - No. - I don't. I remember he had an arm thing. That was it. But I remember the OST for this went so fucking hard. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was like the amazing thing about this. - Yeah. This had one of the most goaded opening songs. - This reminded me of fucking a Cell World.
- Oh! - You remember the show? - I remember this show. - Oh my God. - The show that like you thought about watching, but then you saw this character design, you were like, maybe not today. And then you eventually get around to it. - Yeah. - I watched this shit and I was like, oh, this is made by the same guy who made Sword Art Online? Bet. Let's check it out. - It's actually so ass. - It's ass, dude. - But I liked it. I liked it 'cause I liked when no one else, anyone else but him was on screen.
I like Kurohiki Hime, the main girl. She's cute. I just didn't fuck with her. I didn't fuck with the main character at all. You know, you look at a character like this, and I don't want to be judgmental, but at the same time, I'm just like, damn, maybe I do want a...
aesthetically appealing main character so I can self-insert myself into it. - It's just weird 'cause it's like little bro doesn't look like he's from the same world. But the character design is so different. - Yeah, the porky pig looking ass. - Also hilarious fact, the Excel World main character, Ann Hsu from "Guilty Crown", same voice actor. - Oh, shit. - Kajiuki. - Okay.
Just wanted to throw that out there. - But I remember this was long. Didn't this have like two seasons? - 26, I think. - Didn't have two seasons or my dream. - Yeah, it was like 24 episodes. - Oh, 24. - I remember it was long and I remember it was really shit with the dialogue. - No, it was only one episode, one season. - Okay, do you remember, the thing I hate about the show, maybe you don't remember this, they communicated through their mind. So often the dialogue, the scenes are like this.
And they were talking and you're like, man, we saved the budget and the animation in this one. - The only thing moving on the screen was the subtitles. - Dude, I just remember like watching this show and it must feel like maybe, I don't know, if I was a heroin addict and I smoked a cigarette must feel like. It's like it just about made me feel okay during watching it. And the moment I was done, I needed more sort of online back when I was like 15. - Yeah.
- I feel like- - You watch this 'cause you're desperate for more Sword Art Online. - Pretty much. - Yeah, pretty much. - Back when Sword Art Online was everything. - Yeah. - You were like, "This is what I want in life. I want everything. I need this." - Absolutely. - 'Cause at a time, viewers, you might not know this, Sword Art Online was the coolest thing in the world when it came out. - Yep, absolutely. - Everyone thought it was like the best thing ever. - I gave it a 9.5 out of 10 on my website. - Yeah, you did. You did. - Because it was like gamers and anime fans, we got something for us?
- So it was very popular. - And Isekai, the Isekai genre just wasn't a thing back then either. - So I felt like this was, you would watch this after you watched Sword Art Online. - I mean, I will say Excel World to this day, I enjoyed it enough. It still stands out.
compared to a lot of like the copy and paste isekai you get now. - I just, I don't remember anything about it. - But I don't remember much about it. - I don't remember anything about this. - Yeah. I just remember the pig avatar. - Yeah. - That's pretty much it. - Did they ever say why they drew him like that? Like so different from everyone else? - Fucked if I know, dude. - Yeah, I'm just going through 2012, see if I can find anything that I watched that was mid as fuck. Oh my God, do you remember Jormungandr? - Yeah, I remember Jormungandr. - I enjoyed that. - That was a great fucking show. - That was a good show. - Oh, Nazlulqvarna X.
- What is this show? - That's the one where everyone was like, "Hey, I think I like saliva now." - Yeah, this one was the artist projecting their spit fetish into a romance show. - I will say though, "Mangol," kind of hot. - God fucking dammit, Joey. - Minus the whole spit thing. - That scene from... - Okay. - Yeah, don't show this. This is gonna get us age restricted. - Yeah, let me have a look at this. - Swear down.
- What the fuck? What's wrong? Oh my God, I remember that. - The worst you can say is no. - As far as I'm aware, this girl can share and feel emotions through saliva.
What? Is it the whole premise of the show? Yeah, that's right. It was like, she was like kind of the class recluse. Yeah. And she falls in love with the main guy. But the only way that she could like express her love was for her to like stick a finger in her mouth and then make him eat her saliva. What the fuck? Yeah. That was the whole premise of that show.
- What? - Oh God, another show that is bad, but I still enjoyed. Another. - Oh my God. I was thinking about middest anime and another was on my way. Because back in the day when you wanted a horror anime, this was the one that everyone recommended. And it's so ass, 'cause it's that one scene,
- Which scene? - One scene? - Umbrella scene? - Umbrella scene? - I hated this one. - This is so dumb. - This is so funny. - This was hilarious. - Look at this. - There's this one and also the elevator scene. The elevator scene is where she fucking face plants in the elevator and dies. Oh, the teacher one as well. Oh my God, this one. I fucking remember this.
- I hate horror media, but this is just the perfect get us, get some beers with the boys and just watch a shitty horror movie, man. - What the fuck is this show about? - And they never really explained why that happened. - You know what anime I thought was giga overrated when we talked about it a million times? Erased. I just think there's never a bad time to show an erased. - 100% facts. - That was another show where like the first half was like, all right, this looks promising.
And then around episode seven or eight or whenever it was, and they were like, hey, you know that villain you've been trying to find? Maybe it's the guy with the fucking glowing red eyes. Yeah. I wonder. Fuck, I remember I tried to watch fucking Vanguard. Really? There was just so many fucking episodes and I couldn't get around to it. I never got around to this one. Oh, God. I will say, um...
even though like there was a point where I was really, really invested in Darling in the Franks. - Yeah, I remember that. I remember that era. - Me too. - Oh man, do you remember that? - I remember that era. - Oh my God, I remember this show as well. - Yeah, that was a good show. - Milo Monster, that was always like on like on control whenever you went on there, it always listed as like one of the best. - That was actually a good show.
- Fuck yeah, Darling in the Franxx, everyone was obsessed with that show when it came out. Like, "Zero Two" was the waifu for like two years. - I mean, she was, yeah. And I remember Darling in the Franxx, I was like, "Yo, this is fucking legit. This is a great show." That was the biggest like jump the shark moment of all time. Out of nowhere where they're like, "Yo, blood."
and then it proceeds to get like more and more and more like progressively more and more stupid. - Yeah. - Like within the space of like,
you end with like zero two turning into a huge fucking mech. - It's stupid. - Mech monster and you're like, what happened? What actually happened? - I'll accept that they pilot it with their ass shoots. I'll accept that. But the moment they went into space with the, I was like, what the fuck is this man? What the fuck is this? - Yeah, it went to land of favor on that shit. - This is so dumb. - I enjoyed it in a different way because there's like, this is the first time when I had enjoyment, like literal like,
I enjoyed it because I thought it was a great show. I was invested in the story and the characters. And then the switch flipped and I enjoyed it for the complete opposite reasons. Just because it was like, how bad of a car crash can this be? I remember as well, I think it was like episode 16 or whatever it was, where like the blue haired girl, the side chick,
like there was that whole controversy where, you know, she gets like, spoiler, she gets like rejected by the main character. - Yeah. - And then the darling in the France community exploded online. - I remember this. It was like on, it was online. It was crazy. - Yeah, like people were sending like death threats to the voice actress and shit. And that was the first time where I was like, okay guys, it's just an anime, relax. - Let's chill. - I watched this one too. - I watched this one. - I watched the show too.
- Oh my God. This is like peak, I was watching everything era. - Do you remember Devil's a part-timer? What happened to season two? Why did no one ever speak about this show? - It was not great. - Oh. - It was not great. - Wait, so what happened? - I think,
- Yeah, what happened? - It just wasn't as good. - I know, so I mean, I feel like at the time it was very good. Maybe if it came out today, it wouldn't be- - Yeah, I think it just stood out a lot, stands out a lot less now because the whole like reverse Isekai concept. If you're doing an Isekai concept, you better be doing something special to like stand out from the crowd. And I think the magic of it was just gone, I think. - Yeah. - Honestly, not too much to say about that. - Unfortunate. - Unfortunate.
- Oh, the four loves, Oriimo. Oriimo, that was an interesting final three episodes. - Akunohana, Carnival, that was shit.
- Furukano. - Yeah, that was also shit. - Holy shit. Speaking of like disappointments, fall offs, Uzumaki last year, as soon as last year, man. - Don't remind me, dude. - Holy shit. - This shit was unbelievably ass. - We were so close to perfection and all it took, Uzumaki from last year.
- Bro, they fucked. - Why, why? Just why? Hold on. - We were so close to greatness. - Yeah. - They have, what the fuck is this? Put it on. - What? - Is it on? - It's on, yeah. - Oh, it's on, good shit. - No, it's off, it's off. - Yeah, that's right. I wanna see this shit. - You wanna see the R18 stuff as well? - Let's see the, dude, we've been awful.
- I mean, look, I probably haven't caught up to hentai. - That's so funny. - I probably haven't caught up to hentai in like a couple of years. I have no idea what's been happening. - It's ass. - Is it? - It's awful. - Haven't caught up in a couple of years. - I haven't caught up in a couple of years. I have no idea. - Look at this shit. We have Chikan Dokuiten. - Extreme molesters, terminus third, finger the animations. - We can't put this on YouTube, guys. - Let's go through the real summer list. - There we go.
- There we go. There we, oh my God. - Whoa. - Why is this? Oh, okay. In the porn section. - No, it's 'cause it's- - Finally, the real seasonal anime that we care about. - The real seasonal anime. Right here. - Hell yeah. - Blur all this, Moondown. - Going back to the normal episode. - Going back to the normal episode. - Oh my God. - Demon Slayer. - Did you watch a new season? Have you watched a new season yet? - I watched the "Swordsmith" arc.
And that was the one that made me quit the show entirely. I just gave up. - Is that season? - Oh, you gave up entirely? - Dude, that season was so fucking bad. - Wait, what season is that? - Wait, how many seasons are we at? - Is this the one? No. Which one is it? - Oh, the swordsmith arc. Yeah. - Oh, this one, this one, this one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Dude, I had to quit. They took the piss. This one, what's crazy is it's 11 episodes, right? You'd think you could just power through.
- It's so boring. - Really? - I've never been so bored during a show. - Then you would hate the new season 'cause the new season is like even worse than this season. - How does this have 8.2? These people are asleep at the wheel reviewing this. - Because the only people who are watching this far are the people who only watch "Demon Slay." - Bro, the first six episodes, pretty much like nothing happens in the fights. Like yes, they are visually impressive, but nothing happens in the fight.
Every time, and I hate this Demon Slayer fight formula, they behead the fucking demon. You won't fucking believe it. They flashback. What's his name? Tanjiro. Tanjiro's fucking done it. He's only gone unbeheaded. Oh, wait. It turns out he can spawn two heads. You won't believe how he's going to do it. He's just about to slice the second head. Flashback.
cut to a different character. We come back as he's about to slice through the head. It turns out this demon, his power doesn't come from his head. It comes from his anus, which he separated four times to another location, all spread around the different continents of the area. And to bring them back, flashback,
in the middle of the explanation and then cuts to fucking what's his name pig man who jumps in Inosuke Inosuke jumps in slashes his sword gets repelled with fucking ease cuts to fucking Zenitsu he's still asleep cuts back to Tanjiro who's going ahhh
And then he tries to cut one of them. He kills them. Guess what? He's not dead. He's only killed one half of the demon. He's still alive. This is every fucking fight in this show. It goes on and on. Cuts back, ad plug. Merchandise. And then he finally kills him. Turns out this guy was the lowest rated Hashira in the building. No one even respected him. He was number seven. Actually, turns out he was the shittest of them all.
That's the entire show. - Oh shit, now I don't have to watch it. You just gave me this rundown. - And then they introduce a new Hashira. Turns out he's a fucking dog shit. He's not good at this Hashira bollocks. He dies one to one against his bollocks. What's the point of this show? - Man, you're asking the wrong crowd.
- Fun action. - It used to be fun action until they made it so fucking boring. It's like watching the THX promos in the cinema. Like, yeah, I come from the sound, but like that's cool that when the water drops in the theater, that it goes all around me, but that never fucking happens in the movie. - Yeah, but it's pretty. - Yeah, it is pretty. - It's the animation is so pretty, Connor. - I mean, the latest season. - It looks so good. - The latest season, IGN gave it a three out of 10.
- Good. - Really? - I'm actually too fast. I want to review who spits. That reviewer dares to give things low ratings. - Oh really? - Yeah. - He's good. He also rated "Jujutsu Kaisen 2" as mid.
- I think like a six out of 10 or what did he get? - That's my boy right there. - I think it was going a bit too far. Season two. - No, season two was good. - What's the name of this man? - Six out of 10. - What's the name of this man? - Yeah, this is the guy, Raphael. - Raphael, my boy. - I believe he, yeah, he's pretty critical of a lot of anime from what I can tell. - Oh God. - "Solar Leveling" season two premiere. What do they give this?
- It's actually not a rating. Okay. Let's see what's other ratings. - What are the, what are the- - "Lego Star Wars" "Demon Slayer" season four review. - This is the three out of 10, I think. - Wait, why does it say the rating? - God damn. - I mean, it had one good episode. The episode was pretty damn good. But that's it. - Wait, but he gave "My Hero" season seven and eight? - No, no, the premiere, the premiere. - Oh, the premiere.
- "Doctor Stone" season three, part two review. - All right, let's see this. - Eight. - Eight. - Okay, man, this guy's, you know, he gives up. - He just hates Demon Slayer. - "Attack on Titan" - "Jibuya Incident Arc" review. - All right, all right, let's see this, let's see. - Six. - Okay. - Okay. - "Jujutsu Kaisen" offers plenty of spectacle, but little else during the Shibuya. - Yo, this is what you said, Joey.
- Am I right or am I right? - What did he put for the finale of Attack on Titan? That's what I'm- - Wait, wait, wait a second. - Yeah, I saw that. - Oh, there we go. Series finale review. - Series finale review. - A 10. - A masterpiece. - A masterpiece. - Cinema. - Do you agree with that, Garnt?
- I wouldn't give it a 10, but I would say that- - I just, I mean, I appreciate that he's throwing scores out there that give you curve balls. - You know what's up with season two? - 10? - 10. - All right, all right. - I like this guy. - He's got some cred, he's got some cred, this boy. - Demon Slayer season three review.
- He just hates Dean Slater. - I don't fucking blame him, man. If I had to watch this, see "Blue Lock" season one review. - Let's see. - Please give it a low score. - Eight. - No, I hated it. Agree with me, agree with me. "Bochy the Rock" season one review, Joey. - It's a 10. - It's gonna be nine. - Nine. - Joey. - All right, Raphael, you're not my boy anymore. Sorry.
You're so close to greatness. - We're just reviewing reviews now. - "Jane's Soul Man" series premier. Wait, okay, no, I don't want to. I don't mind reading premieres. - This is what it's come to. We are now reviewing reviews. - Reviewing reviews. - "Spy Family" season one. - I'll give it seven. - Nine? - That's crazy. - That's crazy.
- Seven tops bro. - Come out swinging please. - My man had one mission piss off Jujutsu Kaisen fans and piss off Demon Slayer fans. - I think my man's pissed off every type of anime fan just from those reviews. - This guy is so shit.
- I mean, the thing about Demon Slayer is that if next season pops up, everyone's gonna be like, "Yo." - It's so bad. - It's so bad. - No, I'm not watching. I'm not watching the rest. You can't, not even Batman fucking waterboarding me, pulling out my teeth one by one after he's already circumcised me could get me to go and watch finish that fucking season. - Watch Demon Slayer, Connor. - I will not watch that fucking season. - To me, Demon Slayer has one job and it's just give me pretty fights. And that's it.
- Season three did not deliver on that. - Allow me to introduce to you Garnt, a series that can do this, but better. - Okay. - Stick Man Fighting Animation. This is what you want Garnt. - I know Stick Man Fighting Animation. - You just want this Garnt. - I'm just saying. - Just go, just watch, this is what you wanna watch. - This is Jesus Christ in season two. Tell me this is not Jesus Christ in season two. - This is literally Jesus Christ in season two. - Tell me that. - Nah, this one's got more complex, you know. - This is literally Jesus Christ in season two. What are you talking about?
- This is what I see when I watch "Judas the Clown" season two. - You wanna know the appeal of "Judas the Clown" season two? This is it. - Oh, here it is. Wow, look at those impact frames. - Actually, this is the fight with the bunnies. - This is the fight with the bunnies. - Damn, peak animation right here, boys. - Look. - Dude, look at him. - Look at him.
- Oh! - Damn. - Look, Jujutsu Kaisen season two is this with just, you know, rendered with- - With pretty boys. - With pretty boys and 4K. - Oh, you know what was also a myth? - It's just stick flight RTX on basically. - Yeah. - Man, this is one that got fucked by its release schedule. But it was kind of- - Could it be exiled?
- I didn't actually watch "A Keto of the Exiles." - I watched it, remember, 'cause the release was so fucked. We talked about "Entrustaste" before, but this is like a long anticipated Code Kiosk successor that just got marred by its release schedule. It got absolutely fucked. - Did you watch this? - I did watch it. It was crazy. It kind of just like, they just, I remember we spoke about "Entrustaste" one time when like there was four parts and they- - Four movies? - Yeah, so like look at this release schedule, right? Part one, 2012. - Okay. - Part two.
- 2013. - Okay. - Or 2015. - So it just took like a fucking giant two year break and then they just dropped to three and four, like right next to each other. - I mean, look. - But it was like one season of an anime.
I mean, I think the new Ava movies did it a lot worse. - Yeah, I guess so. - It was like a 10 year gap between 2.0 and 3.0. - But look, they lost a lot of people along the way, right? They had 100,000, 74,000, 57,000. - I mean, I would say that's normal for long running. - Yeah. - And any sequence. - But how does that happen to a fucking code kiosk?
- I mean, Code Geass was massive back in our day, but damn, like this is a new generation of anime fans. - You can't make Code Geass work 2012.
- I guess not. - Like you can't, like, you know, Code Geass came out in 2007, right? - The problem is, is that Code Geass had the perfect ending. - Yeah, I agree. - Everyone who watched Code Geass was like, no one was like, damn, I wish there was like more of that. - Obviously, we don't know what happened behind the scenes, but how does it happen where like one of the most popular shows just absolutely like flounders its release and can't get a product out in time? Like when there must be clearly like, I don't, there is no shortage of man for Code Geass.
- Yeah, I guess, but I don't know. - I feel like it is because that Code Geass just felt like a finished product. The point is that- - But the world is so sick. - And I think that's what it was kind of trying to do, right? But then I guess it has like the Star Wars problem where they really just struggled to get away from Lelouch. They struggled to get away from Skywalker, right? They weren't confident enough to tell stories without Lelouch being in the world somehow, which I think is-
'cause like Geass is a fucking cool power. - Yeah, I think the problem is that Geass, Code Geass is Lelouch. It's in the same way where Death Note is light and L and once one of those factors got removed, it just didn't feel the same anymore. - Death Note with Trump is kind of sick.
- I completely forgot about that. - The one shot that came out, if you guys remember this, there was a Death Note one shot that came out and it just had Trump and the main character was, I guess, light that kind of got away with it. It's kind of a smart Japanese teenager who sold the Death Note to Trump. - Yeah. - Which honestly,
Would kind of feel like it would happen. We're going to buy the death note. We're going to buy it. The Japanese don't need it. We're going to give them tariffs. We'll know how to use it properly. We're going to use the death note. We're going to clean them up. We'll make America great again.
- That was so bad. We're only joking, audience, we're only joking. - Oh God. - I mean, what I liked about that one shot was just, I liked the concept of the Death Note just being this weapon of mass destruction, which it is, you know, at the end of the day. - Was it a rewrite? - Manga. It was the, it must have been this one or this one. - Yeah, yeah, one shot.
- Yeah, this one. - Oh yeah. - And it was literally the aura kid. Like it was like light if he was dressed in 2020 instead of 2010. - This is Gen Z light. - It's literally Gen Z. - Dripped out light. - And it was really fun. I mean, I think it was just fun to see Ryuk again. Just seeing Ryuk get back in the game. It was more of a story about Ryuk. - We all know he's the OG. - Yeah, yeah. I think Ryuk is such a fun character.
Ryuk is like the, I guess like, he's like the Hisoka of Death Note world. He just turns fucking up, causes mayhem. He's the most powerful guy. And then he's like, all right, peace out. It was a fun though. It was fun one shot. - No, this was great. I think it didn't overstay its welcome. Could I imagine a whole Death Note sequel? - No. - No, no, no. But this as an interesting idea, I was like, yeah, fuck yeah.
Yeah, I think even the creators knew that. Yeah, yeah. I think didn't overstay welcome, had an interesting premise, explored that premise to its fullest, and then that was it. That was it. Can't believe that was back in 2020. 2020, holy shit. Man, that shit was so fucking good. What the fuck?
- Where the fuck has time gone now? - Let us know down below what your worst anime that you ever watched was. - Yes, what is the biggest fall off in anime for you? - Doesn't need to be studied. - Hey, look at all these patrons though. - So many. - So many patrons. And as we were saying earlier, we are going to be watching, or I'm gonna be showing the boys some of the worst rated anime, specifically "Miles of Destruction", which you can go check out on the Patreon
Right now, if you go on over to But hey, if you want to check that out as well as a bunch of other exclusive patron only videos and support the show in the process, head on over to Also follow us on Twitter, send us some memes on the subreddit. And if you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify. And we'll see you guys in the next one. - Bye.