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- What's up gamers? Welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste podcast. I'm Joey and I'm with the boys Connor and Garnt as usual. We're talking about gaming today. - Gamers, gamers, gamers. - I'm worried 'cause I think that people get annoyed at our anime takes. I feel like people are gonna get really annoyed. - This is gonna be highly contentious episode. So in the past, we've done a couple of videos talking about, I guess the top rated
works in particular mediums. We've done one on anime, we've done one on manga, and now we're gonna be doing it on gaming. - You feel like gamers have not been represented enough? - No. - No, not enough. - Yeah, gamers should never get talked about. - No, gamers don't get enough representation. - We don't talk about games enough and gamers don't talk enough. - Exactly. So obviously we can't use my anime list this time around. So instead we are over on
Metacritic because they have listed out the best games of all time according to Metascore. - I've never used Metacritic in my life. - Me neither. - Oh, then why are we using Metacritic? Is there a reason? - Because I guess the Metascore rating is- - Is that a website? - I don't know. - I don't know. - But apparently this one is taking the overall scores of all of the publications that are- - I use Metacritic. Am I the only one who uses Metacritic? - What do you use Metacritic for? - What do you use it for?
- Just to check a games. It's like we're on tomatoes, right? Just to quickly check. Okay, I could just go on IGN, but no one fucking trust IGN, okay? - A couple of you just said the American way of saying tomatoes. - Yeah, tomatoes. - You said tomatoes. The fuck is wrong with you? - What happened to you? He's been America-pilled. - Who are you? Who are you, guy? - Tomato. - Yeah, there you go. Now you're one of us. - That was so jarring. - Rotten tomato. - I was stun locked for a second there. I was like.
- I just realized- - You said Rotten Tomatoes. - I've never heard someone say Rotten Tomatoes before. - I say Rotten Tomatoes. - I think I say Rotten Tomatoes. - Yeah, it just rolls down. - What the fuck? - What is the website? - What the fuck? - What is the website? - Hold on, I'm saying it in my head. - Yeah, what is the website? I'm like, wait, wait, nobody says Rotten Tomatoes. - What's the Rotten Tomatoes score? What's the Rotten Tomatoes score? - Yeah, yeah, right, right. - Fuck, now I don't know. Which one do I say? - It's Rotten Tomatoes.
- I mean, yeah, well, if it was just tomatoes, I would say tomatoes. - Yeah, if it was just tomatoes. - But when rotten is in front of it. - When it's the website, I'm like rotten tomatoes. I've never thought about it like that before. - It doesn't matter. We're not even using rotten tomatoes today. Tomatoes, fuck. - So you use Metacritic for games. - I use Metacritic for games specifically. IMDB for movies and MyAnimeList for games.
- For anime. - For anime. So I don't know if there's a better gaming website. I use Metacritic mostly just to quickly check, hey, what is a bunch of different users and different- - Well, I think the Metascore on Metacritic is taking into account not only Metacritic score, but also from other publications like IGN, like all the other ones and taking the average of all of them. And that's the Metascore, I think. - Yeah, so it's similar to something like Rotten Tomatoes.
- Where there is a user score and a meta score based on different reviewers. - So we're gonna be going through this Metacritic top meta score list of video games 'cause assumably this is the most popular games according to the internet. - So this is the meta score, not the user score. - Not the user score. - We'll go through the user score later and see what kind of- - So let's see what publications think are the best games of all time. - Okay, I'm gonna say it. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is just the full metal alchemist of gaming.
- I agree. - It's just like- - 100%. Oh my God. - Actually, holy shit. That is the best. - 100% fucking agree. - All right, all right, all right. - It's just like, no one wants to have to argue what's the best game of all time, but everyone's kind of chill being like, "Yeah, just say Zelda." - It was the first 3D Zelda, so obviously the hype was real. - No one's really gonna argue against it or no one- - I will. - You wanna argue against it? - I haven't played it though, so. - So you can't properly be- - I'll argue with it since I have played it. I think Majora's Mask is way better.
- Okay, that's such a, just the most Joey take of all fucking time. - If I had put in a chat GBT, formulate a Joey take, it would come from that. - If we had a and I was like, what is your opinion? - I'll be - What is your opinion? - I think even just within the Nintendo 64 era, I think Majora's Mask was just a more enjoyable experience. - If you had said something like, you know,
I think there is other Zeldas that are better than Ocarina of Time. - I think Twilight Princess is better. - I think Link to the Past is better. I think Twilight Princess is better.
you play a modern Mario game and then you go play Super Mario 64 and you're like, yeah, I could see why like this when it came out was an absolute game changer. But when you play it, you're like, eh, there's still, you know, there's a lot that could be improved. - Well, yeah, obviously the nostalgia factor for this game is massive. - Battle pass. - Yeah, it's massive. But you know, not to say that Ocarina of Time is a bad game. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but is it the best one? - Like if I'm on my death bed, I got one game left in me.
- It's not Ocarina of Time. - It's not Ocarina of Time, you know what I mean? It's not the game. - No. - But I think it's easy to agree, like a steak, you're like, yeah, it's just good. - Yeah. - Why is it easy to agree that Ocarina of Time is the best game of all time? - I think 'cause when you talk about the best game of all time, a lot of the conversation has to come into influence, the impact it had when it came out,
The scope of it at the time, was it fun? Clearly Jarbosson doesn't agree. - Jarbosson, oh, I found. - At a point in time I did enjoy this game. However, nowadays it's dated. - Yeah, yeah. I feel like playing it now is kind of tough, but like, yeah, imagine like,
when you were there, if this was the, like you got this game, it probably would have blown your mind and been a life altering experience. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - But you know that's- - I mean, if we're just talking about 3D Zeldas, 'cause I feel comparing the 3D Zeldas to the 2D Zeldas is a little bit unfair 'cause it's kind of, you know, it's completely different. Even within the 3D Zeldas, like again, as I mentioned, like I'd much rather play Majora's Mask, I'd much rather play fucking Wind Waker.
I think that's way better of an experience than Ocarina of Time. - Wind Waker is my favorite 3D Zelda aside from Breath of the Wild. I'm forgetting names now. - Have you played Ocarina of Time? - Yes, I've played Ocarina of Time. - I'm the only fucking gamer who hasn't played the best game of gamers. - Apparently, yeah. - You were an Xbox kid. I was like a Nintendo kid. - Well, I was a Nintendo kid, but I missed this train.
- How young were you? - I got given a Nintendo 64 as a hand-me-down and the only games I could play were the ones that came with it. 'Cause at the point when I got it, they weren't selling any of the games in stores anymore. - Yeah. So what games did you get? - I had Mario Party, I had Mario Kart. - All right.
I forgot that game. It's like a 3D thing, like a very Japanese one with a new collector. He's like a ninja kid and you collect the golden coins like Edo period kind of thing. - I think I know what you're talking about. - Yeah, I don't know what it's. - What? - Hattori Hanzo? - Maybe. I don't know, Google? What did Joey just say? - Hattori-kun? Maybe? - This is one game, it was a bastard game and I couldn't. - I think it was like Goemon or something. - Oh, is it Goemon? - It might be Goemon. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Goemon 64 or something. I don't fucking know what it is.
- Going on 64. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Mystical Ninja. - Mystical Ninja. - Bro, I put like 50 hours as a kid and couldn't get past like the first level. Just couldn't figure out what to do. - Oh, I remember this game. - "Gumball and Goyon" was a classic, bro. - I played this one a lot. - Yeah. - Honestly, I played "Mario Party" so much. - "Mario Party" is the go-to. - Oh, yeah, alone. - Alone. - "Mario Party 2" is fucking go-to.
And then, 'cause I also had an SNES hand me down, which I actually liked playing more. - Just 'cause SNES games was fucking solid, man. - I really liked the, 'cause I had one of the 3D, the original Mario side scrolls on the SNES, I really liked it. - Super Mario World maybe? - I think my name World. Which one has the sun?
- That's three. - That scared the fuck out of me as a kid. - That's NES though, I'm pretty sure. - Is it? No, it's SNES, isn't it? - No, I think three is NES. - Oh, is it really? - Yeah. - Oh. - But that game is great as well. - One of the games with the sun scared me as a kid. - Oh yeah, yeah. - 'Cause the sun would like follow you around the ladder. - Yeah, the world has the sun as well, I'm pretty sure. - Okay, maybe it was definitely SNES. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, I would then,
and then take it out and play Super Mario Kart. - Yeah, World is the one with the key power up. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I suck with that game. - That one's gay. - Okay, here's one thing I don't understand because you talk about legacy and all this kind of shit and influence. Where the fuck is Mario 64?
- Yeah, right? - Because I've always put like Legends of Zelda and like Mario 64 on like the same level of like here is a revolutionary game in that time period. - I would also argue that Super Mario 64 was more influential than Ocarina of Time even. - I think so. - I think like that if you look at the, what Mario, what like, you know, what platforming was, I mean for the past like,
- When that game came out, until like only like really in the past 10 years, the platform has really fallen out. But for the 20 years after that, it was like the blueprint. - Oh yeah. - Also I couldn't see myself replaying Mario 64. I can't see myself replaying Ocarina of Time.
- I mean, speed runs from 64 are still very popular. - Oh yeah. - No one speed runs. - Because they've completely dismantled that game to the point where if you don't have a high skill cap, it's literally- - And also Link doesn't say so long Gaganendorf. I can't believe they removed that. - They removed it. - I can't believe they removed it. - He just says so long.
That's it. - That's gotta be them admitting, that Freudian slip up. - Yeah, Nintendo was like, "No, no, he doesn't say gay Bowser. He says so long-er Bowser." And I'm like, "No, no, no."
- Everybody knows he says Gabe Bowser. - You wouldn't have removed it if he didn't say Gabe Bowser. - Exactly. - If he didn't say Gabe Bowser, you wouldn't have removed it. - Wait, wait, how did they remove it? - So when they re-released it for the All Star Mario. - Oh, okay. - He just says so long. - They actually removed that. - They just cut the line. - Yeah, they cut the line. - So long. - Instead of so long, Gabe Bowser says so long. - It sucks, dude. - Why would they do that? - How dare they? - The best part of the game, they can't do that. - Can we agree that that was such a L move from Nintendo to release that box set and be like, you can never buy it ever again?
- They released the Super Mario All-Stars and they said, "Oh, it's only available until March." - Sorry, I just hate the fact that you just put L in conversation. - No, L, L, L in the chat, L in the comments. - L for Luigi. - Can you believe they removed it? - That's such an L, Connor. - It is an L. - You're such an L. - It's an L. - You're such an L. - That was an L on Nintendo's part. - What the fuck? - That was a terrible move and they should've done it. - Yeah. - All right, number two, Soul Calibur.
- That's interesting. - That is interesting. - None of us are fighting game connoisseurs. - I've not played the original Soul Calibur. I don't even know. Here's the thing. - I have, but I was so bad at it that I just rage quit. - I think I played like Soul Calibur 4 or something. But here's my fighting game take, right? Because none of us are fighting gamers.
I don't know what makes a good fighting game. - I don't dare comment on the quality of a fighting game, 'cause I don't wanna touch, I don't wanna piss off the fighting game fans. - This is like talking about good fighting games is literally talking about beeps and boots from music. - Yeah, it really is. - I mean, was this the one that came out on the, which one's the one with the, I always forget the name of this. I have a really bad memory of the, yeah, the Dreamcast. Is the Dreamcast the one with the,
- Which color was it? Was it just white or was it black? - It was black, I'm pretty sure. - Okay. - No, it was white. - Yeah, the one with the controller with the screen. - Oh, yeah. - Yes, yes, yes. - I was trying to remember, in my head I was like, is this the one with the weird screen on the controller? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And we didn't have this in the UK.
- I had one friend that had a Dreamcast. - Shit was so expensive. - It was. - In Europe, the shit was- - He was the rich kid. - You're the cool kid if you have a Dreamcast. - And I'm like, "Yo, what the fuck Shenmue?"
You get to walk around in the world and they talk to you and stuff. That's fucking hard, bro. - Was this the first 3D fighting game? Is that why? - I don't know. I'm pretty sure. I mean, 3D fighting game, probably Virtual Fighter. - Oh, Virtual Fighter, right. Was this like the first like mainstream one then? 'Cause I know Virtual Fighter didn't have like amazing success if I recall correctly.
- "Virtual Fighter" 1993, yeah. - Wow. - I don't know, this one is so random to me because I've never seen "Soul Calibur" on any top games of all time. But somehow it has universal acclaim on Metacritic. - Let me ask AI.
- Why is Soul Calibur so loved? Let's ask ChatGBT. - Wait, let's ask- - 'Cause that will know, right? - Yeah, yeah. - Or Jeeves, maybe Jeeves will know. - Let's ask ChatGBT what makes a good fighting game. - Why is Soul- - Here's my interpretation of fighting games. You have two people that punch or kick each other. You have a variation of difficulty in terms of the combo. - Yeah. - And how easy it is to execute combo. Now,
let's take all of these elements of how many fighters do you have, the variations of different fighters and stuff like that. - What are you yapping about? - I'm trying. - There are fighters and they fight and it feels good when they kick and punch and...
I'm trying to justify what do fighting gamers like in a good fighting game? I genuinely have no idea. - I don't know, but I'm already afraid for the comments of this episode. We've already pissed off the Ocarina of Time fans and now we're about to piss off the FTC. - Here we go, here we go.
- "Soul Calibur" is often regarded as the most highly rated in the series due to several factors. Firstly, it was a significant improvement over its predecessor, "Soul Edge," in terms of gameplay mechanics, graphics, and overall polish. The game introduced a deep and satisfying combat system with diverse characters, each with their own unique fighting styles and weapons. Additionally, it offered various game modes, including engaging single-player campaign.
which, oh yeah, maybe fighting games back then didn't do that. - I guess, yeah. - Multiple battles and innovative features like the weapon master mode. Its impact on the fighting game genre coupled with its critical acclaim and enduring popularity solidified its position as one of the greatest fighting games of all time. - Damn. - Well, by this list, it's considered the best. - Well, yeah, okay, that makes sense. - That's cool. I mean, like, again, none of us know anything about fighting. It's pretty, I probably, it was like a genre,
- Collectively, it's probably the one that we know the least of. - I feel like every other genre one of us has a little bit of experience with. - We need a fighting game expert. Fighting game is please tell me. - We should go Pete on this one. He's probably like pulling his hair out. - Please tell me what makes a good fighting game in terms of a critical point of view. - Grand Theft Auto. - Grand Theft Auto 4 is- - I'm surprised it's higher than 5. - Well, 5 is number nine, right? - I thought 4 was like-
- Four is like the definitive one, right? - Experience. - Is it the definitive one? I thought three was the definitive one. - I think it's just the story and the characters. - Yeah, in terms of like legacy, three has three completely revolutionized like open world games, right? Four was, I think I would say like the first next gen kind of like Grand Theft Auto. - To be honest, man, I've only played five, so I don't know. - I've never got into Grand Theft Auto.
I've never completed the Grand Theft Auto. - We're fake gamers. - No, no, no. - What have we played? - Grand Theft Auto to me- - Ocarina of Time, I'll play that. - All I would ever do on Grand Theft Auto is just fuck around. - Yeah, same. - Yeah, same. I have never completed it because all I do was I get to the first few fucking, I get through like the first arc
of the storyline. I'm like, all right, he's on the rise or something. I start fucking around in the open. - It just turns into a sandbox game. - The critic score is 98, but the,
- The user score is 8.2. - Holy shit. - It's quite different. - Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Wait, wait, go to Grand Theft Auto 5. What is the user score versus the critic score for that one? - I think the user score will be higher in that one. - Only slightly. - Okay, only slightly. - Only slightly. - What's the user score for Legend of Zelda? I'm wondering if- - Ocarina of Time? - 9.1. - Okay, okay. - Yeah, 9.1. - Checks out, checks out. - Checks out. - Damn it. They've even...
- Well, this is kind of like interesting thing that happens when a game gets very popular is that normally when you go to user rated scores, it'll be kind of like older niche games that like only certain people have played. Normally you get the highest spot because the more popular game it gets, the more you just invite everyone to play it and they're like, I don't get why it's popular. And then they start down voting it or, you know, and it's like, well, maybe if it's- - The Citizen Kane of games. - You know, like,
I have never finished a Grand Theft Auto. I'm not the biggest Grand Theft Auto fan. At least I can see why people fucking love this game and why this is such a, one of like the biggest gaming franchises. - 100%. - Well, critics love it. - Huh? - Critics love it. - Critics absolutely love it. - Critics love it. - Yeah, I mean, yeah. Rockstar Games is like the way they've just
revolutionizes the open world like so. - I mean, there's three rockstar games in the top 10. So yeah, it's Red Dead 2 and Grand Theft Auto 5. - Red Dead 2. Three games I've not played. - They're like those YouTubers that release one four hour video essay every two years. - Yeah. - It's gonna be a banger. - I'm putting everything down. - It's gonna be a banger. Number four, Super Mario Galaxy. My favorite. - W. - My favorite. - W. - Is it? - This game is- - Is it good? - This game is actually good.
- 9.1 and 97 on the- - I remember I bought this game on the day it came out and I just remember the first experience of sitting down and just looking at the visuals of this at the time, my mind was fucking blown. - This is probably one of the only games as well where I've,
- I can actually remember the music and how godlike it was. - The orchestration is so goddamn good. - This episode is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Going online without ExpressVPN is like not having a case on your phone. Most of the time you'll probably be fine, but all it takes is one drop and you'll wish you spent those extra few dollars on a case. Did you know that your data is valuable? Yes, even you, viewer, your data is valuable and hackers can make as much as $1,000 selling your personal information on the dark web.
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- Dude, who didn't own a Wii? - I didn't own a Wii. - I love how you didn't even question the fact that I owned a Wii. - I thought everyone owned a Wii. - I didn't own a Wii. - Bro, it was like World War II trying to get a Wii. - Yeah. - Wait, wait, wait. - It was inescapable. - The Gen Z viewers might not appreciate how fucking popular the Wii was. - Oh my God.
Like my dad had to like, he worked in Germany and you just couldn't get one in the UK. It was literally impossible to get a Wii when it was at its peak hype in the UK. So he had like, when it was in Germany, it like bribed someone over the store to get a Wii. It's called buying by the way. But he brought a Wii and I was like the coolest fucking kid 'cause I managed to actually get a Wii. - Because to me, I guess this is a generational thing because to me, when the Wii came out,
everyone got a fucking Xbox 360 'cause online gaming, that was when this shit started to pop off. And back then I was like, "Mom,
I'm switching over from becoming, from being a Nintendo kid. I am no longer a child. Buy me an Xbox. I want to play Halo. I want to play Gears of War. - I think that that did eventually happen, but that was like three, four years into my Wii owning life span. - Yeah, yeah. 'Cause to me- - But the first run of Wii games, like Galaxy, like Wii Sports, like fucking Twilight Princess. - Yeah. - Dude.
- It was the best. - The Christmas we got it, like everyone was playing. - Everyone was playing. - Every family gathering, everyone would just play Wii. - Yeah. - It was so fucking good. - Yeah, because we still do it at my house. - Yeah, we did. - 'Cause I'm wondering if the, 'cause like the reason I got an Xbox was because I was like Nintendo kid, Nintendo kid, Nintendo kid, up until I got to high school. And you know, when you're in high school, you're like,
I wanna be a cool kid. I wanna fit in, you know. - Everyone owned a Wii in my high school. - In my high school? - Everyone tried to get a Wii. - Yeah, in my high school, like secondary school, no.
- Secondary school, I think it might've been college at this point. - Does this make sense? - No, it was college. - Okay, I was gonna say, there we go. 'Cause I was in high school. - In college, everyone was like, "Why the fuck do you control it with a remote? "What's up with that?" That's some weirdo shit. - I totally get that because the same thing happened in my school as well. Everybody, or all of my friends at least in school, owned an Xbox 360 at the time and was playing card and stuff like that. Whereas I was the only kid in my class
who had a Wii. And like, and I was at one point I was a little bit ashamed of it because I was like, yeah, I'm like, am I the only one that is like owning a Wii? But then when, you know, games like this came out and I was enjoying it in my own time, I was like, you know what? Fuck those guys. This game's go to. - You know, I can't remember when I got it, but I must've been in actually primary school when I got a Wii. - Yeah, well 2007. Yeah, I was in my first year of high school.
- Yeah, I must've, yeah, yeah. 'Cause I think- - You must've been still in primary school. - Yeah, 'cause I think when I went to high school, I remember one day I went to my mate's house and he had an Xbox 360. Back when it was like the folder tab menu, do you remember that? - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - The original Xbox UI 360. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Where there was like a yellow and then you'd flip and it was like a folder like tab. It would like go to like blue. And then he booted up Halo 3
- Was Halo 3 your first Halo? - Yes, and I remember I watched it and I was like, "Holy shit, you guys got games like this?" I was like, "What the fuck?" - It's interesting the difference that like a few years can make 'cause Halo 3 was my last Halo, I think. - I've only ever played Halo 1. - Yeah, yeah. - When I bought my Xbox, I got like three games that came with it for like the bundle. 'Cause back when you used to get like a bundle,
- Right, right, right. - That's gone now. Now you just get one game. - Exactly. - Back then it used to have to sell like four games and no one would buy the fucking thing. And I remember it had like Halo Wars, Halo 3 and Forza Motorsports. I never fucking played Forza, that shit was ass.
- I'm just surprised that we have two Super Mario Galaxies. - Super Mario Galaxy 2 was also amazing. - Which happens to be the two Super Marios that I just haven't played. - A lot of people consider second to be even better than the first. - Second one, yes. The second one I'd say is just as good. My favorite thing about Super Mario Galaxy is the, do you know about the secret hidden message in the title?
- No. - Do you know about that? - Wait, I actually think I've seen this. - Yeah, so there's this thing that's, it's so dumb, but basically in Super Mario Galaxy 1, right? I'll explain it to you, Garnt, 'cause you don't know. But like, because it's in space, like there's like little sparkles that happen on the idle animation when you just sit on the menu for a while. And someone figured out that- - And then the gay Bowser turns up, right? - No, well, it's kinda, it's, if you actually look at the letters of the sparkles on the Super Mario Galaxy title card, it spells out,
you are Mr. Gay. - Wait, when he said kinda, I was like, I was just trolling. And then, and then, and then the rabbit hole goes deeper. In Super Mario Galaxy 2, if you take the sparkle letters and read it backwards, it says, yeah, I am, are you?
- Bro, this is some next level conspiracy shit, man. I don't wanna hear about the moon landing. Tell me about the Mario Galaxy. - Super Mario Gay. - Nintendo's secret gay agenda. - I don't know my kids' own Wii. Let's make it a gay. - It's so funny. - Yeah, look, the top comment is, "They removed you are Mr. Gay." - The gay, yeah. - But added Yoshi. - Added Yoshi.
- That's so funny. - That's hilarious. - They removed "You are Mr. Gay." - I can't believe they removed it. - But I love when Nintendo does that, 'cause it's almost like them recognizing that it was a thing. - Yeah. - Like, yes, they recognize it said, "So long, Gay Bowser." - Yeah, don't worry, Better Nick. This is "Yeah, I am, are you?" - I like how this is the shit that gets updated, not anything else in their games, man.
- Dude, I gotta crack that open. I bought the All Stars 'cause I was like, I don't know when I'm gonna be able to get all these games again on one cartridge. - Oh dude, I've replayed the Switch version, at least Super Mario Galaxy One, just as good. It controls amazing, the music is fucking phenomenal.
- So best two, you two agree these two are the best two Mario, Super Mario games? - I think I've played all of the main Super Mario games. - 'Cause these are the only ones I haven't played in the main line. - And I think these are my favorites. - These are up there for me for sure. - A lot of people gave a criticism initially 'cause the worlds are all self-contained and you do one level.
and you're done. Whereas a lot of the times what makes a traditional 3D Mario game is you go in one world and you can go and get any star you want, but you can also line up to get like a certain star. And this was kind of, a lot of people didn't like that you were kind of locked into getting one star when you clicked on it.
- But they did such a good job. - The worlds were just so fucking creative. - And the comments were sick too. - The comments, yeah, the comment levels were cool. Like they added like extra challenges on top of it as well. And then you can unlock Luigi. - And the gravity was such a good mechanic. - Oh, the gravity mechanic is amazing. - I mean, I don't see anything beating Sunshine for me. - I love Sunshine a lot too, but I just think that this just edges out a little bit for me. - Nah, it's the vibe. Sunshine has the vibe, man.
- I mean, it's really good in sunshine. - It is good. - It's not just the music. - If all the 3D Mario games have one thing is that they all have phenomenal music. - That's true.
And then we have, of course, Breath of the Wild, which is, you know, arguably amazing. Yeah, I really fucking enjoyed this game. - I think around this place in the list was about where I expected Breath of the Wild and I would not disagree with it. This is about it. - What's the latest review? I just wanna know when they did it. December 17th. Okay, I was gonna respond to it. It wouldn't be funny if you're a game critic. You're like, "You guys heard of this game?"
- Super Zelda Breath of the Wild. - It'd be so funny if you just that late to a review. I mean, to be fair, he was like eight months late, this Gabe Grin fellow. - Yeah. - He's like, "Guys, guys, you heard about this game?" - Yeah, it's actually good. - It's 100. - Yeah, it's amazing. In case you haven't heard. But we've talked a lot of Breath of the Wild in previous podcasts, so we can move on. - We can move on. - This pretty much- - Notice how Tears of the Kingdom isn't there. - Hmm.
- Well, it might be on the list somewhere. - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. - Pro Skater 3. - I like Tony Hawk a lot. I don't know if I would say it's in the top 10 greatest games of all time. - Nah, man.
- I don't know if I- - I feel like you're too young for the- - No, I played it. I played it. Yes, you can. Yeah, I know. You can hop the greatest hits now. They gave that to everything on the PS2. - They did. Everything was like platinum edition. - Okay, here's the thing, right? - Game of the year edition. - Yeah. No, Xbox had the ugliest fucking games. They had the platinum covers. You're like, this looks like ass. Give me the pure green back.
They'd cover it in this horrible gray border. It was hideous. The problem is, right, when you look at this list, this is saying that this is the best PS2 game of all time.
- Yeah, that's a tough call. - That's a come on. - That's a tough call. - We don't agree on that, surely. - I love Tony Hawk. - The best PlayStation 2, the game with like the most games ever, the console with the most games. - What would you say that would be the top PS2 game for you? - Fuck, that is like asking what is your favorite grain of rice you've ever had? They're all bangers. - Metal Gear Solid 3.
- For me. - You could probably think of like five games that you probably, you know what I mean? Easily. - I mean, Snake Eater is probably my favorite. - Snake Eater is amazing. - My favorite Metal Gear Solid. Sorry, my favorite PlayStation 2 game. - Type in top 10 PS2 games. - Yeah. - I wanna see if Tony Ho posted,
- I'm surprised it's Pro Skater 3, 'cause I thought Pro Skater 2 was like the beloved one. - Okay, okay. Go to the IGN. - Let's see what IGN say. - IGN. - Let's see what IGN say. - I bet it's not. - No, Tony Hawk's is gonna be on there, man. - It's not gonna be on there.
- Shut up. - All right, all right, all right. Let's see this. - Let's see, let's go down. - "Guitar Hero 3." - I'm just saying it's not gonna be in the top 10. - "Sly Cooper" based. - Goated, should be top five. That would be my top five. - "Ico." - Never heard of it. - I don't get it. - "NBA Street." - "NBA Street." "Kingdom Hearts 2." - "Kingdom Hearts 2." Get the fuck out of here. - "Tony Hawk's Underground." - There's "Underground." - There's "Underground." - Okay.
- Disgear, all right. - Why the fuck is that number 19? - I don't know. - That above underground is wild. - Ratchet and Clank. - Okay. - Yeah, Beyond Good and Evil. - Yeah, whatever. - Burnout Revenge. Oh, that was so good. - I mean, Burnout 3 is my personal favorite. - Okay, Burnout 3 was awesome. - But Revenge was also good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - All right, Psychonauts. - Psychonauts. - Okay, good game.
- DMC3. - Yeah. - Katame Damacy, okay. - All right. - Jack and Daxter. - Jack and Daxter, yeah, okay. - Bully. - Bully. - All right, God of War. - Okami, yes, let's go. - So many goaded- - Final Fantasy X, yes, let's go. Silent Hill 2, yes. - Metal Gear Solid, Sons of Liberty. - So many good games. Vice City.
- "Resident Evil 4." - Oh yeah, RE4. - Of course. - "Shadow of the Colossus." - Go to it. - "Snake Eater." - Yeah. And "San Andreas." - "San Andreas." - I don't deny how good of a game it was, but come on.
- There's just too much goaded competition. - It is not the best PS2 game. - I feel like in a lot of ways, Tony Hawk's, like the game was a cultural phenomenon. - Oh yeah. - Like this got people interested in skating that had no fucking interest in skating. - What are you talking about? Skateboarding was like the coolest thing ever. - No, no, no, no, no, no. This is like- - What are you on about? - Tony Hawk's pro skater, right?
that got people who like had no interest in skating, interested in skating. I'm sure like skateboarding was already big. - Yeah, skateboarding was like the thing of the 90s. When you think about 90s, you think like rock music and skateboarding and like punk.
- It's like the 90s. - But I feel like Tony Hawk's played such like a massive role into like, what would this, okay, restart. - Yeah, I mean, obviously like without like a Tony Hawk figure, it doesn't work. - Yeah. - Like that's what's, I mean, he's one of the reasons why skateboarding got so popular. But like, I mean, I think that like, that's not enough to say that it's the greatest PS2 game. - The fucking soundtrack. - The soundtrack of Tony Hawk's as well. - My argument is that it's not even in the top 10 PS2 games.
- Well, according to IGN. - It wasn't even in the top 25. Underground was higher. You saying- - Okay, I don't think Underground should be fucking higher than- - Yeah, but even then it wasn't even in the top 20. Yeah, I just think that like, it's a great game. Culturally impactful, yes. Not in the top 10 PS2 games. - Yeah, I mean, just looking at that short list of IGN games, like games like Shadow of the Colossus, Final Fantasy X, I would rate higher than Tony Hawk 3 personally, but-
Hey, the numbers don't lie, I guess, for some reason. I would rate Tony Hawk's Hide in the Shadow of Colossus. Really? I'm fine with that.
- I don't get much of Shadow of the Colossus. - I don't get the hype around it. - What do you mean? - People beat their meat to the Shadow of the Colossus train. And I swear it's one of those collective gaslights. When they got a remake, it felt like everyone was trying to gaslight everyone and thinking it's the best thing ever. - Oh my fucking God, me and Connor agree. - Have you guys played it? - Yes, I've completed it.
- I've watched playthroughs. I think I watched like, I don't know. - No, you can't experience that through a playthrough. - I know, I know, I know. But like when I'm watching it, I'm like, yeah, nah. - What's good about it, Joe? - It was just the fucking scale of the game, especially back in the PS2 era. Like there was, you know, obviously- - The remake was aight, right? Like whatever. - Remake was aight. Yeah. - Everyone tried to gaslight everyone online. They'd be like, if you said a bad word about "Shadow Cluster"
- What? It's Shadow of the Colossus. - For me, what like fucking blew my mind with Shadow of the Colossus was just the fact that there was, I've never played a game up until that point that just had the scale of Shadow of the Colossus. Like, you know, there's lots of games where you like fight big monsters and stuff like that, obviously, right? That are like way bigger than your character, but Shadow of the Colossus took that
so much further than any other game where it's just like, oh my God, I have to fucking go up against that. And also the- - The Shadow of the Colossus come out before God of War? Because I feel like God of War did that as well. - I don't know. - Or just like, I mean, I never- - I think of God of War 3 actually. - I've never played the first God of War, so I don't know. - Yeah. - 2005 it came out. - Yeah, I mean, to me, the gameplay,
- Oh, same year. - Same year, same year, okay.
- I couldn't, I cannot understand. And to preface this, I played Shadow of the Colossus way after the original release, way after the hype of just whatever impact Shadow of the Colossus had. But I remember thinking, man, the gameplay is pretty fucking basic, isn't it? The horse is shit. The horse, I just, fuck the horse, fuck the horse.
- Fuck the horse. - Aggro. - It never goes where he wants you to go. - Yeah, aggro was a bit of a dick. He just never went the direction you wanted him to go. - I was just like, what? - It was like trying to rein in a real horse. - It was. I was like, go this direction. And he was like, nah.
I'm gonna do my own thing actually. - Half the time he's just like, "Fucking let's go." - Yeah, yeah. And then like a big reason why people talk about, you know, why "Shadow of Colossus" is such an amazing game is 'cause of the storyline. It's 'cause of the storyline. And I was just like,
- I mean, for me, it's not even about the story per se. It's more so just about the fact that like each of the Colossus that you would fight would just have such like a, obviously, especially at the time had such like a unique way of like
you had to look at it and being like, all right, how the fuck am I gonna tackle this thing that is like 50, 100 times my size, right? So it's like, it combined this like element of like exploration while also trying to figure out strategies of like how to control this thing. And that, especially at the time was so fucking revolutionary for me. Cause it's like, I'd never played a game that combined those two so seamlessly in a way that was like,
actually exciting every single time. Like I got, I remember playing the game and getting excited about like, all right, what is the next Colossus gonna look like? Like, what is this next foe that I have to go up against? Is it like underwater based now? And it's like, well, that just adds a whole new level of element. And then not to mention that, like in order to, you know, gain more stamina in the game to like hold on for dear life while you're trying to climb up this Colossus, you had to do, you know, different kinds of world exploration as well. So like, it was just like,
It just had the vibe. - Okay, that's one thing I will say. - I'll allow you a vibe. - It does have the vibe. - It had such an immaculate vibe. And the whole choice of using the very limited color gradient as well in that game was just so cool looking. - Okay, fine. I'll allow a vibe.
- Your honor, my client, my client, please vibe. My client, please vibe. - My client requesting a vibe check. - You will allow a vibe. - My client, please vibe check. Actually, your honor, I'm like, I'll allow it. - All right. - I'll allow it, it did have the vibe. - Red Dead 2. - Red Dead 2. - Red Dead 2, never played it. - Which apparently has some of the best writing and best characters you can find in any video game. - Especially a giant,
movie TV series they've made into a game. - I feel like I can have an opinion on Red Dead 2 with the amount of different analysis I've seen of Red Dead 2. - I've seen all the Nakey Jakey videos. - He like re-released a video. - Yeah, he made a video, re-released a video.
- But I heard like, yeah, there's a lot of like tediousness in the game that is fixed through mods that makes it a lot more of an enjoyable experience. - Yeah, yeah. Like I would say from based on purely watching YouTube analysis videos, everyone's problem with Red Dead 2 is exactly the same problem that
I could never complete a GTA game, which is like, okay, this is like really well written. Open world is fucking fantastic. But then you get to the missions and it's just like, go to X, go to Y. And a lot of the reason I couldn't finish a GTA game was because you had some, you had some like really cool, exciting characters. And then they'd be like,
- We're gonna like go to, you're gonna tell this person or you're gonna do something completely irrelevant. - Something you just don't wanna do. - Go to the shipyard and start stacking some boxes and that's the mission. And I'm like, for fuck sake. All right, I'm just gonna explore the open world. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, it's you know.
- It's just, I'm not really into that form of games. - We're clearly not the audience for this game. - I like fucking around in those games, but I don't really, I mean, I know I should play this game, but just haven't got around to it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. So let's move on. - Let's move on from there. We've talked about GTA 5. Metroid Prime.
- I didn't play Metroid Prime. - All right, talking about vibe. - Talking, let's talk about the vibe for a second. - Vibe check for this? - Vibe check. - Immaculate. - So this is the best Metroid game that you'd say? - Yes. Best one I've played. - Yeah, it's definitely up there for me. - No, Joey, no one here, this is the second time you've said, oh, it's definitely up there for me. - Is it the best Metroid game? - Joey, Joey, give me a tape, Joey. - You have to tell us if it's the best Metroid or not. - Yes, it is the best Metroid game.
- I like Super Metroid more, but that's just me. - You like the original. - I like the Super Nintendo Super Metroid. - Let me tell you what Super Metroid is missing Joey. - What? - The vibe.
- What the fuck are you talking about? - Super Metro was vibe central. - No, not as much as Prime, man. - Not as much, like Prime is like unmatched in terms of just like the soundtrack, the atmosphere. - It does look crazy good for 2002. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, even for like a GameCube game, this was top tier in terms of how good it looks, but it has that,
- Perfect balance between stylistic and realism. So I recently replayed Metroid Prime when they got rereleased and I was like, holy shit, this game has aged beautifully. - Oh yeah, amazing. - It has aged beautifully. - My friend had this and he wouldn't lend it to me.
I remember he was telling me how good it was. I was like, can I borrow it and play it? He's like, no. I was like, why not? He's like, I'm still playing it. And he never stopped playing it. I was like, what the heck man? Let me play it. - I mean, it's a great fucking game, man. - Yeah, I mean, the only real problem I had with Metroid Prime back in the day or in terms of playing the original one, which they fixed with the remake is the control scheme. - It was pretty weird. - Yeah, it was a super weird control scheme that definitely got fixed in the re-release. So this is like never a better time to play Metroid Prime.
- And yeah, I do genuinely think it is the best Metroid that I've played. I haven't played too many. I've only played, I played Super Metroid as well. - I've never played a Metroid game. - It was actually- - You should. - Thanks guys. - You should. - Thanks, appreciate it. - Actually one that I was thoroughly impressed with was the most recent one, Metroid Dread. That one- - Yeah, I didn't play Metroid Dread. - That one is, that also passes the vibe check.
- I think it's called Metroid. - I'm sure the reviews weren't as high. - This doesn't pass the vibe check. - It passed the vibe check for me. - Were they? Am I crazy? - The fucking robots in this shit, that was not vibes, Joey. - That fucking terrified me, that's for sure. - That was not the vibe, Joey. I'm saying. - I really enjoy Dread. I really enjoy Dread. - It's crazy.
- I'd like clock this in my memory as being not as highly reviewed, but it's still- - No, it is. - Yeah, but not as highly. - Oh yeah. - Isn't that crazy? I'm like, yeah, it was only an 8.8. Whereas the other match was like 9.5.
- I mean, I really enjoyed this one, but yeah. - Metroid Prime far and beyond. - Metroid Prime, yeah, it's definitely up there. Totally deserves to be number 10, in my opinion. - It is the best Metroid. - Super Metroid is better, but all right. - I'm gonna get on this. - GTA 3. - We've talked about this. - I don't wanna talk about GTA 3. - All right, Super Mario Odyssey.
I mean, go to, this is a great fucking game. This has the vibe and the controls of Mario 64, but it just made all the, it took all the problems that Mario 64 had and just solved it in the most beautiful way, I think. This is like the modern reinterpretation of Mario 64 when it comes to the vibe.
- Joey, I cannot. - Now you're overusing me. - Okay, Joey, Joey. Okay, good Mario game. Very good Mario game. - What do you mean by the vibe of...
- Super Mario and 64. - Well, in terms of like, for example, like the moon system in Mario Odyssey, right? Is very similar to say like Mario 64 in the sense where like you enter a singular level, but you can approach any of like in Mario 64, you can approach most of the stars in any order that you want. In the same way with this as well, you can approach the moons in any order that you want. It kind of forces you to not only look for these key things that you need to collect, but it also gives you like
so many different options to problem solve to get to the point. - Is he talking about vibe? 'Cause I feel like he's talking about structure. - Structure. - No, no, this is different. I'm done with the vibe section. - You know, when I look back, I feel like overwhelmed when I think about the game. When I look back on it, I'm like, there was so much stuff. - So, I mean, what, there's 900 moons that you collected in this game? - There's so much stuff in that game. - I feel like with this game, I actually can't remember too much about it because New Donk City just like was such a,
holy shit moment for me that I just like erased every other memory I had of the game. - Yeah, I was just trying to actually, I was having that thought. I was like, I was trying to think about the worlds. - Yeah.
- The dinosaur one, cool. - Yeah, the desert level. - Yeah, we had the samurai. - Yeah, to me, New Donk City was so fucking cool and just so wholly different to any other Mario experience I'd had before that to me was like a gaming moment I'll never forget for the rest of my life, just exploring it for the first time. - Yeah, it was really good. Some of us could have this galaxy there in my head.
- Sorry, you're having a subpar gaming experience. - Oh no, I don't see sunshine up there. - Finally, a real game on this list. - Okay, well I've never played this. - The first real game on this list. - You're gonna have to sell me on this corner. - Has this aged well? - No, horribly.
So this is purely nostalgia, you'd say? - No, I mean, wait, when was the last review? When was the last review actually? I'm curious when- - Well, with the amount of re-releases this has gotten. - Yeah, this has been re-released like 19 times and re-released it. I mean, it's what arguably kicked off
and first person shooters and popularized them. Like this was like more popular than like COD when it came out. - Really? - At least 'cause COD took like a- - Was it? - COD didn't really kick into- - No, are you talking about, do you mean COD or COD 4? - 'Cause COD 4, yeah COD 4. - Okay, okay. - COD 4 is what like sent COD into like the atmosphere of like- - I mean, yeah, I mean COD 4 was just like, okay,
- Halo 2, you know, they inched that really- - Halo 2 is what like brought multiplayer. - Yeah, that brought multiplayer gaming to like a more popular audience. COD 4 is what made it fucking mainstream. - Yeah, absolutely. - That's what I feel. - 'Cause COD was so digestible. I mean, I went back and played this. So I played three and then I liked three so much. I was like, "Oh, let's see what else is going on." And then I played it- - So this came out before three? - Well, it's the first one. - Oh, this is the first one.
- Oh my bad. I thought this was like a spinoff. - No, it's the first game, it's called Combat Evolved. - Oh, I thought it was just called Halo. - No, no, it's called Halo: Combat Evolved. - That's why I was so confused. I was like, wait, why have I not heard of this game?
- Oh, then yes, I have played this. - Wait, you've played the original Halo? - I've only played the original Halo. - Okay. - The very first one? - The very first one. This is the very first one, right? - Do you think it's aged well? - I mean, it's fun and it does a good-ish job, but I mean, the 2001,
you know, God of War came and Clutch Harder Colossus four years later. This is like pretty fucking early on. - Yeah. - Yeah. - The first person shooters. Obviously there was more iconic ones as well that were, I don't know what more. - Yeah. - But that was, we had GoldenEye, which came out in 1996. - Yeah. - And we had other stuff like that. So there was first person shooters, but this is really the one that people were like, holy shit. And then 2 was really what kind of set it off. - Right. - 2, I mean, like was, I mean, actually, I mean, it's really hard to say, 'cause the hype for 1 was also, the hype for Halo 2 was,
- I feel like too, Halo 1 was just like, because this was a new IP, right? This was Microsoft releasing Xbox and being like, okay guys, how do we compete with Nintendo and PlayStation? Well, PlayStation has the entire library, like one of the greatest,
game libraries in the history of gaming, Xbox, what do we have? Halo. And you know what? Halo fucking soloed that shit, man. - This is like the biggest solo carry for a console I've seen in my life, man. - I could be misremembering. I thought that Halo came out on PC. - No, it came out on Xbox. - No, no. - Xbox. - I know it's Xbox, but didn't it come out on PC at the same time? - No, no, no. - Am I crazy? - No, no. This was an Xbox exclusive.
- Oh. - Yeah. And pretty much when everyone discussed Xbox, the original one at least, it was like, I've only heard people talk about Halo. - Yeah. - But I remember watching a video about it and it was like the hype for two was like off the charts. - No, it was. - One was so popular. - Yeah, 'cause one was so popular and one puts Xbox on the map and one, Xbox, Halo was that killer app for Xbox.
So when Halo 2 came out, the hype was insane. It was the first time I remember seeing news articles or like news reports about people lining up for the midnight release. Like that was the first time I'd seen a game do that. So I don't wanna like downplay the hype of Halo 2 because it was fucking insane.
- I just know that it was like what caused most people to go out and get Xbox Live and get one of those little like, you know, connect to the internet and game it. - Yeah, exactly. Xbox, sorry, Halo as a game, I feel like it's the first game I remember where,
You know now a lot of AAA games have, let's say these big bombastic set pieces. It kind of felt like, oh, okay. I'm almost playing like, it's like I'm playing a game, but also it's like I'm part of like a big movie, a big budget movie. Halo was, I feel the first game that really captured that energy of just, okay, I feel like I'm the main character of a fucking 80s action movie. You know, it had, it had, it had,
It felt really like really cinematic in some cases. And some of the set pieces was just like to my, however old I was 13. - Oh my God. - 14 year old mind was fucking insane. - It's just your brain is like. - Yeah. But judging Halo by today's standards, it's a...
- There are some games on this. - The thing is, the first person shooter genre has been so thoroughly explored that going back to this feels pretty tough. - Still has the most go to title screen song though. - Yeah, I mean the- - That can never be replaced. - Story wise, they like, through a first person shooter said it so well. And that's another reason why it did so well. - Is the story good? - Yeah, the story's great. I mean, it's based off books.
- I only ever played multiplayer. I never actually played the single player. - Oh, okay, okay. - It wasn't made for- - I always feel like it's just a basic fucking action movie. - Right? - Right? - After three, you would shit like one person. - Really? - Yeah, one, two, three is such a good story.
'Cause like number three, you team up with the Arbiter to take down. - Bro, that's just like some anime shit. - Bro, no. No, what the heck? - No, and he teams up with the bad guy and then they fucking fuck. - He's not the bad guy, Master Chief's just racist.
And he finally overcomes that guy. - Oh, it's the rivals coming together to fight the bigger evil. - I'll be honest, I actually don't remember the story very well. I'm just hype as fuck and I like the story. - 'Cause I remember playing through Halo and I was just like, okay, we fight bad people. Okay, we fight the bad aliens. Oh, there's a secret evil bad alien that is even badder. And okay, now we joined together. - God, I love Halo.
- I love her. - I don't know, I'm trying to argue for it and I just don't remember much. - Yeah, I mean, I'll say the story did everything it needed to. - Oh, I wouldn't put it in the top 15. - I was calling it a good story. - I wouldn't put it in the top 15. - Yeah. - Fair enough. - So next. - NFL 2K1. - Sports ball. - None of us play. - What? - What? - What is this?
- What the fuck? This is a Dreamcast American football game. - I'm guessing this must be based on reviews of when this came out. - Yeah, it must be. - Yeah. - Okay, let's just- - Let's just ignore that one. - What the fuck? - Okay. - Yeah, Half-Life 2. - That's expected. - Yeah, that's expected.
- Yeah. - Yeah. - I don't remember much of the story, but I remember enjoying myself playing it. - I mean, if we're talking about influence, it's probably one of the most single piece, like single most influential game of all time. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - In like so many aspects. - And I still think it holds up to this day as well. - Yeah. - It's, you know, talking about games like Halo,
Would you replay it? I probably wouldn't replay it. I would definitely still replay Half-Life 2 if I wasn't a fucking pussy. And like, I hate the head crabber monster things. - Oh, fuck yeah. - Oh yeah, yeah. - I really wanted to play the VR Half-Life, but like my childish memories of how terrified I was of like Half-Life 2, I was like, I can't do this again. But yeah, fantastic game. - And when's Half-Life 3?
- It's never coming, Joey. It's never coming. Valve is making too much money from Steam. - Bioshock. - They don't need to make. - I'm kind of impressed that it's so high up. I never actually played a Bioshock. It seems like a gaunt type of game though. - Yeah, it is. It is. - I've only ever watched Arky play this. - Seems very atmospheric. - This is not an...
- I wouldn't expect this to be an Aki game. - Aki fucking loves Bioshock. It's like one of her favorite game series. And I watched her play it and I was like, all right, this doesn't seem like my type of game personally, but I can totally see why people fucking love it.
- Talking about games with good narratives, there's Bioshock. - I never played Fallout, but Bioshock and Fallout are always in the same part of my brain. I would categorize them as atmospheric, story-driven, first-person shooters. - Yeah, I mean, I've never been much of a first-person shooter gamer per se.
- He said that with such a like disdain. - I mean, Byshock,
stood out to me for the storyline, mainly for the fucking ending, which- - Yeah, apparently has one of the greatest twists. - Yeah, yeah, which, you know, back in the day blew my fucking mind because before I was like, okay, first person shooter story, Halo, blow things up. And then I played Bioshock and I was like, holy fucking shit. I did not see that coming at all. Would I see it coming now? Maybe, maybe, I don't know. But yeah, back in the day,
- Yeah, I remember back in the day when people were playing this game around me, the only thing I heard about why this game was goaded was the, would you kindly line. It was just like, I don't know what that means, but I'm sure it's great. - Must have seen the reviews and the user scores being so high. So I guess it deserves this point. - Yeah, I mean, this is like I said, anything that's,
I think would age well, because at the end of the day, even if the gameplay might've been dated a little bit, it's still worth it just to experience the story of Bioshock. - All right, what's next?
- We got Goldeneye. - That's fair. I mean, yeah. I mean it literally popularized first person shooter multiplayer. - Yes, the OG aged horribly. - Oh yeah, it's horrible. It is horrible to play this game. - I mean most games in the N64 era have not aged that great. - But especially first person shooter games on that fucking control scheme. Jesus Christ. - Yeah. - I mean, I have very, this is I think the first,
multiplayer game that I fell in love with because I have very, everyone my age- - Dude, the story missions are so good in this game though. - I can't remember the story missions. - Oh my God, I used to get so scared doing all the graveyard mission. Did you play this one? - Yeah, I played it. - Do you remember the graveyard? That thing was fucked. - Yeah, yeah. - And then the one on the satellite and you'd have to go on the beams on the- - Oh, I had to get my friend to finish that one for me. - It was so hard. - I actually, I couldn't do it, yeah. - It was so good.
I mean, it was just a cool, every mission was sick. - That and the fucking Crash Bandicoot Bridge level are like the two video game levels to this day I haven't finished. - It's actually a really good story on top, sorry, a really good like single player experience on top of,
being the thing that made "Ball to Play" a popular game. - Yeah, yeah. I mean, for me, I was always a perfect dark. I went perfect dark. - I was by rare as well, so I mean. - Yeah, it's by rare. And I felt like what was missing from this, what was missing from this perfect dark had,
And I have more fond memories of Perfect Dark than I do of Goldeneye. - I think it just helps with the James Bond branding 'cause James Bond in the 90s was like super popular. I mean, it's still popular now, but I think it definitely had a bit more going for it back then. - Yeah.
- But yeah, I mean, it's up there for, it's definitely influential. Everyone has a fond golden eye memory. - Just another W for the railway games during this era as well. - I mean, did they release a bad game? - Bring it back, man. Bring it back. Bring that era back. - Uncharted 2. - Never played it. - Unfortunately, I have not played the Uncharted games, but I do know Naughty Dog games. - Every Naughty Dog game looks the same to me. - Is that a, am I allowed to say that?
- Everything looks, every time I see gameplay, it looks exactly the same. - Okay, yes. - It's a guy running through with a gun and a bunch of cinematic things happening. - Yes. - But it's always just like- - Or it's Crash Bandicoot. - I would gladly play a Crash Bandicoot game over this. Whenever I see Uncharted gameplay or whatever, or the story happening, I'm like, okay. - If you showed me a scene of an Uncharted game- - I'd rather watch a movie. - Yeah. - I'd rather watch a movie. - It looks pretty. - Yeah.
- I mean, that's what I feel about what, 'cause I haven't played Uncharted, but it looks like a movie. And if it plays anything like The Last of Us, I mean, The Last of Us wasn't bad gameplay, but it wasn't anything revolutionary. It was the narrative and the storytelling for that game that was revolutionary. I don't know about Uncharted 2,
- I think none of us have played it, that's why we're slandering it. - Yeah, yeah. - Also the internet has ruined me. Whenever I see Uncharted 2, this title, I just think of Among Thieves Nuts. - You're so dumb, you're so dumb. - It's like, what was Uncharted 2 called again? Among Thieves? Among Thieves Nuts. - Oh God. - Thanks internet. - I kind of wish I gave it a shot 'cause I'm sure I'd speak fondly of it, but yeah. - I've heard more people would,
say like sing their praises for Uncharted 4, if anything. - To be honest, man, I couldn't tell you the fucking difference. - They all look the same to me. - They all look the same, yeah. - Which I guess is the point of a game series. - Resident Evil 4. - It was GameCube first, right? - Yeah. - When I saw that list of top PS2 games, I was like, you guys are getting uncomfortable putting M-Cube games on your list. - I mean, this is like the definitive Resident Evil game. So I'm not...
- I'm not surprised to be honest. - Is it? - Yeah, this is like normally considered the best one. - I've never really played, I've never played a Resident Evil. - I've played the remake. - Yeah, four and two I've played. - I've played four, five and, five's the one in Africa. - Oh yeah, it is. - And then six is the one in the house. Or is it seven? - That's seven, I think. - I've played six and I've played eight.
- The one in Africa was weird. I did not like that game. - I completely forgot that game. - Everyone says it's always like the action game more than it is. - No, that's Six. Six is the action game. - Oh, is Six the action game? - Five is a weird one where it's like they're trying to be epic, but you're just like, oh, okay. 'Cause it's like, the story's weird too. It's just a weird game. It's such a weird game. - I mean, don't all Resident Evils have like a really weird storyline?
- Yeah, but I think four when I played like four, I was like, okay, this kind of makes, this feels like, this feels good. - Four probably made the most sense. - And then five you're like, okay, so.
- They just have like a sickness and I got to shoot them all? Okay, this feels a bit weird. - What is the storylines for? - For? - Yeah. - Okay, you are asking me a tough question. - You played the remake, right? - You played Fall recently. - All I know is that I have to save the president's daughter and there is a disease and it's evil and it's a resident of the village.
- That's the name. - And there's four of them. - And there's four of them, there's four diseases. - I can't remember. I haven't played it since the game too, so I can't remember. - I'll be honest, I cannot remember a single story from any of the four Resident Evil games I've played. - 'Cause they're all really weird as fuck. - I mean, 8 was probably kind of cohesive. You're just kind of in a village and you're trying to figure out why you're in the village. And then it gets really shit halfway through. - Is 8 the one that's like first person?
- Yes. - I thought that was seven. - Seven was the house. - Oh yeah, the house. - Seven was the house. - This is the one that I've heard is the best and ironically the one I haven't played. - I played a little bit of this. - Apparently it's terrifying. - Yeah, I heard it's absolutely like shit yourself terrifying. - I already played it. - Oh, eight is the one with the giant golf mom. - Yeah, so the first half of this game is solid and then it becomes shit in the second half. - Right. - Yeah. - 'Cause they just kind of give up on it being scary.
- Like I felt that because of like the goofier aspects of "Resident Evil" especially as the series went on, it was like, okay, this is turning into less scary and more just a weird action game. And then "Seven" came out and that put it back to its roots of just being fucking terrifying. - And then they did that in eight and then halfway through they were like, "Oh, we'll just go back to this." - Well, was "Resident Evil 4" scary?
- Yeah, it was pretty scary. I mean, I was a lot younger when I played this. So definitely, yeah, 2005, right? So I was, well, I played it a little bit after because I actually never owned a GameCube. I played at my friend's place. I think I was probably like- - I was eight years old. - I was like 12 maybe-ish. Yeah, pretty fucking scary. A 12 year old should not be playing that game. Especially an eight year old shouldn't be playing that game. - But it's weird 'cause we were in Europe. So we either,
- I don't know how was the release in Australia, but cause obviously these are all off the American releases and Europe was weird. Cause we'd either weirdly get the game before America or we'd get it like a year and a half after. - Australia was the one who always got a lost with any game. - Which version of the game did you get? Did you get the American or the Brit or the European versions? - I don't remember. I didn't even know there was two different versions. - I thought you guys get the American ones I think actually. - Maybe, no idea. - Oh, that's four. - That's the remake. - Cause I always knew that they,
Whenever I watch videos about it, they'd be like, "And the European version released." I'm like, "What about the Australian version?" - No, we never got the... - I don't think there was... - Australia was just like a fucking afterthought. - Yeah, I wonder what we... - We always were the ones who got games last. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Wait, in Australia, if you bought a PlayStation 3 or whatever, like Nintendo, you bought Nintendo SNES, which region were the cartridges locked to? Was it Europe or America?
- Like could you play an American cartridge if you bought it? 'Cause the European one couldn't.
- I have no clue. The SNES I had was a Japanese one. So I don't know how it actually operates. - He hacked the system. - Yeah. - He hacked the system. He can play Japanese. - I was straddling between a country that got the games first and a country that got the games last. - But there was even like weird cases where like the European released before the Japanese one from a Japanese game. - Really? - Yeah, there was some... The Europe releases were always so funny how we always got it. 'Cause they'd always include for the European ones, we'd always get all the languages.
'Cause the American one, I think, I don't know actually. It was weird. It was really weird being in Europe with gaming 'cause you kind of just got what showed up. Whereas America, I feel like they had a lot more like finger on the pulse about what games are coming out when. - Well, that's just true for most media. Not just games. - So it's weird whenever I see these years of things being released, sometimes I'm like, yeah, but it probably wasn't even like fucking in the store.
in my local store until like way later. - Yeah. - But I mean, release dates matter less to us or less to me because- - But as a kid, it's like hard to judge when you see the- - Yeah, as a kid, it's like- - You just get whatever you get. - As a kid, you're like, all right, that's the game. When was the next Christmas or birthday from? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- I don't give a shit about release dates. - Is it still in stores? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - If it's gone, it's gone. - Yeah, totally. - And like, you know, they never had any of these games. I remember there was never any Final Fantasy games in my local game store. - Well, you lived in the middle of like, middle of butt fuck nowhere, so. - We had one, we had two games near us. Do you have games? - Yeah, we had a game, yeah. - Well, I lived in Brighton, so yeah. - You had Civilization. - Yeah, I had Civilization. I had pretty much all the games. - Well, it wasn't until like I was like,
14, 15, where like buying stuff online was really like a common, like, 'cause my parents weren't even willing to do it. - No, no, no, the trick was Blockbuster. Blockbuster had all the games, right? - Well, yeah, but Blockbuster went bankrupt where I was. - No, no, no, but I'm talking about like as a kid, how you could play more games. - You were gone, you were, how much older are you than me?
- How old are you again? - I'm 27. - You're 33, right? - Yeah. - That's six years, quite a big difference. - Six years, yeah. - He's talking about Blockbuster. We did have a Blockbuster. And I remember I rented Sly 2, the band of thieves, is that what it's called? - Yeah. - I rented that shit and I was one day late, my mom killed me. She blamed me even though I'm not gonna lie, she rented it, she should have been on the ball. - Right.
- And I remember I rented this and then my mom never let me rent a game ever again. And like a year later, they went out of business. - Yeah. - That's the dominoes now. - Okay, so you don't have much memories of Blockbuster then. - I remember that we got to go rent one. Our parents would let us walk in, but we were never allowed to rent anything. - Yeah, we only went to our local Blockbuster to rent movies. - I had to buy pre-owned games. That was how I got games. They had to be pre-owned. - Okay, okay.
- All right, "Baldur's Gate 3." - Moving on to "Baldur's Gate 3." - I don't have 400 hours free, but I trust it. - But it's not a JRPG. - Sydney's played it, right? What's Sydney on about? What's she saying? Sydney is obsessed with it, right? - Yeah, Sydney is absolutely obsessed with it. - Is this the one where you can consensually have sex with a bear or something? - Yes. - Well, okay, but I don't know if the bear can consent. - Yeah. - Well, I don't know. Apparently that was like a big thing where it's like, "Oh, it's consensual," or some shit.
I mean, we've never had this. I just had to rape a bear. This is a leap for bear kind. Finally some representation. What the fuck?
- The bear said he liked it. - Yeah, I don't get it. - I mean, I, if I genuinely, if I had 400 hours free, I'm sure I would love the fuck out of this game. - Yeah, for sure. - I just don't have 400 hours free. - No, no. - Yeah, I mean, it's one of those games where I know if I play it, I'm going to love it. I know why it's good. I just know it's a massive, massive time sink. - I just don't got the hours. - Yeah, yeah, I mean, seeing Sydney play through this for the past,
- Fuck, two months, three months, however long she is, however many hours she's put into it. I'm like, oh, I could really get into this game because it's, every time I've talked to someone about it, it's fucking incredible just to see the amount of different choices you have and how much the storyline can diverge. I was like, I don't know how you design that into a game and not have it be fucking randomly generated or something like having everything tie up together.
Yeah, the amount of choices, the amount of freedom you get, it's fucking insane. And I can see why people have put 400, 500 hours into this game. And I will be that person at one point. I know I'm gonna love this game. - I'm saving this one for retirement boys. - Yeah, I'm saving this one until this one. - This is a retirement home. - This is a retirement home game. - This and "Fantasy Online" are the two games I've saved for myself to be like, okay.
- I just give up on YouTube guys. - Yeah. - What's next? - When no more obligations left. - But is that the most recent game? - I think so. - Is that the most recent game on this? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. I mean, fucking deserve. - Number 20. - Fucking deserve. - Orange box. - Orange box is just a collection of three games. - This is just a great, this is just a- - The greatest hits. - This is just a steam summer sale. I mean, let's be honest guys.
- Portal was a godlike game. - Portal was a godlike game, but it's the orange box on here. - I know, I know, but if Portal was on here, I'd be like, yep, that deserves that spot. - Okay, if this was Portal alone, would you have put it this high up?
- No. - Yeah. - Portal 2 maybe. Portal 2 is really good. - Portal 2 is good, but I still wouldn't put it this high up. - But I mean, you have a collection of Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2 and Portal. I'm like, okay. - This is like putting the Beatles greatest hits on a top albums list. It's not fair. - Throwing a free Michael Jackson album on there too. - Yeah, exactly. And I'm like, oh, okay, I guess it's like,
of one of the top greatest games of all time. - Yeah, it's kind of not fair. - Now, separate that out and already Half-Life 2 is higher than the fucking game pack that has Half-Life 2 in it. So yes. - Yeah, yeah, all right, let's continue. - All right, let's continue. Tekken 3. - Tekken 3. We don't know. - Again.
- Couldn't tell you the difference. - Couldn't tell. Which Tekken is this? I don't know. It's the one where people punch each other. Is this the greatest game of, this is apparently the second greatest fighting game of all time now. - It's interesting though, the difference though between where Tekken 3 on this list is versus Soul Calibur. Like this is what, number 21?
- But I think there's like two points difference. It's like very close. - Yeah, yeah. - It's very, very close. - But I'm glad the goats get reckoned out. - All right, moving on. Mass Effect 2, I've talked a lot about Mass Effect 2. - Is it the best one out of the Mass Effects? - It is the best one from a storytelling perspective.
My hot take is that I prefer three. This is my Game of Thrones take all over again because three is all the pretty, three has all the ending of the storylines and all the fucking big climaxes and set pieces. But this one has the best character writing. This is it. From a critical perspective, yes, this one's the best one. - All right. - What the fuck is this? - And then the house in what?
- What is this one? - What, wait, I see anime. - Oh, is this like this Castlevania spiritual successor game or something like that, right? - This is pretty recent. I've never heard of this. - Yeah, this is last year. - We go to videos. - Oh, is it a visual novel?
- I don't think so. - Oh, it might be. - Is it a visual novel? - You just skip through it? - Yeah, skip through to, let me see some gameplay. Unless this is the gameplay. - Oh my God, it's a visual novel. - It's a visual novel! - Let's go! - W for the visual novels. - High intensity gameplay. - Woo! - Let's go. - Let's fucking go. - I will be, I admit, I am shocked the visual novel game is that high. - What's, wait, hold on. Go back to the Metacritic game thing.
- Yeah, wow, even the user scores are high. - Okay, okay. - Jesus. The House of Fata Morgana is over 40 hours long. And in those 40 hours, you'll maybe get to make about three decisions. - We did it gamers, a book has made it on the list. - It is a visual novel in the strictest sense of the word. And you must be prepared for that going in. - Ain't no way.
"How did this happen?" - I love how he says that you make no decisions and again, he gave it a 90. - Yeah, I think he was just setting the expectations. - Just a book. They've just put a book in a video. - That's wild. - Which is fine, it's fine. - Yeah, yeah. - I mean, hey, if it's, the Russians don't like it though apparently.
- Yeah, the Russians are not into it. - Yeah. - But hey, there you go. - Okay, I gotta check this out. - Wow, everyone, what the hell? - All right. - Geek fiction, somebody said in their review. - Jesus Christ. - Jesus, I better be reading. - All right, number 25, "Zelden Ring." I mean, is anyone really surprised about that, to be honest? - Yeah, yeah, I'm not. - This one is another one I'm saving for retirement. - Surprises are higher, honestly. - Yeah, that is true. - I really thought that would be higher. Wow, the user scores is eight.
- I thought the user scores would have been way higher. - Why are they so wise? - There's so many haters. You know what that is?
- Game of the year. - No, no, no. They're just bad gamers. They couldn't get past the tutorial. - That's a skill diff right there. - That's genuinely a skill diff. You have to be like, you have to have been dropped as a child to think this is a bad game. - I think that this must be the salt of from like- - It must be, it must be salt. There's no shot. - This is users being like, "This one game of the year? Fuck off. My favorite game. God of War should have won a game of the year." - What does that say? What does this review say? Some user said, "Yeah, click that one, Abbie. No, no, you were just on it." - The one next to that one.
- If there's someone who races game loan, so that's cause they don't have enough game. I do think if you walk away from this game, giving it less than like a five, there has to be something wrong with it. - You just don't like games at that point. - You just don't like games. You go and play visual novels. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. There's literally no way you could give this a negative score. I genuinely believe that.
- Can we scroll down to a negative score? - Oh, there's one right there. - Let me see, let me see. - Oh no, it's in German. Okay, game world is bland. Story and cinematics is almost non-existent. NPCs are boring and only give riddles. Gameplay is also boring and made for MMO kiddies that like to grind and grind and grind.
- Wow. - That's a really like dumb way of saying you can't read, you need flashing lights and that you don't like games that take skill. - I mean, his username just explains it. - They speaking riddles.
- 16% negative reviews. - I am all for people liking what they like. And I can also admit that if it's not for you, it's not for you. But saying that it's a absolute garbage game is insane. - Absolute garbage. I don't know how FromSoft can release such a garbage after the godlike Sekiro and Bloodborne. - How can you like Sekiro and Bloodborne and turn around and say Elden Ring is garbage? - Yeah, technically it's better than DS3, but who cares if the wall building is trash? - What?
It's like arguably the best world building. They got fucking George R.R. Martin to help fucking flesh out the world.
I mean, is he just rage baiting at this point? I don't know. - Yeah, it has to be. - It has to be. - Well, it's worked. I'm angry. - Yeah, yeah. - But it's not on Twitter, so I don't know. - All right, well, let's move on. - All right, whatever. - It's clearly a goaded game. - Yeah. I mean, I haven't even played the game and I know it's good. - Like this in "Borders Gate 3," I'm like, "Yeah, yeah, it's goaded." - Yeah, same with "Elder Scrolls" too. Never played "Skyrim." - I've never played "Skyrim" either. - I've heard it's amazing though. - Is it?
- It's impressive how fondly it's remembered for how buggy it is. - Isn't it still the most, it's like the most modded game of all time. - Yeah, I'm just like- - Or so it's the most- - For how much has been modded, I'm like, was the game good and workable or are people liking this game because of the fucking mods? - I've never heard of anyone talking about the vanilla.
- I have never heard anyone have an inner version either. So I don't actually know if it's good or if it's age well, if it's like the mods that I've like solo carried this map. - I never played Bethesda games growing up. I really wish I did, but I just never, I was too deep in the card hole. I was too deep. I was huffing that card copium. - All right, next one. Let's go back. - Yeah, what's next? Half-Life is next. - Half-Life 1 and then there's Tears of the Kingdom. - Tears of the Kingdom. - Tears of the Boring. - All right. - And then there's Majora's Mask.
- No, Wind Waker. - Oh, Wind Waker, sorry, excuse me. - Yeah, yeah, Majora's Mask isn't anywhere near this, Joey. - Time has been very generous to the Wind Waker. - No, I'm fine. Yeah, I'm fine. I fucking love Wind Waker. - The longer this time passes, the more I think it ages well and is remembered fondly. - Yeah, 'cause when it first came out, people hated this game. Like people hated the visual changes rather. - That was Nintendo's fault. They had teased a like insanely gritty and dark Zelda game, and then they released a cartoon ass looking game.
So it was their own fault for marketing it completely incorrectly. So when they say everyone hated it, I was like, "Are you talking about Breath of the Wild or Wind Waker?" Sorry. - Wind Waker. - Sorry, I was seeing. - When they initially marketed the GameCube, they were like, "The next Zelda's gonna be like Chad, "Ball of the Wall, Dark Souls." And then they released Wind Waker. People were like, "What the fuck is this?"
Which I think would be fair. Like imagine if you got called Teased by Nintendo, then you get Dark Souls Legend of Zelda. And then you get Hee Hee Hoo Hoo Saturday morning cartoon ass. But it's like, and then you're like, wait, but this is actually goaded. This is fucking goaded. Were you, yeah, you were alive. Were you-
- I'd never beaten all of this in one go. I used to go to my friend's house and he would replay it all the time. So I would constantly replay just random sections out of order. - But do you remember, were you like a gamer when the first new gen Zelda trailer came out? - He was born a gamer, come on. - I literally came out the womb.
- I came out the womb with the controller. - Bro, they handed me an Atari joystick when I came out. They said, "Hold on to this." I was like, "Say no more." - Yeah, when was the first time you guys really heard about E3 or really started to care about E3? - Oh, not until I was like deep in YouTube. - Yeah. - We're in the UK. - Yeah, I was an adult when I heard about E3.
- When I first really started to care about E3 was that time when the new Zelda got announced and it got released with a trailer. - Oh yeah. Of a game that never came out. - The game, the Zelda game that never came out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that was the first time you like,
in terms of like the E3 announcement and trailer announcements, that was the first time you felt that hype. 'Cause you saw, this was predating YouTube. You saw clips online, which you had to download on the internet of just people losing their fucking shit at the trailer. And then Shigeru Miyamoto comes out with the fucking Zelda. - Yeah. - Everyone's like,
- Oh fuck yes. - That's why he's the goat. - Next up we have Gran Turismo. - Gran Turismo. - Gran Turismo. - I don't know if I'm being like, I feel like it was an inevitability that we would get a good racing game. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - It just would have happened and Gran Turismo was the one that did it. Well, if you make a video game console, someone sooner or later was gonna make a Gran Turismo. - Yeah. - Is it better than Mario Kart though? - No.
- That's just a casual. Gran Turismo led the groundwork for like serious racing sims. And then like, which I think was going to happen with the like technology. Like there was gonna be better quality racing sims. I mean, Gran Turismo is like nowadays is a different beast. Like they pretty much have the cars in one for one as realistic as possible. But I think it's just 'cause it's the first ones, the Genesis. And it was also actually a great game.
I played a lot of "Gran Turismo 3" I think on PS2. - I was never really a "Gran Turismo". - Yeah, I know. I've never played a "Gran Turismo". - It's hard to show "Gran Turismo" to a kid
and then show a Mario Kart and have him pick Gran Turismo. - To me, Gran Turismo just always felt like less of a game and more of like a simulator. - Yeah, it is. - I mean, that's essentially what it is. - Yeah, yeah. - It's always tried to be the driving sim. - The driving sim. 'Cause when I think racing games that I really enjoyed, obviously Mario Kart,
F-Zero, the burnout games as well, which I don't know about. - You don't think like sims. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I look at this and I'm like, oh, this is a flight simulator, but with cars. - I mean, basically, but like the community around this is like very, very intense. People who like racing sims, love racing sims. I've been to a few places in Japan where you can like go on a racing sim.
Like you can just like draw. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - There's so many. People in Japan love them. They're very, very popular and I wish I was into them. Even as a kid, I had Forza, never played it. I played a lot of Gran Turismo, but never really wanted to play it after I played it. - No, no. - It was always like, when can I play Crash Bandicoot? When can I play Mario Kart? When can I play like literally any other game? - Yeah. - Okay. - But I understand why it's on the list. - Yeah, moving on. That's the highest Metal Gear, not Metal Gear 3? Come on gamers.
- Metal Gear 2? - But Metal Gear 2, this is also fucking- - I don't think I've played Metal Gear 2. - Metal Gear Solid 2 suffers in its story. It's one of the first ones. - Okay, let me, how can I, Joey, how can I, you haven't played Metal Gear 2? - I haven't played 2. - How can I put this? - Oh, is it on the Psycho Mantis? - No, Psycho Mantis was the original Metal Gear. - Oh, that was hard. - Metal Gear 2 is the end of AVA of the Metal Gear series.
- Say less. - This goes some weirdo shit. This does some weirdo shit. And like to me, "Metal Gear 3" is my favorite "Metal Gear" game, but the more that I've grown up, the more I've come to appreciate the absolute fucking balls of what Kojima did with "Metal Gear Solid 2." - Right, right. - Because this was Kojima being like,
I'm gonna do my own thing. It's gonna be some weird things.
I don't really care if you like it, I'm gonna make it anyway. - Right. - Because what happened, like how much you guys know about the release of like "Metal Gear 2"? - Nothing, I know nothing about "Metal Gear". - Okay, so when this got released, a lot of people fucking hated this. A lot of people like, the diehard "Metal Gear" fans fucking hated this. So obviously, okay, you have the release of "Metal Gear Solid 1", right? And that was fucking insane for the PlayStation. It was kind of like a tactical stealth,
had solid stake in it. Everyone loved the storyline, kind of was very reminiscent of some kind of like OG spy movies. That was kind of like the vibe and it still is to this day. It's like, that's the vibe of Metal Gear, even with some batshit crazy stuff going on with whatever Kajima's cooking up.
- Middle Gear Solid 2 gets announced and it's similar to Halo 2, right? This was, Middle Gear Solid 2 at the time was, I think it felt like PlayStation's answer to whatever Microsoft was doing with Halo 2 with that hype. You know, this got so many trailers. This like, this was the killer app to buy PlayStation 2 for. Got so many trailers and then here's the thing,
- Here's the killer. They released the demo and it's like, holy shit. You get to play a Solid Snake again. The fan base is going crazy. They give you an entire stage. You play like this tanker and the demo ends at the end of that tanker stage and people were like,
Holy shit, the goat is back. I am ready. Fast forward to the release dates. All right, you start off with the tanker stage again. You play a solid snake, all right. People have played that before. You know, you play through that, you're like, all right, what's been cooking next? Completely switches to an entirely new character. It ain't a big fucking tough, rough, solid snake. It's Raiden, a little fem boy who's a...
who is a little blonde boy and he has problems with his girlfriend and stuff. And people are like fucking pissed off 'cause they're like, "Where the fuck is the solid snake that I was promised?" And the thing is, when you play through this, you're like, okay, this is just a thing, right? This is just a level. You're gonna play a snake eventually, you never get to play a snake again. - Oh, wow.
- That's bald, that's bald. - And there is, as you play the game, as you play the game, you start to get the sinking realization, oh, he is the main character of this story. - Wait, is this the game that has that like absolutely ass underwater escort mission? Is this this one or is that three?
- I feel like that was the first one. - Was that the first one? - I think that might've been the first one. But honestly, it was funny to see how angry people were back in the day versus just now that you come in with like no expectations of like, okay, I get to play as Snake versus I get to play as Raiden. The storyline is weird as fuck.
especially towards the end. But to me, I think the ideas and some of the scenes presented in this, like they still like live to me to this day, especially some of the final scenes where this predates a lot of like this, this has a lot, surprisingly even about like internet culture.
- Yeah, this has a whole fucking monologue about memes. Decades before meme culture even became a thing, man. - Damn. - Yeah, this like, Kojima was cooking some weird shit, but he was, but some of this shit hits like,
Hit fucking deep, man. Would you recommend then that people play this today? Yeah, hell yeah. Hell yeah. I think Metal Gear Solid has... Because Kojima... He's just...
- He's just an artist, man. - Yeah, he is. - He does what he wants and every Metal Gear is just so insanely different from each other because I think he wanted, he just wanted to do new things with every different game. Three, I think is the most standard, okay, well-written in a conventional sense, spy thriller storyline. This,
has some fucking wild ideas and wild moments that I still remember to this day. And I still think it's worth playing. - Okay. - All right, damn. - Yeah. - You made a very compelling game. - I fucking love Metal Gear. - That was a monologue bro. - I fucking loved it. - You did monologue. - I yapped a lot, but if there's two game series I will yap about it's Mass Effect, which I've already done and Metal Gear. I fucking love Metal Gear. - All right, we'll have to play it.
- I mean, I always wanted to, so eventually. - All right, well, we've seen enough of what the critics think are the best games in the world, but what do the gamers think are the best games in the world? So we changed it up now. We have the best games by user score. - Told you this is what would happen. - I assume this is just like meta critic user scores? - Yeah, okay, this is what happens, right? Like something like "Elden Ring" would never get a high review score 'cause it's too popular. So there's a lot of polarizing reviews.
- So apparently- - Hold up, hold up. Let's just go through and see what we recognize "Age of Empires" to. That's the one you're in. - Fourth greatest game of all time. - I don't wanna say that I was a pivotal part of the success of that, but certainly I had to have played a part. - I mean, this is a goaded game. This is, this is. - This is like the game that like,
'Cause back when you didn't understand anything about PCs. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - If you went to your friend's house or a cousin's house or a family friend and they had this shit on the PC, you were so good for hours. This shit was so fun. - Did you ever play this with a cheat codes as well? - Yeah, 'cause you get like cars. - Do you remember the car? The fucking car with the machine gun? Oh my God. - I've never actually played an Asian Empire game.
if like it's your family friend, have a PC at the house, you get on it. - Damn. - If they had this, you were literally set for days. - Or this was the one where, you know, sometimes you had a PC class in school and there was always one kid who figured out how to install Age of Empires II on the PC. And it was just like that. - I was mostly playing Civ II.
instead of "Age of Empires 2." - Oh, this was so good. Because Civ was always like a tough game as well. This was like the super easy beginner friendly battle. 'Cause you just fucking make things. - I also love the bombastic stink eye of the Shogun on the cover there. It's such like a- - And like upgrading the ages was so fun. It was so easy to control. It was just such a great game. - "Warcraft," yeah, I understand why "Warcraft" is there. - I don't. - Never got into it. - "Kessen 3," I've never even heard of "Kessen." I'm too young.
- Kesin three 2005. What is this? - Metacritic score 73. I feel like, wait, this is based on 18 user ratings. - See this is the problem with user scores, right? 18 people, only one person was like, yeah, it's mid. The reviews, there's more critical reviews.
- There was one dude who gave this a seven. - Oh my God. - Not nearly as good as the first one. - What is the system that my anime has used? Because it's like based on user score, but clearly- - They have a bit of a better filtering out. - What the hell, what the hell? What the hell Metacritic, what the hell? - Bro, no one takes Metacritic seriously. - Planescape, I never heard of that either. - Deus Ex, yeah, Deus Ex, that makes sense that it would be up there. - Okay, I've never played Deus Ex. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, look, there's a game that has like 63.
- Oh, that's the critical. - Yeah, that's the meta score. - Oh, that makes sense, okay, sorry. - Wow, "Metroid Prime" is still number 11. - I'm saying "Metroid Prime" is goaded. - "Sekken 3" is still up there, the original "Groza and Evil." - It's interesting to see which ones are both.
- Yeah, I mean, Resident Evil 1 is not- - It's pretty janky. - Not deserving of that spot. - It's pretty janky if you play it today. - I mean, it's got pretty high acclaim on both critical reviews and user scores. - That's crazy. - And also the voice acting is so horrible. - The game has a good story, but has annoying controls and a bad camera angle. - Yeah, I mean, that was pretty much the big problem with Resident Evil for the longest time, wasn't it? - Yeah. Oh my God, look at that.
- Holy shit. - Go back to the last, sorry. - PN03. - What the hell is PN03? - GameCube. I think I remember seeing this on GameCube once. - Product number 03. I've never, what the hell is this? - I'm surprised 68 users ranked it this high. - What the hell is it? Plays like an arcade game. - I mean, it has the...
Yeah, the 2000s were a weird period where there were some companies, mainly like Japanese ones, that were still kind of making very arcade-feeling games that generally just didn't do well. Yeah, I think I remember reading about this in like a Nintendo magazine or something. Yeah, I've just seen one of those games. Yeah, yeah. That's sick. Like whenever I got a Nintendo thing, what was that one with the fork and the plug? He was like a plug. The main character was just a plug. A plug? Chibi-Robo, is that what it was called?
- What was that? - Nintendo game where character is a plug. - A plug? - This sounds like a fucking... - It sounds like a parody. - Eva dream. - Chibi-Robo. - Yeah, Chibi-Robo. - What the hell is that? - I've never seen it. - I've never seen it. - What the hell is that? - On the back of like magazines. - What is that? - I've never seen this. - I've never seen this. - Chibi-Robo plug into adventure. - What, I've never seen this. How do you know this one? - I know games.
- It was in developmental hold until Shigeru Miyamoto gained interest in the title and overhauled its production. - Yeah, it was a Nintendo exclusive. - Wow. - Shigeru Miyamoto fucking played a part in this game? - Well, he's the reason why we have it. I remember every single Nintendo magazine, they would show it at the end and it always looked really cool.
- I've never seen this before. - It's like a 3D adventure. - Oh my God, there's even an English version of this game? This was popular, kind of. - This is not popular, Connor. - It was well received. - This was not popular. - You'd go around and you'd have to solve. - That's actually really cute though. - Yeah. - He's so cute, what the fuck? - This looks like one of those random Japanese games that would never get translated. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You see? - But you have to plug in after you've spent all your energy. - Oh, I see. - Oh, that looks cute.
- Yeah, this is the, this looks like a fucking fever dream. I've never heard of this game. - Yeah, I just always see it on the magazines and think, where am I going to buy this? - It's very Pikmin-esque. - Okay. - All right. - I've never seen that. - All right, let's go back. - Why is that not in the top 10? - It might be. - More Age of Empires. Chrono Trigger is up there. - Yes, let's go. - Agreed, agreed. - Agreed. - Whoa, wait, I just realized the fan vote is that 10 was the best Final Fantasy. - Oh yeah, I'm not surprised with that. - Wow.
- Yeah, I mean, 10 was massively, massively praised. - I mean, it's been fucking remastered like 17 times. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I mean, 10 is amazing, absolutely. It's probably, out of the 3D Final Fantasies, it's probably my favorite. - 'Cause like, I feel like,
- Because the big reason was Final Fantasy VII was on PS1 and Final Fantasy X was on PlayStation 2. And I just feel like the reach of PlayStation 2 just completely overshadows- - See, it's fucking wild because I look at footage like this of the original X and I'm like, it's crazy to think this was PS2. 'Cause it still looks so fucking good. And I had such a crush on Yuna when I was little.
- Man, I still do. - Not a Riku man? - I like Riku, but Yuna was like, Yuna was my girl back in the day. She's so cute. - I never really liked the design of the main character. - Oh, Tidus? - Yeah. - Yeah, he's an interesting one. He's an interesting character. - Oh gosh. - Yeah.
- Okay, Suikoden II as well. - Oh, Shenmue as well. - Pete never shuts up about Suikoden II. - How many alter counts does Pete have on this? - Pete goes on about this game for days. This is like the best thing ever. 'Cause you can hire like 60 characters for your RPG. - Yeah, I've played Suikoden I. - What is this?
- It is the most JRPG, JRPG you'll probably ever play. - You can like recruit 60 characters for a party. And they all, there's like a frontline, middle and like support line. It's like you have like nine characters in battle. It's ridiculous. - Yeah. - Okay. - It's kind of cool though. It's very unique, but I've never played it. - Yeah. - Oh, Melee? It's number 23? - Of course, of course. - Melee being the highest rated Nintendo game.
- Is that the highest rated Nintendo game? - No, no, no, Metroid Prime. - Metroid Prime was, Metroid Prime was. - Oh wow. But this is the highest rated Mario game. - I'm surprised. - And Zelda game by the way. - I'm surprised Shenmue is up there as one of the top rated user games, if anything. - Was it that good?
- I mean, look at that. It's either people like it or like 10% hate it. - It has not, it had, okay. There's, I know nothing about it. - There's a certain charm to it. All right. - The dialogue is weird, right? Whenever I see clips of it, the dialogue is so weird. - Oh, the dialogue is super weird, but,
- There's a certain charm to Shenmue. You know when you watch some really old janky like martial arts films or something and you know that this isn't like the cinematic masterpiece or something, but there's a certain like charm to watching. - Yeah, of course, of course. - That to me is like Shenmue. - I like that first negative review I saw if you scroll down. It's just like the first couple of words
- Naby, scroll down for a second. I love the first couple of words of the negative review that I saw. - Scroll down more. - Scroll down more. - I'm not saying it's bad, but. - I'm not saying it's bad, but when I play a game looking for gameplay, which is something this game doesn't do well, it's literally a whole game based on a quick time events. One of the major sins of this, yeah, I mean, he's right.
He is right. There's nothing that Shenmue did that other games haven't done fucking way better even if it's in its own time period. GTA 3 did a better open world. Other games have had, you know, Metal Gear Solid I think has a better storyline. It's a lot of side quests and a lot of- - Why does everyone try to tell me it's like one of the best games ever then?
- I just don't believe them. - I feel this is one of those, you had to be there type of thing. - Yeah, it is very much, oh, you have a dream cast? Holy shit, you get to play Shenmue. There is a certain,
- Or it's just the entire community gaslighting you. - I feel like that, but Shadow of the Colossus, at least Shadow of the Colossus looks cute. - Even though I've like saying all these critiques, I remember watching my mate play Shenmue and I'm just like, oh, this is fucking cool. I don't know what it is about it. - Is it like a guilty pleasure? - I think it is. I think it is. 'Cause I look back and I'm like, oh man.
- Oh man, Shenmue, that was a good game. I like Shenmue. - I have the faintest clue about what this is about.
- This is basically a revenge story. So the main character who I don't remember, he works for, he's in a dojo and he comes back and then his dad. Okay, no, I got it. I got it. Joey, I got this. This was Yakuza before Yakuza. - Yeah, I'm getting that vibe just from looking at this. - That was the jankiness I tried to talk about. There is just a certain,
to this, but you know, instead of being set in Japan, it's set somewhere else. So it's just- - I'm not gonna lie, I'm looking at this footage and it kind of makes me wanna play it. - Yeah, right? - This is kind of badass. - Yeah, yeah.
- I don't know. I feel like this is one of those games where you can just have a lot of just like turn your brain off fun. - It is because if you use your brain, you're probably not gonna have fun. - It's like, I want to be man to beat people up. - This is guilty pleasure 101. - What else do we have? - Fuck yeah. - All right, let's go back to the list. Okay, "Coronatrigger", "Shamu", "Age of Wonders". - Let's move on to second page. - Yeah, let's go second page. - Second page. - "Box Shot Roulette". - Good game. - Okay. - Is it a good game?
- Yeah, it takes like 20 minutes. We could probably play it right now. - Is that what? - Final Fantasy.
- That's okay. - Okay, okay. - Is this the MMO? - Yeah, this is the MMO. - This is one of the expansions. - So we're just judging parts of the game now. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay. - Is Shadowbringers the best Final Fantasy online arc, Mabby? - The climax. - 'Cause I thought it was End, whatever the new is. - Endwalker is more of a...
- It's a conclusion to the entirety of the game. - Okay, okay. But Shadowbringers is the peak? - Oh, it's the peak. - All right, you'll get there. - Why is there near automata? - There was a collab. - There was just a collab there. - All right, all right. All right, let's just stop talking about this game. - What is Super Mo, Mombo Quest? - Super Mombo Quest? - What is Super Mombo Quest? - What the fuck is this? - What the fuck is that?
- Can we watch videos of Super Mumbo Quest? - It doesn't even have enough Metacritic scores to, enough reviews to have a Metacritic score, man. Super Mumbo Quest. - Yeah, let's look at their official trailer. - Yeah. - He's fast, fearless. - Oh, it's Super Meat Boy. - It's Super Meat Boy. - Oh, okay. - It's literally Super Meat Boy. - It looks like Super Meat Boy and Celeste. - Yeah. Okay, okay. - I hate this narration. - I just, all right.
- It's literally Celestin Super Meat Boy. - We've seen enough. We've seen enough. - All right. - All right. Is there any games- - Oh, Cuphead's there. - Oh yeah. - I agree with that. - 36, yeah, very nice. - Is there any games you guys are surprised is not on the top 30 list that we went through? - Hmm, trying to think. - Can we go back to the Metacritic score? Yeah. Can we go back to the Metacritic score? - Yeah.
- Yeah. - I'm just thinking, what's a game? - 'Cause, okay. - I mean, honestly, there's a lot of games on this list where I'm like, I'm shocked that it's up there. - Yeah, all right. Now that I've defended it, I'd go further down to the list. Yeah, "Tenny Hawks" is like too high. I was like, all right, now that my memory is being jogged, I'm like, okay, okay. - I mean, me personally,
- SSX Tricky should be up there. - Bro, come on. That's okay. One, I agree with you, but two, come on. - I realize this is just a me thing. - Yeah, this is only just a me thing. - That is a you had to be there kind of. - I'm just trying to, okay, I'm going through. Oh, fucking, oh no. - I'm surprised that Uncharted 2 is higher than The Last of Us.
- I would have thought that The Last of Us. - That is true. - Which like I had heard about the Uncharted games, people like, but only like dedicated, you know, PlayStation gamers were really talking about Uncharted. Last of Us 2 was the first game that I feel felt like a, you know, like a HBO TV series, you know, where it was, people were talking about it who didn't even play video games. - That's true.
And I'm surprised that that was not as high, that's not the highest rated Naughty Dog game.
- You know when the season two comes out, they're gonna be like, "The chemical way to experience it is the TV show." - What? - They're gonna say that the best way to watch it is the TV show. - Yeah. - They'll be like, "Actually, don't play 'The Last of Us.' "The TV show does it better." I feel like we're gonna get to that point in like three years. - Probably. - We're gonna be like, "Ah yeah, playing the game "is actually the worst way to experience it." - Yeah. - I'm just trying to think like, what game is up that I,
- Well, the problem is all the games I love, people don't agree with. - I think the problem with rating the best of all time is that a lot of the times we kind of like reserve the small space in our head for like the best of, and we don't really distinguish between them. Like these are the top games in my head. And there's quite a lot of them. - Actually, I'm sure Final Fantasy VII isn't up here.
- Yeah, I think that's fair. - That's, where is seven? - Go to the meta, I'd love to see what the reviews are like. Like the polygons. - Yeah, go to Final Fantasy VII. - I think the problem is that yeah, it is just a very, very ugly game. It just doesn't look good. And to be honest, like as a goblin gamer brain, when I first booted it up on Steam years ago, I was like, what the fuck is this shit? - Yeah, the eggbeater hands. - Yeah, it looks awful.
So I can understand why people wouldn't want to give it a shot. - Where's the original seven? - Why is it impossible to find this game on Metacritic? - Do you have to actually type it in in Roman numerals?
- Nice remake. - Oh, there it is. - There it is. - 82. - Wow. - 92. - Yeah, 92, 8.9. - I mean, that's a pretty good score. - Yeah. - I feel a lot of these have been capped at 92. - There's always the tractors. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'd love to see what some of the negative reviews say. - Yeah, let's see some of the negative reviews. Let's go down. - Scroll down.
- God, I was so hyped for this and the first few hours of the games that take place in the Cyberpunk city totally live up to the hype. After that, it is awful. - That's crazy. - I wouldn't say that. It wasn't awful. - I feel like the city was my least favorite part. I liked it when I could finally go around. - What else? - The retro gamer. - Oh, this is just bait. - Kind of shit. - This must be just bait. - I'll be brief. JRPG automatic base score.
- This is you five years ago Connor. This you? - Yeah. - This you right here? - The combat system is objectively great. I don't know why you would say that it's not. - Okay, hold on, go to the next one. 'Cause I just read the first sentence of that one. I don't normally complain about the graphics in a game, especially one this old, but the art in this game has such low resolution that there were times where I couldn't tell what was going on. I didn't know where the floor ended and the walls began. So I spent an inordinate amount of time on every section. It was horrible.
- There were some moments in the original game that was actually kind of hard to navigate because it's really unclear what is in the foreground and what's in the background. - Yeah, some of the map layouts is just like you are constantly running against the wall to figure out where the next load zone is. - Well, I get it. It's a style choice, right? 'Cause they wanted to have a more realistic- - I mean, it was revolutionary for the time. - Yeah, it was cool. I mean, I think it looks good.
It's just, yeah, it doesn't age great. - Yeah, exactly. - I wonder if Metacritic has the most popular games of all time. - I don't know if they sort it like that. What do they do though? Who knows? - Yeah, not sure. - I don't think so actually, 'cause this isn't a game tracking website. - Yeah. - Yeah. - All right, yeah. - I think that's a good place to end it. - We gave so many hot takes. - I mean, gaming's so tough 'cause like,
You know, in a TV show, you experience it and it's kind of like...
you just kind of consume it. But a game is so- - It's up to the player. - You know, it really depends. Like you can objectively play a game like differently. It's not like you, it's like watching JoJo out of order. It's like, yeah, you could do that, but you're dumb as fuck. - Yeah. - Just watch it in order. But over the game, it's like, you could, there's so many different ways you could experience it. - That's true. - And like, you know, if I played Soul Calibur and the only guy I could go against was a fighting game pro, I would hate Soul Calibur. I would think it's the most garbage game of all time.
But if I was kicking my little brother's ass, I'm sure I think it's go to. - Yeah, I'm like, this game's sick. - Stuff like that really affects you how you experience it. And so I think that it's really hard for gamers to agree. And I don't agree that Tony Hawk is the seventh best game of all time. I just don't agree with that.
- I'll let Metroid Prime be up there. - Metroid Prime. - I haven't even played the game and I can tell the vibes are off the charts. - Metroid Prime deserves to be up there. - Honestly, swap Tony Hawk. - I wouldn't be upset. - Either way, what I take away from this is we're spoiled. We're spoiled for games. - We are spoiled. - Oh yeah. - And another takeaway is that if you have an old game, you have an advantage.
- Older game equals better and more nostalgic. - 'Cause people don't really review old games unless they're like kind of pumped about it. - Yeah, exactly. - Normally. - Yeah, that was it for this episode. Let us know your thoughts down in the comments below. What game do you think should have been up there? Let us know. Hey, look at all these patrons though. These guys are gamer as fuck. Let me tell you that much. You know why? Because they are kind enough to support the show.
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