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Daredevil is born again on Disney+. Why did you stop being a vigilante? The line was crossed. Sometimes peace needs to be broken. And chaos must reign. On March 4th, the nine-episode event begins. I was raised to believe in grace. But I was also raised to believe in retribution. Run!
Marvel Television's Daredevil, born again. Don't miss the two-episode premiere March 4th, only on Disney+. Hello and welcome to another episode of Trash Taste. I'm joined once again by the boys and we have a returning guest.
because you're back in Japan now. - Hell yeah, I'm here permanently now. This time is for real. - Yeah, for real, for real? - Yeah, now that my country's on fire, I chose Japan to just stay here. - God damn. - Yeah, we got Hassan, he's back. - Oh yeah, no politics, sorry. - No politics, all right, I don't wanna hear it. - Actually, last time you were on, it was probably like the most anime-centric podcast we'd had.
in like the history of Trash Taste. - It was also the most like heated podcast. - Yeah, right. - I have never got as much shit in my life as when from the episode you were on, when I said, "One Piece is political." I got made fun of so much. - No, no, no, it was the opposite. You were like, "One Piece isn't political." - Oh, right, right. - It's gun man having fun. - I mean, obviously I knew there was politics. I'm just playing devil's advocate. I got clout, I got clout. But I mean, yeah, I know, I know. But how you been? How you enjoying Japan?
- Amazing. - That's shy, like you just let it sit. - He just had to ruminate how good it is. - But you stream a lot in your room and you're still going out and doing stuff, which is pretty impressive. 'Cause if I was streaming in the morning, I'm fucking doing nothing. - I wake up at 4:00 AM every morning. - This sounds like the fucking mindset videos. - You do, you are on the jet. - I wake up at 4:00 AM.
- You know what, that's not even wrong. It is funny 'cause I make fun of those guys all the time, but I kinda do live that lifestyle a little bit. I mean for Japan, I wake up at 4:00 a.m., which is like an hour later than when I normally would start anyway. - So you just kept the same sleep schedule basically? - Basically the same, well, I kept no sleep schedules. I just went to sleep. But I wake up at four and then I start streaming at five 'cause I gotta do a little bit of research beforehand. And then between like five to,
eight i'm just doing my like regular broadcast to 10 sometimes okay and then after that i do like an irl portion uh where i'll go out like today we went and we learned the uh you know the we did a little bit of kendo and some it's a good good time of year to do it because those dojos get fucking hot and so yeah yeah they often don't have ac because like warriors don't need ac yeah i think warriors do need ac actually sometimes
- Or sometimes you put on like whatever they get the equipment they give you. You can smell the stale sweats. - It was amazing. I especially love the, like the Tots I'm a Madison, whatever, like we've done that before, like cutting that stuff.
But I especially love the kendo portion. Like we actually, he gave us like these, these like bouncy ones. Yeah. And you, and he made me fight him too. And he beat my ass. Yeah. Like impossible to hit them. Yeah. I hit him like twice and that's it. Like I'm riding on that, but he cooked me every time he would just go.
- We did one where we went against like the- - A university champion. - University champion of Japan. - Bro was on like permanent iframes. Like we just couldn't even. - Yeah, we- - We already hit you four times where you could even process what happened. - Yeah, we literally went full Ip Man. We went like 1v3. - We still lost. - And we lost by quite a margin. - Yeah, when you watch Ip Man, you watch him beat 10 dudes, you're like fucking unrealistic. And then when you actually get put against somebody who's good, you're like, nah, that's super real. I couldn't get a fucking inch on that guy.
- It was like teleporting behind us. It was insane. - Yeah, there was this one moment where, 'cause did you have the little balloons that you had to hit or was it just like- - No, no, we're just straight up, we're whacking each other. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay, so what- - With these, like,
it's like, it's not plastic. I don't know what it is. It's like a mat almost. Like it's like matted. Oh, yeah. Bamboo swords. No, no, no. That would be crazy. We use the bamboo sword. Yeah. And that was quite heavy. Yeah. Like the chambara swords. I think that's what they call. Yeah. It's like the training sword. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, uh, the red side is like supposed to be the side that is like the, you know, the cutting side. Yeah. The cutting side. Yeah. Interesting. And, um, yeah,
- Yeah, he just busted my ass. Just straight up. There was a dude, so we live streamed all of it, but it's really funny. There was some random dude that was also getting training that day. So he just trained with us in this tiny ass dojo.
And it's so funny 'cause the dude was so bad. Like just so ass, like he couldn't hold the sword. - A Japanese guy or? - No, I think it was. - Oh, like another tourist. - He might've been Japanese actually, but he was in from like Hong Kong or something. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Right. - And it was, it at least made me look better. So I was like, oh, thank God this dude is here. - I don't think this guy's gonna go home and be like, "Shit, that guy potential."
He saw his wife over dinner. He's got something. He's got something. I don't think that was it. He's not going to recruit you. He was brutal too. He was like very, he was ruthless and honest. He was just like, you're bad. Like, it was shocking. Yeah. He tried to tell me like, you know, some good, some bad. Okay. That's what he said to me. At least he's being honest. At the end of it. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I was really bad at the cutting part, especially. I was just like, I,
- Oh, with the real swords? - Yeah, with the real swords. - It's all about the angle, right? - Yeah, 'cause I kept whacking it sideways over and over again. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Have you guys ever flown the tatami mat in its entirety? - What do you mean? - Have you ever seen the base of the mat also fly?
The heavy base of the mat that is supposed to stay as the standing structure. Oh, like the wooden structure? Did you fucking hit it? I hit it so hard twice, it flew both times and the sword bent so significantly that the instructor had to stop and re-bend it.
He just fucked it up that bad. Yeah. This sword's been in my family for 400 years. This sword has been through like, you know, two atom bombs. And you broke it. Why were you like fucking old Tony Shohei and shit? I don't like baseball. I just kept whacking it.
I tried to force it like the Baka Gaijin that I am. And it just, it went to very weird places. Goddamn. Speaking of which, I asked you guys this before the podcast, but I was wondering if having a framed portrait of
- Former Emperor Hirohito is normal? - No. - In fact, massive red flag. - It is not normal. - Most people don't look on that era fondly. - So second question for that, then follow up question. What if it also is like next to a shrine?
that i may or may not have taken a photo in front of okay it's on my twitter if you want to pull it up yeah we can go through the picture because we have no idea what we're looking at like how serious of a shrine i can show you a picture of a bunch of his like japanese people you'd be like i don't know the moment you see her here too i feel like you'd lock in no no that's you you have to be logged in to see it oh yeah that's the one that's the one oh yeah that's oh wow oh
So I saw the black and white photo and I was like, well, that's a weird time to, you know, who knows? Maybe. Yeah. Uh-huh.
- I mean, okay, look, to come to the defense of this dojo, I think most dojos do have shrines attached to them. - Yeah, most of them have shrines. - So it might just be, I don't think this is a shrine to Hirohito. The placement was just kind of inconvenient, I think. - Yeah, yeah. - There's so much like cultural meaning in like Bushido and, well not Bushido, more so like Kendo. Kendo, there's so many like rituals that you do during the sport. And so I think this is unfortunately placed
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, should they have a thing of Hirohito? I mean, I mean, there's three other walls they could have chosen to put that up. Yeah. I don't know what was going on. I love the experience. The guy was awesome. Yeah. Dope dude. But then, you know, I looked back at it. I was like, was that
- No. - Yeah, it's like a double take. Like what the fuck? - That's a crazy photo that you just have there. - Yeah. - I mean, there's a lot of stuff like that in Japan where you look, you're like, huh?
Like there's that very famous shrine with all the lights that has a bunch of, I guess convicted war criminals that are on it, on the names of the shrine. Oh yeah. So like there's unfortunately a lot of stuff like that where you're like, there's a lot of vocal against it, but there's also-
concerning about people who are like, no, we like it. - Yeah, whenever I see just stuff like this, I'm kind of just like, you know what? I'm just not gonna ask questions. - It's like, is it my place to get involved and fucking have an opinion on this? I don't give a fuck. They can handle it. - Yeah. - As long as it doesn't get too out of hand. - Especially you. - I think I should have a question. - As a Welshman, as a Brit, you know, coming into Japan and being like,
- What's up with that? - It's messed up. - People try to tell me like, "Duh, this is terrible things around." I'm like, "Bro, what am I gonna do about it?" I'm just trying to get my taxes paid, man. I'm just trying to deal with it. - Look, no disrespect. I didn't mean any disrespect. If you see this, you know, I love the experience. - It would certainly raise an eyebrow. - I didn't even think about it. I just posted up, you know? And I was wondering if it's like a normal thing to have,
- I mean, look, I'm sure this place isn't the only place that has stuff like this, obviously, because you know, a lot of Japan has a much more older demographic.
- Saying they were there, they saw it. - Yeah, I mean, maybe. I don't fucking know. I think this, in this instance, is just unfortunate placement. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Okay. - At least you enjoy the experience. - Yeah. - I learned the techniques that the Imperial Army also learned apparently. - Hell yeah. - Is that how we explained it? - Yes.
You'll be happy to know. You're ready to go to war. I sometimes wake up and I just remind you that's how you were like, yeah, my granddad told me about World War II and you were like, oh yeah. And then you were like, the Japanese side. It was the very Japanese side.
- Yeah. - And I'm just there like, "Oh, this is a bit different to what I learned in school." - Make sure you think, make sure you think. - All right. - What else about Japan have you been enjoying this time? Or experience? - Yeah, how long have you been here? - I don't even know, dude. My days are nonstop go. So I don't even know. - Like four or five days, right? - Yeah, I've been here since like the 23rd or 24th, I think. I don't even know.
But I haven't really done anything super crazy yet. I guess we went to a magic bar that was pretty sick. Nice. We caught our own fish at the restaurant, the classic restaurant. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right next to children are catching their fish. Oh, nice. Yeah. Yeah.
And I also went to the One Piece gym. - Yeah. The one in Shibuya? - Yeah, it was a little bit underwhelming. It's a very nice gym. - The One Piece gym? - Yeah, there's a One Piece gym. - Yeah, there's a One Piece gym. - Wait, did they let you stream there? Like you just rocked up and they didn't say anything? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's crazy. - I've never been here because I thought, I didn't know if you needed a membership or something. - No, so, okay. - What the fuck? I've never even seen this. - Yeah, so what I got to do at this gym is,
I think initially when it opened, you did need a membership. Problem is no one went. It's kind of awkward to get into that elevator as well. It's kind of hard to find. - Where is it?
- Literally, you know like where the Starbucks and the 109, you turn at the Starbucks, go right, go up a little bit and it's right there. - It's the ninth floor of that like big mall. - Oh, okay. - And okay. - It's very visible as well. So I found it because I was just walking around Shibby. I was like, is that a fucking one piece gym right there? - Really, it's visible? I feel like you can't see anything about outside. Am I crazy?
- Is this a different one to the one I saw? Because I- - No, no, this is the top floor. It's like the- - It's like the top of the, yeah. So, and they, yeah, there's nothing outside. - Okay, so- - Oh, there, it's right there. - In the morning. - Okay. - So, used to be a membership and then they changed it to day pass.
because I guess they were struggling to get customers. Cause I've been there three or four times. - Yeah. It's empty. It was empty when I went. - It's empty every single time. - Except for the one Hansan Abbey head that showed up because we were streaming. - Okay. Okay. - If you like One Piece and you go there for the One Piece, it's quite underwhelming. - Yeah. - But as a gym, it's pretty good.
It's a really nice gym. It's very clean. It's a really nice gym. Everything's brand new. Yeah, everything's brand new. The equipment is untouched, basically. And, you know, you got the currency as the weights and stuff, too, which is cool. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. There's not a whole lot of one-piece. Not a whole lot of one-piece. That's number one. And number two, I went with...
for other people that either don't know what anime is at all okay i went with austin who does not watch anime doesn't understand he's like as a child stuff right yeah cartoons um
Another person who gets laid frequently and also doesn't know what anime is. Okay. And then Will and March who are massive anime heads but don't fuck with One Piece. Right. So,
I liken it to, have you ever listened to a song that you really like and then you show it to your friend or a YouTube video that you watched that you really enjoyed and you show it to a friend and they're not fucking with it at all? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's just Joey's entire music sense. And then you just start feeling the crippling anxiety because you're like, oh, they don't like it.
That's how I felt when going into the One Piece gym. - It should work out. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Later you can look at the currency and go, "Whoa, it's the thing. "Oh, it's the berry." - And I think because there wasn't like a lot of One Piece related activities there, I wasn't also super into it either. - It's fucking dumb. - It's like kind of awkward. But it's a very nice gym. - The machines are good. - It's a very nice gym. - If you are a foreigner in Japan, because not every gym has day passes in Japan,
- I think this gym is like,
a different gym initially, like Bragman, I think is like the actual gym, but then they got the One Piece IP maybe. Like there's an Oda signature on the wall. There's signatures of all the voice actors and stuff. - Damn. - Yeah, it's legit. - It's a very good just straight up gym. - Okay. - As a One Piece museum, if you're expecting that, it's- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's what I was expecting. I was expecting like, you know, One Piece related activities, but there's like- - Like what?
- They give you a, what'd you call it? One piece protein powder. - Yeah. - Oh shit, okay. - Yeah, there it is. - I got, yeah, I wanted to get visitor aid, but they didn't have a class. And I thought like the class would be one piece related. - They do have a lot of classes normally, but I think you have to book. And I think they are one piece related. - Yeah, I did the B one. - And also if you're a resident in Japan, you get one free visit. - Oh.
- Oh, there you go then. - I've sorted that out. - And they were like, "Oh, this one's free." I was like, "Okay." - That's sick. - I was like, "Awesome." But the one thing about Japan is that the gyms are quite expensive, I feel like, in comparison to the States. My gym membership, Anytime Fitness, is like 55 bucks a month. Just a basic-ass gym membership. - Bro, I live in LA. - Dude. - Yeah. - 55 bucks a month is not that expensive for a gym. - What? Okay, LA is ridiculous. But in London, I paid like 10 pounds.
Yeah. Gyms are normally really cheap. Yeah, they're usually like, you know, 10 to 20 bucks. Yeah, 20, 20, 30 bucks. Also, inflation, my man. I don't think America is that cheap anymore. Yeah, true. How much is like a day pass if you rock up to your gym? Is it like 30 bucks? 20 bucks.
That's not too bad. I mean, that's still less than- It depends though. Like if you go to like an Equinox, I think the day pass is like probably a hundred bucks or something. God damn. But that's like a spa, right? Yeah. Like a little thing. I feel like this is more of just like tourist attractions. Surely, right? Of course. Surely. Are you, you know, how is it being in Japan not being able to work out very much or do you make do? It's fine. I mean, I wanted to, I wanted to ball up. Like I brought my basketball shoes.
- Oh, out and around. - So, like I actually wanted to go out and play basketball and like, you know, dunk on some fools out here. But I also did hit up this dude named Yasuke. He played pro ball out here. He has a TikTok account where he goes and plays outside. And I've done even like a TikTok about him before. And he did not respond to my DMs at all. He was not. - Damn.
So yeah, I, I wanted to go play basketball with him, but you know, uh,
outside of that every day we do like something physical anyway. - Yeah. - And you're pretty doing a lot of walking. So I guess it doesn't matter. You end up doing a lot. - I don't, I haven't really seen a lot of, maybe you would know more than me. I haven't really seen a lot of just like open basketball courts in Tokyo. - There's the one in Yogi court, which,
a good friend, a friend of ours goes to every week. They go like 6 a.m. Yeah. And they ball, they ball like once a week, I think. I think I know who you're talking about. You do? Oh yeah, he goes there too. Oh, okay. Yeah, he does go there. He goes to the same one that my friend goes to. Okay, yeah. Yeah, because the only other basketball places I know would be like a spotcher, right?
- Which is like not even like a proper basketball. - I feel like when you want to- - Is it a basketball bar? - No, no, no. It's like, it's connected to round one, the big arcade. And some of the bigger round ones have this other facility called sport gym, which is like an outdoor kind of like sports facility. - It's kind of like a sports facility, but it's more- - What?
And there's like, and a lot of them are kind of like on the roofs out in the open and there's like tennis courts, basketball courts. It's like, it's like a playground for like sports. And it's really, this is, we, oh, this is an amazing stream idea. Yeah. Arcades. And it's like, and you pay like, I think it's like 2000 yen for a half day pass and you can do whatever you want. Wow.
Yeah, that's a good way. It's basically a sports arcade. So you don't get like full courts. It's more of just like little itty bits of like archery. Yeah, you can do like indoor rollerblading. Yeah, there's a ton of them around. Okay. This place is fun, yeah. We also, oh, I forgot. There was actually one day where we did something crazy. We went to a fight club.
- Oh, you go to that bar? Should we get a fly cup bar? - We talked about it the other day. - Which is literally, yeah, it's a bar first of all, which is weird. - Did you go in the morning or the evening? - No, we went in like the day. - It's like a gym during the day. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Will is training for boxing. So he wanted to do some boxing training.
And we went there and we walk in and no one's like the only dudes that are there are not like management or anything. They just leave it open for the record, which is crazy. Yeah. And it was just a bunch of like tattooed naked dudes like throwing hands and training. And I think it was like a pro boxer that was training in there as well. And they don't speak a lick of English. We don't speak any Japanese. Yeah.
we walk in and they were like kind of hostile at first like they were like what the fuck are you doing here and we had like a little showdown almost yeah um but you know it ended up being fine because the management was like oh no these guys are good they're fine and uh we fought in there as well like we you know we hit the pads a little bit if you go there in the evening it's a ball
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- People fight after. - Yeah, yeah, people fight. - Anyone can go fight. - You can watch people fight. - Yeah. - You can be like a drunk man and be like, I wanna fight someone. - It's literally like Japanese businessmen who come drink a little bit and then they're like square off. - I watched two Japanese businessmen punch each other very badly, but they were just like slapping each other around.
- It's a bar. - No, I saw that. I thought it was weird that it was like a bar. I thought it was a gym. - It's like a bar and then you can just rock up and be like, I want to fight someone. And then they'll let you fight someone. - And you just go up to a random person in the bar being like, do you want to square up? And they're like, okay.
- Yeah, two drunk people would- - He's gonna go back there. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I can see the cogs turning right now. - Dude, I do wanna go back. If I tell Will this, he's gonna go back. - Like, you're not like, the vibe I go out- - What if he kills someone? - It's like not meant for like, if you're, I think if you start fighting and you start doing shit like that, they're gonna kick you out.
- Oh, like if you're too good? - If you're trying to beat someone up, I think they'll be like, whoa. - All it takes is one though, you fucking, you catch him with a right hook. - Health and safety standards here are a little bit more lax compared to the West. - Very lax. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's more of just like, okay, we trust you to not, to feel the vibe and not try to kill each other. If you just want to go at it. - Friendly fight. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a friendly fight. - Go check it out.
Yeah. That's crazy. Imagine just like a dude beating on a salary man. He's like a real fighter. That would be insane. I mean, a trained fighter.
It's just like another gin and tonic place. So do I go to jail if I do beat the shit out of a salary man? What's happening? Well, it depends how hard you beat the shit out of him. Do you want to beat the shit out of a salary man? He's already getting beaten up by capital. You should let him win. So when he goes to work, he's going to feel fucking unstoppable. It's like, I beat up my giant farm.
- Man, I took down a beast. - Like an episode of like Baki or some shit man. - I was gonna say, I'm just taking you to the grave. - That's so funny. - I kinda like that idea even better. - Just like you pretend to give it all. - Permanently alter like a Japanese sailor man's life by losing him.
- Make him believe he's a Dragon Ball character for a night. - He'd probably go in next week and then get his ass handed. - Yeah. - Fucking iPad did shit. - I can't believe you went there during the day. It's so funny and coincidental. We just spoke about it last week. - Yeah. - I mean, we went to like actually, because we thought it was a real like gym. It is a real gym. - No, it is. - During the day. - The backside is like straight up. They got mats. - It's so weird. - Yeah.
- How did you find it? Or were you just like looking around? - We have a fixer out here who like lives out here and she's just been like setting everything up for us. - She's calling in advance and getting everything. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's pretty good, wow. - Yeah. - That's impressive. Yeah, a lot of these places, sometimes they're a bit, they're like, "Why do you wanna film?" And they make you like promise to a million and one things. - Yeah. - But not a lot of flexibility normally. - We've had tremendous luck so far with all of that.
- That's rad, that's very rad. - Yeah. - And even better than like last time basically where we were just like kind of patching stuff up last second.
because of my friend who's just like setting everything up. The problem is, you know, we don't speak Japanese. - Yeah. - So when she's not rolling with us, we're just kind of walking there Baka Gaijin style. And everyone's just like, what are you guys doing? What's happening? - Yeah, 'cause whenever you come to Japan, you're like, hey man, I'm coming in February. And I'm like, okay, that's useless to me unless you tell me which days are like free so I can help you arrange shit. - Okay, you are the busiest man in Japan, dude.
- Okay, that's a great title by the way. I'm gonna take that. - The Beasties Fan of Japan. - I'll ask you like what you're doing. If I ask you right now what you're doing like two and a half weeks from now at 2:00 PM, I feel like you have it booked up already. Or he hates me and he's just lying all the time. - No, no, no. - I'm busy. - You know when you come to Japan, I feel like, 'cause you wanna know, you wanna be like, I'm roughly here
and you want to kind of like roll with the punches. Whereas I'm like, I need to know like nine to two, what are you doing? - I need to pencil you in. - I need to fucking know the time. 'Cause that's how things work here in Japan. People don't rock up. - Yeah, I feel like the vibe in LA is just like, all right. - Psychopaths in LA. None of you schedule shit. None of you schedule anything. - You're just like, all right, I'll know if this guy's showing up one hour before this big event. - They'll tell me like, turn up at three. I turn up at three, I'm the only fucking moron that showed up at three.
- Everyone else shows up at 3:50. - Yeah, you can't be punctual, that's silly. - That's the complete opposite here, I think. - Yeah. - We have not been punctual. I mean, I was late to this as well. - We actually accounted for that. I told him, I was like, "Hassan's gonna be 20 minutes late." - Yeah, so we were like, "Oh, if we start, "if we do another episode before Hassan shows up, "we start at 1:30, but we might run out."
but he's not gonna show up. - Yeah, LA time, LA time. It's all good. - In fairness, the cab actually took me to the wrong place. - You gotta account for that in Japan. They don't take that excuse. - And what ended up happening was I knew roughly where the building is and I was ready to get out and he just kept going. But then I was like, I didn't wanna embarrass him 'cause I was like, oh, maybe he's gonna do a U-turn.
maybe he's gonna do this u-turn okay that's like the eighth u-turn he didn't take he's not going to the address what is happening and he just like finally arrives at this place is like five minutes away and i'm like this is the wrong address i have to confront him now and it's like this old man and i didn't want to tell him that he was wrong yeah so i thought about like do i get out and just walk
but I was so late already that I was like, I can't, I have to tell him. So I was like, "Sumi Masan, this." I was like, "The address." And he took my phone
And he just looked at my Google Maps and whipped it back. So if you've been late to any other stuff, did you get any like, were they annoyed at you at all? Or were they kind of like, okay, you're very lucky. I've had some places where they got genuinely so annoyed. Or maybe I'm just a little oblivious. I feel like they make it known though. They're very open about it when they're not happy about it. Yeah, you feel it. You definitely feel it. Yeah.
- Or maybe Zahn doesn't know. - I genuinely don't know, but like- - I guess it doesn't matter if you get what you need and that you get paid and all said and done.
but what else have you been up to or planning to do? - Yeah, how many activities you got planned? - Every day. - We have so much. - We're gonna work in a maid cafe. It's basically when I come to Japan, I just do Connor videos. But like live. - Yeah. - And with much less production value. - Well, 'cause there's so much awkward downtime in a lot of these videos. People don't appreciate that we have to like cut out and work around it. Whereas in the stream, you kind of, like I change your stream in a maid cafe. Most of the time it's just like,
I think either you're like, you're doing so many things in one go or you're waiting for the next thing to happen. And so I feel like that's often, I feel like that's why a lot of this was better as videos, unless you can really structure it a bit more. - No, we try to like gamify everything. - Yeah, which I think it helps a lot. - Yeah, and also I talked to iShowSpeed's team when he was at Streamer Awards and like,
'cause I look at his format and it's really good where he's just always on, like he's always doing something, right? - Yeah. - So the thing is, the trick is from what I understand, you just line up like four things in a row and if something is getting stale, immediately move on to the next thing. You just like put it back to back to back to back to back and you just like move on to the next thing. So you're always,
You're always doing something. - Dude, if you sold like a place in Japan, you're like, "Hey, I'm gonna turn up and I'll be there from five to six." And you left like 5:30, they'd be like on the ground apologizing. Like, "Oh, did we do something wrong? "Was it not good enough?"
- There's a lot of niceties you have to keep up with. - It's almost a little too punctual in that app. If you promise to be there between five to six, they expect you to leave at six. - I did like this video series where I bought the cheapest hotel rooms in Japan to review. And I would just go in
And sometimes I wouldn't stay in them. - Oh no. - 'Cause they were like 20 bucks. I just wanted to see if the room was as bad as everyone was saying on the review, right? 'Cause I live in Tokyo, too. I'm not gonna sleep in the room. It's like 20 bucks. So I'll go in, I'll film my video, and after an hour, I'll walk out. And one time, they literally followed me out the building to freaking out, panicking, being like, "Is everything okay?" I was like, "Yeah, it's fine." It's like, "Why are you not saying?" - Where are you going? - I was like, "I'm done with the room."
i don't know how to properly convey it i don't want to say i was filming the room yeah i feel like that's kind of weird as well because they might feel like what are you doing a porno like we yeah back off in the room yeah i was like yeah i'm just i'm done don't need it anymore uh if you're operating a 20 a night hotel that's like dog shit though you probably kind of know that people are gonna be upset that'd be a whole lot of apologizing every day so much apologizing and i and i was i felt super intense about it i was like dude i'd
I just, just let me leave. I'm checking out. I gave you the key. I didn't even use the room. Be happy. It's cleaned. Let's clean. What's work for you guys? They didn't think that. I mean, yeah, they thought they fucked up. For sure. They thought you were jerking off in there.
- Probably. - It was the first time we did it. It was like the worst hotel room we ever stayed in Japan. - That's why when I passed the love hotel, there was a photo of you outside that says- - Don't let him in. - Don't let this man in. - Don't let this guy in. - He goes in and he masturbates in the room and leaves. - He's a serial master. - Oh my God.
- We went to one and Chris, when me and Chris had decided, we were like, we gotta get a new hotel. It was that bad. It was like, it was disgusting. There was blood on the bed. There was like absolutely filth underneath the bed. The walls smelled horrible. It was completely disgusting. And as we were in this hotel room, we just saw women in dresses being shuttled in and out of the hotel, like every 30 minutes.
- Oh, it's one of those. - And me and Chris were like, we gotta leave. But Chris being so British, he was like,
"What are we gonna tell him?" I was like, "We don't fucking tell him anything. "We just fucking give the keys and we check out and we leave." - That is very American of you. - Yeah, I think so. - Yeah, that's a very American attitude. That's what I would do. I'd be like, "I'm done." - He was like, "No, no, we have to have a good excuse." He's like, "I'll tell him I have a serious business meeting "in Tokyo I have to get to." He's like working up a whole backstory, like a character. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He thought you guys had gay sex.
- Yeah, probably. - Which I'm okay with them thinking. Just like, whatever, like, so what? Like, what are they gonna do about it? - That's what Chris should have said, is like, "We're finished." - There was a quick session, but it was good. - We're done with the room. - Yeah, we're done with the room. - You can clean it up now. - I think after this, and so like, he like wanted me to do it. And I was like, "No, you do it. I'm not doing it, you're in our room."
- That's the most Chris thing to ask. - Yeah, so he goes down and I watch him kind of sell this story to this old man who doesn't give a fuck. He is literally watching the Yakuza shuttle in women by the Alphard load. Like there's six women coming in every 20 minutes. He does not give a fuck. He knows what's going on in this hotel. - As long as he gets the money, he's cool. - And so Chris is telling him like the story and the old man's like,
But like it took Chris like an hour and a half to build himself up. I watched him like, I was like, we're leaving. We're not staying in this room. And he was like, no, no, it's fine. It's fine. It's fine. And I could watch him slowly try to convince himself that the room was good enough to sleep in. He'd like lie on the bed and go, he'd like sit down on his laptop and he'd go like,
Like as if something had fell on him. And I was like, "Chris, when are we leaving?" "It's 9:30 PM. We need to get another hotel room. We should just come on. Come on." - God damn. - And eventually he'd leave. - I got some other cool stuff that I got lined up as well. - All right. - It's coming to me now. - Okay. - One, I got access to the Japanese Communist Party and I'm going to go and livestream their headquarters. - Which is a crazy thing to say because that shit is so secretive in Japan. - Yes. - How the fuck?
- That's it baby. - If you chef never reveals his secrets. - I'm that guy. - It might be the last live stream. - I'm that guy. No, I, yeah, I really loved the Bernie Sanders interview that I did. So they were like, oh yeah, okay, we'll do it. Like, 'cause they thought it was super sick. - Geez.
It was right around the time where I had interviewed Bernie, like a couple days prior to it, and they were super on board with it after that. But they are somewhat secretive. - Somewhat? - Yeah, somewhat secretive. And it's really cool. I'm very excited to go see what they're about. - Good luck. - There's some other interviews that have lined up as well.
There's a guy who did a documentary on Shinzo Abe's shooter, assassin. - Okay. - Is this gonna be your last trip in Japan? - You're going for the greatest hits. - Oh my God. - You might not be wrong about this. This guy is, I don't even know if I should say this. Well, I mean, he's a filmmaker as well, but he is a former Japanese Red Army member.
- Okay. - Yeah. So he was in prison for a couple of years. - Yeah, right. - For his- - I'm not even surprised. - What are you gonna meet up next with the resurrected corpse of Hirohito? - No, but like, I mean, that's different. Like these guys are like the,
the people that went in, like actually fought alongside in Lebanon, like fought against Israel and Lebanon with the popular front for the liberation of Palestine. So I'm like, I'm really stoked to see like the fascinating side of Japanese politics that is just like so far left. You know what I mean? Yeah. I mean, it's,
I mean, I think the current sentiment is just don't, like a lot of people are like, yeah, just don't rock the boat. Just don't. Yeah. I mean, that's just Japanese culture in general, right? Yeah. So I think it kind of extends to that, which is why you don't really hear a lot about the politics here. Yeah.
- I'm not trying to rock the boat. - It's interesting to see you go through all of it. I don't have much interest to explore these things. - You don't want to interview a former Japanese in the army? - No. - Okay. - Yeah, I'll leave that up to you. - Also our visa depends on it as well. - Oh, that's true. - It would look great for us. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - My citizenship depends on it. - That's something I'm a little worried about too. Like if they just say like, oh, you interviewed a terrorist, a former alleged terrorist.
Like that's former alleged. I mean, he, he, he went to prison for it. I recognize that like, you know, someone, someone has to talk to these people and hear these stories and spread them, you know, and more power to those people who do. Yeah. I think I'm good. Yeah. It is. It's just like, it's fascinating to me because, because of part of the reason why it's fascinating is because of what you just said, which is that like,
I want to know what makes Japanese politics tick. You know what I mean? Yeah. It used to be very extreme back in the 70s, 50s. These are the guys that were very extreme. Yeah. Goddamn. Well, yeah. I mean, we spoke about it quite a while back. But you remember that guy who...
- He's peacing out. He's like, "I'm a-" - It was the guy who bombed- - We used to pause it, the podcast, now we're just like, "All right, he's going to the toilet." - It was the guy who had bombed the Mitsubishi headquarters or one of the buildings. And then he was on the run for like,
I don't know, like 60 years. And then on his deathbed, he was like, I'm the guy. And then he died. That's crazy. Yeah. He lied his entire life about who he was and changed identity. And then he was like right on his deathbed. How the hell did he evade the authorities for that? Oh, that guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember that story. At that point, you got to let him go. It's like, come on, bro. That's crazy. 60 year on the lam. So yeah, I think it was... And he was... They were like actively... Well, not actively, but like they... Like his wanted posters were up for like forever. Why did he have...
He had a radical left-wing organization believed to be behind several bombings against companies in Japan's capital between 1972 and 1975. Eight people were killed in one attack committed by the group at the headquarters of the mission. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. May have been found after 50 years. Yeah. He claimed to be the person. I don't know. He could have been a troll, which as a troll, my goodness. Yeah. It was very interesting. Yeah. This person. Yeah. Wow.
That's wild. After 50 years in hospital, he was like, that's me. Get the Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now. Let's break it down. My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course. And don't forget the fries and a drink. Sound good? Ba-da-ba-ba-ba. I participate in restaurants for a limited time. That's crazy. Sounds like a fictional plot, but...
Yeah, it was insane. Yeah, he literally was like, tell the police, my last will is to be known who I was. It was me. Yeah, he lived like a normal life. What did he use? Just worked in the countryside? I think he changed his name and worked in the countryside, yeah. Yeah, he faked everything and then, yeah, last minute he was just like, I'm about to peace out. Because now it's pretty hard to work with that documentation, but as far as I understand, quite...
back then it was a little easier to get these kinds of jobs and do this kind of work. - Well, it's also because, you know, a lot of Japan just has that like trust system. - Yeah, of course. - I mean, a normal person won't fake their name. - If you rock up and you work and you're an honest worker, you know, you'll get money in a house. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, the other, well, yeah, unless you're a foreigner. - Well, you get a place to stay. You might not get the money part though. - Yeah.
I mean, this is exactly the type of person that I would try to figure out what the hell is going on. You know what I mean? But I think that's part of the reason why there aren't as many –
trash cans in places. That's the 90s, right? Well, that's the Om Shinrikyo. Yeah, sarin gas attacks. Anthrax, right? No, like a type of anthrax, right? I don't know. I know what it is in Japanese. I don't know what it is in English. Yeah, that whole history was...
as well. Yeah. And that's the reason why it's so fucking convenient for a trash can now. Yeah, they don't do half measures in Japan, it seems. They go all the way. Yeah. Well, they make it work, though. They make it work. Nothing is half measures. Yeah, no. Which is good because stuff works. Yeah. It's great while we're looking at the Mitsubishi bombing. Yeah.
That wasn't good. That wasn't good. Yeah, no. Neither was the Tokyo subway siren attack. No, exactly. But yeah, that was, oh my God, a thousand people injured in 14. Jesus Christ. Yeah. I mean, I think that also shook up
just because of the people who did it, which is like very uncharacteristic, I think of what was expected of- - Well, the 90s in Japan, there was like a huge, like just, there was a lot of cults. - Yeah, they were all like the top universities. - Yeah. - They've done it. - Yeah. - Some of the smartest minds. - Yeah. I interviewed a guy who was not part of this cult, but was part of like a rival cult to this called Happy Science.
- Oh, yeah. - I don't think that's the one with the anime. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - I don't think they were a rival though, right? They were just like a cult that was just- - Well, those two cults, the Oum Shirinkyo and Happy Science were like the big two cults, like the most powerful cults. - Doesn't that cult also have like an anime out or a banned manga? - Yep, yep, they both do. - That's one of the biggest ones, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, no, no. Happy Science has like several anime out, which is like- - Oum Shirinkyo does as well. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause I think Sydney owns,
one of the uh manga that i also own them yeah that's the one that uh pete did the voiceover for i think as well on that one story is it yeah yeah yeah i have seen i think i've seen this one yeah this one i've seen this one also has a manga they go obviously got banned i think it was called like harm again and or something like that something like that that's just the guy did the the fucking the gas attack though yeah yeah yeah yeah was it that good that people would just watch the anime and be like i'm gonna do a gas attack
No, no, no. No, no. No, it was a recruitment thing, obviously. And then he just kind of spiraled out of control and, yeah, was just like, okay, it's time to train. That's what he said. It's time to train. Go out there and do this attack because it's for the greater good or some crazy shit like that. If you walk around tourist areas long enough, eventually you'll get approached by these women.
that have these like posters of Fuji. - Yeah, the Fuji car. - And they'll be like, "You should come pray. You should come pray with us." - I would love to go pray with them. - Just go to enough train stations and eventually you will get approached. - So I got approached by them outside my house.
Wait, they want white people to pray too? No, mostly foreigners. They mostly target foreigners. Because they all speak English. They're all fluent in English. Dude, that's awesome. They're like 60, 70. And I didn't go with them because there's three women that approached me and they all spoke English and they were like 60, 70. And they kept trying to get me to come pray with them. And I was like, I'm fucking busy. I'm not going to fucking pray with you. Leave me alone. But a friend of mine followed them.
Like went to Mount Fuji? No, no, no. They go to a shrine. He said that was okay. But then he said like the next time they were like, oh, come to this building and come pray with us. And it was like a really fucking intense...
like sermon in like a random shitty apartment in like the middle of like, I don't know. In Japanese or in English? In Japanese. Like in like some outskirt part of Tokyo. That's just bad branding, man. Because like you can't have someone perfectly fluent in English bring you into the cult and the sermon is in Japanese. I don't know what's going on. I think they'd like- They clearly didn't think that far ahead. I think they tried to like just make you like fucking stuck there. So like he said like, and they kept being really intense about it. You have to come fucking every week. You've stopped donating money. Please help us.
What if they just get surprised when an actual foreigner is like, yeah, I'll come with you. But they make them, like some of the cults as well, like forced marriages as well and stuff like that. At what point do you go to Mount Fuji?
I don't know. It's more like they pray, I think, something about Mount Fuji. Do they pray to make Mount Fuji explode or something? What's going on? Fuck if I know, man. I don't know. I wonder. I think a lot of these cults, the message isn't nefarious, more so the energy and the intensity of which people there are. Because a lot of them believe in very mundane things. A lot of them are just like energy of the fucking trees or something.
But they're super intense about it, and that's what's creepy. Wait, let me ask you this. Elijah Wood, isn't he a part of a religion or a cult or something? What? Look it up. Elijah Wood cult. It's a Japanese one. I don't keep stock of that. In Japan? Really? Yes, dude. What? Yes, dude. Okay, look it up. Is that why he's so happy and chill? All right, add this to the search history. Elijah Wood cult. Was it Elijah Wood?
I think it is Elijah. Or no, was it? Oh, he came into cults. Like he got interested in cults? No, no, no, no, no. It wasn't Elijah Wood then. It's maybe Orlando Bloom. It's like one of the Lord of the Rings guys. The Legolas. Was that? Orlando Bloom. Orlando Bloom is the one of the cult. Yeah. It's a Japanese one. And I don't know if it's a cult or not. He does love. He does love. Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. Holy shit. Yeah. No, he is. Oh, Scientology. Wait. No, no.
No, no, no, no, no. It's not Scientology. It's a Japanese one. I promise. Apparently, I don't know who was telling me this. Someone was at a sushi restaurant and Orlando Bloom walked in and was clearly like having a good time, I'll say. A little happy. Or maybe it's not a cult. It's just a Japanese Buddhist. Japanese Buddhist sect. SGI. I feel like cults. How have I never heard about this?
Yeah, bro. How crazy is that? Buddhism? Is that a cult? I don't know if it's a cult. Yeah, it could be a... Yeah, I guess it's like a sect of Japanese Buddhism. It doesn't necessarily mean it's a cult. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Also, Buddhism varies very heavily. Oh, it does. It does. There's Buddhists that are like, just chill. And there's Buddhists that are like, kill everything, cleanse. I mean, there are a lot of different kind of Buddhists all over the world.
Those guys were Buddhists. They did some pretty horrible stuff. There's a range. There's a Buddhist in Japan, the ones that practiced self-mummification. You hear about that? What? Like self-mummification? I know what the concept is. Yeah, they had to ban it, I think. It was popping. People were so into it. Japan banned self-mummification. Google it. That's a...
How many of these did they self-mummify before they go to sleep? - You know the dedication that was outlawed in the 1879. You know how fucking dedicated you have to be to self-mummify? 'Cause you had to starve yourself first. - Yeah, . - Yeah.
it was that poppin' that the emperor was like, dude, stop self-mummifying. How many do you think? Like 10? Or like 100? I think it was more than that. I think it was 100. That's metal as fuck, man. After the 1,000 one, they're like, we have to stop this. Everybody loves self-mummifying. That's crazy. It's pretty nuts. Well, I think because you would have to starve yourself so long that you would become delirious, where I think it was...
- Maybe it was easier to- - Oh, once you get over the hump. - I think so. I think so. Are you telling me the, 'cause they would, it was not even that they would starve themselves. They would starve themselves in like a locked room. Like it was like dark from what I read. It was absolutely batshit insane. - Yeah, there's a lot of these like more underground sects of Buddhism like this. Like there's another one based out, I think in like Kyushu or something. And they still do it where it's like, they train by going into the mountains and they have to walk through the mountains. I think it's like 50 kilometers a day.
or something. And essentially you join it and then you walk through the mountains, 50 kilometers, picking up food that you find in the mountains. And supposedly from what I read, they carry around a knife with them because if you don't do it, then it's encouraged to, yeah. What the hell?
because it's that intense. And it's supposed to be some kind of like spiritual cleanser. - I mean, look, Japan's not exactly known for having the most chillest people. - That is way wilder to me than just being a hikikomori. - It's like the polar opposite. - Go live in an internet cafe, man. What are you doing? Get really invested in Hasunomiku or something. That's just so much more normal than that. - That's a cult in and of itself. - Well, I got the practice today.
- I hope. - I say confidently. - Walking through the mounds thing is still practiced today. - Surely they don't seppuku though. - Surely it's a ceremonial thing, you know? - From what I've read, it's encouraged. - So like, you know, obviously like health and safety and stuff, but you do, whenever you do go to see any of these like more religious or more kind of traditional things, you do see a lot of stuff where it is kind of like dangerous, some of the stuff they do for like tradition or like every year.
- Like all the fire festivals in Japan? - Some of the fire festivals. Any of those ones where they're like, oh, I forgot. The big festivals are like holding up the big things, people holding up like on the side. - Oh, Mikoshi? - Yeah, that's pretty dangerous. Or like some shrines that are on like insanely steep cliffs. - Well, there's the really famous festival in Japan. I forgot where it is, but- - I think it's actually, last year was the last time it happened, the naked one. Oh, the one where they wear like the, just the- - Yeah, and it's like two teams carrying a mikoshi and they charge at each other.
Oh no, that one's still good. Sorry. Yeah, that one's still going. It was the naked one where they would only wear like a cloth and they would all celebrate. I think that was last year. How did they celebrate? Everyone was just wearing a cloth and then they would all just fucking dance and have these giant things. Isn't that what the Yakuza do too? Like there's a, well not naked. They just show the tattoos off. Yeah. Just walk around. That one's cool. That one's cool. That's dope as hell. I think this is the last one though, I think. Yo! Oh, it's so close but I'm not going to be here. Oh. Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah. - Yeah. - Maybe this is the different. - I mean, there's so many random festivals in Japan. - There are a lot of naked man festivals, man. - People love being naked. - Yeah. - Yeah. - We love it. - Penis festival happens every three months. - Every three months. - It happens all over the country. - You gotta do it once a year, Max. That's too much penis. - But they don't mind like a lot of the history about Japanese like being okay with nudity, naked, like chill. And it was only until America came in and kind of was like, "Hey, cut that out."
- Yeah. - Had to- - Keep it in your pants bro. - Disgusting. Can you stop getting naked? - The penis festival is great though. Cause the one I went to in, they did one in Aichi. You know, it would just be like a regular, you know, summer festival where, you know, they'd have like penis shaped like lollipops for sale and you know, like penis shaped pendants and stuff like that. But the kicker is that at the end of the festival, they have like a parade that they usually do like a parade like thing. And they carry around this giant, I want to say,
15 foot wooden cock. They burn it? No, no, they don't burn it. What they do is they carry it down with a bunch of dudes carry it down the road. As a guy. And the best part is to finish off the ceremony, they take the wooden penis and they stand it upright. And then people are around it just kind of like celebrating. It's a lot of fun though. It's good energy. I've never seen a penis that is...
so large by size, yet so small at the same time.
What happened there? Like why do they make such a- - Not everyone can be packing or something. - Why do they make such a giant penis, but then also make the proportions seem as though it's like kind of small? - That's okay. - Nothing wrong with a small penis, right guys? - That's a serious chode. - Am I wrong? It's like crazy. - This is literally the same color as when you see a hentai that's uncensored. It's got this like same amount of detail on it. - It's either that pink or that brown. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, right?
Yeah. That lady's just riding it. Yes. That's crazy. Good for her. Yeah, she's loving it.
- Once every three months. I thought it was once a year. I didn't know it was like once every three months. - Well, no, no. The thing is it happens in so many parts of the country at different times. - Everybody's gotta have their, dude, everyone has to have their penis festival. - Yeah, of course. - It makes sense. - Because no one's having children in this fucking country. - Oh yeah, that's the real reason. - Prefectures are struggling because they used to have a lot more festivals. Obviously people are getting older now. A lot of them are cutting down on festivals because there's just not enough people to do them.
generally not enough interest younger generations. Yeah. We went to, when we were seeking out the rockabillies. Are you guys familiar with the rockabillies? I hadn't heard of this. He told me. He's like, how do you not know about this? So Japan, as I'm sure you guys know, have like a bunch of niche microculture followers. Like you have the...
some goth people out here that are like, super into it. You have the Cholos. - Yeah. - Japanese Cholos. And Rockabilly's are even more fascinating to me 'cause it's like a,
genre that like barely exists in america is like from the 1950s greece lightning era like greaser culture where you wear like denim jackets and and and leather jackets and you're like a biker and you have a big pompadour and these guys all basically dress that way yeah and at harajuku they go and they dance and
They do the rockabilly dances every Sunday. This looks sick as fuck. It is sick. So we were trying to figure out where they were. And there was a festival happening at the park across the street. Was it Yoyogi Park? Yoyogi. Yoyogi Park. And it was sick. The festival was awesome. Yeah. I'm surprised there aren't more. Look at those pompadours, dude. Yeah.
- That's neat. - I really vibe with the Japanese festivals. I think they're dope. - They're very good. - The Japanese know how to fucking party. - I don't know about the penis one, but this one was great. - That one is actually hype. - I mean, the good thing about Japanese festivals is that they have a festival for like fucking everything. That's why. - I mean, you work hard, play hard. I feel like that's the Japanese mentality. - Oh, definitely, yeah. - When you have time to at least. - Yeah.
When they do. When they do. Look at that pomodoro on the left there. That's crazy. Wait, were they all like that? Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah, they all dress up and they're pretty good dancers too. They go crazy. Was it mostly guys or women too? There's some women. Yeah, that's nice. That's cool. There's some ladies too.
- Hell yeah. - All the guys I'm guessing from the looks of it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're mostly older. I just think it's so funny that this is like a forgotten part of American culture that like no one really cares about. Like that old guy on the left right there with the white hair, like I saw him. He's still there. - Oh shit. - Yeah, he's still dancing. Yeah, I think he's their leader. - Yeah, 'cause I feel like this era isn't like fondly talked about in a lot of American media.
- Yeah. - I mean, I would say from like- - Some but not that much. - I would say from an Asian perspective, a lot of my uncles just love this. Like Greece was like, at least in my family, Greece was like massive. Everyone loved that aesthetic.
And even in Thailand, you show this aesthetic and people still think fondly about it. So I'm not surprised that- - I feel like they do the Cholo thing in Thailand too. And also Vietnam. - Yeah, yeah. - It's like big. - What is Cholo? - Cholo is like Chicano culture. Like Mexicans living in LA, Mexicans live in America. They have like a specific hairstyle. That's the other thing, dude.
Japanese people love dreads, man. Oh, yeah. It's great. It's like more than last time. Yeah, yeah. A lot of people like dreads. I think it's because like hip-hop culture has gotten a lot bigger in Japan, especially. And just like that American side of that culture or like, you know, the Western side culture is just a lot more like celebrated now here, I guess. Yeah. Especially with younger people now that, you know, everyone has access to fucking the internet and everything like that. They're like, oh, wait, there's all these like...
subcultures and microcultures outside of Japan that is like way cooler and you know out of the norm that you wouldn't expect here so it's like yeah I want to be part of that
At that random place that I was at, like the random suburb that I was at, there was a Mexican restaurant. And in the Mexican restaurant, they were doing standing tacos. It's literally like a TikTok invention where you get a bag of Doritos and you cut it and you put like taco stuff in it, like ground meat. Wait, they sold that here? Yeah, they had it in the fucking random place that I went to. Like, it was wild. What the fuck? But then I found out there's an American military base there. Oh, I got it. Yeah, so then that makes sense. That makes a little bit more sense, yeah. One of the...
One of my fans that came up to me in the street was telling me about how they get into fights all the time. Like the US soldiers. Classic. I mean, every fucking month there's something about Okinawa about the law groups just doing something they shouldn't. Yeah, the Japanese government releases them back to America, by the way, which is so cucked. That's crazy. No, they literally do. There was a dude who like...
was falling asleep with a wheel and just like killed a whole family. And he was in Japanese prison. And then the American government was like, all right, enough. Come on, give him back to us. He's a brave Marine. And the Japanese government was like, my bad. Yeah, you can have him back. There's a big thing like that in the UK that happened where-
It was a wife of a diplomat, American diplomat, drove on the wrong side of the road and ran over like a teenager. And people were outraged. And obviously because the law is that they have immunity. Obviously people were like, fuck immunity. Yeah, what do you mean? And the Americans were like, we'll take her. And then like, yeah, she just went back. Yeah. And obviously people were like, that's...
It's pretty fucked up. There should be some punishment. Jesus. She got a suspended jail term. The jail term was only for eight months. That's not even that long to kill someone. That's insane. That's a big thing as well. Far out. Pretty depressing.
Yeah. Yeah. So I'm staying here. I'm not going back to America. Yeah. Well, if you commit a crime, they'll fucking send you back. Yeah. I think outside of the military, if you commit a crime as a foreigner, they'll pretty much like hold you and make your life miserable as possible until they deport you. Yeah. Johnny Somali. Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know, a lot of people applauded that they held him for so long, but
It's kind of insane how they just like pull out a new charge right when they're done with holding him for the max amount of days. Yeah. It's kind of concerning a little bit. You're like, instead of deporting, they should lock this ass up. I think so too. But yeah, apparently he got like one of the silliest charges that exists in the Japanese constitution though. Obstruction of business. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
- Obstruction of business. We wrote this country's constitution. It's not great. A lot of damage. - Obstruction of business? - Yes. - I know that there's a big emphasis on Japanese prosecution on confessions, which I've heard. - No, it's conspiracy of obstruction of business. - That's crazy.
That is a real law though. And I think, wait, was I talking to you about this? Like during COVID, they couldn't shut down. Yeah, they couldn't shut down businesses. They couldn't shut down businesses because it's illegal. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they had like a naughty list. Yeah. And they were like, they would publicly shame businesses that were open. And it mostly worked because it was Japan. And that's a very powerful motivator. But it didn't stop everyone. So a lot of places were just, you know, the moment eight o'clock hit, which is normally the cutoff,
They would go, ah, cash only. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Stay open. That's right. So it was very interesting. Yeah, I heard. I don't know if this is true. A Japanese person was telling me they got a ticket for speeding, which is super rare in Japan, by the way, because there aren't a lot of speed cameras. And most people speed because the speed limit is super low on the highway. JDM, baby. Cars are sick out here. Yeah. You got to speed a little bit. They got a speeding ticket.
And I don't believe them, but this is what they told me. And they swore by it. They were like adamant. They said when they got the ticket that they refuted it and said, that's not me. It was them, but they just said that wasn't me. And apparently that worked. Like even though it's their car to their license-
but they didn't admit that it was them. They said that's not me. - So what did the cops say? They were just like, "Okay, word." - I don't know, but apparently from what I've heard, they said it worked. - Now we know why they don't give out too many speeding tickets. - Yeah. - 'Cause apparently if you just say, "Nah." - Nah, that ain't me. - Officer, that's count. - You know, like something like, can you dispute Japanese speeding ticket or something? I don't know how the fuck to buy this. - Wait, so what? A speeding ticket is just like,
- A suggestion? - Well, no, it's like, obviously in Japan, I think a lot of the time they rely- - If you dispute the Tigan and refuse to pay, you'll be summoned to court for a trial. Maybe not. - They rely on like, I think, but the, from what I understand, like, again, I'm not allowed to say my word, they rely so heavily on you,
confessing in Japan. Yes. That's a huge part of the justice system. So a lot of it is expected that you will. Ryan Reynolds here from Mint Mobile. I don't know if you knew this, but anyone can get the same premium wireless for $15 a month plan that I've been enjoying. It's not just for celebrities. So do like I did and have one of your assistants assistants switch you to Mint Mobile today. I'm
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Oh, yeah. I did see that one. Yeah, the fines also... Yeah, what? If you're like a rich person, they're like, you know, like a...
- 7,000 yen. - I saw a lady driving a G-Wagon on the, I mean, but it was like a Western G-Wagon, but I guess that happens out here. - Oh yeah, a lot of people really, the Mercedes, like Jeep style things are really popular. - Yeah, there's a lot of left-hand drive cars now in Japan, for sure. - Doesn't that mess you up? I feel like it's probably better to- - I wouldn't like it.
Driving on the wrong side of the road? I feel like the whole infrastructure is designed so you're sitting on the right side of the car. You should get used to it, right? I guess so. You don't own a Japanese car? No. Do you drive much? Yeah, I do. You kind of have to. There's no public transportation. But I would love a Japanese car. I want a Toyota Hilux.
Those are the best. I love Toyotas. I'm trying to get a 4Runner with the new one when it comes out. Don't you have a nice-ass car right now? I have a Porsche, but it's a lease. Oh, it's a lease? Okay. I leased it because I was like, it's an electric vehicle. No, not these, though. The old ones. Oh, the old style? 1990? 1990 Toyota Toyotas? Those ones? Those are so nice, dude. What?
Wars have been won with these. Okay. I know. I know. It was like... Toyota Wars. Yeah. What was it? What was it? What was it? Like Nibia? What was it? What was it? Libya. Libya. That's a big boy car. Dude, I love the Land Cruisers. Yeah. That too. I see them all over here and they're so fucking cool. Type in Toyota Land Cruiser. They have a new one that doesn't look as cool, but the older one looks so shit. No, no. That's my favorite car. Like that is the other... Can you type in like older? Just type in older model. Like, yeah.
- Dude, people drive this car. It looks like, oh, it's so sexy. - Yeah. - Something about it. It's got that '80s charm to it that I can't describe. And you just wouldn't need this for Japan ever, but people have it and it looks so cool. - Yeah. - I love Toyotas. They're the best. - I mean, they're great. - Yeah, they're great. - They don't break. They get you where you need to go when you need to fix them. Easy to fix.
- Yeah. - Such sexy cars. I'm not a really big car guy, but when you see an old car, you just think like- - I mean, we've never really needed cars, you know? At least I've never, wherever I've lived- - I don't even have my license here.
That makes sense though. I get it. Like if you can get everywhere by metro. Yeah. But there's sometimes you just need a car in Japan. Like some areas where you just need a car. Yeah, if you're out of the major cities, you kind of get it. Which is like most of Japan is out of the major cities. So you kind of limit yourself. And you can see some of the, like what I think are some of the best places in Japan only by car. I agree. Yeah. I agree.
- And it's hard for tourists to get by as well. So it's normally like a little bit quieter as well. - Sure. And renting a car is cheap enough here. Not as expensive as other parts. Like Europe is so expensive. - You have your license, right? - Yeah. - Are you gonna drive us around? - You want me to be your chauffeur? What do I get out of being your chauffeur? - Do you have an international license? - No.
- I don't, it's so easy to get one. You just go to AAA and they give you one and you can drive in Japan. I just, I'm too lazy. - Why drive when I have a show tonight? - Just hire Connor, why not? - You guys would be a nightmare. You'd every five minutes be like, pull over man. I wanna take this up. We'll be like, I gotta get a Campini sandwich. Wilson's like, stop, I see a nice boy. Oh my God. - Yeah.
- It'd be a nightmare. - 'Cause I wanna go to like a more rural part. That's what I wanna do. - You should get a car then. - I don't know how you're gonna like have your setup. Would you like move your setup everywhere so you do morning streams? - No, no, no. I just wanna go for like one day. - You gotta stay. You gotta go to like a really cool remote Rio can.
- Nah, that's too much. - What? - Do they got internet there or what? - Yes, they have internet there. - Do they got good internet? You could do a stream in one of those like tatami rooms. Just bring a good laptop and like- - Unless you're out in the middle of the mountains, you'll be all right. - Or, crazy idea, just take a holiday. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Isn't that insane? - When's the last time you had a holiday? When's the last time you just- - When was the last time you had a vacation? - Yeah, yeah.
I mean, this is it, this is my vacation. - This is not a vacation. - 4:00 a.m. is not a vacation. - For me, like-- - Does your family, do they like, you know that meme where it's like the girl that's like screaming and her head's like tilted backwards and stuff like that? - Please, babe. - Does your family be like, babe, please stop screaming? - Yeah, no, they, well, I did that. I literally did that. I went to Croatia with my family. - Okay, okay. - And they were on a boat.
And I was in a hotel the whole time. No. I was in a hotel and then I would stream American Hours. And then in the morning, I would drive off to wherever they were because they would go to an island or something. And I would drive off to the nearest location in Croatia and then take a separate boat to wherever they were.
Or like sometimes they come and pick me up from a port. - Do you ever have that moment when you're in bed and it's like, it's silent and you think, is it worth it? - I love it. I love it. - He's married to the game. - Sometimes I get like, I feel like I assume too much and then I'll get like self-conscious or I think about it, I'll be like, damn, like do I spend enough time with people I care about and I love?
- Will I look back at this and feel good about the time I spent working two months?
- Nah. - God damn. - No, 'cause he doesn't have time to think about that, man. - No, no, no, it's not like that. - I just worry about you. I don't want you to waste your life away. - I've designed my life in a way where my family, I moved my mom out here to LA. - Yeah, moved. - I moved her to Japan. So I see my family quite a bit. - Fair enough, fair enough. - Your brother's always at your place. - I'm always around my family, so it's not that big of a problem.
- Fair. - So I, yeah. - I guess that makes it a lot easier. - The moments that I'm not live, I'm spending time exclusively with loved ones. - That's good, that's good. - Yeah, that's good. - So you gotta, yeah, just fucking ship 'em all later.
like my dad will come out and stay with me and and live with me for like you know three four months out of the year that's fair then i guess you're basically working and your dad's always there which is yeah which is why i it's the only reason why like i think i would want a bigger place here so i could like have my family you move your family out here just like or maybe be like hey come stay for two months or something you know yeah because right now i don't have a place and you know my parents they and i think maybe your parents are the same where it's like
they don't really like being in a hotel separate from you. Cause you're kind of missing out on that family gathering time. Cause you know, after dinner or before dinner, you get there's like two, three hours, you get to hang out and just talk and catch up. Really? My parents are just like, give us, buy us the nicest hotel room. If you're like, maybe, you know, we're going away, but if they're there for an extended period of time, they want to be able to like have that community. Right. Yeah. Like one thing that I, I've come to. It's different with my parents though, because they've,
- I mean, my mom lives here. - Your parents are from here. - My dad's spent like 20 plus years with his wife here. - There's that time in breakfast where you get to spend with family where as I get older, I'm appreciating more and more that kind of like two hour breakfast time you get to spend together where you obviously don't gotta do anything yet. But you just get to like sit around and chat. Where if you have a living room, it's like maybe God's making a coffee. I'm chilling on the couch talking to- - Damn, you don't got a living room? - I do, but it's so small that it's like, if I wanted them to stay with me, the living room would be the bedroom and then it's kind of uncomfortable.
Yeah. And every time I go there, it's more and more filled. And I have too much junk. I have so much shit. It's the videos, dude. It's killing me. I get rid of it. I get rid of it, but with some genius content idea and I feel so fucking big brained, it's clean. Boom, I get sent a bunch of packages or I'm filming a video that needs all these packages. Like I'm like, fuck. Yeah, we don't have that. It's like some kind of biblical curse. I get rid of the thing and I make more. Sisyphus.
- It is hard to find space out here for sure. - It's tough. - I mean, it's fucking miracle we found this place. - This spot compared to some of the fucking LA studios I've seen is like a shoe box. - Even like luxury apartments, right? You might find a place with like three rooms, but there'll be three small rooms. And it's like, okay, so now if you wanna turn one into a studio, you have to really consider what space can be what. Or if you wanna find a house, oftentimes they just won't accept you if you're a single dude, 'cause they only want couples or like married couples.
Which is why Gaunt had a much... Gaunt was able to find a place. And for me, they were like, single dude? Are they just like... Are they doing that because they're like, we need you to fuck? Is that what it is? No, I think they're just... No, no, no. They're just questioning you being like, why do you need all this space when you're by yourself? Yeah. But also...
from a, from, because obviously, obviously, if you're a landlord in America, whatever, you've probably like, oh, fuck it. Yeah, whatever. You just pay the bill. But in Japan, they're like, I want someone who's going to stay in here for fucking 10 years. So they don't want single people because they don't think you're going to stay there for a while. Whereas a married couple more likely not to move.
So that's generally what I've heard. Is it true? I don't know, but that's the reason. It's case by case, I think. Yeah. So that's why Garnt was able to find a house and I was not. Basically, I went to so many houses and they all said no. That's crazy. Yeah. You'd hire, okay, rent a girlfriend. Yeah.
- Content ideas. Do you rent a girlfriend? - We marry, legally. - Yeah. - It's jokes, proper bench. - So you literally rocked off the land, it was like no bitches. - Okay. - Dude, there's so many- - Could you just like lie and say- - Yeah, why don't you just lie? - Yeah, I'm gonna part, huh? Yeah. - I love, just lie and be like, I love my- - Maybe I should lie. - I love my Japanese national girlfriend who definitely exists and is definitely just not here.
She's in Canada. You wouldn't know her. She doesn't live here. She lives here if it's better for the homing. Did you ever have this, Grant? But that was the one time, and I just remembered it now, where this guy had viewed me around a whole apartment. Yeah. And he was selling me on it. And I sold. It looked amazing. The fucking...
the the entrance to the building like a bond villain headquarters it was sick it was so cool um and the pump was phenomenal i had a great balcony i was i was super sold i was like right tell him i'm interested calls up the owner and he's talking and they're talking five minutes and he goes oh yeah he's a foreigner and he goes oh oh okay yeah no you can't have this place yeah that's that's happened that's happened a lot of times but it was just that one was so brutal and i in my head i'm like
Why did you bring me? Why did you not check? It's like you knew this beforehand. This is such an easy phone call to have before I got here. It is wild how, you know, that just flies. There's no... I feel like it's going to change though because since... I'll say this much. Since the last time I've been in Japan, this is my third time now. Yeah.
I've seen a lot more fucking white people out here. Oh, for sure. Oh, yeah. And I don't like it. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I get to say that as a white guy living here. You don't get to say that. I don't like it. Okay. I feel that when you show up. Yeah.
Yeah, no. Like, this motherfucker is stealing my content ideas. He's trying to kick the ladder down. I'm climbing up. Another guy's in here? Well, okay. Well, at least we live here, you know. Who's the fixer? Tell me, though. How about you assimilate first? No, like, I say this because, like, the last two times I've been here, like, you know, I get stopped every now and then. This time, it is literally like Los Angeles. Like, if I...
If I go out in LA and I'm like doing something in public, it's just like people constantly come up. Right, right, right. It's crazy. Maybe because we're in Shibuya a lot. Yeah. But even then, like last time, it wasn't like this at all. Oh, I mean, 2024, I think we talked about it last episode. It's the most amount of foreign tourists ever. It wasn't even close. I don't think it's going to go down. No, I think it's going to go down. You also are...
- The most fucking biggest fucking tallest man ever. - You are the least discreet person in Japan. - And then you also, you're not like, you know, you look very different, I think. Like your style is very, very easy to spot. - Oh, it's like a sea of Japanese people and then there's you like a tall stock of broccoli just like sticking out.
- It is wild how busy everything is. - 36 million, 37 million just in 2024. - Wow. - Yeah. - And it's all in Tokyo. Everyone goes to Tokyo. It's not like America where you'll get a mixed in like New York, you'll get Chicago, you'll get whatever. It's all in Tokyo pretty much.
And the surrounding area. Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto. Most people who fly in have to fly into Tokyo. Maybe at the time they're flying to Osaka, but most people fly into Tokyo. Yeah, of course. So it's all kind of running through there. But I feel like they're also like loosening visa restrictions and stuff now too. Like they keep saying that they're going to do this. They loosen visa restrictions, but it's the monkey's paw. It's like...
they brought out a nomadic visa because they realized that a bunch of white tech pros from San Fran were living here and remote working and not paying taxes because they would come for like three months and leave, come back, you know, and they would keep repeating. So they did a nomadic visa that was a six-month visa, but you don't get a residence card.
So you can't fucking do anything. You can't get a bank account. You can't get a phone number. You can't rent a place. But that's crazy. You just live here for six months. You're like a non-person. But you have to pay taxes. Yeah, that's insane. Yeah, because they want to capitalize on this, but they don't want to. They know that if it's too hard to get, that it'll scare people away. But they want to do it the Japan way, which means it'll scare people away. People don't like it.
People are doing the three month thing where they just come here, live for three months and leave. - That's such a Japan thing though, where it's like, oh, we figured out a solution to something. Oh wait, it just created 10 more problems. - You've just added more work in a new department. - Yeah, I mean, and I think Japan is just becoming a budget tourist destination. It wasn't always like this, but since the yen just dropped,
Everyone who comes here, it's becoming like, I guess the equivalent of where people used to go to Southeast Asia, where it was just like the budget place. And now because of the yen, this is like the same cost of travel.
- Yeah, it's the only expensive thing about Japan is the flight. And everything else is so cheap. It's insane. I shouldn't be saying this. And now they're gonna come. There's more. - Look, everyone knows you're rich, bro. No one's under any illusion that you're not rich. - No, but like I go to like secondhand vintage stores
I got like a Stein, this coat. It's very cool. Yeah. It's so sick. It's like a $1,000 coat and I got it for like 200 bucks. Yeah. It's insane. Yeah.
You know? So, yeah. More power to the yen. Or I guess less power. I don't know. I think it's going to bounce back. No, it's fine. Keep it chill. Keep it steady. I like it. At least while I'm here. But it's crazy because they also, you know, they clearly encourage tourists to come and shop. Like, it's... They...
the whole like passport duty free thing. - Which they're also changing the rules on. - Oh, right. - It used to be where you could get it in the shop, right? You'd get the discount right away. They're gonna be changing it to, you have to claim it at the airport.
Oh yeah, that's unbearable. I will never do that. Exactly right. So November 1st, I think. 2026. Yeah, to reduce the workload of duty-free shops, which I don't think is the case. I think they realized people won't come. It's just to discourage people doing it. I'm people. I'm not going to do that either. I don't even remember to bring my passport half the time on my ass. Fine. Whatever. But that is impossible. And you've got to wait. Because here's why the duty-free airport claiming is such a...
insidious process when you're at the airport you want to minimize your time there yeah so you're never going an hour before like your actual the line is huge you know and the line is massive yeah so you're rushing to get to your flight you're you know you don't have enough time yeah no one's claiming that yeah no one's gonna do this at
- Reduce workloads, yeah, for the duty free shops, but then they're gonna increase workloads for the airport, which no one's gonna go to. So now they're just wasting money there. - Yeah. - Well, no one's, it's just making it discouraging just as many people as possible. - Yeah, that way- - No one likes being in an airport. - Yeah. - You know. - People are gonna buy shit in Japan duty free or not.
Yeah, exactly. Stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Anime figures. People want plushies. They're going to buy these things regardless. You want crane games. Yeah, they do. They're going to expand. Let them expand. They're going to keep going. Well, what's the best meal you've had so far? Oh, this time we've had a lot of decent meals. Went to a shop show place. It was pretty good.
But I haven't had like, dude, I still dream about that Kobe place that we went to. Oh, the beef? The freaking beef, man. That was good. That was good. Is it like the juicy ass like Kobe beef? Dude.
That stream, we went with the Kobe Tourism Board. That was like, yeah, that was the Kobe. That was pretty good. That stream where they just like kind of gave us, I guess they gave us like an allowance or something where they let us like eat there at this restaurant. No, no, I paid for it. Oh, you paid for it. Yeah.
- But they like hooked everything up. I was more than happy to. - It was amazing. - You went with the con-a-tourism. - Yeah, yeah, the con-a-tourism. - So we asked, the government was like, something like that, something affiliated with it. They were like, "Come show off the bars." And I asked them, I was like, "Hey, do you have a Kobe beef?"
restaurant that you recommend it's like one of the best ones yeah and then they sent us this one had like 4.8 on Google uh which is insane for Japan I think it's phenomenal it was so good it is still it still lives in my mind as the best Wagyu I think it's probably the best Wagyu I've had as well yeah phenomenal if I ever go back to Kobe I'm I'm making time it's phenomenal what's your favorite Japanese cuisine
Like what's, what's your go-to every time you come to Japan? Honestly, it used to be Wagyu, but man, I love Japanese curry so much. No, no. Are you serious? Like, are you serious? Oh my God. I love like Katsu. Katsukari. Yeah. Katsu curry. Oh,
- Bro, Japan has so much fucking- - I mean, it's good. - Banga cuisine. - It's good. - Katsu curry is just like the most basic one. - It's good. - Nah, it's fine. - It's so basic, man. - I agree. I understand. I know where you're coming from. It's fair, but I just, it's just, I think like Indian curry used to be my favorite. - Yeah. - 'Cause like other curries, like Thai curry, I feel like it has too much like fish oil in it.
- That's fair. - So I don't eat any seafood, right? So I used to love Indian curry, it was top for me, but Japanese curry is, I think, slowly taking its place right now. - Wow. - What's your favorite cuisine? - Well, obviously it's Thai. - No, no, in Japan. - In Japan? If we go for comfort foods,
Then Sukkoman, that is like untouched for me in terms of just like, if I just want something cheap and cheerful, that just- - Sukkoman's good. - What's Sukkoman? - Ramen with the noodles. - Yeah, it's the dipping one. - And it's normally a richer, thicker broth as well. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's very good. - Just try it. - If I would say my favorite one, probably Unagi. - Unagi's fine. - Unagi's phenomenal. - Eel? - Barbecued eel. - I don't eat any seafood.
I mean, it tastes like meat. I'm telling you. I'm telling you. You should try it. Why don't you eat seafood? Are you allergic to them? I just don't eat any seafood. You are the second American I've met that just cannot eat seafood. I can't eat any seafood. Not even like... Dude, I got a rice ball earlier at the family mart wrapped in seaweed, and I can't even eat that because of the seaweed. Really? Yeah. I just like... We got to send you back. We got to send you back. You got to eat fish. Yeah, I know. We got to get you on it. We got to find a way. It's like some of the best seafood in the
- No, I know. - We gotta get you on it. - We go to these like insane restaurants, like we have like this like private sushi thing that we're doing with like this famous chef and they designed like every course for me with meat substitutes instead.
That's not sushi anymore. Yeah, no, it's not. But everyone else is having like, you know, all this top sushi and I'm just going to be sitting there eating vegetables. You got to try it though, bro. Did you just not grow up with it? No. So Turkey has a lot of seafood. Turkey is surrounded three parts by sea. I grew up with a lot of seafood. My family loves eating seafood. I don't know what it is. It just makes me throw up. I can't stand the smell of it, the scent of it at all. Like,
I don't make a big deal out of it, obviously. When I go to a seafood restaurant or whatever, I'll just find something. It's not the end of the world, but I just... I don't know. I just can't eat seafood. And I try. Like,
there's this thing i think like every seven years your palate changes or something yeah it's like fake or not you try i i think it's true yeah i think it's true and i do i i literally periodically will try i think one of the last times i had seafood was in japan actually where it was like a like a piece of tuna but it was it didn't even taste like fish at all yeah it's like fatty meat yeah
but you know that's a shame can't do it all right another seven years run it back run it back have you been keeping up with any anime recently yes i've been watching so much first of all how's your one piece journey i finished it yeah i caught up right on uh i haven't read the manga so i don't know what's the anime up to
Anime is Egghead. Is it Egghead? Oh, shit. It's pretty close to the manga, right? That's why it's pretty close. Yeah, that's why I took a hiatus. Yeah. Bro. Fire arc, man. Yeah. Incredible arc. Yeah. Especially... So I can't speak on the manga, but like...
- One hole was such a trick, dude. Oh my God. - Yeah, I mean, it was a four year. - I'm not caught off, sorry. - I'm not caught off either. - It was a four year arc. - Bro, bro, it's a slog, man. - From what I heard, there was arcs within the arc. - Oh no, it was a three, three acts, if I remember correctly. - Oh yeah, it was so long.
- Just because it was one, it was like a major arc and it was like the one island that was Japan style. So of course, of course they're like, Oda's like, all right, I'm representing, it's the samurai island basically. - But it was just like that you could condense so much of that, I think. Like it's just,
how long it is. - Well, I think one of the reasons it was so long because after the time skip, it felt like so long before the entire crew had an arc where everyone got time to shine. Because it got to a point in one piece where the crew got so big that it took so much time. Yeah, it took too much time to like highlight everyone. - Stand behavior. - Yeah. So Wano was just like, all right, we're gonna give everyone
everyone a fight and one time to shine. But that's why I love it. It's too long. Yeah. But that's why I love the egghead. Cause egghead is like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Like right after Wano, you're like, oh, finally it's like back to pre time skip level of like pacing. Yeah. Right. And it's brilliantly drawn too. But there's, there's a lot of stuff in Wano. That's also incredible. Like there's, there's like one episode that I think about a lot that I think is like the most beautifully drawn because they changed the teams that I think, like,
at the last arc, like at the last piece of the last arc, they bring in like a new team. - Yeah, 'cause one piece of anime rap had a pretty bad rap for a long time for being pretty bad quality. - It was Wano that changed everything. - Yeah. - And I think they, oh, okay. - And now it's insane. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like it's actually really, really well drawn.
And I think that's part of the reason why aren't they like, they went back and are like redoing the post time skip. - Yeah, One Piece Brotherhood. - They're doing like a condensed story. - So the people that worked on the first three seasons of Attack on Titan are now doing a One Piece remake called The One Piece.
which is just pretty oh the Netflix one yeah the Netflix one yeah yeah that one's gonna be insane yeah I'm excited for it which is basically just one piece but just better paced yeah I can't wait and I can't wait that'll be sick that's gonna be insane what else have you watched
- So much. - Okay. - "Dandaran." - Of course. - I'm not fully caught up with it though. - You like it though? - Yeah, I love it. It's great. - Yeah, I mean, you don't need to fully catch up 'cause it literally cuts. - It just like cuts off. - Dude, it cuts like mid sentence. - What the fuck is that ending? - Yeah. - Yeah. - I was like, what's this? - That's not a season ending. - Yeah, this is the worst season ending I think I've seen an anime ever do. - Yeah. - It's pretty bad. - Yeah. - It's pretty jarring. - I mean, it's coming back in July, so. - Yeah, but like I was like, what the fuck?
It's not a season ending. They just split a season up into two parts. - No, 'cause I remember, 'cause I caught up to it this month and I got up to episode 12, I think it got up to. And I was like, "Oh, there's another episode next week, right?" Maybe I'm just like, I just have to wait next week. And I looked at it and I'm like, "Oh wait, no, that's it."
That's the entire season. There's... Okay. Kaiju No. 8 was really good. That was fun. Kaiju No. 8 is really good. Yeah, it's really good. I had mixed opinions on it. It's aight. Really? I think it's aight. I say mixed. I listen to Gaunt. The manga's getting really good, though. Oh, really? Yeah, I've caught up on the manga and it's getting really, really good. I like it because... I mean, I'm a sucker if it's well-drawn, too. I like it. It's not like...
you know, my best, it's not in my top, but it's really good. If Gon says mid, it's mid. I watched Zom 100, which was all right. Did you watch all of it? Yeah, I mean, whatever is available. Yeah, because they had a bit of a nightmare.
- Oh, they did. - Yeah. - The last three episodes got delayed like months. - It was like after episode three, they were kind of just getting a little bit shit. - It became the thing it was set to destroy. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, "Zone 100" was fun. - It was fun. - I enjoyed it. - It was shame 'cause the first episode was so fucking good. - First episode was so good. - Yeah. - And then it kind of plateaued pretty quickly.
I think like one season was like a good amount for this. I'm like, I don't need more of this, but the one season that I watched, I enjoyed it. What else? I watched the first episode of Suck Em All The Days. Oh yeah. Oh shit. I'm excited for this one. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I'm really excited to give it a watch. That one's really nice. I'm watching Mashal. Oh yeah. Oh shit. Yeah.
Oh, really? Yeah, I'm in the dub of that. Oh, nice. For like one episode. That's sick. If you're watching the English version, but Japanese version is goaded. But yeah, I'm watching that right now and it's funny. I feel like it's like you put like Saitama with hair in Harry Potter. Not bald Saitama. Not bald Saitama in like the Harry Potter universe. Have you watched Orb?
- Yeah, you would love Orb. - Orb, the movements of the earth. - So dude, Garnt Salamone, please. I can't explain it. - What's the name of the full name? - Orb, the movements of the earth. - See, this is, okay, can I just say something? - Yeah, I know, I know, I know. - That kind of, oh, I know, I know. I might watch this. - You would love. - You would eat this shit up. - Yeah, this is on my- - This is like a Hassan stream. - Yeah. - It's like, genuinely.
The only thing that stopped me from watching this is because some of these fucking animes have the weirdest names. No, no, no. They have the weirdest names. Can you explain the story in a good way that you do? All right. Well, this is based on... It's not based on actual history, but an alternate timeline of history where people still think that the Earth is the center of the universe. And so it takes place in Poland, actually. And it's the story of...
these guys who figure out that, hey, maybe the Earth isn't the center of the universe. Maybe, you know, the Earth is actually rotating around the sun. But they have to like try to prove it in secret because if they get caught,
by the church. They basically just get executed. - I love that. - Yeah. - And it sounds so phenomenal. - And it's got like- - So good. - It's got one of, I think the best villain in anime right now, which is the guy who works for the church, which is- - He's so fucking good. - Basically the same character from "Inglorious Bastards" just-
- Yeah, it's some of the best character writing I've seen in a long time in anime, for sure. - Yeah, I didn't think of it. Yeah, he is just, he is Christoph Waltz from- - He's Christoph Waltz from "When Glory Sparks," it's just church edition. - I mean, you sold me on it, for sure. - It's so good, you would love it. And it's a 24 episode, nearly done. - It's on Netflix as well. - It's on Netflix as well, so it's pretty easy to get. - And whenever you think you know where the story's going, it goes somewhere else. - Speaking of that,
That's another anime that I actually watched that I would have never watched because of the weird name Delicious in Dungeon. Oh, you watched Delicious in Dungeon? I'm not watching it. That's so weird. It's good though. No, it's great. It goes from like a Zelda cooking simulator and super cozy in the first like six episodes to Berserk by the end of the season. And I think I felt like that also had a shitty ending.
the first season delicious in dungeon i haven't finished it just kind of just ended yeah it just ends and you're like yeah okay um but but i like that i like that one a lot that one's getting a season two i i did not expect that to be on your watch list did you watch uh freerun no everyone always tells me to watch freerun everyone always tells me to watch freerun it's i don't know sometimes if like the the characters are too cutesy i'm not i don't get it's not cutesy yeah
It looks like it. I'm telling you, it's not. It's definitely not. It's peak. And then your viewers will be like, based, based, Hasan, based. I don't know. There's discourse around it. Some people really like it. Some people say it's like fascist or something. I don't know. Fascist. But they said that about Attack on Titan too. What? Which makes sense about Attack on Titan, to be fair. Oh, I know why. It's because of Free Rin's views on demons.
She thinks all demons should be killed and are irredeemable. Which is true because they can't help but be monsters in the world. Here's another one that I watched that some people told me has weird politics, but I love it so far. Ranking of Kings.
Oh, I fucking love ranking of kings. Again, another one I never thought you would. You're looking for some bangers, though. Dude, I've been- No, ranking of kings is a low-key banger. I'm on an anime tear right now. Damn. Blue Lock season two was PowerPoint presentation simulator, so I was like, fuck this. Okay, I'm just saying. I call Blue Lock being mid-
Four episodes in, everyone laughed at me. I was proved right. - Wait, season one was awesome. - No, it was mid. - No, it wasn't. - And it was always gonna be mid. - No, it wasn't. - Oh, she know co, oh, she know co, I said three episodes in, this shit is mid as fuck, and then it became the most mid show ever. - That's crazy. I think if "Blue Lock" season two wasn't like a PNG,
like over and over again and some gifts spliced into it, it would be a great anime. - No, I did. - You're wrong. - I saw the image. I was like, what the fuck happened to the show? It's like him where he goes like into a fucking demon and he's like black faced, eyes red. - That was the one good episode of "Bluelock" season two though. - And I was like, what the fuck is going on in this show? I thought it was about football.
- It is about football. - I was like, what happened? - First sports anime? - I was like watching this shit, I was like, what the fuck? - No, it's cool though. Yeah, I saw this fucking image. I was like, what the fuck happened?
- Yeah, no, I mean, I just, yeah, I shouldn't fuck with the Proud. - This is like the only good episode of season two. - You just don't wanna watch it. - Why does it make me homophobic? - Yeah, you don't like boy love, that's it. - What, is this your boy love? - Yeah, this is my boy love show. - This is your boy love. - This is boy love. - That's why it's called BL. It's not blue lock, it's boy love. - Blue lock is not BL.
- It is literally BL. - It is not BL. - Okay, this is my second. - Yeah, but the fandom. - All right, all right, I'll say it. - Yes, it could be. - Okay. - If you're of course into hot guys, women are gonna like it. - Blue Lock is a boy love anime. - You're tripping. - That's, you're wrong. You're wrong.
- This is my second Attack on Titan as a mecha anime take on Trash Taste. - At least I had some like logic to it. - There's a difference between hot anime guys being in it and boys love. Boys love is when dudes are making out. - Have you seen like an actual BL anime? - No, of course you haven't seen it. - Yeah, there you go. That's why. - But I feel like it's, you know, the only part in Blue Lock that doesn't make it fully a BL, I guess, is that they don't kiss sometimes. - Yeah, watch Yuri on Ice. - So you're saying in the boys,
- In your love category, you're saying this show- - They love each other. - Okay, okay. - It's implied boys love. - They don't show love. - Wait, wait, wait. But what is the line here? Is it because they are- - Boys love, dudes get like giga rammed. - No, no, no, no, I get that. - Not all the time. - Jesus Christ.
- They get like impregnated. - They get rammed on the court. - But you know that sometimes there's like BL subtext and it's like, it's up to the fandom whether you interpret this. - They always kiss eventually.
- I've read a lot of these, Garnt. They always kiss. It doesn't matter how many chapters it takes, they kiss. - There's always ones where it's a little too bromosexual. You know what I mean? - There's sometimes when you have two characters and they're like, why do I feel tension here? Why do I feel some tension here? - Okay, then that's Bluelock. - No, they don't have a whole scene about his aromas. Dude, they do. - All right, question then. Top Gun.
- Is that BL? - Oh yes. - 100% that's gay. - Okay, okay. - Blue light. - But there's no kissing in that. There's no kissing in that. They're just- - Dude, it would be less gay if they fucked in Top Gun. - In Top Gun, he even has sex with a woman and it's still boy love.
- In "Blue Lock"? - No women are allowed in the premises. - No, if they had sex in "Top Gun", it would be homophobic 'cause it would be too on the nose. It would be too much. You know what I mean? - That's what I'm saying. That's how I feel about blue love. - Blue love. - Boy love. - You're like, "I'm all for blue love." I was like, "Whoa."
- Yeah, it is. - I just thought, no. - But if Blue Lock is BL, then every sports anime is BL. - Oh yeah. - Do you like "Rotten Gull Basket"? - I haven't watched it. - Okay, that's kind of BL though. - I was gonna say that is probably the most like BL yaoi leaning. And there's nothing gay happens in it.
They're all just very feminine. - Yeah, but it's just like the energy. - You know, it's just- - I wanna just get sweaty next to you. - He's so good. - Yeah. - No, 'cause you- - It's basketball, but every team has a star player. - 'Cause you look at Kuroko and Kagami and you're like, "I know who's the top. I know who's the bottom." That is what I'm talking about. - It'll be basketball, but every player will have a star player where they do something. One guy's thing is that he'll never miss a three. It's impossible for him to miss a three. - Yeah. - That's awesome. - And there'll be another guy where he can copy any other player. - I like that. - Perfectly.
- And then another guy that can like make you buckle no matter what. - Yeah, they took the Prince of Tennis format for that. - Yeah. - Which again, another BL. - Okay, I feel like we're noticing a trend here. - Sports anime is generally very- - Is light. - Because it's all about boys being sweaty and getting in on each other. - And also they have a massive female audience as well. - Yeah. - So you can- - George.
- They never go fully into it, I was just saying. - They give just enough bait. - I was gonna ask what else have you watched? - It's the implication. - I just gave you like every anime. - That's a lot. - That's a lot. - There's still more, I mean.
Any strong opinions now other than Blue Box Season 2 was ass and unacceptable. I mean, that's like common sentiment. I don't have like a lot of hot takes this time around, unfortunately. Damn. Because all the anime that I've been consuming, I just really like. Yeah. What do you think of Dandedon?
It's great. Dude, I love fast-paced anime that's funny, quirky. I think Dandanan also is less... I guess it's not like shounen technically, right? I mean, it's 100% shounen. What's the other one where it's like the love story? Shoujo? Shoujo? I feel like it's a little bit of a... I mean, it's a little bit of everything. Because the writer... Didn't the manga say that he wanted it to be like...
Like a little bit kind of. He came up with like the most insane premise on purpose, I think. Yeah, he came up with the insane premise, but he also, I remember reading something about it where he was, I think, talking about like how he also wanted it kind of to be like a love story instead. Because there's a lot of cute stuff that happens in it.
And I find myself being invested in that. - Yeah, well, I think the story is that, 'cause he used to be the assistant to Fujimoto, the creator of "Chainsaw Man." But he didn't know what he wanted to write. And so I think it was Fujimoto's editor at the time was just like, "Just write something by throwing in everything that you love."
Just like, just smorgasbord of all the things that you love and just like see if you can make it work and it fucking made it work. Yeah. It came out great. I mean, everything about the anime is phenomenal. So good. People were upset about the first episode. Uh, yeah. The rapist aliens.
- Yeah. - I was watching that first episode with Ludwig actually, and then Maya walked in and walked in during that part and walked out. - You should have just turned on porn. That makes more sense. We weren't watching Dunderdum, we were watching porn, I'm sorry. - I mean, at the same time, it's like, are we not allowed to do anything in like,
I'm like, "Come in here, get a little shit." It's weird, but like, why? - This guy. - Why, dude? - Oh, I can't do anything anymore 'cause I woke. - Why can't you show that? Why can't you? - I mean. - Nothing happens. Why can't you allude to what would happen? - No, no, I get it. - Right, that's crazy. Why would you get upset about that? - Also, it's so ridiculous as a premise as well. It's like, why are you taking this that seriously? - Yeah, it's not like they did a seven minute scene where they showed it, you know? - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, obviously that would be in bad taste, but.
you know, having that threat of an alien that wants to fucking take the sexual organs. Why not? - And then the dude literally comes out of the phone to kick his ass. Like, how can you take that seriously? - Yeah, no, it's ridiculous. - Yeah, I think it's ridiculous. - It's out of context. - These woke people. - God damn it, tourists. - Well.
- But yeah, I mean, half the plot is just finding some guys as balls. - Yeah, it's fucking stupid. - It's so dumb, but I love it. - It's a great plot. - So good. - I like it. - What's next on your watch list then? - Free Ren? - Yeah, Free Ren. - Do you listen to chat when you look for anime recommendations or?
yes and no usually no but the dungeon mission one was their recommendation and i just put it off for so long so i was like oh wow first episode slow too oh they're eating in the dungeon that sounds like a cool premise not you know and then i was like shit this is actually dope yeah it was i was like it's very cozy at first yeah and that's what was like captivating and then it was like whoa it's weird as hell have you watched backy
- Yes. - Okay, good. I just wanna make sure of that. I wanna make sure. - Oh, look at me. - Yeah, I know, that's rude. I was like, you would love Baki. - I know dudes that have watched zero anime except for Dragon Ball and Baki at the gym. Everyone watches Baki. - Of course. - Really? - That's why they're at the gym. - Yeah. - 'Cause they're like, "I wanna be like that." - Yeah, are you kidding me? - That's so fucking good. - It's so good. - It's peak, it's peak. - I love Baki.
I feel like as a man, you have two toxic masculinity traits. You can go fucking the right wing Andrew Tate shit, or you can just go straight into Baki. Be a Baki fan and be an actual man. Watch all the biscuit.
I mean Yujiro Hama is pretty evil I love it though Bro the shit he does in the manga Oh my god It gets fucked up what he does In the future parts Just some real fucked up shit I love that because they also make Like they put Barack Obama in it They put Donald Trump in it It's so good
- Yeah. - Well, they all have to meet the president sign a pact. - Yeah, he takes coal and then turns it into a diamond and gives it to him. - It's so good. - And he's like, you have to keep this with you. - The whole fucking scene where he goes to the bar
And he's like, I want a whiskey. And he pulls him a shot and he's like, spits on him. He's like, no, rips the whiskey from the bottom. It's so good. And then smokes the cigar in one go. It's like as Looney Tunes as you can get in anime. It's the best. It's just Looney Tunes meets JoJo. It's so funny. It's so good. It's peak. I love Aki. Hell yeah. And you love JoJo. Get into JoJo. I have. I stopped watching after the Florida prison one.
- That's like everything that's out. - I mean, I didn't finish that one. - It was weirdly a pretty,
Wasn't really great to watch. I'll be honest. I watched all of it. Yeah, and I felt like damage didn't have the same charm the part five. Yeah I was disappointed. I loved it. I feel like it picked up in like the really stumbled in the and which to fan the manga It's also like a little weaker I think the yeah quarter in like after you meet foo fighters and they start trying to figure stuff out in the yeah kind of has a hard time if Part seven does get adapted you're gonna be gonna witness peak. It's the best part. Well, they're making it
Is it confirmed yet though? Yeah, it's confirmed. Really? When do we get a date though? I don't know. Probably next week. All I know is that part seven is in production. So probably next year. But production could mean anything. Yeah. It could mean like
Dude, part seven is the best part of JoJo. Is that the one with the handicap? Yeah, and it's the race across America. Summer 2025. Wow, the race across America on horseback. Yeah. No, that's the book. Oh, that's the book. Never mind. Yeah, so the English manga. No confirmation. Oh, no confirmation. Yeah, the English manga for JoJo. Maybe I mistook this for...
- Oh, really? - In English, no. - What? - Part VI came out recently. The anime, I think, came out right after the manga was officially adapted in English. I don't know why. - What? - Yeah. - Why are they holding back? - I don't know. - They don't want the Western audiences to know what it's about. - I know. - Yeah, I was gonna say. - So you read it in Japanese.
- Oh wow, okay. - Yeah, part seven's so good, man, fuck. - Part seven is peak JoJo. It's pretty much when he gets every issue you've ever had with any part of JoJo, he pretty much fixes everything and every best part of JoJo comes together for one. And he just nails it, it's phenomenal. It's peak. - Gyro. - Gyro is the fucking coolest dude. He's so cool, you're gonna love it. - Okay. I don't know what happened with the Florida arc. I just like, I don't know. I thought it was like, eh.
- I think at times- - Right at the end? - It got really weird. - It got like, yeah, it got too, I can't believe I'm saying this about JoJo, but it got like weird, but not in a good way. Where I just got like, I found myself kind of bored. I never had dropped it before where I was like, I think in between, 'cause there's a, it was like a half season, right? - Yeah, the way they released it was kind of weird. - I don't know why they did it like that either. - Yeah, it really like ruined the momentum of the series, unfortunately. - Yeah. You don't read manga, do you? You just watch anime? - No.
I don't have time. I don't have time to read manga. I used to when I was younger. Manga's way quicker to get through a series. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, but I like the passive consumption that you can do. Passive consumption? You've heard of passive income. Get ready for passive consumption. Yeah.
I don't want to scroll I don't even I don't even second monitor it I just like but I like having it because like then I can cook you know what I mean yeah yeah and then you know sit back eat food and watch it it's like for manga and also you can do it with like other people too or like you can't yeah you know
I'm going to get my friends together and we're all going to read the manga together. It doesn't hit the same, you know? Dude, getting the boys together to watch Backy. Yeah. Do a gym chest. Yeah. Fucking put on the- Yeah, start kissing a little bit. Yeah. You might. Oh, you will. You will. Dude, this- Pensions get high. Isn't there a point in the manga where he like-
- A dude and he like, am I crazy? - If it's Baki we're talking about, I wouldn't be surprised. - He like, Yujuro I think, I could be wrong. I think Super Apex World, John was telling me that he- - I mean, Yujuro is a . - He a dude and he says, nah, it's not gay though. 'Cause everything is a pussy to me.
I swear what John told me. I could be wrong. - I wouldn't be surprised. - I believe that. - This is you, Jero, we're talking about, bro. - I swear this was a thing that John told me. If John lied to me, you know what's fucked up? It sounds real. - Yeah, I know. - It sounds real. That's what he told me. I could be, the thing- - The thing crazy is that this is the only show
- Oh, look at this. Yeah, it's not gay. - He sees everyone as female. - He's so manly, his justification is that everyone is a woman to him because he is the manliest man. - Sorry to spoil it. - No, no, that's fine. - What part is this? - I would even say that he's actually gay, not just bisexual, he's always had a relationship with him. But a hairy bearded man appeared and he did not think twice about a deep kiss.
- Doesn't he kiss the Russian dude and like rip his jaw off or was that Baki? - That's not Baki, that was, fuck, the Russian guy. That was the, oh, who rips, who's fucking? - Oh, that's Hanayama. - Yeah, Hanayama, the Chinese guy, right? - No, no, no, the big, the 50 year old, the Akaza guy. - Oh, fuck yeah. - Yeah, the Akaza dude does that. - Dude, everyone's so fucking sick in that show. - Yeah, and then he gets shot in the mouth, remember? And it like blows his face. - Oh yeah. - It's so fucking dumb.
I could be wrong. John told me that, but I could be wrong. I love the brilliant minds of the Grappler Baki subreddit. Just like going back and forth on this, being like... Nah, it's not gay though. We need to talk about this. It's Yujiro not. The real question. Nah, he said no homo after that. He said no homo. That's good. That's fine. I would even count 10 seconds of sex, you know? Yeah, it is wild. Yujiro is a...
That is the truth. Yeah, that whole fucking scene with the caveman. It was so wild. That was crazy. Yeah, we were just in the airport. That was wild. Yeah, sometimes I'm like, maybe that should have just stayed on the editing floor. You didn't have to put that in there. Like, I understand he's a caveman. Yeah. Without him having sex.
- That was bad. That was bad. That was hard to watch. I was like, oh my God. - They show his dick too. - Yeah. - Like, do you not remember? - I remember. - It zooms down. - I remember. - For a while as a matter of fact. They're like, look at how big his penis is. - Yup, no, I remember. I remember. - What the fuck? Yo, explain this to a normal person. - Yeah. - Like, this show is unhinged. - Be like, yo, you wanna watch this? You wanna watch this crazy show, man? Like a normie? - But it's peak. It's peak. - It's so peak. - Yeah. - It's peak 'cause it's unhinged. - Yeah. - Yeah.
- All right. - All right. - Well, thanks for joining us. - Thank you very much. - That's a high note to end on. - What a way to end it. - We can't talk about a better topic than that. - Yeah, yeah. - Pickle's penis. - Let's end on a high note with Buckingham. - We can't end on a high note. - Hey, look at all these patrons though. - Thanks for watching. - Anything you wanna say? - Yeah.
Thank you guys for having me on. Of course. And I think I feel like this time is less controversial, but I'm on now that like now that I've been on one time, they're used to it. So yeah, we're about to see. It'll be like five comments or somebody's like, I can't
How dare you guys do this again? I didn't do as much anime this time. I'm sorry. Even though I'm watching a lot more anime. I didn't have as many hot takes. Well, maybe we could have gotten more into it. But I felt like we covered a lot of stuff. Yeah, we covered a lot of stuff. We'll talk about it next time you're on. All right, Per. Thanks for coming on. Hey, look at all these patrons, though. They all love Pickles Dick.
Yeah. And they love supporting the show as well, which you can go do right down below by going to slash Trash Taste. By the way, we have monthly exclusive Patreon content you guys can go check out right after this one. Hey, if you want to check that out and support the show, head on over to slash Trash Taste. Also follow us on Twitter, send us some memes on the subreddit. If you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify. And yeah, go check Hasan out if you haven't. Yeah. Yeah. See you guys later. Bye.
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