cover of episode We Hate Being Tourists | Trash Taste #134

We Hate Being Tourists | Trash Taste #134

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Trash Taste Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Garnt: 我在圣诞节和新年期间得了胃肠炎,这让我经历了人生中最糟糕的假期。我卧床不起八天,症状非常严重,以至于我不得不去医院就诊。我怀疑是在和朋友聚会时感染的,可能是吃了或喝了不干净的东西。虽然我以前也经历过胃肠炎,但这比以往任何一次都严重得多。 Joey: Garnt 使用“胃肠炎”而不是“胃流感”是因为它听起来更酷。胃肠炎比食物中毒更严重,是一种真正的疾病,虽然通常不会致命,但可能导致胃溃疡。 Joey: 我认为意志力可以影响疾病的严重程度。当我们感觉自己要生病时,如果我们能够强迫自己不去想它,病情可能会减轻。这可能是一种心理作用,但我们都经历过类似的情况。 Garnt: 我也通过否认自己生病来减轻胃肠炎的症状。我尽量不去关注它,并强迫自己继续生活。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss their holiday experiences, including the holiday hangover and a severe case of stomach flu that left one host bedridden.

Shownotes Transcript


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- Hey yo, welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste Podcast. I'm Joey and I'm with the boys as per usual. - We're just trying to blow people's ears out? - Yes. - Woo!

I'm trying to get some energy in what I like to call, like this period is like the holiday hangover, you know? - Holiday hangover. - It kind of is 'cause- - That's such an accurate term. - Yeah, this holiday was weird for me. I'll tell you why it was weird. - Okay, tell me why it's weird. - 'Cause I did nothing. - Isn't that good? - And that was the weirdest thing I've experienced all year, I think. - That's how you know we're fucking overworked ourselves. It's just like, oh, what?

I'm sitting here and it's like, what do I do with my hands? - It was so weird, right? Because we're coming back from Christmas and New Year's. I remember it was like the 27th or something, or 28th of like December. - Yeah. - And I was, I remember like,

I remember thinking, God, we've been like, we're not filming "Trash Taste" for I feel like three weeks. It was seven days and I was just like, holy shit. I feel like I've been off work for a month now. What the hell, man? - Oh my God, yeah. I mean like I for one experienced probably the worst Christmas and New Year's of my goddamn life. Because I mean, I mentioned it very briefly, but I had gastroenteritis or stomach flu.

and it was probably- - Why are you using like the cursive version of that? - What do you mean? - It's just stomach flu. Why are you using the cursive? - Because gastroenteritis sounds way cooler. - I was gonna say, when you, 'cause you did an Instagram post, and I was like, "The fuck is that?" I Googled it, and I was like, "What the fuck, I didn't say stomach flu." - Well, because I didn't know, 'cause that's, I've always known it as that term. I never knew it was called stomach flu.

- So people were like, do you mean stomach flu? I'm like, oh, that makes more sense. - This is literally just the Winnie the Pooh meme with Winnie the Pooh. - Yeah, stomach flu. - Gastroenteritis. - Yeah, so I had the stomach flu, which for those of you who don't know is like, kind of like a worse version of food poisoning. That's the only way to describe it. - An actual illness then. - An actual, yeah, unlike food poisoning, an actual illness.

- How do you get it? - So, I mean, there's a lot of ways you can get it. For one, like the most common way is kind of like food poisoning where you like, you just eat something bad or you drink something that was kind of off or anything like that. - Food poisoning with hands? - It's like food poisoning, except if it was like built like Mayweather, you know? It's like this thing like punches the crap out of you. - You can die from food poisoning, right? Can you die from stomach flu or is it kind of different? Just more of a- - I don't think you can die from stomach flu, but you can develop

So like a lot of people who have like stomach ulcers for example, and stuff like that, get it as a result of like really bad stomach flu. So basically I got that and I was basically bedridden for about eight days. And I've had stomach flu before. Like I've gotten it in like Australia and like the US and stuff like that, but never in Japan. And like normally, even if you're in Japan,

even like in the worst, like kind of like food poisoning, right? The worst is like maybe a couple of days and then you get it out of your system and you're good. But like this, I don't, man, this boy wanted to hang around for the holidays. He was just like, oh, you're alone at home, Arki's overseas. I'll be your company this holiday season. - So you were literally just home alone, just dying? - I was just,

- I was dying. Like Christmas Eve, for example, was probably like the peak and it just felt like I was just getting stabbed in the stomach and I was going to the toilet every like five minutes, just like vomiting and just like pissing through my ass and it was absolutely horrible. Yeah, and so it got really bad around day five and-

- It got really bad in day five. So bad to the point where I was like, I don't know if this is like a stomach full anymore. I feel like this is something worse. So I went to the hospital. Imagine fucking Christmas Eve.

at the fucking hospital because my stomach is dying. - This is where like an older man would approach you in the street and give you something to make you believe that Christmas is real on your way to the hospital. - Yeah, free trip to the hospital. - Be like, "Oh, I've given you a rice cake." Christmas cheer does exist. Congratulations. - Thank you, sir. Except instead of an old man, it was an old man in a doctor's outfit telling me that, "Yeah, I just had a really bad case of the stomach flu." He gave me some medicine to be like, "Yeah, you'll probably be fine in a couple of days."

And then, yeah, I finally got better around the first or the second of January. - So how do you get stomach flu? Is it from eating something dodgy? - Yeah, so there's- - What do you think did it in for you? - Okay, so there's a couple of- - Speculate. - Yeah, so obviously I had a lot of time to look this up.

- Ain't doing anything else. - I'm just lying in bed for eight days. I'm like, well, I guess I'll learn something new in the medicine field today. So I looked it up. Like the most common way is like, again, kind of like food poisoning where it's like you either eat something that was maybe like a little undercooked or a little bit rotten or you drink something where your stomach just like doesn't take it and stuff like that. Another way you can get it is it's called a stomach flu because it's actually like

you can get it from someone else. So someone with like a stomach flu, say coughs for example, and you're in the vicinity, there is a chance you can catch it that way as well. - Oh Jesus. - So I think though what happened was that like, I know exactly the day it happened,

because two days before I went out drinking with a couple of my friends, Manu, Ohara, good friend of ours, Maki, Maylene's husband, and then my other Japanese friend. We went out drinking and I know it was that day because when I told the boys, I was like, yo, I got the stomach flu and it might've been on this day. All three of them are like, yeah, we're kind of sick as well.

- Oh God. - So it was definitely that day. It was either something we ate or something we drank, but it's weird because we didn't eat anything raw that day. - Maybe you just think that wasn't- - So it must have been something that was like maybe undercooked or wasn't stored properly. - It does happen a lot more in Japan than you think, as I am a testament to this. It does happen a lot more than you think. - But what's so weird is that like, I've never,

I've never had any kind of like food poisoning or anything like that in Japan, let alone something that bad. Like again, it's like I've had it before, but it lasted maybe like a day or two at most. But this guy was just clinging on to dear life and he was just like, I'm gonna make your holidays absolutely miserable this year. So I definitely, I got a PB of the worst Christmas. That's for sure. You know, I thought it was bad enough that I was shoveling shit in the snow.

or one year's even a blizzard. No, that's nothing compared to this. This was definitely by far the worst. I mean, I can laugh about it now, but man, it was horrible. At least like my saving grace was that it didn't happen during a week where I had work stuff. - A lot of stuff too, yeah. - Like we didn't have any like- - Isn't that sad? - Well, it's so sad, isn't it? - Didn't you say that the symptoms started to come on on the 23rd? - Yeah, literally the day after the last Trash Taste recording.

So luckily, like the only thing I had planned was that, you know, 'cause it was the last week of December, right? So I was like, oh, okay, we've got no trash taste. I have no filming, you know, scheduled or anything like that. - I could just die. - Yes. So I filled up that entire week with like, you know, seeing friends or like, you know, I was supposed to go up to Sendai to like see my grandma over the New Year's. I had to cancel all of that and just,

wither away alone in bed during the last week of 2022. So my year ended great. So I hope you guys and everyone watching had a better holiday than I did. - But how polite of the illness to wait for the day after you film his trash taste. - He was like, you know what?

- The boys need it, the boys need it. Okay, let them go for that. And then I'll come in full force. - I remember like, I was telling this to Garnt earlier today and in my head I was just like, man, that is the most Japanese salary man thing I've ever said in my life. It's like, well, at least I didn't miss out on work, you know? 'Cause everyone knows that's the most important baby. Fuck my holidays. - I feel like I willed my body into not being sick, like twice, like recently. - Oh really? - I felt like I was gonna be sick and I was like, no.

- Really? Well, how so? - Do you know when you wake up with a throat that's a little bit like, oh no, oh no. - Like scratchy. - Bro, I actually had the same thing this holiday. - And I feel like I fucking willed it. I was like, don't fucking dare do that. I just got back from my holiday. I was like, I need work. I wanna work. I wanna do stuff.

But I remember I was just like, no, I'm not even giving this attention. I'm not even gonna pretend like this isn't happening. And then literally the next day I was fine. I'm like, oh, sick. The day after I was like, oh God, it's coming back. And I'm like, no, no. - It comes back when you least expect it. It's like, you forgot about me. I'll steal your baby. - I'll take a little throat thing. I'll chill out, I'll drink a ton of water. I'm gonna ignore this. I'm just gonna power through. I'm fine. - Oh, actually, yeah. - I don't know if this is,

- As I said, I don't know this. This is 100% bullshit that I've just made up in my head to tell myself that I'm strong enough to fuck this thing over. - See, but it's weird, right? Because like there's, I remember there's like, and again, I don't know how true these are, but like I've heard, you know, on and off about like, yeah, that whole thing of like, you know, if you think hard enough that like- - Oh, that's all bullshit. - The disease goes away, then it actually goes away, you know? - Hold up, hold up.

- The disease goes away. - Cancer patients could never. - You know that meme of that graph where it's like depression zero. It's like cancer zero. People realize they could think it away. - Just stop thinking that you have cancer and you probably won't have cancer. - It's a fucking skill issue, mate. - This is gonna be like- - Mind over matter, you know? - This is gonna be example one of why we get canceled by a medical association.

- We're not saying this. We know it's dumb as fuck. This is purely just a thing in your head. - It's just a feeling. 'Cause I had exactly the same thing happen to me this holiday where like early on, like Joey, I woke up and I just had like this sore throat that just would not go away. I didn't say anything about it. And then I go upstairs and Sydney comes down and she's like, "Oh, I think I got a sore throat."

- Fuck, don't say that 'cause if you have something, that just means I'm not just like imagining this pain in my throat right now. So we're just like, I told Sydney, no, we're not gonna let this ruin our fucking holiday, all right? It's like- - It's not real, it can't hurt us. - You literally just pulled out, no you don't. - It's Christmas Eve. - I slide her into thinking she doesn't have it, so she believes that she doesn't have it and moves quicker. - Literally what happened, it was fucking Christmas Eve, right?

we're gonna open a bottle of wine. We're gonna watch some fucking horror movies and we're gonna drink the pain away, right? - It's all right, the alcohol will kill the disease. - This is the worst medical advice in history. We are not medical experts. Do not listen to any of this. - No, yes. - This is like the same level of logic as like, you know, when you're one step away from getting hyperthermic, you're like, just take a shot.

- I don't know if, and this is probably bullshit, right? I feel like there is something in my head, right? When I resign, especially if it's for common colds and stuff like this, when I resign that in my head that I'm like, I'm sick, that's when I become more sick.

- Yeah. - In my head when I tell myself I'm not sick, this is a joke and I just keep powering on. I don't, I feel like I get less sick. I don't know if this is a complete bullshit. I feel like it is. I don't know why this happens. Scientists explain why I feel this way. - No, okay. - No, okay. - I totally get that though because I mean with the stomach flu that I had when I was starting to like actually, you know, physically feel that I was like, oh, here it comes. In my head I was like,

- No, I don't want this. I don't want to be sick. It's fine. Yeah, it's fine. Like I started to get like stomach cramps and I started to get like a bit of a fever and I was like, no, no, no, it's fine. It's probably just like built up stress or something. No, not right now, not right now. But then the stomach flu was like, what's your source? It's like, oh really?

- You don't have an illness, do you? May I see your receipts please? - Stomach flicker hands, man. All right, he got me beat this time. - It's like, I'm about to cancel your entire holidays. - What do you think? Okay, do you think the body is capable of doing things that science can't really explain sometimes? 'Cause we hear some kind of these like stories every now and then of like people who can do incredible things. - It just feels like one of those alpha male conversations.

- These guys in the jungle in Malaysia, they actually found a fruit that allows you to grow your dick 15 times. - How do you become so alpha that you can control your body to the force? How do you unlock 100% of your cells? - I think there's like, this is like a law of attraction where if you get three dudes on a podcast, eventually they'll talk about the human body.

and I can surpass its limits. I feel like this is just a- - It's the rule of Joe Rogan, man. - This is just a natural phenomenon that happens and it is so fucking dumb 'cause we're all fucking stupid. - Can we coin this as the Joe Rogan effect? - No, no, I don't give him credit. I just, I fucking- - I said it. - I noticed the phenomenon. Let's call it the- - The Connor Cahoon effect. - No, it should be something better. 'Cause I like the speed run names 'cause they come up with dumb shit. Like the skips, like the Cheetos skip or something. - Oh yeah, yeah, the Cheetos skip.

- That's my favorite thing with like the speed running like things. It's like when speed runners come up with like names of tricks, there's one or two ways that you can name a trick. The one way is like to be like, you name it after what you do in it. So it's like, this one is called the boulder skip because you use a boulder to skip it. And then the other way is like, this one is called the gym sandwich because Jim was eating a sandwich when he discovered it.

- There's only two ways you can name speedrunners. - I watched the latest Summoning Salt video that was about the Lego Star Wars. And I sat there and I thought, "Hmm, I won't watch an hour and a half film, but I'll watch an hour and a half video about Lego speedruns." And I thought, "Is there something wrong with me?" Not that the Summoning Salt videos aren't good, but I'm like, "What is going on in my brain?" Where I'm like, it's like fully produced,

the $100 million movie, I'm like, no. But this, "Lego Star Wars Speedruns," this is content. - Yeah, it works. - This is what I wanna watch. - I think there's just a certain kind of commitment when it comes to entertainment. Sometimes you want to watch a highly produced, like a highly produced piece of content that you can really like invest yourself in. But that takes a lot of like,

I think that takes a lot of emotional commitment. - I agree. And that's why I think the Netflix logo is too long. I'm out. But the boom, it's like five seconds. I'm like, ah. - Oh, the opening like. - I genuinely, have you not done this? Think about it. So many times when that Netflix intro plays, I'm like, no, I'm actually good. And I tap out. I'm like.

I think it gives me five seconds to like realize I'm getting myself into something and I'm like, no, does anyone else do this? - I hate how I know exactly what you're talking about. - Have you not done this? Where you've opened something on Netflix and that Netflix thing plays, it's literally like five seconds, but that five seconds gives me five seconds to be like,

- Actually I don't want to commit. - It's like, yeah, it's the five second window of, are you sure you want to commit? - Yeah, yeah, genuinely. 'Cause then you have like the, again, you have like another 10, 15 seconds of long fucking credits playing. It's just like- - It's more like 10 seconds because it's the five seconds of the dun dun and then it usually is followed by Netflix presents or something like that, right? - Yeah, it's just long enough

- And it makes me feel so serious. - The internet has just hacked all of our minds. 'Cause this is, they've just given us pure ADHD at this point to the fact that a 15 second intro of a logo can make us rethink, do I actually wanna sit down for this? Or do I just wanna put on a YouTube video which is immediately- - I could have watched three YouTube shorts at that time.

- I haven't found myself closing out of stuff a lot more recently, but I did watch something that was kind of interesting. It was a show on Netflix called "Kaleidoscope." I don't know if you've seen this. - No. - Nope. - So the concept of the show is that essentially there's nine episodes, if I recall correctly, and every Netflix account will be presented to them in a different order.

So you'll get a different episode order depending on- - Oh, so it's kind of like "Love, Death and Robots." - "Love, Death and Robots," yeah. - Oh, was it all different for everyone? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh. - The episodes in that are all randomized. - Oh, I didn't know that. - Yeah. - But the one thing with this is that it's not like an anthology series. It's like a story.

- Oh, but it's told out of order. - Well, it's told whatever order you get given. So it's one connected story. - So it's like a Tarantino. - Yeah, well, so it's really odd. And yeah. - It's like "Monochitari". - It sounds impossibly dumb. But the one thing that I think they do is that I think the last episode is always the same, I think.

So everything else- - This is a gimmick. - It's 100% a gimmick. - It's a fucking gimmick. - It's a choose your own adventure, but you can't choose it. - I have heard this argument before because anime has done this before. It was called "Haruhi Suzumiya." So originally when "Haruhi" aired, it was aired in this, there was this huge debate when it aired, right? Because-

It was aired like the show, "Out of Order" where every episode happened in a different part of the timeline. And that was the first season, right? And then everyone was just like, "Oh my God, this is fucking genius. They're letting us piece together the story by telling it out of order. We can piece together the timeline ourselves." - Yeah.

I'm fucking convinced that they only did that because the most interesting part of the first "Haruhi" season were the first six episodes. And I think the producers realized that because they realized, holy shit, the last episode is a fucking Christmas episode, at least "Disappearance." It's basically a fucking filler episode. We can't end the season like this, so we have to like just piece the episodes out of order to make it seem interesting.

- I mean, it definitely doesn't feel that way. I was very skeptical going into it because I thought, oh, this is gonna be nine episodes that feel completely disconnected. - And then it's up to you to put the pieces together. - Yeah, but it's not really like that. It was actually pretty surprisingly not bad. I thought it was, again, I was very skeptical of the concept. I was like, this is fucking dumb. Just tell me the story in the order.

But depending on which order you do get, it can be a different experience because essentially a lot of the episodes cover like backstories and certain information is kind of pieced together or you're given certain, like you could figure something out way sooner if you're given a certain episode as opposed to something else. - This literally just sounds like Monogatari if you didn't know the broadcasting order.

And he just like, if he just randomly picked seasons and you're like, oh, okay, I guess we're gonna find out about this character that I know nothing about. - It is kind of interesting though. I will say it's, I don't know if it's worth watching 'cause it did feel like after I got halfway through it that,

- Okay, it's like, I really did feel segmented. But I do think that if you got certain episodes, it would feel like a completely different experience. - As much as I realize it's like a gimmick, I do actually quite like storytelling methods like that. Especially if like the actual root story is interesting enough. - So it's about a bank heist. And basically there's multiple characters and there's certain episodes, like an episode where they do the heist, there's an episode after the heist. And so there's a chance that you could get the after the heist episode

which might be confusing 'cause the characters aren't really introduced properly. Where there are other episodes that do introduce characters better. So it's like, I would say that probably is an order that is probably best to watch it. But you could get say like a Quentin Tarantino experience if you had the after heist episode first and then you kind of piece everything together. So it does work.

- The thing about how you're describing it is that to me, like I love the kind of storytelling method where it's not always presented to you in chronological order, but there has to be some sort of intention with that. It needs to be done with purpose. Like the first example I think of aside from Quentin Tarantino is like Bacchanal, right? Bacchanal the story is told in different time perspectives and it's not given to you in chronological order, but

a lot of thoughts from the creators was given into what piece of information do we allow the audience to see in order to piece things together? This just feels like we have a story and we're just gonna randomize it and let the audience figure it out. And I'm just like,

- That's just fucking lazy. - It just sounds like a Vsauce episode. I'm like, so the story starts at chapter one or does it? - I think it was probably just a case of, hey, we have the show, how do we secure Netflix funding? Let's have a gimmick they can market. To be fair, it is interesting. Like it's kind of impressive. - It sounds interesting, yeah. - It's impressive that you could have all these episodes kind of be mixed and it somehow still makes sense. - Is it a good show?

- I'd say seven out of 10. The reviews are pretty positive for it. Seven, eight out of 10s. Like it's decent. Like it's a fun gimmick. The acting is kind of, some of the characters act and you're like, what the fuck? Where'd they find you? 'Cause they have like Gus from "Breaking Bad" as the main character and he's pretty good. 'Cause he's good in everything. - Yeah, for sure. - But some of the other actors you're like, what? Where'd they find this guy? - Does he play a bad guy again? - No, he plays a good guy. - Oh my God. - Good depending on who you ask, I suppose. Well, you know.

- There is no way he can play a protagonist. - Listen, I'm of the mindset of- - He's playing a sauce again. - Hey listen, whoever we're following in the story, I'm like, that's the good guy, straight up. I don't care if he kills everyone, we're following him. I sympathize with him. I got monkey brain. - That's also definitely like a trend or a gimmick recently as well, isn't it? That Netflix is banking on with a lot of their like fictional stories is that like, you're following the good guy or is he really the good guy?

- Well, I think it's just made like that kind of storytelling has become more popular. Big shows like "Breaking Bad" and stuff. - Genuinely, I was thinking about this the other day, 'cause you still watching a lot of Netflix, right? - How much documentaries? - I was like, does Netflix still make good stuff? - The general consensus is no. - 'Cause I remember, 'cause like I've realized

just how little I watch Netflix in comparison to, you know, what I, how much I used to watch it. It used to be Netflix had this show that I've really, really wanted to watch or like a few shows. And then you'd find some random shows along the way. And you know, some random shows put on the background. And now it just seems like every time I put on Netflix, it's just, oh, this is a background show. And it's, I never put on Netflix to be like, I'm going to commit to this anymore.

- I mostly just use Netflix to like just watch like movies that have come out in the past where I'm just like, oh, okay, it's on Netflix. I guess I'll watch it while it's here. But it's not like something I'm like seeking out, you know? It's not like I have to watch this movie. Thank God it's on Netflix, you know? - I mean, I haven't watched the new class Knives Out yet, but I heard that's pretty good. - I've watched it. - Is it good?

- Did you watch the first one? - I didn't watch the first one. - Oh wow, okay. - So I kind of didn't know anything. - You watched it out of order? - Yes, I did. - It's an anthology. - I heard that it was all like every story is meant to be self-contained. - Yeah. - Right.

And yeah, I mean, had a fine time. It was like a kind of like a murder mystery, who done it? And then it didn't blow my mind away or anything like that. It was a fun time. We watched it on Christmas Eve, I think. And it was like, for some reason, even though it was set in like the middle of like a fucking summer, like Mr. Beast private island kind of thing.

- I got 10 people on an island to solve a murder mystery. - One of them is going to die. - You know, I remember watching Knives Out and I was like, this just feels like a Mr. Beast video that they've scripted for like the longest time. - It didn't make the YouTube cut so they're just like, let's just give it to Netflix. It's gonna get demonetized anyway. - I've actually killed Chandler and you have to find out who did it.

- I mean, yeah, I mean, I think Netflix has really been struggling for a while. Especially if you look at the amount of shows they've canceled. - Yeah. - Oh yeah. - The big meme is that they just cancel every show that's remotely interesting and good. They keep pumping out 15 Adam Sandler movies.

- We definitely need those. - Well, apparently they do like in terms of retention, they're like one of the best. People fucking love Adam Sandler movies. - To be fair, I did watch "Click" while I was six. - Well, that's an older one. - Who doesn't love Adam Sandler? - They're very easy to watch. - What is like a new Adam Sandler film? 'Cause I feel like I haven't heard of an Adam Sandler film in like 10 years. - Well, 'cause they're all just kind of like direct to Netflix kind of meh.

- It's like the equivalent of like direct to DVD. They don't really get a cinema theater release. - Have you guys watched any of the recent ones? - I watched one of them that was a murder mystery, funny enough.

- Like a comedy murder mystery or just like a straight up murder mystery? - Comedy murder mystery with like, I think it was Jennifer Aniston. And that one was really bad. But I also didn't like, I think he's done a great job at making everyone know his films suck, but we'll still watch them. - Right. - 'Cause you're kind of like, "Oh, I mean, it's harmless." - Yeah. - It's like porridge. You're like, "Ah, well, I mean."

- I guess. - I don't love it, but I don't hate it. - It just hates me for two hours. I think that's what's happening. I also watched... - This episode is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Going online without ExpressVPN is like not having a case on your phone.

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- Oh, the movie. - Yeah. - Oh, I wanna watch that. Is it worth it? - How was it? - Long. - Yeah. - So long. - It's like three and a half hours long, right? - It's so long. - Does it feel long? - Yes, yes. I fell asleep during the movie.

- But I woke up and I felt like I didn't miss anything. So that's also- - I heard it's just the same story as the first movie, but just it's underwater now. - It's the water people. And then the next movie is the fire people. So he's one element away from a lawsuit. He's gotta be careful with the fourth one. I heard they've already filmed it. He can't be doing all four elements. I mean- - I think he has filmed all of them. - Yes, he has. But he can't do all four elements, surely. I mean, that's...

And apparently the Fire Nation are like the bad people in this one too. I feel like, come on man. - And then eventually Jake Sully is gonna have a fucking arrow in his head and start floating around. - Listen, I watched Avatar and I watched it in this, I watched it in Canada. I watched it in this weird, I've never seen this before. It's like some kind of,

like the main screen and then the walls have a projector where it extends the screen. So like there's more stuff. - Like a curved screen? - No, no, no, no. Like a wall and then the two sidewalls are projected and there's just more off of the screen. I don't know what this is called. Can we Google this? - What? - Yeah. - Like an ultra wide screen? - No, it's not a screen. It's literally just the walls, but they're like projecting like more of the screen. And I still imagine like,

- This is the set of Trash Taste, right? So this is the screen, what you'd normally see. And then there's just like all of this that you don't see. And they've just projected that on the walls. - Oh. - It's weird. It's not like zoomed in or anything. It's like, it's so bizarre. - So is there stuff happening on the sides where you have to keep looking around? - No, it's just like background stuff.

- Oh, so it's kind of like adding to the aesthetic. - I think he's just trying to immerse you. It was really shit though. I didn't think it was very good. Like it's like you go from this like 800K display to like blurry wall. Like it's kind of shitty. - Blurry wall projection. - Yeah, it was kind of shit. I didn't really like it. - I heard, 'cause I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard a lot of people talking about it and like kind of giving their like criticisms and stuff like that. - It's too long, bro. - Well, for one, it's like too long. And two, I heard that like they shot it at a different frame rate, right? - I don't know.

- I think apparently the second, can you look this up? But like, apparently from what I heard from a couple of my friends. - So Joey now notices the difference in frames?

- Okay. - Again, I haven't seen it. - He's got more frames? - Now he's bringing up frames? - But according to my gamer friends, they were saying that like, apparently now this one, instead of the standard cinema, standard 24 frames, it's done in like 49 frames or something, but 48. So some cinemas that don't support the 48 frames, it just makes the movie look like shit.

- Right. - And it's kind of like, again, like please confirm this, but like, yeah, it is right? So it's like, so if you go to a cinema that supports 48 frames, then it doesn't make it any better because it kind of is the same vibe, in my head it's kind of the same vibe as like, you know, watching like 60 frames per second anime.

- I mean, if they- - This looks a little like, it's like a little too smooth. - There is a difference between 60 frames per second anime and a movie that was intentionally shot at a certain frame rate, right? Because 60 frames per second anime

isn't actually 60 frames per second anime. It's at 24 frames per second, but someone's put it through a fucking after effects filter to interpolate the frames. So it looks like fucking shit. Please stop doing that to animation. Oh my God. It's like my biggest fucking pet peeve of all time. It has not died. - Really? I haven't seen it in a while. - Okay, every time I wanna like,

search up a cool anime fight or like an anime opening on YouTube. - The top results is never actually the original fucking scene. It's always interpolated. And I'm not saying like all interpolation looks bad. There are some like AMVs and there are some edits

that can make really good use of the interpolation effect. But you can't just put an entire fucking scene through that and think that it's all going to translate well. It just ruins the entire scene to me. And it just, it's, oh, it boggles my fucking mind. - Even though I guess like the concept or like, you know, the transition from the original source is different. Like it's kind of, from what I heard from a couple of my friends, it's kind of that same feeling of like, because you're so used to watching it in 24 frames,

like, you know, like, you know, cinematic films. When you watch it at double the frame rate, it's like, oh, it's like the first time you watch 60 frames per second YouTube is just like, oh, this is really smooth to the point where it's kind of uncomfortable. - Yeah. - And like, I don't know, I don't know what James Cameron's in, you know, like idea for that was. He's obviously trying to like push cinema in different ways, right? But it's like,

- I don't know if that was the right move. - More frames. - Yeah, I don't know if more frames was the right thing. - If that's true, I don't think that's the first film that's done that because- - I'm sure it's not, but like at the same time, it's like- - Wasn't it like The Hobbit or something that also did the same thing that like filmed at a higher frame rate? - Really? - And people, there was this disconnect where like some of the feedback that was given was people just weren't used to seeing films in a higher frame rate. - Did you notice the difference when you watched the Avatar movie?

- No, I don't think so. - It just looked like a standard 24. - Yeah, man, bro, it was good. I just wish it wasn't that long. It was really, really long.

- Was it a good film? - I would say yes, but I don't think it's a great film. - I've never seen someone so confused about his experience with a film. - Because in one hand I'm like, I fell asleep for like 20, 30 minutes at one point and I felt like I missed nothing. When I woke up, I felt like I knew exactly what,

what I'd kind of missed. - Well, for one falling asleep in a film is never a good sign. - It was just like- - You can't fall asleep for like a fifth of the film and be like, "I think it was a good film." - No, I think when I was awake and like technically speaking, like it's a fucking masterclass. Like it looks insane. - Yeah. - It is stunning. - Yeah. - But also,

I mean, Avatar 1, did you watch Avatar 1? - Yeah. - Well, you've seen Avatar 1 and I kind of felt that it didn't really expand upon it in a way that I was kind of hoping.

- Well, Avatar 1 was never about like the storyline. - Avatar 1 is just Pocahontas in space. - Right, but like how do you make then a sequel to a story that wasn't even that really impactful? - Did you like Avatar 1? - I liked Avatar 1. I thought it wasn't like crazy long. It did what it needed to do. It told the story. And at the time it was like technically groundbreaking. It was good. - Yeah, I think what made Avatar 1 entertaining, at least for me at the time, was the fact that compared to other

- Yeah, compared to other big cinematic films at the time, I think its strongest point was definitely just like how insane the CG was, right? - Oh yeah. - The visual elements, right? - Yeah, because- - But I feel now, I think the reason why people aren't talking about it as much with the second film is because now there's a lot of MCU films and big cinematic films that,

are probably at the same quality, if not a similar quality to what Avatar 2 might have. Again, this is coming from someone who hasn't seen the film. - I mean, Avatar 2 technically looks way better than any MCU film. - Did it like...

- Here's the thing about Avatar 1, which I'll never forget, even though I've forgotten like most- - I've forgotten everything, but the one thing I won't forget- - I've forgotten like most of like the story and characters is what I was trying to say. But I will never forget the experience of watching Avatar 1 for the first time in cinemas. 'Cause I remember being,

blown away by the experience and the visual effects. And that feeling has still never been eclipsed in like cinemas for me, even watching like "Endgame" or stuff like that. It's never eclipsed the first time seeing "Avatar 1" in cinemas being like, "Holy shit, CGI in films can look this good?"

- It is like a step up again. You think you're like, how could it look better than the first? - What was it again? It's the underwater CG, right? It's like the selling point. - There's a lot of like, I mean, there's the whole fucking film's water. And it's cool. I just think the problem is, 'cause obviously if you remember the first film, it was Jake Sully was the main character.

- Dude, man, sounds like I'm racist against blue people, but dude, I had such a hard time in the start of the movie figuring out who the fuck was who.

- All these blue people look the fucking same. - The whole movie is basically from the perspective of like avatars. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Navi, I think they called it. - Yeah, the Navi. And you just kind of like, for a while you're like, I don't fucking care. Like, I don't care about Jake Sully's kids. And then I just,

I think that was the problem is that we hadn't, obviously, 'cause it's been so long and the story is like many, many years in the future. You're introduced to these characters you've never met. I don't fucking particularly like the kids that much. And I just kind of thought, God damn man, can I just like, can we just do something else? Can we just have like a different character? - I do remember one thing I kept seeing on like TikTok especially is just like,

these like weird fan cams for like Jake Sully in "Avatar 2" because he's like, because unlike in the first film, in the second film, he's like a dad now. - Yeah. - Right? And he's like, and there's like this like weird group of people on TikTok that I've seen of like people making fan cams of Jake Sully as being like kind of like a DILF material.

- Yeah. - I saw this one of like this girl freaking out because in one scene, I guess in Avatar 2, Jake Sully goes like, "What's up baby girl?" And then people are just, people who are like into that whole like dope side of things are just like, "Oh my God, he's so hot." And I'm like, we definitely didn't have that in Avatar 1. - BTS, I sleep now.

- Jake Sully is my- - Jake Sully as a dill? Woke shit. - They did this really one really cool thing where Jake Sully is, so before this happens in the film, when they're talking in RV, it's all subtitles. And then at one scene he goes like, "Oh yeah, it's like English to me now." 'Cause he's like, talks about how he became so native in the language. And then as he says that, we start hearing the native language in English.

and the rest of the film it's all in English when they speak in like the- - Oh. - 'Cause of that like cool transition. I thought that was pretty cool. That was a really cool way of handling how you have this language and the kind of getting over it and making it more accessible. - I guess people don't wanna- - 'Cause otherwise the whole movie would be Navi subtitles. - I guess people don't wanna sit through three and a half hours of subtitles. - Oh, dog, dude. Man, I could not sit through that if I had three hours of Navi. - Anime fans could never. - Anime fans could never. - We can never do that. - Who would wanna do that? - Gross. - But I guess just when it's a made up language, you're like, why?

- Just put it in a fucking language. - Yeah, I guess that's true. - I get it, you wanna build the world up, but if it's like three hours, you're like, "Holy moly." - Yeah, that's a bit too much. - Is the world building that? Am I really gonna be that more immersed? - Did the visuals blow you away as much as seeing Avatar 1 for the first time? - I mean, I was so young when I watched Avatar 1, I can't, I don't really remember. I mean, when I was sitting there watching it, I was very impressed, I'll say that much. Like you can't not notice how insane it looks.

- I mean, even just watching the trailers, it's like, oh shit. - Yeah, and again, it's one of those movies that if you haven't, I'd recommend going checking out at theaters. - Yeah, okay. - Because like- - It'd be a shame to watch it at home. - Yeah, I mean, from the trailers alone, it looks insane.

But I don't know if it's me getting old or if it's just technology reaching kind of like it's apex. - CG looks really good in general nowadays. - Yeah, yeah. Because it's similar to what's going on with like video gaming right now, right? Where...

I remember growing up playing like the Super Nintendo and then scanning an N64 for the first time and seeing that jump from 2D to 3D, it was fucking insane. It blew my mind. - Kids today will never be able to feel that. - And then like going from like Mario 64 to seeing like the visual improvement in Mario Sunshine. That was like fucking insane. And then like,

And now you can see Mario's paws. - As technology improves, I'm like, I'm looking at, let's say, I remember playing the original "Last of Us" and now I see like the remaster and I'm like, what's the difference? I don't see it. And I look at "Avatar 2", just the trailers, I haven't seen the film. I look at "Avatar 2" and I'm like, this looks,

but I look at Avatar 1 and I'm like, this still looks fantastic. And I don't know if I'll ever get that same wow moment. - Like how much better could we get to the point where it actually makes like a discernible difference where it's like instantly recognizable. - Exactly. - I mean, I was still more blown away by, you know, Masterpiece, that hentai.

- Speaking of which, the third one's coming out this month and I'm very excited. - Oh really? - I'm clearing my schedule. - They're bringing it back. They're bringing it back. - Masterpiece. - Avatar 2, I sleep. Masterpiece 3, I'm awake. - I've got it in my calendar bro. - I am awake for that. - I've called up Kleenex. I'm like, send it all. Send everything. - Send in the maid. We're about to have a deep clean after this. - I'm gonna need the pressure washer for this one. Send it in. - Bring in the blue light.

- I mean, it's fine. I think I don't know how Avatar 3 and 4 are gonna be interesting enough to keep everyone- - Yeah. - Because I heard that Avatar 2 didn't really do that great box office wise. I could be wrong. - Compared to Avatar 1 or just in general? - In general, like in the- - Really? - You need to make a lot more money in cinema today to make it more viable. - For sure, yeah. - And especially with the amount of money and time he sunk into it.

'Cause I feel bad for the guy if he wouldn't be able to like finish the vision he had for it. 'Cause I do wanna see how it ends still. Like I think it's a cool enough world where,

And he's such a good filmmaker, James Cameron in general, where I want to see where it goes. I just worry that it didn't do well enough. And if the third one doesn't do well, is he gonna be like, fine, I'll do it myself. I'll bankroll it. Like what's gonna, 'cause he's a crazy guy. - He is a fucking insane guy, especially when it comes to the art filmmaking as well. He definitely pushes the boundary. One thing that really surprised me about "Avatar 2" was,

how little I heard about it before it actually came out. I didn't know it was out until it came out. Normally I remember Avatar 1 came out,

when that came out, it was this fucking hyped thing, this hyped movie that completely revolutionized digital technology in films. And it did at the time, you know? - That kind of kicked off like a very big wave of 3D. - Yeah. - That's why we have 3D cinema still stuck with us, the garbage. - Yeah, yeah. But like I'd heard nothing about Avatar 2 before. And I don't know if it was, it's just me not being,

as involved in like the film industry or anything like that, or like keeping less. - But even still, it was like, I wasn't necessarily in that community when Avatar 1 came out, but it was like inescapable. Like everyone was talking about that film. Like so much so to the point where everyone was like, they made it like their job to just go and watch it. And you know, regardless of whether you enjoyed it or not. But this one it's like, yeah,

Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's because the environment of movies being promoted and stuff like that has changed over the years since Avatar 1 came out. But yeah, same thing. It's like I found out about the trailer because I saw it on YouTube and I'm like, oh, this trailer came out a week ago and I hadn't heard about it.

Like I knew it was coming, but I didn't know when it was coming. - I didn't even know. Look, I had heard that in the woodworks that there was like an Avatar 2 being made. And then my next news about Avatar 2- - Is that it's out. - It's out. I was like, what? What? This was in production this entire time? Well, I had more information about fucking Dune coming out before then. - I think people were pretty excited about it.

It's weird, it was really scattered online. It wasn't like this one big push. The marketing wasn't crazy for it either. - I think that was probably because they were just banking off the fact that it's like everyone's seen Avatar. - Maybe, I don't know. I wonder what it was. Either way, I mean, I hope it does well enough to come back for a third and a fourth. I hopefully won't fall asleep next time.

I just think it was too damn long. It was too damn long. - Fell asleep seven hours, seven, eight hours. - I didn't fall, okay to be fair that day I was very tired and I felt like I would have fallen asleep in most movies unless they were like insane. That day particularly, it just hurt Avatar that it was just kind of like, hey,

there's just like a lot going on and in the middle, my God, does the film feel so fucking slow. Because the start's kind of really engaging, there's a lot happening. And then the end, there's this giant thing, like fucking seeing the battle that goes on for like 40, 50 minutes. It's long. - Of course, Jesus. - And it's really impressive and cool. But even that felt like, hey, come on, can we like, can we wrap this up? - Can we get a conclusion? - It felt like a Shonen 'cause like something would happen and then it'd be defeated. And then of course there's another like,

but he's getting back up or, oh, but this guy's coming back. And it's like, what the fuck, man? - I like to call it the Nani moments. - Yeah. - Just like what? - Talking about not wanting to commit to like entertainment because like I wanted to watch "Avatar 2" because like I said, it looks beautiful, but the thought of having to go to the cinema and sit down for like two and a half, three hours, I'm like, maybe I'll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow comes.

- Maybe like the day after, you know, I'll get some time. And then I know if I don't watch Avatar 2 in cinemas, I'm not gonna watch it on the small screen. - Yeah, of course. - There's no point in my mind. So the clock's ticking to see if I'll- - How much longer is it out? - Probably like a week or two. I can't imagine it'd be too much longer. - Oh fuck, all right. - It'd be like a month tops. - I gotta make some time then. - Just watch it. It's definitely an experience. - It is an experience. - There are a lot of things, like getting your balls castrated is probably an experience.

- I was asleep for 30 minutes of it, but seven out of 10. - I imagine stomach flu is an experience. - That was an experience for sure. I was asleep for most of that. And that was like a two out of 10. - You might like Avatar. - I might like Avatar, yeah. - You'll enjoy it. - Avatar 2 is kind of like getting stomach flu. Sleep through most of it and then you just, you know, it's a- - Majority of it is painful and you sleep through some of it.

- You guys feel well rested for the year coming up? - Oh my God, yeah. 'Cause I mean, before this episode we were, you know, 'cause you know, this is our first day back in the office. And so we obviously had to figure out what our schedules were for this year and just TLDR, it's fucked.

- Yeah. - But which is good. We're keeping ourselves busy, but yeah, lots of cool things, lots of exciting things coming up, which we can hopefully show you guys. - How's Canada? - Yeah, how's Canada? - Canada's fun, Canada's chill. I mean, we've been in America so much. - You went skiing in Whistler, right? - Yeah, in Vancouver, yeah. As every good white person does, on vacation I went skiing. I'm not kidding. - How was the snow?

- It was good, it's fine. It's like busy. It's a very popular place to go. I guess, I don't know. If you've ever been skiing, it's fine. It's fun. I like it. It's fun. - Yeah. - Trying to think about how to describe it. Like it was just very standard. 'Cause I mean, I wasn't really going- - Did you fall asleep? - Yeah, question. What was a better experience, skiing or Avatar 2? - Probably skiing. - Okay, good. - Selling this experience, Connor's just like, yeah, it was-

- I mainly went for basically just to see my family. 'Cause my, you know,

one of my brothers works out there and I just wanted to spend time with my family 'cause I haven't seen my older brother in like five years. - Damn. - And I hadn't spent Christmas with my whole family together in like five years. So I was like, okay, yeah, sure. When they wanted to go out to Canada, I was like, yeah, sure. Even though I've spent most of this goddamn year in North America, I was like, sure, let's go to Canada. - Let's go again. - Yeah, yeah. I like Canada's chill, Canada's fun. Canada's like a really nice place. Everyone's nice. It was just like, when I arrived in Vancouver, it was like a crazy snow storm.

And so like, it was insane. - Yeah, Aki's flight got delayed a day because apparently like all of like the North and like East coast were just having these like horrible blizzards. - I think when I flew in, it was like,

at least half the flights to Vancouver have been like canceled. - Yeah. - But for me, I was like, do, do, do, do, like nothing, like nothing. Got to the airport, I was like, damn, it's dead. No one's here. And I was like, all right. - Just like weave through it all. - It was great, yeah, it was super, super easy. Man, Canadian immigration people are so much more chill than American ones, that's for sure. - Yes, they are. - They were like, so what'd you do? And I'm like, ski. And they were like, have a great, have a good one. And I was like, oh, this is,

- Meanwhile, US would be like, where exactly are you staying? What's your middle name? What's your family? What's your mom's maiden name? - They're like, what's the like circumference of your ball sack? Tell me right now. - We need to know. - Tell me your entire family tree right now. - Give me a review of Avatar 2 right now. - I think 'cause when I went to the US in December with Pete, I think Pete had tried to crack a few jokes. Pete's American. He was cracking a few jokes to the immigration people and they were just like, no.

- Don't. - It's like not right now. - I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to stop you, but shut the fuck up.

- I mean, Canada's nice. Canada's just chill. I mean, literally just all I did was maybe like, okay, one day I might go skiing and then my family and then the next I would just do nothing and just chill. - I've actually never been to that side of Canada. I've never been to the Vancouver side. Like I've like gone like, you know, laid over and stuff like that in Vancouver airport, but like I've never been outside. I've heard Vancouver is a very nice city.

- It feels like Seattle, but more Canadian. - Right. - It's very like- - Probably because it is. - It's very geographically very close. - Yes. - But it had similar vibes to Seattle. I think I prefer the East coast of Canada.

- Oh, like the Montreal side? - Been to like New Brunswick before and that was kind of more chill. I feel like Vancouver doesn't feel very stereotypically Canadian in a sense. Just feels like a more, like a North American city with a sprinkle of Canada. - A little sprinkle of Canada. - A little sprinkle of Canada. But it was fine. I mean, I didn't spend that much time in Vancouver. Actually, dude, there's,

when we were looking at places to eat, it was like all Japanese and Korean and Chinese restaurants in Vancouver. - Really? - Yeah, 'cause I think there's a giant Asian population in Vancouver. - Yeah, I've heard that there's a giant Asian population in Vancouver. - Massive, massive. And yeah, dude, the lines for all the ramen shops were insane. Like loads. - Did you eat any ramen? - Yeah, I had, no, it was,

- Santoku, Santoku is what it's called? Hokkaido, that chain. - Oh, the ramen chain. - Yeah, yeah, that chain. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - They had a chain. - They have one in Vancouver? - They had one in Vancouver and I was like, 'cause I was with my family and they were like, "We'd like to try it." And I was like, "All right, well, I'm flying back to Japan tomorrow, but I'll never say no to some ramen." And it seemed like it was like, I mean, it was a Japanese chain, so I thought that's pretty legit. It was pretty good. I'd say it was probably just as good as most Japanese ramen, honestly.

- I think a lot of people like to pretend that ramen is some kind of godly thing here, but honestly, like I feel like- - No, it's literally junk food here. - It's really like if you have the ingredients, it's kind of hard to fuck it up. - It's like the cheapest meal you can get here. - Yeah, sure, there are some amazing ones in Japan.

in Japan, but like the bog standard ramen you get in Japan, like it isn't as special as people make it out to be. And so yeah, it was fine, it was good. And all the staff spoke Japanese. So I was like, I was like, me, me, I got this, I got this. And I think they were like, what the fuck? When I started speaking. - When you busted up the sumimasen. - Sumimasen, I'll take un-ramen hitoshi. They were pretty chill about it. They didn't bat an eye, but I was like, I wrote in Japanese, my family went, whoa.

- It's almost like you've been living in Japan for how many years? - That's sick, you could do that? And I was like, "Well, yeah, I mean, I guess I can order food." Like that's pretty basic. - And now his family's like, "Yo, he's fluent in Japanese." - This boy's fluent, bro. I was like, "No, I'm just ordering as easy as I can." - How'd you say this in Japanese? How'd you say that in Japanese? - Dude, I was there and I was like, I swear, I was like Canadian Matt Stoney had come in opposite me, bro. This guy had ordered three ramens to himself and ate them.

- Yeah, it was insane. - Like, stand- - Three full bowls of ramen. I was like, I was eating my ramen, I was like, "What the fuck?" I was getting so distracted by this guy. I felt bad, I was like staring at him. 'Cause I was like, "How is this guy doing this?" - I'm surprised your competitiveness didn't kick in and be like, "Assuming he was saying that." - No, no, dude, I realized, man, I was struggling to eat my large size ramen. I regretted getting the large, but it's decent. Yeah, I mean, Canadian food is,

- It's just American food kind of. - I mean, I guess on that side of America, right? - Yeah, it's just very Americanized stuff. I mean, I had poutine obviously. I mean, even though we have- - Do you think poutine meets the hype? - No, fuck no. We have that in the UK. It's literally called chips, cheese and gravy. They pretend like it's different, but it's literally not. We came before you. Don't fucking try and take our stuff. Poutine, you can put a name on it. We literally had that. We've always had that in the UK. - It's just because it has like a fucking French name there. It sounds like a cuisine.

- We've had dish. - Every single chip shop in like the North UK does this and it tastes no different. I don't care what they say. It literally tastes the same. - But there's one issue with that. You have to go to the North of UK. - Yeah, that is the problem. - Yeah, I will say. - Thank you for saying it, Joey. Thank you for you saying it. - Hey, just saying. - I'm like North UK, all right?

- I will say that in occasional restaurants, you can get like fancier versions. They're pretty good. I think we had a fancy one one time when we were in Toronto. It was pretty decent. - Yeah, that one was good. - It was fine. - Yeah, that was good. - Good snack food. - It was fine. - It was good bar food. - I'm not gonna be like, "Hey, dog, get in here. You gotta try this." - Yeah, it was fine, but it felt like it was, okay, this is like junk food. It's like a comfort junk food and you've just pretty-ed up

a bit, you know? I just, you know, it's like serving bangers and mash or something. And you know, there's only so much you can do with like bangers and mash, right? But at the end of the day, it's just some sausages, a bit of gravy and some fucking, um,

- Maybe that's what you guys need to start doing. Instead of calling it something like unattractive, like bangers and mash, give it like a fancy name. - I don't know what you're talking about. That's fucking hot. - I don't know, man. - We need some more fucking French names, man. Every time the French name something, it just automatically sounds. - Just call it like bangers and mash. - It's like, oh shit, all right. - You can charge 10 times the amount. - Exactly. - It's the same fucking thing. - Big brain. - Like why are we calling it like fucking milk? Call it like.

- Liquid de la motiti. - It's like fucking $15 or something. - Obviously we're calling it French, as you can tell. - Omelette du fromage. - Yeah, exactly. There's a reason why they call it omelette du fromage instead of cheese omelet. It just sounds a little fancy. It's like, oh, okay. - It's like they speak in a whole nother language. - God damn, all right. - You know what memes I'm really glad made a comeback? Zoolander memes.

- Oh yeah. - Yeah, they're back in man. That's so good. That's so funny. - That's a movie I want to rewatch again. - That's been my highlight at the end of 2022. - Yeah. - Zoolander memes coming back. - I've just got a bunch of Zoolander memes that I recommended and they're all bangers. They're all so good. That's bangers and mash right there. - That is bangers and mash. - All I did, all, you know, 'cause I was with my family and obviously my family just want to have drinks every night. So I came back and I was like, please no more drinks.

- That's just like every holiday in England. - Oh, for sure. - I'm not sure about America, but you just eat a fuck ton and you drink a fuck ton. And that's basically what I did for my holiday. I gained a lot of weight. I'm back on that fucking salad diet, guys. - See, on the contrary, I lost a lot of weight because I was drinking nothing but Pocari Sweat for five days. - Oh, you poor shit. - I wanted to lose the weight, but I was like, not like this.

- It's probably the worst way to do it. - Did you get your health reports back? I saw you did your stream. - Yeah, yeah. - You did a stream. - I did a stream of it, yeah. - I'm like, that's- - Oh shit. - I always wonder when I'm like, when you guys did the stream, I'm like, is it weird that they know our health results? I'm like, 'cause I told my chat too, I'm like, whatever.

- I mean, I did a video last year. - Yeah, I wondered, I'm like, is it weird that we're making content out of this? Maybe a little weird. - Maybe a little weird, but yeah. - Sure. - Was your health report good? Was it better than last year? - It was actually. - Wow, congrats. - That salad diet's working. - I actually improved in like everything I, almost everything I got a B in was like moved up to an A. And I remember last year I got like a C3 for my urine. - Oh shit, that's right.

- I don't know what the fuck I did. I was like pissing wrong. This year I got upgraded to an A. - Oh, A for urine. - A tier urine, man. - I haven't got my results back, but- - Mine has been the exact same for the past three years. - Yeah, mine's probably gonna be the same as well. - They're like, "Connor, you're the perfect specimen of a human being."

but what's going on with that cholesterol? We gotta sort that out. It was a little lower this year though. But again, like all this shit means nothing. It's like, they're like, oh, this is what your HG/L is. I'm like, can you fucking tell me what that means? - Also not to mention it's kind of unfair for like people like us because they base that ranking mostly on like the Japanese average. - Yeah dude, when they measure my waist, I'm like, bro, I got a cake down there. What are you like? Of course it's not gonna be like, I'm gonna come back fat.

- Yeah, 'cause I remember last year they were like, "Oh, your waistline is a little bit wider than average." And I'm like, "No, I'm just bigger than the average Japanese person." - Just call me fat, okay? Is that what you wanna say? Just call me fat. - Just say it. - Yeah, it's called natural insulation and it's great in the winter. - I'm carb loading, okay? - I'm carb loading. - It's all good. - I'm stocking up for the winter. - I remember when I, 'cause I think I got that health checkup

I remember I felt so, I was like this, the one person who stood out the most. I walked in wearing my drip jacket and I just sat down in this thing between like 20 other Japanese businessmen in suits and I'm just there in my drip jacket. Like number 22, I'm like, it's me. Just walking through these dudes and they were just like, are you here for the health check? I'm like, sort of, snow.

- And your test results just says alpha male. - I gold splitted the circuit this year though. I went through everything so goddamn fast. - Oh yeah, same. - There was like nobody there. So I just went through everything like, I was in, I had done like a, it's crazy right? In Japan you do like, you do an x-ray, you do a blood pressure, you do a weight and height test, you do a blood,

injection, no, fucking blood sample, hearing, listening test, the doctor consultation, waste and kind of, I guess, waste and then what else? - And then they do like the heart. - Yeah, cardio kind of thing. Put like electro things on your heart and they test it. All that in like 15 to 20 minutes, if that.

- I actually like, I don't know, maybe they changed it up on the day that I did it, but like they did it in like a completely different order. So normally it's like the x-ray first, right? - Yeah. - I did the cardio thing first. - I guess it depends on like what I do. - Yeah, so I was like, oh, is this like new speed run stride? Like are we doing a cardio skip first? - You're legit like a cattle. It's so impressive how good they are. - Yeah, they're just like boom, boom, boom, boom. You're out in like 15 minutes. - I don't mind being treated like a cattle.

- Yeah, I like it. - Just get me in, get me out. - Yeah, let me go. - Give me some grass, dog. - I'm down. - Did they take like fucking,

five to six vials of blood when they take your blood as well? - It's like two or three. - One? - No, they do like two or three. - What? I'm looking, it's like one or two tops for me. - No, no, they take at least three. - Really? - Yeah, but they do it so fast that you don't even notice 'cause they do it mid conversation. They're like, "Oh, does it hurt?"

And then they've replaced it with a new vial before you go. - Could have fooled me. - Yeah, 'cause I think we talked about this before, but I can't look when they're taking the blood. So then, you know, I'm having this conversation with the nurse or whatever, who's obviously trying to keep my mind off it. And then I look back and there's like a basket full of just like my fucking blood of like five vials. I don't know if you hit 30, they make you do more tests. I'm like, Jesus Christ.

- That was in my body? - The lady's like, this is my personal collection. She's just like, I'm a psycho in this. She's like a psycho, she's like wrapped it up on the shelves. - I've been meaning to test some fine tie blinds.

I now have every country's blood stocked up on my shelves. Oh my God. - Yeah, but I mean, the health is always, it's a good way to keep you on your toes. - Yeah, if you get to, I think 40, you have to do a mandatory colonoscopy or something. - Yeah. - Yes. - Isn't that fucking wild?

- That seems like I'm just not gonna make it to 40. I'm chill, I'm quitting, I'm out. - You get to 39, you're like, "I'm out." - I understand why we're doing it and I understand the risks of not having a colonoscopy and I'm good with that. - Do they anesthetize you though? - No, not in Japan. - No. - In Japan, a lot of common procedures in the US where you would get anesthesia, you don't in Japan. - So what, you just awake while they shove a camera up your ass?

- I'm good fam, I'm out at 39. - You ask people. - Jokes on you, some of them like that shit, man. - They're like, "Hmm." - Some of them come in and it's like, "Oh." They just come in and they just fucking go see like, "Ready to go?" Like, "I'm ready, doc." - Because like in Japan, how are you people okay with something is you make it just make "Kimuchi desu ne?" - Yeah. - The thing is,

Guaranteed there's some 40 year old salary man that's just like, it's time for my yearly health checkup. - Oh boys, I couldn't sleep last night 'cause I was so excited. - He's like, do you mind? Lights candle. - This is my favorite scent. - Alexa, play careless whisper. - It's like how the crane games, they go.

Like that, when you miss it, like they go, "Oh, is that her?" - Oh yeah. - Oh my God. - And so there's no way, they must have it. Like, "Kimochi?" - Yeah, they just like play like a thing, like a recording of a woman. - It's concerning though. If you look up, like, or ask people who've had certain surgeries in Japan, and if you have the exact same surgery in like the US or Europe, you would have some kind of pain medicine. In Japan, it's only like, no. - Yeah. - For certain things.

that you would in other countries. - They're trying to breathe. - Which is super fucking concerning. So you're like, I would like to not feel this, please. - Yeah. It's the only time where Japan is like, you're an alpha male, all right? You can take it. - It's strange. - That's how they did it in the stone ages. - Yeah, yeah. - Obviously you don't want to use super strong pain kills when you don't have to, but there was some situation where you're like, please, I beg of thee, please give me some pain medicine. - I don't want to feel pain.

- I am begging you. - I literally don't have an option to not do this. It's mandatory. - And also I guess Japan doesn't, you know, the over the counter pain medicine is also super weak, which is probably a better thing. 'Cause in America, the stuff you can get is pretty fucking strong. - Yeah, I think they do that mostly. I think I remember reading it up. I think they do that mostly because it's for the older generation who like, you know, their body can't take as much stronger medicine, but it's still, it's like,

'Cause I remember, you know, I had to buy some pain medicine when I had the stomach flu, right? And I went to the pharmacy to get some over the counter and I was like, "Give me your strongest shit, I am dying right now." And she was like, "All right, here you go." And I looked at the packet and it was like, "Take three times a day, one time take seven tablets." And I'm like, I'm just like fucking chowing down on tablets. I'm like, "How many?" - You got the salt grinder out? - Just crush it up.

- Yeah, 'cause I noticed that the first time I got sick in Japan. - Yeah. - 'Cause I remember that one time we had karaoke together and like we all got ill or something like that.

- Yeah, I remember we had like, it was a 10 day trip and I had one day of karaoke with Joey and then the rest of the trip was just me being ill and dead with Sydney in my Airbnb. And that was my trip to Japan. But I remember like, I thought for how expensive the over the counter medicine was because you can get like paracetamol, Lemsip, Tylenol in England and America for pretty cheap. And here I remember like this one week I spent like

a hundred bucks at least for just like a week's worth of over the counter medicine. And it was like weakest shit. It did nothing. - Give me the real shit. - Yeah, give me the real shit. - I'm ready doc. - But I think that's the thing. It's like, I don't know if it's like a tactic or whatever, but like, I think that's why a lot of Japanese people just don't even bother going to the over the counter stuff. They just go see a doctor to get like the actual

proper stuff. 'Cause again, like when I had the flu and like the pain medicine, like the seven fuck, the 21 tablets a day was just like not working for me. I was like, all right doc, like this shit's not working for me. Give me the actual good stuff. And he gave me just one, give me the good stuff. And he gave me one, which was just like one tablet three times a day. And that worked a million times better than the over the counter stuff. And it costs less. And I was like,

- What the fuck am I doing buying this over the counter shit that doesn't work? - It's over the counter shit. You pay like 20 bucks for one box and it lasts you like a day because you're taking five pills per like, they recommend like before and after, before every meal take five tablets. I'm like, there's only fucking 10 tablets in this box. What are you talking about?

- You know that like stereotype of like, you know, in like old folks homes where they have like the tablets thing. What's it like in Japan? It's just like, here's your cereal bowl of tablets today, man.

- It's like how many fucking tablets are these old people taking? - I never buy medicine here. I can't take most of it anyways, 'cause my blood condition is so, I shouldn't even bother. - I mean, you're saving money, honestly, dude. - I'm like, I can't read this shit anyway, so I don't even know. So I just don't bother. And I'm like, I'm dying. I'm like, it's fine. I'll be fine. I'll recover. - I remember after like my first few months of living in Japan, the next time I went back to England, I'm like, mom, just let me go to Tesco. Let me stock up on all of the fucking

Let me stock up on all of the over-the-counter medicines. And I remember, I didn't realize that there was a limit to how much like limb sip you can- - Oh yeah, I mean, you also have to be really careful 'cause some over-the-counter stuff in the US and the UK is most certainly cannot bring into Japan. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - You'll get in a lot of trouble if you do. So please, before you bring any medicine into Japan or any country, you should just make sure that you're allowed to. Generally, really weak over-the-counter stuff is normally fine. - Yeah.

- Yeah. - 'Cause I wanted to stock up on like paracetamol and Tylenol and stuff like that. - Well, paracetamol is a generic drug and you can get that in Japan as well. - You can get that in Japan, but it's- - It doesn't work as well. - It's called asafetamin or something I think it's called. I can't remember. It's a generic name or something. - It even doesn't say on the box, it's like it's paracetamol. No, it's like a different name. - Yeah, it's weird. - Yeah. - Yeah, it was just like a lot weaker and a lot more expensive. So I was like, fuck it. I'll just like buy...

buy some paracetamol to bring in the country. So I have like this medicine box in my home that I can always rely on. And I remember going to the cop to buy like all of these different boxes of paracetamol. And they're like, what are you doing here? Are you like dealing to kids or something? What's going on here? We can't serve you all this stuff. - Hey kids, you want some drugs? - And I'm like, no, sir, you don't understand. I'm just going to Japan.

I'm sure that helped clear it up for him. - It's like, oh, of course, all right. - It's really cheap in the UK. I think like a generic box of paracetamol is like, in like US dollars, it's like 50 cents, 40 cents. - Really? - It's super cheap. - Damn, that's really cheap. - It's generic, like you can get it anywhere.

- Yeah. - Holy shit. - And a lot of stores sell it. - In Japan, it's like fucking 15 bucks. - Yeah, it's expensive in Japan. - It's ridiculous. - But a bowl of ramen is like five. - Yeah. - So you can have five bowls of ramen or weak ass painkillers. - Yeah. - Go for the ramen. - Like paracetamol in Japanese. In Japanese, it's like another difficult- - It's called asafetamin or something? - Asafetamin or something. - Something like that, yeah.

- We are not medical experts. Please don't listen to any of our medical advice and please make sure that you ask a professional before you're consulting for medical advice. - Ask a doctor, which we are not. - Honestly, like genuinely my advice of like if you're coming to Japan and you get sick is that like, well obviously first get like, you know, travel insurance and shit and just like go see a doctor. 'Cause like for one, you're gonna get what you need and also

in a lot of ways it is cheaper and just better in my opinion. And also like a lot of those, these like, you know, general practitioners, like they don't take that much time out of your day. Like when I went to go to the hospital, literally took me like 20 minutes. - Yeah, the one thing that is good about Japan is they are pretty quick. You don't really sit around. Like in the UK you can be sitting there for a long time waiting.

- It's pretty shit. - Yeah, I was only around for like 20 minutes and like the doctor checked me out for like, you know, a couple of minutes and was just like, yep, here's your drugs. - It's either good or bad. - Either good or bad. - It's like, hey dog, you're fine, fuck off. - Yeah. - Sure, drugs, drugs. - Drugs, let's do it. - We got 'em. - Let's do it. - I got 'em here. - I love drugs. - So I went to an art exhibition the other day

- So you hate parks and now you thought an art exhibition's better? - It was like, okay, here's- - Okay, hold on. There's different types of art exhibitions. - Yeah, okay, okay. - There's the pretentious kinds. - I would argue, I would argue. - Finish that sentence, Joey. There's the pretentious, okay. - And the ones I like. - There's the pretentious kinds and then there's like the fun interactive kinds. - Okay, I went to the fun interactive kind. - Okay, good. - Which one did you go to? - But what are the pretentious kinds? - You know, the ones that are just like the, like,

I'm gonna call them out. A lot of the contemporary arts museums around the world that I've been to are just like a little bit too like, "Hmm, yes, this is art." I have nailed a banana to the wall and I've called it art. - It's actually duct tape, bananas to the wall. - I would argue that they're all like that though.

- Some of them are just more fun than others. - Is it about modern art or? - I think older art museums are pretty stunning. - Oh, yeah, those ones are nice. - You know, like a Rembrandt up close. - Yeah, for sure. - That's fucking stunning. - Yeah, I mean, like we went to this, I can't remember the name. It was like Team Labs or something like that. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, you went to Team Labs? - I went to Team Labs, yeah. - That is like, I am a tourist in Japan. Every single article about

- Places to go in Japan has team labs. - Has team labs. - Yeah. - I don't know if they've dominated the like tourism. - You've been obviously, right? - I've never been. - You never? - No. - I mean- - I've been like two or three times, it's fine. - Yeah, because like the only reason I was there, 'cause like we were in the area and we had like an hour or two to kill, I was like, "What's in the area? Oh, team labs, let's go check it out."

And it's weird, right? Because it was like the whole thing about Team Labs is that there's, it's this kind of like interactive kind of art exhibition where they have different pieces that most of them you can interact with, right? - For Instagram.

- Huh? - For Instagram. - Oh, it is an Instagram's trend. - It is, like it's literally on Instagram everywhere. - Nobody there actually cares about the art. I'll say that much. - Everyone there cares about getting a cool fucking profile picture. - No one goes into a team labs room and goes, "I love the way that the colors are representing our internal." No, they're just like, "All right, where is the prettiest background for my next Instagram post?" - Yeah, I know this because I was the only one actually fucking reading the text with every exhibition. Everyone was just like walking past. - I didn't even know.

- I didn't know there was text. - 'Cause we would walk through this thing and there would be this text explaining this art exhibition at the end. Sydney was already in the next fucking room and I was like, wait a minute, I'm reading this. And then I read it and then I'm like, okay, now I understand why no one reads this. - It's Instagram made disguised as an art museum. - Yeah, of course. - That's what it is. It's made for Instagrammers, people taking pictures.

which is fine, nothing wrong with that. But like, yeah, pretend to be some pretentious art museum is kind of like, well. - Well, I mean, you know, I went to Meow Wolf on the US tour, which is basically the American version of Team Labs. It's an interactive art museum, but no one actually gives a shit about like the art. - So what was in Meow Wolf? - So Meow Wolf is very much similar to Team Labs in the sense that like it's separated into like different rooms.

So like each room, I don't know how it is in Team Labs, but at least with Meow Wolf, at least the one I went to in Denver was each room is actually done by a different independent artist. So the vibe and the feel of everything and the interactivity and the level of interactivity is completely different in different rooms. And there isn't usually like one theme of the entire place. It's like all over the fucking place. Whereas like Team Labs is kind of like,

The theme I feel like kind of flows into one another. So it feels like just one big exhibition rather than lots of little small exhibitions. And I feel like at least Meow Wolf is a lot more like

I don't know, it's kind of like "Teen Labs" on crack. It's just sensory overload. Whereas "Teen Labs" is a little more subtle and more ambient in its feel, right? It's like, "Ooh, okay, this is kind of a nice calming environment that is also very aesthetic and Instagram worthy." - Yeah, 'cause there were some exhibitions where, there were some pieces where I was just like, "I'll be honest,

- I don't get it. Like there was one exhibition where you had to like take your shoes off because there was a lot of team labs. There are some exhibitions where you can get up to like knee high water. And here I am rocking up in like boots and the fucking jeans. And I'm like, oh, I'm going to have a bad time. But luckily I could just roll my jeans up. - It's pretty cool though. - Yeah, it's very cool. - But that was like one exhibition where the exhibition is,

you walking up, you walking up like a slight incline and then there's like warm water trickling down. And then mind you, this water doesn't smell like spring water. It's very clearly chlorine water. So it just smells like swimming pools.

because God knows how many people are walking in this water. And then I remember like, oh, this is a cool entrance to an exhibition. This is a cool entrance to whatever they're about to show us. And then I walk up, I reached the top of the hill, I reached the next room and then there's a plaque explaining that that was the exhibition. I was like,

I thought that was like the entrance to the art piece. I didn't know that was a fucking art piece itself. What was the explanation? The art piece is that we've made a shit river. Was it good? Was it worth the money, would you say? If you post on Instagram, I didn't take any pictures, unfortunately. You didn't take any pictures? Did you really, Gogant? Wait, hold on.

- I think you are the only person I've ever heard of that has gone to team labs and not taken a photo. - Literally the only person that's ever go there and not take a picture. - Yeah, I took photos for Sydney.

- It was the perfect opportunity to bring your Instagram back from the dead and you blew it. - I was like, nah, I'm good man. My Instagram is like, if team labs can't revive it, it's fucking buried under there. But then there was like another piece as well where it was basically this room that was just, it was padded from like ceiling to like floor and like all the walls padded with like bean bags.

and stuff like that. And you couldn't like walk on it without fucking falling over or something because like you, it was just so well padded that you would sink in. And like the whole point of that is that, I can't remember the exact- - What's the message behind that? - The whole point of that. - Okay, lay it on me, dog. - Okay, I'll try to remember what the message was because I was reading this and I was just like, this is, I don't fucking get this. So it's like,

- Since the world is flat, we've forgotten that we can affect each other, right? So we're- - What? - So- - Wait, hold on. Did you just start off with the world is flat? - Was this made by flat earth? - So we all know the world is flat. - As we all know. - Since we walk on a flat earth or a flat floor, we forget the effect we can have on our fellow human being, right?

- See, because the message I got, 'cause I remember that room. The message I got out of that room is, "Oh, it's like a McDonald's playpen." This is fun. The message I got out of that room is TwitchCon could fucking never, man. TwitchCon could never. This is what TwitchCon wanted. They didn't have enough phone for this shit. - What?

- I think I remember one of the cool rooms in Team Labs, I think it was like, it was covered, it was this kind of hallway that was covered in like very, very light string, just like hanging down. - Yeah, that was the coolest one. - That had like lights attached to it. And the lights would kind of like flicker and like wave back and forth as you were like kind of waving through this like sea of lights. That was really cool. What's the message behind that?

- I don't know. I just remember going through a lot of like the exhibitions in team labs and- - It's like a scene in John Wick. That's always thought of it. Like this is like the penultimate scene where John Wick gets to kill like the main bad guys, like bodyguard. And then it's always in like one of those art things where it's like everything's a mirror and we got to get this reflective and there's lights and he's trying to fight them. - There was a room in Meow Wolf actually where the entire thing was just full of mirrors.

- Yeah. It's just, I just like- - It's pretty cool. - They've been pulling that trick since like the circus days in the 1900s. - I know, but I've never been in one. And so when I went in one, I was like, oh, this is true. - You've never been in like a hall of mirrors? - Never. - What? That's like every like shitty carnival has one. - I never went to a carnival. - They don't have shitty carnivals in Australia? - Maybe they do, but my parents never took me along. - What?

- Yeah, I think my biggest takeaway after going out of like that like interactive art experience is that it's a fucking travesty that you would make this in a country where every fucking, every drug is illegal. It's just like, it's an actual fucking travesty, you know? - That is true. - That's funny. - It's like, you don't need drugs, just use your imagination.

and read the writing on the walls that no one fucking reads. - 'Cause I'm going through and I'm like, this is an exhibition that just was seemed to be made for like a country where you pop an edible or something and go to a before hand and you go enjoy the experience. It just seems like that was what this experience was tailor made for. And obviously that's not a thing in Japan. - No man, museums in Japan are either like,

amazing or so, so bad. And normally they're bad. - What's a good museum for you? - I think a good museum is one that where you know nothing of the source material or what it's based on or what it's there to cover and it can engage you. So I think like, you know, have you been to the natural history museum in the UK? That's really good. Like I don't fucking care about dinosaurs. Maybe I'm like the one person who doesn't care.

- I don't care about dinosaurs. - People say they don't care about dinosaurs, but no one like, no one actively like hates dinosaurs. - Deep down there is the five-year-old you that's like, "Oh, Tyrannosaurus." - I actually don't give a fuck about dinosaurs. - When someone says they don't care about dinosaurs, I'm like, "Bet."

- There's a bone in your body that's just like- - It's like a really, like everything in that museum is so well made and all of the information is presented in such a really cool way. And when you go into the dinosaur exhibition, you literally walk in and all of these like elements explaining everything about dinosaurs and stuff, literally above you is a giant fucking like dinosaurs, like skeleton. - Yeah. - It's really cool.

It's just really busy. - That's just because dinosaurs are cool. - Dinosaurs are sick. - Even like the stuff where it's like the bug museum part of it. I'm like, that's fucking sick. - Yeah. - That's awesome. - No, I love it. - Given there are some topics that are easier to present in museums than others. I think animals are like one of the easier ones. - Yeah. - But like something like art is like, I'm like, fuck, I don't know how you'd get me interested in that. - I've been to art galleries before. - Yeah.

Let's just say it's not for me. - When I'm in a really popular museum, I'm like, fuck man, I wish this was quiet. But then when I get in a really quiet museum, I'm like, fuck, I'd love something.

- There's some cough or something. - There's like a balance of like the amount of people in an exhibit, right? Like, 'cause I remember, like, I don't have, I don't really have time to do it anymore, but I remember when I first moved to Japan, I had this like period of like six or seven months where I used to go to the, you know, the Mori Arts Museum in Roppongi. There's this art museum in Roppongi, like in Roppongi Hills where the old YouTube headquarters used to be. - Oh, is that where they have that weird like fucking like,

- Stranger things ass monster thing looking statue? - Yeah, the spider looking thing, right? - Fucking creepy statue. - Whatever that thing is. But basically on the top floor of one of the buildings there, they have this thing called the Mori Arts Museum. And I think it's like every- - Is that where the anime stuff goes? - A lot of anime. - I went to the almost Neverland one. - Yeah. - Oh, okay. - I was like, I don't know what the fuck

- I was like, "What the fuck this is?" - I don't know. - Yeah, but basically, I think it's like every couple of months, they switch out the exhibits to new things. Sometimes it's anime exhibits, sometimes it's just an independent artist, sometimes it's maybe dinosaurs or something thematic. And I had a period for maybe the first year or so where I would go to the Moriarty Museum

every other month just to see what was there. Because I think the way that they did it was really cool because it's like, obviously if it was like an anime museum, like I went to the attack on time museum there and like the sailor moon exhibit there. And like, there was, they did a ton of those. But then there was some where it's just like an independent artist where it's like, I've never heard of this person or what they do, but let's go check it out. And I think the Mori arts museum does it in a cool way because it's kind of like,

a lot of it is like a lot of contemporary arts where it's kind of like team labs where it's, it's not necessarily interactive, but it kind of is, it isn't, it isn't just like, here's some paintings on a wall. Yeah. You know, it's very much like sculptures or like whole room exhibits or like, you know, something to do with like lighting or something like that, where it's like a little more interesting than just being like, yes, the paint, the,

the paint work on this is exquisite. And it's like, I don't have a problem with that kind of art exhibit as well. Like I've been to the Louvre and stuff like that. And a lot of it is like that, but like there's more history behind that. And that's the interesting part to me. - Yeah, I mean that with those kinds, that's more like a museum in my mind because you're seeing like actual real history. You're seeing a...

kind of experiencing a part of history and stuff like that. And there has been art that has like impressed me and stuff like that. But I feel like one, you really need to be in the right mood to be there 'cause then- - Or you need to be on the right drugs. - Depending on who you ask.

- Yeah, 'cause like, unless there's some kind of interesting way to display this information, no matter if it's like an art museum or if it's just a museum about whatever, right? If it's just this display and just text next to it, it's just that I've never found that interesting.

- It feels like I'm just scrolling through a Wikipedia article. - Yeah, I think like one of the really cool ones I remember going to see in the Moriarts Museum was this independent Japanese contemporary artist who does a lot of like exhibits and paintings, but all of her works kind of play around with like this idea of perspective. So there's like, there was a piece I remember- - Oh, it was the black and white one?

I don't know if it's the black and white one, but there was one where like one of the rooms you walk into and the entire room looks like the inside of a train. But when you look on either side of the walls, the walls are actually like skewed in. So when you look straight down, it looks like...

the wall goes way further than it actually does. And it looks like you're like actually looking down a carriage of a train and like stuff like that is cool because it's like, it's again, it's not just like painting and some text, you know, if anything, I think that exhibit, like that entire exhibit, there was no like text.

to read about. It was kind of just like a go see it for yourself, feel how you feel, interpret it how you interpret it. - Post your pictures to Instagram. - Yeah. I like the kind of exhibits where it's like, it gives you the space to interpret how you want to interpret it. Like if you want to find that to be cool, then sick. If you just look at it and be like,

- Yeah, all right. Then you're free to do so kind of thing. - 'Cause like, how'd you feel about the anime art exhibits or the manga exhibits that pop up every now and again? - Yeah, 'cause I've been to a lot of them. - And are you gonna convince me it's anything but a glorified way to get exclusive merch? - I mean, that is definitely true. - I feel like that's why like 90% of people go to them. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's why I go to 90% of them.

'Cause I'm like, okay, seeing the original panels, pretty dope. Like when I went to like the berserk exhibit, for example, right? I was like fucking seeing like mirrors art and shit like that was like, you know, up close and personal was fucking amazing. But-

I want that limited edition painting though. - It's like every time I see a new like anime or manga exhibit, I'm like, oh, they decided to do a pop-up store and an extra exhibit on top of that. It's nice. And I think "Berserk" is one of the few examples I think of that could really work because Miura's art is fucking amazing.

- Yeah. - And I think it would be insane to see his original manuscripts and everything like that. - Actually, I think one of the best anime exhibits I ever went to was probably the Baki one. - That seemed cool. - That they did at Tokyo dome because it's like, it's not only you get to see like up close and personal, you know, Itagaki's like,

and you know, art and stuff like that. But they also had interactive elements. So like in the middle of the exhibit, they basically recreated like the under the Tokyo dome, like battle area with like full on sand and everything. And they added little details of like little bits of like teeth and nails, like on the ground and shit. And like, there's a statue of Baki that you can like stand next to and take a photo with. It looks like you're fighting Baki in the underground. Like stuff like that I think is makes,

like anime exhibits way cooler. Like it's still cool. Like if you like the artist or you know, you like the look of the manga or whatever, just going to go see the original stuff as a fan is dope. But like,

It gives you more of an excuse, I guess, to actually be part of the experience if you have something there that's not just, let's just look at some manga panels. - Yeah, a lot of them that I've been to are just literally like behind the scenes panels. And it's like, okay, if I'm really into that, that's cool. But other times I'm kind of like, okay, well, I mean, I kind of like the main- - I've already seen this. - Yeah, we're kind of ready. And I feel like, they're like, oh, it took him two days to write this. I'm like, okay, well, do I need to come here to find that out?

- Right, right. - A lot of the times I'm just like, why go to a physical location? Like, yeah, maybe some behind the scenes or early panels or mock-ups, that's cool. Like for me, it's like, eh, you know. But the Bakkie one's slightly cool, I'm kinda excited I didn't go to it. - Yeah, yeah, the Bakkie one's cool. What I didn't like about the Bakkie one though is the fact that the add-on that they decided to tack onto it was a Bakkie themed cafe, which,

- Japan does every single fucking time. But like the Baki one, especially I was like, wow, you guys took the laziness of like incorporating the elements of Baki with standard cafe food to the next level. They had like fucking carbonara that was themed after Detsu Kayo and I'm like,

- One, there is not a single moment in Baki where Detsu is eating carbonara. And two, when you look at the picture, it's literally just a plate of carbonara with like a paper cutout of Detsu's face on top of it. - Wait, is Retsu the Chinese guy? - Yeah, the Chinese guy. - Oh, okay. - And I'm like, you weren't even gonna like match it with Chinese food? You gave him fucking carbonara? - I think a lot of the times,

I'm just speculating on how it works, but I think a lot of them are like outsourced cafes. It's like whatever the cafe can make. - Yeah, for sure. - And so you just kind of like, oh, put their face on it. - But at least like, you know, I've been to some- - Some of them are good though. - Yeah, I've been to some theme cafes where like the food actually matches like the theme of whatever it is.

- Obviously sometimes it's easier though. Certain shows land way better to having a theme and food than others. - Yeah, so I totally get it. But it's like at that point, if you're gonna go so far as to like not even put the effort to like at least try and get close to the theme of whatever themed cafe it is, then like what's the point in wasting your time and money on it? - Well.

- It's always about the money. - I guess. - It's always about the money. - I guess so. - We need the money. - I guess so. - That exclusive merch, man. Like I say, it's like the- - I bought a painting and a skateboard from the box office. - I go to every exhibition and I swear 90% of the people are waiting in the merch line. And it's like 10% are in the actual exhibit itself. - Exactly.

I went to a few cafes with Emily, 'cause Emily's obsessed with them. - Yeah, I don't know how she can- - She's doing videos about them. And we went to the, I don't wanna spoil the video, but we went to the Banana Fish Cafe and there was merch. And my God, it was like, one of the merches was that you could buy a pre-packaged cookie. Just a cookie, like not, but it's like the outside packaging is themed for like- - Banana fish. - I guess. - Yeah. - I guess how much the cookie was.

- Like how big are we talking? - Just a normal fucking size cookie. Just like literally a Starbucks cookie that you could buy. - 400 yen, 500 yen? - It was like 900 yen. - What the fuck? - For just a cookie.

- That you're probably not gonna eat 'cause you don't wanna ruin the package. - Is it just anything special? - No, no, it was just a fucking cookie. - Wasn't even banana flavored? - I don't even think it's banana or fish flavored. And again, like this food is always just so meh. I hate going to these places. Like I'm like, I've wasted one of my caloric intake meals on this and I paid a premium for it. I would have rather have gone to McDonald's, like literally anything else. Like why?

Food is my one joy in life and these cafes rob it from me. And I get so sad when I go to them. - Yeah. Which is why I think I really appreciate it when I do find a themed cafe that actually gives a shit about trying to- - I've never been to one where I thought the food was good. - Okay, 'cause the only one I've been to that I thought was good was the Kirby Cafe.

- I've heard that one's pretty good actually. But the booking is like nuts. You have to like, all the semi-decent cafes you have to book like 10 years in advance. - Yeah, I- - The Pokemon one you have to book like two months in advance. - Yeah, the Pokemon. But even then, like I've been to the Pokemon cafe a few times and it's like, the food is good. Like it's better than the standard themed cafe, but still it's like,

it's fucking cafe. - It's hard, especially when it's a pop-up too, to make food that's even remotely good. - Well, that's why the Kirby one is good, 'cause that's a permanent one at, you know, Tokyo Skytree. - They have more time to put into it. - And it's like the food items that they have and like how they present it actually matches the theme of the Kirby universe. I'm like, oh, they actually put some fucking effort into it. And the merch is actually good. - Okay, question.

'Cause you've been to Disneyland. - Yeah. - Do you like the Disneyland food? Do you think Disneyland- - No. - Okay, 'cause like people always try and lie to me and tell me that it's good. And every time I've been, I've hated the food. I've only liked the popcorn. That's literally it. - Like, I don't think I've had a single meal or snack at Disneyland where I'm just like, "Mm, yes, this is worth coming back for." - Yeah, you know how everyone wants the, you know, they have turkey legs at Disneyland. That's like a thing. - Yeah. - Bro, it was vile. I hated this thing. It was disgusting.

I'd never understood, like I'd never wanted to become a vegetarian. I never had any part of my brain that made me think that I should become a vegetarian. But seeing that kind of disgusting, like veiny, gross, like red, like bright red turkey leg that I'm just chewing into, made me get it. I was like, you know what? Yeah, no, I get it. This is actually disgusting. - Eating animals are gross. - Like this is disgusting. Like this doesn't even taste good.

Like if it tasted divine, I'd be like, all right, well, sorry turkeys. - Yeah, see, but then Disneyland fans will come back on that argument and being like, well, yeah, but like the point of Disneyland isn't the food. - A lot of them swear by it though. - It's the world building. - It's the world building. - And they take me out of it knowing that like fucking Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse is a shit chef and he shouldn't have a cook. Like honestly, the best food I had in Disneyland was just a standard ass hot dog.

- But that's because you're a hot dog fan. - I'm a hot dog fan. - It could be an F tier hot dog and you were like, it's all right. - I was asleep for the 30 minutes for seven hours. - You're right, you're right. As long as it snaps. - Have you been to Disneyland in Spain yet? - No.

- Do you plan to? - And I have no intention of ever going. - Now it's fucked. Now the borders are opened up. - If I didn't go during the pandemic, there's no fucking way out. - I've been to Disneyland and seen now and both of them were fine. Just fine. - I agree. - I'm just not a Disney guy, you know, and nor is Sydney. She's not Disney either. - You're very lucky. - Huh? - You're very lucky that your partner isn't like Disney obsessed. I feel like it becomes a nightmare once they are.

- 'Cause you're owned by the Disney corporation. - Yeah. - Because she is. - And it's so, I don't wanna say it's horrible, but it's so like asinine because she got into it, not because of Disney, but because of Kingdom Hearts.

So it's like extra. - There's always an avenue. - I have to deal with the Disney side and the Kingdom Hearts side, so it's just like a double whammy. But at least she doesn't like drag me to go to Disneyland 'cause she knows I don't like it. So it's like, it's fine. You can go to Disneyland. It's cool. - You've paid the tax enough. - You've been to a theme park with a theme park obsessed person.

- Yeah. - Oh my God, it's the worst. - My cousin actually, my younger cousin used to have the Disney yearly pass, which is like, I don't know how much it is. - It's such good value for money, 'cause it costs like four tickets. - Yeah, but like, I think like, I actually did the calculations. It's like, it's only worth the money if you end up going to Disneyland. I think it's like,

at least two or three times a month. - Yeah. - I don't, is it really? I thought it was way less. I thought it was like four to five times a year. - I think it's something like, at least in the Japanese one, it's like two to three times a month. - Fuck me. - But my cousin used to go every week. - I've never been a guy who like, I like theme parks.

I like any theme parks. - I like thrill parks. - I like thrill parks. - See, I don't like thrill or theme parks. - I would never think about going to like a thrill park or theme park more than twice a year, like ever. - Yeah. - I don't know. That's just maybe my mind just like programmed that way. But once I've seen everything once I'm like, okay, that was cool. I don't need to go again for a while, you know? - Yeah. - They actually,

She took it off the website, actually. The yearly pass? The annual passports. Oh, yeah. Probably because of the pandemic, though, right? Yeah. I mean...

when you go with someone who's obsessed, they're like, they have an itinerary in their head. And if you don't stick to it, they get so annoyed. They're like, I'm like, what if I don't want to do that ride? They're like, no, you have to. That's the optimal way. - No, see, 'cause I have friends who are Disneyland obsessed, but they don't like going on rides. They literally go to Disneyland just to take photos. - What the fuck? - And I'm just like, I mean, you do you.

- Don't involve me in that shit. - So it's a Disneyland team labs exhibition, right? That's basically what it is.

- Basically, basically it's like, I don't want the interactivity. I just want to take the photos. - I don't know if maybe, you know, doing a ton of anime conventions just turned me off this, but I just don't enjoy being in places with when I'm shoulder to shoulder with people. - No. - It's like, I feel like I just don't want to be. - I've never been that way, but I think being,

to enough anime conventions has just put me off that even more. - Yeah, definitely. - Because I'm like, "Goddamn, nothing is more suffocating than being in a room full of weebs and someone there fucking stinks." And you can't pinpoint who it is. - It's Disneyland's outside. - But you know someone here stinks. - Well, luckily Disneyland is not as bad, but you know. Unless there's a weeb at Disneyland. - Not even Disneyland, but fucking just like the thought of going to Kyoto now just like turns me off.

so much. - Yeah, for sure. - I just don't think anything in my mind is worth being like shoulder to shoulder stuck to people. I'm just kind of like, actually I'd rather just not. I'm good. Like maybe I miss out on some cool things, but ultimately I just don't want to have to line up for like three hours for anything or just be shoulder to shoulder. - I've realized like I've grown two big like pet peeves like growing up now that I just like have like zero tolerance for. And one of them is like,

One of them is being in a big crowded, in a big space for the crowded people. And the second one is just queuing up for an experience, I guess. - Oh my God. - And Disneyland is both of those. - Like, okay, okay. Like if there, if I really want,

to go to a restaurant, right? And you have a restaurant that's like highly acclaimed, got really good reviews, but you have to wait half an hour for, or a restaurant that has no wait, that serves the same cuisine, but has lower rated reviews. I'm going to that one every single fucking time. - Well, I mean, Japan loves lining up for stuff. I mean, there's that onigiri place, we have to wait two hours to get an onigiri. - Yeah. - An onigiri.

That's like waiting up four hours for beans on toast in the UK. - I look at shit like that and I'm just like, how much better could it be? - No, it can't. It can't. There's no way it can be worth waiting two hours. I refuse to believe it. Hey, maybe I'll get proven wrong and I'll try it and I'll nut my pants right away. - Unless they're like sprinkling that onigiri with cocaine or something. It's not worth it. - There's no way. I refuse to believe there's even a, I've never waited that long for any food and I thought that was worth it. - Yeah. - Ever, ever.

- But then again, like Japan and the concept of like foodies, especially in Japan is on another level. Like there are lots of like food obsessed, like foodies all over the world that you've seen and stuff like that. But like in Japan, they're just like, when it comes to food, they're just like living in an entirely different universe. - Just give me a time when I can book and come in and then I will wait three months for the booking to experience this thing if needs be. But if I need to like queue up, I'm like, no.

- This is where I draw the line. - But no, because then there are those asshole stores that are just like so up themselves where they're like, yeah, people are willing to wait. So we're not actually gonna allow bookings. You just have to get there early enough. And I'm like, every time I see stores like that, I'm like,

I fucking hate you. I'm sure your food is delicious, but fuck you. - I think sometimes the ones that don't allow bookings are like really popular restaurants or chains that know that they'll have a consistent customer base. And in their mind, having this table blocked off that can hold maybe eight people, maybe that's a ton of customers you're losing out on that could be coming through. And maybe this booking doesn't even show at one point. So maybe in their business model, because they're so popular,

it makes way more sense to not have reservations. And also it is kind of nice being able to just turn up to some nice restaurants. And if you're lucky and there's two of you, it's like, oh cool, we can just get a seat right now. Like that's nice. So I think there are pros and cons of everything. - Yeah, for sure. - But fuck no, I'm not waiting two hours. I'm going to like Denny's. I'm not waiting that long.

- I'm straight up. Like, I just, I feel like my time is the most important aspect to me. And I feel insulted when someone's like, "Hey, you gotta wait two hours for Onigiri." I'm like, "What?" - It's like, "No, I'm going to the family mall." - I'm sorry. I like the 7-Eleven one. I'm chill with it being that cold. I don't need this. - So we talked about like museums and like, you know, not really like vibing with art exhibitions and stuff like that. How do you guys feel about guided tours? - I hate them. - Hate them.

- I hate it. - Okay. - Unless. - Something we all agree about finally. - Unless the tour guide is an absolute goat and loves his job and is like super knowledgeable and super like upbeat. Like I have seen some tour guides who you're like, okay, damn, I wanna be on this tour. But like most of them are just, hey, this happens to be a really historical area with a lot of stuff going on. We paid some guy who's,

kinda into it, like he doesn't really care. He's not really enthusiastic about it. - And he's just following the script, right? - Let's just recite a script. - Yeah, he's just following a script. - Like London and stuff, the most interesting people are,

to ask about London and local London like traditions or places, it's just normally like cab drivers. They know London so well and they're so passionate about it. I got on the cab one time and the guy just happened to be a certified tour guide in London. And he gave me like so many good recommendations of pubs and places to go eat for like really good stuff that I never knew even when I was living there.

And that was way better than going on some guided tour that you pay out of the ass for where some guy really uninspiredly talks to you about London. Like I feel that it's such a mixed bag where it's just not worth it a lot of the time. And also-

fuck having to walk around for two hours on some guided tour. I just wanna do my own thing. - Yeah, that's the thing. Like I get why guided tours- - I'm getting angry just thinking about it. - No, no, I get it. 'Cause like I get why guided tours exist, right? Because you know, for a lot of people who aren't used to traveling and you know, maybe a little bit worried about, you know, potentially going to someplace that's a little like, or you know, potentially scared to have not as good of an experience, right? - It's good for schools.

- Yeah, and it's good for school. - 'Cause you can just get 20 fucking kids. - But then I also think that's what put me off tour guides initially. 'Cause every time we went on a tour guide school trip, it was the most boring ass fucking thing of all time. - We did fucking school trips of coal mines. - Coal mines?

- Yeah, 'cause Wales had a massive coal boom in like, I think like the 50s, 60s, I think. So there's tons of coal mines in Wales. - I remember I went to one which was- - So we did it. - I'm just processing this.

- Where do we take the kids today? - It's a part of Walsh history. And now these kids in Minecraft, they're yearning for the mines, right? So we went to these mines, right? And we would literally just go into the mine, like straight up, just go into it. They'd be like, this is where they would mine the coal. - Would you say that was the worst guided tour that you ever went on? 'Cause the worst one for me was we got taken to a sewage plantation

when we were like, I think like eighth grade because there was one right near our high school. And they were like, yeah, it's like 10 minutes on- - There's a few things near my high school. I don't think they thought we should go have a tour. - It's like 15 minutes by bus. So let's go check out how your shit is processed. And we went there and A, it was boring as fuck and B, smelt like shit. Two kids fainted because of how bad it smelled.

And I'm just like, teacher, why did you, this is like a punishment. This is not, I'm not learning anything other than the fact that yes, indeed, poop does smell very bad. - Poop smell bad. - Poop smell bad, I knew that. - Yeah. - That was my father was one. - Stinky. - Poop, uh-oh, stinky. - What? - Pass out. - Why did they take you to a sewage plant?

- I don't know, 'cause I guess like the teacher was like, "Let's find out how, you know, this kind of, you know, these kinds of dirty jobs exist and people need to, you know, do this kind of thing. And it's good for the environment. It's good for the oceans and stuff like that. So let's find out. Have you ever wondered what happens after you flush your toilet?" And all the kids are like, "No."

- Actually, I'm sure it goes to some fucking plantation, but do I care about how it's processed? Not really. - I'd rather do a sewage tour plan than do some kind of over tourist thing like do a tour of Venice or something. - Yeah, that's true. - I think I did that one time, my parents. I remember thinking like, oh, this is so boring.

- So boring. - Yeah. - Yeah, I kinda like coming to this realization as an adult because for the longest time I just thought I don't like history. I'm just not a history guy. - Fuck, I love history. - Yeah, and I've come to the realization that no, history fucking slaps. History is like so interesting, but-

I just thought he was so boring as a kid because it was taught to me in the most like boring ass manner. - I'm exactly the same. - And I just like, I was just like, damn. - I hated history class, but as an adult, when you get to pick and choose what history you wanna dive, you know, do a full dive into, it's fascinating as fuck. - I think as a kid, I was just always like, this is insane. Like 50 years ago, it was like a totally different place. That's so cool.

in different periods of time, it's essentially just a different human experience altogether. - I'm sure a little bit of that I felt as well as a student, but it was just set again. It was just taught to me in such an asinine way where it's just like, I feel like I'm just like listening to someone recite the dictionary to me. It's just like, it's not fun. - Like even we had like some school trips where we went to, you know, some famous places where it's like some famous battles happened in like the history of England. And I look back,

at these battles. I'm like, this is like some fucking Game of Thrones kind of shit, right? It's actually like insane, the shit that was going on. But I remember going to the school trip as a kid for like the Battle of Hastings, right? - Oh, fuck. No, we went to...

- We went to the tapestry in France, I think. - Right. - You know where they have the Bayeux tapestry, the really long thing about the battle. Hastings is 1066, right? - 1066, the Battle of Hastings. - Yeah, that one. - And yeah, I mean, it was a very famous historic battle that changed the tide. - God, I think we should talk about that in the UK. - Yeah, changed the tide of like British, like English history and everything like that.

And we went to like some of the fields where the battles took place. And I remember as a kid, I just find it so hard to immerse myself in what someone's telling me when someone's like just,

like citing of facts in the most monotone way. - Yeah. - 'Cause they were just like, and this is where the battle took place for all of these people died and everything like that. And I'm just like, it's a fucking field. Why are we here? It's a field. - Obviously we have a ton of castles in Wales. - Yeah. - We did some school trips to some castles and there was like, you could do like a peasant experience or something. - A peasant experience.

- I do that every day of my life. Thank you very much. - I was like, wow. - Peasant simulator. - I was like, this is fascinating. Couldn't be me. No, I remember we went into like, we had to do a bunch of things that like the average peasant would do. And we would eat what they would eat. And of course it was shit. - Bread and soup. - Yeah, it was just soup. - That sounds interesting though. - Yeah, but as a kid, you're like, as a kid it was kind of cool, but as an adult, I'm like, nice.

- You scam me, that's fucking hype. No, it was cool. I tell a lie. I think at the time I actually really enjoyed that stuff more. 'Cause like they, you know, I thought that was really cool as a kid. 'Cause they would actually make you get involved in the history. Like it wasn't like we would just tell you and this is what they ate. It was like, hey kids, where are these? 'Cause we would dress up as well, like the peasants.

- Oh see that's cool. - Yeah I love saying that. - At least there's like an interactive elements to that. - Yeah and then we would like, they never let us do anything cool. - Even if it is questionable. - I just have this image of like the adults being, and then the child dressed up as a peasant. - They wouldn't say that, but that's now what I'm remembering it being. 'Cause you know, it was like,

- They would make, yeah, we would have to like, I remember we would have to make the soup with the help of the people and then we would eat it and then we'd go like the halls and do it. And then I think we would, it was one thing we had to do where like, God, I don't know why I have such a vivid memory of this. I think in some parts they would, I think like Christmas or something, I can't remember when you would do this. We spent like an hour just, you had an orange and you would just put clothes,

like cloves into it. I like the really smelly things. What are they? Is that what they're called? They're called cloves, right? - Oh, cloves, yeah. - Cloves, yeah, yeah. - Are they saying cloves? - Spiky things. - I thought you said cloves. - I was like, I saw the t-shirt on an orange. - The spiky, very aromatic things. - Yeah, cloves, yeah, yeah, yeah. - You would literally just stab an orange full of these and they would be like, it would make the room smell nice. I don't know why, but that's what we did. - And that's how Conagra's hate towards oranges. - And that's where it began, quite frankly.

- I remember we did a few other things. We didn't really do anything like super cool. Like I remember they would like show us where they would train. They wouldn't let us like touch anything, obviously. 'Cause why would you let a five-year-old touch a sword? That would have been bad-ass. I think it was pretty cool though. - Yeah, I think like, again, like I wouldn't mind guided tours and stuff like that if again, there was that some level of interactivity, right? 'Cause like, again, it's like as a kid or even as an adult, if you just,

fucking stand around and look at something while a person explains to you and being like, use your imagination to imagine what it was like, what it looked like a thousand years ago. Then it's like, okay, you know, history buffs will be like, oh, okay, that's kind of rad. I'm standing on a piece of history. But to the average person, you'd just be like,

it's a fucking field in it. Like what am I supposed to do with this information? It's like sick, all right. - Like it's always like, even as an adult, that's why I don't really go to a lot of like touristy places 'cause if you tell me something happens there,

And even if I go to the place, it doesn't like help me immerse myself in it. I actually like find a way to get myself, unless you find a way to get me to care about what's being said, you know, unless someone's actually passionate about it. You know, I've been to fucking Stonehenge. It's fun. It's a bunch of fucking rocks. - I went to Stonehenge. - It's a bunch of fucking rocks, okay?

- You can tell me that this was the most historical site of like the earliest site of man. It's a bunch of fucking rocks, okay? - Stonehenge was the most disappointing thing I've ever seen in my life. I couldn't fucking believe it. - Well, we British like to disappoint.

- It looked better from the highway than it does up close. I'm like, wow, that's a first. - Yeah, I look at the Great Pyramids of Giza, I'm like, that's a fucking site, man. That's a historical site. - That is somewhere I wanna fucking actually go to and check out. - And then you look at what, you're like, "Mom, we have a historical site at home." And that's the historical site at home. - We have the pyramids at home. - Have you seen videos of the pyramids? It's like, there's so much trash.

- Oh yeah. - So much. And there's like, not scalpers, people heckling you, trying to sell you stuff. It's just like, okay. That's when you're like, wow, I feel like a tourist. I think that's the problem, right? When you're made to feel like you are just a cog in a moving part, it doesn't feel genuine. Like it feels like, okay, you're here for my money and I'm leaving. Not that any place owes you to make you feel like

you matter in any capacity. But when you feel like you're there and you're Chicago and disposable, it feels weird. I think that's why Disney has done so well. To their credit, they try and make it feel like people who are into it, you are like you're in Disney. You are not- - We welcome you with open arms. - Everyone's so nice to you. It's all perfect. It's all choreographed perfectly.

And I think that's why people like it so well. 'Cause when you go to Disney, I think a lot of people feel like they're, it's a part of them.

Like it's like a real connection they have to it. And the Disney World and Land just helped perpetuate that. - Yeah, for sure. - Whereas when you go to like fucking Venice, you're like, Jesus Christ, this is awful. I can't wait to leave. - It's like, oh, I can't believe I'm looking at the Coliseum while seven people are trying to pickpocket me. - This is great. I love this. I can't wait to buy a coffee for 15 fucking euros. It tastes like shit. - It's like, just immerse yourself in the history. There's like 20 people taking selfies

behind you. - Oh yeah. - So many tourists. - Chinese tourists just shouting at the top of their lungs and it's just like, I can't immerse myself in this. - Holy shit, like yeah, I remember going to like the Great Wall of China and it was- - That's gotta be- - Like shoulder to shoulder, man. I was looking at one of the greatest, like one of the greatest things mankind has ever built and all I can think of- - It's pretty fucking long though, isn't it?

- It's pretty fucking long, isn't it? - That was the takeaway. It's like, oh, it's a big wall, isn't it? - It's pretty fucking long. - So is the M25 though, you know, that goes on for miles and miles, right? - I remember I saw a thing that was like a news article. These two boys are running across the Great Wall of Trials. I was like, "Can't be that fucking long, is it?" And I Googled it. I was like, "Fucking hell, that's long."

I was like, fuck. - No one knows news. - I was like, they could have done one tenth of that length, I'm pretty sure it still would have been great. Genuinely, someone should have told them, hey, just overkill. - How long is the Great Wall? - It's like 100 miles. - Holy fuck. - Right, am I crazy? It's like 100 miles something, right? - Jesus. - If they'd have done 20 miles, pretty sure it still would have been pretty great.

- I see why they call it the Great Wall, not just the wall. - It's not the okay wall. - It's not the wall of China. - It's not the good wall. - It's not the big wall of China.

- It's pretty great. - How long does the wall need to be great? That's the resource music. - What's the cutoff between good and great? - So total length of the sections of the Great Wall of China, it adds up to 13,171 miles. - Isn't that insane? - Yeah, so 21,196 kilometers.

- Yeah, I see. - Holy fuck. - See, even I thought a hundred was, I thought it was a hundred initially. - Why did they not call it the Giga wall of China? - It's more than great. - That's fucking insane. - Yeah. - To think about everything. - Isn't it weird that we just didn't? - Being on the actual wall with like, especially in like one of the big entrances. - Yeah. - You don't think that at all. You're like. - Well, I've just seen like, there was a series that- - Makes sense. - Ricky Gervais did with Carl Pilkington. - Yeah. - Where he basically just

made this guy who, if you don't like Carl, cause it's kind of that this very average British man who just doesn't like anything. - Yeah. - And so he forced him to get all this touristy stuff and he just hated it all. And dude, they made the Great Wall of China in that episode looks so bleak and awful. They made it cause it's just like, he's on this bus on the way to it. And it's just a bunch of like people like spitting

in the backs and stuff. Like it made it like seem really bleak and kind of like, oh, before you get there, there's trash everywhere. And it's just like, it's packed and rammed. - One thing that I've not seen anyone talk about, the Great Wall of China. So I...

- I remember the entrance that I went on the Great Wall of China, it was one of the most popular kind of places to go. 'Cause obviously the Great Wall is fucking massive. I'm sure there's a lot more aesthetic pleasing places. - How does it work? Do you walk and then get out on another section or do you walk and then turn back around? - So you walk and then there's a station and then there's a cable car that takes you up to the Great Wall of China. - Technology. - Yeah, which is not very ancient China.

I'm sure they didn't have that in the fucking Han Dynasty or whatever, but you know. But there's a cable car that takes you up. So you're basically stuck on there until you can take the cable car back down. - Right. - So you go up and it's fucking rammed, right? It's absolutely rammed with tourists. And the cobblestone, there's been so many tourists that the cobblestone is just smooth.

Like there were steps, there were steps, but it was more like a slide. - Oh, jeez. - Because they had been eroded so much by so many people walking on the stones, right? - Jesus. - The one thing people don't talk about really, they talk about the history or something, which is amazing. - The history's insane. - The history is fucking insane. You go up there, the first thing I noticed is that something smells funny.

Something smells funny in the air and I can't pinpoint it. But then I soon realized what this funny smell was. I went in summer, by the way. I went in summer. So on this wall, since we're stuck on the wall, you have to go take a cable car down to get out

and obviously the lines fucking massive. Didn't go to the toilet before going on the Great Wall of China. - Of course there'd be no toilet on the Great Wall of China. Why would they? Why would they install plumbing? Obviously in hindsight you're like, yeah, of course. - Obviously they didn't have plumbing back in the ancient China, but since this is a heavy touristy place, obviously there's going to be some public toilets there. - Are they like porta-potties or something?

- Oh, yeah. And I don't know how they get shit off the Great Wall of China, but a lot of shit stays on the Great Wall of China.

- Walking towards the public toilet was one of the worst. It was like a dark souls boss, right? You're like just to get through the public toilet, you have to like- - For the gates of mortal. - Yeah, you have to fucking fight through a wall of stench as you're like walking towards this group of porta potty. - It's like the poison box.

- Because like, I was like, I can hold my breath, but you needed to be like an Olympic diver to hold your breath for long enough to get close enough to like go to the toilet and go out. It was one of the worst stenches I've ever felt in my life. - Disgusting. - It's yeah. If you're gonna go to the Great Wall of China, I highly recommend not going to the heavy touristy places. - Take a shit before as well. - And take a shit before as well. It's 'cause it's,

It's an amazing piece of human history. - It looks amazing. I really wanted to see it at some point. - But God fucking dammit, like the heavily tourist spots are just, it's a nightmare. - I mean, for how long the wall is, there must be like blank spots, right? Where you can go to the wall and there's maybe like barely anyone there. - I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know how much of the wall is actually accessible to the public. I'm sure there's a lot of parts that are closed off. - I think a lot of the wall is closed off for government protection and stuff like that. There's only some parts of the wall that you can go to, but there are less busier parts.

It just so happens that the part that's closest to Beijing is obviously like the most populated part. - And the most stinkiest part of all. - And the part that I don't recommend going to even if it is the Great Wall of China 'cause it's not a pleasant experience. - It's interesting.

Yeah. What was the best tourist spot that you went to? Like one where it's like, it didn't make you feel like the kind of bleakness of like, oh, this is just a tourist place that's like taking me for, you know, taking my money, you know, for the sake of whatever. Cause you know, like we've talked about like how,

how you guys don't really like going to like the heavily touristy places just because of the feeling. - If there's one place, I don't know about the best touristy place I have been to, but the one place I do wanna go to because that everyone says is as insane as it looks is the Sistine Chapel.

- In the Vatican. - Yeah, in the Vatican. - I've been there. - How is it? - It's actually really fucking cool. - Yeah. - Yeah, like you don't even have to be- - You said Confucian, the chat watcher, like the 16th chapter. - No, I was trying to remember. I was like, that's the Sistine Chapel, right? Yeah. No, I went there when I went to Italy with Aki's family. Yeah, it's really cool. I mean, obviously you have to wait in line for a long time, but the cool thing is that they limit how many people can go in.

So when you actually go inside because of the scale of the building, there's only so many people who are inside of there. So it's actually quite spacious. Like you can actually like probably walk around and you know, feel like the, just the massiveness of the thing. And like, I mean, you don't even have to be religious, but like the moment you walk in, you just like, you just feel something. It's just like,

this is like, it really is like the most holy place. And it's just, I don't know. It's such a weird feeling. - Are you a holy man? - No, not at all. Not at all. But even then, like me being in there, it just felt so like serene. - Is that permanent dudes going? - No, no, because I was like,

- I was tempted because of just how echoey it is in there. But like, even then, like I couldn't even like- - What if someone else joined in when you started? - I looked around and I was like, are my lads with me? No, not today, unfortunately. But like, yeah, just, I don't know. Like even if you're not religious in the slightest, like, I don't know, there's just like this very strange feeling you get being in there being like, wow, this is a very powerful spot and I can't explain why. - I feel like that's how,

like historical spots and exhibitions should make you feel. - Yeah, I agree. - And I feel like a lot of it just get diluted down by, I guess the over commercialization and the over tourist,

I don't know what the word I'm looking for. - Touristification. - Touristification. - Touristification. That's a real word. - We just made that up on the internet. - But yeah, that kind of thing where you have this really, really nice place and then it just gets over touristy. And then it kind of just ruins that place. - I can't think of a single place that was super touristy that I actually enjoyed. I think I just prefer just going to a city or a place

I'm just eating and drinking the food. I think I've said this like a million times with Trash Taste. I'm just like over it. - I'm a simple man.

I am a food and a drink kind of guy. - Yeah, I mean like, I'm also definitely that as well. But if I have the opportunity to see, even just for like a split second, like some kind of touristy section of that city or whatever, like, you know, unless it's like super fucking boring or like, I just don't really care. Like I'll try and make an effort to go check it out. I mean, there's been a lot of instances where like I've gone to it and I'm like, oh, that's,

kind of underwhelming. Like when I went to the Coliseum and stuff like that, I was just like, like you think about the Coliseum, it's like, oh, this is fucking amazing piece of architecture. And when I went there, I was like, yeah, it looks pretty cool. Anyway. - See, here's the thing, Joey, here's the thing.

I don't take pictures. - Yeah, I don't take pictures either. - I don't post on Instagram. So why would I need to go to 90% of these spots that people go to only to take a picture to say that they've been there? - Yeah, it's fucking lame. - But you know what's weird? I weirdly actually don't take pictures in the touristy spots.

because I feel that's like everyone does that already. - I'm in the fucking toilet. - So it's like, I don't need to do that anymore. Like I rather just take like a picture of like a normal part of the city or a normal part of the environment because that's like more of a, I guess like genuine view of where you are. Whereas like if I said like, yeah, I went to Italy guys and I took a picture inside the Sistine Chapel and the fucking,

and the Colosseum and everything, then it'd be like, okay, yeah, but like, how is that any different to anybody else's experience? - The Colosseum looks so shit. - Yeah, I didn't even bother going in 'cause there was like a six hour line and I'm like, I'm good dog. I'm looking at it from the outside. Yeah, it looks pretty sick. All right, let's go get some pizza. Like I didn't give a fuck. - I like Italy a lot, but man, I did not enjoy Rome. - Oh, I didn't like Rome either.

- North Italy is sick, but- - Just wanna eat some food. - Yeah. - I don't know why I'm there. - I took more pictures in like Florence than I did in Rome. 'Cause it's just like a nicer city just in general. And it's like, there's nothing like touristy there that I went to, but just like the vibe of that city was just so much- - Just like good food, that's all you need baby. - Yeah, just like better food and just like the vibe was better and the people were better. It's just like so much more of an interesting experience than seeing the fucking Colosseum. - Yeah, every day I just wanna eat food.

- That's my go-to. And that's what I'm gonna keep doing for the rest of my life. - I believe you just described all living things. - Hey, I'm unique. What can I say? - But hey, look at all these patrons though. They're supporting us. Do you like going to touristy places? Let us know in the comments.

I don't know how to end this episode. Hey, if you want to support the show though, then make sure to go to our Patreon, Also follow us on Twitter, send us your memes on the subreddit. And if you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify and we will see you guys next week. - Bye.