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- Hello and welcome to another episode of Trash Taste. I'm your host for today, Garnt, and I'm joined again, once again, by the boys, baby. - What was that audio glitch? - I don't know, okay? - It was like a human audio glitch. - Did you just buffer? - No, no, it was like in the PS2 disc when it scratches. And with that
- It was a fresh taste. - We haven't started drinking yet, Garnt. - That is just the perfect way to describe my brain. I'm just like, sometimes you just glitch out and you're like, okay, let me try that again. - So I don't know, what are we calling this episode by the way? - We drank every beer in Japan. - Well it's not because we have a fucking Budweiser right here. - Well, you just went to the store and picked up a bunch.
- Yeah, so I have a store near my house that sells like a bunch of like, and by a bunch, I mean like 200 different types of canned craft beers. - Wow. - And you chose a Budweiser? - No, I didn't pick that. I didn't pick that. That was Kai. - 200 cans of Kai. - I don't wanna start like name and names, but how is this 1400 yen? That's like $11.
- Well, I mean, that's how much you'd pay for a craft beer anywhere else. - It is called Oil of Angels, so perhaps it must be good. - This one's called Vegas as Fuck. - Yeah, I picked out the ones with funny names. - Which definitely has to be Vegas as Fuck. - 7.7% on a bloody beer? - Yeah.
- IPAs, I swear to God, they're just trying to get people fucked up. They don't even like flavor. - They're like, "You don't want to drink wine? "Okay, well, we're gonna trick you to drinking wine." - Do you wanna pick one first? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What do you been eyeing up? - I mean, I haven't tried any of these before, but I guess, what's this one? This is Tessellation Lone Pine from Portland, Maine. - Oh, wow. - Yeah, every beer in Japan. - We just got a bunch of American crappy over here. - I might pick Vegas as fuck.
- Oh, sorry, Garnt. - Shout out to Aki for this one. - I'll take this one then. - Sure. - Tessellation. - You're gonna have the oil of angels? - It's 7.7%, I'm gonna be fucked after it. - I mean, these are all like pretty bad. This is 6.5, so it's not that much. - This is so much alcohol. - Ah! - You spilled it everywhere.
- All right, sure. I'll have the Oil of Angels. It's a hazy Indian pale ale. - Ooh, sounds good. - Oil of Angels is a hazy IPA brewed with spelt rye and oats hopped with an,
- Wait, what? What? This can't be correct. Hopped with an ethereal combination of galaxy mosaic, Simcoe and Marillo. - I've never thought I would describe a beer using the word ethereal. - The color of that. - Jesus, yours is hazy. - Mine's very hazy. - Yeah. - So do you know the difference between an Indian pale ale and a pale ale is? - One's Indian.
- Well, no. - I'm gonna guess. - The difference is that it should generally just less alcohol in the pale ale. That's pretty much it. - Oh really? - Same brewing methods. - I know you really like hazy. - No, pale ales are my favorite. - Oh, you like pale ale? - I like IPAs. - Oh, you like IPA? Yeah, I remembered one of you really liked IPA. - Yeah, let's pour it. Let's fuck it up. - You know, I actually saw a video. - I know, I saw it too.
- Is it the video with like the beer expert? That's like, you should let the beer foam up actually. Everyone's like gaslighting people into not letting the beer foam up. - To be fair, if you don't want to be bloated, it is a better way of drinking beer. But if you like being bloated and you want the beer to taste better. - Who wants to be bloated? - Well, okay. - Beer drinkers. - Okay, listen, I do think the beer tastes better when you don't do this 'cause it's more carbonated and I feel like it has a better flavor. But if you don't want to be bloated, then this is the better way. - All right.
- I mean, I'm still not gonna do it. - Listen, listen, I'm just, I'm trying it. I'm testing it out. Fucking hell, what's the color of this? - Cheers. - Cheers, boys. - So we're recording this episode this Tuesday and it'll be out Saturday. - Yeah, so we thought we'd do a timely episode. - Okay, well, timely in some sense. - Timely in some sense, and since Connor has yet another flight to catch. - I got a flight after this. - To fuck off to America again. - I'm giving you the fucking Vegas as fuck. - I'm going to Vegas, I don't need it. - 'Cause you're going to Vegas.
- You know, we haven't had a chance to catch up. It's been, basically it's been since,
- "Moodowns" episode, right? - Well, 'cause yeah, I went on the RV trip, which felt like a year long. - And that was like a day because that was the day of recording. So I haven't had a chance to catch up with the boys since we've been traveling really. So we thought, hey, why not try a bunch of Japanese beers and just catch up? How was the RV trip by the way? I haven't asked. - Yeah, were you supposed to come Garnt? - I don't know. - He bailed on me. - Oh really? - I did, I did.
- See, like just, I just straight off said I can't. - Yeah, you should be kidding. - To be fair, to be fair, I was like, I did genuinely want to come because I came on the last one. It was like a lot of fun. I just had way, I just, you know, I think the tour put me back way more than I thought it was going to. - Absolutely it did, yeah. - Because I thought in my naive little mind that I'm like, I'm gonna be in England for an extra week and a half after tour.
no one's going to want to meet up or hang out. I can just work in my England house and I'll catch up to work all then. JK, when you were in a fucking different country and your family's like, excuse me, why are we not meeting? Why are you not being a good family member?
- I feel that's especially true for you. 'Cause it's like, I bet when you're back home, like you're just like your 30,000 cousins are just like, all right. I mean, you gotta make time for all of us. - Yeah, yeah. And also catching up with mates as well. So I had planned to do a few more working days, but unfortunately, well, you know, you gotta make time for the friends and family and.
Unfortunately, something had to go and it was the RV trip. I'm sorry, Connor. I'm sorry. - It's okay, don't say that to me, it's fine. This tastes bad, by the way. - Really? - This tastes bad? - That doesn't taste good. Does yours taste good? It's hazy, right? This probably tastes pretty good, I imagine. Just sweet. - This tastes very hoppy. - Oh, it's very hoppy. - Well, I like that though. - Well, no, I don't think it's- - Oh, actually, no, it's kind of sweet. - I don't know, try this. - Yeah, can I try that? - I just don't rate it. - Do you like this one?
- I think sometimes the hazy ones go, in America, some hazy ones go way too hazy. - Ooh, that's a bit too sour. - Yeah, it's kind of weird. Let me try yours. Yours, this is the kind of car I like.
- Yeah, it's not bad. - Yeah. - American IPAs, man, sometimes I like them, but sometimes they're just too much. - It's a hit or a miss, for sure. - But yeah, no, it went really well. I think I improved a lot on the first one. I tried to, we had like, last time we had like just one car following us, this time we had two cars. So Naby was always going ahead and sorting everything out. So when we got there, we could just jump right into it.
Philip Franco style. - Yeah, but did you have fun? - Yeah, it was really fun. It was super, it was super, super. - I don't give a shit about the technical details. Tell me about the fun I missed out on Connor. - For me, it's like, it's a mix, right? Logistics, if the logistics go well, I can have more fun 'cause then everything's going perfect from my perspective. But like, yeah, it was very fun. I was, yeah.
- We were in the RV a lot less than last time, but it was really fun. I think we had some really fun activities that I didn't think were gonna be as fun as they were. Like we did pottery making, that was really fun. Dude, we did so much. - How was the tuk-tuk driving? - Dude, that was so fun actually. - I can't believe you would appropriate my culture like this for your own entertainment Connor. - So there's just a dude in Izu who's just like, "Yeah, so we shipped it off to Thailand, "and they shipped it back in."
And oh my God, that shit was impossible to drive initially. And it sounded like it was being choked out because it was manual as well.
- Oh shit, okay. - Did you know that all Tuk Tuks are manual? - Yeah. - Oh, okay. - I've never driven one, but I've seen people drive it. - It's like a rickety shit car that's a manual. It's like a hybrid bike and it's really not fun to drive. - It's not fun to be in as well. - No. And I was absolutely, 'cause it's been so long since I've driven a manual and it didn't help that the car was also kind of hard to drive. Like the accelerator, when you pull it down and you let go, it would just stay.
So when you wanted it to get back down to nothing, it was very hard to keep doing it. But then also if you did it a little bit over when it was on zero, it would start revving. So I was really confused the whole time. And I was either over revving or under revving constantly. And I was always in the wrong gear and the fuck me, the gearbox was so shit on it. And I couldn't do it. But then I went first, sounded like it was dying. Lotta did it, it sounded perfect. And I was like, fuck. - So basically you experienced what it was like for me when I first drove a manual.
- I guess when we drove the manual in that place, when we drove the manual cars that time, I found it really not bad at all to drive that. But my God, this tuk-tuk was so hard and I was just not, I guess it had been so long, but it was really fun. The tuk-tuk driving actually was a really big, 'cause I didn't know what we were gonna do. I just planned, we'll get a tuk-tuk and then we'll figure it out. We ended up doing like a kind of crazy taxi, like go and pick up stuff from the conbini and bring it back.
- My God, being in that car on the road is terrifying. 'Cause when you would take turns, it felt like it was gonna flip. - Yeah. - It's not fun.
And you could hear it from like two miles away. - It always feels like you need to treat it like a motorcycle. I don't know how the sense of gravity is on that fucking vehicle. - Yeah, it's a motorcycle with like a bit of extra width. And you can have passengers for some reason. - It's a thick motorcycle. - Apparently it's completely road legal as well in Japan. Like the guy, I mean, obviously it is 'cause he's offering their service. But I was like, I can't believe Japan allows this. - Otherwise you would've just committed a crime. - I just can't believe it's allowed on the road. I was like, what?
- Really? - Yeah. - I guess it's got mirrors and indicators and seat belts, so that's normally... Actually the front didn't have seat belts,
- I don't know. - We're just like dissecting what a tuk-tuk is right now. - It didn't have a seatbelt. I don't think it did have seatbelt. No, maybe, I don't know. - I don't think it would. As a Thai resident, I don't think it would have a seatbelt. I would be amazed if it had a seatbelt. - The last thing I ever- - On a tuk-tuk? - Yeah. - Yeah. - That was interesting. Went to a zoo. That was fun. But you would have came and you would have done canyoning, which is really fun. - What's canyoning? - It's where you jump off and slide off waterfalls.
Oh, that sounds fun and an easy way to get an injury. But that sounds fun. - Yeah, we had these, well, it was sucked 'cause the stream, that one day the signal was really bad. - Yeah, I assume you were in like the forest or something, right? - Yeah, and we normally would have used Starlink to kind of as a backup, but because it was like raining and it was really hard to get a satellite for some reason, and there was trees and shit. So it was not good.
People got to see the end, which is fun. But I was talking to the, our guides are just like these two Tibetan dudes. I don't know how, it's always just two Tibetan dudes who always end up being the guides for dangerous things. I guess, you look like Mr. Beast. And I was like, I don't think I look like Mr. Beast. But I have this conversation with him and I go, he was telling me she was from Tibet. And I was like, oh, cool, cool.
And he was like, "Do you know Mount Everest?" I was like, "Yeah, I know Mount Everest." He's like, "Some people don't know Mount Everest." And I was like, "Who the fuck doesn't know Mount Everest?" I was like, "Who didn't know what Mount Everest was? "Did you tell me who this person "didn't know what Mount Everest was?" I don't believe it. He's like, "You should do it, it's fun." I was like, "You mean climb Everest?" He's like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." I was like, "Don't people die on the trail to Everest?" - I was like, "Isn't it like super overcrowd "and you can't do it without a shirt on?"
- Well, maybe. - It's just do it like a Mr. Beast challenge. - It's just a big hill. - What's the worst that could happen? Just keep going up. - I mean, those dudes are built deaf. - Yeah. - They don't care. - Yeah, but they're also, the majority of them are living like 4,000 meters above sea level and they just think that's normal. So it's like, you know, to them it's just like, oh, it's just like a slightly bigger hill. - Yeah. - They're so built deaf.
- They're like born in like 10 G gravity or whatever. Like Goku trains in, you know, and they come back down. - Like one third the oxygen level. - Yeah, they come back, this is fine. They come back down and you're like, people breathe like this? - Yeah, they go to sea level and they're just like, it's too much oxygen. - But it was really fun. And then right after that, I went to go and watch
- I'm so fucking jealous. - I am very jealous of that. - God damn. - It was hard getting a ticket. - Yeah, I bet. - I had to enter a lottery to get a ticket and then I got a ticket, but it was assigned to, and even doing that was a nightmare. That was, I'm underselling how hard this was. It's very fucking difficult. - It's such a pain in the ass. - And you needed a Japanese phone number. So if you have a foreign phone number, they wouldn't accept it.
and it was tied to your ID, which is a thing apparently in Japan, they do this, where concert tickets are tied to your ID. And when you go in, I thought, okay, well, that's okay. They won't check it, it won't be important. But no, they checked it at the door that your ID matched with your ticket. - Yeah, it's supposed to stop scalpers.
So I entered this lottery, paid $140 to enter this lottery to get a ticket. I got a ticket and then I went to Pog Champs in America in August at some time. - Yep. - And Ludwig was coming and it happened to be where the day after- - The RV stream ended? - Yeah, that was the concert. And I remember I brought it up to Ludwig and then I found out afterwards it was like his favorite song was by Yamashita. And so I was like, oh, okay, well I'll try and get you a ticket, no promises.
And I just couldn't get him a ticket. Like I entered the lottery again, couldn't get one, entered the cancellation thing again, couldn't get one. And then he was like, "You bastard, you betrayed me. How dare you go without me?" I was like, "Dude, what are you? I can't do anything. I can't buy. Listen, this isn't America. Money can't fix every problem. Sometimes you just lose a lottery and that's life here."
- Everything's a gotcha. - Yeah, how was the concert though? - Dude, it was insane. - Yeah, I fucking bet. I'm so jealous. - It was the best concert I think I've ever been to. - Oh shit. - I thought 'cause the man was like 70 that he would sound older 'cause he did all these songs like 40 years ago. I thought, oh, maybe he's getting old now and he can't do it. Bro, no, bro, I hadn't lost a single bit. It was crazy. It was three hours.
- Am I crazy? That's long. - That's long. - Of just him singing. - That's long. - No, no, no. - Normally a set is like an hour and a half, two hours maybe. - It was just three hours. And I asked people, I was like, is there like a supporting thing before? Like what time should I go? And they're like, no, no, in Japan there's no supporting acts. - I just like to think it was actually Yamashita Tatsuro just being like, listen,
- I have too many bangers. I can't cut any of them. - I think so. I think it just has so many good songs that it was impossible, like, 'cause even some of the songs that I really liked, like "Someday" didn't get played. And I was like, what the fuck? "Someday" is like a banger. - Yeah, it is.
- Yeah, I've grown a new appreciation for singers, especially in concerts that do a really, really long set after doing our own. - Two hours. - Yeah, after doing our own live show, which is two hours and sometimes just fucking somehow arguing about bread on stage for good one segment of our show, my voice is like, I could feel the tiredness in my voice by the end of this show. And I'm like, fuck, singers do it by themselves for two plus hours? - It's crazy. - God.
- It's almost like they go through a vocal training. - Okay there Joey. - Insane, I know. - I'm sure some of you might know his music, "Right on Time."
What else? I'm blanking now. - What's that one? - The Christmas one? - Shine. - Shine is my favorite track. - Yeah, Shine's a great one. He did the Christmas one that's really popular as well. Everyone knows this song in Japan. It was just really good, but it was like, it was kind of nuts. I've never been in a, I thought, man, three hours is a long time. And I will admit an hour and a half in, I was like kind of dozing out at one point. 'Cause I was like,
But it was like a really long song, like a ballad. And I don't really care about his ballad songs that much 'cause I'm a fake fan. It was like a nine minute song. And this one dude, it was so weird 'cause like I've never been to a concert where he was just like, I don't know if he was ad-libbing or what, like halfway through his songs, he would just start ad-libbing. - Yeah. - In a really cool way. It was really, really fun. And there was so many points where he would just be like, all right,
for like a minute and the dude would go for a sax solo and it was just so fucking hype. - Yeah, hell yeah. - The dude would just tear it up for a minute. - That's a real artist when you can like switch it up from like the studio version and it slaps just as hard, if not sometimes harder. - Yeah, 'cause like every, I think half the songs at some point he would just go on like a riff or do something else that was really cool. - Yeah. - And I was like, oh my God, this is fucking awesome. - Like extended solos and shit. - Yeah, they had like a whole, like a set that was moving as well and like light up. - Hell yeah. - It was really cool. - God damn.
And yeah, dude, it was just so cool. I just like, especially right on time, right on time was so good. 'Cause it was like, oh, he went off stage, he didn't sing and then he came back and everyone was like, oh my God. Which obviously was gonna happen. - How big was this concert? Like, was it pretty big or was it kind of low key? - Yeah, it was like a 4,000 capacity place. - Oh yeah, that's big. - It was really strange 'cause it was like,
I think also I saw an article that was like, he had shouted at someone mid song and stopped singing because they were like singing along in the audience. He's like, shut the fuck up. - This is my song. - This is my moment. - So it's like picture it. It's like the most biggest bangers of your life dead silent.
- No one is allowed to move. No one is allowed to dance. No one is allowed to take pictures, which I agree with. But like no one is allowed to do anything until you are signaled to clap. And then you can start, everyone can clap together like this. And then finally like two and a half hours in, they finally let you all stand up. And then everyone kind of starts doing like that kind of like half dance for the- - Oh, like the aunt at a wedding dance? - Yeah, well, just every, dude, I rock up to this concert, everyone's 60.
- Oh yeah. - Oh, okay. - Everyone is old. No other foreigners as well. I couldn't find a single other foreigner. It was just me surrounded by a bunch of old people, which I was happy with. It was just very interesting 'cause I felt like it was,
when you watch those like North Korean crowds kind of felt like that. Whereas like, we were not allowed to express anything until you are told to start clapping and singing. - Like that's a big ask for that kind of music as well. Right? Cause if it was like, like when we went to the Sigur Rós concert, right? It makes sense that we were like sitting and still because that was the vibe of the music. And it's like, even if you wanted to sing along, ain't no one in that crowd knows Icelandic, right? So it's like, you can't sing along even if you know how it goes. So like, that makes sense.
Yama Shintaro's music is made for singing and dancing too. So the fact that they were like, yeah, so enjoy the concert. By the way, you're not allowed to express any fun whatsoever until we tell you to. It's a bit weird. - Yeah, that was the only thing that I kind of, I guess, I mean, I guess for some other people, maybe in Japan as well, I appreciate that they can just,
have that like experience not having to worry about any other like sensory like distractions. But there was one Japanese dude, one brave man down in the front. He was just going like full like the Carlton dance in the front. Like he was going crazy. Like no one else was dancing. And I was like the balls on this man to do it.
I respect it. I respect it. - Hell yeah. - Dude, it was such an amazing, I've already decided, 'cause apparently he does it every single year. He does like a four month long tour every single year in Japan. So I'm definitely going back if he does it again. - We should all try and go next year. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, fun fact, you can't buy tickets in more than groups of two. - Oh, awesome. - So you can only apply in groups of two. - This episode is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Going online without ExpressVPN is like not having a case on your phone.
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- Oh, sorry Garnt, you're gonna have to stay behind. - So we could all apply as groups of two. - But if one of you wins lottery, the other group can't. - Yeah, yeah. - Me and Joey might get tickets, you might not. Or we all might get tickets and we can also next to each other. Me and Joey will be next to each other, but you won't be next. This is like insane. Like I just don't understand how there's not a better way. - That's weird because every concert I've been to in Japan where it's like a lottery system, it's always the max is always four.
Really, this one was two. - That's weird, I've never heard of two. - 'Cause I figured I was gonna- - I'm saying when I applied for Taylor Swift tickets, which I'm seeing Taylor Swift in February, by the way, in Japan. - Wow. - By the way, which is like out of left field, but did it 'cause Sydney's mom is like a massive- - Did you enter the lottery? - Huh? - You entered the lottery? - Yeah, we had to enter the lottery. And somehow we won on like Taylor Swift tickets as well. - You can also like mass purchase lotteries, but the problem is if you win,
all like four or five, you already paid the deposit. So they just take your money. So it's a huge gap. - So that's when you have to like start ringing up people being like, "Hey, I got tickets." - That's the thing though, it's why I didn't get any extra tickets 'cause you had to sign everyone up with the full IDs and mobile numbers. And if you won on that lottery ticket with that ID, you were not allowed to change it. - That is so weird. - Which I hate. - I've never heard of that. - I hate that they did this because
I feel like, yes, scalping is a huge issue and there needs to be something done about it. And this is definitely one way of combating it, but this would also be an, probably we can make it equally as convoluted and complicated. We can make it impossible, but there should be a way that you can transfer the ticket if you have a genuine reason to someone else. Make it really, really difficult so scalping becomes a pain in the ass.
- 'Cause scalping is fucking asshole move and that needs to like, I don't know how you combat it without going through this much.
- But the fact that I have like three mates, I can't go to a concert and sit next to all of us. It's like, fuck. - You sacrifice the experience and it's 'cause of the fucking scalpers at the end of the day, unfortunately. But I mean, I feel like two is a little bit of a low number. It should be at least four. - It should be in America's method of combating now. They've made it so that if you make over
I think it was like, it wasn't a lot. It was like maybe a thousand or less than a thousand dollars. If you make over a thousand dollars selling tickets, you get taxed quite a lot. Oh,
So now they're being punished by the IRS, the ultimate punishment. - The ultimate movie killer. - They realized the ticket master was- - The enemy of my enemy is my friend actually. - Is there one NC you can count on to smack down on a group of people being shit? It's the tax man. They just, they come down. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Normally bad, but occasionally they ever win. - Was that the first concert you'd ever been to in Japan? - Yeah.
I'd been to really small concerts, but they were all like friends or it was never like a really big one, never a Japanese artist, but I want to go to more city pop ones. It'd be fun. - Yeah, hell yeah. - Like I want to go see Henri live. That'd be fun. Or Maruichi Takeshita. - Takeshita Maruichi. - Yeah, she's Takeshita now. She's married to Takeshita. That'd be fun to watch. - Yeah. - She's got bangers too. - Yeah, absolutely. - But I mean, Takeshita's got so many bangers back to back.
- He's gotta stop. You know something's a banger when Connor is getting dispassionate about beeps and boops. - Yeah, I know. - Well, you listen to the, 'cause we released the "Right On Time" album and it's literally just like all his bangers and it's just like 50 minutes of just nonstop bangers. - Yeah, absolutely. - So good. - I've been trying to get that vinyl for ages now and like the cheapest I found it for was like $500.
- Oh, the original? Oh, 'cause they have the re-release one. - Yeah, but I want the original. - That'd be impossible. - Yeah, and I just can't find it. And when I have found it, it's like, "Would you like to pay $2,000 for an LP?" I'm like, "No." - Also, mid-song, 'cause I guess this is a thing in Japan, he would just talk a bunch. - Oh yeah, that is a thing in Japan. - Yeah, MCing. - They do a bunch of talking. And a bunch of people would laugh occasionally, but the one that got the biggest shock reaction
I guess this is just a Japan thing. At one point he goes, "Yes, I haven't drank in two years." And everyone goes,
- They never reacted, the whole crowd gasped and I've never seen anything like this in Japan. - I swear some concerts I've been to in Japan with primarily Japanese audience, when the artist starts emceeing and there's an audience reaction, it just sounds like a sitcom. - It was mostly laughs and it was pretty, 'cause he was talking about just how he's old. That was his main joke that he kept saying.
And he was like, "I don't know why there's young people here. I didn't listen to old people when I was young."
- He just called you out. - He saw you and he was just like, didn't know foreigners were here as well. - Yeah, yeah. And he's making fun of some of the laws that Japan was trying to make. It was very, I'm sure if they could translate it, everyone would go, "Based, yeah, very based." But that was very interesting. I guess this is the older demographic. All people in Japan, all old people in Japan drink. I don't think I've met a single person in Japan over the age of 50 that doesn't drink. - My granddad. - Really? Damn.
- Damn. - He never drank. - Damn, it's so rare in Japan. - But he smoked like seven packs a day. - Okay, okay. - We all got a vice. - Choose one. - I reckon he's a pretty stoner that was born in the wrong country. - I don't know about that. - He loved his Marlboros, that's for sure.
- Yeah, I mean, I've only been to a few concerts in Japan, but they all pretty much follow that formula, especially if it's a Japanese artist. It's very different from like the kind of like
- They always have a story behind like every, after every song or proceeding like every song about a little monologue about something going on in their lives. - When I wrote this song, I was 30 years old and I was at a turning point in my life. - It's always some shit like that. And I'm just like, that's cool and all, but like.
Just, you know, it's fine. Like I get the law and it's like, it's sentimental and it's cool and stuff like that. But it's like after a while you go to enough concerts and it's like, oh, let me guess. You wrote this song when it was a turning point in your life. All right, cool. - Near the end of the show, there was like this merch presentation live where like some guy kept handing like a, like he was on an easel. Like merch kept coming out.
on a stand, it was very funny. It was very Japanese. And here we have exhibit A, merch number one, please go buy it. And then he was just, it was very funny. - I love the dichotomy between a Japanese artist in Japan and how they do their concerts versus a Western band or artist. 'Cause when I went to go see The Pillows, it was very similar. Whereas, 'cause it was also during the beginning of COVID,
So it's like, you're not allowed to like cheer, you're not allowed to like take videos and photos, which is one that's very rare. I'm sure you weren't allowed to take videos and photos. - Yeah, no, I wanted this to just take one little picture just for memories. The set was so cool. But there was a dude literally right behind me. He would have clapped me. - Yeah, exactly. And it's like, and you know, there's always like some MC segments and all that. Like it's kind of formulaic and people are like,
- When I went to go see like Bad Religion at the Punk Spring, there was a huge sign at the beginning of the gig that was just like, no crowd surfing. - Oh, okay. - And like no moshing. There was like two big signs that were just like that. - Didn't stop it. - Bad Religion came out and they were like, fuck these signs, start moshing, start crowd surfing right now. Fuck the police.
- And then immediately Japanese people were like, "Well, I mean, if they say so." Three dudes start crowd surfing. I'm just like, "There we go, that's what's up." - That's the way to go. - There we go, that's how you go to a punk concert. - If it's not under contract. - Yeah. - Like they just didn't give a fuck. - Meanwhile, I'm really hoping that when I go see the Taylor Swift concert that she does that thing about when she introduces the song. I haven't seen it before until it started blowing up on TikTok, but she has like this really cheesy kind of like introduction to every song.
- You know those times when you see a boy and you just think to yourself, wow, he's gonna be trouble. And then trouble starts playing. - Is that what she does? - That's what she does. - At the beginning of every single Taylor Swift concert, she's like, my name is Taylor Swift and I was born in 1989. And everyone's like, yeah!
- Is this real? - It's real. There's so many TikToks of it, it's so funny. - I did not know how big of a deal Taylor, like I knew she was a big deal, but I did not know how big of a deal it was to go to like one of her live concerts until like we somehow managed to get tickets, you know, for Citi's mom's birthday and I was like,
Only when I started telling people that like, what? You got ticket? You get to see Taylor Swift live? 'Cause I saw there was an article that like when she goes to a city to do a concert, it has like such a big economic effect on that city. It's almost like the Superbowl going to that city, which is- - Well, this current like tour that she's on right now, it's like spanning for like a year and a half. And it's considered to be one of the biggest and most lucrative tours ever in the music industry. - Damn. - Like I can't imagine
- I just, what is she doing, man? - She's fucking Scrooge McDucking everything. She's drowning in money. - I guess it's weird, 'cause I knew she was really popular, but it kind of felt like this year in particular just became crazy. - Yeah, I don't know why. - Maybe the tour. Maybe it's for the tour. - Maybe it's the tour, but it's also 'cause Taylor Swift fans are like,
- Come on, man. Don't disrespect them. Call them Swifties. - Swifties, Swifties. - I guess you can talk about this 'cause Sydney's mom is the head of the Swifty council. - She is literally like the head of the Swifty council in her like local area. Like, you know how,
Basically, you know how most places have like a neighborhood watch or something. - They have the Swifty watch. - They have the Swifty watch and she basically runs that. She was such a big like Swifty that there was like some ticket controversy or some ticket issues in like the America tour that was going on there. - Oh, the ticket master thing, right? - The ticket master thing. And news outlets were doing reports on it.
And one of the people they contacted was Sydney's mom.
- As I live just now, we have the representative of the Swifty community here in Wisconsin. - It's just Sydney's mom. - So Sydney's had her 15 minutes of fame, but she's never been on national TV before. 'Cause her mom's been now been on national TV as Swifty. So that is now her title. But yeah, it's like, she tells me stories about just like all of like,
the Taylor Swift fans like worldwide doing meetups and no matter where she goes in the world, she always has like people that she can hit up because there are Swifties all over the world that she can kind of do a meetup with. And I'm like, this is an insane network right now. - It's crazy. It's like, it's almost,
- Dare I say almost cultish. - It is a little bit. - It is kind of scary, you know, when you like, you know, 'cause like personally, like I think Taylor Swift's just okay. Like she's made some hits. A lot of her stuff I think is just kind of mid, but like, goddamn, if I said that to a, I'd be scared to say that to a Swifty.
even if I know they might be cool with me. - They'd be like, "Which era did you listen to?" - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, "Oh yeah, I like a couple of songs." And then they'd be like, "Name all of them." I know that if I went up to Sydney's mom and I was just like, "Full respect to Taylor Swift, I just think she's okay."
- If I said anything else, I know Sydney's mom would be cool with it. - Yeah, Sydney's mom is a lovely, lovely person. She wouldn't say anything. It would just like, she'd just probably die inside a little bit. - I'm just jealous. I wish I was that passionate about something. - I am too. - I wish I was a fan of something like that. But I just don't get like that. - One thing I've never understood about concerts is like, what is the point of encores?
- I think it was probably a cool thing at once and now it's just expected. So I think it's lost its charm. - Now that it's expected that you put your coolest song in the encore, then I'm like, well, we all know it's coming. We all know you're going off stage here.
- Although I will say I recently went to a concert of this like American musician, Mike Kinsella, who I really, really like. And he had his like new band that he was touring with in Japan. And I got tickets to go see it 'cause I fucking love Mike Kinsella. And they've only ever released one album, right? So it's like very new band, but I'm like, cool, I'll go watch them. They basically did all of their songs that they've released up until that point and they started walking off. Naturally, everyone was like, "Encore, encore." Mike comes back and he just goes on the mic and he's like,
we don't have any songs left. And then he just leaves. And I'm just like, you know what? I respect that. It's like Uno reverse card on the encore. It's like, you know, that's refreshing. - I feel like it's why do people fucking savor a champagne? Why do they slap? It was just tradition, right? People just do it 'cause we just did it. - Have you ever saved? I wanna- - I don't know if I've ever savored a champagne. - I wanna savor a champagne. - I've savored a champagne. - Did you do it right? - No. - Okay.
- What did you use? - You can ruin the whole champagne. - Did you use a proper saber or a kitchen knife? - I used like a proper saber that was like this big. I did it with Chad when I was in Melbourne. - Of course it was a saber. - Okay, now that makes sense. - And I did it, but it was like the, I guess not the correct way to do it. - Did it just explode? - No, no, no. It was the proper ways that, you know, the cork is supposed to like perfectly fly off and- - No, no, no, no, no, no. - The glass. - The glass was supposed to just perfectly snap off. - Oh, then I did do it right.
- It was perfectly flat? - It was like kind of like at an angle. - Was it a clean cut is what we're asking. - It was a clean cut. - The risk is that the like glass shards can go in the champagne as well as just smashing the entire bottle. But normally you just fucking. - It's just. - Well, I mean, it's a lot harder than that, but generally, yeah. - Yeah. I mean, yeah. - How many of you sabred a champagne bottle?
- I couldn't believe that until- - What, it's that much of an achievement? - It's just such a fucking rare thing to do. - Really? - Yeah, it's like fencing. Do you know anyone who fences? - No. - Yeah, right? I don't know a single person who's fenced. - But you can say that about like most Olympic sports. - Okay, okay, name a sport. - Equestrian. - I don't know if someone is equestrian. - Fuck off, you do. - I don't know anyone who's fenced. - Who do you know who's an equestrian? - I mean, I lived around farms and shit, so people did that shit. - What, on sheep? - On horses.
Just get on your Ram and just fucking drop the fence. - I don't know, I'm convinced fencing is a lie. I've never met a single person who's fenced. - What do you mean? - I think it's a conspiracy. - It's a conspiracy created by the Olympic Committee? - I don't think it exists, right? I think they just find five dudes who are willing to do it and they tell us it's a real thing. Okay, fencing's real. Let's keep it exciting.
- I think we should take the armor off in fencing. - Just take the armor off and just go back to old school. Just let them slaughter each other. Why do they need like the little- - Well, the original Greek, sorry, the original Olympics way, way back had a fight to the death. So that was, we should have that.
- Yeah, we should bring that back. - Yeah, bring that back. - Do you think e-sports should be in Olympics? - No. - No. - I like how it went from me joking about fencing not being real to- - No, they did try- - Talk, talk, talk. - Wait, wait. - Talking about the real- - They did try this and it failed miserably. - Yeah, it did fail. - Wait, what? - I believe so. - Yes. - Oh, e-sports? - Yes. Olympic e-sports. - When? - Like last year, I remember it was a whole funny thing. - What? In Japan? - Yeah. No, not in Japan, in general. - Just in general. - Oh, like the Winter Olympics? - Wait, what?
- Well, 'cause last year was the winter Olympics, right? - No, no, no, like the, like I think the previous Olympics that happened. - Oh. - Yeah, there's something, could you look this up, Kyle? Yeah, something happened last year where they did something and it was a mess. They fucked it all up. - What were they playing? - I don't know. This is the problem with gaming, right? Is that there's only a few games that,
have stuck around long enough to really be like, I guess have that Olympic feel to them of like, I think we all know. - I just can't imagine being like, all right, so here's the swimming and here's the gymnastics. - Like CS go and- - And then there's Quake. - There's no games that feel Olympic-y, you know what I mean? That's my- - Mario Tennis. - Get the fuck out Joey.
- They can play it right after the tennis. - The only people who I think of the biggest example, I can think of something similar was Overwatch did their global Overwatch competition where it was country based. It was different from the league. It was just purely like whose country's the best? - Well, no, 'cause league is in the Asia games, which is kind of like,
kind of like the Olympics, but just for like the Asian countries and that's split up by countries as well. Well, you know, Faker doesn't have to enroll for the military anymore. - Yeah, I saw that. - Yeah, it's because he won a gold medal at the Asia games. - I love how BTS couldn't get an exemption.
from serving in the military, but Faker could. - I'm not trying to say that Faker hasn't contributed more to society, I'm just saying, BTS couldn't get it. - Yeah, and it's 'cause Faker, he won, the Korean team won the gold medal for the Asia games. All they had to do is basically beat China and they were basically surefire to win. - So stoked. - And because of that, yeah. - Can't wait for League of Legends finals this year, I'm so stoked. - So okay, going back on Tommy though, 'cause who gives a fuck?
what sport or what game would be the most suitable for an Olympics situation? - I'm gonna have to. - Super Smash Bros.
- Well, no, 'cause America would just win. This is the problem with a lot of esports is that America just crushes in so many of them except for certain games. - Yeah. - Fighting games is dominated by mainly Americans, but there are some Europeans obviously who are like Leffen or whatever, or there's some Japanese people who are pretty good at them too in certain games. A lot of games are dominated by just America. - What about Wii Sports?
- No, Joey. - No. - Why not? It's got fucking sports in the name. - Bro, Nintendo would ruin stuff somehow. We'd be like, "Oh, we're doing, "guys are doing Smash Bros to save dying kids." Nintendo's like, "We've already put them down."
- Stop it. Shut down. - We whacked them over our head with a copy of Smash Bros. - It's just like, the Nintendo would find a way. 'Cause someone owns it, right? - Why would we want to play, watch Wii Sports in the Olympics when we have all of the sports that are in Wii Sports actually represented? - You can just say that about e-sports in general then.
- Oh, I'm sorry Joey. Name me a real life equivalent to League of Legends. - Yeah, it's true. - There shouldn't be one. - That's the point. - That shouldn't exist. - Counter-Strike other than terrorism. We don't have ranked terrorism. - We don't wanna talk about Counter-Strike, Joey. - Well, it's Counter-Strike 2 now. - Counter-Strike 2, you know. Okay, yeah, that's what we don't want a real life equivalent of.
But yeah, I mean, we sports. Okay, here's is like, should like things like bowling and darts be part of the Olympics? - Yeah. - I think so. - Yeah. - Are they already? They're not right? - I don't know. - No. - They have their own like championships. - America will win bowling though. - And darts. - Yeah. - No, no, no. - UK or some European country. - Oh really?
- I have no idea. - Unless they can't drink while performing in which case the UK just gets nerfed to the ground. - So you cannot take performance enhancing drugs and the British are like, fuck. - I saw a tweet that was like, let's do like an Olympic games but where everyone is allowed to take as many drugs as they want.
Like let's get the best performing human with everything that we can give them. - Just absolutely max out all stats. - Are you not curious how fast a man could run if he has full access to drugs? If they're gonna do it, let's just make a league for it. - Sure. - What is it, like a speed run strap? - Yeah.
Wait, wait, wait. Hold on one second. I'm going to leave finished, but where jumpers jump. And I know you've probably seen us on TikTok. You know, the two Filipino boys talking about conspiracy theories. So if you guys like conspiracy theories, ghost stories, unsolved mysteries, and just fun facts, give us a listen. I guarantee y'all you'll learn something new every episode.
episode. We got over 6 million followers on TikTok, over 400,000 subscribers on YouTube, and each one of them will tell you you got one of the best podcasts in the world. So we got Mandela effects, we got rap theories, and we got our own personal stories that y'all want to hear. My name's Carlos. And my name's Gavin. And we're Jumpers Jump. So pause what you're listening to right now, find us on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts,
Apple and all other streaming platforms. Thank you for your time. Give us a listen and check us out. - Can you imagine how fast Usain Bolt will be when he takes fucking cocaine? - We have like glitchless. - That's one of the kind of drugs that improve running, I'm pretty sure, Joe. - You never know. - We have like glitchless categories in games. Why don't we have like drug categories and clean categories?
- That's a great idea. - What would we be promoting in our corner? What would we be promoting? That drugs, porn, pants, porn, drugs. - All these vape and smoking companies would love something to sponsor, I'm sure. I'd argue make more money. - True. - More viewership.
- Is it legal to take weed before like professional eaters go into like an eating contest? - That's a fantastic idea. If they're not doing that, they should. - Does that count as a performance enhancing drug at that point? - Yeah, because you're on the munchies bro. And you're like, I can eat 1.5 times the average right now. - This is so good.
- Yeah, they should. If there isn't like an American, like if Matt Stonie isn't doing that, then I'm impressed. - He's called Matt Stonie, so maybe there's some, maybe there is. - It's in the name. - Yeah, it's right in the name. - We've figured out your trick, Matt.
- Oh, how was South Africa by the way? - Oh dude, it was sick as fuck. Like, 'cause I've always just wanted to go to Africa just because it's like one, it's a continent that you just like never, well, I don't know anyone else around me that has been there before. It's just, I don't know. It's just like, I always forget
how actually massive Africa is. - How can you forget that? It's fucking huge. - Well, because like, you know, most like regular world maps that you look at it, Africa is like condensed because of like, you know, the perspective thing and everything. - Well, that's actually because of like the map type, you know, Joey. - Yeah, but the standard map type that everyone knows and has seen before, like Africa looks a lot smaller than it actually is. 'Cause like, you know, it took us, well, for one, it took us 20 hours to get there by flight, which is like- - So does Australia.
- Yeah, exactly. - Yeah. - Yeah. But no, it was really, really cool. This convention in Johannesburg, easily the best convention I've ever been to. - Oh shit. - The organization was absolutely like top notch. Like every single guest got their own security, not just within the convention, but even outside of the convention because Johannesburg is the crime capital of South Africa.
- Right. - Yeah, so it's pretty dangerous. So they were like, "We'll give you a security for like 24/7." So that was sick as fuck. And like, just like, it was massive as well. It was 80,000 people.
- Yeah, like I thought like, oh, it's not even the capital of South Africa, right? It's in the fucking one of the most dangerous cities in South Africa and it's a Comic-Con. So I was just like, it's not gonna be that big. And they were like, yeah, it's 80,000 people. - When you went, a lot of the comments were like, please be safe. - Yeah, exactly. And that was freaking me and Aki out just being like, what's gonna happen? But we were okay. And like that convention was just so, so cool. Like they had like, some of the stuff they were selling there was just,
but they were like treating it like it was normal. Like there was straight up selling weed at this convention. - What? - Yeah. - Is it legal? - Yeah, apparently. And there was just like weed, like dispensary companies that was just like selling weed at this convention. I'm like, you guys like, okay, like this children walking around. - What the hell? - And it wasn't even like behind a curtain or anything. It was like in the middle of like the entertainment area. But like, yeah, that,
That convention was easily one of the coolest conventions I've ever been to. So well done South Africa, you did good. And then the safari shit that we did outside was pretty dope as well. We went on like a- - Shoot farm. - Yeah, like when you think of like a safari, like you think of like kind of the caged like trucks and you know, you walk through and it's like, or you drive through and you know, you see the lions and all that kind of shit. That one was cool, but I think the best way to experience a safari now that I know is going on a quad bike.
- Oh wow. - Yeah, but like obviously they're not gonna let you into like the lion enclosure on a quad bike. - Let's see if Joey survived. - Safari speed run. - So empty this tank. - But like it was really cool 'cause like, you know, you go into this enclosure on a quad bike, you know, you can get really fucking close to like wildebeest and like, I almost got kicked in the head by a wild giraffe so that was pretty fun.
- Wait, what? - So we were on a quad, right? And I'm just like, you know, just kind of- - Oh, let me get a snack first. - Yeah, you know, I was just kind of cruising through, you know, going at like a slow speed. - It's like instant death, isn't it? - Yeah, it was pretty scary. But like, I was just, you know, I was driving the thing and Aki was on the back of the quad and I was just kind of going slowly looking around being like, all right, let's see where the animals are.
All of a sudden, Naki was like, Joey, turn around right now. And I was like, what? And I look back and like literally this distance, there's a giraffe's face right here. And it just came out of nowhere. Like these motherfuckers are silent killers. He just came up right behind me, literally this far away. And I just fucking floored it. And the guy was like, yeah, that was very close. From what I could see, he was very agitated. And if you had stayed there for enough time, he would have kicked you.
And I'm like, can that kill you? And the African guy just laughed. He was just like, "Ha ha." And I was like, "All right, say less." But yeah, I would definitely recommend. We're probably gonna go back next year. - Oh shit, nice. - Yeah, 'cause there's another one in Cape Town, which is like the bigger convention and we've already been invited back, so.
- That's the bigger convention? - That's the bigger convention. - Fuck you now. - And I'm pretty excited 'cause that's where they filmed the One Piece live action. So it's like real life One Piece. I get to experience and that's pretty cool as a One Piece fan. - This beer sucks. - Really? - What did you do? - Backyard buzz. It's a honey wheat ale and it doesn't taste good. - Really? - Someone needs to tell them that just 'cause you add honey doesn't mean it tastes good.
- Hey, don't blame me, I just randomly picked. - No, I know, Denver beer. - I used to like honey things, but now after growing older, it's just a lot of sugar, isn't it? - I mean, that's the thing with beers, right? You're trying to add all this bullshit to it and it's like, bro, we had like so minimal ingredients for so long. If you can't make something good after generations, people have made a beer taste good with barely anything, any added ingredients, what are you doing? - Yeah, yeah. - So don't add galaxies or shit to your beer, it doesn't taste good.
- This one, yeah, it's not very good either. - It's like we perfected the formula like centuries ago. - We added oranges. No, don't add fucking orange to beer. Just let it fucking cook. - Do you like fruit based beers? - No. - No? - No, a beer shouldn't have fruit in it. - I agree.
- I was trying to think of a counter argument, but I'm like, shit, he's right. - I was trying to process that and I'm like, yeah. - You shouldn't add beer, like fruit to beer. - I allow it for ciders. - Listen, like you can add it if there's a group of people who don't like the taste of normal beer and they want fruit, that's fine. But for me, like I like just the normal bitter, horrible beer taste. I love that flavor.
And so when they add like fruits and shit, I'm like, man, I don't want to drink this. - Fair enough. - I don't know why I went for the honey wine. I thought, well, maybe it might be good. - All right, what beer should I have next? - Let me see. - Oh, this one's so ass. - There's a one that starts with a B over there that you should maybe try out. - Can I get this glass cleaner? - There's a one that starts with a B right there that you should probably try out. - The beer? - This is a makgeolli. - Oh, makgeolli. What's the B? What are you talking about?
- I've tried Budweiser, Joey. - Joey! - It's our favorite beer, according to the trash taste law. - Let me try a Juicy West from Colorado. Ooh. - Christ. - You don't have to finish this one. - Yeah. - I feel like I should though. I don't have many beers. - No, you can try it on some of the other ones. - Do you wanna try this one? See if you like it? - Let me have a sip of it. - Yeah, I can have a sip of it. - I just don't think it tastes good.
- Oh, the aftertaste. - It's just kind of not good. - It's a bit watered down. - Yeah. - You want to try it? - I guess this is gonna be in the episodes. We're just trying the beers, the beer-oos. - Oh, that tastes awful. - It's just like, what is the honey doing in there? - I can't even taste the honey. - There's no kick to it at the end. - Yeah. - All right, well this one, what is this? - Vol-dam double malte das original masen beer.
- That's exactly. - Poulos, amargos and nuggets. - Nugget? - The German's always the funniest when you read it, you can't understand it. Can you open this one for me then? Let's see what it says. - The 7% that they're crushed. - I'll use the Budweiser. - How do you do that? - How do you? - I gotta learn that. - It's simple.
- It's literally physics. You just- - No, I know. And I know that every time you do this- - You explain it with logic, but in practice I can not do it. - Every time we watch you on camera get amazed by it, all the Germans are like, "Oh, every German can do this by the age of four. "What are you doing? "We go to preschool and open our own beers."
- Well, did you need someone to open the bottles on your RV trip? - Well, Ludwig just like hammered it against anything he could find. I was like, what are you doing? I carry a bottle opener on these times of purpose. - Oh man. - So this is from... - Japan. - No, is it? No, it's not. - You have to say it, otherwise the title is clickbait. - Yeah. - We tried every beer from Japan. - I bought it from Caldi. - Oh, we bought it in Japan. - It doesn't say where it's from, does it? On the back? - Spain.
- Fuck. Never had a good beer from Spain. Actually, Estella's okay. That's what it's called, right? That's Spain. - I think that's Spain, Spanish. - I think Estella's. - What do you guys think of cider? - Cider? - Yeah, cider. - I'm not a big fan. - I like cider.
I thought I used to be a fan and as I've grown older, I'm like, I think I'm good actually. - It's hard for me to drink, 'cause like, you know, when I'm drinking beer, the intention is that like, okay, maybe I'll have one, but like if I'm having like a long night, I'll be drinking like four beers, right? That's a lot of sweet drink to consume for me. - Well, that's why I can only drink dry ciders now.
- Like the drier, because like the sweet, yeah. 'Cause the sweetest ciders, like it might be nice to like maybe start off, but like I can't have a whole night with sweet ciders. - Also like if you really have like the traditional cider, so like I remember when I was in Bristol Uni, we'd have like some specialist cider places and you know, I was like, cool, let's try some traditional cider. Traditional cider lit like that is made like the traditional way.
Some of them just smell like feet. Like, isn't like, I don't know. I don't know what the traditional way to make cider is, but I'm pretty sure they just left some apples in a fucking barrel for months and just let them ferment. - And then smushed it down with like, your beer for it.
- Smell it. - Smell it, it smells like feet. - Yeah. - Just bare feet just crushing these apples down. - That wasn't even the worst part. Some of them were just like lukewarm. - In the UK I think you'd often get served pretty warm beers and ciders. - Yeah. - It's generally a bit warm. - I don't understand warm beers. - Okay, not warm, sorry, but like it's not, I wouldn't describe it. - That is not a hot take, Joey. - I know it's not a hot take, I just don't get it.
I've had it before and I'm just like, why? - I think the- - Unchilled. - Paul Mooran's gonna fact check this. I'm pretty sure the idea is that warm beer is much easier to drink more of.
than a colder beer. - Hold on, I'm just gonna look at the window real quick to make sure. - Maybe I'm just, if I was a bar owner, I would want people to drink more beer. - I just, I don't think people need convincing in the UK to drink more beer.
- Just for the flavor. - I'm pretty sure though, like if the alcohol is warmer, doesn't it go to your head quicker? - You're just making shit up now. - No, no, no, no, no. I'm pretty sure if the beer or alcohol is warmer or room temp, it gets in your bloodstream quicker than it does if it's cold.
- So what you're saying is like hot wine will get around your body quicker than like a cold glass of white wine. - Yeah, of course. - Anecdotally, this is simply bullshit. - No, Google it. - They get me just as fucked up. - Anecdotally,
- When you put the window, just say no. - Like anecdotally, like I, you know, they say that you get more drunk when you drink on a plane because of the high altitude and stuff. I think that's true. - I'll test it tonight.
- Actually one time, 'cause I normally, if I have, I'm going on a plane right after this, so I guess I'll, well, I'll probably just have a beer before I fall asleep to help. Because the worst feeling is drinking a bunch of beer and then you don't go to bed for like four hours and then you go to bed and you're like, 'cause your body's like trying to digest all of it. I was on this flight one time and I don't know why, one of the, I asked for an alcohol free beer
'cause I had a meal and I was like, yeah, I want the taste of beer without alcohol. - But that's not the taste of beer. - No, no, I've been trying to swap out beer for non-alcoholic lately. - Yeah. - And I know it's, yeah. - What happened to you bro? - Well, listen, I'm sure calories. It's mainly calories. - Just don't drink beer. - Well, no, sometimes you're in the mood where everyone's having a beer and you wanna join in, but you don't wanna have the alcohol. So I'll just get the non-alcoholic version 'cause it scratches the same like beer taste.
- No, that's Caribbean pro. - No, genuinely, genuinely. - It doesn't taste the same, in my opinion. - In my opinion, it doesn't taste the same. - It doesn't taste the same, but it's close enough where I feel like if I'm around everyone and everyone's beer-ing, I'm like, "All right, well, I feel like I'm part of it." And zero carbs and zero calories. - No, I think it tastes metallic. - Just drink a seltzer at that point, man. - I just don't want the calories. - Yeah, that's why I said- - Yeah, drink a seltzer. It's less calories. - Yeah, but you still have 100 calories. I want zero. I want zero.
- I don't want the alcohol as well. Sometimes I just don't want the alcohol mainly as well. Cause I'm like, man, I gotta do shit tomorrow. - But for to preface, this is not us giving shit to our mate for not wanting to drink alcohol. - Guys, I'm feeling really peer pressured right now. - Speak for yourself. I'm definitely shaming him right now. - This is not what is happening, but.
- I'm trying to make you the argument. - Listen, we booze and schmooze a lot. We have beers occasionally and I just kind of figured out, I was like, man, if I'm gonna drink, which ends up happening like once a week, at least in Japan. Like if I can just change one of those days to being no alcohol, I'm like, okay, well maybe my body will thank me a little bit more for it. - Oh no, I completely agree. - Entirely.
- Like I said, like it's not the exact same taste but it's close enough for me where I'm like, okay, just about gets that itch of beer. Although man, does it give me like the grossest smelling mouth and burps. For some reason, non-alcoholic beer, at least the Japanese ones, smell horrific. - Yeah, they smell like coins. - It's awful. - I don't know why it's like metallic. - I burp and I like nearly vomit. - Yeah, it's gross. - It's like, but it's only a hundred calories. - No, it's zero.
- It's zero calories and zero carbs. - Wait, non-alcoholic beer in Japan? - The Suntory All Free and the- - Green Label? - Asahi, no, Green Label is alcoholic. The non-alcoholic Asahi and Suntory, zero carbs, oh, I think two grams of carbs. Or one, I don't know what else. And zero calories. And zero alcohol, and zero sugars. I mean, so it's like a Coke Zero for alcoholics.
- Just fucking drink water at the end of the day. - I'm like, I've heard of that before. - No, no, no, no. But like, it's like, again, like you wanna be a part of it and sometimes, you know, it feels kind of lame to order a fucking water when everyone else has got beer, but like at least- - Order a sparkling water.
- Okay, all right, pedantic guy. - I don't know, man. I don't fucking judge if someone's like that at a hangout. It's like, all right, you know what? - That's a good group of people. Some people do. - I don't judge. I'm not judging your stance on not wanting to drink alcohol. I am judging the fucking taste of non-alcoholic beer, which I've had.
enough times at like the one I've tried to make the same decisions. And I don't know, it's kind of like being cut by beer. It's like you're having your, you think you're having beer, but like it's just not the same fullness and richness of taste. - I'm drinking beer, but it's not good. - Controversial, controversial. I've been drinking, I think non-alcoholic Asahi tastes better than Asahi. - Do you just not like beer?
- What the fuck are you saying? - Dude, you're not like- - I love beer. - Okay. - How dare you, God? How dare you say I don't like beer? It's the one thing in life I love, God. - Dude, you just, I don't know. 'Cause for me, I either want,
a good tasting whatever, like a good tasting beer, or I don't want it at all. Like I remember like Connor, every time we'd hang out early on, you'd drink the green labels, which is like low calorie beer. - It's awful beer. - Right? And it tastes awful. It tastes fucking awful. - That was mainly 'cause I wanted to get, at that time it's like trying to get to the drunk vibe. And I wanted to do it without murdering my body, but it would come at the cost of just having the worst tasting beer. It's actually legally not recognized as beer in Japan.
because of the way it's made, it can't be called beer. - Really? - Yeah, and it's so shit. It's called . - It's not like, I don't think it can legally be called and referred to as beer. - No, it's . - Which, what does that mean?
- just means like bubbly alcohol. - Yeah, right? Like it's, I guess it's kind of like, it's the closest you'll get to like the calories of non-alcoholic beer, but keeps the alcohol. - It's like Hasbro is my first beer. - But I actually think that the alcohol in that, because the beer tastes so bad, the alcohol makes you taste worse. But at least because the non-alcoholic is an alcoholic, it's just like, oh, it's okay. - Yeah, I don't know. Like for me, how can I say this?
- Does beer taste good? - I love the taste of beer. - I don't know, okay. I do not know. Okay, genuinely, I do not know if I like the taste of beer 'cause it tastes good or if because I've like beer-pilled myself into thinking it tastes good. You know, 'cause, okay, okay. Every kid remembers their first sip of beer, right? And you remember that first sip of beer and you're like- - Yeah, but as a kid, you would only eat fucking chicken nuggets if I gave them to you, Calum. - Do you remember the exact point you started liking beer?
I do remember there was a turning point around like the age of like 20 where I started to think, huh,
- This is pretty refreshing. - For me, it wasn't until I moved to Japan and I had Japanese beer that I realized, wow, Australian beers taste like dirt. And I was like, wow, this is actually good beer. - Yeah, I also love like lagers and pilsners, like very, and they also like, I mean, Asahi is like, it's like water. - Yeah, 'cause like my first like reaction or I guess like my initial reaction to beer or what I thought was like, this is what all beer tastes like is fucking VB.
which is like the worst. - You have to start with the worst so you can appreciate it. - Yeah, yeah. - You have to have some- - But in my brain I was like, oh, if this is what all beer tastes like, then I don't think I ever want to drink beer ever again. And then when I came to Japan and I started drinking all the Japanese brands, I was just like, oh, this is actually like kind
- Yeah, I think I remember telling my parents, I'm never gonna drink alcohol. It tastes so bad. And then they laughed at me. And then years later they keep bringing it up. - Yeah, my dad laughed at me and he was just like, "You're Australian, son. You're gonna drink." He's like, "If you are my son, you are going to drink." - I mean, yeah, I just love the taste of beer. I wish that there was more non-alcoholic beers that tasted good so I wouldn't feel bad about drinking them.
'Cause sometimes I'm like, man, I wish I could have a beer on this occasion, but I'm like, man, I just don't wanna have alcohol. It's like, fuck it, but I love the taste of beer itself.
- But only really beer. I never get like, I never really like wanna drink. I never ever wanna fucking drink spirits. They're fucking disgusting. - I don't think I like beer enough to the point where I just want the taste of beer. - I want the taste of beer, but I don't want alcohol. - I don't love beer as much. - Fuck, I love the bitterness. I love the carbonation. I love the kind of hoppiness of it. And it goes well with food, so well. Any food you have tastes so good with beer. - Or fried food.
- Fried food, but any like anything really. I think anything tastes good with beer. - Pub food. - You tell me any food, I'll say it tastes good with beer. - Sushi. - I think it tastes great with beer. - No. - No, no, no. - No, no, no. - No, it's too light, man. It's too light. - I think it tastes good. Oh, Maylene. I got something to find. I got something for hilarious Tom Maylene. - Oh, okay, okay.
- Do you wanna say it now? - Did you just forget we're doing a podcast right now? - You know the sushi restaurant? - Which one? - The one that we all love and care about deeply. Emily said it was mid and overpriced. - Oh my God, she did not. She did not. - Emily. - Emily and Dida said that it was a mid and they thought they got scammed 'cause it was so expensive. - Oh my God. - That's okay. - That is not okay, Maylyn.
- You're never gonna watch this episode, but I don't think they can tell the difference. - That was the moment that I genuinely lost all hope in their food taste. - You know, dieters like thought Greg's was mid. I've never been so disappointed before. - Yeah, but he was also on a steady diet of fucking microwavable food in the US as well. So I don't trust them. - They have the weirdest food taste. It's like impossible to give them something they both like. - They fucking made for each other, but.
- What the fuck? - But not made for everybody else. - I can't believe I thought that sushi was made. That's gonna keep me up at night. - God damn. - I can't. That's like my favorite sushi place. - I have a friend who's visiting right now who's like born in Texas and he just can't have seafood. And he was asking me for like restaurant recommendations and I'm like, fuck, if you can't have seafood,
What can you recommend in Japan that doesn't include seafood as well? Fuck, this is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. - Yoshinoya. - I was looking, when I went out with,
- You think that's hard? Mudan, when Mudan came, his group, some of his friends came over and one of them had a CDX disease, couldn't have gluten. I learned that day that when I was trying to find a restaurant, fucking everything in Japan has gluten, everything, everything. Soy sauce, gluten, miso, gluten often. - Is gluten intolerant? Like, is there even a full Japanese person that has gluten intolerance? Like, is that a thing in Japan? - I think they got, like, they were killed.
- Survival of the fittest. - Well, no, I think if you had C-Lex disease and like fucking, I don't know the history of it, but I imagine it's like a thing where, well, he died.
- It's called evolution, right? - Bro, Darwin knew it. Darwin figured it out. The reason why I'm not lactose intolerant and one of you guys probably are lactose intolerant. - I'm slightly lactose intolerant. - Do you think that if we were born in like the caveman era that you'd survive or would you be one that died off thanks to survival of the fittest?
- Why are you saying this, Garth? Everyone loves to think that they could survive. - Oh no, I'm saying I'm fucked because I can't see shit. Okay? I'd be the first to go. - I think it'd be okay. I know their music. We get along. I like smashing things. - I mean, like even if, the thing is like, even if you were like-
- I know that music. - It took me a while to process this. - Smash some rocks together and bang on. - I think I'd be okay as a caveman. I think I'd be all right. - I think the problem is that even if you had the perfect genes as a caveman that could be compatible with that time period, the average fucking life expectancy was like 27. - Well, that's my life expectancy right now. It's the last season of "Trash Face" by the way. - Oh my God. The answer is no.
- I would not. - I think it'd be okay. - You think it'd be okay? - I think it'd make it work 'cause I wouldn't know bidets exist. I wouldn't have anything to care about.
- I feel like my priorities would be way different. - The biggest animal you think you could take on then? Like one V one fight. You have weapons though. You have weapons. You have a weapon. - What kind of weapons? Spears and stuff? - Like caveman weapons. - You can take any animal on with weapons. Are you kidding me? - No you can't. - That's why we're on top, baby. - A sharp rock on the end of a stick? - Stone age weapons.
- I'm not talking about a fucking gun. Yeah, okay. Of course if you have a gun you could take on any animal Connor. - Where am I spawning? Where am I spawning? - What do you mean? - What country is my spawn point? - What country is your spawn point?
- Not England. - Okay, well that's fine. 'Cause a lot of- - Australia. - If we're in a volcanic country, there's obsidian, very, very sharp by nature. I'll pick some pieces up, I throw it at the animal, we're good. That's all, that's all. - You throw it at the animal? - Bro, are you kidding me? That's all I'll be doing my entire life is throwing things. 'Cause that is our one trait that it makes us the most OP is that we can throw shit.
- No other animal can throw shit like us. - Yeah, he's definitely dying for us. - What do you mean? That is the reason why we were so OP as humans 'cause we can just like sit back and fucking launch things. - No, we were OP because we were smart. - No, no, no, we weren't smart for a very long time. No, I'm kidding. We were smart 'cause we managed to think that guy's that far away. I got a stone here. No wonder. If I throw it at him and run away, we're also very good runners.
- Yeah, that's true. - We're not fast, but we have like, not many other species can like run as long as we can.
- We have the stamina. - Yeah, 'cause like a deer and shit can't run that long. They can run very fast. - They can run faster than a tiger and a lion. That's all that's important, right? - Yeah, sometimes. Sometimes they. Listen, throwing shit is so valuable. - I agree, throwing shit is valuable. I asked you what the biggest animal you can take on. - Give me enough spears and I can take down an elephant.
- No fuck, no. - No, of course I can't. - No shot. - No shot. - All right, saber tooth. Could you take on a saber tooth? - I probably wouldn't be able to. He'd probably catch me. - Yeah. - For the moment I throw one spear, I'm gone. An elephant though. - What the fuck do you think you could take on an elephant? - I just feel like I could probably get enough spears down.
- No, the skin is like tough as fuck on that thing. - Yeah, but if you have a really sharp thing, you'll be all right. - Well, I mean that- - So listen, I play the elephant ring, right? I can dodge and roll around the elephant. His airway attacks can't have it. - You don't have like frames. - Shit, I don't have like frames. I think maybe with enough spears, if I was really, really... Dude, imagine how happy the village would be there if I brought back an elephant.
I'm like, guys, I'm gonna need everyone to come out for this one. We got a whole ass. - Yeah, I mean, I'm sure, but like, I don't think like throwing a couple of spears is gonna take it now. - I think I have a good crack at it. It's like the new season of "Task of the Dead." - It's like, so how did Connor die? - He just decides to chuck the spear at the fucking elephant. - Try and dig a really big hole and like lead the elephant into the hole.
- Well, like pitfalls. - Like a Looney Tunes. - Like a wild coyote kind of thing. - How deep are we talking right now? - Like if I dug a six foot hole that is like just wide enough for two legs of the elephant to fall into, it'd be stuck, right? No way it'd get out. - What do you mean?
- No, I think- - Wait, are you talking about fucking implanting the elephants with four different holes for each leg? - No, no, no, like- - Like one giant elephant sized hole. - That could theoretically fit two elephant legs, right? And a bit of its buttocks. And if it went in over the thing, right? I put leaves like a linear tune skit and it walked over, I led it, maybe I stabbed it and I ran over it. Do you reckon it would fall into it or did it know it's a hole? - I think it would fall in. And if it fall in, it wouldn't be able to get out. 'Cause there's no, how's the elephant gonna climb out?
- Are you talking about if it like falls in and lands on his back? - No, no, just like even if its legs went in. - No, 'cause then it could just back up and just be like, "Huh." Or it would continue to walk forward and just fucking walk out. - Yeah, what if it, no, I think it's too top. I think it's too heavy. I don't think it could fall so high. - The only way that that would work is if the hole is the length of the elephant and it just like falls in. - No, I think a Looney Tunes comically half hole the elephant would work. - Have you not seen an elephant stand on two legs?
- Yeah, I could get out that way. Okay, okay, now, okay. Okay, we're doubling the size of the room.
- Do you reckon it would fall in there? - It's not like old school Link where it can't jump. It can jump. - No, not that. - I'm just imagining caveman Connor being like, "Boys, perfect plan. We have a hole. It starts getting up on its hind legs. This motherfucker can't jump." - I think we get enough, if there was four of us, we'd get enough stabs in to take the elephant down before it climbs out. - It would take a lot of stabs. There's a reason they had war elephants back in the day, man. - Yeah. - They actually weren't that effective.
- Were they not? - I don't think they were that effective. - Well, like the Persian empire and stuff like that. - I don't think they were that effective, yeah. I think it was pretty easy to take it down. - Man, watch one film of like 300. - Yeah, 300. - I can take it. - Easy. - Oh my God. - Just throw a spear. - All right, here are we, here are we, right? There's 30 of the boys together with their spears and shields, right? The elephant rocks up. I think we're all collectively are like, we're going for the elephant, we're going for the elephant. Everyone throws their spear. You land enough spears in the thing, like, you won't walk anymore.
- No, no, no, no. Because like, if you have a group that's different because you would like, someone would have to just like take aggro while like everyone else is like throwing spears. - Juggle the aggro bro. - No, literally you would have to like juggle the aggro. That's what you would have to do, bro. - All right, switch up, load up, reload. Next wave. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Do you think cavemen are that level of fucking like? - Well obviously they did because they took down bloody mammoths. - Yeah, but they probably took it down in great numbers. Like it wasn't, they weren't like min maxing that shit. - Oh no, no, they definitely were. Joey, if your life is on the line- - Bro, do you think cavemen are dumb?
- Yes they are. - No, they weren't dumb. All they did was hunt things. - That's why we evolved to now where we're talking about this. - No, the moment it all changed. - Maybe we're the dumb ones, Joey. That's why I'm saying I would not survive. - The only time we stopped caring is when we figured out farming. - Yeah. - We were like, "Well guys, I guess hunting's kind of pointless now."
- All we're gonna do is your shoe flies away and stuff. - Yeah. - Do you think cavemen use any brain capacity to figure out fucking the economics of their country or shit? Or like how black holes work? No, all they were focusing on was how to take down this fucking- - Yeah, like the best tool. - Yeah, was how to take down this fucking animal and survive. - Listen, I reckon even two of us could take down an elephant, I think. - All right, that's a bit much.
- I was thinking like five, 10 minimum. - I think with 10 of you it'd be easy. - Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's probably what they did. They saw the size of this giant fucking creature and they were like, well, you know, Steve isn't gonna take it on by himself. We should get everyone in on this shit. - I just think fishing just sounds a lot easier.
- Yeah, what if you're in land? - Yeah, that's true, true. - You know? - Just hope you got a pond or something. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Just hope you spawned in the right place, right? - Yeah, well, most places did. - Spawn issues. - Most places were water. Most of the people did tend to go near the water. - Yeah. - Even though they didn't spawn there. - See, that's why the Japanese figured out farming immediately and they were like, "Oh wow, this is so much easier." - They figured it out. - Yeah. - They were like, "Oh, rice, it can feed everyone. And we don't have to fucking hunt for this shit."
- I suppose so. - Yeah, they figured it out. - If you were actually stuck in a battle royale, which character archetype do you think you'd be? Like honestly, honestly. - What do you mean by character archetype? - You've seen fucking battle royale. You've seen squid game. You've seen battle royale literally. There are character archetypes there, okay, Joe? - I wouldn't be the psychopath. - I'd be the sniper.
I would be the archer. - But I think I'd be a bit, if I really was in it, I think I'd be a bit indifferent towards the killing after a while. I'd be like, well, I see the meal then I guess. - Yeah. But I mean, okay, here's the thing, right?
we'd like to think that we'd be X character, Y character, but you get one shot. You don't get a million fucking Dark Souls tries. You don't get to figure out if iframes exist. You don't get to figure out the boss attack patterns and all that shit. You get one chance. So I'm thinking most people would just probably camp it out. - Yeah, I would be like the wussy hoarder.
- I just like gather everything and just monopolize all the supplies. - I dig a seven foot hole. I lead people into the seven foot hole.
- Like, because in every like battle royale fucking show, like it's like the, you know, the fucking chads that like, you know, go out and kill people that always come out on top. But to me, I'm just like, surely they're easy targets, right? Surely they're like- - No, those types of guys are the ones who in a real life situation, they're gonna die first. - I mean, realistically, you just make a team. You just try and make a team. That's your best bet, right? Just get a pot of a squash.
- You just pray the first people you meet are kind of chill and then it works out. I think I'd stake my bet on that. I'd be like, well, my life is on this 50/50. - I don't know, man. I've watched "Squid Game." It didn't work out. - One of them's gonna betray you one day. - If you incentivize killing each other, then yeah, I guess though. But if you don't, then, you know. - You're talking like an apocalyptic survival situation, right? - Yeah. - Well, yeah, obviously.
- Yeah, fine. - Yeah, I guess, okay, that's different because like zombie apocalypse is different from like a battle royale kind of like situation. - Yeah, but you might need to kill someone to get their food. - You mean in zombie apocalypse or? - Just any apocalypse. Someone's not gonna give you their food, but you're about to, you know, you desperately need food or water, you know?
- Is that what you were like during COVID? - I was gonna kill- - Give me the goddamn food. - My bathtub's not filling, sorry. Sorry, Garnt. - If a zombie apocalypse happened, you'd be that motherfucker in like episode four or whatever in "Last of Us." - Yeah, he's like, "All right guys, I'm gonna go." And then immediately dies. - Just like holding up and being like, "This is my place right now?"
You cannot come in. I have a working bidet right here and it is not for sharing actually. - I mean, theoretically there'd be enough oil if you could get ahold of it and generators, you could probably like live. If you've got super lucky, you could live comfortably. - Yeah. - It'd be very tough. You could at least get a few good years. - That's my biggest problem with zone 100.
- They just have working electricity. - Yeah. - I'm like, how? - How are we ever- - Who's running these grids? - The zombies killed everyone but the workers at the power plant, as long as they never leave. - Yeah, it's so convenient. It's like, everyone is a zombie, except the essential workers. 'Cause we need them. - They're not animals, they're just zombies. - They're like, oh, you run the plant? - The YouTubers are the first to die. - You just love these hypotheticals. - This is just like,
- I don't know, when men have like a few drinks. - Is this the most like bro conversation? - I think it is, you know? - Well, I think I- - It's like, I bet they're talking about girls. It's like, you would die in this room. - I think I've had this conversation a fair few times with other fellow men. - I think I yearn to just be in a survival situation where I'm forced to just learn the basics. - Yeah. - Just learn how to just do everything myself. - Okay, as a guy, okay.
- Okay. - Shopping, right? - Okay. - Do you go, when you go shopping, do you know exactly what you need and go straight for it? Or do you ever go shopping and you're like,
- I don't know. I just wanna go shopping. - I don't leave the house unless I have a written list of shit I need to buy. - I'm pretty sure that's a dude thing, right? It's like, I don't understand Aki who's just like, "Yeah, I'm just gonna go out shopping. Do you wanna come?" And I'm like, "Yeah, sure. What are you buying?" And she's like, "I don't know." And I'm like, "What do you mean you don't know?" - Yeah, I mean, I don't like to buy things unless I need it, but I do understand that sometimes you're like, "Man, I just want an excuse to go outside."
- And sometimes just checking stores is nice. And sometimes you see something and you're like, man, I didn't know I wanted that, but I- - No, but I find that kind of stuff as I'm going through the list of things that I need. Like I would happen to find something where I'm like, oh, that's actually kind of cool. And I would buy that sometimes. - Like going to a store. - This is mentality why I have no goddamn clothes though. 'Cause I don't fucking go out to fucking-
to fucking clothes. I'm like, I have perfectly good clothes right now. - That is true. And that's probably why I need to update my wardrobe as well. And Joey, instead of just going shopping, just made his own fucking clothing come first. - I was so sick and tired of every time
I would go out shopping. There'll be a list of shit that I needed. And then just right next to the supermarket, there would just be kind of like a cool clothing store. And I'm like, I'll go check it out. Cause I've got some time. And I was just like, damn, I'm wasting like so much time and money on this shit.
- I'm gonna just do it myself. - Men be like, I'd rather just make an entire fucking brand and clothing company than just go out shopping for myself. - I just realized how dumb I am. I read this fucking Spanish beer out in a German accent before. It's actually not bad as well. - It's not bad? - Nice Spain. This is much better than the other shit I just talked about. - It was very good. - We had this moment with Didis when,
when he was in England, where I was just showing them around. It was like me, Didis, Sydney and Emily. And we were just gonna like show them around Brighton and just have like a nice time. And I remember they just wanted like, I think Sydney wanted to pick up something in like the mall. So we went to the mall and as soon as we go in the mall, like Sydney goes into like the clothing shop that she needs to go to, to pick up something. And then Emily sees like a clothing shop that she wants to go to.
And she spends like a lot of time going through like different clothes and everything like that. And then we had a moment where Emily gets some clothes that she just happened to see when we were just out and about, right? - Right. - And the girls are like, "Oh, do you wanna continue like looking at stores?" And we were like, "If we're going shopping,
as like the partner, I need to like mentally prepare myself to go to like have like the shopping day. You know what I mean? I don't know if this is a me thing. - I totally get what you mean. - I thought we were just gonna go out and explore. If we're doing a shopping day, like as a guy,
I need to mentally prepare. - I don't really wanna go shopping unless I'm in the mood. - Yeah, yeah. - It's like, oh, I'm about to be the luggage carrier. God damn. - And then like, Didis had the exact same reaction to me and I'm like, is this a guy thing? - That's totally a guy thing. - If we go shopping, we like, okay, here's the thing. We're fine having a shopping day. We just need some time to like mentally prepare to have a shopping day. You can't just like spring it on us. Like we can't just go out and suddenly we're gonna go shopping. We need to like,
to be like, okay. - It's not as spontaneous as it is for girls, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - With girls, it's like, you don't even have to second guess it. It's like, you know what? I got some time. You know, my girlfriend is here with me. Let's just fucking go shopping, whatever. - Let's go check out some stores. - But for the guys, it's like, all right, let me think in the recesses of my brain, what am I missing in my life that I need right now? Let's go. And then the moment you buy that thing, you're like, we're going home.
- Yeah, I got everything I wanted. I don't have to look at anything else. - I thought for me, I was mentally scarred because
as a kid, my mom would always take me to like the car boot sales, basically garage sales, but like English version. - Sure. - And I would go to like the one table that I always knew was there that had like kind of like games and some DVDs. - Sure. - I go to that one table and I'm like, "Mom, I'm done." And my mom would spend like three hours there looking for antique stuff. And I'm like,
I'm ready to go home now, mom. I'm ready to go home. And I never understood my dad until I got older who he'd take her to the car boot sale and he'd just stay in the car the entire time. - The correct thing would have been to leave and just come back later. - Yeah, he's like, just tell me roughly when you're done and I'll come and pick you up. I'm gonna go home and sit on the couch, be comfortable. - Yeah, and I never understood that dad energy until I've realized now that I'm older and I'm like,
- Oh, I would have done the same thing. - Yeah, totally. - I had a cold sweat the other day thinking about a decision I made when I was younger and I wish I could go back and slap myself. - What? - I really wanted to get Twilight Phantom Princess on the Wii. And I remember I gave, I traded in like 30 fucking games. - Wait, did you call it Twilight Phantom Princess? Do you mean Twilight Princess? You made, I was like, is there a Twilight game?
- Called Phantom Princess? - Twilight Princess, right? Fuck, what the fuck? - Twilight Phantom Princess. - Bro, this is 7% BAB hitting me. Twilight Princess. - I was like, damn, they made a Twilight game on the Wii? - It's Twilight Princess, right? - It's Twilight Princess. Legend of the Twilight Princess. - I'm crazy, I'm fucking dumb. - I think Phantom Hourglass and Twilight Princess mixed up. - Yeah, shit, okay. Yeah, Twilight Princess on the Wii. And I traded in.
like fucking 20 GameCube games and a bunch of like Mr. Game and Watch Game Boy games. - Oh my God. - And I think it was like, now if you bought them all, they can be worth like 400 bucks. - Oh, easily. - Especially the GameCube games that gave in. I'm like, fuck, I think I traded in like Super Mario Sunshine, Smash Brothers, all this shit just for one damn game. - Dude, Super Mario Brothers and Smash Bros by itself would like rack you at least a hundred bucks just with those two games in Japan right now.
- I had Luigi's Mansion too. I think that was even worth more. - Oh yeah. - 'Cause no one fucking bought that game in Europe. - I did. - Yeah, I know it's rare there. It's worth a lot. - Is it? - Well, it's worth more than it was when you bought it. - Oh shit, I still have mine. - Keep that shit in good condition. - I just wake up like, why did you trade it in? Just wait, I'm gonna buy it. - It's crazy to think that the value of Nintendo games just go up. - Well, that's what happens when you don't allow people to buy your games. - Yeah.
- It's like fucking Rolexes, but it's just like artificial scarcity. - Dude, yeah. - Am I an idiot? I can't fucking open this. You good, man? - I don't have any fingernails. - You never do. - I know. - I don't think in the history of our friendship, I've never, like you always have trouble opening. - This is the one thing I wish I could get rid of. - I get my fucking nails to like golem-esque levels and I'm like, "I guess I should cut rid of them." Fucking scraping inside my butthole when I'm wiping myself. So I'm like, "I should cut them."
- That's how you get hemorrhoids, bro. - I just like letting them grow out because I love the satisfaction of like seeing it like the difference. - It's like a before and after for like a pimp my ride with my hands. - Like I'm the same, but with toenails. - That looks nice. - Like with my toenails, because with my nails, it's really annoying because you see them on a daily basis, but toenails, you can't see them, but they get way thicker than like the fingernails do. - How do you fight the urge to,
to clip your toenails the correct, like, 'cause I, you know you're supposed to clip your toenails just straight. It should be like flat. - Yeah, fuck off. - No, you're not. - You didn't know? - No. - No, apparently that's what you're supposed to do. - Wait, you didn't know this? - No. - You know this, right? - No, I know this. - Wait, wait, wait, what? - They're not supposed to be curved. They're supposed to be flat. - They're not supposed to be curved. They should be flat. - Fuck off. - No. - At least that's how I was taught. - Is this your first time hearing this? - Yeah, this is. - Genuinely, this is. - This is genuinely the first time I'm. - So your fingernails are totally fine to do that, but your toenails should be cut.
- Like completely like straight. - He's checking right now. All right, get those little grippers out, let's see. - I just cut them like literally two days ago. - Yeah, no, you shouldn't do that. That's how you get ingrown toenails. - That's how you get ingrown toenails, yeah. - You know what? I've got ingrown toenails for my entire life. - I've never had an ingrown toenail. - Did you cut them straight? - Yeah, I just cut them straight. But I always have that urge to like,
clip off the edges. Yeah. I've done that as a kid and it was, it didn't go well. So, because the way that it grows for some reason on your fetal, if it's straight, it'll grow outwards like that. Yeah. But if you already have it like that, it'll grow like, you know, if you think about the shape, the way it grows. Yeah. Because it naturally is going to curve outward. Well,
- Well, I don't cut it like too deep, which is- - That looks pretty fucking deep. There's no nail left. - There was no nail left. - I've gone pretty fucking deep on this. - What? - That's kind of how my toenails look as well. - What? - Yeah, 'cause I've like, I don't know if- - Okay, okay, when you say straight, I just follow the- - That's straight. - Yeah, yours is like dead straight. - See, that's straight right there. - I think you just have straight toes. - No, no, no. - I think you just have straight toes. - Oh, I'm so straight, my toes are straight. No, Garnt, I just cut them straight. - No, no, no, okay, okay.
- It looks weird when you cut, but I swear it'll grow out. - I follow the line. - No, you're not supposed to. - You're not supposed to? - No, not on your toenails. Did you not know this? - No. - Stop doing it. - You don't want an ingrown toenail. That shit hurts. - Yeah. - I know. - It's true, right? - I've had it before. - Yeah. Well, I thought everyone knew this. Oh, Naby's checking now too.
- Everyone in the office is shaking their toes right now. - You didn't know this? I thought this was common knowledge. - I mean, I knew about it. - You knew it, right? - Yeah. - Where did you hear this from? - I just heard it a bunch. - I think my mom told me. - You're not supposed to cut your toenails that way. - It's fucked. - You fucked your toenails too? Oh God. - It's a Southeast Asian thing. Kai, do you know about this? - No. - Okay, thank God. - I didn't know either. - Mellie, did you know about this? - The poor people or rich people eat this.
- What? - What? - Oh God. - Wait, what did she say? She said she knows the poor people, rich people thing. What? - You are beat. - Oh yeah? - Can I get your guys? - Hold on. - Okay, wait, wait, wait. - Hold on. Are you saying that if you just look at someone's- - Wait, Malin, you never explained to me. Okay, let me show you what Malin sent me. Like, I'm just chilling one day. - Is it the palm reading thing? Is it the same part?
- I'm just chilling one day, right? And then Malin sends me this image and asks me, "What feet do you have?" - A Roman foot, a square foot, a Greek foot or an Egyptian foot. - Whose the fuck is a square foot? - I have a Greek foot.
- I have the Roman foot. - You have a Roman foot. No, no. - No, 'cause it's like curved. - No, yours is like- - It's like straight and then do- - Yours is kind of like that. So yours is kind of like in between a Roman and a Greek foot. - I'll take it. - Mine's straight up a Greek foot. My second toe just fucking juts out. - I have like in between- - So what's the point of this?
- Wait, so- - Wait, wait, so what does this determine? - You never told me what mine means. - So is it your middle toe is long? - No, my second toe is really long. So I have a Greek foot. - You have a joyous life. - Okay, this is- - I have a joyous life?
- What the fuck are you talking about? - You might as well start reading my fucking palms at that point. Like it's the same thing. - What about your feet, Connor? - His is like in between a Greek and a Magician. - My second, my next one to the Roman one is more close. - Yeah, he's like Roman as well. - So it's like three, the big one and the second one and the third one are the same? - No. - No, it's slightly a triangle, but not by a lot. - Slightly a triangle? Oh, you have a romantic life. - You have a romantic life, apparently. - Sheesh. - It's real.
This is copium of the highest order. This is what people do when they're bored. - Yeah. - This looks, no, I think this is you being bored. - Oh wait, I'm gonna send you guys a test. And we're gonna, so.
There's a new personality test that Maylin sent me. - Oh my God. - All right, let's do it. - But it's actually pretty fun, right? 'Cause it's like, we'll take it away 'cause I do need to go to the toilet. But the way they do it, it's kind of like Pokemon types. So, so- - I love those unhinged, like which Pokemon would you fuck? - So I did my test and,
For like a lot of it, obviously it's like a cold ring. It was pretty inaccurate, but for like the types that it told me that I would like get along well with. - Mine's in Chinese. - You can switch. - I didn't see that part. - All right, let's see. - Maybe we should do it. - Oh my God, this is already so pretentious. You are now embarking on a journey to explore your innate personality, relax and take a deep breath. - Why does Milly love these? - They help you understand
- No, I don't think it does. - All right, let's do this test and then we'll come back. - 'Cause people are so unreliable, 'cause I've met people, I'm not gonna say who, who tell me their personality type and I'm like, that's what you think you are. That's not what you are. You're very different to your image of yourself. We all are, 'cause we all view ourselves very differently to how we actually are. And we're terrible at being honest with ourselves. - I think it's also like perspective based as well. - Absolutely, yeah. - I think you don't need these quizzes 'cause you can read people though.
Oh, okay. So if you can't, like, focus quite well, you need to understand... Oh, I didn't understand it from that perspective. I guess that makes more sense. Yeah. Did you see that video about the guy? He's new YouTube. He's kind of, like, blown up. He did this video about, like, 10 animals that love to get high. And I didn't know about this, but apparently...
Dolphins will like lightly bite poisonous puffer fish and kick it around to each other so they can all have a bite and get high. - Fuck yeah. - What are we talking about, dolphins? - I know, Maylin. I hang out with Sydney and you two talk about that shit all the time. - Apparently King lemurs, black lemurs, sorry. They just like find poisonous like centipedes and just like lightly chew on them and then pass it around to each other and get fucking stoned.
- It's just so funny. - The biggest stoners in the animal kingdom are koalas. - Yeah, also apparently birds and bees, they just, sometimes they get high on or drunk on like fermented fruits or stuff as well. - All right, so we just did this personality test that Maylene sent us.
- What type were you? - I'm water type. - I'm light type. - I'm a steel type. - Oh shit. - Apparently my least compatible types are ground and water. - You and I are not compatible.
- Apparently I'm most compatible with light type. - But this is also bullshit because my innate- - Most compatible with me? - Yeah. - My innate personality, there's like a bunch of them. Go big or go home. It is what it is. No excuse. I'm ready and I'm a 10 out of 10.
- That is not me. - That's not him. - That is not me. - We were discussing, do you believe in the Chinese zodiac symbols for you? They mean anything to yourself? - Chinese zodiac symbols? - Yeah, they're like different zodiac symbols. - What year are you born? - Year of the horse. - That's a fucking good year. - What are you? - Rat.
Hey, he won, okay? He won. Number one baby, we don't lose. - Say less. - We win at any cost. - I'm a dog. - That's a good boy. - Yeah, that's a good boy. I'm a good boy. - Well, it's so OP because I have a cousin who's like Year of the Dragon. And I'm like, imagine being Year of the Dragon. - That's next year, right, I think.
I think it might be next year. But like, that's just like so overpowering to every other animal. - It's like, what are you? I'm a dragon. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's like, oh fuck, all right. - All right, all right. - The rat won the race. That's all that matters, bro. That's all that matters. - Sounds like copium to me. - He won. - He won. - I don't know. - It's the best. - You won the race and also started the plague, so. - Oh, you gotta have it up and down, so. - Yeah, yeah. - Dragons are extinct. - What did you get as your innate personality? - Light.
- Yeah. - Yeah, what are the five things that is- - Yeah, what's your- - Oh, it was, okay, fuck, I closed it. But it was like, I'm excited to do it. I'm a bit lonely. I'm happy or something. I was like, this all doesn't sound like me at all. - What does yours say? - My innate personality, this just makes me sound like
This just makes me sound like botchy basically. So in a personality worried, no news is good news. - Okay. - Regrettable. He slash she knows me, calm down. And it's just like a water droplet with like sweat drops. - That just sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic. It's like, oh God, what's gonna happen? - Oh my goodness. - Yeah, so thanks Maylene for giving us a bullshit personality test.
But at least I know we aren't compatible with Jerry 'cause you know- - Wow, what a shame. We have to stop talking to each other now. - I think we need to stop Trash Taste because we- - Water is super effective against steel. - It's not easy being the glue that holds it all together. Someone's gotta bring the boys together. The Nick Fury of Trash Taste, some call me. - You have the same personality type as Sydney, apparently. - Light? - Yeah, Sydney got light as well.
- Well, half the questions I didn't even like the answers to. We'll link it, the one that we used. - Yeah, the moment where the question was like, you encounter a talking bird in a cave that starts saying all your worries. - There was no hunting option. - It was just like, where was the kill it option? It's like, what the fuck, a bird is talking to me, kill it. - I'm hungry actually, I need to eat. - In real life, you always have the attack prompt there, but we just never do it.
- Sure. - It's actually factually never worth it. - We always choose to run. - Yeah, we always choose to run or use items or- - Escape. - Call a friend or- - So I was talking to Malien earlier this week
'Cause Malin's apparently like selling a farm and some shit. - Oh wow. - Yeah, I saw that. - Yeah, you saw that? Yeah, she's gonna get chickens and stuff. - Wow. - Yeah, we're just casually talking about you, Malin. - That feels like a natural. - She's going back to a Southeast Asian roots. - Yeah, so my big question is, okay, you have an animal on your farm that you know you're gonna kill one day for food.
Do you name it? - Yeah, of course. - This isn't a hypothetical. This actually happened to me. - Oh, this actually happened to you? - Yeah, my grandma owned two chickens and we named them. They were pets. And when they got too old to lay eggs, we kill them and ate them. - You're gonna love an animal. And I think that a part of the process of life is just, ultimately if something has lived its life and you eat it and it gives you, it furthers your life.
- I'm happy to know that those chickens that like my grandma and I and like our family cared for is part of me now. - Yeah. - I think that if you're gonna take care of a chicken and show it love, and then it gets too old, you may as well eat it. - I get why Fujimoto ate his goldfish, dude. - He was ahead of the curve. - It's part of me now.
- Animals eat animals all the time. You know what I mean? We're just a bit more compassionate and weird about it. - That's true. Ever since we had an abundance of things, you know. - Especially when an animal is domesticated. - It's a privilege. - We figured out like fucking junk food. I think it all went downhill. And we were like, how to make everything shit. - Well, here's the thing. Okay. I don't know if I've ever like brought this up on Trash Taste, 'cause it feels like a topic I've already brought up, but I don't know if it's something I've done in private or not, but like, okay.
Why is it that all the foods that like tastes good are shit for your body? Why is beers like shit for your body? - It's just, you know, God's cruel joke. - Why is McDonald's shit for your body when it's like the most processed shit, but it tastes fucking God like. - I mean, 'cause we've figured out what the human body identifies as being tasty generally. And it just so happens that if you put all of those things in one and prepare it in a certain way, it's generally bad for you.
Like the one thing that I think people like burgers can be kind of healthy for you if you cook them in a certain way and prepare it in a certain way. It's just the way we cook them and we add all this shit to make it bad. - Yeah, but why is it the fact that like all of these like super foods that like people say like, oh yeah, it increases your life expectancy. It improves everything health wise. Most of them just kind of tastes like ass.
- Like surely, surely if like the human body, like if evolution was a thing, surely it would be evolved to make the good tasting food.
also like the best food as possible for our body as well. - We need fat and other kinds of things that we commonly now, 'cause we don't need fat as much to survive as we used to. But you needed fat and fat was the thing that made things taste like great, butter, that kind of stuff would make things taste amazing. So I don't think it was negative. It's just in the modern age it's become negative 'cause we don't,
I don't need to stay warm in winter. I can just put a coat on made of some crazy chemical that somehow keeps everything in and everything out. We are just living in a time where the age to... All the rules have changed drastically in 150 years. So now suddenly it becomes a lot harder. And then we figured out how to process shit and add weird chemicals to stuff that are terrible for us.
And we used to put a fucking asbestos in stuff. You could smoke asbestos cigarettes. - How many times are you gonna bring this up? - I just can't believe that was a thing that we did.
- Jesus. - People in like 50 years being like, "Can you believe we smoked cigarettes?" - Yeah. - No, no, I mean. - People willingly made that decision to do that? - Yeah. - It's just, you know, I think that- - People are saying that now. - There's nothing wrong. Like I think also taste buds are a big factor. Some things taste really good for some people, some of those they don't, but generally like fatty things and stuff coated in butter or garlic tastes amazing. - Yeah, but I've never seen anyone who's like, "Oh yeah, my favorite food of all time is kale."
- I fucking love kale. - I've never met a single person who's like, yeah, kale is my all time favorite. Like if I, my last meal, if I was on death row would be a bowl of fucking kale. - You know what fucked me up? - What? - Found out that they like bread brussel sprouts to taste better.
in like the past, like recently. - I believe that. - Like they taste so much better now. - Which is like all Brussels sprouts? - I think in America at least the Brussels sprouts, every single time I go to America, right? I always order Brussels sprouts. - Oh, they're goaded. - Because for some reason- - They're so fucking goaded. - They taste insane in America. When I was growing up, they were like the, "Well, you either like them or you don't, but you know, we'll see about it." And I really liked them growing up. - Well, the meme was that,
- Kids wouldn't eat the Brussels sprouts. - Fucking love them grown up. They taste so fucking good. - I didn't like them growing up. - I did not like them. - I loved them grown up. - It's only when I became an adult where I'm like, I can appreciate the bit of flavor. - Can we fact check this by the way? - I can appreciate the bit of flavor of these Brussels sprouts now that I have a wider palette. But when I was a kid, I was just like this shit nasty as fuck. - I think I could live off veg. I don't think I should, but I think I could if I have butter available as well. - All right. - Change the game. - Could you be a vegetarian? - Oh, easily, yeah. - Really? - Yeah, I think so.
- For how long? - You say this now, but- - I just love the way you're saying this. Like it's such a brave thing. Like, I could do it. I could live off it. Me and my vegetarians all around the world are just like, "This motherfucker." - I will fully admit, I could never. - Listen, the two things I care about most, beer and coffee,
- Vegan friendly. I'm good to go. Also, I've had vegan food specifically in California because their vegan game is off the charts. - To be fair, it's gotten way, way better. - It is insane. I'm sure some of the foods are terrible for you, but their vegan level is through the roof. They have shit that tastes way better than anything I could ever get normally, just vegan. I'm like, how are you doing this? What are you putting in this food?
- The hard choice has never been giving up like, okay, going like a vegetarian life or something like that. To me, it's always like the biggest factor out of anything in terms of a choice is convenience. You know, it's like sometimes, all right,
Sometimes you just going out for a bender and it's like one o'clock and you're like, do I really wanna be thinking about like, oh, is this, am I eating something vegan or vegetarian right now? Or do I just order a fucking Mac-ies 'cause I'm like fucking drunk. - I think you just adapt. - I'm gonna order a Mac-ies after this recording. I'm already not vegan. - I think you just get really used to just thinking about that kind of stuff. It's just a different, and you just get very, I speak to vegetarians and some vegans.
I don't like to associate with them normally, but when I do associate with them, it's just easy. I asked that, especially in like America, America it's very easy. In Japan, it's obviously a lot harder. - It's getting a lot easier though, for sure. - Yeah, I mean, there's a vegan chain. I think there's one in Shinjuku
- Oh dude, I mean like you think like five, 10 years ago in Japan, like the concept of veganism didn't even exist here. - This is one place where I think one of my favorite pastas in Japan is gluten and vegan. And it's just God tier. I don't know how they do it. What are they putting in there? - As in gluten and gluten free and vegan? - Gluten free and vegan free pasta and vegan,
- Vegan free. - No vegans allowed. - We didn't put any vegans in the recipe. - Honestly, like top three pastures for me in Japan is so fucking good. - Really? - Yeah, and they do a vegan tiramisu. It's god tier.
Like, I don't know how they're doing this. Probably a lot of sugar and a lot of fat, but still very good. - Well, it makes you think how much of the culinary world is based on like very few things. - You can add a lot of things to make stuff tasty. - No, no, no, no. Like we've like, okay. We've gotten so used to like, imagine the Western culinary world if cows didn't exist. - We're fucked, we're fucked. - Yeah, like.
- Cows are literally like Zeus holding up the world right now. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, well, what happens if we don't have cow and fucking wheat? We're fucked, you know? Like so much of it is based on things that few animals can provide. - Okay, question. - Yeah. - Go for it. - If the Impossible Burgers, the no meat burgers taste as good as normal beef burgers, will you just be like, "Yeah, I'm not gonna eat any more beef."
- I don't really care. - Yeah. - Me neither. - Well actually, 'cause I stopped Burger King in Japan had a plant-based burger and I thought it tasted way better than their actual burgers. And they stopped doing it. I'm like, why? - Well your first problem is eating Burger King. - Well sometimes I wanted like the burger and I didn't want to get McDonald's and I used to go to Burger King 'cause they had the plant-based one. It was so fucking good. - Like to me, to me the big choice isn't going like,
or like meat place, plant based, all this shit. Just give me shit that tastes good. That's all I really care about. If it tastes good, I'm not really gonna care. - I've had plenty of like vegan dishes at like restaurants and like cafes and stuff where I'm like, okay, yeah, this is really fucking good. Like it's absolutely amazing. But I've also had vegan dishes in some restaurants and cafes where I'm like, this is kind of ass, not gonna lie. - It's a lot of the times,
- 'Cause I've had like, I remember my first time trying vegan cheese and it's very similar trying non-alcoholic beer where it's just like, you know, it's like, yeah. - It looks like cheese. - Yeah, I know this is like- - If you're vegan, right? You can't have cheese, right? But you have that cheese itch. Maybe you know what it tasted like. It's gonna scratch that itch a little bit.
- I mean, I guess, but- - I think ultimately having these options is never a bad thing. - No, no, definitely not. - It's not a bad thing. - It's just fucking garbage. Like the single slice cheese can barely be considered cheese, but some people like it and they love it on burgers. Don't know why, it tastes good. I don't know how they figured it out, but it does. - Yeah, I mean, this isn't me trashing everyone who makes the choice who wants to go vegan because there are plenty of reasons to want to go vegan. - Yeah. - I mean, ultimately healthier, probably, than-
- I mean, you know, probably. - At the end of the day, it is your choice if you want to and I'm totally fine with that. If it makes you happy then that's cool. - Which is I think the big reason a lot of people don't is not because
of an environmental choice or any ethical choice. People like, if it's convenient and if, you know, it's not, the mentality is now that a lot of vegan stuff is done as a replacement to things people already used to, as opposed to just, hey, this stuff tastes good,
by itself in terms of coming into it with an open mind. And I think that's the biggest image thing that these kinds of different diets have right now, which is to convince people over, you need to convince them to replace what they have in their diet now and kind of use a substitute. Whereas for me,
I would be very happy to be vegan or vegetarian if I just had really good tasting food and I just didn't need to think about, if I had enough good tasting foods that wasn't meat based, I wouldn't miss the burgers. - Yeah. - 'Cause I would have enough things in my diet. - I like fish a lot though. - Fish is great. Fish is great. - We're not even remotely close to getting like fish textures replicated. Like burgers, they've been focusing so much on meat.
- True. I take so much to replicate me, you know? - Yeah, but I think also it makes sense to try and replicate like beef specifically 'cause how much water and how much methane cows release and that shit. So it makes sense. - Did you see that video of like the, there was like this vegan chef that tried to make like steak, but just frying a watermelon?
- Yeah, I did some of that. - It's a shit. - And she was like, "Yeah, this, I tried. It doesn't taste like beef." - Dude, some fish when you cook them right, tastes like steaks. - Oh, totally. - Have you ever had swordfish? - Yeah. - It tastes so good when it's cooked. - Hell yeah. - We had tuna as well. Some tuna. - Some tuna steaks and like salmon steaks and stuff like that. - What do you mean no? Some tuna steaks can taste like steak. - Some tuna steaks can taste like meat. - Really good steaks. - Yeah. - I haven't had it.
- You should stop. - No, no, tuna. They taste a bit tougher, but to say they taste like an actual beef steak. - Tougher? - No, no, no. - What the fuck? - As in like- - That's the one word I wouldn't have accepted. - As if like, okay. As in like, you know, fish are normally like very like flaky and like,
They're normally very flaky, crumbly. Okay, that was what I was looking for. Like tuna does not always have that consistency. - That's why I like that. I like that. - But to say that it tastes like a beef steak. - You can cook a tuna that tastes as good as a steak. And like it can have the texture and like profile of a steak.
- You can do it. - I disagree. - I'll take you to a place. - It's okay. - I know a guy. - I know a place. - I know a guy. - The one thing is that it's just never, okay, one thing, taste aside, it's just never as chewy as like a steak.
That's one thing I've never seen replicated in the tuna. - I kinda hate that part. - Yeah, I hate the chewiness of steak. - I kinda hate the chewy part of steak. - Oh, it's fucking awesome. - No! - No! - I want my food to be like a tire. - Yeah, I wanna feel like I'm eating a rubber boot. - The perfect steak is when you chew into it a bit and then the moisture just bursts out. - That's not what I like about steak. That's my least favorite part of steak. - You have the juiciness and the, are you kidding me? Are you, what the fuck?
- That is my least favorite part of the steak. - What do you mean that's the least favorite part of the steak? I'm sorry, I'm fucking spinning 'cause I'm getting like so passionate. - You're talking to someone who said steak is men. All right, like you can't convince me. - Guys, guys, the reason why Wagyu steak is the most top tier steak is because of the juiciness and the fat that comes out of it. - Yeah, but it isn't chewy. - Yeah, it's not chewy. - Wagyu is not chewy.
- Okay, wag you. - No. - The good thing about wagging, the thing that says wag you apart from regular steak is the fact that it's not chewy and it melts. - It's done. - It melts on your mouth. - It's not one bite. - It's not one bite. - Like a good piece of fish. - No, no, no, no. Every bite, every bite you take, it doesn't even feel like a bite because it's so tender, right? - Yeah. - Because it's so tender. That's the whole point of it. - So where does the chewiness come from? - You're saying you want chewy? I want chewiness. - Chewiness, okay.
When I said chewiness, it means like with a tuna, it just feels like it doesn't have that same kind of like
not toughness, but like it's what's the literal word I just use? Tenderness to it. I don't know. Like it feels like it just falls apart. - No, I've had some tuna that is tender as fuck. - You can have some really like meaty boys. - Yeah. - Really good steaks. - Like some thick pieces of tuna. Like, ooh. - You just get a lot of mercury. - Got it. - And also the thing I just talked about, which is that kind of like juiciness and- - You got that?
- I'll take you to a place. - No, no, no. - I know a spot. - Okay, here's the thing. - Bro, they do the meanest tuna steak. - Here's the thing, here's the thing. 'Cause like that fatty tuna does exist. - It's not fatty, it's a- - No, no, we're talking like regular lean tuna. - Okay, lean tuna, like that has like a little bit more toughness to it, but it's nowhere near the consistency of the steak. - I'm taking you. - Even a very tender steak, absolutely no way. - We're all going, we're all going, and I'm not taking that. We're all gonna take a bite of this. It's amazing. - Easy.
- It is expensive. - Say less. - It's like $40 for this bloody thing. - Say less. - But it's so good. - No, no, I'm not saying, okay, here's the thing. I fucking love tuna steaks. Tuna steaks are great. That's not what I'm arguing here. I'm arguing that you are saying that you've had tuna that tastes like steak, which is just- - Yeah, I have. - Yeah, I have.
- No, no, no, no. - I'm taking you there. I'm shattering your worldview. - Talk to him. - When I get back from Vegas, if I have any money left. - Every time I've had something that's a tuna steak, I'm like, this is fucking amazing. Is it an actual steak? - No. - What if we just put it in front of you without you knowing it was tuna? - No, no, no, no. - This would be so fucking easy. This would be so easy. - Because the draw of the tuna steak is that when you bite into it, like the crust is,
similar to a steak 'cause they can cook it that way. They can get it really crispy. Then when you get on the inside, it's really soft 'cause it's true. - That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. It's really, really soft. You don't feel like the muscle fibers or anything. - I don't wanna feel the muscle fibers. That's the worst part. - That's what you get with a steak. - That's why I don't like steak. That's why I don't like steak. I hate the muscle fibers. - That is the worst part of it. - It sucks. - When I bite down to like, I'm doing like a fucking Saitama force of like,
and I can't fucking separate this meat. I'm like, Christ. - I hate that part of a steak. It's literally the worst part of the steak. - We agree. - Thank you very much. - No, no, that's how you know that it's a fucking steak. Okay? - I don't, I know it's a steak. I see it.
- Give me a good steak. - How'd you like your steak, Joey? How'd you like your steak? - Medium rare. - Medium rare, okay. You get like a small, like the best steaks is when that's like a good balance. Obviously you're making it sound like a steak is fucking a blue steak, you know, where you're just like, yeah, some fucking- - No, that's psychotic. - Okay, no, like a good medium rare steak, you get a little bit of that, you get a little bit of like bounce back with like the chewiness and the fat and everything that comes out and then it just goes down good.
- Tuna steak is just way too soft. You don't get that same resistance. - No, tuna steak is a steak that cuts out all the bullshit. - It's clearly not meat, okay? - That's what I'm saying. - That's what I'm saying. - Oh man, you gotta take him to this tuna steak place. - We're about to lose a brother right here, like. - Yeah, you're wrong. - Fuck sake, I need another beer.
Food probably tasted shit back in the day. That's pretty why it's fire. That's probably why it was so good. Because they had nothing else to compare it to. They have nothing else. When you get like some soup bone broth, you're like, damn. Sounds like a Pikmin. Do you remember growing up?
And it was like, I don't know. I'm not sure about you, Joe, but pretty sure about you Connor. Where I think Sydney had a similar experience where you just didn't have as much experience to a lot of the different world cuisines that were just in your area. - You just call me white. - Just call me white, God, it's fine. - No, no, no, but there are like,
- There's plenty of cuisines now that I did not have, did not ever have growing up. Like Korean being one of them, for example. - Yeah, I mean for sure. - Where I'd never had a craving for Korean food because I never tasted Korean food. But now that I have tasted it and I know what it tastes like, every so often I get the craving for it that I just did not have growing up. - I think I'd be- - You can say that about anything though that you first experienced and you enjoyed. Like you can say that about alcohol. - What I'm saying is that
When we were growing up and we didn't have this like worldview of like all the different things that we tried, we were fucking content. - Man, I think I told the story once on the podcast. I still get cravings for a dish that is just unsavable. It was just mashed potato with corned beef and just mashed up. I fucking always want to eat this.
- I mean, that kind of sounds fire. - Actually it's so good. It's so good. - I've come around to corned beef recently just because like, I never, like my parents like never like cooked with corned beef. Like we never had any corned beef. - It's like the shittest meat known to man. - Right. And it's like, and then when I started hanging out with Aki and I realized, oh, corned beef is like the staple Filipino food to have. - 'Cause it's, you know, it's very- - Yeah, that's when I realized I was like, oh, it's actually kind of fire. And now every now and then I get cravings for like corned beef based like,
- Dude, try it. Corned beef or spam, which is the corned pork. Try that and just mash it into a bunch of mashed potato. It's actually so good. And I, as a kid, I used to just eat plates of this thing. I'm clinging it up. So good. I want to eat it. - There was always that one like food item that I think like every kid would- - I still think beans on toast is fire. Beans on toast is actually so good. - For me it was salami.
- That's not controversial. Everyone likes salami. - Like the cold cuts from like- - Everyone loves salami. Everyone loves salami. - My sister didn't like salami. - What the fuck? - She was a ham girl. - How's he gonna tell me something weird? - Oh no. - I think it's weird. - Not to- - Yeah, okay, I'll accept that. 'Cause like salami is just generally loved. - There's a lot of Japanese people who've never had salami before. - That's cap. - It's not cap. - Do you guys like blue cheese? - Fuck no. - Yeah.
- Fucking awful. - It's like gas in my mouth. - That's awesome. - Because like, you have this like, no, we- - Imagine your friend farting in your mouth 24/7 while eating. - Hell yeah. - I just enjoy the fact that a lot of people are just like,
"Ew, natto, you let it ferment in the ground "and then you eat that shit and it's slimy." And then here I am in the Western world being like, "Oh yeah, blue cheese exists." Where we just made cheese and then we just left out for too long and people were like, "Hmm." - I think because I grew up with so much fermented stuff, like, you know, takuan, which is just fermented radish or like natto, which is a fermented soybeans that like anything that was fermented, I was just like, "Yeah, this is fine, this is normal."
- Oh God. - I just grew up with that kind of diet. - Oh, Jesus is so bad. - I would wake up in the morning. I remember like when I was at my grandparents' house, I would wake up in the morning. My grandma would have like a bowl of rice with some miso, fucking big bowl of natto. My granddad would make fresh like, like, you know, the blended squid with the wasabi inside of it. - Oh God, I can't do that. - That was my breakfast, like when I was a kid.
you know, everybody else who looks at that would be like, what the fuck? That shit's nasty. But for me, that was like- - That shit is nasty. - For me, that was the staple breakfast. And now like anything that is fermented for me now, I'm like, yeah, it's fine. It's just fucking fermented. Who cares? It's good. - Leave it in the door. - Yeah, it's fine. - The longer it's there, the better it is. - Honestly, if I had to live off just tea and bread, I could do it.
- I believe it. - I could just live off tea and bread. - That's the most British thing you ever said. - Genuinely, if you just gave me a loaf of bread every day and some tea, I think I'd be like, no complaints. You would hear a peep out of me. - I could not do that.
- Do you know the biggest reason why I think the massive bread thing became a thing for me? Because like, I acknowledge now bread tastes great. - Don't say what you're about to say. - I think like bread tastes great, but I can't like reprogram that part of my brain that puts bread in like a different category as like what you would eat
as like a main course, you know? - As in like, you can't look at bread as a main course? - Yeah, like bread to me fits the same mental categories as rice does. - Yeah, totally. - Where I'm like, if I eat a meal of rice,
that's like a really depressing meal for me. I need something to go on with that rice. - I agree. That's the Asian mindset, bro. It's something that is paired with something that adds and enhances the flavor of the rice, of the bread. - It's like having bread in Europe was great, but I'm like, this is a great starter for what's about to come.
- Yeah, I agree with that. - Do you know how I know anyone who goes like, this is the biggest test, right? When someone goes to a really like high class fucking restaurant,
and the only thing they can talk about is how good the bread was. That's how I know it was an overpriced meal, man. That's like the big- - Literally 90% of the Italian restaurants would be in Germany. - So many times, I talked to someone who goes to like a Michelin star restaurant and they're like, "Yo, it was the best bread I've had in my life, man." And I believe it, I believe it, but I'm like,
- Okay, but like how was the rest of the meal? Tell me how the rest of the meal was. - That's how they click bait you to the restaurant bro. It's like, yo, the food is like kind of weird experimental and it's like, it's pretty splitting when it comes to the opinion. But the bread basket they throw at you, fire. - Yeah, that was the best bread all the time baby. - Put some balsamic with some like, you know, olive oil on that shit, fire. - I think bread can be a main if you need it to be. - That's the European in you bro. Like I can't do that.
- Sliced bread is pretty fire. - I mean, sliced bread can be fire, but if I have just sliced bread, I'm gonna be like, all right, where's the meal? - Yeah, that's the equivalent of being like, you know, that bowl of rice was kind of fire by itself. - That's fair enough, if you feel that way. - Or like the plain noodles was kind of fire, you know? Like no one's doing that shit. - I like salted noodles, that pretty good. Lightly salted noodles are fine. - No, you don't. - I do, I like lightly salted noodles. - No, you don't.
- Hot sauce is the best invention we've ever made. It's like zero calories. You can add it to anything. It's just great. - Hot sauce? - Yeah, hot sauce. - Unless it's the Nando's extra hot sauce. - There's no way it's zero calories. - Like Tabasco is like zero calories. - That's not hot sauce. - Oh my God. - Well, you want it to like burn your asshole? - Kind of, yeah. - Make it the gates of hell? - Kind of, yeah. - Yeah, but also it's probably zero calories 'cause you're not adding, you're not emptying half a bottle of Tabasco onto your meal.
- No, I think it's actually zero calories, the entire thing. - Really? - It's like very low. - Look it up. Is Tabasco zero calories? - It's like- - Well, I can believe that it's very low calories 'cause I've seen like the viscosity of it. - Yeah, it's water. - Yeah. - It's just vinegar with like extra spice. - Look it up, Kai. - It is low calories per 100 grams. - That's so much Tabasco. - Okay, that's- - You could not- - Okay, that's basically zero. - You could not apply 100 grams of Tabasco.
- You're basically just be downing Tabasco at that point. - It's great. It just adds so much flavor to a meal. - I agree. I used to not like Tabasco. - It's so weird. - I don't like Tabasco. - Really? - Yeah. - I love it now. - God. - It's like. - God, can we just like something? - No, no, no. - Can we like just one thing? Can we like it, God? - No, no, no. - All right. - Is Tabasco a condiment? - Yeah.
- That's why he doesn't like it. Tabasco, it's like, okay, I don't put it on the same level as ketchup. I'm not gonna like really, 'cause I just genuinely hate the taste of ketchup. With Tabasco, it's always- - That's my cap. - With Tabasco, it's always filled in that gap of,
like what should be a hot sauce, but not really being a hot sauce. - Sometimes I don't want a hot sauce. - Yeah, I don't want a hot sauce. - I just want like a hint of a hot sauce. - I never want that. Give me 100% or give me zero, man. - Well, sometimes you have a pasta and it's like, I don't want hot sauce added to this, but I just want a sprinkle of flavor added.
- I don't wanna kick in the ass. I just want like a flick on the shins. It's just like a little bit. - Me as a Thai, if I need that, I just put some chili powder on it. - Thai, they're like, "Oh, would you like a meal?" They're like, "Yeah." And then you hear them blending 500 peppers out back and they're like, "All right, geek, this is the first round. Chuck that in your pad thai." - Bro, once...
- Once you've had fresh peppers, like once you've had like fresh chilies on something, like Tabasco is just like fucking baby shit, man. - I haven't reached that level when it comes to spiciness. I'm still baby steps right now. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'm just like, if I wanna kick,
- I am privileged. I need fresh, I need chilies, man. Like Tabasco just doesn't do it for me. That is just my taste palette. - That's fair. - All right, hey, look at all these patrons though. - That's it. - Yeah. - No more spice for you. - That's it, just look at them.
- They're there, they support the show. - Can you tell the difference between a tuna steak and a real steak? Please tell me below. - No, we're not saying you can taste it. - You didn't wanna believe in our argument. - Leave it to the comments. - You didn't wanna believe. - Hey, if you wanna support the show though, and you wanna hear some more drunken rambling that is absolutely nonsensical, then make sure to support us by going over to Also follow us on Twitter, send us some memes,
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