cover of episode We Can't Stand Zoomers | Trash Taste #233

We Can't Stand Zoomers | Trash Taste #233

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Trash Taste Podcast

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@Connor 认为穿着风格会影响一天的积极性和准备程度,并尝试通过改变穿着来提升效率。他认为牛仔裤不舒服且限制行动,长途飞行应该穿舒适的裤子。 @Garnt 则认为在家穿牛仔裤很奇怪,牛仔裤并非最正式的裤子,还有更舒适且正式的裤子选择。他认为男人只需要牛仔裤就足够了,并分享了女性选择服装比男性复杂得多这一观点。 @Joey 则认为长途飞行应该穿舒适的裤子,在家穿不穿裤子是个见仁见智的问题,不喜欢在公共场合穿睡衣。他认为穿衣风格会影响工作效率和心态,并分享了关于鞋子的使用寿命和穿着频率的看法。 Garnt认为在家穿牛仔裤很奇怪,牛仔裤并非最正式的裤子,还有更舒适且正式的裤子选择。他认为男人只需要牛仔裤就足够了,并分享了女性选择服装比男性复杂得多这一观点。他也不喜欢穿短裤,并解释了日本人不穿短裤的原因。他认为夏天穿太多衣服会让人感觉不舒服,并且只穿一双鞋,除非是特殊场合。关于鞋子的使用寿命,他认为鞋子磨损到鞋底破损才需要更换。 他认为选择服装的时间很短,选择服装颜色搭配比较困难。他分享了关于在家穿不穿裤子的看法,以及关于鞋子的使用寿命和穿着频率的看法。 Joey认为长途飞行应该穿舒适的裤子,在家穿不穿裤子是个见仁见智的问题,不喜欢在公共场合穿睡衣。他认为穿衣风格会影响工作效率和心态,并分享了关于鞋子的使用寿命和穿着频率的看法。他认为有些正式皮鞋没有防滑设计,正式皮鞋的设计目的是为了站着而不是走路。他认为选择服装的时间很短,选择服装颜色搭配比较困难。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Connor decide to start dressing nicer?

He wanted to see if dressing better would make him feel more active and productive during the day, as he used to wear sweatpants and T-shirts in London and felt unmotivated.

What does Garnt think about wearing jeans at home?

Garnt enjoys wearing jeans at home because it puts him in a productive mindset, signaling that it's a day to get things done, even if he's not going out.

Why does Joey prefer not to wear jeans?

Joey finds jeans heavy and restrictive, making them uncomfortable for everyday wear, especially when not planning to go out.

What is Connor's opinion on dress shoes with no grip?

Connor thinks dress shoes with no grip are designed more for standing and looking good rather than walking, which can make them slippery and impractical for actual movement.

What surgery did Connor have?

Connor had surgery to remove a pilonidal cyst, which he believes he developed from sitting too much and using an uncomfortable chair during cycling.

How did Connor feel about the anesthesia during his surgery?

Connor was terrified after watching a video about potential adverse effects of anesthesia, including the risk of going into shock and dying, which made him consider not having the surgery at all.

What was Connor's experience with the IV during surgery?

Connor found the IV process painful as the nurses struggled to find his vein, causing him discomfort while they wiggled the needle around.

What did Connor do after his surgery?

After his surgery, Connor played League of Legends for about an hour, as he couldn't sit comfortably and had nothing else to do.

Why is Connor streaming League of Legends with Ludwig?

Connor is streaming League of Legends with Ludwig to help him grind to platinum rank, as Ludwig is committed to improving his skills and watches VODs to learn.

What is Joey's opinion on competitive games versus single-player games?

Joey prefers single-player games because they feel more fulfilling, as you always make progress through the story or levels. Competitive games can leave you feeling like you've achieved nothing after a long session.

What is Garnt's favorite part of Okinawa?

Garnt's favorite part of Okinawa is the food culture, which he believes is unique and perfected in Okinawa, similar to Hokkaido. He also appreciates the friendliness of the locals.

What did Garnt and Joey both experience in Okinawa?

Both Garnt and Joey experienced bad weather in Okinawa, with a landslide preventing them from reaching their planned destinations and forcing them to stay in Naha instead.

What was Garnt's experience with wakeboarding?

Garnt found wakeboarding physically demanding, as it required him to hold his body weight and balance on a moving board, leaving him sore the next day.

What is Joey's game of the year for 2023?

Joey's game of the year for 2023 is 'Metaphor,' which he found to be a deeply immersive and story-driven experience.

What did Joey and Garnt think of the new generation's passion for Re:Zero?

Joey and Garnt found it fascinating that the new generation considers Re:Zero a life-changing anime, similar to how older fans might view shows like Evangelion. They were surprised by the intensity of their passion.

The hosts discuss their clothing habits and how they influence their daily activities. They explore the perceived link between dressing nicely and productivity, contrasting preferences for jeans versus sweatpants.
  • The psychological impact of clothing choices on productivity is discussed.
  • Contrasting viewpoints on the comfort and appropriateness of jeans are presented.
  • The idea of dressing "nicely" to enhance productivity is explored.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hey, what's up guys? Welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste Podcast. I'm Joey and I'm with the boys, Connor and Gon. As per usual, Connor's dropped out today.

- What's up Connor? - What's up? - I'm the one wearing the trash T-shirt for Hunter and Connor's tripped out. - I know, I'm trying to like just, in my head I'm like, if I dress nicer, will I be like more active in my day? Will I be more prepared? So I'm just trying to dress nice for like a week. - What do you mean by more active? - 'Cause like when I used to like live in London, I used to only wear like sweatpants and T-shirts. And I was like, man, I should start wearing jeans at home, like a psychopath to see if like- - Why is that psychopath?

- Why is that psychopath? - Nah, that's pretty psychopath. - It's not psychopath. - I don't even wear jeans outside. - So I- - Joey, I hate you. - I'm with you, Garnt. I am a jean at home enjoyer. - Thank you. - That's insane. - You know, I had a didist and Emily come over to my house and it was like a weekend. And we were just planning to have like a movie night. And I opened the door and they're like, "Why are you in jeans?" I was like, "What the fuck?"

- Wait, question, question. Do you wear jeans on a flight? - Yeah. - That's wild. - That's crazy. - Okay, here's the thing, here's the thing. - Comfort is an illusion. - Nah, if I'm on a flight to say like Japan to like LA, I am wearing the baggiest, most comfortable pants. - I'd wear a suit.

- Nah, you're tripping. - I would wear anything on that. - Nah, that's wild. - What's not comfortable about jeans? - They're just like heavy and restrictive. I hate them. I dead ass. - Yeah, yeah. - The thing is I have a couple of pairs of jeans and I used to wear a lot of jeans and then I discovered, oh wait, 'cause in my head right before I got more into the whole fashion thing, I was like, oh, the fair,

- Fancy pants that you could possibly wear are jeans. Like in any occasion, right? Like everyone looks good in jeans, right? - The fanciest? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, like in terms of just like- - Like a suit pants are the fanciest, right? - Yeah, but who's wearing suit pants in their day to day? - I mean, I kind of technically am. These are technically suit pants. They're just baggy.

- I mean, yeah, but yeah, look, you know what I mean though, right? Like, yeah, I'm talking like, you know, straight out of a two piece, like kind of suit pants, like no one's wearing that, right? - Okay, okay, all right, all right. - So like- - Actually, I think some people do. - Yeah, so yeah, you know, some people do and that's fine, but like, I didn't have suit pants. So I'm like, okay, well, if I'm going to say like a nice restaurant or something, then, you know, obviously it's like, you know, colored shirt with a nice pair of jeans or something, right? But then I discovered, oh wait, there are more fancy pants out there than just jeans.

and that are way less restrictive and way less heavier and way more comfortable. - He's discovered the forbidden knowledge. I've discovered the forbidden knowledge of like, I don't have to wear jeans to look good. - But I also, you shouldn't, no, let's not do that. 'Cause as men we've struck gold. - Yeah, what do you mean? - You don't have to wear anything other than jeans. - Yeah, that's why, why would you- - It's the simplicity of the jeans. - Why would you want to, as a- - We've got it down. - As a man,

- As a man, Joey. - As a man, Joey. - I appreciate you wanna elevate yourself, but you need to be on our level. - That's great, that's great. - You need to just stay down here with us. - I want to make sure there is the least choice as possible when it comes to my clothing while still looking reasonably all right. - I mean, that's fine. That's the life you can live. I don't wanna live that life. - It's like when you see like the Oscars or some kind of show and you see one guy has gone for some kind of crazy outfit and you're like, stop that.

We're so fortunate that we can all agree to wear the exact same suit. And we're like, damn, you look good. - No, but that's at an award show. - Like anything, we can just wear a suit. It's beautiful. - This is why I love being a guy. - One of the many reasons. - Okay, okay. - One of the many, let's not, come on. - Being in a relationship. - Only reason. - Well, come on, there's many reasons. - Being in a relationship, right? And okay.

every time we have a night out, Sydney has to go through this like fucking three hour decision tree about like, what am I going to wear for this one event? And she starts thinking about it like maybe the day before. And if she can't find an outfit that she feels comfortable, because there's so many things you have to take. How often have I worn this outfit? How recent is it? Is it new? Do I feel good? Does it suit the event? And for me, I'm like,

I just need to put on a suit. If it's a super fancy event, if it's a casual event, just put on a shirt. - Just a shirt. - Just a shirt. - Just a shirt. - Just add the layers or remove the layers. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We're very fortunate. - Okay, but like, again, I'm not talking about like fancy events. I'm just talking day to day. - Okay, okay, okay. - Especially if you're in like on a flight for 10 hours, right? I wanna be as comfy as possible because- - I'm comfy as fuck, bro.

- I'm comfy as fuck. - Nah, you've been gene-pilled, bro. You've been gene-pilled. - I hate wearing pajamas in public or anything like that. - No, I'm not wearing pajamas in public. - But when I get on flights, I know you're allowed to wear like, it's like, I completely understand that people want to wear pajamas on the flight, 'cause you absolutely should.

- Me, the moment I get off that plane, I wanna be in jeans. I just don't wanna walk around in like pajamas or something. - Well then why don't you just pack a pair of jeans in your bag and then just change when you get off? - Yeah, sometimes I do that. - Yeah, I do that sometimes. - But like one time I forgot to change.

And then I was like, shit, what do I do? Like, what do I- - Stick a pajama in. - I'm like literally in like clearly, not even like sweatpants, like just clearly pajama. And I, you know, 'cause you kind of want to leave it till the last possible second to change back into your- - Yes. - Yeah. And I left it too long. And then it was the thing that came on, I said like, no more, you can't walk around. I'm like, ah, shit, fuck, what do I do? And I'm just kind of like, ah, I don't know what to do. And then my, for some reason,

I was able to just, I had like the blanket and I was like, I'm

where I'd fucking get the pants. - Getting changed in the beach style. - Yeah, yeah. I'll be taking off my pants. It's always the most awkward part of taking off your pants, even with the blankets, when you have to bring your ass up. It's very obvious to everybody what you're doing. - It's the most non-conspicuous move and we just like- - And then you have to do it quick enough to get the pants back on so no one thinks you're trying to pull something weird. It's like, "No, no, no, I got pants here. "I'm putting them on, I'm not just getting my dick out." - "I'm not touching my wiener, trust me."

'Cause I was like, I do not want to fucking walk around as fat pants. I don't know. Circling back to the initial point, when I first started, I really wanted to start wearing jeans at home 'cause I thought maybe I'll be more productive. I'll think about myself as being like, the morning is over, it's now the day. - Yeah, okay. - And that helped a lot. And so now I'm trying to next level where I'm like, what if I just dress nice and then maybe I'll feel like,

I have to be even more productive. - What if I just dress nice? - Man discovers clothes. - Well, I'm like, you know, I'm kind of like NPC where I just put the same t-shirt on and I was like, well, what if I try like wearing like a button up and will I feel- - I mean, dog, I tried to teach you this for years and you were just like, nah, nah.

I'm gonna be like the main character in B movie and just have the same 50 shirts. - I mean, I like those though. I like those. - I mean, it's trying to find a, for me, it's trying to find a balance of not exactly having the same shirt every day, but just having like a core, like maybe 10 shirts that I pick from at a time because sometimes you wake up and I'm like, I just don't wanna make a decision. Jeans, okay, I'm gonna go jeans.

- Adding different trousers adds too much complexity for me. - Garnt, you're making it sound like you're doing like long division. It's really not that hard. - It is, it is. - It's not that hard. - I think it is hard. - Why? What's so hard about just being like, I have a pair of jeans and I have maybe like, let's say two sweatpants. I'm not gonna stand there having a mental breakdown being like, fuck, which one do I pick? - 'Cause jeans go with everything.

- But what I don't understand, right? I agree, jeans do go with everything, but if you're not planning to go out of the house, why would you wear the most uncomfortable pair of pants out of the line? - They're not uncomfortable. - Well, number one, number one, they're not uncomfortable. Number two, if...

Like sometimes I wear like sweatpants when I'm inside and that's on like the super lazy days. I don't know, when I put on sweatpants, I'm like, I'm not getting- - I feel like I'm resigning myself. - Yeah, yeah, I'm like, I'm not getting anything done today, man, fuck. I'm sitting down on the couch and I'm just being a couch potato today. - Okay. - You know, jeans get me in that,

like mental state of just like, okay, this is a get shit done day. I could be going out, I could be staying in, it doesn't matter. I need to be on my toes, who knows? - So, okay, question. 'Cause I hear this all the time on the internet and I've never been able to relate to it. And I always thought I was the weird one. - Yeah. - Do you enjoy not wearing pants in the house?

- What do you mean? - Like there are so many people where it's like, I don't know who invented this, but like there's this like common understanding of like people who were just like inside all the time to be like, oh, I'm not gonna go out today. Today is a no pants kind of day. And they just don't wear pants around the house. - No, I have to do that. - Okay, thank God. I thought I was the weird one. 'Cause I'm like, no, I'm wearing pants. Like I'm not an animal. I'm gonna wear pants no matter what.

- I just don't feel comfortable if I'm not wearing anything. - The moment I get out of bed, it's either like shower or put on pants immediately. - Yeah, 100%, I'm the same. Wearing no pants to bed, totally understandable. I do that as well. But the moment I'm out of the bed, I'm wearing pants. - Okay. - I feel like Japan's changed me in some aspects of this as well. Like I also just not, I don't really like wearing shorts anymore. - I've never liked wearing shorts. - Oh really? - No, no.

- No, I used to love wearing shorts. Now I can't stand the thought of it. - Why? - I don't know. I feel like in Japan, I just never saw anyone else do it. - Did Japan gaslight you into not wearing shorts? - I think they gaslit me into not wearing shorts 'cause now I just, yeah, I can't wear shorts. - I can never wear shorts. I don't know. I just never felt comfortable in shorts. Shorts was always, I don't know.

- It can be fashionable, it can look good. I just don't think I can make it look good. - Right, yeah, I was about to say, 'cause I think like the common understanding, 'cause like I've seen this so many times, every time like I see one of those like 10 things you definitely should avoid doing in Japan that they don't teach you about. And one of them was always like, "In the summer, you should never wear shorts in Japan." And I'm like, "No, you should, it's fucking hot. Wear shorts, don't get like,

- The thing is that I think the reason why you don't see a lot of Japanese people wearing shorts is the same reason why Garnt doesn't wear shorts, is because most of them don't think they look good in shorts. But if you want to wear shorts and you're comfortable wearing shorts,

especially in the summer in Japan, please wear shorts. It's way too hot otherwise. - In my brain I think I associate shorts now with like sports. Like if I'm doing it- - Like gym or something. - If I'm doing a workout, then I'll wear shorts. And I think I'm like in my head, I'm like, oh, it's fine. But the moment I'm like not working out or doing anything active, I'm like, oh, pants. - What about like three quarter pants?

- Just decide, pick a side, you know what I mean? Just fucking pick a side. - Three quarter pants are the fence six of pants. - Yeah, they are. - To me, 'cause- - Pick a fucking side. - The only time I really wear shorts is when I'm in Thailand. - Yeah, 'cause it's too hot.

- Yeah. - And it's just like, that's why I prefer like, you know, autumn fashion and winter fashion and spring fashion because you can just have so much more variation. But with summer fashion, especially in like climate like that, even though I do like hot weather, the one thing I don't like is that the amount of variation you get with fashion is just like not there. It's just shorts and t-shirt. I'm like, you can't do anything with that. - Yeah, no, I agree. I agree. - And it doesn't matter how fashionable you look,

you're not gonna look cool when you're just like perspiring from every part of your body. - Exactly. - It's crazy in Toronto, you'll see like a dude in like three layers in the summer. - Oh yeah. - And you're like, what the fuck? - I'm telling you man, Japanese people are reptiles. They just don't feel the heat. - Okay, here's the real question though. How many pairs of shoes do you have? - Are we including thongs? Sorry, flip flops for you Americans.

- Three or four? - Yes. - Yeah, if we're including thongs, three. - Okay, so how many of them are in rotation in terms of you have to pick which one you wear when you go out? - So for me, I have my pair of like Vessies. - Yeah. - I have a pair of hockers and I have a pair of thongs. - Yeah. - The Vessies I wear for like- - All of those sounded made up.

- Except for the pussies. - What do you mean? - Hockers? - Yeah, hockers. - Are you a hock-turing? - No, no. - H-O-K-A, hocker shoes. They're really nice. This is like, I have a pair of like- - I just nodded along. I don't know what those hockers shoes are. - Okay, they're nice. So my hocker shoes are for when like I want to dress up a little bit.

- Okay. - They're more for like, you know, just like going around town. Like if I'm like on a date with Aki or if I'm like going to a nice dinner or something. - Yeah. - The Vessi's are for like everyday use. - Yeah. - The thongs are for when I can't be fucked to put socks on. - Right. - That's my full rotation. - See, that's even more than me. I've realized through all my entire life, I have like one pair of shoes that I wear every day, unless it's like fancy occasions. - Yeah.

and then I'd get another pair of shoes. - No, I'm the same. Yeah, I'm the same. - And sometimes I'd get like, for Christmas, I'd get like gifted different pairs of shoes. And I realized that I would only subconsciously pick one and then never wear anything else. And I was like, is this a me thing or is every guy like that? - Wait, hold on. What's your definition of like, I can't wear these shoes anymore?

'Cause I've noticed it's different for different guys. - Mine literally have like charred burn marks on them. I still wear them. - Would you still wear a pair of shoes if it has like a hole at the bottom? - That's probably the limit. - For me, the limit. - As in like hole, as in like through the entire shoe, foot to ground. - Like through the sole. For me, my line, and this was a very specific line living in England. It was, you know, sometimes,

when you go out and it's not exactly pouring rain, but you know, there is, it's a bit damp. It's like puddles there. And sometimes you just have a pair of shoes where you walk in the dampness and the water would slowly seep into your toe. That was always the line for me. That's always the line. There's not exactly a hole there, but it's not watertight anymore. - Yeah, that's true. - I think I also like wore my last pair of vesties to death to the point where like one day when it was like raining quite bad in Tokyo, I was like, I have no grip.

on my shoes. And I looked at the, I like flipped them over. - It's like smooth. - It was smooth. It used to be two different colors as well. It was just white smooth. And I was like, oh, because I realized like no matter what occasion I was literally, it sounds like an ad. I was wearing them on every occasion. I was literally like doing any kind of fucking activity wearing these goddamn shoes. - Do we have a Vessi out this episode? - Probably, I hope so.

- Do we have a first? - I wear them a lot. - Yeah. - We don't? Are they just getting a free one today?

- Yeah, we've given them an awful lot of experience. - I mean, I don't know, like how long is a normal pair of shoes supposed to last as well? That's another thing, 'cause I don't have a good gauge for that. - I don't either. - 'Cause I feel like when you buy shoes and they always last long enough for you to forget like when you bought them and if it's a long time. 'Cause like, you know, some shoes last like five years, some last two, but I probably would remember it

- Well, I think it depends on how often you wear them. Like in the case with Garnt, who wears one pair of shoes 365 days a year, then I'm sure the time limit on how much time you have to wear the shoes is probably a year. - I think it's about a year. - But if you're in rotation, you can wear them out. - I feel like when I was a teenager, those things were indestructible. Shoes just wouldn't break.

- No, no. - My gauge when I was a kid, 'cause I also only had one pair of shoes. My gauge was when like the end of the, like the tip of the sole and the toes would just be like that. - Oh my God, okay. - When your shoes start to talk, that's when.

- That's when it was like, all right, we're done. Six to 12 months. - That's crazy. - Dude, my vesties have definitely lost the warm up. - That can't be right. That doesn't sound right. Six to 12 months is insane. - What are you doing in those? - Like that's like if you're like, you walk on sandpaper exclusively. - No, I would say six to 12 months. - No. - To me, with the water log test, to me, about six to 12 months was about how long she would stay

- Shoes can last 20 years. The key is taking care of them and never wearing them two days in a row. Ain't nobody on time for that. I'm sorry. We're not doing that. Just buy a new pair. - Do you know what I never understood? Have you ever bought one of those like fancy dress shoes that just have no grip on them? Why did those exist? - 'Cause they just look good with a suit.

- But like some of them have grip and some of them are just like completely smooth. - Yeah, like some dress shoes I've worn, I'm like, oh, I'm skiing today. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm just fucking just gliding through the holes. - I'm like, what is the history of this? Why are there just some dress shoes that I just constantly slip in?

- I think it's because with dress shoes like that, they're not so much intended to like walk in, but rather to just like stand around in. You know what I mean? - They are so much. - Yeah, they do. I hate the ones where it's like the toes are just like- - Dude, I've got a pair like that right now and it feels like I'm being like- - Like Chinese foot boy. - Yeah, I feel like- - It's so bad. - I get out and I'm like,

- Your toes are like this by the end. - Yeah, it's horrible dude. - I'm like, who wears these? - But I recognize that I probably just don't have good suit shoes or fitted, but I went to some like store in Japan where it was like a, well I thought it was like a fancy store. 'Cause I was like, can I just get, I just wanted to get a pair that would last me like forever. 'Cause I only wear them like twice, three times a year, right? So I was like, I'll just get a good pair. But I think it was one of those like,

pseudo fancy Japan business stores where they have these things that like look premium and they'll have everything that looks premium. But then it's- - It's a perfect suit factory. - It was kind of like that. I thought it was like a real fancy store. And then when I saw the price, I was like, "This is really affordable," which is good. But I was like, I was expecting to get scammed a little bit though. And then I wore them and it was fine. And then I wore them for like four hours and I was like,

"Oh boy, I kinda wish I got a different pair." And I was too late to return them. But I've committed to them, I've committed to them. - Committed? - Committed. - How long does it take you to decide what to wear

- This episode is sponsored by Shopify. Boys, I have a clothing brand and before we started selling our clothes, I was like, damn boys, how am I gonna get these clothes out? I got that dumb, dumb brain. I don't know how to run a business, let alone sell stuff online, Joey. - Do I have to build a place where you can buy things? - Exactly. I didn't know how to do that stuff, but thankfully Shopify was there to help us out. Without Shopify,

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- Back to the episode.

- Two minutes. - Yeah. - Not even, like, two seconds. - Do you have your, like, decision tree about, like, what pants goes with, like, what t-shirts? - Yeah. So, like, for today, for instance, right? Like, I'm wearing black pants. - Yeah. - And, you know, so I thought, like, oh, I could go the full black or I could mix and match it and wear something light. And I saw this in the closet and I was like, oh, I haven't worn this one in a while, so I'll wear that.

There you go, literally 30 seconds. - Damn. - It's not that hard. If anything for me, I first figure out, okay, if I'm going out today, what's the temperature outside? And then from there I start the skill, I start the decision. - The skill tree. - The skill tree. - The skill tree opens up. - The decision tree. - The decision tree opens up from there. - I remember the one time I didn't wear just like dark jeans and I added like light jeans to my like wardrobe. And I'm like, shit.

just by wearing light jeans, this changes everything I wear on top. I'm like, damn, this is like too much choice. - Well, that's why it's like most pants are dark because the hardest thing to pair is bright pants. Any bright pants is just like, what do I wear with this? It's like nothing works. White is too bright and black is just like, okay, it's a bit weird. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But more of the story is we're fucking lazy. We're just lazy, all right?

- We're not lazy enough to not wear jeans. We're just lazy. - Yeah, I don't know dog. It's a bit weird. - You also had surgery. How'd- - Yeah, I had surgery in Japan. That was fun. That was fine. - Okay. You just said it so casually, but like, are you okay? - Yeah, no, I'm fine. I just feel like I can't like sit like

- I guess I used to sit like lazily. I think if I'd sit like that now, if I sit like that. - Wait, hold on, so what surgery did you get? - It was to remove a cyst. - Dummy thick. - Yeah, I had a butt reduction technically. - You had a butt reduction? - I guess it was like 1% removed. - No more BBL Connor? No! - He was so dummy thick and he needed some reduction. - You can get this thing from basically sitting too much.

- You got butt cancer? - Yeah, yeah, basically. Basically I got butt cancer. - You got the gamer butt? - I got gamer butt. - You got gamer butt? - It happened the first time actually in the episode. - I'm laughing about this, but there's no laughing that. - Oh no, it's fine. I remember I talked about on "Trash Taste" where I can't remember which episode it was. I talked about going to the doctor for like a butt pimple.

- Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - At the time I thought it was just a pimple and this guy gave me meds and it went away for like a week. And then after that, I was like, huh, it keeps going and coming back in the exact same spot. Like it's like a pimple. And then I was like, all right, I'll go check it out. And then they were like, yeah, just take some drugs. So I took the drugs, the antibiotics. And then it would just- - The answer to any problem in life, just take drugs.

- Nothing happened. And I was like, "Hey doc, can you help me out?" And this is like, even now, this is like four times going to the fucking dermatologist. It was so long, dude.

And then you get like a referral letter and then they're like, "Yeah, okay, we think it might be something more serious." And I was like, "Oh shit, okay, damn, that's crazy. Oh, for real?" - So what, you just got it from sitting too much? Like how did you get it? - Apparently it's a thing that you can get in a lot of sedentary jobs. I don't know what exactly, I don't know how to pronounce it. Pinodial or something, cyst or something. I don't know how to.

So I first noticed it after I did my cycling. That's when I first noticed it. So I think it was a combination of like sitting all the time and then doing, sitting on a very uncomfortable chair for the first time. - That's why your ass didn't hurt like hell when you were cycling all the time.

- Pylony, fuck I can't pronounce that. Pylony, pylony, pylony, pylony. - I completely pronounced it wrong. I don't know how to fucking pronounce it. - I don't know. - Yeah, so apparently it's something to do with like your hairs when they like, they can like puncture the skin. - Oh, so it's like an ingrown hair almost. - I think so. I honestly, I didn't fully understand it. 'Cause I was just getting shuffled around. - Right, right. - And then also,

Obviously my Japanese is okay, but not good enough to know medical terminology in Japanese. - Yeah, it's hard. - And even in English, I don't fucking, they told me this. - The first pile of an idol. - Yeah, you know what I mean? It's like, I had a, I still got this on livestream and I got a comment that's like, "How do you not know this shit in Japanese?" Like, bro, I don't know this shit in English. Like, what do you think? - This is my first time hearing about this.

- This is like hearing like law terminology in English. This is so like- - Like the fuck's a plaintiff? - I'm being sued? What is that? So yeah, they were like, "Oh yeah, we think that you might got something." And I was like, "Oh, okay." So then just had to do a bunch of tests

Endless referrals. Dude, oh my God. I remember being like this in the UK, but in Japan, it's like, it was like a JRPG fetch quest. Every time they thought I had something, they were like, ah, you gotta go talk to this person. I was like, oh, okay. And they're like, take this letter. But then I would have to come back to the hospital to get the letter to take to the other hospital. So it's like, I would go for a visit and they're like, ah, we'll tell you to go to here. Just come back another day for the letter. I was like, what? You're gonna make me come all the way back here again? Yeah.

So it was just a really long process, but eventually they were like, yeah, we'll cut it out. And I was like, oh, okay, shit. And I was like, oh fuck, I've never had surgery before. That's kind of scary. So I had to go and do that. And that was interesting because there's a lot of stuff leading up to it because obviously my blood condition as well. And so I had to find a hospital that could accommodate my inbreeding disease of cancer.

- Kitsuyubyo. - Yeah, Kitsuyubyo. Which fun fact, extremely rare in Japan. It's very rare in Europe compared to other diseases, but like even more so in Japan. - Right. - It's more of like a European disease. So that was also strange 'cause like no one, there were a lot of blood clinics that didn't have like experience with it. So I had to go to a specific one.

And the first time I went to a doctor and I was like, "Hey, would love to kind of get all my information updated in Japanese. We do the test just make sure everything's the same." The doctor in the UK told me to take this drug.

"Can you make sure it's the same?" And then they were like, the first guy I went to, he was like, "No, you're wasting my time, leave." I was like, "What?" - Damn. - Yeah, he was like, "Leave." He was a total dick. Like so rude. Like immediately when I was explaining like what I was coming for, I could see his face go from like listening to like visibly annoyed.

And I was like, oh, okay. And he was like, so you have hemophilia, right? I was like, yeah. And he's like, so you know you have it. I was like, yeah. He's like, what do you want me to do? I was like, well, there's no fucking cure for it. Why do you think I'm here? What do you think I'm here for? Like, I want to get all this shit in Japanese so I can get it all like, you know, if I have an accident in Japan, like I can get it all done and I'm hopefully having surgery. And so, and I was like, what a dick, dude. Yeah.

And so then I rebooked it, the same hospital, just with a different doctor. They were great. They were like, "Oh yeah, yeah, totally fine." And then they went through it all, did some tests and then they were like, "Oh yeah, we can't do that at this hospital. We don't have like the facilities for it." I was like- - You don't have a translator? - No, no, for like, I guess like the medicine or stuff. - Oh, I see, I see. - So they were like, "If you want to do surgery, you'd have to go to this other hospital." And I was like, "Oh my God."

- This is literally taken like six months of bouncing around referrals, like crazy amounts of just endless like GRPG fetch quests. And so finally they got to the last hospital, they were like, "Yeah, we can do everything."

Basically had to do all that just to get this one drug before the surgery. - Right. - Where they like inject me with something where my blood will basically just clot. And so then I can go in the surgery, which is like the most easy surgery of all time. All they do is cut your butt open. - Yeah. - Fucking. - Snip it out. - It's super quick. Like it's a very easy surgery. - Yeah. - At least on the scale where I was doing it. They did tell me they were like, yeah, you could do like,

"a giga surgery where we like remove everything "just to be safe or we can just-" - Remove your whole ass. - Well, they were like, "You'd have to get like a skin graft." - Oh, shit. - Oh my God. - And I was like, not really fond of that idea. And then they were like, "You have to stay in hospital for a couple of days." And I was like, "I don't wanna do that." They were like, "Or we can just remove like the area "that it's affected and like-" - Yeah, and see how it heals. - "It might come back, it might not." - So how much did they take out?

- Not much, like a big tooth worth looking, like they showed me afterwards. - Oh yeah. - 'Cause I asked, I was like, can I see it? - You take a picture? - I did not take a picture. - I kinda wanted to see it. - I wanna see what the butt count looks like. - It's kinda weird, 'cause imagine like a little white ball, the size of like an adult tooth. And it was just covered in like blood strands. It was interesting. Yeah, so, but I was, I'm like a fucking pussy with this shit. I don't know if you guys, how are you guys with this stuff?

- I'm all right, I guess. - Yeah. - So I'm in this hospital, right? Waiting and they're telling me I need surgery. And you know, obviously I'm like, oh fuck, I've never had surgery before. Have you guys had surgery before by the way? - No. - Okay, so I was like, I was kind of terrified by the idea, but I was like, I think I can do it 'cause I know they'll,

they'll numb the area. I won't be put to sleep. That's not like a thing. I think they're very like, I think normally- - They're very weird with anesthesia. - Yeah, yeah. - I think the impression I got from Japan, I don't know about the rest of the world, 'cause I've only, again, I've only experienced it in Japan. I got the impression that they would only do that in like a very extreme case. - Yeah. - Is the vibe I was getting. - If you're just removing a cyst, I wouldn't think you need to be put under for that. - For sure, for sure, yeah. But I feel like,

from my experience and hearing Pete's experience and a couple of other people's experiences with surgery, it's like they very much try to limit like pain reduction to what is absolutely necessary. - But other than that, it's like, we're doing it the natural way, baby. - So, you know, they're telling me about it and I was like, oh, okay, that's interesting. And I was like, okay, I'm a little nervous, but I'll be all right. And then before I left the hospital, they were like, you have to watch this video.

I was like, oh, okay. So they sent me down this room. - Check out this cat. - This fucking meme is fire. - You see Mu Dang? - It's a fucking hippo in Thailand. - It's got nothing to do with the surgery. The doctor just wanted to share the memes. He's like, yo, check this out. - What do you think? What do you think of my reels? - He's like, should I upload this? - What do you think, this is fire?

And they give me this tablet and they give me these like fucking giant, like ancient headphones. - Yeah. - I'm like, you gotta watch this. Just, it's like a disclaimer. I was like, oh shit. Okay, so I press play and you know, it's Japanese. So there's a bunch of like fun little cartoon anime graphics to go along with like fucking death. - Yeah. - You could die. And there's like a little character going,

And you're like, "What the fuck?" And then, you know, I have to pause it 'cause it's like literally a wall of text and so I have to pause every slide and like translate thing out 'cause I'm like, "I can't read this shit." And so I'm reading it and then there's this one thing where they're like, they're talking about, so apparently, and this is, I think, the most common thing that can go wrong with surgeries is the anesthesia. That's like, 'cause people can have allergic reactions to it and stuff.

In this thing, it kind of like, I don't know why, it explained it in a way that sounded really horrific where it was like, you may have adverse side effects when injected with anesthesia. You could go into like shock and die. And I was like, oh, love that for me. And that sort of like made me freak the fuck out. I was like, what the fuck? I was like, you're gonna inject me with shit and then that shit could kill me? What the fuck? And so I went to the doctor. I was like, hey, uh,

- You know what, I'll keep the butt cancer. - They told me they were like, yeah, you can just live with it if you wanted to. I was like, I should probably just remove it. But I was like this close to being like, you know what, fuck it. Nah, I'm good.

- She was terrifying. - Yeah. - I was like, "Hey, I think I'm gonna freak out. Could you give me some like drugs or some shit to like stop me from freaking out during the surgery?" And they were like- - Just rip some bong out. - Take a hit of this baby, you'll be all right. - I was like, "Give me something to calm me down." And then they were like,

"Best we can do is give you some like drowsy meds." I was like, "Fuck it, I'll take it." 'Cause I just wanted the placebo. I was like, I just need something to be like- - Something to calm you down. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they were like, "Yeah." They're like, "Okay." And they were like, "Yeah, if you wanna watch like YouTube videos or some shit, like you bring your headphones in." I was like, "Okay, yeah, actually that'd be great." So when I went, it was like,

just so much waiting around. I had to get like a bunch of IVs and stuff. And that was horrible. They kept missing my vein. And then I can feel them wiggling it around, looking for a vein. And that was horrible. But the old woman who was doing it was so upbeat. So I was like, I can't freak out. I was freaking out internally. I was like, find a vein, get the vein already. Why do I feel this fucking pain?

And so yeah, then it went to the surgery and then they hook you up with all this shit. Then you can hear your heart rate beeping. - That sound is always like nerve wracking, isn't it? - That made me more nervous that I could hear my heart rate. 'Cause then I could hear myself freaking out when they would tell me like, all right, we're gonna give you the anesthesia now. And then I could hear the thing go from beep, beep, beep. And I was like, yo, I'm not that nervous.

- That's unfair, that's like reporting me. What the heck man? - The heart rate monitor is like, "Oh, you're a pussy now?" - I'm not that nervous, I'm not that nervous. And I thought, you know, I was like, all right, okay, this needle, it'll feel like any other needle when they inject it. So they put like the numbing stuff in your, like where they're operating. And I thought like, I just feel like a normal needle. Bro, that shit was like,

putting like a fire sword in my ass. - Damn. - It was horrible. It was like such intense pain. And then they were like, "All right, we're gonna do the next dose." I was like, "Oh shit, okay." I was like, "Well, at least you just injected me, so it'll feel better." "Nope, hurt just as much." - Yeah. It doesn't kick in immediately. - No, and I was like, "Fuck!" So that was fun. - Were you watching YouTube views during that time? - I was watching the Penguin.

- Oh, the "Vanquish the Ghost" series. - I thought you'd be watching something calming. - Just this mental image I have of you, like just kind of lying down at the doctor's table. Just watching the penguin just getting ass blasted by needles. - Yeah, basically. That's basically how I went. - That's so funny. - Oh my God. - I had to rewatch the part of that episode though, 'cause I was getting distracted obviously. I was locked in. I was trying to focus. But it was a helpful distraction.

'Cause they were telling me everything they were doing and I was like, oh my God, stop telling me what you're doing. Just fucking go. - So how long did the surgery go for? - It was like an hour. It was like super short. - Oh, not bad. - It was super short. I think it like stitching took the longest. But that was funny 'cause you'd feel them. I could feel them doing everything. - Right, right. - So it was numb, so I didn't feel any pain. But like I could feel them cutting. - You could feel the sensation. - Yeah, like it felt like cutting, but it felt like, I don't know, it's weird. - Yeah. - I imagine maybe that's how like an orange feels when you peel it.

He's got no feelings. You know what I mean? I wouldn't know I'm gonna put him in orange. It was interesting. - You really made me think with that one. - Yeah, I was like, that's a weird analogy, but okay. - I get what you're saying. - Honestly, I think talking to Pete about his surgery experience scared me more than anything about like surgery in Japan. 'Cause his sounded like barbaric. 'Cause they made him like get like a catheter with like no painkillers. I was like, that's,

- Insane. - Oh shit. - The thing in your pee pee. - Oh my God. - No painkillers. - He went through the pain Olympics? - Yeah. - No anesthesia? - I was like, I'm gonna ask for all the drugs. - Yeah, every drug. - Yeah, give me all the painkillers. - Just give me everything you've got, dog.

- Get the good shit on the top shelf. - Does your ass still hurt? - It hurts if I sit on it in that position, but I can sit down and just have to like put the pressure. - Which cheek is it? - Oh no, she's in the middle. - Oh, right in the middle. - It's not like in my crack. - I thought it was like- - It's like above where your crack ends. - Yeah. - Oh, okay. I thought it was like right in the middle of a cheek. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So, 'cause I think as well, 'cause my ass is big, when I would sit,

- Yeah. - Kind of like, you know how like the, like sometimes your butt like can like kind of like. - Shelf. - It can like shelf, right? - Yeah. - And I think like I put too much pressure in like one exact spot on my ass. - Oh. - When I would sit like that. - Right. - Which was made worse by my dummy thick ass. So yeah, well, so be careful how you sit guys at home. Especially if you work in an office job.

- Especially if you have a BBL. - Especially if you're a streamer who streams like 10 hours a day. - Yeah, exactly. - I think I'm gonna have to stand occasionally more while streaming. - I think so too. - If I do like 12 hours. - Thank you to those standing desks. - Well, yeah, so then when I came out of it, oh, by the way, the drowsy meds they gave to me, they didn't do fucking shit. They didn't do nothing to me.

This is what you do when you've just found that statement handbag on eBay and you want to build an entire wardrobe around it. You start selling to keep buying. Yep, on eBay. Over that all-black everything phase, list it and buy all the color. Feeling more vintage than ever? It's out with the new and in with the pre-loved. Next thing you know, you've refreshed your wardrobe basically without spending a dime. Yeah, eBay. The place to buy and sell new, pre-loved vintage and rare fashion.

- I think they gave me a Japanese dose. - Yeah, they probably just gave me melatonin or some shit. - Melatonin. - Melatonin would knock me out, I think. - Yeah, melatonin would knock you out, yeah. - Well, on the car ride back, I was very, very like drowsy. - Right, right. - Like I was falling asleep in the cab. So it worked then.

- It's like just kissing. - But then I got home and I was like totally fine. But I was like, well shit, what do I do? I can't sit down. And lying down, I have to lie on my front. I was like, what do I fucking do? So I just like went to my PC and like put it on standing mode. And I was like, I got nothing else to do. So I was just playing League of Legends like an hour after my surgery. So I was like, I don't know what else to do. - Go back into League.

- Yeah, I was playing League. - He can cut the gamer cancer out, but he can't cut the gamer out. - So I got rid of one cancer. - You found the real gamer cancer. - I got rid of one cancer and I injected another. - I gotta top it off, baby. - During this time now, I guess if you're watching this episode, I'll be flying to America. So we're going for the stream rewards, which will be fun. But also doing a week long league grinding stream with Ludwig.

- I'm so sorry. - Yeah. - He needs to get to platinum. - You chose to do that? - Well, so I like playing league. League's fun. - Yeah. - I don't like playing league in Japan. League sucks. But he's trying to get to plat. And honestly, it sounded like fun doing like a week long league grind. - You think you can carry him that much? You think he has the potential?

- I think so. - Is he gamer or not? - Dude, he's like weirdly like insanely committed. He's like going to sleep watching VODs and like listening to league analysis. - He's too far gone. - This is shit that I never used to do. That's boring as fuck. But I've been, you know, 'cause I wanted the,

- Roughly keep up with him. - You think you can still get to plat? - Yeah, easy, easy, easy. Right now I'm like, I think I have like a, I've been playing on the American servers in Japan. - Yeah. - Which is like 160 ping. - Yeah. - It's brutal. But I've got like a 65 cent win rate.

- Okay, but that's NA though. - Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. But then when I go there, it'll be like Rock Lee. I take the weights off and I just fucking lock in and hard carry him. 'Cause right now, 'cause I'm on that ping, I can't play like Fiora or anything like that. I can't do any like quick champions.

- I'm literally playing like, I'm playing like her the champions, like fucking I'm just spamming Zach. - Oh, okay. - 'Cause it's just fucking big. I'm just playing big tanks that don't do shit. - Yeah, thank you for the translation. - But it's honestly, it's kind of fun playing league again.

- But I wanna be done with it though as well. It is fun to play. - Is it 'cause "Arkane" just got released and you're like, shit. - Yeah, "Arkane" was hyped too. It's cool to play "League" right now for the next month and then it's- - And that's not cool. - And then it's not cool again. - Yeah, well, 'cause you know, "Worlds" was so high. - Yeah, it was. - "Worlds" was amazing. - It was. - And then "Arkane" comes out and so it's kind of like, you know, "League" is kind of cool for another month. So I'm gonna enjoy it. - The "League" has come out of the bunkers. - Pretty much, yeah. - So it's safe now.

- The fallout is done. - Then I'm done. I don't wanna touch it again. - We're relapsing once again. - So hopefully by the time you're watching this episode in a week, hopefully we'll have got to platinum. That'd be fun. Platinum's easy. Platinum's easy.

- It's easy. - I've never got to that. - Don't look at me. - But to be fair, I've never got invested. - You're boosted though. - I've never got invested enough to grind 'cause I fucking hate grinding any competitive game. - To me it's like not even a grind. To me it's like, I don't know, something about it. It's like a trance. You just keep like queuing up and like playing. I don't know. It's not even like, I don't know how. - I think that's called Stockholm syndrome. - Yeah, I think so. I think it's something like that. It definitely must be. - 'Cause like I remember having this point where, you know, I believe it was league, but it doesn't matter what kind of game it is. Any competitive game,

where you get addicted to it. And then you have a day where you just do nothing but play this one video game. - And then you like don't get any. - And then you gain like five LP or something by the end after about like six games and you go to bed and I just thought to myself, wow. - What a waste of time. - I literally just wasted a day

- You just like quietly start crying. - Yeah, yeah. And that's when I was just like, okay, I'm gonna give up every competitive game and just start playing single player games because- - It is more fulfilling. - To me, you play a single player game and you always feel like you've made some progress in that single player game. Whether it's like going through more of the story or the levels. Competitive games for me is just like,

- Sometimes you feel good, but it's not worth the days where you just finish and you just feel like you've achieved nothing. - I think there's just this something like deep inside of me that just inherently loves outplaying another player in something. - Yeah. - Like it does send to my brain. I just can't get that from a hard like challenge like a Jump King game or a JRPG.

- Well, I think I always need that occasionally. Like I need my fix. 'Cause obviously I've been in a huge single player kind of a kick. Occasionally I need to come back and I need to get a taste. - I need to feel the toxicity. - Dude, I'm in these lobbies. I'm becoming toxic again.

Like I'm slowly, like I would, when I first got back into the playing league, I would type. Now I'll do full on fucking essays, be like, you're fucking worthless. You should- - The caps lock is always on. - I'm aware that I'm playing on my account. I'm fully like, okay, if someone like tweeted out, I'd be like, Connor, why are you being a in the League of Legends game? I'm like, what do you want me to do? It's League of Legends. This guy was 0 and 5, like inting my lane. Like he deserves to be called the swine that he is.

- See, I'm the opposite type of gamer. I'm like, "Come on guys, if we work together, we can win, guys, come on." - And then everyone else in the team is like, "Shut the fuck up, pussy." - Just don't tilt. Just don't tilt. - There was like a guy that was playing yesterday. He was playing against a champion called Fizz. He's kind of like a noob champ. Like in low elo, people just don't know what to do. And this guy was like, "Man, Fizz is OP. I don't know how to..." This guy's like 0 and 6 playing Cassiopeia.

And he's like, "It's impossible to play against Fizz. He's too OP." I was like, "Dude, we're in literally, we're in silver. He's not OP. No one in fucking Challenger plays this character. He's dog shit. You just keep positioning wrong." I was just going off on him being like, "You're just dumb, thanks."

I read a whole essay being like, you are so fucking moronic. You are in the enemy jungle and you got caught and you think the champion's OP. No, what's OP is your ability to be fucking dumb. - He's regressing. He's regressing as a person. Oh no. - Getting the blood cancer, I really did something wrong.

- All of his good spirit also just sucked out. - It was like a vacuum. One cancer left and another entered it. - It all happened when the motherfucker- - The Ouroboros. - When the motherfucker picks up league again, man. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - There is something about it, but you know what? 'Cause I've been playing on the America servers, they just don't know how to be toxic like the EU people do. The EU people are so much more creative with their toxicity. It's another level.

I'd say the Asians are pretty creative with their toxicity. - Yeah, sure. - If you hear, especially some- - They'll say insults that I don't even know what it means. They'll be like, "You are friend of dog." I'll be like, "What is that?" - I don't know what that means, but I'm offended. - Like, I feel like that's bad. Like, is that bad in some culture? Like, what do they mean? - Have you seen some of the Chinese flame? They get poetic with their flame, man. I'm like, "Holy shit, this is literature right now." - They're writing poems. - They are literally writing poems with their flames.

I don't know man, Chinese flame goes hard man. I'm like, I can't even be mad. That's just impressive. - It's like Japanese YouTube hate comments. I'm just like, damn, this is like, this is some generational. This is like, I'm offended. My unborn son is probably offended. This is bad. - I just remember like when I started league and playing like, I guess,

in more recent years, I'm like, damn, people have just gotten better. - Oh, people are very good at League now. - I'm like- - These bronze games, people know how to manipulate waves. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was playing Silver and someone was freezing the wave. I was like, what the fuck is going on? Like, how do you know how to freeze the wave? It's fucking Silver 4. - It's concerning. You're like, why do you know how to do that? - Yeah, that's why I was like, do you think you can still get to Plat because- - Yeah, yeah. - Plat back in the day and Plat now is probably like very different. - I think-

a lot of people still have like very bad macro knowledge. - Right, right. - Of the game. I think laning has gotten a lot harder. - Laning is like- - I think macro people are still as shit as ever. - Yeah. - 'Cause macro is the hardest part I think. Like knowing when to rotate or like TP to a fight. - Yeah. - Or what- - Speak English, God damn it. - I think that kind of stuff's hard. - English motherfucker, do you speak it? - Also any like non-meta champions, I think people really struggle against. - Okay. - That's why I think I play in like Zach Top is busted 'cause people just don't know how to play against him.

- Is Zach not meta? He's played in worlds. - Was he? - I mean, he was- - He's played like once. - Zach Topp was like a thing in like the LEC for a while. Sorry, we're getting off topic. - Yeah, can we talk about something else? Anything else? - Zach Topp, bro. It's dirty. - Don't get me back into League. - I don't care about Zach's sexual preferences of being top or bottom. - What games you been playing, Joey? Come on. - Fuck all, bro. - Yeah, that's what I told you. - I haven't had time to play games recently.

- Yeah, I've touched "Dragon Quest" I guess. Other than that, nothing really. - Well, the Game of the Year nominations just came out. - Oh really? - Yeah. - Is "Metaphor" on there? - "Metaphor" is on there. - Fuck yeah, let's go. - What is the Game of the Year nominations this year? - That's my Game of the Year. - "Baltro", "Elden Ring DLC". - "Baltro".

- Oh, that was this year, wasn't it? - Yeah. - Rebirth was this year. - So has this year been- - Black Myth, Wukong and Astro. - Has this year been a good year for gaming? - I mean, I've played two of these and I thoroughly enjoyed. - How many of these have I played? - I have played two of them. No. Yes. - Bountry came out this year. - Yeah, it came out this year. - I remember playing in January.

- That is this year. - I feel like I was late to it. - January is the first month. - I know, I know, I know. But I feel like I'm saying that 'cause I was January and I was late to it. So I'm like, huh? - Well, "Seven Rebirths" came out in February, I believe. - Yeah. - What do you want to win there? Metafall?

I mean, I don't really have a say 'cause I've played a third of these games. - I think you'd like "Metaphor" to win it. - I would like "Metaphor" to win it. - Okay, out of "Final Fantasy" and "Metaphor," which one do you want? Which one do you think? Do you genuinely think it's the better game as well? - I think it's a much better game. I think even in the "Final Fantasy VII" thing, I preferred remake over rebirth. So I think "Metaphor" should win, personally. But I have a feeling it's gonna be,

- I don't think the DLC should have been. - I don't think so either, but. - I mean, I haven't played the DLC. I've finished the base game now and fucking amazing game, incredible game, but I'm not sure if the DLC is worthy of, you know,

by category should be able to be nominated for game of the year. I've been playing Black Myth Wukong as well. So it's all right. It's a solid game. Like if you say metaphor and Final Fantasy Rebirth are like fucking amazing top tier games, I would say Wukong is like a solid game. Like I, it's, it's,

I don't know if I'm biased because I came into it right after playing Elden Ring. So it's like, you're playing one of like the most goaded fucking action RPGs of all time to another one. It definitely is a step down from my Elden Ring experience, but it's been fun. But I wouldn't say that it's my game of the year. - It's like reading Claymore after finishing Berserk.

It's like, it's good, but it's not berserk. - That's such a good analogy. - Holy shit. - Nah, I get that. - Yeah, I mean, I'd say this year has been just the goaded year if you're a JRPG fan. - Oh my God, we were eating so well as JRPG players. - But like you can't play all the JRPGs, it's the problem, right? - Yeah, yeah. - I've played most of them that came out this year. - Most, but not all. - How many JRPGs you played this year?

- So I played Seven Rebirth. - Okay. - I played Unicorn Overlord. I played Metaphor, Refantasia. - Oh yeah, Unicorn Overlord. - Unicorn Overlord, also amazing game. - I need to play that.

- Persona 3 Reload, finished that. Finished Metaphor and I'm currently working through Dragon Quest III HD 2D remake. So I finished five and I'm playing my sixth this year. - Holy shit. - I'm committed boys, I'm locked in. - That's hard man. - We've been eating well this year. - No wonder you haven't had time to do anything else Joey. - Exactly. - There's so many JRPGs coming out right now. - I know, I've been eating so well. - Yeah, I mean,

- Even me, I've only played "Persona 3 Reload" and I wanna play "Unicorn Overlord" as well. 'Cause I've heard really, really good things about that. - Such a good game. - What's all the role-playing nominations for this year out of curiosity? - Is there a nomination for RPGs? - I'm pretty sure they do. - Do they? - I mean, there's a lot of categories. Here we go. - "Dragon Stonkman 2," "Elden Ring," "Final Fantasy: Summer Rebirth." Oh, "Like a Dragon," "Infant of Wealth." I played a little bit of that in "Metafor."

- Damn, no Persona 3 reload? - No Persona 3 reload, no Unicorn Overlord. - Damn, man. - Is Persona 3 reload that good? - I mean, it's Persona 3. - It's Persona 3. - Right. - It's the best game. - It's my favorite story so far in the Persona series. - Yeah, same. - Yeah, 'cause I guess looking at all these I've been- - It's nice that at least there's some,

original entries on there. I remember last time we were kind of dismayed by the fact that there's so many remakes and sequels and stuff. - Yeah. - But some good- - Like this year- - I'm shocked "Baltro" got game of the year though. I'm just kind of surprised by that. - Well, you were addicted to that for a while. - Yeah, I mean, it's just- - I've only heard good things about it. - I just feel like normally the, I don't know, in the Game Awards, sometimes they are a bit reluctant to put like big indie games on the game of the year. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But "Baltro"- - "Arky" put like 120 hours into "Dragon's Dogma 2."

Oh, wow. I've heard again, good things about it, but I've never played it like a dragon, infinite wealth. I played a little bit of it, but I was like, shit, I need to replace seven. Cause it's like a direct sequel. Yeah. Yeah.

- Yeah, 'cause I've been slowly making my way through "Seven". It's good. I enjoyed "Seven" a lot. - I just have no desire to play the new one after doing the original. I don't know why. - Yeah, but well, you only just like recently finished it, didn't you? - Yeah, right. So I'm like, I'm kind of like, "Man, that was pretty good." - I mean, it's quite different, but it is quite different. - Would you say it's comparable to the Ava movies, to the original Ava?

- Yeah, yeah, actually I think that is the best way to describe it. It's like, it's the same vibe and feeling from the original game, but obviously with just a lot more updated graphics and obviously, you know, the gameplay is a little bit different as well. - Yeah. - It's more action RPG now instead of turn-based, so. - Yeah.

- 'Cause I think the hardest thing is just finding time to play all these games, but. - I found a way somehow. - Somehow you found a way on top of all the different gotcha games as well. - 'Cause Seven Rebirth, I think I spent like 50, 60 hours on, something like that. - I heard it was a really, really long game. - Yeah, well, because they added so much like,

what is it, cinematics? - Yeah. - So like all the cut scenes. So like, God damn, some of these cut scenes are fucking long. Even in metaphor as well. Like the opening cut scene is like, yeah, they got 47 hours. - 47 hours? Oh my God. - 'Cause like even metaphor, the opening cut scene is like 45 minutes, so.

- I love short games. I love a four hour banger. - I mean, I do too, but you know, I put 90 hours in metaphor and that was great 90 hours spent. I will say that. - Well, it's crazy 'cause sometimes I'll walk away and I'll, you know how like your memory and like capacity for things. I'll feel the same way about some long games that I will have about like,

to our experience games. It's so weird. It's like in my head. So I'm like, why can't my memory distinguish any of those feelings as like long or short? Whereas I'll be like, no, I just liked that thing. And that's all I feel. So then I'm like, why do I- - Well, it depends how much you get into it. Some games like, you know, some games you can truly get into, immerse yourself in the story and world. And some games are just really like,

but still powerful experiences. And both are great, both are great types of games. Sometimes I do like the short quick indie games as well. - Oh yeah, no, dude, like, you know, Metafor for me personally will be a game I'll probably remember for a while just because it was long and because it's so story and character intensive that I thoroughly enjoyed it. - I mean, it looks cool, I do wanna play it. - Oh, it's just beautiful.

- It is long. - Yeah, it is long. But you know, I had a really, really profound experience playing it. It was a great game, but at the same time, you know, fucking Super Mario RPG, four and a half hour game, just as memorable. - Super Mario RPG? - Yeah. - That's like 12 hours. - No. - Yeah. - 12 hours? - Super Mario RPG, the remake, the screenings. - The remake, yeah. - Yeah, it took 10 hours. - I finished in like five. - What? - Yeah. - No.

- No, you did not. - But I've played the original, so I knew what to do. - I think it's, no, no way you'd be- - I definitely did not take 12 hours to finish that game. I literally spent maybe five, six hours. Did I accidentally speed run that game? - It took me, I was going pretty fast and it took me like 12. - Really? - Yeah. - I think it's because, like I knew- - That was a fun. I loved fun. - That was a fantastic- - I had a great time with this. - That's a short game and it's great.

- You're like close to speed runner. - No, it's like three hours. - That's the old one. You would be in the top 100 speed runners Joey. I don't believe you. - I definitely did not spend 12 hours though. - So you finished it in a single day? - Oh, I finished it in a day. - Okay. - Yeah, easily. - You're like close to the top. - I literally finished that in like an afternoon. And I was like, damn, was this game always this short?

- But dude, but even though short ass game, fucking fantastic. Literally a 10th of the length of metaphor. - I really enjoyed that. - It was a great game. - It was a lot of fun. - So it's just about like how much of it is, it's one, how much you get into it and two, how much the game allows you to immerse yourself into it, I think. - How long did it take you to beat metaphor compared to the other Persona games? - Well, metaphor took 90 hours.

- Persona, like, three reload, for example, 'cause I've already played the original three. So I kinda knew the story beats, even though they changed a little bit of it. But three reload, I think I spent 60 hours. Persona 5, I spent about 110. - This episode is brought to you by AWS. Amazon Q Business is the new generative AI assistant from AWS. Many tasks can make business slow, like wading through mud.

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I do think now playing other JRPGs and playing on the games, I do think maybe like the persona games and maybe metaphor. I don't know what the story is like. I think it's maybe just a tad bit too long. - Really? - Yeah. I really felt it during persona three reload with someone like, you know, you get to this point where I think you get to this one persona three where you're like, okay, I feel like I'm getting close to end game. And then they add like two, three extra dungeons and you're like,

- Oh, metaphor does that for sure. There's like a, I think it was like 60 hours in and I'm just like, oh fuck, I think this is about to be it. So I was like, I was fucking grinding a little bit. I'm like, I'll grind just in case. It's like the last one, 'cause I don't know how leveled I am. So I spent a little bit of time grinding and I got to, and then they were like,

- Just kidding. There's another 30 hours to go. Like cool. - Yeah, 'cause I also felt that during, did you feel that during Elden Ring at all? Where- - There was definitely points where I had to grind. - Yeah. - 'Cause there was, I would get to certain areas. 'Cause it's also non-linear. So you actually don't know if you're just under leveled or if you're on the right path, but there is no right path. So I guess it's kind of like, 'cause then I would grind and then I would,

Like I missed the area behind the star. Like, you know, when you go out to fight- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - If you like turn- - Yeah, yeah, I know. - Yeah, I totally missed that. - Right. - And so when I went back, it was like Saitama turning out. It was just like, why would one shotting everyone? - It was definitely easy mode. - So it was kind of like I did grind 'cause I wanted to do certain things and then maybe I was over level to some things, under level to other stuff. It was never like quite a balance.

- Yeah, 'cause like to me with "Elden Ring" I felt like it was like pretty good progression up to like a certain point where I was like, okay, I'm pretty, I must be pretty close to the end game. I'm in the end game area. And then suddenly they just add a whole new fucking area out of nowhere. - Which area are you talking about? - The snow area. - Oh, yeah, the snow area. - And then it's like- - That was, I think, one of the weakest areas. - Yeah, yeah, it felt to me like I wasn't,

I was satisfied with the experience I got. Then I'm like, okay, we're gonna add a whole new other area, but it also feel, it didn't feel as polished as the previous. - It was kind of barren. - Yeah, yeah. - They just tacked it on at the end. - Yeah. - I really liked the idea of like a snow place that's like constantly blizzarding. You can't really see it. I like that idea, but yeah, it did feel kind of like. - Yeah. And to me, like the 40 to 60 hour range is just like that golden point and anything above that, I feel like for,

most of the games I play, I realize I think I'm just playing it just to complete it rather than I'm as invested in it. - Right. - Yeah, most of the Final Fantasies that I've played have been 30 to 40. And I feel like that's a pretty good sweet spot. 'Cause like you can really get like sink your teeth into it, but it never overstays. - Yeah, that's why I had such a profound experience I think with like 13 Sentinels. 'Cause that was like a 30 hour game. And I was like, I feel like if it went any longer than this,

I would have gotten a little bit tired, especially with a plot that convoluted. I'm like with a plot that convoluted and if it was like 90 hours, I think I would have just like had ego death. Like I would have just died on the spot. Like I can't, it's like, I can't even remember the plot of it. - I can barely like make,

of like what the fuck is happening? Let alone it's like three times the length. - Trying to keep up with the different plot progressions of that. I'm just like, if I don't finish this in like one sitting or a few settings, I'm going to forget everything. - I literally finished that game in three days because every day I woke up and I'm like, if I don't immediately play, continue playing this the next day, I'm going to forget everything. - Yeah. - But it was great. Loved it. - You gonna play Eletri?

- I will eventually. - Eventually? - Yeah, there's so many games I wanna play, man. It's a problem. It's a problem. - Sure. - And I'm trying to manage. - What are the other categories actually? I'm kind of curious. - Too many games to play and yet you choose League. - You know, it's like a kind of weird, horrible thing where you can't get into some games 'cause they're too long, but League of Legends is truly the longest game of all time. But the trick of it is that you can pick it up for 30 minutes and be done completely, right?

but it's never 30 minutes. But you could have a 40 minute experience be done. And so I think that's a very tempting thing nowadays. - To me, there's so many games I wanna play, but sometimes you just want that comfort game. I think that I was addicted to Elden Ring at the time because during my free time, when I just didn't know what to do, I could be like, oh, I could just boot up Elden Ring for a bit. But I don't know, sometimes,

- It takes me like such a long time to get to that point in a game where I'm like invest into it. Sometimes it can take like three, four hours before I like truly start getting into like the gameplay loop and getting like addicted to the game. - No, no, I get that. 'Cause I was like that with Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Like I think I tried that game like three or four times and every single time I was just like,

man, I'm just like, I don't know. Maybe I'm just not really into this game. And then one time I was like, after I think the fourth or fifth attempt, I was like, okay, I think I finally get it now. I don't know why I didn't give up on this game. I was like, no, surely this is a game I'll enjoy. But just for some reason, it just wasn't clicking for whatever reason. And then the fourth or fifth time, randomly my brain was like, I get it now.

I understand. - Conditioned yourself into it. - Yeah, yeah. And it was great. - What's the best VR AR game? I'm actually curious about that. 'Cause I feel like it's been a pretty bad year for VR. - Let's see.

- I mean, I don't normally play VR games. - I haven't heard of any of these. - I have not heard of any of these games. I feel like VR is just in its own bubble. - VR feels like it's kind of struggling a little bit. - I wanna see, go back to the categories. I wanna see best score in music. - Ooh. - There's a metaphor on here.

- Yeah, it is, let's go. - All of these are Japanese, right? No, except for Shift Up. - No Persona 3 Reload though. - No Persona 3, it's all right. Meguro is there with metaphor though. I'll take that. - Metaphor representation. - Oh, and Silent Hill too. That soundtrack is amazing. All right, cool. I'm satisfied. I just wanted to see if there was a metaphor on there. I'm satisfied. Is there any other categories you guys are interested in? What about indie games? Best independent game.

- There's two, independent debut and best indie game, okay. - Let's see best independent game. - Yeah. - "Electrode." - Oh, I don't know "Well" was like a big hit this year, wasn't it? - Oh, "Never." I've heard a lot of things about that "Never" game. It looks really, really good. I didn't know it was out though.

- Is it out? Fuck. - That is actually a game I would be wanting to play. - Fuck, another game to add. - If it's on the Game Awards nomination. - Did it come out? - Yeah, October 5th. - Oh shit. - Yeah. - All right, well. - Well. - Great, another game to add to the never ending list. - Go to the next category as well. - Yeah, best indie game debut. What's the difference between them? - I guess it would be the first game from the studio.

- Oh, okay, okay, okay. - Yeah, "Man of Lords" has been so popular. I've seen this quite a lot pop up. - "Man of Lords"? - Yeah, it's like a civ building game. Build like a civilization kind of thing. - Oh, okay, okay. That sounds like my type of game. I love civ type games.

I've seen a lot of it, but never actually played it. - Let's see, what's best game direction and best narrative? I'd be curious to see what best narrative is this year as well. - "Battlefall", let's go! - Damn! - It's basically all the best game. - It's all game of the year. - It's all game of the year games. - This is just game of the year. All over again. What's best narrative? I wonder. - Let's go! It's literally...

- All right, well, Metaphor is getting- - I swear to God, if Metaphor doesn't win a single one. - It must do, it must do at this point. - Oh my God. - It must do. - Just one, I just need it to win one. - Please. - Yeah, I'd be hype if it wins game of the year. - I'd be hype as shit. - Most anticipated game, bottom left. - All right, let's check that out.

- Oh, GTA 6. - GTA 6? - Oh, Ghost of Yotei. - I mean, GTA 6 should win that one. I feel like that's like the most anticipated thing. - True. - I mean, that's like the meme, right? Ain't no way we got X before GTA 6. - I'm definitely gonna check out Ghost of Yotei. - Death Stranding's having another game?

- Yeah, on the beach. - You didn't know that? - I didn't know that. - It's the beach episode. - Death Stranding Beach episode.

- I mean, Metro Prime 4 is what I'm looking forward to. - I've heard more people talking about Death Stranding than people who have actually played it. I don't know a single person who's actually played it. - Well, it leaves an impression, I think. - I only know one person who's played it. I am kind of curious to check it out though. - Yeah, it's always been that I'm like, I'm curious to check it out, but not today. I feel like playing something else today. - True. - Yeah.

- Well, yeah. The only thing I know about Death Stranding is that the last cut scene is like two and a half hours. - It's ridiculous. - It's like, I'm like Kojima, just make a movie. - So he just, yeah. - Just make a movie at this point. - I mean, he's always wanted to. - Yeah. Well, that's what Death Stranding is. - Yeah, yeah. - I mean, have you ever played any of the Metal Gear Solid games? - Yeah. I played Snake Eater. - Snake Eater? - Yeah. - I've only played Revengeance.

- Nanomachines. - Yeah, nanomachines. I really wanna play that. That looks so good. - It's like an eight hour game. It's like, you can do it in one sitting. - Yeah. - I always wanted to, when it came out, I always wanted to play MGS5. I just never got around to playing it, but I've only heard again, good things about it. Have you played it? - MGS5 is the only one I haven't played actually.

because I heard it was like, you know, that was, this is one Kojima still watch with Konami and then they kind of like go ax spin way through. - What is best family? The fuck, sorry, I just saw that and I was like, what? - Best family game? - Oh, best family game. - Best family, just the best family. - It's like the Smiths, the Johnsons. - Yeah, I'm sorry. - The Simpsons. - You know what I mean? Like, what do you mean by that? Oh God. - Echoes of Wisdom is a family game?

- I think they just mean cutesy maybe. - I guess. - Yeah. - Just one you can play with the kids. - The new Mario Party is fire. - Oh really, Jamboree? - It's so good. - Okay, is it any different? 'Cause maybe Nintendo just sold it to me in a weird way, but it just looked like Super Mario Party, like best of compilation. Is it actually a different game? - That was the last one. The last one was the best of. That was literally what it was kind of.

- So this is a different one? - Yeah, yeah. Or like totally new mini games, old brand new. It's really good. And it's weird 'cause Mario Party is one of those games where I feel like you've changed one or two, tweak one of the two of the mechanics and it feels either pretty slow or fast or boring. - Yeah, yeah. - This one feels pretty good to play. - Okay. - I've had a lot of fun with this one so far. - Okay. - How was it compared to like the other Mario Party games? - I'd say it's,

- Out of the recent like three, it's probably up there with the last one. The last one was really good too. - Yeah, the last one was good. - I liked the maps on this one though. - Okay. - I liked this one. It's fun, it's fun. We'll play on Patreon. - Yeah, we'll play on Patreon. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll try it out. - - Yeah, I mean games, a lot of games, a lot of good games. - A lot of good games. - A lot of good games. - What's your guys' game of the year if you had to pick? Like your personal game of the year.

- Mine's metaphor, obviously. - Mine would probably be metaphor if I had played it. 'Cause I know I'm gonna love that game. - Yeah. But I haven't had time to play it yet. - I don't know which games I've played this year. - Let me open up the database. - A lot of the games that I've played this year were not from this year. I've been doing a lot of that. That was kind of the same for me last year where I don't always play the games as they come out. - Yeah.

I played Satisfactory came out this year and I played the fuck out of that. That was a lot of fun. - Yeah, I mean, I played Elden Ring this year and that was probably, that didn't come out this year, but I can most safely say that that was my gaming experience of the year. - Yeah, yeah, for sure.

- Yeah, like most of the games I played this year did not come out. - I like how you have to look through your fucking- - VODs. - VODs to see all the games you played. - Yeah, 'cause I played like fucking Chrono Trigger, like- - Go at it. - Yeah, it was go at it. - That was this year? - Like Darkest Dungeon 2. - Holy shit. That feels like last year that you talked about Chrono Trigger. - Yeah, right? - What the fuck, man? - Yeah, I played this year. Yeah, I played more Pokemon this year, you know what I mean? Like, so, Helldive's came out this year. That was pretty fun.

- Oh yeah, shit. - "Body of Ice" came out this year? - Yeah, right at the start of the year. "Helldive" was fun. - That was the thing that came and then went. - And then it died of cringe. - Well, 'cause the devs fucking, we're gonna get into that. - We all know what happened. - They tanked that game, bro. 'Cause they removed everything fun from it. - What did they do? 'Cause I did not know. - Basically like, obviously you can't update a game super fast. Like it's kind of hard to do that.

- Basically the one thing that they did, which at least ruined it for me, was like every gun that was kind of good, they just nerfed them. It's PVE. So it's not like there's a punishment for having a good gun. And instead of making other guns more viable, they just made every gun feel like shit to use. - So they just made the game harder. - They just made the game super fucking hard, which is fine, but it kind of feels lame when you had these guns, which felt good and were really,

engaging to use and all these like systems and then nothing works anymore and it's shit. And you're like, oh, okay, great. Why don't we just make the other stuff good?

- I mean, I was barely able to play before they nerfed the game. Now I wouldn't have no fucking chance. - I mean, I feel like it's been an okay year for gaming. I'll say that again. - It's been an okay year for gaming. - The most games I've played this year have not come out this year. - Fair enough. - I feel confident in saying it's been an okay. - If you're a JRPG fan, it's been goaded. If you are not a JRPG exclusive gamer, I think it's been a mm.

- Yeah, that's true. - Yeah, that's fair. - I can get behind that. - Like when we have a DLC in the game of the year, I'm like, come on. - Yeah. - Sure. - Like Elden Ring DLC deserves props, but we couldn't find another six. Like we couldn't find another thing that was worthy. Like, I don't know. - Elden Ring 2 OP, man. - Yeah, that's true. - Damn. - 2 OP. - Should've just released it as Elden Ring 2 or some shit. I don't know.

But you went to Okinawa and I went to Okinawa at the same time. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - And we both got fucked over by the weather. - Yep. - So yeah, when we record Trash Taste, we always like talk about our schedules when we're available to do it. And Joe was like, "Oh, I'm going to Okinawa." I was like, "Oh shit, no way, I'm going to Okinawa." During the exact same period.

And I was like, "Where are you going?" And then we accidentally booked the exact same hotel. - Yeah, on the exact same day. - The same day. And then there was a landslide in Okinawa, so we couldn't go. - Yeah, there was a giant, I guess, concentration of rain that happened the day before.

And we found out 10 minutes before we landed. And as we're waiting at the baggage carousel, Aki gets this email and was like, "Oh yeah, so you can't go up here. And everyone who is currently here, we're trying to evacuate them. So sorry, peace." So we're like, "Fuck, what are we gonna do?" So last minute I booked a hotel in Naha and we just chilled in Naha for three days. It was great.

- Yeah, cracking open Oreos at 10 in the morning was sick. - So instead of filming a video, you just had a little vacation. - Well, originally we weren't, I wasn't even gonna film a video 'cause this is the same tree house hotel that Aki and I stayed in last year. And we had made a video for them back then. And they had liked us and the videos we'd made so much that they invited us back because they had built new,

rooms, I guess, new tree houses. So they were like, "Yeah, you wanna come and check out the new tree houses?" And we're like, "Well, we had a good time last time." So we're like, "Fuck it, let's go." Fortunately, we couldn't do that. And instead I just got belligerently drunk for three days in Naha. - Sounds like a great vacation. - It was so hot. - Yeah, it was like 28 degrees. - Dude, the second day we were there, it was 32 degrees. People were at the beach.

And in November, and I was in this cab and there was, you know, 'cause obviously this is Okinawa and unlike in Tokyo, people in the cab drivers in Okinawa love talking to you. - Oh really? - Yeah, they're constantly talking to me. I found out though why they constantly talk to me. It's because out of the four cab drivers that we had on our trip there, three of them were like, "Oh, I thought you were Okinawan." Apparently I have the face of an Okinawan.

- Oh, interesting. - Yeah, and I'm like, oh, I've never gotten that before. And he's like, yeah, I think that's why a lot of people here talk to you, 'cause they think you're a local. And I was like, oh, okay, I mean, that's cool. But yeah, on the 32 degree day, I jumped in the cab and it was this kind of older gentleman, of course, taxi driver in Japan, and he's driving us. And I was like, well, I should probably open up a conversation. We're in this cab for the next 40 minutes. So I was like, man, it's so hot today, isn't it?

the dude's just like, "Oh my God, let me tell you about it." Just goes off on his giant rant. It's like, "I've been here for 60 years. This is fucking unacceptable." It's like when I was a teenager, peak summer in Okinawa would be like 33 degrees.

And I was like, oh wow, that actually sounds great. And he's like, yeah, I know. It's 32 degrees today and it's fucking November. Like, what is this shit? He's like, we're doomed. And then he started going off on about like global warming and this like doomsday rant and shit like that. I'm like, all right, I'm gonna stop talking. - It is worrying. - You unleash the beast. - Yeah, the beast. - The beast.

- I didn't go for vacation. I went to film with Chris. So that was interesting. We entered the same island that you went to that one time on "Journey Across Japan." The one that's like really far north. And then there's a giant bridge going to this tiny island. There's a giant cool ass bridge that leads to the smallest island. And it's like, surely the cost of making this bridge is a lot more than whatever's on this island. - I don't remember which one that was.

- I assume one of the- - Not Ishigaki. - No, it was Okinawa. Oh, Ishigaki? It's near Ishigaki. - Near Ishigaki? - Yeah, it's near Ishigaki. - Kumejima, maybe? - Oh yeah, okay, wait. She's like...

- You see where, so open up the map. Yeah, I'll try and zoom in and enhance for you. - I mean, you could just go Google maps as well. That'd probably be easier. - You know where Nago is? - Nago, yeah. - There's those two little foot islands and there's a tiny one. - Oh, L'Island? - One looks like a dick. - I mean, no, that's E-Island. - L'Island.

- I thought that said- - What are we, a rage coming now? - I went to the island. - Yeah, so zoom in. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

- North a little bit more. - Oh, that one there? - No, no, no, north a little bit more. - A little bit more? - That one. - Oh, Cawdy? - Oh, Cawdy? Yeah, oh yeah, okay, I remember that one. - That was a cool island. - That was a cool island. - Look, click on the beach.

- Look at this bridge, it's fucking insane. It should be in some of the pictures. - Oh yeah, I do remember this. - It's like the most insane bridge. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's so long. - Okay, yes, I do remember this. - To this tiny island. - Yeah. - It's really cool. - Yeah, very cool. - So we stayed there, it was really cool. Oconee was awesome. - That beach is fucking beautiful as well. - Yeah, yeah. - Unbelievable. - Like this bridge is like insane. - Yeah, I do remember this. - It's like the UK could never.

But it was really fun. I enjoyed Okinawa. Okinawa Soba was really fucking good.

- Yeah, I did some water sports as well. That was fun. - Oh yeah? - I just got Chris to do some water sports as well. - No fucking way. - I managed to convince him. - Yeah, he had a traumatic experience last time. - Yeah, we went on like the banana boat thing, whatever it fucking was. - Oh, speed boat thing? - Yeah. - He didn't like that? - He was like begging them to go slow and I kept being like, "No, no, faster please." - Well, yeah, 'cause if you don't know, the last time he did that, he perforated his eardrum.

- Yeah. - Oh shit. - And I had to take him to an ear doctor and I saw the, he's like, "Yeah, I think I like hurt my eardrum." Took him to an ear doctor. The doctor looked at it, you know, with the scope and there was a big TV there so I could see inside of his ear, just this giant hole in his ear. And I was like,

- Oh, my battle. - I did wakeboarding for the first time. - Wakeboarding's good fun. - And I've never felt like I've been beaten up so much in my life. This shit was, oh my God. - Yeah, it's tough. - It's the one where you, the boat drags you and you're on like a surfboard. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And like, it was, oh my God. - I've always wanted to try it. - Dude, I did not expect it to be that physical. - What do you mean? - 'Cause like,

- You kind of have to like crunch yourself into a ball and grab onto this rope and then they just pull you and you have to quickly like hold on for dear, like so fucking hard to hold onto this thing whilst the board slowly like drags to the top of the water. And then once it's out of the water and like kind of going, you stand up. But then you've still got to pull your entire like body weight and like stay balanced. - You gotta lean back. - Yeah.

- It's so hard. - Meanwhile, you have to control your legs because this board is fucking- - Yeah, it's going crazy. And then like, you know, the jet ski that's pulling me, if it like turned a little too aggressively, it would send like three ripples that would like fucking destroy me. - Yeah, up in the air. - But the one thing that I kept doing is like, I was trying to understand what she was telling me to do, 'cause it's really tough,

I would try and stand up too quick. And then what would end up happening is that the jet ski would pull me and I wouldn't let go. But the board was in the water and wanted to pull me the other way. So it was like a medieval torture device where I was getting pulled in both directions and it hurts so fucking much. - You're getting like hung, drawn and caught. - And like the next day it felt like I'd actually been beaten up. Like genuinely, I was like, I was so sore and my body hurts so fucking much. - Yeah.

- That's the thing, right? Is that like water sports, especially if you're doing it all day or even like all afternoon, my God, you forget just how much of your body you use in any water sport. Even if you're just like sitting there on a banana boat, right? Like you're holding onto dear life. So you're still using a lot of muscle and the next day you just fucked.

- I've always wanted to try though. Was it fun? - Yeah, yeah. I think it would have been nicer on a nicer day. The waves were quite bad the day I did it and it was quite gloomy. - Right. - So it would have been nice if it was like lovely beach in summer. - Yeah. The rain was kind of, I wasn't too sure if I wanted to stay or not. - Yeah, there was so much rain. - Yeah. I mean, it is the winter.

- Technically, yeah. - Have you been to Okinawa? - I've never been to Okinawa. - It was like Hawaii, but good, I felt like. - It's Hawaii, but affordable. - Hawaii felt like it had been turned into like adult Disneyland, whereas Okinawa just felt kind of like just a really awesome, at least, I mean, I wasn't in Naha. - Well, I think especially like around Nagel, like around where you were, it's very, very nice. I think Naha's a little bit touristy nowadays, but-

Still a lot better than Hawaii, in my opinion. - Yeah, I mean, 'cause you know, whenever I want to go to a beach, normally I just fly to Thailand and visit family at the same time. - That's true. - So I've always wanted to go to- - You can meet in the middle. - What? - You can meet in the middle. - Yeah, just meet in the middle. - Does Okinawa do, the airport's international as well, right? - Mm-hmm. - Oh, okay, that'd be cool then. - I think, 'cause most of the, yeah, the tourists in Naha like just fly directly from China.

So I think it's like kind of limited when it comes to international. - Oh yeah, there was like so many Chinese tourists. - Well, 'cause it's just right there. - Yeah, that makes sense. I'm done. - What do you recommend doing in Okinawa then? - Let's get shit faced. - Let's get shit faced. - I mean, for me, my personal favorite thing about Okinawa is the food. It's just like the food culture is just completely different to anything else you can get in Japan. And oh my God, like,

I've always said the two places in Japan that have perfected Japanese food is Hokkaido and Okinawa. - One side or the other. - One side or the other. I don't know what it is, but like those two places I think have just perfected food. And we went to this like Sokisoba for instance, which is like this Okinawan soba that they only make there. We found this like dingy fucking Sokisoba place in like the back streets of like Naha, way, way far away from any touristy place that my friend recommended me.

And it was the best fucking thing I've ever had in my life. It was so good. But just like that kind of stuff. Also, the one thing I also really like about Okinawa is that like, they just, they love...

talking to strangers. Like there's just this like stranger friendliness that I've missed so much living in Tokyo. - Yeah. - That you can just like, if you like, you know, you've experienced a stranger friendliness in like Osaka. - Yeah. - It's like that, but like even more sometimes. They just love talking to people because they just live in that island life. - I just feel like it's the island vibe. - It is the island. - You just gotta be chill living on the islands. - I've always said, like, I've always wanted to, if I were to live anywhere in my retirement, I'd probably move to Okinawa.

- It was really fun driving around Okinawa as well. The views were awesome and the roads were quiet. So it was just fun driving around. - Yeah, I assume it's not too busy this time of the year either. - No, it's dead. Especially like where I went, it was like no one. It was cool. - In the summer it's a bit busy, but you know, beats staying in Tokyo for the summer. - I mean, anything beats staying in Tokyo for the summer. - Sure. - Right? I mean, I've always wanted to,

- Could you see yourself like living on an island like this? Like permanently? - I could live on an island like this. - Retirement home for you on an island? - Yeah. I've legitimately thought about potentially buying like a holiday home in Okinawa. - Oh, sure. - 'Cause I've been to Okinawa now probably, I think this time around that I just came back from, it's like my seventh or eighth time going. - Damn. - Yeah. - And I fucking love it. It's so nice. - I can see you vibing with the island life.

- Yeah. I mean, I love the beach. - He's one of them. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's one of them. - Everyone thinks he's one of them. - Look, when a cab driver says, "I thought you were a local," I basically got my citizenship. So I'm good, dog. - You know, it's just like, it's a little slower pace there. - Yeah. - It's just more chill. You can't get things as fast and it's just like- - Exactly. The food is good. The vibes are good. The beaches are amazing. - It's all about the vibes, man. - Yeah, it's great.

- I would love to like live on an island for like a year or something just to see what the kind of, what that kind of life is like. - Well, I mean, Japan's technically an island. - You're not like a tropical island, Joey. - Well, actually America is technically an island. - Yes, yes, Joey. Thank you very much, Joey. - Just saying. - Being that guy, Joey. - I'm being that guy. - The UK is also an island, Joey. - So is Australia, Joey. We've all grown up in Ireland. - Not islands I'd want to be on.

- Pretty much the island vibe wherever you go as well. I've also been helping the anime men film a bunch of videos that- - Oh yeah, yeah, you filmed with them, didn't you? - Yeah, I have. - Yeah, I heard from Navi that you filmed a video with them. - Yeah, yeah, I just, I wanna do a solid, help the new generation- - All right, question. How much, on a scale of one to 10, how much did you feel like an unk?

I didn't feel like an unk. I felt like a granddad. I wish I felt like an unk man. Holy fucking shit. - That's the thing, it's like, look, nothing against them, like the dudes, like they're nice guys. - They're really- - Super chill. - Really good kids. I'm gonna call you kids because in my eyes they are kids. - Really good kids, but man- - They got a good heart. - But man, I emphasize with my actual uncle,

who tried so hard to relate to me when I was younger. And I'm just like, "Oh, stop doing that, man." I feel like that now. When I talk to them, I'm just like, "Damn, man, there's nothing I can say where I'm like, 'Yeah, man, same wavelength, dog.'" Like, I can't be that way anymore. - Yeah, I've realized hanging out with the anime men,

I don't want to be that cringe adult that's just like, yeah, I'm still hip with the kids. I still talk like you guys. - Yeah, we all remember watching Inuyasha, right? - Yeah. - No, just me, all right, cool. - No, 'cause it got to the point where they were like, explained to me like, I think for someone my age, I'm more in touch with like modern slang than other people my age. But they were explaining to me like,

- Some of the terminology that we're using, I was like, no, this is too much. They were talking about the modern brain rot language. - Do you remember any of it? - Like Huzz? - What? - The Huzz? - Huzz? - Yeah. - Like H-U-Z-Z? - I think it's H-U-Z-Z.

- What does that mean again? They're explaining this shit to me. - What the fuck is a Huzz? - The Huzz, the fuzz, the fuck. - Well the fuzz of Huzz to be in the act of consuming alcohol. - I don't even think it was that. I don't think it's that. Can you type in Huzz brain rot? - What? - Huzz, the bruzz and the gruzz. - What the fuck is this? - And I was like, no.

- Huzz I think is just the term for like the boys, I think, right? - No, Huzz means hose. - Okay, okay. - Just say hose.

Why are we abbreviating a four letter word? - All right, all right. So, "Hoz" I guess is the modern brain rot term for like hoes, I guess. - Okay, okay. - And the "Broz" is like the bros. - That makes sense. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay, I see. - Well then what's "Groz"? I have no idea what "Groz" is. - The "Groz"? The grandma? The grandma, "Hoz"?

- The older? - Me when I pull up to Gros. - Yeah, no, but- - Gros crib. - Very good kids, but it definitely like hang out with them. I definitely, for the first time, definitely felt my age. - Oh yeah. - Because it is like a whole different,

- It's so scary. Just like when I was like talking to them and I was talking about like- - Yeah, how was it talking to them in Anime Expo? - At Anime Expo. Like look again, great kids, love them. But my God, it's just like, again, it made me feel

- So old. - Yeah. - Like just everything they said and like every time I tried to like be like, yeah, you know, like I loved that anime or like, you know, I love that game. I grew up with this thing. And then they'll, you know, they'll be like, oh, well, you know, I was born in 2000 and I was like, 2000 and? What do you mean 2000 and? That's not, that doesn't exist. - Yeah. - Yeah, last night they were like, oh, Garnt, why don't you start doing YouTube? And Garnt was like,

- I don't remember, when did you say it? 2007? - 2007, yeah. - They were like, "I'm four." And I was like, "That's fucked up." - That's fucked up. - That's fucked up, man. That's fucked up. - No, it was also super interesting talking to them as well, 'cause obviously they are definitely in their peak, "I am passionate about anime" era. - Sure. - I'm like, "Ah." - We all been there. - Yeah, we've been there. - We all been there. - Everyone thinks they'll stay in it forever.

- Well, I still am. Only I am the last remaining one. - Not like degenerate, like love of anime. There was a period of my life where everything was anime for me. And that passed luckily. - Yeah, exactly. - It's like an integrated society. - You became reformed. - Integrated in society. - You just kind of realize there's just more to life.

- Don't say that. - It's like saying Santa Claus is unreal. - Yeah, it's like when you, 'cause sometimes you talk to someone and even a good conversation and then you slowly realize like, and this is something I felt about myself, but more so now when I talk to quite young people, is that you're like, damn, I forget like you haven't done anything when you're like 20.

There's no stories to tell. - Your life's just started. - Yeah, there's no interesting things. And I feel like if I had only limited myself to consuming media and not like doing anything, I feel like, damn, I wouldn't have anything to talk about. I don't know. I feel like it's a shame, especially when sometimes people get so many amazing opportunities and they don't do them. And you're like, ah.

It's like you're doing a disservice to yourself. - No, 100%. - Yeah, I mean, I think it's all about the balance at the end of the day. - For sure, for sure, yeah. - Yeah, but I mean, it was super interesting talking to them about like their like, I guess, modern taste in anime. Because I remember we had this like, yesterday we had this like talk about Re:Zero, right? And they were like, to them, to a lot of their group, it is literally, no joke, like a life-changing anime.

- Like seeing your face Joey says it all. - Am I legally allowed to bully them now for saying that? - And I was like, so I like ReZero. - It's a great show. - Connor likes ReZero as well. - I like ReZero. - And I think it's like, I'm a fan of ReZero, it's a good show, but seeing,

them talk about Re:Zero being like this passionately, like literally, literally. - They said it was life-changing like nine times. - Yeah, they said it was life-changing nine times. They told me why it was life-changing. They found it at a time where they needed something where the message of Re:Zero and the message of Subaru's character development like really hits a lot of them. - Pretending not to be someone you're not. - Yeah, pretending to be someone that you're not. I'm like, damn.

has Re:Zero turned into like the modern, I use this term with huge inverted commas, the modern Ava or something like that? Because this is them talking about Re:Zero reminds me about how I talked about how Ava like changed my life. How like seeing Shinji's story and seeing the end of Ava, how that like really, really affects me. I'm like, holy shit. Like seeing these kids passionately talk

about a show like Re:Zero, which I enjoyed, no doubt, I enjoyed. Would I call it a life-changing anime for me personally? Personally not. It was enjoyable one, but seeing the new generation have this show that has like affected them and in a way shaped their personality, because it's something that has definitely shaped their personality. I'm like, damn, this is,

- Super surreal to see. - That is really fascinating. I don't know why I didn't think, I mean, again, as you as echoing your point, "Re:Zero" is a great show. I have no qualms about that. It's just interesting that that's the show they picked.

- What other modern shows you think would have that kind of same effect? - See, that's the thing, I don't know. So I would always think like, again, this is coming from a biased perspective, but like, to me, I would look at that being like, because there isn't really

a modern show in my eyes personally, that is like that, I would think that they would still go back to the same shows that we quote as having that kind of profound effect, right? - Yeah. - But it seems like now this new generation has found the new generation's version of what we found profound. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. - And that just happened to be Zero. - Well, I think because every generation, obviously every generation goes through different troubles, different worries. - Oh, for sure.

- Not to invalidate that or anything, of course. - And I think, Ava, even though in our eyes, it's an old anime, at the end of the day, still a '90s anime. - There's a lot of retelling of stories as well and newer mediums and newer things, right? It's like, how many 1940s films do you watch? It's like, not that much. But then maybe the director of the film that you really liked that came out in the '90s was like, "This is such a heavy inspiration." - Oh, for sure.

- Yeah. - Well, I'm going all the way back to watch that. So, you know what I mean? Like it's kind of like- - I'm watching all that. - We are very bad as like people as consuming media from like not our time, I feel generally. We're quite bad at that. - Yeah. - So I feel like that's kind of why this always happens and why we're- - But also I think even more in like the modern day as well where,

I think just because there's so much stuff coming out nowadays that it feels more than anything. It's like people, less and less people go back to the past, not just with anime, but like with movies as well. - With anything really, any kind of entertainment. - Yeah, yeah. 'Cause to me, if I would say what I would feel like is the modern life-changing anime that I would have expected the modern generation to say. - Like "Talentine".

- I would say Mob Psycho. I would have thought Mob Psycho would have been that one. - Yeah.

in my biased eyes to be like, this is what I think the kids would like. It would be something like Mob Psycho. - I think there's, Mob Psycho is a more of like a retrospective thing. And when you're in a, like as an adult, you can look back at Mob Psycho and see a lot of the things that maybe once you just found boring or uncomfortable, you kind of recognize them. Like I think a bit of Mob having to go through his journey of, hey, just 'cause you have your special. And the one thing doesn't mean you're special in general. - It's all about,

- And then like, - And then Reagan is also a great character for that. So I think that's like, it's very adult themed, I think. - Yeah. - When there's not a lot that you can sympathize with when you're young, I think. - Yeah, for sure. When you're young and just feeling, I don't know. It's, yeah, I was, I don't know, it's surprising. - Just makes you think. - Makes you think. - Yeah.

- 'Cause it's weird to see like, obviously anime has gotten a lot more popular now with like the new generation on like a different fucking level. I'm just waiting for that conversation I have with a kid that tells me Jujutsu Kaisen was a life-changing anime and I'm like, okay, now I'm truly out of touch. - It's like say anymore and you're getting the back of my hand. - Oh my God. - I'm just joking. You can like whatever you like, I don't care.

- Well, that's why I think like, you know, it seems like every modern show now is getting super popular, "Dan Da Dan" really popping off now. I haven't caught up with it, but apparently episode, the latest episodes have been,

- I've been fucking- - Wait, I'm caught up with an anime that you're not caught up with? - Oh, you're caught up with it? - I'm caught up with "Ananambra". Is it popping off? - It's fucking popping off. - Oh shit, if Joey says it is, then it definitely must be. - I mean, look, I love the manga. And the anime has just been so good. So yeah, the latest episode,

- Cinema? Absolute cinema? - Peak. - Oh, okay, damn. - Peak cinema. - Oh shit, okay. - Yeah, everyone should be watching that. - Fuck. - All right, well if Joey says so. - Wait, so what video were you filming with the anime, man? - They're doing like a bunch of videos in Japan

- It's definitely humbling talking to them and remembering how much we grinded when we first- - When we showed up here, there was no infrastructure for filming anything. Like there was no, you couldn't, you know, there's no one to help you that had like experience. - But also they told me they're here for like a month. - That's crazy. - And they're filming something almost every day.

They have filmed in that time that they've been in so far 17 videos. And I'm like, I wish I had. - I wish I had 17 ideas. - I remember back to our first Japan trip. And I think all we did was drank for like two weeks straight. - Yeah, we were living degenerative lives. - We just did karaoke and ate food. - We did five-man karaoke like two times a week maybe. - We went crazy.

- I was like, damn, but that's like, those are the times I look back on, I was like, yeah, that was peak. - And then like every, and then like. - That was the best time, Steve. - And then after like, you know, the second week, one of us would be like,

maybe we should film something. - Yeah, we did film something after like two weeks. - You guys came to my house and I'm like, oh yeah, we should maybe film some videos for our channels, you know? - Was that the video that we filmed? It was a quiz or something. It was like the anime opening quiz or the anime ABC. - Anime A to Z. - I did something as well. - You did the fucking. - What did I do?

- You did the rap battles thing. - Yeah. - You remember that shit? - So bad. But you know, I look back at that and I'm like, 'cause we'd hang out and it was like, yeah, we're all YouTubers, but like we just fucking, that was like not a factor. - Yeah. - Oh my God. - So that was like, that was so fucking fun. - How long, 2018? Don't play it. - I also think that's probably- - It was only 2018?

- I think stuff like that though is why I think we're such good friends now. 'Cause we hung out and did shit like that. And it was never about YouTube. It was like, we just were all YouTubers and we wanted to hang out. - Exactly, yeah. - Three million views? - How has Garnt not changed in six years? Garnt looks exactly the same just with a beard now. - Still got the turtleneck baby.

- Oh my God. - It's crazy, that's insane. - God, that was my last, last place. Did you just die? - Yeah, I've gone to that place. - Did you just die? - Yes, Joey. Why am I hearing this from you, Joey? - I remember coming to this house, 'cause Garnt left his fucking camera on the train.

- Oh yeah. - You had to like call up the train. And then I remember I was like, oh shit, your place was small. - Yeah, oh yeah. - Like behind that wall was like your bed. - Yeah. - And that was it. - I'm surprised we were all able to fit in this place 'cause this place is fucking tiny, man. - What is Sydney wearing? Why is Sydney wearing a uniform? - Why is she wearing a school uniform? - I can't remember, man. - That's funny as fuck. When was this? 2018? - Yeah, six years ago. - Yeah. - Six and a half years ago. - Two years before. - Oh my Lord.

- Two years before the apocalypse happened. - Oh my God. - It feels like modern life is just, my mind segments things into like pre 2020 and post 2020. - That's smart. - Yeah. - When we spoke to those anime men, they were like, "Oh yeah, college, we did it all online." I was like, "What?" I was like, "Oh yeah, that's right, 'cause of COVID, that's crazy."

- No, apparently they loved it. Apparently- - It must have been great if you didn't want to really do college. - I was talking to them about it and I was like, what'd you guys do? And they were like, so we'd, so this wasn't even college. This was like, they were talking to me, telling me about their last year of high school. They would just go into like Zoom calls and for the first class, the camera would be off, the camera would be on. Then the entire class would just turn their cameras off and they'd just be gaming with each other the entire time. - This generation's so cool. - The fucking privilege.

- And I'm like, damn, I wish I had that. - Yeah, what the hell? - I wish I had that my final year of school. - Oh my Lord. - I was fighting for my life, like playing doodle jump under the table while the class was going on. - I wouldn't even risk it. The risk would be too great. - I was like, I need to get that PB though.

- Damn, that's crazy. - Confidence boost every time you hang out with them though, 'cause every time I've helped them or gone to dinner with them, they're like, "Damn, you're fitted today." What the fuck? Why is everyone here so fitted today? I'm like, bro, that's just... I'm wearing a shirt and jeans. Is that fitted for you guys? - Fitted equals you're wearing clothes. That's crazy.

- No fucking way. - They all stand up with no pants. - And I'm like, damn, I'll take it. But I guess being in Japan, you kind of like, this is like the bare minimum. - This is like the lowest level of fashion. - It does change you though. - 'Cause everyone's so fucking dripped out. - Yeah, for sure. - I'm excited to get old.

- You're excited to get old? - Yeah, I can't wait. I can't wait to be old. - What's the thing you're most looking forward to? - What year is to you is old? - 40, 40, 45. - 45. - Dude, 'cause then I can just say shit and people will be like, "He's old." You know what I mean? I can't wait to get to that point. - What are you gonna say? - You don't know what I'm cooking. I just can't wait to be the miserable old man. I think people treat Chris like he's 50.

- Well, 'cause he acts 50. - Yeah, I know, but he gets away with 50 year old shit. But he shouldn't. - Yeah. - Because he's like 34, five, six, I don't know. - He's younger than you, right? - Yes. - Yeah, I remember I said that to my mom once.

- You should have seen the look on her fucking face. It's like telling someone that God isn't real. She's like, "What do you mean?" - Everything I know is a lie. - 'Cause my mom was like, bless her heart, my mom was like, "I thought Chris was in his 40s."

- He's so good at fooling everyone into thinking he's like 45. - I know. - The power he wields. - Yeah, it's crazy. To be fair, your attitude is probably gonna be there when we're this stage. - I can't wait to get there. I can't wait, it's gonna be so fun.

- What is it with British men who can't wait to be like that? They just can't wait to give. See, as you get older- - I just give zero fucks. - You just give less of a fuck. So you're excited to get to the age where you just give less of a fuck. Do you still give a fuck right now? - Yeah, no, I do. But I feel like I wanna get to that point where I can be like- - Like nothing will faze you. - Someone's like, I don't know. I'm trying to think of an example. I can't off the top of my head. You answer people that are like, "No, I'm not doing that."

with such confidence. - Yeah. - And like, there's not even like an ounce of them that wants to accommodate the person that's like, you know? And obviously I do want to be considerate and nice still, but I would love to be able to be like, no, fuck off. I'm not doing that. - Shit, I'm already like that. - Shit. - Shit. - Shit, we're getting to that age now. - Yeah, god damn. - Shit. - No, no, no.

- No, no. - I still care a little bit. I think you have to care when unfortunately when you're on YouTube in terms of like how you're presenting yourself and what you say. - That's true. - And stuff like that. When I retire from YouTube, then I'm like, all right,

- Yeah, although I will say I am like slowly, like year in and year out, I am slowly getting to the point where I'm giving less of a shit about what I say on the internet. - Why not? - Where I'm just like, you know what? I've lasted this long. If I get canceled- - Do you ever wanna get to that age, that point where you give such a zero fucks? Do you see the latest Mike Tyson clips?

where he just has his bare ass out to millions of people on Netflix. You know what? I respect it. I want to get to a point where I do not give a fuck enough where I just- - Well, I just want to be like Chad, where like anything I do on camera, I'll just do it and I won't give a fuck.

- That's a terrible role model. - Their ass on camera. - He's arguably the worst role model. - You know what, he's my role model. I don't know if that's getting old or if that's just Mike Tyson, but I saw that and I'm like, this is like a clip from "The Office", I swear to God. - No, my favorite clip is like kind of an older clip where like this kid, she's probably like, I don't know, 10 years old and she's doing an interview with Mike Tyson. - I saw this one.

And the tagline is like, Mike forgot that he was being interviewed by a kid. 'Cause the kid was like, "So what kind of legacy do you wanna leave behind?" And then Mike's like, "Legacy is just a fallacy. Everyone's gonna die soon." This kid's just like, "Mm-hmm." Great answer, Mike. I bought you a gift. - It's quite intense. You're like, "Oh God." - It's so intense. I love that clip so much. - Yeah, that's what I wanna get to. - On the opposite end, have you seen that clip of like,

was it Jaden Smith? And he's doing an interview and he's like, "Damn man, I just can't hang out with kids my age anymore, man. They just wanna like play." And I'm like, "Damn, can we not talk about the modern political and economic climate?" I'm like, "Bro, what?" - Shut the fuck up, dude. - Shut the fuck up. You're like 17.

- Do you remember ages ago we brought up like Daniel Craig, just hating James Bond. - Yeah. - I found that hilarious. There was like another thing came on recently where they asked him like, what do you think about the new James Bond they picked? And he said, I don't care. I was like, man, he's been doing James Bond as long as I've been doing YouTube. And I was like, I think at the same time,

It's kind of crazy to be like, "I just don't give a fuck about it. Nah, just hate it. Fuck it, get it out of my sight." It's crazy. - That's wild. - Professional level hating himself. I respect it though, I suppose. - I don't know, sometimes you see actors who,

I guess like form a fan perspective when you see an actor just embody this role, you're like, damn. When I was a kid, I was like, damn, they must love that thing because that thing has- - Yeah, they're so good at it. - They're so good at it and it's been such a big part of their life. And then you grow older and you realize, I kind of understand when an actor, let's say, you know,

let's say like Captain America or Doctor Who or someone who's like embodied these roles for a long time. If I was in their shoes, I'd be like, yeah, I'd probably want to be seen as more than just that as well. - Yeah, of course. - Yeah, of course. I mean, that's why like most like actors you see who have been typecasted in that one thing, like nine times out of 10 after they're finished with that, they're just like, yeah, I fucking hated that.

- You know, like Robert Pattinson hated being Edward in "Twilight." You know, he's like openly shit on it. And like Daniel Radcliffe like never wants to ever fucking mention Harry Potter ever anymore. So it's like, I get it. You know, these people want to like do stuff other than what they became known for. And it's like, yeah, I respect that. - How'd you feel about,

like music artists who feel like they want to go, like they want to move on to their new stuff, but the new stuff just like, I don't know. Sometimes it just doesn't hit as hard as the old stuff. - Oh no, of course. Yeah. I mean, that's like all the time, right? Like, you know, like next week for instance, I'm going to go see Andre 3000. - Right. - Not as a rapper, but as the fucking jazz flute playing motherfucker. And like, you know, he's like that interview. I love that interview. Cause you know, he's like known as like, you know, one of the greatest like modern rappers of our time.

And then one day he was just like, "Yeah, I got nothing else left to say. I just don't really wanna do rap. I just wanna learn how to play this giant fucking jazz flute and just like make this like really abstract ambient stuff." And I'm like, "You know what, man? I kind of respect it. You wanna do something different?" - I think your art is not beholden to anyone. You can do whatever you want. - You can do whatever the fuck you want. - Fans can be disappointed, but I think as an artist- - But the real fans of that artist will stick around, you know? And we'll try to like accommodate that new shift in tone, right?

- Sometimes you miss the old. - I know, I know. - Sometimes you miss the old Kanye. - Sometimes? - I feel you, I feel you. - New Kanye should have stayed in the draft. They should have never released New Kanye. - He was a doctor. - Oh man. - Yeah, no, I totally get it. But like, that's the good thing about like,

a lot of art in that instance, right? Like, especially with music is that like now, if you wanna go back to the old stuff, it's very readily available to anybody and everybody. - Sometimes you go to a gig and you're like, the artist just like doesn't play some of like their greatest hits 'cause obviously they're wanting to move away from it. But as a fan, I respect it, but also man,

I just, I just wanted to hear that one song. - I just wanna hear the ones. Just give me the adrenaline rush. Just give me the endorphins just for that one thing, please. I will listen to your new stuff, but also please come on,

- It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. - It's like, I don't know when I'm gonna see you next if ever. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - This might be like your last tour. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Just play that one song. You know the one. - Just give me that one song, please. - But that's why I appreciate it when, especially music artists in a live setting do understand that even though they might be like completely sick of their big hits. Like when I went to go see Maximum The Hormone last month, I was like,

There's a lot of songs to choose from and they might play like a bunch of their newest stuff, which is still good. But I speak on behalf of everyone that like- - Wanna hear the Death Note opening? - We wanna hear the Death Note stuff. And luckily the last two tracks they did was the two Death Note songs. And I was just like, you know what? That's fan service. That's the kind of fan service we all respect. - Yeah, I mean, there's nothing bad.

about rewarding your fans. - No, they play some of the new stuff that like, you know, I'm sure there was a lot of people in that crowd who had like, maybe not as big into it or maybe they hadn't heard it. I loved all of it, but I was just like, when that Death Note opening came on, I was just like, oh, let's fucking go. It was the most hype, yeah. All right, well with that out of the way, hey, look at all these patrons. - Beautiful patrons. - They support us in everything that we do, old and new. - No matter what we decide to do on Earth,

- Even though I've stopped watching it. - Even though Joey, maybe we can get Joey. - I dabble, I dabble. - I dabble. - I dabble. - I dabble. But hey, if you want to support the show, then head on over to By the way, speaking of new content, every single week we have patron exclusive content. We have a brand new one for you guys that you can go check out right after this episode. But hey, if you want to check that out and a whole lot more and support the show in the process, head on over to Also follow us on Twitter, send us your memes on the subreddit. And if you hate our face,

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