- Do you know what Sydney does that I find disgusting? Like, I don't know why she loves doing this when she's hung over, but she will drink the pickle juice. - Ew. - Like just straight up drink the pickle juice. - Nah, I with that. - Oh, with that. - No way. - Yeah, pickle juice, bro, goes hard. - You know who's gonna say that. - You saw me do the pickle juice shots in Melbourne, remember?
- I did like three of them. - I forgot. - 'Cause you wouldn't do it. - I forgot about that. - I've done it before, I don't like it. - Yeah, it's horrible. - It's great. - Pickleback? - Yeah, pickleback, yeah. It's awesome. - I hate it. I should imagine whiskey. - I would do that any day over like a Jager Bomb. - No. - No. - Jager Bomb's like 20%. - It's not about the percentage, it's about the taste. - I don't wanna get up. - Well, that's your issue, bro. - It's got nothing to do with me.
Also, why'd you throat goat that sandwich? That was disturbing. You're like a pelican eating that. She's just like.
- Are we recording? - Yeah. - Oh, whoa, what? - I'm sure Mudan used some of that for the intro. - Most of this is me. - You've heard about the modern memes. Today, we saw this really interesting Reddit post and we thought actually we'd make a fun little, at least a segment of an episode or maybe a whole episode. - You're not even gonna introduce us bro? - You're not gonna even say hello and welcome to Trash Taste. - They already know.
- Are we really gonna stop here? - Hello, welcome to the episode of Trash Taste. I'm your host Connor, joined again once by the boys. And today we're going through Reddit. No, not a cesspit. This time someone made a good contribution to society. - Oh, that's rare. - And documented all of the memes to ever existed. - This is a meme review. This is a meme review throughout history. - Yeah, we're gonna do the memes as they've gone through the ages. And you know, we're a big fan of memes.
- I think you guys are a big fan of memes. - I'm a huge fan of memes. - I think it's ironic that you are hosting the meme episode. - No, I think it's perfect that he's hosting a meme episode. - I guess I used the word ironic ironically. - I feel like I'm familiar with, without even seeing this list, I'm gonna say I've seen like 90% of them. - Okay, there's probably a good chunk then. - So first off, what is the actual definition of a meme?
- Is it like an idea? - It's an idea that gets iterated and changed slightly, right? Isn't that the traditional definition of the word meme? - I think someone wrote that in a book one time, coined it. And that was it. - Can you search the origin of the word meme? - 'Cause it's an old word, I'm pretty sure. - Like 1920, I think. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Meme word origin, 1970s. - It's the 1970s.
- An image, video, piece of text, et cetera, are typically humorous in nature that is copied and spread rapidly by incident. Oh, that's the current definition of the word. - That's the current definition of memes, but I know- - Oh, here we go. An element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means. - Okay. - So basically, hee-hee-haw funnies that we all like. - Yeah. - And we all reproduce. - I mean, it doesn't have to be funny, right? I mean- - Normally, yeah. - Normally now, yeah, I guess.
- So are like cat drawings memes? - Well, let's find out. - Let's find out. - I'm sure at one point it was. - Anything that is shared and replicated is normally considered a meme.
- Okay, so first off we're starting in 1921, which is like oddly terrifying how close this is to like the Giga Chad meme. - This is like modern day, we've come full circle. - Yeah, we have come full circle, look at that shit. - 100 years of memes and we've come full circle. - So there's a drawing on the left that says, here's what you think you look like. - Literally the first like looks maxing meme. - This is the Chad versus Virgin meme.
- I like this because I think our humor has changed much. - No. - If anything. - No. - They're still laughing at the same shit. - Yeah, I mean, you could see this kind of image going around on the internet today, in fact. - I think I have seen this before actually. - Have you? - I'm pretty sure I've seen this before. - I've definitely seen this before. I just don't remember where or when. - Oh yeah, the context speaks for itself. - Yeah.
- It's just good, isn't it? The drawing is so good on the right. - And I just like how even today it's just like, okay, look at the, you know, obviously like we think of like the Virgin and Chad meme, but it's just like, they got like the lack of jawline on like the left, on like the right side, perfectly encapsulated, you know?
- It's perfect. - Yeah, the idea looks like we've just repeated ourselves over and over. - Who is the genius that came up with this in 1921, man? - What does the text say underneath the how you can kill them?
- When a flashlight is taken. - You think you look when a flashlight is taken? - Oh, that's pretty good. - Like a flash photography. - Is that what they used to call them, flashlights? - I guess so, yeah. - Okay. - And then of course, Kilroy. Do you know this one? - I've seen this image. I don't know the origins though. - I don't know what, if it came from here, but I know that in World War II,
the soldiers would like carve this in everywhere. It's kind of like an in-joke amongst all themselves. So they'd be going around. Obviously maybe someone else, you know, sometimes a lot of them you're waiting. Just carve this in. So when other soldiers would come by, they'd see it and be like, ah.
- Is there like a phallic subtext to this or does the guy just have a long nose? - I think it's just very easy to draw. - Yeah, that's true. - One thing, okay, so I see like we're in the 90s right now. Does this count as a meme? Okay, 'cause I don't know what the origin of this is, but it's the S.
- You know what I'm talking about? - The Superman one, like the three lines. - I don't think that's from the 90s. I think it's before the 90s. - Is it before the 90s? - I think that's like 80s. - Actually, I think someone made a video trying to figure out where this came from and they couldn't figure it out. Like there's no documented history of who did the,
- Because surely that isn't me because I don't know where, I don't know what the origin of that is. I don't know, but it's like spreads beyond cultures, beyond borders. - Dude, that was on every single- - I'll type a few right now. - That was on every single school desk. - We lived opposite sides of the world, correct? - Yeah. - And yet we both know what the 90s S is. - Three lines. - Here's the first page of the Wikipedia. The cool S, also known as the universal S,
- It is unknown. The origin is unknown, but it became prevalent around the 1970s. - Yeah, okay. - But it is unknown where it came from. - Damn. - It is unknown. - And who made it. - Aliens.
- Aliens. - Aliens. - You know how every conspiracy theory, conspiracy theorists is just like, well, dragons are in every culture and every time period even without any communication. The S is just our dragons. The S is just the modern day dragons for us. We don't know where it came from.
We don't know where it started on from, what culture it came from, but it's in every culture across the world. - But if any fucking boy from any culture could figure out one thing, it was the fact that this was the coolest fucking S that you could draw. All the boys came together and were like, "This is a singer. This one slaps." - Every textbook. - It did make you feel you could draw for a brief moment. - Yeah, that was my phone.
- But 1996 then we jump about 50 years and this is the baby dancing gift. - Is this the baby dancing? I wonder what this is from. What is the name? - We can't say that for every single meme. - Well, I guess the more the memes come up, the more,
recognizable they will be, but I've always seen this gif, but I don't know. I mean, I don't realize it was that old. - Yeah. - There's a good video, I think, 'cause there was a video about the skeleton trombone one that is very similar style to this. I'm not sure if it's the same author or not, but I think for a long time, it was very unknown who made these. I think, I could be wrong. We don't fact check. Is it wrong? Fuck, fuck. That's either a good fuck or a bad fuck.
It was weird. What a weird meme to circulate though. - Yeah, but it was absolute. I mean, I guess people in 1996 were like, this is the greatest thing I've ever seen. - While we're doing this Garnt, I will preemptively, if I have no idea, I will Google it for you. So while we're doing this, I'll be Googling on my phone. - I mean, these next couple of ones I have seen before. - Okay, now we're getting to memes that I do recognize. - So we have the deep,
- Are we reviewing the memes? - Yeah, actually we should. - Yeah, we should. - Okay. - Let's go back. - Go back. - Pull it back up. - All right, first meme. - First meme, 10 out of 10. - That's a 10 out of 10. - This is a meme that has clearly transcended time.
- This guy went to the future and was like, I have to go back and show my people. - It's actually so uncanny looking at this. You know sometimes you see some old photos that is like proof of time travelers. I swear this is like the meme equivalent of that. - As a time traveler just took all the good memes. - Someone took the Virgin and Chad meme and went, I'm gonna travel back in time and publish this in the newspaper.
- My boys in the twenties can relate to this one. - Yeah. - So that's a 10 out of 10 for me. - I think this is S tier. - Oh, we're doing tiers? - Yeah, we did tier. - All right, this is S tier. - Kilroy? - It's just what a meme should be. It's okay. It's about having a little in joke that you can spread. - But what is the in joke?
I think just knowing what it is. That's what the meme, I mean, I feel like that's a lot of referential humor as well. It's like a lot of references- - Which is a lot of memes are. - Which is just knowing what it is. And like all the time, like, you know, like, "Uh-oh, Stinky, you're so fucking stupid."
But for some reason you're like, I just know what it is. And that's funny. So I think that's gonna happen a lot, which I think for that, it can go C or B. - I was gonna say C, like kind of like mid tier. - Yeah, it's mid tier. - Okay, so the dancing baby gone. It was from a Lucas Arts animator. And there was Autodesk apparently used to sell
like pre-animated sequences that you could put models on. And he put a dancing baby on a cha-cha.bip file, a bit file, and then post it online as an AVI. And apparently it went viral. - Oh, okay. - So people could put anything on this dancing thing. So yeah, I guess that's the history of it. I guess why on earth it spread?
- I don't know. - It's just a dancing baby. - It's kind of a shit meme.
- Yeah. - Do you not think it's shit? - Yeah, but you also have to understand this is 1996 and the internet was barely forming. - I guess it's pretty mind blowing back then. - It is mind blowing that you have a funny looking dancing baby. - Also, '96 humor is so different. - Yeah, and then you can just put any music to it and then you can send it to your friend being like, "He's dancing to this song." - Yeah, or it's like the Spider-Man dancing one as well, where it's like, "This Spider-Man dance sequence will fit any song you put on it." And then people try and they were like, "Oh my God,
- Yeah, look, look, can you really say that this song is any different to, you know, something like I put, I put "You Say Run" over this random scene, you know? Or do you, you know what I mean? I feel like, I feel like the idea of this might seem primitive, but I feel like it's evolved
- It's just creepy in it. It's creepy in it. I don't like it. - I mean, yeah, it's very 90s for sure. - It is very 90s. - I still don't think I want to put it higher than B. - I was going to say B anyway. - I was going to say B, yeah. I was going to say B. - B for baby. - Here's the thing, you still see some kind of like replication of the general idea of this meme. - The fact that almost 30 years since this was created that people are still kind of like utilizing the idea of this meme. - Yeah. - I think it deserves a cred. - It'd be even better if they still used it.
- No one on the internet today would look at that and be like, "Hell yeah." - Okay. - All right. - Next up is "All Your Bases Are Belong to Us." - Oh, classic. - One of the most well-known and prevalent internet memes of all time. - Yes. - Of course, poorly translated sequence from "Zero Wing." - Yep. - I don't really understand what context this meme should be used in.
- This was just a common example of like just funny English. - I also think it has the same energy of like, I'm trying to be a villain, but I'm messing it up. And so I think this was shareable in that aspect. I actually really liked this one. I don't know why. - It's fun to say. - Yeah, I think that's pretty why when it went pretty spray, you just like all your base up along to it. You're like, man.
- I like this one. - I don't know. I never really got the appeal for this one. 'Cause this is like, it's like, what's the funny, I guess. - What's the funny? - What's the funny? - I don't know actually. I think it's just something in your brain that goes. - It's just iconic at this point as well. I'm willing to give that like a B. Like a high B. - Okay, put it on top of B tier, Moedan. - Okay. - Can't you agree?
- I was gonna say C, but it's- - Okay, it's the middle of B. - What's like mid tier? What's like mid tier? - B is mid tier. - Is it mid tier? - Well, C is mid tier. - Well, it depends how many- - How many tiers we have. Yeah, I was gonna put it mid tier. So like C tier for me. But I can do like low B, I guess. I can do low B. - Okay, B it is then. - Motivation. - Motivational posters. I mean, people still make edits of this today.
But now we've evolved from just using images to now in video. - Yeah, I love it being used in videos. I feel like it's such a funny way of like using video format to show the final form of this meme. - And it's almost always paired with the
- I love it so much. - Yeah, it's surprising to see how long this meme has stayed on for, you know, not even just that, but you know, it kind of had a resurgence in the cyberpunk memes as well. - Yep. - Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. I just feel like it's a very simple meme format that is just effective and people will find ways to repurpose it. - I mean, it's like as bare bones as you can get. I mean, more so it's just captioning. So in that sense, very lazy,
But I think because of the amount of- - But of the creative freedom you got. - Yeah, the creative freedom you have. And I think that's what's so good about some of the memes. As we get to the more of 2000s and we go through a lot more memes, I think that's one thing that we'll start to realize is that
memes became less creative and more referential. I think this is the prime example of like when memes were meant to be a creative expression that was shared around and more so of an expression of enjoying the format as opposed to enjoying the individual joke. - Yeah, but that's the most professional joke ever sounded in your life. What the fuck is this break? - Listen, I love memes. - Connor, we're talking about memes. - I love memes, all right? I love memes. - Sounded like I was listening to like an art clip.
- This is my art. This is my art. - I was like, am I listening to a university professor breakdown? - Is this your thesis? - I would have been on banging thesis if it was on this. - Professor of Memology. - I think that reason, I think it's gotta be S too. - I'm gonna give this an S. - It's just one of the best. - Yeah, yeah. I mean, it is still around today, which is,
a big kind of telling point about how effective memes are. So I'll give it S tier. - Next one I don't understand. - What is, I've never seen this one before, Hamster Dance. - Actually, I have no idea what this is. I feel like, is this the one with the revolving images of them all doing the same kind of like bobbing thing? Can you Google this? - I believe so, yeah. - This is from 1999. - The Hamster Dance song. - Yeah, it was paired with this song.
- The hamster dance. Can you play the song? - Yeah, let's see this. So circa 1997 dancing hamsters online. - Why does circa make something seem so weird? - I don't know. - Oh my God. - Guess this fucking song. - Okay, so I think this is less the, this is more the song, right? - This was at the beginning of the, what I like to dub the LOL random era of just like,
- Let's just like get a bunch of- - This works so Crazy Frog could run. - Yeah, exactly. It's like, let's just pair a really annoying like earworm of a song and match it with like some kind of like huge or like, you know, funny imagery that has nothing to do with the song and just mash them together and see how people react. - God, so shit. - Yeah, this one's shit. - I didn't get this like,
around the early 2000s when I first saw it, I still don't get it now. - Probably 'cause you were like 15, you never heard anything like that. You're like, that's funny. - I guess. - I mean, it's, I feel like- - I mean, I saw this when I was like 10 and I was like, I still don't get it. - Well, it's the song, isn't it? It's the song. - Yeah, but like I saw it with the images as well and I'm like, what is this? But the song I thought was just fucking annoying. - That's the whole point. I feel like-
- I feel like how, okay. How is this any different from Skibbity Toilet? - It's not. - Explain to me, explain to me this versus Skibbity Toilet. What's the difference?
- Hamsterdance ran so Skibbity Toilet could walk. - That's what I'm trying to say where it's just like- - Nah, Skibbity Toilet is a little more creative at least. They've made like 80 parts for the storyline. I'll give them credit. - Okay, okay. - I'll give you some credit. - I'm saying Skibbity Toilet has evolved, but the skeleton of Skibbity Toilet is this. - Is Hamsterdance. - Is this, it's like "He He Funny Song" and "XD Random Images." That's the core concept of this meme. We might say this- - We'll agree to disagree. Anyway, D or F tier?
- I'm giving it an F. - I think it's an F. - I'll give it a D. - I don't like A, so we'll do top of F. - All right, I'll top of F. All right, 2001, not gonna lie, the only one I recognize is Shrek. - So this is the, I think I know half of these. - I think this is where we start seeing memes come from. - Actually, I think I know all of these, I think. All right, so the one on this one, that's techno Viking.
- Oh, Techno Viking. I remember Techno Viking. - Can you pull up Techno Viking? Can you tell them Techno Viking? I don't know why. It actually has a really sad story as well. 'Cause the video went viral and he just, he's a German dude and he just didn't want it to go viral. And I think there was a few lawsuits over it.
So let's show it. But no, this was just the meme and it was just this guy walking through the street. Yeah, just vibing to techno and he looked like a Viking and that was the meme. That was really the meme. Fast forward to when he's walking, there we go. - Yeah. - Oh, I have seen this. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. You probably have seen this one. - You've seen this. - Okay.
- Yeah, and he's just dancing. - Fuck yeah, dude. - You know what? It's just the energy, you know? It's just the pure masculine energy. - Dude, I wanna party with this guy. - Yeah, fuck yeah. - Plus back then, like viral videos, this is like kind of the first iteration of when they started getting shared around. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - But obviously this guy did not want it online.
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- This is Sigurdsflog, hell yeah dude. - Damn, he's built like a brick shithouse. - Yeah. - But he's probably looking so different now. - Yeah, this is 20 years ago now. 2001. - There was a whole, I mean, I'm sure as we go through these, some of these memes we quite had a bit sad stories I imagine. And that was one of them where I think he didn't really appreciate the meme hood that he'd been thrust into. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which you'd hear about a lot, especially with,
early meme faces. - I think a lot of the memes that we're going through will be something like that where it's like, it'll be like, we'll have a lot of videos I imagine now that pop up that are kind of like, it's just a video that got shared a lot and that was it. - I mean, that's the thing is like, I'm thinking like with the techno Viking thing, right?
- That's a cool video. I fuck with it, but is it a meme? - Well, here's the thing. - Oh, sure. - I think because videos like that were just so much rarer back in the day that if you had one, I mean, you can find a million videos like this on TikTok now.
And it would maybe be a funny clip for a day. And then you'd move on and then it'd be something you'd share. - True. - Back then having a camera, knowing how to upload and all that stuff was tough. - Yeah, like it's the same thing with the rabbit with the pancake on his head. - I've never seen that one. - I've seen it, but I don't, I think it's just- - It's literally just a bunny with a pancake on it? - I think it's a video. - I think it's a video. - I think it's a video. - And it's just a cute video. - Can you type in rabbit with pancake on head? I think the Viking one,
- It's just a prime example of like a C-tier meme. - Yeah. - It's neither good nor bad, but funny to share around. - Pancake Bunny is the name. - A Japanese rabbit trained by his owner to balance objects on his head. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, it is a picture. - Oh, like Doge era, I see. - Yeah.
- Okay, so it wasn't a video for some reason. I think I just imagined. - I saw the pets. - Yeah. - I just imagined this video that didn't exist. - I mean, this is the kind of stuff you'd see getting viral on Japanese Twitter today. - Yeah. - Yeah. - This is no different. This is like the primordial weird, cute animal video. - Yeah, I almost feel like it's hard to judge animal memes
- Because animal memes are never gonna go out of style. - Yeah, it's a picture of an animal. It's like, I can't really judge that. How about we agree to not write animal memes? 'Cause I feel like they'll all just be like B. - Yeah. - 'Cause where would you put this? - I mean, animal memes. - I was gonna say C. - I was gonna say S. - What? - S? - Yeah. - You just like animal pictures, Garnt. That's not a meme. - Here's the thing, Connor. When is there going to be a time period where animal pictures, cute animal things are not gonna be used?
- Yeah, but at that point I would argue- - We're not rating a meme, we're just rating animals. We're just rating cute animals. - That's the secret. That's why they're never going to die. - You can have it an S in yours and we'll just put all animal memes in B unless it's a recreatable meme. - Yeah, it's like B or C I'd say. - Oh, my balls, my balls, my phone. So YTMND, do you know that one?
- YTMND was a- - What does it stand for again? You... - I did Google it, so I forgot what it meant. You're the man now, dog. - You're the man now, dog. - And it was a website where you just shared memes. - Yeah. - Oh, okay. - Very early on. - Is this before or after I has cheeseburger?
- Or is it around the same time? - It seems like it's around the same time. - Okay. - You the man now dog is an online community in memetric hub sites. - Memetic hub. - Memetic hub site that hosts user generated remixes and parodies of popular cultures. I mean this, from what I remember, this was basically like early YouTube hoops. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's that kind of like meme. - Okay.
- I guess this is more so reminiscing the community. - Yeah, I'd say laid the groundwork for a lot of early memes that you'd see, especially on YouTube. Because a lot of this was kind of like- - I mean, this was before YouTube. - Yeah, this was before YouTube. I think it eventually transitioned over to YouTube. - Fair enough. - Yeah. - Okay. - C tier. - Yeah, I'll give it a C. - All right, next up. Do you know this one, the song? - No. - Yeah, you do. - Which one?
- Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I remember, 'cause when I became a YouTube, when I started trying to upload YouTube videos when I was a really young kid, I remember that there's like only like four or five free songs that you could use in YouTube.
in the YouTube editor, whatever. And this is one of them. And everyone used, "Let the bodies hit the floor." - Right. - Let the bodies hit the floor. - I didn't know it was by Drowning Pool. - I don't know. You've probably like, if you are over the age of 20, you've definitely heard this. - Yeah, yeah. - At some point. - For sure. - Yeah. - I mean, yeah, that song was- - It was always accompanied with like, 'cause you know, back then in the internet,
a lot of the meme videos uploaded were kind of like, you've been framed or whatever it was. Like the versions of like the people sending in home videos where they fell over. - Yeah. - 'Cause those TV shows were very, very popular. - It was all like slapstick, yeah. - Yeah, and so I think this became very popular because people who,
had gotten used to submitting their videos onto those TV shows are like, wow, I've shown on YouTube. And they would always, so many of them would put this song when someone would fall over. So they would have the like, and then when they would kick in, they fell over. And that was very common. - I mean, yeah, I respect it. It hasn't aged all that well, but- - I just love how ubiquitous it was once in its day.
- I have a soft spot for this one, 'cause I used it. - You did? - Yeah, I used it in a video of like, I don't know, my brother falling over in a hammock that exploded somewhere. Probably somewhere on the internet, it was deleted.
- I mean, this was like, I guess the first meme kind of song that was very- - What other than "Hamsterdam"? - I mean, it's different, right? 'Cause "Hamsterdam" was just XD random song, which is gonna be a lot. But "Let the Body Sit the Floor" is more of just like, I remember this playing on like so many AMVs as well. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Is this free? - The sheer context this was used in was just everything all over the spectrum. - Do you remember on YouTube when every video used to be like,
when you used to upload a video, it would be like blocked in Germany, always. Do you remember that when you used to upload videos? - No, no. - Always, any song you use would be blocked in Germany. - Okay. - Do you remember this? - No. - What the fuck? How do you remember this? What the heck? - 'Cause you could go blocked in Germany on YouTube.
- 'Cause I remember, I remember like the bodies hit the floor was always used for like, okay, you search up an anime fight scene and it's always the anime fight scene, but it has, it had that song over it for some fucking reason. And they claimed it as an AMV. - Okay, the authority that controls musicians rights in Germany, according to the German magazine of the top 1000 highest rate of videos in the US, 61.5% are not accessible in Germany. Jesus Christ.
- Yeah, whenever I used to use any like music, it would always be like, ah, it's blocked in Germany now. I'd be like, what? - Damn. - Yeah. All right. Where would that go? Maybe a C. I feel like although I have a soft spot for it, it wasn't utilized as much as maybe we'll see some other musical memes.
But I think that's also the tools being more primitive. That's just a harsh way to say it. These primitive savages in the year 2001 didn't have the editing capabilities we have now. And then obviously the goat. - I mean, triple S tier. - It's gotta be the, I mean, how the hell did such a ubiquitous meme culture- - The fact that people are still using All Star and just All Star today. - Shrek in every capacity. - Any Shrek scene like SpongeBob, any scene in Shrek
- I feel like Shrek was very popular and has been for a very long time. But do you remember this very distinct jump that happened? And I could be remembering this wrong. It was with the Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life video. Do you remember that video? - I love that video. - I have never seen that video. - You've never seen that? - No. - No. - No, you have. - It's one of my favorite videos. - I feel like this video is what caused the massive resurgence of Shrek memes. - Yeah, absolutely. - You've seen this video.
- You've seen this. - Have you seen this? - There's no way you haven't seen this. - I've never seen this. - We have to show them this. - I've never seen this. - There's no way you haven't. Okay, can we play it? - Play it, play it. It's like a minute or something. - Okay, yeah, let's play the original video. You haven't seen this? - No, I haven't seen this. - I feel like, when did this come out, this meme? 2013, I wanna see if that meme spiked. - It's age restricted. Age restricted, maybe. - This is the dramatic reading, right?
- Are you talking about the Gmod animation? - Yeah, the Gmod animation. - Yeah, go back, go back. - So it's like Shrek is love, Shrek is life. - Animation. - I don't know, I feel like Shrek was always culturally relevant. - It was, but I felt like the meme side of it really took off. - Yeah, I understand. Okay, here we go. - I pray to Shrek every night before bed. Shrek is love, I say. Shrek is life. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. It's Shrek. I'm so happy, he whispers in my ear.
This is my swamp. My dad walks in. Shrek looks him straight in the eye and says, It's all ogre now.
- So the Google trends, as I thought, Shrek memes were non-existent before this. That's the Google, that's when this came out. - Damn. - That's when Shrek memes didn't exist and then they were everywhere. So this is what like really sent that video, which is such a stupid video. - I don't know. - But back then 10 years ago. - I never saw that video. Where was it posted on, YouTube? - YouTube. - Yeah, it was on YouTube. - It was everywhere on Facebook as well. - Because to me, Shrek,
- Shrek occupies the same space as something like SpongeBob, which is just something that was just so a piece of media that was so culturally prevalent and relevant to so many people in just our generation. - I feel like you're remembering it wrong though. I feel like you're equating all of that from when after this was. - Okay, but like- - 'Cause I know Shrek was popular, but I know that Shrek memes really didn't kick into overdrive until that.
That's when everything became Shrek. - What is the meme then? - Just putting Shrek in everything. That was like the meme. Shrek was always put in everything. - Or like using All Star on everything. - Yeah. - Yeah, I feel like, I don't know, I feel like to me, after Shrek, like after Shrek,
and became popular. It just, there was always a point for someone to quote it or someone to say something, someone to reference something to do with Shrek. And I feel like it was always going to just be like evolve into like meme hood, you know, because ever since it released, I feel like everyone always referenced Shrek. And I don't know why it's specifically Shrek because I didn't see this in cinemas, but for some reason I have this like memory of every time
- You know, like at the end of like school term. - You get to watch a movie. - You get to watch a movie for some reason. - Same, same. - I don't know why it was always one of the Shreks. - They were good. - They are absolutely goaded. - I'm not saying that the Shrek was culturally irrelevant until I called it was very popular.
But I think like just the brand that we now associate Shrek with, the imagery online and that kind of memory, I think really kicked off, especially after that. Again, I mean, I could be misremembering, but I'm near certain that was the case. But either way, it deserves an S plus tier. Yeah, Shrek is S. Probably one of the most long lasting memes, which...
even though it's not that funny anymore, occasionally, occasionally can be funny. - Shrek is love, man. - When used correctly. - Yeah. - Shrek is life. - It's peanut butter jelly time. This was the fucking Bluetooth phone era when it could get shared around. - Everybody who had a mobile phone during this time had this as their ringtone and I hated it.
- Yeah, it was almost like a virus. - For fuck's sake, Joe. - It was like a virus, I wouldn't even call it a meme, just a virus. - It was like a virus. It was like a virus that people willingly downloaded. - Yeah, yeah, I mean- - I mean, I remember like seeing this- - It's better than the hamster dance. - Way better. - I think it's way better. - It's better than a hamster dance. - But I don't think it's that great either. - It's not that great. - I feel like it's still a C tier.
- Yeah, it just hasn't aged well either. - I didn't know this until Family Guy. I watched Family Guy when I was a kid. - Really? - And Brian did it and that was like the version I heard. And I didn't know that it was something else before. So obviously they were referencing this, but obviously I'd only consumed it through Family Guy. So I thought it was a Family Guy joke. - See, I saw this, I think when it came out, 'cause this was around the time where I was on Newgrounds a lot.
This was at like the front of Newgrounds. - Yeah, I remember this being used- - And like every Flash game portal website. - I remember this being used for so many Newgrounds animations and so many Newgrounds games. - But being British and Australian, I don't think we could appreciate peanut butter jelly. - Yeah, I remember as a kid, I was like, "Peanut butter and jelly, that sounds gross." - Yeah, I was like, "Okay." - Why the banana as well?
- I don't know. - I don't know. - Yeah, I don't know. - I was like, where's the jelly? - C tier, C tier. - Yeah, I'm happy with C tier. - I actually, I've seen this image, but I have no idea what it's from. - It's from a yaoi. - I could have guessed. - Yeah, I can see that. - It's really impressive that a yaoi image was shared around in 2002. - I didn't know this one was this old.
I thought it was like close to the late to 2010s. - I feel like, is it just the reaction image face that we're talking about now? Because I don't remember this face being used that often. - No, I saw it on a ton of memes again on Newgrounds. Yeah, I feel all of this era of memes was,
very prevalent on Newgrounds. - Right. - Yeah, I mean, reaction images are always like a solid C or B tier. They're never like, never exceptional. Just normally like- - 'Cause then this yaoi face evolved into the yaoi paddle. And like the like- - Yeah, I mean, every, I think this is like the, also like the template for like the, you've probably seen the black and white face. - Yeah. - And that's the- - That's the template of that, yeah. So, I mean, it's still used to this day.
- Yeah. - Yeah. - You still see this face. - I mean all those faces are still used to this day. - Yeah, exactly. You still see these faces to this day. - I mean, it's brilliant. - I mean, it's yeah. - And then obviously I remember this cat one, but I remember not really liking it that much. - I've never seen this one. - Every time you- - Masturbate, God kills a kitten. - Wow, fair enough.
- Please think of the kitten, it says. - This is such a Facebook mom meme. It actually hurts. - Should I be upset at the fact that I laughed at this 22 years later? - Hey, I think it's funny. - It's kind of funny. - I think it's funny. - It is not funny, Josh. - No, I think it's funny 'cause it probably was funny. That's why it's funny. 'Cause it's funny thinking that people laughed at this shit. - Yes. - D tier.
- Yeah, also what does that have to do with Domo? Like why is Domo good now? - I don't know. - No, it's just like, I don't know, cute cat image. - Probably stock cat images getting shared around. - Yeah, I guess. - Yeah, I think D tier. - This is like what Christian moms would like send to their children to be like. - Don't forget to go to church. - Yeah, I'll give that a D. - Yeah. - All right, what's next up? - All right, next up. - 2003. - 2003. - Okay, so I know the O'Reilly Al. - Yeah.
That was a very, very popular reaction image back during this time. Also Badger Badger, classic Newgrounds animation. - That's classic. - Yeah. - Star Wars kids. - Star Wars kid, yeah, that's right. - Didn't someone copy the Badger Badger recently? There was a lawsuit to someone who kind of copied the concept. I don't know if it was a lawsuit or just the guy complained, but someone copied it and I think they had to pay money. A big company kind of copied the idea. Can you Google it real quickly?
- The guy who made Badger Badger as well, he made a ton of other Newgrounds animations that are just as good. - Did he do the epic battle of cartoon characters? The rap? - Oh, epic rap? - I think that was someone different. - No, that was someone else. You're thinking of Ultimate Showdown of History. - He's the guy who did the pot of things as well. - Yes. - Yes. - Same guy. Corn post animator.
- Who ripped it off. There you go. - Oh wow. - Okay, okay. - There's some other stuff too I think. - That's pretty recent. - Yeah. I think it's like the idea of all these animals just like bobbing their head. - Yeah. - I mean again, this was another one that was fucking everywhere. - Can you show the original? I wanna feel nostalgic for a moment. - Yeah. - Play Badger Badger. Oh God. I'm gonna go right back to eight year old me. - Oh God. - Oh no, I was nine I think when this came out. Badges, badges, badges, badges.
- Oh my God. Joey, stop. Joey, stop. - No, it's just crazy to think. I'm just reflecting. Retrospectively looking at this, it sucks. But I remember just back in the day, man, I was like, "Hell yeah," to this. ♪ Snakes ♪ But I love it.
- It's like, it's the so bad that it's good category now. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - See, I feel like we're gonna look at, you know, we are like- - Weeble, I think was his name. - Yeah, Weeble. You know, I try to think of like, we look at memes like this now and we're like, oh, we're so much better than what we were producing back in the day. But then you look at- - Oh no, "Skippy Troll" is worse than this. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. You look at some of the memes coming out today and you're like, can we really say that memes are any different today than they were back then? They're just like repackaged.
They just repackage. We've always had brain rot and every single generation will go through a period where we have brain rot. This was our brain rot. - Yes, absolutely. - The owl, eh.
- Yeah, D. - Now is kind of a mid reaction image. - I feel there's a better, also the elite speak of reality. Like that has not aged well. - Badger, I'll give A. - Badger is an A for me. - Star Wars kid, it's all right. I mean, I feel bad 'cause the kid got like super bullied for this video. And it was like some kid had, like a kid in his school, like a bully or something had found this. - Yeah. - Oh really? - And uploaded it off him. It wasn't even him who uploaded it.
to my knowledge. So he didn't even want to be online. It was just for him. - I mean, now with the age of the internet, you saw this back in the day and you're like, ha ha, this funny, funny kid, you laughed at him. And now I feel like at least I think people have become a bit more sympathetic towards anyone. Kind of, okay, here's the thing. - It's changed. I think they were sympathetic in some aspects and a lot crueler in others. - I feel like cringe culture has,
shifted a little bit, you know? Whereas it's not so much, you know, you feel a lot better laughing with someone than laughing at them a lot of times. That's why a lot of these things are, you know, a lot of things and the memes and clips that we laugh at are sometimes like ironically done, you know? - Well, he has his own Wikipedia page. - Yeah, lawsuit. Yeah, there's a lawsuit. - Oh, there's a lawsuit? Wow. - He sued the schoolmates who uploaded it. - Oh shit. - I think if I'm not mistaken. - $250,000 Canadian dollars. God damn. - Yeah. - Did he win? - Well, he got it. - Oh, hell yeah.
- That's a W for Star Wars kid. - Oh no, sorry. Legal proceedings against one family were quickly dropped. Lawsuits are scheduled to begin trial in April. Settlement. - Oh, okay, settlement. - As most lawsuits do. - I'll give that a...
- I just don't like the meme. I still think it was funny. I never really got it when I was younger either. - C or D then? - E. - E? - Yeah. - We got an E, we got F actually. - Yeah, we're all with an E. - E. - Yeah. - All right. One meme that has stayed prevalent throughout all of the ages- - What a fucking banger meme. - Is the reaction image of the boys. - The four boys. - The four boys. - Do you know where this comes from? - I actually don't know where this comes from.
- I actually know where this comes from. - Oh, hell yeah. - Yeah, so this is part of two reaction images. - Yeah, this is the one where they like see it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I believe that this is the team from a Nintendo magazine or some kind of gaming magazine. - Right. - Right? And so the two images come from E3 presentations.
So there was one year where they had the E3 presentation and it was the first image where they look completely bored. And this image I believe comes from when they announced the Legend of Zelda, the 3D Legend of Zelda. - Oh yeah. - It turned out, and when that trailer dropped and apparently this was that reaction image when the Legend of Zelda trailer drops. - That's awesome. - So you have the juxtaposition of,
"Oh, someone's completely bored. "I don't need three presentations until next year." Holy shit! It's fucking popping off! - 3D Zelda, baby! - That's so good. I love this one. I mean, this one is- - Still used today. - Yeah. It's just so well done. - Yeah. It's perfect. - It's amazing it's not staged. - Yeah. - It's just like genuine. That's an S. - A or S. - S tier, man. - Next one. - I don't know this one. - I don't know this one. - Reverse image searcher.
- Star shirt, red T-shirt creature. - Is this like another web series of some kind? - It looks like a web series, right? - It looks very Newgrounds if you ask me.
I mean, it's around the peak of Newgrounds. - The fuck was the name? - No, I don't know. - Homestar Runner. - Homestar Runner, that's it. - Which got it in Mids Popularity, the only thing is a flash animation. Yeah, so it's a flash series basically. - Yeah. I mean- - 'Cause I've never seen it, but I've definitely seen that character before. - Maybe we could just watch a quick little one minute clip of it. See what it's like. I think it's a kid animation, right? It's for like kids. Am I wrong? - I have no clue, bro. I'm gonna stop talking. 'Cause I know nothing about this. - I'm okay being wrong.
I know you are. What happened to Homestar Runner? Oh, okay. It's
- It's so cool, we can just skip this one. - Yeah, let's skip it. - I love this video. - Still around today, actually in Fortnite as well, the dance. - Oh yeah? - If you can go in like that. - Yeah, also I will say this song has aged pretty well. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like I, you know, I think at first this song came out when like, you know, everyone was kind of poking fun at the kid for being like, oh, look at this fucking fat kid dancing to this random song. But like, the more time this is,
to kind of grow. I feel more people who now look back at this video and was like, yeah, that's a fucking vibe dude. - Yeah, I think there's a big difference between this and Star Wars kids where no one was laughing at him, we were laughing with him. And now it was just like, now you look back at this and you're like, man, this is just a good vibe. - True. - This is a... - I'll give it A tier. - I'll give this an A. - As for being one of the first YouTube video, well not YouTube, but...
One of the first like kind of in the vein of a YouTuber. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Next one I do not know. - Harry Potter puppets. I love this one. - There's no way you don't know this. - I don't know this one. - You don't know this? - I don't know this one. - This is the one that's like snake. - Snake. - Snake. - How do you not know this? - Dumbledore. - You don't know this? - I don't know this one. - God, you've been on the internet longer than any of us. What the fuck were you doing? - I got that first one there. - Potter puppet. - How many views does it have? It's gotta have like a fucking hundred million or something. - 205 million views.
- 105 million? Okay. - I honestly think this is one of the first memes I ever saw on YouTube. - Yeah, everyone in my school would watch this. - Everyone watch this around me. - S tier. - Well, this is like peak Harry Potter as well when that was out, 2000. - I always despised Harry Potter. - 'Cause you didn't have fun Garnt, you didn't have fun as a kid. Just say it, just say you weren't fun. - I mean, I wasn't the biggest fan of Harry Potter. - But I love that. - This made me a fan.
- I don't know why everyone at my school would like quote it even though it was like beyond like this is we were quoting it like seven years after it came out. - Yeah, when I meet a new person, I don't ask how old they are. I just start singing this song and if they turn around quickly, then I know. - S tier, S tier. - Well, I didn't see this one.
- Well, you're the old one out there. - I'm reviewing this meme through fresh eyes. - Well, it's sheer creativity. He forced a meme into Will. Like there's just, it's impressive. - It's simple, it's funny. - S tier. - S tier.
- I'll go B. - Okay, it's an A then, fine. - I'll go B. - I don't know what this Indian one is. - Oh, it's the . - Oh, okay, yes, yes, yes. - How are you getting these just from still images? - Have you seen this one, Garnt? - Yeah, yeah, I've seen this one. - It's like, I think it was like, and there was a really interesting story about this guy. - It's like a Bollywood show? - I think 'cause he,
I, you know, this is such a stretch of my memory, if this is correct. I think that the story goes that he made a lot of music that was with really pretty women. And, and,
the reason why he made this was 'cause yeah, yeah, yeah, it was Chris. Yeah, he made all the songs had like beautiful women in them. People were only listening to his music 'cause all the videos had beautiful women. So he made this to be like, fuck you, no. He just made it all the people in it him. And it turned out to be his most popular song. - Chad, hell yeah, dude.
- Okay. - Isn't that cool? - That's swag. - What a cool wall. - That's swag. - This is just a really catchy song. - It's just referenced so much. Okay, I'm gonna be, it still gets used today. It's gotta earn at least a B. I mean, it's still used today. - I say A. - I'm willing to give it an A. - I'm willing to give it an A. - As we realize we are,
- About an hour in. - And we have not gone through nearly 10% of the memes. - Yeah. - Great. - So we've got to speed this the fuck up. - Yeah, so now we've gotten to a point where there are a lot more memes than just singular ones. So I think we should change this over to
what we think this era of memes, how well it stacks up today. - I like how they just have Reddit and YouTube. - Yeah. - I know all of these memes except for, and I know the image in the bottom right, but I don't know what it is.
- Yeah. - I think that was just like a funny image. - Yeah, I mean, I don't know what it's from. And then the top left, I also don't know what that's from. - I don't know the top left one. - I actually don't think I've ever seen that one. - Okay, so there's Leroy Jenkins, there's Chuck Norris, there's Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, there's me at the zoo, there's Yu-Gi-Oh. - What's Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? - It's this weird cult that was created. - Well, no, it was like the first like mock religion.
- Oh, okay, I know what you're talking about. - Oh, was it? - I thought it was like a cult. - No, no, no, it's a fake religion. - Now that you say that, I re-remember. - Or as they'll tell you, a real religion. - Oh, did Uwu start in this year as well? - This is the year of the Uwu. - Oh my God, no, okay, fucking FT. - No, but there's the Mike Myers Kanye clip, which is my favorite. - George Bush hates black people.
- Such a good clip. - Kanye has just been a meme since the inception. - But the reason that that was so good is 'cause Mike Myers looks so uncomfortable. And that's the reason why that video is so, if it was just Kanye on his own, you'd be like, what is this? Seeing Mike Myers go like,
- Fuck, fuck. - Why did I agree to this? - Obviously Chuck Norris was like dominated the internet. - Yeah. - "Hey Ya", I love "Hey Ya". I still love that song. - Yeah, still great song. - "Yu-Gi-Oh!" obviously, great. Still memes today. - Was this in reference to "Yu-Gi-Oh!" abridged? - "Yu-Gi-Oh!" abridged, I believe, yeah. - That started the big "Yu-Gi-Oh!" - You think so? I don't know when it, I don't think it started in 2005.
- It was pretty early if I remember. - That's the start of YouTube. - Or it might've been like- - I mean, he did start at the beginning of YouTube, but I feel like-
I feel like Martin started at the beginning of YouTube. - 2007. - Ooh, okay. - There was also Marix Evil Council as well, which is the other one. - Formally launched July 20, July 2006. - July 2006. - So pretty close. - Pretty close, pretty close. - But I feel like in 2005, 2006, Yu-Gi-Oh! was the hottest thing. - It was the biggest show. - I mean, 'cause that was when I was nine and I think the air that lines up, 'cause I remember that Christmas, I must've just, all I wanted for Christmas was Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. - I had a fuckload of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. - My mom was like,
And she didn't want to buy me them because you know, normally you get these Christmas gifts. You want them to look good under the tree. They would just be like a box of cards. And then while they had like giant boxes of things, you know what I'm saying? But yeah, no, I think I, you know what? I really liked this era for the simplicity. - There's only a few, like the only things I think stand out now is like Leroy Jenkins. That to me is the first classic,
- Because you'd reference it. You'd also reference it, right? So the video is very funny. - You just replicate as well. - People still use, they still reference it when someone goes in. - Yeah, exactly. - So I think for that reason. - Even though it's like come out that this was faked, like the fact that we know it's faked and it doesn't lose the magic of it because it's more of like the idea of this thing. - Yeah, we've all had a friend who's done it. - Yeah, we all have a friend who's done it, which is great. - I'm willing to give this era,
- I think B is fine. - I'll give B. And then I guess expanding on this era a little bit more, we have some more if we scroll up. - 2006. - 2006, yeah. - Oh God, okay. - This is like when the internet started really kicking into high gear, especially with videos, obviously. - AVG and Fred obviously were big on YouTube at the time. History of dance, Dick in a Box. - This is awful. - Charlie the Unicorn over 9,000.
- Is that RuneScape as well up there? - I believe, what is that? I don't know what that is. - No, that's StarCraft. - Yeah. - Oh, it must be the fucking, you require more minerals. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's the unicorn one called again? - Charlie the Unicorn. - Charlie the Unicorn. - Charlie the Unicorn, Jake in a Box. - Hole's Closed meme as well, that one was great. - Yeah, Fred? - Fred, oh God. - This is such a like golden, like I think this and the next year will be like a, such a golden time of the internet when it was a little simpler.
- I'd argue I think it was a bit too simple. - No, that's what I like about it. It was because everyone was just trying to figure out what the fuck this internet thing was. - At this point in the history. - In the modern way. - Yeah, at this point in the internet's history, I think nobody actually was perfecting internet humor. And that's why you got such an array of like really, really iconic funny shit. And also just a lot of stuff that just,
- Yeah, but also the Lonely Island. - Yeah, yeah. I mean, out of all of this stuff, what do you still find funny? What do you think has aged well? - I still think, even though it's cringe as fuck, I still think some of the Lonely Island songs are kind of good, even though they're so cringe. They're so unfunny. - Some of them are bangers. - But some of them are just like, "Yeah, that's good." At least "I Just Had Sex" is still popular, kind of. - Yeah, yeah. - "It's Over 9,000" is still kind of...
- It's over 9,000 is more of like an idea. It's an idea. - You can't kill the idea. - Yeah, you can't kill the idea. - Lolcats? - Lolcats, nah. - That makes me viscerally angry. - That makes me mean it. - Do you remember the giant enemy crab meme? - Yeah, I remember that. - That was so fucking dumb. - Here's this giant enemy crab. - Angry video game nerd, obviously. - I still think Charlie the Unicorn. - It's kinda good. - That was good. - I think. - Yeah. - Maybe we should go back and watch it one day and be like,
- The only thing I remember from Charlie the Unicorn is the end of the first episode where he's like, "Oh fuck, he stole my kidneys." That's the only part I remember for some reason. - I feel like just the voice acting of Charlie the Unicorn was just really on point. - Do we all agree with what the worst thing was from this era? - Fred. - Yeah. - 100%, 1 million percent. - It's a shame that Fred was probably the most popular thing here. - Yeah.
'Cause my God, was that just a horrible time on the internet. - Oh my God. - Yeah. - And it spawned like a whole copy of other things afterwards as well, which I'm sure we'll see, but. - And the history of dance is- - God. - That's just a fucking amazing video. - And it's not as much of a different format to exactly what we're doing now, just with memes. - Exactly. - I just think it was a really cool video. - Yeah. - It was very well done. - Cool idea. - Cool idea, very well done.
- Boy could dance. - Yeah, I mean, I think it deserved the top spot of the YouTube most viewed video for the longest time. Yeah, I can definitely see why. - What are we giving it?
- Oh, it's so tough. 'Cause there's like S tier material, but there's also F tier material. - This is some of the best, some of the worst. - Some of the best, some of the worst. - I'd say also a B. - Okay, fine. We can't be doing B and B. - B, B. - I'm gonna go with C. - Okay. - Was it enough stuff that have stuck around? - Okay, okay. - This is the nostalgia one. - 2007, let's go next year. - Yeah. - We got...
- All right, now we're getting into some like- - So okay, so IS Cheeseburger has an orange wall, Gummy Bear song. - Do you like mudkips?
- What's that one? - I don't know, it's just, do you like mudkips? - Okay, so this, I believe this was around the time when Ruby and Sapphire, I think it was close to when it came out, something like that. And people were just infatuated with mudkips. And so I think it came from like a forum post or something of just someone said, "So I heard you like mudkips." And then someone just took that and made images of it. - Oh my God, Kenai has cheeseburger. - Yeah, Kenai has cheeseburger. The frightened hamster fucking soldier boy.
- The cat playing the keyboard. Rick Roll was around this time. - God, I love the hamster one, it's so OG. - Rick Roll, Charlie bit my finger, chocolate rain. - Cake is a lie. - Yo dawg. - I do love the yo dawg. - I still do. - I still love the yo dawg. - You like that one? - See, I look at this and okay, some things haven't aged well, but I feel like this is the perfect mix of like simplicity, but still ideas that we still use to this day. Rick Roll hasn't died. - Did you used to watch the exhibit show?
- I didn't, no. - So you know what this meme comes from, right? - No. - Is it Pimp? - Yeah, Pimp My Ride. - Oh! - Used to be the host of Pimp My Ride. - Oh, okay, yeah. - Back when Pimp My Ride was a thing, which I don't know if people even know that anymore. - Nonsense. I mean, this was, as the graph says, this is Tumblr era memes, definitely. - Yeah, yeah. Obviously, leave Britney alone. - Leave Britney alone. - Leave Britney alone. - Do you remember when that was referenced in movies? - Yeah. - What was the other thing? They made a really shitty, scary movie.
or like a YouTube, so weird. - Yeah, something like that. - Actually, you know what? I do think for as many stinkers there are here, there's more bangers. - There's more bangers. - Yeah. - A, A tier. - I give it an A. - Considering that some of these memes are still used today and the fact that it has Rick Roll in it, which is the gold standard of memes that will never die, this deserves at least A tier. - True, true. - I agree. - Next era. - 2008, what do we got?
- Oh, we got Mega Milk. I hate that that's the first thing I saw. - Rage comics. - It just looks like Aki. - Yeah, I mean, yeah. Basically. Fire My Laser, that was probably my favorite. And this was the beginning of Troll Face and all the troll faces.
- Compared to last year, this one hasn't aged as well. - No, no. - This absolutely has not aged as well. - Only the only one that's aged well is the fuck it we're doing it live. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Probably. - 2008, I guess George Bush. - Jizz in my pants was.
- That was so popular. - That was so popular. - Do you remember that? - Just in my pants. - I have definitely used that in some of my old videos as well. - I think everyone has. - Which just shows how dated it is. - Is this where the wolves came from? Is that when it started, like wolf T-shirt? - Yeah, I guess so. - No. - And the Xbox- - 'Cause this evolved into the, I have two wolves inside of me thing. - Yeah, the only one, okay, there's actually, okay, I took it back.
Troll face has kind of aged very well. I mean, it's literally the face of troll. - I mean, it's the face of the internet. - The troll face, that kind of, and all of those faces are still used. - Rage comics. - Yeah, still kind of used. - Rage comics has just evolved into,
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Soy Jacks. - You know, it's- - Smash Melee, is that a meme? - Yeah, it's like history repeating itself again. 2008, I guess Melee was a thing. - PC Master Race, I guess, started at this time as well. - Oh, wow. Yeah, 'cause I think it was Zero Punctuation that started that meme. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - And Cool Story Bro, I didn't know that. It was a long time meme. - Actually, I think my favorite one is the 4chan then who was phone meme.
Do you know this one? - I've never seen this one. - It's basically, it was a submission on a 4chan Reddit, 4chan post of someone whose first language was clearly not English. She was trying to write, because this was around the time when creepypastas were really big. So someone had written a creepypasta, but like you can just read it and it's just so funny. My dad is dead. Then who was phone?
- How is baby formed? Oh, right under the caveman. I just, that's like a tiny hidden away meme. Like when everyone was asking about Yahoo questions. - Oh yeah. - I miss Yahoo questions so much. - Where do babies come from? - Yeah, yeah. - Is that the beginning of like all of the people misspelling the word pregnant? - Pregnante. - Pregnante. - Oh my Lord. - And then there's also the someone throwing a shoe at George Bush. - So I think there are some good ones here, but there's so many stinkers. - There's way too many stinkers. - I hate lost. - Is this lost?
- Which one? - The fucking four page comic. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - What? - A series.
"Loss," also known as "Cadborshians," a series of parody based on dramatic cartoonish from the webcomic series "Control All Delete" in which the female lead suffers a miscarriage. So anytime it's like a four page, I think. - Yeah. - Yeah, I hate seeing it. - I hate it. - Why do you hate seeing it? - Oh, there, that's it. Literally this, right? It's like the meme is that there's one, two, two, one. And then you're like, "Is this loss?"
- Oh yes, I have seen this. - You've been on Twitter, you've probably seen this before. - I have seen this. - It's literally just like, whenever there is a four strip panel with one, two, two, one, and one person dead, it's like, is this loss? I don't know why.
- Whenever you're on Twitter and you see, people will go out of their way to do subversions of loss. So they'll try their best to not show that it's a loss meme. It's so weird. I don't understand. It's one of the aspects I've always been fascinated by, but never understood fully.
- Yeah. - That is a different level. - And it's still today, to this day it's still done. - Yeah. God, I can't believe Gurren Lagann was in this era, man. - Needless to say, I think either B or C,
- Probably high C, just 'cause I really don't like some of these. - Nah, some of these are way too much stinkers. I'd say like C, low C. - All right, I'm happy with C. - For me like, there are some good ones though too. - No, that's what I'm saying, man. - Fuck, there are some amazing ones. The more I look at it, the more I'm like, actually there is some really good ones. Nah, I'm firm on B now. - Okay. - You going B? - Again, we'll do B again, sure. - I'm sticking with C, man. No way this is as good as the one that came before it, but,
- Well, this is the thing, right? Is that like, we have more bangers, but we also have more stinkers. So I feel it's kind of the same. - I feel like the ratio of bangers to stinkers is much more higher towards, or much more leaning towards stinkers for this one. - Oh my, was 2009 Slender Man?
Slender Man, Minecraft, Annoying Orange. Oh, I'm gonna let you finish. - Fucking Susan Boyle. - Susan Boyle. - Gira Gamesh. This is the Gira Gamesh meme. - It was 2009? - Oh shit. - Oh my God. - Son, I'm disappointed. - Chris Chan. - Ask your mother. I'm on a boat, Lonely Island. - Oh yeah. - Isn't it crazy how prevalent Lonely Island were? - Yeah, pretty much. I mean, there wasn't much competition
- Or just like parody songs. - Is that Susan Boyle on the top? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And then Balloon Kid. Annoying Orange. - Oh yeah. - Lord of the Rings. - Yeah. - No, no, no, not Lord of the Rings, sorry. I thought it was Lord of the Rings on the top.
- Wow, this is just taking me back, man. I think the best one out of this bunch for me is definitely I'ma Let You Finish. - Yeah, I'ma Let You Finish. - Yeah, but I actually don't think many of these memes are good. - That's what I'm saying, like out of all of them. - I know them, but I don't think they're good. - I also have a special place for Girigamesh. - That one's good and I like that one, but I can't give this higher than C, maybe even a D. - I actually think this is weaker than the one that came before.
- All right, let's put it in the D. - Okay, okay. - Next up. I mean, yeah, I'm gonna let you finish your still quoted. - Yeah. - 2010.
- Okay, oh wow, there's a lot. Oh, okay. - Okay, so Keanu Reeves has made his first- - Sad Keanu. - Sad Keanu. - Do you remember this guy? Remember this guy? - The Brent is too damn high. - The red is too damn high. - The Brent is too damn high. - I do love the image of him struggling to hold. - Yeah, how do I hold all these apples? - Skeleton dance.
- What is it? - Is that the Old Spice? - Old Spice. - Yeah, that's Old Spice. - Double rainbow. - Double rainbow. Hide your kids, hide your wife. This was definitely the era of, what the fuck? Shmoe Yoho. - Yeah. - Yeah, where they did all those like remixes. - Well, this is, yeah, this is when like the, yeah, the remix era started. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Gingers do not have soul. - Soul. - I do have soul, sorry. - Yeah, gingers do have soul. - Aliens, corp. - Happy Leonardo as well. - Epic sax guy, you remember him? - Yeah, I remember Epic Sax guy. - Which one is that?
- Oh yes, yes, yes. - Yeah, I remember that one. - One of the legends. - What's the one next to that? - I don't know, I don't know those two. I know the happy, but I don't know these ones. - I kind of like this one.
- This was a lot of, I guess a lot of remixes to songs. I still think, I think "Hide Your Kid", "Hide Your Wives" still holds up to this day. - No it doesn't. - It's a banger. - No it doesn't. - It's a banger. - When you look back, I feel embarrassed as a species. When I look back at the remix era and that was like all we had. And I was like, what is this? - "Double Rainbow" still goes hard. - Yeah, it goes hard. ♪ Double rainbow all the way across the sky ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪
- So intense. - What are you giving this one? - I'll give it a C. - I'll give it a C. - All right. I'm okay with C. - I have my favorites, but I think in general, a lot of these have not aged well. - I mean, "Aliens" is still, even though it's a text format, I feel like it's still, I mean, we literally quoted it like last episode. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So I guess- - I mean, you don't even need the aliens. You just need that guy.
- Yeah. - Every conspiracy theorist just- - You don't even need an image, you just need to do this. - Yeah, yeah, just this. - Old Spice is such an unfunny meme. I think memes that have really proven to not be funny are ads. - Yeah. - Ads that have been shared around a lot of their time. - Definitely. - And then we look back on, we're like, "Eh." All right, anyway. - I feel like one of the things that made the Old Spice ads impressive was just, 'cause I remember this ad because I think the behind the scenes video of this was just so fucking cool. - Yeah, it was a cool ad.
And I still respect the ad campaign that they went through, which is like 90, way more. - I couldn't even get Old Spice in the UK. - Yeah, exactly. Exactly right. But yeah, aside from that, a lot of this is catchy songs. Catchy songs is the biggest thing that came out of this era. - "Why You Know." God damn it. - "Why You Know." - "Why You Know." - Remember that one too? - Yeah. - All right, next up. - 2011. - Oh my God. - Oh God.
- Okay, so this is where a lot of the text based ones. - Wow, wow. Okay, so we have, what was the guy on the top left called? What was the name of the meme? I don't know the one, but the Wonka below is condescending Wonka. - Yeah, condescending Wonka. Took an arrow to the knee. Is the one next to that, I have the power of God and anime on my side? - No, that is where the guy picks up the kid and slams him on the floor. - Oh yeah.
- Oh my God, "The Slanking" was 2011? - Yeah. - Oh my God. - "Honey Badges." I don't know what the meme was that was. - I don't know either. - There's "Do a Barrel" from Star Fox 64. - Oh my God, "Friday." - "Friday." - "Friday." - The guy who had the- - Golden voice. - And then I think he went on to- - I think he killed someone. I think, yeah, I remember that. - I didn't wanna say that. I don't wanna throw that out there, but I'm glad you also know. - It was something like that, yeah.
And then there's the, what is it? Oh, the "Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared", I think. - Yeah. - Is the one next to the "Mama". - "Mama", you don't say. - Oh, and "Yon Cat". - "Yon Cat". - "PewDiePie". - "PewDiePie", rise of let's players, I guess. - Yeah. - Is that "Breaking Bad"? - I think so. - I think it is "Breaking Bad". - Yeah, that does make sense. Yeah, that does make sense. - God, this is a bad era.
- We were so uncreative. Sorry, Felix. - Sorry, Felix. - It's fascinating, isn't it? 'Cause I remember back in the day, I saw all these memes and I was like, this is the peak of the internet. - No, these are all like the similar style, but I feel like we're getting worse at it. This is like not good.
- Yeah, I feel like now we're looking back at some of these memes, at least earlier memes had some creativity rather than just, "Ooh, funny image with some texts on it." That is half of these things, which is just a reaction image, but with much less creativity. - It's gonna be E or D tier. - Yeah, I'll give it maybe like a scumbag Steve, that's it. - Scumbag Steve. - That's his name. - Fuck, scumbag Steve.
- Yeah, I'll give this a D. - Do we still use any of these? - "Hide the Pain Harold" is still used. - Which one's that? - Oh yeah, "Hide the Pain Harold." - Oh yeah. - I think he's the only one.
aside from like Breaking Bad, but I feel like Breaking Bad started. - We'll see more, I think. - Yeah, we'll see more, but like the memes didn't get prevalent until way later. - Emojis, I think started around this era as well. - Oh, is that what the smiley thing is? - I think so. Emojis started around this time. It used to be just like all the text emojis. I think this is when we started getting emojis. - Yaskey art. - Yeah. - All right, let's go 2012. - 2012.
- Oh my God. - Oh, Jesus Christ. - One does not simply walk into Mordor. I remember fucking that meme. - This is just the continuation. - Yeah, continuation. - So, Conan Dioda, Bad Luck Brian, Gautier, Obsessed Girlfriend. What else is there? Dolan Duck.
- Miranda sings. - Oh my God. - Do you remember the caption with the guy who has a beer up there? Do you remember that one? - Which one? - The caption with the guy with the beer next to Kony. - Oh, what was that one again? - Isn't it like, I don't always do, but when I do. - Oh yeah, that's right. Oh my God.
I think my favorite one of this is the, "I got bronchitis." - Oh yeah. - Which is really fucked up that that became a meme because it was part of like a really sad story. - It was the fire, right? And then Joe Yoho did a remix. - Yeah. - Yeah.
- I just love that original clip though. I got bronchitis. - I think my favorite one is the, probably the Ainsley Harriot one. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Yeah, boy. - I still say that. - Yeah, yeah, right, right, right. - Do you remember the Jesus one? - Yes, I do. - The restoration. - Yeah, the restoration one. - Okay, that was just a funny storyline in general. - Oh, there's also next to that is "Call Me Maybe" by Colin Fugerson.
- "My Honey Boo Boo." Oh yeah, that was a show. - Oh yeah, that was a show. - Where she would only eat like chicken nuggets. - Yeah, I mean, I feel like, okay, looking at this as a whole. - "Dumb Ways to Die." Remember that too? - "Dumb Ways to Die," yeah. Oh my God. - Like some of these are real stinkers, but there are some ones where I'm like, okay, I still find that funny. - Do you remember the one next to "Bad Luck Brian"?
- Which one? - Yeah, do you remember this one? - Yeah. - The meme was like that he's the most photogenic. - Yeah, the most photogenic guy, right? - That was just the meme. - Yeah. - The meme was that he was just photogenic. - Like some of these are just Reddit posts. You know what I mean? Where it's just like mildly interesting. Oh look, it's a photogenic guy. - I hate that I know all of these. - I think I know, yeah, I think I know all of these too. - I hate that I know all of these.
- The baby with the beer on the top as well. - Yeah, I remember that one too. - What's the one below Morpheus? - The monkey in the thing? - No, the one below that. - Oh, the woman? - What's that one?
- Oh, isn't that the straight to DVD exercise video from a woman who did teach you how to exercise by being a horse. Why do I know that from? - I don't know. I don't know what you're talking about. - That's so specific. - I have never seen this before. - That's so specific. There's a woman who did like a, 'cause you know back in the 2000s and 90s, work at home videos are really popular. Work at home, right? - Yeah. - Work out at home horse.
- Also shout out to Gautier, and dropped an absolute banger and then just fucking- - You didn't have to cut me off. - He knew he peaked. - Yeah, he was like, "Ah, I don't need it anymore." - Prancicize. - Prancicize. - Original, a fitness workout. Basically you just prance around like a horse. That's the meme.
- I've never seen this. - No. - Why do I know that? I hate that I know what that is. My brain is, I can't remember what I did last week. Why are you holding onto this information brain? - Oh my God.
- I will give this. - I actually hate that I know every single one of these. That's worrying, right? - I am coming to realize I hate the era where the era is here is an image and here is some text above and below. Because I feel like that kind of meme format has died off now. - I mean, it was so overdone. - Well, I think what made it,
I think this is when it started to become very, very easy. I mean, it used to be easy before, but like extremely easy to add your own captions. So I think that's why it became back in fashion. - Yeah, I mean, this is around the time where like there were dedicated websites where you could like make these. - Yeah, exactly. - Made with iFunny. - Yeah. - This is the iFunny era. - Basically, I think this one,
- They're all kind of the same thing. - Yeah. - And I felt like we didn't really have a lot going for us. - Yeah. - Although I did love the Wanda's not simply. I will say as a teenage me. - That is a good one. - Wanda's not simply eat all the oranges or something like that. - I think my favorite idea of this one is definitely year boy. - But it's gotta be, I think it's gotta be a D or a C.
- I would rate it higher than the previous tier. - So C. - C. - Yeah. - Okay, yeah, I'm happy with a C. - Yeah, there's still some things I quote from here, but on the whole. - Next up. - All right. - Yeah. - Still in the classical me mirror. - 2013. - Draw my life. - Draw my life. Oh, "Super Hot Fire." - Do you remember that one?
- Yeah, of course. - The Ravel one. - That's still referenced today. - They're still making them. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, this video and image is used all over. - What does the fox say? - Oh, Doge, rest in peace, man. - Miley Cyrus. Yeah, Doge just passed away. - Just passed away recently. - Yeah. - Half-Life 3 confirmed. - Science Bitch. - Science Bitch. Oh, the Miley Cyrus at the VMAs. - Oh, wow, I didn't know that was 2013. Ted is the Zodiac Killer. - The Zodiac Killer one? Yeah, that's right.
- Ah, Jesus Christ. What is, oh, "Durude Sandstorm" is the one next to you in science page. - Oh yeah, yeah. - "Harlem Shake." - "Harlem Shake," oh, "Harlem Shake," wow. - And then the "Durude" and "The Toy Story" one, remember the caption for that one?
- Oh yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah, everywhere. - Oh wow, yeah, Miley Cyrus wrecking ball. - Yeah. - Oh man, a lot of these were- - A lot of these have aged very well and a lot of them have aged horribly. - Yeah. - I mean, I feel like more- - Yeah, that one has definitely not aged well. - Oh, the- - Yeah, I can't repeat it. - That's confusing. - Which one? - That guy, the rapping religious man. - Oh, oh, I've seen that clip. - Yes, you have, yes.
- Okay, okay, okay. - Again, as the graphic says, this is kind of beginning of Vine era memes. - So this is the end of the classical era. After this is where memes kind of changed drastically. - Yeah, this is end of Tumblr era onto Vine era. - And you can kind of see because some of these have like remained, you know. I still see the clip of, you know, that black kid who was just like shifting his eyes being like,
- Yeah, that's very popular. - Just awkwardly shifting his eyes. - I still see super hot fire. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I mean, Darude sandstorm still brought up to this day. - Yeah, and I feel like you can definitely tell it's the end of the last era or the classical era because you're like, you can see people getting tired and a little bit more creative. - What's the one above Half-Life 3, the kid? - Isn't it that he drinks the whole glass of Coke in one go and then has like the fattest burp?
- Is that the video? - It's an internet thing. - I think that's, I swear that's, oh he spills it every, I'm gonna zoom in, I'm gonna try and do the thing. You know what's weird? My phone, right? When I was in Europe, the shutter was taken off, the noise. - Oh yeah, 'cause it's a- - Japan only. - Isn't that crazy? - Yeah. - That's fucked. Okay, let me- - No, yeah, I think it is just him burping. - Burping, right? Let me just, I'm gonna just quickly, how do I do this again? It's like a weird command on my phone where I can like search things by like,
Reverse image search? No, if I just like swipe up in a certain way, but it's so finicky. Why would they do it like this? Kai, zoom back out again. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I did it. Okay. That Beyonce pic is something. Okay. Actually, now I remember this one. This and this. Pepsi bottle? A Coca-Cola glass? I don't give a damn.
- Yeah, I remember this. - I don't give a damn. - I misremember that one. - I don't give a damn. - When was the, when was the my longest year boy ever? That was like- - I think it might be the year after. - You think so? - This year though, I don't like it that much. I think there's some bangers, but there's some- - C I reckon. - High C, I'll give it a high C. - Okay, high C. I agree with that. - It's almost the same tier as last time, just a little bit better. - All right, okay. - All right, let's go up. MLG.
- What was during this time? - MLG. - Jacksepticeye. - Fucker in the pussy. - Oh, what's nine plus 10? Death stare Luigi, remember that one? - Death stare Luigi, I love that one. - I don't know. - Hell no. - Is this when Karen started? - Really? - Why? - Wait, which one? - The Karen starter pack.
- Oh shit, it might be. - Oh wow, yeah, it might have been. - Holy shit. - Have we been saying Karen for that many years? - I think so. - 10 years. - What the fuck? - Oh, the fucking Vein Pop meme on the top left. - Dick pop. - I love that one. - This is a- - Kermit as well. - iPhone testing, snagging videos. - Yeah. - 'Cause remember which iPhone was famous for bending? It must've been this one. - It was like seven, I think. - Yeah, you remember it. It was everywhere. And also the pay F to pay respect.
- Oh my God, dick butt. - Yes. - Yes. - Oh my God, you have that Kim Kardashian photos everywhere. - Oh, the fucking kid interview, the bottom right one. - Oh yeah, yeah. - What does he say in it? - That's not the one where it's like the,
- No, no, it was the, oh fuck, what was it? It was the one where like the kid interviews about, something about he like reviews the amusement park that he's at, but like the comments he gives is like way too mature. - Really? - Something like that, what was it? - I don't know. I remember the crackhead kid, that was the name they gave him, poor kid. - Yeah, yeah, from Vine. - He remade it not too long ago as well. - Oh, seriously? - Yeah. - What's the chosen six? - I don't know. Do you remember that in my mom's car?
- In my mom's car. - I mean, I feel like a lot of these are like, kind of like vines and shit like that as well. But I still think some of these have aged pretty damn well. - Oh, it's the apparently kid. - Apparently. - Oh yeah. - That's that one, yeah. - You know what, there's some, again, some good ones, some eh.
- Yeah. - We still use the vein popping head one. - I still think there's more good than that. - Yeah, I agree. Nine plus 10, I still go down. - Nine plus 10. - Still use the vein popping. - The shack one people still use. - Yeah. - YouTubers in general, I guess. Kermit is still used. That photo on the bottom left is- - Obviously, Karen, the photo on the bottom left, I think was a- - The most liked Twitter. - Most liked Twitter post. - Yeah. - I forgot what the goat one is.
- The goat one is just, it's like a really steep hill or really steep mountain. - It was a very popular video, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like David Attenborough. - And somehow they are just climbing it. - It's like an 85% incline. - Yeah, yeah. - Just like there. - I'll give it a B. - Yeah, I'd say this is at least a B. There's still a lot of memes we use today. And some of this is still aged very well. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I love the Michael Jordan crying one. - No, it's Michael Jordan. - Oh my God.
- It's not Shaq. - I thought it was Shaq. - There's your boy. - Yeah, boy. - Yeah, boy. Oh, this is the era of dabbing, bro. - Oh no, get it away, get it away. - Hotline Bling, Netflix and chill. You can do it. - Yeah.
- Oh my God. - John Cena. - Oh, the skeleton with the trombone. I was telling you about earlier. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Oh, dedicated wham. - What are those? - What are those? - Oh, these nuts, the burger. Oh yeah. He's like, "I'm gonna take this." And then they all do all the funny meme edits where he like disappears. - Yeah.
- We got the, is it red and blue or blue and- - Oh yeah. - Was it? No, it's fucking golden. - I saw the other day, I don't know if this is real or not, but I saw the other day on Twitter that the person who created this meme was recently arrested for like stabbing their girlfriend or something. - What? - What? - The dress meme? - The dress meme. He got like arrested for something. Oh, is that the, "Hi, welcome to Chili's" meme down there? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- A lot of Drake memes. - Putting water in the frog, they're making the frogs gay. - Frogs gay, it's time to stop. Oh, the Pulp Fiction one. - Yeah. - By Felicia. What's the one above the year boy one? - Don't talk to me and my son ever again. Which one? - The one above year boy. - Oh, that's where he goes, "Hi, hi." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's just like some nice background in pans.
- The one next to that is the, why the fuck you lying? - Still referenced. - The face one, I love these memes. - The face one, yeah. - Pain. - I like the one where they edit some like hands on it. It's like panic. - Yeah, panic, panic.
- You know what? These are probably some of the still most referenced. - Yeah, this was such a golden era of memes. - Some of the stinkers, this I sexually identify as a tech helicopter, not very funny. Especially he's aged extremely poorly. - Dabbing is no longer used. - I'm sad about that. - I'm sorry, Joey. I'm sorry. - The Jurassic Park with the, I still actually, I think I referenced that. - Yeah, you did. - Like you look at here, you look at, these are like Netflix and chill.
- Yeah. - Exactly. - Pepe is still used. One of those is still used. - Hotline Bling. - I would say out of every era we've been through so far, this is the era where, or this is the year where- - Most of these are still used. - Most of these things are still used. - I remember that, wow.
- Wow. - I still use that one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, I remember the, this is Bill copy pasta. - I remember that one. What is that one? - It's the bottom right one there next to the Drake one. - I think I've probably seen it. I just never thought of it. - Yeah, this is a copy pasta that was started on 4chan where like,
- It was just shared everywhere. I remember at one point you could go into any YouTube video and the comment section would just be filled with these. - Wow. - It was just more annoying than it was funny. - Fair enough. Well, good era, good era. - I give this an A. - I give this an A at least, yeah. - All right, let's continue. - 2016, Vsauce, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Go, damn. - Wait, wait, wait, that's two eras. - Oh, the Arthur Fist meme. PPAP, Pokemon Go.
- H3, Kazoo Kid. - Why are you running? - Why are you running? - It's free real estate. I loved that meme. - Yeah, free real estate. - Oh, Bottle Flip, I think. - Yeah, remember that kid who made those horrible songs? His parents like forced him to do these like crappy music videos. - Oh yes, I do remember that. - Bottle Flip, you've come at Arthur. - Oh, the Arthur fist meme. - Yeah. - Vape Nation. - Yeah. - EP, MLG. Is that Harambe?
- I think that is Harambe. - Yeah. - 2006 is a very pivotal year in the internet and well, culture in general. - Oh, is that fucking the two next to Harambe? Is that Scarce Face reveal? - The wide one is Scarce Face reveal. The guy between Harambe and Scarce is the Humongous. - Oh, Humongous, yeah. - Kazoo Kid, that guy, I can't remember, that video is like a...
- Some like really shitty YouTube intro that was mocked to death. - Right. - Right. - Oh, Dat Boi and Sanic. - B movie. - My two favorite memes. - God fucking damn it. - Oh shit, what up, it's Dat Boi. - It is kind of crazy how much
of this year was dominated by YouTube and YouTubers. - Yeah. - John Tron. - But it did feel like a lot of the memes referenced were Filthy Frank. - Oh, is that Ken Bone? - Yeah, Ken Bone. - Also I love the Squidward dabbing one. - Oh yeah, that was good. - Do you remember the, what's the name? Cash Me Outside. - Oh yeah, Cash Me Outside, how about that? - Pen Pen Apple Pen, can't remember that one. Big Cheese as well. - I mean, I'd say it felt like- - Damn Daniel.
- Oh, that is damn Daniel. Damn Daniel. - This is when the mainstream media started to pick up on memes. I remember like the damn Daniel kid going on Ellen.
- Oh yeah, that's right. - You know, you know. - Yeah, Caveman SpongeBob. - Yeah. - Classic. Yeah, God, this era was, I think looking back, this is one of the most poorly aged. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Of all the years. - I was going to say, I think the previous year had more things that have aged and that we still use now compared to this era. - I think the only one I use now was probably Deja Vu. - Yeah, Deja Vu. - Deja Vu. - That's just a banger song. - Deja Vu's aged well. Arthur and maybe This Is Fine.
- Obviously Vsauce is great, but like even then it's mainly Arthur. - I mean taking out all the YouTubers. - Why are you running? - Why are you running? - Why are you running? - But you know, taking out the YouTubers, not a lot of this is there. - What's this MLG era, kind of the start of it. - Yeah. - And the MLG era is probably one of the worst, worst eras of all of memes and comedy. So I think for that, I'm happy to put this in like E or F.
- I'll give it an E, I reckon. - E? - You think it's that low? - Yeah, I think it's that bad. - They just haven't aged that well. - It's so bad. - I was gonna say D, but... - E. - E? - Let's do E. - Not taking into account the YouTubers again. - Let's go on to 2017. - Yeah, 2017. - What do we got? Pickle Rick. - Oh my God. Wendy's.
- I'm fast as fuck boy. - Okay, let's go to another. We have Pickle Rick, Wendy's mind expansion. When you're teaching things, you're opening the phone, but you're cracking open a cold on with the boys for the fuck. - What? - I'm fast as fuck flex tape. That was everywhere. - Flex tape, fidget spinners. - Man's not hot. - Man's not hot. - I guess the girlfriend told you not to worry about it. This fucking spondylitis became an overnight sensation. - Yeah, still used. - Szechuan sauce.
- Oh, I don't remember the dog one. - That's still great. - He protect, but he also attack. - Doki Doki, which is fucking crazy. - That was 2017. - No fucking way. - I thought it was way later. - Start of the most, this is like, well, we'll see a lot more anime memes. - I love the B meme. - What's that one? - Is it?
- Apple cider vinegar? - I thought it might've been that. - I don't know what that is. - Yeah. - Ugandan knuckles. - Ugandan knuckles, oh my God. That was big for like a month. - Bone pizza. - Bone, yeah. - Do you pizza boneless or not? - Yeah. - Is that "Ass Stuff" movie? - I think it's "Ass Stuff." Yeah, I was gonna say that. - "It Clown." - "Stonks." - "Stonks." - "Salt Bae." - "Salt Bae." - "Tie Pods." - "You eating my spaghetti?" - Oh yeah.
- I don't remember this one. - Oh no, I think that's, I think that's a Despacito. - Okay, and then this one is the, this is very popular. - Yeah, it's still very popular. - The hot dog from Snapchat. - You know I had to do it, Tom. - Still love that one. - It's everyday bro, Jake Paul, the Italian memes. - Those are the boys. Okay. - You know what? There's some I like a lot and there's some I absolutely look back on and discuss. - This has been the biggest like,
of A tier and F tier memes all in one. - This is like a combination of LOL random stuff that I don't, some of us aged well, some of us hasn't. - I'm gonna count the ones I like real quick. - Yeah. - Still funny. - But like the, like fucking the Rick and Morty fan base has just completely ruined this year of memes. - There's maybe six that I still kind of like.
- Yeah, I like "Man's Not Hot." - I like the brain expansion. - Brain expansion. - I have a soft spot for B. Eating my spaghetti. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Guys literally only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting. - And I feel like this is where all the, this brand of internet humor kind of died. - Yeah. - The fidget spinners felt like the nail in the coffin of like,
- We gotta make shit up. - Yeah, where it's just like, oh, here's a popular trend and it's not even creative, but we're gonna make it a trend. - I remember 'cause B felt like almost like the gate into what I felt is like the next generation of humor, which is surreal. - Like the fried memes. - The deep fried memes. And B was like felt like the perfect like transitional point 'cause B was there before the deep fried and it was used a lot during.
'Cause do you remember that one deep fried meme, which I'm sure is on the next one, I'm gonna guess. It's the fucking Markiplier Lord Farquaad E. - I love that one. - It's so dumb. - I love it though, it's so dumb. - And I felt like, and the internet was like, what do we do? It's such weird, Tide Pods, Spaghet, I don't know, we'll figure it out. And it felt like the gateway to the next year. But I felt like this one was bad 'cause it was trying to figure itself out. - I'll give this maybe like a,
- C or D? - I think a C. - Okay, C. - It's not as bad as some of the previous series, I think. - All right. - Fucking flex tape. - 2018. - All right, let's go to 2018.
- So, Jesus Christ. Whoa. - Okay, so. - Oh, we have E. - Is E there? Where's E? - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, E. - Okay, okay. Can you go zoom in and then we'll go through them all. - Yeah, okay. - I think I know most of these. - Yeah. - What's the first one? - Isn't that like the Russian fucking like stupid like joke copy pasteur where it's like,
- I remember seeing it though. - Was this bitch lasagna? - Bitch lasagna was this year? - Yeah. - Allow us to introduce ourselves, still kind of referenced. - Yeah. - Where's the door, Josh? - Oh, right.
- The GameCube intro meme. - Surprise Pikachu. - Spice Pikachu. - Thanos truck. - I've never seen that one. - Holy shit, I remember this one. - E. - I don't remember the cereal cat one that much. - No. - The Patrick one I remember. - The Patrick one's classic. - Logan Paul. - Logan Paul. - Logan Paul. - Forrest, dancing frog. - Fortnite kid dance, the orange justice. I always dance that still. - Megalomania. - Yeah, Sans. - Nanny. - Oh, Yanny. - Yanny Laurel.
- Oh, this is fucking Ricardo. - Ricardo, Steve Hams. - What's the Spider-Man one? - Isn't it like everywhere I go, I see him? Fucking Dancing Alien, Sojourner Grey. - Sojourner Grey. - Is Coco melon? - There was that one challenge, all the weird shit. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Pixels. - No, not Pixels, Emoji Movie. - Oh, Emoji Movie, that's right. - Sprite Cranberry.
- Do you remember this movie? This fucking meme? - I do. - Ninja, wow, this is so weird. - Burger King foot lettuce. - This boy can fit so many things in it. - Oh yeah. What's the turtle on there? - Oh, there's this horrible like, it was really weird. It was like a foreign, I think it was a Spanish song. - Yeah. - It came like a copy pasta.
- The cat, upvoting, Spiderman one, changed my mind. Burger King foot lettuce classic. - Burger King foot lettuce. - Fortnite just in general. Old Town Road. Lil Nas X. - This was too confirmed. - Bowsette. - Oh my God, remember that? - Bowsette. - Oh my God, Bowsette was everywhere. - This is America, Charles Gambino, Thanos, Little Miss. What's the fucking cockroach one? - Isn't it the fucking, I forgot what it's called. There's a name for it, but I know the one. - Yeah, the live action.
- Terraformers, that's it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Terraformers cockroach. - I guess this is the beginning of TikTok. - TikTok. - Big Chungus. - Moth, Big Chungus. - Moth one. - Oh yeah, the Adam Driver scene from Star Wars that made him look so weird. - The fucking white Adam. - Yeah, that's right. - Oh, Delphine. - Do you remember what this guy says? The one who's shouting? - No. - BitConnect! - Oh, my favorite one is not that though. - Boy, he thick! - And then is this a... - Oh my God. - What is that again?
- Is this a, what is it like? - It's the original one. I can't remember, but it's like, but it's yeah. I know the meme format. - Is this a butterfly? - It might be, is this a butterfly? - It is a butterfly. And he's like looking at it. It's very clearly a butterfly. But then I think people use it. I don't know. I think that's what it was.
- No, is this a pigeon? - That's right. - Is this a pigeon? - That's right. - God, you're so right. See our meme coverage, all of us, we know all the memes. This one had such a lifespan. I felt like a three year lifespan where this was constantly- - Is this in a fucking article on it? - Is this even the original subtitle? Or is this something that just they subbed on? - Well, they have a Forbes article about why no one really seems to understand where this,
I don't think it needs to even be like the actual caption for it to take off as a meme. All it needs to be is be funny. - Totally. - Yeah. I mean, I'd say that, looking back at the era, there are some that have not aged well at all. - But some of them, man, I still love. - I feel like that's because of the sheer volume.
of the memes here, right? - Right, right. - Oh yeah, there's too many. - Yeah, there is far too many memes in this era. And I don't think comparatively, if you take the ratio of them to some of the previous years, I don't think as many of them are stuck around. - Oh my God. Oh, is this the alien one? - This one. - I don't think I've seen this one. - I haven't seen this one. - We'll get copyright claim if you play it, but you just play quickly for them so they can see. Gosh, so dumb. - I've seen enough.
- I mean, I still love Big Chungus. I still love Damn Boy He Thick. - TikTok, yes, doing TikTok. It just become TikTok when it was musically before. So this is when the hit or miss started as well. That was everywhere. Holy shit, that one was so big. - I mean, I don't know. I feel like obviously we have way more memes this year and I feel like this was the, you know, you look at the steamed hams memes. - That was good.
- Okay, you're taking one scene and the amount of creativity that came with like the editing of that meme was insane. - It just goes to show that like the base material doesn't need to be exceptional. Just let people go crazy with it or go ham.
- Yeah, go ham. - And they'll go crazy. - Yeah, I mean, "Steamtown" is like a meme that hasn't stuck around, but I feel like it is still like an S tier meme just 'cause of the amounts of like fucking amazing things we got out of that meme alone. - 100%. - Saying that though, I do think the memes are shit.
- Yeah, that was one of the only good ones. - This is when we were really like getting like hyper speed in terms of the lifespan of memes. - Yeah, I feel like the memes I've stuck around in this era are more just because of how many memes came out rather than the quality of the memes themselves. - C or D. - I think it's like E tier. - Really? - I think most of these are bad, very bad. - Yeah, I think the only one that I think is a good meme, can you scroll up again? Is steamed hams.
- The GameCube ones. - The GameCube ones, there were some pretty creative ones. - Yeah, I'd say for some of the creativity of some of these memes, which I think this started the era of really creative memes. I'll put it like C tier. - Yeah, I was gonna say C. Okay, let's go in the middle then and say D. - Okay, D, all right, all right, let's roll up. - I have a special heart for a lot of these, but. - Oh my God, Shaggy using 1% of his power. - Okay. - Oh, we're getting in Mr. Beast era now. - Oh, random dream. - Yeah, do not ask who Joe is 'cause Joe Mama.
- Oh yeah. - Oh the girls and boys. - That one's still used. - Still used. - It's like right now, I love that one. - Dragon one is still used. - Here we go again, still used. - Bird box fell off. - Yeah. - That's how mafia works. - Do you remember that? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how mafia works. - Sonic movie.
- Winnie the Pooh is still used. Batgirl. - Bathwater. - Yeah. - Oh, the why are you gay? - Why are you gay? - Shaq is still used. - Gotta write this time. - The cat one's still used. - What's the "Emperor's New Groove" one again? - It's like where you go, "Oh yeah." - "Oh yeah, we could use this." - Yeah, it's been used in a bunch of ways. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - It ain't much, but it's honest work. - I remember that one. - Mr. Beast. - Oh yeah, the SpongeBob Ascending one. - That was the- - Oh, that one. - Naruto. - Oh, the Naruto runny.
- Creeper, oh man. - Oh my God. - It's all coming together, that's what he says. - It's all coming together. - Yeah, it's all coming together. - I still have a special tea for, I'mma head out. - Yeah, honestly, a lot of these and the no, I don't think I will. And I still use the Mike was asking. Well, yes, but actually no. - Yeah, you get what you fucking deserve. Peace was never an option. - Baby Yoda. - Yeah. - Duolingo bird.
I'm gonna do what you call a pro gamer move. - You're breathtaking, Shaggy. Some really shit memes here, but some really good ones. - Yeah, some- - Some absolute banners. - I'd say a lot of these have still remained to this day. - I can't believe the Tesla truck thing was 2019. - Yeah, that's scary. - I'd say, you know what? I'm happy to put this as A.
- A? - I'm happy to put it as A. - Yeah, yeah, I think this has been one of the strongest years. - Think about how many of these memes still are used today. Maybe in like two years, I'll look back at it and feel like how we did about the previous years. - Yeah, yeah. - But maybe this is too close. - Do you think this is like recency bias? - Probably, probably some. - Yeah, probably. - But then again, I hate some of these.
I really hate the shaggy one. I feel like it was unfunny. The egg, remember the egg liking on Instagram? - Yeah. - That was shit. The Elon Musk smoking, it's like whatever. Baby Yoda, who cares? Duolingo, it's like overdone. - Okay, here's the thing. If it's A tier, is there any memes that you'd say are creative? Scroll up. - I just think memes have changed.
but I would say there is no real creativity. - I look at this and I'm like, okay, some of these are good ideas, but I feel like the creativity of this year was just not up there. - Yeah, I think the creativity isn't there, but the ability to reference is very strong with these. - I'm also surprised that Cars was this recent. I thought it was, it feels like way older. - No, I think that's from the,
- I don't think that's, that's not from the recent movie. I think it should, Cars had a resurgence in memes. 'Cause I think that, well, people who grew up with cars now have got to the age where they can use editing software and do that kind of stuff. So I think that's why we've seen a resurgence in cars. - Yeah, I think this year is the most quotable era. - Okay, boomers this year as well. - Yeah. - I still think A or high B.
- I'm more inclined to say B. - I'll say high B just because there's not much creativity, but it is very close. - High B, high B. - It is very close. - All right, 2020, start of the pandemic. - 2020. - Oh my God, don't say that. - Oh, this is last year. - So we have Django Leonardo, Will Smith Payne,
- We have the- - Or something Philadelphia. - Yeah, something. - Yeah. - They don't know meme. - That's still used. So is the- - Always has been. - Will you shut up man? - This isn't that long ago to be fair. - No. - Tiger King. - It is interesting to see when you see all them together though, which ones are still used and which aren't. - Yeah. - Fucking the German face. - The German one is terrifying. - Suss, we're in the imposter's suss.
- The Linus one is so good. - Oh, the coffin dance. - I still love that one. - I love how you know the rules and so do I. Got a resurgence. - Yeah. - And also the stick bug still kind of gets used for rather underwhelming meme. - I don't know why stick bug was ever a meme. - Oh, the resurgence of Karen? - Yeah.
- Are you winning son? - Are you winning son was 2020? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I thought it was way before that. - Was Jojo and Dio walking towards each other? Was it that recent? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh my God, it feels like that's been like ancient. - So Jojo obviously, you know,
was popular. But I think if I'm not mistaken, the first really popular Jojo memes were the Steam sale edits. Steam sale edits. You know when the fight between Jojo and Dio, when he'd throw the knives. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like the steam sale where you're like, your wallet was the one being like...
- 'Cause they would put all the discounts. And then I think after that is when Jojo memes, like this one and other stuff became really popular. - Well, I feel like that was like the Jojo memes was like, you know, all the edits were for were like really within the anime community.
That's what I felt. - Oh no, no, no, no, no. The Steam set one was not anime community one focused. That was outside. - Okay. Because this was the image where I saw just like the amount of times this image got replicated by different photos, different people taking pictures and just like fan art as well of this one. - I think this just goes so hard. The framing. - The framing of this manga panel goes so hard.
- And like whenever you recreate it in real life, it equally goes so hot. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - It looks fucking cool. I love the fucking Bilbo Baggins meme. It's so dumb, it's like, you can't have it, it's mine or something. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
- I like the GTA one too, even though I can't repeat it. Well, that one got big because of what's it based? - VTubers. - Yeah, the VTubers. Yeah, Sakura Miko, right? That clip. Also this Linus one. - Fucking Linus. - The draw 25 one is also good.
- Yeah, draw 25 is good. - I wonder how many of these will fall out of relevancy in the next coming years. - I don't know. - 'Cause a lot of these are still used. Actually, you know what? The Leonardo DiCaprio one, I feel like was everywhere at one point and is now rarely used on the top left. - I mean, the other one, right, is more used nowadays. - Which one? - It's the draw 25, the once upon a time in Hollywood Leonardo DiCaprio. - Yeah, that one's, yeah, yeah. - Damn. - 'Cause who points to their fucking TV? - Yeah. - It's like, what?
- I do like the astronaut one. - I do like that one. - I don't know why, something about it. - No, the other version of that that I like is the one with like the don't trust anyone, not even yourself. - Oh yeah, that one. - I think that format's a little bit better. - Where's the, oh, you're on with the kid with the gun too? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's the one, yeah. - In front of the mirror. - Yeah, actually, that one's better. - That one's better. - But that's more so like fucking yourself over, right? Damn, some solid fucking memes. - Yeah. - All right. - What would you rate 2020?
- Maybe a B. - It's hard to say. I feel like age will tell us. But I think B for now. - Yeah, I'll say B for that one. - What do you think was the strong, I don't think we've given anything S, have we? - Yeah, we did give an S. - We've given an individual memes S. - I think literally the first meme ever created, we gave an S. - We did, we did. - Yeah. - They got it right all back then. - I kind of had a bias because it's like, what's the era? Oh, there's one meme in this entire era. Banger.
And absolute banger honestly. - 1921 was the peak of memes. - Yeah, what'd you think? Okay, let's go back there. Let's go back. What would you say is the strongest year of memes? Looking back now. Because I think we were pretty reserved in what score we were giving. - I'm like 2011, no not 2011, maybe 2010 was it? I kinda like 2010 a lot, but it's kind of, just 'cause I think like it's such a golden age.
- I would say 2010. - I think 2010 was when the concept of a viral video was first being cemented. - And it was like, some of this is like way more effort than just your standard hee-hee funny image kind of thing. - The remix era definitely was the peak of meme creativity. - The remix era started, laid the foundation for so much of like the fucking impressive high quality memes that you see nowadays. - True. What do you think was the last good
like in the Shmoe Yoho style, like auto tune edit. - Double rainbow. - That was the last good one? - I think that was the last good one. I think my other favorite one was Titanic, the one, the John Tron one. - Oh yeah, they did do that. - Yeah, that one was good. - Do you remember the Charlie Sheen one? - I don't remember. - Winning, winning, I'm just winning. God, that was so insufferable. - That one was annoying. - God, dude, just internet is such a weird,
- It feels like a surreal looking back at it all. Just knowing this was what used to occupy your brain space. - Yeah, exactly. - I feel like I'm back in school again looking at these. - When I get to like 60, I'll think, wow, look at all the mental illness I experienced.
- Look at all the brain rot I experienced. - I think that's one thing I've realized going back through all the meme eras is that brain rot will always be prevalent. - Yeah, there's like, it's just a different form of it now. Like when people complain about it, it's like, we've always had it. We sit there for hours laughing at troll. - It's like, I just, yeah, the realization where we did the Hamster song and I'm like, wait, you know, this is annoying as fuck.
- Fuck. - Yeah. - But it's just evolved. It's evolved into a different kind of brain rock. - Yeah, we're just like, who let this happen? - Yeah. And now we like get annoyed by it, but the young generation is just like, oh my God. - I'd be interested to know from the comments, this is probably a good way to start wrapping it up. - Yeah. - One, what was your favorite era? And two, was there a meme on here that you really wish, that wasn't on here, that you really wish was on here? - You know what's one? Crazy Frog wasn't here. - Oh, it wasn't. - Yeah, Crazy Frog wasn't here.
- Am I wrong? Was Crazy Frog global or was it more European? - I feel like it was internet. - No, it was definitely being in Australia. - Okay, I wasn't sure. 'Cause sometimes I noticed that there were memes that were very popular in UK that weren't popular in-
- Right. - America, and I've always had to like discern the difference between the two. But obviously the internet, those barriers kind of went away a little bit. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - But let us know down below what meme that you wish was on here and what era was it from and tell us why. We will actually go through the comments, so please tell us. - Also, what's your favorite year of memes? Let us know that as well. - But thank you so much for watching this episode of "Trash Taste." Joey, take it away. - Team review. Hey, look at all these patrons though. They I'm sure have impeccable taste in memes. - Impeccable.
- We don't know. - We love you guys. And hey, if you wanna support the show, because that part is not a meme in fact, it's very serious. You'll support the show. And not only that, you can also gain access to weekly exclusive Patreon content. We have one for you guys right now as well that you can check out after this episode. But hey, if you'd like to watch that video as well as a bunch of other Patreon exclusive stuff and support the show at the same time, then head on over to patreon.com/trashtaste. Also follow us on Twitter, send us your memes
on the subreddit and if you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify. - Let's start a new meme generation right now. - Are you sure you wanna ask our audience to do that? - No, no. We will see you in the next episode. - Bye.