cover of episode This is the WORST Area in Japan | Trash Taste #231

This is the WORST Area in Japan | Trash Taste #231

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@Con : 我带父母去高知县四万十川,途中在一个不起眼的鱼市场看到一座等身大的《深潜》娜娜奇雕像,感到非常意外和困惑。这座雕像位于一个古老的建筑内,周围只有几位老妇人在卖鱼,与周围环境格格不入,让我好奇其背后的原因。 我尝试寻找解释,例如作者是否来自该地区,但作者实际来自神奈川县。我推测可能是当地一位狂热的《深潜》粉丝捐赠的,或者当地政府为了吸引游客而做的尝试。 这次经历让我思考日本各地为了吸引游客而努力推广地方特色的方式,以及这种推广方式的有效性。 @Joey : Con讲述的经历让我联想到日本各地都在努力寻找自身独特的卖点来吸引游客。很多地方都以稻米和清酒闻名,但这些特色过于普遍。 我来自仙台,仙台以牛舌和ずんだ(一种用毛豆制成的甜品)闻名,但这些特色并不特别突出。 与之相比,英国各地则以不同的特色而闻名,例如康沃尔的馅饼、布莱顿的同性恋文化等等,地方特色更加多样化。 我认为日本各地的政府机构非常渴望让自己的地区被人们熟知,而不是仅仅成为通往大城市的交通枢纽。 @Garnt : 我认为Con在偏远地区发现《深潜》雕像的经历很有趣,也反映出日本地方政府为了吸引游客而采取的各种尝试。 我们讨论了英国不同地区的地方特色,并比较了日本和英国在地方特色推广方面的差异。 我还谈到了布莱顿的旅游业,以及一个名为Brighton i360的观景塔,这座塔的设计备受争议,被认为是城市景观中的败笔。 此外,我们还讨论了日本各地普遍存在的塔式建筑,以及它们的设计风格和文化意义。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why was there a Nanachi statue in a remote fish market in Shikoku?

A life-sized statue of Nanachi from "Made in Abyss" was found in a fish market in a remote area of Shikoku, a 50-minute drive outside of Kochi. The statue's presence is unexplained, as the author of "Made in Abyss" is not from the area, nor is the anime set there. There were no other "Made in Abyss" items in the market.

What are some of the unique selling points of different prefectures in Japan?

Various prefectures in Japan are known for specific products or attractions, like Sendai for gyutan (beef tongue) and zunda mochi, and Nagano for apples. However, many areas also claim fame for common Japanese staples like rice and sake.

What is the Brighton i360?

The Brighton i360 is a tall, slender observation tower in Brighton, England. It features a glass viewing pod that ascends and descends a vertical shaft, offering panoramic views of the city and coastline. However, it's considered an eyesore by some locals.

Why do many Japanese cities have towers, and which are considered the least appealing?

Many Japanese cities built towers during the economic boom in the 1980s. Some, like the Sapporo TV Tower, are well-regarded, while others like the Nagoya TV Tower and the Kaikyo Yume Tower in Shimonoseki are considered less attractive.

What positive changes have occurred in Ozu, Ehime, since Connor's first visit?

Since Connor's initial visit, Ozu has seen a noticeable increase in tourism. The town has invested in revitalization efforts, renovating abandoned buildings into hotels and attracting more businesses. This has led to a more lively atmosphere and a better experience for visitors.

Why does Connor recommend cycling the Shimanami Kaido from Imabari to Onomichi?

Connor suggests starting the Shimanami Kaido cycling route in Imabari and ending in Onomichi because it allows cyclists to tackle the more challenging sections first. Additionally, Onomichi provides convenient access to other destinations like Hiroshima and Okayama.

What makes the current Shimanami Kaido cycling experience better than before?

The Shimanami Kaido cycling experience has improved due to better bikes, including e-bikes, and a greater number of cafes and attractions along the route, making it a more enjoyable and convenient experience for cyclists.

What activities did Connor and his friends do during their RV trip in Nagano?

During their RV trip in Nagano, Connor and his friends engaged in various activities, including paragliding, quad biking, ATV riding, watching an alpaca race, whitewater rafting, and visiting a llama farm.

Why did Connor find his recent visit to Thorpe Park disappointing?

Connor's recent visit to Thorpe Park, a theme park in England, didn't live up to his childhood memories. He found some rides, like Nemesis Inferno, less thrilling than he remembered, and he now dislikes roller coaster loops. He prefers rides with one big drop.

Why does Garnt dislike roller coasters more than skiing, despite skiing being more dangerous?

Garnt dislikes roller coasters because he lacks control over the experience, unlike skiing where he has some agency. This lack of control contributes to his fear, despite acknowledging that skiing presents a greater risk of injury.

Why does Connor find theme park food overpriced and mediocre?

Connor believes that theme park food is often overpriced and of average quality, diminishing the enjoyment of taking a break from rides and queues.

Why does Connor consider Nagoya a "mid" city?

Connor finds Nagoya to be an average Japanese city lacking a distinct identity compared to Tokyo or Osaka. He considers it primarily a business hub with limited attractions beyond some decent food and Legoland.

What new feature does the Toyota Prius have that Connor enjoyed?

Connor appreciated the lane-keeping assist and adaptive cruise control features in the new Toyota Prius, allowing for a more relaxed driving experience, particularly on highways.

What kind of "dad knowledge" do Connor, Joey, and Garnt believe their generation possesses?

They believe their generation's "dad knowledge" lies in computer skills and software proficiency, areas where their parents often struggle and younger generations haven't needed to develop deep expertise due to user-friendly interfaces.

Why does Connor dislike shopping at Don Quixote?

Connor finds Don Quixote overwhelming and filled with items he doesn't need. He often prefers to find items online rather than carrying them home from the store.

What does Joey collect?

Joey enjoys collecting things, including Pokémon cards. He appreciates the ongoing nature of collecting and finds it to be a fun hobby, though he acknowledges the potential expense and exercises restraint in his spending.

Who did Connor unexpectedly meet in Golden Gai?

Connor met Bunmei Tobayama, a former actor and voice actor known for roles like Netero in the 1990s "Hunter x Hunter" anime and the judge in the "Phoenix Wright" games. Tobayama now owns a bar in Golden Gai.

Why does Connor feel that Golden Gai is becoming more like a theme park?

Connor observes that Golden Gai is shifting from a local hangout to a tourist destination, with establishments becoming increasingly commercialized and losing their authentic feel due to social media exposure.

Shownotes Transcript


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- Welcome back to another episode of Trash Taste. I'm your host, Con, and once again joined by the boys, Joey and Garnt. - Hello. - Welcome back, welcome back. - Welcome back. - It's been a little while since I've seen you guys. - Yeah. - You've been on your trips. - I've been on many trips. - You have gone on like back-to-back trips.

- Yeah, I did the RV trip with Ludwig, Pete and Chris. And then immediately did a, I think like a four day trip with my parents. - Well, it's in a different city every day. - So I missed the worldwide. So that was fun. I'm kind of Japan out now. I'm like, I've seen enough.

- You should have panned out. - Is that how Chris feels? - I think so. Why do you think he goes to like UK to be exiled for like four months? He goes there and eats cheese. - He should eat all the camembert he can afford and more. - Yeah, exactly. - But before I get into it, I took my parents to a college

and we were driving down to Shimanto. Do you know where Shimanto is? Yeah, it's like a pretty famous river. Yeah, for being like very beautiful. My parents are very sporty. I was like, oh, we'll do some like kayaking. But in Kochi, they're very famous for katsuo bushi, which is like bonito. Bonito where it's like,

They light like a bush on fire and then lightly grilled the bonito. It's very excessive. - It's like Moses bonito.

- So like the outside is quite charred, but in the middle it's raw still. It's like flash burned. - Right, like seared? - Yeah, and that's my second time having it and it's very good. It's very like, the outside is like a steak taste, but the inside is very like sushi. - That sounds lit. - So it's very nice. It's a good local dish. And I was like, we have to get this 'cause I want my parents to try it. And I went to this fish market

And just like randomly in the corner, I'm eating my fish and it's like the dingiest like play. It's just like an old place. It's been this for God knows how long. Yeah. I see a one-to-one statue of Nanashi.

- Nanachi or from "Made in Abyss." - Yeah, go to my Twitter. I show the statue. A one-to-one statue of Nanachi. - What the fuck? - I didn't even know they made those. - Yeah. - Look at this. - Oh, there it is. - Oh my God. - The fuck? Why? - To open up the pic. - That's sick. I want that. - And I thought like, huh, like maybe the author's from this area. And I Googled it like, oh, where's the author of "Made in Abyss" from?

He's from like Kanagawa or something like that area. I was like, why is there a fucking one-to-one statue of Nene? And it was literally like in the corner, like these, like Obasan, like these 87 year old Japanese women are just making some fish. And in the corner behind them is just this giant one-to-one statue in a glass case. - Did they, like, was this like publicly available?

Like was this on sale? - No. - Or did they just like get this custom? - No, and there was no other "Made in Abyss" things. It was just this. - Apparently there's one massive "Made in Abyss" fan out there. Number two, I thought Nanachi was smaller than that. I thought they were like kids and all that shit. - Yeah, I thought Nanachi would be like two feet tall. - She was like a good four feet. - God damn. - How tall is Nanachi? - I thought she'd be like, I thought they'd be like Pokemon size. You know what I mean? - But I was like, I'm like an,

- Very far, like one of the most remote places. - Not how tall. - I know, the question we all ask. 1.7 meters? - Bro, she gashed me, bro. - Holy shit. - Dude, it's basically your height. - Yeah, basically, well, okay, Jack.

- All right, I'm on total dimension. - But only 1.3 without the ears. - Oh, okay. - So the ears do be kind of- - I'm in like one of the most remote parts of Japan and I see this fucking cursed statue. What the fuck is- - That's fucking insane. - That's so sick though. - It's sick but I was like why? Why? How did this happen? - I don't know. - Like this place surely is like, this felt like when you're in there, you're like this place is so old, this building. Like this building has stood the test of time and then,

I'm sure there've been many fads that have come and go. Why this statue they decide should be immortalized in here. 'Cause everyone else, I was by far the youngest person in this building. And it was like not even close. - I thought maybe at first it might've been like, 'cause they sometimes do that with anime where it's like, if the anime is set in that real life location, then there's a lot of that anime's stuff there. If you go to like Chichibu, there's a lot of Hana shit everywhere. - Chichibu been living off the Ana Hana royalties for like over a decade now, man.

- But like, meaning that this is not set in the real world. - I couldn't figure out why this was here. And I tried to like look for possibilities. I didn't want to just tweet it out and be like, everyone's going to reply and be like, well, obviously it's because the office. So I looked at it and like, I tried to figure out why the fuck this was here. I couldn't figure it out. Cause it wasn't even in like Kochi, which is a major city in Shikoku. It wasn't like in the city. It was a 50 minute drive out of the city. And I pulled off the highway to just find some fucking fish.

- And it was in the first building I could find. - Maybe the voice actress is from there. - Oh, it could be. - Or maybe there's just a big "Made in Abyss" fan. - Yeah, just a random "Made in Abyss" fan. - That prefecture just got like maybe some budget and at the end of the tax year, they're like, all right. - Too fast. - Do we know what to spend this money on? 'Cause I got, boys, I got an idea. - I'll look it up right now and see if the voice actress is there.

when I met Daisuke Ono, he's from Kochi. And he said, he was like, "I'm from Kochi." I'm like, "Oh, you must like Katsubushi." And he goes, "Suguru." He's like, "How do you know that?" - Like it's a fucking hidden secret. - I think like, it's cool when you go on Twitter and you know this shit. - The voice actress is from Saitama. So it's definitely not that. - So I don't know why this was here. No idea.

- I do wonder, do you think every prefecture, every area in Japan, just like they got together and they're like, "All right, we need our specialty thing." - No, they all just do it. They're all like, "Well, rice is taken." Well, maybe it'd be the third rice cut place. Yeah, I guess so. 'Cause when I did my RV trip, we went around Nagano and everywhere they were saying like, "Oh, famous for apples."

I was like, nah, Aomori's the place. - I thought Aomori's the apple place. - Well, I think 'cause they're like, we're also famous for it. And it's like, guys, come on now. You could have picked something else. - You're allowed up to like three prefectures maybe. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But I feel like when I'm traveling across Japan, half the places I go to, they're like, we're famous for our rice and sake. I'm like, well.

- Well, you're in Japan bro. - Come on now. So is everywhere. - Yeah, 'cause I was like, what would be like- - So is, I don't know, the entirety of China. - 'Cause like, I'm just wondering like, what would be like the fucking British equivalent? I have no idea what like- - We're famous for our pubs. - We're famous for- - Depression. - Yeah, depression. - We're famous for our rain. - Our stabbings here?

are like super fucking special compared to like the London studies. - Yeah, our mortality rate. We're the best known. Lowest mortality rate. - We'll fight over like who is like the best pasties. Like that's what we'll fight over. - Where would you say that is? - I thought it was Cornish. - Yeah, they'll say Cornish. - I mean, Cornwall's got pasties, they've got surfing, which is like, you can not go anywhere else in the UK. - What's Brighton known for?

- I'm being gay. - Gay people, innit? - That's kinda what it's about. - That's kinda what it's about. - That's kinda lit until- - It's an icon. - Until Liverpool took that title for a while, but no one looks at Liverpool- - Liverpool took it?

- Wait, wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait. - Wait, wait

- Is there like a gay minister in the UK? - Can you search gay capital of England? - Liverpool won like the European city of culture. Like when I was there. - Okay, it is Brighton again. But I remember Liverpool won it for a while or something like that. - What is the gayest UK city? London.

- London's got a lot of things. They don't need that title as well. Us Brightonians, we need something, man. We need something. - Japan is very good at this marketing of things in the city. This thing that I wish that,

I'm like, why didn't you do that? You could have done something. Why did you guys just do nothing? - I think that just speaks- - You got a long town name. - Yeah. - I think that also just like speaks volumes of how much these late prefectural governments are just desperate to get people to come to their prefecture. To be like, we need to be known for something. We can't just be like another prefecture that you can-

come and visit on the way to a big city. - Sell me on your home territory. Like if you had to like do the Japanese thing of being like, "Shit, we need the selling point to get tourism here." You know, what do we know for it? - Okay, well, my hometown is Sendai.

Sendai is known for gyutan. We have the best gyutan in all of Japan. - Which is such a- - Which is really random. I know, even I'm aware of that. I'm like, I mean, really? Is it that much better than anywhere else? I'm not too sure about that.

But we do have Zunda, which is made in Sendai. And that is specifically sent. You don't like Zunda? - I like Zunda. It's just such a meh thing to be known for. - Zunda is, it's like you take edamame and you put a shitload of sugar in it and then you mash it up. So it's basically, it's like Anko, but instead of soybeans, it's edamame. - It's better than Anko, too. - It's better than Anko. - Red bean paste for real gotta be the most overrated mid-dessert.

of all of history. - Yeah, Zinda Mochi, this shit dude, my grandma hand makes this shit, it's fire. - Zinda's better than- - Zinda's so much better than Arco. - So yeah, shout out Zinda. - Well, let me tell you about Brighton. Aside from of course being the gay capital, the real gay capital. - The real gay capital. - Of England. We're a progressive city, but we have a beach.

- It's not just any beach. I know you're from Sydney, Joey. - Yeah, we're talking about beaches. - I know you're from Sydney. We're not trying to compete with all the other beaches in the world 'cause how many beaches can you say have a pebble beach? An all pebble beach? All right, sandy beaches. - Let's compare the pair. Look up Brighton Beach. - Look, that's all well and good, but where I'm from, we're good at teen pregnancy.

So, can I get a yes beat there? - Put that on the tourism board. - Yo, number one in teen pregnancy. - Hey, yo, predators, what up? We got a place for you. - Is that the tagline for your town? It's like, if you're under 18, beware. - Oh, God. - Yeah, Pebble beaches have to be the worst beaches hands down. - It is, it is. But it holds a soft,

- It's not, it's pebbles. - I mean, it is pebbles, but it was really nice for barbecues when I was growing up and it always was a place to hang out when it wasn't fucking depressing. - I remember when you first, when I went to Brighton for the first time and you took me to Brighton Beach and I was like, why does it hurt?

- Yeah, it just didn't hurt. - It's like usually I'm used to the beaches where it hurts because the sand is so hot. - Yeah. - But this one is like, it was like 22 degrees and I'm like, why does it still hurt? - See, what they want to do is dissuade you from actually going in this water 'cause it's freezing fucking cold. - It's a warning. - It is a warning. It's a natural deterrent. - I'm like, bro, it's like the middle of July and it's like, I don't even have a bead of sweat on my forehead. - But yeah, I mean, Brighton in terms of like tourism, Brighton is like,

- Yeah, we should on it. I like to shoot on it because it's my hometown, but it's definitely gotten up in like the British tourism ranking because we get a fuck ton of tourists in the summer. So much so that we've built some like fucking, you know sometimes when they just build a tourist spot and you don't know why the fuck they built this tourist thing here. So search up the Brighton I-360.

So this got built in Brighton like a while ago. And it's the most fucking useless thing in the fucking world. It's an eyesore. I don't know who thought this was a good idea. - This thing is the ugliest thing in the skyline. - Yeah, so this entire thing, imagine the London Eye, right? It's basically a massive Ferris wheel. People complain about that being useless.

So you take the Lononite, which is a Ferris wheel. And instead you just make a massive fucking pole with what looks to be like a super villain base at the bottom, which is like a fucking 360 glass window. And it just goes a little bit high. - Yeah, this looks like the elevator you take to get to like Elon Musk's like SpaceX land. - I've never wanted to be like the Tenga.

- You know what I mean? - This is the Sky Tango. - Yeah, I've never wanted to be in a Sky Tango. - Holy shit. - And I don't know why they use the, why the local council use their money to build this shit because this is- - Ferris wheels are cool though.

- I just put a Ferris wheel bro. Everyone likes how a Ferris wheel looks. - This is quite clearly like, you know, a tech bro fucking. - Yeah they want it to be like modern or whatever. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We are like immune to building shit that's not fucking ugly and gray in the UK. I don't know why. - How big is this thing? - Big enough that you notice it. - Yeah, it's big enough. - Oh my God, it fucking sticks out. Wait, go back, go back to the image. Look at this first image.

- Look at that, it just sticks out. - You don't understand, everywhere you are in Brighton, you can see this fucking eyesore and it's just a massive dick that goes in the sky. - Oh my God. - And it's ugly as shit. - Yeah, that's terrible. - Yeah. - That's terrible. - I fucking hate it. - It's so ugly. - I fucking hate it, man. I don't know who approved this shit.

Get that shit outside of my city. I would have more happily take a picture in front of the burning building, which is the West Pier, which is another tourist, another tourist attraction. - Japan is also obsessed with building towers in every major city. Every city in Japan mostly has a tower of sorts. - Yeah, they have some kind of like Tokyo Tower rip off, don't they?

- Like, yeah, or just kind of- - Like, Sapporo has the Sapporo Tower. - Sapporo Tower is actually not that bad out of all the- - It's all right. - It looks okay. The worst one, I think, I think it's the, which one is it? The Fukuoka one? I think the Fukuoka- - Fukuoka Tower? - I think Fukuoka is a bad, is it Fukuoka I'm thinking of, or is it- - Fukushima? That one? - Oh. - That one looks nice. - That one's kind of cool. - That's actually, that one's- - No, that one's cool. Which one am I thinking of? - Fukushima, maybe?

- Oh yeah, the Nagoya TV tower, yeah. That's just, that is the most like, let me copy off your homework. - Well that's what Sapporo kind of looks like. - That's literally the Tokyo Tower, but great. - Yeah, right? - Oh my God. - And it looks a little bit shorter as well. - Yeah. - Right? - Wait, what's below Fukuoka on the map? - Below Fukuoka? - Is it Kitakyushu? No. - Kitakyushu is in Fukuoka.

- Are you talking about- - What's below it? - Oh my God, where Beppu is. - No, no, no, not Beppu, other side. - This episode is sponsored by Shopify. - Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey, do the thing, Joey. Are you a business owner, Joey? - Absolutely, Garnt. I have my own clothing brand, it's called Nonsense. And look, we came up with a bunch of amazing designs, but I had one massive issue. How am I gonna sell all the clothes? - Where are you gonna sell them? - Yeah. - I don't know how to run a store,

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feed and everywhere in between. Don't forget the businesses that sell more sell on Shopify. - So as we said, if you're looking to start your own business, we run all of our clothing stuff from Shopify. At least I say we, but Joey, I see you wearing the nonsense shirt right now, but I am wearing the- - I'm wearing the trash taste.

- Yeah, the trash taste stuff we did on Shopify. Nonsense we do on Shopify. - If you're selling stuff online, it's the place to be. - It's just the way to go. - Upgrade your business and get the same checkout that nonsense uses. Sign up for your $1 per month trial period at or lowercase, go to to upgrade your selling today. - Back to the episode. - Sorry, I only got- - To the episode. - No, no, no, no, no. Can you go on the map? - Next tour, Nagasaki? - No, that's too far.

- There's like a city just below. - Oh, a city. I thought you were talking about a prefecture. - Sorry, I'm fucking dumb. Go. Oh, dude, no, no, no. I'm thinking of Shimonoseki. Bro, it's got- - Kaikyo Tower? - Yeah, dude, look. - Kaikyo Unite Tower? - This tower looks like some shit out of like a villain's- - It's like Gotham, dude. - Bro, I don't like how it looks. - What the fuck is that?

- I know some people think that looks cool. When we were there in the city, I thought it looked bad. - It just looks like a dick. - I thought it looked bad. - It's even got the knob at the top and everything. - Yeah, they've got a bellend. - It's a dick. - It was like thundering when we were there as well. And it just made it look just like hideous. I don't know what it is. And I don't know why some towers look slightly different. I'd be like, "That looks so cool." - As if Yamaguchi prefecture couldn't get Adobe already. - Yeah.

- Every city has one. Every city in Japan has to have a tower for some reason. And it was probably built in the 80s when they had a lot of money. And now you're like, okay, cool. - Now they're like, well, this is just here now. - Cool, cool, cool. Oh well. - Is there like a tower or any kind of like monument in Wales where you're from? - There are castles that are- - What's the- - Castles are cool. - Yeah, castles are cool. - Yeah, castles are cool. - I don't know if this is a controversial take. I think Japanese castles are pretty boring.

'cause they all look the same. There's no difference. - Don't the Western castles look the same? - No, 'cause they're all different. - Really? - Yeah. - I guess I haven't seen enough of them.

- Like a Japanese castle, the designs are all the same. Like I think if I showed you a bunch, unless you knew your shit, you'd have a hard time being like, knowing the difference. - I think it's because not necessarily comes to the defense of Japanese castles. - No, you can. - You are Japanese, Joey. - I don't feel that strongly about this, to be honest. But I think the reason why they're all the same is because those are the ones that survived.

- No, no, 'cause only like a couple survived. - Yeah, I know. And they all look the same because that's probably the design that stood the test of time. - Most castles in Japan that you visit now are rebuilt. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm sure some of the smaller castles that they didn't bother rebuilding with different designs, right? - But all like European castles are like, at least are like a very different looking.

- See, because in my head, I guess 'cause I haven't seen enough European castles, in my head all European castles look like fucking Harry Potter. It's like, oh, you have the spires and like the big one, like basically the Disney castle. - No, no. I don't know if I'm crazy. Maybe I'm being too harsh on Japanese castles. - I don't know. - Can you show an example? Because growing up in England,

- I mean, castles look a little bit different. Mostly it's the size of it a lot of the time. - It's either they're tiny or they're massive. - Yeah, you can have like little ones, but in terms of like the style- - How different could they be? - Dude, they look so different.

- Really? - Yeah. - I guess I just haven't seen enough of them. - I feel like they look, so many castles look very different. Am I crazy? - I don't know. - I mean, it's definitely the same style, I would say. - It's rock. - It's rock, yeah. - I don't know, bro. Those all look pretty similar. - Really? 'Cause Japanese ones are literally like one for one. - No. - The only thing they'll change is like the color.

- Occasionally. - Yeah, well, it's still better than this. - No, these are so sad. - These are literally the same color. - That's 'cause it's brick. Yeah, but they were painting it white, you know? Like, come on.

Help me out here. - I don't know, man. I'm looking at all these and I'm like, I couldn't tell you the difference between one or the other. - What? - It's like, they're either a little bit bigger or a little bit smaller. - No, no, no. 'Cause I feel like there's like different architecture to it. Whereas I feel like Japanese castles that always just do the same thing. They've like the main fucking turret and they have like maybe a little wall around it, but they just like all look exactly the same. - Not necessarily.

- It's just as different as the European castles. Come on. Look at that. - But like, I would say like, if you, okay, at least one thing that I would argue is that like, obviously we're looking at like, if we were looking at just like Welsh castles, yes. But like, if you compare like a Welsh castle to like a German castle, it's like extremely different. - Well, that's like comparing a Japanese castle to a Chinese castle. It's obviously gonna be different 'cause it's a different country. - Yeah, but I feel like this, I don't know.

- Yeah, see, okay, that second he was there, that's literally Disney castle. - Yeah, we didn't have the budget for that. - To be fair, like Joey said, this is different countries. If you search up, I'm sure like Korean castles or Chinese. - But like, I think that even like English castles look very different to how a Welsh castle would look, for example. - Again, we are different countries as well. - Yeah, I guess it's kind of, I guess so.

- So if we're just specifically looking at Welsh castles, I'm pretty sure they all look just as similar as all the Japanese castles do to each other. - I still disagree. 'Cause I think like that castle, like that one right there looks totally different to how like any of the ones below it. - That one's called Red Brick, man. You don't understand. - Oh, sorry. - Am I crazy? - My bad, OG. I'm not a brick expert. - I mean, I'd say that you look at them- - You have more of the neutral look. What do you think? - Yeah, I mean,

- I'd say they look similar-ish. I'm not gonna lie. I could definitely look at these castles and be like, yeah, they're from the UK. These are definitely UK castles. - I mean, I'm not saying that like Japanese castles like all look completely different obviously, but like saying they all look the same is a little- - No, dude, look, pull open the pic. You typed in Japanese castles at the top. Dude. - Come on, they look different.

- Mostly, I mean, there are some really cool ones for sure. Like a lot of them look very similar and it's kind of a shame when you're traveling around and you're like, ah, another one. It looks exactly the same. - Oh yeah, I mean like, look, I'm here to defend Japanese castles obviously, but I'm not gonna like, I'm not at the point anymore where like, if I go to a new prefecture, I'm like, we gotta hit up that castle. Like I don't really care. - Just a preface, 'cause before people get mad, I'm not saying that I don't give a fuck about Japanese castles and they're boring. I think there's some interest to it, but I think once you've seen one, you're kind of like,

- All right. - Yeah, I think if you hit up maybe like Matsumoto-jo, Osaka-jo, maybe like Himeji-jo, after that, it's like, you can go check it out if you want, but as long as you hit up the three or four major ones, it's pretty much the same. - That's how I feel about British castles as well.

- Well, yeah, I'm sure I'd be the same with British castles. - I mean, honestly, like the coolest ones are the ones that aren't like big tourist attractions, but they're just the ones you find in like the countryside and stuff. I think those are like the coolest castles you can find. - Totally. - Probably the same with like Japanese castles as well. Probably the biggest ones, the big tourist attractions. - It's like Japanese temples, right? It's like, you know, going to like Sensoji or like, you know, Kiyomizudera, like the famous ones is cool, but the coolness

- The coolest ones are the ones where you're just like, oh, I'm in the middle of the fucking mountains and there's just a secret hidden temple. Those are the coolest ones. - Just unlock the hidden area. - Yeah, yeah. - Exactly. It's like, oh, sick safe spot.

- Yeah. - Yeah. - I can't remember the last time I went to a castle. I think it was, must've been, oh, Himoji, I think we went out front of it. Didn't go into it though, but- - Oh, you rented a castle, right? - Oh, I did rent a castle. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - The video finally came out. - Yeah, the video finally came out. I forgot about that. - Yeah, yeah. - I also went back there like two days or three days ago. - Oh, with your family. - Oh, shit. - 'Cause yeah, 'cause we were going to Kochi and then, you know, we were gonna do the "Shimon Amikado" which we did again.

So I was like, oh, let's go to Ozu. Like let's see what's up. Cause that's where I rented the castle. It was really fun to go back. Cause even in five months it had changed a lot. So I know you didn't watch the video cause it's very fucking long. But basically-

this company had basically just this town also, which kind of had the kind of story that we've heard a million times in Japan where population is declining, people are leaving. And so they basically just pumped a ton of money into trying to turn this town into kind of a tourist town by utilizing the rich culture that they had, as well as maybe trying to attract more local businesses. And it was really cool because when we went,

I felt like it was dead, dead. Like it was just me and Chris and there was no one else. I think it was like a Monday or Tuesday or something as well, which probably didn't help.

But when I went back with my parents five months later, it was a lot more busy. It was like in a good way. Not like the amount where you're like, oh God, it's busy. But like there was, it didn't feel like it was just you. And so that was really cool to see. So they pumped a ton of money, taking a huge risk trying to make this town really into a very remote town. Because Ozu is not super easy to get to because you have to fly to Matsuyama and then like a 34 minute drive. But they basically just rebuilt a ton of buildings

I basically bought a bunch of old abandoned buildings and turned them into fancy hotel rooms. And it's kind of neat. And the town's kind of cool. So I went back there again. So I was like, parents, you should come see this. Because their complaint was that I took them to Kyoto. They didn't like it because they...

it was a bit much. And I think like Kyoto is kind of tough if you're not really into the vibe of feeling like you're a tourist. - Yeah. - I think like you feel like you're a tourist when you're in Kyoto. 'Cause there is just, especially when it's like,

my parents are coming, you know, they don't know anything and they're kind of making me be the tour guide. And I'm like, I don't know what the fuck's like. I would not go to any of this touristy stuff if I went to Kyoto. So I kind of am like, all right, I guess we'll go see Kiyomizudera. Let's line up with all the other 100 tourists like this. Like, I was like, they wanted to see more of the country. I was like, okay, this is pretty a cool like way of doing it. - Yeah, I'd say it's better as well. - They really enjoyed it. They had a lot of fun and I went back there and obviously my video just came out like two, three days before I went there and I,

I went there, they were like, "Oh Connor, nice to see you again. Thank you so much for your video." I was like, "Oh, okay, thanks man, thanks man." And then they were like, "We've given you a free upgrade." I was like, "Oh, cool, thanks man, nice, hiya." - You get Ozu points? - I got points, I got points, yeah. And they have this little like, they give you this little passport. It's like of the town when you get there. - Right.

So when you go the first time you get a green one, you go second time you get a red one. And then third time you get a black one. They were like, we're giving you the red passport for coming twice. - Isn't that literally what they did with the maid cafe? - I guess. And it's literally, from what I understand it doesn't do anything. - Yeah, right. It's just status. - Yeah, I was like, okay, cool. The best part is when I...

When we went to dinner, this dinner is great. They do fantastic meal. It comes with like when you book the room. It's a really good experience and I highly recommend it if you want a bit more of a luxurious experience that's kind of away from the touristy towns and also you get to see Shikoku which most people would normally never go to. So highly recommend it. Anyway, I had this meal and then at the end of the meal, they brought the dessert

And it was just like these little, I don't know, like these Italian little nibbles that cake things you get with coffee. And in chocolate they'd written, "Welcome back Lord." And my parents like fucking lost it.

And I was like, ah, ah, thanks. Thanks guys, appreciate this. - Bro's literally living the Shogun life. - Yeah. - He's like, I have successfully colonized all cities. - That's what it felt like. I was like, ah.

- Ah, okay, thanks man, thanks. - History repeats itself. - I was like, oh, thank you, thank you. So that was pretty fun. They told me that someone else was doing the Lord experience though when I was there. - Oh shit. - Oh really? - Someone's here to usurp your throne. - Someone took my throne, I couldn't believe it. But yeah, it was really fun. So that was a lot of fun, my parents really liked it. And then we did the Shimonami Kaido again. - How many times

- How many times have you done the fucking shit like I don't know? - Third time. - God damn. - Every time he has a family member over. - Jesus Christ. - They all wanna do it. Dude, it was raining though. It fucking sucked. Well, it was raining for the first day, but first half day. - How heavy was it raining? - It was not that bad. Like it was nowhere near what we cycled in. - Okay, okay. - It was kind of the rain where- - I feel sorry for your parents then if that was the case.

- It was the point where the raincoat actually worked. - Okay, all right. - So that's already, no, you're good. - You stayed dry. - Yeah, you're good. Obviously, I just had shorts on, I was like, whatever. But dude, this is the first time I just raw dogged it. - What do you mean? - So last time I brought my bike and my gear and everything. - Right. - Yeah. - And I just rocked up with shorts, you know, and that's it, basically. I was like, "Just give me the bike and I'll just do it."

- Kind of like how we did it. - Well, that's how we did it originally. - Yeah, right. - I guess so. We kind of a little bit went into it with a little bit more. I feel like we were prepared a little bit. This time I was like, I just got shorts and I'll do it. - All right. Like no training prior or like no warming up prior. - No, nothing. I was just giving me the bike and I rented. - You guys are training for the trash taste version? - We did a little bit of it. - A little bit. - So I was like, give me the bike. But actually the bikes are way better now. And I said this, I think I said this last time, 'cause I did it a year ago. - Yeah.

- Yeah, the bikes are all so much better. - Yeah, 'cause they got that injection in tourism now. - We did that. - That's us, baby. That's all us. - Dude, I was like, what the fuck? An actual nice bike? 'Cause when we did it, we had like the most

- Oh dude, our bikes might as well have not had seats. - Also we didn't know how to put our seats. - I looked like I was wearing a clown bike. Mine was way too like low for what I was, no wonder I was struggling so much with my bike. - I mean, we're also just unfit as fuck. - Yeah, we were just unfit as fuck. - Yeah, they have like some really ass nice bikes that you rent for like 40 bucks. And they have e-bikes now.

- Oh, well that would have been fucking nice. - So, could have done it in the meat bike. - Yeah. - So that was- - Yeah, but that wouldn't have been fun, right Joey? - Yeah. - Right Joey, that wouldn't have been fun. - Yeah. - No. But it was really fine. This is like the,

the third time doing it. And it was, even though I did it with like worst gear and everything, it felt easier than the second time when I did it with all the gear. - It's cool that your parents are like so still active. 'Cause dude, if I asked my parents being like, "Do you want to do the Shimano?" 'Cause I've seen the video, right? They'd be like, "Do you want to do the Shimano Ikeda?" They'd just be like, "Fuck no." - I mean, we've started at like cycling at like 8:30, finished at like 3:00.

- Oh, okay. - We stopped a bunch. - You spabbed, you speed round that. - I guess so. I mean, it was like, it felt very leisurely this time. - Right. - Yeah, yeah. - So I don't know, I guess it just got better at cycling, I guess. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I mean. - I mean, you definitely did. - You definitely have. You've gone through multiple training arcs. - It was nice though, 'cause whenever I, there are certain moments that I distinctly remember stuff happening. Like when Garnt's,

tire broke down and I went past you and laughed. - Yeah. - That's special. I remember exactly where it took place, that curve. And both times I went by that curve, I distinctly remember it. And I always, and it replays in my head. - The memory replayed. - Yeah, yeah. So many moments where I like, 'cause both times I've done it afterwards, I went the other way. - Right. - So I kind of remember certain things, but other times I'm like, "I don't remember doing this." And then I just didn't remember that, you know then when we did this,

- The first time we stopped, it was after my tire popped and we came to an intersection. - Yes. - And then we did like a- - The easy route and the hard route? - Yeah, the easy route or the hard route. And Garnt got the easy route. - Yeah.

but in actuality it was the hard route. - Well, so I think it actually is the easy route 'cause it's like, it's a couple less kilometers, I think. - Yeah, but it was like all uphill. I remember that. - Well, I've done it a couple of times now. The hills are a little bad. It's not, yeah, you've done worse hills on our cycle. - Yeah, yeah, I'm sure. - It's not that bad. - But I trained for that. - I do think that, I think that going, I think I said this last time we recorded this, well after, I think going,

the other way is easier as well. 'Cause you get all the hard stuff out of the way. And then it's a lot easier, I think. Whereas I think the other way it's a little leisurely and then there's quite a lot of- - I mean, that's definitely what it felt like. - So if you do do it, I recommend going to Imabari and then you can also stay in Onomichi. And then going to Onomichi, you can easily go to Hiroshima or go to Okayama or wherever you wanna go to. I think it's just easier. But obviously the only thing that's kind of annoying about it is kind of,

getting your stuff ready 'cause you have to go to Ima Bari, which is kind of an inconvenient place to go to.

And I asked my hotel to just ship my bags to the next hotel as well, which is really easy. Obviously it requires a little bit of Japanese. - Yeah, a little bit of Japanese to be able to do that. - But it made it feel really easy. You just do it. It's like, all right, cool. Just yeah, take my bags. I'll see you there later. Cycle there, throw the bike to the place where I rented it from. Like, all right, sick. This is nice. It's really nice. It made me realize that the Shimano Ikata is one of the best things you can do in Japan and you should do it if you come to Japan. - If you're physically capable enough.

- Yeah, you can do it. - Even if you're not. - And I know that people do. - If there are e-bikes available now. - You can get e-bikes which should make 70K kind of pretty chill. - And also I feel would be nice as well just like along the- - Drive through nice. - Yeah. - And even if you don't do that, you could also, I know some people stop halfway

There's some halfway hotels, which if you really are very, very, very inexperienced cycling. But I truly believe if you just wake up a little early, you can get it done before sundown. Like anyone of any fitness level. - If we could get it done, you can get it done. On the special in the worst shape of our lives,

- We had also a lot, we were filming a lot of things, which slows everything down so much. Like if you can just break, have a coffee, then go, that's so much more than having to break. And then we're like, all right, what do we gotta film next? Let's charge the batteries. All right, let's do this. Oh, we also have to eat. We have to go film these additional scenes.

breaks that would normally be like five minutes turn into 35 or 40, right? So like the reason why I felt like it took us so long is because, you know, we were just trying to film it. And we also, that was like one of our first, like second special we filmed that we didn't really know what we were doing yet at that point. And it was all like, we were all trying to figure it out. It's a miracle it turned out as well as it did. I know. Yeah. Considering we had, was it only like,

one person helping us film that? - We had Luke and Naby. - Oh, Luke and Naby, that was it. I was like, damn, two people on that special. That's insane looking back with how many people we have on. - And we did some big detours. We went up the...

- Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's right. - We did. - Which I don't understand when you would ever go up that if you don't have a car. 'Cause I think RobCD told me that it took all of his e-bike battery to get up there, that hill. 'Cause that hill is monstrous. - Oh, it's the top of a mountain. - Yeah, if there is an observatory at the top of this mountain, it's ridiculous. We tried to cycle up there. I don't know why we were fucking lost. - Or you did. - Yeah.

- Maybe I can do it now, but I would, it would take me- - You would not be fine. - It would be hard. It would be a miserable endeavor. - Yeah. - Definitely. - And yeah, I got so pissed off though when I was cycling with my family, every time, 'cause there was so many dudes who were doing it, who had kitted out in mad gear. Every time they passed me, I was like, damn, if I had my gear, didn't have my parents holding me back, you would not pass me. You would not pass me. - Take these weights off. - I'm like, just so you know, you wouldn't fucking pass me.

- I would catch up to tell him that, then slow down to catch back up my family. - They don't know I'm the Sea Dog VA. Three cyclophones down. - I just had to tell them. They don't know the real me. - If only they knew.

- No, I could not keep up with some of these dudes. Some of these dudes are crazy. But they like train to go fast and like shorter distances. But I mean, dude, it's fun. We should do it again. - Yeah. I mean, I want to take Sydney down. - Joey looks like, nah, I'm good. - Fuck no. - Joey, come on, it's fun. - Come on, you gotta admit, it was like a great fucking vibe and a great view. And we just couldn't appreciate that on the day. - Yeah, that's because the camera was there.

- I'll do it for the cam. - I also realized I was like, where the fuck did we stayed so far away?

- Yeah, we did. - From the starting point. - Oh yeah. - It was like a 40 minute drive. - We started so far away. - Well, I think a lot of places were closed because this was, I can't remember when we filmed it. - It was October, I think. - October when things were just opening back up, I think. I can't remember. - Because then I realized ever since I've been back, I'm like, there's so many fucking hotels. - No, there was a festival happening, I think. - Oh yeah. - In Ibarra, I think that's why.

I nearly accidentally booked it on the day when they, two days of the year. Be careful if you go to the Shimonami Kaido. Two days of the year, they have a Shimonami Kaido race. - Oh shit. - Where they, you don't go on the cycling, but you go on the road.

And like every hotel was booked out. They don't deliver the bags. So if you needed your bags, we shipped to the, that you cannot like, so just be careful. Just double check and make sure you're not going on that day. 'Cause that would suck if you booked it all to go on that day and you're like, ah, I've entered the Tour de France by accident. Like I wanted to leisurely cycle and now I can't do anything. But it's a really cool area. And I think even, 'cause the cycling has been open for 10 years.

So I didn't realize we'd gone like year six of it being open. And I still feel like it was kind of getting the hang of- - Tourists? - Yeah, tourists and it kind of appealing to them. And now I feel like it's gotten a lot cooler. There's a lot of cafes. There's a lot more shit to stop at. Like it's genuinely just a fun experience.

It was kind of dead when I went. So the time with my brother, it felt very busy. It was about the same time last year. And I think maybe because it was raining on my day, it was not busy at all. I think maybe some people who had planned to do it maybe canceled or it was just not as busy. It was quite nice. I mean, we started a lot earlier and I felt like that also-

if we just started an hour or two later, I felt like there is like the natural progression of people probably wake up at nine, probably start 9:30. And then they probably hit lunch at 12:30. We had lunch at like 11:30. So I feel like we dodged a lot of like the big times when you would see people. So definitely if you do it, I highly recommend just waking up a little earlier than you want to maybe start at like 8:00, 8:30 and then just

Stop a bunch, just take a ton of breaks. There's so many amazing cafes along the way. Don't rob yourself of them 'cause the views are stunning. - Yeah, I mean, ever since the special, I've always wanted to go back. - Yeah, let me know, I can't, I'm here fourth time. I'm down. - Man's addicted. Man's like, "Anything with cycling? I'm in, I'm in." - I'm in, I'm in. I can have this idea and I don't know if this is like the hubris in me. I wanna do a stream where I do there and back.

- In one day. - In one go. I'd start crack fuck a dawn. - I mean, you could do it. You could definitely do it. - It's 140K. I've done 120K before, but I mean, 140K, I'd be dead. - You'd have to be cycling for like, how long would that take you? - I think I'd be done at like six or seven. If I started at six. - 'Cause if it's a live stream, we wouldn't have as many breaks to like film like we did on our special. So you'd probably do it. - I could do it, but I think I'd be dead.

Let me know down below if you want me to do it. 'Cause then I hold myself, I'm saying it so that I put it out there so I don't forget about it. And people remind me that I should do it. - Dude, knowing your audience, they're absolutely gonna say yes. It's like, oh, a live stream where we watch Connor die in summer? Sign me up, I'll go. - I'm not doing it in summer. Fuck summer, dude. That would suck. February would be quite nice, I think. - February, March, April. - Late winter. - Yeah, late winter. I think that would be good.

- Yeah, good content. - It's just so beautiful, man. - And I know you just wanna cycle more. - I do wanna cycle. - You just wanna cycle more. - Dude, I wanna- - He's running out of places to cycle. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - So we did the RV trip as well with Ludwig, Chris and Pete. It was a lot of fun. We went around Nagano. We did just kind of activities, just sports basically. - No one died this time? - No one died. We did paragliding. - Yeah, I was like, when you told me you guys were doing paragliding, I was like, oh, you got a tour for that shit. - And it looked great on camera.

- Yeah. - Hell yeah. - It looked awesome. So we streamed from the air, which was kind of sick. - Nice. - Did like quad bikes. We did- - What was your favorite activity this time? - Oh, I was thinking about this. It's tough. Fuck, what was the best activity? That's tough.

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- Trampling was really fun, dude. Chris was so funny when we were trampling. - I'm just imagining it, it's funny. - Chris went like non-verbal and like was just bouncing on his own in the corner the whole time. But like he was having the time of his life. - Yeah, I can imagine. - Like Chris was genuinely having so much fun. And like without doubt, I've never seen Chris smile so much for two hours. Every single shot, it'll be like me, Pete and Chris talking. And in the background, you just see Chris going,

And then like butt jumping. He'd jump on his butt and jump back up. And he was just doing it so much. - It's the most Chris thing, isn't it? - It was so sweet. - Was he like- - He loved it. - What was he like before when you like brought up the idea? - He liked it. He was like, "I have a trampoline in my house, but I broke it."

from jumping on it. I was like, I've never broken a trampoline in my life. - That's an achievement. - What? And so yeah, trampolining was really fucking sick. We rented out the whole trampoline park. - Hell yeah. - And we just were just doing like fun little, we were just jumping out. - I saw you attempted a backflip as well. - Did a backflip for the first time in my life. - Yeah. - On the trampoline? - Yeah, yeah. - Nice. - So they had a giant, which I was really pumped about, giant foam pit. - Not the Twitch foam pit, right?

- Not the Twitch phone pit, an actual phone pit. - An actual phone pit. - One of the ones with the big square blocks. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You can just, you feel like, oh. - You just like dive straight into it. - Oh yeah, yeah. - You're like, I wanna just jump in there. - Yeah. - And then they had a giant airbag, like a giant, like what they have on like the stunt action movies. - Oh yeah, yeah. - So that was really sick. So we were just fucking trying to, 'cause Lottery was like, I wanna learn how to backflip. And I was like, you know what? I should learn too, I've never done it. So we would, he would just teach us to try and jump backwards into the pit. And after a while I was like, yeah, I think you can do it. And I was like, oh, okay.

It's just kind of nerve wracking trying to back foot for the first time. Cause you're like, I'm going to snap my neck, but managed to do it.

And it was a whole lot of fun and backflips are sick. - Fuck yeah. I wanna learn how to backflip now. - I reckon maybe I could do a backflip on the ground. My only concern is fucking up obviously. - Yeah, yeah. - And dying. - It's a matter of like just getting over the nerves. - But I think I have the physical ability to do it. - I think a lot of people have the physical ability to do it. - I think I can do it. - They just need the technique and just get over the nerves. - Yeah, the mental diff. - If I had one of you boys with the mat that you,

- Yeah. - If it looks like I'm about to snap my neck, you just go. - Yeah, but would you trust us with that? - Yeah, would you trust us with that? - Yeah, I would. - We'd be like, "Oh, sorry." - 'Cause I think you would hate to have me die.

- Well, yeah, obviously. - Yeah, obviously. But that's a lot of responsibility. - I trust, I trust. - I've seen like the gymnasts, they do it fast. - They do it fast. - And I have no idea how the spotters are able to in a split second know when a landing is gonna be wrong. - They're literally using hockey. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - They just know instinctually like, "Here it is." - Maybe. - And I'm here sitting, "But what if he lands it? What if he makes a sick landing?" - I trust my boy. He won't snap his neck.

- I learned how to back flip like four or five years ago for a video. - Oh wow, nice. - Yeah, I was- - Oh, the anime video, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Can you still do it though? - Wait, what, you learned how to back flip for an anime video? - Yeah, I got sponsored by Naruto online and I rented out a tricking gym and I got a Dogen.

- Oh, hell yeah. - 'Cause he used to do tricking. - What? - Yeah, yeah. Before he became a YouTuber, he was like a master tricker. - I did not know that. - Yeah, so I got him, he dressed up as Kakashi and I dressed up as Naruto and he taught me how to back flip. - That's sick. - Yeah, and I landed one. - Can you still do it? - I mean, maybe. I know the technique, but I think it's all mental.

Like just getting over the fear of like, oh, I know how to do it, but actually telling your body to do it and then landing it. - It's like a trampoline that's on the ground. - On the ground. - Dude, that's sick. - How long did it take you to like learn? - Two or three hours. - Two or three hours? - Yeah. - Damn. - Yeah, so it is, I mean, if I can do it, I'm not physically capable as other people are. - And how old were you back then? - 25.

- All right. - Peak physical condition. - Anime videos are weird back then. - Yeah, I was like, fuck, how do I make a Naruto video without actually talking about Naruto? Oh, I'll learn ninja tricks in Naruto cosplay. And they love that idea. - I learned how to back flip, it was sick. - I'll just learn how to back flip, it's easy. - I'll never use this again in my life. - I'll simply just learn. - I'll just learn how to do it. - You'll learn how to back flip, you wanna ride a bike with us?

- Yeah. - What the fuck? What the heck? - Dude, I hate cardio. - Why? - I hate cardio so much. - Dude, cardio's so good. - Bike and row is my least favorite thing to do at the gym. - Rowing's so good too. - Okay, row a little bit better, but bike, kill me. - Row you feel like Zeus 'cause you're like separating the sea to move you forward. - Yeah, row makes you feel like a big boy, but bike just makes you feel like a bitch.

Like you just like, it's just no matter how much you do it, like everyone just gets to that point where you're like, I can't go anymore. And I just don't want to be on this anymore. - Fair enough. - You know? - Fair enough. - Give me a little more training and I might join you.

- We also did F1 cars, F1 go-karts. - I was about to fucking say. - I was like, you definitely did not do F1 cars. - It was like a legit go-kart place, but they were like racing go-karts. - Right, like how fast are we talking? - Yeah, 'cause they had the laser timer thing on it. - Oh shit, okay. - So it was fully timed, it was really fun.

We did some ATVs too. - Yeah, ATVs are always fun. - There was a llama place we went to where we watched a llama race. Alpaca race, sorry. - Alpaca. - It was alpacas racing. - Right. - And that was really fun.

'cause we got really into it when they started. - We like betting. - Yeah, we all had our own horse, sorry. - Our own alpaca. - Our own alpaca that we bet on. - They actually like race or did they just like let the gates go? - They let the gates go and they fucking ran and there's a finish line. - Oh, okay. - But they did actually like beeline to the goal or did they just kind of like walk out? - Yeah, we were kind of shocked by that. We thought it was gonna be kind of underwhelming but they just fucking beeline for it when the thing went and we were like, oh shit, okay. - 'Cause I remember we went to a zoo once and they did the turtle racing.

- Oh yeah, well, I mean, it's turtles. - That's a different type of fun. - It's turtles, right? - That's a different type of fun. - Honestly, it was so much fucking fun. - It was so high because it was literally just like, obviously gotcha. You're like, I liked the attitude of that turtle. And sometimes they'll beeline it for like a quarter of the way. - Stop. - And then they'll stop. And there was like this, and then,

And this zoo, right? This zoo. So they actually made an obstacle course 'cause they put like a pond in the middle. And it was like 50/50 whether your turtle would just stay in that fucking pond or whether they would have like the instinct to go out of the pond on the other side to the finish line. - It reminds me of that YouTube video of this Japanese YouTuber where they got like five of their friends to all buy Roombas and they made an obstacle course in the house and they just let the Roombas go.

It's just so high, just like watching the rumor figure out the part. - You know the video was made so they could all buy a room of tax deductibles. - Yeah, yeah. - We also streamed rafting. - Oh yeah. - Oh, shit. - We got the cameraman Paul on the boat.

- You must be nervous as fuck. - I was very nervous. I told Paul, yeah, I was like, "It's like $10,000 if we tip this boat." - We're tipping you over the boat if you drop it. - But it worked and we'd signal the whole time somehow too. - Nice. - It was pretty fun. - It was a really good trip. It was a really fun time. - Hell yeah. - As long as you got a signal in the sky, that's impressive. Did you have to test that beforehand?

- How the fuck do you test that? - It was just a fucking prayer. - You know how you were shitting yourself paragliding? Do it again with a camera. - Yeah, I didn't, I mean, for some reason paragliding, I don't feel, it feels like being in a plane. I have the same like mental response. - What do you mean?

- Oh, because it's just so high up. - Yeah, I'm just kind of like, "Oh, it's like flying." - Yeah, I was like that with parasailing. - 'Cause the ground looks so far away that you don't like- - It doesn't look realistic. - It only feels like slightly scary when you get kind of close to the ground. And then you're like, "Oh wow, I'm actually like-" - Yeah, I totally agree.

- I don't know what it is. - I suppose I get it, 'cause my mom has vertigo. She has a massive fear of heights. But she says, when she gets high enough sometimes it's okay, but it's- - You just feel so high up. - It's the awkward height that's the scariest. - Yeah. - So it doesn't really feel like anything until you get lower down. So I wasn't really, I was just too, I was like more worried about looking at the signal on the phone.

- It was like, how was it? It was good. - Bro didn't even look at the view. He's just like on the phone. - He's like on the phone. - Basically. Yeah, it was sick. It was really fun. - Is Chat Salon doing? Can I still get chat? - Basically, I mean, that's what I had to worry about, right? 'Cause we took the road up to like this cliff where we jumped off of. And we had shit signal up there. I was like, oh fuck.

"This is not gonna work." That's the first thing we're doing and it's just gonna be a shame, but it worked perfectly. So I was really pumped about it and it ended up was a really good time. - Hell yeah, awesome. - So I was very glad it worked out. - Nice. - Yeah. Did Pete enjoy his birthday there?

- Yeah, yeah, Pete had a good time. We rented out a bar and got him a cake that said happy 50th birthday, uncle. - Damn, why'd you have to do dirty like that? - I thought it would be fun. What else did you do on Pete's birthday? - How old is he actually?

- 41. - Yeah, 41. - Yeah, it's all the same, right? - 50, 41. - 50, 41, same thing, it's all the same. - Same thing. - I forgot what we did on his birthday. What did we do on his birthday, Naby? - The end of the... - What else did we do? What did we do in the day? Was that rafting? - Oh, this is a traveling day.

- 2041 and going on a trampoline? - That's my goal. - We had a wipeout competition, but who could wipe out the best in trampolining? - What do you mean? - Like who could like do a big enough, like spectacular fail on the trampoline. - Who won? - I think Pete won even though he was the judge 'cause chat will always vote for Pete. - Of course, of course. - He's just too damn charming. - Yeah, he is too lovable. - No, it was good fun.

But yeah, it was a really good time. Yeah. Great, great vibes. Nagano's a cool place. Went around Nagano. Yeah, Nagano's sick. Some cool stuff around that area. Yeah. But very like sport oriented, like activity based. Not a lot of activities. We went sweep making and that was kind of fast. And it was also boiling in the room because in Japan they have this thing where

the moment it gets a little bit cold, they like turn the AC up to 30 degrees. I don't know why. - It's starting to hit that temperature as well. - Today on the train, it was like the train rolled up to my station and the windows were just fogged up. And I was like, I don't know what to go in here bro. - Bullet trains are the worst for this. I got the bullet train from Hiroshima this morning and I was like, oh my God, I'm roasting. It's like 26 Celsius in this train car. I'm like, my God, please. - And there's like a Japanese old woman with like three legs on her.

- And it's not even that cold outside. - It's fine. - It's nice. - It's literally fine. - This is like normal British weather. - This is what the weather's supposed to be this time of year. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly right. Maybe even a little bit colder than what it's supposed to be like now. So yeah, I'm not looking forward to every heating being on in Japan. But I mean, speaking of like visiting old places that we've been to before or I've been to before, I completely forgot about this, but when I was in England,

- I went to Thorpe Park again for the first time in I think 12 years or ever since.

- When was the last time you went to Thor park? - Seven years ago. - I was trying to remember. - You're gonna have to fill me in on this park dog. - So it is kind of like Six Flags. - But better and cooler. - But better and cooler. - We only really have like Thor parks in the UK. - Yeah, so it's a park not so much about, you know, building around like a certain theme, but it's definitely a park around- - Just rides. - Just rides. - Right, right.

And I fucking loved this shit as a kid. This was basically like one of my favorite places to go to in England. One of the places you go to and it's not depressing as fuck. - Damn, that exists? - Yeah, that exists. - That's crazy. - I know, I know. So went there again as a 34 year old. First time I've been since I was, I think,

I'm gonna guess like 21, 22 was the last time I went. I actually could not remember the last time I went and they had added a fuck ton more rides there. So it's gotten a lot, they've added a lot. And I'm gonna be honest, I've, what? It didn't live up to my memories, man. - No. - Really? - I was so fucking depressed about this on the day 'cause okay, so.

And there was this ride as a kid, right? It was called Nemesis Inferno. - Yeah. - Sick. - And this ride was like the sickest fucking thing when I was a kid and going there again. So that was like the first ride that I went on with Sydney. I was like, Sydney, you need to go to Nemesis Inferno. It is fucking fantastic. This is like the best thrill ride. And I don't know if it's just because I've got an order, but

- It just wasn't as exciting as what I remember it. - I don't know, man. I'm looking at these pictures and as someone who hates roller coasters, poop would be flying out my pants. Like a million percent. - I always liked,

- I'm thinking of the Alton Manor more. - Alton Towers you mean? - Alton Towers, sorry. - Alton Towers. - I'm thinking of the other one's Manor. - Yeah, yeah. - It's like the big three. - All right. - Yeah, 'cause- - Big three. - There's like three big thrill parks. - Yeah, right, right. - Thorpe Park's the biggest, but it's 'cause it's the closest to London. - Right, right. - Yeah, yeah, Thorpe Park is- - Alton Towers. - Alton Towers is more up north. - It's so good though.

- I mean, when's the last time you went to like a thrill theme park? - Seven, six years ago. - Yeah, 'cause going to Thor Park, what it made me realize is that I think, you know, going on like rides with like loops in them, I fucking hate the loops. I remember liking them as a kid and now I go into Thor Park, going on a ride with a big loop in it. My favorite part of,

every thrill ride is just like the one big drop, you know? - Yeah. - Where you just feel like, you know, feel like the butterflies in your stomach. - Yeah, I fucking hate that. - You hate that? - I love that part. - That's the best feeling, man. - I hate that feeling. - That is the best feeling. - I used to fucking love Oblivion. Go scroll up, you just like that one. This one's fucking sick, dude. - Oh, you couldn't pay me to go on that one. - Dude, it's... - No.

- It's literally a vertical drop into the ground. - Fuck no. - Yeah, just give me one vertical drop. Oh no, what's good about this one is that they go into the vertical drop and then they stop right on the edge to let you look down at where you're gonna drop. - Wait, scroll up. Did I say virtual tour of it? Is that what it said? Oh, I thought it said it's this book now.

- Yeah. - This is like better to show on YouTube, I think, if you just show these rides. What's the Nemesis one like? - The Nemesis one, I don't remember it having that many loops in it. Also the ride just feels, it does feel very dated right now. 'Cause I, you know, going with Nemesis, I forgot how- - Front seat of oblivion. - Uncomfortable it is. - Let me see this. - Just fast forward to the top. - Yeah, just fast forward to go to the top again.

- So you're in like the most uncomfortable seat of all time. And when you start going down the loops, so the safety thing is on like, you know, it's like a typical safety vest that you have in many rides. - Oh hell no. - That's oblivion.

- Oh, that, nah. - And then my head just started smacking the side of the safety vest and I was like, this just hurts. This just hurts going on the, I don't remember this as a kid. Maybe I just got a bigger head or something, but this just really fucking hurts right now. - Damn. - But I think my favorite ride in Thor Park was they added a new ride where it's basically just you, it's kind of like the Superman where you go up very, very fast and then it's just one big drop and it lasts about,

five seconds or something. And that was the only ride I actually enjoyed out of Thor Park. But what it made me realize is that

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there's more exciting things that I think you could be doing like paragliding. I think I got more of an adrenaline rush going down the ski slopes actually. - Well, yeah, because I think with skiing, especially if you're inexperienced like yourself, you have a legitimate threat of,

- Possibly dying. - I think that's the thing. I think going on these rides- - Where you have to be pretty unlucky to die on a roller coaster. - Going on these rides and being like, yeah, okay, we can go down loops and everything, but I feel pretty safe in here. This just doesn't do it for me anymore. Is this how adrenaline junkies start? Where you're like, well, this kind of shit just doesn't do it anymore. - I don't know what I, I don't think I get any thrills from anything like that anymore. - Really? - I'm just kinda like, all right. - I think the thing that I hate about roller coasters, like I feel more,

more scared to go on a roller coaster than say going down a ski slope is because at least with a ski slope,

even if I am inexperienced, I have somewhat of a control. Whereas on a roller coaster, I'm just a spectator. I have no control whatsoever. So even if I want to slow down, you can't slow down on a roller coaster. - But you have way more chance of being injured or dying from skiing. - You know what, skill issue. - No, I mean, I agree. - It's a mental diff. - Yeah, it's a mental diff, exactly. - I mean, I agree with you. - But with a roller coaster, it's like I'm literally

where like I can't move, I can't control this. And I hate the fact that I have no control over it. - Yeah, but you could also say that for every time you go on a plane, you're like, "Well, shit, I am in total trust of the pilot and the mechanics of the plane to stay in one piece." - Yeah, but at least with a plane, you get to go somewhere.

With a roller coaster, you're just back to where you fucking started. After waiting, at least in Japan, a couple of hours to go on a five minute ride or two minute ride, which just never made sense to me. - Yeah, I mean, I'm not a big theme park fan, but I think that's just getting old. - Yeah, I was like, shit. - It's just the sad truth of getting older. - I remember I was like that from the beginning.

- Wow. - I remember as a kid, like I would be fucking hyped. - They were like magical. Yeah, they were magical days. - I'd be fucking hyped to go on all of these rides. And you know, I'd have some, I'd go to some cousins who were like in their like late twenties, early thirties, who they'd be like, "I'm okay not going on this ride." I'm like, "Are you serious? I hope I never get to that phase where I'm just okay, not want to experiencing this fucking exciting ride." And here I am being like, "Well shit, I've been on the rides." And I'm like, "Eh, I'm good." - I'd rather just go to the pub and get a beer

- Honestly? - Well, 'cause I don't have to line up. - Yeah, exactly. - And also like getting into the park or getting to the park is often a fucking slog in itself. - It is. - And then when you get there, you gotta line up and then you're like, all right, well, maybe we can have some lunch and then you have the middest food of your life that costs double and you're like, God. - I say all of this, but I went to USJ last week.

- What? - You're fine. - You're again? - Yeah, well, just because like, you know, they're doing the Halloween thing right now. So they've added so much new shit and obviously Aki loves amusement parks and we were in Osaka anyway, so. - That's rough, for a person who does like amusement parks. - I mean, I don't mind USJ because at least there's like

actually like things to do that aren't just rides, you know? Like you can just like enjoy the vibe. And like they did, they had like, you know, stuff that wasn't necessarily right. So they had like a chainsaw man, 4D cinema. - Yeah, there was a few collabs with that, right? - Yeah, which was pretty cool. They're also doing like a Chucky horror, like kind of haunted house thing, which was kind of cool. But yeah, I mean, we couldn't go on any other rides anyway, 'cause they're all like two, three hours long. - Dude, it's crazy the long lines in yours too. - Yeah, it's ridiculous.

- Yeah, one time I was like, I'm good. - Yeah, Thor Park is now pay to win. - Of course. - Oh yeah. - No, they all are. - 'Cause yeah, I mean, you can download, no, it's like very pay to win 'cause you can download, before you could like buy the fast passes, but now for every individual ride, you have an app where you can just like buy the fast pass from the app and it's like, it's- - How much is it like per ride?

- So they had a new ride that they just built like a few months prior to when I went. And for one, like for you, so you have the actual entrance fee for the park, which is I believe 40 to 50 pounds for like the vanilla one. To go on this, to get the fast pass for this one ride for one time,

- It's 20 pounds. - More per person? - 20 pounds per person. - That's psychotic. - That's insane. - And it is half of the price of the vanilla entry fee for the entire park. It's one.

- That's crazy. - That's crazy. - And every time slot was like booked out for. - Huh? - So they are making fucking bank. They don't even care about the video. - I gotta pay 20 pound and then I gotta book a time and come back? - Yeah. - No. 20 pound, get me on that seat right away when I want. - Yeah. - That's crazy. - Well, that's what everyone wants, right? - What? - You gotta wait in the new line.

- Yeah. - Your pains have basically changed lines. - Yeah, you're just shifting it to another day. 'Cause I remember Disney didn't, like I went to Disney in France and they used to have the system where you just get a ticket and come back. So you wouldn't have to line. - Yeah. - Right. - But then I think they got rid of it. - Yeah. - 'Cause I think it was, you know, they were just not making enough money doing it. I don't know. - Well, they were doing that with USJ at the Nintendo World.

So like you have to download the app and now you have to like actually book a time slot to go in. 'Cause Nintendo was so small that they have to only let, but it was so crazy 'cause like we got into the park. You can't book by the way, until you're in the park as well. - That makes sense. - You can't do it outside. Well, Aki and I got into the park at like 8:30. It opens at eight. And we were like, all right, let's book the Nintendo thing. - Nah, you're in Japan bro. - The closest, the earliest time we got was 4:00 PM.

So in that 30 minutes, all of the slots from eight to four were just fucking booked out. And I was just like, this is insane. And then when we finally got in, it wasn't even that fun because you're like shoulder to shoulder with people and there's like, there's so much going on. And it's just like, oh, okay. I want to go on the ocean ride. It's a two hour one. - I think objectively there are good things that are ruined because of capacity or the amount of people that line up for them.

like weirdly enough, I was in a, I was taking my parents to Antrashima and even going to the museums, which they really wanted to see. I was like, this is just like,

I can't even like look or read anything 'cause it was so busy the day I went that like it was shoulder to shoulder in the museum. It was absolutely roasting. And it was like a 30 minute wait to get into the museum. Once you're in there, you can't read anything 'cause there are so many people in the way. It's like, God damn, I just wanna like learn about this. And I can't even learn anything about this. It's a miserable experience.

And I like, I wish there was some better way of handling this, but I don't know how you would. - No. - It was like, this isn't like an amazing museum that I've, 'cause I've been to it before. - Yeah. - And I wanted to read it all again. And I was like, this is awful. - You just have to like limit the capacity, right? - Yeah. - They're obviously not gonna do that 'cause you know, that's- - Especially when it's like, that's obviously like a cultural importance. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So I understand what they wanna do. But then the Hiroshima, there's this,

the main museum, the Peace Museum. But right next to it is, I think, a memorial museum that is underground, which I kind of think is really cool and a lot more interesting, personally. The way that they've set it up, I think it's really fascinating. And then they also have- Is that the one where it spirals

- Yeah, yeah. And then you sit in the room and you get to see everything. I thought it was really like compelling. And they also had like different exhibits on. They had one where they had like a little theater with interviews from soldiers at the time. And that was like really interesting. And I felt like getting to watch those videos was,

like so much more fascinating than I think than shoulder to shoulder trying to read a piece of text with like a gym from Alaska in front of you going, you know, we had to do it. You know, we had, and then you're like, I'm just trying to fucking read. It's crazy, man. Like I can't tell him, man. And so my parents, my parents said the same thing as well. They, they, they were like, oh, that was a lot. It was a lot nicer being able to read about it.

like walk around, not be shoulder to shoulder. - Especially when you're like in a museum like that where the subject matter is so like somber and non-cold. - And everyone's like talking and like shuffling, phones going off too, babies crying. - It ruins the vibe. - You know, the vibe. - It does, it ruins the vibe.

- I just sound, I don't know what you're saying. - That was just an interesting- - It just sounds like a funny word. - That was just an interesting word. - Man, I'm just trying to vibe in here. Peace me more all this year. - I'm just trying to vibe with this, you know, fucking terrible part of history, man. - Damn, why are you guys ruining the vibe? - You're ruining the vibe, bro. - How's the vibe, man? - I can't even feel sad in here, 'cause y'all are fucking talking.

I can't even think about how many people died here. - I know, man, Jesus. - When I went to the Netherlands, I went to the Anne Frank Museum. And that was clearly an extremely popular museum, but they had handled it very well where like there was, you would only be allowed in groups at certain times and it was all kind of structured and timed. There was one point where it was a little like busy, but most of the time it was, you know, you could look around the room, you could see things. I felt like they'd handled

what was a very, very, very small space museum and massive amounts of people wanting to go really well. So I just think that it's a shame. 'Cause I think that these are really fascinating museums that kind of, and theme parks as well. Theme parks are just, if yeah, I don't know. Theme parks are just- - Yeah, theme parks are whatevs for me. - I mean, theme parks, I- - I'm too old to wanna line up for shit anymore.

- Yeah. - I never want to line up for shit. - I don't mind certain times, but like just the thought of having to line up and you know, it's the food that kills me when you're like, I'm just gonna get, you know, you get that moment where you get to relax. No more lines for a little while, you get to eat something and it's just mid.

- Yeah. - An overpriced mid. The worst kind of mid of all. And then theme park nerds will be like, nah, you just gotta know the spot and the right item. No, no, no, it's not. It's not good. - It kinda made me realize going to Thor Park this time, I thought I only wanted to go to theme parks for the rides and that was it. And now I kinda realized maybe it's just about the vibe. - The people. - The vibes. - The vibe. And it's hard to vibe when there's like a lot of people, but sometimes,

- 'Cause when we went to Thor Park, it was pretty empty. So I didn't have to queue up that much to get on rides. - But the fast passes were still booked out?

- For the main rides. - Oh, just the main rides. - For like the big rides. - It feels like you hit the jackpot when you go to a theme park and it's bad. - Yeah. - That feels good to be fair. - That does feel good. If I actually enjoyed the rides. - True, true, true. - If I wasn't just sitting here being like, "Oh, I've got an old half a night. This isn't as fun as I remember." No, I don't wanna face this. I don't wanna face this moment right now. - The best,

in a theme park that can ever possibly happen to you is when it's a good ride and there is no one in line. And then the guy will be like, you guys want to go again? Doesn't make you get off, just runs it again. That's like the best feeling in the world. - You can only get that in like basic closing time. - Yeah, pretty much, right? Yeah, you'd be like, run it back. And they'll be like, all right. Because normally they'll be like, ah, come on, there's like a 10 people in line, you gotta get off and go all out.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And then he's like, "Ah." But then when he's like, "I'll run it back." You're like, "Yo!" - Let's go. - That's where the theme parks are goaded. - Yeah. - Yeah, but how often do you get that now? - No, never. Fucking never, never. - Unless you're in like the bumfuck middle of nowhere and there's like you and maybe like five other people at this theme park, right? - Yeah. - Like the really, really old theme parks. - I kind of like those. Those are actually a vibe. - Those are more of a vibe, I think. - You know, comparing Thor parks- - Carnivals? - Yeah, comparing Thor parks to like carnivals or even like, remember that one random German theme park we found in like-

on like a Japan trip that we went on. - That place was sick. - That just had like that fucking, the archery and that fucking- - The go-kart. - The go-kart and the slides. - Oh yeah. - Bro, that was like way, I'm not gonna lie, that was way more fun than Thor Park for me. - Way more fun. - I think health and safety regulations in Japan are a little less than they would be in America or the UK 'cause

I feel like that slide would not fly in the state it was. We were getting some too much air. - Yeah, many knees and elbows were strained on that thing. - But I liked that. And the go-karts, I remember that old man did not give a fuck 'cause we were bumping into each other. He was like, "Yeah, we get this all the time." - We were fucking reenacting GTA scenes. - Yeah, we were. - It was so funny. - It was so fun.

- Yeah, Japan does have a lot of random theme parks like that. - Yeah. - Or do you just pick a random theme and you're just like, "Yeah, let's..." - It's like, "What haven't we done yet?" "Germany?" - "Germany?" - For sure. - Well, there's one in...

And there's that one which was in, was it near Okayama? - We were in, yeah, Okayama. - Was it Okayama? - Yeah. - Yeah, so weird. There's two. And then obviously there's the big, did you go to the Netherlands town in Nagasaki? - Yes. - Yeah, I went to there on the cycle too. And that was insane. - Very weird. - The scale of it. It's so big. It's huge. It's literally like giant.

- It's a giant Netherlands town in the middle of Nagasaki. - Yeah. - What is it called? House ten Bosch? - House ten Bosch, that's it. - House ten Bosch. - With the fucking igloo houses. - It's crazy. It's huge. And they have the Spanish town that's massive as well. - This place was actually kind of sick, not gonna lie. - From like an architectural perspective of how much they'd copied, it was impressive. - Yeah. - But as a theme park, eh.

- Yeah, I mean, it's more so just like a model town. It's like, oh, are you not able to actually go to the Netherlands? Well, this is the next best thing. - I mean, I'm always fascinated by the, I mean, obviously it's- - It's permanently closed. - Wait, what? Oh wait, I think they're redoing it or something. I think I remember seeing something like this. I don't know if I'm crazy. Maybe look it up. But well, that's because,

everyone's always like, why would they want to do this? Just go to the Netherlands. And then you're like, well, they only get two holidays. - Yeah. - Two days of holiday. So you get to fly to Nagasaki, go around the Dutch town and then feel like you've gone to the Netherlands and come back. - You know, a flight to the Netherlands from Japan is quite expensive. - And it's also like only like 10 or 15% of Japan population have passports. - Yeah, exactly.

even though we have the strongest possible in the world. - 10 to 15% is crazy. - It's wild. - Didn't like China do something similar as well? And like, did they build their own Paris or something? - They have America town as well. - America town and like Paris town. And they built like the Eiffel tower or some shit like that. - Can you search up,

- That's crazy one of the build France though. - Yeah, out of everywhere. - I would be embarrassed if I built France. - Tian Du Xing. - What? Dude, that looks like a silent hill map. - They just built Paris. - Yeah, look at that. Take that Wikipedia picture. That looks like a silent hill level, bro. - Honestly though, if I had the choice to go there or actual Paris, I'd probably choose that. - No.

- No. - I'd probably get a nice experience. - Well, yeah, it's because you don't have to deal with the Parisians. - Yeah, that's the deal. - I bet they ship them in through authenticity. I bet they got Parisians there.

- Are they just like insanely rude to you if they don't speak French? If not, then it's not the true Paris experience. - Or maybe they just like, you know, taken the spirit of the Parisian. So it's like, if you don't speak Chinese, they're really rude to you. - Like, I don't know. 'Cause I can't imagine, has this ever been done in like a Western country where they just built like an Asian city or something like that?

- Chinatowns. - Chinatowns? - Yeah, Chinatowns, I guess. - But that's not so, that's not more of like a conscious effort to be like, we are going to build a replica. It's more like this is where the Chinese immigrants set up. - Yeah, yeah. - And then we decided that this would be- - I mean, Tokyo has a Chinatown. - I mean, Tokyo has many Chinatowns. - Yeah, Bangkok has a Chinatown. It's, I guess, just a district as opposed to just a, I don't know, these definitely feel like a tourist attraction that's- - Yeah.

- 'Cause Japan also has like a Korea town near Yokohama as well. That's also because there's a lot of Korean immigrants who live there. - Shinagawa is just mini Korea. - Shinagawa is just Korea. Yeah, it's just mini Seoul basically. - It's kind of crazy. - LA has basically little Tokyo, little Korea, little everything. - Little Italy.

- All those spots where it's just more of like where you find the restaurants and some of those. - Yeah, but I think this is like a strictly Asian phenomenon where they're like, let's build an actual remake of a place. - Yeah, why is that? - Well, I think it's 'cause they don't wanna have to travel necessarily to those places. People wanna have that experience. - Does Thailand do anything like that?

- Probably. - I'm figuring out if this is like just an East Asian. - But even like Fuji Q, right? Fuji Q has like, when you go into Fuji Q, the big Japanese thrill ride park, before you go into Fuji Q, there's like a, I don't know if it's French or Italian town. - What? - Yeah, have you been to Fuji Q? - I've been once, but very long time ago. - Then you definitely walk through this.

- Like Fuji Q? It's like literally in Fuji Q, yeah. - La Villa de Gaspard et l'Isle. - I'd put you the fuck out of that, my bad. - Look at this. - What the fuck? - Before you walk into Fuji Q, it's just a French ass town. It was the most jarring thing ever. I was like, what? - What? Why? - I don't know.

But clearly like there's a demand. - Actually, you know why they probably made it? Is to just confuse the fuck out of people. Could you imagine taking a picture of the Eiffel Tower and Mount Fuji in the same shot being like, guess where I am? - I mean, it was cool, but I remember, 'cause I went to film the haunted house and I was just left feeling like, what? Like, I don't, like why? - That's so random. - Cafe brioche. Like, what? I mean, it's like, it's impressive, but at the same time, why? - Oh, they've even got an authentic Fiat right there.

- But like they have the Naruto town, which is cool. - They do. - They should just do more anime towns. - I would love more anime towns. - Yeah, just do like- - Well, they've got the Dragon Quest town in what's that island off- - Oh, Aoi-ji? - Aoi-ji, yeah. - Aoi-ji's got like everything. - Aoi-ji's got the Naruto theme park. - And they got the Demon Slayer park. - And the Hello Kitty theme park. - But I think- - Aoi-ji's like just- - The problem with a lot of those theme parks is that like none of them are like full day.

They're like, yeah, it's like half a day at best. Like it's like a stretch. Like you got to like, be like, I'll do every little thing. And then I got half a day max, like,

- That's kind of tough 'cause I feel that I don't really wanna spend half a day at a theme park. - I think it's just one of- - Normally they're like really out the way as well. - Yeah, you have to drive. - I think with a lot of these, they're kind of built to not be like full day things. It's more so just like a thing where it's like, you're probably heading somewhere and then on the way you have a little bit of time to stop by. It's like, oh, there's this random fucking German town. Let's just get that up. - Actually Legoland is probably the best theme park

- I wanna go to Legoland so badly. - I wanna go back to Legoland. - Just for the miniatures. Is that an old person thing to say? - No. - The miniatures were so sick. - Maybe as an old person, you just like revert back. - Yeah, I think so. - 'Cause looking at theme parks now, I'm like rides, eh, it's like all right. Looking at miniatures and just seeing them fucking go around in museums, I'm like, shit, that's exciting, man. - Where is Legoland again?

- Oh, it's a Nagoya. - Oh no, oh God. - Yeah, the worst part is you have to get a Nagoya. Whenever, whenever.

Chris has also said he gets this too. Whenever he shits on Nagano or I shit on Nagano, I always get an email. - You mean Nagoya? - Sorry, Nagoya, sorry. Nagano's great. Nagoya, sorry. Whenever me and Chris shit on Nagano, Nagoya, we always get an email from either like someone who lived in Nagoya or someone who loves Nagoya for whatever reason. They're like, "You know, Nagoya's not that bad. This is a lot of cool stuff.

- I'm like, "What can you do?" And I'm like, "It's not, it's not good." Nagoya's not good. - It's just like Nagoya to me is just the most like,

It's like, it's not like horrendous, but it's not exceptional in any way. It's just kind of, it's the most- - Are you trying to say mid? - It's mid. It's the most mid Japanese city. - It like doesn't have a strong identity like Tokyo and Osaka have. - No, it doesn't. - And it's literally geographically in between as well as kind of being like-

- Culturally in particular. - Yeah, it doesn't really have, and it's mainly just a business hub where like, just, it's like the most depressing place to go to 'cause whenever you go there, it's just a bunch of salarymen that look depressed. - Just the middle child, basically. - Yeah, they got some good chicken wings, some other decent food, but like, that's about it. They got Legoland, which is kind of the- - They have like Taiwan Mazesoba, but like you can get that in Osaka or Tokyo. So it's like, yeah. - And I know that we'll get an angry message from someone be like, "Hi,

"I'll living in Nagoya here." It's actually a very culturally, it's like, "No." - It's like, "Who asked?" - Well, the thing that I guess that when people talk back about that, they'll be like, "No, I lived in Nagoya." I'm like, "Yeah, you've only lived in Nagoya." Like, you haven't been like, you know, if Chris says it all, we say it like, "We've gone all around Japan." - Yeah. - You know, we've seen all the cool shit. Like there's, I can tell you categorically- - We know Japan better than you. - Basically, yes. Nagoya is fucking boring compared to the rest of Japan. All right?

- Yeah. - And it was the worst to cycle through as well. - I can't disagree with that. - Yeah. - But there's some good shit now, yeah. But it just overall as a city is a vibe. - It's just mead. - Yeah. - It's mead. - But now I haven't really been up too much in that. I haven't- - That's quite a lot. - Yeah, what do you mean? - Haven't really been up too much other than that. - I swear most of this episode is catching up on what you've been up to. - Yeah. - Dude, just traveling a lot. I feel like I've been gone for so long, but I think I've only traveled for like 10 days.

- It was an intense 10 days. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's almost 10 a day. - Doing an RV trip and then just doing another kind of RV trip, but offline, back to back. - Not for content. - Yeah. Dude, I drove a Prius. That thing was amazing. - What about it? - Just everything.

- I was one of the new Priuses, game changer dude. - Are you sponsored by Toyota or something? - I wish I was man. I don't know how people don't love Priuses. - I don't mind a Prius. - I drove like five hours and I'd used,

like 1/20th of the gas in the tank. - Damn. - I was like, this is insane. This is the future. - In this economy, that's gone. - I drove the RV for like two hours and the tank was half gone. - Yeah. - I was like, what the fuck? - Damn, man. - I don't really drive, so I have no idea what that means. - Yeah, I don't have a license. - Oh. - I'm like, yeah. - Also, they're like self-driving.

- I mean, that's pretty high, but okay. - Okay, well self-driving. - I'd be scared though. - No, no, so 'cause it was on the highway, right? And then you can click the cruise control button and then you can click like the lane button. And then it will keep you in the lane and do the turns for you on the highway. It won't let you a full turn for you. - And you can do that like with the hands fully off? - Yeah, but it'll shout at you. - Is that like self-driving or is that driving assisted? - I feel like it's- - Assisted, assisted. - Yeah, it's not quite the same as self-driving. - It drove itself.

- I wasn't the one doing the turns. - Yeah, but you still have to put your hands on the wheel. - Yeah, I had to go like this and then you had to like, you know, I'd loosen my grip and then it go, "Oh, where are your hands?" And you go, "Oh, okay, sorry." It's fun though, it's really good. - I've had driving assisted cars before and it's, I don't know, it gives me anxiety even though I know that- - I mean, I can overpower it. It's not like I'm like saying, "There you go."

- No, no, no, no. It gives me anxiety because like I'll be driving and I think I'm in the middle of the road and the car's gonna be like, "No, do you need to turn here?" And it would just, you will feel like that jolt. - The jerk. - The jerk and you're like, "Oh fuck."

- Well, actually, Carl, I thought I was doing a good job. But you clearly think you can do a better job than me. - That just sounds like the car is back seating. - It is. - The car's like, "No, no, no, no, no, no." - You don't drive like that. - Not the Prius. - Not the Prius. - Not the Prius. - Not the Prius. - Dude, it was nice, man. I love cruise control.

- Cruise control is nice. - 'Cause I hate having to like keep my foot in that exact angle that just about hurts after. I'm not American enough. So my foot is not used to being in that, that like angle like there permanently for like hours at a time. - Sure. - You know, I wish I was, you know, I wish I had- - I'm gonna be honest. I have never known what cruise control is. - It's basically you,

you go up to a certain speed and then you press a button or something. And then the car basically remembers what the speed is and maintains that speed without you putting your foot in the accelerator.

And then you then normally be a plus or a minus on the wheel. So you're like, nah, 70 isn't fast enough. I'll do 75. - I go a little bit faster. - And then you bump it up to 75 and it'll just do that speed for you. - So you can basically just sit there with your full speed flat on the ground. - So it's just autoplay? - It's like auto accelerate in Mario Kart. - Right, right, okay. - And then like if in this car, if you got close to another car, it would like slow you down.

'Cause I was always hearing- - But it would remember the speed. - You can tell I have never owned a car in my life because this is like, there's so many like terminology where I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna pretend I know what that means 'cause I hear it everywhere and I just never bothered to look it up. I don't know how to change the oil in my car. Don't know how to do that. - I don't know how to do that. - Don't know how to do anything to do with like car related stuff aside from maybe

- I tried to change a tire once and- - You're ahead of me. I've never owned a car either, so I don't know. I've only driven my mom's car, that's it. - Yes, same here, same here. - And my dad is a car specialist, so he does all the car shit in the house. I'm just like, it's up to you, bro. - It's just nice 'cause when you're on the highway for a couple of hours, you can just set the speed you need. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, no, cruise control is so handy once you're- - Focus on doing everything else. It's fun. I like driving around Japan. - You ever wonder when you're gonna get your dad knowledge?

- I don't think we're gonna get it. - I don't think I'm ever gonna get my dad knowledge. 'Cause I think it's just a generational thing. - Is it a generational thing? - Yeah. 'Cause like, you know, my dad knows how to do all of this like handyman stuff that I guess he just kind of learned along the way because back then I guess every dude knew how to learn. - My dad renovated the entire house on his own.

- Yeah, my dad like- - I wouldn't even know where to begin. - Like the wiring, all the everything. - There is so much gap in my knowledge that you realize when talking to any dads or any uncles, I'm like, how do you know this stuff?

- When am I gonna get that? - Well, it's 'cause they didn't have like, you know, games that distracted them. - Yeah, they didn't have games? - Well, I'm sure if I had no video games, I would learn. - Yeah. - Yeah, our dad's generation is literally like, while you were slaving away, grinding those levels, I was learning the way of the blade.

- Yeah. - I was learning the life skills that I needed. - People our age, people our age right now, late twenties, early thirties, do you have dad knowledge? Where did you get your dad knowledge? Or do you still look at your dad and think, how the fuck does my dad know all this stuff? - Okay, you know how to use like basic tools, right? Like you know how to use like a screwdriver or like a hammer or a drill. - Yes. - Where did you learn that?

- Did your dad teach you that? - I mean, it's a fucking screwdriver, Joey. - Joey, I don't think there's ever been a fucking instruction manual to learn how to fucking screw something in. - I don't think you can put that on the resume. - But you know what I mean? Like the basic like construction stuff. Like when did you learn that? Or is that just instinctual? - Ikea.

- I mean, I don't think Ikea is akin to doing certain like most DIY. - Yeah, right. - I think DIY is a lot harder. - Do you know what I think our dad knowledge might be? Just like fucking fixing computers or just like computer shit. - Yeah, that's true. - 'Cause you know what I realize- - I don't even know how to do that. - Joey. - Yeah, Joey doesn't know how to do that. - 'Cause like my fucking, sometimes my nephew, like they ask me stuff to like help about their computer.

their computers and software and stuff. I'm like, how the fuck do you not know this? How the fuck do you not know the inner workings of like a computer and how to like program stuff? And it's because like, I've realized a lot of the times the software has been so, is now so user friendly and so clean that a lot of like the younger generation that I've interacted with, they have not needed to learn how to like properly learn the inner workings

of the computer, of the machine. And on the other side of things, you also have my parents who still don't know how to work a fucking computer. So maybe we're just gonna be like the last generation that actually knows what goes,

- Someone has to know. - Yeah, someone has to know. Our dad knowledge has to go somewhere. - They won't know how to do anymore. The computers just exist. - Yeah, the dying arts. - Yeah, yeah. I don't know how to change the oil, but do you need me to change the RAM on your computer? Do you need me to- - I think I could change the oil. - You think you can change oil? - Yeah.

- I'm sure. - I would just watch a YouTube guide and I'd be like, "I don't know, fuck it up." - Yeah, I'm sure it's easier to do, but without a guide, I wouldn't even know how weird it is. - I think that's the- - I'd open the front of the car and I'd be like, "Well, I'm fucked." - But I think- - What's anything? - I think you can do a lot of simple things on your own, but most people just don't want to. - Right. - But yeah, I think that shit's probably not too bad.

- I mean, maybe it's just like- - It's like, are you willing to fuck it up? And are you willing to whatever you are DIYing to like, can you afford it to go wrong? - Yeah. - Yeah. - So I think that's the biggest thing. 'Cause I think for a lot of people it's like an oil change, for example, you just need to get that right. - Yeah. - There's places you can go to that'll do it for you. - But like, I don't know, what if you're trying to install

I don't know, like a new curtain rail. It's like, ah, maybe you can, that's pretty fine for you to fuck that up and learn how to get it right, you know? - Yeah, yeah. - I think there's certain things, it depends. And how much, how expensive it is to fuck up. Like maybe fucking up the wiring in your house is not worth the risk. You're like, I'll just get an electrician to do this. I don't want, this is not a, I'm dangerous. I should not do this myself. - Right, right. - Yeah, I think what's lost with our generation is just this, maybe this willingness to be like, fuck it, I'll just do it.

What's the worst that could happen? And now it's just like, yeah, I'd rather just find a specialist. - Yeah, in this economy, dog. I don't trust myself in this economy. - I don't trust myself with doing the wiring of my own house and some shit like that. Fuck that shit. - I've seen those videos where people fucking electrocute themselves. Like I'm not.

- I've been on Reddit. - Yeah, I wouldn't fuck with that or plumbing. - Nah. - I would wanna learn from someone who knows what they're doing. - I've just seen too many like failed videos on that shit. I'm like, I don't wanna be included in that compilation. - Whenever I watch the videos of like, this is a great DIY plumbing trick. And then I'll open up the comments and every plumber in the world will be screaming at them, please don't do this, you'll ruin your house. And like, ah.

- Okay. - Was it the trick to like clear your pipe or something? And most of the time it's just like, oh, you have like a 50% chance that your pipe would just burst. - Yeah. - Because you're putting so much fucking pressure. - It's like, hey, hold on here, don't do this. It will destroy every pipe in your house. - It's like sick. - Okay, all right. - Hey, the water goes down now. - Yeah, you're like, okay, thanks. What the fuck? - I can flush my toilet now. - Yeah, so you know, not the best, not the best. But you know, it is what it is. Well, I reckon we'll get there.

We just need time. We're too busy podcasting and YouTube and shit.

- Yo, if they need some, if our kids need knowledge on like camera equipment, on how to start a podcast. - Hit the nae nae and make a TikTok, I'm there. - I'm there. - I'm there. - You wanna open up an Instagram account, I got you. - Do you get family members or like your cousins ask you how to like start a YouTube channel now? 'Cause I've been starting to get that. - No. - I do get it, but it's kind of like, you know, they're like, "No, I want good equipment." And I'm like, "Use your phone." And they're like, "No, I want like good equipment." And I'm like, "All right, well, so,

They're like, I wanted to look how yours looks. I'm like, all right, so this costs this much, this costs this much. Like, I think I'll use the phone. And then there's not really that much to, you know, as much as there's a lot that goes into it, like the beginner YouTube now, you just use your phone. There's a lot of great editing softwares that are free.

- Also most phones can take like 4K 60 FPS as well. - Also do you think an 11 year old should be thinking about starting a YouTube channel? - No. - I had my 11 year old nephew ask me how to start. - I think he should do it to get out of a system. - Get out of a system. - Let him have a crack at it. Let him realize it sucks. - Break the dream early. - Don't let him think what if. Don't let him have that.

- If they wanna just do it for like fun or they wanna like just do it because again, yeah, just get it out of their system. Just make them make what they wanna make and then- - It's like party. Let them party. - Let them party. - Let them TikTok. - They'll get over it. They'll get bored of it in a couple months and then they'll ask you for something else. - Okay, now be a doctor now.

- Now get an actual job. - Become a plumber and then vlog plumbing activities. This client was actually really difficult to work with. They wanted me to change their- - And make guys that actually work. - Yeah. - There you go. That's what we need. - Well, that's the new strat is just get a normal job and then make TikToks about your normal job. - Exactly. - And then it's kind of interesting to watch.

- Yeah. - 'Cause of course I wanna know what a plumber does. I wanna know what a guy who mows, that guy who cross people's grass for free, see this goddamn TikToks all the fucking time. - And it's not a satisfying shit. - And I watch it every time because I love watching the grass be cut. - And it's always like, yeah, I had a client that thought he can pay

- Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - You tried to shortchange me. - I thought you would change me and what's important is the responsibility and the reliability. - The moment the time lapse starts, I'm sad. I'm sitting through that shit. - Locked in, locked in. - And what I realized is maybe the entire world does like slice of life content. - We do. - Maybe it's not always an anime form. - We do, we do, yeah. - Real life slice of life meta is popping off. - It's the meat. I don't wanna see the in between the negotiating. I just wanna see, just show me the time lapse. - Yeah. - I wanna see it.

- My favorite ones are like the, just the story of just, it's really morbid, but just hearing about the crime scene cleaners. Have you seen those shorts? - I have seen them, but you're probably more susceptible to them 'cause you live in a house in Sydney. - Yes, yes, I am definitely more susceptible to them. It's just someone talking about, in the most like monotone voice, someone just describing the most horrific scene they had to clean up. Just being like, "Yeah, I had to clean up the brains of this one scene."

- And I always have a thing and be like, and I use my classic triple three brush. And they'll always have like the thing that they referenced that you're like, yeah, of course. - Or where they're just like weirdly blatantly sponsored for some weird thing. It's like, I use the scrub daddy to get rid of these brain stains. I actually think I have seen a crime scene cleaners mentioned scrub daddy before actually. Like unironically. - I mean, it's good. - I have a scrub daddy at home. - It's hot when it's cold and it's soft when it's hot. - Dude, I have a scrub daddy at home and it's the best.

- Shout out Scrub Daddy. - I do not have a Scrub Daddy. I would like to try. - You should, it's great. - It looks great. I like the idea. - I mean, is Scrub Daddy available anywhere outside of America? 'Cause I've only seen it in America. - Yeah, we bought ours in Japan. - Oh, is it? - Yeah. - Okay. - They have it at the, I think, no, no, we bought ours at Costco. That's right. - Dudes, Costco. - Yeah, yeah, it was like a pack of like 20 at Costco. - Man, Costco is so good.

- I can never not look at the scrub daddy and not think of the potato smileys. - Are they still a thing? - Yeah, hell yeah they are. - I love those fucking. - They're the best. - I haven't seen them for years. - 'Cause you're an adult, Garnt. - Yeah, 'cause it doesn't, because when you're at the- - Reminds me of the frozen food aisle. - Yeah, when you're at the supermarket, it's not the first thing that pops into your mind anymore.

- Yep, okay. - Also, do they have them in Japan? I don't think they have them in Japan. - Yeah, they have them in Japan. - The smiley face? - Yeah. - Wow. - The smiley face ones? - Universal. Some things are beyond culture. - Are you sure about that? 'Cause I swear I don't see these anymore. - I've definitely bought them before. - You have definitely bought them before? - Yeah, and I ate them and I'm like, damn, they don't taste as good as when I was a kid. - I was thinking, I was thinking, I was thinking there are some foods that I'm like, damn, I had this so much as a kid and then you grow older and you just kind of like phase out of it. I'm wondering if there's still a thing.

- When was the last time, did you have in Australia? Did you have fish fingers? - Yeah. - When was the last time you had a fish finger? - Oh fuck. - Like eight. - I think once you get to maybe like 10 years old. - University, university I would buy the frozen fish fingers and just fucking eat them. - Oh really? Well, I mean, I was living at home. - Struggle meals. - Is fish fingers a struggle meal? - I had just a plate of fish fingers with mayo.

- So yeah, I think that's a struggle meal. - Yeah, that's pretty, that's a struggle meal. - Oh, they were good though. - They were good. - I love a good struggle meal. - I mean, fish fingers were good and I'm like, damn, whatever happened to them? We just like- - No, they're definitely around. Again, it's just like when you're a kid and you go into a supermarket, there was just those things that immediately catch your eye, like the fish fingers, like the potato smileys, right? But as an adult now, you're just like, oh fuck, this milk is 20 cents cheaper than this milk. Like, you know, it-

your palate becomes boring. - Yeah, but like when you, okay, let's say you have kids, right? You can just start buying fish fingers again. 'Cause I had fish fingers as a kid. - Yeah, but for me.

I'll be like, honey, let's get fish fingers for the kids. And I'm like, I'm not giving it to you fuckers. That's for me, baby. - I miss oven pizza. I used to eat oven pizza all the fucking time. - The oven pizza? - Yeah. You know when you have the frozen pizza and you just put it in the oven for 10 minutes. - Oh yeah. I mean, dude, I sometimes get those. - Those are the ones in Japan.

- They're okay. Some of them are okay. - I just gave up when I came to Japan. I was like, they don't got it. And when they do have it, it's tiny. - Yeah, it's like that big. - It used to be like that one was perfect.

- Yeah. - Perfect size feel like, all right, it's good. - Right. - I mean, I wouldn't even call that a struggle meal. That's just a good meal. - That's a great meal. - I still go to England and every time I'm in England, I normally have at least one oven pizza one of the nights that I'm there. - When you got enough drinks in you sometimes and you're just at home and you're like, man, I'm kind of hungry. You just open up that freezer and it's just smiling back at you and you're like, yeah, it's time to crack open this bitch. That's the best meal you have at like two in the morning. - True, true. - Fuck yes, fuck yes. - Hell yeah, dude.

- Yeah, you should buy Scrub Daddy. You can get them in Japan now. - I guess I gotta get them. - Village Vanguard has Scrub Daddies apparently. - I don't go to Village Vanguard. - Well, now you will to get the Scrub Daddy. - Village Vanguard is a store in Japan where they just sell weird stuff.

- It's kind of Don Quixote, but maybe a bit more premium. - It's Don Quixote, but- - I feel like there's a bit better stuff. - It's a hipster Don Quixote. - Yeah, I think that's fair. - That's the only way to describe it. - Don Quixote is just, I will never understand how people spend money in Don Quixote. I've never once gone into a Don Quixote and thought, wow, I want to buy this. It's all just kind of like-

- No, that's not true. I sometimes, if I'm on my way home and I just kind of want to kill time, I would just walk into a Don Quixote and then maybe pick up a couple of things. Like Don Quixote isn't the type of store- - What would you get normally? What was the last couple of things you bought in Don Quixote if you can remember? Just 'cause like, I don't know what people buy there. - Last couple of things I bought? I bought- - I don't know, but that's just Don Quixote. It's shit.

- You don't want, don't need. - It's shit you don't need until you go there and you're like, "Well, this might be useful." - You know, weirdly enough, I actually go to Don Quixote. Most of the things I buy in Don Quixote is food. - Really? - Yeah, because there are some sometimes, like for example, like honey. The honey that you buy in Japan, right? I mean, it's not the best honey, like quality wise. It's a'ight. - It's good quality honey. - Australian honey. - Oh, okay. - It's good quality honey. - I'm using Mudan's honey.

- What, he fucking cultivates his own honey? - Mudet's mom is a beekeeper and he gave me a jar of honey. - What? - Yeah, I was like, this is sick. And the best thing about honey is that it fucking lasts like forever.

- Thanks, Moon. I want some. - I'm a go, man. - But yeah, Don Quixote has like honey in the food sections, but the content is way, way bigger because the honey that you get in Japanese supermarkets is so small and it's like- - I never thought to go to the good to buy honey. - Yeah, and they actually have like big jars of honey there for like a pretty affordable price. So like we go and buy like honey there, like they have way more variety of chips at Don Quixote as well. Just like this.

- And the drinks as well, way more variety there. - I'll go there and I'll be like, huh, that's neat, but I don't wanna buy it. I think that's like half of what I do there. And I often just don't wanna carry things. So if I like something, I'll be like, I'll buy that later online and then I never do. - Oh, right, yeah. - That's just my shopping experience. You're like, ah, I don't wanna carry it. - But do you have a donkey on your house? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Or is it kinda out of the way? - Yeah, really, really big one near me.

- I won't say which one. - You should be utilizing that more, man. - I should, but every time I go in there, I'm like, nah, I don't really need a body soap I've never heard of. I don't really want Halloween costumes that look weird. - I feel like you're just not an impulse buyer. - I guess so. I really don't. - What was the last thing you did an impulse buy that's not like equipment or work related? Just an impulse buy.

- Because I'm not really an impulse buyer either. Sydney is the complete opposite of me where she is the impulse buyer. - I mean,

- I mean, Cindy's quite impulsive. - I mean, I mean. - Well, Aki's the same. - I mean, I mean. - I mean, boys, boys, boys. - Am I wrong? - Yes, yes. Not all women are impulse buys, guys. - Not all women are impulse buys. - I'm joking, I'm joking. - Just most of them.

- Definitely the ones in my experience that I have been friends with and I'm currently in a relationship with. I noticed when boys impulse buy, it's never like a small thing. It's gotta be a fucking big expensive thing. - $3,000 coffee machine. - Exactly. - Yesterday I impulse bought a fucking $150 Lego set.

- See, this is boy impulse buying. - That's boy impulse buying. - Girls, like with Sydney, she'll impulse buy, oh, you know. - Small little things, right? - Like small little things, right? But with like big things, they never like, she'll like think about it. And with me, with small little things, I'm always like, hold on, I'm like,

"Oh, maybe I'll buy it later." Never buy it later. Meanwhile, I see one Vespa that one time and I'm like, "I'm getting a Vespa." - Yeah, my PS5 was an impulse buy. - I can't think of the last thing I impulse bought. I can't think of the last thing I bought that wasn't food. I can't think of the last time I went into a store and just bought something.

I just don't buy things in stores. - You need to go shopping more, man. - Well, I don't buy clothes. Living in Japan, it really does change your brain 'cause the moment I see something that I buy, I'm like, how am I gonna dispose of this? I'm like, how am I gonna get rid of this? - I'm the same. - When it comes to big things. - Japan does that to you. You completely change your thinking 'cause everything you suddenly buy now becomes a burden of how to dispose of it eventually.

- I don't think about that. - Really? Fuck. - Very rarely. - I guess that's why my office is a fucking junkyard. - When it comes to big appliances. - Or anything electronic, I'm like, I gotta really want this. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Hell yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause if I eventually don't need it, it becomes such a pain to get rid of or sell that I'm like, oh, like the fucking, the treadmill that I had in my apartment for a year, I didn't use 'cause it was a shit treadmill and I couldn't even get rid of it. And so I sold it to,

to a French YouTuber in Tokyo who then had to pay another guy at the flea market. He paid the guy a thousand yen to take it off him. - Right. - Shout out. Shout out to that guy. He took it off my hands. You're a legend. I'm so sorry, I forgot what your name is. But yeah, I mean, I just don't buy things. I'm not an impulse buyer. And if I think I really want it, I'm like, if I really want it, I'll really want it when I get home and I'll buy it online.

That's the sensible thing to do, I guess. - 'Cause when I travel around Japan, maybe there'll be something that's like, when I was in Onomichi, I was looking at these like craft, like little snacks. And I was like, "Oh, that looks cool. "That'd be like kind of a nice snack." And I was like, "No, I actually don't need it." And then I looked online if they sold it on like Amazon or something and they did. And I was like, "Oh."

- I don't want it anymore. - I thought it was a cool little local thing. Turns out they just sell it on Amazon. I was like, I don't really want it now. - I think you're just too reliant on Amazon. - Well, no, no, no. As in like, I thought this was like a cool little local thing I was getting. And it was just a thing that just ships, it's everywhere in Japan and Amazon. I was like, eh, I'm kind of sure. - Yeah, but you can say you got it at that point.

- Yeah, I guess so. - Sometimes it's just about the memory. - Yeah, I wanted them to feel like this is a thing that I got 'cause I was in the right place at the right time and I can have that memory. To be fair, coffee beans is the only thing I do that way. 'Cause I'm like, I'll get, when I travel around Japan or anywhere, I'll buy coffee beans that I really, if I had a really nice coffee at like a roastery or something, I'll get coffee beans. Then I'm like, all right, I remember these are the beans I had in this place. This is good shit. That's about it. That's the only impulse buy I do is coffee beans.

- But I mean, is it an impulse buying? Cause I'm like, I don't know. I was gonna buy those anyway. - Yeah, you're just addicted. - You're just constantly searching for it. - Yeah, that's not an impulse buying. That's just feeding an addiction. - I guess I just did an impulse buy. I mean, I rarely impulse buy to be fair. - To be fair, I think we're confusing it. Like you don't have to impulse buy. Like it's not like a thing that's like- - But I feel like I should wanna buy some stuff. - Well, what are you into?

- Other than coffee. - It's not much really. - Work, innit? - Work, yeah. - Same, bro. - Beers with the boys. - I think you just need a hobby. - Cycling? - That is a hobby. - Occasionally, maybe my gym shirt will get like, it'll be like ruined 'cause I'm just a sweaty monster.

And then I'll be like, I just kind of get excited. I'm like, I get to buy a new gym shirt. And then I'll be like, I'll be really pumped to do exercise again. I'm like, I got a nice new shirt. Or I'm like, I kind of like I'm praying for the downfall of my running shoes so that I can like, oh, I get to buy a new pair of running shoes. - Right, right. - But they just keep holding up. And I'm like these bastards. - They're just so good. - They've lasted me like four years and I'm like, come on.

Just one hole, something. Come on, help me out here. I wanna have that joy of being able to like look for a new pair of running shoes. But then I can't, in my head, I'm like, I can't buy a new pair until these break. I just can't. - Yeah, no, I'm totally the same. - And like when you get into like doing that kind of stuff, there's only so much stuff you can buy like cycling gear. I love buying cycling gear, but I don't need anything. And then when I need to look, I'm like, ah, I'm not into cycling enough to know where to look to get the best shit too and that stresses me out.

- I have the complete opposite problem where I have too many hobbies. - Well, it's 'cause your hobbies are more like consumerist hobbies. - Yeah. - Right? It's about like Pokemon cards or, none of my hobbies rely on me buying stuff. They're just like, just go run. You know, or like cycle. It's like, there's only so many bikes I can buy. - Right, right. Yeah, that's fair.

- Also Joey, I feel like you have the collector mentality. - You do have a collector mentality. - I do. I love collecting shit. It's so fun. - I wish I liked collecting things. I feel like when I collect this stuff, I had fun doing it. But at the same time, I feel like it's a curse. 'Cause you just gotta spend, spend, spend. - Yeah. - But you can also control it as well. Like, you know, I like, you know, Aki and I collect Pokemon cards, but like, I'm not going out every single day, like dropping, you know, hundreds of dollars on Pokemon cards. Like I like to, because I know that it's such,

an expensive hobby for one, but also it's just like a never ending hobby. I can take my time with it. So it's like some days I'll go out and be like, I'll look at these cards and be like, oh, you know, I want that card, that card, that card. But I'm like, eh, you know what? I'm not gonna buy any today. Like, I just don't feel like it. But then some days I'm like, yo, I'm out to go and get at least 10 cards that I fucking need.

And it's nice, it's fun. - That sounds fun. - Yeah. - Now you're into the virtual. - And now I got the fucking TCG app that just came out today and been addicted to that. Already got a hundred cards. - Oh my God. - How much money you spent? - Nothing right now.

- But that's gonna change. We'll see how long that lasts. - That's gonna change. - I mean, I guess I have video games as my main hobby, but then I don't really play many- - That's your job now. - That's your job. - Sure, but I love it though. Like I wouldn't wanna, if I didn't stream, I would just play video games. You know what I mean? - When's the last time you played a game that you didn't stream? - I played a lot of "Satisfactory" offline, to be fair. - Okay. - Yeah, but you're also playing it online. I mean like start to end, you never once played this on stream. - Yeah.

- You just did it because you just wanted some downtime. - Probably like, I don't know. That was definitely something when we do maternal, like four years ago. - Okay. - But- - Four years ago. So it's a job now. - Yeah, but I love it. Like that's what I like. - That's fine. - I think if I had like, if I wasn't making, if I wasn't like my main income, I think I'd still be doing it. 'Cause I just love, I don't know, I just love doing it. It's fun. - I mean, who doesn't like gaming? - I've gamed in like 10 days. I got a game.

- I'm frothing at the mouth to game. - He's had withdrawals. - I am, I want a game. - He's had game withdrawals. - I want a game so bad. It was weird, man, 'cause like I would just be doing shit and I was like, ah man, it feels good to disconnect for a little while, but at the same time, I'm like, gosh, I wanna play fucking games. God, I just wanna play games. - His family like walks in on him like sleeping and he's like, I was having the gamer dreams.

- Quick, someone give him a fucking- - Give him a controller right now. - Give him a controller right now. He's sweating. He's having night terrors. - Withdrawals from not gaming enough.

- He's been going out too much, no, no. He's touched too much grass. - I have touched enough grass for two weeks. I'm done touching grass. My touching grass arc is over. No more grass, just video games for the next month. - Only virtual grass for you. - Yeah, well it's coming up to like Christmas time soonish. It's coming up to that time of the year where, you know,

I like December because it's the time when everyone just like stays in and fucking plays video games and has nothing to do and they don't know what to do. - Fucking yeah. - Yeah. - Amen. - Amen to that. - I mean, I'll be in Australia so I'll be sweating fucking balls. - Oh yeah, just going out. - Oh same here, I'm in Thailand. - Yeah, it's gonna be hot as balls. - Is it hot in Thailand?

- Yes. - It's always hot. - When isn't it hot in Thailand? - January is quite nice. - It was still pretty hot for January. - Yeah. - I'd say it was nice. - Yeah, I mean, it's the cold cooler side.

- The cooler Thailand. - But it was still like 20, over 20. - It was about like 26 degrees. - That's perfect. - Which is like I said, like our winters. - I could only do that in Thailand. I think I can only go in like Chan Phab. I don't think I can go any other time. I think I would die. - Yeah, I think.

I went to Vietnam in July and that was brutal, but it was nice. - Yeah, we have like in Southeast Asia, we have like one season or two seasons. We have like hot. - Wet and not wet. - Yeah, yeah. Wet and hot or just hot. That's pretty much it. Very, very hot as well. - Well, I guess we're all traveling. Yeah, I'm going to the UK as well. So that'd be fun. - Nice. - Yeah. - UK's fun. I mean like,

- Christmas outside of Japan is fun, I think. I think Japan Christmas vibes are just, they're not great. - Well, it's not a holiday here. - Yeah, I mean, it's like a dating holiday. - Yeah, it's a holiday for couples. - Which is why it's nice to go back home and do Christmas there 'cause it's so cozy. - Would you say Valentine's Day is a holiday? 'Cause that's what I feel about Japan. It's the same vibe I would get. - Yeah, it is the same vibe, isn't it? - How the fuck did Valentine's Day start actually?

- Probably people wanted to sell shit. - Saint Valentine died or some shit, right? - It's like you look at some of, is it a, I'm gonna guess it is. - Well, I think they become a saint after they die. - Yeah, Saint Valentine was executed on a, no, oh yeah, yeah.

Emperor Claudius II executed two men, both named Valentine. - But I think it became like a- - Okay, but when did it become like a commercial holiday? - Oh, I don't know. Probably like- - Like who fucking started that? - Probably Meiji. Like the Meiji chocolate company probably. - Mid 1800s. - Wow, that's a lot. That's a lot longer than what I thought he was going to be.

- But that makes sense though. Like, you know, why not start selling people shit then? I'm sure there was chocolates and stuff to go around back then. - Yeah, commercialism bro. - Yeah, you realize a lot of the trends that have happened were just some old business people being like, how do we sell this shit? - Of course. - Yeah, of course. - I find- - That's how Christmas started in Japan.

- Well, that's, I mean- - The KFC was like, we need to sell chicken. And that's how it started. - It's so bad as well. The KFC doesn't taste good. - Oh, yeah, it's- - Oh, dude, I filmed this, I was just walking past Wendy's in Japan. And I was like, I gotta film this.

- They were selling pasta. - Oh yeah. - They were selling truffle pasta. It was the worst tasting thing I've ever had in my life. - Wendy's. - Wendy's was selling truffle carbonara pasta. - It's because it's Wendy's first kitchen. It's not just Wendy's.

- It's Wendy's combined with First Kitchen, which like does like pastas and like bentos and stuff. - Vile. - Yeah. I mean, I only go to Wendy's to get the burgers. - I couldn't believe it. I was like, I gotta try this. Truffle on the menu on Wendy's? Are you guys crazy? Know your place. You shouldn't be serving truffle. - It's like, stop trying to act fancy, bro. - Dude, what's the next? Like Dom Perignon in the menu as well? Like what the heck, man? Come on.

- What the heck dude? - Oh my God. - So bad. - I mean, look, you've walked right into that one. I'm just gonna say. - Yeah, absolutely. - What did you expect? - I mean, I was like, there's a 0.1% chances it could be fire. - Yeah. - It is never fire. Whenever you see shit like that, it's too good to be true. - If the odds are below 1%, it's not gonna be fire. - Yeah. - I mean, you just never know.

- I don't know. - I mean, I knew, but I didn't know, so I tried. - Whenever you tried one of those dishes and it actually be fire, 'cause a lot of those times, a lot of those dishes are just made as literally just a marketing tactic to be like- - Come in the store. - Here's a new seasonal thing. - Here's a new seasonal thing. It's gonna taste like shit, but- - But don't worry, it's gone after two weeks. - Yeah. - Yeah, Japan does love that. - Like the amount of fucking-

- The cursed pizzas Domino's does here is like insane as well. - Yeah, I've eaten most of them. - Yeah, 'cause Aki always does the videos, right? - Yeah, well Aki does them purely because now Domino's is just like, "Hey, we've got this new pizza, you want it?" - Have they ever bought out like a banger that you're like, "Actually, that's not too bad." - Yeah, the tzundere pizza.

It was actually, it's literally just a pepperoni pizza with a fuck ton of jalapenos on it. And I'm like, oh, this is great. - That's amazing. - But in Japan, it's like the equivalent of putting a fucking Carolina Reaper on a pizza because Japanese people don't handle spice. - I had this pizza the other day that was pizza with mushrooms and leek and miso glaze.

And it was really good. - Really? - It was actually fire. It was very, very good. - Was it pizza? - It tastes, yeah, it sounds like someone ordered a cheese pizza and then accidentally spilled miso shiro on it. - It was great. It was honestly good. - Really? - I thought it was great. Was it like, yeah, like you said, I probably wouldn't even put it in the same category as like a pizza pizza. It was like a nice little thing. - Fair enough. - It was nice. - What is a pizza? What defines? - Yeah, what is pizza?

- Oh, I took my parents to the Okonomiyaki place we went to. - Oh shit. - Oh the one in which one? - In Hiroshima. - Oh yeah. - It was so good. It was so, so good. - Oh yeah, hell yeah. - How busy is Hiroshima now in terms of like tourists? - So busy, so, so busy. - Yeah, I went there last month and it was pretty packed. - It almost felt like more busy than like Osaka at times of like foreign tourists. I don't know if I'm crazy. - Well, I think it's just because it's a small city. - Yeah, I think so. I mean, I definitely think Osaka has more, but like I felt it a lot more in Hiroshima.

- 'Cause I had a dad friend come over from England and he wanted to go to Golden Guy. So I went there the other day and oh my God, I mean, it's kind of weird because I've like, it's gotten,

I don't know, the vibe is just totally different now. And I've seen it just shift just slightly over the years of just living here for five years. But the more I go there, the more it reminds me of like, I guess some districts of Thailand that have been like, you know, kind of like backpackers paradise kind of thing. It's like definitely going more towards like that vibe of things where everything's becoming super cuff, like obviously very tourist friendly,

Things feel very kind of like a theme park almost. - Yeah, very faux. - Yeah. - It just doesn't feel like a real place. - Yeah, it's super weird seeing it evolve and seeing the history of this district from being very, very friendly to the locals to now it's mostly tourists and foreigners going to Golden Guide now. The explosion of like TikTok

and social media has just made, you know, some of Japan kind of like feel very theme parky. It's super fucking weird. - Yeah. - So I had to do the strats that you said last time, which was,

buy the owner a drink and just ask him to recommend a place. And hopefully he gets to some members only place. And it works, it actually works. Once this one fucking bar after being recommended a bar, which was like members, which was members only. And this bar owner was there and I could tell that the energy was a bit different, right? Because it was like,

- Basically you go in and it's like, everything is like 1960s theme. Everyone who's drinking at this bar is like an old Japanese guy. And so we got, I got talking to this bar member

We were just having a general chat because I think obviously speaking a little bit of Japanese, as soon as you speak a little bit of Japanese, especially all Japanese guys, they either completely close off. They want to know everything. So this old guy, we were having this friendly chat and

the bar lady comes up to us and she says, "Oh, do you want a picture with him?" And I was like, "Why, why?" - "Who? Whomst is this man?" And she says, "Oh, he used to be like a big actor back in the day and all that shit." And I was like, "Oh shit."

Had no idea, didn't know. - Pull up your IMDB. - Still did not know who this man was. - Do you remember his name? Do you remember his name? - So here's the thing. He was like, "I used to be, I guess I used to be a voice actor. I've been in like live action films and voice, been a voice actor before." And starts listing off some anime, never heard of some of them. And he was like, "Oh yeah, I was in 'Hunter Hunter' as well."

- I know which bar you went to. - Yeah. - I thought, okay, I think it was this one. - Was it that one? - It's a kind of a big bar with like multiple, there's like another room. - Yeah, there is another one. - Okay, yeah. - Have you been to that bar as well? - Yeah, does he voice? - He voiced Netero. - Oh shit. - Really? - Did you know that? - I did not know that. - Can you bring it up, the guy? - Voice of Netero? - So he was the voice of Netero in the,

- The 90s one. - Yeah, the 90s one back in the day. - Is he the owner of the bar? - I believe he was. - Okay. Does he also voice Phoenix Wright, the judge?

- Yeah, I think he voices the judge as well. 'Cause he started talking to me and I was like, I feel he has such a distinctive voice. - Okay, I know the bar, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That bar's sick, I love that bar. - That is such a sick bar. - Bunmei, Tobayama Bunmei. - Yeah, that's the guy. - Oh, I think I know this guy. - Can you check if he voices in Phoenix Wright as well? Just to make sure I'm not going crazy. - Yeah, I think he voices in Phoenix.

- Not the anime, but definitely the game of Phoenix Wright. - I know the bar you went to, that bar's sick and it's also weirdly very big for Golden Guy. - It has a whole other massive room. - Yeah, yeah. I only saw when I went to the toilet and I was like, why is there like a room for eight back here? There we go. Yeah, I can't. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - There you go. - He's the owner of that bar. - Wow. - Yeah, that bar was really fucking chill. I love that spot. - That's cool. - Yeah.

Last time I went to that bar, I met a bunch of old women from Osaka and there were great vibes.

- It was a fun time. Everyone at the bar was talking to each other. Everyone else buying drinks. It was great time. - Hell yeah. - I think Golden Guy is, it's a coin toss of an evening. - It is definitely a coin toss of an evening. - And that's if you have someone who I think speaks a bit of Japanese and can help you get through it. But if you don't speak any Japanese, I think it can work out, but I feel like it works out less more than it does. It's rough. It's rough. I mean, yeah, like you said, I think it's been,

'Cause I go to Golden Gate quite a lot. 'Cause I love taking people there. So I think it's a fun, it's easy to have a good like, let's go to five bars in two, two and a half hours and let's get you speaking Japanese people. Let's get involved. It's a very easy thing to do there 'cause it's kind of the custom to do it there. There are other places where you can do it as well, but it's a very easy place to do it there and it's close to stuff. - It's a good beginner place. And now it is becoming a lot more English speaking friendly as well in a lot of places that you go to.

But yeah, I had no idea this guy just owned a bar there. And sometimes you can meet some really cool people there, like I talked about the bar I went to previously that had the killers there and Guy Ritchie's signature as well this time. Just met a random person in the bar. Turns out he used to be a big person in the acting and the entertainment industry. - That's sick. - And now he's just chilling, owning a bar in Golden, guys. - That's the life goal, isn't it?

- That is the life goal. He's actually living what I would love to do. - Yeah. Once I hit like, you know, 50, 60, just wanna open up a place and just be like, fuck it. This is how I'm gonna go for the rest of my life. Just chilling.

- Yeah, 'cause there are some bars that are members only that a lot of people in the industry go to or maybe in the gaming industry or the anime industry. Also there are like some other areas in Tokyo where you just meet a lot of people in the industry as well, maybe not Golden Guy. - I know a lot of people that go to Golden Guy have told me that they just like people watching.

They're just like going out to drink and just watching like people just do their thing, be it foreigners or not. Which is interesting because I met someone who told me,

They told me that like one of the main like from soft people goes to that awful karaoke bar on the end where all the foreigners go to. - Oh yeah. - And they just love it 'cause they love just watching like fucking foreigners just go at it like singing karaoke. And I was like, that's so funny. - I've also noticed like,

- A lot of people go there to try and practice their English as well. - I think it's a great place to language exchange. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - There's a couple of establishments like that though, like the Hub. - Hub I feel like is a little different. - Everyone's favorite. - The Hub. - I feel like Hub's a tiny bit different. Hub feels a little more like datey. I don't know, it feels like there's like a- - Yeah, but I think there's also Japanese people who go there just to be like, "Hey, there's a lot of foreigners in here all the time. I wanna practice my English."

- I mean, you're not gonna be able to, I feel like, have the peak practice hours until after midnight, 'cause that's when the committed drinkers are. 'Cause before midnight, everyone's still drinking, they'll go home with a tray. After midnight, you get all the Japanese people who are there and there for the long haul, and they're pretty down to socialize. - Oh yeah, for sure. - So it's after midnight, it becomes, Japan's like different, it's very different energy.

- A golden guy, especially. Golden guys. - The social walls get broken down after midnight, definitely. 'Cause it's like, well, my first train's not in another four hours. Might as well socialize. - It's a different vibe. It's very, very different. All the good nights I remember have gone past midnight. - Yeah, definitely. - I also saw a bar that advertised itself as like a Minhara bar.

- What? - I mean, I'm not surprised. - Is that a thing in Japan now that- - The mehira buff? - Yeah. - I mean, yeah. - How does that work? - I don't know. - Is that really mean to you the entire time or?

- I don't know, do they do like a check at the door? They're like, how crazy are you? - Are you mentally stable? Do you want to go to a bar where all the bar keeps are not mentally stable? Well, this is your bar. - Hey man, some people are just into that. And I'm like, you know what, you do you. But as we say in my country, don't stick your dick in crazy.

So just watch out. - Well, what a good way to end that episode. - Oh my God. - What a good note. Life lessons. - Life lessons. Don't think you're digging crazy. - What else should they do, Jarek? - Another life lesson. Hey, look at all these patrons. They're following another life lesson, a trash taste lesson to support us over on our Patreon. Because if you do, like all these lovely people here on the screen right now, then you get to watch

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And we'll see you guys next week. Bye. When it's PCS time, you know the drill. Pack, research to new base, get the kids in school because family supports family. At American Public University, we support military families with flexible, affordable online education that moves with you. As a military spouse, your tuition rate is the same as your partner's, just $2.50 per credit hour. American Public University, education that moves with you.

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