Because the statement is extreme and universally disagreed upon, as everyone has at least one condiment they like.
The take is factually somewhat correct, but bacon is generally more expensive than other cuts like pork belly, and the statement is not as strong or widely debated.
While Ghibli movies are highly beloved, especially those by Miyazaki, there are some that are less impressive and the take reflects a mixed opinion among fans and critics.
Because the idea that soda is too fizzy is highly subjective and often dismissed as a trivial complaint, but there are people who prefer less carbonation in their drinks.
While Mount Fuji is a significant landmark, the area around it, especially Kawaguchiko, is often overcrowded and has limited activities, making it less appealing than other parts of Japan.
Because Japanese breakfasts are often too heavy, include many pickled and slimy dishes, and can feel overwhelming compared to other breakfast options.
They believe that the show, while having a controversial theme, is better than people give it credit for, and that those who read it often find it more engaging than its reputation suggests.
Because skateboarding is more of a hobby than a practical mode of transport, especially in hilly areas, and it's not as versatile or efficient as other options like buses or trains.
Because unagi is consistently high quality, the sauce is well-balanced, and it is a versatile and satisfying choice in sushi restaurants.
While not their favorite, the Filet-O-Fish is a better choice compared to items like the teriyaki burger, and its consistency and taste are generally well-received.
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This episode is brought to you by AWS. Amazon Q Business is the generative AI assistant that can securely understand your business data, summarize results, and streamline tasks. Learn what Amazon Q Business can do for you at slash learn more. Hello and welcome to another episode of Trash Taste. I'm your host for today, Gant. Joining me once again are the boys and we are about to have...
Another modest episode of Trash Taste where we all agree with each other because we have a bunch more tier lists that this time has been handmade by our own producer. Instead of just going on Handcrafted tier lists. Yes. Handcrafted. All of them are handmade.
- They're all handmade. - Thank you, Alice. - They're not all handmade. - Okay, okay. - They're not all handmade, nevermind. - Well, we're gonna lie anyway. - It sounds cooler. - Yeah. - Makes us sound more legit. - But definitely the first few are, and these are some tier lists which I'm sure our fans have wanted us to argue over for a long time.
- Oh yeah, by the way, before we get into that though, the Patreon episode for this week actually is we sent you guys over on the Patreon some of our handmade, the actual handmade ones, handmade tier lists for you guys to make your own tier lists on and we'll be reviewing and rating your entries on these tier lists over on the Patreon. So if you wanna check that out,
- They're already done before this episode comes out. So this will be the first time everybody sees it. - So what's this? - So this first tier list is the tier list of trash taste hot takes. So we're gonna have to go back through some of our hot takes. - So are we judging them based on how hot of a take they are? - Yeah, so S is- - Not like if it's right or wrong, just like, this is like a-
a nuclear level take. - Yeah, so I guess S tier is a good take and E tier is a bad take. - Oh, no, it's okay, so we are judging them. - Yeah, we are judging them. - And it's not just our takes, we have taken some takes from our guests as well. - I would love a hot take tier list as well where we just rate how hot they are, like how crazy of a statement it is. - Should we change it? Okay. - I don't know, what do you think? What do you think is better?
- What is the definition of a hot take? - Yeah, because it's gonna be hard to rank it otherwise. - You could be like, nah, Garnt's spitting here, but that's crazy, you know what I mean? Like you'd be like, he's changing it. - All right, he's changing it. - All right. - 'Cause we already know, we already argued if it's a good take or not, you know? I'm just saying like, I'm already changing the rule. This is like a classic. - So S is like, that's insane. - Nuclear. - Nuclear, okay, yeah. Nuclear take. - Nuclear take. - There we go.
- Are you naming all of them? - Yeah, 'cause I did this for a stream. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Hot take. - God's prepared. - Yeah. - Luke, Luke, Luke, Warn. - We get the gist. - Yeah, we get it. - N's and M's are so close together anyway. - All right, all right, there we go. - And then T and E. - And then T and E. - All right, cool. - All right. - All right. - What's the first take then? - So the first take is music is just beeps and boops.
- I mean, Kevin said I was right. - Kevin said you were right. And the more that time has gone on, the more that I've come to, you know, I've come to like, I've come around for this take, I've come around.
- I mean, look, some genres completely agree. - Is it even a hot take though anymore? Is it even a hot take? I feel like to a lot of people, they don't listen to the lyrics and they don't know anything about, they don't know much. - Yeah, it's not really, I wouldn't say it's a nuclear take. So maybe, does cold in this case mean like, oh yeah, it's been said before?
- Yeah, like the colder it is, the more people are gonna agree with it. - As we said before, D is practically a common opinion. - I would put it in D then. - Freezing? - Yeah, it's freezing. It's practically a common opinion. - I wouldn't say it's freezing because we always have people like Joey's. - Yeah, but I don't know, man. The more Trash Taste has gone on and the more people- - Bro, this- - The more Trash Taste has gone on, the more I'm slowly potentially starting to realize that I might be in the minority here.
- Which is wild to me. - Look, it's funny 'cause this started off as like, I think this won the hottest take of the year, right? - Yeah, I think so. - On a Trash Taste Award. I can't remember. - It was a nominee, I believe. - It was definitely a nominee. And now the more the time has gone on, the more I'm like, damn, I think we've just had worse takes as time has gone on. - It's literally that meme of just like, I'm surrounded by idiots. - Yes.
- Wow, all of these mined initially. Oh, I see we have, oh, okay. - Should we pick a random one? - Yeah. - Let's go, who's JC? Bacon is the cheapest part of the pig. - It is. - I mean, that's- - It's one of the cheapest parts. I mean, obviously like hoof is pretty cheaper, but like- - Yeah. - I think the argument was like, it was a very cheap cut of meat and it was kind of,
- I think F should be factually correct. - Yeah, I mean, it was factually correct. - Yeah, this is just factually correct. - It's not the cheapest, but I think it's like, I don't know what the exact argument was. I think I was trying to get at that,
- It's like a cheap cut. It's not like a pork chop. - Yeah, exactly. - And people who like bacon over a pork chop are insane, I think was the initial. I'm trying to remember what I said. - No, I think you said something along those lines 'cause I just agree with everything you said. - Basically you both said make it bacon is overrated. - Bacon is overrated. - Bacon is overrated. - I don't think it is personally.
- I don't know. I don't know how hot of a take that is. - Well, I think it's F because it's just factually correct. - It's not factually correct. - Well, no, the statement of bacon is the cheapest part of the pig. - Well, it's not. I'm sure there's a cheaper part of the fucking pig. - I'm sure like nose. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, but who the fuck is like, "Bacon or pig nose?" Yo, give me that pig nose any day, dog.
- I'm a pink nose fiend. - I mean, I don't feel like this is one of those takes where I'm like, eh, like even I don't feel that strongly about this one. I'm like, sure bacon's overrated, but it's not, I'm not like fucking shitting and crying. - I would say this is lukewarm. 'Cause I'd say, I'd say,
- It's not exactly like the hottest thing in the world. People are gonna review, but it's like getting up. - But the ones who disagree are gonna be a lot more passionate. - Yes. - I feel like that's like 2015 internet. You're like bacon and Doritos. That's my identity as a gamer. - Mountain Dew every day. - By the way, bacon is actually more expensive than pork belly. - What? - Yeah. - Bacon's more expensive than you used to. - Alex, that's called Americans inflating the market.
- I think maybe you were just factually incorrect. - I think it was like a lobster angle. - Can we get a fact check on this Mudan? Can we get a fact check on this? - The fact that bacon is more expensive than pork belly and yet pork belly is far superior. - I don't even know what even inspired this argument initially. Like I'm not arguing for myself four years ago. That guy was a fucking idiot.
- Okay, let's pick someone mind guess. What'd you want? - All condiments are bad. - All condiments are bad. - Nuclear. - Nuclear? - That is nuclear. - Get it out of here. - You are objectively saying, you are claiming that every single, you think that it is a normal and okay thing to say that,
- Every single condiment is bad. - It's freezing cold. I know I can't be the only one. - It's nuclear bro. - It's like hot. - No one agrees with you. - It's like hot. - It's not a single person agrees with you. - It's just hot. - It's just hot. - Not a single person agrees with you. - It's just hot. - It's not a single person. - It's a hot take guys. - No matter what, I've met a lot of people in my life, some people don't like certain condiments, but they always like at least one. - Well, it's like, okay, now I've gotten to the point where I've had this thing for long enough that
how would you even define a condiment? Because some things I count as sources. - Rose talking about the metaphysical level of the source. - I am, okay. Nando sauce, condiments or sauce? 'Cause I count that as a sauce and I'm like fine with sauces, but like- - Is a sauce not a condiment? - That's the thing. I've always put condiments as like,
ketchup, mayonnaise, that kind of thing. - Yeah, something used to enhance the flavor of food. - Condiments is such a wide- - It's a Venn diagram. It's like all sauces are condiments, but not all condiments are sauces. - See, when I say condiment, I specifically mean like ketchup, mayo- - A condiment is a sauce.
- There you go. First five letters. - Well, okay. - First five words. A condiment is a sauce. So yes, Nando's sauce is a condiment. - Well then I'm okay with sauces, but the big three condiments I do not like. - So you should just say that you don't like mayo, ketchup and mustard. - But like when people say condiments, they are normally thinking about those three. They're not saying like, oh, okay.
- Peppercorn sauce. They don't normally call that a condiment. They call that a sauce. - Well, apparently- - Well, you wouldn't call ketchup a sauce, would you? - Apparently, according to this Google search, common condiments include salt, pepper, vinegar. - But that's like me saying I hate a race of people and then only naming three of them.
- I'm not even gonna entertain that thought. - That was a nuclear fucking comparison bro.
- Just say you're racist. Just say you're racist, Garth. - You racist towards condiments. - Just say you hate all races, Garth. - I hate the, okay, when you say, when I say condiment, what did you think of? What'd you think of? - Tomato sauce, mustard, mayo. - Bacon-aids, ranch, blue cheese dressing. - Yes, all of those stuff, I feel like
- I fucking hate everything you just listed. Everything you just listed right there. - Hot sauce. - I count that as a sauce. - It's a condiment. - It's a condiment. - A condiment is a sauce. It says right there. - I know what the technical definition that is right in front of me. What I'm saying is- - But like hot sauce is just as I would treat it the same as like I would a mustard.
- I wouldn't because like to me- - Because you don't like it. - To me when I think condiment, it's like really thick, right? Whereas like- - Oh my God. So it's the viscosity is the problem. - I've always thought of it as the like the viscosity 'cause with hot sauce, you can like fucking- - What did Gloop do to you?
- What did gloop do to you? - What the fuck, what is gloop? - You're thinking about gloopy sources, right? - Yes, yes, yes. - What did gloop as a texture do to you? - I just don't know. - What happened in your childhood? - It's just- - Did you get like a Willy Wonka-esque experience where you took the fizzy juice and you were like, "Did I put you in a pile of gloop?" - Augustus Gloop was his favorite character. - It's just like the gloopiness of it. When it comes in like not- - You just squeeze it out. - When it's like a squeezy bottle, I'm like, "No, that's a condom."
- Okay, well then what about the mayonnaise where it's like the really thin fucking white mayonnaise where you have to like use a fucking knife to get it out? - I don't know. - It's like the American mayonnaise. - That's like Hellman's. - Yeah, what about that?
- That's like really watery. Do you like that? - Is it? - Yeah. - I've never seen it. Can you- - It's only like Kewpie mayonnaise that has the gloop. - I would say all mayonnaise has the gloop. - Yeah, that one. That is gloopy. - Most of them are gloopy. - That is a gloopy- - Most of them are gloopy. - That is a gloopy condiment. - I've had some watery ass mayonnaise before and it was rancid. - Watery ass mayonnaise sounds disgusting. - It's rancid. - I count that as gloopy. - Oh man, this is so good. - Yeah. - That fucking sucks, man. - Mayonnaise goes with everything. - Mayonnaise goes with everything, dog.
- I'm gonna say- - It's a nuclear take. - I'm gonna say it's a hot take. - It's a nuclear take. - It's a hot take. - Put it up in nuclear. - It's two to one. - It's two to one. - It's two to one. - Two to one. - Too bad, too bad. - Majority rules, put it in nuclear. - Put it in nuclear, Garnt. - I have the mouse this time. I have the power. - So like every time you get like fries, you just raw dog them? - Salt and pepper.
- Salt and pepper? - Nah, bro. - Salt and pepper? - Nah, bro. - What is wrong with that? - There's no way you just looked me dead in the eye. - What is wrong with that? - Salt and pepper. - Could that potentially be the most British meal in history? - What is wrong with salt? What the fuck is wrong with salt and pepper? - Dogs one step away from like, "Oh, this water is salty." - I did get sent this compilation of TikToks of British people describing their food. And it did make me for a second be like,
- Yeah, we just don't deserve it. - Yeah, not the seasoning. - Yeah, it's quite long, but I'll send it to Kai. It just made me laugh so much and I would love for, 'cause what I realized slowly watching this TikTok is that everything was accurate as well, which is the concerning part. It wasn't like jelly deal. It was like just shit that I would eat in the UK. - Yeah, right. - And it was all like, oh, I love chips and gravy and battered sausage. And I was like, yeah, it's actually, oh, it does look disgusting. - Yeah. - Gross and brown.
- The problem with British food is that we just don't care about presentation. - Oh, we, yeah. - At least Americans pretend when they're having 5,000 calories that it's healthy. - Yeah, yeah. And you know, anything French just sounds posh, even though they literally eating snails and they somehow have a better image 'cause it's called escargot than a fucking sausage over mash. Sausage over mash, man. What the fuck? All right, Joey. - I'll send it to you. - Yeah, all right. - Pick one for me.
- Bargain Kit Kat instead of splitting it. That's nuclear. That's nuclear. - What the fuck? - That's nuclear. - Can you move yours up as well Garnt? - No, no. - Come on. - If mine is nuclear then Garnt's is hot take. I'm walking out. - For all intents and purposes, Garnt is just being lazy and he hasn't put it in nuclear.
- Yeah. - It is a nuclear take. Yours is more nuclear though. - How the fuck is mine nuclear? - You can't eat a Kit Kat like that. - The Kit Kat is specifically designed, Joey. - It's like biting a cheese wheel. - Yeah. - You can't bite into the cheese wheel. - Why not? - You just can't. - Why not? - You simply can't. - Who's gonna stop me? - Savages.
- Savages do that, Joey. - Maybe I'm a savage, Garnt. Maybe I don't give a fuck. - Look, look, look, you open it up. - Down with the system. - You open up the Kit Kat and you know, it is specifically designed in a way for humans to intuitively understand. And you look at that and you're like, and you just say, fuck that shit. I'm just gonna do my own thing. - Yeah, because what if I open a Kit Kat bar and I have no intentions of sharing it with anyone?
- I think my main issue with your consumption of Kit Kats is that I think it's a very messy way to eat it. - What do you mean? I eat it in one go. If anything breaks- - You eat the entire four bar Kit Kat in one go. - No, not the four bar. I'm talking about like the two bar, the tiny ones you get in Japan. - I wouldn't even count that as a- - You can shove that in your mouth. No mess whatsoever. You crack that bitch open, chocolate and cook- - I wouldn't even count that. - And fucking wafer everywhere. - That's not a real Kit Kat though. - Also, Joey, why would you, okay, Joey. - The Japanese Kit Kat is not the real Kit Kat.
- What the fuck are you talking about? - It's not. - Japan literally has the most flavor of Kit Kat. - They can't fucking decide how to make it. - Yeah, but when people think of flavored Kit Kat, the first thing they think of is like, oh, the Japanese flavors. - Yeah, but default Kit Kat is a four bar,
- I agree. - Chocolate thing. - And like at most- - That's the default skin. - I've never eaten one of those. - I've never eaten one of those. - Do they have that in Australia? - I don't know. I never bought it. - You have that? - I never bought it. - This is a normal thing. - We have a fellow Aussie that has just fact checked. - I never bought it.
You never had a Kit Kat. - I never had the four ball ones. - No, I don't believe that. No, that's bullshit. No way you didn't have this. - Yeah, look, you literally Google Kit Kat and it comes up. And we're in Japan. - That's the default one. - Look, go back, press back. We're literally on the Japanese fucking thing. - Okay, when it comes to these massive ones like this, then yeah. - That's normal. - That's huge.
- It's huge. The only time I don't split a Kit Kat is when it's the two bar Japanese flavor Kit Kats that you get in the packages and I have no intention of sharing with anyone. - 'Cause they're like the size of a pinky. - Yeah, and I just fucking eat it in one go. I'm like, why do I have to split this bitch? - We all thought you meant you were eating this in one bite. This four fucking fingers. - This in one bite? - Yes. - What that mouth do? - Would you snap these into individual or would you bite them?
if I'm sharing it with someone, I'll snap it. But if I'm just eating it by myself, I'm just fucking eating into it. - No, no, no. - Who the fuck cares? - Do you think Kit Kat- - I'm eating the whole thing. - Do you think the snapping thing about Kit Kat is about sharing Joey? It's not just about sharing. It's about being able to just like, you know, portion off the bites that you want to take. - What about it? - It's about just- - How about you just take smaller bites? - It's about the fucking satisfaction of that. Why would you deprive yourself of the satisfaction of,
- Because I'm gonna be honest Garnt, cracking off a Kit Kat does not fire any endorphins in my brain. I'm sorry, I'm not five years old. - What went wrong with your childhood, Garnt? - It's a fucking chocolate, who gives a shit? - Also if you bite into it, you've ruined the structural integrity of the Kit Kat. Assuming you don't bite all of that off in one go, it's gonna fall apart. - I probably have a Kit Kat maybe like once every two years. Like I don't give a fuck. - So you have had a Kit Kat? - Yeah, the two bar ones.
- Even if, okay, if you gave me that right now, the four bar one, if you put that in front of me right now and I have no intention of sharing it with anyone, I'm fucking eating the whole thing without breaking it. - This is- - Why the fuck? Who cares? It's chocolate. - We gotta move on because- - Can you move up? - Yeah. - No. - What do you mean no? - Emily takes the meats out of the ramen. - Nuclear. - That's nuclear.
- Along with this one, Emily, come on. - Cup ramen is better than real ramen. - All the yummy ones. - Just has like, just the worst. - Just the worst. - Emily, you get the Trash Taste Award for worst. - This is just terrible. Like objectively wrong. Like there is not even an argument or a preference. - This is bad. - You just don't like food apparently. - Yeah, okay. Attack on Titan is a mecha.
- I'd say that's freezing. - That's freezing. - That's freezing. - Yeah. - That's, you know. - When it was first said, we were like, whoa, hang on a second. But then the more time has gone on, I'm like, you know what? Maybe he'll spit. - But it's just arguing for the point of arguing. - Yeah. - If it is or isn't, it doesn't fucking change anything.
- It doesn't resolve anything. - You just wanna bring up something to argue about. I feel like I hate takes like this. - Are Jaffa cakes a biscuit or a cake? - Yeah, what is it like? Is a hot dog a sandwich or not? Like I feel like these kind of arguments are just, you're just arguing for the sake of it. - Yeah, it's 3:00 AM stoned questions. - Ghibli movies are overrated. Do we all think this? Joey Connor Garnt? - Yeah, we all did.
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- Back to the episode. - I guess so. - Yeah, I think it's lukewarm. - Yeah, it's lukewarm. - I think- - There's a lot of people who don't like Ghibli movies. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, let's just be honest. There are a lot of meh Ghibli films. - There are a lot of meh Ghibli films. And when people think Ghibli films, they think Miyazaki, right? And even Miyazaki doesn't always bring out bangers all the time.
- They're good, but I wouldn't say they're like the best anime movies out there. - Yeah, they're just definitely very beloved by- - I'm still convinced that like Kiki's Delivery Service was like a sigh off by Miyazaki to make a lo-fi girl, just a bunch of like art that was being inspired in the future way, way back. - I mean, that movie is visually- - Nothing happens in the movie. - Yeah, but that movie is visually very pretty. - Yeah, I feel like he made it just 'cause he was like, "I just wanna draw a bunch of like sellable merch and good frames." - That's Totoro.
- That's Totoro. - Yeah, that's Totoro. - That's Totoro. - Yeah, but at least something happens in Totoro. - What? - I don't know, presumably. I haven't watched it. - 'Cause that was my problem with Totoro. - I watched Kiki and nothing fucking happens in Kiki's. - Yeah, I watched Totoro and I'm like, I am watching a kid's film that should have stayed a kid's film.
- What, in Kiki's Delivery Service? - No, in Totoro, 'cause everyone loves it. So I assume something happened in the movie. - They find Totoro and Totoro's- - Well, no, the youngest sister gets lost and there's like a whole like mystery element to that. - Okay, so there's a story. - So there is a story. Also, Kiki's Delivery Service also same thing happened. You're both fucking wrong. I'm just gonna say that right now. - Barely anything happened. - Nothing happens in Totoro. - Literally nothing happens in Kiki.
- I'm saying this right now, Joey. - If you watch the Lo-Fi Guild, you get the same level of plot depth as Kinky Slippery Slaves. - I mean, that's just insane. Go find a Totoro statue and you'll have the exact same experience as the movie. That's basically it. And then there's a fucking cat bus and then that's it. They ride into the sunsets.
- It's all right Ghibli fans, I got your back. These guys just don't know what they're talking about. But yes, I agree. I'd say, yeah, for the most part, they're fine, but they're not the best movies. - Yeah. - Which we go next? - Just pick a random one. - Skip cut scenes.
- That's a pretty normal thing. - That's like, yeah, lukewarm. - I think it's like heinous and wrong to skip cut scenes. - Especially if you're a voice actor. - Okay, here's the thing. This is about as lukewarm to me now. This is the video game equivalent of I skip anime openings where everyone's like, "Oh my God, how dare you skip it?" And then,
- And then I have a feeling more people skip anime openings than they like to admit to. - It's the same reasoning though. It's like, if you don't care enough, then why would you stick around for it? - It's like there's two anime openings per season that are fucking bangers or something that you never skip. And then the rest of them are just like, I don't fucking care. - Well, what I've learned is that like people who don't skip cut scenes, like they are just unable to fathom why someone would skip.
- Yeah. - I did like, I was doing an "Arknights" stream and I had missed like a year's worth of content. And so I immediately just skipped everything. And people were like, why is he skipping the story heavy video, like the game? And I'm like, what do you want me to do? Go back through a year's worth of content and learn all of it just so you're happy for five seconds? Like, of course I'm gonna skip it. - Actually, I mean, are you playing it for the,
- It depends, are you playing it for the story? - I was playing it just to play the game. - Okay, okay. - Yeah, but the thing with Arknights, right? - The people who play it for the story aren't able to comprehend why someone would skip it. - Right.
- Which is, I mean, when I was playing "Ark Knights" I was skipping it. 'Cause it's like, the game is perfectly fun without the story element. - Yeah, so what do you want from it? Like, what do you want from the game? Or what do you want from the experience? - But if it's a game like, you know, like a JRPG where it's like actually like all of the gameplay actually does revolve. - But like "Persona"? - Or like "Persona", right? - Could you skip everything in "Persona"? - No, because you wouldn't know what the fuck was going on. - That's the whole point. - What if you just liked the fun little menu animations and the gun?
- What are you yapping about? - Press triangle for one. - What if you just like the fucking menus and all the noises in the music? - The thing about persona is that- - I don't think you deserve it. - What if I just didn't want to listen to what they got? - Everything is so intertwined with each other in persona. - I could beat it with skipping all of it. - I would say- - But you would enjoy it. - Yeah, you would enjoy it. I would say a better example would be something like
would you skip the cut scenes in God of War or Spider-Man 2? - Or like a COD campaign. Would you skip the cut scenes in the COD campaign? - I think I did. - You did? Yeah. Same thing, right? - Well, you just kind of, they did, when you skipped there, they'd be like, "Go to here." And you're like, "All right." - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - You're like, "Oh, I don't know if this guy is." - I don't know. Maybe this is a hot take actually. The more I'm discussing, the more I'm like. - I mean, have you ever skipped cut scenes in a game?
- I've never skipped cut scenes in a game. - No, that's a lie. You've skipped cut scenes in a game. - I probably have, but like- - Yeah. So you're guilty of this?
- 'Cause I certainly, I usually don't try to, but if it's a game where I'm like, okay, I'm just like not that into the story personally. And also the story doesn't necessarily affect my enjoyment of the gameplay, like "Ark Knights" for instance, right? Like it would be enhanced with the story. - What the fuck did "Ark Knights" do to us? - I don't know. But like, see with "Ark Knights" it's like, I had a lot of fun playing the game when I was playing it and the cut scenes,
- Me skipping the cut scenes didn't like ruin that gameplay for me. All it would have done is just enhance the gameplay. But if it's a game like "Persona," which is like revolves around the story, then it's like, no, you can't skip it. - I would say if it's a story heavy game, skipping a cut scene is, I don't know why you're fucking playing it. - Like pretty criminal? - Yeah, it's pretty fucking criminal. - Just realized we've made an F as well. - Sorry? - We've made an F on the tier list. Scroll up. - What? - We've made an F.
- Oh, shut up. You really interrupted us with that. - Sorry, I just saw it and I was like, that's a nice F. - Dude's a child. - That's a nice F. - We should just stop here. - Yeah, F to all our take. - Don't ruin the sanctity of this. - Sorry, sorry. - All right, food poisoning is not an illness. That's just factually incorrect. - That's just a bad take. - That's just a bad take.
- E should be factually incorrect. - Okay, factually incorrect. - Yeah. - Wait, does that mean it's like, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. - Those are its own tiers. - Oh, okay, okay, got it, got it. - So just get rid of the E and the F and just do factually incorrect and factually correct. - I don't think it's factually.
- I mean, you can think that if you want. - It's actually incorrect. - All the doctors in the world disagree with you. - All pastries are Brad's from Joey in the middle. - Which one? - Down, yeah.
Let's just take out all the factually incorrect ones here. - "Domestic Girlfriend" is good. - That is not factually incorrect. - Oh yeah, you really wanted to avoid the 90% of bread, huh? - We've done this so many times. We've done this so many times. - All sports are the same. - All sports are the same. - Joey and Garnt can't see more than 60 FPS.
- What do you mean? - That's literally factually incorrect. - I can't. - No, no, no. Joey, it's just factually incorrect. - I can't. - You can. - I can't. - It's called your eyes, Joey. Your eyes can see more than 60. That's the point of them. - Yeah, but do I care? - Does it matter? No. - Does it matter? - No.
- Anime is not that good anymore, "Faction Incorrect." - I mean, I don't know about that, G. - Joey, you wouldn't know 'cause you don't watch it anymore. - I don't know about that, G. - You wouldn't know 'cause you wouldn't watch it anymore. - I watched like three or four seasons, maybe a year. And like they're good, but the rest of it is just probably shit that no one cares about. - What's the best era of anime, Joey? Come on, go on. What's the best era? - Are we doing this again? - The best era? Like year?
- No, no, just like the golden era. - Mid 2000s. - Mid 2000s? - Yeah. - That's 'cause you grew up in the mid 2000s, Joey. - No, it's because you grew up in the mid 2000s, Joey. - No, it's because we weren't fucking watered down with isekai dog shit that people forget once it's over. - Yeah, we were watered down with moe dog shit back in the day, Joey. - Yeah, I don't give a fuck about the moe shit. - That. - About the moe shit. - It's the same thing, just different packaging. - I think Garnt's right, yeah. - Oh my God, whatever. - There's always gonna be watered down shit no matter what. - Whatever.
- Okay, orange is the worst flavor. Factually incorrect. - That's literally not factually. - I mean, that's pretty nuclear if you're asking. - I mean, it's an opinion. - It's hot. - I'd say it's a hot take. It's definitely a hot take at least. Not the most nuclear take out there because some people just don't like citrus stuff for some reason. I don't know. - No, no, no, I like citrus. - We made it an F. - Just don't like- - A thicker F. - A thicker F. - All right.
- Okay. - Okay, should we just go in order from you? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Let's just run through these. Chocolate flavored food is bad. - Hot, so. - That's hot. - How's that hot? - Actually, no, lukewarm. - I'm not saying chocolate is bad. - No. - I'm saying when they add like chocolate flavored things. - Yeah, okay, throw it down to lukewarm 'cause it's such a hit or a miss.
- Like it's either, it's like you can have some chocolate flavor stuff where I'm like, damn, this is kind of fire. But then you get like the fake chocolate taste. - That's what I'm talking about. - Which is ass. - Yeah, like the artificial chocolate flavor. - So it's lukewarm. - This is a hot take until you get to people close to your thirties and then it goes down to lukewarm is what I've noticed. Before chocolate, the goats. And as you grow older, you're like, eh, eh, I don't really care. - All right, all right, lukewarm. - Chocolate and orange combo is good. - That's the only time they're good together.
- Freezing. - Yeah. - Because it is a good combo. - Yeah. - 86 was bad. - Freezing. - Looks warm.
- Deer is more powerful than bear, factually incorrect. - That was just, that is a misquote. That is not what I said. - I think what he said was he just, he's more scared. - Yeah, they're more scary because they're so fast. - Deer are more scary than bears. - Which is also, I mean, it's an opinion. - So it's not factually incorrect then. - It's either that or that. - No, it's not nuclear. I just think a deer is scarier.
- So I think it's a hot take. - That is a nuclear take. That a bear? I don't think you'd find a single person who would agree with you on that. - Have you ever come across a bear before? - Yeah. - Have you ever come across a deer before? - I have. I live in Japan. - Like a big deer. No, not those pussy deers.
- The ones that like, "Mama, I'm bad at it." The ones that have fucking giant fucking horns and go like 50 miles an hour running. - Have you seen those bear chasing videos? - Yeah, I could take those bears. - Bears are faster than deers. - You slap them on the nose. - Oh my God. - No, I think deers are faster than bears.
- Either way, we can't outrun either of those characters. - Google time. - I'm playing fucking Tekken now. We can't outrun either of those animals. - Deer and kuma. - Nah, 'cause like some bears are pussies. - I'm pretty sure bears are fucking fast. - Nah, 'cause like,
- What is it? In Japan, aren't the black bears like babies? They're like little goo-ga-ga. You just give them a little shadow. - No, the black bears are like the most ferocious ones. - No, no, no, that's the brown. - Oh, it's the brown? Okay, my bad. - I might be wrong here. - I think polar bears are the most ferocious. - Well, okay, yeah, but we're not gonna find those. We're not gonna come across the polar bear card. - Walking around Tokyo and oh, polar bear.
- Yeah, it'd be- - Grizzlies, grizzlies are the most dangerous. - Eurasian brown bears and American black bears. - Either way, I don't want to encounter a bear at all. So that's just, that's a nuclear thing. - If I had to pick, I'd rather encounter a deer. - Yeah. - Bowling is mid. - Yeah, I'd agree. - Cold take. - That's cold. - Bowling is objectively mid.
- Out of all the activities to do, bowling is what you go to after you don't know what to do. - Yeah, you do bowling when you don't wanna talk to everyone. It is an unfriendly sport 'cause you constantly have to leave the conversation and be like, "Hey guys, what were you guys talking about? "I got a zero."
- It's all right, it's all right. It's not the most engaging thing. I'm not gonna complain if people are like, "Oh, you wanna go bowling?" I'm like, "Yeah, sure." But I'm never gonna be- - I will. - I'm never gonna go out my way to be like, "Yo, let's go bowling." - It can get pretty fun if everyone's shit-faced though. - Yeah, everyone's gotta be drunk and everyone's gotta be like in agreement watching. At the moment, someone's like, "I'm gonna go to the arcade or something." You're like, "All right, so we're all just fucking off, are we?" - Yeah. - "No, that was a bowling."
- Soda sucks when it's at the full fizziness. That's nuclear. - That's so stupid, bro. - That's nuclear. - It's a hot take. - That is so nuclear. - It's a hot take. - It's a nuclear. - It's a hot take. - No, no. - You can't keep avoiding nuclear, Garnt. - Stop, put it in nuclear. Why are you putting it in cold? - It's in nuclear. - That's a hot take. - Garnt, Garnt, stop putting your takes in hot. - That should not be more fucking nuclear than deers are more powerful than bears, okay? - Okay, pick. Either all condiments are bad or soda sucks when it's at its full fizziness. - You can't have both in hot take, Garnt. - You have to pull one of them up in nuclear.
- Why is this a nuclear take? - Both of them are nuclear. Both of them are objectively the shittest worst thing of them all. - Both of them is just like, you're a baby. You're a child. - I've never heard somebody, "It's too fishy." - There have been people who have said that they don't want, they don't enjoy too much fizziness in their drinks. - Are they in the room with us right now, Garth? - Yeah. - Doesn't matter. - Also those people are fucking drunk.
- We're not talking about you guys. - This is such a Reddit thread. - Guys, anyone think that Fanta's too fizzy lately? - Yeah, it tastes like drinking static. I'm like, shut up. - The amount of carbonation matters. - Well then stop drinking. - I'm tired of pretending that the amount of carbonation does not matter in a drink. - When I see people like that, I'm like, you don't deserve carbonation.
- I'm not saying I want it flat. Okay, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that sometimes you put a little bit of ice, you put a little bit of ice, the ice takes like that little bit of fizziness out and then it's like perfect. - You have to put one of them in there. - One of them needs to go up in nuclear. - You can't keep down.
- Pick which one, one of them's going up in nuclear. - I mean, there you go. - There you go. - "Domestic Girlfriend" is good, nuclear. - That is not a nuclear take. - Factually incorrect. - That is a cold take, man. - That is not a cold, people do not agree with you. - The only people who don't agree with me are the people who haven't like fully gotten into it. - I've read it. - Oh, okay, I gotta watch nine seasons of "Rhyme Without a Comment." - "Domestic Girlfriend" just has a bad rep.
- But it is rare for someone to go out and actually read it. - We read it. - The only people that don't agree with "Garn" are people who don't watch "Garn." - Yeah. - Dude, we read it. - We read it and it's ass. - All right, it's lukewarm then. - No, it's hot. - It's lukewarm. - It's at least hot. - Hand on fucking hot. Most people who go out and read "Domestic Girlfriend," they're like,
It ain't that bad. Obviously has a bad fucking rep because of its- - Because it's bad? - Because of its subject matter. But anyone who goes out and reads it, they realize, holy shit. - "Shine-Eye" isn't that bad if I don't take it.
- It's awful. - You're alive right now. - I haven't taken it. - All right, moving on. Akira is mids. - Factually incorrect. - I haven't watched it. - That's a hot take. - Fuck off. - Yeah, there you go. - That's a hot take. - I was about to say. - There we go. - Boning chicken is superior. - That's lukewarm. - Both are lukewarm for both of our chicken takes. - Pizza cross bad. That's freezing, I think. - That's what it's called. - There's lots of children in there.
- Wiping is better than using a bidet. - I prefer. - That's nuclear. - That is so nuclear. - All right, all right. You know what? Let's put this up here. - Yeah, there you go. - Turn that off. - No!
- Control Z, control Z. Go back, put it back. - We're okay with ours being in nuclear. - Put it back. - That's like down. That's like on the cusp. - Your next one is also nuclear. - God preferring later seasons of Game of Thrones. I haven't even seen Game of Thrones and I know that's nuclear. - That's gotta go. - Just seeing how the internet reacted. - I didn't say it was better. I just said preferred. - Yeah, that's a nuclear take.
- It's like one of the worst seasons in history of TV. - Light mode, good. Nuclear. - Yeah, that's pretty nuclear. - Light modes. - I'll accept hot on that. - Yeah, hot.
- That's not a common opinion. - At minimum lukewarm. - Every single state and show we went to where you said that, the crowd booed loudly and unanimously. - No. - If a whole crowd boos you for saying it, I think it's a hot take. - Because it's a meme. It's a fucking meme. - It's not a meme. - It's a meme. - It's not a meme. - It's a meme. - It's a lifestyle. - I don't think it's a meme.
- It's not a meme. - It's not a meme. - What is actually wrong with light mode? - It hurts your eyes. - I like my eyes.
- Like a lot of users clearly don't like their eyes. - It's because people who are totally online just hate fucking sunshine apparently because- - No, I just don't want to ruin my fucking eyes by getting flash banged in the- - Although I do think that I read somewhere that apparently like light mode is better for reading comprehension. - Well, people with like astigmatism have to use light mode, right? - Yeah, I think so, yeah. - 'Cause you just like can't see. - But doesn't mean that it's not a hot take.
- I don't understand why it's like the, I feel like this is the world's biggest gaslight. - It's not a gaslight. - You see that? - What? - You see that shit? - Yeah, it's fucked up. - Motherfuckers on my side with the KitKat. - No, get the fuck out of here. - All right, well we're finding a new content producer. - It has to go in hot take. - Fine, fine, you get hot take. - There we go, there we go. - You get one. - You get hot take, that's it. - Now onwards to Jerry's. - All right, give me my ones. - All right, steak is mids.
- That's cold. - That's cold take. - That's cold. - Jujutsu Kaisen is just okay. - Lukewarm. - That's Lukewarm. School Days is a 10 out of 10. That's a nuclear take. - You can put that nuclear, it's fine. - That's nuclear take. - I would accept that.
- No one is as socially awkward as Bochy. - That's just actually correct. - That's nuclear. - That's nuclear. - There are people who are like that Joey. The only reason you get away with saying that is because none of those people are gonna argue with you Joey. - What are you gonna do about it? Come outside? - None of those people are gonna argue with you. - Reddit maybe. - All rice is the same. - All rice is the same. - Okay, that's a misquote. I said all Japanese rice is the same. - Yeah, a lot of these are misquotes. - Which is factually correct.
- I'd be inclined to agree. - All Japanese rice is the same. That's just factually correct. - I do agree with him. - That's lukewarm. - I think it's cold. - I think it's like at least cold. - You think it's cold? - Maybe even freezing. - All right. Joey's take on AI. - What if I said? I don't even remember what I said. - Well, it's Joey and AI, so let's just put it nuclear. - Yeah, sure. - I don't remember what I said. - Boneless chicken, cold.
- It's freezing, that's a common sentiment. - Yeah.
- It's a common sentiment. - Well, if pizza crust bad is also in common, I think it should be the same. - But I feel like pizza crust bad is the more baby, goo goo ga ga, you know, like hot take. - I agree with you, don't worry. - Are you gonna say no one eats pizza crust or no one? I like pizza crust. - I feel like that's a cult. - That's not a cult. - You know why we like pizza crust? 'Cause we're like condoms. - 'Cause we're not four years old. - You can't say like you like pizza crust. I know you 'cause you're like the bread simp.
- Okay. - But no one who eats pizza is just like, yo, I can't wait to get to the crust part, baby. - I'm not saying I can't. - It's not my favorite part, but it's pretty good. - It's like the peas. No one gets excited about peas, but hey, when they're there, I'm like, all right, let's go. - Japanese hamburger steaks are good. - That's factually correct. - That's factually correct. - That's factually correct. - We did one factually correct take and it's subjective. None of that is not factually correct. It's factually shit.
- Put on cold, put on cold. - All right. - We'll give it to him. - All right. - Ugly bastard is a good tag. - That's actually incorrect. - That's a lukewarm. - What the fuck? - That's nuclear. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - Bro, that's nuclear. - Just because she's your wife, you can't have a match like that. - No one in the Western hemisphere likes ugly bastard.
This episode is sponsored by Tokyo Treat. Tokyo Treat wants to invite everyone to experience Japan from the comfort of their own homes through their amazing Tokyo Treat snack box. Tokyo Treat is a fun and exclusive Japanese snack box featuring unique and exciting flavors straight from Japan. Every box is filled with a variety of Japanese snack items like limited edition Kit Kats, unique flavored Japanese chips, and occasional Japanese sodas that are only available in Japan for a limited time.
And every single box comes with a cultural guide booklet containing Japanese cultural information and an explanation of each snack, like the flavor profiles, ingredients, and allergen information. - As you can see, this month's theme is a very merry snackmas, guys. - Oh, oh, oh, oh. - 'Tis the season of snacking, my boys. - Oh, I'm gonna snack right now on this choco pie. - So what are you holding? Is that the flavor of Kit Kats right there, Connor? - This is the white.
- Try this. This is- - Oh, I'm feeling joyous right now. - This is good. - That's really good. - This is the sour cream waffle chips. - Say less. - I've also done this sponsor for my channel. I always get very excited to eat these.
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- I think a lot of girls do. - No. - I don't know why. - No. - A lot of girls that I've talked to, not just Sydney. - No. - Okay, okay. - You talk to girls? - Yes. - Just when? - Without my permission? - What the fuck? Where was our invite? - What do you think Aki would say, Joe? If you were like- - She hates ugly bastards. - She hates ugly bastards? - Yeah, because she has a sane mind.
'Cause it's just like, it's in the name. - We'll go hot take with that then. We'll go hot take. - I don't know. I don't know. I feel like- - Whatever. - I feel like, you know, we are obviously open about our hentai taste, but some girls out there, they have some fucking wild taste, man. - You think there's a lot of girls out there that don't admit that they like it? - Yeah. - What do you think about guys that like it? - What do I think about guys like it? Why?
- There's gotta be a couple out there. - Why? - They must love just seeing like a beautiful girl getting dicked down by a fucking goblin. - I mean, clearly,
- There must be a market for this because of how many people like ugly bastard hentai. - Can we Google this? -, why do people like ugly bastard hentai? - Yeah, can you say Reddit? Can we just type in why do people like ugly bastard Reddit? - Why do people like ugly bastard Reddit? - Six years ago, let's go to one year ago. - Because it's hot. - Anime circle jerk, okay. - All right, of course.
- Oh. - As explained by Kyle in an episode of Trash Taste. - See another girl. - They're relatable to the audience.
- No, I mean, I understand in Japan why they're popular. 'Cause there's a bunch of 50, 40 year old men that consume it and like kind of unfortunately see themselves. - You can just say they're ugly bosses. - You wanna see this one? - Yeah, let me see. - Let's see. - British food is the worst part three. It's four minutes long. - It looks like Lunchables for dogs. And like they still are preparing food from rations in the war. Everything is mushy, everything's lukewarm and they throw sauce on it. - Hill, I am absolutely willing to die on this side.
- I recognize that. Like I know that that's fire, but I recognize that it looks like slop. - It's just like mashing it into- - That's how you get the best taste, man. - It gets worse from here. I feel like- - I got some fish.
- That's what we're gonna have. And then we're gonna go with some mayo, obviously. - Okay, she's already ready. - Like I know that that is vile, but I know that it probably doesn't taste- - How much is she putting on? - Okay, that is way too much. - And now chili, okay. - This is the most struggle meal I've ever seen. - What's that? - Do I beg your pardon?
- Like I know that's fire. - I mean, look. - Like I would love that meal, but I know it looks sad as fuck. - If you put that in front of me, I'll eat it. - I actually don't know what's wrong with that one. That one looks not as bad as the other ones. - That one's all right. - Oh, this one. - My name's Corey and my tea of choice tonight is a rissole and I got fish and chips and curry sauce.
I'm Charlie on and I've got gray there a savvy a lot. That is the red sauce It looks fucking rancid It's all brown Not a single bit of green like I would I loved this shit when I lived there I hate this shit so much great. It's a Guinness dinner. Oh, okay
- Like what is our food? - Oh my God. - Oh, this shit's gonna taste so good. - Oh, that's gonna taste so good. - This one I didn't understand the hatred for this one. - Yeah. - That looks fire. - I think it's because he does this and then he now continues to make brown slop, which I understand is gravy, but.
- It's brown on brown mush. - Oh yeah, mash up that brown. - Mash up the brown potatoes and then put some brown steak and then with some brown sauce. - See, I feel like- - Like we just eat brown.
- I feel like if we just got our presentation down, we, you know- - If we just have some more color as well. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I think it says a lot as well that you guys literally have a sauce called brown sauce. - Okay, this one- - That looks fire. - He made the mashed potato with instant mashed potato. - Oh, okay, that is unforgivable.
- Oh yeah, and then cover up. - I will give credit to anyone who actually, the big problem is when everything becomes like a mush together, when you separate the stuff. - Can you go back? Can you be around? Listen to what she calls this one. - We've got a Chinese. - Chinese? - This is Chinese. - Chinese? What the fuck part of China is this? - I can actually.
- Actually, I can confirm that. - It's probably fire. It's probably fire too. - No, no, no, no. That's why I said Chinese food doesn't exist in England. That is why you, 'cause that's the kind of like Chinese food that I saw around when I was growing up. - I can tell you, this is objectively amazing. This is probably the fucking most beautiful thing to eat. I don't know why this is in this list.
- I'll just put it on there, just some proper British dishes. - I mean, this one's like an old meme. This is like something they used to make in 1800. - This is the jelly deal. - Yeah, yeah. - Nobody, I don't know anyone who eats shit like this, jelly deals. - Tom Babcock decided to brave the storms and went out on the town. - This is an actual wartime meal right here. - Put the fish heads in there.
- Oh yeah, put some stars on it. Make it look pretty. Christ. Oh my God. All right, let's move on then. - Moving on to our next tier list.
- We have modes of transportation in Japan or just in general? - Just in general. - Okay. - Walking, gotta be a solid S tier. - Yeah, walking is reliable as well. At the end of the day, we started walking, we're gonna end walking. - Honestly, a lot of these are gonna be S for me. I'm gonna tell you that. - Cycling. - That's an S for me. - Obviously an S for Connor. - It's like an A for me, solid A.
- You can cover as much distance as some- - I would complain. - Out of everything, I'd say cycling is fun. It's more about just do you have the commitment to do it? - Rollerblades gotta be a solid D.
- This is roller skates. I don't know. I don't roller skate. - Have you seen that guy in New York that roller blades everywhere? - Probably some TikToker. - Yeah. And he like doesn't wear a helmet and his entire like TikTok comments section is just begging him to wear a helmet. Cause he's doing like fucking,
- He's doing like tricks while trying to like dodge traffic. - Dodge traffic. - It's unhinged. It's literally like CTE waiting to happen. - Well, I don't know how to roller skate. - It's gotta be a D. It's like getting around. - Getting around. - As is the skateboard for getting around. Well, actually no, maybe there's a B.
- Skateboard. - Well for me, I don't know. - Inefficient but cool. - I feel like with skateboards, people have skateboards, but do they use it to get around? - Some people do, some people do. - I used to skate, but I wouldn't really use it to get around. - Yeah, as a mode of transportation, some people do, but I don't look at a skateboard and think that's a mode of transport. I look at a skateboard and I see that's a hobby. - But yeah, I'm inclined to put it in a C because I think it's cooler than rollerblading, but the moment you encounter a hill, you're fucked.
- Yeah. - Like you have to get off that. - Rollerblades used to be cool in the 90s. - Is it an e-scooter or a scooter? - I remember Air Gear. - I still remember Air Gear. - We all wish we were Air Gear characters. - Rollerblading beats there and then rollerblading culture is just,
- Gone downhill since air gear was a thing. - Pretty much. - E-scooters. - E-scooters. - B. - I'd say B. They're like convenient, but- - We had fun in the American- - I have a lot of fun with E-scooters, but I can't deny
- Something about e-scooters just brings like- - It's so soy. - Yeah, yeah, it does. You know what e-scooter is? - I've never even said soy in that context, but even like, it's just something about a scooter makes me want to say that someone's soy. - It's like the vaping of the transportation world. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? - It's like a raspberry jazz flavored e-vapes.
- Just smoke a cigar. Get on your bike. - You're one step away from a Segway. - I'd say practically it's more useful than a skateboard in terms of like a motor transportation, but in terms of aura, this goes up here and this goes down there. - It's negative aura. - It is negative aura. So it's usefulness.
balances out the fucking world. - How uncool it is. - Yeah, it is. I'm sorry. No one looks good on an East Cedar. - Skiing, well, we're not Nordic, so we don't use it to travel. - But it is fucking sick as a mode of transport. - Yeah, but the learning curve though. - That's true. - The learning curve. - The learning curve is steep. - It's got at least an A. I mean, it's a cool way to get around. - It's a B. - No. - It's a B.
- Huh? - Skating is C? - Yeah. - Yeah. As a mode of transportation. - As a mode of transport. - Skating is so cool though.
- Okay, no, hold on, hold on. In defense of skateboarding, if we're putting skiing in B, then we should put skateboarding in B as well. - We should put skiing in A and skateboarding in C. - Then skiing goes in C. - What are we arguing here? - What, what, what? - As a mode of transportation, you can't even get to the place you're going unless you have a lift to take you up to take you down. - Exactly, you can only go down. - That's how I know you don't know shit about skis. - You can't go- - Yes, you can.
- Because the whole fucking like country of Norway gets around with skis, bro. - There's more countries that get around with skateboards. - Where? Name the country that all uses skateboards. - Like literally anywhere in America.
- They all use skateboards. - No, you can is what I'm saying. Like with skateboard, with skiing, it needs to be a particular weather with a particular type of altitude. - You know, I've had a change of heart. Looking at this is pissing me off. This goes down here. I just like that this, having this in the middle, it just looks like a blight. It just looks like a blight. And then I'm upturned, you'll put these two up. - There we go. Now we're all happy.
Now we're all happy. I don't actually care about practicality now that I think about it. This pisses me off. - Kayaking. - I think kayaking's sick. - Kayaking. - I'm just biased. - As a mode of transport though? - I think that anything that lets you kind of
- Be a fucking free human being, getting around how you want is cool. That's why I like kayaking. - Yeah, but okay, but you have to understand, this is not like the coolness tier list. This is a mode of transport tier. - Well, look, I imagine if your workplace is across the river and there's no boat or ferry, then the kayak is a very good mode of transport. - Okay, there's never gonna be like, we can't talk about practicality. Practicality, it's not all about practicality. If you need to kayak somewhere, that's just like, you're like, "He'll fucking be." - I'll start up and be.
You're like hell yeah, kayaking. Horses.
- It's just cool, isn't it? - Is it? Is it cool? I don't think it's cool. - I think if you're just fucking walking around on a horse to get around, that's cool. - No, I would think you're a bit of a knob, to be honest. - Depends who you are. - I mean like literally get off your high horse. - Okay, here's the thing. If you are like in fucking Colorado or something by the Rocky Mountains, that's fucking 80. If I just see a person walking around on a horse
I'd be like, what the fuck is this pretentious kid? - Yeah, right? - What the fuck? - But I will admit, when you see those police officers on horses, kind of badass.
- I kind of think it's badass. - As an American, if you see someone riding a horse in Colorado, bit of a no. - All right. - C. - I was gonna put the C tier. - Yeah, all right, C. - What's that? - Horse and carriage. - Horse and carriage. - Went on the 1800s, motherfucker. Throw it in D.
- I mean, it's cooler than rollerblades. - Yeah, you're right. - C. - C, all right throw up a C. - I actually wanna put this B, 'cause for some reason, someone on a horse, you think dickhead. Someone on a carriage, you're like, Max Aura. - Ah, shit, they're in a carriage. Hold up a second, hold up. - They can afford a carriage, hang on. They can afford someone to drive the horse for them.
it goes from a level of like, you are such a dickhead. I kind of respect it. You know what I mean? 'Cause you ain't- - Right. - Yeah. I'll put that B. - That's an S, come on.
- It's an S, just in terms of practicality, it's an S. - Yeah, I'm happy to put it in S. - Come on. - Yeah. - Come on, don't be contrarian, it's an S. - Just the normie thing. - Moped. - Moped. - S. - S. - S. - S. - S. - S. - Southeast Asia. You guys have, you guys. - It's S. - It is S. - It's S. - It is S. - I confirmed in Hawaii, it's an S. - Bus. - Buses. We're not American, so S tier.
- Top practicality. Well, you're Australian, Joey. So do you use buses? - Buses are A. - Yeah. - Actually, you know what? - I recognize buses are great. - Buses A, trains S. - Yes. - Okay, trains S. - I recognize that buses are the correct solution nearly 99% of the time, but I hate riding a bus.
- It depends where you are, I think. 'Cause in Japan, I'm like trains. If this was a Japan transportation tier list, trains and buses S tier, 'cause they're great. They're always on time, it's awesome. If we're in Sydney, both of them would be a D tier, 'cause they fucking suck. - Well, I'm not getting around on a fucking truck and yeah, trucks are kind of like- - Yeah, trucks are D. - I'm sorry, truckers. I know there are a lot of truckers that watch Trash Taste.
Are they lame? Trucks? Yeah. Some truck drivers are just absolute dickheads. That's true. That's true. Because they know that they can bully you. That's true. When I'm on my bike and they get way too close to me, I'm like, dude, why? Why?
- You had so much room, bro. - Sorry truckers, sorry truckers. - Not all truckers. - Not all truckers. - Not all truckers are bad. Just the ones I don't like. - In 90% of countries, if there's a truck coming along, I fear for my life. - Although they are the backbone of the entire- - Yeah, they are the backbone of the entire- - Thank you, truckers. I appreciate you. - You guys go. - Thank you, truckers. - I can't put them above horse at least, come on. - That's true. - All right, cool. - Tram?
- It's always had been the awkward little brother to the tram. - I like trams though. - I like trams. I think they look good. I just hate tram tracks when you're walking around and you step in one. That's just such a minor inconvenience to my life. But enough to make me put them below buses.
- Really? I put them in the same tier as bosses. - I would put them above boss. - You would put them above boss? - Yeah. - No, because like, here's the thing I see about trams. Maybe it's 'cause like I've never lived in a city with a tram, but they've always just been like bosses, but with a gimmick.
It's just like, let's just take a bus, but buses aren't cool, so let's just add rails to it. Is there a specific reason why trams exist? Is there a specific reason why trams exist above just having a bus route? - Well, isn't it because like in a tram line, you can't have cars going into a tram line, but you can have cars going into a bus lane.
- Why can't you just make specific bus lanes then? - Ask the fucking civil engineers. - I think also, I think trams, I think they pollute less 'cause they use the headlines normally. - That's true, that's true. Pollution, maybe it's easier for maintenance. You don't have to keep fixing like, you know.
- I don't know. I have no idea. - I like trams. - I'm sure there is a massive benefit to trams over buses. - I'm sure. I've just always looked at trams and I'm just like, yeah. - They're just not as cool as trains. - They're not as cool as trains. I'd say let's just put them on- - High A tier. - They're cooler than buses, but I think buses are more versatile than trams. - You gotta drag the bus lower than- - Yeah, drag the bus lower. - There you go. - All right. - Sailing boat? - Sailing or just boats? - Objectively fucking sick.
I mean, it's sailing bugs kind of fire. Dude, when you hear about these stories about dudes sailing around the world and like there's like two men boats, that's just fucking cool.
- He just said, fuck it. He said, fuck it, let's do it. That's just objectively sick using the wind to just go across the world. - Are we just like sailing boats or are we- - It's also quite efficient. - Are we talking about like rich fuckers who just can afford the wind? - Yeah, no, I was about to say, I'm like, if we're talking about rich fuckers who own yachts, then this is the scene. - I saw that and I was like, oh, some fucking- - No, 'cause a yacht is closer to like a fucking cruise than it is to a sailboat. 'Cause a yacht most of the time just is like an engine powered, whereas the sailboat's normally just sail powered.
- Yeah, okay, okay, okay. I'll take A tier then. - Yeah. - Let's go A tier. - Steamboat. - Steamboat. - Kind of cool.
- Yeah, but they're bad for the environment. - I mean, is this just like cruises in general? - Cruises are the lamest thing on earth. - Cruises are kind of lame. - I was gonna put this like down here 'cause I saw that and I thought it was like a cruise ship. - But that is objectively cooler than a cruise though. - Huh? - All right, put the steamboat. - 'Cause cruises are the most objectively shit thing in the world. - Yeah. - Cruises are so bad. - Yeah. - I can't imagine a worse vacation than being stuck on a boat.
- Yeah. - For three weeks. - Sure. - I think, cruises aren't even cool, I don't think. - I've never been interested in going on a cruise. - No. - It just doesn't seem fun. - No, it doesn't. Being stuck on the sea. - I feel like if you are willing to go on a cruise, you are more so than joining a cult. - Oh wait, this is a cruise ship. - Yeah, that's a cruise ship. - So Steamboat, I reckon, has a little bit better of a, I guess, a gimmick.
So I put up in sea. - I wish that there was a study that kept track of how many people joined cults and if they go on cruises or not. I feel like those are the type of people that go on cruises. - Damn. - Submarine, cool as shit, but objectively a horrible way to get around. - Yeah. - I would like to put this in B tier because I think that conceptually,
a submarine is fucking sick. Fucking cool as shit. - The tech is sick. - But like practically nothing would terrify me more than being on the tube down in the middle of the ocean with no space and you just are stuck there for months if you're on a submarine sometimes. - Airplanes probably gotta be number one. - Yes, I reckon. - Yeah. - Is there any cooler way to get around that you can fly across the globe in 10 hours?
- Fair. - I wouldn't say there's any cooler way you can get around. Is there any other way you can get around? 'Cause I would say objectively, I would say sailing around the world is cooler, but practically speaking airplanes, you can't really beat that. - Helicopter? - Helicopter. - Well, you're the only one who's been on a helicopter. How did that go for you? - That's cool. That's cool.
I don't know if it's good to get around. If I was mega rich, maybe my opinion- - If I was Taylor Swift, then maybe. - I'd say C tier. I'm like-
- Yeah, because landing the bitch is annoying. - One, number one, like you hear about helicopter crashes and that fucking terrifies me. Number two, when you hear someone has gone on a helicopter ride, you're just like this fucking dickhead. This absolute dickhead. - Yeah, right? - If you'd won that prize, you would've been different. - And I definitely thought that seeing Connor going up there. I'm like this fucking dickhead in his helicopter. - All right, finally, Rocket. - Rocket, this is just S tier.
- Come on, come on. - Yeah, it's cool. - Oh look, we made another F guys. A really fat F. - We're making fatter and fatter Fs. - I'm glad we all agree that cruise e-bikes are the two worst though. - Yeah. - Oh God, I'm so glad none of us are cruise guys. - Yeah. - I would just hate to hear about your vacation. You had a three week cruise. - It's like, so what did you do every day? It's like, went on the pool and sunbathe and then went gambling. - I would trust AI to make a better itinerary for me than...
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- Yeah, but that is it. What is our next list? - Okay, so this is Japanese places to visit. - Overrated Japanese travel spots. - Oh, okay. - Okay. - All right, first up is Amioko in Ueno. - Oh my God, it's so bad. It's just not good. - It's just meh. It's not bad. - It's not overrated. - I don't understand how this became a tourist thing, except I actually am pretty sure it's just 'cause it's proximity to Ueno Park.
- Yeah, yeah. - I feel like this is all right because Ueno is a really cool area in general. And there's not just like this going on, but if you just want, Ueno is a good spot if you just want a little bit of everything on a night out, you know? - There is like, I think though, certain spots that they're quite good, but sometimes they require you to maybe
know the area quite well, or maybe you need to know a bit of Japanese or know a couple of spots there. And this is one of those things where I think like, if you knew Japanese, I feel like your night out here would be so much more fun. 'Cause there's a lot of like close proximity. And I think that you can definitely have a better night. But just as a tour, like if I took my parents there, I'm pretty sure they'd be like, "What is this? This is just like too busy crap." - Well, it depends on how young you are. - And also the food, some of it can be pretty gnarly there. - Yeah, that's true. - Yeah, but if you just want like a cheap,
- You know, casual fun. - Did you say male or all right? - I'd say it's all right. - I'd say it's all right. - If you're, especially if you're just looking for like maybe you're in university, maybe you're looking for a more budget holiday, this is fucking sick. - Can we agree on a base rule of the fact like, 'cause I judge a tourist spot, one by the thing itself obviously, but how crowded it is.
Like I think for a tourist spot to be good, if it is way too overcrowded, it's gonna take points off. - Well, the problem with this is that this is Japan tourist spots and they're all fucking over there. - No, no, that's what I'm saying. I think a less visually stunning area that is completely empty is more fun and interesting than a place that like, for example, next up the bamboo- - Arashiyama.
- If you come here on the wrong day, it's miserable. This is just a horrible thing. It's cool. - But I would fucking rate Arashiyama way higher than just like regular Kyoto. - Yeah, just like the temples and stuff like that. - I will say- - 'Cause there's lots to do. - I was gonna put this in all right. - I think it's worth visiting. - You think it's worth visiting? - Yeah. - If you're in Kyoto, I think this place is good. However, what I would say is,
look on the map and there are so many cool surrounding areas that are so much more visually interesting. - The best way to get around Arashiyama is renting a bike.
- Yeah, and there's some really, really amazing hotels in this area. Don't stay in Kyoto proper. So I think Kyoto Central can be a bit much, but if you really want to have more of a relaxing vibe, this area has some amazing riverside hotels. Yes, they're quite expensive, but I think if you really want to see this area and do some really cool shit, it's really like hidden away, but it can be a very good area. - Yeah, I mean, Kyoto is not our favorite cities at all.
However, you come on the wrong day, they can be pretty brutal. - Yeah. - Just don't go in the summer. - Avoid the weekends too. - Yeah. - Kiyomizudera, I've been there. - Is that Kiyomizudera? - Next one. - This one? - Is it? - Yeah. - Oh, that doesn't look like Kiyomizudera. - Oh, wait, no. - I think that's just, oh, it's the other one in Fuji. - Yeah, Fuji. - Fuck, what was it called? - I can't remember. - I've been there, fuck. What the hell is it called? It's in Yamanashi, isn't it? Shit, I don't know.
- I don't know this one, so I can't comment. - But this just looks like a picture.
- Yeah. - Like it looks like a place where you take a picture and be like, all right. - Yeah, it's like a- - I've seen this picture a lot of times when I've been near from out Fuji area. I haven't actually been here before. - I've been there and it was- - It was fine. - It was fine. - It was fine. - It's all right. - It's all right. - Disneyland overrated. - Overrated as fuck. - I cannot fathom when people come to visit Japan and they have like a week and they're like, yeah, we're going to Disneyland. - I'm a certified Tokyo Disneyland hater. And that shit is overrated as fuck. - I'm just a Disney hater. I fucking, I can't.
- It is akin to like when the Simpsons, when they go to Tokyo and they go to America land. It's like you have, and I understand there are Disney heads out there and if that's you, sure. - Also just Universal is so much better of an amusement park. If you had to go to an amusement park, Fuji Q, fucking Universal, they're so much better and cheaper than Disneyland. - It's just so busy. You won't have fun. Osaka as a city or Dotonbori? - Dotonbori. - Dotonbori is okay. - I really like Dotonbori.
- Not my favorite spot in Osaka, but I think- - Going to what Connor said about the, you know, how busy is it? I think it's getting- - Dotonbori is so busy. - It's getting busy now, yeah. - It's way, way too busy. - Well, it's not that bad. - Well, it depends on what day you go. If you go on a weekend, it's actually miserable. - Yeah, if you go on a weekend, you actually can't move around and you can't find anywhere. - Yeah, but you can say that about any way. - Any one of these, not all of these. - Dotonbori is like, especially that. I've, you know, some, I've,
- You've been there with friends on like the wrong day and you literally just cannot get around or do anything. - I think the thing about Dotonbori is that it's a really big area. And if you're looking at just that one picture, that everything you can see in that picture is horrible. But you walk five minutes out and it's pretty fun. So I don't know how to judge this. Are we judging it as like if you were to drink around like that area or if we're just purely looking at the sign? - Would it be somewhere- - Is there anything else with Osaka here? - Actually, you know what? It's gotta be just the sign, right?
- Okay, if we're just counting the sign, then it's just all right. - Yeah. - Meh. - I would say meh. But this whole area, if we can just walk out of this entire area, I'd say it's worth visiting. - Yeah, I'd say it's worth visiting. - Yeah. - The area is worth visiting. - The area is worth visiting. - The sign as a tourist attraction is definitely overrated. - Yeah, that's definitely meh. - Okay, so then put it, I guess we'll put it worth visiting. We'll just say it's worth visiting. - Yeah, we'll say it's worth visiting. - The thousand things, nah.
- It's just meh. - It's so overrated. - Bro, get your Instagram picture and then fuck off. If you don't have an Instagram account, there is no reason for you to visit this. - And this is even coming from like, I have been here. I did a full Kyoto visit with Chris during the pandemic when there was no one. I went here when there was literally no one. When you could get all these pictures like this. It was still boring. - Really?
- I went during COVID as well and I was sick. - Kyoto was definitely, it was better. - Yeah, but he doesn't post on Instagram. - And also like in terms of all of Kyoto's things, I think this is one of the most boring things in Kyoto. - This is one of those like once and done type of places. - 'Cause there's also other areas in Japan that have similar things that are way less crowded. - Yeah, but it's harder to get to.
- This is famous because A, it's in Kyoto and B, because it's in the theater. - If you really wanted this, I feel like you could go somewhere better. - Yeah. - Some of these like landscapes, I don't reckon. - That's Shinjuku Gyoen, isn't it? - Is that Shinjuku Gyoen? - It's a park. - Or it's Kodakuen, one of the maybe the three big parks. - Yeah. - I think it's Shinjuku Gyoen. - I mean, it's...
- It's good. - Wait, do you recognize the next one? - Yeah, that's in Hakodate. - Yeah, I forgot what that's called. - It's the castle remains, which it's like- - It's pretty cool. - I've been there. - It's actually pretty sick. - The fourth one as well, that's Hakodate Mountain. - This third one, is that the battleground site? Is that what that is? - Yeah. - The one from Shogun. - The fourth one is Hakone.
- Yeah. - That one? - Yeah, that's the top of the mountain. - That's Hakone? - Yeah, of Hakone. - What's the third one? - It's a big open art museum. - Oh, is it? - Oh, you're right. - Okay, I couldn't tell what it was 'cause it's just- - What's that in the foreground there? - I couldn't tell. - It's too small. - All right, let's assume this is Shinjuku.
- I think the strength of Shinjuku Gyoen, the bad part is you have to pay. The good part is that because you have to pay, it's way less crowded than like Yoyogi. And it's actually a really stunning park. I would say it's worth visiting. - I would say it as well. - It's probably the best park in Japan in terms of like- - In Tokyo. - Yeah, in Tokyo, yeah. I mean, I've been to, what's the one in Kanazawa, right? They have a famous one. - Korakuen.
- It might be that one. I think Shinjuku is better than Korakuen. I think the size of it is really impressive. And the fact that you're in Shinjuku is crazy. - And we make people pay so we can gatekeep.
- It's like 200 yen or 500 yen actually. I don't know. - Unless you were that old dude that was putting foreigners in for free for like 60 years. - If you live in Japan, you can get a year pass that costs like 2000 yen I think. So it's pretty cool too. - Okay, both the Hakodate ones. I think it's worth visiting. I really like Hakodate. - I love Hakodate. - Yeah, Hakodate is sick. - No, not that one. The fourth one. - Isn't it Hakone the other one? - Oh, sorry.
- I don't know what that one is. - That one's from up the mountain. - Yeah, yeah, the mountain, right. - Yeah. - Hakodate's sick. - Yeah. - If you go during the summer as well, it's nice and cool. - Well, all of Hokkaido is just worth visiting in general. - Yeah. - And it looks like Matsumoto-jo, yeah.
- Man, this is so tough. - All right, let's just- - This is 'cause Japanese castles all go down and look the fucking same. - Let's look at the ones that we recognize. So the Torii Gate in the water there, that's Itsukushima and Hiroshima. - No, isn't it the Miyajima one, right?
- Yeah, same thing. Miyajima is itsukushima. - Yeah, decent. - I like Miyajima a lot. - It's good. It's been commercialized to hell back now though. So it's basically like, I mean, they got like two Starbucks on the fucking island now. Like it's like a weird- - Just the way God intended. - Yeah, like it's like you have this serene Japanese countryside, Starbucks, Starbucks, put it everywhere. Put a cable car, put up a fucking- - But in my opinion- - That's good though, it is good though. - It's better because also, you know, the whole, it completely negates the draw of Nara Park.
Cause like, Narapox is all about like, oh, there's deers everywhere. It's Kushimoto, there's fucking deers everywhere as well. And it's way more interesting. Do you think it's, oh, wow.
- I think it's worth visiting. - I think it's worth visiting. - I think it's worth visiting. 'Cause it's kind of a pain in the ass to get to. So there are tourists there, but not as many as like Nara Park, right? - I'm gonna say I'm gonna put Hakodate to like actually good. - Can you research the other stuff that we don't know? - Yeah, yeah. - Well, okay. Well, I also see that's Kabukicho, the fourth one. - I'm biased. I like Kabukicho, although I know that it can be pretty fucking miserable. - Yeah, I find it miserable. I like it, I like it. - I think it's...
- Kabukicho is really tough 'cause I think you need recommendations. - Also how much balls do you have? 'Cause you know, it's like Kabukicho is a place where you have to be comfortable sometimes just like
maybe go into somewhere that looks dodgy. And you can have a fucking amazing time, but also you need a role play as a Yakuza character. - Yeah, exactly. You have to be willing to say yes to some dodgy things. - Every time I've been like sat next to or seen a like rude tourist, it has been in Kevin's chair. It is good, but I will say that like,
you really need to like ask around to know what's kind of good or worth doing there. Cause you can easily go into the worst fucking bars of your life there. It is the worst bars in Japan, without doubt. That's some of the best bars as well. Yeah. I would say it's, it's, it's all right, but all worth visiting. I'd say worth visiting. I would. Okay.
- I think, you know, when people visit Japan, they kind of like want a different experience, right? - It's very intense. - It's a very intense and I feel like even if you don't gel with that energy, it's probably still worth visiting just to see the, just to role play Yakuza character for a day. - Mount Fuji.
- That fourth one there is Kamakura. - Yeah. - Kamakura is really nice. - I love Kamakura. - Yeah, I'd say it's worth it. - I think it's actually good. - You think it's actually good? - Yeah. - 'Cause there's so much, there's obviously the Buddha statue, but also there's just like Kamakura city, there's just so many cool things to do there. - Mount Fuji. Mount Fuji is a hard one to recommend 'cause I think that,
I mean, you can go all around it. - Where in Fuji are we talking about? - Yeah, there's literally like, you could be like- - I think that's Kalaguchiko. - I think Kalaguchiko is-
- Kawaguchiko I think is- - I think it's not much to do and there's way too many tourists. I think there are more interesting parts around Fuji and Kawaguchiko. - They're a lot harder to get to. Kawaguchiko is, I mean- - You have to get like a bus. - Sorry? - You have to get a bus from Tokyo. - Yeah. - Shit. - It is quite far if you don't have a car. - And then you get there and then everyone's lining up outside the fucking Lawson's to take a picture with Mount Fuji. And then you get there and you're like, oh, there's actually not that much to do. There's not a whole lot to do in Kawaguchiko. - Nah, there's not, there's not. - I would say it's meh. - Is that Fujiku? - I'd say it's meh.
- Yeah, Fuji-Q is great. - Fuji-Q is great. - I'd say go Fuji-Q. - I would say that's probably Kawaguchiko, if we're talking about the area. I mean, there's like Fuji-Q and then there's the park.
- What else do I recognize here? - Which rail museum is that? I know where the fuck that is. - Third one from the right? - Yeah. - Top row. - Where is that fucking rail museum? - Third one from the right. - I've seen that fucking place. - I have not recognized that. I do not recognize this either. That just looks like city. - I do recognize fourth from the right on the second row. That's O'Dyver.
- That building there. - Oh yeah, that's the TV. - This is such like- - That's the TV station. - Tokyo TV Tower. - Yeah, it's- - Odaiba's, it's meh. - Yeah, Odaiba's kind of one of the like- - I kind of think it's meh. - Was supposed to be the city of the future and then it just wasn't. - I think there's a lot of the cool things in Odaiba, but they're surprisingly like very spread out. - Yeah. - Is that second to the right top row? Is that Nikon? Is that what it is?
- This one? - No, below that. - Oh no, no, sorry, sorry, above. I thought that was Niko, isn't it? - That one? - Yeah, the Niko temple. Am I crazy? No, wait, that's in Kyoto, isn't it? Fuck, I don't know, bro. - Okay, well, the very bottom right one, that's Odaiba again. - Yeah, that's the Gundam. - That's the Gundam Unicorn in Odaiba City. - I mean, if you like Gundam, it's like a must see. If you don't, it's all right. It's pretty cool. - Well, I guess now it has a longer draw because the Yokohama one is gone.
So it's the only place you can actually see it now. - Also, I didn't realize when we had the, there's quite a lot to do in Diver City. I didn't realize- - It's a huge mall. - It's fucking massive. So I'd actually say it might be worth visiting if you are a Gundam fan. - If you're a Gundam fan. - If you're a Gundam fan, I would say there's like actually quite a lot because before when we first moved here,
I'd go see the Gundam and then it felt like there wasn't really much to do in Diver City. - Well, you could do like, maybe go to like Joyopolis, which is kind of close by. - Yeah. - See, Odaiba used to be cool when Onsen Monogatari was there. - Yeah, Onsen Monogatari, that would have been like, actually good.
- No, no, it's there. There's quite a lot to do in Diver City. - Okay, scroll down, see what else we can pick. - Nara is actually overrated. - Nara is overrated. - Overrated as fuck, yeah. It pains my heart whenever- - Nara's beautiful though. Nara is beautiful, but the deers and all that stuff is so overrated. - Okay, Tokyo Skytree there. - Tokyo Skytree? - It's meh. - It's all right. - I think it's meh. - It's meh.
- Ticket Tower? - Ticket Tower. - I think it's a bit more interesting, but it's a shame now that every building around it is being built up bigger. So it's kind of slowly losing its edge. However, I do think it's kind of cool. And I think the view is kind of nice. But Skytree is just so far away from anything. So when you look down, you're like, oh wow, gray. 'Cause it's so high up that nothing looks cool.
- I'm gonna scroll down. I'd say that- - Universal? - Universal. I think it's better than Disneyland. - That's still a meh, I think though. I think, 'cause when you come to Japan, I don't think you should, your first, like, I'm talking like first visit. - First visit? - It's aight. - Well, if you're already- - You could just go in America. If you're American, right? If you're not American, then I guess it's kinda cool. - I think it's worth visiting. - If you're already in Osaka, you might as well. - Yeah. - Most of the rides are Japanese exclusive. - Sure. - Yeah.
- I'd say it's worth visiting if you're in the area, 'cause you've made to go to Osaka for like nightlife, right? So,
- I can't believe we're Disney haters and then we're putting Universal and Worth visiting. They're kind of the same thing. - If you're in Osaka. - Say if you're in Chiba. Say if you're in Tokyo. - Who the fuck is in Chiba? - You're not gonna go to Chiba. - Who the fuck is in Chiba? - Let's be honest, Universal is kind of on the outskirts of Osaka. It's not exactly. - Not really. It doesn't take as long to go to Universal. - It's not as long, but it's still like on the fucking edge. - Dude, Alex and I were there last week and we were in the middle
middle of Osaka, we took a cab from Osaka to Universal. It was like 25 minutes. - Yeah. - Okay. - Whereas just fucking Disneyland from Shinjuku is like an hour and a half. - I just think that in terms of like in Japanese stuff, it's kind of like it's, I would do rather, there's so much more cool stuff you could do. I think as opposed to go to a theme park built by an American company.
- I think there's enough like exclusive Japanese stuff in Universal that makes it like worth visiting. - If you like theme parks and that's what your MO is, sure. - Yeah. - But like, it's like, in Osaka I feel like there is a lot of cool stuff and nearby there's a lot of cool stuff. It's not like you're in Nagoya. - Yeah, yeah. - Where I'm like, there is only like, you can't fucking do anything else. - What would you recommend doing in the day in Osaka then? - In the day in Osaka?
- Well, Osaka city is got a lot of cool shit to do. I mean, obviously like even just like shopping there is fucking insane. So if you're not into shopping, even if you wanted to go to the surrounding areas. - You don't fucking go shopping. - I don't, I don't. - What are you talking about? - I wouldn't go to a fucking theme park either. I'm trying to get like- - Yeah, but if you're not into, okay, but you don't go shopping either. So what are you doing during the day? - Well, I'm trying to say like as a tourist, what would I do? I'd fucking like sit around in a cafe. That's what I always do.
- No, because like having been to Osaka, there's not as much to do in the daytime as you think there is. So you're like, "Shit, what is there to do?" All right, Universal, actually that's not a bad day out. And then you go to Universal, have a nice day, come back and enjoy your Osaka night life. - Well, see, the real strat if you're a tourist and you're going to Osaka is the strat is during the day, you don't spend it in Osaka. You take a train to Kyoto or Nara.
and spend the day there and then come back to Osaka at night and then spend the night there. - Yeah, I mean, I will say that- - That's the most optimal way to do it. - Osaka during the day is kind of okay. - Yeah, it's okay. - That's why you could- - I also, you know, I'm speaking from somebody who doesn't know Osaka that well. Like I've been to Osaka like five, six times and I've not really spent like a ton of time there. So I, you know, in Tokyo, I would tell you, I could be like, all right, there's like 20 different things we could do today.
- Yeah. - That's 'cause I know the area well. Like I feel like just boiling down Osaka is like go to Universal is like, all right, it's kind of lame. Especially when there's so much more cool stuff. Like you said in the surrounding area, you go to Nara, you go to Kyoto. - Yeah.
if you were in Japan for the first time, I don't think you should do Universal or Disneyland. You should try and do some Japanese stuff. - Fair. - Which is why I would put it in R.I.T. - Yeah, well let's knock down R.I.T. then. - And I feel like we're fucking lazy and stupid as shit if we say that's the best we've got. You know what I mean? Come on. However now, like Sensoji, fucking overrated as shit. Actually a miserable experience, I think. - I need a piss. - All right.
- Sensoji, I've taken multiple people there and everyone has hated it mainly because of how busy it is. - Yeah, Sensoji is just not fun anymore. - It's just not fun to do. - Also, outskirts of Asakusa is just so much more interesting. - The only thing worse than Sensoji is the shopping street after you get through this thing. I've never wanted to be neck to neck looking at like, it's like the stuff they sell is not even Japanese stuff. It's like weird, like touristy stuff. - True. - Yeah.
- Is this the street? What is this? - Yeah, that's Sansology Street. - Yeah, this is even worse. Is there anything worse in Sansology than the shopping street in Sansology? Akihabara used to be good. It's all right. - It's all right. - I'd say it's worth visiting still, but at the bottom of worth visiting, I think. - It's worth visiting, but you don't wanna be there the whole day. It's like maybe like a half day thing. - It used to be a good pilgrimage site, but I think it's lost a lot of its anime charm. I'm sure maybe Garnt will agree. Garnt?
- Do you agree that Akihabara is worth visiting, but it's lost a lot of the charm? - It is, but still worth it. - Yeah, right, okay, we agree. I put Sensoji and the shopping street in Sensoji at the bottom. - Okay, yes.
- This is the golden- - Kinkakuji. - Yeah, Kinkakuji. I think it's okay. I went there. It was aight. - Yeah, it's cool. - I mean, it was aight. I think out of all of the Kyoto stuff, it's in the meh. It's definitely a lot better than this, but I think I would put it here. - Yeah, it's pretty aight. - That's fine. - I was arguing don't go Universal, but I would rather go to Universal than go to this. I've been twice now and both times, yes, the information about the thing is cool.
but it's kind of like, is that it? Okay, cool. - Yeah. - Yeah. - The second last one there, that's the Yokohama Red Brick Building.
- I like it because every month they do different events there. So it's always changing. Also the Minato Mirai area is just- - Minato Mirai is cool. I went there two days ago. It was extremely ungodly and like overcrowded. You couldn't even enter. - Oh, 'cause you were going at the start of a wall. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was gonna start the wall. But I like the, I'm sorry, I do like the Christmas market, but they sell way too many tickets. - Yeah, they do. - 'Cause you can't get in. And so I'd say it's good, but it's a shame that it's constantly overcrowded. I'd say- - It's all right.
- Maybe better than this. - Yeah, better than that. - I don't know if it's worth visiting. - I think it's almost worth visiting if it wasn't, you know, it really much depends on how busy
- I mean, this is the story of Japan right now is that everything is overcrowded. If it's in Tokyo, it's gonna be overcrowded. - Okay, hold up. Shibuya Crossing is the last one, though. - Oh God, bro. - Oh God, overrated as fuck, man. - Why? - God, it's so shit. - It's just like, people have wanted to go there and then they go there and I'm like, wait, it's just like a crossing? I'm like, yeah. - Literally. - It's literally just a crossing. - Any other street in Shibuya is worth visiting more than the Shibuya Crossing. - It's like, yes.
- I want to- - I wanna cross the road guys. - I wanna cross the road, never done that before in my life. - What is this? - I don't recognize any of these other places. - The big tower there, like in the middle on the second road, I think that's Yokoma Landmark Tower.
- Oh, it's Roppongi Hills. - Roppongi Hills, overrated, overpriced. - Okay, it looks like- - What is this? Is this the Hiroshima Peace thing? What is this? - Ueno Park. - The what? - Ueno Park. - Oh, Ueno Park. - Oh, so overrated, bro. - Yeah, no, overrated. - It's awful. - There's a lot better parks there. - Not this Chinatown, Yokohama. - Hell yeah. - Chinatown, Yokohama? - Dude, again, I went there two days ago.
- It was awful. - Yeah, Yokohama Chinatown, amazing. Just don't go there on a weekend. Weekday is sick. - I think it's all right. Just don't go there on a weekend. - I think the food is fire, but yeah, don't go on a weekend. Most of Japan is don't go on a weekend, which sucks if you're a tourist. 'Cause if you're like, just don't do anything on a weekend. It's like, well, rip.
- This one, I feel like I recognize this. It just looks like city scape to me. - Oh, Tsukiji fish market. - Tsukiji fish market. - Oh my God. - Oh, overrated, overrated. - They've literally like moved it all. - Yeah, it's in Toyosu now. - Yeah, they literally moved it 'cause they were getting too many fucking people. - However, I will say the Toyosu fish market, way better. - How was they supposed to get it from this picture? - I have no idea. - This is like cryptic.
- This looks like the, what is it? The fucking- - All I see is McDonald's. - It looks like the- - McDonald's? - The Ueno, the- - Absolutely worth it. - It looks like that. Or the Harajuku one. - Oh, it might be Takeshita. - Yeah. Harajuku, yeah. - Harajuku, cool. Takeshita, no. Avoid Takeshita. - Why is this? This is driving me insane. I know this is the Venice of Japan. I forgot what it's called.
- Oh, I went there recently. - It's on the, not too far from like Okayama area. - Yeah, it's like down south of Tokyo. - It's really nice. - I really, really like it. I'd say that's worth visiting. It's a bit, you know. - It's annoying to get to. - It's less crowded and less well known as the other tourist spots. And there might be a little bit less to do than some of the most popular ones, but it's just a really good vibe. - Is this Matsumoto Castle? Matsuyama, sorry.
- Let's just assume that it is. - Oh, the fucking clock tower thing? That's in Sapporo, isn't it? - Oh, it's that clock tower? - I think it's that clock tower. - Bro, Sapporo's sick, but why are you gonna look at a clock tower? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm pretty sure that's the Sapporo church. - Sapporo actually worth it? Just that clock tower? Probably not. - Yeah, it's fine. - I don't think this is Himeji, but it could be. - That's Osaka-jo, isn't it? - Yeah. No, Osaka-jo is not that open. It'd be massive walls.
- I actually think the bottom right one is Osaka. - This one? - No, the very bottom right. - Bottom right, that one. - No, that's not Osaka. - No, that's not Osaka. - That's not Osaka. - No, no. - That's not Osaka. - This has turned into how well do we know? - All right, shall we just keep it at that? - Yeah, we'll keep it at this. We don't recognize the other ones. - We can't recognize the other ones. - Honestly, most of the worth visiting is probably actually good too. - Yeah. - To be honest with you. - Yeah. - I just think that like,
- Yeah, like Disneyland, Nara, not Nara the city, like Nara the Deer. - Nara, the Deer Park. - Shinsoji, Shibuya Crossing, like all this stuff is just so shit. - Basically the ones that are in like most like top 10 places to visit in Japan blog posts, just don't.
- Just don't. - Yeah, if your article opens and they have a picture of Miyajima and this and this, you click off the article. They've been so lazy. They don't even bother getting- - And a lot of these are not like how fun they are, but how Instagram ball is it? How good does it look on camera? All right, next up we have- - "Seven Wonders of the World" tier list.
- All right, well, how many of the seven wonders of the world have you guys been to? - I have been to one. - Coliseum. - Yeah. - I've been to Great Wall and that's it. - You've never been to Coliseum? - No. - Listen, I'm a seven wonders of the world hater.
- I couldn't even name you all seven wonders. - So wait, wait, wait. Are we talking about how cool they are to visit or just like conceptually? 'Cause I think most of the seven wonders should be at F tier because they're gonna be overcrowded. They're gonna be over commercialized a lot of the times. - But conceptually, Machu Picchu is C. - Let's talk about them conceptually 'cause I'm sure a lot of these are going to be like overcrowded. - Conceptually, Machu Picchu is like an S tier to me.
- 'Cause that's just kind of- - Machu Picchu is a S tier. That's the one seven one of the world I would actually love to go to. - Yeah. Great wall of China. - I'll do it, it's a D.
- I mean, I think it was Carl Pilkington or someone who saw the Great Wall and he was like, "Yeah, it goes on for miles, but so does the M25, innit?" And I'm like, "Yeah, yeah, it is just a very, very long wall. I'll give it that." - Damn. The Colosseum. - Colosseum. - I mean, I never went inside of it 'cause when I went to run- - Conceptually. - Conceptually? - Yeah. History, everything. - It's like a B.
- I'd say it's a B. - It's cool. - It's cool. - You know, we had some gladiators there and shits. - Taj Mahal? - Isn't it the story about like it was a gift or something or? - The Taj Mahal? - Yeah. - I don't know what the story behind the Taj Mahal is. - But I mean, it's very pretty. - Yeah, it's very pretty, but I think there's a really fun story behind it. - Oh, well then at least a B then, right? - Well, let's not be too quick now.
- I don't know what the fuck the story is. - Let's hear the story. - Yeah. - What's the lore of, what's the task? - It was built by the fifth Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in 1631, a memory of his third, but the most favorite wife. - Third but most favorite. - In fact, his soulmate, Mumtaz Mahal, a Muslim Persian princess. She died while accompanying her husband.
in a campaign to crush rebellion after giving birth to their 13th child. - All right, the third but most favorite just sold it for me. That's a B. - Yeah, I put a B tier. - Which one was this one? - It's the Aztec pyramids. - That's right, yeah. - Kind of cool. - I've always loved the look of that pyramid. - It's kind of sick looking. - I put that A tier. - A or S, I'd say. - It's not Machu Picchu level. - That's the Jesus statue in Brazil. - Christ the Redeemer. - Yeah, yeah, in Rio.
- The big Jesus. - It is. - The big J. - Big J looking down on the city. - It is a fucking wildly big monument. - Yeah. - It's so big. - It is massive. And the location of it is really cool as well, just on top, just overlooking the city. - All the pictures of the sun behind this statue just look biblical, as Kevin would say.
- I find the wall uninspired. This is kind of cool. Just a fucking- - It's kind of rad. - Well, the wall is just a wall, right? - Just a wall. - It's a wall, right? And the last one is that? - That's the one from the Indiana Jones. - Is it? - Isn't it where they go there? - Why is the pyramids not on here? - The pyramids aren't one of the wonders of the world, is it? - Is it not? - I don't think so. - Surely the pyramids is like a wonder of the world. - I don't know. - Surely.
- Really? - "Seven Wonders of the World." - Is it? - There's the new "Seven Wonders of the World" as well. "Colossus in Rhodes", "Great Pyramid of Giza". Oh yeah. - Yeah. - Wait, what? - The fuck? - Okay, well, this is a shit list. - Okay.
- All right, well. - What's this one? - I don't even know what that is. - I'm not sure. - All right, next one. - McDonald's. - All right, Japan McDonald's, real shit this time. Japan McDonald's tier list. - All right, all right, all right. - All right, we got Big Mac. - Yes.
- Sure. - You know what he's gonna say? "There's too much bread." - There's too much sauce. - You know what? - Say it. - Don't hold your tongue. - Okay, I can't have an opinion on this because every one of these comes with condiments. - Wait, so these don't count as sauces? None of these count as sauces? - Most of them are like mayo, ketchup. - Why can't mayo be a sauce to you?
- It's just like the consistency of it, right? - Oh my God. - This has got to, you need to go to therapy for this. Like we need to- - The only thing I ordered from McDonald's are nugs- - With no sauce. - Nugs, chicken, yeah. - Which is insane. - Nugs with no sauce is criminal. - Nugs with no sauce, it tastes good. - Bro, you might as well- - I don't know what you guys are talking about. - You might as well just eat them and don't back. - The breading just tastes good. The breading actually tastes good. - I do think a Big Mac is great, but I think it's an A.
- Really? - I don't think it's the best thing on the menu. - It's my favorite. - You're so basic. - I just love the sauce, bro. The sauce is fire. - Oh, the app can remove the sauces? - The sauce is great. - Holy shit. - I will agree with you. - It's so fire. Without the sauce, I'd be like, whatever, but it's the sauce, man. The Big Mac sauce is good. - Fine, I'll give it to you. Fine, I'll give it to you. - I don't trust anyone who doesn't like the Big Mac sauce. Double cheeseburger, that's an S. - This is my S. - That's literally my McDonald's order. Right there, baby. That's my McDonald's order. - Wait, why is there no nugs on here?
- Well, - Because nugs are boring. - Why is there no nugs in here? What the fuck? - Because it's a fucking side. - What the fuck? - It's a side. - The only thing I order is not on here. - Teriyaki maku. - Are you a fan of the teriyaki burgers? I don't really order them. - I've ordered them like once and it's, it's a bit much. - It's a bit much. It's quite sickly. - It's too saucy.
- C or B? - I can't. - All right, yeah. - Wake me up when we get to the breakfast menu. - C, I guess. - Do you think that this is a condiment or a sauce gone for you? - Teriyaki sauce. Is that a condiment? - Teriyaki sauce? That's a sauce, I would say. - So you could eat this burger? - You can eat that.
- Yeah, but it has like the condiments on the top. It has like the mayo, it has the mayo with the lettuce part. - That's crazy Garth. It's literally a sauce like the fucking teriyaki one. - Yeah, if it was just that, I wouldn't mind 'cause it was a sauce. That in my mind is a sauce. - This must be a trauma. - All right. - Mayonnaise duty. - Filet-O-Fish.
- I know there are Filet-O-Fish fanatics out there, but I'm not one of them. - I prefer it over the teriyaki though. - Yeah, I'm happy to put it in a B. - All right, cool. Chicken filet, S. - Is this the normal one or the spicy one is my favorite? - Yeah, put the spice one in there. - The spicy one is by far my best thing on the menu. - What about the regular one? - The regular one's still A for me. - Yeah, yeah. - Like I would still order it. - Yeah, let's put that in there. Teriyaki chicken filet? - It's better than the beef one. - I've never had it. - It's better than, this one is just sad, bro.
- This is sad bro. - Bacon lettuce. - This bacon is an atrocity. I think it's like- - Yes, yes, I agree, yes. - AB filet? Never tried it. - It's okay. I think it's a Japan exclusive, it's fine. But I think the Filet-O-Fish beats it. - Okay. - Personally. - Okay, egg cheese burger. - Is this the Tsukimi one? - No, it's different. It's the egg cheese burger. - Oh. - Yeah. What do you think about this one? I've never had this one. - Never tried it. But I'm sure it tastes fine. Yeah. - B? - All right, yeah, B. Chicken cheese?
- The cheese is unnecessary. What would you put it? - B or C. - It's probably better than the teriyaki. - Yeah. Just a regular hamburger. Yeah, it's a B. - The sauce carries it. - Yeah. - The sauce. - Chicken, the condiments. - I like this one. - I've never had it. - I like it. If you like the filet, you'll like it. - Cheeseburger? I mean, yeah. - All right, we're almost at the breakfast menu. - Shoga yucky burger.
- That sounds good. - I don't think this is on the menu right now, but that sounds amazing. - I'll put that in there. - All right. Tag me in boys, tag me in. - Egg mac muffin.
- Oh, Big Mac, so wait, yeah, Egg Mac muffin. - That's Egg Mac, that's like C tier. - Tag me in boys, C tier. - C tier. - Part of a C. - 'Cause like here's the thing, 'cause the bacon they use in Japan is fucking shit. - It's awful. - It's awful. - Yeah, it's bad. - Actually no, put that D tier, 'cause that's like the bacon and egg muffin. - This one's also terrible. - Bacon, bacon, egg mac. - That's also terrible as well. But that, S tier. - Sausage, sausage, egg. - Sausage, egg McMuffin. - The question is, and this is the time old question.
- Is it perfected with one patty or two? - What do you mean? - 'Cause you can get the double. - You can get the double? Either one's God tier. Either one's God tier. - Double patty is too much. - I agree, it's too much. - It depends because if it's just like the patty by itself with no egg, the egg balances it out, I think. - This is what Chris goes for.
- Oh, of course. Of course he does. - It's got two patties and a bacon and an egg. - That's practically made for Chris. - That's too much. - This is an S tier for Chris, but for me it's a C. - That's like C tier. - That's way too much for me. - Sausage muffin?
- That one is also CT. - It needs the egg. - It needs the egg. - The egg balances out perfectly. - Why would I want this in the fucking morning? - Chicken crisp muffin? - Fuck no. - It's just not a morning item. - McGriddle. - Sausage. - McGriddle. That one is a B tier. - The muffin is better. - The muffin is better. - The muffin, the, 'cause- - Put the griddles in B then. - Yeah, the McGriddles are like B tier. - I don't want the bacon. - Yeah, because the pancakes just add that little bit of sweetness. And I don't like that sweetness with,
- With my breakfast, man. - Sorry, Americans. - You know what's insane? - What? - The only things I've ordered is the ST. That's wild. - The hamburger is actually surprisingly very cheap. - Cheeseburger's fine. For 140 yen as well, that's a steal. - 90 cents. - Yeah, fuck yeah. - 90 cents for a hamburger. A cheeseburger? Wait, hamburgers, what? That's like 60 cents.
- Oh no, that's a chicken crisp. - What the fuck? You have a hamburger too? - Yeah. - 60 cents for a hamburger. - Fucking absurd. How is everyone low beast in this country? - All right, next tier list. - All right, Japanese sushi tier list. Okay, there's actual names this time. - Unagi. - Unagi S. - Unagi S tier. - Is it too saucy for you? - Huh? - Too saucy for you? - Yeah, what about the unagi sauce? Is that a condiment or a sauce? - It's not viscous. 'Cause it's not like gloopy. - It's a sauce, it's a sauce. - So if it gloops, you won't eat it? - If it gloops, that's like red flag for me.
- Crazy. Do you understand how crazy you sound? - That's just my- - Anago, also known as conga eel, very similar to unagi. - Freshwater eel, right? - Yeah, I think in English it's called conga eel. - I prefer the unagi because it's got the sauce on it. - No, no, no, it's the consistency. It's the consistency. - Not good enough for you Garnt?
It literally is like Unagi. It's so similar. Are you arguing that you want it in A or lower? I'd say Unagi. If Unagi is S tier, that's A tier for me.
- Anago's just Unagi reskinned. It's the same thing. - We both agree that it's S. - It's an S. - All right, all right, all right. - Ika. - Squid. - It's never my favorite. - It's only good if it's at like an expensive place. - Yeah. - 'Cause then if you're at a cheap place, you're chewing on rubber. - You're literally just chewing on tire. - Okay, let's take out the average, right? Let's just say the average. - C. - Yeah, I think C as well. - Chutorou. - Chutorou, S tier. - Get that in my belly. - Every time. - Probably the best. - Yeah. - Ebi. - That's always a B for me, I think.
- Wait, I think the ebi cooked is better than the- - No. - No. - Amai ebi is way better than the cooked ebi. - Raw ebi is so much better. You get that like fattiness with it cooked. - Amai ebi is like an A, ebi is like a B for me. - Yeah. - Is that what you think, Garnt? - Yeah, that's actually exactly right. - I'm happy to do it 'cause I like Amai ebi.
- All right, Hokkigai. Do you guys have Hokkigai that often? - No, I don't like it. - I have it when it's on the menu. - It's a little too hard. - What season is this? 'Cause I think it's seasonal, right? Normally? - It's like summer usually, I think. - I've had it so much in Hokkaido. - Yeah. It's fine. B or C for me. I'm not crazy about it. - I put a C for it. Scallops? - B on scallops. - It's about the same as ebi for me. - Yeah, it's high. - It's high, it's high.
- This is gonna be a J. - Sam and bro. - J, you like this a lot, don't you? - I liked it as a kid more than I do now. - This is a D tier. - It's just too much salt. - It's a D tier. - 'Cause it's just little salt balls. - Yeah, I was gonna put in like a C, but if you guys wanna put in a D, I won't be upset. - It's the one that smells the most fishy, tastes the most fishy, it's way too salty. - I think whereas like other pieces of sushi, the rice helps really bounce it. I think they always put way too much.
fish eggs on it. - Yeah. - And then it's just a mouthful of salt. - I loved it as a kid, but not so much anymore. Same with Inari. - Inari. - Inari's a D. - Yeah, Inari has gotta be the worst for real. - Yeah. - It looks the most depressing as well. It looks like fucking foreskin. - Look at that shit. - It is scrotum sushi. - You literally took sushi and put it in a body bag. - Sanma, I- - Fucking love Sanma. - I knew you were gonna fuck me up.
- It's so good. - I like it as well. - It's good, but man, when you have a bad one, it's fucking awful. - Yeah, but you can say that about any of these. - No, no, no. - The quality ranges so heavily on this one. - Yeah, with Sanma and Mackerel, because like the taste and the smell was so much stronger than a lot of these other ones. - I'm gonna put it a B or an A. - I put it B, I put it B. - All right, fine, I'll be B. - And I like it with- - I'm gonna assume this is just- - No.
- I wouldn't put Alto on, it's way too fatty. - Bottom of S? - I was gonna say B.
- It's crazy. - Because for how much you're paying, like I don't get heartburn, but every time I eat Otoro, I feel like I'm about to get heartburn. - We all agree that Chutorou is- - Chutorou is the perfect balance. - Chutorou is the perfect balance. - Otoro is way too fatty. - It's like when you have A5 Wagyu, where it's just like, the first time you have it, you're like, "Holy shit, there's so much fat in here." And then once you get used to it- - And it's so expensive as well. - And it's like the most expensive as well. - I think Thai is an S for me personally. - I love Thai. S or an A for me.
- What are you on, Garnt? - Yeah, I mean, S or A, either one. - All right, S then. - Hirame, flounder. - Flounder. - Decent, decent. I'd say B. - I actually don't like it that much. - Really? - It's not as bad as, I'd say like taco is a lot worse for me. I mean, I- - It's like definitely low B. - Yeah, probably lower B. - I was gonna put taco in C. - Okay, of course. - Yeah, taco. - Uni S. - Uni S.
- I'd say A. - It's a D for me. - I'd say A. - I feel like uni is like cilantro. I feel like there's a genetic thing that it just makes it taste vile. - Tongue diff. - Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Can't have a fucking condiment. Fuck off with tongue diff. - Uni's fucking great. - Uni's awesome.
- Unless you have high quality ones, it could go really bad. - I was about to say a lot like Samba, you can get really bad. - So I say D. - Let's average out with B then. - I think top of B. - No, no, no. I think you said S, I said A, therefore it should be like low A, right? - That's not how that works. - I mean, I'm not arguing. I was thinking more about this man. - Yellowtail. - Hamachi, I love Hamachi. - I love Hamachi, but I've consistently had the worst Hamachi of my life.
in like the- - Spawn issues. - Yeah. - In Japan. - Yeah. I'd say A. - It's good. - It's A, it's A. Salmon, S for me. - Salmon, S. - Yeah, I mean, you can't complain. - It's not even like, it's not even Japanese. I don't care. - Yoshi. - You know, salmon. - Yoshi's good. - Yoshi's good. - A. - I like A. - I think it's better than Chutoro, I'll be honest with you. - Really? - Am I crazy saying that? - What? So that's, what is your best sushi? - Oh, Toto, sorry.
- Oh no, it's better than Otoro. - Yeah, yeah, it's better than Otoro. - Better than Otoro is what I heard. - Yeah, it's way better than Otoro. - Yeah. - Mackerel, I think it's an A or an S for me. - I think it's A. - I think it's an S. - All right. Bottom of S or top of A? - I'm not complaining either way. - I'd say top of A, I don't know. - Yeah, let's say top of A. - There are times when I go without Mackerel. - I love Aji. - I love Aji. - Oh, Aji's great. - Put that in S, baby. - Yeah. - Tamagoyaki D.
- This is like entirely dependent on if they actually season the eggs. Some places don't season the eggs at all. And you just get the most like wettest mush in your life. - Again, I loved it as a kid, but- - But then when they put soy sauce and they put some garnish on it, it's amazing. - I've had Tamagoyaki that is just like way too sweet as well. And like you have this flavor profile where you're like, you know, nice savory swish. And then you take one bite of the Tamagoyaki, you're like, fuck you. - I'm inclined to put Tamagoyaki in D to me. - Yeah, I think you should go D.
- Not as bad as Inari. Katsuo is A, A tier for me. - Katsuo is like an A or an S. - Katsuo is so good. - I'd say A. - What? - It's not up there with like the goats right now. - Yeah, but it's fucking good. - But it is good. I'm never gonna complain. - Maguro? - Ash. - Yeah, no one's complaining. If you don't like Maguro, then you just don't like sushi. - You don't like sushi.
- I said it Garnt. - You don't like sushi. - Oh my God. Okay, I'm putting an S you have to explain why I have to move. - No, no, okay. Maguro is just like, it's the yardstick, okay? It's like, I'm never going to complain, but is it something that I am looking forward to the most? - Yes. - Like when I have like all of the top ones, I'm like, this one's gonna be a banger. Maguro is just like, okay,
- I'm not gonna complain. It's gonna be a good bite, but it's always like the, it's always the starter to the main course of like the rest of this shit. It's never the star. - My argument for why Maguro should be an S tier is the same reason as why salmon is an S tier. Because if you're looking, if you're at a sushi place, right? And you don't really want to experiment, you're not too sure like, oh, this one I kind of want to go for, but it might be bad. Salmon and Maguro is consistently good.
you'll be very, very, it's a very rare exception that you'll walk into a sushi restaurant in Japan and have bad margaro or bad salmon. - See, I'm just, I'm salmon-pilled. So I love salmon no matter what. Margaro, I've had bad margaro at a sushi place before. And sometimes it's just a little bit too cold. I don't know why.
- No, no, no, no. Sometimes it's like too cold to the point where you could tell that it feels just a little bit frozen. - You gotta treat yourself better Garnt. - No, no, no, no. And here's the thing, here's the thing. It very much depends on how recently has the Maguro been thawed in my opinion. Obviously if you go to a really expensive sushi place, it's always gonna be perfect temperature. But if you go to a conveyor belt one, the salmon I've never had like,
- The salmon has never felt like frozen to me, but obviously with the way they transport tuna. - Have you had frozen Maguro before? At like a conveyor belt sushi? - I don't think it's frozen. I mean, it's probably frozen at some point, but not when they've just cut it. - No, no, but like sometimes it just feels really, really fucking cold. Like it is almost frozen. Like there is sometimes a temperature difference at conveyor belt sushi when it comes from Maguro. - Weirdest reason.
- I'm just, I mean, we're still gonna keep it a DS. - No, no, no, no, no, no. A tier, A tier. - What's Kazunoko? - Oh, Kazunoko is the, it's not Kodrow, it's, what is it?
- What's the other? It's like a white fish roe, but it's like really kind of hard and crunchy. We usually eat it during like Osechi. - I've never seen Kazunori. - I like it in Osechi, but on sushi, it's just like, it's like a C, it's fine. Kouhada is like a A or a B for me. - I put bottom of A. - Yeah, A is good. - Wagyu beef, yeah. - D too. - It just doesn't belong. I'll never order it when it's there on the menu. - No, no. - It's a scam, bro. - Yeah. - Well, there you go.
- Yeah, dude, whenever you go to a sushi restaurant, I don't know why they always go dummy with the Kohada. - It's so good. - It's like a different fish. - Yeah. - Like I'll order it like the sushi roll and I'll be like, this is filth. I'll have it at the nice sushi restaurant. And I don't know what they do to it, but it's like a, they must have- - Maybe at the cheap places like a faux Kohada. - Yeah, maybe. - It just looks and tastes like Kohada. - What does a Kohada look like? I've never seen what they look like. Can you search Kohada?
- Small silver fish, isn't it? - Yeah, it just looks good. - Generic ass fish. - So many of the fish look generic. - Generic ass fish. This is the most fish looking fish. - This is like the most fish of all time. - The default fish you go fishing. - What the, he's braiding the fish. - Braiding the Kohana, shoo. - They're braiding it. Why are they braiding the Kohana? - I don't know, cat looks fine. - It doesn't.
- You just fucking slope up a braid of kohala. - All right, let's do one more to finish off. - Let's speed run. Japanese food tier list? - Okay, let's speed run Japanese food tier list then. - What is this one? I can't even fucking see it. It's so fucking small. - Is that a bakery? - Japanese bread? - Yeah, Japanese bakery.
- Listen, I mean, look, living in Europe, it's a mockery. Even Australia probably has amazing bread compared to Japan, I feel like. - Yeah, but I also grew up going to Asian bakeries as a kid. - Udon.
- B. - I was gonna say B. - I'm happy to put it in. - Yeah, yeah. - Okonomiyaki. - Okonomiyaki. - Can I just confirm that this is the only one? Okay, so we are discussing all types of Okonomiyaki. - Yeah, Hiroshima-yaki and Osaka-yaki. - Hiroshima-yaki is like an S for me. - Yeah. - Okonomiyaki is like a B, like the normal one. I think the noodles really are a game changer. - Do you wanna average it out and go A? - I don't know, what do you reckon Garnt? - I reckon B.
- I was gonna say exactly what you said, except one tier lower for both. - Okay. What do you think, J? - I mean, I was gonna say Hiroshima is S, Osaka is A. - Okay, so I guess we could maybe level it out to a A, I guess. - Okay. - I think that, especially that place we went to,
- I took my parents there as well. - Yeah, it's good. It's not my favorite Japanese food, which is what I would reserve for like Esther, but it's good. - But dude, when you're hungry and the Okonomiyaki comes along. - And you get a tall thing of beer as well. - There is no better thing. Onigiri, I think the onigiri is a classic. I think it's good. - It's stable. - It's not exciting, but it's always welcome. - But it's always there. - I won't say no to an onigiri. - Yakiniku.
- That's the best tier for me. I think that's the best way to have- - There's so many bad ones though in Japan. - But like, you know, like I've gotten bored of like eating expensive Wagyu beef except during Yakiniku. - That's the most privileged sentence I've ever heard in my life. - Must be nice. - No, not really.
- I mean, like when you're in Japan, people don't realize how easy it is just to like stumble upon like Wagyu beef because it is Japanese. - There are so many places that do it so badly though in Japan. - That is true. - You really need to know a spot, I think for it to be like the best experience.
- Yeah, I would put it A. - Yeah, I'm happy with A. - Miso soup, B. - Miso soup, B. - Yeah, it's a B. - Bob was fine. - Ramen? - A. - I'd say A. - It's not the best. - Yes, A. - I'd say it's probably above that but below. - Ceylon? - S.
- I do love a good Gyudon. - I would never say no to a Gyudon, you know what I mean? - You know, I'm happy to put it as S 'cause it's reliable. - You can't say you've had like a bad Gyudon. - That's true. - This is Japanese breakfast, right? I'm guessing, 'cause nothing else looks like a Japanese breakfast. - Yeah, it's like a mackerel breakfast, I guess. - I'm gonna say it, boys. - D-tier. - It's the worst. Japanese breakfast is the fucking worst.
- I mean, listen, I don't even eat breakfast. - It's like, how much food do you want? They just said yes. And then all of it is like pickled or slimy. - Yeah, Japan really took breakfast as the most important meal of the day seriously. - So much. It's not even like the, if it was just that fish, I'm chill. I'm like, this is great. But there'll be this fish with 19 sides and you're like, guys, chill. - I mean, that's a York meal. - Yeah, I know, I know. But Japanese breakfast is-
- If Japanese breakfast, ryokan meal is D, Japanese breakfast is C. - Yeah, I'm happy with that. - Is this conveyor belt sushi? - Conveyor belt sushi. - It's all right. - I'd say B or A. - No, it's A tier at least. - It's good. - It's A tier at least. - It's high B. - At least A tier. - You think it's better than udon?
- Yes, I do. - Low A, low A. - Okay, I am a firm hater of Oden. - What the fuck? - Oden is fucking, I've never once wanted everything to taste the fucking same and mushy. - What do you mean? - Oden is, it's just like- - In the winter, it's the fucking best. - Yeah, I mean, if it was a good food, you'd eat it all year round, that's why.
- I put it in B tier. - Yeah, B for me. - Yeah. - Okay, I would put D but I'm happy to put B. - Okay. Is that Yakitori? - Oh, you know. - Oh, S tier baby. - Oh, you know. - It's reliable. - S tier. - Get the fucking melon bread in D. - Yeah. Any breads in D. - Okay, I'm gonna. - Tonkatsu. - Tonkatsu. - Yeah. - Real agree? - Yeah, I agree.
- Yeah, I agree. - Okay. - This is the hesitate. Oh wait, there it is. - There's the real calm breakfast. - All right. - Yakisoba. - Yakisoba. - I do like a good yakisoba. - I think A. - You know what's depressing is that you realize it's just fucking chow mein. Yakisoba is just chow mein.
- Could that possibly be the most British thing he's ever said? - Google how you make a chow mein. It's literally the same fucking way. - What's the yakisoba sauce? - It's fucking like soy sauce. - It's soy sauce, yeah. - It's literally just chow mein.
- It's like Worcester sauce? - No, you can put a dash of whatever you want. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - How much MSG is in it though? That's the real question. - Depends how Chinese you are, guys. - That's the real question. - The depressing truth of yakisoba is that it is just chow mein.
- I don't know if I agree with that. - No, no, Garnt, Garnt, it's not about what if you think. It is what it is. - You know what? I'm gonna let the audience decide on that. - I can't believe we have a fucking strong zero in this team. - Listen, if you asked me 10 years ago, it would've been like an A, but I can't get down. - I value my health and well being. - Yeah, it's a C too. - I don't fuck with these. - Yeah. - What do they call it? - Taiyaki. - Taiyaki. I'm not a big Taiyaki guy. - It's a C for me. - It's really good on like that cold nights out when you just, oh my God. - But I never want more than two bites.
- I feel like this is always too much. - You just hate like red bean paste. - No, no, 'cause you get the custard. - You get the custard. - I always get the custard. - Oh yeah, that's true, that's true. - I get the custard. - The custard ones are pretty good. - The custard ones are good. - But they're heavy, they're heavy. And also red bean paste is the worst thing ever. - I'm okay with that.
I'm okay with C. - Okay. - Yeah. - Dango. - Dango. - Hit me out. - Too chewy. Too, too chewy. Too chewy. Deter, deter. - I'm willing to negotiate. - I like- - No, no, no, no, I'm not. - Okay, okay. - It's D, so I'm- - I'm not willing to negotiate. - I'm a rice. I already know what Garth's putting in this. - Okay, okay. - It's literally drenched in ketchup. - Without the ketchup. - Dude, there's sauce in the rice. - Without the ketchup.
- What? - Dude, without the ketchup, it's literally egg and rice. - I've had demi-glace sauce on the rice. - Oh my God, little bro. - And that's pretty fire actually. - Okay, J, where would you put it?
- I love a good omurice. I'm gonna say B or A. - I never get like excited about it. It's never like, these things are what gets me like frothing. And this is like- - I know some good omurice places. - Yeah, but I never, like I never choose omurice. It's like, it's on the menu. I'm like, all right, I guess. I'll put it above onigiri though. - All right, all right, fine. - It's B tier. - Tempura, A tier probably.
- I don't know. I'm actually not a fan of tempura. - I'm kind of a man with tempura to be honest. - Tempura is just like Japan figuring out that presentation is like everything because they just made fried food, but they just look so much better than any other fucking fried food out there. - When I go for tempura though, it's always the veg that's better. - It is. - 100%. - It is. - I think it's gotta be at least B. - Yeah, it's B too. - I think it's better than udon. Actually combine these two.
- Yeah, that's the only time I'm like that. - Soba, soba's an A for me. - I love soba. - I think it's probably- - Soba is fucking great. - Probably, would you think it's better than kebab at Sushi? - I think it's on the same level. - Same level. - Yeah, put it there. - Sukiyaki, S. - I think this is shabu-shabu, but sukiyaki is S. - No, no, that's sukiyaki. - Oh, okay. - It's an S. - I'll put it A too.
- Well, we both put it out. - Well, - Karaage. - Karaage. - Sea tier actually. - What? - Karaage sea tier? - Yeah. - Nah, that's fucked up. - That's fucked up. - Okay, me and Joey both agree on that. - Karaage is just, - Low A. - Karaage is just worse fried chicken than most other fried chicken places you can get in the world. - Word fried chicken? - Worst fried chicken. - Okay. - I would take most countries fried chicken over karaage. - Okay.
- All right, well, we're not all- - Takoyaki. - Sea, yeah. - I know some people swear- - I mean, look, it's great street food, but- - I put like B tier. It's definitely not on those levels. - Hambagu. - Hambagu, A tier. - No, you're actually trolling. - A tier. - No, you're actually trolling. - It's A tier. - It's a C, bro. - All right, I'm gonna be reasonable and go high C, low B.
- Okay fine, bottom of C. - There you go. - Japanese sandwiches are bad. They're just straight up bad. - Yeah, they don't have the crust. - Bottom of C. - I put a low B. - No, now you're trolling. Now you're trolling. - You have Japanese sandwiches. There are some Japanese- - I have them. - There are some that are all right. - Okay, look, if we're talking about- - The only one I'm fucking with is the tuna one. - You have more Japanese sandwiches than you do Strong Zero. Don't lie to me. - Well, yeah, because I don't want to kill myself. - Okay, so I'm happy to put it top of C.
- It's like low B. - We'll move on. Teppanyaki. A, I would put it S but it's always overpriced and you never get enough. - See, I'm thinking like B.
- I'd say A too. You know what my least favorite part of the teppanyaki is? - The price. - Yes, it's the price because they always end with the fucking expensive cut of beef. And that to me is like the worst part of it. - Curry. - Japanese curry. - A. - Japanese curry is reliable, I'd say A. - Solid A. - Yeah, solid A. - B. - B, it's B. No, it's not contrarian. Japanese curry, it's A. - Unagi. - It's A.
- S. - There you go. - Yes, S too. - Okay, thank God. - Sushi, S. - S. - And then, is this Japanese? - Oh, I mean that type of flash. - C. - I don't like it. - Yeah, I like it, but it's like a high C. High C, low B. - I would put it in the bottom of D, so. - Yeah, I mean, yeah, you don't like it. - There's our Japanese food tier list. - Yep. - I mean- - I think we would probably, if I had to move it around, I'd probably be like, maybe, no, actually sushi would be.
- I don't know. - I'm putting Sukiyaki way higher though. - Yeah, Sukiyaki is also fine. All of them can be top actually. - Yeah. - Actually I'm deciding all these are top. - Yeah, they're all top six. - All right, well that's our tier list. Hope you enjoyed. - And hey, with some of these tier lists, we will actually be judging your guys' tier lists over on the Patreon, which you can go watch right after this by going to But hey, if you wanna check that out and support the show on the process, head on over to Also follow us on Twitter, send us some memes on the subreddit. And if you hate our face,
listen to us on Spotify. Oh yeah, I forgot to shout out the patrons as well. - Shout out. - Show them right now. After the shout out. - After you've already done the shout out. - Yeah, I was like, man, I was like, I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh yeah, the patrons. - Yes. - Thank you patrons. Love you guys. But hey, if you want to join them again, - And we'll see you guys next week. - Bye.
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