- What's up brethren. Welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste podcast. I'm bringing back the intros baby. I'm with brethren number two and three. - Can we get demonetized for that? - For the word? - I'm pretty sure it's close enough. - Oh dude, I'm quitting YouTube if that happens. - No you're not. - No you're not. - Dude, have we really gotten so Puritan to the point where we can't even say that anymore? That's ridiculous. - Yes, on YouTube yes. I've given up on making money on YouTube via ad revenue. Holy shit.
- For the last six months, I think I have had only one video that has not been demonetized. - Are you serious? - Yeah, on my main channel at least. - What the fuck? - Which is why, if you're wondering why I never upload anymore unless I have a sponsor on it, that's why. Otherwise I would not make any money on it. - Jesus. - But you know, sometimes you gotta take the L's with the L's sometimes. - Is it because, do you think of the anime content or do you think it's just because of like something else?
- It's always something different. There's like a million different things. Sometimes it's some of the anime content, sometimes it's the language, sometimes it's the music. But as long as I have sponsorships, I'm also very unwilling to compromise on the way I wanna make content. - Yeah, of course.
As long as I have sponsors, I'll keep making videos. - Geez. - Hopefully, hopefully. - I didn't know it was still that bad. 'Cause like I definitely got the brunt of that. Like when the first adpocalypse thing happened, but like I've been pretty good for the past year or so. I mean, you'd never really got affected that much, right?
- Oh no. - Yeah. - It was really weird 'cause you know when the whole apocalypse happened, everyone was like freaking out. I was like, man, I'm pretty sure my stuff should get demonetized. I bit my mouth. I had a loss of it. - Yeah, that is true. - I didn't get it and I was kind of waiting
- And everyone was freaking out. I'm like, yeah, yeah, let's all freak out and get angry. I'm like, but mine's just all green stuff. - Meanwhile, he's like scrooge McDuckie through his money. - I'm like, oh, here's another Yowie video. Please don't do that to me. But then YouTube figured out that Yowie was something that they should demonetize. And then the videos just stopped getting views as well. - Yeah, yeah, of course. - It's hard being in the one.
I'm telling you that, right? It's hard. - My safe work's off my second channel. That's why I actually have to give a shit. - I'm actually getting more videos demonetized on my second channel than I am on my main. - It's 'cause you're making anime content. - Yeah, that's right. - See, why do you think I stopped making anime content? - YouTube just doesn't like anime.
- No. - That's why I don't like anime. - And that's why everyone- - And that's why YouTube told me to stop. - And that's why everyone stopped making anime content but me, basically. - Horrible, horrible. - But yeah, you guys got to go to my home country for the first time. - Yeah, we went to Thailand. - We just came back from Thailand. Didn't really post much about it. Just kind of went there. I kind of like invited you guys at very, very last minute to come and luckily you guys were free.
- Yes, we were there for like three days. I think three days was the perfect amount. - Yeah. - Really? I wanted to be there a little bit longer. - I mean- - 'Cause we only really got to explore like kind of like, I feel what is kind of like a corner of Bangkok. - The super touristy stuff we did, which is fine. 'Cause it's like, that's how you get introduced to a country. - Of course. - It's through the touristy stuff. - Yeah. - I don't know, taking more than three days off of work, I'm like,
- Yeah. - Bro, you literally cycled for eight days. What are you talking about? - Yeah, I know, but that was work though. That was work. - If he's not filming it, it's not good. - That was work. - Well, technically I filmed a vlog, so I didn't get it right. - Fuck you. - I was working, so I don't know what your excuse is. - Yeah, no, but it was great. Yeah, I feel like,
- No, I kind of agree. Like we did kind of go to all the touristy places, but I think that just made me want to stay for a little bit longer. I think like next time, if we were to go, I definitely want to maybe, I mean, I don't know what's anything good outside of Bangkok. - I kind of like took you to like, let's say the more pristine clean areas. Next time you're in Thailand, we'd love to take you to some of the more like back ends, let's say like dirtier places. - Yeah, I'm down for that. - Because you can get a lot of interesting things there.
- Do you guys have like a lot of like islands and stuff like that? - Oh, we have so many. - A lot of the big tourist destinations are they're like really pretty islands. - Oh yeah, I think that's what I wanna do next for sure. - Me too, me too. I'll join you on that one. - Yeah, hell yeah. - It was an interesting experience from like the moment we got off the plane, it felt very different. This is the first time I've gone to a country in a while where
I wasn't able to speak the language remotely so. - The language. - Yeah. - 'Cause we've been doing America and Japan, which is like, okay, I know how to talk in Japan. - Yeah, yeah. - So it was kind of weird going to a place and being like, that guy again, you couldn't, you literally was like, please speak English, please. I felt bad, but it was what it was. But like you get off the plane and immediately I think American,
immigration has ruined immigration for me. I was terrified. I was conditioned by America to be terrified. The moment we get to the passport gate, they literally just look at the passport for like one second, like get in. Go, go, get inside. - Yeah, in Thailand because like so much of our economy is tourism. - It was like that dude. - Did they even ask you what the purpose of your visit? - No question. - The dude didn't even talk to me.
- Look at the passport. - Yeah. - Hand on the thing. - Silently grabbed my passport, looked at it, looked at my face, stamped.
- Yeah. - Dude, they were doing like a paper, please speed run. I wanted to like, I was like, damn, I should just say I'm working. I see what happens. - Damn, I should've smuggled drugs. - Dude, this shit felt too easy. America, I gotta ask questions just to go to the toilet. - Was the line long when you got in? - No, it was super quick. And then the question was like, oh fuck,
"Fuck, it's not America. I can't like Uber or I can't do anything." I was like, "Fuck, I don't have any money. I don't have anything." - I gotta take a taxi. - Yeah. So we were like, "Fuck, what do I do with the cabs?" And I also don't have a SIM card. I don't have anything. So I went over to the SIM card. It was like three of them and they all look really sketchy. Not gonna lie. And I'm like, "Can I have two SIM cards please?" It was like 10 bucks each. And they're like, "Yeah, sure. Can we have your passport?"
and then they will all whip out their iPhones and start taking pictures of my passport. I'm like, wait, what are you, what is this? - This is my personal collection. - I was like, why are you all whipping out iPhones? What is this? I was really confused. I was like, what was the, what are you guys taking pictures for? They're like, oh, we just have to do this. - It's like, oh, you're just hot.
- I don't know. I was just saying, it's like, oh, good boy. - It was weird, and then I was like, okay. And I was like, can I pay by card? They're like, cash only. I'm like, that's weird. We're in an airport. Okay, it's fine, it's fine. I'll get some cash and then come back, give it to them. And then I'm like, all right, got my SIM cards.
go to get the taxi. And I'm pretty sure I'm getting ripped off right away. - Yeah, okay. - 'Cause it's like, they wanna charge me something like 60 bucks, like USD. And I know from what I've heard from Thailand, in Thailand that's extortion. - Yeah, it is extortion. - And I was like, but will the taxi be there right away? And will it be a big taxi? 'Cause it was like a group of us. And they were like, yes.
- Bro, you paid 60 bucks for a taxi in Thailand? - I think it was like 48 USD, which is a hundred percent a rip off. But dude, we literally rocked out right away and it was all ready to go. - Yeah, because when I heard that from Connor, right? Again, this is America corrupting my mind. I was like, oh, see,
- 60 bucks for like, what is it? Like a 40 minute like taxi ride. I'm like, all right, yeah, that's fine. - It was a big van. - And it was like a big van that could, you know, obviously fit all of us. But so, you know, in my head I was like, okay, yeah, I mean,
I mean, that's not too bad. But then the second time we got onto the taxi and the guy put the meter on and I saw 30 baht was the starting price. I'm like, it's like 80 cents. - Yeah, it was like a 30 minute cab ride was like 10 bucks. I was like, what the fuck? - Not even, it was like eight bucks. - It was insane. - I'm like Japan could never.
- Yeah, I mean like first rule when you come to, if you ever come to Thailand and pretty much every Southeast Asian country, if you get a taxi, meter only. Like if you really, really need to, they will try to like get a fixed price. - Yeah, I noticed this. They kept trying to do, and I get it. I look white as shit. I get it. You should scam me. Like he would, I was like, hey, I'm going here. And he just said something, I didn't get it. And I was like, he's like three or something guys.
I didn't realize afterwards he was asking for like five times the price up front.
And then I think like at one point we split up into two taxis, Joey went and then I went. We all went the same direction and I told him I wanted the meter. Joey paid the 300. My thing came in like a hundred or something. So I paid like a third of what Joey paid. - To be fair though, that 300 baht taxi ride, I remember, 'cause we were heading to the big markets. I forgot what the name of it was. - Cut to Jack. - Yeah, that one. So we were heading there
And I told the guy that we were heading there and this guy clearly was very excited, right? That it was like, oh, he's taking a tourist, right? That can't speak a word of Thai. So he was trying the entire 30 minute taxi ride. This guy was trying so hard to sell me on this market that we were heading to. But the only thing he could say was 14 market, 14 market.
And he would just repeat that for 30 minutes. And I'm like, yeah, I get it bro, there's 14 of them. I get it. And then every time I would respond, he'd just laugh and go, "Thailand, happy, happy." And I was like, yeah, you seem very happy about it. But yeah, no, I think that's like one thing about like,
- I guess if you can call it the Southeast Asian living experience, right? It's like everyone's just so chill and it's just like so happy that you're there. 'Cause you very rarely get anything like that in Japan, right? Like maybe in Okinawa, right? You would get someone that talkative and that like trying to express. - People are too chill. - People are too chill. - Yeah, yeah, that's one of the big reasons why I moved out of Thailand after living there for like three, four years. - 'Cause you get nothing done.
- I noticed as well, people just don't indicate ever. - Lanes are a suggestion. - They seem like a pointless thing. This dude, we were on an hour ride, didn't touch his fucking indicators once. - They would either not touch the indicator or when say they wanted to signal going into the left lane, they would flick the indicator on for half a second. - Yeah, it's half a second.
- No one saw that. - Literally the mood when you're driving in Thailand, it's just like, "Who's gonna stop me? "Who's gonna stop me?" 'Cause literally you just have to like go. - Everyone was just being a dick. I swear it makes traffic slower.
'cause everyone's being selfish and it's just slowing everything down. - The moment the taxi just starts driving off, I can just see the objective survive. It's so scary to be in the front. It's like you are getting tantalizingly close to these, especially the bikes as well. Oh my God. I mean, I knew Southeast Asia had a lot of bikes, right? 'Cause I've been to the Phillip Ropes. But Jesus Christ, these bikes are fucking speed demoning through these trucks and all these,
you know, avoiding the lanes and shit like that. And I'm like, how does anyone survive? - I mean, it's just like, like I said, in Thailand and mostly Southeast Asian countries, you just need ultra instinct to like survive, right? Because there's like, you are constantly just checking every mirror possible because it's not the cars you need to worry about, it's the motorcycle, okay? I don't, you know what, I don't, in the, in the, in the,
of driving in Thailand, I don't care if a car doesn't indicate, that's just normal. But if you're changing a lane, you always have this instinct that there is going to be a motorcycle driving past or a motorcycle doing something. - Bro, I swear, some of these taxi drivers have like the periphery of a deer. Like they just like, they can see behind without looking back. It's like, yeah, I can see, I can sense two bicycles coming on the right way.
a lack of indicating is like, holy fuck, if you're driving on a motorbike, my God, you're just praying that people aren't being dicks. - Yeah, exactly. And honestly, like Thailand's one of those, like Bangkok's one of those cities where you risk, people risk their lives daily going on motorcycles, me included.
because the traffic's so bad, right? And sometimes there's just no system in place right now. Bangkok's still very much a developing city, especially with this public transport that sometimes you choose getting stuck in a traffic jam for two hours or it's a 20 minute taxi ride. Which one are you gonna take? And you're like, well, I'm risking my life.
- But that 20 minute taxi ride, that 20 minute motorcycle ride looks damn appealing right now, man. Ain't gonna lie. But yeah, did you guys go on like the tuk tuks as well? - Yeah. - Yeah. - That was interesting. 'Cause again, like it was like a five minute ride and the dude was like 300. I was like, dude, I'm like, this looks like it weighs 10 pounds. There's no way the guess.
"The guest usage in a year is probably not even 10 bucks. "What are you talking about?" - I remember the first time we rode the tuk tuks at night, Connor did a full on gamer move and the guy was like 300. But obviously, we couldn't all fit into one tuk tuk. Because the tuk tuk can only see maybe like what, three people at most. So we had to get two tuk tuks.
And Connor did like a big brim where he's like, all right, let's do a package deal. 500 for two. - Well, originally I was like 200. Even then I know 200 is too much. I'm like, hey, you can scam me, but just give me this. I just want to barter a little bit. I just want to feel like I belong here. I bartered with him. Obviously I knew I was getting ripped off and I was like 200 and he was like, no.
"I have 250." And I was like, "250 for both." And he's like, "All right, sure." Then he shouts at the dude who had no affiliation to him behind him being like, "We're taking them both for 250." - Yeah. - He's like, "All right, cool." - I didn't know what the guy said, but I could make it out. Pretty much he said, "Follow me and make 250." - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- He didn't tell him where we were going, he said, "You follow me." And holy fuck, these things felt dangerous, dude. - Oh, they are. - No seat belts, you're holding on for dear life, the dude's going like 60 miles an hour and you're like, "Holy fuck, this is cool, but oh my God, I'm gonna die." - I don't know if you saw, but like before we went onto those two tuk tuks, there was like a group of about six people in front of us, right? And I thought we had to wait a little bit, right? Because I saw like, you know,
while we were driving on the road, these tuk tuks could maybe fit two people on average, right? Maybe three if you squeezed in. But there was a group of about six of them. - They all got in. - They all got into one tuk tuk. And they're just like- - They're like leaning off the side. - They're like cramped in this tiny little thing and they're like, "Oh yeah, a hotel please." And I'm like, "Bro, if you get- - No way. - No way. The tuk tuk turned into a clown car, dude. - It is extremely tightly packed and I was like that,
I mean, it's dangerous already. And that felt like, why not add more risk? - Yeah, because I've seen entire families get on these motorcycles. They put their two children at the front and the parents are sitting on, and then on top of that, they have their shopping on their motorcycles. They are packing these things up to the brim. - I think what blew my mind for one was just not only the sheer amount of motorcycles that are on the road, but also just like,
how casual people are driving these things through that environment. Like I remember I saw, you know, usually when you're on the back of a motorcycle, right? - Yeah. - The first thing is like, you know, make sure you're sitting in front, you know, holding onto the driver, right? Maybe wearing a helmet if you want to be extra careful. - Yeah. - I remember I saw- - I don't think I saw anyone wearing a helmet. - First of all, no one was wearing a helmet. Second of all, I remember I saw this woman who was sitting to the side, not holding onto anything, just looking at a phone.
- What the fuck? - Meanwhile, this motorcycle is just, and she's just sitting there like, "Yeah, all right, tell me when we're here." - It makes Jason Bourne really sad in the movies. When you see the stunts he's doing on a motorcycle, you just see- - Yeah, some of these stations are like, "That's just my commute." - Yeah, some of these stations being like, "Damn, that's a nice ride." - Yeah, that's a pretty normal- - You get a whole motorcycle to yourself, damn. - That's actually a pretty normal way for women to sit on the motorcycles, because a lot of times if they're wearing skirts, they don't really like,
they wanna sit kind of like that 'cause it looks a bit more elegant and they don't need to like expose their skirts or anything. - But at least, if I had to sit like that, I would at least like hold onto something. This woman was just free hand, one hand on her phone,
- She looked like she was waiting for a doctor. It was just the most casual, like, yep, all right, I know my life's in danger right now, but I really gotta check Twitter. - There's this banger tweet. - There's this banger tweet, I have to retweet this right now. - Yeah, I mean, it's definitely, no matter how much I have described it in the past, there's nothing that can replicate the feeling of just the insanity of Southeast Asian roads and just how the rules work over there.
It's a free-for-all and it's always been a free-for-all. And kind of like every taxi you go to, especially if you're a foreigner, they're gonna try to barter with you and they're gonna try and get the best price possible. - Oh yeah, dude, when you got us that taxi, dude, it was like the moment they saw us wanting a cab, like 20 dudes spawned.
They were all shouting at you. Garmin was like, I don't know who you were talking to. I think you were talking to the crowd and you were just like, no, no, no, no, no. It was weird. It was just like, Garmin was like, I want a taxi. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It wasn't until a lot later, maybe because I was drunk, but it wasn't until a lot later I realized that they were all taxi drivers. I thought we were just getting jumped by like 20 dudes. I was like,
- I was like, "Oh, they're all taxi drivers." - Yeah, 'cause what happens is obviously I took them to a place called Asiatique, which is nice. - Which was sick, by the way. - Which is like a really nice bougie place right by the river in Bangkok. But they needed to go home to the hotel. And so I know how it works. You go over, they see a group of tourists and like a group of NPCs basically will just fall. - It was crazy. - And one of them comes up and goes like, "Oh, 300 baht." And I'm like,
Do not talk to me. I am going to talk to the crowd. Can anyone in this crowd give me a better deal? - I was like at the Pantheon. It's like, speak only if you are willing to speak. I'm like, I am not a tourist. I will not even attempt
to like take this number. Can anyone give me a better number? And as soon as I just ignored the guy, two other dudes would be like, "Well, we'll do it for half the price." And I remember like turning back to Connor and I'm like, "Is this price okay for you?"
go a bit lower, go a bit lower. And so I'm like, okay, I'm like- - I wanted to see if he could bother them lower. I was like, I wanna see how good this bothering thing is. - Yeah, and so Connor's like, get it lower. And I was like,
- I said, they're not being cheap ass by the way. - No, no, no, no, no. - You just don't wanna be ripped off, right? - Because 90% of the time, I didn't wanna have to deal with change anyway. I was like, just keep it all. I just wanted to see how much he could bother them. I was curious for me. - Yeah. - It makes you seem like I'm like, no, I will not pay five bucks for a taxi. - No, 'cause like the thing is, no matter what price, if you agree on a price, basically, if you agree on a fixed price,
always going to be higher than the meter price, no matter what. Otherwise they will not- - It was like a 10, not even 10, like a seven minute journey. It would have been like 50 on the meter. - Yeah, exactly. So no matter what you agree to. So it's kind of like the price you agreed to, to just have the convenience of,
of just being like, I can't be asked to deal with this bullshit. Let's just like agree for a price. - Just pay to win. - Yeah, it's basically pay to win. So yeah, Connor, I kind of did them a bit dirty a little bit 'cause I'm like,
"Bro, come on, I'm Thai man, come on, do me a favor." - You can't bullshit me. - "Do me a favor man, you can go a little bit lower." 'Cause in Thailand and I'm sure most other Southeast Asian countries, if you're speaking their language and if you're off their nationality, then they're gonna do it a little bit lower. So I'm like, "Do it for your bro, man, do it for your brother." And he's like, "All right, two taxis just for you, for that price that you want." I'm like, "Cool." And I'm like, "All right, boys, get in the taxis." And I'm like,
like pushing them to get in the taxis. And then everyone gets in the taxi. Me and Sydney, I was staying in another place 'cause we're going back home. And he's like,
"Are you not getting in?" I'm like, "No, just take my friends." And I'm like, "See ya, boys." - Damn. - Yeah, but that's kind of like, especially like the tourist culture in Thailand. - There's no 50 as well. There's no 50 note. They have a 20 note.
- Oh, there is a 50 note. - There is a 50 note. - It's the blue one. - I did not see this once. - Really? - I did not have any. These are mythical things I never saw. - Oh dude, I collected those like Pokemon cards. I have all the notes. - 'Cause every time the ride was, we agreed on like 150, I was like,
- Well, I can't ask him for 50 change after I just bartered him down. I feel kind of cheeky, you know what I mean? - Really? - So I was just like, just keep the 200, it's fine. - Oh no, I was like, give me that fucking thing. - I know you're already ripping me off. - I think we bought, at one point as well, we bought the most expensive pad thai.
- Oh yeah. - We got scammed 100%. And I know if I told you I paid best match for a pad thai, I think you'd kill me. - How much did you pay? - How much do you think I paid for a pad thai? - Mind you, it was for probably, you know, like maybe that big. - I didn't know how big the pad thai- - So it's a family size. - I didn't know how much the pad thai was until after I bought it. And I was like, excuse me? - 150? - Very cute Garnt. - Dude, we paid 750 for a pad thai.
- That's about $20. - That's a bit more than 20 bucks. That's like 25 bucks. - I'm losing my fucking, for Pat Thai not here. Oh my God.
- I knew when we paid it, the only thing I felt bad about was like, Garnt's gonna be so ashamed. I didn't mind 'cause I was like, hey, I don't mind getting scammed a little bit. The food was good. - It was great. It was good Pad Thai to be fair. - I mean, all of it was good. I don't think I had a bad, maybe you'd thought it was bad Pad Thai too. - Yeah, right. I mean, Pad Thai is like pretty hard to fuck up because Pad Thai is the, I guess it's like the most kind of like,
especially when tourists comes in that they want to try. When I was like trying to show you around, I was trying to find a store and a store that actually did some of the noodles that I liked, but every store was like, no, we only do Pad Thai here. And I'm like, okay, we're in a touristy area. I wanted to show you guys some other like more spicier, maybe less known noodle dishes, especially like drunken noodles for some reason. - Yeah, I wanna try that. - Yeah, and unfortunately,
Drunken noodles are normally sold where there's a lot of like dirty bars and stuff like that, which we didn't go to that time, but hopefully next time. But yeah, the reason these two boys came to Thailand to visit and everything was because I finally 100% in my wedding guys. - The third one is done. - It's all done now. All of the family is appeased.
No one is complaining anymore. Everyone has had a chance to go. - He has all the collectibles. - I literally have collected them all now. Everything, everything. But it's funny because we decided to do like a traditional Thai ceremony. We could have just had like the reception, everything like that. But my parents were like, no.
We wanna do the traditional Thai ceremony just because you've never seen it. So even though I'm like talking like about the Thai ceremony and this is your guys' first Thai ceremony, it was also my first Thai ceremony as well. - That's interesting. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It was cool. Like it was, I don't know. It was a lot more, I guess,
not free flowing is not the right word. I guess more casual than I thought it was gonna be. 'Cause like I'm, 'cause you know, I've been to like traditional Japanese weddings and that's like, you know, a 500 page script that you have to follow. Whereas like this one felt like, yeah, like as you said, it was a wedding of course, but it was more like just a celebration of like family getting together and just like shooting the shit. Which I think I really appreciated 'cause like I was expecting it to be like really super uptight and like very formal. And you know, there were like obviously very formal
parts of it, like the Buddhist monk thing was like super freaking cool. But then, you know, I had to do like 10 pushups for you as well, which was weird. - Yeah, so to explain everything that kind of went down at this wedding. So normally you start off in the morning and normally the morning is the part where you do the serious kind of blessings.
we started off at about like, before anything actually, these two boys asked me, what do I wear? Do I wear a suit or something like that? - Yeah, I don't know what you wear to a Thai wedding. - Yeah, and I was like, no, wear a Hawaiian shirt. - Hawaiian shirt, shorts and thongs. I was like, all right, you're speaking my language. - Exactly, I mean, it's hot enough in Thailand, man. We were like, no, nobody wears suits. We're going like all casual. The only one who really wore kind of a more traditional Thai
Attire was me and Sidney. So we had gotten dressed early in the morning and even then,
what I wore in my Thai wedding compared to what I wore in my other wedding in England was a lot less layers. It was just one kind of traditional Thai suit and like very, very airy and baggy pants is how I would describe it. - It looks cool. - They were actually really comfy. I kind of like after I had the opportunity to get changed earlier in the day, but I was like,
I kinda like this. I kinda like this right now. - It looks really cool too. - Yeah. But one thing I kind of like wasn't prepared for actually was,
- This was like the only time that I had got my makeup done. - Yeah, I noticed you wearing makeup and I was like, wow, Garnt looks like he's been airbrushed. - Yeah. - So is wearing makeup like a traditional thing or is that something that your mom was like, hey, I got you hooked up. - You look whack as fuck, bro, let me fix your hair. - I think for Thai weddings, most people want to look as good as you can in photos and everything like that. But the difference is most people don't trust themselves to make themselves look
as good as they can. So my mom hired like a makeup artist. And then the day before she was like, "Oh no, you're getting your makeup done as well." I'm like, "What? What do you mean I'm getting my makeup done?" And so yeah, I got my makeup done. I think, God damn, it's, I gotta say- - He was eyebrows on fleek.
- Respect to you girls, man. Holy shit. Makeup is uncomfortable to wear. - Oh yeah. - Oh, it's awful. - Wait, so you got just like, I think you got like your cheeks done and like your eyes a little bit? - And the lip gloss as well. The lip gloss was the thing that like annoyed me the most actually. - Oh yeah.
- You look like an ad. - Yeah, so I got ready and got my makeup done in the morning and then the monks came at around 10 o'clock and their ceremony, their praying blessing ceremony lasts for about 30 minutes
to 45 minutes. And basically they kind of just pray and give their blessings and everything like that. I mean, you boys- - It was very cool to be a part of. - Yeah. - When they started singing, that was pretty hype. - It was. - That was fucking cool. - It was so cool. - Yeah, because I remember
We were having this like ceremony and obviously Sydney's parents and family were there as well. And my dad was like, oh, my Sydney's mom and dad was like, oh, that was such a beautiful part to such a beautiful ceremony to be a part of. Thank you for inviting us and showing us part of your culture and everything. And then Sydney's uncle was also there and he just goes to me, man, those monks got bars.
I was like, yeah, but it makes sense. It makes sense because I didn't realize this when I was, because you know, I've been a monk and everything like that. I didn't realize this, but there's a certain rhythmic quality when they are praying and everything because you know,
how it works is there's normally one head monk that starts off a verse, let's say. And they say a few sentences, they chant a few sentences of this verse and then everyone else joins in afterwards. And it's kind of, the whole reason why Buddhist monks pray is not because we're praying to a God or anything like that because we don't have a God in Buddhism, but it's kind of to get us in the right mindsets
to meditate, to be a monk and everything. And I kind of realized after talking to Sydney's mom and dad why
the prayer kind of has this effect because when you're praying, when you have that kind of rhythmic prayer going on for like an hour sometimes, your mind kind of goes into this hypnotic stance state. - It's like a trance. - It's like a trance, yeah, kind of. And then that gets you into the right mindset to live the monk life and to meditate afterwards as well.
And yeah, I'm really glad you boys got to experience it because it can be like a very powerful experience sometimes because that was, we had 10 monks in just my house, but in a temple, especially when I was a monk, we had a temple with a hundred monks. Well, that sounds crazy. Yeah. So you're in the temple in this massive hall and then you hear the head monk start praying and yeah,
In my temple, we needed to know all of the prayers by heart. So I needed to memorize them. So I knew when the head monk started starting a line, I would know when to come in and I would know when to start praying as well. And you all join in and the ambience and the sounds that just,
throughout the entire temple. It's something I can't really explain via words, but it feels really, really powerful. - Oh yeah, even just with the 10 monks in your house, like it was, yeah, I mean like it just, the fact that everyone was just very silent and a lot of us were like closing our eyes and just trying to like take it all in. It was like, yeah, I don't know, it felt very,
You know, it was, cause you know, cause Japan has a similar thing as well. Yeah. In like funerals and stuff like that. But yeah, every time I hear, I don't know what it is. Every time I hear that sound, it just puts me like, I can just feel my body floating away. If that makes sense. You know, it's just,
something about it. And you don't even have to like know the words at all either. - I mean, they're not even speaking Thai. - Oh really? - It's like, I think the language is like Sanskrit. I don't know what the English translation name of it is, but it's like an ancient language. So yeah, they're not actually chanting Thai. It's a more older language, which is why you need to memorize it. Which is why I need to memorize it. 'Cause I don't actually know what they're saying. It's basically,
I would say it's more equivalent to them chanting Latin if we were in like European language. - Yeah, I was trying to figure out when I was supposed to pray. I was like, everyone's eyes, okay, okay. And I was like,
- Yeah. - 'Cause I wanna be respectful. I wanna be that guy who's just sitting there while the monks are like, I'm like, all right, well, I'll- - Yeah, yeah. - Even though I don't personally believe in it, I'd still like to respect any of the culture, especially if they're inviting me to go and experience it. - I remember that actually, it was so funny 'cause when they started chanting and most people in the room were starting to pray and I joined in and I remember halfway through, I looked up and your mom is just standing there with the phone like this. - Yeah, yeah.
- That's what kept throwing me off. - And I'm like, I'm like, are you not? - Yeah, that's what kept throwing me off, is that it would be like, I think this is like a Southeast Asian thing, where like moms and aunts just seem like unstoppable. And like, it's like, no matter what is happening, they will be doing what they wanna do. - Yeah, I gotta get the shot though. - It could be like the most important thing ever, and they'll be like, guys, get closer, I'm taking a shot. You know, it's like, whoa, there's like, what?
- It was such a power move. - I'll definitely get to that point.
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tell Sydney everything that she had to do, everything she could expect with the monk thing. And then when the monks got there, I'm just like, just follow my lead Sydney. There's too much going on. 'Cause there's one thing I forgot to tell her about, which is at the end, we light a candle for the monk and the monk like melts this wax onto like,
a bowl of water, which they will then kind of like spray onto us. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - To give us their blessing, right? I knew this was going to happen because there's, what do I call it? Like, not exactly spray, but there's a bunch of like sticks bundled up together that they will dip into the water, they will pray, bless the water, then kind of flick it onto like the, onto the crowd. - Sprinkle. - Yeah, like sprinkle, sprinkle. Sydney didn't know this.
- I knew this was coming. So I've done this ever since I was a kid. And so I knew. When the monk is about to kind of spray everyone,
- Put your head down. Sydney didn't know this. So she was just praying in like a very nice kind of mindset, gets a face full of water from the monk and she's like, "Whoa." - She's like, "Madam too sweet." - I think it's like we were kind of in the back of the whole thing when it happened. And of course, none of us knew that was coming either. So I'm just like silently closing my eyes and praying. And then I get the AOE splash down and just like, "Bah, fuck."
- And I'm like, is this a test? Am I supposed to just remain calm and then everyone's just getting splashed? You didn't get it at all, right? - No, I didn't. I heard like didis and you kind of make a noise 'cause I was behind you. So I didn't get anything luckily. - So you're in- - You're in the splash zone. - I was in the splash zone. - I was like, damn, this is- - It was a wide AOE, dude. I was just like, oh my God. - And then there's a few other ceremonies and stuff. And there's one thing with your elders or something. I don't quite understand what it was.
So after the monk thing, there's this ceremony. Then we get to the fun part. There's a ceremony which is called Kanmak, which how can I describe this ceremony? The best way I can describe it, it's kind of like replicating old ancient traditions where you present the groom to the household of the brides, right? So what happens is,
You separate the two households, you separate the two families, which is what we did. Sydney's family was in my house and we had walked to our neighbor's house. - Yeah.
- If you can call that a house. - If you can call that a house, yeah. Some of my neighbors got pretty wild with their houses. - It's more like a Disneyland looking place. - Yeah, it was kind of wild. I was like, what the hell? - Yeah, and so what happens is you separate the two houses. You have the groom side and you have the bride side. And the whole concept is all the groom side has to come together to help the groom kind of
to prove to the bride's family that they are worthy to marry the bride. - It was basically an escort mission. - It was an escort mission. My parents went full like force with it. They hired like traditional dancers and like traditional musicians. So we separated the houses and then you started off with like,
kind of like a King Kong Tarzan kind of chance. That starts off the- - The drums are smacking. - The drums are smacking. By the front there, we had like some traditional Thai dancers. It felt super weird. I'll be honest. - It was crazy. - It was so fun though. - They were just like, "Go here, guy." I was like, "What am I doing? I don't know what the-
- Yeah, Connor, me and Didis were given like a plate of like desserts or something. It was just like, hold this. And I'm like, I don't know what's happening. And then the drums start playing. I'm like, oh, okay, I guess we're going. - Yeah, and so basically my boys just escorted me to the bride's house. And so you stop at the gates and I thought I was meant to talk.
But no, my mother was apparently doing the one all the talking. - This is your mom's. - It's like step aside son, I got this. - Step aside son. And she basically, she has to kind of like negotiate with the households to kind of like let us into the house. And with this procession, there are like, there are three gates and there are different trials that we need to do at each gate.
- And these trials are picked like kind of not really at random, but I guess picked by like the groom's house or the bride's house. - The bride's house. So there are different, like how it traditionally is because families are so big, you'll have different members of the bride's house guarding each gate and they will ask the groom to do whatever they desire. And there's not like, there's not anything on paper where, you know, traditionally you need to do this. It's just whatever they feel like asking for.
- Shit yourself. - Kind of like a little forfeit basically. - Yeah, right. - And so at the first gate, I was asked to shout,
I love Sydney as loud as I can. - Bear in mind, there's like a hundred people crowding around. - Yeah, yeah. - It's kinda like a lot of people. - Yeah, this is a lot of people. You get escorted to the first gate. You get asked, I got asked to shout out, I love Sydney so she can hear me because Sydney right now, she's not outside, she's inside the house. That's how it's meant to be. It's kinda like you're with your bros and you're in the house
invading a castle, you know, that's kind of how it's meant to feel. - It's like some West side storm shit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Just like, here I come. - I remember saying, it was like, oh, it kind of feels like we're storming a castle right now. - But there's a lot of people. - Yeah, there's a lot of people. - I'm pretty sure your neighbors just joined in. Like, I don't even know who these people were. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was pretty easy. And then the second one,
The second gate was a bit more tricky 'cause my family member was like, "You're not doing this alone."
"You gotta get your bros involved with this one." - I was like, "No, I'm holding the desserts, man. "Can't you see that I'm a dessert holding gentleman? "I do not wanna involve myself in such frivolous activity." - Yeah, and so she was like, "Okay, you do 10 pushups, "Jerry do 10 pushups and Connor dance." - I was like, "Why? "Why do I have to dance?" - Yeah, 'cause at first it was like, "Go on, do 10 pushups." And we're all like, "Yeah, let's go." Not knowing that we're about to be involved, right? And then she's like,
- And then Garnt's like, I'm like, 'cause I didn't, the boys didn't know anything about this. I'm just like, boys,
You got it, you got to do this for me boys, please. - I'm just holding the dessert. - So I did the 10 pushups and then, you know, fucking Connor and Dynastar like laughing at me, right? Thinking that they'd gone scot-free. And then one of them was like, "Now one of you dance." - Yeah, I was like, "Why?" - "Be our clown." And so Connor, it was the weirdest thing. I wish I'd filmed this part because it was so, it was this bizarre situation of us
and a hundred plus Thai people around us all watching Connor Fortnite dance. - I just started Fortnite dancing. - It's like a dream scape. I was just like, I can't believe this is actually happening. - Yeah, because it really did feel like we were storming a castle except Connor was just Fortnite dancing in front of the gates because there was this one- - He's interrogating the guards. - There was this one very small bridge between like the outside and the inside of the house that was over a pond, right? And so-
Connor was just by himself on this bridge in front of like a hundred of like my Thai family, just like Fortnite dancing. - I'm like, I'm so glad I opted to do the pushups. - Fucking monks just left watching me. And I've got this traditional Thai dancers and these dudes playing these Thai
And meanwhile, she's a white guy dancing, wearing jeans on a fucking bridge in front of a hundred Thai people. It was so funny. - Such a weird experience. - Yeah, but thankfully my bros had my back. - Yeah, you got the fuck. - Yeah, I got in the second gate and then last gate was of course guarded by Sydney's family.
And they asked me to sing the song that I sang for my very first dance with Sydney, which I'm pretty sure I sung really, really badly. - That's fine. - But it didn't matter. I forgot to mention, even though you had to do these trials, it's normally ended with a little bit of a bribe.
- Oh really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh yeah, I heard about that. - 'Cause did you notice like when they were like, okay, you're worthy and I'm like, okay, thank you. And I gave them like an envelope. - Oh, I remember that you bribed, yeah.
- I was like, yeah, I like this culture. - Yeah. - All I can say is, you know, money talks. You can be the most worthy man in the world, but you know, a little bit of, it's like embarrass yourself and give us money. - What if you had to like barter? You're like, best I can do is tell you.
- That happens actually, that happens. - Really? - Yeah, that happens. - Best thing to do is 10 bucks. - It's like, all right, eight. - Take it or leave it. Boys, we're packing it up, squad out. - We didn't do this for our wedding, but my mom was like, traditionally sometimes it really depends on the feeling of whoever's guarding the gate. Sometimes if they're feeling like, oh, this doesn't look like enough money. You slip an extra like 100, 200 bath or something like that.
- It's so funny. - But yeah, it's not meant to be taken seriously. It's just like- - It was a lot of fun. - Yeah, awful fun, very casual. And then after that,
is where you had like the adult blessing ceremony, which is kind of what you see with this. So what happens is you go into another room and the immediate family all take a seat, right? And the basic premise is,
everyone who is part of your immediate family, who is an elder to you, gets to bless your marriage. Which everyone takes one of these strings, gives their blessings, and then literally like ties a knot, ties a knot for both me and for Sydney. - Right.
- I didn't know how long this was going to last. - That took forever. - Yeah, 'cause I was- - You got a lot of elders. - At the beginning, I was like, you know, Joey, Connor, Didis, you know, Emily, you know, come in, have a look. And they saw, you know, both of our parents blessing us, tying the knots.
And then I forgot to tell them that this, my entire family who was sitting down waiting their turn, they're gonna come up and bless me as well. So you were there standing there for like what? 15 minutes or something? - It was a while. - Yeah, it was like 15, 20 minutes before I was like, oh yeah, you guys go away for now. It's okay because we're gonna be here for a while. - So we're one 10th of the way through right now. - So as you can see, I mean, I liked the ceremony and everything,
I'm glad that mostly it was just my family there. Because obviously a lot of Sydney's family is in America because if Sydney's family was there, we would have been there for fucking
- Like your whole arm. - My whole arm. - Yeah, yeah, because like everyone got the chance to give that blessing and you can always tell when you've been to like a Thai wedding because this is kind of like a just married kind of symbol because you can tell Southeast Asian families, their arm just gets filled up. - I was gonna say most people when they go to Southeast Asia and they come back, they only have a bunch of
- Oh yeah. - It's a game, right? - Lots of bracelets. - There was like some other ceremony where I think it was something to do with elders, but it wasn't your dad. And then your dad was talking to me and everyone was being really quiet. And I was like, is it okay for you to talk this loudly to me? And then eventually your mom came up and was like, shut up.
- That's right. - I was like, not to me, to your dad. 'Cause he was like, everyone was quiet in this room watching one of your family, like blasting you or something. And then your dad just turns around and he goes, "How you enjoying Thailand so far?" And I was like, "Oh, well, you know, I just kinda-" - Not even like a whisper. - Yeah, quite loudly. And I was like, "Is it okay for us to talk?" And he was like, "Well, it's pretty good."
- You know your son's getting married right in front of you. You should probably pay attention to that. - That's so funny. He was just so chill. He was like, "Oh, whatever." - I think after my dad got his blessing out of the way, it was like, "My time's up." It's like, "I'm getting the party started." In the means while, there's literally a line of my elders just waiting to do it. And my dad's just like, "We're gonna be here a while." - Chalky. I was like, "Oh my God." - And then there was the one after with the water pot.
- Yeah, yeah. So after I got all my elders blessing, then we have the chance for everyone else who came to their wedding to give their blessings as well. And so what happens is me and Sydney sat down and we had kind of like a, yeah, we had like a,
a vase with a flower in front of us. And what the concept is, is that people can pour water over our hands and bless us for the start of a new marriage. - A lot of blessings. - Yeah, a lot of blessings. - A lot of blessings in Taiwan. - A lot of blessings. We are very blessed in Taiwan. - You're blessed. - We're blessed the hell out. - Hashtag blessed.
And everyone lines up once again and they take a kind of like, not a bucket of water, but just a little like vase of water and just pour it over our hands and you can say whatever you want. I was there for, me and Sydney were there for like 40 minutes.
- The part that I thought was kind of funny was that like, I think it was your mom or your aunt that said like, you know, to all the English speakers who were there, like us, was like, "Okay, so you all have to line up in order from oldest to youngest." And I'm like, "I don't know 90% of the people here."
how the fuck am I supposed to know who's older and younger than me? So I'm just like, I'll just wait till the end. Don't worry about it. You guys can all go ahead. But like, I remember, I didn't know that we had to like say something to you guys, right? Like as we were pouring the water. So it got to my turn and I'm just like, oh fuck, I haven't thought about what to say to you guys. I don't remember what I said to you. I said to Sydney, I'm just like thinking what to say. And I think I ended up just saying,
"Have a good life." And I'm like, "That sounds like a threat." - Enjoy the next 24 hours. - It's like, I didn't mean it to say it like that. I'm just like, I didn't know what to say. And I'm just like, "Oh fuck, I shouldn't have said that. Sorry." - "Have a good life." - I remember that. - I was like, "Have a good life." I was like, "What the fuck does that mean?"
- Oh yeah. - Yeah. - No, it was good though. - Yeah, but like, oh fuck man. I remember during, because we were sitting there for so long, just getting blessed. I remember turning to Sydney and I was like, this is the weirdest signing ceremony I've ever been to.
because it literally felt like a signing session at a convention, except everyone was just washing my hands. So many people washed my hands at this one ceremony that my hands were wrinkly. - Oh no. - I had clean hands. - You had the prune hands. - Yeah, I had the prune hands all the way. - Jesus. - But yeah, after that, everything was over and I guess that's when the party started, yeah. - I remember when we were waiting to do this water thing
is he your little cousin or something? - Yeah, my little cousin. - This kid, this 10, 11 year old Thai kid speaks to me in like a flawless American accent. And he was talking to me and I was like, "How do you have an American accent?" He's like, "Oh, I watch a lot of South Park and Family Guy." And I was like, "Hey, where are you from?" He's like, "I'm 11." I'm like, "All right, well, if you're learning American, then I'm sure that's good." - Yeah. - He was so funny. He was so cool. - God, I'm like,
- This being at this family gathering, being at this wedding kind of like opened my eyes a lot because I talked to a lot of my younger family members. One, I realized that a lot of my younger cousins, they were like, initially they were like, "Oh, I watch a lot of YouTube." I was like, "Oh, that makes sense." And then I talked to them a bit more about who they watch or who their favorite content creators were. And 90% of my cousins were like, "Oh, I watch VTubers."
- I remember that because one of your cousins that was sitting with us for quite a while, he was a really cool kid, overheard that conversation and he turned to me and he went, "What's a VTuber?" And I was like, "No, no, no, no, no, no. You are the last innocent mind. Your mind will not be tainted. - Don't do it, don't do it. - Don't do it to yourself.
It's like, promise me you will not look it up after this wedding. - Oh, there was this really awkward moment where I was having a conversation with my cousin and my uncle was standing next to him as well. And he was telling me about how he watches YouTube and something like that. And then he says that he watches VTube
And then like a minute after that conversation ends, my uncle comes up to me and he goes, "Can you explain why like he's always spending this stuff on his bank account? I don't understand."
Like he's spending a lot on YouTube. I don't understand. And I was just like, oh no, no, no, no, no. - He's red super chatting. - Oh no. I was like, oh no, uncle. I don't know how to explain this to you. - So there's this girl, right? - If I did, it wouldn't help. - There's this girl, they're real, but they're not real. - Yeah. But I also realized, I also had the realization of,
why I am so adamant on not taking pictures wherever I go. And I realized this because it's kind of like, maybe like a kind of trauma. - I already know what you're gonna say. - Maybe like a kind of trauma that has stuck with me. And I, this kind of like made me remember why I hate taking photos. It's because at every family gathering,
everyone wants to take a photo and there is never an opportunity to not take a photo. - Your aunt was going insane. - Yeah. - Her camera roll must go on for years. - Terabytes. - Yeah, 'cause at this wedding I was like, you know, taking a few photos and every time, every single time I took a photo,
I took a photo, like three more aunts or three more uncles are just like, "Can we take a photo as well? Can we take a photo?" And then so me and Sydney were posing for a lot of the stage. Meanwhile, remember we're in like a full like Thai traditional suit and get up and everything. Sydney was like sweating her ass off. So we were just standing there taking photos. And as soon as we thought we had a moment to breathe, we'd walk five paces and then someone would be like,
can we take a photo? Can we take another photo? And we'd be like, yes, okay, okay. - If you must. - Yeah, if you must. And I remember this was just how it was growing up for me. I've grown up with the sense that no matter where I go with people, someone's gonna take a photo. So I don't need to take a photo. So this is, I guess I remember now why I never take photos is because in my mind, I'm like, someone's always there to take a photo and there are going to be way too many photos. - There's always an aunt or an uncle around the corner
ready to take a photo. - Yeah, exactly. - I get that. - Yeah, but I'm glad you guys got to see my house in Thailand. Glad you got to see- - Yeah, 'cause I remember about that. 'Cause I remember like you were like, all right, so meet up at the venue at X amount of time. And so we told the taxi driver to like take us to this venue and they're taking us through these like back streets. And I'm like, where is this venue? And then I realized your venue is just your house.
And I'm like, why did you say venue? You could have just said house and I would have been less confused because along this road, it was the weirdest road, right? Because it's like, I guess we entered like kind of the nicer back streets where like there's like tons of like huge mansions with like extraordinarily like large ponds and lands and stuff like that. And I don't know if this is a thing in Thailand, but there was so many statues of pop culture figures on the streets. - There was a...
- There was like a six foot bust of Captain America in front of someone's house. - I had to double take so many times. - Full on Captain America's just his like, from his abs to his head, six foot statue of that. - And then there was like this like maybe three or four foot tall like Mario like porcelain statue. - Yeah, I think it is, maybe not,
- I don't think it's traditionally part of Thai culture, but just sometimes, you know, Thai people, especially, you know, people around me, sometimes if you can just grab a cool little like ornament or like artifact or something like that, no matter how out of place it is,
- Put it there. - Yeah, because I remember I- - How do you get a six foot box? - I'm like, did you make that? Because I remember I told that story to one of your cousins and I told him about the Mario one and he was like, "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, he's a doctor." And I'm like, "Didn't even get Dr. Mario?"
- It doesn't explain why he has a Mario in the front of his mansion. - Yeah, I think you just put it like one of my other neighbors has a fucking Jurassic Park theme gate or something like that. - Yeah, Didis and I went walking in your neighborhood, right? And we just walked past this gate and I'm like, I'm not tripping. That's the Jurassic Park logo on the gate. And then I look over at the wall and it clearly says Jurassic Park. And I'm like, where am I?
- What is Thailand? - It was so weird. - Yeah, sometimes at least from my family and people I know, sometimes Thai people, especially when they're trying to like
build a house or put some cool things or kind of try to get a way to stand out. They would just take a random thing from America or British films or whatever and just put it in their house. Doesn't match the aesthetic, doesn't match the vibe at all. Sometimes you're just walking past the house and you see a random Mario statue.
doesn't make any sense at all, but that's just the way things are. - Like your neighbor's house that we started the ceremony in, looked like every country put into one place. There was like an Amsterdam inspired windmill next to a river. And then there was like a very traditional like Southeast Asian house. And then there was just straight up like a concrete block that looked like something out of like Eastern Europe. And I'm like, what is this place? Like what's the theming?
- It's very unusual. - How did the guy tell the architect being like, "I want this, I want this, I want this." And the guy's like, "You want it all in the same property, right?" He's like, "Yeah." - Kind of feels like a theme park, you know? 'Cause they're just like, "Yeah, I'll just have a little bit of everything." - Why not? - I thought it was a theme park and then your cousin was like, "Oh no, this is the neighbor's house."
"What does your neighbor do?" - It was insane. It was very impressive. - It was so weird. - Yeah, thankfully none of my family served you boys beer with ice cubes in it. - I was expecting it. - You know what they did do though that I thought was unacceptable? I was like, "Could I have a beer please?" And so he gives me a beer and he gives me a straw.
- A straw for a canned beer. I was like, no thank you. What is this? Why do they drink beer out of a straw? What is that? Can you explain? - Some people just do that. - That's fucked up. - That's fucked up. - I don't know why. - What the fuck? You can't drink beer out of a straw. - I think it's fucked up as well. Yeah.
- I don't know. Those ain't my guys. - They're not my mans. - I don't think there was a moment where like in the 72 hours where I was in Thailand where I wasn't disgustingly full. I think I was full constantly. - I think every moment I was with these boys, 'cause I only got to take care of these boys one at my wedding and one another day when I could show them around. I think every hour,
I was with these boys, we were eating something. - Because everything's so good. - Yeah. - Nothing missed. - I remember at the wedding, I think your aunt brought out these like satay, like chicken on a skewer or something. - Chicken satay, yeah. - The chicken satay skewers and they were bomb.
- Dude, I swear I saw Connor eat like 50 of those. Like not even over exaggerating, I think he actually ate like four full plates of that shit. - I ate a lot and they just kept bringing them over when I finished. And I was like, oh fuck, I can't let them go to waste. - See, I thought Connor wasn't eating much.
because I was like talking to my family and everything. And every time I'd come to like your table, Connor had a full plate of satay. - Because they kept bringing it. - Connor had a full plate of satay every time. So I just assumed, oh, it's the same plate. He was just eating it so fast that you didn't see it. - Even though I was full, they started making other food and I was like, well, I have to try it. - Oh dude, the moment you came back with the kapow, right? - I was so full and I still ate a whole kapow.
- And dude, the question I got the most in Thailand, every single fucking time I got any food, they were like, "Are you sure it's spicy?" They asked me this every fucking, every food I ordered. They were like, "Are you sure this is spicy?" Yes, I'm sure, give it to me. On the airline, any fucking stall, if I've had Thai that wasn't even spicy, they're like, "Are you sure it's spicy?" I was like, "No!"
It's fine, I can eat it. I wouldn't have ordered it if I couldn't. - Oh my God. - Yeah, but because like Thailand, you just assume everything is spicy. I remember I took these boys to like kind of like a casual place where they serve like barbecue pork and chicken and stuff like that. Came with three sauces. And I remember Joey in a diet is asking me, "Oh, is this like different spice levels?" And I'd been abroad for so long, so I assumed it was just different spice levels.
And then we were all like progressively trying like the three different sources, trying to figure out which one was the spiciest one, right? And then Joey was like, "Oh, I think the middle one's the spiciest one." Dada's like, "I think the left one's the spiciest one." And then I tried it and I'm like,
- Wait, I think they were all the same amount of spice. I think it's the difference is the sweetness of them actually, which just goes in Thailand, there's only one level of spice. It's just spicy. - Dom was sweating nonstop. - Oh my God. - He was just wet. - The squid?
that you guys had at your wedding. - Oh yeah, that was spicy. - Yeah, that was probably the spiciest one. I mean, you know, like had a kick to it, but you know, I was fine, Connor was fine. I guess Didis really likes squid. - Yeah. - And he put maybe half of his plate full of that squid, not knowing that it was the spiciest thing. Dog, after he finished it, he looked like he just came out of a sauna.
- He was full on dripping. - He was like physically dripping in sweat. - It was so funny. - I'm like, are you okay? Did you just like run a half marathon? You look pooped.
- Yeah, I mean, because I was telling this to Joey earlier because I was surprised. I think Joey's got, you've gotten like a lot better handling your spice compared to when I first met you. - I surprised myself. - Yeah, yeah. You handled a lot of the Thai food pretty well. I remember saying, I think with Thai food, there's like a perfect amount of spice with certain dishes. People will just make dishes with the amount of spice it has.
that it has and you can ask for it to be less spicy, but I think by asking it to be less spicy, you're removing some of the flavor out of it. - Oh, for sure. You're also asking it to be less tasty. - Yeah, you're asking for it to be less tasty. They can make it less spicy, but the reason there's always going to be a little bit of spice in it, even if you ask for Thai food,
to be less spicy is because I think there is just a perfect amount of spice level for this food that makes it the optimal taste. And that unfortunately is too spicy for a lot of people. - So good though. - Yeah, but it's yeah. - Oh man, I was just full the whole time.
- I have a little change of heart over one thing. So after about three days in Thailand, by the way, there wasn't a single day in Thailand where I did not have the most horrendously spicy food. When the moment me and Sydney stepped off the plane, we were just like, just go to town. Just go to town. Give us all of the spicy food that we can't get in Japan.
And so by day three, my asshole was crying. - Dude, I was struggling. I would shit like 10 times a day and it would hurt every time. - Yeah, yeah. - My ass was like Mount St. Helena. It was insane. It was so sore. - And so here I am at my house, sitting on my toilet. And I was having one of those shits where it was like the sweats.
I came with it, you know that kind of- - Take your shirt off. - Yeah, it was that kind of. And I remember just sitting down and I reached over for the bidet
and it wasn't there. And I was just like, if there's one country that needs a bidet, it's Thailand. Why is it not here right now? - Yeah, when you have spice they use, I'm shocked that they don't clean their butthole. - Yeah. - People just getting used to it. Are their poops normal or is everyone pooping like that? - Or maybe in Thailand, the general consensus is, yeah, poops are painful, right? - Yeah, poops are painful. - That's the default. - I don't know.
I don't think I ever got used to it. I just- - I was fighting for my life. - Yeah, you just get used to like fighting for your life. We do have like a sort of like bidet kind of thing in Thailand, but that didn't do it. - I don't want that. - Dog, it's just a hose. - Literally, literally. - It's literally a hose attached to the side. - I needed a precision sniper right to where the- - I wasn't trying to like fully shower my ass cheeks.
- You needed to call Gogo 13 for that shit. - Yeah, exactly. - It was not gonna work. - Yeah, they had like a hose. You could shotgun your ass. I needed a precision sniper right where the area that was on fucking fire and it just wasn't there. So the first thing I did was I'm like, "Mom, can I buy a bidet for this house, please?" I kind of feel like I need it. - We finally changed his mind, guys. - I need it, okay. In Thailand, in Thailand I need a bidet, God damn it.
- Man, I'm glad you've changed your mind. - Yes. - I was worried that you'd be- - Welcome to the 21st century. - No bidet gang forever. I'm glad they modernized. - Yeah. But where else did you guys go? Like what areas did you guys- - So the day after the wedding, the day you didn't join us, we obviously went to the big marketplace, which is super cool. I mean, like we, I don't think we even explored like 10% of that place 'cause it's just so massive. - Yeah. - But yeah. - That's what we paid.
- $25 for a pad thai. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, that place. So we paid that and we were like, all right, well let's get out of here before we get scammed more. So we went to the Siam Paragon, I think. - Siam Paragon. - Yeah, the Siam Paragon, which is like a kind of a mall nearby. Did a bit of shopping there. And then, yeah, I guess just for the rest of the night, we were just chilling. - We went to that,
- Yeah, 'cause when I heard that you guys were staying in Labua, I was like, oh, you guys are staying in, it's one of the most famous hotels in Bangkok specifically because that's the hotel where they filmed the hangover too. That scene at the end where the helicopter comes on the rooftop, that's the bar that it's filmed at.
And I know this because I assume everything there was horrendously overpriced. - Oh my God. - Specifically because this is where the hangover two took place. - Dude, we're looking at the menu and Emily's like, "Oh, I think I'm gonna get this drink." I'm like, "Emily, that's a hundred dollar drink." She was like,
I'm not gonna get that drink. The cheapest drinks they had were 40 USD. - Right. - For like a gin and tonic. - Yeah, we paid 40 bucks for a gin and tonic. - Just 'cause we wanted to see the view, we were like, one drink, we'll check out the view, we'll bounce. 'Cause you're on the 65th floor overlooking the whole city. - To be fair, the view was amazing. - But fuck those prices, dude. - But you're definitely paying for the view, not for the drink. - Fuck those prices. - I mean, at least it was one of the strongest gin and tonics I had, so I guess maybe- - It wasn't worth it. - They were trying to level it out, but I'm like, it's still $40, and I'm like,
- Yeah, I'll just take a couple of pictures up here and then I'm good. - Was the hotel worth it? - No, I didn't like my hotel room. - Their room was buggy as hell. I don't know. - Dude, like our hotel room, it was like, if you want to take a shower, it was just like every five seconds was a quick time event 'cause you just change the temperature 'cause it would just scold you randomly. You need to keep changing it. I was like, what the fuck? - See, I didn't have that problem at all. - The wifi was like ass, which is whatever, but.
There was like TVs missing. What else? They like lost our bags at one point. Dude, it was like, it was a nightmare. I was like- - Good to know. - It was so expensive. - Yeah, because I've never stayed at that hotel before because it is one of the most expensive hotels in Bangkok. Because like I said, because simply because of the hangover too, simply because of the marketing they got for that, it's like that price has rocketed. - It is high price for Thailand. It's like 200 bucks a night, which is, you know.
I mean, in the UK that gets you nothing. - That doesn't even get you an Airbnb. - No, it doesn't give you anything in the UK. So I was like, oh, okay, I'll just pay 200 bucks and get like a really nice room. I think it was gonna be like goaded and it was not very good. - Okay. There are probably a lot better hotels that you can get for a lot cheaper. - Honestly, that first hotel. - We stayed in this other hotel that was closer to Garnt's house for the wedding and I was like,
I think 40 or $50 a night. It was so good. It was so much better. - It was the most godly bed. - And like the bed was amazing. The service was super good. And then we ordered room service and the room service was so cheap. It was like five bucks for like all the mains. We were like, what the fuck? And we thought, oh yeah, it must suck. So we ordered it. It was so good. - Yeah, it was really good. - I ordered green curry that cost like 180 bar. And I was like, what?
- How does that make any sense? How are they making money? - Okay, that's good to know because- - The hotel's really good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just because, yeah, I have never stayed in the Bur. I've always like, I was always been curious because it's the most expensive one, but- - The breakfast was good though. - Yeah. - That's about it.
- Yeah, I don't really think it's worth it to be honest. - Okay, yeah. Next time you go, we're like- - We'll get a different one. - We'll get a different one. - We'll stay at that first hotel, honestly. That place is- - I know some like pretty good hotels that are a bit less than Le Beurre, but like even better than the other hotel. - Okay. - I recommend it for you guys. - Yeah, I think three days is a pretty good amount though. I felt like I kind of had, especially the food. I think my stomach was like begging me to stop.
- Yeah. - So I think three days is perfect. - How does anyone stay in shape in Thailand? Like I would be fat as fuck if I lived in Thailand for like more than a month, dude. - 'Cause all like you get all the mango smoothies. - Yeah. - There's mangoes everywhere. There's coconuts everywhere. - Coconut everywhere. - Coconut everywhere. - Dude, I hate so much coconut ice cream, dude. - Yeah. - It's so good. - The fresh coconut ice cream is so good. - It's so good that dietists like Dom didn't even know that it was like coconut ice cream. - Yeah. - The first time he ate it.
- The first time he ate it, he was like, I was like, I didn't know what it was. You know, 'cause it's just white ice cream, right? And I'm like, oh, what flavor is that? And he's like, I think it's vanilla. I'm like, what do you mean you think it's vanilla? I had a scoop and I'm like, this is clearly coconut.
- He hates coconut. - He hates coconut with a passion. - He hates coconut with a passion. I was like, "Don, this is coconut." And he's like, "Yeah, I didn't really like it." I'm like, "You ate the whole thing though." - You're such a fucking liar. How does your brain operate? - Yeah. I'm glad you enjoyed the Thai sausage though. - Oh, that was so good. - As the biggest sausage connoisseur. - I love sausages. I fucking love sausages. As any JoJo fan. - I mean, obviously if you ever had Thai sausage,
It doesn't taste like a normal sausage. It's very spicy, very flavorful. - As it is. - Yeah. I don't know, like, I feel like it wasn't, oh man, what's the word? It doesn't have that like super nice bite to it that some sausages have.
- Yeah. - But the flavors of the spices in it were insane. - Yeah, kind of made me like seeing you, I was gonna say seeing you enjoy that sausage. Yes, and kind of like being back in Thailand, kind of made me realize why Thai cuisine is the way it is just because compared to more developed countries, the meat quality isn't the best, right? But we kind of like make up for that by just making the flavors so strong.
- It's kind of almost the opposite of Japanese cuisine. Japanese cuisine is all about letting the meat quality, letting the quality of the ingredients kind of like
- Do that work. Letting natural flavors take over. Thai is more like, how many fucking spices can we put in this? Give me more spices. - More, more, more. - Hey, it works, it works. Let it cook. - Hold on. - Let it cook. - No, it's so good. - I heard online before you got to Thailand, you weren't supposed to drink tap water or avoid ice. It was impossible to avoid ice. Ice was in everything.
They put ice in everything. - So this is more of like in the rural areas. - It's also in the food stalls. - In the food stalls. If you buy stuff from the food and they have a bucket full of ice or something, that's probably from tap water. But if you're in a mall or if you're in the hotel or the ice I got at my wedding, that's ice that we've specifically bought that has been purified ice. - I mean, I thought I was gonna get hit for sure with the amount of mango and watermelon smoothies I was drinking, but...
- I was good this time. I pulled the good RNG. - Yeah, you pulled the good RNG. - Thank God. - Yeah, every time we'd go to a food store and one of these guys would ask me, "Gon, is this safe?" And I'm like, "Gonna be honest, you're playing RNG.
It's like, but it's banging food. It's banging food. - You're about to pull the food poisoning gacha. Hopefully you get something good. - Yeah, exactly, exactly. But yeah, glad you guys enjoyed the food tour. - Really good. - Yeah. - Thai food is as good as I thought it was gonna be. Which is good to know. - One thing I realized that everyone in my family could fucking sing. And then every time me and Sydney went up to sing. - Watching the crowds just go like,
- When Sidney started singing, 'cause Sidney would just scream. - It was so funny, just like, there was one point during the karaoke night where like you and Sidney went up to sing "Champagne Supernova" by Oasis. And you know, you were a couple of drinks in, Sidney was shit-faced.
and you both only slightly remembered the lyrics. So you were kind of like looking at each other being like, you can cover for me for this part. And I remember I'm just like watching, you know, Garnt trying to sing and Sydney screaming her brains out. And I look over and there's just about 50 Thai people just
Just like, you know what? I don't know what they're singing and I don't know what the fuck I'm being subjected to, but at least they're having fun. It was so funny. We're just gonna sit here in silence and be like, "Yay!" So many clueless people just being like, "Is this how the song's supposed to sound?" - Even from Malay weddings, those random people are just there for the free food.
- Oh yeah. - Oh no, like this was, we had about a hundred people at this Thai wedding in the morning at least. That's pretty small.
That's a pretty- - Bro, you guys need to have like a list. You guys need to like separate. - You gotta get an RSVP. - Which is why like I'm so like, it's kind of a meme now how many weddings I've had, but I'm very glad that I did because just the amount of times, the amount of people I was talking about, even just at my Thai wedding and Sydney's family is amazing.
as big as my family as well. Maybe even actually a bit bigger. - Jeez.
if we had combined our families and our friends into one wedding, I wouldn't have been able to see you guys at all. - Bro, I mean, it's kind of a flex, right? You're the only person I know who's had multiple weddings and one wife, so. - I'm taking that one. - It's pretty sick. - I'm taking that one. - It's like, how many weddings have you had? Three. How many wives have you had? One. It's like, oh shit, all right. - Cool.
- Thank God you're both not half-oos otherwise you would have had like five. - Oh my God, yeah. - Oh God, yeah. Actually there was this funny moment where I was introducing my mom to Emily and Dom Didis. And I was like, "Oh yeah, Emily is born up, grown in American. Her family is Korean.
Dom is half Cambodian, half American. And she's like, oh, and Joey's like, oh yeah, you're like, I'm half Japanese, half- - Whatever the fuck. - Half Australian as well. And they were like, oh, we're both, there's two halfus. And my mom was like, oh, Garnt's a halfu as well. And I was like, mom, what? Mom, I'm full time. What are you talking about? - Everyone there was like, do you need to tell Garnt something?
- I was like, what? - What the fuck? - I was like, hi guys. Full white here. - Full white. - Extremely so actually.
- Oh man. Oh yeah, dude, your mom was having the time of her life. She looked like she was having so much fun. - Yeah, she definitely lost her voice at the end. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. She sounded like she smoked like 40 packs at the end of the night. She was like, "Did you guys have fun?" And I was like, "Oh my God, are you okay?" - She kinda went like full time, March, September. - She had a good time, she had a good time. - Had a very, very, very good time. - Oh man.
But hopefully next time maybe we can film a special or something there next time. - Yeah, that'd be great. - I'd like to see you guys try Thai boxing or something like that. - Yeah, we just gotta bring bidets, that's all. - Next time you come into my house, there'll be bidets. - Thank God. - I nearly died.
- What? Context please. - That's it, clickbait. - Did we just get clickbaited? - Clickbait, clickbait. I nearly died on my way to the air, but no, okay. So I was filming,
So I was filming a video that day before we got the flights. We got a flight at midnight. - Yeah. - So we rocked up at like 6:00 AM and then had the wedding at 10:00 AM. It was like, we packed this in. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Or you packed it in. - It was really me. And everyone was kind of like, I guess I'll just join Connor on his flight. We all went on the same flight. Yeah, so I was doing a video shoot in Gunma and dude, man, it was,
- Oh boy, it was like curse from the start. So I've, you know, I rent cars in Japan fairly often. I've rented a car in Japan from this one location at least 10 plus times. I've been there so many goddamn times and I, you know- - You don't know who you are now. - I've been there so many times, right? So when you book a car in Japan, if it's winter season, you probably want to just get snow tires just in case. 'Cause you don't know where you're going, right? And I always get snow tires, always. And so I got snow tires.
I rock up to the rental car place and it's 8:00 AM and we're gonna get going. 'Cause like our video, we're on like a tight schedule. We gotta get to our next place. It's about two hour driveway. And as we're in Japan, one question they'll ask you when you rent a car is normally they'll ask you, where are you going? And it's normally a chill thing. They normally kind of don't care. - It's not like American TSA. - Yeah, it's not. They like, sometimes they'll be a bit persistent about it, but sometimes they'll be like, where are you going? You're like, north. They'll be like, cool.
and then just carry on. And he's like, "Where are you going?" I'm going, "I'm going to Gunma." He was like, "Where in Gunma?" I was like, "All right, okay." And so I showed him where I was going and he was like, and then he started talking with the other staff. I was like, "What the fuck? "We're not allowed to go to Gunma? "It's like a two hour drive, dog, what's up?" And then he pulls out the translating thing
And he goes, basically just saying, "You can't take this car." And I was like, "What do you mean I can't take the car?" He's like, "It doesn't have snow tires on it. You didn't ask for snow tires." I was like, "I fucking, what do you mean I asked for snow tires? I asked for snow tires. I got the receipt right here." He's like, "No, no, no, there's no snow tires on it." So, and I just got like a normal ass small car. I thought, okay, fuck. - With no snow tires. - Well, I clicked snow tires. So I was like, "What the fuck?"
And he's like, "You can't take this car." So what we can do is if you come back in an hour, we'll get you this car. And he points at this car and I look down, I'm like, "Yeah, that's an eight seater. "I don't need an eight seater, that's massive. "I do not wanna take this. "We're going down like small roads. "I don't want an eight seater." And he's like, "Oh, we can't do anything. "We can't let you have the car." I was like, "What?" And I was like, "Fine, I'll take the eight seater then. "What can I do? "I gotta go." And it was double the price. And I had to pay for it even though it wasn't my fucking fault.
So we walk out and as we're walking out, the guy starts running. "Sumasen, sumasen." I'm like, "All right, what's up?" He's like, "Oh yeah, there was snow tires on the car." I was like, "What?" - So he just lied to you? - He lied. I think they fucked up and they just misread. There was snow tires on the fucking car this whole time. And I'm like, "Oh my God, okay, fine." So we go back in. I'm like, "Good, at least I can get the car."
And they do something they've never done before. They asked me for like my passport and stuff, which they never asked me for. - Okay. - Because I, you know, you live in Japan and- - Just give them the Zaidu card, right? - Yeah, well, so normally even with that, right? If you have a Japanese driving license, which I do, they normally don't need anything else. - Yeah. - And if you're a resident in Japan, even if you go to hotels, if I'm correct, you may have to look at this, I don't know.
- To my knowledge, if you are a resident in Japan, they shouldn't be asking you for like passport or Zaru card, even when you check into a hotel. They always do. - Yeah. - 'Cause if you're a Japanese person- - I never get asked. - Right, right. And they're not supposed to ask you, but they do for you when you're a foreigner, even if you live in Japan. I don't know why.
It's kind of annoying, but it is what it is. And same with rented cars. If you have a Japanese driving license, they shouldn't require anything else. Because if you live in Japan, that's probably your ID anyway. - Yeah. - Right? So the dude started asking me for my passport and I was like, bro, what the fuck? I've literally rented cars from you. - I live here. - For like 10 times and you've never asked me for this shit. What the fuck? He's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Do you have like a Zayu car? I was like, yeah, I have a Zayu. Fine, just, dude, come on. What the fuck? So then I get it. It's whatever we're going.
And then we're driving and there's no snow anywhere in Gunma. There's no snow at all. I'm like, well, this is fucking...
- Waste of time. - Waste of time. And then we're staying in a ryokan for the night and I see where the ryokan is and it's like, there's all these roads around and there's this big black empty area and it's just a mountain. And our ryokan is right in the middle on top of this mountain. - Right. - I'm like, how bad can it be? So we start driving and as we start making our way up this mountain, it's 50 minutes from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the ryokan. - Geez. - Wow. - And there's a giant frozen lake at the top.
And so we're driving and the snow starts to get like bigger and bigger and bigger and 10 minutes into driving this. And it's literally like initial D, like the roads, they're literally just like this going up. It's like, if you were drifting, it'd be heaven. You're just drifting the whole thing. And as we're 10 minutes into this drive, there is a car that is sideways in the road that is skid out and spun out.
And I'm like, "Oh, okay, guys, don't worry. "I'm a good driver. "I'm good, I'm good." And the car's with me and the cameraman. I'm like, "It's fine, it's fine, we'll be fine. "We're going up. "Down is the scary part, we're going up." So we're going up and it's all kind of, it's a little dicey. Like you can feel the car is kind of like skidding a tiny bit here and there. And you're like, "Okay, come on. "Come on, car, you got this." And we get up and it's fine.
But I'm worried about the next day. 'Cause I'm like, we gotta go back down. And it's snowing overnight. So I was like, oh God. And the car, she's like, can you back the car up a little bit more in the parking lot? And I'm trying to back it up and the car just can't move. It's like stuck in snow. - Oh, it's like skidding. - Yeah, because there's just so much snow. And I'm like,
"Summa Sen, it won't go. It's not happening." - A dummy dance. - She was like, "Yeah, fine, get out." So the next day we film all the stuff and we're ready to go. And we go down and we start driving. And I noticed that like, I'm like, "Hey guys, don't wanna worry you or anything, but we can't stop the car. The car cannot break."
So we literally have to just go down this without fully coming, trying to come to a stop. - Gas, gas, gas, stop. - So we can brake, right? Because you know, you brakes and the car will stop. But it won't slow down beyond like 20 or 30 kilometers an hour. - Yeah. - Jesus. - So you're pretty much stuck at that. And if you try to stop, the car will skid out. - Right. - 'Cause it doesn't want to. - Right. - The car doesn't want to do that. - Fucking hell. - So I'm like, well, don't worry guys. 30 is a really reasonable speed and we'll be fine.
And there's some turns where the car, you can feel it start to go like this, just sliding. You're like, "No, guys, don't." I'm like, "Guys, I've drifted before." - I've read initial D, guys, don't worry. - I was like, "Guys, we'll be fine. I know how to turn into the drifts. It's fine. I know what I'm doing." I didn't really know what I was doing, but I was like, "Yeah, it's fine. It's fine. We'll just go slow." And you pump the brakes every now and then, just slow it down. Don't try and harshly brake.
And then there was this car in front of us at one point. I don't know how this car was there. And we're going down this pretty steep hill. And I noticed the car is just like stopping. And I'm like, okay. And so I'm trying to slow down and I'm like, how the fuck has he stopped? I can't stop. Like I literally cannot stop the car. And I'm just getting slowly closer to this car. And I'm like, well, shit.
We're like 30 meters away from this car. And I'm like, what the fuck do I do? 'Cause I'm thinking in my head, I'm like, man, I can't stop the car. Pretty sure if I slam the handbrake, that's gonna make it worse. So I look if there's any other cars coming and I'm like, all right, well, let's go in the other side of the road. 'Cause I had no other choice. I couldn't stop and I wanna hit this guy. So I turn on the other side of the road. The car's like, oh, I don't like that. But we managed to keep it safe. We'd steer in and we steer back in. It was all chill. Fucking hell, it was terrifying. This dude just stopped.
- In the middle of the road. I don't know why. It's a straight road. - He was putting you to the test. - Yeah, yeah. - I was like, oh, you can drift, can't you? - If we were unfortunate and another car came at the same time, it's like, oh, I have to hit something. What do I hit? So yeah, driving in winter is scary. Be very careful in Japan. - Jesus. - But luckily we made it down, no problem.
A little skinny here and there. - Car was okay? - Car was totally chill. - Good stuff. - That's pretty why they wanted my ID, I think. And then they were like, "This motherfucker's gonna crash this car. Let's get the full ID." - Where is this guy going? Why is he snow-tied? Jesus Christ. - It was kind of crazy. - That's terrifying. - Yeah, but luckily it all turned out okay.
I think I'm pretty good under pressure. I think I don't freak out. So I'm pretty good at trying to banish the situation. But it was still scary still. Especially when there's other people in the car. Like if I crash the car and it's me, I'm like this bitch is fully all insured. As long as I'm good. We were going like 10 miles an hour. I'm like, we'll be fine. I also don't want to scare them. Because I got to drive again. - He's like, I can drift guys. And they're all just like, we're going to die. - Yeah, right. Like other than that, car was like, you're driving,
- Fantastic car, thank you. We just don't talk about the ice section. We talk about the snow areas. So be careful if you drive in Japan, really make sure you look where you're going 'cause snow tires are good, but they can't do everything. I genuinely think that that road was just like, you needed chains to like actually-- - Oh yeah, I was gonna say, did they not give you chains? - No, you couldn't rent them. - Really? - I wouldn't even know how to put them on. I've never put chains on my car. - No, you can rent them, but you have to tell them a month in advance.
- You come a month in advance? - Yeah, because it's the snow season. - Oh my God. - These motherfuckers didn't even know you needed snow tires when you come in. So, you know, what makes you think they're gonna have chains, man? - Yeah, it was luckily the snow was light enough where the snow tires were fine. But if it had snowed anymore, I think it would have just, would just have to been like, sorry, we can't go up there. It's too bad. - Jeez. - 'Cause you just couldn't stop. It's scary. It's pretty fucking weird.
- Yeah, 'cause I mean like, I went up to go see my grandma
up in Sendai for a couple of days. - These roads are steep, very steep. - Yeah, and like the town where I kind of grew up, I went there and I'd never seen that much snow in my life. - Oh, where is it? - No, Miyagi, yeah, Sendai. - Oh, I guess some pretty big snowfall. - Near Sendai, but like, I mean, Sendai can get some snowfall, but like the Zaor mountain range stops a lot of the snow, right? - Yeah, that gets a lot there. - So when I saw that there was like a good,
30, 40 centimeters on the road. I was like, this is unprecedented. Like it must be like this winter has been absolutely fucked for Japan right now. Amazing for the ski fields.
but I'm not going to the ski fields this season 'cause it's just full of Australians. - Yeah, it's also- - No offense Australians. - No offense Australians. It's also crazy how you're going so careful on this road and then of course the public bus driver will be like fucking multi-track drifting going down it, like it is sleeping. I'm like, this is fucked up. How does he drive a bus? And he's taking this like it's easy. - He's like one handed. - This boy's checking like doing gacha plays while I'm like full on steering, man. It's fucked up.
I was terrified for my life and this bus came downhill. Look, dude didn't look phased. He was like, - He was like, yeah, whatever. - Eyes closed dog. I've been doing this my whole life. - Yeah, 'cause I know I did notice like the week before we had like a cold front or something. - Yeah. - Oh my God, it like dropped like 10 degrees. - Oh, insane, yeah. - We had a trip planned to Sapporo when Sydney's family was in the country and we had to cancel that. Which, you know, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because they really, we ended up going to Yamanashi
- A little bit warmer. - Yeah, much, much warmer. No snow there, still very, very cold, but just no snow or anything like that. Ended up having a fantastic time as well. Little thing I noticed, taking Sydney's family around the countryside,
For some reason, okay, for some reason, obviously Yamanashi, I don't think it's a lot of like foreign tourists compared to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto. - Maybe Mount Fuji at most. - Yeah, maybe Mount Fuji, but we weren't near anywhere like too close to Mount Fuji. So we went, we showed them to a lot of our favorite wineries where me and Sydney would go since, you know,
That's kind of the area we know best. And as soon as a lot of these local Japanese people saw that there were foreign tourists, of course they'd be scared at first, but as soon as they could tell me and suddenly started speaking Japanese, like for some reason, the combination of foreign tourists
and a few of them that could speak Japanese. They went from super scared to inviting us to see like some of the most intimate parts of their like establishments and houses. I don't know what this switch was, but I remember we went to one with this one winery and we're trying a bunch of wines and everything like that. And at first they were like, oh, sorry, we don't know if you can try all the wines you want and something like that.
And then we were waiting, you know, we were outside just trying the wine and the owner comes up to me in Sydney and, you know, starts asking us, "Oh, why are you guys here?" And I was like, "Oh, we live in Japan. We're just showing our parents around since this is their first time to Japan." And he, as soon as he saw
As soon as he heard that, and as soon as he started hearing that we live in Japan, he was like, "I gotta show you something." And I was like, "What is going on?" - What are you buying? - What are you buying? What are you selling? And then he takes us around behind the winery to this little back, little shed.
And he's just like, "Oh, this is- - Get in. - Yeah, so none of this is for sale. This is all my hobby. And he opens the door and it's a full on like home brew distillery that he's got in this little shed. And he's like, "I'm trying to make gin." This is a winery by the way. So he- - Mad scientist. - Yeah, so literally he was like- - I've cracked the formula of gin.
I'm going to make it. - It's like a crack den. - This is my personal collection of meth. - Yeah, he was like, he just literally opened up this little shed. He's like, so that winery is my business. This is like my hobby. And I wanted to show you guys my little hobby. - Alcoholism isn't just a business, it's a passion.
And he just takes out this fucking full on jar. It is literally like a jar, no packaging, whatever. It is just a jar, scoops out a little bit of gin and he goes, "Go, would you like to try some?" It's a new concoction I've been working on. - Was it good?
- It was pretty, it was pretty damn decent actually. - Shed gin? - I would be so scared of the drink back shed gin. - Back shed gin made in Japan. - I don't know. - That's scary. - I guess it's probably the safest country in the world to go into someone's shed and drink their alcohol. - Yeah. - Still, I don't know. - I mean, I would get it if it was like, you know, a gin distillery, right?
- I mean, I mean like, it's like to give credit to the- - It sounds nice though. I'm just clowning on the whole shed part, but it sounds nice. - I mean, it was a shed, but that's just because, you know,
he has built a pretty big winery for himself. And it's one of the most famous wineries in that area. I think he just wanted to do something as like a personal project and just start making gin. And I was just like, why are you inviting us into your house? - It's so weird that they literally go from like, I just encountered an alien to being like, oh yes, you are family for generations. Please come here. - People are really chill, especially in the countryside.
We also found like a brewery in the middle of like middle of the Yamanashi as well. That's just run by an American dude. It's super, super fucking random. Shout out to a Obina Brewery. I think that's the name. They just have like a craft beer place. - Obina. - Yeah. - Oh, is that the craft beer that Sydney's dad gave? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right. - Yeah.
- Yeah, that was in this brewery we found out. You had to drive up a mountain, up a really, really steep mountain, same kind of mountain roads. And he is just this- - Sounds like he's living his best life. - Yeah, it's just this random dude that just had a bunch of land. He built his house.
on this land, kind of like raise a family there. And one day like his mates were gassing him up that there were no good craft beer places in Japan. And they were like kind of gassing him up to be like, you could do it, you could do it. - So he just went, fuck it, I'll do it myself. - And he just literally went, fuck it, I'll do it myself.
built his own brew house right on this mountain, brews his own beer. - What a Chad. - And I was talking to him and he fucking incredible story where he was just like, yeah, I just built this brew house all by myself, designed it myself and everything. - What a Chad. - What an absolute Chad. Great fucking beer as well. - Hell yeah. - Yeah, so you can find the most random things sometimes just in the middle of the countryside. Talking about random, finding like random artifacts
- These exist, I feel like the most in Japan, if anything. - Oh yeah. - Where you just, you go to like the most remote places and there'll just be this really weird random site there. - Yeah. - You know. - I mean, you know, we experienced that on the road trip special, right? Like that fucking Maui, sorry, the Easter Island heads in the middle of that. Like that was literally in, like it was kind of hard to show in the video, but that was,
- Truly in the middle of fucking nowhere. - It was out the way. - There was nothing else around us. And it was just there. And there's so many, like maybe not to that scale, but yeah, as Garnt was saying, like there's so many like either tiny restaurants or like bars or like where I'm like,
How the fuck are you making any money out here? - Yeah, it's odd. - Like you maybe encounter like one person every two weeks. And it's like, you run a business out here? Like, okay. - Yeah, I'm sure low cost of living kind of offsets that a little bit, but I'm like, that's this sort of big place you're running right here. I don't know how cheap it is to run businesses out here. - It must be from like word of mouth or something, right? 'Cause otherwise some of these places it's just be like, you would never be able to find it otherwise.
- Glad to say though that despite, not despite, but after the first day, Sydney's parents very, very much enjoyed Japan. After the weirdness of the first day, the girls bar and everything, I kind of think it was a trial by fire 'cause we had a pretty normal trip afterwards. But after the trial by fire, they just enjoyed every aspect of Japanese culture. - That's good. - Kind of assimilated,
I don't know if assimilated is the right word, but I kind of got used to it very, very quickly. So hopefully your parents have a similar experience as well. - Yeah, they're coming in April, so it'll be interesting to see. - Do you have anywhere you're gonna take them? Like you've already figured it out or? - No, I haven't. I don't know where to take them. - What are they like? - I don't wanna go Kyoto, but I know they wanna go Kyoto. Maybe I can just send them off.
- Have fun. - It's like, I'll chill in the hotel, you guys can go. - Find someone there. I hate, I do not want to go Kyoto, man. This is gonna be, in April, it's gonna be sold.
- Oh yeah, because that's fucking Hanami season. - Yeah, I was like, no, no, don't make me do it. - Have a few days where you take them to the tourist spots, 'cause that's what we did with Sydney's family. But you contrast that with just somewhere outside in the country, maybe- - Yeah, I wanna take them- - Maybe Niigata or something like that. - Yeah, I mean, April's a good time to drive around Japan. The roads are nice, it's really easy, weather's perfect. So I'm definitely gonna drive them around somewhere. I haven't decided where.
- If you want something close by maybe like Hakone, like around there would be nice. - I mean, you could drive to Kyoto or that kind of area. It's kind of fun drive. It's long, it's nice. - Went to onsen with my father and uncle-in-law now. - Did they like it? - They absolutely loved it. - They didn't mind getting naked? - Had to do a little bit of convincing, honestly. - That's the hardest part, man. - It's always the bit before. Okay, so here's the thing. When we were in Tokyo,
and we had to cancel our supper or trip. They were like, "Just book us a normal hotel." And so they left the booking to me. They wanted just a normal hotel. I tried to sell them the idea of the onsen beforehand and they were just like, "That doesn't seem like it's for us." - You do have to peer pressure them. - Yeah. - To get in. You feel like a pretty bad producer. Get naked now, get in the back. - Show me your deal. - Trust me, it's good. - And so I did a little bit of a white lie. I was like, "There's only one place that's open right now."
just for the last moment, turned out to be an onsen. There were actually other hotels in the area that were more traditional without onsens, but it was all like kind of the same price. I was like, I'm gonna go for the onsen and see where it takes us. So I booked the onsen and we were there. They really, really loved the more traditional Japanese place. I think if they,
if they hadn't experienced that, they wouldn't have known what they were missing. And so when I saw them really enjoying like the more traditional vibes and everything, I'm like, I think I can get them. So I remember going to this brewery with them and we got a bit toasted and on the journey back, I'm like, don't you guys feel like a nice warm bath right now? I'm just saying. - We should get our penises out. - Yeah. - What do you hear me? - I'm just saying, hear me out.
I'm gonna go right now. It's gonna be one of the most relaxing bars I've taken of my life. You guys can join me, no pressure at all. - The hook is in, you gotta reel it in now. - Exactly. And you know what? After a long walk and a few good beers,
That sounds like a really, really nice idea. And so just all I needed was a little bit of convincing and then- - Why do you do like a tickle in the balls? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I was like, that's how it is. - It's like, come on, let me tickle the balls. - Let me stick with the balls just a little bit. But yeah, no awkwardness at all. - Good, I like that. - Even though it was like, technically like family members now, no awkwardness at all. Everyone enjoyed the onsen and yeah,
- It really does change the moment you step foot in the water. It's just like, oh, this was worth it. - Have you had this conversation with people like, can I wear swim shorts? No, you cannot wear swim shorts. And they're like, why? - I know that. - No, you can't wear swim shorts. You're not allowed. - Do you wear swim shorts in your bath? - That's more offensive. Don't wear, just don't do it. You can't go in with swim shorts. I'm like, why? I'm like, I don't know how to explain it to you. It's the culture, I don't know. - Just get your cock out and shut up. - Just put your butt in.
- You can't put balls in the bath. Trust me, it'll make sense when you're in, all right? Like don't be coming in with swim shorts. An old Japanese lady will come in and kill you if she sees you wearing swim shorts. I'm like, why? 'Cause they view it as like, you gotta be clean, you can't have foreign objects going, 'cause it's like dirty. I know it's not dirty and you probably wash them, but that's not how it works. You're not allowed, okay? I don't come into your house making up rules about who can go in what bath. Just follow their rules.
I get it, you're not comfortable. - What do you mean I'm not allowed to pee in the sink? I just really wanna pee in the sink. - I wouldn't pee in my friend's shower, even though I do it in mine.
- I don't know if it is like a mental thing, but it definitely feels a lot cleaner being naked. Because I remember when I went back to England, I went to your bath and we went to like one of the spas there and they have like very kind of like similar spas where it's kind of not just a pool, but like I call it a hot tub because you're still in there with shorts and there's just something about being there
and seeing other people in shorts. Maybe it's a mental thing, but it definitely doesn't feel as refreshing or as clean. - Especially when everyone has to bathe before they can enter as well. I think that's also important. - Oh yeah, definitely. - I'm gonna try and get my parents to go, mom. We'll see what they say. I'm doubtful. I explained the idea to my mom. She seemed really against it. She seemed like, "No, I can't do that. No, no."
I think my dad's probably, I think he wanted to seem chill, but I feel like he won't like it either. I know my brothers are down there. My brother's really chill. They're like, "Sure." If I tell them it's the culture, they'll be like, "I guess." - Yeah, it's like, there is nothing you can do about it. It is the culture. - Other stuff, they're like, "I have to eat this? "I have to eat it? It's the culture. "You don't insult the sushi chef." - You'll literally get stabbed by the sushi chef if you don't finish this.
- Just put them in a situation where the onsen just feels really enticing. 'Cause as soon as you get them in the mindset to be like, just gas them up a little bit. - So good food, get them a couple of drinks. - And I'll just be like, the beer afterwards is gonna be the most refreshing beer of your life, which it is. - I'm also gonna think of new names for fish to lie to them so they don't know what the actual fish is. 'Cause if I tell them what it is, they won't eat it, I think.
- Like what, like the raw, what do you mean? - I went to a sushi restaurant yesterday and they served eel and it was really, really good. It tastes so meaty. And I know that if you tell someone it's eel, they'll be like, "No." - Yeah. - But it looks like- - From the concept, right? - Honestly, I don't know how he did this, but this eel looked like a piece of mackerel on top. And I was like, "Huh, just tell him it's mackerel."
- Everything's mackerel. - Just be like, we don't have an English name. It's just called Unagi. - It's like, but what does that translate to? Oh, it doesn't have a translation. - Some of them I know, they're probably not gonna like. I'll be surprised if they like sea urchin 'cause I don't like sea urchin. That shit is wack. - Well, yeah, yeah. I mean like- - That shit is so wack. - With things like sea urchin and even like salmon roe for a lot of people, it's a lot for people.
- We'll see, we'll see, I'll see. They probably wanna go to Kyoto though. And again, I'm dreading that. I really don't wanna, I'm thinking I might try and be like, you've been in Japan a week now, you're ready for it to go. Kyoto is a really cool place, but,
I've only been with them when there's no tourists. And even then it felt like a lot. I don't know why Kyoto is cool, but I just don't think it's like my kind of place. Osaka is way more my speed. - Yeah. - I like the party vibes of Osaka. - Kyoto weirdly feels like a theme park in a lot of ways, right? Where it's like, it's like, it doesn't feel,
- It's very stiff. - Like an authentic Japanese experience, even though it's the most authentic thing you could get. - It feels super stiff, super, I mean it is old school, but like it has that vibe. And like me personally, I like the laid backness of other areas of Japan a lot more. - Yeah. I totally get that feel because actually when you guys came to Thailand and I was thinking about where I could take you guys, I really wanted to take you, there's a lot of like temples in Bangkok, right? But there's just something about the vibe where you take,
you take, you know, people were visiting to a temple and you know, the architecture fucking beautiful, all golden, everything, but it's just so many tourists. So many people just taking pictures. It's just, you kind of like lose a little bit of a sense of what made this, what makes this place so amazing in the first place, in my opinion. And I get that same kind of feeling with Kyoto as well, where it was super cool to see when,
the streets were empty and there was like no one there. Obviously bad for the city, bad for business there. But honestly, I've enjoyed just going to some other temples in Japan where it's a bit more isolated. - Oh yeah. - And Kyoto prices are nuts. - Yeah. - Ryokans and hotels in Kyoto are so expensive. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - You have to go so far. - That whole area though, like Nara and Osaka as well, they all up price it for the- - I've never been to Nara and I don't care about feeding these deer. Why do people care so much about this?
- To be fair, I think out of all the prefectures I've been to, Nara was probably the most underwhelming. - You could feed other animals elsewhere. - Okay, look, as someone who loves animals, feeding the deer, it's pretty hype, it's pretty fun, especially if you go with a bunch of people who are not that good with animals and seeing them shit their pants is really fun. But other than that and the giant, the massive bronze Buddha statue that they have there,
there isn't really a whole lot to do in Nara, if I'm being honest. It's kind of underwhelming. There's maybe a couple of dishes that you can only get in Nara, but it's not anything mind blowing, if you ask me. If you want the good food, you just go to Osaka. And if you want the culture, you go to Kyoto. Nara is kind of in the middle of that. And it's not really- - I think I've just been living here long enough where I just enjoy just driving around small areas, just seeing all the weird stuff they have.
and just kind of checking that out. It's way more fun. - I agree. - That's only because we've lived here. And obviously if you come here the first time, you should go and do the touristy stuff. 'Cause it is cool. - If you come for the first time, go to Kyoto, go to Nara, go to Osaka. - The temples are sick. - Yeah, they're awesome. But yeah, after a while you just be like, eh, I think I'm good. - Yeah, just driving around is my favorite part as well. - You'll drive more, Garnt. - I'm looking for more opportunities. I'm glad I got one with this, but you know.
- Yeah, next time as well, next time. - Next time. - Can't relate. Yeah, so I watched a movie the other day that I think you two- - Is that like impressive? - I like the way you said that, like it was an impressive thing. As you know, I watched a movie yesterday. I think it'd be a movie you guys will like. It's called "The Northman." - Okay. - I had never heard of it until Aki told me about it 'cause Aki's been on this really weird binge of watching Viking films.
I don't know why. - Okay. - Maybe the fact that she loves Assassin's Creed, but like she, but yeah, so she recommended me this film that came out like not that long ago, like maybe a couple of months ago, like,
didn't do any numbers at the box office or anything, but I was interested to watch it because it's a Robert Eggers film. And he's the same guy who made the lighthouse. And I was like, okay, well, I like this actor and like the people and it was like fucking star studded, like, you know, costs like there was,
Alex Skarsgård, who's the guy who played Pennywise in "It" and Bjork was in the film, which I thought was interesting. I was like, okay, I didn't even know you could act. And like Willem Dafoe and like, you know, all these like pretty big actors. - I liked "The Lighthouse" a lot. I really, really, really, really watched it. - Yeah, so I watched it and it was the most fucking over the top epic film I've ever seen in my, it was like if you took the concept of a Viking revenge story and put it in a "Dark Souls" world,
Like the fights were just so like- - I've been meaning to watch it. - Yeah, like, you know how like, you know how like Eggers type of like directing is like very like art housey. - Yeah, it's very art. - It's very, you know, it's very non-conventional, right? Which is probably why it flopped at the box office, but-
- Did it flop? - Yeah, apparently it was a flop. Yeah, unfortunately. Which is like crazy because it was such a good movie. But like the fights, what I liked about this film was that like, I guess the guy who wrote the original screenplay of it is like a poet. So all of the dialogue is kind of written in this like
poetry of sorts. So it's not so much like, you know, I'm gonna go, you know, avenge my uncle who killed my father and you know, they will reap for their sins in the gates of hell. It was more like, you know, it was like, I will find the blade in the moon of the night. - Like Shakespearean. - Yeah, it was so like, it was like watching a stage play. But with these Vikings and like some of the fight scenes were just like the most 300 ass like fight scenes where it's just like,
so over the top, so epic. Like there's one point where they're like two Vikings completely butt naked are fighting on like the top of a volcano and the volcano is like erupting in the background. They're just like slicing each other off. And I'm like, this is too insane. This is too epic. And it made me realize I was like,
why has no one heard of this film? Why is like no one watched this film? Because it's like, it literally did feel like, like "Dark Souls." - Right. - Like if they made "Dark Souls" into a movie and they put some Vikings in it. - Is this in the cinemas that you watched it? - No, no, no. It was online. I saw it online. - It came out a few years ago. - Yeah, it came out last year actually. - Oh, oh. - Yeah, it was not- - I had never heard of this film. - Yeah, me neither. So I watched it and I was just like, God damn. Like, 'cause I still haven't seen "The Lighthouse," right?
But I've seen like little bits of the lighthouse. And I was like, okay, if this is the same guy made the lighthouse, I'm interested now. But yeah, it just made me realize, I was like, Vikings are fucking cool. Like I knew they were cool. - Watch Vinland Saga. - Yeah, but that's what I was saying. I was like halfway through this film and I looked over at Aki, I'm like,
you should probably watch Vinland Saga. 'Cause the plot is basically Vinland Saga. - Right. - Yeah, has Aki not watched Vinland Saga? - No, she's never seen it. - Why? - I don't know. And I'm like, you're on the Viking thing. Go watch Vinland Saga. - The household's like, we do not watch anime. - Read the sign, Joey. Read the sign. Don't make me tap it. Do not watch anime. - It has been zero days since anime was watched.
- Yeah, so I just wanted to recommend that film because I've literally heard no one talking about it. - Cool. - And it's fucking epic. - Yeah. - It's so epic. - I watched a few new films on the flight back from Thailand as well. - Okay. - What'd you watch? - Yeah, 'cause I was just so tired, I forgot to download.
- I forgot to download any anime and everything like that. So I'm like, okay, okay. God forbid. I got to now go through the library of films on this- - Live action films? - Live action films. And for some reason, Thai Airways had like the entire, let's say trilogy of Godzilla films. - Oh, like the new ones? - Yeah, the new ones. - Oh shit. - And I was like,
- It's kind of anime, right? - Just because it's Japanese, you can't say it's anime. - I know, I know. But you know, so I just wanted to see out of everything, 'cause I'd watched most of the films that were on the library. - So wait, so it's Shin Godzilla? - No, no, no, it's Godzilla, King of Monsters. - Oh, King of Monsters. - And Godzilla versus King Kong. - Oh, yeah. - And I was just like, let's see what this trilogy is all about, honestly.
- Not that bad. I had a great time. I didn't know, 'cause I have not paid attention to the Godzilla films. I did not know that they had made a cinematic universe for the fucking monster films. - Yeah. - Did you know this? - Yeah. - I had no idea. - Yeah. - I just- - I fucking love Godzilla. - I haven't watched it, but I knew that.
- Right. - 'Cause other people talk about it. - Yeah, 'cause like, especially like "King of Monsters" was like fan fiction for like, or like fan service for like Godzilla fans. 'Cause it's like, you had like Ghidorah come out and like my girl Mothra was there. I was like, let's go Mothra. - Yeah baby. - Yeah, 'cause I was like, damn, they're bringing out
what the fucking monsters, what's going on? 'Cause I'm used to Godzilla's being just one film. And just having that one film, especially in like the Western films and there's that bit. I didn't realize that they had made a kind of like an ongoing storyline with all of these monsters and then adding like King Kong into the mix and adding the King Kong movies.
Honestly, I had a much better time than I thought I would have considering I'm not that big of a fan of like Godzilla. - Which one was your favorite?
- Probably King of Monsters. - Yeah, right? - I don't know why that movie got so much shit. 'Cause I'm like, dude, how could you hate a bunch of monsters? - Did those movies get shit on? - I heard King of Monsters wasn't as well received in like the Godzilla fan base or whatever, or like just the general movie going thing. And I'm like, how could you hate a bunch of monsters beating the shit out of each other? - Yeah, it made me, I think it just,
like lit a certain part of my brains that I just like, oh, giant things are fun. - Yeah. - Giant monsters, that's cool. - It was like Smash Bros with Kaiju. - Honestly. - It was fucking honestly, right? - 'Cause the whole gang is here. - I don't think anything's tickled that part of my brain since like the original Pacific Rim.
- Oh yeah. - Yeah, I guess they always are kind of like bash your head together films. - Yeah. - Yeah, it was literally just Oonga Boonga films but in like entire cities. - Yeah. - I gotta say the MVPs, whoever the fucking construction workers are to rebuild these cities every time a monster battle happens 'cause oh my God, in King of Monsters,
every fucking city gets destroyed. My God, is there a city left on earth that hasn't been decimated by these monsters? And yet there's another film afterwards where King Kong and Godzilla go out and I'm like, God damn. - Just conveniently after like that huge amount of destruction and many lives lost, all the architects survived. - Godzilla is just a simulation. It's gotta be a simulated world. Cause like, why else are these towns appearing back so quickly?
- I don't know, man. Maybe they pull like an Ava and like a new town comes out from underground. It's like, all right, let's replace it. - I gotta say my favorite Godzilla though is still Shin Godzilla. Have you seen Shin Godzilla? - I've seen it, yeah. - I've never seen a Godzilla film. - You've never seen a Godzilla film? - Just didn't look like my cup of tea. - Did you like Pacific Rim? - I didn't watch Pacific Rim. It didn't look like my cup of tea. - Yeah.
- No, I think it might be your cup of tea. - Listen, I know I'm a simple brained individual at times. It doesn't mean I just want a specific- - It is the most turn your brain off film ever. - I know it is, I don't like that. I don't like that in films. - There is literally a giant monkey fucking flying around wrecking entire buildings, you know? And destroying a giant lizard. - The only kind of Kaiju-esque thing I've ever watched is the 2006 King Kong film, whatever that remake was. - Oh, the one with Jack Black in it?
I guess they had Jack Black. Yeah. That one sucked. Yeah.
- I remember when that came out though, everyone hyped that up to death. When I was a kid, I remember being like, why is everyone talking about King Kong? - I don't know if I would call, it's ironic, but I don't know if I would call the original King Kong Kaiju. - That's a never ending argument. - There's so many Reddit threads I've seen being like, is King Kong a Kaiju? - I thought it was 'cause they always had like King Kong versus Godzilla and shit. - Yeah. - I don't know. - I feel like- - Is Clifford the Bid-Ranked Dog Kaiju? - Okay, okay, okay. - If he was like destructive.
- Like I don't think the original King Kong films are kind of like Kaiju films. Like their appeal to me is totally different because when I watch a King Kong film, totally different. - It's like Sonic and Smash, right? - Yeah. Actually really good analogy. It's more like seeing Sonic and Smash. - He's like the American dude popping up, just be like, "Hot dogs, chili dogs."
- It's like King Kong, right? - He just got roped in. - I know, if you asked me and you put a gun on my head, I just said it, it's like the closest kind of thing in my head. - I think King Kong became a Kaiju after he was kind of roped into the Godzilla franchise.
- I don't know. - To me like Pacific Rim is still one of my favorite turn your head off, sorry, turn your brain off and just enjoy visual cocaine because oh my God, that film gets you so high. - I always wondered on planes, I was like, I wonder if the,
the air flight crew, they like judge what you're watching. If they see what you're watching, they're like, "That's fucking dog shit." 'Cause I was watching like a Spyro the Dragon video and someone comes over to me, she's like, "Do you want champagne?" And I'm like, "I will." Spyro the Dragon, I'm watching Spyro the Dragon video.
I'm like, they must think I am a weird ass person. I'm sitting in this business seat next to all these serious businessmen watching Spyro the fucking dragon reviews. Like they must think like, who is this guy? Why is he, what is he watching? 'Cause I was also judging the person in front of me for what they were watching. - Right. - We got on this six hour flight and I shit you not, this person was watching Minions and Minions movies the whole flight. - Yeah. - And I- - It's always that guy. - And I was like, who is this guy?
'Cause I was wondering what kind of person would watch Minions in business class. - 'Cause we had a couple of like kids in the business cabin that we were in, right? So I remember, yeah, it was the guy sitting right in front of me. I was like, every time I looked over, I saw Minions. And I was like, all right, I'm gonna go to the toilet
in the front just to check. Maybe it's like a 15 year old kid or whatever. I look, it's like a 50 year old woman. - Yeah, she's just watching all the minions. - Dead serious face just watching minions and minions too. And I'm like, hey man. - Champagne to go with my minions. In my head I'm like, well, maybe the flight staff aren't judging, but I certainly am. - Let me go back to my Spyro video. - I'm gonna go back to Spyro one reviews. Thank you very much.
- Why are you watching Spyro 1? - There was, I had this video. - Actually, now I'm curious. - I like a YouTuber and he did a whole thing reviewing them for like two hours and I was like, - Spyro? - Yeah, I was like, - It's a great game. - It's a good video too. - Yeah. - Very good video. I just, it was just kind of odd, I thought. They just kept coming over as Spyro gameplay was showing on the screen. I thought, they probably think I'm a weirdo. They must think I'm a little odd.
- It's whatever, you do your man. - It's whatever, little quirky. - It's fine. - But now we know what we need to do. I need to watch Lighthouse. You need to watch Pacific Rim. - Well, I guess. - I think like if you don't like Pacific Rim, you just don't like kaiju films. - Okay, well, I'll watch it at some point. I don't know when, we'll figure it out. - Pacific Rim is the taste test. - Okay, we'll figure it out. - Then you can go watch like the Godzilla films if you want. - Sounds good. - Hell yeah. Hey, look at all these patrons though. Let us know in the comments below, is King Kong a kaiju? - Oh God, don't stop.
I'm waiting for your responses. But in the meantime, if you'd like to support the show, then hey, go to our Patreon, patreon.com/trashtaste. Also follow us on Twitter, send us some memes on the subreddit. And if you hit our face, listen to us on Spotify. - Also legendary pictures or films, I forgot the company that owns this. You got me invested in your fucking monster verse. I don't know how. When's the Pacific Rim crossover coming?
- I wanna know that now because like, I'm like, I'm not invested in Godzilla. - And now one flight later, I'm like, when's the Pacific Rim crossover? I wanna know now. - Let us know. - All right, see you guys next week. - Bye.