cover of episode The Boys Went to Switzerland | Trash Taste #245

The Boys Went to Switzerland | Trash Taste #245

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@Jude : 我们去了瑞士拍摄冬季特别节目,瑞士景色优美,但物价很高。瑞士人非常冷静,但他们会为了保护自己的生活方式不惜一切代价。瑞士的历史和文化非常有趣,但似乎他们故意保持低调。瑞士人出生就会说四种语言,这是他们的巨大优势。瑞士使用瑞士法郎,而不是欧元,这使得货币转换变得复杂。瑞士的商品价格非常昂贵,尤其是咖啡。在瑞士,你只能使用瑞士法郎,不能使用欧元。在瑞士,我们遇到了很多有趣的人,每个人都有自己独特的故事。瑞士的地理位置使得它成为了欧洲文化的交汇点。我们还遇到了来自卢森堡的人,这让我感到非常新鲜。卢森堡的GDP非常高,这让我感到惊讶。卢森堡的公共交通是免费的,这让我感到非常方便。卢森堡的规模非常小,甚至比比利时还要小。 @Joey : 在瑞士的阿尔卑斯山上,我的嘴唇因为寒冷变得非常干燥。回到日本后,我得了最严重的唇疱疹。为了不让大家看到我的唇疱疹,我最近几天都戴着口罩。瑞士的体验非常棒,这是我第一次去瑞士。在欧洲,你可以在三小时内开车穿越四个国家。瑞士非常昂贵,这是我去之前就知道的。瑞士的山间小屋让人感到非常宁静,但我想知道住在那里的人是如何生活的。瑞士的山区小屋有时建在陡峭的山坡上,我想知道他们如何购物。瑞士人用直升机运送物资到山区。 @Garnett : 在瑞士的旅行中,我们购买了手表和巧克力作为纪念品。我发现手表市场非常复杂,价格昂贵。我们还讨论了瑞士航空的商务舱座椅,以及在日本乘坐成田特快列车的经历。

Deep Dive

The crew discusses their recent trip to Switzerland, highlighting its breathtaking landscapes, unique cultural quirks, and the challenges they faced, such as the country's high cost and language diversity.
  • Switzerland is known for its stunning landscapes, especially in the Alps.
  • The country is notoriously expensive, impacting travel experiences.
  • Swiss culture includes mandatory military service, and the country is equipped with numerous bunkers.
  • Switzerland has four official languages, contributing to its cultural richness.

Shownotes Transcript


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all right welcome back to another episode of trash taste i'm jude once again by the boys joey and garnett yay and we went on a little trip just a little one a little trip just a tiny trip you're gonna have to wait a long time so sorry to give you blue balls but we did film special yeah uh and uh we went to switzerland we went to switzerland we filmed a winter special which we are not going to be talking about uh but we thought that

You know, we went to Switzerland. It was such a beautiful country and an amazing experience. We just wanted to talk about that, but we figured you guys would figure out that we filmed a special there anyway. Yeah, we're not going to meet around the bush. Yeah. Yeah, so we just got back from Switzerland. How are you boys feeling? You recovered from your jet lag yet? Look at him, bro. Look at this guy. Look at this dude. I mean, well, okay, to be honest, I'm not sick. I just...

So we got back from Switzerland and the entire time we were there because it was so cold and, you know, because we were up in the Alps, right? My lips just got incredibly crusty and dry. Yeah. That's why some videos I had like literally I'm wearing lipstick because my lips get so...

Yeah, yeah. From the hard drive. That's the only thing I'm not looking forward to this special is just seeing how crusty my lips are every scene. But basically, I got back and it was a combination of that, probably a little bit of like windburn and just like lack of sleep. I just got the worst cold sore I've ever got in my life on my lip. So I don't want to show you guys that. I verify you don't want to see it. It's pretty bad.

I don't want to look at it. You don't want to look at it. Let's all just move on. I took the mask off and I showed it to Connor and he was just like, what's that? So to save you guys, the eyesore, I'm going to keep this on. Audio only listeners are like, what is he talking about? Audio only, you don't have to worry about it. If you're watching on YouTube, don't worry about this. It's like Joe's being muffled. Yeah, so my bad. I've worn a mask these last couple of days for the first time pretty much since COVID ended.

And it's still fucking uncomfortable. - Yeah, I mean, it was never comfortable. - It was never comfortable. Especially when you have a beard, it just keeps slipping down and it's really annoying. But yeah, don't worry about that. We're gonna talk about Switzerland 'cause it was a fucking awesome time. - This was your first time, right? - It was my first time ever. I've always wanted to go. - I went when I was like, I don't know, 15, 16, 'cause we used to go to South France a lot. So it was kind of close. - See, to an Australian, that just sounds like such a flex.

Yeah, we just casually just went to like the south of France. No biggie, you know. You can drive like four countries in like three hours in Europe easily. Yeah. You can't even drive out of Sydney in three hours. So it's like what? You know, at that age when you go to Switzerland, if you're not from Switzerland, you can't do anything.

It's so goddamn expensive. It was. Oh my God. Yeah. That was something I knew and haven't been to Switzerland before because before I've only been to Geneva, which was a totally different vibe from where we went to. I've only got a great convention there.

Well, Joey. Fuck's sake, Joey. Get your dad, Joey Salad. I don't think that that took me like legitimately four seconds to understand what you were joking about. Yeah, no, but Switzerland was great. We went to Zurich. Yep. We went to

Lucerne, which is a beautiful lake. And what was the south part of it? - Sass-fay. - Sass-fay. I never knew how it was pronounced. I saw how it was spelled and I was like, "Sass-fay?" - Sass-fay. - Sass-fay? That doesn't sound right. That doesn't sound Swiss. - Which is right near Zermatt, if you guys know where that is. It's like the big Southern Alps.

Yeah, on the border. It was beautiful. Yeah, there are a few places in the world I've been to where it looks so beautiful that it almost looks like a fucking green screen because of like, you know, how it almost is so beautiful that it doesn't look real. And Switzerland was one of those places, especially up in the mountains. As someone who never grew up going on like skiing, snowboarding trips, I've never seen so many fucking mountaintops in my life.

- Holy shit, and that is on their backyards as well? - Yeah, it's just mountains. - Yeah. - It's literally just mountain the country. - The one thing that shocked me the most, I think immediately was like, there's all these like beautiful, you know, especially like near Lucerne where it's not snowing, right? 'Cause like on the sea level, but there's still these like beautiful green hills.

And it's just such a vibe. It's almost like cottagecore where it's just, it'd just be this empty hill and there'd just be this one tiny log cabin just sitting there in the middle of nowhere. And I'm like, who's building these? Who's like, who looked at this giant empty hill and was like,

I'm going to live right there, right in the middle of there. Yeah. There were a lot of those and, you know, they look really cool, but then I think about having like the logistics of like living there. Yeah. Because some of these cottages are in the middle of this and it's not like a, it's not like a tiny hill. It is like a steep mountain a lot of the times. It's like several thousand

meters yeah like mountains i'm like how the fuck do these people get anywhere how how do people go how do they go shopping man yeah so we we worked with a swiss production company which is really interesting as well because you have to talk to a bunch of swiss people for a couple of days yeah and

I asked the same question. I was like, how the fuck do these people get up there and then a like get stuff up there? Because there's no roads. Yeah, and I even feel like a hiking boss like there's something so much you can reasonably bring up and they were telling me that apparently Again, this is like a this must be like a too much money kind of problem. Yeah, they just helicopter. I

Everyone helicopters. Everyone just has a personal helicopter? No, apparently because obviously in Switzerland, it's mandatory services required. It seemed like, again, when we asked the crew this, it's like 20 people, we're like, who's done mandatory service? And like three of them had done it. So it doesn't sound that mandatory. It's like there's a lot of ways for it not to be mandatory. But they have mandatory service in their military, obviously because of Switzerland's history of being neutral. Neutral in terms of attacking and defending military.

very much not so neutral. - Oh no, I heard some stories from like the Swiss natives and they were like, yeah, you know, sometimes our bridges are designed to be blown up and we have, probably it's those cottages. - Well, they have like the most bunkers, I think, in the world as well. - Yeah, really? - Like an insane amount of mountainside bunkers that were built during the war. - That doesn't surprise me. Yeah. - Which doesn't make sense. I don't know if they have the most, but they have like an absurd,

- Yeah, they do. - And everything can be destroyed. - Yeah, everything can be destroyed. And I was talking to one of the guys there, they'll send- - 374,000 bunkers and likely more. - That's John Harris, so it could be made the fuck up for what. - 360,000. - The Rio Tide.

And there's something like some of the cottages could easily be like, you know, secret like weapons caches or something like that. Or bunkers. And I'm like, that's what the Swiss banks are. The more you talk to Swiss people, the more you realize they're like the Texans of Europe. They all have guns. Yeah. They all talk about like freedom. Yeah. And like independence. Yeah. And like,

what's yours and having the right to it, except it's got like a very European twist to it. Instead of having a processed burger, you get a nice slice of cheese and some chocolate. I've never seen a group of people, as you said, so aggressively chill. Yeah. It's like you have the same kind of like...

uh things that texans love but they're just so chill about it and they would do anything to protect that chillness apparently they will blow up their own country before someone invades their chill yeah um which i gotta respect and they were they were constantly willing to tell us the history of switzerland was really interesting as well i don't know i don't actually know a whole lot about switzerland

I think you don't hear a lot about on purpose. I think that's what they like it. Yeah. I mean, before we went to Switzerland, the only like three things I kind of really knew about Switzerland was just like the cheese, obviously, the watches, and the banks. Yeah.

Yeah. And it's like anything else I'm just like... Oh, and the chocolates. Other than that, I'm like, I don't know anything about anything in this country. Like, what language do you speak? Oh, five of them. Okay. Yeah, you kind of realize, I kind of knew growing into it, that if you're just born in Switzerland, you just get a spawn advantage.

Because you are born with like four languages basically that you can speak. It is probably the most OP place to be born. In terms of like life advantage. It's pretty crazy. And like the... Also like the money...

I just assume everywhere that isn't the UK and Europe uses euros. Ignorantly. I'm like, these filthy European countries. Let them use their funny, weird euro money. And then we get there and it's like, CHF. I'm like, all right, I don't know what the fuck this is. And I am not going to look up how much things... Like the conversion rate. I'm not learning another conversion rate. I'm done. The Swiss franc? So when I'm buying a coffee, I'm like, damn, it's cheap. Only like...

uh like five euros and it's like nah nah it's like actually like seven pounds and i'm like oh okay that's expensive this coffee i think the swiss franc from the last i saw i might be completely wrong right it's 160 something yen to the door uh to the swiss franc

- I believe. - Okay, I mean. - I know. - What's crazy is that my Japanese yen knowledge is only applicable to the dollar. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So I don't know the yen relative strength to anything else. - Yeah, 168 yen and that's gone down. - What's the Frank to the dollar? That's what, even though I'm British, I do everything to the dollar.

So the US dollar, I think it's... Yeah, it's almost like one-to-one, which is what I realized. A dollar 10 US, that's frank. Yeah, so everything was ridiculously expensive. It was. It was. Far out. And now I kind of realize, now that you mentioned that, I think I've been to more European countries that don't use the euro than do. Because unlike the euro trip that we went to, I think most places had their own currency. Yeah, but I think...

- Yeah, but it wasn't like the main currency, right? - No, no, no, it is. So like for the Swiss Krona. - Yeah, the Swiss Krona. - From what I understand, it is tied to the Euro. - What does that mean? Like the fucking Scottish pound? - No, so like fluctuates. So if the Euro goes down- - The fuck's the Scottish pound? - It's the pound, but it's Scottish. - Is that not the same? - It's different. That's actually the pound. - Yeah, that's actually the pound, but it's called the Scottish pound and there's different notes. - So like the-

The Swiss currency value is like one to one, not one to one, but like if it's 20 and the Euro is one, if it fluctuates, it goes up and down accordingly. They're tied. Can you give all this to Sherry? I did not understand that at all. Yeah, it's kind of weird. I think it's a way where countries like to have like, hey, this is our currency, but it is still completely like reliant on- No, Sweden, Sweden. The Euro, sorry. The Swede krona.

- Type in like Swiss, Swedish Krona tied to Euro. - Sweden does not currently use the Euro as its currency and has no plans to replace the existing Swedish Krona in the Navy. - Wait, which one of the countries does this? - Is it Danish? - Danish? - I could be wrong. - On this episode of I made it the fuck up on Trash Taste. - Yeah, is SEK pegged to Euro? Scroll down. That's that one.

Not chosen German. Man, all of this is just... Wait, is it the Danish? No, it's the Danish one. Wait, that's what fucking... That's what Hart told me. Which is also called the Kroner, right? Is it? I...

- Yeah. What's the Danish currency? - Oh, okay. - Krone, it's the Krone. - Krone, oh my God. - That's the Swedish Krona and the Danish Krone. - Okay, I'm fucking stupid. It was Denmark, not Sweden. - Yeah, yeah. - I know Sweden. I know you don't like being confused with Denmark. - You have just declared war on all of Sweden with acid. - So like this currency is like required to stay within a range. - Right, right. - So they'll, it's, I don't understand the benefit of doing this 'cause I'm not smart enough for that financially.

as I paid eight fucking dollars for a coffee in Switzerland. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Doesn't get any financial advice from me. - Okay, so answer me this as someone who is not European whatsoever. Can you still use the Euro? - No. - No. - So it's only this currency. - It's a different currency. - So in Switzerland you can only use the- - Yeah. - Okay. - This is where you couldn't rock up to Australia with the dollar. - Well then where do you use the Euro?

- France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain. - Oh, so it's selective European countries. - Yeah, it's up to the country. - Selective European countries, which is why the UK were like, "Nah, we're gonna do our own thing." - I see. - 'Cause the UK for the long time, it depends on what the country does. The UK is a very big banking country. - Yeah.

historically had a very strong currency for banking and they wanted it to be separate from Euro shenanigans. Right, right.

I imagine there's a little bit of elitism in there where they thought, no, no, we don't want this filthy currency. We want good currency. If there wasn't any elitism, how did what happened happen with us and the EU? Let's just not talk about that for a second. Not much to talk about. Fucking idiots. That's it. Plain and simple. But, you know, back to Switzerland.

Met some interesting characters there. It seemed like almost everyone we met there just had an interesting story, which kind of shows...

when you're born in switzerland surrounded by all of these other countries you kind of need you kind of have so many different experiences from so many different cultures just because you're right in the middle of everything yeah our team was kind of uh we were like collecting the infinity stones of europeans because i feel it was like every different nationality was just and just happened to conglomerate into sweden oh not sweden sorry switzerland sorry sweden because like yeah we had we obviously had like swiss people but we had a lot of like french people uh

They're basically the same. Yeah. Okay. I don't know the fucking geopolitical shit about that, all right? But one that was really interesting was the guy that you were talking to up in the ski slopes. Fuck, which country was it again? I don't want to say.

In case I'm wrong. Oh, Luxembourg? Luxembourg. Yeah, there was a dude from Luxembourg, which is like the first time. It was like finding a shiny Pokemon. I was like, whoa, you guys exist? You found literally someone who exists from Luxembourg. Yeah. Which is probably not that uncommon in that area, maybe. Yeah, maybe. I don't know. It was uncommon for me. And I was like, oh, dude, I've always wanted to go to Luxembourg. And he was like, really? Why? And I was like, because I don't hear about anyone who's been to Luxembourg. I don't think there's a whole lot.

going on in Luxembourg. Yeah, I asked him. I was like, I'm kind of interested to go to Luxembourg to just check it out to see what it's like because I don't know anyone who's been there. So like, as someone from Luxembourg, like, how's Luxembourg? And he's just like,

It's okay. - I think one of the main cities is built around a castle, which is kinda cool. But you can get that in a lot of other European countries too. - Yeah, I don't know anything about Luxembourg except the fact that Luxembourg exists. And now I know- - And they always have the highest GDP or some shit. - Something like that, yeah. - Do they? - They have a really high GDP.

But again, I think that's a case of like a lot of people work within Luxembourg. Yeah. So I think it's- Wow. Wow. That's the overall GDP. Right. Why is Luxembourg GDP so high? Tourism, logistics, and information technology.

This episode is sponsored by Shopify. Boys, I'm not going to lie. I'm feeling a little nervous here. Because you have a clothing brand and you also have your own merch as well. I do, I do. I'm the only person here who doesn't sell their own merch. What? Where do I start? What do I do? How do I do it?

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- Damn. - Damn, you learn something new every day. - Yeah, very cool. - Yeah. - And I think public transport's free, I think. I could be wrong. Or free to- - How big is Luxembourg? - Tiny. - Tiny. - Yeah, 'cause I thought it was a tiny country. - I mean, it's one of those countries where if you're just looking at a map of Europe, you just, you can't see it from a big picture. - Yeah, all public transport is free in Luxembourg. - Whoa! That's cool.

I mean, realistically, how far can it take you? Not very. I think that's because like the salary- The longest train we have is 45 minutes. And I could be wrong, but I believe a lot of people within Luxembourg or like who work in Luxembourg don't live in Luxembourg. Like a lot of people commute into Luxembourg. Yeah. Oh, really? Again, it's that small that you can, you know. You can probably like commute to a different country to work if you think about it. That's crazy. I think like there's a lot of advantages to being a very tiny country in Luxembourg.

like positioned around other larger countries where you can kind of selectively make. I mean, look at it compared to Belgium. Like Belgium is a very small country. Yeah. Belgium already a very small country next to Luxembourg, which is fucking, that's like a city. Yeah. Like even like Switzerland is massive in comparison to Luxembourg. Jesus Christ. I remember

We were in the car and we drove from the airport to our first shoot location. And Joey was like, wow, we drove three hours and we're half the country away from where we started. And I'm like, yeah, welcome to Europe, Joey. That hit me right in the head. I'm like, damn, Italy's just right there. That's crazy. We were on some train thing. And I thought it was going to be like the Eurotunnel where you... Because the Eurotunnel is really cool. You drive into a train. Oh.

and then it closes on you. But we went on like a train that was kind of like just like a platform with like one rail and then you just fucking go. There's no like roof. It was like one of those like cattle trains. Yeah, it was sick. And then you just go through this tunnel and then it's awesome. You can see it all. Yeah, I remember there was a sign you like drive into like what looks like, yeah, like something they drive cattle into. And on the side, I just saw this sign which was like, whatever you do, do not open the door. I was like, oh,

I was very surprised because when I heard the train, I thought the exact same thing as Connor. But when we got on the train, they were like, wow, if I just open my door now, I could literally just jump off this train. There is nothing stopping me from just death right there. And if one of the cars behind me just forgot to put the parking gear on.

then we're fucked if this was in like florida it would be shut down within a month yeah you would hear like we shut down within a day all kinds of headlines florida man starts car on train but what it also made me realize was oh this is what elon musk tried to invent which was already invented by the europeans like this like last century yeah and it's actually like good and

- And it actually works and it's good. And I'm like, what the fuck? Of course everyone was clowning on him. - I mean, yeah, going on the fucking Vegas Hyperloop when I was there, I was like, this has gotta be the worst fucking tunnel of all time. Like, just terrible. Like, I'm moving people. I'm pretty sure like the fucking Great Escape Tunnel was more efficient at moving people. - Yeah.

It was ridiculously shit. And it was not cool. It was kind of sad watching a guy drive through a tunnel. And I remember I asked the guy, I was like, do you like doing this? Because he was driving through a tunnel. He goes, yeah, no traffic. And I was like, that's...

That's fucking sad. It was mind-numbing. This guy was going in a loop. He was doing Baby Park, but IRL. With passengers drunk in Vegas. It's the worst thing ever. Not even allowed to drift. Could you imagine Baby Park where you can't drift and you have to drive like good? That sounds awful. You have to drive without hitting any other cars. And there's no items. You're not racing. There's no items. You can't drift. You have to just go in an orderly line around Baby Park. Mario is shit.

- Yeah, just turn your brain off. - Maybe. - Put on podcasts or something, right? - Meanwhile, every Yamamoto driver. - I think that's the worst part about like that kind of job is that like, not only is it mind numbing, you don't even get to like, you can't even like double dip. You can't like play some games on the other monitor. You know, you just have to sit there and drive through this tunnel. - Oh, I've had, have you never had a taxi driver do that before?

I've literally had a taxi driver in Japan. This is when the Olympics were on. He was just watching the Olympics. He had a TV screen where I think it was like the Japanese volleyball or something like that. Just on. And in between stops, he would just watch it. I respect that. Didn't ask if it was okay. He just had it on. And he'd just watch it during stops. And I was like,

Am I going to say something? Probably not. Is this the safest thing in the world? Probably not. Probably not. But he's vibing. He's vibing. At least he's only just doing it at the traffic stop, you know? Yeah. It's not just like this, you know? It's definitely not good, but hey, look, if he's driving, fine. He's paying attention out of mind. But yeah, I think that's the, that's, yeah, mind numbing. Anyway, it's shit, but the tunnel in Switzerland, very cool. Yeah, very, very cool. How do you feel about when Uber drivers like pick up the phone? Ah,

- I'm not a huge fan of it, to be honest. - I've heard some like weird ass conversations that are probably shouldn't be hearing via like Uber. - I don't really care that much. I feel like it's polite to be like, hey man, is it okay if I like fucking blast the speaker right now and talk to someone? - Yeah. The one that confuses me are the ones where it's like you go into the Uber and the dude already has like an air pod in or something. - Oh, he's already fucking starting. - And he's already mid conversation.

But you don't know that because you don't hear the other end of the call. So you just hear him talking to himself and I'm like, are you talking to me or like, oh, you're on the phone, okay. Great, thanks. Thanks for letting me know. - Headphones, it's like, all right, as long as he doesn't get like both in, 'cause you might, like, I think driving with two earphones in is kind of dangerous. - That's very dangerous. - It's very dangerous.

Probably illegal. Yeah, very legal. Is it actually legal? I wonder. I wouldn't be surprised if it is. I mean, you'd definitely be prone to accidents. I would assume so because you are literally taking away one of your sensors. I'd rather put one earpiece in than fucking blast it on speakers, which is the most annoying fucking thing. Because for some reason, like when I take a call on like the speaker in the car, I feel like the volume I put it at is fantastic.

1500 decibels lower than what my uber driver does he puts it like fucking speaker crunching loudness like he like i'm like dude this is crazy yeah it's illegal in many states okay yeah makes sense that makes sense um yeah i mean it's just i'm like whatever it depends because sometimes i'm like

when you're in it and you're like, it's like, it's like a 30 fucking minute phone call. You're like, dude, come on. Like this is what this was like, dude, come on, dude. I'm like, I don't care about your conversation, man. At least put some AirPods in. I've definitely been in an Uber where like, I remember one Uber back in Australia where I'm like,

I was kind of like... It was one of those where he only just had the one earpod in. Yeah. And so I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation. But I was like, oh, okay. He's fucking in a phone call or whatever. I'll just lay back and chill out. But I was kind of hearing it off to the side. And I wasn't getting the full context. But just from what he was saying, I was like, is there a drug deal happening right now? Yo! This conversation sounds really... That's what you want to see from the driver. Yeah, that's... I slowly turned to the driver. I was like, are you...

Are you buying drugs right now? Because he was like, yeah, I'll take the 20. No, that's too expensive. All right.

I'm like, what are you purchasing? I'm right here. - I remember I got in one Uber in fucking, I don't know where it fucking was. The phone call starts, right? It's like ringing. And he asked me, he was like, is it okay if I get this? I'm like, yeah man, sure, whatever. Which I appreciate it. I was like, look, I now, I don't give a fuck. I just think it's just polite. - Yeah, definitely.

And then the phone call starts as he clicks accept, right? And it's like silent for five seconds. And then a robot voice goes and he goes,

- This is the corrections facility for- - And I was like, what? I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. It goes, and he goes like, do you wish to incur the charges for the car? And he goes, yes, start through. It sounds like a fucking cafeteria. It's like, it's so fucking loud

And then I can't remember exactly what the conversation was, but it was him basically going like, Hey man, I could just really use the cash you promised me right now. I need to be able to get some commentary. It was like some conversation and he was just like,

Dude, I can't help you out right now. I'm struggling, man. I'm driving Ubers. I can't help you out right now. And then he's like, dude, but we go way back. Like, you know, I don't know who, I don't know what the relation was to this guy. Didn't sound like family. And it's like, it was the weirdest five minute Uber call where he's like pleading.

for this uber driver to give him money wait this sounds really familiar was i in the car with you no this was a similar one though we had one in australia no no we had one in uh in tennessee where we had a guy where

She was like requesting bail money from the guy. That was a different call. This happened twice. So yeah, we had that one where it was bail money. This guy wanted money for commissary and he was asking for like 50 bucks. But what's the bail money one? Maybe you were in the car, maybe not. There was this guy who was clearly like... I would remember this conversation. Okay, so we were in Tennessee and there was a guy who was...

very large guy yeah and he sounded quite unhealthy yeah he was his sound like he was coughing up lungs yeah he was mouth breathing and he was really chatty though like it was really fun he's really nice and then he got a phone call he just took it and it was a girl who was trying to get bail money that's right to get out of prison yeah oh jail sorry she was asking for like a grand or something and

And and I think that was like a sister or cousin or something related I remember this conversation and he was just like I can't give you the money stop asking me And he's like I don't want to give you the money Like this

- It was a whole, and I remember the tour staff was like staring, it was like, what the fuck is this conversation? - Yeah. - Oh my God. - That was a whole conversation. - I remember that so vividly. - America- - I would remember that. - Yeah, America is wild. - Yeah. - He just did it so casually as well, like. - It's a full fucking Uber. That is the most like GTA conversation I've ever heard in my life. - It's just like, it's just like,

- Why don't I even begin to explain the cultural differences to a Japanese person of why a person in America would feel this is okay to have this conversation in the taxi? I think it would break a Japanese person's brain to be like, okay. - It's like, nah, you're making this up. - They'd be like, nah, so explain the backstory of what's going on here and culturally why it's cool to have this. It's just so far removed

Like from any semblance of like a shared cultural norm where you could explain what is happening in this taxi drive. It's like, it's ridiculous. It's the freedom. It's the fucking freedom. Literally, you go to America some places and you realize that GTA is based on real life. Yeah, they realize they have free will. It is not a satire sometimes. It is a documentary. But we did meet.

a gentleman who I can only refer to as Swiss Pete. He's literally Pete if he was born in Switzerland. He's a fucking goat, dude. Yeah, sometimes you meet someone and you're like,

You know, some people I feel have too much life experience. And this person was one of those people. He was like the head of our production crew. Shout out to the motherfucking boy, Mario. That's his actual name, by the way. Yeah. How did he start off like our very first conversation together? Because I remember him coming up to like Joey or something. Yeah. And he's like, oh, do you know, do you know the joke? It's a me, Mario. Yeah. I forgot.

- So he was talking to us and before this, we kind of met him once and he was really energetic, really funny, but didn't really like, didn't really know. - Just like kind of starting to like warm up to us. And then when he realized that, you know, we were pretty cool and you know, we just wanted to like chat or whatever. And you know, he was like, oh, okay, well we can talk to you and just chat. Yeah, he just came and when he found out that I could speak Japanese,

He was like, "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you know-- You're Japanese, right, Joey?" And I'm like, "Yeah." And he's like, "Oh, okay. Do you know the joke? It's me, Mario."

And I was like, "I guess?" Like the Nintendo character? He's like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but it's a joke. 'It's a me' is like 'super' in Japanese." And I just slowly turned to GonKon and I was like, "It's not." He's definitely saying, "It's a me." Like...

And he was like, "No, no, no, I can check for you." And he pulled his phone out and he typed it in on Google. He's like, "It's a me." - Trying to fact check a Japanese person. - Yeah, trying to fact check, right? The first thing that comes up with the Google automated answer is like, "The 'It's a me, Mario' referring to Super Mario joke is completely false."

And he just looks so dejected. He said it so innocently, though. I know. Yeah, he was very cute. And then we were going to this other shoot, and he was talking to me. And, you know, these mountains are crazy high. They're like 2,000 meters, 3,000 meters, 4,000 meters tall mountains. And, you know, we're passing by this mountain, and he points at it and he goes, oh, yeah, I remember when I went up this mountain, but it was dark and cold. I was like...

what? He's like, yeah, I went hiking in the mountains at like midnight. I was like, why would you do that? And he was like, oh, it was storm too. Yeah, it was a thunderstorm. I was like, what? I was like, why would you do that? He's like, well, me and my friend, you know, we had a few drinks. We thought it was a good time to go up the mountain.

Did you have anything like you prepare he's like no it's okay We just go to the nearest heart and we talked to the people in the hut and it's it chill We drink the drink and then keep hiking. I was like what? Oh my way, so you you you decided to go hiking at midnight and I was like is this summer winter? When is this? He's like, oh, it's like spring so you go he goes midnight and

Hiking up a 2,000-meter mountain with a friend with nothing and then just chilling and randomly going into a cabin and making friends with the owners who live there and then just chilling. Yeah.

And then he's like, yeah, it's so cool. We met like a sheep. I was like, what? And he puts a picture of his phone and it's like a herd of sheep in pitch black. It's always like this sea of red light. And like the reflective eyes of the sheep. And then it's like...

I'm like, okay. Looks like a harmony for whales. Was it fun? Why did you do it? He's like, you know, it's like memories. You get to remember these things. I'm like, Mario, you just played hardcore Minecraft without items. Yeah. Another time he was talking to us and he was explaining about... Oh, God, it was so funny. Everything about it was so fucking funny. He's like...

His friend was depressed. He's like, "Yeah, I thought it was a good idea to... you know, we go mountains and we hike. She's a little depressed, so maybe going up mountain will fix depression, you know?" I was like, "Okay, yeah. I mean, get out there, you know, do it." He's like, "Yeah, but I kind of forgot to pack." I was like, "What?" He's like, "Yeah, I just kind of grabbed the bag I have." I was like, "Okay." So he's like, "When we get to the top of mountain, I realized I didn't pack sleeping bag."

I was like, what? It's a pretty like big thing. How do you forget to bring that? He's like, yeah, no, I think it made her depression worse. I was like, I was not the one where he was like,

"Yeah, I almost died." - Yeah, yeah. I was like, "So how did you sleep?" He's like, "Yeah, so I gave her coats. She makes a sleeping bag." And then I just kind of shiver. I was like, "What?"

This guy's just so strange. He would just explain all of these bizarre hikes that he would do and near-death experiences so casually and charming. In the most positive, charming way he could possibly do. Like, this other time, he was, like, talking about his friends because he was talking about, like, the dangers of the mountains. He was talking about his friend who would just love to go hiking and...

you know, love to go hiking. And I remember we got to this one area where we got to like the mountains and he was like, yeah, my friend used to go hiking up there and he froze to death. - Oh my God. - Yeah, it was so... - Obviously it's not funny, but just the way... - No, the way he did it was funny. - The way he did it. - Yeah, it was something along the lines of, yeah, my friend, he got really cold up there and froze to death.

He's like, "I didn't know that could happen." - I was like, "What?" - I've never done a double take so hard in my life. I was like, "What?" Yeah, I was like, this is, like all three of us were in the car being like,

What did you just say to me? It was kind of like a, what? He would just do that so often. I remember, this was way after he told us all those stories about climbing up every mountain in fucking Switzerland. He was talking about Thailand to go up at this bar. And he started, he was like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I really like XYZ section. He was referencing quite niche topics.

Parts of like Bangkok. Yeah, and then gone, you know, obviously was like, oh wow Like you seem to know a lot about Thailand. Have you gone before it just out of nowhere? He was like, yeah. Yeah, I I studied Muay Thai for two years When the fuck did you do this like yeah, I just I just went to Thailand and my friend wanted to learn Muay Thai so I went with him and then

I ended up staying for two years. This man has done like every single side quest. It's like, what haven't you done? Like in this like four hour car trip, we'd be talking about like the most random things and then we'd ask Mario what he thinks about it. And he would just like, he could pull a story out of like any fucking experience. He's the kind of guy that just made friends with every single living person he came across. Yeah. Like he would befriend them. He is like the most pure human

- I remember that time when we were, I forgot, we were talking about like sea fishing or something. We were talking about fishing. And we were like, Mario, have you been fishing? He was like, "Oh, let me think. Yeah, I've been fishing in Zanzibar." I was like, what? I was like, wait, wait, wait. This is not the...

- Answer I would be expecting. I was like, there are so many layers. How did you find yourself in Zanzibar fishing? I was like, yeah, I just had a friend in Zanzibar and he invited me to go fishing. I was like, okay.

- This man is DTF for everything. - It's insane. And every restaurant we went to, he seemingly knew every single person at the restaurant. And then he'd always be like, "Yeah, we're good friends. Not best friends, but good friends." - That's not from conversation with you, right, Joe? - Yeah, so it was a conversation. I met up with Mario a little bit before these guys.

And he was just like, Joey, I have a... I need to ask you a second opinion on something. And I was like, yeah, what's up? And he's like, I have a friend. He's not my best friend. I'm like, he's a good friend? He's like, good friend, yeah. And he just randomly messaged... I haven't talked to him in about five years. And he just randomly messaged me on WhatsApp asking for 500 francs to borrow. And I was like, okay. That sounds a little bit sus. And he's like, yeah, but...

I might give it to him. And I'm like, Mario, you just preface this story by saying he's not even like your best friend. He's like a friend you haven't talked to in years. And he's like, yeah, but you never know. A good thing might come back. - Oh, he's so pure. - He's so nice. - He's so pure. - And I was like, look, man, you're an adult. If you think it's a good idea, then you should do it. And he was like,

I'm going to do it. And he just did it on the spot. And he just texted me this morning. He texted me this morning, actually, about that exact thing. Let me see if I can bring it up. He said, he said, ha, good thing I trusted that gut. Guy just refunded me that money. To be honest, if so, I mean...

I don't know the whole context, but if a guy just straight up asks you for 500 bucks off-rate, it's kind of sketchy. Yeah, he was like, yeah, he's a teacher. He's been a teacher for years and I've known him since university and he has like three kids.

And he's asking, and I'm like, I'm like, what? Why is he asking for, what does he need the money for? And he's like, I don't know, but I'm just going to give it to him. And I'm like, you're way too nice, man. We need more people like Mario in the world. Oh yeah, and this is before, during the day, he had gone to the hospital because apparently throughout this whole shoot that we did for the special, which was like, you know, quite,

you know, physically intensive even for the staff. Apparently the entire time he had a hairline fracture in his hand and a broken rib. And I'm like, Mario...

you've had two broken bones this whole thing. You didn't go to the hospital. And he's like, I mean, I should have, but I wanted to come to this instead. You were carrying around all this heavy shit with a broken hand and you're just like, yeah, no B. I'll just come along because it seems fun. - Oh my God. - Mario, you're a fucking treasure. - Mario, if you're ever in Japan, we'd love to hear more stories from you.

The most out-of-pocket thing he came out with, I think by far from what I heard, was that we were walking and then he like points to a building and he goes, oh yeah, I used to, I used to squat in that building. I was like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, what, Mario? Because he literally two minutes ago was telling us about his apartment. Yeah, yeah. And I was like, wait, wait, wait, wait. I was like, how long ago did you squat this? He's like, ah, you know, like 10 years ago.

I was like, okay. I was like, why did you squat it? Did you not have an apartment? He's like, no, no, I had an apartment. I was like,

So why'd you do it? Yeah, why'd you squat? He's like, oh, you know, to send a message. Ha ha ha!

I was like, he's like, you know, these rich people, they're trying to, how do you say, gentrify Zurich. And we want to make sure they know not to do this. And I was like, okay, cool.

I was like, "Wasn't it like a lot or like uncomfortable?" He said, "No, it was really fun actually." He's like, "We made a lot of money." I was like, "You made a lot of money? You made a lot of money from squatting? How?" He said, "Yeah, it's awesome. We used to throw parties in there and like have drinks and charge for entry." I was like, "What? This is like the most European thing I've ever heard in my life.

squatting a building and opening up a club in the squatting building. And then on the story goes on because I'm naturally, I'm like, I'm asking a million and one questions. I'm like, this is so fucking bizarre. Why would you, I like, and I'm trying to learn more about him and what drives him to do this. And I was like, okay. So I was like, that sounds hard to like manage the money if you're squatting. Right. Cause presumably it's just a bunch of random people coming and going. I can't imagine that.

everyone felt like one of the do the same thing with money that you guys are making. Was it like a fucking gang operation? Like what's going on here? And he's like, yeah. So in the end we decided just to, to throw the money outside the window. I was like, what? I don't know if this is like Googleable, but he was like, yeah, it was a big, big deal. We threw like 10,000 Swiss Corona out the window one day and just told people to come get it. And,

And it's the most insane story. It's the most like V for Vendetta show. Yeah. I was like, wait, so you just got all the money that you made from this. No one touched it. No one took any. You all just threw it out the window. He's like, yeah, we just took it and put it out the window. Oh,

Yeah. He is the guy that you would just be hanging about and you hear the most out-of-pocket things just randomly. Just sitting there so casually with this giant smile on his face. Could have been bullshit, but I believed him. I did as well. Yeah, the way he was telling the story was so earnest. I'm like, you couldn't have made this shit up. It sounds too bizarre to have been made up. Yeah, some of this shit was way too detailed and way too bizarre. What an interesting man.

Love that man. What an absolutely interesting man. Other than that, though, I mean, we didn't spend too much time in Switzerland. We only spent like three days. Did manage to get some souvenirs, though. Yep.

Lots of Swiss chocolate. Yeah, lots of Swiss chocolates. We went watch shopping as well, which we didn't intend to, but I think halfway through, we were like, this seems like a good idea. I did not know how deep the watch rabbit hole went. I had an idea. What do you mean? I don't know. Oh, it gets very deep. Yeah, because I knew about, obviously, like Rolexes and, you know, Seiko, the Japanese brands. I didn't know how many brands there were that sold like...

fucking expensive as shit watches. Most of them. Yeah, most. Okay, so someone who actually worked in the watch industry, I spoke to them a while back and they were explaining to me like how, like the whole market works. Yeah. And basically they were like, watches are generally the only jewelry that men will wear.

- Yeah, that's true. - And are willing to spend on, 'cause jewelry is often not a market that men will spend money on. But it's one of the only markets that jewelry, which is this insane stuff that you can spend a ton of money on, that men will wear. When you think of it like that, it starts to make a whole lot more sense.

because jewelry just gets expensive for expensive sake, right? Yeah, that's true. But there's a lot more to it than that. When we were there, actually, we were buying a watch, I looked on Reddit. I was like, is this a good watch or whatever? I didn't want to scam myself. And then ever since then, my Reddit has just been watch recommendations, like watch subreddit recommendations. Some of it is very sad. Some of it's helpful. A lot of it's very sad. I will tell you which one of our mates is super deep into the watch rabbit hole.

Kevin is. I didn't realize this. Yeah, because I didn't realize this because I think we had like a meeting, like a dinner or something when Kevin was here. And Didis was there as well. And Kevin offhandedly mentions this watch that he's getting. And

I think at the time, Didis was looking to get a watch or something like that, just something cheap and cheerful. So after the party, he messages Kevin, and Didis told me that Kevin gave him like a full, like, almost like hour-long call. Oh, Kevin did give me a bunch of stuff about this, actually. I remember now.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was just like... Apparently, Dydus was asking a casual question and Kevin just gave him the entire encyclopedia. He was just like, in an hour-long call, being like, what kind of watch do you want? What style? All right, we're going to find you the perfect watch. And I'm hearing the story. I'm like, damn, how fucking deep does this go? How, like...

What kind of rabbit hole are we going into with watches? Because I know nothing about watches. I mean, we saw kind of just like the tip of the iceberg just going down that one road in Zurich, which is apparently like the watch road, I guess. What makes a good watch? What makes an expensive watch? House Ban or House Ban Hoff or something? Yeah, House Ban Hoff, something like that. Sometimes you, like some of the watches we saw, which were, you know, upwards from fucking $10,000 to...

- There are a couple I saw which are like in six figure range. - Yeah, like a hundred thousand, like the high, high range. I'm like, what makes an expensive watch? - I mean, there's like crazy markups on the watches. I mean, I think they just put shit in it, like diamonds or gold encrusted. No, I can't buy it.

But I feel like they look ugly. Am I crazy? - Some of the watches where you have like too many things going on there. It's like you are trying to tell time in like every time zone in the universe almost. - It's crazy how like,

Because they are again the only jewelry that men will wear they've kind of become like this alpha male symbol of like your wealth like the wealth you can wear I guess if you and and I think like I don't know if you've heard about this but Rolex now most stores won't let you walk in and buy a watch Yeah, oh really you have to go on a waitlist. Yeah. Oh, it's kind of like cars, you know, yeah

And like normally some people will be on the wait list forever. And like I saw this subreddit, because I've been, because I guess I got, I guess because I Googled this one Reddit question about watches, I've now been inundated with Reddit watches. And

I've got to say, there is no bigger copium that I've consistently read in my life than the Rolex subreddit. It is like people... It sounds just as bad as I can imagine. There'd be like a dude who'd be like, I finally got the call. And then... Dude, that's what they... And they'll show pictures of their watch. And like...

comments would be like, yeah, I didn't really want this watch, but I got the call. So I had to get it. And then they'd be like, congrats, man. Congrats to you on the Rolex. And there was one where I was like, yeah, my wife's going to be pissed, but I finally got the Rolex. And then it was like, it's clearly like

a bunch of older gentlemen, because then there would be replies like, you know, actually, your marriage should be happy. You should not be buying purchases if your wife isn't. And then another one was like, I like to buy my wife an expensive piece of jewelry, then buy the watch. That was one post where this guy was like, finally got my Rolex. And on the table, he'd like strategically placed like a

platinum amex gold he's like porsche car keys it's like the saddest shit ever like it's like a desperate plea of please notice my wealth i have money please notice me the lengths men will go to to not go to therapy man dude yeah the watch subreddit it was genuinely just felt like like therapy for dudes like to talk to other dudes and to be like we're rich right we're doing

We're successful. You're successful. It was very weird. It was very reminiscent to like the cryptocurrency like community and all that kind of thing. I do think there was definitely an overlap. Yeah. And it's a shame because I do think that some of these watches are beautiful art pieces. Yeah. And I think that they absolutely should have value and retain it. But I think, again, it's like NFTs. It's like,

It's half of the product is but mostly of the fact that the people who are in it kind of make it feel like oh Yeah, yeah, and so it's it's I feel like it's often hard to Want to get into it. Yeah, sure. Sure. Did you hear about the the? Like this insane story of like the cult that started who's the guy that's that predicted the GameStop stock thing? Raw and Kitty. Raw and Kitty. Oh

uh was was he the guy so i think he bought like shares of like was it like bath and body works or something like that they so um he had done uh gamestop but then a lot of people obviously wanted to find the same company again yeah and so bed bath and beyond was one of them oh yeah it was bed bath and beyond but it was like one person who bought like bought shares of this that's

literally formed a cult around anything that he did. - Yeah, yeah. - And every- - What? - Wait, let me- - I don't know anything about this. - Let me do a quick Google search while I'm going to the toilet, 'cause- - Oh, it's like super- - Yeah, no, there's- I know what you're talking about, so I'm gonna watch the video on it. - You figuring it out? - Yeah.

Yeah, Ryan Cohen. Oh, the guy who made the pet online store thing and then bought a majority stake or a lot of stakes in GameStop? Yeah. Yeah, they're like obsessed with him. Yeah. Who is this guy? He's just like a mid-CEO. He's not really done a whole lot. But people seem to think that he's like a magical genius. A magical being or genius who can turn like a dying business around. Yeah.

So like, because of what happened with Game Stock, which he was heavily involved with when that became like a meme thing, people just started following him and they found out that he became a chairman at Bed Bath & Beyond. And everyone was just like,

This is the new GameStop. This is it. And people just started buying stocks of Bed Bath & Beyond, even though it was like a dying company. And they were so invested that they would literally try to like decrypt tweets or they would try to like decrypt tweets or anything that he said to like...

to differentiate that from just being a normal tweet to Ryan Cohen being like, "Guys,

It's going to happen. Like it's code for something? Yeah, like it's code for something. Right, right, right. And it got so far that no matter how much the Bed Bath & Beyond stocks dropped and all the signs were pointing towards, hey, this company is going towards bankruptcy. That only made people buy more stocks. Yeah, they doubled down. Yeah, they doubled down and they kept buying and they kept buying to the point where...

this company like announced bankruptcy and the shares are now worthless. People are like, nah, it's the long game. There are still people who believe that Ryan Cohen will come back and save them from this. - Like it's the fucking second coming of Christ or something. - It is. And the most insane thing is

He has not said anything like directly. He has not like promoted this. It is just a cult that has formed around him. Like with, like with what? No involvement from him himself. Yeah. Look, I think there's mental health problems in a lot of places right now. And this is how some people cope.

Like I'm just reading this like Reddit thing right now. Someone's like, why do you think Ryan is sending us coded messages on Twitter? Like he's fucking Leonardo da Vinci. Yeah, they literally think like he tweets messages to them like in like cryptic shit. Oh my God. They can decode it. Why are people like this? It's like how you took any paragraph. You could highlight all the like letters you wanted to to make a message. Yeah. It's just like they want to find meaning in this. It's so weird. And it's unfortunate because obviously like

You can't be very mentally well if you believe this. Yeah. I'm sure a lot of people lost a lot of money. Wait, so what does this have to do with Rolexes? No, just that the whole Rolex kind of community reminds me of this kind of community where it's like a bunch of guys who are very invested in this one thing. Yeah, that's fair. And I think that at least with watches, there's some...

I don't know fully, because I don't really look into it much. But from what I understand, some watches do retain value or increase in value over time as well. Yeah, I mean, Rolexes definitely do. I know that whole idea of a lot of people buy it just as an investment. Well, I remember using that tweet that was like,

If you're a 20 plus year old male, you just sell everything you own and get a fucking Rolex. Have you seen this? It's so fucking stupid. They're like, it sounds stupid. They're always like, take out a loan and buy a Rolex. Not only will it prove that you're like a Sigma male, you'll also like, you'll also have generational wealth. Oh my God. It's so fucking stupid. Yeah. Like there's so many dumb quotes. What great advice. Yeah.

It's ridiculous. I don't know what it was, but yeah. It was a fucking stupid tweet that got memed on because they were like, you're fucking ridiculous. This doesn't make any sense. But yeah, I definitely think there is this kind of thing forming around it where it feels like, okay, I'm getting a little too weird about it. Yeah, whenever I hear the word, oh, investment or return on investment, I'm like, oh, it's ridiculous.

- I just don't think you should be buying a watch as like an investment, generally speaking. - Yeah.

I mean, you can, but I feel like there are better, probably better things or better ways to- - You should make that your entire personality. - You'd probably be some kind of watch trader and dealer at that point, but I feel like that's just a different job. You're not investing at that point. You're just, you know, you're basically a day trader with watches.

Like I feel like we're getting to the point where you may as well just take out a fucking bet and start betting on sports or something. - Exactly. - Like no different. - But having said that, we did buy watches. - We did, we did. I didn't go crazy though. - We didn't go crazy? - No. - Well look, to me, I feel like if there's a watch that costs 10 grand,

- It needs to fucking like trigger something in my core that I'm like, that's special. - It needs to be life changing. - There needs to be something fucking- - Well, you know what? Maybe you got the gateway watch. Maybe we're gonna look at ourselves in like five years. - I'm hiding it. - I'm gonna be like, "Why Rolex?" - With our 10K watches and we're like, "Boys." - I got a nice watch. It looks nice. - Oh, that's the one, yeah. - That's the one.

I'll tell you what it is because I registered my watch. Oh, you did? You registered it? They told me to do it to my warranty or some shit. I don't understand. I guess if I break it. Knowing me, I will break it. So I think it is good to have it registered probably. And how much did that set you back?

It was 875 Swiss francs. What is that in normal money? Probably about $900. No, I think it's like $900 or something. $900, I think. $957. So just under a grand. Oh, yeah? Okay. $957. It's the... Fuck, let me try and get it while you guys talk. Let me see what it is real quick. So...

Yeah, that is still a lot of money. Yeah, so we went up and down this, like, you know, the watch road or whatever it is, watch valley. And this was one of the first stores we went to. This was the cheapest one we could find. Yes, this was one of the first. I'm not trying to say I'm a cheapskate. I didn't go for the cheapest one. No, no, no. We didn't go for the cheapest one, but we're just saying this was the cheapest. This was one of the first stores we walked into. We were like, okay.

So if it's anything like this, then okay, we got a lot to choose from. And as the further down the road we went, the more the numbers just kept increasing. - It was like a lot where we went into the first store, which was this and we saw prices, which was around this kind of like price range. - Between like 500 to a grand maybe. - That's expensive, but you know, it's for people in our position, I guess it's something we can afford. We go into the next shop, which is almost like next door.

10 grand watch. - It was, what was it? Fucking Breitling or something? - Breitling. - Breitling or something. - I don't know what it's called. - I don't know, they had like the fucking Erlenharden watch. - Bro, every single watch was like the size of my face. It's like, what am I wearing here? Like this is massive and it looks cool. Don't get me wrong, but I'm like, I just don't think I need that weight. - We knew we were in trouble because we slowly started to come to stores where it was like, we looked at the watches and we're like, okay, that's nice.

- Where's the price tag? - Literally store three, no price. It went from 500 to a grand, 10 grand, no price. - Yeah. - Which is. - And we're like, all right. - I think we've gone too far. - Just consistently no prices and we're like, ooh. - Let's turn around. I mean, look. - Okay, I got the. - We're on the Breitling website. The first watches we see are like 8,500. - Yeah, this Canadian. - 1,900. - Oh, Canadian. - I'm asking Canadian, weird. I have the T-shirt.

Tremendous to less skeleton. What the fuck? I'm going to copy paste it to Kai. So I got the name and then you can chuck it up. I didn't, I didn't make out a single word. It's such a cool looking watch though. It's a really nice watch. I love when you can see the internals. Yeah.

- You would be really happy on about that. - I love seeing the internals. It looks so cool. - It is dope. - 'Cause you just see them moving. That's so sick. - I like something nice and simple with my watches. - I mean, you bought something that was a little bit different. - I bought something, so. - God, I wanted to get one too. - I didn't wanna get a normal watch, not because I thought I was better, but because Sydney wanted to buy me one personally. So I was like, ah, I wanna give Sydney the opportunity for us to go watch shopping together. But what I did find,

which I thought would be a nice souvenir, would be a pocket watch. Yeah. And initially I was like, who the fuck uses a pocket watch anymore? Like, it's 2025. And I'm like... With the American Express Gold Card, I can earn four times membership rewards points at US supermarkets. So with all these groceries...

I'm also getting points. Learn more at slash us slash explore dash gold. Terms and points cap apply. Wait a minute. Who does use a pocket watch anymore? Alphas. And I was thinking for a nice little trinket, I've only been to Switzerland like twice in my life. I'm like, you know what?

I'm gonna treat myself. Will I ever wear this in normal daily use? No. But when I'm having a Peaky Blinders ass moment, I'm gonna bust that shit out and be the alpha male in the room. When I have to dress up when I'm going to a wedding or something, that pocket watch is gonna go fucking hard. It's gonna go hard. They're like, hey, what's the time? I'm like, hang on.

- I think it's cool. - It's cool as fuck. - It's gonna be a power move when you bring it out. - Yeah, hell yeah. - Oh, I hope so. 'Cause literally the first thing, ah, fucking, the first thing Sydney said when she saw it was, I showed her the watch and she's like, "Oh, it's Fullmetal Alchemist!" And I'm like, "Fuck's sake, Sydney." - Nah, you gotta engrave one for me. - I don't even know what that means, but, yeah.

I know the meme. I don't know what relevance it has, but I know the meme. The fact that none of us mentioned that while we were there is quite even funny. Oh, Peaky Blinders!

Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's cool. I love my pocket watch now. It's really cool. It's really cool. Yeah. I wanted one as well, but I didn't want to get the same one. And the other designs were just kind of... I wanted to get the same one that Garnt got, but then he had one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, what about one? I can't see like... And the other designs were... They were okay.

Definitely got the coolest. Yeah, we saw some ones without the lid and I'm like, why would you have a pocket watch without the lid? The case. The click is the best part. And Garnt got an automatic one as well. So you don't need to really like charge it that often. Yeah. Cause I'm probably already going to wear it on a special occasion. Of course. Yeah. Cause the other ones, they were like, they were quartz and they were like, you have to change the battery every two years. I'm like, I'm not fucking doing that. I'm going to forget. I'm only going to use this once every two years.

Yeah, exactly. Be real, be real. Exactly. But yeah, that was our trip to Switzerland. Didn't talk too much about the activities we did there because you'll see it when that special comes out. Dude, I got to talk about the one... So we got a business class flight chat.

All right, why does it chat my ass broken? Sorry, you guys all pause to like just mourn that. Yeah, we did. And so we got a business class flight, which is, you know, great. We're being bougie. Dude, the sea, what the fuck is wrong with the sea on the Swiss Airlines? So they have the most first world problem, right? You want to, so you can make the bed flat, right? And so make the bed flat.

And for some reason, the seat is like inflated. It's like a bean bag. So you're trying to fall asleep and this thing is like pushing you. Imagine like a seat where in the middle there is a giant pocket of air that you can like manipulate to move around the chair. It's the worst thing ever. The engineers who designed this

You need to be able to turn this shit off. I'm trying to sleep and I'm getting like pushed to the side and I'm like, oh God. - I thought I was tripping or something because as I was like leaning back on this chair and like trying to fall asleep, I could feel my back just like start moving. - Like your butt move around. - Yeah, my butt move around. I'm like, is this like a massage chair?

- And I was like looking for the button to like turn it off and I was like, what the fuck? - Yeah, yeah. But they keep it on when you lie flat so the middle is just inflated. It's the weirdest thing to sleep on. So we're like trying to, we were strategizing like a fucking boys meeting before we were like, all right, how are we gonna beat this jet lag on the way back? 'Cause European to Japanese jet lag is horrible. Specifically going from Europe to Japan, it's really bad.

So we were like, how the fuck do we get, we gotta, so we gotta calculate, all right, four hours in the sleep, you gotta get six hours sleep minimum, should be able to beat jet lag. We didn't account the chair was a fucking bouncy castle and that you'd have to fucking roll around and fight with it. I was, I was, I was like, I was about to whip out the Swiss army and I pop a hole in the bloody thing. I wanted to fucking fall asleep. It was horrible. I did not fall asleep at all. Yeah, Joey woke up, Joey looked like a corpse. I, I,

binge watched the fucking dead dead demons the entire time i was just like all right let's go let's go get the express now did you uh oh dude that was that was crazy i made that gold split as well you did oh yeah you did we found out that uh apparently you can just run into a narrator express and buy the ticket while you're on it so i didn't know you could do that okay well we're getting mismatched with our stories but just because we're on it right now when you land in narrator

Dude, it sucks, first of all. I'm sorry if you ever landed Naruto. I'm sorry to hear that. You have to get the Naruto Express or the Ueno Skyline, which is good. But I think where me and Joey live, the Express is more convenient. The problem is it's only every 30 minutes.

which is not a big deal really but when you've gotten off a 14 hour flight and you just want to get home and you've got a fucking hour plus train and then you've got to change again and you've got luggage it's just the shittest thing ever and then they're like wait another 30 minutes you're like

I just want to go home and shower, please. I want to go home. - Yeah. See, bringing it back to the flight, my biggest problem wasn't, I slept great. I don't know about you guys. - I did sleep not great, but I slept. - I slept great. I actually had no jet lag after I got back. - Me too. How about you, Joe? - I struggled for like two days. - No. - 'Cause I didn't sleep on the flight. - No. - Like at all. So I only just fixed it this morning. - My biggest issue was,

you know you know like live flat seats fucking amazing and a lifesaver and pretty much uh the reason you get business class at the end of the day yeah you want to sleep especially if you need to work and on like especially if you need to work the day you land we're there for three days yeah we need to make sure we're ready yeah my my biggest problem is you know it's uh

issue you have to deal with in economy uh which is if you get the window seats and you want to go piss now normally when you pay the exorbitant price for a business class seats normally you are in your own little corner if you are at the window middle there's like two two middle seats and two side seats it's like a preferred layout you do not have to disturb anyone when you're going to take a piss yeah not on swiss airlines where if you have the window seat

you are basically boxed in and your neighbor, if they are sleeping, you basically just have to like dance over them. It's a big step. So on the flight to Switzerland, uh, I was sitting next to Connor and I was getting some sleep. Uh,

Obviously, Connor's used to having other business class flights where he doesn't have to disturb someone. So he decides to drink the entire tea in all of Switzerland. I think he drank the entire Swiss water reserve in that one flight. I think he legitimately had maybe four.

You know obviously like when we first started flying business I felt guilty about it because it's just a lot of money It's just you're spending so much fucking money on these stupid flights. Yeah, but uh now i'm just like mask off fucking Yeah, I fly business every time. Let me give you the real raw review of how it is Don't get scammed out there the number one way to not get scammed Constantly get service

Get shit. You paid for that seat. Milk it. Sometimes I get a flight from Japan to LA. All I do is sleep. I feel like I wasted it. But I know that I didn't because I slept on a flight, which is already a miracle. But I do feel guilty. I'm like, no food, no drinks. I'm going to bed. Don't wake me up. Yeah, to me, sleeping is the most... That is the premium cost. That is the premium cost. But this one, because...

we were leaving in the morning our flight was what 12 or 9 no no it was like 11 it was 11am and it was a 14 hour flight fucking doozy of a flight and we land at like 10pm so the objective was don't sleep no no the objective was sleep no no that's the way back the way there was yeah the way there you'd stay awake so that when you get there because you get to the hotel at like 10pm you could sleep immediately you just sleep right away

Oh, I slept. I slept like two hours. You slept. This is the flight where I drank everything. So this flight, we were awake 14 hours and I knew a great way to stay awake was drink tea every available option and play Slay the Spire for 14 hours straight, which is what I did. I don't even, my chair didn't recline once.

I can confirm that is what he did. I was just doing Slay the Spire for 14 hours straight staring at it, watching shitty movies. Yeah, you were sick of monitoring the Garfield movie. I remember that. I watched nearly every single new release they had on the plane on the way there and back. And I have a review. We'll go through it in a little bit. But I Slay the Spire, fucking raw dog. Not raw dog, but I was just locked in the Slay the Spire. And every single time that I was done with the tea, the moment someone came past, I was like,

Can I get another one? I can tell they were getting annoyed with me after about the eighth one. Yeah, every time I looked over at you, there was just like another fresh batch of tea. I'm like, this is the most fucking British ass moment I've ever seen in my life. But this is bad because Garn, bless his heart, was trying to rest and I

Now I'm on like a pee every 90 minutes situation. Because I'm drinking so much tea that I literally am just full of piss every 90 minutes. And I have to go. And I'm trying to tell God, like, hey, Tamanna, I'll just like crawl over you. But he's like, no, no, no, it's all right. And he gets off and I'm like, I feel bad. No, because I remember when I slept, every time I woke up, it was more tea being brought.

I would... The jingling of the porcelain. Did I dream this or did they just give you the entire fucking...

The entire mug. They gave an entire teapot. Oh, yeah. They gave me an entire teapot at one point. They just left the milk at my table. Because, you know, they have like the milk jar. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because they ask you if you want cream or milk. Obviously, I want milk. Because I prefer just a more natural fucking drink. Why the fuck not? So I just... After a while, I asked. I was like, can you just...

keep refilling this, just leave the milk here because there's a lot in here and I'm not going to go through all of it. Just leave me the milk. I am going to keep asking you for tea. Just keep refilling and giving me a new tea bag. So that's what they did.

And the best part, they would give me a little Swiss chocolate every single time. So not only am I drinking, I think I drank around 10 or 12 cups of tea. That's crazy. And I had about 10 chocolates. I mean, Swiss chocolates. They were good. They were fine. Yeah.

So I absolutely made use. And also the food was fire. Yeah, it was great. Yeah. To the credit of Swiss Air, best food I've ever had. Some of the best food I've ever had. When I flew United Business, I felt like they were trying to get me to eat less. How bad that shit tasted. I don't know.

I was like, no. Classic United Airlines. So I was trying to do that strat that you do. You fell asleep though. No. So on the way there, I fell asleep a little bit. On the way back where it was like, all right, we're going to time it out. We have four hours. So we'll get the food. And then the moment the food gets taken away, we'll sleep. And my rule of thumb with that is, all right, what's the easiest way to fall asleep immediately on a plane?

just get drunk. - No, this is such a bad idea. I think this is bad. - This is a strap my dad uses. - I think this is a bad idea. - It works, it works. - Yeah, so I was like, all right, I'll have the food and I'll just like, I'll just order drinks. So I ordered, I had five gin and tonics.

- Holy fuck! - Oh my God. - In fact, I had so many gin and tonics, when I went to order the sixth one, the woman was like, "You drank all the gin." - No. - It's like, "We're actually out of gin on the wine." - Did you pivot to a different alcohol? - I did, yeah. - What did you pivot to? - I pivoted to a wine.

- Your dad would be proud. - He would have actually been double fisting. - He does double fist. - That's crazy. - My dad's strap, whenever he's on business, he's like the first thing I do, son, I sit down, the moment the service comes on, I order two gin and tonics right off the bat. So I was like, okay, I'll get drunk enough, I'll get full enough, and then I'll fall asleep.

but because of the fucking beanbag chair. - Bro, the beanbag chair is the worst thing ever. - So I'm fucking like- - This is the most privileged section of Trash Town. - So I'm just like slogging through Dead Dead Demon's like quite shit face. - So you couldn't fall asleep after five gin and tonics and a couple of wines? - Five gin and tonics and two glasses of wine. - And you couldn't fall asleep?

- Oh my God. - So I'm just like lazy-eyed, just like watching anime for 18 hours. - So I used to do this strat and the main reason why I stopped is 'cause one, I need to piss more. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And so I often wake up to piss and then struggle to get back to sleep. - Right. - But two, if I do ever wake up like two or three hours in and there's like six or all this, I don't know how many hours left,

- I often feel so shit because the alcohol's wearing off. And now I just feel shit and I can't fall asleep and I feel awful. So I've almost like worked against what I was trying to do. 'Cause now I'm gonna land and feel even worse. - No, but see, this is the first time where like normally I've done that stretch so many times to America and like whatever, to Australia.

And it's worked every time. Like I would just fucking knock out and then I would wake up, you know, with the stewardess waking me up. But this time around, man, it's these fucking seats, dude. I couldn't do it. You gotta like drink. Here's the strat, boys. Here's the strat. You gotta drink early on into the flight. Don't drink too much, but just drink early on to get like a light buzz, right? Do all your drinking like as early on into the flight as you can. When the lights turn off, you gotta...

When the lights turn off, you stop drinking. You watch one movie, maybe like a few episodes of something. And it's the moment where the alcohol starts like wearing off is when I start getting really tired. Because anyone who's ever like day drank and then stopped, you know how fucking tired you are? That moment when your body is just like, wait, I got to process the alcohol?

alcohol now yeah you get the eps yeah you start getting the ep so you if you want to do on a flight don't keep drinking just pre-load your drinking then stop and then right one or two hours in your body's just gonna just gonna be like dunzo i want to sleep yeah i just i just avoid alcohol on the flights now i just kind of stick to that's the best way to get your value dude and

- Yeah, the pill you're drinking, even then it's like- - G&T, dog. - Yeah, but G&T's not that expensive. - I mean, it can be. - I guess, I don't know. Not that tea is actually any better, but I at least want to feel like I'm getting like, someone's just fucking bringing tea to me constantly. Like that's, I guess the best part is like the service of just constantly having people bring you shit. - I love a tea party. - Like legit. And like they often have like snacks. Like also I fly ANA a lot. Dude, if you ever fly ANA business, you gotta try the ramen.

The ramen is fire. Everyone I know who's flown in and I convinced to try this, it's like life-changing. I don't know why. It's literally plant-based ramen. It should be filth, but it's the best fucking thing ever. And often I'll be like, I don't want the breakfast. Give me two bowls of this.

It's so fire. Give me pure salt, dog. It's that good that I would consider just flying them over like another airline. It's that fire. Oh, really? It hits the spot so fucking good. I can't describe how good it is. All right. If you fly, if you get the joy of flying ANA and you get business, do it. It's so fucking worth it. But it's, yeah, it was nice. And you know what?

When we got our food in Swiss Airlines, I was like, this is how it always should be. You literally get the starter and they just bring out a plate full of cheese. Oh, man.

- That was the best. - I was like, yes! - That was the best part. - Every meal should start with a plate full of cheese. - 100%. - It was good cheese. - It was fucking good. - I've had cheeses on fucking United again. It's always United. The cheese in there is like depressing as shit. You get like one block of cheddar or some shit like that. - The worst blue cheese ever. Look, I'm not a big cheese guy. I mean, actually, I mean, I like cheese a lot.

I'm a big cheese guy, but I'm not like a bougie cheese guy. Like I don't need it to be like, this is from fucking, I just need it to be like cheese that was made by a person and not by some kind of machine or something. And yeah, it was just felt fucking good. It was so fucking good. And the bread. The bread, I was going to say. The bread and cheese combo.

If Swiss Airlines just make the seats better, I'd fly it every fucking time. I would just go to Switzerland. It was so fire. The chocolate was so good as well. Oh my God. Have you had the chocolates that we bought yet? Yes. I still haven't. They're very good. I had one piece and I was like, I need to stop. This is dangerous. This could disappear in a night. Oh my God. That's so fucking good. That's our review of Switzerland.

You did good, Switzerland. Beautiful. Yeah. We'd like to talk about what we did more, but I guess you're going to find that out. In however many months. Yeah. Oh, wait. I watched so many films on the plane. Okay. You know what's weird? I've kind of weaned off watching things on my phone on the planes. I don't know why. You watch things on your phone? Well, I used to watch things on my phone. Oh.

- Oh, ew. - Yeah, I didn't like that as well. - I mean, I do. - But now I kind of just opt for- - Yeah, when I saw you bring the iPad on, I was like, "Shit, I should've done that." - Bro, Garth's iPad setup is like some kind of like scaffolding system. - Yeah, dude, he had like a full monitor setup. - He brings a genuine scaffolding onto the plane to hoist his iPad in front of him. - Bro! - It's crazy. - Bro, this is like-

Like this is living in 2035, brother. - God puts on the high vis vest and the hard hat when he starts setting up the iPad system. It's crazy. - Look, I wanna watch what I wanna watch when I'm on a plane, you know? My iPad literally has like all of the manga and anime and films that I might wanna watch when I'm traveling. So I have like this travel bag with all like everything with like the setup, you know? Whatever I can like hang my iPad up, I can just,

I can just, you know, just prop it up if I want. It is perfect. I never need to use the in-flight entertainment system at all. I mean, I agree with you. Yeah.

I just like watching shit that I would never normally watch. And I think that's what I like about the in-flight movies is that I get around to watching movies that maybe I'm like, "Oh, I kind of was interested in that." Or I would just never fucking watch ever. - Okay, well, let's kick it off. I want to know personally, 'cause this is the only one I saw you like second monitor watching, the Garfield movie. What the fuck was that about? - What a fucking weird movie. - I couldn't hear it. I just saw it every now and then. I'm like, "What is this movie?"

It was kind of shit. Was that more than Chris Pratt? Yeah, Chris Pratt. And Samuel L. Jackson. Samuel L. Jackson's in it? Who plays his father. What? I don't know why he's not in any of the posters, but he plays like a prominent character in it. Huh. Snoop Dogg's in it? Yeah, Snoop Dogg's in it too. Like barely. He's actually not in it that much. Ving Rhames? What is this like...

Yeah, it was just kind of a star-studded cast. Yeah, what is this cast, dude? I thought it was like, I put here six out of ten. Wow, that's higher than the IMDb right now. Yeah, well, that's 5.7, rounding up. Okay. It's like... We're on to minus 37. It's like fine. It was better than... I guess I gave it six out of ten because it was better than I thought it was going to be. Right. Which is not saying much because I thought it was going to be really shit.

I mean, it looks really shit. I could easily move on. And I wouldn't have watched this, but I was literally running out of movies to watch. I'd kind of watched every movie that looked good. And so I was now struggling and I was like, okay, I'll just watch the fucking animated movies now. Because I'd already watched Transformer 1 on another flight and that was also meh, but kind of fun. I thought that was good. What do you want from me, Dan? What was the best movie you watched?

It was the first one I watched. It was a movie called Conclave. That was fun. That was Ralph Fiennes. It was about...

The current Pope had died and they were trying to figure out who the new Pope was gonna be and it was very political very fun I just love Ralph Fiennes generally anything he's in I've enjoyed. Yeah. Oh cool. Yeah, I gave it like eight out of ten. I enjoyed it Well, really good scores actually. Yeah, it was great movie. I watched juror number two, which I did not enjoy It was a Clint Eastwood film and it's about a juror who they were trying to decide if they obviously should acquit or

or charge the guy with a crime. - Is this a sequel to "Duro No. 1"? - No. But it turns out- - Oh, I see, okay. - The entire movie, he was the one who had committed the crime, the "Duro No. 2", which you know this, the start of the movie. I didn't fucking like it, but I guess people liked it a lot. I gave it like five out of 10. I thought it was kind of lame. - You rated the Garfield movie above this? - Yeah, I actually really didn't fuck with this one. Honestly, yeah, the Garfield being higher than this is unjust, but that was just,

It was higher than my expectations. I did not really like Jiro No. 2, I'll be real with you. I thought it was kind of weird. Not weird. I thought a lot of the acting I didn't fuck with in this. I watched a movie called Lee. Lee? Yeah, which I gave 7.5 out of 10. It was about a World War II photographer for...

L-E-E? Yeah, just L-E-E movie. This one. Lee. Yeah, I gave it like 7.5. I was like, all right, that's good. She's like, is a photographer in World War II. It was kind of fun. The only weird part of this movie was Andy Samberg was playing like a very serious role and it was very weird to see Andy Samberg play a serious role. Although I recognize he's a great actor. I watched a movie called Goodrich. That was like whatever, five out of 10. That was fucking Michael Keaton.

Were all these movies you watched just like mid? Yeah, mostly mid. I realized sitting next to Connor, he would just put something on. I can never do that. Yeah, I can't do that. I watched The Fall Guy. That was kind of fun. That was like a 7 out of 10 movie. It was kind of fun. Ryan Gosling is good in it. Oh, the one with Jacksepticeye in it. Oh, he's in it? Apparently.

That's what I heard. He's like got a cameo in it, right? Yeah, there's a bunch of cameos in this. Yeah, there's like a bunch of YouTubers who cameo in this. Oh shit. No, wait. Are you thinking about another film? There's a different film. That's Ryan Reynolds. Oh, probably. Oh. This is different? This is different. What's Ryan Reynolds one called? It's... Oh, fuck. What was it called? It's a different movie. Different movie though. Oh, is it? Okay. I watched... Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds. I watched the Wild Robot episode.

The Wild Robot. I did not like it. I gave it a 5 out of 10. That's the... Oh, okay, yes. That's the Heidi Acclaimed. Wow, people fucking like this. I thought this was fucking snooze fest. It's a DreamWorks one. It's crazy how my opinion is so different to almost everything they say. To you, it was just another airplane movie. To them, it was a masterpiece. I thought this was kind of boring. What's it about?

A robot that is in a world and then it wakes up a hundred odd years later and finds a fox that it becomes a partner with and then it raises like a bird and

And then it's, yeah, I just didn't like it. See, this is exactly why Netflix have pivoted to second monitor. Yeah. To second monitor content. I didn't. Because people like him, right? What do you mean? I thought it was weird. Don't tell me you watched this. You were playing Slay the Spire. I was playing Slay the Spire and I'd look up. Whenever it was interesting, I would stop playing Slay the Spire. I did not stop playing once. You didn't watch the movie. If it was interesting, I would have stopped playing.

You had a plane. It was noise playing in the background. I'm giving you a realistic review of how most people are going to experience these movies. Oh my fucking God. Our species is ruined, dude. I watched Trap by M. Night Shyamalan. I watched two M. Night Shyamalan films. Who released two movies in one year?

Any of them good? No, this one was really fucking funny. It was a movie where they basically put on a whole concert to try and find a serial killer. And it turns out the serial killer is the main guy we're following. Oh, I did see the trailer for this. This looked really dumb. I felt like it was aimed at a 25-year-old white girl who was into true crime. That's what it felt like.

Like when I was watching this. Isn't that most M. Night Shyamalan movies? Yeah, but I felt like it wasn't aimed at me. But watching this film, I was like, yeah. I thought it was fun. And to be fair, the main actor was quite good and I felt like he did a good job. I think Sidney liked this one. This is a Sidney... The whole time watching this film, I'm like, this is like...

Fucking porn for Sydney. I credit my credits to the big guy, Josh Arnett. I thought he was really good in it. Every other actor in this film was horrible. Really? Horrible. I really didn't like what any of the other actors in this movie. Who else is in this movie?

- Kid Cudi's in this movie? - Oh yeah, yeah. - The fuck? - I gave it a five out of 10. I actually, you know what? I had a lot of fun watching it 'cause Josh Arnett was really fun. But every time another actor came on screen, you're reminded that like it's acting. You're like, ah yeah, now it's a shit. - Damn.

Yeah. Was there any film that you did enjoy? Yeah, Conclave. Conclave was the only film that I actually like five minutes in, I put down my sitting neck and watched the full thing. What was the other M. Night Shyamalan movie you watched? The Watchers. This was the worst fucking film ever. The Watchers? Yeah. This film was so dark. I gave this like two out of 10. Yeah, this is awful. Oh, yeah. This is bad. This was really ass. What the fuck is this? Did they all have twists?

Yeah, yeah, they all did. I was just checking if he still does. Trap was way better than this. After watching this, then watching Trap, it felt like, oh, yeah, he can direct a film, kind of. Dakota Fanning? Oh. Yeah, she was... I hated her in this. Goddamn. Yeah, no, wait, what's Wolves? What the fuck is that? What are they... Oh, yeah, I watched Wolves. It's another film I watched with Brad Pitt and...

George Clooney. I feel like they just make films together just for lols. They're just like, yeah, fuck it. Probably. They're at that point in their career where they're just like... Yeah, I give this one five out of ten. I was like, yeah, it's fun. It's fun. Action comedy film. It's literally just Brad Pitt and George Clooney. Like, they just... Instead of doing what the normal white male thing to do is, like make a podcast, they just make these kind of films. Where they're like such whatever films that just get thrown onto Apple TV or some shit. Right, right.

Well, that's the white male Hollywood thing to do now. Yeah, this is what they do. This is the Adam Sandler strat. This is their version of a podcast if you have connections and a budget. Yeah, so overall, a lot of mid-films. I can't believe The Wild Robot is rated that highly. I thought that film was so boring. But then I guess, I don't know, I felt like it...

I don't know. Maybe I'm too pessimistic. Yeah. It's like night and day difference. This is one where me and the critics can't agree. What's the user rating? 8.2. 8.2.

- No, no, no, that's IMDb. What's the Rotten Tomatoes? - '97. - '97 and '98. - I did not fuck with this movie. - You are the 2%. - And look, you can maybe say it's 'cause I was watching "I'm Playing Slay the Spider". Look, and that's fair. And like, if you don't wanna take my review on this, I think it's totally fine. I don't get up in arms and be like, "How could he not like this?" Like, I just didn't fuck with it, mainly 'cause it didn't catch my attention. That's it.

- We're cooked. We're cooked. - How are we cooked? - Netflix for right. - Netflix for right. - Bro, I was watching films and if anyone was good and caught my attention, I would put it down. And Conclave with Ralph Fiennes doing his fucking acting, I was locked in. - You were just half of Ralph Fiennes. - Ralph Fiennes is so good though. Have you watched a movie with Ralph Fiennes where he sucks? - Which is valid, first of all. - Tell me one movie where Ralph Fiennes sucks.

- There is not. I like Ralph Fiennes too, don't get me wrong. But like, again, like we discussed this in a previous podcast. I don't know how you can second monitor movies or this whole concept of like, yeah, I'm just gonna put a fucking random mid movie on in the background.

- Well, sometimes you gotta have a mid movie to appreciate what you got. - If I wanna watch a movie, I'm gonna watch a movie that I wanna watch. - Actually, if there's a mid airplane movies, I still watch the airplane movie. - Do you second monitor them? - No. - Yeah, right? - It depends what I'm doing. Sometimes I second monitor, sometimes I don't. It just depends what I'm trying to do.

I think for that fight specifically, I was trying to stay awake. And there is no quicker way to fall asleep than watching a movie you are not into. So I had to have to say this. This is why I watch on my iPad because I know I'm going to be invested in the things that I'm watching because I specifically want to watch them. Because my to-watch list is just unending. Yeah.

I will never run out of things that I want to watch. For movies, I really like watching mid-movies. Again, so I can kind of get a range, like a feeling of like why a movie sucks, why a movie's good. Yeah, I get it. And that helps me kind of

- I'm not interested in having my opinions line up with critics or what other general public feels. So for me, I'm like, why didn't I connect with it? Why didn't I fuck with it? Why did it not capture my attention? - I've watched enough mid movies and enough good movies to know the type of movie I fuck with. It's always about whether something's critically acclaimed sometimes,

There's just the vibe or sometimes you just... But also sometimes there'll be a movie where I'm convinced I'm going to fuck with it, like Killers of the Flower Moon. I was like, on paper, it's everything I would fuck with. I just didn't like it when I watched it. I was like, this is too long.

That's my main criticism. It's too fucking long. I felt like it was taking the piss out of my attention. And yeah, it was just a shame. Like I felt like I was like, oh, I guess... Something about it was off, right? Yeah, but I think that's important not to only go and be like, I'm only going to watch things that I think I'll fuck with. No, no, no, of course, of course. I'm not saying that. Watch stuff that you normally wouldn't watch to kind of gain like perspective or even to try a genre that you don't normally watch. No, I'm not criticizing you on that. I totally agree with that. I fucking watched this movie and...

It was completely, it was like an artsy film that I would never fucking watch. But I was like, you know what, I'll watch it just so I can like give it a chance and see maybe if after a couple of years I fuck with it. I do not fuck with it. I can't remember, I showed you it on the fucking airplane. I can't remember what it was called.

It's about this girl who goes camping with her dad and dad's friend. And it was just so many shots of nothing. And like, where they like hold on something and just linger. And it had like so many critical awards. And I was like, man, I just don't fuck with the artsy fartsy. Yeah. And I wasn't doing anything else. I was literally just watching it. And then there was a scene where like the uncle's like, Hey, like, what if I like, you know, come in your tent with you to the daughter? And I was like, ah, yeah.

This feels like an artsy thing. The conflict finally arrives. I was just kind of like, I can't, I don't know. I don't fuck with this. Yeah. Fair enough. Yeah. I had that experience recently. I didn't watch it on the plane, but I rewatched this recently. I rewatched Lost in Translation. Oh, I watched that too. Not too long ago.

How did you find it after living in Japan for a while? I don't really fuck with the movie that much. I know Chris really likes it. And Chris always talks to me about how much he likes it, but I didn't really like it. I hated this movie when I first watched it. I thought it was boring as fuck. Rewatched it about a week ago. Holy shit. I love this movie. I fuck with this movie so much now. Really? Yeah. And just...

It's the vibe. I don't know. There's nothing else in the movie because there is basically just like minimal conflict in the movie. But it's just the vibe of this movie. There's this one scene where I'm like, I think I fucking love this movie. Is when...

is when Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson are up at like, it's after like their night long bender. Have you watched it before? I have. Okay, so it's a scene after they go out for karaoke and stuff like that. And they're just like laying in bed, just talking about life. Like, shit, does it get any better? And I'm just like...

holy shit. This is like, this just brings me back to my favorite part of like every night, which is like when you truly bond with the boys, it's like 3am and you're just like talking like about like, like the stupidest, it's either the stupidest or the deepest shit you can ever imagine. And that's when you can feel like that connection. And this movie just captured that perfectly. And I'm like, holy shit, this is,

This is it, man. This is the vibe. I think I don't, I can't even count on both hands the amount of times I've had the exact same situation going out drinking with God. This is like gone coded. If you go out drinking with God past like 2 a.m., it's like it always ends up

Yeah, I wish I vibed with it I guess I watched it like a year living in Japan. Yeah, if I watch it again like a year or two Yeah, I'll see it differently. Also. It's like insane to me like look at looking at this now how

similar Japan looks or how much it hasn't changed. It's still... Some of the shots in this still look... When was it come out? 2003. 2003. So it's over 20 years old. And man, I can tell why people thought Japan was the city of the future or like Tokyo was the city of the future where in this kind of time period because...

seeing Japan through this lens, early 2000s, it must've looked like fucking incredible. - Like a utopia. - It must've looked like a utopia. And now we're still getting TikToks being like Japan is living in the future and damn, it has not changed since 2003. Holy shit, it still looks the same. It still feels the same, man.

Yeah, I don't know. I think I was like maybe a little too young to appreciate this movie when I first watched it. I think I was definitely too young as well. When I get older, I'll fuck with it and the message. It happens sometimes, right? Just because I don't like a film now doesn't mean I won't fuck with it in the future. Yeah. I think people get too up in arms about what you like and don't like. Yeah, I love the kind of like, I don't know what the message was, but just the feeling of like,

having a deep connection with someone without necessarily having like romantic feelings. It was just kind of like connecting with someone on just that deeper level. Because I remember watching this when I was younger and I'm like, when are you going to fuck? When are you going to kiss? When are they going to pull the trigger? When is the good stuff happening? I thought this was a romance movie. But

But obviously, you know, the whole point of it, I think, was that it was like a deeper, they had like a deeper connection. A human connection. That went beyond like the typical Hollywood romances that you see, which looking back, you know, is a way better thing considering the age gap in this or whatever. Sure.

- Yeah, I really, really fucking liked this movie. - Yeah, I feel like I need to give this movie another watch. - I think you'd appreciate this a little more. - 'Cause I think I watched this maybe when I was like, I don't know, 12, 13 years old. - Oh yeah, no way, no way. Absolutely no way. - And my only memories of the movie, like I don't even remember anything about the movie. The only memories I have about watching this movie is like just watching the scenes of like them going through the city and just being like, oh, that's Ueno.

I ain't gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. The first time re-watching this, I'm like...

I know that place! Oh, that place! It's the spot! Yeah. I definitely wasn't old enough to appreciate this. Yeah. Yeah, I'll definitely give this another go. Yeah. For sure. I really fucking like this. How was Dead Dead Demons Destructions? So good. So fucking good. It was like, I was so scared because, you know, it's the first Asano Inio manga to ever be animated. Yeah. Um,

I mean, we've had like live actions before some of his manga, but like the first time ever as an anime. And I was really sad that I didn't get to see it in the cinemas because I actually got like tickets to go see and I just didn't have time to go watch it. But then they were like, oh, we released it on Netflix as an 18 episode anime. I was like, oh, fuck. Okay. So I watched it. And yeah, it was...

- Everything I hoped it would be. What a batshit insane story. Did you like it? - I liked it a lot. - Yeah. - Fuck, I'm ready to watch it. - Yeah, you should definitely watch it. - I mean, I would definitely say the first half kind of like took me off guard because it was,

reminiscent to a slice of life. Because a lot of the shit happens in the second half of the story. But that's a very Asano Inio thing to do. He builds up, he gives you enough time to get to know the characters and how they interact and stuff. And then they throw in the batshit insane storyline. So then, when all the insane stuff does happen, because you understand the characters, you're like, oh, okay. Well, obviously, she's

he she is going to do this in this situation and it makes the story make so much more sense yeah it doesn't seem like too outlandish even though there's a lot of of outlandish behavior in this episode in this uh series also when did the manga come out uh when did the manga come out i think it was mid 2010s i believe mid 2010s watching some of the scenes in this i was like

2014. 2014. I was like, God damn, this is way too reminiscent of real life right now. Because essentially what this is about is there's this alien invasion, right? That happens. And it kind of is like the end of the world, but not really. Nobody really knows what's happening. And because of that uncertainty between behind not knowing what this massive fucking spaceship floating in the air is,

The world just goes to shit. People start spreading conspiracy theories. - Of course, nationally. - Like the society becomes segmented. - Like people start to like untrust like the government more and they start questioning like military and like celebrities. - Sounds, yeah, absolutely. - Yeah, it's a really like real depiction of what would probably happen in a similar situation. - Well, I can...

say if this happened i think this is a very realistic depiction of how it would go down yeah um especially with some of this like especially they they use social media and uh conspiracy theories very very well and just the idea of spreading misinformation and how misinformation is so easily permeated into a society when we are just deep into panic i was like fuck

This is getting a little too real right now. Definitely not as depressing as Oyasumi Punpun or his other works though. So if you don't fuck with the depressing side of Hina Sano, this one's probably worth reading more. Did you read the original manga of this at all? I did, yeah. Who was the president in the original manga?

The president in the original manga was also the one that looks like Trump. - What? - Okay. I was like- - Yeah, I'm glad they kept it in the anime actually because there's a character in "Dead, Dead Demons" where the American president shows up and it's just Trump.

What? But they don't name him Trump. They name him something else. Yeah, go images. Okay, that's Trump. Yeah, that's Trump. Yeah, it's just straight up Trump. Okay, interesting. Fair enough. So, it's worth to watch? Definitely. And it's only 18 episodes, so...

- Only 18. - Only 18. Not even a two-corver. - In unrelated news, in unrelated news. - Oh no. - I've lost my wife recently. - What? - I've lost my wife. - What?

A mobile game. Oh, no. Because I have to blame Emily for this, but she got Sydney on... The Goonagame. On Love in Deep Space. Bro, this game is absolute goon. I know. This game is peak goon. I know. People like to make out that guys are gooners. Bro, the power of a woman gooner is off the charts. It's...

They cannot be stopped. They cannot be stopped. So why have you lost it, Nia? Explain what's happened. So this is a gachi game, as you can probably tell. And as you can probably tell from the screenshots, it is very...

It is very much targeted towards the female demographic. And this recently made waves on Twitter, which I already knew about because Sydney was telling me about that. But it made waves because it has a built-in period tracker. So...

That's great. Wait, wait, wait. So it like asks you, hey, when's your period? Yes. And then it will start tracking. And it will track your period for you. And then when your period comes, the guy, the guy's like, yo, he takes care of you. Yeah, there's less specific dialogue to, you know, remember to take care of yourself. Do people do like period manipulation where they change their period with a clock and shit? Like Pokemon? That's the speed running strat, right? Oh, guys, I kept coming early. Yeah. But...

The most... I will say that I have to give credit because they have definitely hit their target demographic well. And the fact that this is blowing up so much, I remember...

There's normally monthly gacha revenues about how well every gacha game is doing. And this game came out of nowhere, right? Because for a long time, it was like Hoya vs. Hoya vs. Hoya vs. Nikkei or something. And then out of nowhere, this game comes out, which just shows how much girls have not been feasting. Because holy shit, is Sydney addicted to this game? Can you show the latest update, actually? There's one update where...

Where for the longest time, girls were like, this is a gooner game, but it's not that gooner, okay? It's wholesome. It's wholesome as well. 3.0 update. 3.0? Maybe... Yeah, what are you looking for specifically? Okay, maybe...

Maybe so. I saw the clip on Twitter and I saw that Sydney had pulled for this one. Exactly. Oh, is it a new banner or something? Yeah, it's like the latest banner. So what, like you pulled for a character and they... Okay, so I think this is actually genius because Sydney was telling me about this.

But, so you have what you would traditionally have in a gacha game, which is you pull four characters and you use that character during gameplay, right? And sometimes you get stronger characters. - Probably different skins and stuff, right? - In "Love in Deep Space," from what I understand from what Sidney has told me, is that you already get the characters, but what you can pull for, what comes with the gacha,

is the date scenes with the guys. It's the date scenes with the guys. - Oh, the fireworks. - Yes, yes. And I'm like, holy shit, this is fucking genius. - So they're paying for CG scenes. - Zayn medical rescue. Drunken intimacy. - Drunken intimacy, tipsy invitations. - Tender night. - Okay. - Okay, go down, go down.

And I was like, holy shit, this is fucking genius. - That is pretty genius. - You're not even like pretending that you're pulling for the game play anymore. You know you want to go into this game. You know you want to be treated right. - Does he like faint? - Faint sensation. - Does he like faint? And he's like, oh my God. - No, the sensation is so strong that you faint. - I don't know. Okay, scroll down. Oh my God, exclusive tutorial with Zane.

Oh, midnight whispers, dude. You get like ASMR in this shit? Yeah. Oh my god, you get like ASMR lines. I did an ad for this. Oh, you did an ad for it? Yeah, I did an ad for this. What were you promoting? Which banner were you promoting? I think it was the main release of the game. So I think it's relatively new, right? I did it a couple of months ago. It might be a year ago. Actually, it might have been a year ago. I remember I had to film a skit. They like requested I film a skit where I had to like

I came out January. Yeah, I had to do hot they want me to fill a skit for it. I don't know we do skits I want to see the names of these I'm trying to find the new You get this right? Yeah

Like, unlike a character, right, where a character you would use, you'd rank up. When you get, like, this scenario, do you, like, level up from it? Or, like, what do you get from this? Or do you just keep replaying it? Uh...

- From what I understand, you can live, there is gameplay to this. - There is? Okay. - From what I understand, there is gameplay where you have to like build a squad and all that's, I don't wanna kind of jazz, but the real meat and potatoes is the dates and the scenes that you are pulling for and capturing for. - So what does Sydney do then? Like she just sits there and like watches this all day or something? - I will be in bed and she will get a fucking phone call from me. - What?

- She's gonna phone call another man while in bed with you? - Do you know what's worrying? Both Sydney and Emily have separate phones just for this game.

- How can men compete with- - Wait, what? Why? - Huh? - Why? - Because it's a lot of data and it's a lot of memory and they're like, "But we need our men." - As a man, it's just, you know, we just can't compete. - So what you're saying is like, Sidney would just be lying in bed and being like, "Hold on babe, I'm getting a call from Silas." - I would just hear whispers. - He's in the no defense zone right now. - Yeah, but it makes me think, right? It made me think.

because maybe you think about like modern anime as well. Because like I have a theory, right? Because for an anime to get like super, super mega, mega, mega popular, I think the girls need to feast as well. Like if there's only, if it only appeals to the male demographic, guys can only go so far. A lot of people were wondering why, for example, Jujutsu Kaisen got so much more popular than Chainsaw Man.

And I think the Judas Christ and Daughters just have that much more power. - They do. - Man, you know, like- - The Chainsaw Man sons can't compete. - No, they can't. - They can't compete. - Right? Because with Chainsaw Man,

Who have the girls got? They have like Aki, maybe. They don't really have a lot, right? - That's about it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. You bring one fucking Gojo and Jujutsu Kaisen is just like a worldwide sensation. - Not Gojo, Nanami. - Gojo, Nanami and Gojo and Geto as well at the same time. Holy shit.

- I think for it to be mainstream, right? You need both waifus and husbandos for like a better term. - Well, I mean, if you look at like just recently, you know, like some of the most, like the anime that you see everywhere, just in like shopping malls or, you know, wherever, it doesn't even need to be like Akihabara or anything. It's always like, oh, okay, let's see what they are. Blue lock.

Tiger Revengers. - Yeah. - What else is there? - It just shows that, you know, a target app. - Haikyuu. - Yeah. - Like Haikyuu. - It's all the ones with the fucking dedicated female fan base. - I feel like a sports anime, it's impossible to get popular unless you have, unless you get the female fans, right? Like Prince of Tennis like started this all. - Yeah. - Like as much as I fucking love Hajime no Ippo,

It is not aesthetically appealing as something like Prince of Tennis. You know what's interesting about Prince of Tennis that I found out recently? Apparently, Shonen Jump, even after all these years, still do this system where fans of Prince of Tennis can send Valentine's Day chocolates

to Prince of Tennis characters and they ship the chocolates to the Shonen Jump headquarters and they tally it up every year to see like which character had the most amount of chocolates. And it's not like 10 or 20 chocolates. We're talking like in the range of like tens of thousands of chocolates get sent to these fucking Prince of Tennis characters.

Okay, can I- Can I just like- What the- What? Okay, look at how it goes. Like, yeah. Obviously as a guy as well, we take for granted how much free Goonin' material we get. We're- We're- We're way too acquainted with Goonin'. Yeah, look. 2012, right? Keigo Otome got 9,500 chocolates sent to him. Oh my god. Just that character. Is it the main character? No. No.

- No. - Who is he? Who is this guy? - Atobe? - Who is he? What's his deal? - Oh, he's that guy. - Nevermind, okay, nevermind. - He's that guy. - I do like him as well. He's a popular character. - I just took one look at him and I'm like, yeah, he's the guy. He is the guy who gets all the chocolates. - He is the guy. - Yeah. - Yeah, like it's always Atobe or Tezuka. They're like the top two. - Yeah, guys just have so much. Like give, like,

We're spoiled. Yeah, we are. Give a guy a fucking makima and we will goon for a day. Give a girl one fucking nanami and she will become a gooner for life. Well, that's the thing, right? I think that's what scares guys is that when a woman goons, it's so intense. It's crazy.

The intensity upon which they go is beyond comprehension to a lot of normal guys. It's because our investment ends when the session ends. Those five seconds after I'm not are very five sobering seconds before I turn off what I'm looking at.

That's a really powerful five seconds. It kind of brings me back down to reality. Meanwhile, a girl, she'll fucking nut, write five fan fictions and make 20 fan cams and then be ready to go again. You know what I mean? We actually can't compete, man. We're limited by our biology, man. We're nerfed by biology. Go preload the game.

- They're born to goons. We're merely visitors of the goons. We don't live in that head space, Khan. These girls, they control it. It's like their domain expansion and we're renting. - We are literally the amateurs compared to them. - We are amateurs, dude.

It's like whenever I see that I mentioned to you guys I see those Twitter posts and it's like like girls who love reading They don't read books. They just read porn. Yeah, it's like every single book and this like one image that I found it was like someone like Circle like there was a bookshelf filled with like a hundred odd books. Yeah, and it was like 90 of them were porn Yeah, I was like this is reading your porn. Yeah verbally

Impressive. I can't compete with that level of goon. I just can't. It's crazy. To all the girls out there, just for the record, we are not shaming you at all. We are actually just impressed. And scared. And impressed. Teach us your power, please. What is it that drives women to goon so much more...

Strongly. Compared to guys. Let us know down below. Mainland, with your 200 dakimakura, please, please let us know as well. When does it end? Yeah, he thinks there's like an intensity about it. It is. It kind of scares us. But let us know down below, I guess. Thanks for watching Drashtaste. Hey, look at all these gooners.

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