cover of episode The Biggest Anime Just Ended | Trash Taste #177

The Biggest Anime Just Ended | Trash Taste #177

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Garnt: 本期节目讨论了《进击的巨人》最终季的结局,以及其动画制作、配音、字幕、命名方式等方面的问题。他认为最终季的结局虽然安全,但略显混乱和冗长,并且发布方式也影响了观众的参与度。他还讨论了《进击的巨人》从利基文化到主流文化的转变,以及早期粉丝群体的特点。 Connor: 他认为《进击的巨人》最终季的命名方式很糟糕,导致很多人难以进入该系列。他认为MAPPA工作室为了提高最终季的动画质量而放慢了进度,导致了混乱的命名。他还讨论了作品发布方式对观众参与度的影响,并认为最终季应该一次性全部放出。 Joey: 他对《进击的巨人》最终季第二部分感到无聊,并认为“地鸣”情节很乏味。他认为解释巨人的机制破坏了其神秘感,并且结局缺乏新意。 Connor: 他认为《进击的巨人》的配音版不如字幕版,尤其是在艾伦的角色刻画上。他认为第二季是该系列中最弱的一季,但它为第三季的剧情发展奠定了基础。他喜欢最终季第二部分中角色应对地鸣的方式,以及角色间的对话场景。 Garnt: 他认为《进击的巨人》第三季第二部分是最好的部分,并且从揭示艾伦的秘密开始,该系列的趣味性就开始下降。他认为重温该作品可以更好地理解剧情和角色。他还讨论了人们曾经将《进击的巨人》比作动漫界的《权力的游戏》,以及第二季战斗场景较少的原因。 Joey: 他认为《进击的巨人》最终季第二部分很无聊,并且“地鸣”情节很乏味。他认为结局很安全,但也很混乱和冗长。 Garnt: 他认为《进击的巨人》的结局虽然不是最好的,但足够令人满意,并使其成为现代经典。他认为结局从第四季第一部分就已注定,并且动漫版和漫画版的结局差别不大。他还讨论了动漫版对阿明的一句台词做了修改,避免了对艾伦的过度赞扬。 Connor: 他认为《进击的巨人》第四季的谜团在结局中得到了仓促的解释,艾伦的动机显得混乱不清。他还表达了对尤弥尔的故事背景的不满,并认为这是他失去兴趣的原因之一。 Joey: 他认为结局很重要,一个糟糕的结局会毁掉一部作品。他认为《进击的巨人》的结局争议很大,是因为观众的期望值过高。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the impact and significance of 'Attack on Titan' as the biggest anime event, comparing it to other iconic series like 'Dragon Ball' and 'One Piece'.

Shownotes Transcript


- Hello and welcome to another episode of Trash Taste. I'm your host for today, Garnt, and joining me once again are the boys. And what can I say? The biggest piece of anime, like the biggest event in anime has just dropped, guys. - The biggest piece of anime. - The biggest piece of anime. - It's definitely the anime of all time. - It's definitely in the history of anime, bigger than Dragon Ball, bigger than One Piece.

- Bigger than the Bible too. - Do you wanna reiterate for people who perhaps don't know what the thumbnail is? They've been living under a rock. - Yeah, so "Attack on Titan" just finished airing this week. So we thought we'd do a topical episode because we've all seen "Attack on Titan", right? Right? Right, surely? - I finished it, I finished it. - I finished it. - Did you actually? - Yeah, I finished it.

- Oh, okay. - Why are you looking at him? - You're like, "Shit, I thought you were on my side." - I watched it. - Oh, okay. I didn't. - Why?

- You had one job Joey. - We gonna start off with this take? - You have one job. - I just don't care about "Attack on Titan" anymore. - Okay. - That's just like, okay. It might be because like- - How far did you get? - I got up to the, oh God, the naming convention. The final season part one,

- One? - Okay. - Wait, is that the correct term? I don't even know what the fuck the title of it is. - Isn't the final season of three parts? - Final season is three parts. - In the third part, there's two parts. - Oh yeah, okay. So that means I got up to part two. I haven't watched the third season, part one or two. - Just the two hour long. - The two hour long, yeah. I got up to there. - So you basically just got everything up to the ending bit.

- Yeah. - So you've only got like two and a half hours of "Attack on Titan" left to go and you don't have any interest in finishing it? - I'll get to it eventually, I guess, but I'm not in a rush. - All right. So I'm gonna say like, normally we have like a spoiler warning or something, but normally we try to avoid spoilers, but I'm pretty sure we can't discuss

all of this without spoiling. - Are we discussing it? I haven't even seen it. - Yeah, if we do spoilers, people are gonna skip right on the start of the episode. So we'll save a little bit of the spoilers for later. - Yeah, he's thinking of the meta game. - Yeah, 'cause if we, you're just gonna hate this episode if we do that. - Don't worry, we'll give you guys a warning when we get to that. - When we actually get to the ending. - Yeah, I feel like I watched it. I did watch the ending just out of like commitment. I'm like, well, I'm like,

I'm this far in, I should just finish. - Well, I mean, what it was a 10 year run, right? - Yeah, I've been watching it since it came out. - Damn, 2013. - It really was, it really is like an end of an era. 'Cause I think Attack on Titan really kind of grew up with the medium. It was kind of like that first big push of like, oh, anime is like gone from this little niche thing to something that can kind of like

meet mainstream culture. And it was kind of like, it kind of, to me, Attack on Titan signified that show from anime growing from something that was a bit more niche to something that now is even like arguably mainstream. - Yeah, totally. - I think it's very mainstream. And even people who don't like anime are like, "Oh, I know Attack on Titan." - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - I remember, 'cause I think I got into anime in like 2012, 2011. And Attack on Titan was the one that was really big.

- Before that I actually didn't watch subs. I was like, "No, I'm a dub only guy. "I don't wanna read shit." But Attack on Titan didn't have a dub for a very long time and I was like, "Well, shit, I gotta watch this show." - And then when the dub came out, it was an amazing dub. - I think the dub was actually pretty good. I think the dub was- - The dub, I've watched both the sub and the dub. And the dub was actually for the most part, pretty damn good. - When I think of the dub, I think of the Ironman scream.

- Yeah, well that was kind of iconic. - Which is iconic. - I don't remember this one. - You don't remember it? - It was a big meme. - It was a huge meme of the dub Armin scream of like, I think it was like episode two or three of season one. When like the first big, like, I guess twist happens with Aaron and Armin does this scream and in the Japanese one, it's very powerful.

And then the dove came out and it got mean to absolute shit. - Pull it up. - Pull it up. - I'm surprised you haven't seen this. - Just almond scream dog. - Just almond scream dog? - Almond scream dog.

- I mean, like, while we're pulling this up, yeah, I mean, I've watched all of the dub except for the final season of the dub. - Wait, really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Whoa, you watched a lot of it. - I've rewatched "Attack on Titan" quite a few times. - What, is it Matthew Mercer who plays Levi? - I can't remember. - I mean, it makes sense. - I feel like it is. - It works if it's not him. - Go to the end, go to the end, just the scream. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, right there. - Yeah, right there. - So it's this part.

- That scream was the meme. - It sounds like R2-D2. - It's very Crash Bandicoot. - I don't think it was necessarily bad. It was just like- - It's very funny out of context. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm also biased. I think, 'cause J. Michael Tatum is, he's Irwin. I think he crushes him.

- No, I think Irwin, I think Irwin was actually my favorite performance from the dub. Irwin completely, I didn't know it was J. Michael Tatum. It makes a lot of sense. I think my biggest problem with the dub where I would recommend the sub over the dub was unfortunately by Bryce Papenbrook's

because I think he does really good in season one, but there are some kind of like moments. - There was a lot as the series goes on. - Yeah, yeah. There were some moments where I think he's like a really talented voice actor, but I think he got casted at a time where he was getting casted as every- - Oh, he was everything. He was Kirito. - Yeah, he was Kirito as like every edgy kind of like protagonist. - Yeah, he did get a lot.

And so I think he does really, really good in other roles. And there was like a certain few moments where I just didn't think he hits the same like emotional beats as other people could have done if they'd gotten been casted as Aaron. I think the scene that really sold it for me was Aaron's breakdown in the end of season two.

where I remember watching it and I was just like, "Ooh, this is not hitting that same emotional beat that the original voice actor did." Who's the original voice actor again? - Kajiuki. - Kajiuki did. I mean, Kajiuki's golden anyway. - Kajiuki's a god. - Kajiuki's a god, but...

- Yeah, it was something that I didn't think matched up to the original. And it was also a bit weird seeing, I saw a little bit of the beginning of season four or like the final season and he still had a very similar voice. And I heard he's improved that for like late parts of the final season, but it just felt very off.

So I would actually genuinely, I've watched both and I would genuinely recommend the sub over the dub. This isn't like...

- Not to say the dub was bad. - Not to say the dub was bad. - Sure. - Yeah, but then if you, if for some reason you ever say like, oh, I prefer the dub, people should be like, oh, I just can't appreciate the Japanese. - You're not weeb enough. - What are you talking about? Like, hey, I'm fluent in this language and I think it sounds good in this language sometimes. Like, happy to admit when it sounds great. - It's personal preference at the end of the day. There's no right or wrong. - Yeah, I mean, I would say Irwin, I didn't know if it was J Mark or Tatum, but I actually prefer,

- Just slightly, just slightly because both are like such goaded performances, but holy shit, hearing his speech in English, I was like, "God, this hit different, man. I'm ready to go to war right now."

- I mean, I'm biased. Michael's such a great actor in general. So it's, I mean, I just like being around him 'cause he's always, the way he talks about acting is like, man, I wish my brain just worked like this about acting. Like there's just such a passion for it. - Well, he's our boy, you know? Like we're gonna be biased towards our boys. - Yeah, for sure. Anyway, I remember the dub didn't come off ages. So I got into the sub 'cause I wanted to watch it and everyone was talking about it. And it was,

Actually, dude, the fandom back then was so interesting for Attack on Titan. - Is it not interesting now? - Well, it is, but it was just so like, it was so bizarre how, it was at a time where I felt that

- Back then in the English fandom, I feel like manga readers were like a huge minority. - Oh yeah. - Like no one read manga much. And when you were to interact with people, they'd only ever, it was just a given that you were like, "Oh, you watched only the anime." I seldom met people who had read the manga. - It was a very, very small vocal minority, I think. Whereas like, it is still, I think,

but I think that amount has just increased a lot more because of people just constantly being like, "The manga's better, the manga's better." - I was in a bunch of like fan stuff when I was way younger, like of people, I guess, doing their own audio productions of their own made up stories in the universe. And I was like, "Okay, yeah, I'll do this." - What? - I'll do it, fuck it. So I did stuff like that. But yeah, "Attack on Titan," otherwise,

I said this earlier and this is why you wanted to talk about it 'cause you got annoyed by my comments. I felt like, although I wanted to finish this journey because I felt like it kind of been my entire adult life was attack on Titan. I was like, I should watch it. The final season part two, I was kind of bored.

- I can't believe. I can't, I like- - Genuinely, genuinely. - Can we all agree that the nomenclature, I don't want to use that word for so long, of the nomenclature of the Attack on Titan series- - What does that mean? - Oh, wow, the con, wow. - Go on, go on, intellectual. - Well, it means the groups, the naming, like how you name a certain group of things.

- Nomen as in name. - Yeah. - Okay. - And the way they've named the series, fucking awful. Absolutely the worst naming job in history of shows. - I think that was my problem with especially the final season is that the naming convention is just so confusing. - I actually think it's taken away from the series. - Yeah, I think it has as well, to be honest. And I think that's why I just kind of lost interest. 'Cause I'm like,

- This is not a take I'm hearing right now. - This is no bearing on the joke. Can I just say this in general? It is absolutely fucking confusing to try and keep track on certain places to watch this where you're like, wait, which fucking one am I on again? Why do they all have different cover- - You know what's bad when like my Photoshop files are named better. - The Xbox Series 1X looks like a better naming system.

as opposed to this shit. - This is my message to fate fans that say I overcomplicate this shit. If these guys can't follow along with the conventions in attack on titan. - This is the exact same reason why a lot of people struggle to get into fate as well because they look at a title and they go, I don't know where this is canonically speaking. So I'm not even gonna bother starting to do it.

- Yeah, I mean this is- - And "Attack on Titan" just fumbled the bag at the end, in my opinion. To the point where like, I can't take this shit seriously anymore. These naming conventions are garbage. - That has no fucking bearing on the show. - No, it has no bearing on the show, but personally, I was like- - That shit is annoying as fuck. - It's annoying as fuck. - There's nothing to do with like the actual show. - This is like the big, you know, I thought you were coming out with the big guns. - Listen, listen, I will, I will, but we just, we have to recognize that they

fucked up with naming this show for some goddamn reason. - You could be the biggest Attack on Titan fan and every Attack on Titan fan will agree, the naming convention is ass. It's not horrendous. - It's not optimized, but let's talk to like Kingdom Hearts fans for like a second here. - Another reason.

- Another reason why people don't take that shit seriously because they look at these naming conventions and they, same with fucking Monogatari. Any series that has the most like non-secular and non-sequential naming system, people from the outside look at it and go, "What the fuck is this? "How am I supposed to get into this?" - I will say seeing that naming system slowly being revealed and rolled out, it did make me kind of like lose confidence a bit in the production. I'm like, "How are you guys fumbling this so badly?"

There is no goddamn reason why there should be final season part one, part two, part three. That is insane. Like what actually happened for this fuck? Because there has to be a fuck up. - Look up the word final in the dictionary. - Yeah, this word has to have been a fuck up in a way that makes me like, that made me nervous initially when it was coming out. Because I was like, what is happening behind the scenes? - Well, you know, like I'm gonna defend it for now.

- Go for it. - Because I believe that this is all based on my pure feeling and speculation and kind of like the vibe I get now being, you know,

having talked to a lot of anime studios and stuff like that, I'm sure same with you, Joey, which is I'm sure they had a rough schedule to begin with when MAPPA got signed on. And then they were like, wait a minute, we actually wanna take time to make this fucking slap. So the reason I think this is because you look at the difference in quality from Attack on Titan final season part one to everything that came after it.

Like there is a such a huge jump in animation quality. It's like not even comparable. And I think that came about because MAPPA were like,

let's slow things down and let's actually take time to make the finale something that is worthy of the lineage of Attack on Titan. And you know what? If we get a bit of name fuckery, we can meme about it, all right? But like, considering the final product we got, I think it was more than fucking worth the wait. You know, I-

- I would have been happy to wait even longer as long as we all just got it in one cleanly wrapped packaging. Like I feel like the fact that they released these final seasons in so many different parts just goes to show that like, well, okay, but you could have, instead of just releasing it, you know, and splitting it up into 15 different fucking parts and confusing everybody,

why couldn't you have just pushed everything back and just given it to us all in one go? We're okay with waiting for you guys to work your magic with the animation and the production and everything. That's fine. We've already been waiting seven, eight years at this point for it to finish. So it's like, why couldn't they have just pushed that all back to the point where, okay, here we go. Here is the final season all in one nicely wrapped up bag. - I agree. - And here you go. - We also have recognized in the past that for example, Netflix kind of killed all hype of JoJo.

the way that they released it. So, you know, the way you release a series does matter as much as like, it shouldn't have any bearing on the show. A large part about consuming media is the surrounding hype. Are you into that? Are you like following along with people? Like that matters a lot to just consuming media in general. And I think that it, you know, it did kind of detract a little bit from it.

from the series in a slight way, nothing meaningful of course, but it did make it, did add an extra step where I felt that like, I felt like online generally people just cared less about the show. - I definitely agree. I think, I don't know what the creative decision between doing the last finale in like two minutes

mega hour, an hour and a half long episodes. There's enough material there for a season. There's maybe not like a full core 12 episode, but definitely like a strong 10, nine episode,

- I am really shocked that the final two parts weren't just a movie, genuinely. - Did I not call this two years ago? - I think we all had a feeling that they might try it. - I was like, they're gonna end it with like movie length episode. - And especially with them being essentially one pretty long movie. I'm kind of surprised they didn't try and release it theatrically. - Yeah. You'd think they'd look at, you know, "Juice of Kaisen" or like "Demon Slayer" and take that as a hint. - It was like the worst parts of,

both worlds, you know? You didn't get the hype of releasing it as like a full nine episode season for like the hype to build up. But you also didn't get the hype of having it be a theatrical release, which after- - And then you cut it in half and separated it over the course of a year. - After watching it, this could definitely, with the quality that they had, this could have definitely been a movie, you know? And there are some moments- - I would have loved to watch something like that.

- Yeah, totally. - It would have been incredible. This is the one time when I'm like, yeah, end it with the movie. You clearly want to end it off with the bank if you don't want to split up into like episodics, like a final third season. So just put it as a movie, but for some reason they released it as two long episodes that just dropped at random intervals in the year. And I'm like,

- You are doing everything you can to like kill the hype. - Yeah, and that's exactly what it did for me. It killed the hype for me where I got to the point where I'm just like,

I'll get to it eventually, I guess, but I'm not like frothing at the mouth to finish it. And at the same time- - Do you want to finish it? - I do, well, yeah, because obviously- I actually do because like, you know, again, like as Connor said, like, you know, we've all been sticking through with this series for like 10 years, right? And you know, it's a great fucking show. I love the show, but like, it's just, again, the release order and the way that they fumbled the bag on that, personally speaking, it just kind of lost the hype for me. And I'm just like,

I mean, yeah, I'll get to it eventually, I guess. But like, I'm not like gagging to like finish it. - Yeah, definitely I felt like in a little bit of the same boat since the final season part two. - Just saying it out loud is just so tough. - Yeah, I started to kind of check out a little bit mentally. I think I was like losing my, like, I was like, okay. - Are you serious? - Yeah, I kind of really felt- - The final season part two. - I genuinely felt like it was one of the like more boring sections of the show for me.

- Talk your talk, don't mind him, talk your talk. - I'm dying here. - You can take it. There's a very big reveal at one point during the show.

to do with Eric, well, there's many big reveals. - Let's think about some of like the small things that happened in the second season. Oh, let's, oh, wait, what was the opening called again? The rumbling? That's like a tiny event that didn't have any impact on the major story or anything. - I don't know if I'm crazy. - Yeah, the song was the best part of that. I'll be real. The rumbling, when that started happening, I felt like it was genuinely just boring.

Why? Why?

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- Boring? - Yeah, I kind of liked, there was the reveal before this where it was revealed that Eren had an ability that we didn't know about that had a bearing on the entire story. And I thought that was really cool.

And then they just started going on and on about the backstory about where this all came from. And it just started to feel like, I was like, and I know it's not, but it started feeling like super bloated for me in a way that I then also didn't care about the rumbling because I felt like, oh, I know how this is gonna end. Like this feels like it's going in a very clear direction and they made, and to me it was like, okay, Attack on Titan was always at its best when you didn't know where it was going.

and you had no idea what was happening next. And I felt like that once the rumbling started, it was kind of set into this motion where I thought it was just gonna go a direction and it absolutely just did go the... I mean, it's a very safe direction is the direction it went in. - I was so checked out watching that season, I don't even remember that.

- Like you were talking about it. - What am I doing? - You were talking about it and I'm like, oh yeah, that did happen. I just wasn't paying attention. - Okay, there was a few episodes in that season where I felt like they were just fucking wasting time.

- I think the complete fucking opposite. - Really? - Yeah. - Because like when I saw everyone was very annoyed, 'cause one thing I did notice, I somehow managed to go spoiler free. So I didn't know anything about it. - Somehow I went into spoiler three as well. - However, I did know that people did not like the ending. - Yeah. - And therefore I thought the ending was gonna be something kind of weird or kind of unusual. But to me, I felt like the ending was about as safe as you could have gone.

- Yeah, to me the ending, I can see why people had issues with it. 'Cause I certainly thought that, okay, I think I've really liked the ending. I thought it was very messy in the way it was like- - Well, that's getting me excited to watch it. - It was messy, but it was literally the safest outcome. It was like, if you were telling a story and you wanted to wrap this up,

how do you do it in the way that you think will probably be the most conclusive in like a- - And will satisfy the most people. - Yeah, and will kind of be like a nice little bow on the story. - Right, right. - So that's what I felt, I don't know. But yeah, I agree with it was convoluted and kind of bloat. I think it was messy. - Yeah, it was like, it was messy. We'll get to the ending like eventually, but 'cause I can't let go of this like final season part two yet. - Sure, sure, sure. - Because, you know, I thought that, I'm trying to think of if there was like

And I would say the part that disinterested me the most is probably like the law parts, how I described the law parts of Attack on Titan with the Titans and stuff like that. It kind of felt like, okay, you're watching a horror movie and then there's like this mystery monster, right? And then they reveal the mechanics of the monster and you're like,

ah, the charm's kind of gone. It's kind of like you have to do it because hey, you've built this mystery up and hey, you need some kind of explanation, but there will never be kind of like that kind of, so you can't look at Titans with the same kind of fear or mystique or whatever. - Yeah, I don't know why they couldn't have just gone the Ito Junji route and just never explained the mechanics and just left it a mystery.

- I mean, so much of the plot- - They were building up to explaining it. - Yeah, they were building up to explaining it. And that was definitely like my least, let's say the part of Attack on Titan that I was interested in the least. - Pretty boring, bloated. - But I still thought it was like pretty interesting in terms of what that meant for each character and how each character deals with these revelations.

the fucking rumbling and especially one of my favorite parts of final season part two, wasn't so much the event of the rumbling itself. It's how you have all these characters, you've built up all these like two in my mind, interesting characters and you just get to see how everyone in their own way deals with it and

tries to cope with it. I thought this is what happens when you just take great characters and put them in an interesting situation. One of my favorite scenes is just when a bunch of these characters are just sitting around a fire pit, no action, just pure dialogue. And I was just like, they are just talking and discussing what happened and discussing all the journeys they took to get there.

And it's just, this is like compelling television. When you have characters that have built up, you've built up this much that all you need to do is just put them in a room together and you're like, all right, magic's gonna happen. - Yeah, and I enjoyed that segment. It was when they, during the final season part two, they get to this docking village. And that's when I was like, what the fuck? This is so boring.

- Docking village? - They get to the village with the port, sorry. - Oh yeah. I love that scene. - It's like seven episodes. Like at this place, it's so long. I don't know how many episodes it is. - You mean one where they're stealing the boats? - Yeah, but they're around that area for quite a while. And I was like, hurry the fuck up. - Oh yeah, that did happen.

I was like, what are you guys talking about? - I'm just like, yeah, I'm trying not to get too spoiler-y. But there's just this, yeah. And to me, Attack on Titan, I think the best season of Attack on Titan was season three. - Yeah, season three part two. - Yeah, I agree with that. - What? - Season three part two. - Which one is that? - It was two parts, remember? - Oh, right, right, right, right.

I was like, what? - The ending of season three. - I think of all of that as three. I don't know. - No, it's two parts, right? - Yeah, it's two parts. - Right. What was the gap between them? - It was like a year in between. - Yeah, season three, part two, I suppose, yeah, is what I'm referring to, is my favorite. But also part one of season three was also really, really good.

- Oh yeah, it's one and, part three, sorry, season three, part one and two, I really liked the most. And that's when it was, I think at its best for me. And then we had that big reveal with Aaron and then it slowly started to like taper off for me in terms of interesting. 'Cause I felt like then they started the- - Well, it turned into a different show. - Yeah, it was more about,

why the fuck this thing is giving Titan powers. And then suddenly I felt like, wow, this is the weakest part of the show yet. And I watched season two of the show. - I think the weak spot was like season one. I think season one, you kind of get like- - I haven't rewatched it. So I think if I went back and rewatched it, I might think it's way worse. - Yeah. I feel like I just need to binge all the seasons now at this point. - I do need to go back and binge it and come back to this conversation. - This is like- - This is like 10 years of scatterbrain memories.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm trying to critique a show when I was fucking 17 and I watched it. - The only thing I remember is the dub screen from "Environment." - Yeah, I mean, 'cause I have like rewatched the show multiple times, maybe not like the entire- - It's probably more valid than mine. - Maybe not like the entirety like recently, but before like the last time I rewatched the show was before the final season came out, I was like, I need to refresh because it's been a long time.

Totally worth it for me. I actually think I might've enjoyed it more during my rewatch because now that you have the context of all the reveals and everything that was kind of like part of the mystery of like Eren's basement and stuff like that, you realize, holy shit,

this was all planned from the start. - Yeah, you can see all the little hints now. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There are so many hints from season one that out of context, I just like completely blanked on 'cause I'm like, this scene makes no sense. Why is this scene here? And then you watch it, you're like, oh shit, this is like final season stuff. What the fuck? - He knew from the beginning. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's insane rewatching all of Attack on Titan. - Yeah, I do wanna get back to some point and rewatch it. - Yeah, but part of the reason I think season one was,

the weakest is mostly just because you are kind of like setting up the world and the characters and it did like, Eren was at that time a much more boring character. - Oh God, he's so boring. He was just a child. - I mean, he had- - Fuck children, bro. - Yeah, yeah, fuck children. I mean, the point is you had to establish him

as like an angry angsty teenager who just was like fucking prone to violence. - Yeah, it was the initial hook. - It was like it's and like at the time I was just like, oh, he's just like every other edgy Shonen protagonist out there. And then you see his growth and evolution and that's where the payoff comes in. But still season one, it was more exciting because of the action scenes, the action scenes,

rather than the kind of like me being engrossed by all the character writing and everything in that.

- Well, yeah, the character writing. - Everyone used to say that it was Game of Thrones of anime. Because Game of Thrones at the time was pretty big. - Wait, who the fuck was saying that? - I'm telling you. - Everyone was saying that. - Really? - Everyone was saying that. - Everyone was like, "It's like Game of Thrones for anime. Everyone's dying." - It's like people die equals Game of Thrones. - Well, because that was what dominated the sphere of conversation in early 2010s. It was all Game of Thrones. - It's like gaming with difficulty. Ah, it's the Dark Souls. - Yeah, it's Dark Souls. - It's the Dark Souls of hell.

This game is thrown with less tears. You can't not come.

- Character writing. - Okay, that's interesting you say that you think season one was the weakest because I think the general consensus when everyone is comparing all the seasons to one another, I think the major consensus is a lot of people say season two was the weakest. - Season two was when I actually started getting invested in it. Season two was when I kind of realized that, oh, these characters are,

actual like characters with depth and their own goals. And it was a series that was willing to put focus on other people rather than what I thought they were. - There was also just a lot less action in season two. - Yeah, there was. - I think that's what like kind of pushed a lot of people back. - Yeah, season two was set up, but even so just seeing like the focus on Ymir and Historia who were a big part of season two. And I remember like watching season two, I was like,

okay, when are they gonna get back to like Levi and the main characters? - All the cool characters. - The big three, who are these two little lovers who we didn't see anything about in like the first season? - I think also 'cause there was a four year wait, I think, right? - Yeah, four year wait, four year wait.

and everyone was fucking waiting for the second season. And then that's what came out. And I think people were like, "What the fuck?" - Yeah, and then I think it really hit me at the end when I was like, "Shit, I actually really care about these two people, maybe even more so than the main characters." And I was like, "Oh, okay, this is, I'm actually getting invested, like properly invested in someone." Because before, when you'd have a character death in season one, it was just like,

"Aha, we've known this person for like one episode." Like, you know, like, "Oh, oh, it's the Levi squad. Oh wait, no, okay." - No, it's just Levi. - Okay, yeah, it's just Levi. And I'm like, "Oh, I guess that's sad." But it was obviously like very impactful mostly I think because of like the direction and the music and everything. But how much I actually cared about anyone who got off in season one was just like,

- Yeah, it was all like shock factor. Whereas season two actually started giving a shit about characters, started giving a shit about characters that had absolutely no screen time in season one. And then like the absolute fucking balls of this man to do one of the biggest reveals just in like a piece of like side dialogue. Do you remember this?

- Yeah. - Betrayal scene. - Oh yes. - And then, you know, you were expecting this kind of like big reveal to be like, "Ha ha, I am this person." - It is I. - It is I. It was me all along. - Yeah, but at the time I was just like, "By the way, it's me." - Yeah, yeah. And in "Attack on Titan," it was just like a piece of dialogue that was going on in the background. And you had to like literally double take to be like, "Wait, wait, did he just, did what?

- And I was like, this is like the most genius way to do like a big plot reveal like I've ever seen. 'Cause it's like completely subverted expectations. So even season two was like the slowest season, had so many like amazing points. - Yeah, that was one of the best moments in the show. - Yeah, yeah. - I think it was a really good highlight. - Yeah, I think, I feel like, you know, I remember 'cause there was a time when I think it was just season two that had come out and a lot of people were comparing it to season one and being like, and you know, obviously not knowing where the story was going. So they looked at season two, which,

you know, had a lot more new characters that you had to get yourself, you know, invested into and less action. So people were immediately like, eh, season two, not as great as season one. But again, like I think it's after when, until after season three came out that people realize that it was just a set up for season three. And then everyone, I think that's when the appreciation for season two slowly started to come back. But there's still a lot of people who say season two was the least favorite.

- Yeah, yeah, I can see why. - Generally overall it was, but maybe the final season part two is my least favorite, I don't know. - Yeah, I mean, I think, I don't know. I can't really think of a season I really like didn't like, you know, there are like weaker seasons, but overall the final season as a whole, I think the latter half, I think there was like still like super like interesting things happening, like to me, like the rumbling and all like the reaction around that. I think,

- Season four was just really compelling character drama. Before that, I was still like really, really invested in the action scenes as well. Like, you know, seeing like humans versus Titans. Season four, it was just like, huh, war is war, war never changes and stuff like that. I'm like, okay, I've seen this kind of thing before. The action scenes, which were,

I was actually less interested in the action scenes than just seeing characters. - Well, yeah, because it turned into a human drama. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just seeing characters like talk to each other. Some of my favorite scenes in season four were just dialogue scenes like Erin like talking to Raina in the basement. That was just like, you could just cut the tension with a knife in that scene. And I was like, this is just completely

compelling television and I fucking love it. So I don't think that there was a bad season of Attack on Titan. I think there were weaker parts, but I think overall Attack on Titan to me with this ending, which I was very, very scared of because I had heard of the opinions of the manga readers, but now that I've watched it,

I don't think it was the greatest ending in the world, but I think it did the job. And I think most importantly, it kind of like cemented that Attack on Titan to me is kind of like a modern classic. - Yeah, they just stick the landing, right? I think you don't, you've already got such a crazy story and a backstory that is really already way, way complicated. And I feel like you just do a simple ending, right? Don't do anything crazy. I think that's what they went for. - Yeah. What did you think of the ending?

- Yeah, that was fine. It was exactly what I thought was gonna happen. Like the moment with the fourth season part one of the fuck started. It was just clear that it was going there. It was like, you know, I couldn't see it the fact that

- There could have been another alternative ending, but I don't think they would have gone for it. - Like they didn't try to challenge it. - No, no. - It felt very obvious what was gonna happen. - 'Cause is it true that the ending to the anime is slightly different? - It is slightly different. So I had to look into this 'cause I was like, I need to know why the fuck manga readers were so pissed off. Some of it completely fucking stupid and invalid. Like it got to the point- - Like the complaints or the ending?

- The complaints. - Oh, right, right, right. - Like from what I understand and manga readers, you can tell me if I'm wrong 'cause I didn't experience it. - Oh, they will. - Okay, there are some things where I'm like, there was one line. Can I say this line? - Sure. - Sure. - Okay. - Spoiler alert then. - There was a line that was changed from the manga to the anime. And it was a line where Armin thanked Erin for becoming a mass murderer.

- What is he, a true crime YouTuber? - That was based content, Aaron. You did a good job. - Kind of high. - I'm gonna get a 20 part series out of this, thanks. - Yo, your KD ratio through the roof. And I'm like, ooh.

- Ooh, that's a spicy line right there. - So they changed that in the anime. - Yeah, so they changed that in the anime to just Armin telling Eren, sorry, Armin telling Eren that, "Hey, see you in hell motherfucker." - Right. - And you know, I kind of understood. - Makes more sense. - Yeah, yeah, I kind of understood like the intention of that line, which was just,

Armin kind of like trying to, even though he knows Aaron's a fucking bad guy and did all this bad shit that he tried to take some of that guilt along with him because he still sees him as a friend. - Right. - The line just came out. - It just doesn't translate. - I wonder if it was a translation thing as well. - I mean, I'm not sure. - I don't know what the original line was. - I need to see it in general. - Yeah, I'm not sure. But I think some of it was just that there was just

so much kind of like anticipation for the ending, right? That I don't think any amount of hype that manga readers had the expectations was going to be met by the manga ending at all. Because I think luckily manga readers took the L for us because I think pretty much all of our expectations were tempered a little bit. - Yeah, yeah.

- Because we saw what the manga readers, how the manga readers react. - We have the exact line. Armin says, "Thank you for turning yourself into a mass murderer for our sake." - Oh, it's even worse than what I said. - For our sake. - Oh, and Isayama expresses regret towards this line of dialogue. Admitting the intent of the words didn't come across as he hoped. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That makes sense. - It is crazy how you just fuck up one line of dialogue and it's like, well,

- Your reputation is just, yeah. - Everyone thinks your story sucks. - Yeah, yeah. - But I imagine, if he regrets it, then I imagine he probably told the anime staff or they had a conversation. - Yeah, he's like, "Please change." - He's like, "Hey, I meant to do something different here." - Yeah, yeah. I mean, I still have my qualms with the ending. I think there are,

Like it was, there was a lot that was presented into, presented to us within this ending. And I think a big problem was that the mystery of season four, so every like season had the mystery that they were building up towards. And the mystery for season four was what the fuck was Eren doing? Like this entire time, right? We really did not know what he was thinking. And then he kind of like dumped 20 million different things like to us in about like,

five minutes or something. And I'm like,

I don't, I get it, I think. - Yeah, yeah. His motivation felt very like, I just want a genocide. - Yeah. - He just wanted to watch "Walden." - I just think it's a good idea. And it's like, whoa. - Yeah. - Why? - At the beginning, it was like, it kind of felt like, I just want a genocide. Oh no, wait, I wanted you guys to do this. Oh no, wait, I needed to enact this timeline because my mind is fucked up. There was just a lot. - Zero planning.

It almost felt like every part of Attack on Titan had been planned up until like this point. Because before that, it just felt like everything had been so meticulously planned. And then you got to this point and it just kind of felt like,

let's just throw a bunch of things at the wall and maybe something is going to like stick with everything. But like to me it kind of felt confusing where if you just had like a few extra scenes just to tell me what was going through Eren's mind, I think that would have like cleared things up perfectly. - I had this thought, I don't know if it's like blasphemous to say this. When they were kind of doing a bunch of the ending stuff on the final season, I remember sitting there thinking like,

I feel like if this was Hunter Hunter, like his way of explaining things, I'd be so into this.

It's just a different way. - Togashi built different. - The way that Togashi explains stupidly, like the way that he'll tell me something complicated that I know is dumb, but he'll just make it seem so cool. - You can say great island. - There's just so many things that he, so many of his stories that he presents them in a way where I'm like, I know this is dumb, but man, it's just seems so cool in this world.

And I'm so into it. And I felt like with the Ymir backstory shit, I felt like, man, if Togoshi was writing this, I feel like I'd be so into it. But I was watching it and I was like, man, I just don't give a fuck about the fucking backstory of this stupid girl.

- I genuinely just didn't care. That was easily the worst part of the show for me. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you know, kind of same here. - And that was the only, like, if there's, you know, it was a banger of a show. It was really the only part that really started to make me lose interest was that.

- Yeah, so what you're saying is you would have liked it if Togashi had written it. - If he had just subbed in, let him sub in. And I'm wondering like, wait, why is there a narrator? It's like on Titan. I'm down. It'd be so hype if Eren's mental was narrated about why he wanted to do war crimes instead.

And then Eren wanted to kill everyone. - But something changed in Eren in this millisecond. He had seen something that Ymir had possessed in him. - Eren was like, "Don't worry guys, I'll become a mass murderer for your sakes. I got this. I'll shoulder the sins on myself." - And then the narrator would tell me why. And I'd be like, "That's so cool. He's so real for this." - If Togashi wrote that line everyone would be like, "Goden!"

- It would have, it would have. - Are you saying you wanted things even more explained to you or? - Well, I don't know, 'cause I watched this video. - We just wanted to be explained better. - I did have to like, there was a few times where I had to go back and watch half of the episode again in part two to be like, what the fuck? - Yeah, like to fully comprehend what's happening. - Yeah, yeah, and I feel like that's,

- It's a good and bad thing. It's like cool that you have a show that is so much depth to it that I almost have to pause and have a think. But also very annoying that I watched this first and maybe I'm just dumb, which is probably very reasonable assumption here to make. But when I'm watching it, I'm just like, man, I'm just confused.

- Yeah, well, I think that's the problem when you add so many like different elements because you know, I think the advantage the early season had was like the simplicity. And with the final season, it was already complex enough with the political stuff. That was already great. And that was what I was interested in. And then you add this, the Titan mechanics with time traveling and,

inheriting wills and all this bullshit. And like, if you like think about it deeply, you kind of are just like, it starts to just get more confusing as you know, as every- - And less compelling I think. - Yeah, yeah. To me too, like to me that's, that was never why I liked "Attack on Titan." That was never the main focus. I know some people love into going to law diving, but like, like for me, one of the things that bothered me that I, please explain "Attack on Titan" law experts if I'm misunderstanding something, but you know, in season four,

where every descendant of the royal had like special, was the only one that could take on the powers of their special family, whatever, right? And then this explains that every,

every Eldian or is that the right word? - Eldians, yeah. - Yeah, every Eldian comes from the same person, Ymir. So how do you distinguish between who's royal and who's not when they all share the same bloodline? I couldn't understand what made the difference between a royal and just a normal person that shared blood from the same creator. I was just like, ah.

- I can already see the mongrel on the clothes. It's in the inner lining of the manga. You had to read the manga. - It got to the point where I was like, man, I'll just wait for the YouTube Lord deep dive explainer. I'll just wait. 'Cause like, I don't, I feel like I'm not prepared for this story anymore. - Where's the digital anime video?

- And then when you get to that point where you start like breaking down the mechanics, that's when I started to get less interested because it's like- - I need a one hour YouTube video to explain it. - Yeah. - I'm like, ah, I can't be sure. - 'Cause it just like kind of like detracts from what the story is trying to tell either. Because it feels like it almost like, it almost had to be written this way because he had to explain something about it, you know? But that was, to me, that was never the main strengths of "Attack on Titan" as a story. And now, yeah, now with this ending,

Yeah, I was completely satisfied. I think it could have been executed a little bit cleaner. Most of it had to do with law stuff, had to do with like law stuff, I'm not gonna lie. But in terms of like all the character resolutions, I was happy with the ending we got. I know it's- - They stuck the landing.

- I'd say they landed on two feet. - Okay. - Yeah, yeah. - That's good. - They might've like stumbled along the way, but they didn't fall over. - They finish it off. - I just realized whenever they're in that goddamn fucking sand realm with the tree, that's when I was like, fuck this episode is gonna be boring. Whenever they go to this, like, I don't know, type in a "Attack on Titan" Ymir world or something. - The path. - Yeah. - Yeah. - This is fucking...

- Yeah, whenever they fucking go here, I'm like, God, this episode is gonna be boring. - But cool background though. - Actually, it's funny because the final season, the actual final episode that we got, that was probably my least favorite part of "Attack on Titan." - The action was kind of boring.

- It looked gorgeous. - It looked gorgeous, but I felt like, I know what's gonna happen here, come on. - Yeah, yeah, no, no. Do you know what it felt like? It felt like, you know when you watch a Marvel movie? And like some Marvel movies have like really interesting concepts. - Or the third act fight. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you're like, and then you get to the third act fight, you're like, all right, all right, this big CGI battle. - Wrap it up, guys, wrap it up. - Wrap it up, let's wrap it up. - We know they're gonna win. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Wrap it up, come on. - Oh no, Doctor Strange is gonna lose.

- Ain't no way. - That was kind of like my feeling. Compared to that, I will take this 'cause this actually has some interesting character moments in there. Like some of the puff stuff. But the final battle I was like, yeah, it looks great. It looks funny.

really interesting is happening with the characters. So it's just action scene. So it's pretty fireworks, which is the way you should conclude a show or whatever. But I was waiting for how the ending ending was meant to happen, which yeah, was great. Question to you guys.

- How much do you think the ending really matters? 'Cause I was gonna ask this to you, Joey, which is you haven't seen the ending yet. How much is the ending and how much can the ending affect your opinion

on like everything that series has achieved so far. - I think the ending is very, very important. I think when people talk about overall fantastic shows that become memorable, a lot of people think about the ending. Like there are so many fantastic, there are so many like, you know, great, decent, even fantastic shows that we had, which had a really,

fucking horrible ending, which just completely ruined the entire reputation of the show. Even though the show up until that point was pretty decent. You know, like look at like "Dead Man Wonderland" for instance, right? Like pretty decent show up until the last couple of episodes and then it just fucking ruins everything. Whereas, you know- - Well, I mean, actually "Dead Man Wonderland" just never got- - Well, yeah, that's what I mean. - The manga was bad there. - Yeah, the manga was a lot better, right? But like- - No, the manga still sucked.

- The manga was better than the anime. - It was better, yeah. - But not by much, right? But like, you know, just having even a good or decent ending does wonders for a show. Look at like, you know, why do you think like say like Code Geass for instance is still talked about to this day? 'Cause that's a goaded ending. - Most stories always go for a safe ending.

- Think about most stuff you watch. They always go for the ending that is kind of being telegraphed the entire time. - But I would rather take a safe ending than a shit ending. - Yeah. - You know, where like it's very risky. - Correction, most anime I watch don't even get endings. - Well, yeah, that's true. - So actually just getting an ending in and of itself is actually a pretty fucking deal. - I actually think I don't care about endings that much. I feel like it's more about the journey. And if a show is a bad ending, I'll probably remember that

But it's so rare that an amazing show will be amazing all the way through and then just have a shit ending. - Yeah, because I was like, I think I had this thought with "Attack on Titan" because even with some of the weirdest stuff that happened in the, sorry, even with some of the stuff they changed from the manga ending to the anime ending, they weren't that much different. It wasn't that much different.

And I remember thinking like, you know, when we talk about bad endings, everyone brings up Game of Thrones and that wasn't a bad ending. That was a bad few seasons that also had a bad ending. - Yeah, it was leading up to be like terrible. So when everyone's like, man, the ending of Game of Thrones is so bad, I think they just meant like,

you going into the final season, you really didn't feel good about it. - Yeah, that was like a good three seasons of going downhill to like a final season. - I just thought of an example of an amazing show that had a pretty crummy ending. - What? - Yu Yu Hakusho. - But was it like- - You don't even remember the ending. - Was it like the last few- - That's how lackluster that shit was. - Was it like the last few moments leading up to it were lackluster? Was it literally just amazing right until it ends? - It was, in my opinion- - What's wrong with the ending? - It was fucking rushed. Even Togashi said it was rushed. - It was, okay, but like-

- It had so much potential and it just fucking fumbled itself in my opinion. - Yeah, I mean the final arc was weak as hell compared to everything that came previously. - But the final arc had so much potential and then it just was like, yeah, nevermind, we're done.

- I mean, like it just kind of ended. I wouldn't say it was like a bad end. People like with the Attack on Titan, especially with what I read about Manga Reers, they were just like, oh, this has ruined the entire series for me. And I'm like, can a final scene or can a final chapter actually change your perception of an entire series? - I do think it can if you do a bad enough job.

- I also think though, it's not fair with Attack on Titan because I think the expectations of every anime watcher and every Attack on Titan fan was just astronomically huge. - But I also think that like, let's say you read that line from Armin where he just goes against, I guess his entire character. - Yeah. - That happened in Game of Thrones as well with Jamie. Like one of the big criticisms that in the very last scene in Game of Thrones, they kind of, this character who'd been having this whole redemption arc for the past few seasons just,

just says something that literally goes against everything that he'd been building up to. And then it's kind of like a slap in the face. And I imagine that's probably why some of the fans got very annoyed at "Attack on Titan" is that, hey, we have this character who we've been learning so much about for the past 10 years. And then he says one thing that is like, wait, what the fuck? - Right, yeah. - It's like finding out a friend that you like,

play fucking Valorant with just war crimes. You're like, what the fuck? I thought we were kidding. And we said, we like this. What the hell? - Weird example. Do you have a friend like that? - Long story, long story.

- I would actually say a more accurate analogy would probably be like, oh, you find out your friend Valorant is like a Nazi sympathizer. That is like literally what it would be. - Yeah, you're like, a lot of the stuff started to make sense now. - They definitely exist. - Yeah, I think that you can do stuff that ruins characters. - Kanye fans.

I mean, bro, look at his music. No one plays that shit anymore. - That is true. Kanye is a great example. - You can do stuff that ruins the story and the characters. - Worst ending. - But he made graduation. Season one Kanye was the best.

- I think again, like Attack on Titan I feel is a very special instance in the anime world because again, it had so much of a dedicated fan base and it was such a long running series that the expectations for it to do the perfect triple axle at the end and land

you know, landed completely like 10 out of 10 was almost expected with how much the show was hyping itself up and how much the fans were hyping itself up. So I think it's kind of a double-edged sword of like when a show gets that popular and that hyped up and the fans are expecting only the best thing from it and they don't get exactly the most mind blowing ending imaginable, even if it was like a good ending, right? Like a, a,

a perfectly fine safe ending as you guys put it, right? I think it's still under values itself compared to how people wanted it to actually be. And so people look at that and go, well, it wasn't exactly mind blowing, AKA it wasn't great. And then that's where the criticism start I feel. - 'Cause like, I feel like,

I don't know how many times we've experienced an anime ending where it's just kind of like completely changed our perception because most of the time when we watch a long running show get to an end, the show has already done everything it's needed to do. And the last like 10 kind of like percent of that is just like, okay, I am finishing this just because I just want to close this chapter, which is what I feel like a lot of people who are watching the final episode of Attack on Titan fell. They just wanted to close this chapter off.

because they had been such a big part of their lives for like the last 10 years, you know? - But it is possible to have like that ending that the fans watching that show and have been following that show with, you know, kind of look at and go, okay, that is definitely for one almost, you know, it goes beyond our expectations of the show, even though we had high expectations for it. - Yeah.

was not necessarily like the safe way to end it. Like again, I'm gonna bring back code yes again, because like the ending of season two, I think a lot of people watched that when it was even airing and was like, holy shit, that ending is insane. Like so many people weren't expecting that ending.

And that show was already a very popular show and had very high expectations for it to stick the landing. And I think it- - Oh, the execution was insane. - The execution, I dare say, was perfect. - It easily could have been fucking stupid though. - Oh, absolutely. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I think the ending was one of those that,

I could see it going really badly. - Yeah, definitely. - But I feel like they also took a risk with that ending as well. And cause that could have gone south very easily, but they were just in that lucky position where they managed to create something that was unique and memorable and amazing, which is very difficult to do. And now they're bringing them back. So that's fucked. - Cause like you talked about Yu Yu Hakusho and I remember thinking, I don't,

I don't necessarily remember too much of the ending. I just remember the last arc being weak. But what I do remember was just like, it doesn't really matter. Yu Yu Hakusho still goaded. - No, it's still goaded. - Yeah, yeah. That didn't like change my perception of Yu Yu Hakusho at all, but it's also a different kind of story, I guess, because- - Yeah. I think the problem with Yu Yu Hakusho was that it,

kind of cut itself short at the moment where it could have turned into something amazing. Whereas like it clearly Togashi's heart was not in it for the final arc. The dark tournament arc, I think he put a hundred percent of his effort in and if he had ended it there, would have been goaded. Like no complaints whatsoever. I think the fact that he went on to half ass this final arc kind of just made it be like- - I haven't seen it so I-

- Basically it's a thing that happens a lot in Shonen Jump, which is just, they kind of just cut it off. - Oh yeah. - They get bored of it. - Yeah, no matter what. - That's how we get half of the fucking awful endings in anime. - Yeah, yeah. - They're like, "All right, pack it up, champ." - It's like, "Wrap it up, guys, wrap it up." - You're done. - Yeah, I remember my most recent, like, holy shit, this ending is fucking bad, is probably "Promise Neverland" season two. No, not even "Promise Neverland" season two, "Promise Neverland" the manga.

- Oh, the manga. - The manga, yeah. - 'Cause I know season two ending, we don't talk about that. - Yeah, see season two ending was just like, that was just something different. That was a bad adaptation. But season, like the final arcs of "Promised Neverland", that was just kind of, it kind of took what was like to me,

I don't know if it was rushed. It kind of felt like it was rushed. 90% of bad endings in my opinion are kind of like, it feels like it's rushed. - Yeah. - Right? - Yeah, I mean, you can't spend like 500 fucking episodes fucking around in some field in some anime and then just have 20 episodes be the ending. You're like, what? - Yeah.

- Like One Piece, if it ever ends, gonna have to do like a fucking 500 chapter lead up. Otherwise people are gonna be like, it's rushed. - I think that's what they currently do. - Yeah, probably. It has to be such a giant arc to end it. Otherwise people will be like, nah, it's rushed. - Well, I think a lot of the issues with anime endings, especially when it comes to like action focus. So I'm gonna bring up a very, very old anime that I don't know how many people have watched this.

but the anime is called Busou Renkin. - I've heard of this. - Go did. - You've seen it? Yo, that's going back to the anime man, dude. - I love Busou Renkin. What's the plot about? - Honestly, I do not remember. - It's shown in Jump from like 2003, 2004. - But like the important thing about that ending that,

like I remember was that normally in like an anime ending, you have the final episode be like action focused. Like it was an attack on Titan, for example, where you have the final climax scene and that's the final ending to the show. - That's so nostalgic. - This is nostalgic as hell. - It looks like Yu-Gi-Oh. - It's nostalgic as hell. But the reason I remember this one is because this entire final episode was just epilogue.

and just tying up loose ends. No action. - I love that vlog episode. - And I'm like, why didn't more shows not do this? Why do you have to feel like, hey, this final episode has to have action in it because that's the climax. - Not every action anime has to end with the main characters fighting with the opening playing over it, you know? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. - You can tell the after story, it's fine. - I think another one of the anime goats, the ending is so good is gone as you know, for Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.

- It does have a good ending. - It does have a good ending. - It has a great ending and an epilogue and it's really fucking good. - It does have a good ending. - And it ties up the story so goddamn well and I think it's the reason why that show also has been one of the greats. - I agree with that. - I think the ending is just really good. - Yeah, I don't know why more shows don't do like epilogues. When I say epilogue, I don't mean like, oh, one or two like skeet scenes of like what they're doing, but like no, dedicate an entire fucking episode

on what these characters are getting up to. We have been invested in these characters for this long. Do you think we don't care enough to sit down and just check out what their lives are gonna be like after the big massive fight, after the big massive event? No, I fucking love that shit. - Just hearing the characters talk over and reminiscing over those final events is already interesting enough where people are like, "Oh, okay, so that's how they felt about it."

- Yeah, yeah. - And now it can, it creates this nice close to be like, well, you know what? They're alive, they're doing good. I'm happy for them. Cool. - Exactly, right? - That's all we need. - That to me brings more closure than like tight,

having to tie up every fucking loose end and ending off in the big climax. 'Cause not every ending has to be Code Geass, not every ending has to be fucking Cowboy Bebop where it ends on like a single iconic moment. Sometimes all you need to do is just let the characters have the send-offs they deserve, let them cook, have the send-offs they deserve and just let them,

like wallow in that moment for a bit longer than one single scene. That's what I want. - I think I've just been fucking conditioned to just getting used to shows that don't get endings. - Well, yeah, because that's the majority of it. - Like, you know, like I watched all of House of Cards.

- And then, you know- - What's House of Cards again? - Remember the Netflix, the first- - HBO? - Oh! - The first Netflix series. - The Kevin Spacey one. - Kevin Spacey. - Yeah. - I just watched it, and loads of shows around that time just kind of fizzled out that you would just watch, like lost or never fucking finished. - Yeah. What's some endings you remember then? Like anime, not film. - I'd love to say, well, it's such a cop out answer, but Breaking Bad was such a good ending.

- "Breaking Bad" was a good ending. - That was a good ending. - I really liked that ending. - That was probably one of the few endings that didn't necessarily do anything grand. It just tied up everything in a neat package. 'Cause when I think of endings that stick out in my mind, you think about things like "Code Geass" or the ending of "Usual Suspects" or fucking "Sixth Sense" or stuff like that. Something where something iconic happens at the end. - Seven.

- Yeah, yeah, seven. - Seven. - I think it's easy to type a movie in general than it is to watch. - Are we talking like shows? - We're talking anything. What are some like endings that stick out in your mind as like some of like the goaded endings, you know? - I think I was, I'm so bad at this, I can't remember.

- Yeah, 'cause like to me, like I named out most of the endings that stuck out to me in terms of like movies, in terms of like anime, obviously like Cowboy Bebop was one and everything else, I know I'm forgetting something. You know that feeling where you know you're forgetting like something good. - I know I'm forgetting like at least like three or four. - Yeah, yeah. We think of Code Geass, we think of stuff like Cowboy Bebop. I can't think of many other.

that didn't just, "Hey, we tied up every loose end." Like "Gurren Lagann" was something that was just like, "Hey, we tied up every loose end." - Yeah, but most people remember "Gurren Lagann" not for the ending, but for episode 16, right?

- Yeah. - That happens. - It was pretty fun though. - That was the oilers but. - When they were throwing galaxies at each other. - That was kinda hot. - That was pretty raw. - That was fucking hot. - That was pretty raw. - I actually wish that got more of an epilogue actually. But that was kind of a hype climax as well. - That was true. - Yeah. - I'm trying to think of. - Cyberpunk, pretty good. I like Cyberpunk. - What was the ending of that? - The Age Runners ending? - Yeah. - Yeah.

- Was that a good ending? - I liked that ending. - I remember being a good ending. - I like that ending. - I don't remember. - I like the message of fuck you, you're not special. We need more things with some real takes. I'm tired about hearing the chosen one. I don't care about the chosen one. I wanna hear about average Joe who gets too close to the sun. - Do you think more endings just have like sad endings? - I love endings that are fucked up. Endings that like leave you feeling hollow. 'Cause I feel like that sticks with me so much longer than like- - You don't like the school days ending.

- You literally just described the school days. - No, that's just fucking your way out of like, fuck off. - I'll say for Connor. - Speaking of great endings. - First of all, school days. - That ending was dumb as shit. - It has to be a good series. That's a good ending, Joey. You didn't say anything like that. - That ending could have been like the rawest shit if the previous five episodes were dog.

- Yeah, but it was the rawest show. - No, but it would have been fucking cool if it was good. - That's one of the rare occasions where the show is shit, but the ending is goaded. - Okay, credit where credit's due, the ending was fucking weird to the point where I can't forget it. - Yeah, exactly. - I do want more endings where I'm like,

- Yeah, totally. - I think those kinds of endings stick with you for a lot longer. - Absolutely. - Because you know, I've seen enough endings that are like happy endings or like some are pretty much most endings that I can remember are kind of like bittersweet. You know, I feel like that's the meta, you know, even attack on Titan. - Most anime endings for me are just like, they just,

almost unmemorable. Like they end off in a way where it's not 100% conclusive, but it's not 100% left in the dark. It's like the 80s freeze frame equivalent of an ending where it's just like, yep, I guess that's the end now. Cool. It's nothing special or memorable in either a good or a bad sense. - Right, 'cause I'm trying to think of a manga ending that actually stuck out to me 'cause I don't see anime endings. - Slime dunk ending?

- I'm reading that by the way. - The last- - Oh, you're reading that? - The last chapter is goaded. - Oh really? - Yeah. - I'm trying to remember. - I'll let you know what I think. - Let me know what you think about it. - Oh, that was the one with no dialogue, right? - Yeah, the no dialogue one. - Okay, okay. - That one was goaded. - And that one, he took a risk. - I liked the Gant sending. It was really fucking weird. - I'm trying to remember the Gant sending. - Where they like,

they just meet some weird aliens. - Oh yeah. - And it's just really fucking weird. - Yeah, that was weird. - That wasn't the ending. That was like the lead up to the ending. The ending I don't remember. That was the last thing I remember about Gantz as a whole. - That's the ending. - Yeah. I'm gonna do it quickly and I'm gonna Google iconic endings. - Just in general. - All right, all right. I got a list of the top 10 iconic anime endings of all time. - Sure.

Is this the one? Oh, Devilman Crybaby had a fucking amazing- - Oh, that had an amazing- - That was the bleak, empty ending. And I love that. - That was a good ending. - That was fucking incredible. - There was Haibane no Eme as well, which is a very underrated ending as well. - Yeah. - Arata Magica? - That was okay. - That one was okay. - That was like an Ava ending. - Tatami Galaxy. - Haven't seen Tatami Galaxy. - I don't remember how it ends. - I haven't seen. Paranoid Agents. - Yeah, that had a decent ending.

I think it's just not as memorable as the rest of the show. - Yeah, definitely the ending didn't stand out as much as the rest of like the weird ideas of the rest of the show. - Yeah. - What else we got? - "Barakaman." - "Barakaman," haven't seen that. - I mean, that doesn't have a lot of story to go off of. - "Dororo." - I didn't like it. - I didn't finish that. - I didn't finish it either. - I'm sad, I'm sad now.

- Yeah. - Hunter, Hunter. - Yo, that's Cap. - That's Cap. - What ending? What is what? - There is no ending. - All right. - What's next, Berserk? - Oh my Lord. - Naruto Shippuden, yuck. So Naruto Shippuden is like, that's a good example, like the Naruto ending of just what I mean by just the most safe cookie cutter ending you could ask for and that's completely fine. You've been with these characters, oh, Anohana?

- I feel like it was a safe ending. - On a honey ending? - Yeah. - I'm trying to, okay, okay, wait, wait, wait. I'm trying to remember. - I remember crying like a motherfucker to this final episode. - I know I cried like a motherfucker,

but I don't know if that was 'cause I was like an emotional teen. I don't know if it was like affects me that much at this day and age because I remember that, I remember this was like, "Anahata" was more like Pavlov's dog. It conditioned you with that one song at the end and then it like- - When "Secret Base" comes on. - And then at the ending of "Anahata" I feel like the reason that was iconic was just because the song just kept going and going and I was just like, "Stop!"

- I don't have any tears left, please. - They all scream, "I found you." And then the ending starts and he's just like, "No!" - Hi. - Yeah.

- Katsunogatari. - Oh yeah. - That had a good ending. - I fucking love that show. - That's a great fucking show. - Okay, Nishio Shin Goated. - Goated, all right. - All right, what else? - Next one, Your Lie in April. - I didn't watch that shit. - See, this is a very divisive ending. - It is. - 'Cause a lot of people love this ending and a lot of people just thought it was kind of a cop-out.

- I thought it was a cop out. - Yeah. - This is like my hot take where I prefer the first half of "Your Lie in April" rather than the second half. It really felt like to me, some of like the more interesting part of "Your Lie in April" to me was seeing someone fall in love with music again. - Yeah. - And then-

- Oh, that's why I didn't watch it. - Yeah, and then there was a big twist because it almost felt like, hey, what this character is going through isn't sad enough. We need to make it sadder. - Yeah, the character drama of Corsair, I think like not being able to hear like the piano and shit like that, that part was so well-written. And then they just had to be like, by the way, the girl you love, something's gonna happen. I'm not gonna say it, obviously spoilers, but it's a bit of a cop out.

- Steins Gate? - Okay, Steins Gate. - That's the one we forget. - Okay, we need to, yeah, I knew the one was on the tip of my tongue. Steins Gate, okay. - That entire second half is just good. - Steins Gate to me needs the respect it deserves for having a time travel story and somehow wrapping up the story

it's like mechanics in the story in a satisfying manner. - I agree. - Because most of the time when you introduce time travel to a story, there is going to be some fuck up along the way to the ending where it's just like, oh, that kind of like plot didn't make sense. The mechanics didn't make sense. Steins;Gate is pretty much one of the only examples I can think of where you introduce time travel and you manage to close the loop

while making it like seem like everything was resolved. - Yeah, and I think what was genius with Steins;Gate is that they did all of that. They somehow managed to tie so many of the loose ends perfectly into one knot while not making the conclusion obvious for people who was watching. Like you had no idea how that show was gonna end. - Yeah. - Even as they like gave you

all of this information from like literally multiple different timelines at the same time. - I think the impressive thing about this one isn't so much what happened, it's the fact that they managed to tie everything up. - Yeah, and they made it make sense. - I remember liking it. I remember what happens, but I remember liking it.

- The only I'd say negative thing about "Stanisgade" is that it is a slow burner, especially the first half. - I remember the first half was so hard to get through. - Yeah, but if you make it through that first half, that entire first 10, 11 episodes is the buildup. - It's also- - It's the attack on Titan season two of "Stanisgade". - And I know it's like intentional, but it's so good.

- Yeah. - And visually very like boring. So it's really hard to like sit there for like 10 episodes, watch them in the exact same location. You're like, "Oh, kill me." - Where are my RGB LEDs? - But like that was 'cause I got into anime and I was, Code Geass was like full goddamn colors. And then I went to this, I was like,

- Oh, this is a lot different. - Why are the chins so round? - They're talking a lot. - Yeah, like a lot of talking. - That's a lot. - And it's not in the cool way with the fucking. - What is that happening? - All right, next one. - Death Note. - No. - I mean, no. - For one, the ending is slightly different, right? - It is factually correct that the second half of Death Note is weaker than the first half.

I think it's a good ending. - No, I think it's a good ending, but it could have been 10 times better if they, if fucking Nier didn't exist. - Yeah. - The show is dog. - I know, I agree that the second half was weaker. Not even the second half, the second, like the last third was weaker. - I've watched Death Note quite a few times. It is always just such a like slog and a different show after the, obviously the big thing. It just kind of sucks. - But I think the ending of Death Note

- I did what it needed to. And I thought it was a good ending. - I thought it was a good ending. - Both the manga and the anime, 'cause I've read both the manga and the anime, both had different takes on the ending and both did something different and something interesting. - I did slightly prefer the manga ending. - I knew you would Joey. - I just think it's a better rounded and better presented ending than the anime. - I think the anime is more cinematic, which is why I kind of prefer the anime ending. - Really? - Yeah, I loved...

the scene where he ran past his younger self with the death note, I was just like, that was just like, oh, that's an anime original. And I was like, oh, that's actually really well done. I kind of love the visuals of that. But that's just my opinion, bro. - Yeah, scroll down. - It's all good. - All right. - Yeah, sure. - Ask class.

- "Ask Class", okay, I like the ending to this. - I didn't finish this show, so I can't. - When he does the final roll call, not gonna lie, kinda teared up. - Okay. - I believe it, I believe it. It was a feel good show. - I think it was a way better ending than what the show was expecting you to have, expecting you to see. - Okay. - So I think, yeah, this is underrated. - All right. - "Cowboy Bebop", of course. - "Cowboy Bebop", obviously. - Iconic, yeah. - Next. - Next one. - Fuck off. - "Dragon Ball Z".

- I mean, if we're not including GT, I guess, but. - Yeah, we can just keep going. Let's keep going. - There's better ones. - Gintama. - I haven't finished Gintama yet. - All right, keep going. - Yeah, okay. - And then number one is gonna be Kokuyo. - And Kokuyo, yeah, okay. - So we were right for the most part. - Yeah, I mean, I don't think endings matter that much. I think as long as you do whatever ending, you'll be fine. - After all of that, whatever, they don't matter.

- Think about a lot of the shows you like. You remember core, middle bits and the feelings you had. You don't necessarily think of the plot. - I'm not saying the ending is everything, but I think it is an important part of a story that shouldn't be overlooked. - Well, yeah, but that's just saying that like, the start is important. Every part of the story is important. - I have something more to add to this. - Okay, go on. - Because I have just been playing Cyberpunk recently. I played the...

which I think is the best kind of like cyberpunks like thing that has been released so far. And I kind of realized that I was like,

I think I hate multiple ending games. Like, you know what I mean? - Me too, me too. - I actually kind of despise it. - Oh, 'cause the true ending is always a lot of bullshit you gotta do. You gotta look up a guide on how to get it. And you're like, this sucks. Why is the ending always the good endings? The ones you have to go through all the complicated bullshit for. - Yeah, because like, I remember playing through the original, like the original "Cyberpunk" and the ending to me was super unsatisfying.

And I kind of realized that, oh, it's because I made all of like the worst choices possible. I got like the shit ending. And like to me, like even like the facts of the existence of multiple endings, like demerits the impact

of having like one single ending, right? 'Cause you can have like, I guess like a canon ending, a true ending, but just the fact that the user or like the viewer can choose their own ending, I think that detracts from the impact of just there being

- I do agree, but then I, oh man, I really liked the fear and hunger is multiple endings. I think it's really good. - Oh really? - Yeah, I really liked that one. - It was just a fear and hunger scene. - Yeah. - Let's be real. - But I really like how they use the multiple endings in that game, but I hated it in Cyberpunk. Okay, actually, can I preface? The thing that I hate the most is when you can't do any choices

that affect the ending until literally like the last moment where it's like, there's so many little things you can do in like the very last second. 'Cause then it feels like a cop out. It's like, oh, you didn't plan for multiple endings. We just got to this one point and you felt like we can add a bunch of depth if in the last two hours of the game we can do it. - In that vein then I think a game that does that whole multiple ending thing really well is Catherine because the thing with Catherine to get the multiple endings

it's literally from the very first choice you can make in the game and everything up until the end matters. - Yeah, and I like how like "Undertale" does it. - Yeah, totally. - I know it's like a meme, but "Undertale" did it in a really good way where you are immediately from the get-go seeing different character interactions based on what you're doing and locking you into a group. - The worst multiple endings are the ones where it's literally the last dialogue option where it's like yes or no, two different endings. - Well, there's like "Cyberpunk," not all the endings, but a lot of them are,

what you answer in the last few moments. - Right. - Yeah. - Well, there's the, it depends where you are. - There are like so many different endings to Cyberpunk though. - Yeah, and I know there's a few way if you do all the certain side quests, you get the true ending, which is how it always is. But then I know there's like the, when you can go to space or you can treat yourself and stuff. And I was like, man, I felt like I've been locked out of the good ending and all of these are not fun. But I would have enjoyed it more if I was put on a clear path

that is showing me that I'm going towards something different from the start. Not kind of figuring out how to go. - 'Cause like I remember playing through the expansion and I was just like, this is actually the cyberpunk that I thought I was gonna get from the original game. Hardly fucking recommended by the way, because it's fucking incredible how much they've changed from the first initial release.

And obviously Idris Elba fucking kills it in this role as well. - Oh yeah, I mean Idris Elba's great. - He's fucking great. But I got to the ending and it was like, the way they closed out the ending I got was so perfect to how like they built up the characters and kind of like metaphorically sent off all the characters. I was like, this is fucking great. And then I read up on the other endings and I was just like, man, if I got any of these other endings with like some of the major choices that I made,

I would have been like, I would have been like, shit. - I remember 'cause I have the final big fight in that game. At least the base game. I remember when I played it, it was so buggy. So I remember thinking like, this was really epic final boss and he's stuck behind the wall and I'm shooting him with a pistol. And I'm like, man.

This is just not how I envisioned this epic. - Glad I sunk the time into this. - Yeah, it was a bit sad. Maybe I should go back and check it out. - Yeah, and I just think for something very story driven, I guess like Cyberpunk, it almost like, it almost like,

like I said, detracts from the impact of the ending knowing that, hey, if you're not happy with this one, just go a different route. Whereas, you look at like other games, like for example, like "Last of Us" or "God of War" recently for me, those endings like stuck me because that was the ending. The send off to the characters. No, no, no re-dos, no other happy endings, no other sad endings. That was the ending that we got.

And that was what made those ending stuck out to me. - I think it's a better way, but I guess you have to- - Why do you like the "Fear and Hunger" endings then? - I like it 'cause you have to, they won the character specific. So there's four playable characters and they all have their own version, which I like because it utilizes their story to tell

not just a backstory, here's your character, figure it out. It's like, hey, your character based off what we've told you has this mission. If you go and complete that mission, you'll get a unique ending. Which I really like, 'cause it's setting the goals right from the get-go saying, this is what you need to do. And it's up to you if you wanna listen to that. Whereas I felt that like "Syruponk" it's like, whatever Keanu Reeves tells you to do, just do it. And then you'll figure it out. It's like, okay.

- Okay. - I don't know, but I haven't played the DLC and also I haven't played it since when it came out basically. So I don't know. It could be a completely different experience. Presumably it is. Okay, first of all, did you see the, you guys know I'm a Robert Pattinson simp. Did you see his voicing?

in the new Hayao Miyazaki movie. - Oh yeah, yeah. - What? - Did you hear him? - Dude, he sounds insane. - In the dub? - Yeah. - Yeah, he sounds insane. He doesn't sound like Rob Pattinson at all. - He does not, it's insane. - Bro popped off. I just wanna say, 'cause I watched this movie in Japanese and I heard his voice and I was shocked at how good Rob Pattinson got close to the Japanese voice. - Okay, let's see. - Rob Pattinson, the boy in the harem. - That's actually kind of, yo, Willem Dafoe's in it? - Yeah, Willem Dafoe's in it too. - Let's go!

- I might actually watch it now. - Yeah, I might watch it. - The movie actually, I think when I came on the show, after I watched this, I said it was all right. But I think actually the more I've sat on it, the more it's grown on me. - Yeah? - I think I kind of like- - Oh shit, I need to watch this. - Definitely grow on- - When did it come out? July. - Yeah, dude. You haven't watched it? I don't think, I'm not sure if it's still on cinemas. - No, I was going to watch it, but- - Yeah, that's the one. Just, yeah, just whatever. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - My door. - What exactly are you? - You're my man.

She's awaiting your rescue.

- That's actually, that's sick as fuck. - Good. I'm hyped for that. - I just wanted to say, 'cause I went to the, I go to the cinema all the time 'cause I just like watching movies, even bad movies. I love watching bad movies too 'cause that's how I have my kind of scale set. - You gotta watch the bad to appreciate the good. - So I watched two films recently. I watched the Martin Scorsese film

I really want to watch that. All the new one. Yeah. It's fucking,

- It's three and a half hours, right? - It's like three hours and 40 something. - Okay. - I'm running up. - That's what the Irishman was as well. - Dude. - The Irishman was like three hours 50 or something. - Dude, it's so long. It was so long. - Is it worth it? - I think so. Dude, it's one of those movies that when you come out of it. - Every Scorsese film review, it's so damn long, but it's pretty good. - No, you kind of leave it and I was just glad it was over. - Yeah.

- This happens with movies sometimes that even if it's a really good movie, the moment you go to check your watch or you go to get some kind of time indication to be like, how long have I been here for? Where you're like, I'm getting the feeling I want this to end. And I definitely felt that way about two, two-ish hours in. I was like, okay. - What's it called again? - It just takes, "Killers of the Flower Moon." - "Killers of the Flower Moon."

I mean, I won't spoil anything, but I actually think I, for once in a Martin Scorsese film, I didn't really like Leonardo DiCaprio much in it.

And also I was kind of like, I was like, man, I think he's like the weakest part of this film in a weird way. - Oh, okay. - I mean, of course De Niro is in it. - Yeah, De Niro is great in it. I mean, De Niro is just De Niro. Yeah, Brendan Fraser is really fucking weird in this film. It feels like he misunderstood the mission. It felt like everyone is playing a character and he kind of comes in playing like a different time. It was very odd. - Right.

I love that guy. Dude, whenever he's in that Jesse Plemons guy, Tom White. Whenever he's in a movie, it's true. I've seen this on Twitter people meme it. Whenever he's in something, you know it's gonna be a banger. He's such a terrifying actor. Whenever he's in something, he's always really scary. Yeah, it's a little long. I also, when the reviews came out for it, I saw the reviews and everyone was saying that the main female lead was really good. And I thought,

I thought she wasn't very good at all. I felt bad saying that, but I felt like there was like no emotion. It's just a lot. You'll see what I mean. You're sitting there and it's just so long. And for a good period of time,

the same kind of thing just keeps happening. And you're like, okay, I get it. - The feature review is will someone tell Marty he needs to edit his movies? - I genuinely think, right? If this was a two hour, 50 minute film, it would have been great. Like I think- - That's how I felt about the Irishman as well. I was like, this could have been under three hours easily. - I know he loves to do this thing. - It was a great movie, but it was too long. - He loves to do that thing where he lets dialogue scenes really stretch. And I think sometimes it really works. And other times it's like,

"Hey, I know this worked in another film, but I do not care, cut this down." - I mean, it worked in "Taxi Driver." So he was like, "I'm just gonna keep doing this." - Yeah, I just think it was too long. I think if I had to rate it out of 10, I'd give it like a,

I feel like I'm such a cop out saying seven, but I don't have any strong feelings on either side. Like I cannot sit here in good faith and say it's a bad film, but I can't sit here and be like, it's a fucking bang. - It's a seven. - That's a seven. - That's a pure seven out there. - And then I watched this fucking awful movie called- - "Five Nights at Freddy's". - I did watch that too. Fucking dog shit movie.

- It's an awful movie. - You have to tell me about that. - I don't know any of the law of FNAF, right? So I go into this film, the only thing I've watched is like a MatPat film. - I heard MatPat's in it as well. - Yeah, the only thing I heard is that he says that's just the theory in the movie. - So I watched it the day it came out, right? You should have seen my soy jacked face when I'm sitting there and then he fucking MatPat turns around and I was like.

I was like, "What?" And then he goes, "It's just a theory." And I was like, "Ain't no way. "Ain't no way they got him to say it." - You know Scott Cawthon just jacked off to that scene. He's like, "I finally made him say it." - And the rest of the film was so bad. It was so bad. It was one of the most fucking boring films I've watched in so long. And I think the only- - It's an hour and 50?

- It's 5.5 on IMDb. - And I think the only people who are rating this highly are people who love FNAF. - What's the Rotten Tomatoes score on this? I wanna see the Metacritic score. - Dude. - I wanna see what like the- - It is being- - 29%. - This is actual bullshit, but like viewers, you know how they're like, "The fucking critics say it's shit." I'm like, "Yeah, because it is shit." Look at this. This is wrong. - Tomato Media 29% audience score,

- 88%. - Listen, listen, I'm happy to clown on critics. Like when they- - This is why the Crunchyroll Awards will never work, man. You give an audience a voting power and this is the shit. - I actually think, I actually think like, you know, when the critics, they generally had lower,

a critical reception for like films like the Mario movie. You know, I felt like that was unfair, but also there was like a mad conspiracy going on actually. Did you hear about this? - What? - A lot of people were speculating that for some reason, and I think this is bullshit, so this is a disclaimer bullshit. People were saying that people were paying for bad reviews. Someone was, one of the advertising firms were doing it so that it can be like a,

Look at the fucking critics. They don't fucking know shit. Look at us, we're the fans. We know what we want. You know what I mean? - But that's just a theory. - That's just a theory. But you know, there's been this giant trend lately where people will see a movie that has fan ratings, high fan ratings and low critical ratings as like a badge of honor. It's like, look at the fucking critics getting another L. - They don't know shit. - They are so out of touch with what the people want. But this one actually,

- Fuck the viewers, dude. The critics are so right. This film is actually garbage. And the reason why it has high views, high ratings is 'cause there's fans of FNAF that are just fucking getting hyped about it. 'Cause a movie's being made about FNAF and there's loads of FNAF law that's dog shit. - And also their favorite YouTubers are probably in it as well. - Yeah, and a lot of people, the audience this is targeting, 'cause FNAF's been around for a very long time. They're all young adults now.

or getting to that age. - Can I see what the difference in the Mario movie was? - What's the Mario movie wrong? - I think it's gotten a little better now, but I distinctly remember when it was out. It was just under 50%. Yeah, see, look at this. - 59% on Automata, 95% on Oris. - That's something that I can kind of relate to because

I genuinely went into the Mario Bros movie and I'm like, this completely met my expectations of everything I expected from a Mario Bros movie. - It was fun. - It was a fun movie. - Would I rate it highly as a movie if I went to do it with a critical mind? No. - No.

I was just like, am I watching this to see a Martin Scorsese three and a half hours piece of cinema. - Mario just sitting around, just talking with Luigi for 15 minutes extended dialogue scenes. - Let's break down the character dynamic between Mario and Peach. - You could give me four hours of Jack Black fucking around singing and I'd probably watch that. I would just do that. To me, again, this has been like a trend that I really don't like that they're just,

a lot of movies are being galvanized by low critical reception. - Which makes me wonder, what were you expecting out of the- - Oh no, I was expecting nothing. I went into it entirely. I went into it expecting nothing. And I was like, maybe it'll be- - Maybe that was the problem, right? - Maybe I had to go in there knowing the entire fucking law because I saw on Twitter that people were being like, this reveal was crazy. And it turned out right.

This is gonna show how I don't know shit. There are two fucking Freddy Faz-Faz, right? One is brown and one is slightly like yellow. - Oh, the golden Freddy? - Yeah, and I'm watching this film, I thought they were the same fucking dude. 'Cause it looks like the same. Can we pull up the difference between these two fucking, if you just type in like two Freddys. Dude.

- As a casual viewer of the thing, maybe images might come up better. Try not to decipher or like watching this and like knowing the difference. - Look up Freddy versus Golden Freddy. - Yeah, maybe the FNAF, but I feel like you gotta see it in the film version. Yeah, so. - Okay, so in the- - Oh, okay, yeah. So in the movie, you know,

he's kind of like a brown hint and then the gold one is kind of like a brownish gold. - Right. - It doesn't help the majority of this game and the film are in the dark. - Yeah, but I guess this character has a blue eye, but I didn't know they were different. So I'm sitting here and it's never explained.

But then I go on Twitter and everyone's like, dude, this was so raw, this reveal was crazy. And then I saw a quote we tweeted someone else being like, I didn't look and I felt very validated. So I was like, I didn't even know they were different. 'Cause they just, they go, if you don't know the law, it's a pretty bad movie. 'Cause so much of this is like reveals. - It's just fan service, right? - Yeah, fan service. And it was just shit. It was so shit. And it was like baby's first horror movie. It was horror for kids, which I, first of all,

I'm a hater, right? I don't like this genre of horror that is like horror for kids. I'm like that takes away- - What other genres, I mean what other films are-

- All the new video games that are all like kindergarten thing, but scary. And it's all like- - Like Baldi's Basics and shit like that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's all this. But this film was genuinely a horror film for kids. It was a scary film for kids. - Kids hate loud noises, suddenly. - And I felt like, man, this takes away every aspect of what I think makes horror good, is that raw kind of human uncomfortableness. And now we're just doing loud bear, animatronic.

- I mean. - Yeah, very weird. - I mean, everyone was in high school once, right? - Yeah, but I love shit like that. - Back when I was 14, I thought Slender Man was the goat, you know? And now I think back to it, I'm like, that shit ass. - Don't fucking lie. If there was a Slender Man movie. - There is a Slender Man. Of course there's a Slender Man. - Point being, this was dog shit movie. And the fact that the fans think this is good and it's read highly is actually a joke and makes fans look bad.

Like they don't know anything about movies. - Let's see the Slender Man. - Oh, Slender Man was awful. - Slender Man was shit. - I actually watched this one. - Oh, not even the memes could save it. Not even the memes. - Not even the audience like that. - 8% versus 16% audience score. - God damn. - That is the amount of IQ points you'll lose actually, 16%. - That's the average age actually that you need to be to watch that. - I also went to the cinema and I watched a movie called "Hypnotic".

starring Ben Affleck. - Oh. - Was it good? - Holy fuck was it bad. Holy shit. The only thing I can compliment this movie is that it was short. So I was out.

- Was it actually short or was it short compared to the Scorsese film? - It was an hour and 40, which I feel like is like short nowadays. Every film is fucking two and a half hours and I hate this trend. And in Japan it was called Domino. - Domino. - Domino. So I'm watching this film, it's called Domino in Japan. And then like the fucking credits started, it was hypnotic, like . And I'm like, wait, isn't this Domino here? Like, anyway, so the premise of this film

is that there are these people who exist who can just hypnotize people on command. So they can be like, "Gone." - That just sounds like a hentai plot. - Yeah, yeah. It's literally like a mind break. Literally they'll be like, "Gone, come." And then you'll just come. - Yeah. - Or like- - That is literally like 90% of mind break hentai. - There's like this scene in the film where he's like, I guess he's like, "Hey,

you should shoot yourself. And then he just shoots himself and you're like, okay, I think I get this. And then there's this whole like, yeah, right. And then like the whole, oh God. And they have like these mind battles and I fucking lost it. They have these mind battles and it's just, they just camera zooms in on their faces and keeps cutting between them going like, where they're trying to like influence each other's minds.

- And it's just a shit story. It is so boring. And there was like a whole bunch of- - It's like watching a stand fight without being standing. - It was kind of like, now more I think about it, what was the, I think it's, is it Martin Scorsese? No, Christopher Nolan film with the dreams. - Inception. - Like imagine Baby's Inception. Like they had a kind of similar thing where it was like, but it was all a hypnotized dream and it goes on and you're like, okay, all right, I guess that's fine.

- Yeah, this looks shit. - This is what happens when a less talented director tries to make a Christopher Nolan film. - That's literally what- - Yeah, that's my feeling. It literally felt like if you had taken "Inception" and you were like, "How do I make this dumber and less cool?" And Ben Affleck in the film I thought was, I swear Ben Affleck sometimes just doesn't act. He sometimes just doesn't, I feel like he just sometimes just turns up and he's like, "I'll do it."

- I think sometimes he's not even aware he's being filmed. - But he's actually like a decent actor. I feel like Ben Affleck can be good when he wants to be, but sometimes he just shows up and he knows the movie's not gonna do well. So he just kind of was like, yeah. - Just half asses it. - Yeah, yeah, it's whatever. - For sure. - So it was a very, I left the film feeling like, fuck, I kind of wish I didn't watch it. But also I like watching those films. I like having shit to say about shit films. Don't watch it is my recommendation. - Yeah, it really makes "Hour and a Half" look like a TikTok.

You know, like compared to like the fucking three hours 40 of the school Stacy film. - Oh my God. Yeah. That was too long. - Yeah. - I also had a bad seat as well. So I was kind of like this. - Oh shit. - Yeah. I was literally that, that meme of Willem Dafoe. Yeah. - Yeah. - Damn.

- Yeah, speaking of stuff that we've kind of done and watched recently, finally finished my first Final Fantasy game. - Oh, which one? - Yeah, 16. - Oh yeah. - Remember when I was just like, yeah, I gave up. I don't know if I need to finish this. And then I was like, you know what? I should finish a Final Fantasy game. - How did you feel? - How was it? - Can confirm, I was like, I don't think I needed to finish it. - Oh no. - Yeah, the ending was,

- All right. It was just like everything that I thought was going to happen, happened and I was just playing it to literally like see the climax and the characters like closed off. And I was like,

- I think we can agree though, right? That Gav is the best character. Gav is fucking goaded. - Gav is the one who sounds like, "All right, mate, I'll do it." - No, no, no, that's Sid. - Oh, shit. - Sid is also goaded, but by the end, Gav is goaded. He's one of those characters at first, you're just like, "I don't really care about you." - He's like, "All right, mate, how's it going?" - "Oi, oi, oi, how's it going? You going off on an adventure?"

- I like it, it's cool. - I mean like the fight, yeah. With "16" the fights were like cinematically incredible. Like they looked absolutely gorgeous, but just some of the characters, like Jill was the most boring fucking character I've ever seen in a "Final Fantasy" game. She was so boring. - I think my favorite experience with "Final Fantasy" which has nothing to do with "Final Fantasy", but just like, just picture it. I'm just gonna say everything with the same amount of context that I got.

I'm just playing Final Fantasy. We've literally just finished talking about Final Fantasy on a Trash Taste recording. And I'm just like, "Ah, let's just play it a little bit more." Get a line message from Joey. And all I see is just out of context, "Are we gay, gay?" And I just burst out laughing.

- Okay, so there's a scene. One of the characters, he's like the king of one of the, oh, he's like the prince of one of the kingdoms that you, he's like one of the boss fights basically. And you know, very progressive of Square Enix. He's a gay character, right? But the way that they reveal that he is a gay character just comes

so suddenly where like, you're kind of watching him talk and you're like, all right, yeah, he's just like a typical blonde haired blue eyed. - Typical Final Fantasy. - Typical Final Fantasy like Prince character. And then he just starts making out with his guard and I'm just like, whoa. And I just texted Garn in all caps, oh, he gay, gay. - I got what he was saying 'cause I remember playing it with Sydney.

like the first like beginning bit. And Sydney was like, "He's definitely gay." And I was like, "Sydney, we're like, this is the first scene." I was like, "No, he gay." And then afterwards, like I get the message from Joey being like, "Oh, he gay." They obviously like, they did the energy well, you know, to be like, "Oh, is it something that gonna like, kind of like tease? Is it gonna be the usual anime thing where it's just like-

are they best friends or are they like, is he European or is he gay? We'll never know. They've went full, oh, he gay, gay. - Does he know? - Yeah. - I think 16 was just in the grandest scheme of all the Final Fantasy games. I thought it was all right. - It epitomizes every reason why I very rarely finish a JRPG where it's just, you have this- - The ending is important.

Yeah, but the ending is normally a sum of its parts. Yeah. I mean, it didn't do anything that surprised me and a lot of the interesting and more climactic kind of like

interesting moments for me came about two thirds or like the last quarter of the way through the story where I'm not gonna spoil what my favorite parts of this game was, but there is a climactic moment and a climactic boss battle. And that I remember experiencing that. And I was like, this is where the game has peaked. Like in my mind, I was like, I can't see.

that will eclipse the moment that this has just presented me. And I was just like, after that, I was kind of like, I kind of just feel like I'm just tingling

ticking off the box. - Are you talking about the Bahamut fight? - Yes. - Yeah, that is easily the best part of that game. - Yeah, not just the fight itself, but just the- - The lead up. - The lead up to that fight, the moment, the payoff with all the characters as well. I was just like- - All right, yeah. I agree with that. That was definitely the peak of that game. - Yeah, yeah, I was like, this is fucking peak.

And then I was just like, everything else just feels like I'm just ticking off the boxes to make sure they close it off. - And then it continued for another 20 hours. It just kind of fizzled out. So yeah. That was unfortunate. - It's like, oh, there's more? Oh fuck, all right. - There was also a scene on the beach

- Wait, I was just like. - I agree, that was also peak. - What is the scene? - It's the scene basically where, spoilers for 16, it's basically the scene where Clive, our main character, and Jill, the main love interest, they finally kiss, right? - But to give context, they're naked on this beach for about four, five minutes, and I'm just like.

- Because they just are. - I can't remember the context, but I remember them being naked and like Jill talking about her fucking motivations and being like a good, like, I'll be with you to the end, Clive. And I'm just like, just fucking do it already. Just fuck, just fuck right now. - Just do it, just do it. Just stop fucking teasing me. - Meanwhile Clive is there just sitting there listening, bricked up to shit. He's just like, can you shut up? I really want to make out with you right now.

- Yeah, I remember when it finally happened. I like threw my controller, I was like, "Oh, finally!" - Oh, it happened! - Oh my God! - Thank God! - Yeah, it didn't make the ending any better though, but. - Yeah. - Yeah, I thought it was an all right Final Fantasy game. - When you played six, no, eight. - Eight. - Did you have that same feeling where you just like,

about like the last third, you're like, okay, I'm just like ticking off the boxes now. - I think eight has a more interesting ending. - Yeah, I actually really liked the ending to eight. - Oh really? Okay. - I thought it was a really cool ending. It was almost in the middle where it kind of lost me. Actually the start, the start was actually, often I find, yeah, the start of long JRPGs are the hardest to get into 'cause like you,

if you're a JRPG person, you're so willing to jump into that. But if you're not, I feel like that is the first 20 hours is where you're just, I think that's crazy to say the first 20 hours. But like, that's where you're gonna lose a lot of people 'cause it's like, you have to really give this world a lot of like hope that it's gonna pay off. - Do you think that's a valid argument?

for just any piece of media. It gets good after X hours. - No, fuck no. - Bro, "Mans Corseisi" has a four hour film and we're discussing whether that's too long. So to go to someone and be like, "Hey, you know, it gets good 20 hours in." That's psychotic to say that. It shouldn't be like that.

- Jojo be like. - Jojo, I think Jojo just, yeah, Jojo's kind of, it's a tough one. It's really tough. I think Jojo- - I know you don't want to- - Yeah. - But it's true. - Jojo's just kind of the first part is the weakest and that's what makes it by far the hardest to get into. - Totally. - Which is a shame, really. - It is the JRPG of anime. - It kind of is. And it's really bad 'cause it's like,

- It's also hasn't quite found it's like, I feel like it's kind of charm in season one yet. It's still trying to figure out how dumb to go with it. - Oh, totally. - Yeah, 'cause I was thinking about this 'cause I was like looking for another game to get into and I was like, "Starfield," I think maybe seems kind of up my alley. It's like sci-fi and I was looking up like reviews and stuff and people like, there was like quite a few articles that were like, "You know, the first 12 hours were pretty like mediocre, but then it gets good." - That's fine. - And I'm like,

- That's a no from me, dog. - Yeah, that's a big- - That's a full-time job to start appreciating something. - 'Cause I'm like in two minds about this, right? 'Cause I do think that there is an argument to be made that it gets good after,

X hours is like a valid argument because there's like a certain argument where there are some stories, like for example, "One Piece" where the scale is so fucking grand that I think it takes this many manga chapters or this many volumes

to get into like the world of One Piece. I honestly think that is justified just with the scale of the story being told in One Piece. And then there is other things where I think it's kind of like a Stockholm syndrome where you're in this game or you're in this like story for so long that you're like, yeah, I think it's good, but that's because I spent this many hours playing it. - Would you say then that like say JoJo fits into the One Piece side of the mold or the other side?

'Cause it's kind of in the middle, in my opinion. It's a bit of both. It's like, yeah, it's a very grandiose story. I mean, it's been going longer than "One Piece" technically speaking. - Yeah. - But it's also like, it's not, it's also not as consistent as "One Piece" as well. So it's like, it's hard to say. 'Cause you know, a lot of people will say like, "Oh yeah, yeah, just don't, you know, just don't worry. After season, after part one, it'll get there. Part two is good." - You know what? - It's hard to get people into that. - You know what?

I think it's the Stockholm syndrome. I'm thinking about it and I'm thinking why, okay. - JoJo fans don't want to admit it. - I didn't even want to say like part one or whatever. I was thinking like part three. - Part three, yeah. - Where the reason I liked part three was just because I love the feeling of like just going on a trip with the boys. - Yeah. - Right? And I just remember thinking, man, this was really dragged out. - I think part three was worse than part one. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But holy shit. Like did I...

Did I value my time with the boys just because I was forced to sit down and see the entire journey? - Because you hear that if you got through that, then part four and five would be next, which I just go to. So I was like, I'll just stick through it 'cause I know I'm gonna get to the good stuff. - I don't think I would've, I just happened to have it, I happened to be able to watch it. I had no internet. And I think that's the only reason I watched it is 'cause I just happened to,

I was the only thing I could watch. - It was the only thing to do. - Yeah. - And because season three was so long. - Yeah. - And I don't think I could go back and rewatch it. I just go back and rewatch the last five episodes. I'm like, yeah, this is good. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But yeah, I think it's definitely very, very tough to get into it. - For sure.

- Oh, JoJo fans. - Sorry, JoJo fans. - I do love it there obviously. - Yeah, yeah. - But it is just so hard to get people to watch it. - Yeah, it's definitely hard to justify. Not that you should have to justify getting everyone into a certain show. - No, if you don't like JoJo, that's fine. - Yeah. - But hey, that's our opinions on anime. There's your anime episode quota. - This is the ending to this ending episode of "Trash Taste." We talked about that. - Wow, did this ending stick? - Yeah.

- Did we stick the landing for this ending? - Hey, let us know your thoughts and opinions on anything we said, especially the attack on Titan stuff. - If there's any like obvious endings iconic that we missed off, please tell me. - Yeah, let us know.

- Yeah, I think like, I would love to know what your iconic manga ending is, 'cause I don't know why. It almost feels like with manga endings, I've stuck with it for so long that the ending just doesn't matter to me. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I mean, I would say "Pun Pun" has an amazing ending, but I'm also biased on that. - Okay, I haven't read "Pun Pun." - You're biased. - But it is an amazing ending. But hey, let us know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments. Also check out these patrons. - Ooh.

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