Kaho wanted to fit the image of a 'Minato Kake Joshi,' a type of woman known for being skinny and pretty, who parties with rich men. She also gained weight from playing Yakuza games, so she lost 14 kilos to prepare for the audition.
Kaho will play herself in the game, as one of the girls in a Bachelor-style show where a main character dates various women.
Kaho attended the Tokyo Game Show and walked past the booth where the Yakuza game was being showcased. She also mentioned that the game had live-action elements and that she hadn't seen her 3D model yet.
Kaho expressed skepticism about animal cafes, especially after visiting a supposed otter sanctuary that turned out to be a breeding facility. She felt the environment was not suitable for the animals and that the owner was more focused on profit than animal welfare.
Kaho enjoyed the gravy in poutine but found it difficult to stick to her diet while in Canada, as she was gifted donuts and encouraged to eat poutine, which is fried and not diet-friendly.
Kaho enjoyed the bread in Germany, stating that European bread is on a whole different level compared to what she's used to. She also tried traditional German dishes and liked them.
Kaho received various Tenga products, including an advent calendar, and found them amusing but didn't know how to use them. She also mentioned that Tenga is known for its creative and gimmicky designs.
Kaho was initially excited to visit the otter sanctuary, but upon arrival, she found it to be a poorly maintained facility with cramped cages and a focus on breeding otters for profit. She felt the experience was more like visiting a business than a sanctuary.
Kaho mentioned that she doesn't find horror anime scary, but she has been spooked by horror manga. She believes that the atmosphere and pacing of horror anime often fail to create a truly terrifying experience.
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- Hello, welcome to this episode of Trash Taste. I'm your host for today, Gantz. Joining me once again are the boys and we have another returning guest, guys. - Did you just stroke out? - Another returning guest, guys. - We're all very excited. - Yes. - Thank you. - Welcome back, Carho. - This is my third time saying cute. - Third time. - In a year. - Yeah. - That's crazy. - Yeah. - That's true. - It does not feel like a year. - No. - Right?
- How have you been? - It's been great, I think so. - How about you guys? - That's just adult life. Yeah, I think I've been good. I'm not sure though. - You're consistently one of the busiest people I know. - Yeah. - No, no, no. - Always doing stuff. - Yeah, every time I check your Instagram stories, you're in a different country. - Yeah. - I don't know how you do it, man. - I've been to like eight different international conventions within nine months. And I was like, okay, I don't wanna do this. - Yeah, I was waiting for you.
- Which is it all America or which countries have you been to? - I've been to Canada for the first time and also Germany for the first time. - Oh, you went to Germany? - Yes. - Oh, okay. - Whereabouts in Germany? - It was,
- I forgot. Sometimes I don't know how to pronounce it. - Cologne, Frankfurt? - No, wait, close enough. Yes, I did get off at Frankfurt. - Near Frankfurt? - Yes. - Okay, so maybe it was like a small place near Frankfurt. - Okay. - Beautiful location, so. - Oh, okay. - Frankfurt's not nice. I hate their airport.
I hate that airport. - Airport, what? - The airport, 'cause you went to Frankfurt, right? It's always like a maze. I can never like figure out where I need to go in Frankfurt. - Oh really? Oh, that's huge. - Maybe I'm done though too. - I've never been to Frankfurt. The only time I've been to Germany was when we were in Berlin for half a day for our tour.
- I mean, that's, yeah. - Ooh, half of the- - I don't count that as going to Germany. - You didn't get to see it so much. - I really wanna go. - Frankfurt is like one of the worst airports. I hate going to Frankfurt. - Really? - It's just like the most disorganized airport. I don't know how it's like Germany is like, like if you ask them to build something, it's like, it works. If you ask them to build a like thing that relies on people working and showing up,
- I feel like I've been to a couple of airports like that though. Barcelona airport was also horrible. - That sounds- - Yeah. - It was a fucking- - Holy shit. - Airport in Spain. - Oh my God, Barcelona airport was a nightmare. - How would you guys rate Japanese airports? Haneda or Narita? - Pretty good. - Oh yeah. - Pretty good. - Okay, that's good. - Pretty good. - I mean, Haneda clearly, we can all agree Haneda's better than Narita, right? - Yeah, yeah. - It's a good for Tokyo. - Even if Narita was right next to Haneda, I feel Haneda just has their shit.
- Honestly though. - It's always relaxing for me. - Yeah, it is relaxing. - It's a very well organized airport. - Yeah. - Narita almost feels like a theme park now. - Oh yeah. - Of an airport. You know, there's so many like, honestly though, if I was a kid, I went to Narita recently actually. And I saw they had this whole fucking area for Nintendo. And they just had like Nintendo switches and all the Nintendo games.
and you can pick the game to try. And they were like, yo, if I was a kid coming to this airport, I would be in heaven right now. - You'd have to fight me to get onto the plane. - Yeah, right? There's so many different- - It's like the gate's closing. It's like, I just need to finish this level. - Yeah, there's like a Nintendo store, Pokemon store. - Gundam. - Gundam store as well. Bro, like, yeah. - Do you guys shop in the airport?
- Sometimes. - Different location, like, or the different terminals. - Okay, okay. - Yeah. - I normally hate shopping at airports. - I often shop at the Hunter the Pokemon Center, just-
- I mean, if there's a, I don't even count that as an airport shop. That's a shop. - What do you mean? - That can't count. - Oh, you're talking about like the airport, like souvenir shops and stuff? - Just like the generic airport you go. Like, would you get souvenirs from the airport or would you rather like, I mean, if I had nothing, maybe I would. - Yeah, yeah. Sometimes I've- - They do have special Pokemon merch. - Yeah. - Yeah.
- Yeah, Pikachu in like a pilot. - Oh yeah, in the vending machine. - Yeah, the vending machine. - That's right, yeah, I've seen that. - Yeah, I mean, you can buy some pretty good souvenirs.
- At the airport here in Japan, because they've got a lot of unique shops. - Yeah, but that is Japan. - That is Japan only, yeah. - I hate it in Europe, 'cause you just have to, you always have to walk through like the hour long aisle of the Cologne. You're like, God, it stinks. I hate it. - That's most airports. - Yeah, I feel like it's especially bad in Europe though. I feel like America doesn't have it as bad.
- I don't know. - Oh, I don't know. When I went to, when I was in Doha airport in Qatar. - Oh, I mean, that's just one shop. - Oh my God. No, that's a suburb. That is the biggest airport I've ever seen. And it was like, oh, okay. I need to get to like my gate. Cause I was doing a transfer when I was going to South Africa.
And I was like, oh, so where is this gate? I've never been to this airport. And they were like, oh, it's right here. It's like, how long is the walk? It's like, oh, it's like 35 minutes if you walk. So you have to take the train. And I'm like, wait, am I going to like the other side of the fucking country? Like, where is this gate? But the entire way there, it's just,
like luxury brands for like a full kilometer. Every luxury brand you can think of is just lined up. And again, like, as you said, just stank of cologne the entire way there. - Oh, I had to smell cologne. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I wanted to know if it's the smell of human sweat or yeah. - Oh, no, no, no, no, no. It was the cologne smell. It's just like, it's fine if it's faint, but when you're in like a perfume store or a cologne store and everything's mixing together, it just smells pungent. It's just, ugh, I don't like it. - Do you guys wear cologne?
- No, not really. - Depending on the occasion. - I feel like in Japan, it's like, most people don't wear that much cologne, right? It's kind of like seen, like, I'm just kind of like a little bit frowned upon. - It depends, I think. - How strong it is, I think, right? - Yeah, I think the problem is that a lot of people don't know how to use cologne.
- How'd you use cologne? - I think some people use cologne like it's fucking Axe body spray. - Shit, you're calling me out, Joey. - Do you spray that much cologne? - I spray like a little bit. - How many pumps? - Three. That's too much. - You've never been that over-pungent. - I never noticed that. - So you're going through an expensive cologne bottle. - Okay, how much do like,
if a guy's like overdone cologne or, 'cause I've definitely been around some guys where I'm like, damn, you just look like you walked out of the airport. - You smell like a soap factory. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I saw a bar in Japan that had a, I was walking, I always walk past it, it has a big sign in English saying,
- Please do not wear cologne. - Oh, at the bar? - Yeah, at the bar. - You know what's the one place that is actually frowned upon to wear a lot of cologne? Expensive sushi restaurants. - Yes, exactly. - Because it's this idea of like the raw fish, the taste is so fine that the smell of the cologne actually ruins your taste buds. So you can actually be refused entry if they smell too much cologne on you. - Very nice.
- That's the reason why we don't wear a coat of that on. - I think we should do a fun video where we all go in a sushi restaurant and we just keep adding one more puff until we get kicked out. - Are we limit maxing? - Yeah, we see how many pumps of the, sorry, the clone will get you kicked out. - Yeah. - I didn't know, just sushi? - It's like mostly that. And then maybe like some other high-end restaurants, but it's mostly sushi from what I've heard. But then again, I don't know. It's like- - It's also just so expensive.
- Cologne is really pricey. - It is. - That's just perfume in general. - Oh here? - Just in general. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. - True. - So I'm like, I don't really want to- - Especially if it's like a branded one. - Yeah. - Which most of them are, but yeah. - Anyway, what have you been up to? - Sorry, we just got on a tangent. - How did we go from Germany to- - I don't know. - Did you like Germany? - I did, yes. They have nice candy and I love Haribo, so.
- Did you have the bread there? - Yes. - Okay, okay. - Bread in Europe is just way better. It's like a next level. - So even Caja knows.
- Okay, okay, okay, Joe, okay. Well, actually I enjoyed the bread in Europe. - Did you have any traditional German dishes? - I did. - Did you like them? - Yeah. - Really? - I had to try everything. - This is like a PR. - I did, yeah. - But you liked it, right? - Of course. - I hated it. I'm sick of sauerkraut. And I'm like, I love sauerkraut. - How can you be sick of sauerkraut? - I don't know. - Do you like sauerkraut? - Yeah, it's all right. - Do you like sauerkraut?
- It's veggie with vinegar, so I guess it's healthy, right? - I couldn't have it every day. - Did like a dating site. - The sauerkraut boy. - I'm never gonna be like, oh, this is the stuff and like eating sauerkraut. - I'm like that. - I'm like that. - Do I only have like free refills or I'm like, yes. - Chomping down on that sauerkraut.
- Yeah. - Right. - Yeah. - Right. - I couldn't have it every day. - Okay, so you went to Canada as well? - Yes. - How was that compared to America? - Which part of Canada? - I went to Canada. Okay, so I didn't go to the big city. It was not Toronto or Vancouver. It was like Edmonton. - Edmonton, oh wow. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And I was, well, I have been doing diet. I don't know if you noticed that. - Yeah, you look fantastic. You lost so much weight. - Oh, thank you. I kind of force it straight up. - No, I mean, I feel like it's very obvious if you watch it.
- Yeah, absolutely. - Not that you looked at any of it all over. I'm trying to save my fucking skin here, but you know. - Do you wanna shovel? Do you wanna shovel? - Keep talking, Connor. - Anyway, I have been going on diet, but then,
- In Canada, when I arrived, I got gifted two boxes of donuts. They're like, you gotta eat poutine. I go, they're all fried. - Poutine is the worst to eat on a diet. - Yes. - So I kind of struggle with my diet in Canada. - Well, that's why it's so hard to like keep to my diet when I'm,
- My entire life is just a constant wave of gaining weight and then losing weight when I'm in Japan and then traveling again and then gaining it once again. Especially if I see my mom as well, 'cause she will force feed me food. And it's delicious food, but she will force feed me. - You can be at a healthy weight and she'll be like, you're so thin. It's like, yes, mother, I am. - Don't worry. - What'd you think of poutine?
- It's good, I like the gravy. - I like the gravy. - I think poutine is the most overrated national dish there is. - We made it before them. - Yeah, we did, we did. But we just didn't have a French word, so it didn't sound fancy. - What do you guys have? - Chips and gravy. - Yeah, chips and gravy. - Cheese and gravy. - Chips, cheese and gravy. - And then Canada was like, "Um, actually it's poutine." - Poutine, actually it's poutine. - So if you go to any fish and chip shop in the UK,
which obviously where you get fish and chips. They also do chips, cheese and gravy. - Oh wow. - I don't want that. - Yeah. - But we didn't call it poutine. So I guess it's not our thing. We made it before them. - The French beat you to it again. - It's fine 'cause Canadians are desperate to have something 'cause they have nothing. - They have mousse and poutine. - They have mousse, maple and...
- Being too close to America. - Yes, and being very cold. - Do you think you're gonna travel a lot more this coming year? Or are you gonna try to dial it back? 'Cause I feel like every week, again, you are somewhere. - Right, I never wanna travel again this year, but I might be going back again in December for Game Awards. - You know December is this year, right? - Yeah. - You're like, "I don't wanna travel this year." - It's not convention, so I guess.
- I think it's more relaxing. - Because conventions are a lot of kind of, well, you gotta move around a lot. You have to be present a lot. It's a different kind of energy that you need, I think, for conventions. Whereas when you're kind of in something like an award show or something, you can kind of be like, "All right, nice, I get to show off, get to get some food." - You wanna look fancy.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's fair, that's fair. - It's quite a chill endeavor. Some people more so like traveling when they have a lot to do and not a little, right? So I guess there's two sides. - Especially if it's LA, you know. You wanna have a lot to do. - I don't like doing it when I go to LA. I'm like, keep it as it is, please. - Don't leave me alone with my thoughts in the city.
- That sounds so evil. - I mean- - Don't leave me alone in the city of my thoughts. - That's the most doomer thing you've ever seen. - Yeah, yeah. - LA doesn't change a man. - I mean, I'm sorry. I'm just not a fan of the city. - Yeah, that's why I don't wanna go anymore. - Yes. - Honestly, you've also been up to a ton. You've had a lot of big appearances as well. You've obviously the, what are the,
- I forgot what it's called, Yakuza? - Oh yes. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, we were both at Tokyo Game Show. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I walked past where you were. - Really? Oh cool. - The game by the way, not. - Oh no, not the real one. - Not associated. - Congratulations. - She's in the Yakuza. - I'm not in a Yakuza mob. We are not associated with the Yakuza mob. Not even, it's dangerous out there. We can get canceled.
- Just wanted to like preface that. - They like to brand themselves like a dragon. - Oh, they don't call it Yakuza? - It's too popular. They still call it that way, but they want to rebrand the name. - The series is called Ryuga Gotoku, which is like a dragon. - That's interesting. - So how did that come about? - Yeah, so there was audition and actually that's the reason why I try to go on diet. - Oh, okay. - I know. I know my fans, I guess,
My fans are probably into like sicker women anyway. I just assumed that, you know, I'm like, hey, I'm just like, you know, doing you a favor. So like, I never feel bad about being sick. But like for audition and it was also a role for Minato Kukei Joshi. So like a Minato word girl. And so Minato word is they have a little Pongi and they have, I love Juba and it's like a fancy area. And the Minato word girl are kind of known to have
They like to party but not on their own money. And they like to drink with rich guy. Probably like a skinny and pretty type. So that got it. I wanted to fit that image. - Okay. - And also I gained five kilos at least from playing Yakuza games.
It's got really nice cut scenes. - That's a lot of them. - It's like watching a movie and every time I play the game, like I actually purchased only popcorn at the movie theater and I didn't even like go into the movie theater. I go like, can I just get outside popcorn please? - They have the bags to go. - I know right? - They offer like giant bags that you can buy for like a thousand yen to take home.
- Damn, it's fire. - And then they put like a butter oil and it was just so good. - Americans are like, for the first time. - I was praying and munching and then of course I can't. I was like, okay, I got it. So in total, I think I lost at least like 14 kilos. - Damn. - Wow. - That's crazy. - Yeah. - Hell yeah. - I feel much lighter. - Jesus. - Much better. - So you did the audition. What goes into the audition? Like what do you have to do?
- You apply and of course you put out your social media number too. Like anyone can apply, you don't have to be a famous person. Of course that helps. And they eventually picked like five girls so that they can be in the game. As this year you can be in live action
I know sort of 3D model. I haven't seen a 3D model yet. - Okay. Is this the same audition that K-San did last year? - Yes, but different one. I think last year was cabaret girl. This year, Minato Kake Joshi. - Oh, I see. - Different role. And this year there was no Grand Prix like K-San. They didn't choose like who the best or who the biggest. - Yeah, they had a whole show last time. It was literally like a TV show. I was like, "What is this?" - It was also for a long time, but this time it was a few months. Like they announced,
"Oh, we're gonna do audition in April," and didn't announce any details until May. And then you had to submit until the end of May. And then you go for interview and then by the end, by the middle,
- I was like, "Oh, would you know?" It was already decided. So it was pretty fast. - Cool. - Wow, okay. What did you have to audition in your role? Or were you just like, were you given lines or? - I'm gonna be Kaho, so just me. So I think I'll be easy to find again. - So you just had to like sell yourself and like your personality to them? - Pretty much, I think so. - Oh, wow, interesting. Oh, that's the easiest role. You just play yourself, right? - It's a pretty genius, like,
marketing move to be honest. - I was wondering that for a minute. - It's basically like, you're just trying to find, it's like, 'cause it's gonna be great free promotion for the game as well, right? 'Cause I assume you're probably gonna stream it or show it off, right? And that's just naturally just great promotion. So it's five head move from the developer, 100%. - Do you know how big your role is or can you tell us? - I don't know.
It's like a part of, well, the thing they announced already is it's a part of kind of, you know, the show Bachelor? Yeah. There's like a show like a Bachelor with one of the characters, main characters of the show. If you know the comedian, Robert. Yeah. It was like,
who's a funny guy, like a rotund funny guy from the comedy stand. And he's gonna do the bachelor thing. And then you're gonna be one of the girls to be picked. - Oh, okay, okay. - You're gonna have a date with each girl. - Oh, wow. - Wow. - That's pretty hype. - Fans can date you in the- - Yes. - Oh, wow, that's cool. - That's hype.
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- Oh man. - Nice. - What else have you been up to? - But that has been my main focus 'cause I'm the only freelance girl. So I can actually, I have made a lot of proposal for them to like, "Hey, why don't you do this collaboration?" Or it's like making a lot of like a PowerPoint presentation. - Oh wow. - And they're of course, they have been to AX, so like LA and I was like,
- You know what, I'm right now talking to like a little Tokyo people, you know, there's a little a cabaret in little Tokyo area. How about maybe we can turn in little a cabaret into a little Kamurocho and then I haven't talked into it, it's like a pop-up shop and gallery and everything. - That would actually be sick. - Right? - Yeah. - Yeah, that would actually be dope. - Hopefully I can make that happen. - Yeah, like bring Kamurocho to LA. - Yeah. - Dude, you know people in LA
eat that shit up. - Yes, yes. Especially by Little Tokyo as well. - Oh my God. - They dress up when they come as well. - Yeah, yeah. - Do you know the amount of people who are gonna rock up in like suits? Just like living the Yakuza life. That would be hype. - I just realized your ring. - Oh, Kenshiro. - That's so cool. - Oh my God. - Thank you. It was pre-ordered. - That's awesome. - That's sick. - I went and also fist her exhibit and I had to pre-order this. - What the fuck? - Is that not cool?
- Is this silver? Oh yeah, no, no, no, it's Kenshiro. - Oh, it's Kenshiro. - Kenshiro, yeah. - It's so sick. - Right. - I sort of, what the fuck is this? - I want that. - Fuck. - Yeah, that's something very weird about it. - Yeah, I want Fist of the North Star. - I almost never wear jewelry, it's like, hey, this is trash taste. - Yeah, 'cause we're an anime podcast. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, did you go to AX this year? - Yes. - How'd you find it this year? - Hmm.
- Has it been different that much? 'Cause like every year is kind of different, like working with different booths. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's always been kind of network, you say? - Yeah, I mean, it's pretty much AX has gotten very corporate. You know, still fun as an attendee, but it's different from like other conventions now, I think, because it's less about, you know, fan experience and more about here are some hype anime announcements or trailers or...
- It's basically just the E3 of anime now, isn't it? - Oh. - E3's not a thing anymore, Joey. E3's not a thing anymore. - What E3 was to gaming. - Yes. - You know what I mean. - I know what you mean, okay, Joey. It's becoming a dated reference now, Joey. - Yeah, sorry. - I don't know what other comparison you could have to call it. - Yeah, right? - True. - 'Cause E3- - 'Cause there isn't really any- - Oh, I guess-
- Yeah, I don't know. - Yeah, it would be E3. - It would be E3. - The TGS. - The TGS. - The TGS. - The Tokyo Game Show. - Yeah. - The Tokyo Game Show, I don't think they unveil or do like big shows or anything like that. - They do it every now and then, but it's not to the scale of E3, I think. - There's like a ton of premieres, there's a ton of news. Like I think that's, you know.
- Kind of a spectacle, right? - Yeah. - A little bit. - Whereas TGS is more so like you go into like see the incredible like booths and maybe get one chance to play one demo after a four hour wait. - And a good giveaway. - Yeah, and get a shitload of bags and pamphlets where you're like, I'm not gonna read half this shit. - Gamescom's like that, you get to play one game. - Yeah. - Wow.
- Oh dude, I went on the business day, which is like the first day where apparently you're not even able to get in unless you apply beforehand. There was still like a three hour line to get in. And I'm like, how many fucking businesses are showing up to this thing? And I got to play "Monster Hunter Wild" demo, but I still had to wait two hours.
- I just don't wanna play demos. I'd rather just play a game that's out. There's no part of me that's like, man, I wanna play five minutes of the coolest thing ever. - Yeah, yeah. - I'd rather just wait. - That's why I didn't play the demo for metaphor 'cause I was like, I'd rather just, I'm gonna play the game anyway. I'll just wait till it comes out. - And I guess people are just there. So they're like, okay, I guess I will. I guess for me, I've just never understood demo appeal.
- I think Metaphor did it right because number one, the demo is eight hours long. So that's just like an indie game right there. - That's also like, oh man, I'm so deep in and then they pull the rug from me. - But number two, you can transfer your save file from the demo into the full game as well. I think more games should do.
because that way you don't lose your progress. That's why I hate playing open betas and stuff like that because you spend so many hours into this game, the game releases and then you got a lot of like- - All right, do it all again. - Yeah, yeah, then your account's back to zeroing and like, "Ah, okay, I'm playing what I already played." - You've learned any good games lately?
- Well, I started playing metaphor actually. - Hell yeah. - I was at Sega booths and there was always stage going on on weekend. And they actually brought a real monk. And then they are just in chanting on the opening. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What's going on? - They did the battle theme, right? - Yeah. - So the battle theme, you know, the monk chanting, they got an actual monk at TGS to do a cover on them. - That was too sick. - Spiritual culture. - Yeah, it was sick.
- Do we know what language he's speaking in that battle music? Or is he just like doing a Kevin Penkin thing and just like making it up? - That's what it sounds, it goes hard. It goes absolutely hard. - I don't know what language it is but it sounds sick. - Yeah. How many hours into it are you? - Oh no, only three hours, yeah. - Oh, same here, same here. - Yeah, okay, that's good. - He's 40 hours into it. - What? - I'm addicted. - Yeah, he's addicted. - It's so good though. - Yeah.
I would dare say, I was saying in an episode last week, but I would dare say as of right now, I think it's better than Persona.
- Oh, wow. That's a strong statement. - Yeah. I mean, I love Persona. I'm a Persona boy, but like there's just so many good quality of life changes that they made to that game. And it's just the fantasy world just looks so sick. It's just so cool. It just works with that aesthetic. I don't know what it is, but. - Have you played all the Personas? - Not yet. Not yet. So it's like technically like an initiation. - Which ones have you played? - I've only watched like Persona 5 anime.
- Oh, okay, okay. - 'Cause like it used to be kind of streaming rules and guidelines were kind of tough. - Yeah, yeah, it was. - It was for even more Japanese streamers. - Yeah, it was, yeah. - Definitely. - I mean, I think even Elden Ring still, I think Japanese streamers have to turn off subs.
- Oh really? - I don't know if they've changed it now, but at least when it released, that was the rules. - Is it related to like a music or? - No, just, it's very strange that it was like within Japan only. - I think it's just copyright. - Oh, true. Yeah, 'cause like when I was playing "Crisis Core" only in Japan, like for Japanese streamers only, you cannot play the ending and ending is the best part of "Crisis Core." - Wait, what? Because of the spoiler? - Because of music, I think. The Ayaka's music.
- Oh, wow. - I remember when we filmed in the haunted house and they asked us not to show the ending. - Right. - Which I was like, what? They were like, yeah, don't spoil the haunted house. I was like.
- I'm like, what? I mean, like there was a story. - Right, true. - There was a story to it, right? Where like we filmed this thing, it's really cool. This haunted house is crazy. You went there, right? - I haven't gone there yet, no. I really want to though. - It's crazy. - Actually, I don't wanna go. Sydney really wants to go. - This is the hospital one, right? - Yeah, it's like a two floor full on like warehouse. They turned into a full haunted house experience.
- It's long. - Was it scary? - I didn't know. - Yeah, it was kind of scary. - Yeah, it can be one hour, right? They were kind of hashing us. - One hour, and we were being rushed. - Damn. - Yeah. - 'Cause they were like, I don't know why, I don't know, I can't remember why we were being rushed, but they wanted us to move through it kind of quickly. And I was like, "Try to film this part." It was kind of scary. - Yes. - And then right near the end, they were like, "Ah, stop."
"Don't film this." And so we had to like cut it in a way where we kind of didn't show what the end, like I didn't even show you that there wasn't, there was something that you missed, sorry. - Yeah. - But I didn't understand what we were looking at anyway. - If I remember correctly, there was like a pond. - Yeah, it was like a swimming pool or something, right? With bodies. - And there are a lot of bodies, like ghost monsters coming out. - The set looked,
- Waringly real, like everything looked really good. - Right. - They've really like gone crazy. 'Cause you have to pay to get into FujiQ. And I think you have to pay Nissan. - Oh, only for that movie? - I think so, right? Was that right or am I crazy? - Maybe that's why they stopped you from filming 'cause it was like, oh, this is an actual crime scene. - Actually, we shouldn't be showing this. - Yeah, this is a liability on them. - I think you have to pay to go in it. Yeah, 4,000 yen. - Oh. - Damn. - Wait, wait, wait, no. - No, that's the day pass. - Haunted house. - Haunted house.
- Actually the haunted house does cost extra. - Oh, I totally forgot about that. - Yeah, 'cause you have to pay to get into Fuji-Q right? And then some rides you have to pay a little bit extra. - I mean, if you're a haunted house fan, I think that's probably one of the coolest haunted houses I've ever seen. - Yeah. - It's so cool. That was really fun. - I mean, I would love to go. - I mean, you're terrified though. - I was. But luckily we got a staff son following us because we are filming. - Right, right, right.
- Yeah, the more people you go into haunted house with, the less scary it is somehow. - Yeah. - They kept pushing Connor in front of me. He was like, "Hey, lady first, lady first." I was like, "No shit." - Admittedly, I was having a lot of fun 'cause it was very funny seeing Connor be scared. So I was like, "Yeah, it'll be fine." - There's no ladies first in Japan. I can just see what's going on. - Chivalry is dead, go for it.
- I mean, "Horda Tiles" is like too much humor. I can't even handle horror movies. - This one was like, except I've been to a bunch where they're like, "Ooh." It's like a flashy thing, like, okay. This one was like, "Okay, wow." It's like dead babies and they look real. - Oh, good. Are there like live actors there or like- - There was live actors too. - Yeah. - But there was tons of corpses. - That would fuck me up. - Tons of corpses that looked really real. And there was like a, there was a ton of room with like,
- Like jars of like body parts that look so real. And it just never ended. Actually the kid room is the weirdest where there's a bunch of like- - Oh, they're like a mental hospital thing. - Yeah, yeah. - What's the age rating for this haunted house? - 18 plus, I would have to give it.
- Yeah, they're not gonna be like fun for the whole family. - I don't know, maybe some four years old. - Four years old and up. - Oh, that's Fujii Kyu. - I was gonna fucking say. Jesus Christ. Is the Haunted Mansion PG-13? - I feel like Japan generally doesn't do age ratings that much for this kind of stuff. Kind of just like, it's discretion. - I don't know, 'cause Highland doesn't really do age ratings with like,
- The ride, of course you had to be tall enough. - Yeah, yeah. - Those under 10. - Okay, yeah. I mean, you know, if I was, if I was 10 years old and I got put into there, I think I would be scarred for that. - That'd be a core memory. You know, you just- - You'd be traumatized.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's not a core memory, it's trauma. - No, no, no, it is trauma. Because a big reason why I can't handle horror movies is because my cousin would always show me horror movies when I was growing up whenever I'd go to his house. And so I just hated horror movies because they scared the living daylights out of me. And I just have trauma over that. - I just don't understand. Like when you hear from people who love horror movies and like horror stuff, like why do you like watching or experiencing horror? Like for example, like Aki loves horror.
Like she loves horror movies. And I'm like, why do you enjoy watching horror movies? And she's like, oh, I like the feeling of being scared. And I was like, that makes no sense to me.
- Because like being scared is not a positive emotion. It's usually a negative emotion. So you like being scared. - We all like the adrenaline rush. - I've always wondered like what the psychology behind that is. - Do you like horror or like horror games? - I cannot take it. I couldn't even play like a parasite even though like I found the protagonist. I was so hot, I wanna know. I wanna get to know her more, but it's like, I'm just gonna read it.
- I'm just gonna read a manga or novel. - It's like, you're not hot enough for me to commit to this. - I watched the Korean TV remake of "Parasite." It came out like last year. - Oh really? - Yeah, "Parasite the Gray," I think is they called it. It was kind of cool. - Was it good? - Yeah, it was pretty good. - Pretty scary? - Not for me. Maybe Kyle might be- - You can handle horror pretty well. - I don't know. - What's the scariest horror movie you've watched?
- I don't think I've ever watched a movie that scared me. - Really? - Wow. - I don't understand how people get scared. - What an alpha male. - No, I just don't understand how people get scared from horror movies.
- Oh, I can tell you. - I can give you 13 reasons why. - I get like jump scared, but I don't count that as scared. You just made me jump. - I hate that feeling. - I don't count that as being scared. - That is being scared though. - No, you just made a loud noise and went like, "Fucking hell, shut the fuck up." - Is that not being scared? - No, you just like, my body, if you stab me with a sharp thing, my body will kick, right? Like it's like, it's not, it's a jerk reaction.
- There's no mental scaredness happen. - Yeah, but I hate that feeling. - Yeah, but I don't think that counts as being scared. - What about a few days that goes creeping up on you versus like a gory stuff? Like you see the inside of the- - It's fine. - Oh, well, either. - I think if I might get queemish if I watched like the surgery video, like real surgery videos. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - A little queemish, I'm like, "Oh, don't like that." But it's not scared, it's more like,
- Disgusted. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean, I thought, I don't know. - It's just like a barrier in my head that's like, it's not real. - When's the last time you scared in real life Connor? - Dude, I mean, whenever the doctor is like, "Hey man, something's wrong."
- That's just anxiety. You're like. - I'm terrified. I'm actually terrified. Like, what do you mean? Like something's wrong that I'm freakishly good and I'm like, okay. - Can you please be more specific? - Were you scared during a fear and hunger?
- Oh yeah, actually I would say yeah. I would say I was definitely afraid of like going through doors and stuff. I think there's a difference with video games, I think for me, 'cause I'm controlling and I'm like, you know, you have that brief moment where you're like, actually believe you're like, shit, wait, I can't. - So you don't get scared from a movie because you don't control the narrative. - No, 'cause I'm a passive observer. - Right.
- Ah, it makes sense. - Yeah, I don't know. I just don't, there's a number of reasons why I don't enjoy a lot of horror movies. I think like just from, I think, you know what's weird? The more horror movies I've watched or have been forced to watch, the less I enjoy horror movies. Just because a lot of them are just- - Most of them suck. - Most of them suck. They're just not good movies. - Also they're like some of the lowest rated as a genre, which is weird because I've watched some good horror movies and some of them are like,
below most of them are like below seven on IMDB. - I mean, a lot of them are indie. A lot of them have a lot smaller budgets. - Also isn't horror like the easiest genre of movies to make? - Yeah, I think so. - Generally speaking. - Is it cheapest too?
- I think it's pretty cheap to do. - Might be, yeah. I mean, that's why there's so many B-grade horror films. - Do you ever watch "Unfriended?" The one where they're all on Skype and they all start dying on Skype. - I've seen that one. - Keep dying on Skype? - I did it because I watched the trailer. I'm like, this looks so dumb. - And that was a very low budget, but it did very well. - It looks so dumb. - They filmed the whole thing on Skype. - Oh, why? - Paranormal activity, right?
Everyone was like scariest movie of all time. I fell asleep 15 minutes into it. - You did? - Was it scary? - On TV, a little bit. - Was that scary to you? - I think everything can be scary for me. - Why? - What's the most scared you've been from like a piece of not horror movie?
It's a horror anime, but when I started watching Higurashi, when it came out, okay, now I'm not talking about the latest one. - The Studio Dean version, right? - Yeah. - The first one, it just creeped me up so much. And I couldn't even go to the bathroom, which was like a few steps away from me. I couldn't even go there. I didn't wanna be in a closed train area. - I relate to that. - I didn't wanna close the door. I didn't wanna turn off the electricity.
- Well, eventually Higurashi, what happened is like it became so famous and became meme. And I think any meme horror scenes turn just into comedy. - Yeah, it does. - The latest Higurashi anime, it was just like a freaking show with like,
- A lot of comedies, I don't know if you guys have watched that. You don't have to. - Yeah, I watched it, it was bad. - Right? - It was bad. I was like, this is not the Higurashi I grew up on. Like this is not scary at all. I think what the problem was was that with the new Higurashi, they were trying way too hard to be scary.
Whereas the original Studio Dean one, just like the way they framed everything was just like, it was so much slower. So you had more time to build up to the really scary parts. And also again, it was before everything got memed, right? It was before like, you know, you started to see the fucking Mio laughing gif like 20 times a day on Twitter, you know? It's like, okay, I get it. She's a crazy girl.
And sometimes, you know, I'll watch those true crime videos where I go to bed and I'm like, "Did I lock my door?" I should probably go check just in case. - I thought you don't get scared with that kind of stuff though. - Well, that's not a horror movie. That's like an actual, someone died, killed. And then maybe it's like an in Japan one.
- Oh, real crime. - And I'm like, but I mean, I'm typically the demographic that doesn't get killed, so. - Okay, okay. - I'm sorry. - Hypothetical question. - I'm like, ah, you know. - Hypothetical question, all right. You're looking to buy a house. You find the perfect house.
- I know your answer, yes, I'm buying it. I'm getting a discount. - Yeah, so it's like a discounted price, right? And you find out someone got brutally murdered. - Oh, just go book it. - Yeah, yeah. Someone didn't die of natural causes there. Someone got like brutally murdered there. But it's like cheap house. Would you buy the house? Would you live there? - That's just your house now with Elden Ring.
- For me, it depends on the brutality. - Oh. - I'm talking about the most brutal fucking murder you could think of. Not like- - What about a toaster? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like some cultish shit happened there. - And you can still see the broth stains. - No, no, no, everything's cleaned up. But you just know that someone got brutally murdered there. - No. - That's just like every square meter in Wales. Like, yeah, I'm fine with that. You know, like, I mean, like, 'cause like theoretically, right, everyone's died at some point around you. - Yeah, no, okay, if it was a house that where it was like someone, it was like an old person who died of like natural causes, then yeah, whatever. That's normal.
- I don't know if someone like got dismembered in this particular room that is potentially going to be my bedroom. I'm probably gonna be like, maybe not. - I'm gonna put up some new paint. - Yeah. - That goes smooth. - Yeah, I'll definitely, new wallpaper. - I mean, I would definitely have to like renovate a little bit just so I feel like it's not the same. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But I mean like, yeah, I'll take it for a discount. Of course, if it's a perfect house, there's a discount. In this economy?
- What about you, Kaho? How superstitious are you with this kind of things? - I have read a lot of stuff and I have watched a lot of stuff. I never had this sixth sense. I know some people claim like, "Oh, I have seen."
who was not supposed to be there. - Paranormal. - Yeah, I never had those experiences, so. - Yeah. - Not sure. - Me neither, but there's like parts of me that wants to believe in it. - Yeah, right? - Just 'cause it's kind of cool. - Yeah, I'm curious. - But also I'm nerfing myself because I'm also psyching myself up too much to get scared of shit that's not there. So it's like, there's no rhyme or reason for me to be like, I don't wanna buy this place because someone got murdered in there. Like it shouldn't make a difference. - If we all die in our homes, we'll fix the housing crisis 'cause all the houses probably will go down.
- That's not a fix. - That's not a fix. - I think it could be a fix. - It's like, your honor, I have an idea. - Your honor, I know how to fix the overpopulation problem. Just Thanos. Thanos may be at a point. - It's like, what if?
- Yeah, no, I'm good. - Yeah, yeah. I would probably be the same. - You know what's weird though, when it comes to horror stuff, the one medium of horror that I don't get scared at is horror anime. - Really? - It's just not scary. - I can't get scared with horror anime. - Yeah, it's... - Manga, I have been scared at a couple of times. There's been some horror manga where I'm like, "Oh, okay, that was a little creepy." Like, you know, movies, obviously games, but like horror anime, I don't know. It's like, I can get like,
I can get like disturbed maybe, or like a little bit like, "Oh, spooked out." But I've never been like scared watching a horror anime. - 'Cause you go from like, "Oh, Sato-kun, daisuki doyo." To like being impaled and you're like, "What?"
I mean, it's just kind of jarring. - Well, that's why I've always said that the scariest or I guess creepiest horror anime in my opinion is Mononoke. Because like you don't have any of that kind of like the high school kid bullshit or anything like that. Like it's just like very creepy. But I wasn't scared watching Mononoke. I was just kind of like spooked. It's weird.
- With all the layers of voice acting and like the sound track and everything. - Everything needs to like perfectly fit into place. If even one thing is a little bit off or a little bit just doesn't quite fit, I don't find it scary. - I realize this is gonna make me sound psycho. I think I just realized, I just find horror when it's,
with kids just more funny than horrific. I just can't. - What do you mean? - It's like a horror movie and it's like about around like kids or like it's mainly like focusing on kids. I don't know why I just find it funny. - So did you find it funny? This episode is sponsored by Shopify. Boys, obviously you guys know I have my own clothing brand. We sell all over the world, but- - But how do you sell?
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or lowercase, go to shopify.com/trash to upgrade your selling today. That's shopify.com/trash. Back to the episode. - Funny? - That's just funny.
- It's just like, I don't know why. - Really? 'Cause there was some scenes in "Id" where I was like, oh, okay, that's actually kind of- - Maybe it's just 'cause I just don't see myself as a kid anymore, so I just felt like this. - Oh, so it's hard to relate? - Maybe, yeah. 'Cause I got kids, what was that? Belly numb. - Did you watch another "Kaho"? - Oh my God, another one. - Oh man. - Wait, what is it? - The anime. - The anime. - It's like really dumb. - Oh, that one, okay. - Yeah. - Did you find that scary?
- As long as it's scary, I just kind of try to wait a little bit and see everyone's reactions. I never got scared by, well, some of the also started Uzumaki work. I never got scared by Tomie that much. But still with Uzumaki, I was like, "It's gonna be scary and wait." And now it's like there's controversy over different things.
- It's scary for a different reason. - Yeah, I was like, oh, that is scary. - The fall off is scary. - Episode one, I go, oh my God, that's great. Great cinematography, great art. Okay, what happened? - The real demons with the production. - That is scary indeed. - Yeah, but yeah, I don't know. So like great example, Junji Ito stuff. Like Junji Ito stuff for me is not scary. It's just-
- Atmosphere. - Fucking weird. - Yeah. - And it's like, yeah, it's weird and like, I almost can't view it. I appreciate it for a piece of horror media, but I don't appreciate it because it's scary. I appreciate it just because it just looks and feels so unique and so cool. - Yeah. - Right? But it's like, I don't know. There's very few like actual scary horror things that I have felt in anime.
- Even Higurashi, it's like the first time I watched Higurashi, I was like, you know, when you watch like, you know, Mio kill, you know, whoever the fuck, you know, Rika, for example, right? I was like, I was never really scared. I was just like shocked.
I think it's two different emotions. It wasn't like a, oh my God, I'm so scared. It was a, oh my God, she's dead. It was that kind of feeling. So I can't get that from anime. I can't get scared from an anime. But if it was a live action, I would probably be scared. - Uzumaki was very close. - It was so close. - It could have been Uzumaki. - It could have been Uzumaki. - If it continued with the episode one. - And then episode two was the funniest thing I did in my life. - I think when I'm trying to consume horror or trying to get into it,
but I think I just always find that whenever you like watch videos or hear stories about like real life events that are like way more horrific, you're like, oh my God, that's like actually, that's actually the way scary. - Oh yeah. - And like, I guess that's if I wanted like that kind of fix of being terrified, I think I would probably watch something like that instead. It's based on a bit more truth. - What about like a TV series that's based on real life events? Like say for example, like the Jeffrey Dahmer series, right? - I mean, that's- - Was that disturbing or scary for you?
- Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's definitely a lot more disturbing. I mean, obviously then that had its own set of controversies for depicting certain things. But yeah, that would definitely be a lot scarier for me, I think. - Right, right. - Knowing that someone did these things, you're like, oh my God. That's really horrific. - Yeah, when you see based on a true story,
- True story is such a weird term, right? 'Cause it can literally mean like we've made 99% of this to fuck up and just kept the same story or we try to keep to as much realistic detail. Like the Napoleon one was based on a true story.
- Yeah, I guess. - I remember when you dropped the pyramids. - I don't know the psychology behind it, but sometimes I go try to watch that real crime, true crime. - I love that shit. - And sometimes my husband is taking an interview and then actually turns out he's a killer. He's the murderer. - Oh yeah.
- My wife has been missing and I miss her. I hope she comes back. - Oh, you're talking about the guy who shoved his wife and two kids into like a- - I watched multiple. There were so many guys like that. - This was on Netflix, right? - Yes, and also on YouTube. - I think I watched the one you're talking about. That one was horrible. - Yeah. - Dude, that's horrifying. - That is scary. - Right? And he was kind of half smiling in a bit. - Yeah. - I think he was enjoying attention.
- So the real monster was man all along. - We don't need to make horror movies, we have so many in real life. - What's an anime you've been watching recently? Since I think we established on the last episode that you watch more, you watch a lot. - I try to. - Or you watched a lot, yeah. - I guess you guys have been kind of too busy to watch and catch up on. - I still watch. - Gar still definitely watch the most, yeah. - What's your favorite?
I guess you already made for this seasons. - For this season? Yeah, this season I think the one, I can't remember the Japanese name, but the one everyone I think should watch is " The Movement of the Earth."
- I've never even heard of this. - It's basically Poland Saga. - Poland Saga? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, I have heard this actually. - Yeah, yeah, so it's on Netflix and I don't see anyone talking about it. And three episodes are out now and they're like by far the best three episodes I think. Even with "Dun Dun Dun" out right now, it goes fucking, it goes hard.
- Yeah, okay, I've read the manga for this. - You read the manga of this? - I've read the manga, yeah. - Yeah, basically it's not a historical manga. It's like a different version of history, but it's basically when the world thought, everyone thought that the earth was the center of the universe and you could get tortured and executed for propagating the wrong idea, you know?
You could get burned at the stake for implying that God didn't make the earth the center of the universe. Huh? Just like Twitter, just like Twitter. And it's just a story of like a guy who just gets this idea of like, what if the earth isn't the center of the universe? What if it's basically revolves around the sun? And so you have this, you know,
- You have this really cool story arc about this guy just like discovering this theory that completely changes the view of like everything. But it's also like this death note kind of feel where he has to hide his research from the church who are like going around burning people at the stake as well. And it's fucking incredible.
- It's called orb in English. - Yeah, it's called orb. - It's completely different. 'Cause the Japanese title is chi. - Chi, even katakana, not even kanji.
- Oh, interesting. - Yeah. And I've not really heard anyone talking about this and I think this is my top, like aside from like the big dunduduns. - Yeah, I haven't seen this on any of my Twitter feed. - Yeah, yeah, I haven't seen it at all. - You're gonna have to give it a watch. - Yeah. - Yes. My studio Madhouse as well. Madhouse are coming back. - Madhouse. - Oh yeah. - Madhouse are coming back.
And it's just like, it's set in Poland as well. What anime can you think of that is set in Poland? - True. - You know, like 13th century Poland. - Anytime a story is set in Eastern Europe, you know they're gonna cook. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, right? - You know it's gonna be a banger. - True. - Yeah, have you been watching anything or? - I have been trying to catch up and also, I have been trying to catch up some of the,
that my chat has been kind of recommending me. Well, of course I grew up watching Tokusatsu. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - They wanted me to get into Power Rangers too. - Oh, okay. You've been watching Power Rangers? Holy shit. - They're covering all bases. - Yeah, that's tough. Now they're mentioning like, "Hey, have you watched any of the Star Trek?" And I'm like, "That's like..."
I was like, that's a lot of mail. I'm like, oh, what about Dr. Fu? And they go, okay, Dr. Fu. - That's a lot. - That's too many rabbit holes. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I only have so much time in the day. - Yeah, you're picking shoes after that. - It's too much. - I feel like getting into Star Trek now is kind of late. - Right. - I don't know. But I guess there's not much stuff being made, but I guess it doesn't matter really. - I mean, in terms of like sci-fi, I feel like there's not much sci-fi stuff.
- Dune is like the, even that's a remake of a really old thing that's been remade nine times. - Yeah, exactly. - Like that's the most biggest sci-fi thing recently. Did you watch Dune? - I know the reference of the peanut cup. - Peanut cup? - The popcorn cup, right? - Oh! - You talking about the Ducey cup?
- I only know that, that's the only information I have about Dune. - Can you show the Dune popcorn bucket? - Yeah, look up the Ducey. - Yeah, the Ducey. - 'Cause someone was dressed up in a popcorn bucket at a con, and I was like, "Why is this happening?" - Yeah, there it is, the Ducey. - This went for a- - Is it taking a great octagon?
- No, no, no. - I don't think it's just a fucking car. I think you meant to have popcorn in there. - It just looks like that. - That is cursed, man. - But they clearly didn't think this through. - I think they did. I think they thought it was genius. - I think this is shaving cinemas popcorn buckets now.
every single release now is getting a themed popcorn. - Yeah, I saw that. - Some of the most cursed things. - And so excessive, but that's selling really well. And they're kind of like making cinemas profitable. - 'Cause it's just good meme. - That IGN picture, go back up. Why did they put the banana next to it? Like they know what they're doing. - Just in case, you know, you gotta know if it fits. - Just for comparison. - You don't know if it fits or not.
- Why is there lube in this thing? - Sometimes you're just feeling lonely, you know? - The alien one is so good. - Sometimes you gotta pull out the ducie. - Look at the alien one on the bottom right. - Yeah, I thought popcorn buckets thing is more like Japanese stuff. Like we see a lot on anime. - It's become really popular in America as well. - Yeah. - I noticed in Japan it's been a thing as well. But I never buy them. Do you buy the popcorn buckets?
- Yeah, that's a great collectible item. Like from the universe of "Suit of Japan" too. - You collect things a lot. I feel like, especially if it's pink. - You should watch "Dune" though. It's amazing. - Okay. - Very, very good. - So it's a remake from how many years ago? - 1960. - 1960, wow. - 1960s. It's basically...
- One of like the first big sci-fi epic stories out there. - Kind of like same era as like Lord of the Rings. - Yeah. - A bit after. - Yeah, Lord of the Rings was before. - So you said you're watching Power Rangers? How do you think it compares to like classic tokusatsu?
- Especially in the beginning, it feels very Nickelodeon. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Food fighting, like they're throwing food. That's gonna be, that can get you canceled in Japan. - Like they're wasting food. - Yeah, like a lot of YouTubers, whenever they do like a food fight or they eat a lot of food or they play with food, there's always like subtitles saying like, oh, we finished the food and we didn't waste the food. - And then they didn't finish the food. - No, they didn't finish the food.
- But they just say it to like save everyone from like, you being like, how dare you waste all of this food. - So you're starting off right at the beginning of Power Rangers. Oh my God. - How much of a Power Rangers is there? - I had to stop at one point. - How many episodes or seasons, I guess? How many episodes of Power Rangers are there? - Oh my God, so many. - There's a lot. - Because every single time they do a new season, they have new.
- Yeah, they have new Rangers. - Holy fuck. - They have like different themes. - 30 seasons. - 93. - They'll have like a pirate themed one where for a year they'll all be pirates and then they'll have like one with their old dinosaurs. It's really interesting. - God damn. - But I mean the fan base, it's still going strong. People love them. - I did watch the dinosaur themed one, Garnt.
- He did? I never watched any of them. - Like the pterodactyl. - I just remember that. - Whenever it came out. - Was that the OG one? - Yeah, that's the OG one. - Yeah, I think you're watching the OG one. - Okay, yeah. - Was there a white ranger? I have this core memory of the green ranger who was a bad guy that turned into a white ranger. - That's the OG, yeah. - Yeah, the OG and then he had this fucking,
- I thought that was the coolest shit ever. - Holy shit. - Wow, just unlocked a memory now. Oh my God. - I wish I got into it. Whenever it came on as a kid, I was like, where are my cartoons? - I don't want to see real people. - I want the cartoons back. - This is basically cartoons. - That's the reason why I chose a Green Ranger outfit for.
- Oh my God. - We went filming in Tochigi. - Yes. - And we went to one of the places where they always film the explosion. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - They allow explosions there and funny enough Ryotaro owns the explosion company.
- Or like they're for service. - Yeah. - Isn't it so weird? So imagine we rock up, we go there on the, they do it like once a month. - Once I think, occasionally. - Yeah. - Right. - Yeah. - There was even a married couple in a wedding dress and tuxedo jumping together with an explosion. - So you can jump in front of explosion and get photography. And so we went there and I was like,
"Why the fuck is Ryotaro here?" Ryotaro goes every time, 'cause apparently that's like his company, the one that sells. So he hires out the pyrotechnics expert, who is the same one who does all of the, most of the movies, I think in Japan they were saying. - Wow. - And Tokusatsu.
- That's crazy. - It's really cool. The cliffs look really awesome. But we went in August in Tochigi. - Horrible, horrible. - And we're in suits, you know? - Oh man. - And you're standing in front of a giant fireball. - And like I remember, remember the way it explodes? I'm like, oh my God, my back got cooked. I can feel my back heating up. Meanwhile we're in like 35 degree, 80% humidity and we're dying. And you're wearing like a leather suit basically. - Yeah. Just a Nikki outfit and then the pink suit.
- Oh, okay, okay. - What do you want me to do with that, by the way? I still have it. - Wait, you still have it? Wait, I thought you auctioned it off. - I forgot to bring it. So it's in my house, I don't know what to do. - What will happen if we charity auction? - Yeah, but you gave me so much stuff that I was like, okay, this doesn't make sense, so then throw in this too. And I forgot to bring it. - Oh, is that the pink outfit? - Yes, it hasn't been opened. - Is that Alice's outfit? - It's a Nikkei. - Yeah, Nikkei outfit. - Nikkei Alice, if it's pink, it's Alice, yeah. But like when I put that back,
- I heard it was still wet. - When I put that bag in there years ago, it was wet. And when I saw it like two months ago, it's still wet. I don't know. - Maybe we can burn it. - I think I'll either burn it or if you want it, you can sell it probably for a very high price. - I knew. - The exact kind of clientele. - It's not like wine, it gets better. - I think to those kinds of guys, that is like wine.
- I think there's more than a handful of people. - I really would like this vintage. - Don't narrate it. - What's gonna happen after this episode goes out is you will get exactly three emails from people who are like, I am very interested in this suit. - I've come to inquire about the suit and I'm wondering, you know, cause I was like, do you want me to auction it or should I just burn it? Like, I don't know. - You can auction it again. I saw the Pokemon. - I'll auction it, I'll auction it. How much would that go for?
- I don't know. - Tell your fans, then they'll be like, okay. - I brought like a figurine that we painted. - Yeah, there was so much stuff. And a Pokemon one. Pokemon bought your swimsuit, which I think was nice. - Nice. - She was like, I wanna get it. I don't want anyone else to get it. - Oh, that's so cute. - I saw she wanted like a pink suit, so I picked that one up.
- I can just give it to her, I'll see if she wants it. I don't know if she'll want the suit. - I don't think so. - I can ask. - I'll feel really bad. - I could ask if she wants the suit. A bit unrelated, but this is a story I've actually been wanting to tell for a while. I wanted to wait till Cajo was here, 'cause this involves Cajo. Like how many years ago was this?
- One of the videos that we've worked on. - Never came out. - Right. - And the reason why is 'cause, so Kyle always just sent me a bunch of really cool video ideas and sometimes we pursue them, sometimes we don't. I think most of the time we film something, it comes out. I think this is the only time it hasn't. - Only time, yeah. - Yeah, so I was like, we should, you know, let's just, you know, this isn't the time when I was uploading weekly as well. So I was like, I need all the video ideas.
And Kawa was like, "Yeah, I found this otter sanctuary." - Otter? - Where was it? - They nurture otter in Shizuoka, where in Yamanashi have got kind of far, but not in Tokyo. So we had to rent a car. - It's like an hour and a half drive, I think. And it was a sanctuary for otters. And it's just like a guy that's just taking care of otters. And he's like, "Yeah, come check it out. Come film it."
And I was like, okay. - They have a pool too. - It was like pool and stuff for them. So we were like, oh, okay, that's cool. And I remember I was like, okay, this is like legit, I guess. It says they're a sanctuary. And this is when I started to learn more about Japan and animals and not the best track record with them generally, let's say, different laws. And so we drive all the way up there and I remember we were in the car and we're like two minutes away and I'm like,
Are you sure it's around here? 'Cause we're driving the car and we're in like a residential neighborhood. - Yeah. - You know, like Otter Sanctuary, like a sanctuary for otters in a residential neighborhood? Like, that doesn't seem right. And then we're like, okay, it must be this one.
- It's a big house with like a giant wooden fence around the side of it. - Very fancy. - Yeah, it looked kind of expensive. - Right, yeah. - Interesting. This episode is sponsored by PDS Debt. No one wants to think about debt, but the cold hard truth of it is, many of us will get deeper into debt during the holidays.
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And then we go into this thing and immediately when the door opens, you can smell the otters. - Pungent. - It's so pungent. And you're like, okay, so it's like a house situation. All right, so I guess it could maybe be a sanctuary if you have like two or three otters. - Yeah. - It became very apparent very quickly. There was a lot more than two or three. There was a lot of otters. - Yeah.
- Okay, well, maybe there's still like an angle here of something we can film and maybe talk about, maybe this guy's a real chill guy. 'Cause I do think in Japan, there are a lot of animal owners that mean well, but they just don't have the space or means required to take care of the animal they want to. And to their credit, they're trying their best, but they really probably just shouldn't have the animal to begin with. You know what I mean? And I find that happens quite a lot here.
- Yeah, and also otters like, well in Japan you can still have them as pet but rest of the world, you cannot. - Yeah, yeah. - So that's where I thought it was kind of interesting. I was like, let's kind of see. And I wanted to ask the guy a bunch of questions about like, you know, why do you have otters? What do you think is cool? So we know we're in this,
and then we're like, all right, well, I guess we'll just start filming. So he start filming and he's like, wait one second, can you like not film in this room? We're like, oh, okay. He's like, well, we'll go outside, but just turn the cameras off while we go outside. So then we go through this house and this is just black room with two giant cages, like square, like cartoon dog cages. Two square cages filled with otters, like stacked on top of each other. And they're like fucking clawing and shit. And I was like, oh.
I looked at Kyle and I was like, "I don't think this is a sanctuary." But this guy, before we went there, he like insisted, right? That like he had all the paperwork. It was all legit. Like he had everything. We were like, "Okay, well, you know." So then we were like, "Okay, well, I've just seen that." And now he's like, "Hey, get in the pool and play with the otters." And I'm like, "I don't wanna get in the pool. I do not wanna do that."
So we were like, "Okay, we do an interview." And this is where stuff got really awkward. - Yeah, really awkward. - I was like, "Cajo, can you ask this guy like..." I think, what type of questions are you asking? - I think the question that turned him off was when we asked, "So it's not allowed in the rest of the country, "it's the rest of the world to have otters as pet. "What do you think about that?" Because we already...
I already told him that we have to ask the question, you know, because we have international viewership. - Yeah, yeah. - And we told him we're gonna ask tough questions. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. - And he was like, "Oh, I'll be prepared with some, I don't know, some reference." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He said that. And when I asked the question, like, oh,
he just kind of, the smile just disappeared from his face. And then like, oh, I'm gonna answer that in text. - Didn't wanna answer any of the tough questions. And I remember like when he was starting to like, you know, we were starting to lose him. Guy was looking at me like, what the fuck? And the camera guys stopped looking at the camera and looked at me like,
"Dude, what the fuck?" And I was like, "I've never experienced this." But then in my head, I'm like, "Well, I'm gonna ask this guy the questions 'cause I think what's going on here is kind of wrong. So I'm gonna ask this guy more questions." And then he just didn't like that. And then eventually- - He was like, "Okay, you come here and find those authors cute. You're kind of responsible for creating that, the vibe." - He started throwing it at me, being like, "Well, you can't get film. So are you gonna play with the others or you gonna ask me questions?" And I was like,
I'm here to ask you questions. I don't give a fuck about playing with the audience. I thought this was a sanctuary. I'm trying to film something. - He was like trying to preach to us like, oh, we are here for content. So you're kind of using them your way. - What? - Yeah, it was so bizarre. - That's fucked. - And then, you know, it got really awkward fast. And at that point I was like, well, this video isn't happening. What am I gonna do? Like, I can't make a video about this anymore.
So we go like, let's just get this over with as fast as possible. - Yeah, we base with otters. - Yeah, he was like forcing us. He was like, you have to now, you should bathe with otters. - Play with the otters. - So he like awkwardly is like, hey, you should like, all right, so put a swimsuit on and then like sit in this bath while I throw otters in a bath. And I'm like, this is the weirdest fucking thing. And me and Kyle are just like fucking mortified in this corner. Like, can we stop?
I was really worried that he was gonna lose the plot. He looked really angry. So I was like, let's just do what he fucking wants and let's just get out of here. Let's just get this over with. - Was this like a younger guy or? - Oh, he's like 30s, 40s. - He's still 40s, 30s or something. - Right, right. - And then there was like these two women there that were like really quiet and it felt like a cult. - The cult of Otters. - Honestly, honestly.
- I was confused 'cause he said it was a sanctuary and everything online says it was a sanctuary, but it looked like they were building a cafe. - Yeah, they were also breeding, like help. - Yeah, they were breeding them, which is also, I think like, I think you're allowed to do in Japan, but you're not allowed to sell them or there's some kind of weird laws. - I guess you have to be really careful about it. - I guess you need like certain credentials. - Yeah, I think it's not so like simple. You can't just get some otters and stop breeding them. 'Cause they are somewhat regulated.
And so he was like, "Yeah, I don't know. "I'm just trying to take care of them." I'm like, "Okay, I saw the giant cage. "You're trying to get me this room with them. "And now it looks like you're making a cafe." So like, "Is this a sanctuary? "What the fuck is this?" He's like, "Oh, we got some teas. "We got some stuff." And I'm like, "This is weird, bro." I'm like, "This is weird." And towards the end, I really felt like he was getting super angry
- About us asking questions, yeah. - Oh yeah, during the question, yes. Like he just turned 180. - Stop asking questions, play with the fucking order. - Yeah, basically. That was basically it. - Definitely. - And we were all so uncomfortable, but I felt like kind of okay, 'cause there was like three, there was four of us. So I was like, okay, I don't feel like unsafe or anything like that. But it was definitely getting to that point where you'd like, if there's a lot of them, you'd be like, okay, I might just have to just leave.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's very uncomfortable. But I really wanted to try and figure out more about what was going on here. But it was just, it was hopeless. - I feel like there's some soft shit going on. - Oh, 100%. 100% there's some soft shit. Obviously I can't name it 'cause I'll get in trouble. - Also the reference, he said, "Oh, I'm gonna be ready for your question with reference." And that's probably why he said, "I'm gonna..."
- Did he not realize it's a video? - Right, right. And then he sent me a text later on saying like, oh, here is a reference. And it was a reference, like your answers, like your question can be answered here. And he sent me a text,
- The WDF page or something. - WWF page about otters. And I was like, "Are you?" - Yeah, he's like, "No, he's my receiver." - "You don't represent WWF." That is so weird. - That's like saying like, "Here's my reference." And it's just the Wikipedia page for otters. - He's like, "What? Are you from WWF?"
- And I think even on that page, like it mentioned that like most people just shouldn't have otters and other stuff that was kind of contrary to what people were saying was happening. So I was just really confused. Like I don't really like these otter cafes or there's a lot of them that I've really turned off on. 'Cause obviously when you first come here, you're like, oh, that sounds kind of good. Maybe they're taking care of them. But the more you learn about these places, the more you're like,
- I mean, I've personally never been a fan of like animal cafes or anything like that. - Well, that's why I thought I was like, okay, it's not an animal cafe, it's a sanctuary. On the website they say it's a sanctuary. - Well, that's just straight up false advertising. - Yeah, well, I didn't even know like, what are the laws around saying you're a sanctuary in Japan?
- That's true. - Can you just say you're a sanctuary? - I don't think so. - What counts as being a sanctuary? What are the definitions of one? - I guess 'cause I went into it naivete thinking that like I thought it would be like the Western sanctuary where there's a lot of space, more so like- - Like an open pond.
- Yeah, like a zoo. It's just for the otters and occasionally a lot of people film. 'Cause he was saying that people aren't even allowed to go there, which felt very much like a lie when we got there. - Oh, so when I asked, "Oh, should I bring anything for otters?" And he said, "Oh, people usually bring the money for some food."
For their food. Oh, yes. Yes, yes. I was like, okay. And I put money, like, each million, I guess, you know, 10,000 yen in the envelope, you know, Japanese way. And I brought it. Like, oh, thank you so much for today. And this is for others. And he was like, he put it out there. And I tried to see, like, with the sunlight and see how much was in it.
- It's very rude in Japan. - Right? - Anywhere in the world actually. - And he's like, "That's my food for the night." - It's like, "How much do the orders need? "I need a 90% cut actually." - "I need dinner tonight." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - "I'm gonna be sold out." - Yeah, that sounds fucked. - It's just like, yeah, it's crazy. - How long ago was this? - Like two, three years ago. - Yeah. - Long time ago. - Oh shit. - I never spoke about it 'cause I didn't really know how to bring it up. And I also didn't want to talk about it
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It was really cute footage with otters, but we just have to get to the point and- - I think I have the footage somewhere. Maybe I can throw some in on this video and we don't have to blow everything though, but yeah. - Or Patreon. - Patreon, Patreon. Yeah, 'cause I mean, obviously in Japan, it's very strict with what you can show. - Yeah. - Yeah, exactly. But I mean,
I hope that guy doesn't have a business. That was the, oh my God, you're talking about horror, bro. Walking into that black room with a cage full of 30 otters. That was like horrific. - You reminded me of a video that I filmed around two or three years ago, also in Shizuoka that I also had to scrap. - Oh really? - But for a completely different reason. I was making this documentary on this,
- Virtual Soap Land service. - Oh, VR. - Okay. - VR Soap Land service. - How does that work? How does that work? - Yeah. So essentially it's literally role play. You go into like what's like kind of like VR chat. - Yeah. - And you get thrown into like a room. Like that's like literally a 3D rendered bedroom. - Yeah. - And you,
basically just sit down or lie down and this virtual girl comes through and you connect via voice chat and you have sex. - Wait, so the virtual girl is live action virtual girl? - No, no, no. Like an anime avatar and there's a person on the other side also role-playing as her. And there was this company apparently that I found that offers that service. They're probably the pioneers of this service according to them.
So I was like, oh, this could be kind of like an interesting like rabbit hole that I could like go into. So I went to their office in Shizuoka with Nabi and exactly the same thing. Two minutes away, we were like, this is very residential. There are no office buildings anywhere. And then Nabi was like, that's the place right there. And it was the most decrepit, like this house must've been at least 50, 60 years old.
just like sitting on this hillside. And we walk in, the guy greets us and he's like, "Yeah, yeah, please come in and everything." And I walk in and it literally looks like my grandma's house. It's just this really old wooden, really musky house.
And Navi and I just looking at each other like, - What the fuck? - This is the office? Like this is just someone's house. Like, am I gonna get murdered in here? What the fuck's going on? But then we go into this living room and there's like two headsets. - Right. - I think they were like HTC vibes or something. And he was like, "Yeah, so you wanted to experience a rat?" And I was like,
- Yes. Can I do an interview first? And apparently the girl, I guess the virtual soap land prostitute girl was also in the house, but she was just upstairs. And I was like, can I- - Look at us, we have to be virtual. - Yeah. And I was like, and yeah, the guy was like, oh, she's upstairs. And I was like, oh, can I interview her as well? It's like, yeah, you can virtually.
And I'm like, but you said she's upstairs, right? It's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. But you can't meet her. - Dude, that's so weird. - And I was like, okay. So I put on this HTC Vive and she's there and I can hear her. And so I'm just like, this is really awkward footage of me interviewing this VR prostitute with an HTC Vive on my head. And I'm just like, what the fuck?
"What the heck is going on?" Like, dude, if Narby wasn't there like looking out for me, I feel like I would've gotten like- - I would've put it outside. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So we'd finished- - Were they nice guys or were they just kind of awkward or like what was their vibe? - No, they were nice. They were like accommodating, but there was also just something like really off about this entire office. - Yeah. - Right?
I don't know, slightly concerning they wouldn't let you meet this girl. - Yeah. - I think that could be definitely a bit weird. - It was really, really weird. And then, so we did it and then- - And then maybe you could blow her, but the fact that you wouldn't be able to talk to her face to face. - Yeah. I think would like kind of like completely ruin the point. Right? So at this point- - Is she like a hostage in there? - I don't know. - Legit, I don't know. But at this point already, I'm already like, oh, I might have to can this video because it's just a little- - You can tell right away.
- Yeah, it's just kind of red flag. And then we got to the part where it's like, all right, let's experience it. Because apparently, you know, they were saying some shit about like, so I was like, okay, so let me get this straight. You're having virtual sex, but you're still fully clothed and you're just sitting in your room basically. And he was going on about like, yeah, yeah. But it's like, you know, like phantom pain. It's like that, but it's like phantom pleasure.
And I was like, hang on a second, stop. Like if, okay, if I was like, say for example, if I was a dude. - Or a phantom nut. - Yeah, yeah. - If I was like, say for example, like, you know, I was using like a flashlight or something, right? That would make more sense. But you telling me that like, apparently the sensors are just so great in this that you're literally gonna have a phantom nut.
It's like, there's no way that can be it. So I tried it out and it's literally just like, I was sitting there for 30 minutes. This was a 30 minute course of me sitting there like literally just sitting there on the floor like this with an HTC Vive in the middle of this musky room while I'm watching this virtual prostitute have virtual sex with me.
And I'm just sitting there just like, I'm like this. I'm like, what am I doing? - So you're just sitting there and she's just like talking dirty to you and you're just sitting there like. - Yeah, she's sucking my virtual cock. - Oh my God. - Now you're even a virtual . - I'm just like, dog, what the hell is happening?
- Mind you, this entire time I'm soft as a pillow. I'm like, you cannot, you can't pay me to get hard right now. - Oh my God. - These two guys, are they watching you? - Yeah. And Navi is sitting there with the camera pointed at me, watching me just like being like, I'm not getting paid enough to film this shit.
- Poor Nabi. - So they do, you know, they finish the deed, I guess. I take this HTC vibe. - How can they tell when they finish? Or like, all right, come. - Wait, so customer, they usually just touch themselves while doing it?
- No, no, no, no. They didn't even encourage that. - Wow. - Yeah, yeah, no, but like the whole shtick was that you don't even have to pleasure yourself in real life because your experience, the pleasure is all auditory and visual. And it's like, you're so in tune with this virtual avatar that you've created and connected with that it's literally virtual sex. - Wow, you can just virtually cum. - You can virtually cum. And I was like, "Dod, I..."
I may be virtually hard, but in reality, I am soft. Like this is weird. - I think I could tell you the exact length of 30 minutes in that exact moment. I could be like, it's gonna be long. It's gonna be a long 30 minutes. - And so like we,
I finish apparently, virtually. I virtually finish. - In game. - Yeah, in game I finish. - Guys, guys, in game. It's in game, guys. - Yeah, in game I nut and then I take off the ACC vibe and this dude is- - Do you have a nut button? - No. - You are such a stronger man than me. I think I would take the headset off in five minutes. I'd be like, I can't do this. - No, I was just like, you know when you're like so shocked that you can't move
you can't move. - You like see yourself from like a third person. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What is my life? - Yeah, and I'm just like, I'm watching this virtual girl like ride me supposedly. Meanwhile, in reality, I'm sitting in a musky room in the middle of Shizuoka while two dudes are looking at me with an HTC Vive on fully clothed. - One filming you. - One filming me and I take the HTC Vive off and the guy's just like, did that feel good?
And I was like, you gotta be sh- - No way he said that. - He said that. - No way he said that. - He was like, "Kimochi yokatta desu ka?" And I was like, yeah. Nabi, we need to leave. - This was like the funniest video ever. - Yeah, I was really debating whether to like upload it, but I'm like, I don't want that on the internet. So I'll just, I'll show you- - Did you capture the footage of her, the game footage as well? - I think we did. - Oh, Patreon, Patreon. - What did the avatars look like?
- The avatar just look, you know what? - Acubus? - No, this is gonna be the worst way to describe it. But like, it looked like an Azumanga Daioh character. - What? - Oh no! - You can't go hard on that. - It wasn't even like a high poly like character or anything like that. It was like the- - You can get free models. - Yeah. - The free models on VRChat look better than whatever the fuck this model was. - How did you even find this? Like, did they reach out to you? - I found, I think Nabi found an article about it.
And he was like, "There's no way this can be real." And I was like, "Let's look into it." And we contacted them and they were like, "Oh yeah, yeah, let's do it." - I think the viewers fail to appreciate sometimes like how weird or almost unprofessional a lot of these places that we go to film can be. We've had some places where we've been to where we've like communicated with them like, "Hey, we're coming at this time, we're gonna do this thing." We show up and they're like, "Ah, yeah, actually we don't wanna do it." Or like they're full. Or like, it's like, "What the fuck?"
- We communicated, did we not? Like it's crazy. Like obviously the viewer, you get to see the end product. You don't get to see all the failures. - Or it's the weirdest, most like, what the fuck? I can't show this on YouTube type of stuff. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's the thing, like when you get permission, then you kind of have to be nice to them. Like you cannot really talk shit about them on video. - It's always stepping on eggshells with Japanese companies. - Definitely one or two things.
actually a video probably that we film, we just have to cut to be nice. Where I'm like, I would put this in if I didn't live in this country. - Is that the one with the massage place? The beauty place? - Oh. - The acupuncture and. - We did this video recently, we filmed it a long time ago, but it took a long time to get the video made because
It was all like, kind of like pseudo science beauty stuff. - Yeah. - And it was a really hard video to like market as well. And like, cause how do you, what do you call it? You know, like I tried bizarre UT therapy. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It was a really fun video though. We did like four bizarre things. One of them was like,
fetus experiencing. - It's called adult wrapping. So we get wrapped. - Yeah, they wrap you like a fetus and like rock you. And I knew it was gonna be fucking, I knew that it was gonna be so freaky when Kaho sent me the address and it was like Saitama Community Hall. - We had a seminar. - So they put me down at the Tami room in the community hall. - Oh my God. - And that's where they wrap you.
And so like, we're just in like the YMCA and that's where they like run this business. It's so funny. But like, obviously I don't like it. This is the kind of stuff that like, I can't really like,
like get across in those videos. 'Cause it's kind of like, it doesn't really make sense to add in the video, but it's also just very funny. - Yeah. - You see this and you're like, wow, that's so weird. You think like, no, it's really weird. Like this is unusual. And then, oh my God, the guy that was doing the acupuncture and the cupping and stuff was crazy.
- I noticed that you cut out a lot of stuff that he said. - I cut out a lot that he said. - 'Cause he referred to like, you know, there is like a 4G connection, a 5G connection now with- - I knew it was gonna be, so first thing walk in and it's got like that,
- There's a whole medical field that Japan has a lot of. - Yeah. - Okay. - Like you walk in these things that are like clinics. - Right. - And they like, they look like a hospital or like a clinic, but everything just feels a little off. Like it doesn't quite feel like a natural, like sterilized environment. - Yeah. - These are really common in Japan. You've ended up going around clinics, which most of you probably won't 'cause you're tourists.
And on the wall, there were all these really expensive beauty treatments. Like I'm talking in the range of like thousands. And he was like, "Oh, don't worry about it. "We'll do it for free for the video." I was like, "I really don't mind paying 'cause I might say bad things." - Yeah. - I got that. - I really wanna like pay.
- I want to pay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I want to pay. - Yeah. - But you know, I get credit, credit, credit to you. He was like, "Nope, I will not let you pay." I was like, "Fine." But we told him, told him we wouldn't pull punches. - Right. - Yeah, yeah. - And we sit down and immediately, so it was so bizarre 'cause we met in the back room. - Oh, that's true. Like a meeting room first. - He was like, he was in the back room. We were having this dingy kind of like really overstuffed office room. And it was like, he brings out some tea and he's like, "I just got back from India."
I'm like, "Oh, okay, cool." He's like, "Yeah, I was learning with my master there." I was like, "What?" He's like, "Yeah, like learning like chakras and stuff." And I'm like, "Okay, that's, hey, I mean like, hey, that's what you do, that's what you do." You know, I ain't judging. But then we get in and he's like, he puts out a five yen coin and puts it on my forehead.
- Yeah, your 5G is way off. - Yeah. - I was like, 5G? - You had butt-chee. - I was like, oh. - As in like the- - The phone way. - The phone, the phone 5G. - He was talking about how the phone, like the 5G's been messing. - Time to burn down the towels. - He's like, don't worry though, I can fix it. - He might have a four hat at home. - He can fix it though, and he did. He put the five yen on my forehead and then five yen on my,
- Yeah. - And then I was cured. So that was great. That was quick. - That was easy.
The whole time I was trying my, 'cause he understood English. I was trying my best to crack some jerk. I was like, "You got any more change I can have?" 'Cause I'm just like, "What is this?" And then he put on a gold mask, which is, I mean, yeah, sure. - Gold flakes on. - Gold flakes on my face to fix my face, make it more beautiful. A bunch of other stuff that just like, I mean, I personally felt was pseudoscience. But it's tough with this on YouTube 'cause
With this kind of stuff, there is unfortunately a good, you know, unfortunately, whatever it is, if you believe it, all good for you. There's a good amount of people that really believe in this stuff and feel very strongly about it. And you know,
I didn't really wanna put something out there without having some kind of informed opinion. So it took a while 'cause I had to find a doctor who was willing to interview and to kind of talk about, found this amazing YouTuber called Medlife Crisis, really like leading cardiologists in the UK. - Right. - He came on. - I love that channel name. - Yeah, Medlife Crisis. He was great. He was so dry and to the point and I'd ask him like, "What do you think about this?" And he'd be like, "Look,
If people feel like it works, it kind of works because the whole point of this stuff is that there is no proof in it. The way he described to me, which I found as a really compelling way to describe a lot of these like acupuncture, any of these like treatments, it's like a massage. Yeah. A massage is...
- It works if you feel like it works. - No, it's placebo. - Yeah, there is no like- - Do massages work? - If you feel like the massage works, if you feel like you are relaxed, like you got rid of pain, it worked. And that's how all of these things work. - I've had a massage where I'm like, "Oh, that definitely worked."
- But like, that's the thing, right? If you personally sit there and like, let's say you have acupuncture and you felt like you have reduced pain, you have all this stuff, then it worked. Because there is no real way to quantify any of this stuff. There's no like, at least like data wise science, like chemical stuff, that doesn't change. But if you feel like it worked, then fine, it worked. As long as it's not dangerous, go for it. You know what I mean? And so that's how a lot of this stuff was.
But I wanted to really be careful in the messaging of the videos. I didn't want to be like, and I also didn't want to seem like that guy was like, wow, get a load of these crazy people, huh? - Yeah. - 'Cause I think some of these people genuinely feel like it helps them. So we did that video too. What else were we doing? Oh, we did the natto thing. - Oh, the fermented bath. - Oh my God. - Fermented bath? - We fermented ourselves. - Oh. - Fermented.
- Yeah, rice bran. - Bro. - Dude. - Komenuka. - Komenuka? - This was probably the most uncomfortable. - Very over-pungent. - Dude. - What did you do? - You walk into this building and it's like that fucking sponge rub when his fucking entire being is blown back. You're like, it's, it was, how would you describe the smell?
- No, it's so hard. It's not like armpit or anything. So you can take it. - It's like sweaty. - Like the intensity of being in a sewer pipe, I imagine. - Okay, okay. - Right. - So you just get hit with that wall of smell. - Yeah. - And then you like, you sit in this like,
And also found out in that comment that if you take any medicine, 'cause all the comments are telling me I didn't know this, 'cause they gave us a charcoal drink. If you drink charcoal water, it can like deactivate any medicine that you're currently taking. Didn't know that. - Oh, wow. - You have to be careful. You ever drink hot charcoal? I learned. - I never drank charcoal. - No. - That's true. Why would you? - It was the weirdest feeling 'cause you sit in this like mush, warmer mush bath that stinks. You have to be naked. - Stinks of what?
- Like shit. - That's right, yeah. - Like rancid. - Right. - Can you show it? Like it was, and apparently it has health benefits. - Oh yeah, that's the one. - But dude, it was so awkward. - Oh yeah, yeah, I've seen these. - And you start sweating so badly. - Yeah, we're there and she's like, "All right, you gotta get naked." - Rice bran powder. - Yeah, when you mentioned like everybody's like sweaty in this and like,
they don't clean it. - Yeah, I mentioned that. I had this thought when I looked at it, I was like, "Hmm, I bet like the accumulation of all these people's sweat is in this bath." - Well, maybe the soil is like odorless. - Maybe it's actually the soil's sweat. - It's just the accumulation of all the soil. - I'm sure there is some benefit, supposedly. - I think that image on the left there perfectly describes it. Far infrared ray and enzyme power. - Enzyme power.
I need that enzyme power. - It was a very complicated sauna, I think. But it was just really awkward. So like, yeah, get naked. - You basically turned yourself into Natto. - Yeah, and they gave us these like,
- Oh yeah, paper underwear. - Have you ever had to wear these? - No. - I've had to wear them once at a massage place. I did like a massage once, did not know it was naked. But they give you like the super like thin. - Very thin paper underwear. - You can see through it entirely. - Right. - Yeah, you can see through the shape. - So my poor cameraman just absolutely seeing it all. Like, all right man, sorry. And then he started chucking this like mud on you.
It's just so, everything about it is awkward. It's just so uncomfortable. It's just like I- - The lady was putting mud into his pants and then- - Yeah. - She asked for permission but I guess you didn't catch that. - 'Cause I'm already being cooked. My brain is, I've just been like, fucking, I had all these crazy treatments done to me today. I'm like, fucking like, and she's like, "Is it okay if I do this?"
It's like, what? And then she pulls up my pants and starts shoveling in this shit into my dick. And I'm like, what the fuck? - Did it feel good? - I feel okay.
- Like imagine if you were covered in like a warm sludge. - Yeah. - Like it's pretty nice 'cause anything warm is kind of nice. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But like- - That's the real womb, baby womb experience. - Yeah, wow, yeah. So it was okay. Did you like it? - It was too hot. I just wanted to get out. - It was really hot. It was really, really hot. I don't think I would ever do it again. And also I smelt of this for like two days.
- Wow. - I could not get rid of the smell. - It's just like an overly complicated sauna from the sounds of it. - Yeah, it was quite expensive. - Which one made you feel the best afterwards? - Actually adult wrapping, right? Adult wrapping was really good. - The baby wrapping? - Yeah, chiropractice.
- Can you show her a Japan adult rapping? - I need to see this. - Okay. - It looks fucking comical. I felt like none of them worked. I mean, look, at the end of the day, there's no hacks. It's get a lot of sleep. - Adult rapping therapy. - It's called Otonamaki. - Otonamaki, yes. - That's what it is. - It's weird, right?
- They clearly don't have guys often. 'Cause she tried to wrap me. It's just not enough. - Dude, if I looked at this out of like context, you'd think it was like human trafficking or something. - That's a dead body. - That's a dead body. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's like they're about to get involved. - Honestly, it was kind of chill. I'm not gonna lie. - Yeah, it's very shocking here. - It was chill. - So wait, so you just sit there? - They just rock you.
- I have to try this. - It's kind of comfy, but also kind of terrifying. Imagine you open a door and you just see this. You're like, I have just come into a serial killer's house right now. - Sometimes, you know, like this one, it kind of felt good. I don't think there's like any benefit at all, but then they have to add on the like, look,
Now stand up, you're taller. I was like, okay. Listen, I was down for the ride. You didn't need to tell me like, I'm now taller. - How'd you discover this? Is there just someone in a duvet just one day? They just like tangled themselves up? - Yeah, they burrito themselves in the concrete. - Yeah, you're like, wait, this guy's like,
- That was kind of a vibe. - That was nice. - That was kind of a vibe. - Makes me feel like a baby. - Let me try that again. - I did something similar where I did the sensory deprivation tanks. - Yeah. - Which is kind of similar to this, except you're naked and you're in a body of water. - There was no sensory deprivation in this. My sensories are far off.
- Did you start like hallucinating and shit? - I did. - Oh shit. - Yeah, I had these like, I fell asleep 'cause I was in there for two hours. And during the first like 30 minutes, you're just kind of floating in there because the water is your body temperature and it's like kind of oily slightly and very salty. So you're completely floating above it. And because it's the same body, it's the same temperature as your body, after a while you don't feel the water at all.
So you literally just feel like you're kind of floating in mid air. - You become one with the water. - Yeah, yeah. You become one with the water and you're just kind of floating in this thing. And I fell asleep after about 30 minutes 'cause it was very relaxing. And I had these,
crazy fucking vivid dreams. - Right. - And I woke up like, just kind of like panicked a little bit. I was like, whoa, what the fuck was that? Yeah, so that was cool. It wasn't relaxing. - I've always wanted to try one of those. - It's like, you know, drugs without taking drugs. - Yeah, they have so many bizarre kind of like health or spirituality services here. - It wasn't relaxing, it was just cool.
- Oh, you fell asleep. So it must be a Muslim pretty relaxing. - They got everything. Anything you want, any kind of weird service you want. They've like that new vampire thing where you can like you infuse blood into your face to make it younger. - What? - It's like vampire infusions. - Vampire infusions? - It's like a thing that's become popular here I think lately. Yeah. Facial. - Oh. - Vampire lift. - They like inject your blood back into your face and it's like super dangerous.
- What? - That sounds- - Like a legal brat? - But you know, like they market them well and then you come into this really fancy looking clinic, they charge you a ton of money. So you're like, oh, it must work. - Vampire facial. - But it's like super fucking dangerous 'cause they can get like all sorts of diseases from injecting yourself with blood. - What the fuck? - I thought they were gonna get something from the brat, not necessarily the brat itself. - I think they-
- I'm not sure, I don't fully understand it. Well, I know that's not safe, generally. - Yeah, that doesn't sound safe at all. - I just need the blood of the youth in me. - It's tricky to me, 'cause I will live my life exclusively trying to avoid any kind of surgery or hospital visit, and then people are like, "Man, I'm gonna go pay to get everything done to me, "all this suffering and torture, "and to look a bit better or feel a bit better." I'm like, "Oh God, I'd rather die." - Yeah, that's terrible.
- I get really anxious around like- - It's like the start of a horror movie or something. You just inject blood into your face to like euthanize or something like that. - And then you turn into like a horrible demon. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, right? - Another thing that's a transvestite that I can't do is ear cleaning. I know you can't do it. - Oh, you hate it, ear cleaning. - Dude, I faint. I was in the toilet. I was like about to faint after that video.
'cause I was holding it together for the video and then I went to the toilet and I was like, fuck. And I was nearly threw up. - We all saw that you were acting like, oh, I'm so shocked. - No, I was genuinely feeling so sick. - Why? - 'Cause I'm watching a fucking- - I was like, look at this baby bitch boy. - Yeah, exactly. Like I had horror. I'm like, Defy, I don't get it. You got stabbed and I see the inside of my ear being scraped and I'm like,
- This whole thing, you're getting your ear cleaned, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - By the way, do you guys like ear cleaning? - I like ear cleaning. - I've never, I've only done it at like the hospital when I've had something stuck in there. - I had those anime moments growing up where I would, my mom's like, "How much do you clean my ears?" - Yeah, same here, bro, same here. - So like, you know, you sit down in this couch, I think it's probably changed now, it's like three years ago. I know you go back all the time, right? - That's it. - And it's like a, at least when I was there, there was like a 50 inch TV, 4K LED.
of a camera in your ear and it's literally at your feet. So you're literally like this and he's like, wow, a lot of stuff in there. And then you can feel him going so deep and scraping inside your head. Like I'm pretty sure it's way deeper than any doctor would recommend. - The deeper you go, the deeper you can hear because it's like right next to the eardrum. - And I'm pretty sure most- - And you know if you just move a little bit, you've just,
- You're just deaf. - Because like most doctors are like, don't ever do that. Don't ever go that deep in your ear. But you know, I get it, people like it and it feels, it can be performed. - You should only go like, you know, as far as like your finger can reach. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. But obviously this one went really deep and I was like, I was like about to throw up. And then eventually I was like, when we were done, I was like, oh my God, I gotta sit down. And I went to the toilet and I just like sat there like.
- Damn. - And then I hope you don't film another video right after. - Oh, that's true. - Was that the first time you ever got like your ears properly cleaned like that? - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, shit. - I feel it would have been better if they just didn't show you the cleaning process. - Yeah. - Right? - I actually enjoyed it. - The feeling was really rough. Them going that deep. I'd never put something that deep in my ear in my life. And I was like horrified. 'Cause it felt like he was touching my skull.
- It's like scratching your brain. - Genuinely, it felt like that. And when you get close to the eardrum, this is such a weird feeling that I can't explain it. I think maybe you like that feeling. - Yeah, me on the other hand, like, oh, go deeper, go deeper.
- Maybe I'm a little bit too much on YouTube. Don't worry about that. - Deeper, deeper. - But for me, when he's getting closer and closer to the eardrum, I'm like, this is terrifying. This is terrifying. I can't do this. 'Cause I can feel it scraping. - It is. - Scraping. And I'm like. - But it's like, you've now given yourself an itch. I feel like whenever I've had it done,
and they take something out, it's just like, I didn't know that was there, but I feel so satisfied right now. - It's like, I thought I could hear, now I can hear. - Yeah, yeah. - I did not feel satisfied at all. - Really? - Not at all. Like one time I had to get my ears cleaned 'cause I went surfing with Felix and I guess I hit the water pretty hard. - Yeah. - Shoved a bunch of water in to my ear. And I was like, oh, it's not coming out. - I was stuck behind the eardrum. - And it got stuck for like three days. And I was like, I think I gotta go to the hospital to get this sorted 'cause it's not coming out.
I would sleep every night like this, like waiting for it to come out. And it didn't. And then she was like, ah, yeah, she's stuck. And then she's like, brought out like the Dyson and I could hear it going. And I was like, oh,
- But it fixed it and I was like, great. - Yeah. - But I just don't, why? Don't want anything in my ear. - But afterwards you're like, no, no, I don't. - Damn, it's clean. Cause I got a hair stuck in there, like super, super deep in. It was just like one singular strand of hair and it was just like an itch I could not get out. So I had to go to the hospital and just that, the feeling of just that, cause like I,
- You felt a strand of hair before, but you've never felt a strand of hair almost tickle your eardrum. And it just like the feeling of it coming out. - Yeah.
- Oh, I came basically. - I did actually. - Sorry dog. - I'm impressed you like those things. I wish I could. I'm too screamish for those things. - I think that feeling though, you had to kind of like, 'cause did you also like get it done as well? Like when you were younger? - Yeah, I cannot help. Oh yeah, it's like on mother's lap and all sort of like do that by myself. - Yeah, exactly right. So it's like, I think it's just like getting used to it. - Yeah.
- Even though doctors don't recommend it, I'm just like, yeah, but. - Every doctor ever in the world is like, please do not put things in your ear or extract things from your ear. - Right. - Yeah, but it's just satisfying. - No, it's no. - It's just satisfying. - That's like, oh, I wanna scratch my penis. - That's called sounding. - No, I don't want anything in there. Stop putting things in there. - Yeah, but some people are like, yeah, but you just get that itch.
- Well, thank you for agreeing to do that. - No, of course not. - Yeah. - I'll suffer the content. - It got a lot of viewers though. - It did. - Yeah, that's true. - I think people liked it 'cause you were making noises. - No, your fans wanted to see. - Go deeper. - I think your fans wanted to see inside of you. - Wow, they saw a side of me that was crying.
- I got a lot of comments on the video like, wow, this guy fucking sucks. Can we get the hot girl back? Did I go first or did you go first? - I went first. - Yeah, they're like, man, the second half of this video fucking sucks. And I was like, yeah, well, I don't know. - I mean, I get it. I mean, do you ever, have you ever fallen in the hole of like watching fucking pimple popping videos? - No, I can't stand that. I think that is the most disgusting shit. - Okay, but ingrown hairs, that's...
- That ingrown hairs, it's disgusting, but holy shit, it's satisfying. - No, it's not. Okay, I need to, no, I'm gonna say this on behalf of everyone who hates that kind of shit. What is satisfying about it? - Bro, you're just like- - It's fucking gross. - You're just imagining- - I don't wanna see pus coming out of someone else's skin. - You're just imagining the feeling of just like, imagine that just being there for like months.
and you're just like, this is like just annoying. - I recognize as a society, we need people like Garnt to do this shit. Because someone has to perform these surgeries and it's not me. - No, I don't want to perform. I just like, it's just satisfying just watching it. - But we need people who like this gross stuff to be able to like push science further. - Can you just imagine having an ingrown hair that's just like, it just keeps coming out and you're just,
Imagine how long that's been bothering you. - I've never had an ingrown hair so I don't know. - Just that instant relief, man. - I genuinely feel sick hearing stuff like that. - It's so gross. - Yeah, it's gross. The pimple popping shit, I don't get it. I do not understand that at all. It's so gross. Again, it's like as someone who used to suffer from acne, I look at those and I'm like, "Oh, I've been there."
but it's not satisfying to watch. I didn't like popping pimples on my face. Why would I want to watch someone else's pimple? - Technically you're not meant to pop pimples. I'm more thinking about the blackheads where they just like, I don't know how some people's skin has gotten like so awful where you just like squeeze it and then everything just comes out.
- I don't like it. - Your eyes are so vibrant. - I'm like, oh, it's disgusting, but oh, I like it. - It looks satisfying. - I guess you can feel for people. - Yeah, I feel for people, yeah. - Is there anything you wanna try and do? Any strange things you wanna try?
- Oh, damn, I have to come up. People always come to me at cons and like, "Please torture Connor more." Like, genuinely. They put a very big smile on their face. Like, "Please torture Connor more." - Those health things were torture. Every one of those was horrible. - Well, I guess to Conners fans, you are the judge and executioner. - I'm also willing. I think that even though I don't like something, I don't like, I'm not,
I think I should try it. - Yeah, it's an experience. - I was kind of surprised that you wanted to try host thing again, being a host. - Yeah, 'cause so we did the host club. - I think Connor actually enjoys that though. - Yeah, that was fun. - It was a great time. I recognize that like everything that happens in a host club is kind of scummy and gross, but it's like, you know, seeing these guys like get pumped and then like,
- It's kind of a fun vibe to shoot a video in, especially 'cause they let me get involved, which I think is like really cool. - Yeah. - True. - 'Cause a lot of, I think a lot of customers or a lot of services like that in Japan, they would not let anyone film or even directly get involved. - True. - And also,
when I did it years ago that guy that we had that was teaching us you know a lot of people did not like him on camera and I was like I really want to do it again now that I feel like I can hold my own in the conversation yeah in Japanese and also maybe we can find a more interesting host club but it was just really interesting seeing how it changed a lot I think but it didn't really make me think much more of host clubs I still think they're kind of
- A little bit shady. - Yeah, very shady, very shady. There's a really good video about host clubs someone made on YouTube. I forgot the name, but if you just type in host clubs, it should come up. It's really, really good. It's like an hour long explaining all the kind of scams and bad things that host clubs do.
- Like do you remember that one girl who was like scamming rich lonely dudes? - Oh yeah. - Do you remember that one? - Didi Chan. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - She made millions and then spent it all on a host. And they both went to jail. 'Cause he knew that it was fraud. - Yeah, she also, I did a video on it. Oh, I've seen this, yeah. - It's a fantastic video. - I did a video on the Didi Chan thing.
Apparently also she was trying to write a book on how to scam. - No, she did sell them for 200 bucks a pop. - Yeah. - It's a manual, right? - Yeah, it was like a manual on how to scam men. - The manual on how to scam men. - So that naturally didn't go down well. - Yeah. - But even this video, this video tells, is really, really well researched and it's so good. And it tells you kind of all about the kind of nitty and gritty of host clubs and what they don't want you to do. - Was this the one where the girl basically got interviewed by a Japanese YouTuber?
- Yes, yes. - Okay. - He was like, he was like, not on this video, the one with Lily Chan you mean. - Yeah. - Yeah, he was like, why the fuck are you scamming people? She was like, I don't know, 'cause it's funny. She wanted followers and she went, I was just like, calling her out.
- Yeah, that was a weird thing. - It was an interesting rule she had. Don't go for a guy with some hobbies. - Yeah. - They're like, "Oh, the nerds are fine. "All about the fine, we got hobbies." - The otakus are like, "Phew, thank God." - 'Cause they're passionate about something else. So the guy's saying she wants to find a guy who is not passionate about anything else, but he's gonna be passionate about you. - Yeah. - Yeah, the otakus are like, "I'm gonna lean to 2D." - Sorry.
- Pure psychopath behavior. - That was a fun video to do though, I think. It was fun getting to try and talk. But very like sad as well, 'cause they had this number one host there and everyone wanted to talk to this host. And the moment they were done talking to him, they would just like go from like, "Oh my God, thank you so much," to like,
And I asked the guy, I was like, "What do you think about everyone, "they just kinda look sad "and just waiting for you to talk to them." He's like, "Well, it's also good for business "that they see me flirting with other women." I was like- - It's encouraged. - I was like, "Damn, that's cold, that's cold." - They just have to spend more money to get him to come here. - To get his attention.
- Damn, bro. - Goddamn. - It's crazy 'cause they don't like, the customers totally buy into that logic. - Yeah. And they're all attractive girls. - Yeah, we had to blur all the faces, but they were, you know. - They were cute. - You know, I guess when you have this image of somebody who has to pay to have a guy talk to them, you imagine maybe someone who's been struggling a bit or like isn't conventionally attractive, but you know, all these girls are really fun to talk to and they're very pretty and they all, they're the only thing that seemed to be a common
was that they all had, most of them tend to have like were night workers. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. So that seemed to be the only thing that most of them had in common. So maybe that more so leans them to feeling they can't talk to normal people or. - Yeah. - But it was just sad. It's just sad talking to them.
But you know, 'cause that, you know, it's very nice to talk to them. They seem really, really nice. - Yeah. The adult entertainment world from like my experience of like interviewing a lot of these people is like, it's a looping economy. - Oh yeah. They all pay each other. - So it's like the so plan workers pay for the host clubs and then the host clubs go to the so plan. So it's just a looping economy over and over again. - Yeah. And then people are getting money, other people running the clubs and stuff. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, 'cause they told me, and I could have sworn this wasn't the case when I filmed my last one. I could be wrong, but,
- They had to close the host club at 12 or 1:00. - Oh, 1:00 AM? - Yeah, and I think that was a new rule. - It was a general rule. - 'Cause a lot of host club activities happened during, I think COVID, I could be wrong. Because I swear they used to be open until four or five. - That's usually for girls bar. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. - For boys somehow. - Have hosts always closed at one? - They said it was a general rule out there. - Clubs open around four and have to be closed between midnight and 2:00 AM. - So yeah, 'cause there's a lot of,
I guess to kind of stop people from spending all night here. - Yeah. - So interesting. It was all very fascinating and all it's again, I think that it's like the most weird bandaid solution to such Japan problem. Like people being lonely. It's like, yeah. Like what a weird solution to figure out that it doesn't solve the situation of anything. It just exacerbates. - Well, it sounds like the circular economy is just like everyone who works in this industry feels lonely. So they pay someone else. And then they also partake in it as well. Yeah.
- It's just a catch 22, isn't it? - Yeah. - Damn, this is where all the money is. - Was it normal for like any of the Jav people that you knew, would they ever go to like host clubs or anything like that? - Some of them definitely. - Oh wow.
- That's so strange. I can't imagine just being like, yeah, I just did my work and I'm gonna go and talk to some guys. It's so bizarre. I feel like I just wanna play video games. - They get paid to talk to guys. - Yeah, yeah. And now you wanna go then spend your money. It's strange, strange. - I just need to go to the toilet. - Yeah, we can do a 15 minute. - Now I've had a problem where I'm getting like a lot of clothes from like when I'm releasing merch or Jerry's giving me clothes or other friends and I'm like, man, what do I, my wardrobe's full. What do you do when your wardrobe's full?
- Well, if there's clothes that I know I'm not gonna wear, then I just donate them. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I should do that. - Yeah. I had to do that recently as well. - Oh yeah? - Yeah. - It's getting to that point, isn't it? - Because how often do you update your wardrobe? - No, that's when Joey gives me new clothes. - Before that, before that. - I didn't. - Yeah, you keep wearing the same shirt, like a trash t-shirt. - I just wore the same shirt. - It must've been the time you went clothes shopping.
- That's not for content, but just for yourself. - I mean, I took him to an off-white once. - He just bought a jacket. - Oh, he bought a jacket. - Yeah. - But other than that, I've never seen this dude go to a clothes shop. - I don't think I've...
- What did you do before YouTube? Where'd you get your clothes? - My mom bought them. My mother would buy me like two t-shirts every birthday. - Yeah, I was the same. - And then when I came to YouTube, people started sending me clothes. So I've never, I don't think I've been in a clothes shop for a very long time. - What about university? - I was doing YouTube in university.
- Fuck. - You were getting free stuff back then? - No, no, I was wearing my mom's clothes. - Oh, okay, okay. - Not your mom's clothes. - Sorry, sorry. - My mom still buys me shirts. 'Cause she knows I like plain tees. She buys me like plain tees and I still like wearing them.
So it's nice. - Oh, okay. - I mean, Aki's mom buys me underwear, so. - Oh, wow. - I was like, I didn't even ask for it. I have like 40 pairs of underwear and I'm like, I can't go through underwear that quickly. So it's like, what am I gonna do? - My mom always laments, she's like, "I don't know what to get you. You have everything you want." - Just give me a shirt. - Just give me a shirt. - Get me a new shirt. - Go to Primark, like, set a buy. - I don't buy that much outside of like tech and Uber Eats.
- That's kind of my two expenditures. - Makes sense. - That's what your parents should get you next, like an Uber Eats coupon. - Yeah, an Uber Eats coupon. - Thanks mom, it's gone. It's gone in five seconds. - I've been getting free Tenga and I don't know how to- - Free Tenga? - Yeah, I've been working with Tenga and then they're gifting me stuff and well, understandable- - They make Tenga for women? - They are like a Iroha selection that's like vibrator stuff. - It's like a sub rank, right? - But they sometimes give me like a Tenga and like,
- I don't have it. - Well, like the flesh line. - Yeah. - What do you do with it? - Yeah, I don't have that. How do I use it? - You just have a bunch of tangas? - I do have a bunch of tanga, actually. One tanga is like Harajuku, because they have a shop in Harajuku. - It's like, yo, you got these explicit Harajuku tangas? - Yeah, great package. - They just want you to what? Like, just have it in the bathroom? - Normally, they're saying they have an advent calendar now.
- An advent calendar. - I'm so confused by Tenga. - They're sending me the advent calendar. - I don't understand. - What, you just like rip it open, it's just like a fresh Tenga? - It seems like each day, like, oh, it's December 1st and open this one. I guess one could be lotion, one could be condom, I don't know. - That's so dumb. - That's so funny. I love that shit.
- Like, 'cause Tenga you throw away normally when you use it, right? - I think so. I mean, you can probably, it could be correctable after using it. - Some of them are one use, some of them are reusable. - Yeah, the one use ones baffle me.
'Cause like there's so much plastic. - Yeah. - I should have not once and throw this away in the trash. That's insanely wasteful. - Yeah. - More microplastics in your dick as well. - Macro, macro. - Macro plastics. - 'Cause some of those are like more plastic than this, like in them. And then they have like a silicone layer and then you just throw it in the trash. Like what the fuck?
- I did that video at Tango a couple of years ago. - We didn't use them, Joe. - No, of course not. - The way you looked at me like, yeah, we did that video with Tango a few years ago. - You didn't even open and put your fingers in there? - Yeah, no, we did. We had this like plastic rod. - Yeah, we had a rod so that we could use to test it out. - That was fun. - That was fun. - Do any of them feel different? I feel like they all feel the same.
- The Tenga Tenga is like insane. - Yeah, there's like one that like auto rotates for you as well. - It has a gyroscopic sensor inside of it. - Yeah, yeah. - So what you do is you literally attach a one use Tenga inside of it. - Yeah. - And then you press this button and you hold this part and if you twist your like wrist a little bit. - It's like a try not to not challenge. - Then the Tenga starts spinning. - I've never wanted my Tenga.
- I wanted my dick to rotate. - I was thinking if you actually use one of those devices, you've just ruined like normal sex for you or whatever. - Can you imagine having sex with someone and be like, hold on. - Can you do like full three seasons? - Hold on honey, let's go to a merry-go-round quickly.
- All right. - What I need you to do is get on top of me and start spinning. I know it's weird, but it's the only way I can not now. - Can you just join the circus and just like fucking- - Just peer around like a- - Yeah, peer around like a- - There's no part of me that would want a rotating table.
- They sold it. - They have a dumbbell one too, like a very heavy dumbbell one. - Oh yeah, we tried the dumbbell one. - So you can work out while you J-O. It's literally this like iron casket. - Yeah. - It's quite expensive too. - How heavy is it? - It's like five kilos, I think. It's like $500.
- So you only, you're the probably- - You're gonna be like quagmire in that one. - Whichever arm you use. - Why? - You're gonna be so un-proportional. - I mean, I feel like at this point, like Tenga- - That's a gimmick. - Yeah, no. - Yeah, yeah. - Tenga are like the master of gimmicks. Like they know that this shit is ridiculous, but they know it's gonna sell because it's just funny. - Yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause like, you know, that's the perfect gift to like give to your bro as like a joke present.
And I think they fully understand that market. - They embrace that. - Yeah, they embrace that market for sure. - I can only- - You're working with them? - They gave me a cold car ho actually. - Car ho, Tenga. - I found this like a very Tenga looking dress and I wore it out like at the pool, just as a joke style. And they found it and like, "Hey, would you be interested in introducing
- Oh, okay. I actually introduced them to like a dragon team too. So like, why don't you guys have a collaboration? So, hopefully that could happen. - Oh my God. - That'd be cool. - You're gonna go talk with Tenga? - Yeah, like a dragon on Tenga Cup. - Oh my God. - I have a dragon in my hand. And there's a dragon underneath that. - Oh my God. - I just can't think, 'cause every time I think about flashlights or anything, I just think of that one tweet, the one that you showed. The one where they closed.
- The one with like the fucking- - The jackhammer? - Yeah, the jackhammer. - Have you seen this, Kyle? - Can you pull it up, Kyle? - It's just like a jackhammer. It's not a Tenga, but it's like a jackhammer device where it fucking like jackhammers up and down. - We'll have to see now. - The jackhammer is like a tool they use on the road to crack the- - Oh, that one. - No, no, it's a tweet. - Oh, okay, so tweet. - Yeah, this is it. - The pumping. - Yeah, it's probably this one.
- Okay, no. - No, no, no, no. All I remember is the caption, "He will forget you." And it's just like a jackhammer. - It doesn't also have a phone holder attached to it as well? - Yeah, it had a phone holder attached to it as well. - It's a phone holder attached to it. - Oh my God, yeah. It's so funny though.
- I'm trying to find it. - I know Mudan found it 'cause he showed it in one of our episodes. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Well, I'm gonna watch this episode so I guess I can put it out there. - Put it up in your folders, Mudan, that you definitely didn't delete. Yeah, you can't find it. You can't find it. - Please, Mudan. - When is Tenga gonna come out with that?
- You know they're going to. - What's the next stage? - How do you evolve the flesh? - How do you evolve from that? When do we have like, what is that tweet that's getting thrown around that is like, women will be sleeping with robots more than men by the year 2030 or something like that.
- It might be close, it might be like 2025 or something like that. - That's next year. - Yeah, I know, I know. - That's a few months from now. - What did you see? 'Cause I saw like, was it Tesla that was releasing like the new robot thing? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Well, it's like, have you seen this chat GBT where people are talking to chat GBT like it's their friend? This is like a thing that's happening a lot. - Yeah, yeah, I saw that, yeah.
- I think if like, it is also messaging you first as well. - Ooh, wow. - Yeah, can you Google this? - That's scary. - ChatGPT friends or like becoming friends with ChatGPT. Like people are like, and like, it's so sad there are people being like, yeah, I talk to ChatGPT every day. - Well, it's kind of fucking, I am using ChatGPT as a friend. - Anyone else? - Bro. - Wow. It's on Reddit.
- I mean, it's fucking, have you seen that video of like the two chat GBTs having a conversation with each other? - I have seen that, yeah. - That is like terrifying. - So scary. The AI overlords are already here. - Yeah.
And there's also that one guy that tried to convince ChatGPT that it was like conscience. What's? - Conscious. - Conscious. That's the word I'm looking for. And it's like surprisingly convincing, you know, how convincing ChatGPT can get to just like normal human speech.
- It's like, it programs itself to like, I think programming itself to say ums and uhs, like just naturally you're like, fuck man. - Yeah. - This is getting too close. - Yeah, when it gets to the point where it's like you close your eyes and you can't tell if it's a human or AI speaking. - I think we're already at that point. - We're at that point already. - Honestly, if you take it, if you have a test and you're like,
Can you tell if this person you're talking to is a human or an AI? I don't think I'd be able to tell anymore. 'Cause ChatGPT has gotten very, very good. It's already passed the Turing test. - Nah, I can tell. - You can tell? - Nah, I can tell. - You can repeat. - What questions would you ask him? - Are you a robot? That's a great question. - I wouldn't ask you questions. I would just keep asking, "Hey, can you search over this dumb dick?" - Can you search over the jackhammer?
- What's your favorite meme? - But, Kaho, thank you so much for coming on the show once again. I hope you had fun. Sorry for bringing up Tenga and all this weird stuff. I hope you had a good time. And of course, if you're watching this at home, go and follow Kaho. All the links should be in the description right now. So go and give her a follow on all the relevant platforms. And thank you for coming on again. - Thank you. - Thank you very much.
- Hey, look at all these patrons though. I'm sure they're all happy to see a familiar face back again. And hey, if you wanna support the show as well as check out weekly exclusive patron content, 'cause we do that every single week, we have one for you that you can go check out right after this. But hey, if you wanna check that out and support the show, then head on over to patreon.com/trashtaste. Also follow us on Twitter, send us some memes on the subreddit, and if you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify. And yeah, we'll see you guys next week. Bye. - Bye.
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