What was the last thing that filled you with wonder, that took you away from your desk or your car in traffic? Well for us, and I'm gonna guess for some of you, that thing is... ANIME!
Hi, I'm Nick Friedman. I'm Lee Alec Murray. And I'm Leah President. And welcome to Crunchyroll Presents The Anime Effect. It's a weekly news show. With the best celebrity guests. And hot takes galore. So join us every Friday wherever you get your podcasts and watch full video episodes on Crunchyroll or on the Crunchyroll YouTube channel. Yeah, I needed some new undies. They had a whole Final Fantasy VI collection. So I was like, I'll take your entire stock.
- These are legitimately some of the most comfortable. - No. - Bro wearing the full Wysh.com dress. - It's like I'm wearing nothing at all. - That is a problem. I want to feel like I'm wearing something when I'm wearing the underwear, man. - It's snug around my balls, you know? It's nice. - If there's too much space down there, I'm like, nah, my balls should not be swinging this much, man. - No, no, no, it's not loose. It fits perfectly, but the fabric is so nice, it doesn't feel like anything. It's like silk.
- All right. - Please don't tell me that's the cold open. - That is the cold open. - Fuck. - You just had to show off your underwear, Joey. - I wanted to show people. - Hello and welcome to this episode of Trash Taste. I hope you are comfy in your undies as we all are right now.
I am your host for today, Garnt. And joining me once again are the boys. - Hello. - And we have a special episode for you guys today. - Really? - Because we are going to be revisiting all our shittiest takes and putting ourselves on court. Now, as you know, Trash Taste has been going on for quite a long time, right? - For four years.
- Has it been over four years or it's been four years? - Over 200 episodes. - Yeah, almost four years. - Yeah, almost four years now. And in that time I think we've kind of changed as people, right? - Right. - Have you guys changed?
- Have you guys had any character development at all? - Yeah, I am worse. - In the four years? - I am a worse human being. - Character regression. - Yeah. - What's the opposite of- - We live long enough to see ourselves become the villain. - What's the opposite of a redemption arc? This is a... - A recession arc. - A recession arc. - Yeah, so in that time,
we might've grown as people, we might've regressed as people, but some of our opinions may have changed over that time. We've had it before where we've said something outrageous on Trash Taste and then maybe a few weeks or a year passes and we might've reigned in that take a little bit. - Sometimes it's been a few minutes past and you're just like, "Oh shit, should've said that." - So we got our content producer to get us some of our takes mostly from like season one and keep in mind,
I can barely remember what I said on last week's Trash Taste or this, or probably like five minutes ago, let alone what I said three fucking years ago or four years ago.
So we got some of our takes from very, very early seasons, some famous, some not. And we're gonna see if we have still remains that same person and if we still agree with the takes, which terrifies me. - Yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause like God knows what I said years ago. - I can already guess what some of these takes are gonna be. I'm interested to see what else,
has come up though. - I feel as well. - I don't think I've said any bad takes. - Shut up. - I feel season one especially was when, because we were just kind of getting our foot in the door of this whole podcast thing and this whole format. So like, I feel,
we didn't really have anything to be afraid of. - Do we still have something to be afraid of? - We've kind of learned to like, you know, maybe we shouldn't say these things, but I just have this like weird memory of just like, I think some of the most just no brain unhinged shit that we've said on Trash Taste, a lot of them come from kind of early on. - I feel like I've gotten more unhinged. - You think so? - Yeah, I think so.
- Do you know what I've realized? I stopped doing this, I think season halfway through season two. Sometimes I would just say outrageous shit. - What is season two?
- Or just like, you know, I guess- - Second year. - Second year, second year. - Okay, so are we just saying the years of seasons? - Yeah, I guess so. - I'm just making sure I understand this. - Yeah, season two would be episode 50 to 100. - Yeah, yeah. - I would have thought of this more like this set being season two. - Yeah, that's what I thought. - You know how like when some TV shows, they're like, "Oh, I don't know how the first season's gonna go." And then people will say, "It goes really well." And then they're like, "Oh, they should make one million episodes of season two." I feel like that's what we're in.
- I mean, we can do that too. - Yeah, we never really got past season two. We have like a few OVA episodes, but I remember I realized I would, especially early on, I would say a lot of outrageous shit, not because I necessarily 100% believe them,
but just because I just- - 'Cause it'd be funny. - No, no, no. Just because I wanted the other person to be wrong. - Oh, I see. Devil's advocate, right. - Not even devil's advocate. Sometimes Connor would be arguing something and I would just like, I just don't want this motherfucker to be right. - Yeah, I know you would. Yeah, you would argue. You both did this to me. - It's so funny. - All right, shall we get started then? All right. - All right, let's see. What horrors await?
- Okay. - In trash box could today. - Okay, what? Okay, so, okay, well, this is, I can't remember which season this was, but this is one of your ones, Joey. - Okay. - But let's start on a strong one on this one. - Okay. - Because I know you think Jujutsu Kaisen is still mid. - Oh yeah. - We don't need to argue that one. We don't need to argue that one. - Still agree with it. - All right.
- This one's a classic one actually. - Okay. - I don't think yours has changed Connor. I think actually mine's changed on this one. - Okay. - To me, music is just beeps and boops. - There we go. - And,
- Okay. - Okay, so. - Why do we have to start with this one? - So. - This is right. - This is a classic Trash Taste one. And I remember originally I clowned on you for this one. - Everyone clowned on me. - Oh, rightfully so. - I think Beeps and Boops won the hot take of the year. - Rightfully so. - In the first Trash Taste Award. And I've let it simmer a bit. I've let that take simmer a bit for me. And especially talking to Kevin as well, when Kevin came on.
'Cause who can be more of an authority figure in this industry than someone who makes this for a living, right? - Sure. - And I realized I don't really listen to lyrics. - Okay. I mean, you know, I sometimes don't either if the lyrics are not worth listening to. - Okay, Joey, how important are lyrics to the music for you? - It depends on the music. I think like, you know, you can argue that
a Daft Punk songs lyrics are not necessarily as important because that's not the main focus of the music. - Sure, sure. - You don't listen to around the world going like, "Oh, bang lyrics." 'Cause they just say around the world so many times. - No, actually that is, I would argue that. - Okay, well you're just- - They found a great line and they stuck with it. - Well, you're just a Neanderthal.
- No. - I love it when he goes around the room. - You're just like, "Say it again, say it again." - I like "One More Time" too. - You went fucking Patrick Star. - Say it again. - It's good. - You are Patrick Star in terms of music. - No, no.
- I'm right. - But like, you know, sometimes if like a song or like, you know, say a song off an album follows a story or, you know, if the artist is trying to convey some sort of message. - Give me an example. - Okay, let's say like Kendrick Lamar's "To Pimp a Butterfly." Any song off of that, right?
- Well, actually any Kendrick Lamar song really, right? Like he's the kind of artist who obviously is trying to say a lot of things and is trying to portray a message. And a lot of his lyrics are very poetic and very meaningful. Now that's not to say that every rap artist is like that, you know, look at fucking Gucci gang by Lil Pump, you know, like that's just,
- Whatever, right? That people like that song because it's catchy. Not because he's like spinning poetry, you know? So it depends. Like sometimes I'm just like, I want to listen to the music because of the music. - Okay, I'll put that with like a caveat because I put like, I guess hip hop and rap in like a different kind of like space in my mind because I'm like, okay, this is really cool spoken poetry basically. If you like, you know,
break it down, you're like, okay, this is really cool. A lot of this is based on the lyrics and the words. For me, when I listened to a lot of other genres though, when it comes to like maybe like rock or even like fucking pop songs or whatever. - Yeah. - Like first time, I always have this argument with Sydney. She can listen to a song and she immediately hears the lyrics. It takes me even like,
20 fucking listens to a song before I even like start noticing words that are being said. - I could listen to a song a hundred times and not know what, I don't know what they're saying. I've never like listened. - You're listening to English music, right? - Yeah, yeah. I was like, I'm trying to think, like I was just thinking about Foo Fighters. Like the, I think I listened to a lot of Foo Fighters, like the Pretender. I think I've listened to that song a bunch. I have no idea what that song is about. - Dude, that Foo Fighter lyrics are fucking amazing. - I have no idea what he said. - Dave Grohl is such an amazing lyricist. - What's your favorite Foo Fighter song? - Oh fuck, that's hard. - Probably,
either Everlong or Monkey Wrench or- - I don't know what Monkey Wrench, I don't know what any of these songs are about, but I'm like, oh, the sound is nice though. - Yeah, no, no. - I get to the chorus, I'm like, oh, I know this part. And then you get to the lyrics, you get to like the verse and you're like, that's literally how it like translates. - What's like Monkey Wrench about? What's it about?
- "Monkey Ranch"? - Yeah, what's that about? - "Monkey Ranch", shit, that's a good question. I know the lyrics, I know all the lyrics to it. - Do you know what like breaks my mind every time? Sometimes I go like, I see a music video, like no, a music,
analysis video on YouTube where they're like, all right, and this is why the lyrics to this song are genius. And this guy breaks down, like this guy like says like the verse of a song. - You talking about polyphonic? - I don't know. It's just like, I don't know the YouTuber. - That's a great channel. - Yeah. But there's the,
- Every time you like present me with like lyrics to a verse of a song and you don't sing it, I'm like, I've never seen this before in my life. You know what I mean? - It's like the DNA of it. Like I don't recognize it in the spoken form. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - As like sound. But even then it's like, I misremember lyrics all the time. - Yeah. - Like I cannot remember the lyrics. - Well, I think that's normal. I think that's normal for sure. - Even like when I'm looking at karaoke and a song that I know really well, I'll see the words and in my head I'm like,
can I fit this in with the sound that I remember? And sometimes I don't, and then they fuck it up. And I'm like, why do I not remember any of the lyrics? I just cannot remember any of it. And then sometimes I listen to the lyrics and I'm like, this doesn't make a lot of sense. - Do you think it might have to do with the difference of the fact that I'm like musically trained from a young age and like, 'cause I'm a musician myself, I might just be like, have more of a natural inkling to like look into songs deeper? - Nah.
- 'Cause there is like that whole meme of like, oh, this is like a musician's band or a musician's artists where like- - What does that mean? - As in like people, the only people who appreciate a particular artist or a particular band are people who are also musicians. - Right. - Right, because like they see and they understand like, oh, that's technically difficult to do or that's impressive to like create. But people who aren't musically trained and have no idea about music will just listen to it and go, that just sounds like a fucking mess. Why would I listen to that?
- That is true. I have experienced that personally myself with a lot of bands I like. - I mean, to me with music, I feel like I'm very surface level with it, right? - Sure. - To me, music is all about the vibe, right?
- I'm having PTSD from last episode. - But even more than- - No, I get it though. I totally get it. - Even more than like anime or like other pieces of media where like film or something. - Sure. - Music to me is all about just a certain feeling or a certain vibe. - Sure. - I don't always know what the message is behind a song. In fact, there are some times where there's a song I really love and then I see someone being like, "Oh, do you know what that song's about?" And I'm like, "I have no fucking idea." - Yeah, that was like pumped up kicks when I found out what that was about.
- Yeah, same here, right? I thought that was just a catchy song. - I thought it was just a great song. - But you would have understood if you actually listened to the lyrics. - I think even if I listened to the lyrics. - 'Cause they're not subtle about it. Even the chorus is like, obviously it's talking about that. - Yeah, but I think I would go like, oh, that's weird. Anyway. - Better run, better run faster than my gun. - So you're saying this and I'm like, I don't recognize that. - I wouldn't think it. - Better run, better run faster than my bullets.
♪ My bullet ♪ - Like listen to that, it's like, oh yeah, that's obviously about that. - Okay, when you say like that, yes, it's very obvious, but when you hear a song, I'm just like. - Yeah, I think like someone could like.
- It might as well be a guitar riff at this point. It's just like, you're saying, you're speaking like, I'm speaking in Swahili for me. I have no idea what the fuck that means, man. - I think someone could fully list all the crimes they've committed and I would never notice. I'd be like, yeah. - Well, that's like most rap songs. - I break an enter, okay, cool. Yeah, like in "Cod", right? That's pretty cool.
- Yeah, like, you know, one of my favorite musicians growing up was like, obviously like Michael Jackson. And I, you know, for the longest time, one of my favorite songs was Smooth Criminal. And for most of my life, I thought the lyrics were, "Annie, are you walking?" And I'm just like, "Annie, are you walking?" And I had no idea what that is about. I don't even know who Annie is. I don't even know what that song is about. - What is the actual lyric? - "Annie, are you okay?" - Okay, good, that's what I heard. I thought I was dumb for a second.
- First of all, why would he ask Annie? Like why was like, what is Annie in a wheelchair? And he's just like, "Annie are you okay?" - What the fuck? - It could be, I have no idea. - I mean, I have plenty of lyrics where I have misheard it.
And I also, when I hear the correct one, I'm like, no. - No, no, I've had that before as well. - I'm gonna hear it one way, thank you very much. - I've had like, every time we go to karaoke, there's always like one song where I'm like, I know the lyrics to this. And then I read the words on karaoke and I'm like, that's not the lyrics. Like I know the lyrics in my mind. I have this argument all the time with Sydney where we have a song and we argue over the lyrics and both of us are like equally wrong. - How did that happen?
- I don't know. - Just Google it bro. - Yeah, just Google the lyrics. - Just Google it. - But how often did you Google lyrics? How often do you Google lyrics Connor? - If I was having an argument about lyrics, I think I would find myself Googling lyrics. - No, no, I mean like in terms of like remembering what the lyrics to a song are. - Oh never, never, never. No, no, it's embarrassing. - Well see, because I like to do this thing where like, you know, if I am listening to say like a new artist or a new album, never heard, but I've heard that it's like, you know, maybe it's a concept album or it's like a story album or something. Or even if it's not,
you know, when I'm listening to it on Spotify, sometimes, you know, they'll have the lyrics on Spotify and I like reading along as I'm listening to it.
- Just to get like better context of what I'm listening to. - It's like a nursery rhyme. - But it's great, 'cause it's like, oh, okay, now I actually have like a better understanding of the song and it's a banger. - Okay, here's my second problem, like with like lyrics to a song, right? I've tried that before where I'm like, okay, maybe I should like try finding a deeper appreciation to the song. So I read along with the lyrics and a lot of the times I'm like,
I still don't really know what the song's about. - But that's fine. But that's the thing. It's like, you know, a lot of times when I listen to a song, I don't immediately get the meaning of it on the first go because if the song sucks at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how deep your meaning is, the song still sucks. But if it's a banger, then I'll go back to it and then maybe I might try and be like, all right, let's actually like try and, I wanna know what the lyrics are about. - I actually think that when I understand what the song is about, it ruins it for me.
- But like that's only like with certain ones, right? Like pumped up kicks for instance. When you learned the meaning of pumped up kicks, did that ruin the song for you? - Actually, I think the problem is whenever I learned the meaning of any song, all I could think about when I'm listening to the song is the meaning. And I wanna just have the sound. I don't wanna think about what it's telling me. And when I think about what it's telling me, I don't, I'm like,
- It ruins the vibe, right? - Yeah, 'cause I wanna zone out. I wanna do other stuff. - Okay, but like, that's the thing. It's like, I think inherently there is nothing wrong with consuming music like that. 'Cause at the end of the day- - Damn straight, don't know. - Yeah, if you like the fucking music, then that's cool. That's all it is at the end of it. Like, I don't fault anyone for,
you know, being like, oh, I don't care about lyrics. I'm like, okay, that's fine. That's how you like to enjoy consuming media. It's like, you know, oh, I don't wanna watch movies to like try and get the better understanding of like what it means. I just wanna watch fun shit on the screen. It's like, okay, that's fine.
- It's not just that. - Totally okay with it. - It's like, because for me, I think that's why I find it so easy to get into music in a language I'd like never understood at all. Or even like, you know, a band like Sigur Rós where it's just like, I like- - I mean, half the time there are no lyrics. - Yeah, their music has moved me in a way that few pieces of media ever have and possibly ever will. - I mean, that concert was fucking life changing and they only sang like half the time. - Yeah, yeah, and I'm like,
I did not understand anything. I don't need to understand anything because the communication is in the beeps and the boops that they have created for themselves. And to me-
I think I've come around to be like, well, maybe the way you worded it wasn't the best way, but to me, you could have like the deepest lyrics of all time, but on someone like me, it is fucking lost because you could make these lyrics, which,
some really tragic life event or some really deep shit and it is going to be lost on me. But even listening to shit like Pink Floyd, I only know some of the meanings of the song because people have told me the meanings of the song. But it's still like affected me emotionally listen to the songs just because
Just because I think like the communication, the language of music goes more than just spoken language in general. Of course, you could go that deeper level and find a deeper appreciation to what people are trying to say through the lyrics of their song. But to me, what I like about music is just my own gut feeling about music.
what do I feel from listening to these notes that are being played. - And like, I totally understand your point of view as well of like, once you learn the meaning of a song, then it might ruin it for you. - You actually only think about the meaning, I can't think about the song. - Yeah, but like, that's the thing, it's like, but I think it depends on the song, right? Because I think sometimes by learning the meaning of the song, it further enhances the sound. Like, you know, take for example, like "Zombie" by Cranberries, right? Like that song is like,
It's a great song, fucking catchy shit. - What's it about by the way? - But it's about the fucking war between like Ireland and Northern Ireland that's been happening for like the struggles I think it's called. - The troubles. - The troubles, sorry, yeah. It's about the troubles. - Oh, okay. - And like once you actually read the lyrics and then you listen to the music that is paired with it, you get so much more of an emotional like impact on it. - I thought it was. - This episode is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Going online without ExpressVPN is like not having a case on your phone.
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So I think that's an example of where the lyrics, I think further enhance the emotions you feel towards that song. But then the opposite exists, say like, "Turning Japanese", everyone knows that song, but that song is about masturbation. - What is "Turning Japanese"? ♪ They're turning Japanese ♪ ♪ I think I'm turning Japanese ♪ ♪ I really think so ♪ - You've never heard that song in your life? - Never heard this in my life.
- Really? - I've never heard this. - All right, well you're lost. But that is like one of the most like fucking famous 80s songs, right? - Yeah, yeah. - For the longest time everyone was like, "Oh, it's just a fucking fun, catchy 80s song." No, it's about the lead singer being infatuated Japanese girls and masturbating to pictures of them. - How, is this something he's come out and said or is it something that- - No, if you read the lyrics, it's obvious. - Can we read the lyrics? - Read the lyrics to "Turning Japanese." - I wanna read the lyrics. - By, oh, what the fuck's the band name? It starts with V.
- The Vapors. - The Vapors. - Yeah. - I've got your picture of me and you. You wrote, I love you, I wrote me too. I sit there staring, starting and there's nothing else to do. Oh, it's in the color, your hair is brown. Your eyes are hazel and soft as clouds. I have to kiss you when there's no one else around. - I've got your picture. I've got your picture. I like a million of you over myself.
- Oh wow. - I want a doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well. - What the fuck? - Yeah. - What the fuck? - That's what I'm saying. - That's some serial killer shit, bro. - Yeah.
- I'm turning Japanese. I think I'm turning Japanese. I really think so. It's literally about the lead singer masturbating to girls. - This is some fucking serial killer shit, man. - But when you listen to the song, you're just like, oh, this is just a fucking catchy 80s song. - This is so catchy though. - Yeah. - It's so catchy. - But now that you know the meaning of it, you'll never be able to listen to the song the same ever again. - I'd never listen to it. - Yeah. - Do you think, are there deeper meanings to Daft Punk songs?
- Around the world, isn't it? - Around the world? - Yeah, of course there is. - Look up the lyrics to "Around the World." - I don't know what- - What is harder, better, faster about? - It's about getting harder, better, and faster. - Meaning. I would like to know if there is a deeper meaning. - That's the lyrics I like, baby. - Now that's some quality lyrics, boys. - Is it not a banger? - I mean, it's a banger.
The track speaks of where the mind goes at the most desperate and desolate of times. I mean, sure. It's just about slips away to all but disconnect itself. Sure. Yeah.
- It gets repeated almost 150 times. - Around the world. - Okay, around the world. So is it about going, wait, wait, what did the top, track speeds up, so there is no deeper meaning behind around the world. - What a shocker. - What a shocker. - But that's fine 'cause it's still a fucking banger song. - It is, it is. - It's a great song. - It is a banger song. - Not all music needs to have meaning. If anything, you could have, again, the most- - Not having meaning isn't meaning. - Yeah, you could have the most poignant, deep,
fucking like cerebral meaning to your song. But if your song sounds like shit, no one's gonna care what the meaning of it is. - Yeah, but- - So at the end of the day, what's the most important is, is your music even, does your music even sound good? Are people gonna actually fuck with your music? Then after that, if you wanna add some meaning, go for it. - Well, you've like, you've obviously written music before and you've written songs. - Yeah. - Right? What's your process?
- What's the process you've done when you've come to like writing songs and lyrics? - My process is I just like, well, for me, lyrics always come last. Because it's like at the end of the day, again, as I said, I need the actual music to sound good to me. And then after that I can be like, well, all right, what are the appropriate lyrics to a song like this? Or maybe I have something I wanna talk about or whatever, right? Not that my music's shit.
- You still went to do a creative process to make music before, which is I think a big thing. - But like, you know, yeah, for me it's always like the sound of the song comes first. 'Cause if the sound of your song sucks,
Lyrics or not, it's gonna suck. - Right. - So I think that's the most important. - The vibe comes first. - The vibe comes first, exactly. - Okay, okay. - Yeah, so that's why, again, I think my only problem with that take is, again, as you said, the way you phrased it. - I didn't phrase it badly. - I don't think all music is beeps and boops, but I do think some music is just beeps and boops and that's fine.
- To me, most of it is. - To me, fucking Neanderthals. - You all eventually come around to my side. You all eventually turn. - Yeah, after I have a lobotomy. - Hey, you still coming around? - All right, next one. This is definitely Connor's. - What? - I can't jack off to doujins.
- Okay. Yeah, I mean, why the fuck would I want to jack off? What am I in like the 1970s? Sorry, 1700s jacking off to like a- - We did a whole dojo episode. Your opinion hasn't changed at all? - No, fuck no. - Really? - Bro, I can't jack off to a piece of paper. - No, it was more like still images, right? - Yeah, still images. - Yeah, if you made a flip book, maybe I can make it happen. I got a pretty fucking big flip book. - Okay, what's more important to you? Is it movement or is it sound? 'Cause to me, I think-
- Who's jacking off to sound? - Yeah, okay, so here's the hypothetical. Would you rather watch porn blind or deaf? - I think the barrier of entry would be significantly easier if I was blind, right? 'Cause then like you just have to make audio, which I feel like is way easier than making visuals.
- No, no, no. So hypothetical, let's say you load up Masterpiece. - Yeah, yeah. Would you rather consume it completely blind but you can hear all the audio or would you rather turn the volume off and just watch it? - I'd rather be blind so I can enjoy every Queen Bee hens either. - Yeah, I literally just said, you guys were like, "What?" And I just said, "You have so many more options if you're blind." 'Cause again, the barrier entry of making audio is so much lower than making good visuals, right? - Sure. - That's what I said. So you just said what I said, but then.
- No, no, what I was trying to get at is like, is sound to you more important? - No, I understand that. But I was illustrating a point that if you try more options. To me, it honestly just depends. But if I had to choose one. - But you've cracked a fat dojo before, right? - No, fat, yeah, I guess so. But I would never be able to like- - But it's never gone beyond that. - No, 'cause then, bro, it's like,
It's like trying to get your laptop to like run World of Warcraft or something. It's like, it's like boning up. It's like the amount of processing power to get something done here is a lot. And we don't get the bandwidth for that. So I, my brain of course being the PC. - I didn't realize it was that big of a task. - Well, I have to like really imagine and I don't want to imagine. That's just, that's so much work. So I would, I think I would go audio if I had to actually. - I don't know man. - I think imagination is actually like in a way imagination,
- It takes more effort. - I'm building the bridge while I'm jacking one up. It's like the Wallace and Gromit scene where he's on the train, he's putting down the tracks. And I'm jacking one up. I'm making a plot and I'm like, "Oh, it's a plot hole. "Jack off through it, jack through it." You know, it's like, I don't wanna have to do that. In "Dogins," I don't wanna have to go, "Okay."
- I don't wanna have to turn the page. - Yeah, okay, okay. - It's so much effort. - All right. - I don't know, man, it's a lot of work. - Okay, okay.
- Hypothetical question, all right? Let's say we go back 30 years, all right? Internet doesn't exist anymore. We are our parents' age. You have a choice. Do you phone in on one of those little seductive sex hotlines or do you go get a Playboy magazine? - I'm getting a Playboy magazine. - You're getting a Playboy? - Yeah, I would get a Playboy. - 100%. - 'Cause one, very shameful having to call someone up and be like, "You make me jack off."
- Say Tony things in my ear, please. - Okay, okay. - I think that the- - I don't know, what would you- - The disconnect between the magazine is acceptable, but also back then, 'cause your porn options are less. - Yeah, your porn options are way less, right? - You know, we've been spoiled. - We have been spoiled. - Jacking off now, I need like the fucking stars to align for like the perfect plot. Like we could be picky about plot now. You know what I mean? You couldn't do that back then. It was like whatever fucking page four shows up, you're like, "All right, I guess I'm beating one out to this."
What else we gonna do? - Is it page four or page three? - I don't know. I think it's four in America, three in the UK. - Oh yeah. Are those things still around? - I think some of them still have it. - What are we talking about? - No, in the UK there was like a, I remember this growing up because I think it was the sun. It was a newspaper. And on page three, they would always have like a topless model on. - Wait, this is a newspaper, right? - This was a newspaper. - Well, it's very generous to put the sun on a newspaper.
- Yeah. - A tabloid. - Oh, I see. - Yeah. - I see, I see. - And on, yeah, I remember that. I remember growing up, it was like the closest thing I got to seeing any boobs for like until the internet was invented. - Is it page four in America? Am I correct in thinking that? I feel like I wanna- - I don't know. - That's surprising that it's like right near the front. - No, no, no, not the sun, just newspaper page four.
Normally with that kind of stuff, it's like in the back maybe, you know? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But like, they didn't fuck around. Jesus. - Yeah, maybe I'm wrong. - Yeah, I don't know if it exists in America, but it definitely, this was a thing that definitely existed in the UK. - I just made shit up. - Yeah.
- I don't know how that. - Point being, I cannot drag off to Dojin's. I wish I could do what you guys do. - Okay, was the first time you discovered adult content, was that from like the internet? - Yeah. - Yeah. - So, okay. - Well, technically it was from my friend's phone. - Yeah, I was never on the phone. - At the time. - Yeah. - I also like, I mean, I knew there was the page three topless thing, but I'm also like, I don't really care.
- But then when I hear about like online, I'm like, this is kind of cool. I don't want to type it in. - This is kind of cool. - This is kind of neat. - I just thought it was cool 'cause you can search for it. You can like type in what you wanted to see. I thought that was kind of neat. - No, it wasn't actually. The first time I ever saw a Playboy magazine was when I was in like first year of high school. So I was like, what, 12, 13-ish. And someone in our school had brought one.
I think they might've like stolen from like their dad or something. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - They brought one to school. - I had exactly the same thing at my school actually where they were like, "Yo." I don't think it was like Playboy, but it was like an adult magazine. And I remember it was like the fucking talk of the school that, "Yo, you know what fucking Jimmy has right now?" - All the kids like went to the bathroom and like huddled around and looked at the thing.
I fucking remember that. - Yeah, guys did used to do that. - And I'm like, whoa, are those real boobies? - I remember a guy who had porn once on his Bluetooth phone and it was in like 10p. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I was referring to. - But Gilby like railed in like 10p. - He had like his Motorola Razr and it was like 120p and it's like, I think I can make out some boobs. - I think everyone, when I was growing up, everyone had the Sony Ericsson. - Oh yeah, the Sony Ericsson. - Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. - What was the shit name? Ericsson.
- I know, shall I pick one? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. - There's a lot in here. If it's another one of mine, I swear to God. - I think most of these are gonna be yours. - "I'm scared of wasting my time on anime and games." - Who the hell said that? - Who said that? - Who said that? - Who said that? - It was me? I said that! - You said, Garnt, "I'm scared of wasting my time on anime and games." - Oh, what the fuck? - You watch the most anime out of all of us.
- Okay, I must've said this. - I think Garnt had the liberty to say this because this was during the time when I was still watching a lot. - This must've been during season one when I was just like, "Hey, I'm like an anime YouTuber. "And this like Trash Taste is starting "and we're doing all this like new shit now "with making like..." 'Cause okay, do you remember when we saw Trash Taste and do you remember like our first IRL recording? - Yeah. - I was like shitting myself.
- It was the figure special, right? - Oh, that one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The first time- - It was so cute to watch it. - 'Cause Connor and I had already finished our intros and we were waiting on Garnt. - You were having a really hard time. - I remember just looking from the distance and I'm like, "Come on, Garnt, you got this. You got this, man." - I think you kept doing inside voice. It's like, "I gotta do outside voice, Garnt." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause I remember halfway through,
I would always look at Sydney and be like, am I saying the right thing? Is this what I'm meant to be saying? Am I missing anything? Although I still think I am kind of like that. - You're a lot better now. - I'm better now to just like, okay, I'm going to finish my sentence before I actually start thinking, did I say the right thing? 'Cause okay, I don't know how you guys do it.
- I know specifically you Joey, because we all have like second channels now and everything like that. I have tried recording second channel videos, like vloggy type videos, opinion based videos without being on stream.
I find it nigh on impossible to do it. - Really? - The reason I turn on my stream highlights into like different video ideas is because unless I have like chat there to make sure that I'm not like overthinking what I say, I will just like not finish a sentence until like I have like five takes. - Oh no, trust me, all of my videos I'm overthinking, but I record them anyway.
Like I tried recording like a 15 minute video. It takes me like an hour and 50, it takes me like an extra hour to like record a 15 minute video sometimes. - I think a 15 minute video for me takes 20 minutes. - Yeah. - I was gonna say, 20 minutes, yeah. - I just cut out the five minutes of silence and I'm just leaving everything else in. - You know, if you do something like that, I just find that writing like bullet points are roughly what you want to do.
- Even if I'm like writing bullet points because to me, unless it's like a whole script, I'm like, okay, I know I wanted to say this, but I don't know how I wanted to say this. And I will sit there being like, huh, what was it? How did I want to say this again? And then I realized that unless I have someone actually watching me, maybe it's like someone behind the camera or like, just like I'm being live streamed. - That thing is watching me.
- Yeah, unless I have someone watching me, I just can't properly put my thoughts into words. - See, I'm the opposite where like, if I try to do like say like Japan news based videos or any second channel content on stream, I get distracted by the chat.
'Cause like not everyone in the chat is going to be like talking about the same thing I'm talking about or trying to bounce ideas off of. And then I will just see that one comment that is just like completely not on topic. And then I just keep going on tangents forever until I'm like, wait, what the fuck was I talking about again? - I've become very like less coherent. - Yeah, I become less coherent too. Whereas like, if it's just me, then I have enough time in my head to be like, okay, I know exactly what to say. Just translate this to here and then...
Yeah, and I can get it done. - See, that's the secret. I'm never coherent. - So that doesn't answer the question of why you're scared of wasting your time on anime and games. - I think I was scared that I just wasn't going out enough and I was just like putting value in the wrong things.
And I think Trash Taste made me open my eyes to be like, hey, maybe I should do, 'cause I think before Trash Taste, all I did my entire working week was sitting inside in an office and scripting and occasionally going out. And now that I have Trash Taste, I get to go out to the office, I get to, you know,
But you guys and I try to go out more often as well. And I realized maybe anime and video games aren't the problem because now I just want to play more anime and video games. But it was going out that made me realize and appreciate watching anime and playing video games more. - So you don't feel this way anymore? You don't think watching anime- - It's a balance, I think. - I think it's a balance. I think it's...
- I think with anything, 'cause I think obviously in "Trash Day" season one, COVID was like a big thing as well. - Sure. - And I think I was definitely in a rut back then. And obviously what a lot of people did was just play a bunch of games and watch anime or watch movies. And now that we get to go back outside, remember like,
- Do you remember when like the COVID restrictions got lifted? - Well, I mean, they got restricted like last year, finally. - Like fully, yeah. - Like fully, but like in terms of- - Like the first wave, right? - In terms of like the first wave where you can just like just start enjoying yourself and start traveling around the world again.
And like, I was like, oh, I want to travel so much. And then we did like the first year of like Trash Taste traveling. And I was off that year. I was like- - Well, that was our first tour, right? - Yeah, that was the first tour. And I'm like, I think I overdid that. - Oh yeah, 100%. - And I was like, I want to do nothing. - Last year for me and the year before, like the two tour years, like that was the, those were the two years that this year made me go, I ain't fucking going anywhere, dog. I'm playing all the games.
I'm staying inside. - Yeah, Joe, okay. I feel like you've played even more games recently. - Oh dude, like I finished like three JRPGs in the last month. That's because JRPG players are just eating good. - Smoking. - Yeah. - So it's been great, yeah. Like all the games I've won is always eating good.
- No. - Yes. - No. - There's always JRPGs. - No, because we had such a massive stint during COVID, whereas no good JRPGs- - Because all the people who were making JRPGs stopped making them because they were playing them instead.
- It's literally like all of the JRPGs I've been looking forward to just all came out at once in February and March. So it's like, that's why we've been kind of eating good. But like now I'm like finishing up the last one I wanted to play and now there's nothing else. - Cool. - All right. - I'll go back outside after that. - All right. - Time to get outside. - Time to get outside, touch the ground. - I like going outside. - Going outside is good. - Best part of the year.
- The singular time I got. - Ooh, this is an interesting one actually. So I think we made an entire episode around this. So it's not one, what one single person said. - Oh, okay. - The Dragon Ball fan base are the worst. - Oh man. - Do we still agree with that? - No, I think we all changed our minds.
- Okay, here's the thing. - I think we all agreed that My Hero is the worst. - Here's the thing, okay. I think right now the worst fan base is Jesus Christ, right? - Right? - It's definitely- - Right now. - Wait, what do you mean? What do you mean? - I'd say definitely top three.
- What do you think is worse? - What makes it worse? What makes it the worst? - Then why shut the fuck up about it? - That's just the memes of fire, bro. Everyone's- - Yeah, that's the big advantage that- - Bro, that's like saying humanity is like the worst fan base. And everyone is a fan of Juntsukai. - Who is, what fan base is worse than the JJK fan base right now? - What are you talking about? They have no fan base right now. - They do, they do. Whenever I see them, I'm like, "Stop it."
- Yeah, but they're like 10 years old. - They're like an endangered species now. They're like, oh, you know, let's, the last time I thought I saw someone like talking about my hero academia on like any kind of social media platform. - It's like a legacy hatred.
- It is. - I hate them out of respect. - That's such a power word, legacy hatred. - It's a legacy hatred. I know they don't- - The shippy generational man. - I know that. - Generational hate. - I'm like what Dio is to the Jonathan Bloodline. I am that to hating my hero.
- Even though we get so much shit from my hatred of My Hero. People like when they hate on My Hero again. I wanna stop listening to Trash Taste. Yeah, I don't know. I'm just committed. - Why do you hate the My Hero Academia fan base? - They haven't even done anything. I just...
- I'm like literally, I'm like Dio, I just picked the battle and I stuck with it. - It's just cyber bullying, bro. - Yeah, I mean like Dio, you know, Jonathan didn't do anything wrong and Dio's been hating for years. So I think that's kind of where I'm at right now. I'm just committed.
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- But I also find it funny how like for a lot of- - It's 'cause the memes weren't good. - The memes were dog shit. - Was there a single good My Year Academia meme? - It wasn't funny that at one point in time, like especially you were like talking like great shit about like season two, for instance. - Did I? - Yeah.
- Everyone was. - Everyone was. - I didn't, 'cause I never got to see it. - In order to become a hater, you need to be a fan first, right? - Yeah, that's how you become the biggest- - Really? I was never a fan. - No, no, no, bro, the biggest is true. - I finished season one and I didn't continue it. - The biggest haters come from the fans. The fans can turn on it. - I've seen your opinion of "Sword Art" online, Joey. You can't hide this shit from me. - "Sword Art" is different, okay? But my hero, I didn't even watch season two.
- You didn't even watch the best season then. - I do think Dragon Balls are generally Dragon Ball fans. You know, can be the loud people and a little aggressive. But also Dragon Balls kind of ubiquitous and so much more. - Dragon Ball fans are interesting 'cause they're- - There's so many tiers of Dragon Ball fans. - Yeah, 'cause Dragon Ball fans are simultaneously some of the most annoying yet some of the funniest. - Yeah, they are very funny. Dragon Ball fans,
I crack up from Dragon Ball like fans talking about it or making memes about it more than most. - It's so entertaining. - I don't understand. They'll be like, "This motherfucker like go have for real." And then they'll have a clip and I'll be like, "I don't get it, but I feel like it's funny." The energy is funny. - It's like, "Yo, Sel is a generational hater." - I feel like as Dragon Ball fans have grown up, you know, it's...
Like you said, we've gone from could Goku beat AIDS to, you know, that's, it's those- - That's certified now. - It's those kinds of like power scaling things are started off by giving Dragon Ball fans the-
- The community would be too afraid to adopt such a meme. They'd be too afraid to allow such a meme in their ranks. - I think that's the thing. - I respect anything for the Dragon Ball. - Do you think, okay, let's- - They'll let any meme fly. - Instead of being like Dragon Ball fans are the worst, who do you think is the worst fan base in the history of anime? Is it the My Hero Academia fan base? - Probably like Fairy Tail. - Fairy? - Yeah.
- Wouldn't you say? - I mean, JoJo fans were definitely- - JoJo fans were very insufferable for a while. - I think part five, the year part five was airing, it was like the meme to be like, "Shut the fuck up about JoJo's." "Shut the fuck up." I loved it, it was great. - I don't know, man. I'm thinking back to like, you know, 2015, 2016 at like the peak of fairy tales popularity. And like, if you didn't say you liked fairy tale, you would have like entire internet movements
of like, "We need to cancel this man. He said he hates fairytale." That happened to me. - Really? - Yeah.
I remember the first time I said I fucking, I thought fairytale was so dog shit. There was literally like a campaign on Instagram and like a change.org account created to be like, cancel the anime man. He said fairytale was shit. And I'm like, bro, fucking chill out. - That's why I like like Dragon Ball and JoJo's. I feel like the fan base, they run with the jokes. - Oh yeah. - I like that. - I think Dragon Ball fans have learned a bit more self-awareness.
I think like five years ago, that definitely, I don't think that was that case at all. But I think as the fandom,
I mean, a lot of fans are like much older people now. I think there is a lot more self-awareness and a lot of gym bros are very like into Dragon Ball now because, and I think one of the most positive communities on the fucking internet are just gym bros, right? All about self-improvement. - They looked at Goku and they were just, "Myron is getting extra." - Yeah, Jujutsu Kaisen, the fan base. - It's getting there.
- It is fucking- - It's just new and it's popular. So it's always gonna feel like- - It's new and popular, but the big difference I've seen with the Jujutsu Kaisen fan base is that their meme game is just top fucking tier. And I think this is what happens when the gen alpha generation are getting into a mega popular and they just, like, say what you want about new generations, their meme game is just on a different tier to what any of us can do. - Well, that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying, fairy tale. Have you ever seen a good fairy tale meme?
- No. - No, they couldn't even do that. - I've never seen a good "Fair As Hell" episode. - Yeah, exactly. So it's like the fan base is annoying. They're not self-aware. They get way too butt hurt when you shit talk their favorite show. Can't even make any good memes that extend outside of the fan base. And it's just generally a shit show. Like you can't get any worse than that. - Bro, they're already dead, man.
- They're already dead. - So you think fairytale fan base is worse than Seven Deadly Sins? - You have a personal vendetta against them. - What, fairytale? - Yeah, fans. - Well, yeah, 'cause they try to cancel the Seven Deadly Sins. - What are you? - Do you think they're worse than the Seven Deadly Sins fans at their peak? - They don't exist. - No one has Seven Deadly Sins. - No one is a Seven Deadly Sins fan.
- In fact, the Seven Deadly Sins fans got rid of themselves after season three came out. - Got rid of themselves? - Yeah, they were just like, "Actually, JK, I'm not a Seven Deadly Sins fan anymore." - You made it sound like they fucking offed themselves. - Yeah, they literally, they offed themselves from being a fan base. They were just like, "Actually, you know what? I actually never liked it really, JK.
- It was crazy how the internet went from loving that show to immediately wanting to be like, I don't know what this show is. I never heard of it. I don't like it. What the fuck is a Meliodas? - Yeah, exactly. - I think apparently the, I read a thing that said initially Meliodas was designed not to be a perv and then they added that in after the fact or something. Something strange like that. I don't know. But if it was true, it's the biggest fucking disservice. - All right, who do you think is the horniest fan base?
- Wait, why? - Huh? - Right now it's the Freeran family. - Why are we talking about the Hordias? - Right now it's the Freeran family. - 'Cause I saw a tweet the other day, which was just like, "What would you rather have, "a chainsaw man's son or a Jujutsu Kaisen daughter?"
- I think I'd off myself. - What's that about a Jujutsu Kaisen daughter? - Have you not seen the post where it's just fucking Nanami like holding the hand, like the tweet blowing up and just being like, yo, yeah. - I did see the thread of like the thirstiest tweet. - Yeah, the thirstiest Jujutsu Kaisen tweet. - The Jujutsu Kaisen thirst traps right now are just insane. - Like the fucking female fan base on just like fucking Gojo and Nanami and all of the male characters.
- It's scary. - Yeah. - It is scary to watch. - But also seeing the male fan base. - This is an actual thing.
- What the heck, this is like a meme. I've never seen this. I have not seen this. What the heck, this is great. - That's so good. - And it's just like. - Jitsu Kaisendora or Chainsaw Man saw that poster. - The left one there, the left one. Go to the very left one. - I remember there was that one tweet that went viral where it was a girl, her husband was filming her.
- Like going up to all the nanomies and like, I guess enjoying it a lot. - And just like pulling their hair and she was like, "Oh, I would have zipped." She has better restraint than me. I would have zipped his pants down as though that was happening. I'm just like, "Yo!" - This is just like the yaoi paddle culture all over. - Yeah, right?
- I mean, yeah. - It's wild to be behaving like that. - I can't say that that's any better from how I've seen the Chainsaw Man fan base act towards fucking Makima. - Yeah. - Like every time, I swear to God, every time Makima is mentioned during a live stream or something, there will be one person that just goes woof. - Yeah. That's an Insta ban on my chat.
Both are equally as down bad. - Now that we say that, I think the worst fan bases are the ones that just make you take a step back and go,
- Chill out. Like actually chill. - You guys are going too far. - We are pretty open with our tastes in terms of like culture and stuff like that. There are some fan bases that even I see that and I'm just like, whoa, that is a damn, people are down bad. People are fucking down bad. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - They're gonna do some wild stuff at conventions.
- Yeah. - I mean, convention culture has evolved, but at its core, it has remained the same.
- I didn't know about this meme, it's so funny. - It's so cursed. - Would you say that the Black Butler fan base at its peak would be better than these ones or? - Maybe, I don't know. - No, you know what was the worst fucking fan base in anime? Hitalia fans. - Holy shit, why? You're so right, actually.
- They were legitimately the fucking worst. - I forgot about that. - Oh my God. - They were so bad, we all erased them from our minds. - There's probably a lot of people watching this that have never even heard of Hattalia. - Good. - Yeah. - Good. - We could move on. - That is a dark period of the anime fandom. - Yeah. - All right, next one.
- What the fuck's in this? Trash anime are superior because it's easier to watch. - Oh, I- - That's definitely gone. - I said this. I mean, I would, okay. I would expand this out. I should agree with this by the way. - What a beta, easier to watch. What are you talking about? - Explain yourself. - Explain myself. All right. What is most of the media you guys watch? - The what? - What is most of the media you guys watch?
would you say it's like top tier fucking S tier entertainment or is it like 90% slop most of the time? - Slop, we love the slop. - I would say like, you know, a lot of people get up on me for being like, "Oh, why are you fucking watching "East of Kyle, why are you watching this like shitty TV show?" And I'm just like, most of the media everyone consumes is slop that uses like 2% of your brain power, you know? 'Cause it's like, it's just comfort food.
without watching the slop, it would make you appreciate the fucking Oscar worthy media films, TV shows that you end up consuming, right? - Sure, sure. - You need to humble yourself sometimes. And sometimes humbling yourself is eating the equivalent of just a McDonald's chicken nugget, you know? You know what I mean? - Yeah, I mean, I get that, but to say that it's easier? - Okay.
- I'm not too sure. - You must've had this, okay. You must've had this before, right? - Yeah. - You got like a night off and you're like, I wanna put something on. You load up Netflix and it's just like, maybe it's like the newest invincible season that's just been in- - It's Amazon Prime. - Oh, sorry, Amazon Prime. Or just a new hype TV show that's come out and you're like,
I don't really feel like that right now. - Okay. - And then you just scroll down and you like don't know what you're gonna watch. So you just watch, you end up putting on the same fucking TV show or some like- - So you'll see a good TV show and you'll be like, nah, I want bad shows. - Sometimes you just like, sometimes you're like, ah, I don't really, 'cause TV shows take like, especially good ones, they take like investments, right?
- Do they not? - I mean, look for me- - You know what I mean? - For me personally- - Am I the crazy one? - If it's a good TV show, I just watch it. - Yeah, for me personally, the only time nowadays I load up Netflix is to watch that good show. - Yeah, I just won't put anything on it that's nothing good. - Yeah, if I don't feel like, if I'm not gonna load up Netflix to watch "Slop." - What do you watch when you're eating?
It's just like YouTube. - It's YouTube? - Yeah. - Okay. - Like some of my favorite channels or if like a creator I like uploaded a video, I'll watch that. Or like if I see something in recommended that looks interesting, I'll watch that. - So exactly, some people's vices are like YouTube, some people's vices are like shitty reality TV shows. Some people just wanna end the day and watch 90 Day Fiance for like the ninth season. That blows my mind. I don't understand that.
- It is the same slop. - But here's the thing, for me personally, the only reason why I know about shows like that is because other people tell me about them. I don't sit down and watch 90 Day Fiance. - Yeah, I wouldn't watch 90 Day Fiance, but I would watch a guy who's watched all of 90 Day Fiance. Give me a 20 minute abridged of the best moments. - Yes. - Because I don't wanna watch 90 Day Fiance, but I don't mind watching an occasional funny hee hee ha ha. - Would you watch something like Kitchen Nightmares then?
- I've never watched an episode of "Kitchen Numbers". - Come on, everyone has like one trashy reality TV. - I used to, but I would never watch it.
- Right, right. - I'm just trying to think what is that trashy show that I would- - Everyone has like a trashy comfort TV show they gravitate towards. - "Iron Chef", I guess. - "Iron Chef"? - But that's not even trashy. That's just good television. - Yeah, "Iron Chef" is goaded. - So I don't know, man. - I've never seen "Iron Chef" before. - That's because you're wasting your time watching fucking "90 Day Fiance", Garnt. - I'm not okay. I don't want to watch "90 Day Fiance". - What's the Japanese name for "Iron Chef"? - Yeah.
- Fucking great show. - Dub's great. - The dub is fantastic. My favorite dub anime. I only watch one dubbed anime. - What's the name of the guy who keeps going, "Mr. Sasaki's done." Or something like that. - Oh yeah, oh fucking, what was his name? - I don't know what his name was, but throughout the entire thing he goes, "Mr. Hiroshi, why are they doing this?" Well, I'm glad you asked, boy. They're actually preparing the fish in this way. It's so good.
- It's such a good TV show. - It's such a good TV show. - Pete loves the show. Pete quotes this all the time. If you tell Pete, you're like, "Hey, can you say the intro?" - Oh, that's Sakai-san. - Sakai-san. - Sakai-san. - Yeah, Sakai. If you ask Pete to say the intro, he'll go over the whole three minute intro monologue. He'll say it.
- And the guy, yeah, 'cause the guy does the same thing. He always like goes up to the fucking steaming pile of ingredients, picks up a bell pepper, bites into it and then looks into the camera. - He's so dramatic, the host. It's so good. - I am Kitty!
- I don't know what he's saying. - It's so dramatic. - I think I've ever seen a single episode of this. - Can you show it actually? Every Iron Chef ingredient, 'cause it literally just does the being dramatic and then saying it. It's so funny. Every Iron Chef ingredient YouTube video. - Yeah. - That one. - That one, yeah, yeah, yeah. - That one. - Damn, eight minutes long? - No, you just watched a little bit. - Okay. - It's so dramatic. - Make sure to watch this again.
I love this host. - Look at how dramatic this is. - This is actually the best show. What is that? Oh, Takenoko. - And the guy's so like- - Oh, no, no, it's gonna be great. 'Cause every ingredient, he delivers it differently. It's not always hype. But I'm pretty sure you're gonna hear hype right now. But no, no, that's it.
- It's so good. - Banana. - It's so good, man. - It's so good. - All right, all right. - I actually go to this. - See, stop watching "Ninety Day" if you wanna say watch some real television. - I actually go to TV. - Okay, what do you guys count as trash TV then?
- Just like reality TV. Like, you know, the big brother equivalents. - I know people love "Survivor" but I don't really fuck with "Survivor". - I never, yeah. I don't know. Like they played on TV in Australia, but like I just never watched them. - I mean, "Big Brother" I could never really get into. - Oh, so bad. - I don't know. Like "Big Brother" was never my thing.
- I don't like to me, my reality trash TV was like kitchen nightmares. Anything Gordon Ramsay. That was pretty much it where I'm like, I know the formula. I know exactly how this is gonna play out. I'm gonna watch it anyway. - You had Gordon Ramsay, I had this motherfucker. - My favorite Gordon Ramsay is when they just started adding him to like critique just random things. Like they did like hotel hell.
- I'm just critiquing hotels. And you're like, well, yeah, if my bed had cockroaches in it, I think I could have said that this was shit. I don't necessarily need Gordon Ramsay to tell me a hotel sucks. - I don't know why he went to hotels where- - He had his own game show for a while too. - Did he? - It was so bad. Gordon Ramsay game show host. He was like a host of a generic question game show. And it was just, it just didn't work.
Yeah, "Bank Balance" is a British game by Gordon Ramsay. I think it had one or two seasons. It was just bad. It was like, yeah, look up 4.2.
- It was like him trying to be a generic TV host. It just didn't work 'cause he couldn't go into the kitchen and roast the shit out of people. He's very good on camera, obviously. I mean, he wouldn't have got this far, but his strengths just didn't suit being a generic host, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He's much better. - Okay. - But that was 'cause he owned, I think Gordon Ramsay owns the production company. - Right. - I think, so he, you know.
But I think that's why he's so successful is that he's really smart. - Okay, okay. - My bang. - Yeah. - Next one. - Next one. - I skip all video game cut scenes. - That's you. - It is me, yeah. Yeah, I don't do this anymore. I don't skip all video game cut scenes. - Was there ever a point where you're like, was it because- - What was the game that changed the view? - Was it streamed that bullied you into- - Yeah, I got bullied into it.
- Rightfully so. - I got bullied into it. - What was the game where you were like, "All right, this ain't so bad actually. This ain't so bad." - Yeah, it was kind of cool 'cause I realized that when you don't skip them all, everything kind of makes sense. I was like, "This is kinda helpful. It's kinda cool." - That's kinda like saying like, "Yeah, you know, when I'm reading a book and I don't skip like seven pages, it kind of makes sense." - Yeah, but I think, you know, and to some extent I can still, I reckon there's a lot of games where I could still skip the cut scenes and enjoy the game. Like, 'cause I think not all games,
I need the cut scenes. 'Cause I think some games it's more about the gameplay for me still. But something like Final Fantasy or JRPG, I think I could still probably skip it. - Okay, what? - Just 'cause the comp. - Yeah, but you won't be as invested. - Yeah, absolutely. I think I could still enjoy it. 'Cause I, you know, like Final Fantasy VII, great story, everyone talks about. But for me, the one thing I really loved doing was just the material.
the material system in the original was amazing. And getting to like theory craft builds with the material was so fun. - How many hours did you have to play before like clicked with you about like- - Story? - No, not even a story. - That you were actually enjoying watching? - The menu system where you're like theory crafting and all that shit. - An eight, it sucked. I didn't like it an eight even when I finished. I still didn't, actually it was kind of fun, but-
Seven, like when I realized the amount of combinations you could make is when I was like, okay, I'm like smoking that material hype. I was like, yeah, I'm down. This is good. Yeah. But I, you know, I think JRPGs definitely I wouldn't skip the cut scenes anymore. Yeah. But also I realized that I don't,
And I said this on another episode, I don't like voice acting in the cut scenes. - What do you mean? Aren't you literally a voice actor? - Yeah, so for me personally, I realized the dichotomy of my life is that as a voice actor, I should love these things, but as a consumer- - Why do you hate them? - I don't, for me, the games, I love being able to, and this may be a stream thing too, but even personally, like I like being able to read
the scene at my own pace and like voice it myself as well. Which is saying that's for stream, but even like personally. - I'm like the opposite. - I don't like sitting there being like, all right, tell me. And they act it all out for me. Like, no, I like doing it myself. - I need that voice acting. I remember like, so obviously, you know, I'm on like a big kind of journey right now with the trail series, JRPG. So the original, like I,
It took me like half a year to get through the very first game. Number one, because it's like a big introductory, but number two, it was so hard for me to like immerse myself in the characters because they didn't have, it was like an old school JRPG, no voice acting involved at all. And it was only months in, did I find out, oh, there's a patch where you can add voice acting to it. - Right.
- After I added the patch, I was like, oh my God, this is no longer like torturous for me to get through. - I mean, but like in some senses, I also have my own idea of how I interpret the character, which may be different from what the director
has interpreted that character to be. And to me, that's actually like, I prefer being able to explore that dialogue given to me through the lens of how I interpret that character, which I can't do. - So what you're telling me is, is that if the original Final Fantasy VII had voice acting, you would have skipped it? - I would not have enjoyed it as much, yeah.
then maybe you shouldn't play the remakes. - Yeah, the remakes look boring to me. And then when I see the cut scenes, I'm like, no. - Okay, actually I do have a big, I had a big problem with playing the remake and a lot of it was due with the voice acting. Mostly because, you know, I'm used to anime voice acting, but seeing like the lips not be like perfectly in sync with what the characters are saying, that like threw me off a little bit. - Oh, it syncs to the English, that's why. - No, no, no.
- No, the FF7 remake? No, it's synced to the Japanese, isn't it? - No. - They don't care about lip flaps in Japanese. - It's synced to the English. - Are they? - Yep. - Some of the voice acting felt so off. - The 16 as well was synced to the English, same with Rebirth. It's all synced to the English voice acting. - Oh, 'cause I switched to Japanese because like the English- - That's why I had to play 16 in English. 'Cause originally I was in Japanese and I'm like, "These motherfuckers synced it to the English." - Yeah, because- - There's less of a care normally.
- I know that 16 was synced to English because that was like, you know, all British voice actors. And I think that was like written in English. And that's, I really enjoyed that voice acting, but in the seven remake, the first like eight hours or so I was playing, normally I just want to like dull out and just not read, just listen to the voice acting.
And so I had it on English in default and it just like, it just felt off in some scenes. - Was remake synced to the English? Because Rebirth, the second game is definitely synced to the English now. - Maybe we have a cheeky Google. - Maybe, yeah. Can you check? - Yeah, I don't know. For me, it's like all the stories I've really enjoyed in the games I played are ones where I get to like read all the dialogue and yeah. - Your mind just doesn't make sense. You're like, I do not like reading except for the times when I have to read.
- Yeah, I mean, I guess 'cause like, again, like I get to see all the interpretations. - Is it because you get to like control the pacing? - Yeah, the pacing, I hate it when like,
And I realized this is probably why I'm never gonna play a persona game is that like it's 50 hours of all voice acting dialogue that I can have no input on. And I don't get to like interact with that in any way. - Yeah, but the characters are sick. - But that's part of the game for me is being able to interact in that way. - So wait, would you enjoy, would the idea of persona be more enjoyable for you if it just didn't have any voice acting in it? - Or if I could just turn it off? - I'm pretty sure you can turn it off. - But then that's also everyone, if I ever played it on stream and people were like, "Why'd you turn it off? Why'd you turn it off?"
- At least with Final Fantasy VII, the original, no one fucking, you know, 'cause they actually did make a, there's a fan patch. - Yeah. - But they'd voice acted everything. - Yeah. - It was pretty good. - Okay, so in the remake, the lip syncs are different in both English and Japanese.
- Oh, okay. Why did the voice acting feel so off then? - In English or in Japanese? - In English. Most people were okay, but sometimes, especially like there was some scenes where a lot of the NPCs just sounded like off. - Oh, the NPCs, yeah, kind of sound off, definitely. But at least like the main cast sounded good. Like Barret's voice in English?
- I played a Super Mario RPG remake recently. - Yeah. - What a fucking great game. Dude, it was so fucking- - Oh man. - It was so good. - Such a, actually a go to game. - It's like a 12 hour JRPG that was just- - No bullshit. - No bullshit. Just a fucking banger of a game. - Music banger. - Yeah, dude, music's great. - Gino. - Yeah, Gino. And that was so fun getting to do all the voices for that. - Yeah.
It was like all written dialogue, but none of it was fluff. And it was just like straight to it. Like comedy as well. - Yeah. - Square at the time. - They just went ham. And it's just a fucking banger of it. You should play it. It's really fun. - That's why it's a certified hood classic, man. - Dude, it is. - It doesn't have any voice acting in it. - It doesn't have any voice acting, no. I have played games without voice acting before, but voice acting just like, for me, especially with story-based games, immersion is like a big thing.
- Yeah, for me, that's like, I think you're like that Wojak with the head caved in and you're like, "Ooh, I need them to read it for me."
- No, it's like- - What a weak JRPG player, you need it read to you. I read it all, God. - Wait, so you can't immerse yourself if you have voices playing, but you can't immerse yourself when you fucking jack off and there are no voices to immerse yourself in? - I don't wanna voice my own poem. I'm just gonna beat off to my own performances, God. - You're like, "I need this interpreted for me. I want to interpret this myself."
- Oh yeah, oh I'm gonna come. - I don't know man, maybe your porn performance is weird. - I just don't know the direction. So what's my motivation for getting railed here? I just don't really feel it. But then also I won't read like, if I find that like they're trying to world build with like, they're like, we found this note in a thing and it's got like nothing to do with the main story and he's trying to tell me about this village. I'm like, I'm not reading that shit. - No, that's great. That's like YouTube lore videos for me. - Yeah, I want someone on YouTube to tell me what's important and what's not.
- No, because okay, there's this thing in Mass Effect where you go into the menu and they have like the whole world history of like every war and like the breakdown of like every race in Mass Effect. And there's like a narrator that like narrates all of it for you. And I spent like,
hours just in that menu. Just like, cause it was basically like a YouTube law video where it was just like one guy being like, and then this race got into war with this race and this war lasted the first contact war lasted a hundred years before the end. - And Fremen took over. - Yeah, yeah. And to me that was like super fucking interesting. - That sounds cool. - Yeah. - That's like a good way to handle it. - Yeah. - I think whenever I get up a collectible and an RPG, I'm like, yo, and like journal entry.
- Okay, I'm so like, no, fuck off. No, fuck off. - Well, where it tells you the lore behind the item. - Yeah, I'm like, oh, fuck you. Or they're like, this village, 5,000 years ago had a, and it's like, I don't care, that's not now. - Wait, but you didn't feel that way when they do it in Dark Souls? - What do you mean? By the way, I've never played a Dark Souls. - Okay, 'cause that's one of the few ways that the game actually tells you about the lore.
- It's through item descriptions. - Yeah, I mean, that's interesting in small doses, but it's so hard when you're- - Oh, when you're stacked on top of a bunch of- - When you're trying to play Dark Souls and you're getting your ass destroyed for four hours in a boss fight and then you pick up a vial and they tell you about something, you're like, "I forgot what I found out."
I don't remember any of the shit I was told. That's fair. I was fighting for my life. But I'll watch a fun YouTube video where some guy painstakingly assembled all the lore and figured it all out and explained it. And I'm like, this is great. Like I'm down for this. Sure, sure. But with JRPGs, you know, I really liked it. Final Fantasy VII, you know, it got straight to the point. Really, really excited. Yeah. And I really, really, hopefully, you know, by the time this is out, I might've played Chrono Trigger. We'll see. Yeah, I want to play Chrono Trigger as well. I really want to play it. I want to talk about Chrono Trigger with you guys. Yeah, yeah. Because it's the...
As I think someone once said, it was the original "Weebs" game. - Yep. - Yeah. - The "Weebs" before the new "Weebs." - What would you say? - The real "Weebs." - The Super Nintendo "Weebs." - Yeah, the "Weebs" before it was cool. - I don't think we, have we ever talked about this? What is your favorite story, video game story?
like top three that come to mind. - Fucking Modern Warfare 2, mate. - Of all time. - No Russian. - Soap me fucking Travis, mate. - Just remember, no Russian. - Probably Earthbound is up there for me.
- What's the story of Earthbound? - Story of Earthbound? - Yeah. - Story of Earthbound is- - I've never heard Earthbound in a conversation on best narrative of all time. - I just think it's a really solid one. And I think it like enhances the gameplay. 'Cause it's like basically meteorite comes down onto earth, lets loose a bunch of like alien forms and then,
there's a super powerful alien called Giygas who is trying to destroy all of humanity and the entire universe and space and time and everything and it's up to Ness and his friends to try and destroy them but along the way you just encounter so many different characters and so many different worlds and times and stuff like that that it just like perfect it's like just it's not over complicated but it's just a nice neat little package with a
big ribbon on top and it's like, yeah, this is great. This is a fun, immersive experience. - Narrative driven. - It is narrative driven. - I think it's about the best story. - Your favorite. - My favorite? - Your favorites. - I've played a lot of games. - Yeah. - I like the original Halo series a lot, even though it's kind of dumb. I love it. - Final Fantasy VI is up there for me as well. One of the best stories. - Does Halo have a good story? - Yeah. - I've heard Halo has a good story. I played up to Halo 3. - Yeah, the original 3 is good.
- I thought "Reach" was really fun too. I liked the story in "Reach". I think "Undertale" has a great story, all memes aside. I think "Undertale" is actually a banger. - Okay, I've heard "Undertale". I mean, well, I think you can tell what media has affected people a lot in this day and age by like the meme game. A lot of the times the meme game is directly proportional to how,
that piece of media is to an audience. - Other three as well is also amazing story, which Undertale took a lot of inspiration from. - Yeah, I don't know what game stands. I think Undertale is the first thing
- It's a fucking great story. - It's such a good story. - And all memes and internet side, it's such a great story. - Honestly, it's a great story. Great game. - Yeah. - It's just the fan base. - As it always is. They've grown up. Like the Dragon Ball fans. - Let's continue.
- It's like the Yakuza 8 one where it's like, I skipped this Yakuza 8 cut scene and now I don't know what's happening. And it's like, it's just Ichiban talking to like some random dude on the street and a guy decides to skip the cut scene. And then it just immediately goes to like a Mario Kart clone.
- Oh, I've seen that one. - And he's like, "What the fuck is going on?" - I saw the subway surfers clone too. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - I mean, what I wouldn't, what I can't wrap my head around is like when you do it during narrative driven games, 'cause I saw that meme during a Spider-Man 2 cut scene. And I'm like, this is like,
- This is so much about narrative. Why would you skip the cut scene? - It's like the main crux of the game. - Yeah, yeah. - I saw, which game had the, was it? Oh, Tales of, no, what was the game? Granblue Fantasy. When you skip the cut scene, it would give you a summary of what the cut scene was. - Oh really? - Yeah, I noticed 'cause I skipped the cut scene. - I didn't, so I never saw that. - Yeah, when you click, yeah, you should see, it should show up.
- You gotta do cut scene skip. You gotta type that in. - Yeah, cut scene skip. Oh yeah, no, it's right there. - Oh yeah, look at that one. - Yeah, that third one there. - Oh. - And people called it video game donkey mode. Or as Twitter coined the term. - That's actually a really neat feature. - You know what, actually? - That's a neat feature, I like that. - That is a good feature. - 'Cause everyone's happy. - Because I will say it's,
- It hits every demographic? - Yeah. - All right, all right, all right. Let me pivot back to the skipping video game cut scenes. I think there should be an option to skip video game cut scenes like the "Grand Blue Fantasy" option because the amount
- The amount of nothing cut scenes that I've had to sit through in Genshin Impact. It's like, it's okay, okay. Maybe I'm the one that's changed my mind, all right? There are some scenes in JRPGs that do not need to be there or just like,
very, very bloated. And sometimes obviously there are some fucking massive scenes, but sometimes we're in a conversation and you're like, I don't really care what this conversation with this NPC, just give me the cliff notes actually. - Just give me the goddamn sign. - I also hate, and this is not that much of a problem anymore, but some games still try to do this where like there's no built-in pause feature during a cut scene. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Because you're gonna fucking get the door or something bro, it's fucking annoying.
- Yeah, give us a pause scene. If we can skip cut scenes, maybe not like entire cut scenes, but at least like dialogue scenes. - Yeah. - At least like dialogue scenes. - Isn't that all scenes? - No, because a lot of cut scenes are like just action based. - Yeah, yeah, like pre-rendered ones. - Fair enough, fair enough. - Yeah, yeah. - All right, yeah, come on, next take, boy. - Boy. - I'd rather watch movies at home versus the cinema. - So whose take's this?
- I think this is me and Garnt. - Yeah, I think this is mine and- - Morons, morons. - When we talked about movies. - This stemmed from the fact that this morning we saw an article that said, "New research suggests that two out of three adults would rather watch movies at home than in cinemas." - Pathetic. - And we had a perfect data set right here. - How far away is your closest cinema from your house? Like, is it convenient? - Like walk? - Yeah, like walk or a- - I can't walk. I need to take like a train. - Yeah, same.
- I mean, it's like 20, 30 minute walk. - Yeah, but that wouldn't stop you, right? - 20 minute walk? That's not bad at all. - No, it wouldn't stop me either. - Yeah, it wouldn't stop me either, but- - 20 minute walk and you can't go to the fucking cinema.
- That's just gonna be fucked sometimes. - What the fuck? - It's an effort. - You get to get a walk in, you get to watch something on the big screen. - I don't know, I feel like- - No, I walk to where the cinema is. - So a recent article just came out, it says two thirds of US adults would rather wait to watch movies on streaming. And this is,
by total coincidence, we somehow have the perfect- - We have two of three. - I just can't understand why you wouldn't wanna watch something the way it was meant to be watched.
- There are certain movies where, okay, I feel like you have to watch in cinemas. "Dune," for example, "Dune II" being recently released at the time of filming. I'm like- - I will definitely watch that in cinemas. - But you didn't watch "Dune I" in cinemas. Why? - I did not watch "Dune I" in cinemas. Not because I was like- - Wasn't big enough for you yet? - Huh? - Wasn't big enough for you yet, huh?
- I think I was just like busy and I was just like, oh, I'll get to it. - That's how I was with the slam dunk movie as well. I was like, I'm definitely watching that in cinemas when I get around to it. - Yeah, exactly. - And then I never got around to it. - With "Dune" it wasn't like, oh, I'll wait for this to come out at home. I was like, that was just pure laziness. - Yeah, it's like, I'll get to it eventually. - But like, I think the big thing was like,
I knew this was like the buildup movie. So I'm like, just- - What the fuck? Yeah, but like "Dune 2" wasn't even announced. "Dune 2" wasn't confirmed 'cause they wanted to see how "Dune 1" did. So you not going to the cinemas could have never have gotten "Dune 2." - It was called- - I'm helping. - It was called "Dune Part 1." Why would they say a part one? - It was literally Warner Brothers pulled out. Originally it was a deal. They were gonna do both films. They're gonna shoot at the same time. And then Warner Brothers was like, "Actually-" - Let's test the waters first. - "Let's see how number one does."
- Did they actually do that? - Yes. - I had no idea. - So you not going to the cinema, potentially Rob does of "Dune Part II."
I'm trying to help the fucking movies. I'm trying to reward fucking good movies. This is why I don't go to the cinema to watch- - We need to put the iPhone in the stick. - This is why I don't watch fucking Marvel movies anymore. I don't want that shit in the cinemas anymore. - That doesn't fly when you watch every movie in cinemas. - Yeah, but I stopped watching Marvel movies. - You just don't like Marvel movies though. - Yeah, but I want all movies to keep being made.
I'm like, please keep making these. - I think that's the thing for me. It's like the films for me that make me go to the cinemas are the ones where it's like, I actually want to watch this. You're the kind of person who goes to the cinemas and just goes, let's see what's playing. - Yeah, it's a relaxing experience. - I don't do that. For me, the time I go to the cinemas where I'm like, this is a movie I have to watch. - Yeah, like, you know, that's why I watch "Avatar" in cinemas. I think that was the last movie I watched in cinemas, which was "Avatar."
- That was so fucking long ago. - That was two years ago. - No, it was one year ago. - No, it was like one year ago. - Oh, the newest one? - Yeah. - I thought you meant the first one. I was like, Jesus Christ. - There was a new one that was released. - That was like 10 years ago. - No, he was talking about Avatar 2. - Yeah, I was talking about Avatar 2. - Okay, okay, okay.
And I was like, okay, this is a movie I need to go out and watch in cinemas. Same with "Dune" right now, which is why I'm like, okay, "Dune 2", I regret, 'cause I do actually regret not watching "Dune 1" part one. - You have to watch "Dune 2" twice to make up for it.
- Maybe I will, I've heard it slaps a lot. - You do, you have to go and watch it twice to make up for the sins. - But yeah, I'm watching "Dune II" this week, but that's a movie specifically where I would like to experience that in cinemas. Most of the movies I watch, I'm like, I do not have any want or drive to need to go out to cinemas to watch this. I'm fine waiting to watch this in the comfort of my own home. And for me, that is like,
- That is like a lot of movies. That is unfortunately a lot of movies where- - I like the luxury of just knowing that if I need a piss in the middle of the movie, I can pause it at home. - That's the reason, Joey? - Yes. - Joey. - Bro, what is your bladder, bro? - Because my bladder is the size of a fucking peanut. - Just don't drink. - And I literally can't drink during a movie.
which sucks when the movie is three hours long. And by the end of the movie, I'm just like, - I don't even know how long "Dune" two was. 'Cause I was just so enthralled that I never wanted it to end. - Yeah, I mean, but like to me, "Dune" is like, "Dune" is an outlier. How many movies are like- - "Willie Walker" I didn't go piss. - Two hours, 46, almost three hours. - It's amazing. - Like how many movies would you say are on the same experience as something like "Dune" then? That you were like- - John Wick.
- Part four, actually all the John works were as good as this for me. - I didn't watch that. - Which you also didn't watch in the same house 'cause you're a piece of shit. - I had a great experience. - You did not. - I had a fucking great experience. - No, you did not. - I had a great experience at home. - I watched the first one at home. - I'm just saying that shit slapped at home, man. That shit slapped at home. - Yeah, it's great.
- I was on the edge of my couch. - We are not the same. You watch movies, I enjoy cinema. We are not the same, okay? We are not the same. You Google Gaga, watch, yeah, I, cinema, I enjoy cinema.
- Oppenheimer. - Is that why you skipped that scene? - Okay, last movie I watched was Oppenheimer in cinema, which was- - It's also coming out in Japan like next week. - Yeah, which was an amazing cinematic experience. - I'm gonna watch it again in Japan, 'cause I wanna watch it again. I just really think it'd be fucking hype. - You think so? - I think the last one was amazing. - I wanna watch it again, 'cause it was so good and I didn't watch it in IMAX, so I really wanna go watch it in IMAX. - How many movies have I watched in IMAX? I think I've only seen one movie in IMAX actually. - You should watch Dune 2 in IMAX.
- For the first time? - It doesn't make like an incredible amount of difference, but like I think some of the shots are amazing. - I don't know if I like IMAX. - That's where you sit. If you sit right near the front, it's like, oh wow. - It's like- - I love Arrakis. I really feel like I'm there. - I remember watching the first Star Wars remake, not remake,
- Number seven? - Number seven, yeah, Star Wars seven, because a mate dragged me and he was like, "We've got an experience in IMAX." And it bothered me that I couldn't see everything that was going on at once. I'm like, I get it, the whole deal with IMAX is like, it stretches your peripheral vision. - Yeah, either IMAX or go to the theater in the one in the Kabukicho Tower, where the escape room is. - Yeah.
some really famous composer designed the sound system there. It's really good. And all the movie, I watched "Super Mario" movie there, Peaches, when he starts singing Peaches in that song, my fucking core was being shaken. - I saw "Super Mario" in cinemas. - Yeah, it was amazing. - Yeah, that was great. - Actually, maybe I have watched more in cinemas than I realized. Yeah, I watched that in cinemas. - I watched the Napoleon movie in cinemas as well.
I could have watched- - Which I- - I enjoy cinema. - You enjoy cinema. - I could have watched- - You enjoy your slop. - I could have watched the Meg too. - I could have watched Super Mario Brothers movie at home. - Yeah, you could have. - I'm a saver. - You could have. - Yeah, you could have. - But I don't feel like I would have lost anything watching the Mario Bros movie at home. I'm just saying, the only reason I went to cinemas is not for the cinematic experience. - To be fair though. - It's just because I was like, well, I just want to see it, you know? - To be fair.
- When he sings peaches, it's pretty high. I was like, this is fucking great. I was actually laughing. I was like, this is great. - The only time he'll listen to lyrics. - I can't wait for Jack Black in Minecraft. Have you seen this? They keep teasing Jack Black in Minecraft. - Yeah. - No. - He's in the Minecraft movie. - The one. - And he sings in it. - Yeah. - Okay, you've sold me. - Yeah, exactly. That's all I needed to hear. - The other one that keeps fucking blowing my mind as well is that like Elijah Wood is playing as the green among us.
- Jack Black will play the lead role of Steve. - Wait, there's an Among Us movie? - Yeah, and Elijah Wood is playing the green Among Us. - But Jack Black is playing Steve? Say no more. Like I'm sold. Like if he sings in it, it's game over, bro. That movie looks great. - What timeline are we living in? - The best timeline.
- I think any movie that would have been mid, if you put Jack Black in it, it suddenly becomes a fun movie. Like a great fun movie. - That's true, but that's always been true for any Jack Black. - I mean, that's why they put him in "Comedy Fans" as well. - That's why they put him in everything. - I feel like now we're just like, this is the new age Adam Sandler movies. You know what I mean? - No. - We've wondered where- - Put some fucking respect on his name. - What are you talking about? - No, go and watch the Meg one too. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Put some respect behind whose name? - Jack Black. - Jack Black or- - Or Adam Sandler. - And Adam Sandler, he also makes great films. - I'm saying like with the new meme movies, like remember when we were like, I think we had a discussion about where the fuck have modern comedy movies gone? You know, like Adam Sandler movies. - The DVDs died.
- Yeah, DVD dies, DVDs have died. But now I feel like it's, now I feel like that space is now gonna get occupied by, hey, let's just make a meme internet movie that- - I can't wait to see the Among Us movie. - That's the new comedy. - That's the new like, and like I said, the new Adam Sandler movies, you know? Where it's like, oh, what IP are they gonna milk next? Oh, okay, Roblox, all right, all right. - I'm down.
- Oh, they got the Among Us movie, which is like, I don't know what the fuck that's gonna be about. - Is that gonna be a comedy movie or a horror movie? - Fucking Frodo Baggins is in that shit. - It's Frodo Baggins. - Is Chris Pratt gonna be in it? - Probably, he's the Red Among Us. - So yeah, I mean, but that's that. So what's the next thing that we're pulling out? Jerry. - All right, what do we got? - Among Us the movie 2000, what is that? - I don't know what that is.
- I think that's just a- - That seems like a meme. - That's a different one, yeah. - I don't think that's, it's only got 37 votes on it. - Okay, okay. - All right. Oh, okay. You can't be real friends unless you meet in person. - Ooh, I think this was like a super, super early episode that we talked about this, right? - Yeah, I think we've talked about this topic a couple of times actually. - I mean, it's obviously a lot more nuanced. - Yeah, definitely. - But I think the underlying concept I agree with, I think it's to form a real, real friendship.
One that like really stands the test of time requires you to have met the person. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I agree. - The more people I talk to now, especially with like online content creators, I think one of,
I've heard of a lot of beef going on behind the scenes with online content creators, with people after they have talked online, the vibe seems to be good. And then they meet IRL and then that's where- - It's completely different. - You know, you...
you think about where the tensions always started and it's always like, oh, someone has a weird quirk or weird way. - I was friends with the person on Discord and then we shared a hotel room together. And then now I'm not friends with them anymore. You hear that so many goddamn times in the creator scene. And it's because like, yeah, you're making, it's almost like, you know, you can like pick and choose how you wanna be seen
when it's an online friendship because you have more control over it. Whereas online or rather in person, it's kind of more difficult to do that because it's easier to get a vibe check on someone and immediately be like, oh, okay, you're not the same person I was talking to on Discord. You're very different. So which one of you is the real you? - I mean, if anything, I'd say like you have the most new experience with this Connor since you, one, you probably collab with the most people online
And also you're like really close to Iron Mouse as well. - Yeah. - Which, do you remember back in the day when you were like, "Oh, what the fuck is VTube?" - Yeah, you were like, "I fucking hate VTubes." - I was just like, "I fucking hate VTube." I just didn't get it. - Yeah. - And to some aspect of the community I still don't get.
Like a lot of it I still don't really gel with. - Sure. - But I'm really good friends with Mouse and that's, I mean, obviously I've never met Mouse so it's very different. But I mean, that's out of circumstance, not out of like- - Not out of wants. - Yeah, and I think that like, obviously when I was younger as well, that was more circumstance, right? I can't hang out with these people. I'm never in the same space as them. - Sure. - And I think when that's the limiting factor,
you don't really care as much. But when you do get older and I have 20 friends in real life that I wanna hang out with and people I wanna spend time with, it's kind of hard to then justify, "Hey, I'm gonna hang out with people online all the time." It's like, "Hey, I got people in my life who are here, who I really respect, who I care for, who I wanna give them the attention, give them the time." 'Cause it doesn't matter how close you are to someone, having that face-to-face time with people is invaluable. Being able to spend time with people is really invaluable.
- Yeah. - Physically. Just being in the room with someone else is really important. - Yeah, that's why I talk to a lot of content creators and a lot of them, a lot of people that I know personally have, I guess like, obviously you choose your friends, maybe they were not as close to people around them as they were to people online. But a more often trend I see is that people choosing to hang out with their friends
I guess, friends, coworkers, collaborators online than, you know, actually meeting people in their vicinity. And what ends up happening is they kind of like stop being friends with the people around them. Sometimes they fall out with the people online and then they realize, hey, I'm like kind of lonely again, you know? And I've seen that happen like a few times over the years since COVID.
especially during COVID, when a lot of people started spending more time with people online. And I think if you do have some people around you that you can actually, that you actually want to keep a connection with, obviously online friends are real friends, they are real friends, but you'll always be missing a certain piece of connection unless you are there with them physically. And I think that's so important. - Human touch is the most important, I think, yeah, definitely.
- The human touch. - Just being able to do this to anyone. Just being able to do this to anyone. - Please don't do this. - It's great. - Oh God. - Oh God, he touched me. Oh God. - I'm perked up. - Yeah. - I think we all pretty much still agree on that, even though it's like a very, very nuanced take. So let's move on to the next one. - All right.
- Watching videos at two times speed is acceptable. - Hell no, it's not. - This one's nuanced. It's nuanced. - No, it's not nuanced. - It's nuanced. - It's nuanced. - You're not watching, you're consuming Garnt. There's a difference. - How many videos do you watch at normal speed? - What the fuck are you talking about? - All of them. - Huh? - I watch all videos at normal speed. - Everyone? Even like fucking YouTube videos every? - Yeah.
- No fucking way. - The only time I'll speed up a video is if it's like a tutorial or something. I'm trying to find, I'm looking for a certain bit. - Oh, I don't even do that. - But like, I'll never, like when I'm watching something to enjoy it, I'll never speed it up.
- Why would I want it to be over faster if I love it? I want it to be the pace it was meant to be enjoyed. - Yeah, if there is like a piece of like content where I'm like, I wanna fully sit down and immerse myself in this piece of content. But if it's just like- - Like imagine going to watch fucking "Dune" in the cinema, like, hey, can you crank it up to one point too? - Okay, I'm never going to watch "Dune" at two times speed, you know, but-
- There's a lot of YouTube videos out there that's deserved like the two times speed. Two times is a bit much, 1.5. - Listen Garnt, to me, if I'm watching a video and I'm like, I can't bear to watch this at one time speed, I just don't watch the video.
I back out and find a video that I actually enjoy watching. That's an option too. - Look, there are some people- - You don't have to watch the video, man. - There are some people on YouTube and maybe I'm also guilty of this sometimes where I'm just like, man, you are speaking really, really slowly. And I'm interested in the subject matter that you're talking about here. But you are narrating this at a very, very slow pace. - I just can't like,
I can't like input anything when I hear something at two times speed. - Okay. - I just, I find it hard to cooperate 'cause I'm too distracted by the fact that I'm watching this in like fast forward.
- Sounds like a skill issue. - It is a skill issue. And again, it's like, if it's a video where I'm like, I think that they're speaking too slowly or I think it's just not a good video to watch at one time speed. I just don't watch it. I find another video. - I think there is a lot of content out there that is good and has content that is interesting, but it's just sometimes it's just,
Sometimes the pacing is just off, man. - And I don't watch the videos. I'll find a video with better pacing. - Look, look, look. - There's literally billions of videos on YouTube. - It's the equivalent of watching an anime and getting to the filler segment and you're like, let's just like skip the filler segment. Let's go back to the cannon pieces.
And let's get back to the shit I care about. - Yeah, again, I just don't watch it. Like if it's a filler episode, I just skip it entirely. - Have you ever used the skip function on Persona?
- No, actually never. - Even on replays? - Even on replays. - You have too much motherfucking time, man. You have too much motherfucking time. - No, it's not. I think what it is is that like, for example, right? If it's a video that like I'm super fucking invested in, but like, let's say for example, the narrator is talking just a little bit too slowly or like in a slower pace where it's not as like immediately consumable, then what I'll do is I'll just,
hold onto that video and watch it at a time where I do have the time to spend to watch that video at the one time speed. - No, because like to me, okay. I don't watch everything at obviously like 1.5, two times speed. Two times is like pushing it a little bit. Most of the time it's like 1.5 speed. I never do that for anime except if I'm watching it for work, which is,
basically when I'm going through like the seasonal slot, because I remember like seeing some people being like, oh, I watch "Free Rent" at two times speed. And that is just like, that is just beyond my understanding. - At that point, you're not watching it. - Yeah. - You're just letting it run, it's a horse. - To me, that's all about getting immersed in like the story and the atmosphere and everything. - It's supposed to be like slow, but to give you time to consume it. - Okay, answer me this. What is the difference between
like a YouTube video at 1.5 speed, which is like more like a pace that you're comfortable with versus opening a manga and being able to read it a bit faster because you get to control the pace that you're like consuming this piece of content, right? That media accounts for like time. Whereas when you watch a show
they've already predetermined the time that it takes to watch it and the pace. Manga is not paced for you. - Also, yeah, I don't think you've ever watched me read manga, but I read fucking slowly. - No, but some people read really fast. - But that medium accounts for that. - Yeah, you have the freedom to do that. - What do you mean that medium accounts for that though? - That medium is designed around
there being no like time constraint. - You can be as fast as you can or slow as you can with it. - You can look at it as much as you want. Like when you watch something, there's sound effects, there's music that have all been tuned for that speed that you're watching it in Gant. You are not watching- - It's all confined to a time that's already been pre-allocated. - This is why you don't like cinema. - Average cinema enjoyer. - Cinema enjoyers, meet movie slop enjoyer. - What I'm saying is, you know,
- For some pieces of media, yes, that is 100% important and tuned to it. For a lot of the slop that we consume, for a lot of the media that we consume,
That shit don't matter, man. That shit don't matter. - For a lot of the slop that you consume. - I don't fucking consume that slop. - Oh, I'm sorry. You're watching like a cinematic masterpiece every single time. - I only watch art. - Bro, you load up a YouTube video, you're like, "Ugh, absolute cinema every single time." - When I put a "Summing Salt" video on, I'm like, "Fucking cinema." - That's cinema. I'm putting that on the TV full screen, turning all the lights off, getting the popcorn. - That's fucking cinema. - That's cinema. - Getting the popcorn up. - That's cinema, bro.
- Nah, nah. It's like there is too much slop out there for there to be like, for there's like, you know, back in the day. - I only watch Kikook videos in two times speed 'cause they're slop.
- I wouldn't blame anyone for watching my videos at two times speed. - I don't even do that. - I don't even blame you. Everyone watching this at 1.5 or two speed right now, I don't care. - I do, fuck you. - Sometimes we ramble on for a very, very long time on Trash Taste. You might wanna skip through it. I don't mind, I get it, I get it guys. - Apparently the optimal way to get views now is if people are watching a video at 0.75.
- Oh, I saw that video. - What? - Yeah. - Apparently it's 1.5, like YouTube determines that it's like bad for the video or something. - Right. So Garnt's out here actively ruining careers. - Well, it's based on like watch time basically, right? Because if you quicken the pace- - So you should be talking way too fast and speed everything up. - Sorry? - You should be talking way too fast. - Yeah, I mean, that's why I talk at a fast pace actually. - Ah!
- That's why his channel is pulling off. - God makes it so that you can't 1.5. - He's thought of everything, guys. 15 years of YouTube knowledge right there. - Look, the way I make my videos is so that I can consume my own videos. It's like, this was even before 1.5 two times me is a thing. I was just like, I just, let me just- - It was MrBeasting before it was cool. - Let me just edit out all of the breaths and all of like the pauses in my videos because otherwise I just get too bored with it.
And unless I'm like trying to set like a certain atmosphere and a certain vibe with something I'm trying to say. - Yeah, gigging brand so Mr. Beast could walk. That's crazy. - But no, that's like a normal YouTuber thing. Mr. Beast and TikTok have just extrapolated that to an nth degree. But you know, a lot of times, especially if I'm watching, especially if I'm watching like opinion pieces,
video essays a lot of the time. It's just like, I'm interested in the subject matter. I don't really care so much unless I know that content creator is like, you know, the way they're presenting the information is important. Sometimes,
- Sometimes consuming content on YouTube is no different than reading a Wikipedia article. - Do you watch John's videos on 1.5 speed? - Sorry? - Do you watch John's videos on 1.5 speed? - No. John, super high patch wolf. John's video, he does speak very, very slowly. That is important for him to set the tone.
and the emotions that he's trying to- - So what I'm hearing is that if I know and like the person- - No! - Then I will watch it- - You're missing the fucking point, Joey! - I will watch it at one time speed. - You're missing the point! - If it's some bullshit slop from someone I don't care about, you're getting two times, bitch.
- Look, if I'm watching, if it's the equivalent of some way, this is like the trash TV talk all over again. If I'm watching some trash TV, I don't fucking give a shit. I will happily consume that shit. I will just consume personally. - All right, last one, here we go.
- Who the fuck said this? - What? - I just, I think room temperature water is tastier. Did someone say that? - I said this. - Wait, you did? - Yeah, I still, this is true. - What? What was?
- I actually remember this. - Yeah. - When did we win this? - This was ages ago, but like it was the argument of whether you put ice in water at restaurants or not. - I hate it when they fucking put ice in my water. - And then you and I both agreed that like the crunchy ice is like the best ice to put in. - Oh, filth, absolute filth. - You remember this talk?
- This is like episode like 30 or 40. - I don't remember this. - Yeah, no, I stand by this. People hate me for it, but- - Wait, wait, wait, explain your reasoning. Re-explain your reasoning 'cause I do not remember this conversation. - I like drinking water. I'm a big fan of drinking water. - As are we. - When it's too fucking cold, it's hard to drink a ton of it. And I want to drink tons of water.
And it being too cold is a barrier to that. But when it's room temperature, I can just chug it and it tastes good. - It's not as refreshing though. - Yes, it is. That's false. - I know, but there's some chemical in my brain that says cold water more refreshing. - Yeah.
especially coming from Australia where the summers are fucking insane. If I was out all day at 40 degree heat and then someone came up to me and gave me a glass of water with no ice, I think I would scream. - I don't need ice in it. Why would you need ice in it? - Because it's more refreshing. - Nah, it's not. - I think there is nothing more. Okay, so are you saying you're okay with room temperature beer then? - No, but that's not water.
- That's like saying, I'm sorry Garnt, do you like hot pasta? Well then you must love cold steak. - But like the whole point of cold water is that it's more refreshing like cold beer is, you know? - No, no, no, no, but there's no aspect of water that is enhanced by being cold. - The refreshness, the refreshing feeling. - The feeling of when it goes down your throat. - Yeah, right, right, right. - It's almost as good as an ice cold beer.
- What is the science behind something feeling refreshing actually? Why is it that- - The science of refreshment. - Why is it that some foods, like why is there an optimal temperature for some foods? - Americans have been like taught- - Sorry, I just saw the auto-feel of when Kai wrote, "Why do certain drinks?" And the first thing that came up was, "Why do certain drinks make you angry?" - What?
Americans are like, they're like taught. - Oh, it's just alcohol. - Alcohol. - People are just like, they're like taught that every fucking drink should be ice fucking cold. And I'm just like, this is shit. - Don't make this an American thing, okay? This is not, for once keep America out of this. This is a humanity. - I remember the person, the people who reacted the hardest when I said, I don't do this. I don't like ice cold water. It was Emily and Didis. They couldn't believe it. It was like their whole worldview had been shattered.
- 'Cause someone didn't want ice cold water. - I can't believe it. - Yeah, I can't believe it. - What do you mean? I don't want it. - Thirst quenching, temperature and cooling. What is this? - The most, okay, what makes food refreshing
- Change foods to like drinks. - Yeah, what makes- - So just to preface, I don't want it warm necessarily, but I just don't want it fucking cold. - Any beverage that hydrates sufficiently offers a refreshment. - There you go. It's all about hydration. It's not about, 'cause that's like implying that
- Hold on, no. It's also about the experience of consuming the beverage, taste, aroma, liquid, texture, temperature, visual appearance and sound. So temperature is a factor. - Yeah, I mean, it's obviously, those are subjective experiences. For me, temperature is not one of those. - Well, I could say eating cold pizza is a subjective experience, but I'm not gonna say it's like I prefer cold pizza over like fucking- - Some people do.
- A whomst, whomst. - People do, there are a lot of people out there that- - Yeah, but that's not one I wanna be friends with. - Okay, well, then I guess you don't wanna be friends with me. - You don't know a single person. - I do know a single- - I'm sure there is someone in humanity out there that likes cold pizza. - I googled who likes cold pizza. - I'm sure there is someone out there, but anecdotally, I don't believe you know a single person that would actually say that. - Why do Americans like to eat cold pizza?
They had to settle after a night in the fridge. Yeah, people love fucking cold pizza, bro. - But do you know? - Yeah, I know people who like cold pizza. - Fuck off, Connor. - I do, I do. - Absolutely no way do I- - I just don't understand why it's so incomprehensible that I would prefer room temperature water.
- The same way it's incomprehensible. - Have you not noticed that the water we always drink on these sets is room temperature gone? - That's because we don't have fucking ice in this stuff. - Isn't it good that you don't have to worry about how fucking cold it is in your stomach? - Yeah, but I would enjoy this a million times more for that ice. - I enjoy it that I can chug it. - Unfortunately, we don't have an ice machine like we used to 'cause I remember- - We had an ice machine?
- Yeah, but then I think it got destroyed. - We never had an ice machine. - I don't remember. Oh, maybe like- - What the heck? - Yeah. - We had an ice mold, but we lost it somewhere. - We were, fuck. - Maybe we had like an ice mold or something. - Ice molds are a pain in the fucking ass. - Oh no, this was before we got the water dispenser. - We have a water dispenser. - We have water cooler now. It's like cooled, which is enough. I would prefer like ice cold. - I would rather drink boiling hot water than-
- Not like boiling hot. - I was gonna say, go on, go on. - I was about to clap back. - I was ready. - You know some of the water dispensers, they have the hot option and the cold option. I'd rather drink the hot than the cold option. - That just destroys your entire argument. 'Cause with the hot, you can't even drink it as fast 'cause it's so fucking hot. - Yeah, but to me, it's not just about like chugging it. I just don't like how it tastes as much. I think it just tastes weird when it's so cold.
- To me. - You. - It's not only the chugging factor. But when I go to the gym. - Wait, you just said, you just said it like, I swear to God, you just said it doesn't affect the taste at all. It's not about the taste. Also, I don't think the taste is different. - Well, I mean, water tastes different at different temperatures. I'm pretty sure it does.
- Can we Google this actually? - No, no, no, no, we don't need to Google this. - No, no, no, no, no. - This is not, this is something we all- - You fear the answer, Garnt. - No, no, no, no, no. - No, no, you fear it. Google it. - I'm gonna say no. - Because water, does water have a taste? - Yes, of course. - Yes, water has a taste. Yeah, water has a taste. I don't believe it tastes different.
That might sound counterintuitive, but warm water tends to taste sweeter and more acidic. Cold water, on the other hand, suppresses sensitivity of our taste buds and quells any impurities. The water tastes slightly different. So cold water is more refreshing. How did you get...
- How the fuck did you get that? - Because it quells any impurities that make the water taste slightly better. Therefore, it's clearer. - What the fuck? - I have never drunk a warm cup of water. - And gone, that was refreshing. - And gone, yo, that changed the taste. - Let's fucking go. The best water temperature for taste differentiation is room temperature in our survey of water sommeliers. There you fucking go.
- You do not go to sommeliers, agree with me. - You shut the fuck up Connor. You shut the fuck up. - You have to have an ice cold for me and the fellow sommeliers. - Pause, pause, pause for a second. - I don't fucking believe a single word from someone who calls themselves a water sommelier. - Look, look, that is the most- - John Perrier III taught me-
- Everything he knows about water sommelier. - Water sommelier is the most, I made it the fuck up occupation. - You are not Cynthia Beale. - You fear for the knowledge that is forbidden, Garnt. You fear for the knowledge that haunts behind the books that you don't dare open. You cannot comprehend that room temperature water is the tastiest and you fear it. - If this was the other way around, you'd be like, water sommelier is amazing.
This is a made up job. It is a worthless occupation. I don't know why it exists at all. - How dare you get on the back of- - I can literally picture it. - Just be like, no one even knows what a water sommelier is. What is this chat? This is crazy. - It's one of the most respected jobs.
never had a glass of water and would have been like, "Hmm, this would have tasted a little better if it was five degrees warmer." - Well that's because you're- - What if the pH in this sticks? - I mean, don't get mad at the sommeliers for your poor palate.
- Don't get mad at them for your lack of knowledge. - Do you drink water for the taste? - No, the refreshment. - Exactly. Yes, exactly. - But it's a bonus because the taste is as we all have now learned superior at room temperature. So I can rejoice at my room temperature water. - No, you drink it for the refreshment and the refreshment of... You could give me fucking, you know,
untainted water from the Antarctic that has been like chiseled off the ice caps and fucking tap water. - I think that some of that is tainted actually.
- Whatever the purest fucking water you could like think of versus like fucking British tap water. - A volcano spring. - I know springs are normally where the good water comes from. - Whatever the fuck they are. - Are the water up in the Arctic like tainted? - It's salt water, isn't it?
- Salt water doesn't freeze. - Yes it does. - Yeah, salt water freezes, but the ones in the Arctic are fresh water, right? - You think salt water freezes? Of course it does. Oh, can it have heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants? This is why your water, your yarn. - No, it says pollution in the Arctic ocean, not the Arctic, not.
- Not the fucking ice caps. - Okay, all the Arctic ice caps. - And like, sorry, Antarctica and all that shit. - I can't wait for the heavy metals. - Look, it's the fucking ice that has been untouched for like generations.
- Nah, nah. - Bro, it says it's got mercury in microplastics. - Ain't no way, ain't no way. The Arctic ice has mercury in it? How the fuck did that happen? - Nah, nah. - This cap'n, this cap'n. - That must be a mistake. - This cap'n. - Check the real ice caps. - This cap'n right now. - There is mercury. - The main contaminants in the Arctic region are heavy metals such as mercury and lead and persistent organic- - How the fuck did they get in there?
This ice is like millennia old, what the fuck? - You know it goes in cycles, right? It's not like always, all of the things are always frozen all the time. Some of it freezes and some of it thaws. - Well, not the fucking, not Antarctica. Antarctica, okay, like the...
- What do you mean Antarctica is literally melting? I know Antarctica is melting, but if it melts, yes it goes in cycles over the course of like fucking millennia. - Actually this might be a good time to test our knowledge of Antarctica. How much do we know about Antarctica? - How much do we know? - Okay, one thing that I've always wondered about Antarctica and the giant cap, it's just, it's all about the size.
- It's all ice, isn't it? Or is it a land mass that has a ton of ice and then a surrounding area with a giant ice perimeter? - Wait, what? - You know the ice cap, right? - Don't Google this guy. What are you asking? - 'Cause there's two layers of the ice caps. - Are you saying that there's a land island underneath all the ice? - Yeah, I was just- - What do you mean there's two layers of ice? - So the ice caps have the ones that constantly thaw and freeze. Sorry, that freeze and then-
when the summer they thaw and then it builds up again when all of it starts collecting. But there's one permanent chunk of ice that normally doesn't melt, but obviously now it is melting thanks to a little warming. - Yes. - But I wasn't sure if there's any land under it
underneath that. - I believe there is land underneath that. - How big is that land? I always wondered that. - I don't believe it's like one singular land mass. - It's like a bunch of ones. - It's like lots of islands. - So we're so worthly uneducated in the shenanigans of Antarctica. - Because you never get taught this shit. - But all I know is that, because if Antarctica melts- - The ice caps constantly melt and then freeze again, you know that, right?
- Sorry? - The outer area of- - Yes, I know the outer area is constantly different, but more and more is melting each year. So that the more you go inland, the less the ice has been changed just because it's been there frozen for so fucking long, right? - I'm not saying anything 'cause I don't fuck off. - I think that's more so-
- Is it like deep ice though? That's like the really like the lower layers of the ice that hasn't, 'cause obviously the top layers are always like refreezing. 'Cause that's how they can, 'cause the reason why we have a lot of information about the planet is 'cause they dig into that ice cap to get samples. - Yeah, exactly, because it basically is a,
It basically is a record of like- - Because the layers keep freezing. - Yeah, exactly. So, you know, up there we have like ice that has been like untouched for millennia. - But how big is the land? How big is the land underneath? Or like, what does it look like? Or is there some kind of CG model that my simple brain can comprehend? - Yeah, like what would Antarctica look like if all the ice melted? - Point being, has the ice caps ever melted?
- I was gonna say point being that water is not good. You should not be drinking that water. - Point being- - You might as well drink from the syringe. - Yeah, I know that. Yeah, see? I was right, yeah.
- Okay. - There's a giant land underneath it. - Huh. - Point being is- - 'Cause that's where all the explorers try to get to in the ice thaws when they used to go. - Right, right, right. - 'Cause the boats couldn't really get through it. - Okay. - See, isn't that cool? - That's pretty cool. - The more we know. See, I didn't, I was pretty sure there was a land, but then when you said that, you made me question if I was about to say something dumb, that there was land underneath it. And I was like, wait, am I wrong?
- Why was the land underneath it going to be a rebuttal to anything else? - Oh, 'cause you were like, "Don't Google it." As if to be like, I just said something completely dumb. - I was just testing ourselves. - I was just testing ourselves. I was like, if we're gonna out ourselves as dumb, let's not have Googlers. - I thought, I was like, oh my God, am I dumb? I thought that Antarctica was actually a piece of land this whole time that had ice on it?
- Not that anyone would know because Antarctica has never melted in our lifetimes or humanity's lifetime surely, right? - No, but I mean, if you go to Antarctica cycle animation, again, you can see the, it's kind of cool 'cause it's kind of impressive just how much of it melts every year.
- I mean, you would assume that it melts during the seasons, but there is certainly a part of Antarctica that would be remained like- - See ice coverage from that. - Okay, yeah. - Oh. - That's it. - Oh, so that's all the ice. - But you can see this is over the years, right? So normally those chunks were permanent, the main part, but also that area that expands every year is getting smaller as well. - Yeah, yeah. - You see that too. - Yeah. - Oh, you see it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Did you see it? - I saw it.
- Yeah, I know there's like an ice cycle with Antarctica, but I know that's like what I was trying to say was like inland that ice should be fucking untouched, right? - I think the surface stuff though changes. I'm not sure though. - Well, certainly there won't be fucking microplastics and mercury unless something's gone very fucking wrong. - I mean, it depends how deep we're going, but it could be, who knows what else? It could be like ash, could be a bunch. Ash is good for you actually. - Could be.
- I mean, how is it any more- - Ash is good for you. - Any more, you know, I think the worst that could happen to maybe some like thousand year old bacteria. - Yeah, you could be getting like mad fucked bacteria in there. - Do you know what's fucked me over? Because like in your mind, this should be like the most refreshing water of your life. - Why is the Trash Taste YouTube account, what's your request virtual insanity? - Because it's a bang of .
- Who's listening to all these songs on the trash? - That is a banger song. - It's a banger. - I will say. - I'm okay with it. - I just, it's a banger. - Do you know what ruined it was there was this one video where the top comment was like, "Oh, today I learned about like the ice parasites." - Yeah, there's loads of like fucked up shit in the ice. - Yeah, there's like a parasite that lives in ice. Can you search up like,
- Like worm or parasites? - Ice parasites? - Ice parasites. That just ruins my perception of how refreshing- - That is a sick man name. Ice parasite? - Ice worm. - Ice worm. Yeah, there we go. Yeah. I could be living in very old ice caps. - God damn.
- Glacier ice worms. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Ew. - God fucking dammit, man. - Gross. - Always. - Also you can't, you know, you can't really like survive off eating snow as a water source 'cause the amount of energy your body takes to cool it down is so high that you'll have a hard problem hydrating yourself off just snow. - Yeah.
- Refreshing though, right? - No, it's not. Also snow tastes gross. If you've ever had snow. - Snow does taste gross. - Snow tastes, you have to boil it. And then you have like a bunch of shit on the top. - But I'm not going to let go of that ice water. No, I'm just like- - I'm gonna keep enjoying my ice water. - Where does the freshest water on earth come from? - Yeah, go on. - Also, by the way, I'm right. The overall point is that I'm right. - You're believing a bunch of water sommeliers? - Yes.
- No. - Patagonia region. - Antarctica. - Antarctica, fuck. - Okay, yeah. - Or even upstate, no, no, fuck off. - Upstate New York, all right, shit. - Patagonia region of Chile. - This is paid propaganda by the New York. - Bro, if you ever meet a New Yorker, it's not the right word for it. New Yorker, what are they called? - Yankee? - New Yorker. - New Yorker. - New Yorker, yeah, New Yorker.
- The Yorkers. - They'll be like, "You gotta understand our water is the best, that's why the pizza tastes so good." And you're like, "Shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up." - I like that they said, it's all countries, Canada, Iceland, Antarctica.
- Or even upstate New York. - Shocker guys. - All right, who even upstate New York? - Whom's paid them to write this guys? - New York government is paying scientists to say this. I don't buy it. I've seen those rats. There's no way. There's no way. - Those rats aren't there for the clean water guys. - Well, I don't know. Maybe that's the reason why those rats are so massive. 'Cause they get in that fresh water. They're like, I'm so hydrated right now.
Point is Connor, you should change your mind. I'm right. It's not enough. I'm right. And that's been trash taste. Thank you. That's the tagline. I'm right. And that's been trash taste. All right. Well, Hey, look at all these patrons. Look at all of them. How right I am. I bet they have great tastes as well. Better than me. Not quite.
- It's not hard. But hey, every single week, by the way, if you guys do support us over on the Patreon, then you'll get yourselves an exclusive weekly Patreon video. If you want to check that out, as well as a bunch of other Patreon videos we've released in the past, as well as just supporting the channel overall, then head on over to patreon.com/trashtaste. Also follow us on Twitter, send us memes on the subreddit. And if you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify. - If there are any water sommeliers on,
- Let yourselves be known in the comments. - Let yourselves be known. - I need to see your credentials. - We can ban you from commenting on anything at all. - Thank you, Water Sommeliers. I hope you enjoy Trash Taste. And we'll see you next week, Water Sommeliers. - Bye.