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Unreasonable Hospitality with Will Guidara

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A Bit of Optimism

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Will Guidara
Will Guidara:通过分享Eleven Madison Park餐厅的成功经验,阐述了其独特的待客之道——‘不合理的待客之道’。这并非指粗鲁或不讲理,而是指在服务中付出更多努力,关注客户的情感体验,创造超出预期的连接,让客户感受到被重视和被关怀。他认为,成功的关键不在于食物本身,而在于如何让客户感受到被重视,以及这种重视如何转化为积极的影响力。他通过取消接待台,建立员工与顾客之间的无缝连接,以及为顾客提供意想不到的惊喜(例如街边热狗)等方式,来实践‘不合理的待客之道’。他还强调了员工的创造性自主权,并设立了‘Dreamweaver’职位来支持员工的创意想法,从而提高员工满意度和顾客满意度,形成良性循环。 Simon Sinek:作为访谈者,Simon Sinek引导Will Guidara分享了他的经验,并对‘不合理的待客之道’进行了深入探讨。他强调了领导者在实践这一理念时,需要具备远见和结构化的执行能力,并为员工提供必要的资源支持。他还指出,‘不合理的待客之道’并非只适用于餐饮行业,而是可以应用于任何与人相关的行业,其核心在于关注人与人之间的连接,以及如何通过细致入微的关怀来提升客户体验。

Deep Dive

Will Guidara discusses the concept of unreasonable hospitality and how it led to the transformation of Eleven Madison Park into the best restaurant in the world.

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If you walk up to someone and say “you’re being unreasonable!” most people would be offended. Will Guidara, however, would take it as a compliment.  

A renowned New York restaurateur, Will transformed Eleven Madison Park into the best restaurant in the world by reinventing how they offered hospitality....they made it unreasonable.  

I had a chance to sit down and talk to him about how he learned the power of being unreasonable.

This is… A Bit of Optimism.

For more on Will and his work, check out his new book Unreasonable Hospitality below or wherever you prefer to buy your books:

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