cover of episode The Definition of Success with author Neil Strauss

The Definition of Success with author Neil Strauss

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A Bit of Optimism

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Neil Strauss
Simon Sinek
Neil Strauss: Neil Strauss认为,成功的定义不应仅仅局限于物质财富或有限的成就,而更应该关注个人意图的正确性。他以自身经历为例,讲述了《The Game》的意外成功并非他所追求的意义,真正的成功在于是否怀有正确的意图,而非最终结果的好坏。他认为,在人际交往中,理解社会动态,停止过度关注他人评价,给予他人肯定,是建立良好关系的关键。他还强调,解决自身问题的最佳方法是帮助他人解决相同的问题,真正的付出不应带有目的性,而应纯粹出于利他之心。他认为,戒除性瘾对他个人成长的影响比《The Game》更大,并分享了他童年时期与母亲之间情感纠葛的经历,以及在性瘾康复过程中对自身问题的认识。他认为,个人对自身行为负全部责任,无论其原生家庭如何,并强调了原谅自己和他人对个人自由的重要性。他认为,贡献不应以结果论英雄,而应关注过程中的意图和努力。他认为,即使不为社会做出贡献,也是可以被接受的,只要不故意伤害他人。 Simon Sinek: Simon Sinek则认为,成功不应只关注个人,还应关注对社会和群体的责任。他认为,个人有责任使周围环境变得更好,即使无法保证结果。他认为,贡献的定义应放宽,即使是简单的善意行为也属于贡献。他认为,他和Neil Strauss对责任的界定不同,前者认为只对自身行为负责,后者则认为对行为结果也应负责。他认为,个体行为会影响他人,因此不能忽视自身行为对外部世界的影响。他认为,每个人都有自己的故事,而我们应该努力创造一个积极的故事。他认为,接受不确定性是获得幸福的关键。

Deep Dive

Neil Strauss discusses the origins of 'The Game', his transformation since its publication, and the controversial reception of the book.

Shownotes Transcript

In 2005, Neil Strauss published The Game, a book about his years living in the pickup artist community. *The Game *sold millions of copies, stirred up huge controversy, and made Neil a bestselling author. 

Neil has totally reinvented himself since writing *The Game, *and I wanted to talk with him about walking away from that identity of success. This led to a much deeper conversation about what success even is. Is meaning tied to outcomes, or is intention enough? 

Neil and I don't see eye-to-eye on everything in this conversation, but I love talking with him because he challenges my ideas. I hope this episode challenges you as well, to continue questioning what the definition of success should be. A Bit of Optimism.

To learn more about Neil and his work, check out:

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists)


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