cover of episode How To Eat with Glucose Goddess Jessie Inchauspé

How To Eat with Glucose Goddess Jessie Inchauspé

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A Bit of Optimism

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jessie Inchauspé
Jessie Inchauspé: 血糖是人体重要的能量来源,但过多的血糖峰值会导致炎症、衰老和胰岛素抵抗等问题。控制血糖峰值的方法之一是调整食物的食用顺序:先吃蔬菜(富含纤维),再吃蛋白质,最后吃淀粉类食物。蔬菜中的纤维素会在肠道形成保护层,减缓葡萄糖的吸收速度;蛋白质可以减缓胃排空速度。此外,她还强调了避免糖分摄入过量,因为糖分会让人产生多巴胺的愉悦感,而非真正的能量,而血糖峰值会使线粒体压力过大,导致疲劳。她认为,血糖控制并非为了追求极致的数据,而是为了改善健康和精力,并鼓励人们根据自身情况灵活调整饮食习惯。她还分享了她自身通过控制血糖改善健康状况的经历,以及她帮助他人改善健康状况的案例,强调了其方法的实用性和可持续性。 主持人: 通过血糖监测和调整饮食顺序,可以显著改善精力,并对健康产生巨大影响。血糖峰值会对健康造成多种负面影响,而Jessie Inchauspé教授人们如何通过简单的饮食技巧来控制血糖水平。通过控制血糖峰值,可以解决长期存在的下午精力低下的问题,并改善整体健康状况。人们通常难以意识到早餐的饮食习惯会影响到数小时后的精力状态。血糖的稳定对身心健康至关重要,它影响着能量水平、荷尔蒙、皮肤、大脑炎症等诸多方面。

Deep Dive

This chapter discusses the significant impact of eating order on health, focusing on how changing the sequence of meals can prevent glucose spikes and improve overall well-being.

Shownotes Transcript

It's not just what we eat but *how *we eat it that counts. Eating the same meal in a different order can dramatically change how we feel!

Glucose Goddess is the viral Instagram account of Jessie Inchauspé, who's inspired millions of people to change how they eat. With simple and easy dietary hacks, Jessie teaches people how to prevent glucose spikes -- large influxes of sugar into our bodies that make us tired, stress our organs, and cause us to age.

Since adopting her eating habits, my energy has never been better. I was thrilled to talk with Jessie about creating Glucose Goddess and her personal story behind showing people a better way to A Bit of Optimism.

For more on Jessie and her work, check out:



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