Yes! See him on the 4th of July, dude? I was an animal. How hard you were going kind of exceeded your skill level. Maybe the first ever C-Boys TV crash. Can I talk about the newspaper this week?
Rusty Clark, an Army and Air Force veteran, needed treatment at a VA hospital. Meet his wife, Juanita. We live above Borgentown, West Virginia. It would take us about seven hours to get here. And I was prepared to sleep on the hospital floor beside of Mr. Clark. But the
Fisher House opened up that door. We had a lovely suite to stay in. We had food to eat. We didn't have to worry about that because of Fisher House, the foundation. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher took care of all that years ago, following their dream to make our reality that we were together and we could be treated here. It's a great blessing.
I was in the Army Guard, and then I went into the Air Force, and then I met Juanita. Because of family's love. It's good medicine. I have a gift for you guys. Well, for all of us. I love gifts.
Oh, dude, so sick. Yeah, I know but I'm already so excited to see what the box is. Let's go. Let's go So sick. So that one's for Ken around Kenjamin. Oh my gosh mine. Yes Wow
Oh my gosh. Amazing. Oh my gosh. That is so awesome. So for those of you guys wondering, this is the million YouTube play button. Pretty sick. Yeah.
So we obviously only have one. Typically, you only get one per channel. And that one was difficult to get a hold of. They typically don't give out individual play buttons, but being that we have so many members a part of the channel, they were able to do that for us. It's been quite a bit of time, probably four years since we hit a million. I'm actually super pumped to have my own play button. This is so sick. This was a project that I got assigned to.
A good year and a half ago to get done. So happy. So now it's sick. Everybody's got one for their office. We do have one on the wall over there, but we're going to start mounting them all over the place now. That's the one for the shop. This thing's going in my room, dude. We try to do this exact same thing with the $100,000. They're like, no, frick off. And then it took us a very long time to get our OG $1 million play button. And then...
Probably equally as long to finagle these extra ones. Yeah, to get multiples. It didn't seem that common. Like the request had to go around to a few different people. Like, oh, I don't know if we do that. So finally got her done. Thank you. Now we all have them. Yeah. Well, thank you very much. We can also thank our...
pocket yeah i was like they still charge you fat for them they charge you heavy form i forget but like when certain people when people come and they see the shop see that and where's the million play button i'm like oh yeah it's right here and people are like whoa like because obviously it's not something you can just buy yeah you can't just buy one you have to literally earn it and another flex is like obviously i mean i'm sure if we would have set up a garage channel or one day do but like we have one for the podcast here and hopefully have a million where is it over there
a million play button for the podcast eventually, but like having it for multiple channels is also a flex. Yeah. I mean, shit, you know, when you're starting out and just even not starting out, you're just like, man, like I really want one of those. If you're a YouTuber, it seems like, I mean, you know, everyone says like, I don't, I don't care, whatever. It's just a plaque, whatever. But like, it does mean something to you, you know, especially for, I
At least for us, it hasn't came easy. I mean, how many years did it take us to get to one? I think five. Five years to get to one. And then three quick years to get to 3.7 now. Yeah. Pretty crazy. It's nuts. I mean, it's like more rewarding than any college diploma you could get. And I'm not saying that you should, you know, I'm not saying like, oh, should I go for the YouTube? Yeah, you got both. Yeah, I got both. Which one felt better? Well, one of them is going to be hung up on a wall in
the other one is sitting in my bedside dresser. One of them you show off and the other one I don't. That's honestly still flattering for the college degree that it's in your bedside dresser. Yeah, I mean under a bunch of like junk that you put in your bedside dresser. A bunch of keychains. Dude, I remember when I got my high school diploma I was like, oh shit, I better keep this in a safe place. I'm going to
need this for the rest of my life. Like to show it to people. I just figured you're going to have to go to a job and it's like, yeah, yeah. Here I graduated high school. Here's my diploma. It turns out most people don't seem at least the places I worked before here didn't make me do that. They didn't make you show proof of graduation. No, they didn't. But you know, maybe they were pretty entry jobs. So who knows? Might've helped. Um,
I went and got myself a PhD. I think what I'm going to do is get a chain, and I'm going to wear the play button around my neck. Actually, that's the other way everyone knows. Otherwise, I'm not going to invite everyone over to my house to fucking see this play button. You can't do that anymore. It's no longer a button. You just saw it. Oh, yeah. It's the plaque. It's part of the plaque. It used to be a button. No, I'm talking the whole plaque.
He's wearing the whole thing. It would look pretty sick with that jersey. Cover the whole thing. Dude, these new jerseys, not to plug, but we got three new jerseys and they're sick. I love all three. I can't decide which one's my favorite. Evan looks really cool in it when he wears it dirt biking. Dude, I know. Evan and Cody were wearing them dirt biking the other day. Both of them looked cool.
hard. They look like they're like OG metal militia guys. I remember back in the day they'd ride with like a jersey like this on. I'm too scared not to run a chest protector. Just get skinned. Well, dude, yeah. And the arms. Yeah, you look cool until you crash and you're just regretting everything. And you probably had the most recent crash, right? Like the...
The loop on the highway where you got all scun up. Honestly, Dalton does. Oh, yeah, Dalton, dude. Our filmer, Ben, since he doesn't ride his dirt bike, lets him take out his dirt bike, and you just jumped a random dirt pile on accident and just got piled up. Can we talk about that? Do we have the video? Let's pop that up. My God, dude. Oh, shit. Holy fuck, are you okay?
I don't know what I would call what you did there, Dalton. It wasn't whiskey throttle. Kodak courage. It was 100% Kodak courage. You're 100% right. You just were going hard.
And how hard you were going kind of exceeded your skill level. Okay, let me tell you the story. Okay, let's hear it from your side. I'm hitting that gap jump, right, to flat. You were hitting the gap jump? To flat. He was hitting the jump. He was going off the side of the gap jump too flat, and then already a bad idea. Using the takeoff, not the landing. Yes. Got it. Yes. All right, and I did that a few times. And then the last time that I did it, it was dusk out. Like, my goggles were all foggy. Mm.
Ben's bike was just not working. It was totally the bike's fault. The bike went right into the scrap pile and forks compressed. I went end over end.
Handlebar ended up cutting my forearm to the bone. Jeez, dude. Yeah, we super glued it. And then my finger stuck to the cut and it opened it back up. Wow. Evan's field fix. Just super glue it together. Oh, you need stitches? Nah, you're fine. We'll just super glue it. It actually healed up really well. Yeah, it does. Just a little scar. Not bad. A little battle wound. It's not bad for how much blood was coming out of you that day.
I kind of think Evan preys on like getting someone new out there. That dude has just got a camera on like, you know, this has happened a few different times. It's like, he, he's like, they're going to wad up. And he's just like, you got it, dude. And he's just,
Because he has two crashes of two dudes who are fresh out there. In your case, it's not so much that you don't know how to ride a dirt bike, but in the other case of the Waddup, it's like this guy clearly isn't going to be doing anything cool. Why are we filming him? Because we think he's going to crash. What is the term or the terminology or whatever for when Dalton goes, just the other day, I want to hit the gap jump. And I was like, yeah, it's easy, but don't die.
And then you're like, I'm going to go. Don't need to warm up. I just got to sack up and do it. And then like all of us pull our phones out. And then I'm just like, I feel weird pulling my phone out. I'm not by any means hoping you'll die. Just in case. Just in case. If it's going to happen, you got to have it on camera. On that first run, I was about two miles an hour away from dying. Yeah.
Really? You made it up short. So you didn't like go off in front of him and just tell him to match your speed. That seems like it would have been the courteous thing to do. I offered, but then, and then even at the end of the day to the FMX ramps pulled up super close, but you've never hit the FMX ramp ever in your life. It was like your second time on the track and he's got his like backpack on ready to head home. He's like,
Film this. I'm hitting the ramp. And it went really well. But it's so fun. We got to watch this video that Evan captured of one of our buddies. What is Evan's KTM? A 300? Yeah. 300 two-stroke. Big boy two-stroke. And this guy's in shorts, T-shirts, and flip-flops. But oh my gosh, dude. This one was, he was walking funny for a week after this. Oh, that guy had no, no one on the B-O-T-A bike. The wedgie dude. They had to surgically remove them from his ass.
And his face is priceless. Dude, the worst part is, well, maybe the worst or the best. The best for Evan, the worst for our buddy. 27.9 million views. So 28 million views.
It was worth it then. Evan's bike got kind of wadded up, which not bad damage, just the plastics broke on the back, so now he's running the Barney look, full Barney look. That was my defense. Evan was like, dude, you always are posting me, me, me. And I was like, bro, dude, I have so many clips of you because you're always doing awesome shit and we're always hanging out. And then I'm like, what about that one you posted of him looping out that got...
Like 30 million views. I was like, did he get any of that Skrilla? Which I'm sure he maybe paid him back in beer or something. Skrilla? What's that? Dollars. Oh, you call it Dollars Skrilla? Yeah. I'm hooding out. Is that what you and Evan and Cody say about Dollars? I don't know. I'm sure they would ask the same thing if I called it Skrilla. Okay. I don't even know where I learned that. I mean, you guys have your, it's like you have your own crew within our crew. Yeah.
You guys are kind of like the hood rats. You do what you want. The bad boys. You stay up late. Meat night. You're drinking. You're riding. Not doing them necessarily together. Riding first, then drinking. Staying up late, sleeping in.
Yeah. So it's like, I don't even know what you guys have evolved in your own matter so far. I would call it devolving. Well, you know, you guys are, you have your own way and now I'm not, I'm not on the same level as you guys in all aspects of life. So like Skrilla, I'm like, well, fuck,
is this? I don't know. It's just like the inside joke that we're out on now. But I do have to say at some point between now and a month from now, we have to go out to the track on a night like that. Because I agree. We usually ride. I'm down to ride the track anytime. So is the rest of the boys. But like
At sunset-ish, we have to go out, ride the track, and film, and just stack it up. I 100% agree. Get a good moto segment. Because I was seeing your guys' Snapchats. You guys were looking like you were having so much fun. Everyone was smiling, like really having fun. And that is the recipe for a really good video. Yeah. Because honestly, that's what makes shit fun. It's what makes it interesting, entertaining, fun.
Obviously, you got to do some cool stuff for whatever, crack some jokes, but it just comes a lot easier when you're genuinely having fun. Honestly, it gets a little bit harder as time continues to go on because people get jaded, tainted, whatever. So if you can find something where it's just like,
You know, capitalize on a naturally already, you're already having fun moment. Yeah. Sometimes I get served these videos of us from like four years ago, five years on Facebook. Cause we have like this, like they syndicate our videos from YouTube and recut them, put them on Facebook. They're all over the place.
So anyways, I'll end up watching them. And it's crazy. We'll be doing literally the smallest little things. But it's funny, though. It actually is funny. I used to think, gosh, those videos are so bad. But I sometimes watch them and I kind of get, and humbly, I kind of get why people watched them. Because we're cracking jokes. And they were funny. We were pretty quick-witted. And I think the difference is like,
By no means when we schedule to film a really good idea, we all want to be there. We all show up because we know we're going to do that. Yes, exactly. It's production versus like when you all show up because you want to just because you want to do something. The camera was just kind of there and it still is very much that way. But like the last video I saw that was a throwback. It just snowed. It was like snowing and there was pretty decent amount of snow and we just like went out. It was like 12 o'clock at night and we all went drifting.
Oh, yeah. And we were just drifting around Cormont, like, doing some baby-ass snow drifts. Ken had his Focus RS, his stock Focus RS. That was sick. Fucking funny. I don't know. It was just very simple, but it was actually really entertaining. And I was like, wow, that's cool. We were...
I don't know. We wouldn't even consider that nowadays. Yeah, you're right. And it's maybe even that we would. We maybe even would consider it, but it's just like we have the camera up so often from 10 to 6, let's say, or whatever, that if we're doing something at night, it's like, do we run in and go grab the camera? We just filmed all day. Yeah. Yeah.
I think it's difficult too because it's like the level of entertainment. It feels like the bar keeps getting higher and higher. Not even necessarily just within us, but just the YouTube community as a whole. 100%. I don't know if we can make a video going drifting in the snow. The group of people that we're trying to please is so big. It's now harder. And I think we do a good job of like mixing it. Like a good example of that would be like the R1 water skip.
We're a little scared. We're a little tense. We're like, we got to do this. You know, there's danger involved. But then we throw in a little mix of going golfing with Grandpa Ron. And that's just easy. That's like the classic where you say, you just turn the camera on and Dalton films us and we just have a blast. So it's like, it's nice to be able to do both. I'm thankful for that, that, you know, you watch some people and they're like, they have to be so scared.
like action sporty or whatever i'm glad that we can do both i'm glad that that chopped up that was fun you did a great job filming too i wasn't there that day and i was very excited and looking forward to watching it and yeah sure i could go through the clips the raw clips but uh come home lights up your watch i didn't want to see it that bad fucking three hours of raw clips but uh and then two cameras seeing it chopped up was like really funny it was great yeah
Ben edited that part. He did a good job. But also, I think the last thing to say on that is Ben and CJ for, you know, 90% of the videos still edit all of it. So like if we go out and just like
roll the cameras for another three hours if we're like you should make that into a bit and you're like yeah easier said than done yeah three hours watch lord of the rings and then try to chop it yeah no it is interesting but we're uh we're gonna keep doing our best to make sure we stay to those roots and uh 100 have fun and entertain you guys because that's what it's really all about
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Dude, also, when we were out there the other night riding dirt bikes, Ken rolled out on an e-bike. I was briefly out there. Of course he did. Bro, I blinked my eyes. I'm like, oh, nice. Ken's out here. And I blinked my eyes again, like one more lap, and then you're just gone. He was hitting the gap? No, he was just gone. Well, I saw you guys were all riding big bikes on there. Yeah, that's fair. I thought you were going to do other stuff because normally you're doing it. Yeah, that is true. You're riding bikes. We weren't chilling very hard that day. Did it have something to do with it being electric, Ken? Is that what?
you know, part of the allure was for you? No, it's just easy to ride out there. Like, it's a very convenient bike to just toot around on. Yeah, toot around. What do you think you'd like? Like a Stark bike? Like one of those big Stark electric bikes? I think I'd probably...
If you can turn it down, I'd probably... Can you turn it down? Yes, you can. And I'm still like, let's keep Ken off one of those. Can you turn it down? Actually, they just... It's kind of sick because they're basically computers. They just released an update. They released crawl mode. And so it's like walking mode. So you can walk with it and you go like just throttle it and it'll go like a mile an hour. But it also has reverse.
Wow. That's interesting too. So if you get in a pickle, you can, but it literally goes like a mile an hour. So it's like the four wheeler of dirt bikes now. Yeah. But it's just, I thought that was interesting that they released a downloadable update. Yeah. A little spoiler for you guys, because this will come out on Tuesday. So we're actually doing a vid with the new Stark electric dirt bikes. It'll be coming out on Thursday. So two days from now.
very very fascinated to see how these things are i mean i was hearing just from like professionals but a buddy of mine who's friends with travis pastrana travis went on the stark and like it has so much fucking torque when he would goose it off the face of the ramp to do a flip i guess you you full pin it to do a flip it had so much torque that his feet would fly off the peg like it would he couldn't keep
If you can't keep him on a bike, dude, you know that's crazy. That's just how the story was told. So this is all allegedly. But I've been reliable. I have so many things to say about them in a good way. Like, I've been following them for so long, like, before they even released the bike. And I was like, well, let's see how this goes. Because I did the same thing for Tyga. Tyga released electric snowmobiles and electric jet skis. And they flopped really hard. This Canadian company. I'm excited to get some of those. Canada really endorsed Tyga.
Get a tag of snowmobiles. They still make them, right? I think we gotta do it. We gotta fucking get one of them. Electric stuff honestly has a big draw. And I'm saying like, I think the whole company flopped. We could probably get our hands on them. I think those came out too early though where the technology wasn't quite fully baked. But also their marketing was just, dude, it was like so like corporate. You know, they go out and make a video and no pro riders. Here's what Stark did. Stark got
real riders on their bikes. And then the rest was butter. Yeah. Like Patrick Evans just won best whip on the electric bike. Kobe Raja, he got a second on quarter pipe, big air. Do you guys see? Yeah. Why was Axel's dad so mad about him being on an electric bike? They were kind of being babies. He was like, Oh, electric, you're a pussy. And then,
Everyone's like, does PH not remember that Colby beat Axel at Slayground for X Games? They had Slayground there last summer or two summers ago. Yeah, he beat him. And he beat him like...
On a gas bike. It's very interesting how salty all those California moto guys are. Because we're somewhat in the crowd, but not really. It's like if you fuck with this guy, you basically close yourself off to all of them, even if you've never met them. You do a podcast with one guy. Now it's like the rest of them are like, oh, we don't fuck with them. He's boys with them. But yeah, I did see that. There's a lot with the electric dirt bikes. Obviously, performance is insane. Yeah.
I think they have more horsepower than a 450. Yeah, so they have different modes, but they go up to 80 horse, which is insane. And that's 80 horse instant torque. I was talking to Brett Turcotte, and I'm like, what are you hitting the ramp in when you're doing flips and other shit? He's like, I have it in the 50 horse mode. I'm like, okay, that makes sense. So what does a standard 450 dirt bike have for horsepower? I think like 54, let's say. Holy shit. I thought they had 80. Dude, I don't think it's 80. That'd be a lot, man.
lot maybe because that's a significant power jump yeah what is a 450 cc race bike have for horsepower 60.21 horsepower okay okay so 24 horse yeah yeah and instantly yeah so there is like an advantage to being on the
e-bike, obviously you don't look as cool because it doesn't sound good. That'd be a disadvantage. That's the disadvantage. But the advantage is I guess you can do crazy whips on it because of the torque. You can get the wheel to spin so instantly fast. You know, there's not like this buildup like a motor. You can do these insane whips on it. In my opinion, making a cool whip is the sound. Yeah.
But in terms of turning the bike around, the e-bike's in favor. But yeah, I mean, so Kobe showed up to Slayground for last X Games just like, what, three weeks ago? He took like second. No, it wasn't at Slayground. Oh, it wasn't? This one was just in Ventura, but that was last year. Yeah. He pulled up this year on an e-bike and he took second. Dolan, can you look up the weight difference too? Holy crap. They weigh more for sure. The electric bikes weigh more.
Literally upside down, dude. Yeah, it's just crazy. Wait, no. What did I just watch? Backwards. What did I just watch? It was watching this clip back of his gold medal run. It does not make sense. Upside down. Like, it doesn't even look like a whip, dude. I don't even know what the hell I'm watching. That's a whole new trick. He's like upside down, and then he flips back. But it's like a...
But then it's a 360. I have been watching this with whips. I go, how much do they have to come around where they just keep going around? And that was like, people have commented that forever on fat whips. They're like, when do you just, but him, for him, they were like, yo, when do you just do like the 360? That's insane, that whip. But in my opinion, an Axel Hodge is just insane.
Yeah, he's not completely upside down and shit. He's more satisfying to watch. Again, yeah, you're not discrediting him. No, I'm not. But people were like, not a real bike, which again... That's so lame. But I'm saying like, I kind of agree as in like, I think that there is two different... That's true. It's almost like if you were doing the same thing, one guy's riding a 450 and everybody else is riding a 250. It's like, bro, he's got an advantage. But Siege...
Didn't you ride an e-bike? I did. The Alta. The Alta. And I crashed. Well, so this was probably five or six years ago. Like a sub had one when we were at Turf Wars. And I was like, you want to ride it? And I was like, yeah. Heck yeah. Thing was fucking fast. Yeah. That was six years ago. Basically, there was a setting. You could turn it up. It was like.
four or five modes and I was like well let's turn this thing all the way up like I'm not riding in the slow mode yeah well I gave it too much pepper and just off of like a small little like it was like barely an incline and I fucking shot like it was not what I was anticipating like 10 feet in the air to his feet and then tumbled yeah yeah no I think it was to my butt I kind of thought you like kind of like went I think he basically did like a more put together version of what Simon did
Yeah. So it just went straight up. I was trying to save the bike and that's why I ate shit. Yeah. I didn't really eat shit, but it was just a hard, hard to your butt. Just boom. Did you save the bike? I think I did. I think it was a little scuffed up, but the guy was okay with it. I mean, we didn't even have it on video. It was unfortunate, but. Or that, that raises another question. Like Alt has got to be like,
I think they're done. To your point, Ken, a little ahead of their time. Yeah. I think they're done. Five, six years ago. No, I think they are too, but they got to be... Dude. Look at how we did that. Either a bankrupt or they got bought out by somebody else. Which is unfortunate. Right thing, wrong time. Yeah. So anyways, we got two Starks. We're going to...
Ride them, test them out. I'm sure they're going to rip and see how they are. Can we ride them underwater again? That was my favorite part of the e-bike videos. I know, same. I'm sure we can. I'm sure we can do whatever we want with them. And we'll practice right now. They're going to be fun, but they ain't going to make any noise. I wouldn't mind buying a fast jet ski. I do like the tricks and stuff, but I wouldn't mind having a nice one that you can rip and actually cut through waves. Actually cut through waves. Because the problem with the tricks...
I love them, but, uh, the hull doesn't go through waves or chop as good as just a jet ski like that. Not at all. Yeah. I mean, I would just say it all. So like, if you're trying to like actually rip it, it, it does get a little difficult, but, uh,
you know, they're two different riding styles. Dude, fucking Sea-Doo should be giving us tricks for how much good we've done. Like, we have really, like, their durability is amazing. Like, they are really an awesome jet ski. In my opinion, they are the best jet ski, and the only thing second to that is honestly the RXP-X, you know, the fast one. What do you think about the Lamborghini Urus, Mike? I like it less and less.
As time goes by. But it's still awesome. Like, remember when we were like, what should we give away next? You know, a bunch of different options. We're like, sky's the limit. Whatever. What should we do this, this, and that? And then you're like, yours. And then I was like, I don't know if anyone even. I don't care. I think it's just an overpriced Audi Q8. Yeah.
It really is. That's kind of what all the Lamborghinis are. The Huracan. At least, like, the cars, they're different enough. They have their... Yeah. Like, especially the Aventador is completely unique. Yeah.
Oh, for sure. I shouldn't say all Lamborghini, but yeah, it's kind of a sweet mom car. That's what I think. Here's kind of a hot take. I saw Stradman posted a reel. Like he kind of like drug it on and was like, you're selling half my Lamborghini collection, which he is. He owns pretty much only Lamborghinis. He had just sold his Nissan and that was like kind of about it. He just had...
And then he was showing the ones that he was selling. And then in my head, I went, I almost commented it. I was like, thank God you're selling like the non cool one. Yeah, dude. I got excited when I saw he was selling them and I was like, Ooh,
Ooh. Yeah. Maybe pick up a Lamborghini. And then it's just the lamest fucking Lamborghinis. I'm sorry, Strad. But what was it like? It was like the SUV, like 1970, which is cool, you know, collectors. And then a Countach, which I'm sure is like a half a million bucks. That one is the one. That's fucking sick. 700,000? You're not going to drive around in a Countach though. Remember? Am I going to take the Countach to dinner? I mean, I would, but it's too old. It's too old.
It's just, you'd feel terrible driving that thing, putting miles on it for no good reason. When he posted the price of that, that Countach, like we sat in that and I was like, oh, this thing is so cool. You know, Wolf of Wall Street, so cool. But I'm like, I didn't know it was 700,000 again. It's classic. Yeah, he was pretty chill about it. But he's keeping all the cool ones, which I was happy to see. Like,
Like both his Aventadors are just crazy. He's put so much time and effort into those cars too. Did you guys see over the 4th of July weekend that Dana White crashed his Camaro into his building? What a pick. What a pick, man. Was he drunk? I don't know. And there's no video of it, which is a shame. He should have a cameraman following that guy 24-7. Yes.
But all there really is is just kind of some video. Okay, here it is crashing the thing. Like, that's a... No context. Like, he had some speed going at that. Yeah, it's a pretty solid crash. Two really stand on the hood. This is the only video he has of, like, anything going on. So he was hooning it. Yeah, he's just ripping around in the grass, which is a very odd place to drive your WrestleMod Camaro. But, I mean, screw it, dude. Yeah, he was... Okay, so he, like, understood it. Look, dude, this is when he's...
about to crash and whoever's filming quit. I didn't realize this. Yep. Yeah. Right there is the. Yeah. Cause the building comes in. Wow. Hit in the garage. Were his wheels like Kachowd? They did kind of look like he was Kachowd. Well, I think they were hard. Yeah. Hard left or right. Are both. What are both? Yeah. He just kept going straight. Yeah. He was just, he was just understated. I'm pretty sure I heard of, was he, did he talk about this on like, does he have a podcast?
Joe Rogan? He loves this Camaro too, dude. He talks about how it's his favorite car to drive. So, I mean, obviously, he'll be fine. He's smiling. All said and done. But can you imagine piling up the Camaro in the garage? My man's built like fucking CJ. Yeah, dude. You got to get on the wave. Everyone's lifting weights. Some AF1s. Drinking water. You know, eating right. Driving your Camaro around your yard. It's good that he's okay. It made me think about some of our crap.
At first, I was like, we don't really crash that much. There's a pretty solid collection of shit that's gone wrong. But I still agree. We don't crash that much. No, we're pretty good. My first and my foremost favorite recent crash is Ben flipping the mini truck. I agree. Like just an absolute blast.
Dude, after he did that, we were all kind of like, what are you doing? We were mad. Amazing content. Yeah. But we were like, what are you doing, bro? These donuts, man. They're harder than you think. Like my Jeep.
Trying to drift my Jeep around a circle. That's what I was thinking. This was my moment. One of the more priceless car moments ever. I still don't know how I missed the trees on this, dude. You couldn't do that today. Those trees are so much bigger. Yeah, they're freaking huge now. Like...
I just tried. I think I gave it one more blip of throttle. It just doesn't make sense. You kind of pulled a Dana White. You had the wheels fully cranked, but it was done turning. And then I was actually thinking about this the other day, too. Like, I haven't ran a buffer in so long, and you pulled it in. I was like, dude, I can get this off. Yeah, and you did. And we buffed it off. Yeah. Which is funny. This is my favorite part about the video. In a moment of high stress, I spent way too much money, took a big loan out on this car. Yep.
We just finally had started getting paid. And I was like, I'm buying a Jeep.
And I was obviously very stressed and nervous as this happened. And then listen to what Ken says when I come around the corner. Your reaction to what ended up being a very small amount of damage. He makes it sound like it's the whole side of his ripoff. I like paused for a second. I'm sorry. You didn't get it? I got it, I think. We got it. It was in disbelief as to what the f*** happened. Oh, shit.
They're literally from this video. There's almost nothing wrong with the car. Oh, shit. There's like a small green stripe. You'd think the fucking back wheel is pointed outwards. That's what I thought. Why did you hit the tree with the dirt bike? It did look worse in person than it did on camera. It definitely did. I just love when you yell battle buff because like...
It's just rare that you like pretty much crashed your car into some trees and then you say that'll buff. And it literally buffed out. Literally. Thankfully, later that evening. So rare. That was the worst part about that was straight up embarrassment for like I had went out, bought this thing that probably everybody, you know, locals would think, you know, all these kids, they really aren't doing it right. They're taking out loans for these vehicles, which was true.
But we were finally making money, and I was like, I'm proud to show this off. And then I did the most immature, embarrassing thing you could possibly do and crashed it right into a tree. And that helped pay for it. I think I would have rather had the one... I know it wasn't just one day, but one day of that embarrassment. It lasted for a month. Then I would the embarrassment of my drift car. Oh, yeah, the reoccurring fails. Ongoing.
Just like, man, every time I take it out, man, this thing sucks. Because then after that, everyone was like, dude, your Jeep's freaking sweet, man. Turn the key. But also, I love how when you're like, you know, I took a big loan out on it and 50% of the comments were just,
Why not Jack Hawk? I know. And you're like, bro, it was like 30,000 more, which was basically another third of what you pay. Yeah. I bought the thing for like 42 grand and sold it for a profit. Back then you were doing it right. I was smart, dude. I was smart back then. 1.7 million views on that though. Good. Evan rolling this. And it was nasty because Gavin almost lost his fingies.
On that one. I want to get that slingshot back out. Those things are fun. Same. We got to chain convert it. And there's no kit for it, but I've seen two people do it. Yeah, we got to do it because that's the whole downfall of it was belt-driven. Another three-wheeled crash, of course. Evan piling up that...
Three-wheeler. Ooh. Right to the concrete. We were going to put tracks on the three-wheelers, and it was just like, oh, let's go grab a couple clips in the ditch. The intro clip. And then he literally flattened himself on the road. Pancake. Pancake. Obviously, we're on three Evans straight, but the clip here, which... Hey, keep them going. I was watching this one. The camera shake, which is unintentional. I thought...
I think makes the crash look even just a slight bit worse. Even though it was already bad. You see that shit, Dalton? Who do you think was holding the camera there? You. CJ acts like he did it on purpose. No, that was fucking perfect filming, dude. You kidding me? Yeah, it was. No, but the shake. I'm just saying the shake. I didn't mean to do the shake. I was just trying to keep it in. I genuinely mean the filming was perfect. Some people, Dalton wouldn't have, but...
That's the difference between a good film and a bad film where they'd miss that shit. They'd have half of that shit. I didn't say he wouldn't have got it. That's what I thought you were getting at. Why do you think he's here? Damn. Why do you think he's here? Something that just sent us to the moon laughing. There was like a random survival ad that used this. Oh, yeah. I wish I had it. That's messed up. Yeah, he goes and kind of spawns out on the ice and then it transitions to a dude running. Yeah. It's so random. And then there was just an ad for a survival thing.
iOS game. What else we got? The Jeep roll when we tried to two-wheel the Jeep. Pretty awesome. I still want to do this. I think we got to figure out a system. I saved a... I think we need a car that's a little more structurally sound. That might help. I saved a video of a new Ford Ranger Raptor doing it. And they were doing it at like a... When Twin Stunts closes off at the fair and they do a thing. It was kind of like that. It was like a demo. And they had people with them. It was kind of random. And they...
And they had a perfect ramp and he just went into a two wheel and went around and you could tell everyone in the car is like, Whoa, Whoa, it's working. Whoa. He's like, yeah, isn't this sick? And everyone in the crowd's cheering. And I'm like, can you imagine if they just like did tip it though? It'd probably be their most traumatic experience of their life. Yeah. My car accident. But yeah, he just like did it perfectly. And the ramp was,
made out of cinder blocks and two by eight. And a two by eight? In Dubai, they do that shit right down the freeway and they don't even have ramps. They just like, shit.
Yeah, no. That's how they do it. Gravity's different over there. It has to be. I'm pretty sure you can meet up with these guys and they'll take you for a ride. And they're doing it in G-wagons, like $200,000 G-wagons. So not saying that those guys can't throw a $200,000 G-wagon down the drain, but you'd think they probably won't flip. Yeah, no kidding. Imagine how scary that would be. You go over there and you're like, all right, we're going to do this. And then you...
They're like the language barrier. You have no idea what they're saying, and they just start driving 75 miles an hour down the highway and then whipping a wheel back and forth. I'd say the scariest part would be the initiation without a ramp. I'd way rather be down to do it at six miles an hour off the ramp than I would be at...
I almost feel like it's safer doing that because it seems like they're going slower than the videos where they're just completely drifting all over the place. I think the best way to learn would be with a razor, but those Dubai videos, when I was a freshman in college, I tried showing my...
roommate because i was staying in the dorms i was like yo like check these vids out because i was i was just watching just some crusty vid and he was like that's not real he like he didn't believe i'm like they do this shit in dubai and saudi arabia dubai is no one for having a crazy car scene but saudi arabia is the same and my gtr is actually tuned by a guy in saudi arabia really yeah
So the shop in the video, they tune it and do the flame tune and all that. The guy who actually tuned it was doing it remotely in Saudi Arabia. So was he just up really late or were you up early? No, I wasn't there for the tuning. I just showed up to pick it up. It's kind of cool. No, it's not necessarily flex. It's just interesting. So those guys just put it on the dyno and it's like his cousin.
Literally. Because all you're doing is they do the polls, take the data log, send it to the guy. He makes adjustments, emails it, boom. And they just...
Interesting. Pretty interesting though, huh? And Big Wrench does know a little bit about that, which I am jealous of. I think it's wizardry. I think it's so cool to be able to look at a map and be like, even just the basic thing, you're so lean on idle or whatever. Yeah. And I'm like, how do you know? And how do you know what to change? I think you're ultimately just trying to decrease the amount of fuel you're pumping to lean it out before it also causes damage for you. Because the leaner you're running...
ultimately the more power you're going to have, but you don't want to have too lean where you're hurting the engine, you know, but also there's so much to it. I mean, you have to go to like school almost to learn how to tune. Like it's an art where you have to like, once you know how to do it, it takes so long. Unless you're a Cletus McFarlane. I don't know.
I don't know if Cletus was tuning. I think he was switching mats. I think he's learned a lot too, but I just still remember when I was like, oh yeah, my Subaru, you know, like I don't run E85 in the winter, which is a common thing around here. Yeah. You don't run E85 in the winter because it doesn't start well. And then he says, as we're like about to do a crazy ass pull in the Subaru, he's like, that's just a tune brother. I'm like,
All right. I'll take your word for it. One thing that I think is funny that us northerners could never comprehend is we're putting coolant in our mini truck. It goes coolant. The hell are you using?
you use a coolant for? The garden hose is right there. I go, we have to. It'll be winter soon and then it'll freeze. He goes, I don't have coolant in a single one of my vehicles that he's added. Just water. Because it's like a thousand degrees there. It's like the one day a year that it might even get close to freezing. Yeah, there's no way that it would freeze. But also think of the true price difference. You know how some people would be like, well, what about running engine ice or whatever to really keep that? He'd be like, dude, I mean, I could literally have free or...
Yeah. Makes puts an ice box in the back. Yeah. Next up. This one is a crash, but I think it is quite possibly the, a crash in CYCV history that went so well. Like this one, I was so against the whole time. I was like, this is not going to work. It only can end in a crash. And it's somehow, somehow you made it work perfectly. The jet ski jump.
Oh, I was so nervous. Best case scenario. This was a jump from a pool to a 12 foot drop to a pond. It was so cool though. That's one of those, I guess I lose a little bit of sleep over it, but like, I'm just like, yeah, I mean, I could have, honestly, I could have done it again and stayed on. Oh dude, I don't sack up, but like,
eating the bars on that thing so hard dude that one was really fun and also but I remember the leading up to it I'm like what are we even doing we had to go to Facebook marketplace someone ran an hour down the road this way to grab a pool someone ran another 45 minutes down this way to grab a pool took three days to fill it up three days to fill up and I'm like and another you know like we're building the ramp and I was like dude all this is like this is one jump this is stupid it was a crazy jump it was a lot of work for not a lot of content and
It was quite a bit of content. Yeah, but it was like, I guess, legendary. Iconic. Stayed in the books. I think the best part is we had like the Jukish brothers out. They're professional like trick stand-up jet ski riders. They're doing these crazy flips and all this. And Ryan was trying to do his flip. Oh, yeah. Didn't land it, I don't think. And we'll get back to the drawing board. It's like, okay.
How could somebody do a trick? This was the only way. This was the only way. Big jump. And honestly, I don't know. You can only watch one. You get to watch the Jukish brothers do some flips on their stand-up jet skis on the lake. Or Micah. You hear this. They got two pools at the top of this jump. And they're like,
And then there's a, at a ramp after he clears out of one pool into the second. And he goes off this ramp into a 12 foot drop into a small pond. Which one are you going to, which one are you going to uncover? Wait, you're going to watch Mike's. You're going to watch your number two. I like a little side note. We film the Jukish brothers like so well, like I follow them both on Instagram and they just are always throwing down. They're always flipping. That's, that's their practice. But a lot of them are there. Um,
Just an iPhone video zoomed in of them flipping. You can almost kind of hardly tell what's going on. And we had these like...
Yeah. Wide angle, like slow motion. Three cameras and two GoPros. And I'd say like, I'm not saying that's the best they'll ever be or were ever covered, but like the footage of those guys flipping is so dang. They're so good. They are so talented. The thing I've learned over the years though, it's like, you know, you can have all the best cameras and stuff. If you have someone doing something really cool, you don't really need that great of cameras. Yeah. You don't need to be as good of a filmer. You don't even need to be as good of an editor. Yeah.
So it's so easy to make a good video with those guys because they're so talented, you know? And I mean, we're around so many people like that. I mean, makes it fun to film with. Yeah. It just makes it,
Makes it even easier. I had to throw my own crash in here. It was just getting piled up by this hover crash. That shit was funny. This one is what we call just a good laugh. This one was a good laugh. Didn't lose my phone, by the way. The way you just did it. Boom! It runs you over. I was so surprised when I come out on the water. I'm like, what the? Dude, that was back when we filmed with the 360 GoPro. That shit was awesome. The water was like 51 degrees. It was winter, and I was wearing jeans and a hoodie.
And yeah, it was good. I actually just checked on the hovercraft the other day in the barn and it could not be sadder. It could not be more sad. Well, it spent two years outside. Yeah. It,
Dude, it just has rhyme on it. I don't think that thing's run since like 2021. It'll start. Yeah, luckily, it's just a snowmobile fan-cooled engine, so like, it'll start. The hovercraft is just a part of the weird vehicles that were made in the 80s. There were so many crazy, weird vehicles in that time frame. That we're still discovering. That we're still discovering, and we're like, oh, they already exist.
made this we don't even gotta make it make it why aren't these a thing and we just we go and find these things in like barns and after you ride them it kind of makes sense why they didn't stick around you know it's like they don't always work like i mean between the wet bikes
The hovercraft, three wheelers. What else have we got? I know there's more. I know there's more. They were a good start to an idea. They just needed a little more development. Why don't they do that shit more? A lot of them were very functional. Bring back the hovercrafts. Bring back the hovercrafts, man. It was always fun. What else was there that was really cool? This is funny. This is not a crash. Turn up, turn up.
Just break it. Ken's first Tesla, dude. They said crunch down, crunch down. I'm getting in the Ken's frunk of his Tesla. Crunch down. I'm like, I can't. Oh my god. No way. No way. No way. Get it, get it, get it. Yes! How do I open it? Wait, wait. Oh shit, it doesn't work. I can't get it to go. It's actually jammed.
It wasn't opening. That could have been so bad. It wasn't fully closed, so it didn't want to release, but we couldn't close it anymore. I had full pressure pushed up. Damn, dude. I'm not claustrophobic really at all. There's a different definition of claustrophobic when you're actually being squished into it. Yeah. You couldn't move. You guys ever watch those cave videos when people go caving and then they get stuck.
There's a lot of guys, the one where the guy got stuck headfirst. And they're like, for 27 excruciating hours, he's headfirst down. Oh, yeah. I mean, bad, like crazy stuff. Then they were down there trying to pull him out. And then the cable snaps. Then the other guy was stuck down there.
I watched it and literally like my claustrophobia took over and I was just watching a TikTok, dude. But you got to wonder that. Yeah. What are people doing when they like they have to, oh, you can get through this cave, but you have to turn your shoulders this way as you dislocate your arms like this. Yeah.
Going into caves just does not entice me. I love caves. Again, not scared of the caves, but when you got to do that. Not it. CJ's legendary rocket man. Oh, man, dude. I could have really gotten hurt here if it would have landed on me, if you think about it. Yeah.
Yeah, it was close. The whole thing is just a bad wreck. It's like just like lack of, you know, if you were doing this in the mountains, well, again, you can always get hurt. No snow. Yeah, your sled hit the ground, not the snow. You know, it busted through the eight inches of snow that were down there and then...
you landed in about a foot drift. I just remember thinking we'd probably only been doing YouTube for like three months at a time. I was like, we got to send something here. No one's got any air. I'm probably the worst snowmobiler in the group. I had the least seat time. I was treating it like it was a dirt bike. That was actually what made it fun too. We all have our
are ditch banging sleds and CJ doesn't ride with us very often. And he's like, where are the jumps at? Yeah. You guys made it sound like, yeah. Cause we were like, we're going to go ditch bang. You can jump the ditches. And you're like, yeah, but where are the jumps at? And Jake's like, let's go to hogs back. And then none of us were doing anything either. And you're like, where are the jumps? And then that happened. I mean, I'm so lucky that I didn't land on me there, but, and then I think this, this last one here, I think is maybe the first ever, uh,
SeaboysTV crash. Oh, fuck. That was such a boot. Oh, my God. What? The airbag? I love when we just pitch black. Oh, my God. Not during the day. I'm just holding my iPhone light. No, I'm good. My face is... I love this. Holy shit. The horn sounds gone. Wow.
Bought that car for $150. Mike, do you still have that hat? No, I wish. That was a great hat. That was back when you could buy shit cars for $150. I remember that, dude. You can't do that anymore. It's like $1,000 now. You don't put, like, what, $20 into it? $20. And Ben didn't have $20. He had to borrow from Jake, and he never paid him back. That was, yeah, we pooled money together to do that. Yeah, to get it done. How the fuck did he not even have $20? That boy, dude. Not to take away from it at all, but this is...
This kind of does go back to what we were talking about way before. I remember, like, this is our literal third video ever. Basically, just, like, a month into filming. And you were like, gosh...
That was so lit, but I wish we wouldn't have done that in the pitch black. Like your production insight was always a part of the channel from day one. And like you weren't upset. You were just like, what if we would have done that in the daylight? And it's yeah, that always it would have been. Maybe it wouldn't have. I don't know. The car is still legendary. But yeah, no. I mean, you got to be thinking about that. Right. Trying to.
Trying to make good videos, you know that goes back to the other half so it helps you do something crazy like that But you got a shit filmer who misses the shot now. It's like now what now nothing got nothing or you do it in the pitch black? Actually, we could see the taillights. Yeah, just we still deal with that like I mean at least speaking personally like if I'm running the camera and like I miss something and
It feels just as bad as any other time you've ever died in your life. It's worse now, dude. Yeah, I should say. There's so much pressure on it. It's worse now. You're just like, ah, dude, I know. And then everyone's, like, upset, and you're just like, it's not going to help. I still didn't get it. Imagine if Evans crashed on the ice. If he would have crashed like that. And no one got it. I fucking wasn't looking through the camera, and I pulled one of the –
You turn your head. Don't move the camera. You miss the whole thing. Ev would be fucking pissed. He'd be fucking pissed, rightfully so. Yeah. You do carry a lot of weight being the camera guy. There's so much stuff you can't do twice. That's why I appreciate you doing a good job, Dalton. Yeah. It even happened. Actually, Evan did have a solid loop out the other day, and Cody and I were both filming him. Oh, man.
And Cody missed it. Oh, damn. And then Evan, like, as he was looping out, almost crashed into me. So I missed it because I was, like, just trying to not also die. And then he's just like, dude, I can't believe two angles. That's going to be so great. I'm not even mad I looped. And then I'm like, oh, yeah, I didn't get it. Cody definitely did, though. Yeah.
Cody's like, was he pissed? How'd he take it? He was pissed. Yeah. Was it on his Barney bike? Rightfully so. Dude, no, it was on the e-bike. Sometimes Cody's filming me. He's just like, dude, sorry about that. I messed up. I'm like, you didn't get it? He's like, no, I was just in slow-mo. I'm like, oh, that's workable. Slow-mo. Just...
It's in time lapse. Okay, that would be a problem. We actually did deal with that issue a lot with Jake when he had his GoPro on because GoPro released their time warp feature. Yeah, you'd put it in that. And he'd just be like, oh, let's stick, let's grab Jake's clip, and then it'd just be like... And we're like, oh, yeah, this is pretty much unusable. This is just as good as not having it at all. Can I talk about the newspaper this week? Yeah.
I don't know. Are we talking about this yet? I mean, it's all over Facebook. I love right now that I was wondering the same thing, CJ. I was like, dude, can we? And then I'm like, Ken's not going to bring it up. And then you did. Well, Ken, how was your reaction to finding out you are running for mayor even though you didn't sign yourself up? Genuinely surprised, but I shouldn't have been. Yeah. Considering we talked about it a little bit.
two, three weeks ago. And I think the biggest thing was when we thought that only animals could sign up. We talked about it. Ken is an animal. Look at that guy. See him on the 4th of July, dude? That guy was an animal. Whose line was that? Was that you or Cody or someone said that? We said, I thought only animals could sign up. And then someone said in the group chat...
Ken is an animal. As you guys know, we've explained the story many times before in the past. The mayor of Cormorant at one point for an extended period of time was a dog. Hence why we have that dog bark at the end. That was the mayor. He was famous. He was going on the Today Show, all this stuff. Passed away, unfortunately, like probably five years ago. Actually longer, probably like seven. And...
Anyways, the town has grieved. They feel like it's now time to get a new mayor for Cormorant. There's a lot of dogs running for mayor. I don't know who slipped Ken's name into the ballot, but Ken is also running for mayor now, and he made it into the top four. So there's three dogs, and then there's Ken.
Running for mayor of Cormorant. Ken, you could be the fucking mayor, dude. I think we can potentially push enough votes through. Exactly. I think it's going to happen. I mean, it's inevitable. It's inevitable. These dogs don't have a following. No, they don't have a chance. What the fuck are the dogs even going to do for the community around here? Just shit? Just shit around? Shit around like fucking... They don't even pick up their own poop. Ken is going to make a difference. He's going to put roundabouts in. I got to ask.
Where did the eggs Kennedy come from? I'm not going to lie. I actually... Justin took care of getting you entered in, and he wrote the bio. Because he was the closest. That's Justin humor. Mine would have been different, and Justin did a great job. But CJ said...
you guys, should we make it a little more serious? Because like, this is, you know, I mean, it's not like fake. It's a big deal. It is. Yeah. So I, I looked at the newspaper. I didn't actually read it. And then I took a Snapchat of it and put it down. And then last night, some like, Oh, I'm running for mayor. Better just not read this. So,
So last night, like some locals, they walk up to me and they say, hi, Eggs Kennedy. I was like, what are you talking about? I've never heard that either. I clearly didn't read it all the way through either then. The mail guy told me when he dropped off. Really? Yeah. So you actually didn't read that text from Rob? What was your initial reaction? No, I didn't. I was like, oh, that's...
Cool. Just a day in Ken's life. Dude, Ken lives such... I had so many other things going on at the time. I was like, I can't process this. I got to... Anyone else finding out that they are in the top four of running for mayor and they possibly will be the mayor of the town would be like, holy shit. But Ken has been through so much. So much. You got to keep in mind, Ken was just living his life. And then one day, his buddies just started filming him. And now he's just this...
World-renowned superstar who can't go anywhere without getting pictures and is getting a prank pulled on him week after week for the past eight years. But, you know, so this is nothing for Ken. There's another day, but...
But, yeah, I think it's just going to be. It's crazy when you think about it. You could be surprised that you responded in that way. Oh, that's cool. But you're not surprised. No, there's going to be one more thing with running for mayor. Oh, you just wait. Do you want to win? Fuck yeah, I want to. I want to have mayor of Cormorant in my Instagram bio.
Ken Matthews for mayor. Ken Matthews for mayor. So legit. All right, Ryan's going to read the write-up that is in the paper and also online for Ken Matthews, runner for mayor of Cormorant. Ken Matthews is a local entrepreneur and a well-known member of the Cormorant community. He is a 29-year-old adult male human born and raised in Cormorant. His favorite nicknames are Ken, Ken, Ken, and Eggs Kennedyct.
He is an integral member of the viral YouTube channel, C-Boys TV. He is well known for his bubbly personality and being the voice of reason. In a recent video, he became a certified 12 o'clock wheelie boy while on a controlled racetrack. Ken spends his free time cruising the lakes on his custom pontoon, the Mom Chaser. He also enjoys wine nights and long walks on the beach.
as well as closing down the bar at our local establishment. See, that part seemed like the one that, like the one part that I'm like, damn, I don't know if people are going to give him back to the community, bro. There's only so many restaurants. He,
He's making sure they fucking stay afloat. Yeah. The winter months get slow. Yeah, they do. And what are these dogs doing? Shit. Yeah. These dogs don't have any money. They aren't drinking. They're not giving back the community. Beers a night. Exactly. Yeah. It's crazy. So if elected as mayor of Cormorant, his first policy changes will be installing Tesla charging stations placed on every corner of town, as well as updating the title of mayor to Supreme Emperor and ruler. That shit was a little, I don't know about that part.
I don't know where he went with that one. That's where it got really unserious. The eggs Kennedy stuff too. I hope anyone older reading the Tesla Chargers thing. They're going to think this guy is fucking a maniac. They're going to be like, Ken is going to spend millions of dollars. He's the only guy with a Tesla. He's the only guy in here with a Tesla. We just got our pickleball court, you know? You know? Yeah.
Come on. That's what I should have said. He's planning on putting more pickleball courts. You would have gotten all the older votes. Right. More pickleball courts. Cover the village in pickleball courts. And he's doing it out of his own pocket. And Ken's over there like, holy shit. Yeah, CJ, if you don't remember, I didn't write that. I know. I know. I wish I could have maybe adjusted some of those, but it's still funny. It's still really funny. Did Justin have AI write this? Probably. My favorite part is...
Ask not what your mayor can do for you. Ask what you can do for your mayor. It's going to go back to like dictatorship, dude. It's like a fucking European dictatorship in Cormorant with Ken as mayor. There's like check-ins. I can't believe that we got in with that. I know, dude. I can't believe. I can't either. In a paper. I cannot believe. I am surprised they published that and they didn't edit it. Bro, that shit is crazy. They didn't come back with any revisions.
Gavin sent the link to vote last night in the group chat and said, vote it up. Vote 100 times a day. You can vote unlimited times.
Oh, per day? No. It's like based on your email, right? No, no. It's literally just a link to a Google form with a checkbox. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. I don't know. There's no verification. I don't know if we should put that out there. You can literally vote unlimited times. I'm like, Ken's fans around the world are going to vote him in as mayor. I can potentially win by a landslide. I think you already probably are winning by a landslide. That's why I thought you could get literally a million votes. Like these dogs don't have any clout.
It's just light election fraud. Yeah, so I guess. Sounds like America over here. Everybody can vote unlimited times. Unlimited times, yeah. You don't even have to live here. I don't know. I'm happy for you, Ken.
Good luck. Thank you for enrolling me in the candidacy for mayor. Do I have your vote? You have my vote, but don't thank me. Thank Justin. Well, thank you. Thank Justin. Thank Justin. That will be something to look forward to. We'll keep you guys posted on Ken's run for mayor. I mean, it's big. It's fun.
It really is an insane accomplishment. You've done so much already in your life, Ken, but I think if you can do this, where do you go from here? Political office, I guess. Yep. Okay, that would actually be insane. Ken kind of like gets addicted to politics. My least favorite thing. Starts working his way up into president. I'm running for state rep. We're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. No, that's lame.
What happens if Ken wins? Does he go at the end of the video? Like, subscribe. That's what you win. No, or yeah, I love that. You get to be at the end of the C-Boys. Ken will just be literally the mayor of Cormorant. That's what will happen when Ken wins. Woof, woof. Gosh, dang. And then there's going to be a lot of responsibility that comes with this. Me and Ben are talking about it, and Ben goes, dude.
talk about a win-win. He either wins, and he's mayor of Cormorant, or he loses to dogs. And I'll leave you with that. I think the golden retriever is going to be a tough candidate. I agree. Ken for mayor. Vote online. We'll put the link in the description. We'll see you guys next week. Peace.