cover of episode The Cause Of Ben’s Abrupt Weight Loss

The Cause Of Ben’s Abrupt Weight Loss

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Life Wide Open with CboysTV

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Ben: 我对毛发和肥胖零容忍。我体重骤减近25磅,这很不健康,因为我长期以来一直保持着糟糕的饮食习惯,主要吃牛排和水果,没有碳水化合物,只喝水,戒酒。我的眼皮抽搐可能是由于咖啡因、酒精、睡眠不足和压力引起的,但我最近被诊断出患有莱姆病,这可能是导致我长期感觉不适的原因。虽然我仍然感觉不舒服,但我正在服用抗生素治疗莱姆病,希望能够好转。 Ryan: Ben对毛发和肥胖零容忍。Ben和我有严重的健康问题,我抱怨我的眼皮抽搐,而Ben患有莱姆病和SIBO。Ben的健康问题是由于不良的饮食习惯造成的,这与我的情况不同,我的健康问题是由于生活过于享受造成的。

Deep Dive

Ben discusses his sudden weight loss, attributing it to a terrible diet consisting mainly of steak and fruit, and the impact of not consuming carbohydrates, alcohol, or good food.

Shownotes Transcript


- You just leave, I'm like, is this what this guy does? - He wasn't even selling them, he was just doing it for fun. - Yeah. - Did they catch him? - It's like the Kia boys with planes. - They were just worried about dying the entire time. - Micah, you are the only person on this plane that is not an infant. You have to land the plane. Like, do you think you can? - How are you always getting a lemon locket? - Your Bronco's been gone that long? - You complain about every little thing, that's why. - Looking in the mirror, I'm like, damn, this is not like hell.

God, you're a hairy motherfucker, Ryan. Bad, dude. Like a grizzly bear, man. You're like a grizzly bear. Dude, that always pisses me off, though, when I see that. Me being fat and hairy? Does that piss you off, Ben? Yeah. He just has no tolerance towards hair and obesity. It's fucking tough out here, dude. Don't get me canceled now. Not all of us have stomach issues that allows, you know, to not be able to eat.

and stuff like that. I've lost almost 25 pounds. You can see it in your face. Yeah, you definitely can. 25 pounds? That's a ton, bro. Looking in the mirror, I'm like, damn, this is not healthy. I'm on a terrible diet, so it's not healthy. What are you eating? You went from a terrible diet to a terrible diet. Just literally steak and

fruit. That's not that terrible of a diet. It's not that bad. Well, no carbohydrates or anything. You're just like, I just miss all the good food. Yes, I do. Almost 25 pounds. Do you just drink water then? Yeah, just water. So no beer? Nope. No beer. How do you live? I know, it's difficult. Just water? I've been having this really weird eye twitch thing and I was looking it up and it's from caffeine, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress,

And in a regular schedule. You kind of got all those. I checked all the boxes, dude. That was your problem. You looked it up. It is incredibly annoying. Is it? Oh, it's like all the time. Like that happens to me like once every like two months. I thought if you ate bananas, it would help you, but it apparently doesn't because you got to eat a lot of bananas for that. I got Lyme's disease. So, I mean, geez, that's not not as bad as.

I guess Ben and I got it probably the worst right now. I'm over here complaining about my ad quits. Yeah, you're like the most healthy people I know and the most sick people I know. And then we were like, I know. It's just insane. That's what my dad said when we were at Thanksgiving. You two are supposedly the most healthy and one of you has got SIBO and the other has got Lyme's disease. I was like, I don't fucking know. What's Lyme's disease? How do you get it? From supposedly...

infected tick or something. Deer tick. But, yeah, so it's not good. Felt like shit for a long time and finally figured it out because we... I went to this doctor. I was trying to figure out what the heck was wrong with me and they did, like, blood work and then it came back that I had Lyme's disease. What was interesting about it was, like, there was a marker that I have it right now, but then there was another...

I don't know what they call it, that I had it in the past too. So I must have had it, which makes sense because we grew up just playing in the woods and stuff. That's got to be kind of a relief to find out though that there is an actual reason for why you've been feeling like shit. Yeah, it was nice to actually have an answer because I've felt like shit for a long time. But I just...

I mean, I still feel like shit, but I just keep pushing through. What's the remedy to it? Like, what do you do? I don't know. I've been on antibiotics for 18 days. Oh, wow. That's a crazy amount of time. Yeah. It's like a 20-day regimen. Damn. Okay, so you're getting close to the end. Then do, like, more blood work and then see if I still have it. If I still have it, then I got to do some other kind of thing. Wow. But, yeah, it's not ideal. Definitely not. It's crazy how common getting Lyme disease is. Maybe.

Maybe it's just up here because of how common deer ticks are. Living in the sticks. No remedies. Just stay inside and play Xbox all the time. There is, but it's not like this fixes it from my understanding. I don't think I have it as bad as other people. Some people really are fucked up. See, that's the thing. You guys have real health issues.

It's just like mine's all self-inflicted, which is really uncomforting because I have to do something to change it. Like I know something's wrong with me beyond all that, but I'm like, damn, I have to take it upon myself to fix it. No, that would be way better. You got it way better. Yeah.

versus things that are like kind of out of your control. Like I got it. It'd be pretty easy. I got to do shit. Didn't do anything wrong. I just got a fucking appendix surgery and that's where all my problems are coming from. Yours are just, like you said, self-inflicted. Yeah. From living too good, man. Yeah. Just having too damn good of a time. Yeah. Is it? Yeah. I would say so. I would say you're having a great time. You're,

How was California? You said you drank like a fish. You just got off vacation. That sounds like a great time. Oh, yeah. I have been having a good time. Yeah. No, California was sick. Honestly, I know this is a hot take. Other than the like political...

political climate and all the other bad people, California is sick. Dude, California is really nice. It's a shame what they've done to it. Exactly. Exactly. That's how I felt. I was sitting there on the beach in San Diego and I went, damn, this might be one of the best places in the world. I can't believe they fucked it up so bad. It's so great. That's what I've always said about when I'm there. I'm like, I see why everyone came here. Everyone wants to live there. It's pretty obvious. It's like everything amazing in one spot.

In one corner of the... It's so interesting. The people there are so different. I noticed one, they're all younger. Typically around here, everybody's a little bit older than us, but everybody's so healthy. Like people are out running their dogs at like 7 a.m. And it's just different, man. They just live different. You're not all covered up, so you want to look good. And it's nice outside. So you're like, oh, it's only 65 degrees this morning. I guess I can go for a run.

Let's put it on a layer. Where were you? We were in Temecula first, and then second we went down to San Diego. But it was funny being in Temecula because we took this hot air balloon ride, and we flew over, I'm pretty sure, Axel Hodges' house, but for sure Robbie Madison's. Oh, yeah. Just dirt bike jumps everywhere? Yeah, yeah. It was like so weird looking down. You just see a bunch of dirt bike jumps? Yeah. It's crazy. It has to have been. That's kind of like the mecca for...

That's what our bike riders, a lot of them live in that area. That's what like the tour guy said. So it's like the dirt bike capital. He kept calling it motorcycling. It's a motorcycle in capital. And I was like, I think we're a little more specific than that. And then he called Axel the metal militia kid. And I was like, he's not. And I was like, cause is that the Deegan's? And he was like, no, no, no. He's young.

And I was like, okay. That old militia kid. Damn, they can't even get it right. Yeah. And he does tours over that house every day. Exactly. Misinformation. Misinformation out there. But yeah, it was pretty cool.

California is a wild place, man. So was the hot air balloon fun, scary, both? The only thing about the hot air balloon that actually blew me away was we took off within 10 feet of each other and we landed exactly where he told us we were going to land, like 10 miles away right next to each other. How do they do that? They don't fucking control the thing. I don't know. He would like lower down and the wind would pull us this way and then he'd go up and the wind would pull us another way. Like it was actually a skill. I'm impressed. The only thing that blew me away in the hot air balloon was definitely the wind. Yeah.

But no, we were talking about that. Like, how do they know where they're going to land? Even like the field. Oh, that's the field 10 miles away. Like, I don't know. It was pretty wild. They've tried to explain it, but they didn't really have an answer. I think it's witchcraft. What would happen if your hot air balloon started on fire? Very bad. I wasn't. Yeah.

Is there a backup? No. There's a bunch of parachutes. That is the wildest shit then. At a certain height, I got high enough that I was aware of my imminent danger to falling and dying. Even though if you're over 100 feet, you'd probably die anyway, but

Yeah. I was like, what if something happens? Probably less than that. How big is the basket? Seven people. It was pretty big. So seven people is rather small, though it's still tight. Yeah. I mean, you're kind of jammed in there. It was real wicker. How long has hot air balloons been around? Can you look that up for us? And then also, how many deaths a year is there from hot air balloons? Go for the deaths because the first hot air balloon ride I learned this was in like France or something like that. And they sent a bunch of cattle up. What?

in it because nobody wanted to do it like the France king and queen like paid for it and it was silk and super expensive and they sent it up trained the cattle how to land yeah land no it landed in a farmer's field and then the farmer who had never like they'd never nothing had ever flown before at that time

So this is before the Wright brothers. Yeah. Delivered a bunch of cattle to him. He's like, this is amazing. God. Yeah. Nobody actually got like super pissed and like attacked it. And then I think killed the animals. That sounds right. Yeah. But then I thought it was aliens. Yeah. But then like they rode up on horses and they were like, did the cattle live? And he was like, yeah, what the fuck was that? And then so the other guys did it. And then apparently they celebrate with champagne.

So, so all I remember before. So what year was that roughly? September 19th, 1783. It's a long time ago. How's the landing? Is the landing like, is it a little bit rough? I mean, it wasn't bad. We did. When I tell the story, people always go, Oh, like we came in and we clipped a couple of trees. Really? And then you basically just skid into the ground, but it,

It's fairly controlled. Like I wasn't freaked out, but everybody else in the balloon that was nervous, what didn't really do things was pretty nervous. And I was like, this, this isn't bad. We're going to crash like five miles an hour. Worst case Ontario. In the last 10 years, 24 people have died from hot air balloons. That's not bad.

That's good. I'll take that. Do you think we could get Evan in one of those maybe? That would be so entertaining. When they're blindfolded, make him take the blindfold off. Okay, yeah, we're doing that. That's actually a great idea. What's a hot air balloon cost? Could we get our own hot air balloon? Do you need a special license to fly a hot air balloon? I actually did think. I think I could maybe fly a plane. Given the circumstances, pilot has a heart attack. I think I could maybe get us to the ground alive.

No. But yeah. There's no fucking chance. Dude, I'm pretty sure a passenger airplane, like a full-on Boeing 747. No, I'm thinking something. It could still be a jet. Like a six-person? Yeah, like a plane. Preferably propeller. I'm not saying we're going to land and it's going to be pretty.

You can technically just kind of, yeah, send it down and then it just skids. Skids. Yeah, we're going to crash and the plane's going to be messed up. Was it one of you guys that was telling me the story of like some kid, like young, like let's say he's 18. He was like stealing planes and he was on the run for a long time. Maybe it was Gavin. Anyway, it just blew me away. He stole planes. He stole planes. He'd go to like, you know, a smaller like airport and then like steal a plane. What a heist. He would fly it and I go, well, so he didn't know how to fly planes. No, he didn't. But,

you know, somewhat straightforward. I'm like, what about landing though? He didn't know how to land. No, he would basically just, just get it good enough. Take off the landing gear, probably wipe out a wing here and there, and then just leave it, go on the run, steal another plane.

Why? He wasn't even selling them. He was just doing it for fun. Yeah. Did they catch them? It's like the Kia boys with planes. They did catch them. That's what I explained to that. It was the Kia. Yeah, they caught them. What year was that? I have no idea. Interesting. Wow. What a thrill. I can't imagine. The biggest thing was the whole like landing thing. Like it was like, nah, he couldn't, he can't land all perfect. No, he didn't. I don't think it's that hard to fly because I saw Mr. Beast's video. One of his like,

partners in the videos, he learned how to fly a plane on a simulator. All he had to do was land it on the simulator one time and then he got to fly the plane with the guy and he flew it. Granted, he's got a pilot next to him, but he landed it. It looked like in the video the guy wasn't touching anything. No, no, no.

No, bro. They cut. They cut away. I watched this video yesterday, too. As soon as they come down and they land, they go to the wing shot of it, and they don't show him actually landing. And then as soon as they land, the pilot's like, congratulations, you landed the plane. And they're like in the back row, oh, my gosh, that was crazy. So Mr. Beast fakes his videos. I think that was a fake. I think that was a fake because I'm sure the pilot was like...

I don't know if you can. I don't know if you can actually just do this. Yeah, I'm not saying I want to. From the times that I've flown with my friend, Sam...

who has the smaller planes like that, like passenger planes. Doesn't look easy. It's not rocket science. Yeah. Honestly, fairly simple. The craziest part is when he's calling into the air flight controls. Initiating that landing. And he's saying like Alpha Bravo 293 coming in at not 47 with the winds of yada yada.

No idea what he's saying there, but like, you know, it takes off the power and just like slowly lands down, but some flaps, but that's a smaller plane. I'm not saying I could go, you know, hop in a Delta plane and do it. I, cause I saw a stat that 50% of men think that they could land a, like a Delta passenger airplane. Why would you ever say yes to that?

Yeah, I think I can do it. What Ryan just said is an interesting stat. Like, you're on the plane with a bunch of babies. Like, baby children. And they go...

Ryan, you are, Micah, you are the only person on this plane that is not an infant. You have to land the plane. Like, do you think you can? I mean, how much stuff is automated in those planes now? Like, are they actually push buttons and stuff? Ken hits autopilot. Ken's the smartest one. Everyone else crashes. Ken's on his own plane that he has to pilot. He just hits a button. He does it for him. You know there is a lot of autopilot stuff going on, but how to initiate that?

You guys have all heard like the Delta planes. They basically fly themselves besides landing and they can probably even land themselves, but they just have to have a pilot there. Cause I, I saw this thing on Instagram a few weeks ago. It's like,

For a smaller plane, but like it's if the pilot passes out, dies, whatever, a passenger can like push a button and the computer just does everything. Like it radios air traffic control. It like finds an airport to land at and just lands. It hits the brakes and you just have to get out. Interesting. Actually. Yeah. I mean, that seems like a good thing to have in place. It does seem, it makes sense, but I mean, they got the technology for it nowadays. It's probably super expensive plane. And also to all the pilots out there.

I respect what you do and I don't think that I could do it well at your caliber safely every time. It's like saying, you know, like, could I drive a NASCAR? Yeah, I can drive a NASCAR. I'm not going to do it fucking at the quality that you can. So before you get upset, I know it's way, way harder. And also I would probably crash and in good weather conditions. Okay.

I feel like I've been saying this for a while, but I'm getting my pilot license in 2024. I'm proud of you. And I'm getting my hot air balloon license. There we go, dude. And I'm going to ride in the back.

No, I think that'd be so sweet, though. Do you think Evan will get in a plane with you? I don't think he's going to have a choice. I think he's going to have to. Yeah. If we're going somewhere, he's going to have to. What's he going to do? You want to be just the last one living? Huh? How would you feel then? That's such a good point. I can't remember who said that to him, but I love that. What's worse? Yeah, what's worse? Dying or going down with all...

Without all your homies and being the only one left. I actually did go back to the place where we hired Evan on this trip. It was kind of wild. Like I looked at that chair like it was iconic. Did

Did it have like a brown streak on it? Did they have to like put caution tape around it? Yeah, they hadn't touched it yet. Yeah, no, the whole thing was like quarantined off. It was like a... In two years. Yeah, it was like an unsafe sanitary zone. Mike, what were you doing this morning? I got a notification on the security cameras and it was like 4.30 and you just came rolling in.

Yeah. And we're like, you were heavy, bro. You were just like normal dress. Like you were about to start the day. And I was like, there's no way this dude is here this early on a Sunday to go away. And then you were there till five 30 and then you left. You drove all the way from Fargo at four 30 in the morning. Why? Uh,

basically because I had merch to bring Ken, and then I was, like, doing shit at the house, hanging out, and then I was like, yeah, I'll just go bring the merch after Sydney goes to bed. And then I fell asleep, and then I woke up at, like,

Because otherwise, Ken wouldn't have it. You wanted Ken to have it there in the morning. I had a bunch of merch. I wanted Ken to have it there in the morning. And so I was like, if I bring it when we do the podcast, I wouldn't bring it. That was smart. So anyway, I just went. Ken said he needed the truck to go to Brushmark. So I freaking ripped the Subaru out of the cold storage. That's what it was? Okay. Wow. You did all this at 430 in the morning. Yeah.

I think Gavin stayed here. You guys went out last night and I'm sure he was like, who's here? Like what's going on? Like probably thinking someone's maybe breaking in, but yeah, it was, it was pretty funny. What'd you think of being like a part of, I mean, that's pretty extreme, but like that's early morning crew.

What did you think of it? To be honest, yeah, it just felt like middle of the night. You have no constraints when it comes to time, Mike. It's just like you just do it whenever you want. Slept from like 6 to 12.30, got up, painted. What? Painted? Yeah, painted the entryway. At 1 a.m.? No, no.

Oh, I was like, oh. He goes to bed at 6 p.m.? Slept from 6 a.m. to 12.30 noon. Oh, okay, okay. I thought you meant you went to bed at like 6, woke up at 12.30 and just started painting your entryway. And then once you got that done, you were like, all right, better head out to the lake.

No, lately it's just been like the sleep schedules have just been so off that it's almost like it doesn't matter. You're getting close to a normal one. You're just giving a few more days. Yeah, it was very peaceful. I was like, someone's got to be like looking at the cameras, like wondering. Well, I got a notification because I knew Gavin was there and I was just checking to see how he was doing because he was pretty torn up last night. It's not bad. He slept in Evan's room.

Oh, he did? No, he was on the couch this morning. Oh, well, he woke up. He was in Evan's room when I got there. Couldn't breathe. Yeah, so that's why I was checking. I was like, what the fuck is Mike doing? You just came walking in so chill, just hung out. You're kind of just like...

Then you just buy something. Then you just leave. I'm like, is this what this guy does? And then I look at your location. You're in Fargo. I'm like, what? How funny would that be? I was confused this morning when I looked. Every weekend when I go to Fargo, I still spend my night there. You come back. You come back. Yeah, then you go in the morning for when she wakes up.

There is nothing worse than waking up. Like you probably did the right thing when you woke up at 4 a.m. or 5 a.m. and you were like, I can't sleep. I just got to get up and get my shit done. Nice job, Mike. Nice job, Mike. I'll wake up and then I think I can go back to bed and you just have this shitty night's sleep. Yeah. And then you wake up late. So why did you drive this? Why don't you drive your Bronco?

Uh, cause it's freshly detailed, ready to go down the road. So I didn't want to get it dirty. Yeah. I went to a real nice guy. Picked it up yesterday. Randy did? Yeah. Oh, so he did get it. So Randy bought your Bronco. Yeah. Cause Randy told me he also bought another Bronco cause he wasn't going to buy your Bronco. Seems like a very Randy thing to do. I know. That's what I felt this morning when I heard it was filled in. I think he was honestly, um, like,

He was skeptical whether or not like I was, it was going to happen. And I just kept telling him, I'm like, yep. Like whenever my Bronco comes in, whether it's here or not, you're free to take it. And then he's like, well, I don't want to take it until I pay you. I'm like, I literally do not care. You may take it whenever you want. Cause I know you're good for it.

So I cleaned like the outside, inside. Yeah, it looked great. Light bar off, put new tires on it for him, all kinds of stuff. And then he took it yesterday. He says, love it. Yeah. I mean, he did come into the shop yesterday with another guy and was kind of like showing him around it. So he may have just flipped it. That would actually be really sad because I gave him the homie hookup.

No way. He pocketed like 5K, didn't even drive it out of the garage yet. That's a serious split. He's having one of his buddies drive it to Florida, which sounds like an upside to me. That makes sense. So was your new one here then? No, no, it's on a, last I heard, like two weeks ago, it was on a train from Detroit to.

Wow. That should be soon then. Any day. How the frick long does it take for a train to go that far? It's like two states. It's not the train. It's the getting a truck from Fargo to here. Right. We got to get the hookup at the train station so we can just pick it up from there. I wish I would much rather. Yeah.

Yeah, right. Why don't we Fast and Furious that bitch? We'll go find the train while it's moving. You climb on, drive it off, don't even pay for the thing. Somehow, yeah, physics do not apply in this situation. It's a Raptor Bronco, bro, so you can freaking jump right off that thing. Well, that's what I mean, but as long as we have Fast and Furious in our title, like... Then you don't even need a Bronco. You don't need anything. You just jump from building to building. Just jumping.

Are you going to actually drive your Raptor Bronco? Kansas has been MIA for the last like years. I would love to drive my Raptor Bronco, but it currently does not have a roof and Ford is not shipping it. So I don't know if I'm just not going to have a Bronco for six years.

12 months. Ken, this is what happens. How long until lemon lock? This is what happens. I think it technically applies. Really? Nice, Ken. How are you always getting a lemon lock? Your Bronco's been gone that long? You complain about every little thing. That's why. I dropped it off before we went to Glamis. Oh, wow. Holy shit. And they haven't shipped a new roof for it yet because the initial replacement roof was also defective. Oh.

Oh. At least they didn't give you that. He's had two defective roofs. I love the idea. What makes a defective roof? It rattles and it drives me. It was driving me insane trying to drive that thing down the road because it's like a high-pitched squeak. I think that's just part of those. That's like what a Rubicon, like a Jeep Wrangler or whatever it's like. It was rubbing to the point where it was rubbing paint off the body.

body so it's like rubbing in a spot where it's not supposed to interesting but i just i love the idea of like if you were to actually do it lemoning and you know a ninety thousand dollar car out because of the removable roof is faulty yeah that's ken's done it before with this he's that one was that one was much more legit i'm not saying if you were to do it it'd be unlegit it's just a

funny if you try lemoning in this they might look at your record and be like this guy's done this before like there's no chance that this guy's had two of them in the last four years if I had this replaced in like June I'd be fine you know not driving around to the top on but it's like December now I'm not driving around with

20 degree weather with no roof. Not an option. Has it affected your dating life now that you can't talk about both your vehicles? The girls are like, oh, you told me you had two cars. Where's the blue interior? Oh, it's broken. And then you pull up in your Tesla, it's all banged up. They're like, man, this guy was Catholic. Ken, you're having a tough time with the vehicles. Somebody hit my Tesla, drove off. So that's a nice little eight grand replacement.

Jeez, man. So does insurance not cover that? Holy shit. I'm running it through insurance. I'm not joking. My Subaru is so messed up compared to Ken's Tesla, and I think I might be under $8,000 to fix that thing. That's insane. Oh, is it $8,000? Yeah, obviously Ken's is a... Tailgate, bumper, it's most of the tailgate thing. It's a Tesla, bro. That's how it's fucking expensive. Plus it's parts plus the labor to paint it and match it. I thought they had robots do everything. Robots are not going to fix it, though.

Have you guys seen all the... Well, I guess not all the Cybertrucks coming out, but the limited amount of Cybertrucks that are coming out for media now? They look cool, but also when you see an actual iPhone roller of it, it looked very fucking weird. It looked whack.

Really whack. It looked really weird. It didn't look as sharp as I was expecting it to. And I'm big on it. I'm like, it's a funky look, but it'll be cool. But that roller video of the one in Minnesota from the back, I was like, what? What are we looking at here? It literally looked like a fake car, like a kit car someone built. Which is kind of cool. I agree. For us, we really like fake cars. True. I saw a video of it. It out-toed an F-350. That's pretty sick. Like, it freaking towed this...

The sled. Yeah, the sled that was weighted all the way past the finish line. So sick, dude. I mean...

I like it. I would still get one hands down just because it's so unique and different and insanely fast. Ken, you haven't gotten any emails on yours or anything, right? No, and I texted a guy at Tesla that I got his contact information from, and he said they don't even know what's going on with them. Okay. I also ordered one or put the $100 down on one a bunch of years ago. Man, that would have been in like 2019. Yeah, it was pre-COVID. Yeah.

I remember being in the office at the old shop in the middle of the winter and you're like, well, screw it, $100. I saw that if...

Whoever gets the allocation and they get it from Tesla, if they want to sell it, Tesla's going to sue them for $50,000. Whoa. Wow. Well, that's what the markup's going to be because I'm locked in tri-motor for like $70,000. They're not doing it. They're $100,000. Yeah, they're $100,000. What? They upped that? That's still a pretty cheap deal, dude. Prices subject to change. Oh, that's fucking lame. They're $100,000. That's honestly not that bad. No, it's not. It's not. I mean, it's expensive as hell, but it's for what that vehicle is. That's what your Hummer cost. Yeah, exactly. Your Hummer cost more than that.

If you buy it for $100,000 and then you get sued for $50,000 for reselling it, though, you could still probably sell it in the first couple months. I would say easily $200,000. Yeah, I bet. I don't know why anyone would do that, though. I just don't understand why you would. You just obviously have a lot of money. Well, for us, it would be worth it. Yeah, for us, it would if you were going to make a viral video with it. I could see how that would be worth it. But if you're not going to make a viral video with it, it's incredibly stupid.

to pay double. It's kind of like even like the Corvette, like Z06s and like any of those, like the Hummer EV was the same way. It's like a hundred grand markup. And if you're not one of like the absolute first to have it, I feel like it loses a lot of that, but maybe it's because he's in 0.5. Is that 0.5?

Yeah, I'd say it's .5. It's the back. Yeah, it's somewhat the back. I think for me, it looks way more tucked. I know. Is it air suspension? Yeah, it's air suspension. Damn, dude. It still looks badass, dude, honestly. It's so cool. It's still so sick. It's so funny looking. That's what it is. Honestly, it's very funny looking. Whoever gets there first, whether it's Ryan or Kenz, we're shooting that thing.

So they just decline their thing now. Just have that to look forward to. Ken can have the first one. Hey, if it were my Cybertruck, I'd be like, yeah, just have the freaking cash ready and you can do whatever you want to it. My roof has been squeaking on my unit too ever since I jumped it and it pulls to the left.

Oh, really? Yeah. She's not quite the same as she was, but that's okay. It's nice that you don't have a warranty anymore. Oh, yeah, because I put the wheels on it. It avoids the whole warranty. But you could just put your stock wheels back on, surely. Yeah, because nobody's seen it with the aftermarket wheels, so that'll help. I don't know. I think that the Cybertruck looked cool. I think it looked really funny. Like, it was funny looking. It looked like, what's wrong with that thing? But in such a way that it was cool. Elon, I feel like, has really good marketing skills.

for it you know like i feel like car companies that do wacky type of marketing for their shit is way cooler than just like standard dude i don't even think he needs to market that like they're gonna have so much demand they can't keep the supply no but i mean that's that's my favorite part he just i think this clip's fairly new he's just a clip of him just unloading with a giant gun right on the side of it and that's it it was just it wasn't even like an ad or anything it was just a

I think he's just showing how cool it is. That's all he's doing because he's just proud. That clip alone created so much more hype than any high-budget commercial ever could. Everything that guy does just goes viral. I saw this clip the other day of he was getting interviewed about Disney stopped tweeting and using Twitter, and then they stopped advertising on Twitter.

Because of Elon's, like, anti-Semitic views, which I don't know that much about that. Alleged anti-Semitic. I was going to say they feel that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But Disney's obviously extremely woke. Doesn't align with Elon's vision of anything. And so they said, like, don't you think that you need to kind of, like,

Tone back your views so you can keep people like Disney advertising on your platform. And he said, I don't want them to advertise on it. I want them to go fuck themselves. And in front of the whole crowd, he looked at the camera and he said...

Hi, Bob, the CEO of Disney. He goes, go fuck yourself. Yeah, yeah. He doubles down and he goes, go fuck yourself. And like the whole audience was just like kind of silent. And then you could hear a couple of people laughing. And then he was like, blackmail me with money? Like the richest guy in the world. Like you think he gives a shit about them advertising with them? But like I just thought it was funny. That's their loss, honestly. Oh, yeah. And then I guess a bunch of people started canceling their Disney plus subscriptions.

That probably fed up with that. But I mean, it makes sense. Like, you know, people that...

are sick of, I guess, the woke agenda of, you know, these platforms and everything that they're pushing. And then, like, it just takes one guy like that that anything he says goes viral. Hey, man, times are changing. It's coming back around, I think. You're saying, like, what a lot of people think. I love that. A lot of people resonate with that. Yeah. Oh, clearly. Oh, yeah. People are fed up, and it needs to get back to at least a balanced state because it's way, way off right now. And Dana White?

Yeah, Dana White too. Yeah, Dana on Theo's podcast, and he's like...

Theo Peloton didn't advertise with Theo because of something. And he's like, do we have Pelotons in our gym? Fuck Peloton. He threw them outside and got rid of them. Yeah, dude. Greta, actually, she just bought a Peloton for my house. Did you throw it out the window? She was like, if I reach out to Peloton, do you think I could get you to post a story with it or do anything with it with me and get a discount with them? And I was like, nah. Fuck.

Peloton. You literally said you wouldn't. When I saw that clip of how they basically Peloton cancelled

or wanted Theo Vaughn to take down his podcast because they didn't agree with the political agenda of the person that Theo Vaughn had on his podcast. And he had an ad in that for Peloton. Like we've obviously worked with quite a few companies and not very often, but every so often before they go live, they have to review the entire video. So we have to send them the final video with the ad in it and everything.

And we've had a couple companies come back and say like, you need to change this, this, this, take this part out or else we're not going to basically pay you guys.

And it ruins the video every single time. And it ruins our night. We said we wouldn't do it. We just said no. We just told them to keep their money. And it was a lot of money. And we just told them, keep your money. And we just post the video without it. It is such a pain in the ass. And thankfully, most of the companies that we work with are in alignment that they're never going to try and change our content. But every so often, somebody in a marketing department thinks that they have power over

over it so then hearing theo tell us his story of you know them wanting to take his podcast down that resonated of how much that shit sucks and i was like fuck peloton i told her out of this story and then like three days later she was like so i i know you're still on this kind of like fuck pelotron but uh how would you feel about posting and i was like no they were just making fun of pelotons and i've been watching shorezy which is like letter kenny and he's just like what the

do we need to ride bikes for literally so dumb so dumb what do we got up on the screen here well i've been searching a ton for our subaru rebuild we're rebuilding our rally subaru so i've been looking at you know our suspension bumpers all that stuff i don't know how much we want to give away but i came across this video that happened in 2017 when they released the new sti and i have no

I have no idea how I never saw this because for Subaru marketing, like this is the most intense video I've ever seen for a car company. So they took this Subaru to, I think it's like the oldest bobsled run in the world or something like that. - Studded tires. - Oh wow. - Tires, oh they're very narrow. - Yeah, we need tires like that for the ice. But look how Western he gets on this thing, dude. Like it actually looks intense. - Holy shit. - So narrow. - Oh, he's hitting snow banks, I mean.

Whoa, whoa. Dude, those walls he's riding on is just so not. That thing's got to be so dented up. The car is huge. Compared to the size of a car. Bro. This is like a death wish. Look at this one, dude. This is the last corner, which is the biggest one. No. Whoa.

It's dented bad. Yeah, dude. He went for it, though. He freaking, like, hit his windshield on the side of the wall. Dang, that was sick, dude. We should do that. I was like, how have I never seen this piece of Subaru marketing? This is fucking great. That was sick. Probably because you weren't watching TV at the time. Dang, dude. I've never thought of bobsledding. We should go bobsledding. That would be pretty cool. That'd be sick. And then do something like...

Shifter carts or dirt bikes on the bobsled track. Oh, that would be cool too. Dirt bikes make the most sense. Obviously, you can kind of play that curve, but... But dude, after seeing that, those walls look hard. Yeah, bro. That one was actually like the least ice-looking bobsled track. Most of them just look like they're built out of like...

Lair ice. That's pretty cool. Have you guys ever seen the movie Cool Runnings? With the Jamaica team? Yeah, that was so good. If you haven't, you definitely got to watch it. Yeah, basically there's a bobsled team out of Jamaica. I think it's based on a true story. Yeah, it is. Enter the Olympics and maybe win, but it's pretty cool. I can't remember. There's no ice. How do Jamaicans get into bobsled? They like train.

I can see that they're really good at rowing and shit like that, but I mean, bobsledding? They must just have little rollerblades underneath their bobsleds. I think that's actually how they practice. And then a few times... They won the Olympics or what? Yeah, they either won or got silver or something. Dude, talk about just getting kicked in the nuts. A bunch of Jamaicans come in there. Oh, yeah, I know. They don't even have ice there? I've never seen ice before. And they beat you? Yeah, the Jamaican hockey team...

One gold. That would make everyone look so bad. That didn't happen, but if you haven't seen it, you should watch that. It's a good movie. You know what else is a very interesting sport that I've never fully understood? Water polo? Just polo on horses? Yes, that too. Sorry, I didn't mean to. I do not understand those. That's one of those sports you only get into when you're uber rich. Polo?

Yeah, because you have to have like an arsenal. Just like you have to have like special clubs, you have to also have a special arsenal of horses. And you have to have a horse. Yeah, or like multiple. Oh, yeah, we're playing on a bigger field, so I had to use this trusty steed. You play some dirt bike polo? Okay, that sounds kind of fun. I guess it technically would make sense, wouldn't it? Wait, that sounds really fun, actually. So maybe the only weird part about polo is just horses. No, the game that I was thinking of is Biathlon. It's like...

cross-country skiing and shooting. Is that the one where they go around with like, is it a bow or is it a gun? That one seems way less of a game to me and more of just a competition. It's just so strange. How did that start? You know what would make shooting a lot sweeter? Skiing.

But I do love it. Ken is back there like, yo, I can get behind that. Love skiing. Are people still stoked on the Olympics as they used to be? Remember that shit used to be so cool, like when Michael Phelps was winning? No, not at all. Dude, the last Olympics had the lowest viewing of like... How much? When was it? Damn, I can't believe I missed the Olympics. I think, yeah, the Olympics kind of lost their sauce and so did X Games. Also, I think just like people aren't as proud to...

of their country, at least in maybe right now in America, I'd say like, they don't really care. Like, I think back in the day you were like more like, we're stronger, we're faster. Like our people beat them in whatever, you know? Whereas like now I think so many people are like, I don't care. Yeah. Like who cares if you're, you know,

And obviously there's a large amount of people that do still care, but maybe that's a reason why. How much is viewership down, Kenny? Five years prior, it was 3.2 billion globally. And then in 2021, it was 3 billion. Still a ton of people. Still a lot. Down 200 million people. Mr. Beast does a billion views a month. What the frig is going on over there? So freaking three months he's doing a lot.

In Olympics? Yeah. In the whole world? Every single video he makes gets double, if not triple, the amount of a Super Bowl. That's crazy. When a lot of people think of Mr. Beast, they also think of Squid Games because he redid that. I don't know if you guys have caught that they redid Squid Games as a game show now on Netflix.

Smart. So obviously you don't actually die if you get out, but they have little packets that blow up. So they play red light, green light for starters. It wipes out half the people. And that's like the start. Everyone, the packets are going off. They pretend to fall over. I'm like, this is corny. And then as it goes on, they actually have to stay in the same exact thing with all those bunks. Anyway, for like two weeks, they have to stay and it dwindles and there's a bunch of games that test their loyalty. What do you win?

4.56 million dollars. Holy shit! So that's the twister is that they actually made that prize money as big as the original game. And so then they put them all in there and people were forming cliques and alliances and they were doing different tests where, okay, whoever answers the phone, like no one knows what the, you know, stuff like that. You have to eliminate someone. All kinds of stuff. And so they get towards the end and it,

genuinely feels like when they play the marble game, they bamboozle them, pick a partner, you know, pick a partner you love. So like the one guy picks his mom, they have to play marbles against each other. It genuinely feels like they're going to like,

Wow. It's very emotional. They made it very intense. Well, it's nice to know it's your mom. At least you're like, okay, well, it's going to the fam. I agree, but it just seemed almost real. And that's what people are going on TikTok explaining. They're like, it felt real. It felt like we were like, it was the end if we...

Got out. So it was better than Mr. Beast's person. Yes. But Mr. Beast happened in a matter of, you know, 20 minutes. And this was a, it's like a six season, six show one season. I was going to say, leave it to Mr. Beast though, to get it out. Like don't come up with the whole idea, do the whole thing all before the hype was even gone. Like they now did this like a year and a half later. Yeah.

Just insane. I just can't believe they're actually giving away $4.56 million to one person. That is a lot of dough. I was just thinking about all the game shows that give away money, like Deal or No Deal, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

They rarely ever get to a million if you think about that. But you're right. They do that like every week. Then I was thinking like I'm watching this random, the great British baking show. So they're there also for two weeks. It's obviously a little less intense, but they're there. They're just doing all this, all bacon, all this kind of stuff. There's like 15 people and it goes down to one person. It seems like it takes forever. They went 10 grand, 10 grand. Yeah. Mike, did you shut the TV? Mike shits 10 grand.

No, I didn't shut it off. I watched it. I just felt bad that the winner who put in so much work and had to bake like 30 different things over the course of two weeks only got 10 grand. That is a little weak. But the only thing that really confused me was why $4.3 million? Like who picked that number? 4.56. For what? 4.56. Sorry. For Squid Game? That's how many people are in Squid Game. 456. Oh, that makes sense. So as I mentioned earlier, I'm on this –

shitty diet and you don't know how much you miss food until you can't eat it. Dude, I swear, Instagram knows. I was serving you like mukbang. Yeah, that I can't eat. And so it like serves me a bunch of stuff. So I've been watching a bunch of like Gordon Ramsay videos lately. Dude is so entertaining. Extremely underrated. Except for not. I mean, he's like, you go anywhere and he's got restaurants everywhere and it's probably overrated. But anyway, no, no, he's properly rated, dude.

I mean, he's pretty entertaining. Do you think it would help if like you watched a video of someone eating something like super delicious that you want to eat and while you're eating and then you almost just imagine you're eating that? Yeah, I would imagine. Do you think that would help? Probably. Or do you think it'd make it worse? So have you found yourself like buying

buying more expensive steaks. That would be like my way of doing it. I just keep getting better steaks. Steaks good, but like, I mean, yeah, nice steak. It's funny. Cause like you go to a nice restaurant, it'd be like a hundred bucks for that steak or 70 bucks. But yeah, you, when you're doing yourself, it's only like 20 bucks. This is a great deal. Can you put like seasoning on them and stuff like that? Oh,

Oh, that sucks. Yeah, you just, I just use salt. Yeah, so you can't put any lorries on it? No. I mean, nothing? That's salt. Yeah, that's seasoned salt. Yeah, but it's got garlic in it. I can't have garlic.

Yeah. So I have to avoid like any seasoning that has garlic and a bunch of other things. So no, I mean, yeah, you can buy the best steak in the world, but you can't season it with anything. Butter? Yeah. I make it in butter. That's where I get nervous. Actually. Like you're right. You could spend 25 bucks on steak at the store and it's a fourth of the price of what it would be at a restaurant. But I get nervous because I'm like, all right, I got this $25 steak. You got to do it right. I,

I don't know how to cook this thing perfectly. Not even close to perfectly. You might come out of this with like a good life skill. You might be like a really good grill master. Well, he's been air frying it. Maybe that's why it ain't fucking good because you're cooking on the pans here over the oven.

No, no, no. I sear it. Air frying. I sear it or I air fry it. It depends how much time I have. Air frying is so easy. Air fryers are such a hack. If you don't have an air fryer, buy an air fryer. Yeah, they're like $30 too. Yeah, they're cheap and you can literally cook anything in them. Obviously, when it's like date night, maybe you're like wanting the steak to be really good, you cook it on the pizzazz. Yeah, exactly. Dude, pizzazz steak is next level. Yeah, that was good. We were just talking on that trip about the igloo steak.

because one of the girls was from like new hampshire and then moved to california and she's like oh i remember we used to big make snow forts and i was like we built a snow fort and we were talking about that we gotta do that again i'm down uh how do we i know you guys aren't but i'm down that was a great video we won up it by making the ceiling taller we won up it by staying there a week oh

No way. I'm good. I will just take 45 minutes to think of a more viral idea and rather do that. Dude, it did pretty good. Yeah, but it sucked. It sucked.

It was fun. Yeah, I've done way worse things. I was just really, really uncomfortable. Oh, yeah. Not even comfortable. No, I was just like mentally uncomfortable for 24 hours. I got 2.5 million views and it was two years ago. I was just worried about dying the entire time. That was your problem. Ken drove a razor on top of that thing. It didn't break. Until it did. It was stronger than we thought.

We maybe shouldn't have built it on the ice. That fact was kind of overlooked, that we built it on the ice and then packed a ton of weight into one area. The whole ice...

shelf was like sinking yeah the bottom yeah that could have been bad that could have been bad i guess i wasn't too worried about that it was funny all the things we've done are some of our family was like what are you guys doing this is ridiculous i'm like it's a snow fort every kid ever has done this and the funniest part is when i when i convinced you guys that we didn't get get food and then your mom brought out food because she thought that i was being like my mom

And then I thought you guys were being even like, I didn't think you were psychos for that. I was like, okay, you're making it interesting. But then when they brought out food and you said, no, they can't have it. Don't let them have it. I was like, what is this guy's problem, dude?

I think definitely part of it was the fact that we'd spent the previous 12 hours working our ass off digging it, and then we didn't get to eat. Well, we were just trying to make that video more interesting. Interesting. I get that. And we did have plans, you know, because then we took out the meal replacements, and we had those MREs, and we're like, this is all we got. We got like 10 MREs, and Ken just was like...

Throwing a fit. And then I cooked them all at once. I cooked them all at once. We were like, what the fuck? We were so mad. And then we surprised you guys like, oh, just kidding. Look at all this great... We got steaks. We got pizza. We got freaking cookies. We got beer. Like I said, it makes sense. We got all this great stuff. It's going to be so fun. It was great. But when we...

We identified the situation as you would have liked us to as there was no food allowed. We hadn't eaten in 12 hours. And our only meal was MREs that Ben cooked and made all of it. All at once. You're like, dude. He was just sitting there like a...

Go watch that video after this. It's like spending. Just look up Seaboys TV igloo and it'll pop up. But I think it's called like spending 24 hours in an igloo with a guy who hates me. A guy who hates me. Ken was so funny in that video. So funny. I wish we could. God, Ken, you were so fucking good. I was one step away from leaving. I know you were, but didn't want to have a pink car. God.

God, that was funny. And we did no phones. We did no phones. The no phones was nice, dude. I detoxed. Yeah, and you were on your phone. I wasn't. I just had my phone for something. I wasn't texting. Everyone else had their phones in the skid steer of the truck, and you had your phone on you. I had it for filming something, and then you thought that that was breaking the rules, which, I mean, it was fine. You had the camera. And then you wrapped my...

wrap my car because of it and I rode around with it for a month with my pink car. He paid his dues. He paid his dues. And it looked good. But I was fine with it. Even though I didn't really break the rules that I made, I still rolled with it because it made great content wrapping my car. Well, I mean, either way, it was already wrapped. It really wasn't your decision for the wrap, but it was your decision to keep rolling around in it. Yeah.

That was so brutal. The eyelashes and shit. Because you know, like in a car like that, people probably like, wow, this guy thinks it looks good. That was so bad. That was great. It's just incredible how well that cheetah print goes with pink. Did we do that in a day, Ken? Me, you, and Luke? Yeah, one day. That was so, so brutal. It's funny. That car probably got more attention. We've done a lot of stuff. Do you think that's the loudest car? Like the one with the most attention? Mm.

I'd say that. Probably the SEMA truck still gets the most attention. Evans El Camino is pretty out there. Nothing gets more attention than the SEMA truck, which is for sale right now. It's on The auction is going to be over by the time this goes out, but right now the highest bid is $61,000 right now. So someone might get a $40,000 truck. $140,000. Sorry, $140,000 build, which obviously you're not going to get that out of it.

I bet you the last five hours or... Should be a little bit of action. I think there's going to be some action because there's been some repeat bidders, so they clearly want it. And obviously, you're not just going to go out right now when there's still a day left and just throw 80 at it or something. Yeah, I think anybody that gets that thing for...

80 or under it's a great deal it's a f-350 diesel with 21 000 miles that alone is worth you could take all this shit off and it's worth more than that exactly um which also you know it's a unique buyer but i think it'll go down south maybe in like one of the carolinas or florida because there's a lot of people that where you can drive around in trucks like that they don't get hassled like there's a culture for it i'm gonna miss that thing but it's just a bummer because you know we just don't get to drive it ever

Did you drive it all summer? I drove it some, yeah. I probably drove it the most out of anyone. I'd say so. In total time, but even this summer. I like driving it. It's fun, but...

You know, it's just a bummer that we got to go. Right now it's sitting in storage just waiting for its new owner. We got our content out of it, though. Besides it being a... It was so fun owning. I think even just having it, it's just so ridiculous and memorable. Like, you have it in the background. Even if you're not even... It's not even the subject, but you roll up to wherever you're going and everyone hops out of it and you're filming. Like, it just adds to this ridiculousness that we are...

It was an iconic rig for sure. Dude, honestly, any truck, especially with red rims, is iconic. I wouldn't go that far. I'd say Ben's Raptor is iconic, honestly. With all the shit that's happened to it. It has deserved it, man. Yeah, it freaking worked hard. It was at a disadvantage. It was kind of the ugly duckling. But then it just had to earn every little bit of respect that it has from jumping to Evan...

crashing a cart into the front and then Evan throwing a tow hook through the back. Ben's first Raptor is like, man, I should have really put on more. Ben's first Raptor is glad it got away. He's so happy that it's down the road, dude. You done anything to try and get that white one fixed yet? No.

I don't think it's trying to put a light on it. I'm in that thing out so quickly. You know what's funny is, so I have a hole in the back of the bed, and then the rear taillight is cracked. The paint on the front bumper. Oh, the paint on the front bumper. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So a couple different things just that have gotten messed up on it. And Ken actually went out and just got me a quote to get it fixed.

I didn't even do it, and Ken did. That's how tight Ken is with all these auto shops around here. He's in there three days a week. I'll be here for four hours. How much was it to fix? I think it was like five grand. It was the taillights, like $1,000. Of course. And then they have to replace the entire bedside. That sucks. Because there's the hole right in the back little corner of it.

I don't know. I was just like... I don't know how to just take the money. Yeah, I mean, I was just like, whatever. You'd have to do an insurance claim to take the money, wouldn't you? No. Like I'm saying... No, no, no. I'm going to just take the money from the company. That's not... Either the company pays for this or I'll just take five grand. But it's like, there's like girl math and boy math. I think it's all stupid, but it is a way to explain it. You know, girl math is like, if I don't get a coffee on Thursday and Friday, I...

I made $10. Oh yeah. That's a dumb as shit. I agree. I agree. But there's boy math too. And it'd be like, yeah, I'm just not going to fix it. And then I'll have five grand to spend elsewhere. That's not, that does not mean that. No, I get what you're saying, but nothing pisses me off more than when I see like one of these Dave Ramsey guys being like, don't buy a coffee every day. And by the time you're, you know, 50, you could have put all that money into a Roth IRA and it would have made you this much more money. And that,

Bro, live your life. I know. And spend that extra $3 a day and have a coffee that makes you happier and makes you a better person. A lot of people are spending more than they should, though, like the way they live, you know? For sure. I don't go and get a coffee from Starbucks or Caribou or whatever. I just make black coffee at home.

You know, you do it to save money though, or save time, mostly time. But like, I don't like, I, to me, I, I, I still don't want to, not that I have a ton of money, but I don't want to go in. Last time I was with you, you're like, can we go to Starbucks? No, I know. But I was just saying like, yeah, I mean, I make coffee every morning. My point though, is like some people do like they get a coffee, then they go out to eat for lunch and they,

you know, like they live. So, so you got to put cuts at some spots, but yeah, I don't know. I,

I think that whole like save the coffee bullshit is stupid though. The extremeness of it, like never get a coffee ever in your entire life is bullshit. Yeah. No, you got it. Yeah. Don't go to Starbucks and get a bagel and a biscuit and a large coffee for $18 every morning. If you're, if you can't afford it, you can't smart. Well, there's like different ways. I just don't remember way back when getting the paid version of a certain app and Ryan's like, Oh,

Oh, yeah. I've just been rocking with ads. I hate the ads, but whatever. I'm like, dude, it's $3. Don't get a Mountain Dew one day. Get the paid version of the app. That's some boys math right there. That's good points. Good point. Stuff like that. You can then justify that. Or maybe just get the Mountain Dew in. No, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being cheap, too. I'm, like, extremely cheap when it comes to certain things. Like, I don't...

I don't want to get my truck fixed for, and I'm not even paying for it. Like the whole company's paying for it. And I'm like, I don't want to do that. But there's also to a point where it's like living your life and enjoying it. No, I agree. Enjoying the fruits of your labor. Yeah.

you know one of those deals what what's a good boy math example i'd my favorite one is buy a twenty thousand dollar snowmobile and snowmobile for free for the year yeah that that one makes me laugh yeah yeah or or when you buy like all the gear and the snowmobile and you're in all this money and then you go to the trailhead and they want oh yeah 15 bucks for the trailhead to pay for the grooming and everything like that you're like geez this is bullshit dude

I thought I was paid up. Sorry, changing the subject a little. I just found out how much Birkin bags costed. I just didn't know. I knew expensive purses were three, four, five thousand. They range from ten. This is just the Google thing. How much is a Birkin bag? Ten thousand five hundred dollars.

All the way up to $2 million. Those are obviously for collectors. But your average cost is about $20,000. $20,000 for a Birkin bag. I did not know that. So then it's like, okay, girls like their bags and guys have plenty of other examples. I'd say if you're buying American Forces for your F-150...

You're probably like, that's similar vibes to like owning a Birkin bag. It's like 10 grand in wheels, 8 grand. I can tell you this much, Mike, not a single person listening right now knows what a Birkin bag even looks like. I didn't. I think one would. I'm assuming Sydney was mentioning the Birkin bag. She wanted a Birkin bag, so you looked it up or what? No, but someone in a show bought someone else a Birkin bag and she's like, dang, like he bought her a Birkin bag. Like he must, he's trying to schmooze her this. I'm like, well, how much are they? She's like, look it up.

Oh, okay. I did. I was like, whoop. Cardi B quoted saying, I'd rather buy a Birkin bag than a real estate property that has tenants because these tenants ain't paying for nine months and my Birkin bag's going up in value if it's a good investment. Interesting. But, I mean, I don't know if that's true or not, if that's actually a better investment than an asset that pays you monthly. I can't remember if it was Young Thug or if it was Future. That's girl logic.

But I think he said, you can identify my bitches by the APs. Buys them all watches. No, watches are a good investment. See, bags like that are too. Bags like that are too. They also go up. But I don't really think people care. How do you sell a bag? Oh, dude, the secondary market's crazy on them. Seriously? I feel like a bag would wear...

easier though like if you actually walk around with the bag but granted maybe girls are very delicate with it yeah it's not like this you're hitting watches like even like a watch like like you wear a watch like you look at my watch right now it's pretty scuffed up yeah just from wearing it but i think bags like that and then watches they're kind of in the same space yeah they're luxury goods

I know that everybody around the world is going, why are you saying bag like that? Just speaking of young thug, I just saw, so you guys know how he's on trial. Oh yeah. He's up for Rico charges. His lawyer or attorney. He's I'm just, I love that. They just show a picture of them and this is just comical. Young thug stands for thug stands for truly humble under God. And I can see him just sitting there like, yep, that's what it means.

Has he been in jail? Yeah, I think he's just been in jail and waiting. How long do you think it took for them to come up with that acronym? Probably quite a few lawyer hours that they're going to charge him, if I had to guess. I bet they came up with 10. They're all probably just as bad as that, and then they went with the best option. So, Gunna...

He was kind of wrapped up in that whole deal, I think, with Young Thug. And then Gunna ratted him out, I want to say. And so for a while, he was known as kind of a narc. The rat. Yeah, the rat. I think still probably... I'd assume a lot of people still don't fuck with him. I'd imagine. But then he made that one song, Fuck You Man. Yeah, that song. I forgot about it. It's a good song. So every time I see that pop up on my Spotify top chart or whatever, I go, man...

You just got to make one hit and then people are like, you know, he's not that bad. He might be a rat, but the song kind of pops. Well, at least the people like it, but I bet you a lot of the actual street guys who live by that code, they still don't fuck with him. But yeah, I agree. The public...

Like their perception. I forgot. I actually at first didn't really want to listen to it. Like I was like, man. Didn't feel right. Yeah. It just kind of like feels weird listening to this thing, but it's a good song. And then I just kind of got over it. Everywhere I look, you know, as far as like a Snapchat audio or Instagram audio, it's like, I don't know what song to put. Just put fucking me. There's so many. I feel like artists are. Well, actually, I know for a fact because they've said it.

but they just make songs for making clips now. You need that 30-second chorus, and the whole rest of the song can be trash, and that song will just get so popular. Which isn't bad, because usually the songs are bangers. Yeah, no, but isn't it interesting, though, how much the landscape has changed for...

How to make a banger song now versus let's say 10, 20 years ago. I guess that goes two ways though. Cause a lot of times when I'm listening to music and then I hear like the opening riff of it and it matches a TikTok song or an Instagram song. Kind of turns you off. And I might listen to the opening riff of like the 15 seconds that you're going to hear. And then after that, I just change it. Cause I'm like, yeah. Songs. Songs.

Sorry. Yeah. That's a good point. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Other than that. I love listening to songs, especially in the car. Yeah. I wonder if you could like invest in a song and then get paid from it. Yeah. How's that going? Right. That guy emailed funny enough, Caswell customs about that. I don't know why or how he got his email mixed up with ours. Some weird thing, but he DM me and was like, love that you talked about that in the podcast. Yeah.

Who? The owner of royalty whatever. I'm sure he's changed. He's probably, yeah. He's like getting from a blog. Yeah, true. I don't know. I haven't checked on that. I don't see how that one's doing yet. Well. Before we go, I have a video for us. Let's put it this way, fellas. Some days you are the Porsche. Some days you're the biker. Oh. I don't want to be either of them.

Oh my gosh. No. Like how you could tell the guy was pissed immediately at himself for what he just done. Cause he was like, I can't believe I did that. But I love the cash. The ports is blacklisted. That is what we call a double whammy.

That's bad. That's a double whammy, bro. Every time that, I don't think you can do that in Minnesota is lane split motorcycle. But every time, every time that we're somewhere that you can, I'm always amazed at how people do that. How,

How fearlessly they do that. Especially when they post a video of it, of them lane splitting, especially some of them are really aggressive. And then 90% of the comments are, yeah, if I see you doing that, my door is swinging open as soon as I see you. I mean, it's not. You're not going to do that. There's no way. Because it'll fuck up your car. Yeah. Dumbass. True. But even if one of those people were not talking, they were talking real game. Or like when you're, you see like the videos where the motorcycle is like doing this thing and then someone starts moving and we're just like,

What? What are you doing? Starts getting all mad. I'm like, bro, you're asking for it. Like, you think you're just going to do that forever and nothing bad's going to happen? Like, just going past at like 40 when people are like, that's crazy, man. People are fearless. It's a good Taylor Swift album. My buddy Ken loves Taylor Swift. Yeah. Hey, everyone's coming around to her eventually. Yeah, Ken, name a... I think they have been coming around this year, Ken. Name a Taylor Swift album.

1989. Nice. Red. Nice. Nice.

Evermore? Okay. Yep. Holy shit. I don't even. I'm impressed already. Fearless? Damn. Nice, Ken. All right, Swifty. All right. Yeah, you proved me wrong there. Honestly, you proved me wrong. I legit knew none of those. I would have not been able to say any of them. That was pretty good, Ken. I'm dry past that. No, honestly, honestly. Put the ladies on it, buddy. You earned it on that one. Yeah. Nice, dude. Okay. I think that's a wrap on that. Cheers, guys. Yeah. That sounds good. Thanks for hanging out with us. We'll see you guys next week. Peace.

Rusty Clark, an Army and Air Force veteran, needed treatment at a VA hospital. Meet his wife, Juanita. We live above Borgentown, West Virginia. It would take us about seven hours to get here. And I was prepared to sleep on the hospital floor beside of Mr. Clark. But the

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