You're getting paid? I'm looking like an idiot for free. Yeah. See you boys, TV, NASCAR. It crashes and takes lives every race. I think we go to Turkey. I'm going to get CJ his hair transplant. You call around asking for people to sign up. He's here. He's here right now. We drove all the way here. What do you mean you don't want it? I'm just going to go buzz it. Really? Wow. Actually? Well, I'm not going to buzz buzz it, but I'm going back to the old days of V.
Having number one. Seriously? Yeah. On the whole thing? Not on the top. I just don't really care, though. I mean, that's why. I mean, I just throw a hat on every day. I saw the message from that one guy. Yeah. I thought that was pretty funny. I laughed. I was like, bro, if someone's going to pay me to walk around like this, fucking sign me up with them. And how much money do you have? Because you wouldn't walk around looking like this. You're getting paid? I'm looking like an idiot for free. Yeah. Yeah.
Some of these people, we have like 99.9% awesome viewers and supporters and subscribers, but there's this 0.1% that are just...
squids man yeah i really noticed it in the hayabusa video that we just posted because in the intro i was going through specs and i hate even saying specs because if you mess one thing up one thing up they're going to just come after you for it because they think they're so smart yeah it's like everyone wants to like try and act smart by like and belittle you you know make themselves feel bigger by telling you how dumb you are for making a little mistake yeah that that's
Part of that 1% I'm talking about. And something that we do is we just try and like...
almost do like an umbrella policy of like keeping it so vague, you know, you can't really come after us for the details of it. Not necessarily because of that, though. We just try to make it... No, just so it's like mass majority can understand it. And can understand it. Like people don't want to listen to the gear ratios, you know, like we want to be able to appeal to everyone. Right. And then when you do that, though, they think that you just don't know what you're talking about.
And quite frankly, I don't know what the fastest crotch rocket is to the spec of quarter mile and half mile and by production date before this time. Yeah, who the fuck has time for that? I'm just giving it just a blanket statement of like... They call this thing the Widowmaker because it's so insanely fast. To what I thought, the fastest production ever made. That was incorrect, Ben, because it was actually...
I don't know what year. I think it's like the 2003 CBR 1100. The whack people calling you out for that, they're like, that's fine if you don't know. Just don't say it then. Don't be out there saying it. I don't think they are saying it's fine. I think they're saying like, I'm a problem. Like, I'm the problem. You're spreading misinformation. I'm spreading misinformation, yeah. Maybe they'll start popping up the thing whenever Ben talks.
Over specs? This has been confirmed as misinformation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It tells us all the correct stuff. That'd be actually fine with the specs. That'd fix a lot of this problem. Yeah, every time you start talking about a build or anything, it just comes up with the actual stats. A lot of times, too, if we say that and then we fix it in post...
People still comment. Yeah. They still comment. And it's like, dude, we know we put a little a little asterisk and put like the correct term next to it. But that wasn't good enough for you. I always like that. I love the corrections in post. It just shows that we're human. You know, you say something. You're you're flying. The camera was rolling. You said something wrong. Correct it in post. There's nothing to get mad about here. Yeah. Did you guys see that video of me dropping that that
That full drink on Alex's story? Yeah. Oh, my God. That was pretty funny. Was she actually trying to get a good boomerang? She's doing, you know, the Instagram. So you actually had to cheers four to five times? Maybe it wasn't four. It might have been two or three. It was probably three at that point. But, you know, I'm sitting here at an event show. I'm kind of just like, all right, let's do this. The group.
The glass is perspirating because it's, you know, it's cold. Hey, I've done it before. And it's humid. I'm in the Bahamas. And pretty soon, you know, I'm also, you know, a little larried up. And eventually, by the time we just touched, it just slipped up. And it was like a nice-ass restaurant. And everyone turned and looked. Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing. You were pretty larried up.
Yeah, they were like, you're cut off. You're cut off. I was like, really? I'm fine. I'm fine. I mean, they were joking. That's it all cut off. I better be getting another drink. I was like, geez, I didn't even know they did that in Bahamas. It wasn't that embarrassing. It was just funny. We laughed about it. But yeah. But there's nothing that gets people to look like a drop. Dropping something in a restaurant is the most awkward thing because everybody you have to look.
You can't ignore it. The worst part was it was just a waste of a perfectly good drink. It costed like $25, too. It was such a rip. The Bahamas is not cheap. Everything over there is way more expensive. It's like at least two times more expensive. Like every drink was like $20 minimum. And they were fine, but they weren't like... They weren't a $20 drink? I mean, they were fine, but yeah, they weren't a $20 drink. They were probably like a $12 drink. Yeah.
You got a drink at the Cancun airport and was it actually around $30? It was a $32 margarita. That is insane. Jimmy Buffett would want me to have that. Yeah. It's so expensive to live in the Bahamas. They have these crazy taxes. Their tax is like 100% of the vehicle. There's different brackets, but if you were to buy a Lamborghini, you would pay...
whatever the prices of that Lamborghini, because it's over $75,000, I believe the driver was telling me you would pay that, uh, in taxes. So you, everything costs double. So like the people get, uh, the cars, most of their cars sent over from, uh,
And they're registered there? Yeah. No, they're not registered there, but it'll cost like... You can buy a car from Japan for like $1,000. Oh, damn. And then by the time they ship it over and do the taxes and stuff, like a $1,000 car will be like $4,500. So what, is there a bunch of mini trucks on it? Yes. There was mini trucks everywhere, and there was even medium trucks. Oh. Like I guess Kia makes mini trucks, but theirs was more of like a medium. You guys would have loved it. We should have had our mini truck there because...
People would have been gawking over it. I feel like we ship it. Yeah, but I was confused because...
We have a pretty wealthy friend who moved to the Bahamas. And I just assumed the reason he moved to the Bahamas was because he was saving on taxes. Most people, like super rich people, move to Puerto Rico. I get there, I'm like, what the fuck? How much money does this guy have if he's cool with moving all the way over here just to pay double on everything? Interesting. Wow. We've been talking about taking a trip to the Bahamas, but on jet skis and doing this whole thing. It'd be fun. It'd be fun.
I, for some reason, pictured the Bahamas still being like a primitive tribe. No. You're imagining Haiti. It's like desolate beaches. There's probably corners on Haiti. Yeah, we're going to the Bahamas. And I go, oh, that would be like a nice, relaxing getaway. And then I see your story that you're at a casino. I was like, oh, whoa. I got the wrong idea. The tourist area. But when I was there, it was pretty fun, especially the mini truck thing.
The roads are really bad, really rough, windy. You're through the jungle. You went to Bahamas? Yeah, I just stopped there on a cruise. We just did a tour. I just love that there's no rules. I mean, they have rules. Yeah, okay. They have plenty of rules. When it comes to driving, people just drive however they want. What is that? It's probably okay.
Oh, yeah. He'll be done in a second. We'll just pick up on rules after that. Got a skit steer going on. I'm like, what is that? With these headphones on. Stuff just happened to me. Yeah. Where we went? Ziplining? That was Jamaica. Oh.
I was going to say, you have a different memory than me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jungles. Wait, so the Bahamas are very, just in general, pretty touristy. Well, maybe Jamaica. It was nice because of the casino. I enjoyed it, but then the casino just beat me up. Yeah, I was going to say, then it was just a casino. I was doing well. I was doing well. I was up 565 bucks. Oh, whoa. Ah.
on like the first day or sec, it was two days in, I was gambling pretty light. Cause Alex didn't want to sit at the tables the whole time. So I'd like in passing, try to go big, you know, it was working out, but I was like, I got to at least get to a thousand. Okay. Because like we're at where we need 435 more dollars. You can do that, you know, in a couple of hands, if you're actually really swinging it, you know? And then I ended up going down 1250. So, yeah,
Yeah, so not the best, and it made the drink prices, everything hurt that much more. I was going to say, an expensive vacation. Yeah, it would have just been nice. You know, like $5.65 is cool, but $1,000, that's not bad. Yeah.
You know, people are like, that's nice. That's a lot worse than Ken did when he was in Vegas a little bit ago. Wait, I thought you came up four grand. Yeah, my trip wasn't satisfying because I hit a couple little mini jackpots on a slot machine so fast that I didn't get that satisfaction of gambling.
It was like you had to lose anything. Like you do. I hit a couple like mini jackpots. I was up four grand at 4,300 bucks. I would have walked. Yeah, I did. And that's what wasn't satisfying. So I was like, I only was in the casino for like 30 minutes. That does kind of suck. Why didn't you maybe just take like...
I don't know, 500 bucks and just like stretch it out. I did. And then I won again. And I'm like, Oh, this sounds terrible. This sounds like a great fucking time, dude. What do you mean? But I won in like five minutes with that second 500 bucks. I was like, I'm winning too much. Ken Matthews. Who says that? The most winningest player in Vegas history. I lost last time. Oh, true. Ken, buy me a Suron, dude. Oh, Mike, you got yours coming, bro.
Yeah, yeah. What are you talking about? There's seven coming. Ken, I got to start giving you my money to gamble with. Yeah. You look really good at it. I didn't win like in the normal casino and then I go in the high limit room and it's just like win, win, win and then I walk and it's like
I don't understand the emotions that you were going through. I'm very confused as well. I'm very confused. Sorry to go back to the Bahamas. I just thought about this. We have a lot of subs in the Bahamas. Oh, cool. They have internet? Yes, they do. Are you saying they're local Bahamians? Are they locals? Yeah, locals. I never got the guy's name because it was
It was tough. It was like a little bit of a language barrier. Not a ton, but like, you know, accents and stuff. And dude, he was like, he watches all our videos. Watches all our videos. I don't know. I don't know what you are saying right now. Maybe just cut this out, but this kid like legitimately had been watching all our vids. That's so cool. He was like freaking out. I was like, what the?
That's so cool. And he was like, I don't know, it was just interesting because I'm like, dude, the life he's living, how the fuck do you enjoy watching our videos? Because there is nothing in relation. I was kind of assuming, oh, maybe you have dirt bikes or maybe he's into riding dirt bikes or something.
No, never. He just was like, yeah, I just stumbled across it and just got hooked. That was super cool. But it was really interesting, yeah. Yeah, I thought that was cool. I thought you were just talking about people that were visiting the Bahamas. No. No, it's sick that they're locals. It's sweet to go to, like, I mean, a foreign country and then just be like, yeah, we watch you. Dude, there's truly few things better. No way. That's awesome. Oh, that's sick. That's cool. Yeah, dude.
Yeah, there's not many things better than when we're traveling abroad and we're kind of, you know, out of our element, but then the locals bring us in. Yeah. It's like you're immediately like, oh, dude.
Dude, our people. Are you saying we like when you go to like Mexico or? No, I think just like when we're just anywhere. Like how's that in Cormorant? Okay. Yeah, we go to like. Abroad. Out of our island of Cormorant. That's what threw me off. That's what threw me off. But yeah. Probably a poor choice of words. It's the best thing ever. Going to like Houghton, Michigan would be a good example. We kind of like go there and then everyone's just like.
they are there for the same thing and they take you in and you have the most fun because the locals want you there. Yeah. You gotta come meeting to have fun though, for sure. Yeah. And we love traveling too. I think that's like something that we all have in common too is like, like one of the first times that we like truly experienced it is when we went to Florida for Ken's, uh,
uh race when he was racing with hayley deegan oh yeah really yeah like it was kind of like the first time that we had like gone besides like a sled trip yeah yeah now we just do it all the time because it's so much fun and it's so easy to make great content out of it but uh it's the same outlook i've looked at uh evan with the helicopter thing so i i look at the helicopter and go of course i want to do that why would who wouldn't want to do that and it's the same yeah yeah riding it so it's the same thing like with traveling like i'm just caught up in this whole like
Of course we want to travel. Of course everyone wants to travel. Who wouldn't want to travel? But some people don't like doing it. It does feel good to be back home, though. We're back in studio for the first time in three weeks or something like that. But it's the best that we're able to go for a little bit, do our thing, and then come back home and have the home base. Yeah, I love it here, man. This is the best. I know. I think we go to Turkey. Ooh. And we get CJ's hair transplants.
If you guys pay for it, I'll let you film it. I'm down. Sure. It sounds painful. You never did get your gift like six years ago. Yeah, it's like four grand all said and done. Oh, really? I thought it was. I think it's like more expensive to fly there than it is to actually get there. I'm pretty sure that includes it. Mike's looked into it. Yeah, you fly there, stay there, get the procedure and fly back.
And that's like with the everything. It's like a really good package. Whereas like if you do it in the United States, it's like, yeah, you're looking maybe like 16 grand. I'd say hefty. I would be down. I think that'd be fun. Can we all go? It's like a year of fucking recovery, dude. For what?
When you do the thing, it takes a year. Well, you just wear a hat. A year all said and done, but I think you're seeing results after like four months. It's still pretty long, but yeah, I agree. When you say recovery though, like what is that? That's what I mean. Like I'm talking like...
uh, like you got all these dots. You can't wear a hat and shit and you're bald because they shave your head and they use little bumps all over your head. Maybe pop some pictures up for the first week. Your head gets really swollen. And then like after 30 days, it kind of is scabbing over and stuff. And then you start to see some hair grow, but then I guess it falls back out and then it regrows. And then you're,
supposedly golden. Wow. But you know it's like different it's like a pretty thought thought out process because like they don't want to put your hairline too low too high. Yeah. You want to look natural you don't want to look like a fucking sharp middle middle school like hairline on a guy because if you're like you know 30 years old. Can you imagine we pay them off to put your hair
That would be so bad. I don't know if I trust you guys. That would actually be so bad. And he can't get it to stop growing? Yeah, I'm pretty sure you could, but maybe not. That would be bad.
bad then you got to go somewhere and get laser hair removal Jesus it's just a whole thing that would be so fun I mean the odds of that seem slim but yeah that they like make your hair right above your eyebrows and no I was all excited to do it or like to think about doing it whatever and then Sydney's like yeah but like if you go for those auto you know abroad surgeries like you
You could wake up and your liver's gone or something. I don't think if you're... Then I started thinking about that. No, I was like, yeah, exactly. You just got to go to one. You go to the budget one there that's in a bad spot, probably wouldn't be surprising. I think it was the whole like, well, it's international, so maybe they just look all bougie and the reason they're all nice and bougie is because they have a bunch of money from selling organs. They have like a reputation. Exactly. No, there's a bunch of influencers. They actually fly like...
I've seen videos of smaller YouTubers. They'll fly them out, and if they make a video, they do the thing for free, which obviously it's a $4,000 procedure, so that makes sense depending on their size. It makes sense, though, I guess, when you think about if you were to have a surgical process like that where people are willing to really go anywhere or do anything for it. People are like,
Well, if I can get it for fourth the price, I'm willing to fly anywhere in the world. Yeah, I mean, I just hope that it'd be good. But, I mean, if they're doing the most hair transplants, they probably would be the best, you know? It kind of is the spot. It's like, what, do you got to go to Brazil for a butt lift? I don't know if that's the spot. Or is that just what they call it? It is a Brazilian butt lift. I want to say that's like where it originated. I think they're just maybe naming it after the Brazilian girls, you know? Yeah. That makes sense.
It is tough for us to do a hair transplant thing. Like a lot of people could do it, hide out for a month, you know, kind of let it come back. No, you got to take it on the chin. You'd be surprised actually. You'd be surprised. I actually know two really big influencers that have done it and you wouldn't even
Are they vocal about it? No. Oh, see, that's heavy so hard. I'm not going to say anything. If you make the video on it, then you can be vocal about it. Of course. Which makes it easier. But if you wanted to do it really sly under the rug, then it'd be tough. Yeah, I don't blame them for doing that. It just seems like a lot of work to try to hide it. I don't know how they did it because...
It's like getting any... I never noticed. So maybe they were able to keep their hair, but they just did the... I don't fucking know. That'd be like getting a boob job and not wanting to show it off. But if you don't post that much... People do that. Yeah, like I could see a nose job. Some people get nose jobs and they don't want anybody to know, which is just weird. Yeah, people don't want you...
I mean, it makes sense. They don't want to act like they're fake. Well, there's that, but also I think a lot of people have a tough time admitting it because it admits that you were uncomfortable with your body. But it's like, who cares? If you're going to change it, then obviously. But yeah, I guess. I feel like getting a hair transplant and a nose job are a little bit different.
I think they are too. Yeah, I'd say the hair transplant is not as aggressive. I could see why you'd want to hide, get a nose job, but the hair thing, it's way more common to try to hide. Yeah, yeah, just fucking took some things and put it on the front. Yeah, perfect, we'll do it. I don't know, boys. I'm cool with it. Well, of course you're cool. That'd be fun for you. Yeah, we get to go to Turkey. Oh.
I don't know. Maybe. It's not like you're not getting anything out of it. Yeah, you're right. I'd get some hair. I have hair, though. I mean, I'm not that bad, but... I just need to get a haircut, but yeah. I can't believe that guy said that someone should pay you to walk around like that. Yeah, I was like, God damn, how fucking ugly you are. That is the funniest insult I've ever heard. It doesn't carry any weight, but it's funny. I hope somebody pays you to be that ugly. That is...
I can't think of anything that would dig deeper. I know, dude. I'm doing this shit for free. Here, so we'll pop up the video. I'm sure we already showed it. Not only am I ugly, but I'm underpaid. Yeah, yeah. Gosh, dude. Okay, so we'll pop up the video again of me dropping the drink, and I put that on my Snapchat, and a subscriber on my Snapchat, he responds to it and goes, deserving for having that type of comb-over thing.
I'm bald, but if I had hair, there isn't enough money in the world I'd wear my hair like that in public. And I just respond, don't really care how I look, but if someone wants to pay me to walk around looking like this, that'd be great because I'm doing it for free right now.
I don't know what kind of weird, cucky world that would be for some guy to be like, yo, I just want to pay you to just be this ugly. Well, I mean, taken very literally, I don't know a world that exists in either. No, some guy that's just got a weird fetish with the way CJ looks.
What the fuck, yeah. I mean, dude, if they paid me, I guess, like, I'm not trying to pick up chicks or anything. So it depends how much. I'd look pretty stupid. Yeah, I mean, I guess if you put it in that way, like, it would be basically just, like, paying somebody to, like, look so stupid. The only benefit you get out of it, it's just a good chuckle. Dude, we fucking do it for free. Yeah.
I mean, it's pretty much just the existence of our, of our channel. Yeah. Dude, it's so fun. I was just talking about that. Uh, the last video when we go into zoomies and get the outfits for our grind shoes or soap shoes, it's so fun doing that. When we all go in there and just laugh and laugh and laugh till we find the funniest outfit. And then we walk out, we're all just chipper. And all we did was just buy an outfit. I think we're just really good at laughing at ourselves and like making a joke on ourselves. Um,
It's funny because we've been sending a bunch of... We've been trying to find editors, but we haven't found anyone yet. So we've been sending footage off and they do like a test edit.
A lot of them send the edits back and they take out like the tip overs and the, like the little mistakes and like, but then we're like, well, dude, that's the funniest shit. I'm sure they're thinking like, oh, they don't want us to show them looking bad. Yeah. I think a lot of people probably would want that, but we're like, we're just trying to be funny. We're not trying to necessarily look cool. I think I would like to clarify that.
My dislike for being out in public and being embarrassing. No, being embarrassed. Embarrassed. I'm not embarrassed of us when we're doing it. It would be like if we went up. It's our interaction with other people that I don't like. Us doing all that is funny. But then if you went in and you were like...
with someone in the restaurant, that's the part of it that I don't like, including other people in it. I'm totally cool running around watching Mike and Ev look goofy, but it sometimes is when we're messing with other people. That's what gets me. Just to clarify. Would you not say that it's also when we're in a store, we're not messing with anyone, but like, you know. We're causing a scene. It's definitely causing a scene because, I mean, we're dressed like goofballs. We're laughing and we're filming something.
And they're wondering what the fuck are these guys doing? Less, less so. I wouldn't say I'm, I'm definitely not immune to being embarrassed of that, but I also get that that's kind of part of it. I think I'm more okay with, I guess like bringing other people into it because 95% of the time, like it's always a good interaction. That's so true. And like normally people are just looking because they're like, what the fuck's going on? This looks funny.
Yeah. And, and I guess it is embarrassing. It's, it's insanely embarrassing, especially just walking around with a camera or talking to a camera. Yeah. Most people wouldn't do that. Like that in itself is embarrassing. I forgot about that even though I guess I don't think about that. I was, I was curious about that. Like I definitely still do a lot less than I did before, but I still think about it. And, and I think like the way you just said it, it's embarrassing sometimes.
Yeah, I mean, because if you got people watching and like 90% of the time, like we mess up what we're saying, you know, so it's like that. Yeah, we run it back. But like, no, but it is true. Like you hate when we embarrass like you or just our group out in public in front of other people.
I guess it probably is situational. I won't say no, I don't. Do you have an example? I don't have the best example. It can be embarrassing, I could say, I guess, when you're out at Zoomies. We're filming. Everyone's wondering what you're doing. It's just kind of us. It just looks kind of like a group of friends. You don't look like an official camera crew or a production that's going to be aired to 3 million people. A good example would be the boat ramp thing.
It wouldn't bother me cheering and all that, but then it's when we're involving the other people in it. It's the involvement of the other people that gets me the most. Were you there for that? No, I wasn't. I had to go to Fargo to bring my mom to Pink, which is funny that I also missed that. It's just meant to be. That one would have been a good example, but that one was tough. That one, I had to actually turn it on.
I went into it and I was like, fuck. This is either going to be really funny or just embarrassing because also we're in an area that everyone kind of knows us. That would have helped too in Florida. I would never see any of these people. When you're in your hometown, it's a little tough too. We're here to do the job. And it ended up being fucking hilarious. It was the funniest thing we did all summer. It's like one of our most viral moments ever is when that woman comes up and then I have an interaction with her and then she flicks me off.
It's so legendary. She was so mad, but her husband was happy. We need to get that woman on the podcast. I don't know about the podcast, but we need to find when she's putting her pontoon again. We're going to do a cool piece. They're watching. I just watched the 2023 recap last night, and that's such a vivid. She's so angry, and you're like, who are you with? And then the news, and then... It's like our own little meme. It's pretty funny. I'm calling the police. Yeah, so we got a company that...
uh, they like recut up our like segments basically of our YouTube videos and put them on our Facebook page, which then appeal to a whole new audience, honestly, like a lot older of a crowd. And, uh, some of them will like pop off and go like, I'd say Uber viral. I'd say, I mean like 30, 30 million views, I would say is Uber viral. Wouldn't you guys agree? Like, I'd say you're going viral at like 5 million, 10 million nowadays, but like,
So that one, I think, has like 36 or something, 36 million. And it's just got all this love. People love it. The boomers love it. I was surprised at how many people thought it was really funny. The idea was really funny in my head. How's it going to be? I was pushing for that one. Yeah, so I came up with the idea. And then you...
I had it in my notes or on the thing for a long time, and Ben fucking pushed for it. And I was like, fuck, I don't want to. You got to do this. Usually, though, if I was pushing for it, I would have had to have been the front man for it. Once we hopped out of the truck, you were like, all right, here's what I'm going to say. I was like, oh, you're running this. Yeah. I felt like I had to. I was like, all right.
The way I had it played out in my head, though, or at least when we put it down in the notes, was that we were going to bring bleachers in and a bigger crowd of people. I think we still do. I think we still got to do that. And then I had another one. No, we're bringing bleachers next time to the other one. It's going to be... I think we got to have 30 fucking people. Maybe we'll do a casting for the lawnmower one. Just put a list out. Because I think...
The way we had it set up before. Imagine two bleachers. It's like a long game. I want it to be like the Super Bowl. I want it like a Super Bowl stadium. Before, there was just like, what, there was 10 of us. We had some noodles. They saw us. That dwindled down to like six. Half the people
were like so embarrassed. They're like, I'm not doing this. Yeah, that was a little awkward. We were just like trying to get them to notice us. But yeah, we weren't a crowd. We were just a group. But anyway. Yeah, we were just seven. If you had an army of like 20, 30 people, it's going to be even easier to just get rowdy. It'll be so funny. I just don't want people being mean. Yeah, you know there's going to be someone who's going to pull in, look at it, and just leave. Like I would mess up. I maybe wouldn't mess up in front of a couple people cheering, but I would mess up in front of 50. There's...
Everyone's got so much. Everyone's, yeah, and then you have, like, the defense side. But we got to think of, like, something good for people to hold up. Oh, yeah, I like that. Like arrows? You got the arrows. No, they got the left. Like, really mess them up. No, we got to do that this year where it's, like, a full-on, like, stadium seating. Or what if you even, like, constructed a...
clock and it's like a timer and maybe it's running down from one minute one minute and then if it hits so like you're like trying to do your thing but you're looking and the clock's running out of time you're wondering what the fuck's gonna happen zero timer and then it hits zero it just keeps going it just keeps going you gotta start over get out of here we gotta get a new guy in here they're like can you turn that off and we're like get out of here you're making a scene
You're slowing up the boat ramp. I love that idea. Giant, like, basketball buzzer. That's funny. So I saw this headline the other day. They just said, like, Twitch streamer Aiden Ross, who we've talked about on this podcast, gets scammed out of $2 million. What? Damn. Oh, by 21? Not bad. By 21 Savage? No. Oh. Crypto? No. So...
So Aiden Ross, he's like the biggest streamer right now. He streams on a platform called Kick. He's got like ownership in Kick. Damn. And the dude is just like, I think he's like 20. I didn't know that. 23 maybe. Crushing it. Young dude, but he's...
Absolutely raking in the dough. So when I saw like $2 million, I wasn't that surprised. But I was like, how do you get scammed out of $2 million, right? So click on the video. Playboy Cardi, who's a rapper. He hasn't made music since 2020. Yeah. Right? It's been a while. I was like, Playboy Cardi? What does he have anything to do with this? I didn't even know this guy was relevant. Well, apparently...
It's relevant for some reason. Aiden Ross told him that he paid him $2 million to come on his Twitch stream for like an hour. $2 million in like a Ferrari or something like that. Whoa. That's the rate they're paying?
Holy shit, dude. I guess for Playboy Cardi. Wow. Okay. What are they paying people that are actually relevant? Doesn't he do something with Drake? For some reason, Playboy Cardi is relevant right now, or at least in that world, because he's like talking about releasing music or something like that. I don't know. It's crazy. People are obsessed with him. It's crazy. Yeah. I don't know. So Aiden Ross like flies out, jump through all these hoops to like,
have him on his stream basically right they put him in like this warehouse that's like a black background you can like no lighting you can barely see what's going on and they tell him like all right just be ready like he's coming
how all these rappers operate. I'm imagining like, they're just like, you know, super loose on their timelines and everything like that. So they're like, just be ready. So he's like streaming. This guy's out in the car, I guess for like 20 minutes. And he's like, I'm not coming in. And he's like, what are you talking about? I have $2 million in cash right here in a bag. He's like, he got it. He's like, just come in and I'll give you the money.
All you have to do is just come in and be on here for an hour with me. So he comes... Finally, this guy comes in and he's standing like so far back in the room you can barely see him. And I guess he's like just dancing to like...
for like five minutes, right? Like he's just like awkwardly dancing and Aiden Ross is like trying to like get him to like come closer and like talk and asking him questions. He's just not answering the questions and I think he's wearing a mask, right? So you like can't even. It's just his friend. Right.
For all I know, it could have been, dude. He sends his friend over, wear the ski mask. So finally, after maybe another five minutes, I think he was in there for like 10 minutes, the dude leans into the mic and goes, new music coming in 2024. I'm out.
And he leaves. With the bag. I think. Wow. I mean. He's there for five minutes and he got two million bucks. I love how you started this out with Aiden Roscott's scam because he did. He did. He got robbed. That's what that was. That's a rob. Yeah. Hold on. It just made me think. I was like, what world are we living in right now where this is happening? Yeah, when you were explaining that, it felt like, and then I was like, this feels like a movie or some weird plot. I don't even, but it doesn't even feel like a movie. It just feels weird.
Well, at an hour for $2 million, I was like, that doesn't make sense at all either. I could be out of line saying this. Like, for Drake, $2 million for an hour or something. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that does make sense. That's all he spoke. And, like, the other weird part is it was, like, the top three, like, largest streams. It had, like, 500,000 people watching. Sounds like it worked. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Definitely still worked. I suppose. Yeah. Yeah.
Still. So strange. How are they monetizing kick? Like, how are they? They're not playing ads. Are
Don't you donate? Is it only donations and you pay monthly? Damn. I saw that Kik was going to start doing a creator paid program to try and incentivize people to come over. We have super likes on YouTube, so people sometimes leave. I've seen $20. Shout out them guys. They're not super likes. It's a super comment, I believe. You can pay whatever you want, but
But, like, most people just do, like, a couple bucks, whatever. I saw a $2 one on here. That's sweet. And, yeah, kind of cool. So, I mean, people do do it. And I always respond to those. I mean, I respond to comments that also don't have that. But when they donate, I feel like we got to make sure we try to give them their money's worth. Yeah.
Speaking of getting the bag, you guys see that Lewis Hamilton left Mercedes for Ferrari? That's a no-brainer. I'd do that either way. It is kind of cool, but he is like Mercedes guy. Yeah. He's been with them forever. Ferrari's way cooler than Mercedes. Way cooler. I would agree. Might be a hot take, but I would also agree. But he's getting like $100 million. I've got to check to make sure if it's a season, but I think it's like a season. $100 million.
$100 million. The amount of money in F1 is absolutely insane. It really is insane. So what did Joe Rogan get to switch to Spotify? Dude, he just got a new deal too. It was like $200 million. Yeah, you see that? I've been watching the NASCAR documentary too. Also, the sponsors and that. It's just like the randomest sponsors. Any big corporate company that needs to...
flow their money into marketing somehow via sports. They do it on a NASCAR. Like brands you've never, or like maybe you've heard of, but like they're super huge and then like in the pharmaceutical section in Walmart or whatever and they're sponsoring. Just throw it on a race car? Yeah. I care if they win, you know? That's so weird. I feel like some of them. Yeah. I'm sure they're all trying to race. The races are racing to win, but some of the
Big corporate sponsors, I feel like they need to hemorrhage their money somewhere in marketing. Yeah. Is Kyle Busch in that? You still have it out against that guy? I think any true NASCAR enthusiast does. Really? I'd be pretty sweet to have a sponsor in NASCAR. Yeah, I would.
See you boys. TV, NASCAR. It fucking crashes every race. Crashes and takes last every race. We're like, yeah, we got a great driver. He's really putting on the, bringing up the entertainment value here. I wonder how much it costs for like one of the tiny stickers that they have on the front quarter panel that you would never see unless the car was sitting right there. I think if we did it, you'd have to do it on the windshield.
Well, that's what I was like. The big banner. I could see if our NASCAR-sponsored NASCAR crashed, the comments, would you guys let Evan drive? Evan is seriously getting a rep for breaking stuff. I mean, that's what he does. Yeah. I commented on a picture of a submarine, and it was like, luxury submarine set to be dropped into the water in 2025 or something like that. And I just commented like, oh, boy, not this again or something like that. And...
People saw my comment and just were commenting underneath it like, don't let Evan drive. You're like, what? The submarine? You really can't escape it. It's not my submarine, so I won't, I guess. We should talk about Joe Rogan, though. That's pretty cool that Spotify gave him a ton of money and then also let him post on other platforms. Oh. Yeah, he can go Spotify, Apple, and YouTube. That's really nice. Yeah. Yeah.
And I think it's smart because, I mean, a lot of people have Spotify, but to get him further, I'm sure they get a cut of revenue or something. That's how they get their money back. But they probably were like, well, if we put him on YouTube, he's going to make, I don't know, millions of dollars every month just with his catalog. What's our breakdown between YouTube and Spotify? Probably like 75% YouTube, 60% YouTube, 40% streaming.
what do you guys have youtube you'd listen or watch i almost never watch a podcast but i do watch this one oh i always i almost always watch yeah same we got youtube premium so like you can lock your phone so like oh you can have it going and then you can watch for a little bit and then you can lock it put in your pocket still be listening open back up still be watching clutch interesting yeah yeah i think that's really smart of spotify to let them out and let
that go to more people because there's just more people and they know he's a Spotify podcaster. So just further Spotify. Yeah, it is pretty smart, I think. Maybe he does like a Spotify plug every video or something like that. I don't know. Could be. Yeah, I was wondering. There's got to be something mixed in there. But it's interesting to hear big companies, especially now...
Still not get it. UMG, which is Universal Music Group, just pulled all of their music from TikTok, YouTube, everything. How many songs have gone viral because of TikTok? And UMG pulled them all. I have a couple of the artists that they pulled off. Seems really dumb. Taylor Swift, The Beatles, Billie Eilish, Drake, The Weeknd, Bad Bunny. I mean. Yeah, it does seem pretty whack. How stupid are they? Wouldn't you want your songs? Well, okay. There's. Yeah.
Yeah, I'm trying to see the other side. Well, the argument is that TikTok is definitely getting the better end of the deal. They want a cut of the money from when that song plays. Yeah. I mean, but how else are you supposed to get your song on the...
I don't know. I think that's probably a good idea, though. Like, if TikTok is, like, screwing over artists, like, think about... The YouTube play makes no sense, though, because you'd make ad rev off of it getting views and the music video going, popping. Yeah, but, like, as far as, like, an artist, like, they'd probably feel more protected that, you know, if UMG is going to do that, they're probably, like, trying to strong-arm TikTok into giving artists, like, more... I mean, yeah, but...
But I think that is very accurate. I just still think it's overall. And I mean, it's one thing if you're great, because you're the biggest artist, one of the biggest artists in the world. But if you're a smaller artist under there, that would suck. You would just lose all of your free promo.
Yeah. Then you have to go like full-blown. You have to make your own promo on social media, and you can't do it on Instagram or TikTok. How are you supposed to promote yourself in 2024 without being able to post your sounds on the internet? Yeah, that definitely stuck as a smaller creator, but hopefully what they're... I see what you're saying, Ben. Like they're working towards a bigger goal, which will actually help them in the long run. Help the artist if that's their goal because UMG has always been...
like the first person to copyright music on Instagram, on YouTube. Right away, always. I think UMG is just like, oh, we're missing out on money or we're not getting any money and there's being assholes and taking it.
Yeah, they could be doing that too. Like, I really don't think that those labels are fair at all either. Yeah, that's what I mean. I think they're just kind of... How big of a company is UMG? Massive. Oh, huge. They seem to just... The artist isn't really getting typically that much money. They get ripped on all their deals. I saw something like artists only get like 20% of the revenue.
I'm pretty sure it's less, bro. Depends how you negotiate it, but some people are getting way less. That is crazy. They get ripped. To your point about strong-arming TikTok, more than one-third of TikTok's most popular songs are gone. Wow. So, I mean...
You take a third of the music from the platform, that is definitely something. So are all those posts like they're all just silent? Yeah. Oh. Every post that you've made with it. So for a lot of people. I was going through ours. That makes sense. Yeah. I mean, all those popular songs are gone. So they definitely are strong arming TikTok. Oh.
Trying to. Yeah, trying, trying. Just all social media if they pulled it from everything. Yeah, you used to not be able to use songs that were copyrighted by UMG on Instagram Reels. They used to get copyrighted all the time and then taken down. And now Instagram has obviously the Reels and then the music and you can just add it in like that. But now it's probably going to happen again. Are you sure they took it off Instagram and YouTube? I didn't see Instagram. But YouTube.
Well, I guess never could on YouTube, but it for sure is TikTok. But they can still post their song. Yeah. Yeah, so they're fine. That makes complete sense. They can post their video, their music video promoting the song and all that, and they're going to make money on it. But everybody that makes your song go viral, they can't. I mean, that's how it is for YouTube videos, though, you think about it. There's no copyrighted song that you can put. Yeah, but it's not nearly as...
viral of a platform. Like people that's, yeah. Right. Like anyway, it seemed crazy to me that they would pull that marketing plug for their artists instead of just signing a deal that got them money. Well, onto more important things. How do you guys feel about this? I just saw an article that said climbers of Mount Everest now have to pick up after themselves when they're
when they shit. Yeah, they have to bring their own poop bag down the mountain. They didn't have to do that before. I saw that Mr. Beast had to do that in his video. Mr. Beast climbed Mount Everest? Sorry, he spent...
Like 24 hours in like the Antarctic Circle or something. Oh, yeah. But they had to pick up all their shit too. Interesting. Like actual shit. Like you can't just shit outside. To me, it makes sense. Because I think it freezes. It doesn't go anywhere. It doesn't go away. So, I mean, they always say like the people who die up there, you stay up there, stuff like that. But nothing decomposes. So, I can't... How many people climb Mount Everest a year? Yeah, I guess I didn't think about the... Maybe it was happening in a very concentrated area since people...
tend to take, what, one way? Yeah, I mean, there's only a couple different routes you can take up that. Yeah, I guess I didn't think about that. I was thinking, like, they're in the... There's a ton of trash up there, too. Right, right, yeah. I got to do more research on that, then. Because I was thinking, like, if we're, like, out snowmobiling and we need to shit in the woods, like, just do it. Yeah, it's actually a little bit different than if there was just one snowmobile trail for every snowmobiler. You're right, you're right. Wait, but it's still, like, you're not... Why is all this shit on the trail? You're still, like, cleaning up after this. Oh, man, these snowmobilers had to edge a lot of that. Yeah.
You're still not cleaning up after yourself, though, at the end of the day. Yeah, it still kind of makes sense. If it's just going to pile up, there's been in total about 11,000 summits of...
Mount Everest. Not 11,000 people, but 11,000 times people have gone up and down. So it's about 800 a year. 800 a year. So, I mean, yeah, you got 800 people taking a couple of deuces. There's only been that many people. I thought it would actually been more. When was the first time someone climbed Mount Everest? It was in the last hundred years, I want to say. Huh.
Like now it's getting pretty popular, but I thought the number was probably way harder, obviously back in the day. And now it's getting easier just because of equipment. But people didn't really, according to this graph, people didn't really even start doing it until popularly until like the 1990s. Wow. But now, like Ken said, 800 people are doing it a year.
But back then, it looks like 10 or less. Well, just think about, like, the equipment. Yeah, and the weather. Like, sometimes they have to wait at, you know, base camp number one for, like, two weeks before they can even go. So then when they can go, everyone goes in a line, and they just, they're shitting everywhere. Yeah.
If you guys want to watch a good Netflix documentary, watch 14 Peaks. So good. Yeah, that's a great. So good. And it just shows, you know, like what all goes into climbing these insane mountains. And like, I can't imagine the shape.
that you got to be in. Dude, I can barely, when you get, you know, stuck on your snowmobile out in the mountains. It is huffing. Dude, like seriously, you can be so in shape or what you think is in shape and then as soon as you're at altitude, you're just, we talked about that in the last podcast with Ev, but, yeah, man, climbing Mount Everest is like,
Got to be one of those things that I can seriously never picture myself ever even having interest in doing. It doesn't sound fun at all. I always think I want to climb a mountain. Maybe, yeah. But then I literally climbed 10 flights of stairs, and I'm like, I'm not climbing no mountain. You know what I like? I like when the term hike is used. I will hike a mountain, especially when there's no snow involved. Done it a few times. It's fun.
a mountain, count me out. If you have to rope onto something... Screw that. Yeah. Now, I don't even like going for hikes. I think I've said this before on the podcast, but Greta loves going for hikes. I'm like, this is... I would much rather take my dirt bike or my stuntmobile. Next time she goes on a hike, you're like, here, I'm going to bring my dirt bike. And then you just blow up it and she's just like, well, this sucks. I'm doing this by myself now. Ben's chilling at the top. Or you're just overheating that on the 450, sun on the PW50. You're just like...
Yeah, just idling up. That doesn't sound very fun. But it makes sense. Yeah. Clean up your shit.
Literally. Dude, speaking of those oxygen things that Evan was going on about, he bulk ordered them. No way. I saw a box of them in his room, just like bottles of oxygen. He wakes up in the middle of the night, just takes one. Yeah, he's going to start abusing those too next. I think so. Probably the best thing he could abuse. I don't think those things do anything. I don't know if they do either, but I'm like, I'm going to get you a black market version of those things called an inhaler.
Because that's kind of what it is, you know. That's bad. He has the over-the-counter version. I don't know if it is. I think it's like steroids. I'm pretty sure it's not good for you because if you don't need it, like every time you do it, it weakens your lungs. It conditions you. Yeah. The oxygen? Yeah, I remember like kids in hockey, like sometimes like,
There'd actually be a kid who needed it, but then other kids would, like, hit it. Yeah, want some. Classic. Don't quote me, but I just would assume it's not good for you if you don't need it. Don't, like, NFL players do that, right? When, like, linemen have to go for a long run, they sit down on the bench. Yeah, that's not an inhaler, though. That's just pure oxygen mask. Oh, they were just using inhalers? Yeah. Oh, what, dude? Yeah, not good.
That doesn't seem good. Because it's like a steroid or something like that. It's not just oxygen. Yeah, it expands your lungs or something. Oh, interesting. I'm not entirely sure. So maybe I'm not the guy to talk about it. I have a prescribed inhaler, and I am not the guy to talk about it either. Yeah, I don't know if it works or not. It feels like it does. What did you... I don't really have... I never had asthma attacks. Yeah, so why did you get that? Because remember when I couldn't get into the National Guard because I...
I went into the doctor one time and I'm like, man, I'm just like wheezy. And in the winter, if I was, well, you're out of shape. Yeah. No, in the winter it would get worse. Like, you know, you got that, like whatever, if you're like, like overexerting yourself. So they like prescribed me an inhaler and I didn't really use it here and there.
I come inside after freaking shoveling or I don't know, running around. But then when the National Guard found that out, they're like, you have asthma. You can't be, you can't be here, bro. Really? So, and I'm like, I don't really think I have asthma. How often do you use your, yeah, I know. Or maybe you didn't. Yeah. Yeah. Might've worked out. No, no. I thought they didn't let you in because of your foot. No, it was, it was, that was a concern, but it was, it was that. It's crazy. And I'm like, I don't even think I really have asthma. And they're like, how often do you have attacks? I'm like, I never,
I don't even know what it's like. They're just looking you up and down. Like you see them right down pudgy. No, I was like pretty scrawny at that time too. They were probably like, this guy just doesn't have it, man. They didn't want to let you in. What do you want to be with? They're like begging everyone else to get in. And then Mike, they're like, no, no, no.
I want to make t-shirts on the computer. They're like, no, we want guys who want to shoot guns and drive. Mike's like, let me design us all a new uniform. All right, buddy. I love camo. I got that going for me. I joined the army because I love camo so much. Sir, can you take a step away from the table for us? Yeah. Why? You step back. I thought those were purple jeans. Oh,
Oh, shit. Yeah, that wouldn't be smart to wear those there. Were you in your skater? So you weren't dressed like a skater when you went in? I'm sure I was. Did you have your mop haircut kind of? I think so. I mean, I want to say I probably had long hair, but yeah. You had a higher voice then, too. It was awkward. I still have a pretty high voice. So hold on. It was an awkward situation and they just told you no. No, they kept dicking us around like I'd go in. Who's us?
Who's us? Yeah, was it just me and my dad? Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they just... Dad's all proud. Like, my son's signing up for the military. Gets there. You won't take him? What do you mean? You guys take everyone. No. You call around asking for people to sign up. He's here. I was saying... He's here right now. We drove all the way here. What do you mean you don't want him? That's what I was saying. I was like, you guys come to my school and like...
And you beg us to come in. You say it's so cool. This guy can literally do anything. He can clean the floors. What about serving food?
Bro, but it was like the passing, the whole physical thing. They wouldn't even let me take the physical because they were concerned about my foot too. And I was like, bro, let's just take it. You don't even have to tell anybody. I'll just perform in front of you, you know, do some sprints. They go out to a field and have Mike running sprints. You better not be wheezing and I better not see any limp. I want a straight run. Like the flag pulling back. Mike comes back. Mike, he's doing push-ups with me.
No, I was like ready. I was ready if they ever, I'm like, dude. He's wearing his gym shoes. Had good old Nike freeze back in the day. Right? Neon green. So, okay. So they tell you no. How does that go when they say no? It just basically was like, hey, I need to enroll in school or I need to know if I'm going to basic. And then they were like, okay.
Okay, we'll get I was like I need to know in a day, you know, you have a deadline They're like I need to know by tomorrow because I'm going to the school or not. You know, it's bad if you know, they're pushing it off Lines on deadlines like US government deadlines They responded back and they are just like, you know, we regret to inform you and
that your son's too stupid to get it off. They just wrote it to your dad? They didn't even tell you? They wrote it to me. Your son, like you don't... It was pretty... He doesn't listen. I do realize that this is going to be an extreme disappointment, but I'm sure you're used to that. No, they sent it to me and it was like very just okay. Wow. All right. And then literally went into the community college and then enrolled in like a day. I remember that. They don't let you...
Mike's like, well, fine. I guess I'll just stick around and work on the farm. Mike's dad and grandpa are like, oh, I don't know about that. What do you want?
am i gonna do i think about that day a lot too because it was a transition point and i don't know why i was still so caught up on this but it was when they said that i had to have a mac for the graphic design i remember that dude and i was just all like why do i have to have a mac i was like i don't want a mac i have windows and it works well i'll get a new windows if i have to but i'm not getting a mac and they're like then you can't you will not be able to take any of the classes and i was like all right i'll get a mac and then from there like i just feel like
We just crush it on Macs. I love that we all work on Macs. And like, I know it's not that deep, but... Yeah. Dude, do you guys see the new Apple ProVision or whatever the fuck it's called? Dude. Yeah. All the videos. You ordered one, Ken? Fuck no. Oh, shut up, Ken. Have you seen all the people driving cars with those things? Dude, I've seen like
more coverage on these things than like so many new products. So many funny stuff people are doing. They look so stupid wearing them. Oh, 100%. But I was so caught off by how many influencers, like we'll say, like I saw Danny got one. I saw Buttery got one. Casey Neistat. Casey Neistat. That kind of makes sense. I saw like Bailin Levine got one. I saw the Nelk Boys got one. Like all these people got one on the very first day and I was just surprised. I was like,
None of these people strike me as someone who would be like, I need this today. But they were all posting about it. And people are interested in it. I saw Roman got one. All this is kind of interesting. I think it's the new hot thing that everybody... There's so much coverage on it. Anybody's just going to click a video that has that. It seems like more of a novelty item than a trend. And VR headsets have been around for forever. But since Apple made it, going back to the Mac thing...
They just got some serious pull. Like, you know it's done right, and, like, it's going to be, you know, a really nice product. Did you say what your cost was? It's like $4,000. Like $3,500. $4,000 after tax. Yeah. Dang. But I did a small amount of research on the, you know, the Oculus or whatever, or now it's just called the Meta.
The Meta 3 seems pretty decent, and then the price reflects it, but the Apple Vision seems way, way, way better. Oh, for sure. Can you see through the Oculus? The new Meta 3, yeah, you can, and apparently it's like...
way better than what do they call it just pass through whatever but it's way better than the meta too but then the vision pros look like they're way better than the meta what do you use something like this for like realistically what do you use it for well did you see what is the I saw there's things like you can you can like use your computer screen and then it can like project it like in space yeah you have like multiple windows but I was like
That seems pointless. We could be sitting here. Ken could be sitting now on the podcast desk, but he would just have those on. And then when we ask him a question, he just sits there and goes like this. It'd have been really funny if like Ken had it. And then like it cuts to Ken after like halfway through the podcast. He finally says something. He just has his headset on. I know. I wish you did. I kind of thought you were going to get him. I'm surprised you don't, Ken. I,
I feel like maybe Ken was worried he would get made fun of, so he was like, I'm not going to get it. I think it'd be nice for a plane. Like, you can... Oh, yeah. That's the only way I could see that I would buy one is if I flew a lot more. What would you use your VR headset for primarily, would you say? Basically, I would just watch movies because you can, like...
fill like you can give the illusion of a bigger screen than what's actually there yeah you can like fill the space but other than that i was like what else are you going to do with it you could uh fulfill merch orders while having everything up on the screen actually and actually kind of say okay now i'm starting to see stuff to customer service things damn are we talking ourselves into these the biggest talking thing you do speech attacks you go respond to the email you're
Dude, you'd be actually probably able to do a lot of stuff. Shut the fuck up. Your order's coming. The biggest thing is the pass-through. It's got to be good. If the pass-through's not good, then all it is is just like a gaming system or a personal theater. It just seems weird that you'd be like... Grabbing things? No, you just use that to click. That's how you click. So you're just like... But you have to look at something. Your eyes are like if we dead set on...
It's crazy. So, like, you have to intentionally make sure you're locked in on that thing you're looking at to click it. And then your fingers just, like, it has such a wide field of view. Like, you could have your hand down here. You could just be like... That's really what you need is a little, like, thing on your finger. Should we get one? See, I didn't want to talk shit on him because...
I could probably see myself buying a set, and then I don't want to be a hypocrite. I'm not necessarily talking shit, am I? I'm just more so like it just seems like a novelty item, and I'm just surprised at how many people were like, I need this day one. Like they must have ordered it a while ago and before it was really such a big trend. Like I would have never foreseen it being as...
popular yeah or as much interest as it's gotten i feel like for that you're buying a first generation product like look at the first generation iphone compared to what they can do today oh it's gonna be amazing like in five years it's probably gonna be worth buying one but today it's like all that stuff is so limited yeah in the future it's just gonna be like oh you have the first one this is worthless it's kind of lame that you got that like cord and a battery pack like that shit's not gonna last around until the second gen like you know yeah
Yeah, I mean, I agree. I just, I'm way, I'd way rather have it on my hip than more weight on my head. True, yeah. How does that work? Do you have headphones on or like?
Yeah, how does it sound? They use like spatial audio or something. It kind of just projects, right? You can probably sync it up with earbuds. I'd imagine. No, it's like headphone things that don't go in your ears. It's kind of weird. It's crazy. It just plays. If you want it quiet. No, other people can't really hear it. Yeah, you guys remember those speakers? They were really popular probably, I don't know,
Six seven years ago where they wouldn't make noise and then you put them on a surface and then they turn the whole thing into a speaker Yeah, remember those no, oh, dude, they were so legit You like put it on the roof of your car and then your whole car makes noise what yeah, it was kind of a cool I think That was the worst part I like the whole idea of it, but they were like $10 Bluetooth speakers that just yeah shit, but
I don't know. Something with the vibrations that does that, but I think it does it on your head. So yeah, you could put it on your head and then you would just hear it in your head. What? That was cool. Weird. You guys ever remember like tooth tunes? The toothbrushes that you can kind of hear in your mouth? Oh yeah, same thing. Was that actually a thing? It was. I never had one. I never had one either, but I had other peers at school that were like, oh yeah, I got one of those. Yeah, it plays a song. It's
Every day you listen to the same song. You got like 50 Cent and then like every night before you go to bed you're listening to them and then you get all hyped up. I don't know what you know about me. But you can't get it out of me. Be kind of legit actually.
Bring them back. Bring those back, yeah. Because think, the technology is way better now. Yeah, we got shoes we can grind with, toothbrushes with music. We're kind of going back in time. Yeah. Like all good things, everything comes around. History repeating itself. Good times, dude. I feel like we went over a lot of stuff. Yeah. I'm going to go to Best Buy and...
Just do some shopping. Dude, next podcast, we're all wearing them. That would be... So the other thing is like if anyone is thinking about buying them, should literally probably do it in the next two days because they're probably going to be not talked about in about two weeks. So got to make your content now. All right. Well, that's a wrap. If you haven't subscribed, subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next one. Peace.
Rusty Clark, an Army and Air Force veteran, needed treatment at a VA hospital. Meet his wife, Juanita. We live above Borgentown, West Virginia. It would take us about seven hours to get here. And I was prepared to sleep on the hospital floor beside of Mr. Clark. But the
Fisher House opened up that door. We had a lovely suite to stay in. We had food to eat. We didn't have to worry about that because of Fisher House, the foundation. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher took care of all that years ago, following their dream to make our reality that we were together and we could be treated here. It's a great blessing.
I was in the Army Guard, and then I went into the Air Force, and then I met Juanita. Because of family's love. It's good medicine.