cover of episode Ken's Embarrassing Past, Our Video Was Too Dangerous, & Money Mike Strikes Again

Ken's Embarrassing Past, Our Video Was Too Dangerous, & Money Mike Strikes Again

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Life Wide Open with CboysTV

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Ryan和他的朋友讨论了Ryan被Cheetos赞助的可能性,以及Evan对Cheetos的负面看法。他们认为,如果Evan喜欢某个人或某件事,那这个人或这件事就是珍贵的,而不是不好的。他们还讨论了Evan对Cheetos的负面看法,以及他如何看待被Cheetos赞助。 朋友们对Cheetos赞助的看法各不相同,但都认为Evan的看法很重要。他们还讨论了Evan对Cheetos的负面看法,以及他如何看待被Cheetos赞助。

Deep Dive

Ken's high school friends reveal an embarrassing moment from his past, involving playing the gong in band class, which leads to a discussion about high school memories and pranks.

Shownotes Transcript


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Oh, I'm sponsored now. Oh, I got to plug back in. Being sponsored by Cheetos. I don't know if that's good, man. My friend Evan uses Cheeto like it's a bad thing. So we're not doing that then? No, I'm just saying like you being sponsored by Cheeto, I don't know if he would think that is Cheeto or not, you know? I don't know.

I think he'd say it's Cheeto, and Cheeto is not good if I've learned anything from Evan. Cheeto's bad these days, I guess. Yeah, a lot of... He has a lot of things and people that he thinks are Cheeto. I mean, if Evan likes you or whatever your thing is, you're a delicacy. Not a Cheeto. You're rare. Yeah, I mean, you wouldn't be Cheeto. Got it. Mike got his...

$700 chair. It's a comfy chair, though. It's a hell of a chair, Mike. Is that a magnetic headrest on that motherfucker? I mean, that's crazy. Such a flex. Look at that. That's the softest pillow I've ever felt, by the way. Yeah, I was like, if I could have sleep on that pillow at night. Mike, why don't you buy a bed made out of that pillow?

You should buy a Red Bull bed. If they made one, I would. You'd think Mike was sponsored by Red Bull. He's just that kid that just bought everything Red Bull. He's got so much adjustability. The arms go in and out, back and forth, up and down, obviously. Yeah, man. You don't have to sell me on it. Good chair, man. You need a good chair in life, whether you're just...

Sitting at your computer or gaming. Or maybe you could have, like, your whole, like, dining room set at your house to be just surrounded by those nice chairs. You're like, I bought the nicest chairs for our guests. That'd be, like, a really good move for a streamer house. I bet you Sydney would love it, though. Having those chairs. It's stylish. My buddy Ken bought a nice chair for his office. I can't remember why, but...

I took it, and he just never asked for it back. It's because he's a non-confrontational guy. Straight up, dude. He just going by a new one. He did. That's exactly what he did. It's amazing. I grabbed his chair and was using it for, I think, the day, and he was like, um...

You going to just use that chair? I was like, yeah, I'm just, yeah, today. Okay, well, I already ordered another one then. I was like, oh, bro, I didn't plan on keeping it. I was just borrowing it. Had it for like 20 minutes. It's just like, well, I got to get another one. It did work out pretty good. Wait, so did he order another one? Yeah, I have the same chair as Ken. That is how you acquired that chair. Yes. I just figured you liked it so much that you went and did like any normal person would do and order it themselves. Obviously, he didn't give you the option. No.

Yeah, it ended up working out. No, I mean, this is justifiable to an extent, obviously, spendy, but we spend a lot of time with our butts in office chairs. Unfortunately, you've got to have a good chair in your office if you're going to spend a lot of time in there. Yeah, Red Bull racing and oracles.

secret loud chair. Yeah, you really do need a full-on F1 NASCAR chair. Sometimes when I come in in the morning, my buddy Mike's sleeping in his office chair. I've had that a couple times. You walk in there, he's just kind of like... You already know how I... Yeah, I tested it, dude. I was like, alright, if I had to take a nap, how's it gonna feel? You had to sleep. Almost!

Oh my gosh. Dude, that is legit. All right. Well, welcome back to the LifeWide Open podcast where we love chairs. Actually, we love chairs around here. Yeah. All chairs. All chairs, dude. Yeah. We were working with one of our new designers and kind of just gave him the reins of just like, hey, you're familiar with our style. You know what we like. Kind of present us with some logos.

Well, he gave us a chair logo, like Seaboys TV. White plastic chair logo. White plastic chair on a bunch of stuff. And we were like, dude, that's amazing. Goes hard, doesn't it? Yeah, it does go hard. I don't know if we can show it or not, but it's honestly sick. But we didn't choose it as one of our two. So we had to choose two, and we didn't choose that one. I thought it was sick. Maybe we'll do it next time. I just thought it was amazing that this guy was working so hard that he went back and watched all the videos and then, like,

picked up on the reoccurring chair theme that only happens once every... I mean, it's not like it's reoccurring in every video. He picked up on it and then integrated it into a design without us even mentioning it. Yeah, it was good. That's good.

That's like doing your due diligence and, you know. Understanding your client. Really, really going above and beyond. No, he is. Yeah, for sure. Made like 30 designs for us to pick two. How many chairs do you think we've smashed? Hundreds. In our channel. I'm having like Vietnam flashbacks. I just remember that. We were watching back when we had our one million party and we went pretty rogue. I ended up like hitting a slingshot.

stack of 10 of them with my three wheeler. And then it was just like, everyone was standing there just picking them off, chucking them at the ground. But I bet we've in our existence of the channel, probably at least a hundred. Oh, I bet it's more easy. I bet. Yeah. I bet it's 150 throw in at least 10.

that have been smashed through 15. That's standard procedure. There's just something about it when it hits the ground, that initial snap, you're just like, I'm powerful. Like that, you just feel right. It does. It does feel right. They're just so brittle. Yeah, we need to find a more cost-effective way to keep doing that. We could start selling our own. We start making the perfect chair for breaking. I think the problem with that is you get high on your own supply and that back will be empty very fast. Oh, man, dude, we would run ourselves dry so fast. Yeah.

Oh, man. So is Ken not going to be sitting in on us? No, I don't think so. I haven't seen Ken in the last week, dude. Me either. Last weekend. He can't sit here for one hour. I know. What about, I heard Jake had a story. I don't know what the story is, but I want to have Ken in on this. It's a true story. I think Ken needs to be here to defend himself. For sure. So, I mean, whether he can maybe pop in at the end of the podcast, we can carry on. This is actually how we communicate with Ken now.

He just like gets on. What the fuck? We're like, yeah, that's how he acts always. He's just in a bad mood at that one moment. Just keep calling him. Man, that was a long ring. I know he's down there. I guarantee he goes, um, give me a couple minutes. 10, 15 minutes. He's in the bathroom. He hates taking phone calls when he's in the bathroom. Disturbing his peaceful time. Your call has been forwarded to him. He's a busy man.

Your call has been forwarded. What could he possibly be doing? Yeah, last weekend we went bowling. The whole crew. We were all together. We're going bowling.

He's like, no, no, no, I'm going to go to bed. Tired from all my shipping. We're like, all right, understandable. You know, disappointed. And then after bowling, we come and find him at the bar. I think he just needs his alone time. No, he just wanted to hang out with his favorite friends. Oh. We're like his – he just works with us. He just works with us. He just works with them. You know, I don't really know those guys. Can you imagine asking why would you not go out with him? Why? Are you going to –

Go have beers with your coworkers every weekend? I don't think so. So I'm not going to do that either. I don't want to do that with my friends. Well, Jacob, thanks for being here today, dude. Thanks for coming. I have a gift for you. I saw this, and I thought of you, and I think you need to put it on your car. It says, if driven carefully, please report stolen. That is awesome.

That's awesome, dude. Thank you. That's great. That's dynamite. Yeah, that's going right on. That is honestly very truthful. Right on what? I don't think I've ever seen you not driving at a, like there's an urgent activity happening. Yeah, well, the thing is, it's like I still have that like little, tiny little ping in my brain. If I see one of my friends, I'm like, oh, I got to do something. Like, I don't know what it is, but like anything. I'll look for something in my vehicle or I'm just like, if I got nothing, I'm like, I'll just floor it. I'll just, yeah, I'll go on there. Oh, here we go, here we go.

Hello? You called? What are you doing? What do you think I'm doing? Why so mysterious? That's what I've been doing all day. You're still in the bathroom? Fuck, you got me? Come be on the podcast. Okay, I'll be up in a second. Okay. Okay. Nice, you got him down from a minute. You know, I walked out to my truck this morning, and there was a bumper sticker, or I should say like a back window sticker on mine, and it said Chubby Chaser. What do you mean?

I don't know who put that on there or how long I've been driving around with it, but I was like, oh, and I tried taking it off and I couldn't get it off because it was so cold. It was literally right on there. It was one of those stickers that's like, you know, you take it off or you can just get like a little string of it. And I was like, well, this sucks. And now it's still on there. Chubby Chasen.

Chubby chaser. I'm not sure who put it on. I literally don't know who put it on. That just goes to show that, like, just simple pranks, I mean, what if you want to call it a prank like that? I thought it was funny. I'm not mad about it. Yeah, I mean, it's just so, it's, like, never not funny. I remember, like, a couple years ago, somebody hit me with some good old window paint that just said, honk if you're horny. And it's just, like, that's still funny to me. Like, just stuff like that. A window sticker that says chubby chaser. The only thing I can think is Evan has been kind of, like,

putting Castle X stickers on all of his stuff. And he was like, I saw he put one on the back of his truck. So maybe he put that on mine, which doesn't really make sense. You've been putting it on his stuff. Okay. Maybe I was like, I don't think so.

So I don't think that's how that's going. I think you're trying to self-sabotage in the fact of you thought that sticker was cool and you're trying to be like, ha ha. But you wanted us to be like, nah, man, that's sick. And you'd be like, all right, you know what? It is sick. I'm going to leave it. But you want a justification before you said I put it there. As my girlfriend sitting right next to us off camera. Nothing wrong with chubbies though. I don't.

I often wonder. There isn't. There's nothing wrong with chubbies. No, no, no, no. Big girls need love too. I often wonder what's going through people's minds when they put like the big like fuck it stickers. You know, like the it. With the guy accompanying it. Where it's like you can't even see out that window. All you can see is that. The big one. Yeah. Like the big one. I think they only have one response to your question.

Fuck it. Yeah, no, and that makes sense. Exactly. That's why it's interesting on your truck too. So like CJ's truck, fully stocked, doesn't have a sticker or a clean. You'd thought like a 50-year-old dentist drives my truck. That's why any sticker that just the singular sticker has so much value, whether it's a brand or a funny thing. Like when you see a Chevy with a bunch of aggressive stickers on it, you just go, huh, that's the type of guy that guy is. He put all those on himself. Come to think of it, I was filling up and I was –

there was a couple gals that came and talked to me. It's like, it might honestly be a little bit more of a magnet now, you know, it's the only thing on your truck that defines who you are. Right. That's true. That's true. He's that guy.

Dude, anyways, I got a couple things I'm going to talk about before Ken gets here. Something crazy that happened. My dad blew up his plane while flying the other day. That's so scary. Yeah. When he, like, called me and told me he was in the air, like, when I hung up with him, like, my first reaction, like, I didn't even get nervous and nothing because I think I had so much trust in him that, like, oh, he's going to be fine. He's going to put this thing down wherever. And then after I thought about it, once I, like, saw the block, I'm like...

Man, to like any other person, that's probably not normal. Like just think if you're like over water or anywhere. Yeah, it's definitely bad. So what did he do? He was just like on the radio like, hey, I'll be home in 26 minutes. Hey, I'll be home in like 20 minutes. And all of a sudden he's just like, hey, I got to land like right now. Like something really bad's happening. I don't know what. And like he sent me a video and...

And it literally sounds like take any motor you guys have messed up what it sounds like when it's blown up. That's what his plane sounded like. But you're flying. So it sounds like the thing's falling apart mid flight. Right. Did he land it on the highway? No, no, he didn't. He didn't land it on the highway. Where did he land it? He turned around and just landed at like the closest airport, which I could coast to. But like he's like, yeah, I think I can make it home. And then it just got worse and worse and worse and worse. It's just like.

You put, like, so much trust in, like, oh, he's got it because he's just done it forever, you know? And then, like, I was just thinking, I'm like, dude, if that was me, I'd probably be having a panic attack. I'd be panicking, dude, in a small plane with a propeller. So the propeller quit spinning then? No, so, like, it was still running, but it was, like, it was just running rough. And you don't know, like, anything can happen and get out of balance and stuff like that. But, like, statistically...

He beat the odds, you know, like his motor quit. So now it's not going to happen for another 40 years. So he should be good to go. Yeah, because what? He's got to have that thing rebuilt every two years, every five years. You got to take certain precautions. It goes by hours. So they make you like once you hit so many hours, I don't know what the number is. Let's say it's 2,000 hours on the motor. No matter what, you just need a whole new motor. You can't mess around with it. The older I get, the more I realize how cool it is that Dave has his own runway.

Just like at the shop there with the hanger and like, you know, he can fuel up and fly out right there. Like that is so sick. Yeah. So handy. That is so sick. Anytime he wants. And it's so funny you say that. Cause like, it's just been like a part of his business, but so many people are like, where's your dad going? I'm like, Oh, he's just got to fly here and fly back. And he can just do it within a matter of like a couple hours. Well, he uses it like a, like a Uber. Like he just like straight up dude. You know, I worked for Dave for, uh,

four years and dude the dude would just fly in grab lunch and fly out i still to this day don't know where he was going or what he was doing because you can't you gotta just like kind of fly around i'm like what's he doing up there he's just like keeping an eye up from the sky but like

I do realize too, like most pilots just also just kind of do it for fun. Yeah. Cause it's fun. Like flying's fun. And, uh, you know, the more I think about it, I'm like, I wonder if Dave was just like flying around all day. Just like for fun. How much can he do from the air? Yeah.

I'm working just burning fuel just driving around. But I was like thinking about him like I think when he does if he ever retires which I don't think he will but if he did that would be his hobby. He would just fly places because he just enjoys it so much. Yeah most pilots do. Dude I was cracking up last night when Jake was telling me that Dave was on an 80s cruise with his wife and that's just funny in itself. He's like but he's been gone for 10 days.

man, has it been nice having him gone. I'm like, well, why? Peaceful. Peaceful. And I'm like, well, why is that? It's not like you work for him anymore. And he's just like, dude, if me and Tony don't have our radios on us, we get in trouble just because he can't radio us. And then he called him. He got done with the cruise last night and he's on his way home. And he's like,

Calls him, Junior, I sold you another pair of sunglasses. Better ship those out right now. Well, he texted me. Look the order up. He texted me a picture of him. Let me just show you guys this picture he texted me. He sends me this picture, right? Classic. Of him standing in front of his phone in his shorts. And he just goes, look my glasses.

That was the three words he said. I said, looking good, Dave. Still don't know what he meant or why he felt like I should get that. That is such a him thing. Like, what do you mean by that? I don't know. I just, I thought you should know. I'm like, all right, cool. Thanks. Like that was it. He just had like, he made a connection somehow that I don't think you could make again. Had to send it to that person. And that was the end of the conversation. Yeah.

what's up ken you made her ken welcome back i just so happened to be at the roadhouse and find out found out some pretty crazy information about you that like i just thought i had to share with the world it's pretty simple about me about you so i was at the roadhouse and there was like a bunch of your old friends from high school okay and they were all like it's like

Fuck. I thought I had them all signed NDAs. And anyway, so I was like sitting there and they were like asking how everything's going, just chopping it up. And they're like, yeah, it's just so like...

how far you guys have come. And it's crazy. We used to know Ken in high school and how good he's doing. I'm like, yeah, he's doing great. And I don't know how it kind of came about, but basically they said something like, yeah, I just can't believe how far he's come. And I'm like, well, what do you mean? And they're like, well, I just remember my last thought of him is he was playing the gong in band class. And that was like his thing. Is that like rock bottom? He's like, well, I don't know where you are. No, I got it.

You are the easiest instrument to play. You just hit it one time. You could get away with doing basically nothing in band class. You've been doing this your whole life. Cause it was like basically a free hour to sit on your phone in high school. Like what kid doesn't want to do that? So you can play the gong like a son of a gun. Oh, hell yeah. I haven't done that in years. Did you have a certain technique with the way you'd hit it or what? No, no. Just like, oh shit. Like my part's coming up. Oh, uh,

I think this is right. Hit it. So do you practice that? I didn't. I didn't do shit. So why do you get to choose that or did you get that stuck on you by the teacher? I honestly don't remember. Either way, I think it's hilarious that you ended up like whether you chose it or the teacher chose it for you. There's got to be some videos out

there, right? Telling. Like some parent filmed it. I thought they were kidding. They're like, no, for real. Like he crushed it. And I like when they initially said it, I was envisioning like Ken just having a panic moment, not knowing to hit it and just smash. It's like the total wrong time. But

But yeah, you've come a long way. Yeah. They made a really weird connection with that as well. He's came a long ways. I'm like, I was really expecting some like, no, no, I was expecting a little more than that every day in the morning. Like, I don't know. Ken is like, that's it. That's the worst thing they could come up to say. Yeah.

He's like, perfect. I got off clean then. Yeah. I love how I totally should have said anything. I was so overhyped. You're like, guys, I got the best story. Yo, yo, impromptu podcast. Yeah. Everyone gets something. Yeah. He played the gong in high school. Your dad in you is really showing through with that. 100%.

I don't remember it because I guess I was too young. I've been trying to find the video, but I haven't been over there in a while, so it's kind of hard to ask. But apparently when you graduated Sunday school, which is like what? Like third grade? Fuck, though.

I don't know. A long time ago, obviously, he stood up in front of the church and they said what you want to be when you grow up. And you said you wanted to be rich and famous or famous and good looking or something like that. I'm trying to find the video, but I got to go to church to do that. Man, Ken, you're doing a great job. You have come a long ways. That's what I'm saying, dude. He's got dreams. I feel like that story's been embellished to the point where it's just not even true. Do you happen to remember what it was? No.

I thought it was rich, pretty, and famous. Randy talks about that all the time. It is one of his favorite stories about you. And I wanted to get the video to have proof, so I'll work on that. But I feel like that was the very beginning of video cameras. I doubt that exists. Well, either way, if you said it. Get the church sign in NDA. If you said it or not, you got it. You're famous and you're good looking. Yeah, dude, you did it. You fucking did it. God blessed you.

oh you you nailed it you know what's gonna happen we're gonna like find all this stuff out about ken you're gonna start digging around trying to find it and they're just like i cannot talk about that ken has the whole town nd8 up yeah you gotta sign this you gotta sign this it's a huge payday if they talk so that's true ken walks into a gas station buys a candy bar leaves

Two lawyers come in. Were you the one that talked to Ken Matthews? We're going to need you to sign this. I was just thinking that. That'd be kind of a pretty abstract prank, but you just meet someone for like a couple minutes and then you have them sign an NDA. That's actually a funny idea. If you could just not repeat that you even know me, that'd be awesome. There's got to be lawyers, though, behind them. How's it been going back there, Kenny? We're doing great back there. We're crushing it. We're getting some stuff packaged up every day.

That's good. It's a lot of volume moving in and out of that place. Got a good team, though, back there working with you. Okay, so there's a fight coming up. Jake Paul, Mike Tyson, right? As soon as that got announced, first person to call me, my dad, he goes, we're going. I'm like...

What? He goes, yep, I want to see it. He goes, I want to. He's like, someone's going to beat that kid, and he's going to be Mike Tyson. No, he's not. That's the side Dave is on. Isn't Mike Tyson like 60? Yeah, but dude, I don't care what is it. Like, if it was like an actual, like, I don't know if it's going to be staged or how it's set up, exhibition. Like, if you were to just put those two people in a room, Mike Tyson's going to walk.

I'm going to watch it, and I think it's going to be really cool to watch that, but it's not the same as Mike Tyson in his prime. Jake Paul is really... There's nothing to slough off about his boxing. He's good. He's gotten way better. He's beating actual pro fighters. You can't talk shit. I think Jake Paul is a really good boxer. Mike Tyson obviously was a really good boxer, but he's old now, dude. And I feel like there's going to be some kind of rule where...

He can't get hit in the head. Because I remember when him and... I can't even remember... Roy Jones Jr. Yep. John Jones... Who is it? Roy Jones Jr. When him and Roy Jones Jr. boxed, it was an exhibition. And there was no shots to the head. Oh, okay.

And honestly, Mike Tyson is 60 years old. Who wants to see a 60-year-old man get knocked out? I don't know why he would get... He's already got enough damage from all his years of getting hit in the head. So I don't know. I have a feeling he's got a pretty good team behind him. It's probably worked out where Jake's not going to knock him out. Do you think he could if he wanted to? Jake Paul? Yeah. 100%.

You think he could knock him out if it was just like one-on-one full-on? I think so. I think so. Dude, he's so fast still. How many times has he been KO'd? I'd say, I mean, I don't know the exact, but I can at least name like two KO's.

For sure. Like, I know Buster Douglas knocked him out in China. That's how he pretty much his downfall. It was Japan. And then I know there's, like, towards the end of his career, when he was broke, he should have been retired a while ago, but he was just fighting because he needed money. And, like, he got, you know...

knocked out a couple times. He's been knocked out five times. And that's just in an actual boxing match. So you got to consider when you're sparring, you know, all the years of training. You see this video of recently of him fighting? Dude, he's a killer. Absolutely, he's vicious.

But he is a 60-year-old man. I agree. For his age, that's crazy. Yes, it looks really good, but I still just... To me, it's kind of a stupid fight. I think it's going to sell a lot of tickets. A lot of people are going to watch because you have to. But, you know, it's a young guy in his prime versus a clearly out of his prime. You know, he's nothing like his prime. Like, yeah, he'd kick the shit out of 99% of people, but like a trained boxer who is...

in his prime. I just don't think it's a fair matchup, but I think it's an entertaining one. Right. And that's why we're talking about it, but that's where it opens up where you mentioned earlier, can't hate on Jack, Jake Paul. I don't know who initiated. No, I don't know who initiated. You have to do that. No, I'm not saying anybody is, I'm just saying like, and then you kind of finished up with, it's not a fair fight. It isn't.

It's just not right. I mean, in that term. Yeah, it's tough. I am just here for it. I'm here for it. I'm so excited. We all are so excited. I'd love to like go to the fight, but yeah, you'll see the Instagram comments. Like no one's happy. No one's ever going to be happy. Yeah.

Yeah, but the problem is Jake gets so much hate the way it is, which I think he doesn't deserve. He's proven himself already. All I'm saying is, like, I just don't think it's the same as any of the other matches that Jake has had. Like, I don't think it's going to be the same intensity or, like, I don't know. I just find it hard to believe that they're... I don't feel like it's not going to be the vibe they want to kill each other. I just feel like it'd be hard to believe that there is not a rule in there where Jake can knock...

Mike Tyson out or he can't knock him out because like, I feel like he'd be protected. Mike Tyson's making a lot of money now. He seems to have a really good team behind him. So I doubt they would let him get in there, but that's what makes it kind of lame. Cause like who wants to watch a boxing match or, you know, it takes away from it. Like an exhibition boxing match where you can't strike to the head and, you know, actually go full on, but it's still going to be super fun to watch. I think Jake, did your dad ever fight Mike Tyson fight?

Fight Mike Tyson? No, who was the guy that he was in the same thing as? Obviously, Roy Jones Jr. No, Muhammad Ali. But wasn't it? No, it wasn't Muhammad Ali. If Dave fought Mike Tyson, it would make a lot more sense. I thought he had a story. He had a story, though. So my dad won Golden Gloves in 1987. They were heavyweight champion Golden Gloves in 1987. And then in 1984, Mike Tyson won. And then in 19...

In 1963, it was Cassius Clay, which is actually Muhammad Ali. But the same year that my dad won is the same year Roy Jones Jr. won, but he was not heavyweight. Oh, he's in the weight class. Yeah, I got a picture of it. It's pretty cool there. Dude, Dave is like the, I don't know if this is bad or not, but he's like the only white guy there.

Just like, it's all these just beasts. And then you just see Dave. Yeah. I mean, that is crazy. Yeah. Like that's insane from Cormorant. Dude, it is. Cormorant village. Dude, you guys, I have the, like, I just like, I don't know why I didn't watch this a long time ago, but I like, I have the whole nationals tape of when he fought.

Really? On DVD. And it's like the coolest video of all time. Like, there's a huge arena, and everybody's like screaming my dad's name. Really? That's so sick. That is pretty sick. Where was it? Knoxville, Tennessee. That's crazy. Were they screaming like, Sherbrooke? Or were they going, Dave? It was Dave, Dave. Okay, okay. But it was...

What was he fighting for? It was like amateur golden gloves. Yeah, it was just amateur golden gloves. And then if you won that, you got to go to the Olympic trials. Olympic trials to the Olympics? Yeah. So he was supposed to go to the Olympic trials, and it was so funny at the end. He's just like, oh, my goal is to win three fights. I won five, but now I'm going to go back to work. He's just like, you're thinking about going pro? He goes, no, I got to go back to work.

Okay, get back to turfing. Yeah, like that is just like. Wow. Dave Dutty's like, yeah, dinner. And then he never fought again. Wow. So just went out on top. Went out on top. Went out on top. That's pretty sick. Yeah. Was it pretty crazy watching him beat the shit out of people? Dude, it was just weird to watch because like I was literally like when you watch it, he looks just like me, but he's freaking yoked. Like I'm like, okay, he's in my shape times a million. Like he just looks like a big scary dude.

But, yeah, it's really cool to watch. Are you still going to fight him? He won't do it. He's got arm problems and shit. He's like, it's not worth it. And he goes, I don't want to burst your bubble, but he goes, I'd kill you. And I go, yeah, I know. I'm like, I kind of want just a slow-mo clip of you just rocking my dome and I hitting the mat. I'm like, I think it would be cool. Like, how many people can say they got beat up by their dad? And I'm like, wait a second.

Why do you think he'd kill you just because it boils down to technique? Oh yeah. Like, and then you wouldn't have that technique. Right. I just like be more conditioned, but I'm getting trained by the guy that I'm going to fight. You know, like I only know as much as he shows me and like, so he'll like set up a movie camera and they'll be like, all right, let's do this, this, this, and this. And then we'll watch it back. He's like, okay, see that right there. I would have knocked you out. See this right here. What a knockout. And like, right.

Ryan actually I sent him the video when I was hitting mitts with him he's still so fast he can like catch my punches and sneak a punch in and hit me across the head and it's like light speed and you just don't even see it and I'm like how did you know how to do that and he's just like it's just like you learn it just there and like it's just so cool how he like sees it and I'm like I would never want to fight you I'd die

Dude, Dave would walk in the ring eating gummy bears, put the bag of gummy bears down, and knock you out, and then have gummy bears on the way out of the ring. You'd be like training super hard. That's the thing. Like if you want to be like, damn, dude, you asshole. You knocked your dad out. Yeah, I know. So I just thought I was a loser. But I told him, like, I'd love to do it. He's just like, but he's got such bad shoulder pain, and he might feel like surgery and stuff. So I was like, damn, not worth it. Maybe one day when he's like in a wheelchair. Okay.

Reminds me of Hot Rod. Yeah, that's literally what I remember. I'm going to get you better so I can kick your ass. I'm going to fix your heart so I can beat you to death. Yeah, dude. Fighting's big. Fighting's big, dude. One of our workers, I won't say who and what's going on, but one of our workers signed himself up for a real boxing match. MMA. Wow. Sam corrected. That's crazy.

that's even more hardcore. I'm definitely going to that. Yeah, I'm like, dude, if we can make it, like, that's awesome. Yeah, as long as we can. I guess two is one in Grand Forks and, like, one in Minneapolis, but that'll be cool to watch. My goal is... Ken's bodyguard, actually. Ken's been paying him on the side. He's a lot smaller than Ken, but...

clearly trained he's lethal my goal is like i just want to do one amateur fight just one just like that's all i want to do here's what i wonder is like is that first one is that where the addiction happens though that's like you might end up really liking it and you'll never know until that first one yeah i feel like a lot of it you might just have built into you though too you know like you got to be a type person to even want to do that in the first place yeah like that's such a crazy the

balls to go get in the ring whether you're good or not good or whatever. I think what you're saying takes a special type of someone to just want to get punched in the face and stay there. Absolutely. I don't know. I just think it'd be cool. I just want to try it because my dad did it and I freaking love like freaking

training with him and stuff. And it's just fun because it's something like we started bonding over time. Like, all we really did was either work or just F off and destroy his trucks and stuff. And then we started boxing together and we enjoyed it. But I mean, everybody, whether you want to do the fight or not, like, pretty much everybody

everybody likes watching fights. Yeah. You know, it's just like we got like our girlfriends, all of you guys are now into it. Like we started watching like the big UFC fights, the bigger boxing matches. But even if you were just driving down the street and two guys started fighting, it's just your nature. You're going to watch like everyone will watch. Yeah. It's like built into your human instinct. You just can't turn away. It's something bad. You don't see it every day. You're just like, I gotta, gotta get me a part of that.

I never had fights in school, but CJ used to always have. Sometimes. In middle school, there was a lot.

But, like, most of the kids who were, like, fighting in middle school, then by the time they turn, like, 16, they're out of there. You know what I'm saying? So that's why it seemed like there was more in middle school than high school, which is interesting. But I was never in one. One time, though, there was a kid on my hockey team. He, like, it was, like, interesting. He, like, was a new kid. He, like, joined in. And for some reason, we were beefing. And, like, I felt like there was a locker box coming up. Yeah.

when people propose that you can't really back down, luckily it didn't happen. But I, I was like, you know, kind of concerned. Like I should probably like know how to do a little bit of boxing. You're just wearing your hockey gloves, hockey gloves and a helmet.

And that used to happen a lot more in the locker room before there was phones. And then when kids got phones, you'd videotape it, put it on Facebook, whatever. Then you got in trouble. Then, like, parents came in and stopped it. And, you know, you could get, like, in really big trouble, get kicked off the team and all that because people were actually getting, like, really hurt. Mm-hmm.

which is funny because you still got a helmet and you're hidden with gloves, but it doesn't matter. You still get rocked. So anyways, I went home and my dad is a black belt in Taekwondo.

So he knows how to like, you know, technique and into that kind of fighting. So we like, I put my helmet on, get my gloves and he's like, all right, I'm going to show you. Yeah. Yeah. He was like, picture this. Oh, I was in the eighth grade and it was maybe only like five, 10 minutes. It was just like five, 10 minutes, five, 10 minutes. But like, it was the same thing as yours. I knew no technique, knew, knew nothing. And like,

He, he like tagged me a couple of times and I was like, damn, maybe I should just do anything to avoid this. I don't like this. Yeah. I just realized. And yeah, that was pretty much that, but never had to box. But yeah, that goes back to the technique thing. Yeah. Take me up a couple of times. And, uh, I was at, uh,

Well, no real fights aside, your stamina is boosted because when you told me the whole, yeah, I got second in the ditch banger, you went to that at... Dude, just being in shape. Yeah. Congratulations. I'm like, dude. I can't imagine how happy you were. I'm like, when did you get good at snowmobile racing? I know it's on vintage and you're like, no, I just outlasted everyone because I had really good stamina. I'm like, dude, it makes sense. Dude, the...

prior years that I've done it, I haven't even been able to finish the race. Like the one time I just fell off the sled because I couldn't hang on. Yeah, also, everyone's like, I can't believe you won. I'm like, I took second. I have so

So many second place trophies. They're basically like, congrats on finishing, man. All I saw, dude, was you holding that above your head, cheering. That's pretty damn good. I got first. Who'd you lose to? Like a professional? No, he lost to one of the guys who owns ERX. Oh, well then he was a professional. I wasn't even in his class. Oh. Andrew's in the pro class. We got mopped. Dude.

You weren't even in the pro class? You were an amateur. Take this man's trophy away. No, honestly, Jake, I saw that and I was just so happy for you because I know how much that means to you because you love racing. And it just never seems to go that way for you. No, it never works out. And so I saw that and I considered second place first, you know? Yeah.

You had something over your head? I'd be happy with second. I thought it was funny when there was that girl coming up to you. And you were like, yeah, what's up, baby? Yeah, I won the dishbanger. So you were just like, ah, first, second, what's the difference? First, second, yeah, close enough. I will say, like, after that moment, like...

kind of hit hard. They just kind of came out of the woodworks. Really? For taking second. Yeah. Track snacks. Yeah, I don't think they... That's what they call them? Yeah, like girls that chase after like the winners at the races. Track snacks. I've actually never heard that until today. It's a fun one. Did you just come up with that? No. That's

That's a known thing, I guess. It's a term. I didn't even know that because I've never won. Yeah? Yeah. I'm just learning about it now. That's what I've heard. Jake, after his next one, I'm getting kind of hungry. I could use a snack. So they were flocking. Oh, yeah. There was like undeniably hundreds of them.

I thought you were going to say two. I think there was two. Yeah, you said there's 4,700 spectators. Yeah, that was actually crazy. Old school snowmobile race. 5,000 people. People were hungry for some snowmobile entertainment this winter. It was a perfect storm because it was 50 degrees, perfect day, no snow anywhere else but ERX because they made so much that it lasted so long and just everybody and their brother came and brought all their snowmobiles and I was like,

This is packed. Like there was more people there. They announced it. It was the biggest snowmobile event of the entire 2020, 2024. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like the season. Yeah. That's cool. It was like the biggest one of all of them. Bigger than the Nationals. All of them. The drags. Everything. That's sick. Pretty cool. They came off for you to get second too. That's so cool. They're all there for you. I don't think so.

Are you still doing the cold plunges? I am. Yeah. It's a grind. I'm not going to lie. Yeah. So, like, in the mornings, though? No. I actually switched to night because... Schedule change. Yeah. I had a schedule change because, like, we all used to meet in the mornings and then everyone kind of dispersed and had to get back to, like, real life stuff. And now it's just, like, the only... Yeah. Well...

Everyone's just like And then me and Tommy Were the only ones going At like 5.30 in the morning I'm like There's no reason to do this So I just started to go at night Yeah which one said that Cause I feel like You know you're both Like grinding out Like yeah this is crazy right And then one person's like Yo What if we just like Didn't do this Yeah well I think me and Tom Looked at each other And were like This sucks Like let's just do it at night And I'm like yeah

But, yeah, I still try and do it every day. I'm going to do it probably after this, and I love it. The fact that you and Justin did, like, 17 minutes. I'm not going to lie. I was worried about Justin's health. What the heck was going on there? Dude, I don't know. Like, I was like –

i'm in this to win it and then i realized like justin's still next to me i'm like this is his first he was untrained yeah he was untrained he did not look well though after that he looked sickly i had it on my snapchat story like the whole document the whole thing and the thing is is after four minutes you're pretty numb and it actually gets easy it doesn't get easy but it gets a lot easier but the problem is the longer you stay in there when you come out you get

I mean, my first time I was in there for four minutes, and it took me, like, the whole day to warm back up. Like, my toes and stuff. But Justin, man, he just looked disheveled after that. He was just, like, a shell of a human walking around with us. He had his hands, like, against the pool table, and he was leaning against it. And at that moment, I'm like...

dude are you actually going to be okay because like i there's like stories of like so once your body goes into like hypothermia or like organs start shutting down like sometimes they won't fire back up and i was like dude are you good like are you good and he's like yeah i'm just

I'm freaking cold. I'm like, yeah, no. Like, yeah, we were just in the... We should have had him hop in the hot tub or something. But no, he's good. He's a tough kid, dude. Props to him. 17 minutes first time. I ain't doing that. Oh, that is insane. Have you done one in the lake yet? No. You got to join, man. It's honestly fun. It is. I don't think it's... Don't do 17 minutes, but do three or four minutes. And it's honestly...

I like it. I'm down. Let's do it. Yeah. I'm super down for one. I think that you're on something. Cause you were telling me that you think the cold plunges are, uh, helping you, you know, tone, tone up. Like you've definitely just like lost a lot of weight and, you know, toned up it. Uh,

Makes your metabolism fire up to basically burn a bunch of calories to warm your body back up. Correct. Correct? Yep. And honestly, it makes a lot of sense. And I think it's been proven just by seeing you. Like, I believe that. Yeah. So... I do it for that, but I more so do it for the mental fact of, like, I want something super hard that you don't want to do that I have to look forward to every day. Like, I...

jumping jumping in the lake you know like make it part of your schedule like this is gonna suck but like now i look forward but does it suck for you no that's the thing i enjoy it like i almost turned something into like oh this is gonna be miserable this is gonna be miserable to now like man i just can't wait to like jump in the ice bath and it's almost like the hardest part of your day is done and if you enjoy the hardest part of your day you know it makes it so much easier but yeah there's tons of like stuff behind it like you said like it

I don't know which part of it like basically helps burn the brown fats or takes the brown fats out or something behind it. There's...

Makes sense. I didn't do all the research, but I just listened to everybody talk about it. Basically, you're also touching on the fact that it is mentally helping you too. Just mentally overcome the hardest part of your day is now the easiest. Yeah, that's a good way to look at it. I truly believe that doing it in the lake with the ice around you, out in the elements of Minnesota winter is the hardest way to do it.

I think. So what are you going to do now that it's getting, like, I mean, the water's only going to get warmer eventually. Yeah. So I think I'm literally just going to, I got an ice maker plunged in for my shop and I think I'm just going to have to get a big ice box. That's great. Yeah. So like I'm, cause dude, I was buying bags of ice and it got expensive. Yeah. It's like five, 10 bucks a day. So I just want to get like a big horse trough or something and just, I'm going to have to let it rip. That'll be easier. Cause like you don't even have to leave your.

home. You just hop right in. That's the hardest part for me about it is like, you got to go over there, you know, have all your shit, get back in your truck, get back in your wet, your trucks. Yeah. You know, something that sucked. The heater went out on my truck, the blower fan. So you're really cold. So when I had to drive over there, my truck was as warm as it was outside. Like it doesn't warm up. So I drive over there, jump in, plunge, and then have to drive all the way home.

Oh, dude, that is crazy. That's got to be the harder. That's how it's getting harder. Yeah. And that like was the hardest one I did. I went and jumped off Longbridge. It's already open. I wanted to be like the first person. Yeah, I saw that. I was sick. Yeah, you gainered off of like Longbridge in February. That's pretty sweet. Yeah, a little cannonball gainer. But like once I was driving home, I'm like, I don't got any heat. This is really cold.

Should have walked in the long bridge. You got a couple cocktails. Could have gone into my house. Go use Ben's sauna. Come home. Your truck is parked sideways in my driveway. Wet little footprints running in.

That boy, he did too much in that lake again. Have you looked into the physical benefits? Obviously, it's working good for your mental health, but there's no way that it gets any better for you spending 10 minutes a day in the lake. I don't think anything past 10, but I do think between 4 and 10, there's a little difference. I notice when I do 4 and I get in my truck, I don't shiver. I'm not like...

But like, when I get past... Man, you are just... Just fucking seasoned. Honed in, dude. Yeah, but when I do past 10, you start shivering and that's when you start burning like calories and get your... They say you're supposed to do it until you shiver. Nobody's going to build a tolerance to sit in some...

degree water forever you know right but like minutes but you definitely have built it oh that's what i'm saying i'd say even i have and i haven't done it much but the thing i think behind it though is your tolerance is like a more mental thing like obviously maybe it gets a little better but what's his name uh hoff or whatever he did three and a half hours that's nuts in the glaciers well there's a there's a video yes theory made where they went and visited uh and lived with

Wim Hof. They show, like, the mental aspect of, like, getting ready. And, like, you're basically doing, like, meditation. Breathing exercises. Breathing exercises. And then they show going for, like, a hike through the mountains. Out to it? Did they have shoes on or no? No, no, no. They're just hiking through the mountains barefoot. Maybe they had shoes on. I don't think they did, though. I thought you could lose your feet. Yeah, it would seem. And they're just, like, in their...

But they're hiking through the mountains. Like, you know, I guess getting wet and being submerged in the water for 10 minutes is one thing, but that's not going to kill you. But getting hypothermia out there, like how do you do enough like breath work?

where you're straight up like telling your mind, okay, don't get hypothermia. Like, how does that work? It's not like mental toughness at that point. No, but it's weird because like, it obviously works. He didn't die. Like, and he's like a freaking, I don't understand how it works. And I've always wondered, I'm like, if I were to go in the lake for three and a half hours, I'd probably be dead. Just anybody else. Most people, and that's like very common when people go overboard. Um,

on like cruise ships or like, you know, out in the ocean. It's like, you know, it's not the fact that you drowned immediately. It's that you freeze before they can like get you out of the water. Yeah, I mean, eventually though, like your muscles and everything start just like getting so slow, which is what happens even after three minutes. That's why it almost gets...

But you start moving, it's like a delayed reaction. So imagine you had to tread water. Eventually, it stops working, let alone you get tired. Even if it was warm water, you can't tread water for forever. That would be the worst way. That would be the worst. That would be the worst way is drowning or burning. I'd say burning over drowning.

But my goal is before the ice is off Pelican, I want to do 30 minutes, half hour. Well, I was going to say, like, last thing on this, as we, CJ asked, what are you going to do when it gets warmer and how are you going to transition to, I guess, not doing it in the lake anymore? I think it's going to be sweet as the lake, let's say the lake's at 40, 41 degrees.

You'll be able to sit in there for quite a bit longer than you do now. Yeah. And then as it gets to 50, still very cold, you'll be able to, like, literally chill in there for as long as you want, I think, at that temperature. Dude, we should get, like, a bunch of grandstand stadium seating and put it around the hole. And sell tickets. Yeah, and sell tickets for when Jake's 30 minutes. Jake's plunge. Yeah. Sit there. The longest plunge in Corn Road. Everyone's just sitting there silent for, like, 30 minutes. Just isn't Jake screaming? Dude, that's...

Got a hot dog stand that Mike's manning. He's selling. Yeah, but he's eating all of them. He's just buying all of them. If you guys buy me a hot dog stand, I will run it like the best hot dog connoisseur you've ever seen. Well, I can't believe that we haven't yet. That's actually a good idea. That's a really good idea. Good video. I'm like studying. What are you doing, Mike? I'm taking a trip to New York to study the best hot dog sellers on the street. Dude, I was going to say, what if we had a trip where we go to New York City

And then we see how many hot dogs you can eat in 24 hours. Mike would buy that city out of hot dogs. You know I love hot dogs because I hear that idea. I have the same excitement for that as if you're like, let's go snowmobiling in the powder, deep snow. I'm like, yes, I'm in. Let's do it. Hey, let's take that one further. I like that idea. And then the next day, I should open my own hot dog stand.

You start running one. You'd be good at having like one of those hot dog stands that they do downtown that's open from like 11 p.m. till 3 a.m., like bar time. That is kind of your hours of operation. That'll be awesome. Everyone will be like, how do you like, you know, your job? You're like, it's great. I only work from about 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. Get to talk with drunk people all night and eat hot dogs.

literally your life's dream, bro. Mike's just like giving them away for free. He's like, that guy was hungry and he didn't have much money. He spent all his money. He bought all his boys grape vape shots. I just want to help him out. I love that. I'm like full of dumb ideas. I'm like, I was trying to just figure out a good way to market

how do I be different than any other hot dog stand? So I went for the 2.5 foot hot dogs. They're selling pretty decent now. Jeez Louise. That's a huge hot dog. I'd like to see you eat one of those, Mike. How many hot dogs in 24 hours do you think that you could eat? I'm so glad we're over that phase. In 24 hours? Dude, I mean, not that many, like 25?

Hot dog an hour. I'd agree with that. Yeah, like, I think by then I would be, like, I feel like throwing up even though I'm not that full. Like, one an hour. That's a lot of dog. It is. Because you're not awake for 24 hours. True. True. I got to double. All right, 25 dogs. 25 dog dogs.

Yeah, and for everyone that's at home, like, oh, I could eat 50 hot dogs or I could eat 10 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Give her a shot. Try it. I guarantee you can't. It's much harder than one. I don't know what you should recommend. When you put a time limit on it, it gets really difficult. You ever watched a hot dog eating contest? Joey Chestnut's one of the greatest athletes of our generation. I put him up there with Tiger Woods. The greatest. Okay, that shit is unbelievable.

unhealthily next level. I've seen him just take out a literal buffet of hot dogs and he is just My only question on it is why does it got to be hot dogs? Why not cheeseburgers or something? Hot dogs? I think the hot dog was invented first. I'm sure there is. That's why. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know if

Get a fact check on that. I think it's because it's just like, it's funnier. Maybe that's not why they do it, but like to the general public, that's like interested in, in that being a thing. Like they have hot wing eating competitions too, I think, but I suppose it gets a little bit harder because there might still be some meat on the bone. You got to really be where the hot dog, it's like the whole thing's got to go. I could put a pretty good run in, I think at a watermelon eating contest.

I think I could. I'm not laughing at you. I'm just laughing with you, dude. I'm just picturing Zion. I'm just going ham, dude. Yeah, there's no way to do that cool, but typical for me. Hot dog was invented in 1484. What?

Hamburger was invented in 1885. Whoa! Dude, 400 years. Dude, what the fuck are you doing? That makes no sense to me. So let's say when they invented it, it wasn't a gross... Imagine eating a hot dog and fucking...

Yeah, but it wasn't like a... It wasn't Oscar Mayer. No, it wasn't a gross Oscar Mayer, like a shitty one. It was a, you know, I didn't know this. When they make brats, do they really like wrap them in like intestines? Is that, that's how they encase them? Okay. Seems insane to me. I still love them. The fact that they came up with that 400 years before they came up with just grinding up some hamburger. How did nobody think of the cheeseburger until the 1800s? And the hamburger was invented in Wisconsin.

We invented electricity before that, didn't we? That is nuts. Honestly, when you look at how long the world's been around, how long the things that are just so a part of our life today, everything's really new, even hamburgers. What year was the hamburger again? 1885. That's like 150 years ago. And the hot dog was like 500. I feel like right now the whole world is on the hockey stick curve of like,

technology improving. Like think about when we were kids versus now versus like when our parents were born versus where are they? Like it took, like they're just coming out with new stuff so fast, so crazy. And there's like no limit anymore. Like dude, people driving around with these Apple goggles and stuff and like just gambling casinos while they're making breakfast and cryptocurrency. I mean, everything is just, yeah, it's, it's,

it's exponentially faster right now. It's just, it just keeps building faster and faster. And the Simpsons is still on track, dude. They make an episode in 2006 about people running around with goggles on and what do you know? It really is. It is bizarre. How the heck, man? That's so amazing. Are they still thinking of shit to do for that show? I watch it. I've watched the whole new season. Simpsons is a great show to just have on in the background. It's just...

You know, it's a feel-good vibe. For some reason, it just makes me feel all fuzzy and warm. It reminds me of my childhood. It's like having it on, like, at night and just, I don't know. I'm in South Park. Oh, South Park's the best. They just don't make enough of them anymore. Yeah.

Yeah. I was watching the, um, Minnesota state hockey tournament last night. The high school boys. It's a big deal. How bored were you? My guy? Pretty bored. My cousin was in it too. Not this year, but not this year, but a previous year, 10 years ago. He's like, Oh, I got to watch the Minnesota state tournament. My cousin played in 2004. Yeah. So did me and CJ's cousin. Yeah. So you guys should be supporting the boys out there. But anyway, uh,

I didn't really realize this, but it's, I think, mostly exclusive to Minnesota is the hair tournament. Yeah. And, like, because you skate up to, like, the line when they introduce you. Oh, yes. I've seen TikToks of this. And it's, like, a thing that everybody does the craziest hair you possibly can. Dude, hockey in Minnesota is crazy. I mean, they pack...

The entire Alera Center, the NHL Wild Center, which is like 35,000 people. XL Energy. XL Energy. I mean, for high school, it's packed. There's not an open seat in the place. Yeah. That's fucking nuts. It's a professional stadium. For high school hockey games. My friends in college used to say that North Dakota was a state of hockey. We used to get in fights over it. I don't know. I disagree with that. For North Dakota's, you know.

per capita of how many professional players come out of it, though, it's probably pretty close. Out of Grand Forks? There's not as many as Minnesota, for sure. Actual Minnesota natives. Yeah.

Yeah, because Minnesota goes to North Dakota. There's just more hockey in Minnesota. But there definitely is some NHLers that have came out of North Dakota. Just love me some hockey. I do love hockey. Favorite sport to watch. I've kind of come back around to hockey, too. I was watching some the other day. It's fun to watch. You like watching that more than football? I like football. I like football more. If I was going to go to an event live...

I've never been to a UFC fight, but if I was going to go to an event live, hockey is the best live event to go to. And people will dispute me on that with football, but there's always something happening with hockey. I'd agree. Hockey is more fun in person. I mean, I still think I'd choose football, but if it was down to watching...

like, you know, a big, big game, it'd go probably UFC football, hockey, a major like UFC fight or boxing is like such a special, you know, there's only so many a year, maybe like three, four of them that are like a really big hyped up deal. Yeah. Instead of like 80 of them a year. Yeah. But the thing is, uh,

like with UFC and with football, football comes on Sunday morning. No better time to sit down Sunday afternoon. You got nothing else to do. You sit down, you watch football. Like who's going to leave work at five on a Friday to go catch a hockey game. Like I'm not going home today. Too many games. That's why they got too many games. There's only 14 or what is it? 14 or 16 games in the NFL. Yup. What's the worst baseball, baseball, dude. That's gotta be the worst. That's what have empty stadiums every fricking. Well, I mean, and,

NFL, you can't have 80 games a year. People are, you can barely do 15, you know, like they're getting so beat up. It's honestly impressive with hockey though. Cause hockey is extremely physical too. I think it was ranked the number one, most athletic sport, or actually it might've been something really ridiculous, like golf or something like that.

I think motocross. Motocross. I believe that. Yeah, this was physically demanding or something. I would 100% agree with that. Yeah. It is amazing to think about because a lot of people just think you're just turning the throttle. Like, you know, you're just riding the thing. Dude, your head, like you get arm pump. You're dead. You're dead.

Yeah. I don't ride dirt bikes. They should start. I don't. They should do it with those saw blade wheels, dude. The arm pump was insane. So they're shaking the whole thing. Yeah, you're just getting arm pump. Hold on. That thing was shaking so bad that it was running bad. Like, I don't know if it was shaking the freaking piston in the cylinder. Like, it was just like rattling the whole thing loose that it sounded like crap. I know. Like, I don't know what was going on there, but that was, I've never seen that before. Yeah.

I can't believe it worked. It worked good. The games were hell.

When Gav was putting them on, he's like, here, I'm holding the bike, and he puts that freaking nut through for the front wheel, and it just goes, boom. I'm like, dude, that thing's like 200 pounds. Yeah. Worked great. It's real tough riding next to Evan because he's just an extraordinary rider, but I felt like I did pretty good on that quad. I felt like I was going fast. Yeah, you were. No, you were doing great, Ryan. The thing is, is the dirt bike's just, you can do so much more with it.

with it. It's so much better. Honestly, go watch even like Quad FMX. Oh, yeah. Like the Quad just can't do as much. It doesn't go as high. It's just everything is kind of just like it's not the same. I mean, they can, but it's just not as good. And that's kind of thing. But

How about the sheriffs pulling up on us last video right after we had our last podcast kind of talking about how they thought we were the suspect of driving through the Cormorant store. We dropped that podcast. And, like, we're not trying to, like, talk shit on them or anything. We're not trying to make them look bad. We have friends who are sheriffs and police officers and human state troopers, but we're in favor of, you know. Then they come pulling up.

When we were having the fire in the video, it was like we weren't even trying to do it. But now it's like they're just... God damn.

Couldn't get away from it. Dude, yeah. Wait, wait, wait. What weren't we trying to do? I wasn't trying to get in trouble. No, I mean, we're not trying to film a video using them in the video. But then it's like, it was just such unfortunate timing being that we dropped a podcast earlier that day. Kind of making fun of the fact that they thought we were possibly a suspect of something that we didn't do. Well, dude, I just think it's crazy that you have to get a...

fire permit and then call it in. It makes sense. Honestly, it does make sense because you could just get it and then it varies day to day. Right. Yeah. But I get it because if it's super dry, it'd be a big deal. You could start down a lot of stuff. You could have a lot of, you know, a wildfire basically, which makes sense. But,

We didn't realize it was too dry because Ryan got the permit, so we thought we were doing things right. It wasn't too dry, too. We did figure out, which is good. And it wasn't too dry, but yeah, that guy pulled up, and he was a little short. He wasn't maybe trying to be a dick or anything, but he was being a little short, which then...

didn't help his case in the video. Yeah. And then the fire department shows up and that guy was just like, oh yeah, you're good. Just activate the thing tonight and we're good. See you later. It's tough too. Cause he probably didn't want to like act like it was no big deal. True. And then the fire department gets there and then is in trouble. I'm like, wait, he said it wasn't a big deal. So it really isn't a tough spot. I think the other thing is you can't get mad at the sheriff for doing that. Cause he was probably called in to go do that. Right.

Yeah, exactly. He didn't want to be there. He is getting a lot of hate in the video, which was not by any means the goal. It was just kind of like, I don't know. It was just a funny little thing to have in it. You know, like.

Anytime you're having something like that happen and you're already filming, you kind of got it. It's just, it makes the video more interesting. But yeah, he got a lot of hate, but honestly, it probably wasn't even his decision to go there. I'm sure someone just called it in. They said, you know, who's, who's in the area. And I don't know how exactly how it works, but then those two went, you know, don't got, you can, we can lighten up a little bit, but yeah, last week we, we just didn't like being a suspect. So,

Nobody wants to be a suspect of something they didn't do. You know, like it's not a good feeling. Ryan was the guy. Ryan was the only suspect clearly. Cause they didn't even look at any of our, there's like TRX. We got them, but it was, it was a little awkward then. So it was like the, the police came and then the,

the fire department came, they're all on call. It's a small area, obviously. And they came and then everyone was just kind of in limbo. We're like, are we good? And they're like, yeah, this, this fire is clearly not out of control. Uh, but they kind of stuck around. And then I was like, I had some wieners, you know, hot dogs. I got to clear it up boys. They were like way goo. Big,

Game wieners. Dude, they were big. Literally, it was big game wieners. And that's why I didn't want you burning yours. It wasn't on the camera, but Mike was roasting it. I was afraid it was getting a little burnt, and I had already had two of them prior. Gourmet. I don't know how much they costed. We were giving them as a gift, and I was just like, Mike, don't let that thing burn because I want you to have... I just want you to eat it in its prime. Yeah. It was so good. I was roasting it while the...

Cops are there. Yeah, I mean, it's tough to pay attention to. And I was like, well, I was planning on roasting these on the fire that's clearly not too out of control. It's going out now. And then I did, and it was amazing. Did you offer them? No, I should have. Maybe you could have offered them a bratwurst for their time. Mike's upgraded. He only likes Goodwiner now. Mm-hmm.

Or do you still like the bad wiener? He'll still eat it all. Just prefers the big game wiener. I saw a comment. It was like, did Evan rip his hammer off and put it on a stick? I thought that was hilarious. That's what we call out of pocket. I almost replied way too small to be his hammer. Or is it? It was funny reading the comments for that video just in general.

Because apparently that's where they draw the line of too dangerous for what Sub Swanna's doing. And those dirt bikes or the dirt bike in the quad, those were over the line. Really? Too dangerous. It was a couple like, please keep making videos. We love you guys. But this is too far. This is too risky. Which we weren't particularly expecting the magnitude of. Yeah, there was a lot of it. It was very interesting. I think it was just different because, like I said in the video,

If things go so south, like on normalized tires where you get like sucked up into it, it's a bad day. Right. And that's never, yeah, that's never happened. That would be a really bad day. Right. But you also got to kind of play the odds. Like, is it going to happen? No.

No. Hopefully not. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. It did feel pretty secure. Like, everyone was riding that thing like a normal bike. To be fair, when we were building it and when we were doing it, for how bad it could have gone, and, like, we've done a lot of other things where, you know, someone's about to do something dangerous, which happens a lot around here. And before that, we were kind of all sitting around on camera, and, you know, we're weighing it out. Yeah.

calculating how things will go, you know, trying to get a feel for it. And people are like tense. There's sometimes like one person or two maybe will be like, I don't think it's worth it. I don't think we should do it. And typically if that happens, we don't do it. But like no one even had a second thought

thought no one even thought once about it we were like yeah this is dangerous but it was like very secure and like just hopped right on I remember when you were grabbing the bike and revving it I did yell at you though Ben I was like watch your foot don't let your foot get in there Ben because you were revving it and it was like

It was pretty close, dude. But otherwise, I mean, yeah, if it fell off. If you think about it, though, like our insane ice pick tires that we had on the sand rail and the razor are very similar. Like if that... Wouldn't be good either. That'd be pretty similar, yeah, which it did fly out. Like imagine that...

I think one thing that never ceases to amaze me, so like not being totally disconnected but not seeing what you guys are doing every single day is so funny because like if I'm ever gone for like a week or two weeks and I'll just see a thumbnail and I'll be like, huh, no shit. It is so clever. Some of the things you guys come up with, I'm just like,

That's fucking awesome. Like I'm literally like, it is so fun to see. Cause like, yes. Or whenever I came in and I'm like, holy shit, what are those saw blades for? And Gab goes, Oh, we're putting them on a dirt bike. And I go,

where's the creativity? I'm just like, it never ceases to amaze me. I'm just like, they never miss. I'm like, they just got it going. Well, thank you. I do love that when you come in and you just so happen, even if, cause some of the stuff we do, we, we execute Monday to Wednesday and it's out on Thursday, but yeah, you'll come in and be like,

Oh yeah, so what have you guys been up to? And then I'm like, oh, dude, I have so much in my camera roll. And then you're like, holy shit. Just drove a truck through Ken's house on Wednesday. Other than that, nothing. Well, we have like so many builds going where like these builds take a long time. You guys put a lot of work into it. And so we're like as planned out as we can.

you know, there's like certain times where we'll be in between things or certain things will fall through where we're like sitting down here and we're like, Oh, what do we do this week? You know? And, uh, over the years we've gotten better and better about,

not having to be in positions like that. But this time, it was last week. We were like, okay, we're kind of in between things. We got to come up with something. And the Sawblades was kind of just pitching. We're like, that's great. Let's do it. So, like, how did...

idea was that was that was ebbs that's that's one of those things that i hear and i feel so bad about this i hear that and i go yeah it's hasn't been done you know like i almost brushed over it so i'm so glad that it happened but never like to that magnitude and a lot of people had done it yeah and then that's what we we knew that it would be better if you hollowed them out so they'd be lighter but we were adamant that they had to be

Solid. Solid. Because it would look like that. The look was so... And one, once we were like kind of planning it after the idea, Ev really wanted to do two because it would have been like more functional. I don't think it would have been still. And we were just like, honestly, dude, I don't think it's going to be that much of a difference and it's going to look weird.

way, way cooler with just one single saw. He was like, okay, well, let's just do that then. You know, so it's like kind of figuring out which direction to go. It is really a group thing, though. Like, someone might pitch the idea, but then executing that idea or, like, how we're going to go about it is when, you know, it is a group thing.

thing yeah there's a lot of contributors to even to the idea or after the idea and just everything so yeah and i mean like we're pretty good at coming up with ideas but gavin and the big red making them actually work we're like saw blade wheel and they're like okay well it has to have a bearing and shit like that and that's some pretty crazy stuff yeah that was the one thing i was gonna say my one of my favorite thing that you guys do is when you take an idea and

And you just keep stacking and stacking and stacking and finding the limit. And just like when I saw the Sherp, that was the tiny truck. I was just like, all right.

The tiny truck's doing this now. And I was just like trying to think of like how easy was it to do that for like him and him? And like how much time goes into that? Because like when I was watching- That was an easy one for them. Well, I was going to say- Same with the wheels. Because when I was watching the video, I was like, it made that look like it was literally bolt on and go. And like, I just didn't know like what else was there to do with it. And it's just like so cool how you can just-

Boom. You know, like just take one of my, one of my favorite parts of the process is the time between when we're all green lighted an idea. Oh yeah. We're all on board on that. That's a good idea. Let's plan for that next week or whatever. And then seeing it blossom into what it actually takes.

Takes a lot. Everyone jumps on, whether it's getting supplies, whether it's engineering, whether it's just firing dumb ideas that we know we probably shouldn't do. I don't know. It's funny that we're talking about this now because I don't know if we're actually going to be able to post this next week because we're going to be traveling.

We're trying to make shit happen, and we're just so tapped out on time. I don't know. There might not be a video this Thursday, so we're sorry about that, but we will be back the following. And if there ever is in a video, obviously, like, we'll try to tell you, and that means there's stuff in the works. Yeah. It means there's lots of stuff in the works. We're not just sitting around watching TV. It's like, it just...

Sometimes a build takes longer. Sometimes whatever. But yeah, Jake's TV just got... Massive TV. How big is that? So we might be just sitting around watching TV. That's what we're fucking doing this weekend, dude. Ryan's got the picture. Okay, next fight. I don't care what it is. You guys are coming over. This Saturday, we're watching Sugar Sean versus Cheeto. Look at him, dude. He's like taller.

Holy shit, that thing is huge. So if you guys are seeing this picture, Jake, when got him, he finally got himself his 100-inch TV. It's big. Talked about it a while ago, six months ago. So what is the dimensions of it? It's just 100. 100? Yeah. Just 100. I thought it was 160. No, no, it was going to be 120, but dude, I didn't fit. The price difference. Three reasons. Oh, yeah.

First of all, did some measurements. Don't even know if it would have fit through the door. Second reason, from $100,000 to $120,000 is like $6,000 to $8,000, depending on whatever. The third reason, I'd put $120,000 on the wall. I'd have to put my couch against my garage door. You'd have to turn your head to watch. Yeah. Turn your head. So I was like, this will do. And when I measured it, I'm like, dude, this is still too big. But I'm like, this is so me. This is a talking dog.

piece when people come in. I tell you what, Jacob, I just looked it up and for a TCL, they are not giving those things away. Two racks, huh? There was three. It's on sale. I think I got this for like, I did get it on sale. It was like $2,500. I got it for $83 a month. Wow. Okay. Well, I kind of feel like an idiot. I just bought one of them Samsung frame TVs that look like a picture. It was like two grand. So I should have just bought a hundred. Holy shit.

Can you imagine a 100-inch TV in your wall? He spent a grand on a TV, Mike? How big is it? He spent $700 on the chair that he's sitting in. You're surprised right now? Money Mike! There's one thing about Mike. He likes luxury. He likes nice things. And he likes a lot of them. And he likes stuff. I learned the luxury from my boy, Ken. Ken loves cheap out. Ken, what's the last luxury item that you just bought?

Oh, I did just buy a Cybertruck yesterday. Oh, really? Oh, wow. Oh, I didn't buy it. I confirmed my order. But still, regardless, that's exciting. When? That's huge. Last night. But it's supposed to be here April to June. What?

No way. That's fucking soon. You know Ken is a valued Tesla customer when he gets pumped. I feel like that's pretty early. People have been asking since we made that video in 2019 of doing the $100 deposit down. When's Ken's Cybertruck going to get here? We're like, bro, they're not even out yet. Now they're finally out. I was like, dude.

But yeah, so it's actually happening. I'm not surprised one bit that yours is coming because I've had so many. Ahead of the Kirby's. Didn't you do it too? Yeah. But I didn't get mine. He's a valued customer. Ken's platinum somehow. They just took Ryan's money. He not getting it. Well, I did have to

pay another thousand dollars to potentially get it in the next three months so we'll see if they actually worth it did you see the problems that people are already having with them though they're like rusty yeah rusty oh my gosh a little bit of stainless steel some it's still rusting that's not the move i really like when they wrap them black

I think it looks so sharp. I think you got to do that, Ken. Did you guys see that Tesla posted a video of them going up Hell's Gate? I did, yeah. Yeah, somebody stitched us, actually. A guy was like, well, Tesla just dropped a video taking their new Cybertruck up Hell's Gate. But did you know that Seaboys took a crotch rocket up Hell's Gate? So is it really that impressive, Tesla? Dude, I didn't realize how iconic...

Hell's Gate is until after we had done it. Like we were just kind of there and they're like, yeah, yeah, Hell's Gate. That's where we got to go up. And we're like, okay, where is it? Or, you know, Gavin takes us there. Okay. This is the, supposedly the hardest thing here.

Evan, you know, almost does the whole thing. But then after I realized how much of like a statement it is, like manufacturers bring their vehicle there to like prove how good it is, which a Kia Sorento went up. I'm sure Alex loves to hear that my girlfriend, but she's a big fan of Kia's.

And that's actually crazy. And the Kia boys are probably very happy to hear that too. Good testament to their brand. The short of Evan going up that on the crotch rocket has 162 million views. Cripes. Naughty. On just YouTube. I wonder if it made it better at the fact that he didn't do the whole thing. You know, the fact that he put it down almost at the top. I think it's bad. He's still handsome. He's like, I could have done that. He loses sleep over that. Yeah, he's like mad about it. I'm like,

I don't know, man. I think it worked out pretty good. Yeah, but Hell's Gate, pretty legendary. We got to take something back there. We've been trying to figure out what to do with it next. We got to figure that out. What's the next item? I don't know, man. What else do you do? I don't know. I feel like Nylander is the Minnesota version of Hell's Gate.

The local snowmobile hill that everyone grabs a case of beer and goes and sits at the bottom. Just watching people pile up. I was just somewhere, and they go, yeah, how steep was that hill, the hill climb hill that Evan went up on the snow bike, the Harley snow bike? And he goes, yeah, like, compared to Nylander Hill, what was it like? Dead steep.

serious conversation I had I went a lot worse but it is funny maybe twice the degree but then it was funny to hear too dude they were talking about so like Nylander Hill the local hill it is nothing compared to that hill that Evan went up on that it's so much less steep and he's talking about he's like yeah pretty much built I built this whatever old sled pretty much just for that hill it's not that deep it's like a big deal around here yeah

Funny enough, though, last year was the first time that I'd ever been to the hill. Really? I was like, this is the hill that everyone's been talking about. This is the legendary hill. And we had with our two-seater. XLT. XLT. Special. And so I think Ryan hopped on the back, right? I was driving. Ryan hopped on the back.

We didn't make it. We legit didn't make it up the hill. But that's what's funny. It's not because it's too steep. It's the most Midwest thing ever. It's because it's too icy. So then you're just committing to probably not making it and probably piling up your sled or at least tipping it over onto no snow. That's the only reason it gets destroyed. You're just chucking it into rocks and trees. Classic.

Local legends. Dude, I have a good story here really quick. So every once in a while, I'm not that good of a drawer. I have told that before. So sometimes I get stuff made on Fiverr, send out like an idea. Can you draw this car, make some skeletons in it, whatever. I sent the order off like a month ago. And usually they send it back within five to ten days, whatever their thing is.

And 10 days came by and I haven't seen anything. And I'm like, dude, this is usually not okay. You usually can get your money back. And I'm like, where's my stuff? Still another almost month goes by. And I'm like, what is going on here? Like, I should probably get my money back. And then he finally reaches out and goes, I'm so sorry. And keep in mind, this is a guy in India somewhere. He sends me an x-ray of his body.

and was like, sorry, mate, I broke both my arms. So I couldn't finish your order. What? And he sent me an x-ray. And maybe this is some elaborate excuse. Seems too insane to be an elaborate excuse. But he sent me an x-ray and both his, I don't know what this bone is called, but both of his arms were snapped in half, like need surgery type of vibe, like need screws and plates. That's bad. Oh, my gosh.

Did he piss someone off? Listen, yeah. So that was my next question. I'm like, dude, I asked him. He's like a local artist. He didn't. He pissed somebody off. He didn't share how it happened. I asked him. I'm like, dude, that's insane. Totally.

totally understandable. What happened? How did you break your arms? And so if I do find out, I'll give you an update. But like, that's what worried me. I was like, what if whatever making money online from people in the United States isn't allowed where he's from or something. And maybe there's some racketeering going on. They're like, dude, how you make money by drawing. We're going to break both your arms. But Mike,

Mike is like, remind me to never go to India. No, it's just insane. Yeah, like, can you imagine your way? I'm like, you know, hey, the drop's coming up. I really want to see this design. Like, you haven't provided me anything. And he's like, I broke both my arms in half. I don't want to say that I don't completely buy it, but I'm 50-50. Because, like, it could so easily just been, like, look up. I was going to say, PG on the internet. The dude could have just totally been like, oh, fuck.

I was hoping this guy wasn't going to follow through on this. What perspective was it, Mike? It could have been one of the many Instagram videos I've seen come out of India lately where people...

Have worse happen to them. Did it look like this? Oh, poor fella. It did kind of look like that, though. It's the same colors. You can only see his bones. That's extra. Poor mate. He came up with a cool design, though. So you know when you, like, on your Instagram, either post something or all of a sudden you see something on your feed you kind of see is cool and you go down the rabbit hole of whatever that may be and your feed slowly becomes more and more and more and more of that? Are you sure? So you know when, like, Evan...

is like hanging a crazy wheelie on whatever it may be and now there's just like a bunch of people wheelie and stuff my feed turned into that but it was someone like evan doing it with a tractor just down the highway after i posted my little tractor reel of me drifting my feed was just nothing but people doing rad stuff on tractors yeah and i'm like what you can do with a stunt tractor well dude there's guys like 50 miles an hour just hanging these things like bob bob bob bob like it is

crazy i'm like where are and it was like it reminded me that because it was definitely not in the u.s but they got like these fully modded tractors which is like v8 blocks and they're like doing 360 wheelies on its back and just hauling down the road i'm like what do people not do in this world no kidding can we can we get a mark you can get us a modified tractor you're just a guy a wheelie can you get us a wheelie tractor

I've got a guy for everything. This is how things work. Very quietly, Marcos, I'm sure. Well, we don't have a tractor, Mark. We don't need a sled. I got a tractor. Oh, that's true. You do. I don't think you can wheelie. Mike, you think your tractor will wheelie? No. Of course Mike has a tractor.

Yeah, I do have a tractor. I've actually been really meaning to bring that out for a video. I could see it sitting out in front. Yeah, sit in the yard. I'll bring it over. I'll bring it over this spring. Maybe park it next to your water truck. Can we put a mower on the back of it at least? We could. Sweet. Yeah. It's all worth it. It's a 19...

37 John Deere Model B. Wow. That is sweet. Two cylinders. Restored? Yeah. Oh, damn. Then you got to keep that thing inside. By who? My dad and my grandpa. Oh, that's pretty. Yeah, it's honestly getting weathered now, but it's got the spoked wheels. So those are the sought after. I got it as my graduation gift. But seriously, I haven't meaning to take it out, but I'm like, what do we do with it? I think probably wearing the same outfit as I wore when I was on the water truck. Farmer Mike? Overalls, yeah. No, yeah.

I'll throw this hat on and some overalls and I'll drive the tractor and you guys can have a good laugh. Good stuff. I think you got to take it to Zorba's. I'd love to see that. Jake and I were getting our drift cars going or Jake's got a kind of a borrowed drift car and I got...

trying to get my drift car going and he literally has said, I can't wait till this summer when we're tandeming to Zorba's. Everywhere is just to Zorba's. All roads lead to Zorba's when it's summer, dude. It's our local pizza establishment. I just like, I think anything cool happens

You got to go to Zorba. And you guys know, I got to surprise you guys with something. Go to Zorba, sit on the patio, and I'm going to roll up. Every time Jake has something to show us. We're already there. You actually know that that is a true statement because the fat kid wheelies a quad. That was the whole idea was based on, well, let's just wheelie to Zorba's. That's where it started. Yeah. It's just like the end goal, you know? It's got a million views, I think. Yeah.

Offer a burrito. Fat kid wheelies for a burrito. Yeah. Jake is doing a wheelie and he's just got a little belly on. Just a little tiny bit. Just a little ass cracking. Not too much though. Not too much. How do you gym shorts? Oh, no. It's fat kid rides with no shirt in freezing weather. 38 degrees. Jake's always been doing stuff with his shirt off though in cold environments. Yeah, it never changed. Yeah. No. Yeah. Now you're just cold plunging, but you used to ride snowmobile with your shirt off.

Everything you'd want to do shirtless. We're like, dude, just put a shirt on. Dude, I accepted my body, okay? I was just like, I am happy with it and everyone else is going to be too. Jake is just like a little pudgy, like a little bit of a muffin top. And we're like, all right, our resident fat kid. We use a bit of...

We were maybe stretching that one a little bit, but that's what made it so funny. I think a lot of the comments are like, he's not fat. That's what made it so funny. I remember for a while, CJ couldn't keep his shirt on either, but it hasn't been like... That was hot. Dude, that was... Like, actually, hot outside. All right, we're about to start filming. CJ takes his shirt off. I never did that. We're like, bro, what the fuck?

No, we'd just be filming. We had no AC in the shop for the longest time. You're sweating your nutsack off. I was just watching, I think, the video of Ryan when he gets his new Jeep and then he tries to do the donuts and goes into the pine trees. I think CJ was shirtless in that video. I was like, why is CJ shirtless right now? I didn't get back in the gym. That was the ongoing question. It was like we'd turn around and be like, oh, why is he shirtless again? And then he went through the bro tank phase too. No.

Just where you were. You didn't wear sleeves for a summer. Really? He was hitting biceps a lot. All right, well, I do remember that, but the tank tops you were wearing were cool as fuck. Dude, I've done some weird shit, too. Just accept it. Just accept it. Maybe. Jake's like, it's okay, dude. You're weird, man. I got your back, brother. Yeah, that's true. I don't know. I know I used to take my shirt off a lot, but that was back when we didn't have AC in the shop. Packaging orders, you know.

Oh, that's good. This one. When we were painting Tiny in the driveway, I can't remember. It was either right before you left or right after. When we were painting Tiny in the driveway green and then somebody shot Ken with a paintball gun. And Ken lost it. Sorry. I hate to bring this up, Ken. That was funny. Yeah.

Dude, I was thinking about that the other day. That was funny. Ken was so mad that we got paint on his shorts. He wanted new shorts. 50 bucks or something. No, I was there for that. Because, Tiny, when you're talking about you painted it green. I was there for that. Ken got the guns somehow, one of the paintball guns, and then he was chasing Ryan around, and I tried helping Ryan, and then Ryan turned on me. Oh, yeah. And this was like helping Ken to get me when I was trying to help Ryan. Dude, that's what... I was just like...

I don't even know what to think right now, Ryan. Yeah, the loyalty. Do we ever end up buying you new shorts, Ken? If not, we owe you a pair. We didn't. We didn't.

No. We'll get you a pair. It doesn't matter at this point. Somebody pull that up. Just clip that one moment when Ken gets shot with the paintball gun and starts getting mad, Ryan. I'm so glad that we're over our paintball gun phase. We can't do it. We can't do the paintball because you got limited ads one time. You got trouble by YouTube. We can't do fireworks either. Tint is our firework supplier. We went through a little phase where we were just getting the

craziest fireworks but we had what were they M-A they were like M-A-D steroids some were like mortars they were 100% legal do you remember when we sent that jet ski above the shop I have the video I have the video it's so awesome so we our first shop was in like an HOA where there was a bunch of shops around so like every time we would do something super crazy it was like kind of in like the common grounds of like our community right and

And this time we thought it was a good idea to blow up a jet ski hole. Like a jet ski that didn't have a motor in it. Just a shell. It was just a shell, right?

And we put one of Tint's special fireworks in there. And it blew this jet ski hole, like... To the moon. Way higher than the building, dude. 50 feet high. Yeah. And it sent jet ski shrapnel basically everywhere. So I think when we, like, moved out of that development, there were still jet ski parts, like, on other people's roofs. I think we were...

They're all in our reckless phase because as the video turns around, there's just a parking lot of people watching. It's entertaining, just a crowd. What, you find it? Ryan shot him in the butt. Look at Ken. He's moving. I can ruin these shorts. Ken thinks his shorts are actually ruined because they're definitely not. Ken is pissed off right now. He is.

Honestly, you can't buy a nice pair of shorts for 50 bucks anymore. It comes out of the water, bro.

Like Steve said, it was five years ago. We all did a lot of embarrassing things. I love that Ken's coming to me. You guys love bringing up my embarrassing past. That is all you love bringing up. Oh, my gosh. Unfortunately, we all. That was the best part of that whole video. The rest of it sucked dick. Fuck you, CJ. Unfortunately, Ken, we all have long, embarrassing pasts that will probably continue to get brought up. But I think a lot of people noticed. You've seen it.

You've turned a real new leaf now. You're all happy. It's good. We love it. Everything good? I've liked you this whole time, Gary. Yeah, the whole time. Damn, is that what I said? That's not what I meant to say. Thanks, Ryan. To be fair, I think if you just watch any of our videos, there's plenty of embarrassing moments for all of us. So much. One time Ben put his...

barefaced in Ken's ass. Yeah, barefaced in Ken's ass. Yeah, I was told if I didn't do that, I was going to get tased. I would have taken the taser. No, you got tricked into it, Ben. I think you're better off saying that. He told me in private one time that he wanted to do it. Oh, man. Yeah, lots of embarrassing. I mean, you guys all know I eat hot dogs, so that's embarrassing enough.

Well, I mean, a lot of people eat hot dogs. Really? You guys all act like you don't do it. I don't think that many people eat hot dogs. No one eats hot dogs. Good stuff. Well, Ken, what do you want to send us out?

All right. Thanks for tuning in to the Life Wide Open podcast. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Nice. That was so nice. Get entered for the truck giveaway. Dude, yes. And check out Jake on his social media. Thanks, boys. Get yourself a new pair of shades. Summer collection's coming. That's right. It's going to be sweet. And thanks, guys. We'll see you next week. Peace.