You look like a guy I could never trust. When you're a part of a cutting edge extreme sport, you can't worry about what other people think. You buy a Lambo, you attract a bunch of dudes. You're not attracting women with your Lambo. Honestly, you guys need to get on my sleep program. 12 Trusted T's, AirPods in, sleep till morning.
I mean, 1996, that's a big part of what outfit you're wearing. I think this is more 2001 than 96. That's 1999, actually. That's what I would say. I'm still claiming 01. You two look like kids that my mom would say don't hang out with them. They're bad news. And she'd actually be right. That's why you stayed home today, Ryan. Yeah, what the heck did you two do? Honestly, we caused a little chaos in downtown Bradenton.
Finally got a chance to give Evan those shoes today and Bradenton because we were like, what better thing to do today than try to, I don't even know what to call it. Learn a new sport. Yeah. Soaping? Soaping. We just started calling it soaping. I just want to get out there and soap. Because the original grind shoes were just called soaps. So soaping, whatever. Now these are a different brand, Mike? They went extinct.
but came back just recently. I think if I would have had a skateboard at the park, it would have been a good time. This was even more fun than that. I mean, these were much more...
to a beginner. You guys are just as good as any pro now, and it took you literally an hour, and you were grinding everything. I think it's misleading that these are just shoes. So it's like, oh, you're just wearing shoes. It's still kind of dangerous. You're on a four-footed trail with the stairs. For sure. I mean, you could really risk it all. I'm not taking that away. I think it's a slept-on sport. Everyone thinks skateboarding is dangerous, but I think these things are about maybe more dangerous than...
Because of the false confidence, you can just jump on something big and get wrecked just as hard. Hold them up one more time. I guess, so for the viewers that are wondering what exactly they're talking about, these are shoes that have plastic pieces in the middle. And Mike showed the podcast, what, two podcasts ago? A couple ago, yeah. He had bought them for Evan and surprised him with them today. The boys went absolutely hard.
You guys might have been two of the only three people in the world wearing soap shoes today. I think they're going to make a comeback over the next year. I think we're going to see some TikToks, some Instagram reels. There's going to be these shoes. We should have worked a deal out with them before we set the video live because I have a feeling a lot of kids are going to want to wear them. The best part...
Two was like going into Zoomies, getting these crazy outfits. Like the Y2K vibes, baggy pants. They're like making their way back in and it just felt right. We just, we got some crazy outfits and Evan looks...
arguably better than I, apparently I just look normal, which is obviously, uh, you would just wear a shirt like that. Yeah. The shirt, like the, everything, like everyone's just like, you just, you just look normal. Everything Mike put on, we were trying to make him look funny, but we're like, this looks like your normal outfit. That's a compliment, dude. You can pull off a lot of stuff, I guess. It was, it was like, no, it was, it was like, I think it's what we call a backhanded compliment. Cause I was like, come on, somebody tell me I look good. Everyone's just like, uh,
You look normal. Juicy J vibes right there. I never thought I'd be wearing an Ed Hardy hat, and I still don't know if I like it, but what is this? It's got a giant embroidered tiger on it. You look like a guy I could never trust. Like you would do some kind of shady business deal with me wearing a hat like that. You guys know like- Like you got a get rich quick scheme. Dude.
I had to buy this with my own money. Those guys got the company card on their outfits. Well, yeah, we're not going to just buy you a shirt because you're obsessed with sexy red. That's not what I meant.
That's not how things work around here. True, dude. I'm blessed. Like, this guy is so obsessed with sexy red. We were walking by this store and just had a bunch of different T-shirts that had these graphics on them. And he obviously spotted out sexy red like he sniffed it out. No, I went in the store because you went in, Ben. And I was like, okay, let's fucking stop in here for a second. And then I saw the sexy red shirt. And next thing you know, I'm at the register getting one. Yeah, I mean, I just love sexy red. I think she is...
A lyrical genius. The lyrical genius of our generation. That's what sexy red does to a man. Just because Ben goes in to buy a bootleg Minnesota Vikings shirt didn't mean you had to buy a sexy red shirt. No, it didn't, but I wanted to, Evan. That's what I mean. You wanted it. You kind of tried to blame it on Ben, but you wanted it. Ben presented me with the opportunity. I wouldn't even step foot in that store. But then when I saw the sexy red shirt, I was like, holy shit, I need this. So...
Obviously, I'm probably going to be wearing it for the next, I mean, seven days. Yeah, you're not taking that thing off. I'm pretty proud of it, honestly. Us three walking around. I mean, you guys grinding all your things and then me filming it. And we're out in like downtown. Public. Public. Like a public place. You got them, but then you got me with the camera. Everyone's got to be thinking, what a motley crew. Yeah. Like, wow.
What a bunch of fucking idiots. That's a good name for a band. What a Motley Crue. Yeah. No, 100%. Ryan, you are so lucky that you were not with today. You would have absolutely hated it. You'd have hated it so much. Why? Because I'm uncoordinated? No, because you hate when we are embarrassing out in public. Yeah. And today was the epitome of that.
of embarrassment in public. Wait, who was embarrassed? I mean, I wasn't embarrassed. I mean, I wasn't that embarrassed either. But like, you had a lot of eyes on you of people like, what the fuck are these people doing? Like, from just your outfit to filming to the way we were acting and then these guys absolutely vandalizing...
The public Soaping's not a crime When you're a part When you're a part of a Cutting edge Extreme sport You can't worry about What other people think No I was low key actually Kind of hoping the cops would come And then we'd have like a You know They'd be like Listen like
Skateboards only here. No soaping. It's illegal to be this cool. Soaping is not a crime. We could have sold those shirts. It would have been great. Well, we were trying to... It was coming back. I think you guys might be at the forefront. We were in some risque...
and I thought you guys were for sure going to get jammed up in some way. But most people just looked at you like you were just running around. Dude, it's Florida. It's Florida, man. I think they were thinking, what are these two full-grown-ass men dressed like complete...
doing hopping around on all these benches and stuff. Like, they just run up, hop on the bench, hop off, go hop on, like, a little block of cement for a second. We pull up to a spot, hop out of the Suburban, and we're, like, obviously... The hit and runs were my favorite. We just pull up, hop out, catch a quick grind, get back in the rig and go. That's when people were really caught off guard because they got, like, a little worried with the way we, like...
We hop out. Everyone's piling out of this suburban. They're like, what the fuck's going on? Sexy red on the speakers. Two people start like, No, we were. We were rolling around listening to sexy red. We were trying to get amped up. And then, everyone's rolling up the windows and locking the doors. Like, whoa, whoa, we're just trying to grind the rail. Or like, you're like eating at a restaurant outside on like the kind of like the outside part of it. And then, these people just come sprinting by you hopping on the rails and shit. None of the stuff we were doing was
was cool to anyone. But so they're probably like, are they paying this guy? Now I'm confused because I just heard the last eight minutes have been how cool this whole thing was. I thought it was pretty cool. It was cool. It was cool. I don't even know what Mike's talking about. I agree. We should...
We shredded today, Mike. Maybe this is all getting cut. We're going to have to watch this back. Yeah, what else do we got? We've been talking about these shoes for 40 minutes. Well, what else do we got? I mean, dude, we're in Florida. We've been traveling. The last podcast was insane. We were just with Cletus again this week, and he let us
come down to the freedom uh factory and and we brought the mini truck the red mini truck and you know what i want to say is is cletus this is like the first time i've got to actually spend some you know a little bit of time with him and get to know him he is such a genuine good person dude is the best if not the most also so smart and uh
I'm not surprised one bit, but it was just really cool to get to sit down, talk with him, and get to know him. So big shout out to Cletus. Not that he needs it, but just for having us out. It's always nice or interesting to see what these people are like. And we talked about it a little bit last podcast when we were actually with these guys.
Just like the coolest part is just figuring out, you know, what they're like when like the veil is off and you hope that they are as genuine or as entertaining or just like what makes them special. Because a lot of times it's just a facade. And with the guys that we were with last weekend, that's not a show. There's a reason that they're that successful. But yeah, Cletus, dude, is the absolute best. What you see is what you get with them. I love Florida. Feels good to be back down here. I did feel a little cooped up in the house yesterday.
today because i had to edit this podcast for the previous one but i was sitting here and after my big win sports betting last night that was legit i put in another bet for the super bowl of course he did he's hooked keep in mind the bet that ryan's talking about he got that hundred free dollars to do it and you made big win on that i did a four-leg parlay at a hundred dollars because you get a hundred dollar free bet
And I won $650. So you made $750 out of thin air. Pretty much, yeah. Did you put it all on the line for the Super Bowl? No, I didn't. I put 20 down on a 17-leg parlay that if I win, gives me $1,700. Oh, wow. There's no chance. But if I hit, it'd be legendary. What'd you do with the rest?
i'd saved it put it into a 401k got some in stock some in bonds but picked up some silver smart yeah you're not you're not speaking evan's language i would have put it on red 18 i went to the bar and bought everybody a drink no that that's a bad investment i've never understood that one buying the whole bar around these people might be great but at least you get some street cred then yeah have you ever done it
Never more than like 10 people. You know, even eight people, six bucks a drink. You know, it seems innocent. You're just like, cripes, did I really need to do that? I don't even know these people. It's like, what's the point? So back when we first started the channel, well, a couple of years in maybe, we were doing like these gifts where like,
Really? Until we spent my bar tab. Remember that? I don't know if it was that way. I thought, I think I was thinking like we would just go there, not necessarily my gift, but we'd just go there and like pay the bar and be like, yo, we're going to do an open tab. But you know, I was maybe just trying to get like the street cred at the time. Yeah. Maybe like four grand. I don't think that would probably go that far if the bar was like that. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. I'm pretty sure it would have costed more.
than I was expecting at the time. That just made me think of that. Ben gets a dirt bike. CJ just gets one night at the bar. Just a superstar. What is... You're like a single college kid. Yeah. Or college age kid. And you would be, dude. You know, I would have been a fucking superstar. What is street cred even worth? Nothing. Nothing. I mean, for you to ask that question wearing that...
outfit right now. You look like that's what you try to pay for things in because you don't have real money. First and foremost, the company you own bought me this outfit. Second, cash broke street cred rich. I don't know. I mean, street cred, do you even care what a bunch of old people at the bar think? Or maybe it's young people. No, it'd be like a college bar. Listen, I don't agree with my...
thought process then but I was just trying to think of a video idea that also integrated into like our actual life and made us cooler. Don't get me wrong. I like an open bar time. It would have been a bad video. That's why we didn't do it. It would apply to like one of those things that you say often because usually you can put a price on it but street cred can't put a price on that.
But if you up your street cred based on an open bar tab that costs you $4,000, you can put a price on it. You'd be pretty popular within that group of people. Yeah, for like 12 minutes. You buy somebody a drink and it lasts for about as long as that drink. And as soon as it's gone... Most people don't even care. They're just like, what a fucking idiot. They just bought me a drink. Yeah, pretty much. So what I do have to say is one time I was at a local college bar.
And this murmur started to flow through the crowd that there was an open bar tab. And I was like,
like really let's go check this out and you walk up there and I go hey I'll take two drinks and they go okay it's an open tab and I go just kidding I'll have six beers and then you just act like a rock star off this guy's tab so everybody's carrying around a bunch of drinks and the bar was crazy but I don't remember who the guy was but I do remember that he made the bar an open tab that night it sounds pretty suspicious yeah I think
the rumor was that like that night that the guy of course it probably wasn't true that the guy came into some oil money which sounds really dumb so I would assume that he probably stole a credit card and was just like I'm gonna buy the bar on it he wanted to oil you up
All right. So, anyways. All right. So, we also went and made a little pit stop and met up with the Boosted Boys. They had a 2000 Honda Odyssey, the ultimate sleeper. The outside does not look special in any way. It looks like a salvage title Honda Odyssey. Okay.
It has a Tesla plaid drivetrain, like the screens, everything in it, and it's fucking fast. Wait, a model like X or S? I think it's actually the car. It doesn't matter. The best part was it was the S so that it could do donuts. It could do donuts with it. Ken, you should have seen Ken. This dude was waistbanding it. What?
Like, I mean, he was walking, trying to fucking tuck his boner down. He was like, let me see this thing. And we got him a little ride along in it. Did some donuts. It was impressive. Honestly, it was very cool. I wish we could have taken it to the streets.
and just blowing the doors off. A couple, like, maybe, like, a Mustang or even, like, a C8 Corvette or someone who thinks they're fast that spent, you know, 100 grand on their vehicle and then this fucking minivan blows the doors off. A really shitty minivan. And you go home after that, like, what the fuck? Yeah, like, it was arguably the best sleeper out there. 100% the best sleeper. You don't even hear it coming up. That's true. It'd be one thing if you had a souped-up LSX in it.
You would hear that thing rumbling up to the line. You'd look at it, you'd go, okay, well, obviously, this guy's got something going on. But it's so, I mean, it's silent. So you don't think anything of it. And then he blows the doors off. And when you see a Tesla, you expect it to be quiet. But the van, I mean, it was just a rocket ship. Did they turn off that stupid...
Yeah, I didn't have that. Oh, nice. I think that minivan is like the epitome of what those guys are all about. Doesn't matter what the vehicle is or what it looks like. As long as it is so stupid fast, nothing else matters. Yeah, I mean, even their jet boat was faster than everyone else's.
But that's something I think that comes with the territory when your name is Boosted Boys. There's just something to be said about building all the power, all the drivetrain, and then not caring about how the paint looks and how the interior looks, whether it's gutted or whatever. I want it to be fast and look cool.
Yeah, I guess same. Mike's drift car is built different, dude. In a bad way. It's built shitty. It's built to look cool, but also not be fast. Or run. You're like running the polar opposite of them. Well, yeah, I guess what I'm saying is like. It still looks kind of bad. Yeah, like it looks cool. And then I pulled up to the drift track the one day and they were like, dang, you got like a pretty much a full interior. That's insane. And I was like.
This interior looks good to you guys because it looked like shit to me, but I just wasn't versed in having all the power and no looks. I would say I'm very refreshed after this trip because you guys, or we've all seen some gnarly cars, and I feel like I've been more of a performance over looks kind of guy. Yeah.
Yeah, you guys are on board with race cars now. Like, oh, it doesn't really matter what it looks like as long as it's fast as crap. And I think that's how I've always thought. There's more fun to be had. There's way more fun because keep in mind, it's like the whole you buy a Lambo, you attract a bunch of dudes. You're not attracting women with your Lambo. I think that the Lamborghini attracts the most women.
I will say. Dude, a Range Rover attracts more women than a Lamborghini. I could pick up more ladies in a Ford Ranger than Ben Kutner in a Lambo. Well, I'm not saying that you could. Yeah, that's very true. Do not argue that one bit. You pull up, dude, and go get in the
I've seen girls, you know, want to ride in Ben's Lamborghini. A lot of girls have been always like, no, no, I'm good. Like I got to go. No, you always say no. I'm just defending you. That's because he doesn't drive it. I guess what I'm saying though, is that you're always going to, you don't want to chip the paint. Cause it's too nice. I just drove it on a fucking lake.
I literally just drove it on frozen water. He makes a very valid point there. That was a pretty extreme ordeal. With all those screws, I'm actually amazed one didn't come out. Me too. Fucking go right through the motor. Yeah, that was... Wow. Yeah, there was a lot on the line. There was a lot on the line. At the time when you were doing it...
I don't even mean this as, like, I didn't think it was badass. It was just, like, normal to me. We were just more so like, I just hope nothing breaks on the car. Yeah, we were excited. But we weren't that, like. We were just excited. Like anything. I think we're so jaded at this point. Like, we knew what was at stake, but we didn't realize. The day that we finished, we got back to the shop. I told Ben that. Instead of all the car stuff we've done, this one was gnarly. The ice was safe, but it wasn't that bad.
thing it's not consistent you know there was good ice where we checked but you never know at this time of the year it's a Lamborghini there's a thousand screws in the tires that could come out I don't know I think it was pretty gnarly there was a lot on the line for that one for sure for sure yeah that meant a lot when Evan said that because it could have gone one of two ways it could have been like that compliment or been like yeah that was cheeto as fuck laughing
And I just seriously never know where this guy's going. I never know. If I were to have guessed what Evan was going to say about that, he's like, yeah, I mean, you fucking took the car out on the lake and you drove it around a little bit. No, he actually ripped it, though. That was a big thing. He drove it up and down kind of fast. That's how you would have said it. He ripped it.
I'll give it to Ben. That was a good one. Why are you so opinionated? And I feel like this just happened in the last like six months where you just really ramped it up. I feel like everyone should be opinionated. Like, I don't disagree with that being wishy-washy. I don't disagree that one side or the other and stick with it. I'm on this side and then I'll defend that side. It,
It's not always like needs to be an argument. It'll just be like I'm on this side and I'll toss out my few reasons why I feel that way. I know. I know. I do agree. I would say that I'm opinionated too. There's not many things that I guess I don't feel like I have an opinion on. But I feel like you've really ramped it up in the last six months where like if I get caught eating the wrong cereal around you, I'm going to hear about it. Like are you just going through a phase of rebel? Yeah.
I think it's kind of like that because the vibe I was getting, like, I hate to use this as an example because you really don't strike me and you never have striked me as a person who would listen to Greta Van Fleet. And you said everyone... I hate Greta Van Fleet. I know. There it is. Cheeto. And I verbatim have gotten... I'll just out you on this. You're like, yeah, I just feel like...
I haven't given him a shot or anything, but like I've just hated on him for so long that I would be like, I couldn't do it to myself to turn back. So I just never even tried, thought about it. That's like looking at an ugly girl and being like, I didn't really date her for a bit and give her a shot. I already know it sucks. But is everyone is everyone talking about this ugly girl around you?
That's the biggest thing. You're like, I've been against them, not a fan for so long that I got to stick to my guns, which I appreciate, but that's just being rebellious versus opinionated. Shit, dude. You know? Like, there's a few things that you're so opinionated on, and then there's some things that you're just like, ah, dude, I've had this opinion for so long, I just kind of got to stick to my guns. And I'm like, for what reason? You're like, I don't know.
Dude, I had to stand by the fire and listen to you and Jake play Greta Van Fleet for an hour. Hated every second of it. I don't know. Maybe a bad example, but I remember you saying that about like, you're like, I just kind of that way sometimes. Like, you know, something everyone loves and I just, I don't know, I'm not really against it, but like. Yeah, I'm happy that you like them. I'm not mad at you for liking them.
If that's what you're saying. No, yeah. I was saying it's good to have an opinion on something, but then when the opinion is on it for no good reason. Is there ever a good reason for an opinion? I think so, yeah. All right, you're probably right. Evan, you should wear that outfit tomorrow in the airport. Will you? Ryan, you sure you want to ride with all of us? All right, yeah. So as of now, I...
100% planning on wearing the soap shoes in case there's an escalator barista. There'll for sure be something you can try on. I suppose you got pretty lathered up today. But I don't know if I can wear the full fit. Is it uncomfortable? Okay, so these pants almost feel like plastic of some sort. Very sweaty. My undercarriage. I'm growing rutabaggies down there.
He has been complaining about it since about 20 minutes after he put it on. He's been saying how he's been sweating under his pants all day. You could keep expensive cigars down there. It's a humidor. It's like a greenhouse. It's moist. Evan takes his pants off and there's moss growing. Oh my gosh. Little mushrooms. Spores. Well, we got to get up early, so you might as well get liquored.
I'm probably not even going to sleep tonight. Then I can get a good nap on the plane. Good, because you won't keep me up with your snoring. Do I snore that bad? Yes. Ridiculous. I would play the video. All of you guys do. CJ doesn't. He sleep talks. I'm bummed about it. He walks and screams. Actually, though, so me and CJ...
In the same room in this Airbnb. Dude, I would rather sleep with CJ a hundred times over than sleep in the same room as you guys. Really? You said it. You're not as bad, but like I would never, like. Over Mike. Dude, I would rather sleep outside on the golf course than sleep with Mike. Gavin has been, dude. He's been sleeping on the couch. Yeah, it's terrible. Mike sounds like a full-blown fighter jet at night. Like you're sleeping next to it. A fighter jet's giving him too much credit.
He kind of sounds like a... An off-brand pit bike. No, like a... Come on, like a hammed LS7, dude. No, dude. I'm talking you sound like the sound that Tow Mater makes in cars when he's not running right. Just like a real rough running...
And the way I look at it, dude, I'm really bummed about it. Like, I basically, you know, I have a physical condition. Like, I can't sleep anywhere without. Don't make fun of his condition. No, I just feel, like, bad for everyone around me. I need to see a doctor's note. And I know I probably am going to need to get more than a doctor's note someday. I'll definitely have to get a CPAP.
I don't want to sleep in a CPAP. I've seen people that do it. It looks annoying. Yeah, just punish your friends and family by snoring. I think you can get it figured out. I think you can. But you say, like, just punish them like I have a choice. It's saying, like, don't sweat in your sleep. Don't steal the covers in your sleep. Don't sleepwalk. Don't yell in your sleep. Don't sleep with your eyes open. Don't piss the bed. Don't piss the bed. To be fair, you can sleep pretty much anywhere, Mike. So I think you'll be okay. Yeah.
So, common courtesy, I slept out here two nights, slept in there one night. But yeah, dude, I'm jealous of you. Like, Ryan snores, but it's just average. Just some average snoring. Never loud, never quiet. Just there. Just always there. You can fall asleep to it.
I think there's a thing called like mouth tape or something like that. You tape your mouth shut because it's something to do with the way your jaw is. I got to try like, and I don't want to do this either, but they have mouth guards that like slightly push your bottom jaw out, which would open up your airways. But I'm like, I don't want to have an underbite on accident or something. Got to get braces again for headgear. Ev snores too. And then Ev's sporadic. When did you start snoring?
Honestly, I haven't caught myself snoring before, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. He's normally sleeping. This is all alleged. I'm not even sure if I do. Don't you have a video, Ryan? It's like an orchestra. It was so ridiculous. Yeah, dude. The other day, when we were in Utah last week, we were all in one room. The whole crew fell asleep before I did, and it was like...
Someone was snoring over here. Someone was snoring over here. And then someone was snoring over here. Yeah, you got all three of them. It was legit hitting like... And it was just like reverberating around the room. And there's nothing worse when it's out of rhythm too. If it's smooth enough, you know, you can kind of just like... Yeah.
Go back and forth, and then eventually you're sleeping. But when it's, like, all over the place, hitting every single note at every single time, nothing worse. CJ, on the first night, I woke up in the middle of the night to him, like, standing by the door. Oh, no. Standing by the door drinking water, like...
And then, like, crinkling it and is, like, on his phone. And I'm like, what the fuck is this dude doing right now? And then next thing I know, he's, like, over here. And then he's in the bathroom. And then he's walking around. He opens up the door and looks how close is it. I thought for sure he was just sleepwalking. I was like, this dude spends half of his night sleepwalking? So he wasn't? I get terrible sleep. He wasn't sleepwalking? I don't know. I still, what were you doing? I think partying.
Part of it, I was awake. I couldn't sleep that well. Well, do you remember? The way he makes it sound, I just thought I maybe got up, went to the bathroom. Yeah, what's your side of the story? We heard his. Got up, went to the bathroom, drank water.
By the door standing there for a couple minutes. That sounds about right. I mean, maybe it's just. But I do have a, I'm notorious for sleepwalking. Maybe it's because we spend so much time together, but maybe we are weird sleepers. Because Ken, you came out of your room the other night and then I was like. Oh, yeah. And then I was just like, what are you doing? And then you're just like, what are you doing?
And I'm like, I'm just out on the, you know, I was still awake. You're like, you're like, uh, I can't sleep. But you were carrying one of your pillows and then you just set it on the island in the kitchen and then went to, took like a 10 minute long pee and then went back to bed. And then I was like, yeah, what was that about? You're like, I don't remember doing that.
Wait, you left your pillow on the kitchen? Yeah, you brought the pillow to the kitchen counter. It made no sense. Oh, and then on the second night, I was just going to bed, and I was kind of on my phone, and CJ had fallen asleep. I just see a shadow of him sit up, and I'm like, kind of stop scrolling, and I look over, and he's looking at me, and he goes, oh, what the fuck? Like, didn't finish his sentence. And I'm like, what? What?
He's like, oh, I didn't know who you were for a second. It's like, how often does this happen? It actually happened twice, though, because I did it last night, too, where I go to bed earlier than you guys because you guys are staying up doing nothing. Hell yeah. Just chilling. So I go to bed a little earlier probably because I sleep terribly. I also woke up again last night. I don't know. You were laying over there. I'm used to sleeping with my girlfriend.
And it kind of felt like we were... I'm kind of used to sleeping in a king-size bed, and it was the same setup. I was on that side. Looked over, and it was dark. I was like, that is not Alex. And I was like, what the fuck? I kind of was like, how did I end up in this situation? Yeah, it was like you woke up, and then I paused, and then I moved. I think I got away and touched you. I pushed you on your back. Yeah, I think you poked me or something. I was like...
And then that's when I was like, what? Then I knew it was Ben. And I was like, oh, yeah, that's right. We were just on a trip. So the funniest part to me is that we are in an Airbnb. There are six beds, seven guys. Yeah. Four of them are bunk beds in the same room. Yeah. There are only two of us, me and Ryan, sleeping in the room with the bunk beds. Yeah.
You guys are choosing to sleep together just for... Well, one of us would have to go sleep in the bunk bed with the snoring and the non-farter. And also then if you do that... You'd rather cuddle your cousin? Are you from Alabama? I'm not cuddling him. If I go and do that, then Mike might decide he wants to sleep in a bed and not on a couch. He wasn't told to sleep on the couch, nor was Gavin. That's what I mean. Two people are choosing... No, you drove these guys out.
What did I do? That's the commanding. This is your fault. Honestly, you guys need to get on my sleep program. 12 Twisted Tees, AirPods in, sleep till morning.
You don't, though, dude. You're snoring like crazy. You're probably like suffocating. Isn't that part of snoring? Oh, no. I think it's like you're basically suffocating. I think I do have an apnea thing. My girlfriend's been worried that I'm about to die because I don't breathe for like a minute and a half. And then I just like...
It's a thing. I think it's normal. Is that popcorn lung fucking coming in? Okay, so I'd like to talk about that. You guys grill me about my vaping and my popcorn lung, which vaping is a terrible habit that I'll get over someday. However...
When we went in the pool and we were doing this swimming challenge, I would argue that Ben is the healthiest. He's the youngest. And he did the worst other than Ken. We don't need to get into that. No, that's because I'm a terrible swimmer. The swimming is fine, but the time you spent underwater doesn't matter how good you are at swimming. He won. He took first. He held his breath longer than everyone. Yeah, I held my breath the longest.
Until Ryan did it. Well, I'm just saying, you guys give me a lot of grief about popcorn. However, there have been many situations. I was impressed with how long you could hold your breath, Evan. And then also today, me and Mike are like, literally, we almost burnt a concrete skate park down. You were running around. That shouldn't even be possible. Not that hard.
Ben does one lap around the bowl, and he's like, wow, that was a lot of work. I'm huffing and puffing. Here, me and Mike are out here grinding. I'd like to see any of you guys run a mile. I would do it, but I'm kind of lazy right now. I don't like lifting weights, but another thing I was interested in, I'm not trying to call you out, because Evan was the best swimmer. Back a week ago when we were snowmobiling, you were amazing.
steam engine just huffing and puffing. I'm like, Evan, let's go do this. And you're like, I can't risk getting that out of breath again, which is fair. You know, literally me and altitude, it doesn't work. But even when I was, I'm back to 15 years old, go on a ski trip, get up in the altitude like that, dude. And, uh, as soon as I can't breathe, I feel like I'm losing my breath. My anxiety kicks in. Yeah. And, uh, and then it's a compiling problem. Like I'm dude. Yeah. You are truly a different person on the mountains.
Yeah, well, because I can't breathe. I feel like I'm going to... I go into survival mode. Yeah. It's like, this is not a day of pleasure. This is a day of survival. And I hate it. That makes so much sense. You never really explain that. But like, when we're out snowmobiling, I'm like, yo, hit this. And you're like, no. I'm like...
I don't think you've ever turned down doing something. For the record, you were also riding like you'd... You know, if you guys remember way back, Ryan was riding like a little bit of a wuss. And then we were like, Ryan, sorry. Dude, Mike is just coming out swinging, dude. It was when we were with David and then we were like, Ryan lost his mojo. It was super funny. We were like, Ryan lost his mojo. Yeah, I lost my mojo for a little bit. And then on this last trip, Ryan got it back. And I was like, dude, it's so sick that Ryan got his mojo back. It's...
Super bummer that Evan lost it on that same trip, though. I didn't lose my mojo. I just couldn't breathe. You did lose your mojo. I know how to ride a snowmobile. No, but then you'd come in. I'd be like, all right, Evan, you've been sitting in that corner for half an hour. You've got to run up and hit this for Ben. We've got to get a couple clips of you, man. And then you're like, meh. And then you're like, why did I even try? Yeah, like I didn't even want to. No good running pieces. I'm just busting your balls. No good pieces. Shit, fuck you.
I agree. I literally... We were out in some excellent snowmobiling conditions and I literally didn't ride. I literally just went...
To the spot. I never sessioned a spot. I just didn't want to push it. I was just chilling. Do you have an inhaler with you? I don't, and that was the thing. That morning, not a single gas station sold the oxygen in a can. But, like, when we were in Breckenridge, like, every gas station within 100 miles, right on the counter. Because there's a lot more people in Colorado that have popcorn lungs. It must be. But, yeah, I just wasn't... I mean, I guess you could say I didn't have my mojo, but...
They couldn't breathe, right? I'm just having such a hard time taking you seriously.
Is it the hat or the trousers? I'm getting the full show of the whole outfit. You're capped off, red on both ends. Dude, I feel fresh as fuck. You want to know what's crazy? I had that exact same hat in like 2003. I was thinking that after, I think Ben picked this hat out for me today. It's reversible. Yeah. Blue and red, yeah. Yeah, and it's blue on the inside, but the one I had,
Was gray and black on the inside and then red and orange on the outside. But exactly the same concept. Like the flames and everything. Yeah, it's so funny. If you caught me back in first or second grade, like I was running it hard. Out at recess, getting all sweaty, wearing your snow gear. At recess, coming back in, a little sweat ball. Yes. Yes.
You guys ever get injured on the playground as kids? Yeah. Yeah, I did one time, but I've already told that story on this podcast. I got pushed down on the playground. It's just a classic, like, falling from... I guess there's those bubbles, but that's why I fell off the top of the bubble and just landed straight on the ground. Wind knocked out of me. But if you've never... If you're a little kid and you get the wind knocked out of you... Oh, you think you're dying. I was, like...
What is happening to me? Like, yeah, I just, yeah, never felt, yeah. A couple weeks ago, I got the wind knocked out of me. I thought I was dying. You, no, but you. You don't have to be young to think that you're dying when you can't breathe. So that's a good point. So you got hit so hard that you thought you were dying. But now, if I fell on my dirt bike and I got the wind knocked out of me, but that's all that happened. If I just like flew too far to flat and then I just kind of went doof, I'd be like, I'm good, boys. I just got the wind.
out of me. That's already two minutes later hindsight. At the moment, all you know is you hit the ground hard. You can't breathe. You can't breathe. Yeah, but I know that feeling. And you can't look at you and go, oh, I'm fine. Yeah, but how do you know the difference? How could you tell on that impact if you're not breathing?
If you just got the wind knocked out of you or if your lungs are collapsed and you're not going to be able to breathe again. You don't know. Just an instance. It's the same thing. If I fell off the monkey bars today and I just landed straight on my back, I would go, I got the wind knocked out of me. But when I was five years old, I was like, what is happening? I think I'm dying. One time on the playground, I was playing on like this Eiffel Tower. Ha ha ha.
Why is that funny? Why is that funny? Which ones of your friends were involved? No, I did like this backflip off of this like rope thing onto the ground. It was maybe like three feet.
Three feet off of it. I just remember coming around on the backflip and I was like, oh, I'm way too short on this. And just like clotheslining my face on like the rope on it. What you think about every time you backflip off of something, like if you're like going into the water off of a diving board or something like that. And I just clipped my face on the rope and I backflip blocked for a long time after that. But I remember that. Justin ran full speed into like, you know what the tennis court,
things the net used to be held up to. It was just like a concrete pylon thing that's about yay tall. And he ran full speed into it. And people said he hit the pole like Woody Woodpecker and both his legs and arms went out. He slid down. Yeah, he was okay though. I gotta go pee. Intermission. Dude, you guys would absolutely hate...
And Sydney does hate it how I grocery shop, and it's the most Micah thing ever. I just show up, no list, maybe a list. Oh, yeah. Probably not a list. Just throw everything that you like in the cart. Yeah, but not only that, I'm like, the most effective way I can grocery shop is just go down every aisle. I actually do that. Is there anyone that doesn't do that right now? Do you? No, I do that, dude. Why?
on every aisle. Even if you have a list, you literally just weave your way through every aisle. I like to go to the back.
So I go to the farthest back aisle. That's where the drinks are. Like grab a case of water, maybe a case of Mountain Dew. And then you work your way back. And regardless of what order you do it in, that does make me feel a lot better. Like I was like, dude, I'm such a weirdo. Like I'm so slow. I just go in there and I just love going through every aisle just in case. It's the same stuff every time. But like, just in case I have a different craving for something else. And it makes me spend, uh,
at least an hour in there. Yeah. Which is just kind of unnecessary, but. Over the last like three or four months, I've been on this diet where I don't eat out and I have to follow this strict diet and all this shit, right? Grocery shopping's got to be pretty easy for you now. It is. It is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, and that's the other thing too. Like I know exactly what I can have and what I can't have. I've came to the conclusion that
that cooking at home is way more expensive than eating out. That's not true. That's not. I will argue. Maybe it's just what I can eat and compared to what I was spending eating out because like I have to eat like meats and like things like that.
where it's just not cheap dude every time i go to the grocery store which is like twice a week it's at least 150 bucks it's that it's that meat bro yeah you're a special case if you ate steak three meals a day at a restaurant it's gonna be more than eating it three yeah it'd be
It'd be horrendous. Three times a day. Which you weren't doing before. You were not getting steaks every time you had to eat. That's true. But either way, I think going to the grocery store is like way more expensive than you would think. I remember I posted on my Snapchat, yeah, spending like 250 bucks at the grocery store. And then a bunch of people responded like, it's not that much. What you just spent is not that crazy. Especially if you got a family, dude. Yeah. Yep. Like you're probably spending three to 400 a week.
If you have a four person, so yourself, your wife, and two kids, you're probably doing 400 a week. Yeah, and it's gotten really, really, really out of hand. And I never know, dude, also, I went down on the whole rabbit hole on TikTok of this dude who's explaining which...
companies are family owned and which ones are pretty much owned by like BlackRock and all the big blah, blah, blah. You know, there's like the cage free eggs that are $8.50 a case. That's a sham. I agree. Can we talk about it? We can. And then there's the other case of eggs that- Are they better? Do they taste better? I think they do. I think they taste a little better. Like they're bigger and they're- I don't know if they're bigger. They're just bigger eggs. No, the ones that she gets are- Because you can get the jumbo- Because they're full of hormones. They're actually worse for you.
I'm just saying. Have you guys watched, are you familiar with Super Size Me? Yeah, it's a classic. The original Super Size Me is about the guy eating the McDonald's. And then there's a second Super Size Me where the guy opens a chicken restaurant. He wants to meet all the qualifications to be healthy.
And they go into a farm. And like a small example is when they say free range chickens, that makes you think that what's free range chickens. They're just like wandering out in a pasture out in the grass. Yeah, I think what Evan's about to say should be known. It literally, they show the farm. So they got the normal chickens right here in a huge barn. Next door, they have the exact same barn with a fence that protrudes like six feet.
They just open a garage door and the fence bumps out. It's so crazy. So technically, those chickens could walk outside. However, all the chickens that are in that barn are all like cornered up in the dark in the corner. Exactly the same as... Trying to get their food. Exactly the same as the chickens in the barn that aren't free range. They just have the option to be free range. Interesting. It's just a sham. Yeah.
Such a passionate man. Dude, when I heard that, I was like, of course it is all a sham. And so that's where it confuses me, the whole like, let's just call it a $10 carton of eggs. And then you have your $2 carton of eggs, which is obviously not cage-free. And then you have everything in between. And I'm like, none of it makes sense. And I was like, I just want eggs that are good. And I just wish I knew the shit that I was buying. I just wanted to know that it doesn't have shit in it.
It does. Everything does. I wish I knew which stuff didn't, and I would pay good money for it. And I agree with that. Like what you just said, $2.50 for a carton of eggs, or $8 or $10. But when you find out that they're literally exactly the same, that's discouraging. If you knew that they were truly...
better for you. You could justify that money. But then to find out... I have a hard time believing all of them are that way. And I'm not kidding you. My mom would always get cage-free eggs. Whatever eggs Alex is getting are actually... I don't even want to know the price of them, but they're bigger. There is something different. But are they from, say, a local farm? They come in a different box and everything. I really don't even want to know the price.
price of them. Do they come from a big box store or do they come from someone local? I think if you are buying. I have no fucking clue. All I know is they're good eggs that she was like, these are really the best eggs you can get. But she just will not disclose that price. Oh, I didn't want to. I didn't ask. I didn't care. But I think what it means is you buy stuff like that, your vegetables, your meats, your eggs, stuff like that from someone local. Yeah.
Then you actually know. Or you raise them yourself. You go to the big box store and overpay for the one with that one sentence that says, it's better. Yeah, I mean, if you're going to Walmart, you're probably not getting that good of eggs. No, it's all shit. If you're going to Dollar General, you're not getting that good of eggs. Like, I mean, it's all like pretty, like you say. Yeah.
But if you're going, I don't know where, you could obviously, if you're going to somewhere small, you probably could trust them a lot more at some place, a certain place. You got to do your research. Unless you get them from the guy that produced them, you'll never know. Really. That's very true. 100%. You never will. Oh, man. Yeah, we really went down on a rabbit hole there. But, you know, these are the questions that we have that people are asking. Yeah.
Are they? It all started from a give or take on Aldi. Yeah, never been there, but I mean... I'm curious to see what other people...
Have to say about it, though. Good or bad? Well, I had a really good time at Trader Joe's. Never had been there before either. Went in there, and I'm just like, oh, yeah. So, like, they had Trader Joe's has their own branded marshmallows. And then I'm, like, looking, oh, they have their own branded lettuce. Oh, they have their own brand. And then I kind of, like, start realizing. I was like, oh. Everything. Yeah, everything. Oh, really? It's Trader Joe's brand. Oh, wow. I envision Trader Joe's Twisted Tea tasting like Arnie Palmer. No one wants that.
Really? Wait, that's what? You don't like Arnold Palmer? One of the best teas ever made on the planet. But you like Twisted Tea. Time out now. I agree. Like an Arnold Palmer is a tea and lemonade. I enjoy tea and lemonade. That's an Arnold Palmer. The pre-
canned beverages marketed as Arnold Palmer's are trash compared to Twisted Tea. Except for if it's Arizona branded. That's not an alcohol tea.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. You're saying the alcoholic Arizona or the alcoholic Arnold Palmer teas. Yeah, yeah. It's like a brand of alcoholic drink, Arnold Palmers. Yeah. Yeah. Those aren't as good. Absolute trash. Yes. I mean, I would assume that...
Like the biggest Twisted Tea drinker I know would have that opinion on it. Hey, I love Twisted Teas. On the competitor. The only thing that competes with a Twisted Tea is a two-turn Tony, and I love them dearly. So good. And I really honestly don't know which one I like more because they are a close tie. I'll say it. But any other tea beverage on the market? Not even close. Dump it down the sink. I don't want nothing to do with it. The Lipton ones gave me a run for my money, but two Twisted Teas.
Two-turn Tonys all the way. Would you drink, if you weren't looking for an alcoholic beverage, would you drink the Arizona brand Arnold Palmer? Love them. Those are good. Love them. 99 cents at the gas station? Love them. No, I love the Arnold Palmer drink. Okay. Just not the alcoholic branded one. Yeah, those aren't that good. Those are trash. Okay.
You guys have met probably a handful of people, as I have, that just are against shopping at Walmart. My girlfriend's dad. Yeah, I won't go too far into that. I just find that I don't think there's anything wrong with it or that anybody should be above it, but there are times...
that you shouldn't go, and there are cities that you probably shouldn't visit it in. But other than that, I think Walmart's probably one of the most convenient places to exist. I just saw a video of a guy riding a four-wheeler through Walmart. Really? Yeah, full-blown race squad. Like a Raptor. And the caption was, at least he's not stealing. You know it was one of those 12 o'clock boys too. I saw that video. I know. He did a hot lap. He definitely went in the far right exit.
Or entrance and then just went out the other side square. Yeah. I'm sure those Walmart were like, what are they going to do? They don't even stop shoplifting. They're going to let that guy. What is it? You can shoplift like up to $900 worth and they can't stop you or something. Really? When me, Mike and Ken, we went into Walmart to grab some groceries on, on this trip. Yeah. For the Airbnb. And it was a good time, but, uh, just classic, uh,
You know, we go through the checkout. We pay for our shit. You get this big, long receipt. You throw it in the garbage.
You get to the door. There's some old man that says, can I see your receipt? And then you just have to say, we don't have the receipt. And he tries to argue with you. And then you just walk out the door. And it somehow feels like you did something wrong. You're like, we didn't. We went into a store. We paid for it. Now we're going out. And they put this person in place to check you. You know what's funny, too, is they always have, like, an elderly person doing that job.
If they were that fucking worried about it, maybe they'd put a security guard that had some power to stop the people. And I feel terrible because I don't want to disrespect the elderly, but it's like, my God. Yeah, I think that's what they're banking on. I just bought some pizza rolls and a couple bags of Doritos. You bought pizza rolls? And I'm about to walk out the door like, fuck off.
Let me go. Normally, I don't know. They are exactly how you explained. I wish I, I wish I wasn't built this way. So I didn't have to correct you. The guy was so nice. We were like, we don't have a receipt. And then he's just like, uh, you know, that's all right. God bless you. And then I go, God bless you, man. And he goes, ah,
I love it. Like he was so excited that I said it back to him and he was like, but here's what I couldn't believe. Self checkout. They sell a beer and other stuff at, at Walmart's all across the country besides in Minnesota. I know there's a few other States like that.
get a couple cases for the whole crew. And we're self-checking it out. Someone has to come over. And I figure, like they would in Minnesota for sure, and at most places, they would go, well, these guys with you got to see their IDs too. Like that's just how it would go. That's standard process. And I had my ID out, and she looked at me and was just like,
saw that Ken was checking out and goes, I need your ID and just took his and that was it. It just seemed insane to me. Like we could have probably had a couple, two, three more guys with us and then she just checked Ken's ID. Like, you know, I just thought that was insane. But there's holes in that too because years ago, I'm 18. My cousin's two years younger than me, 16 years old. I feel like crap. I want to go get some Dayquil. Me and my cousin going to Walmart together, I pick up a...
Jug of Dayquil. We go to the self-checkout. Sends the alarm. She will not sell me Dayquil because my cousin is with me.
And he's 16 years old. That's what I'm saying. And I don't think that's right. Like, I need cold medicine. I'm sick. I don't think that's right either. And we had to leave it and just walk out. She checked. Yeah, she checked both of us. And she said, oh, you came in the store with him. You cannot buy cold medicine. I just thought it was unbelievable. I guess. Like, let's say you wouldn't have had your ID. And she tried to check all three of us. And you didn't have it. And she's like, I can't sell you this. We would have been pretty bummed.
And it was just, like, so convenient that she didn't check that. And in Minnesota, that would not fly. I mean, it's always, like...
You've got to assume that they're going to do their job and check everyone's IDs. In that instance, I was always the youngest kid in the group. And I just knew it was coming, and I would just walk away. As being the young kid or your cousin doing that, granted, you probably didn't know that was coming, but when you guys would go and buy beer somewhere, you just walk away versus put that impression
that employee like in a weird spot to be like i can obviously tell this kid isn't 21 you know like what do i do about that but all right on that note let's wrap it up thanks for uh listening to the podcast we'll see you guys next week peace