cover of episode The Drop | Steph Curry's Greatness & The NBA Oscars

The Drop | Steph Curry's Greatness & The NBA Oscars

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Jay Skeets
@Jay Skeets : 我认为斯蒂芬·库里在对阵魔术队的比赛中表现非常出色,他拿下了56分,其中包括12个三分球,并且在第三节比赛中个人得分就超过了魔术队。这场比赛充分展现了他的个人能力和投篮精准度,也带领勇士队取得了胜利。库里本赛季的表现可以用“一枝独秀”来形容,即使在吉米·巴特勒加盟后,他依然是球队进攻的核心。他能够在各种防守压力下找到得分机会,这得益于他精湛的投篮技巧和创造空间的能力。此外,他的罚球命中率极高,也是他得分的重要来源之一。总而言之,库里的表现不仅帮助球队赢得了比赛,也给球迷们带来了极大的视觉享受。 @Tass Mellis : 我同意Jay的观点,库里的表现确实令人印象深刻。这场比赛也反映出勇士队目前阵容的一些问题,他们在内线高度上明显处于劣势,这导致他们在上半场一度落后。然而,在库里半场压哨三分后,球队士气大振,并在下半场反超比分。这说明,即使球队存在阵容缺陷,只要库里能够保持状态,他们依然具备竞争力。 @Trey Kirby : 库里本场比赛的效率极高,他的56分是NBA历史上效率最高的55分之一。他不仅在得分上表现出色,还在关键时刻命中了决定比赛胜负的三分球。此外,他在第三节比赛中拿下了22分,这再次证明了他强大的得分能力。库里在比赛中展现了极强的个人能力,他的投篮选择和创造空间的能力让人叹为观止。 @JD : 库里的表现确实令人惊叹,他的得分能力和比赛影响力毋庸置疑。但这场比赛也暴露出勇士队在阵容深度上的不足,他们需要更多球员能够在关键时刻站出来分担压力。库里在比赛中展现了极强的个人能力,他的投篮选择和创造空间的能力让人叹为观止。此外,他的罚球命中率极高,也是他得分的重要来源之一。总而言之,库里的表现不仅帮助球队赢得了比赛,也给球迷们带来了极大的视觉享受。

Deep Dive

This chapter analyzes Stephen Curry's exceptional 56-point game against the Orlando Magic, examining his incredible shot-making, the impact of Jimmy Butler's presence, and the strategic adjustments made by coach Steve Kerr. The Warriors' lineup changes and the overall dynamics of the game are discussed.
  • Curry scored a season-high 56 points, making 12 three-pointers
  • His performance included his NBA record 26th career game with 10 or more three-pointers
  • The Warriors' lineup adjustments, particularly the inclusion of Quentin Post, significantly impacted the game's outcome
  • Curry's efficiency was remarkably high, making it one of the most efficient 50-point games in history

Shownotes Transcript

On Fri.'s ep. of No Dunks, the guys discuss Stephen Curry's 56-point performance vs. the Magic, Anthony Edwards facing suspension, and some hilarious Worst of the Week nominees from David Roddy, Jeremy Sochan, and 'Family Feud' at the Cavs game. That, plus we hand out some NBA Oscars for Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor, Best Visual Effects, and more.

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