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Fred Armisen: No Bald Cap

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Literally! With Rob Lowe

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Fred Armisen
Rick (听众)
Rob Lowe
Rob Lowe: 本期节目主要围绕着与弗莱德·阿米森的访谈展开,内容涵盖了两人在Netflix剧集《不稳定》中的合作,以及阿米森在《周三》中饰演费斯特叔叔的经历,在爱尔兰拍摄《地板》的感受,为米克·贾格尔准备晚餐的趣事,劳参加欧洲核子研究组织(CERN)的参观,以及出演乔治·哈里森《我甜蜜的主》的MV等诸多话题。劳对阿米森的喜剧天赋和原创性给予了高度评价,并对两人在《不稳定》第二季中的合作表示期待。 Rob Lowe还谈到了他自己的职业生涯,以及对未来职业规划的思考。他表达了对与阿米森等优秀演员合作的感激之情,并对《不稳定》第二季的成功充满信心。他同时分享了一些关于自己生活中的趣事,例如参加米克·贾格尔的晚宴,以及对老鹰乐队演唱会的观感。 在节目的最后,劳还回答了听众关于发型和护发产品的问题,并分享了自己的经验。 Fred Armisen: 阿米森在访谈中主要谈论了他对在《周三》中饰演费斯特叔叔的理解,他认为这个角色是一个快乐、古怪、与众不同的人,并对这个角色的文化影响进行了分析。他还分享了在爱尔兰拍摄《地板》的经历,以及他为角色剃光头而不是戴秃头帽的决定。 在谈到与劳在《不稳定》中的合作时,阿米森表达了对第二季的期待,并对剧组的合作氛围表示赞赏。他还分享了一些与其他演员合作的趣事,例如与林戈·斯塔尔的合作经历,以及对米克·贾格尔和滚石乐队的评价。 此外,阿米森还谈到了他出演乔治·哈里森《我甜蜜的主》MV的经历,并表达了对披头士乐队的喜爱之情。

Deep Dive

Rob Lowe discusses his admiration for Fred Armisen's comedic talent and their collaboration on 'Unstable'.

Shownotes Transcript


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What are you going to do when you're 90 and you look back? It's just like one thing after the next. It's like heightened experiences. This is a wonderful thing. I love it. You see it all. Hey, everybody. Welcome to Literally With Me, your host, Rob Lowe. I might have said this before, and I'll say it again, and by God, I stand by it. I think Fred Armisen might be, well...

Yes. Well, for sure, he's one of, if not the single funniest person I know. And that's a heavy, you know, that's a good list. Dana Carvey's on that list. Mike Myers on that list. I mean, there's a lot of people that I'm blessed to have worked with.

But my God, there's no one more original than Fred. And whether it's his legendary SNL run, and I could name seven, eight, nine, 10 characters that kill me to documentary now, I mean, Portlandia alone. And the fact that he said yes to joining John Owen and I on Unstable, which is on Netflix.

And we're about to have our second season drop August 1st. And he is just eating the scene. We fed him scenery. We literally sat him at the table and said, Fred, eat the scenery in season two. Anyway, I love him so much. And I'm so glad that he's with us today on Literally. Check, check, check, check, check, check. Syllabus. What does syllabus mean when they do that?

It must be because of those consonants. Syllabus. It's syllab. I think because isn't the S's that sound weird on a microphone? You're the rock and roll guru. I thought like with voiceovers and stuff, it's always the P's that sound weird. Yeah, your P's pop. Yeah. But S, I don't know what that's about. Why is there no pop? It's not syllabus. It should be. It should be syllabus.

The thing I hear at live shows is always, choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo. You know, like when... No, he doesn't, please. So they're too cool now to go check one, two. So they just, it's the abbreviation of everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No way. That's amazing. I guess they don't want to sound like a cliche. So they just go for choo-choo, choo-choo. That's, oh, that's so delicious. I love that. Choo-choo.

2-2. 2-2. 2-2. Here's what I'm obsessed with is guitar techs. Yeah. Turns out, like, really at the end of the day, they're like catching...

the fender that Bruce throws over his, no look over his shoulder. Yeah. And making sure it's obviously tuned and the capos on and. Yeah. Yeah. And knows what song the switches are. But turns out whenever, a lot of times you get there early, they're playing the guitar, like setting the tones and shit. And they're like, yeah, fucking Jimi Hendrix. These guys. Yeah. Yeah.

I think some of those guys have ended up replacing some band members. I think ZZ Top's bass player, when Dusty Hill died, I think one of the techs for ZZ Top became the replacement bass player.

Because they know the songs so well. And from what I... Yeah, I think that's like... I was going to say a common thing, but I don't know the numbers behind it. But I think they're just like understudies. They're like ready to go. They know the songs. Do you think like if... Do they have like a thing they play? Like do you play the Stairway to Heaven? Like... Oh. What do they play? Like when they're checking? I feel like every...

musician I know has the one thing that they play, like the one, it's, you know, like, it's like one chord or one series of chords together. Mm-hmm. Ba-na-na-na-na-na.

And then that's it. You know, like just some quick, yeah. And same thing, same thing with drums too. Like the drums will be like the same. Like, you know, like it almost says like, this is a crystal clear beat. So you can hear every part of the drum.

The story is on Life in the Fast Lane. That was Joe Walsh's warm-up. Right. And they're like, wait, what's that? I'm warming up. No, no, no. That's your warm-up? Yeah. That's a song, bro. It'd be great if every classic rock song began that way. With a warm-up.

With some warm-up. Like, We Will Rock You was just the drummer just... Hey, what are you playing? What is that? I don't know. I'm just fucking around. Let's turn it into a song. Yeah. What a depressing warm-up, like...

strawberry field to be that oh yeah melatonin yeah the the melatron melatron just sad and depressing what are you doing I'm shooting up shooting up to that

So boring. Tell me about Ireland. I'm headed over there in two weeks. How was it? You are? Yeah. So you're in Ireland. You just finished season two. Wednesday. Of Wednesday. On Wednesday, you finished Wednesday. Yes. Season two of Wednesday. Yeah. And are you going there too? You don't have to answer this, but are you going for work? No, I'm shooting season two and three of The Floor, my game show. Oh my God. Yeah.

I think that they also shoot, name that tune there. I think... They shoot almost every, all of the Gordon Ramsay shows up until this year. He moved it finally back to somewhere in the East Coast. All of the Gordon Ramseys were shot there. I was shocked how many shows are shot in Ireland that you feel like are shot in the USA. And we have a hundred contestants and they're all going to be flown to Ireland. It's so strange. Isn't it? Like it...

But somehow, economically, they save money even though they're flying all these contestants to Ireland. I don't know how it works. It's also weird being there because as a host, part of the gig is being social with the contestants during the game. So tell me a little bit about yourself. And it never comes up that we're in Ireland. To me, it's like, so what have you been up to lately? Are you instructed to not bring up Ireland? No.

No, I guess that's, maybe it's on me. Maybe you're right. Maybe that's on me. I think that's the right decision because someone watching it, they're like, I don't know where they shoot this. I, you know, they, I think you want people to think we could have shot it in their hometown. Yeah. They might be shooting this right down the street for all we know. Yeah. That's how it should feel. I, that's amazing. I think there's a lot of production there. And, um, yeah, season two of Wednesday, uh, Tim Burton directed. Amazing. Uh,

You know, it's just one of my favorite things of my life. I love getting to do that show. I feel like it's a tradition, you know, to do that character, to do Uncle Fester. I do it in a way that's like respectful of what that character is. Meaning like I don't try to change it too much, you know. And it's, you know... How would you describe Uncle Fester? Proper weirdo. Like a real...

Proudly weird. Proudly just like I am odd. Almost an outsider, but enjoys life. He's always smiling. When I watch the movie and the show, he's a happy person. I think that's what I like about it. He's not like weirdo like...

Dracula. Yeah. He's not in that land of like mystery. He's more openly, you know, I'm, I'm a little crazy, but in a fun way. So he, when he's ahead of his time, that character, the really, I'm actually being dead serious. When you think about when that Adam's family, well, it was drawn before it was anything, obviously, but, but that, that character now there are iterations of it. You've seen everywhere in culture, right?

But that original happy, proud, weirdo, outsider, eccentric, that was one of the first ones, don't you think? Definitely. And I wonder like where, when they first had the TV show, like what was the, aside from the drawings, like,

What was the model for that? Like, where did that exist in society? You know, that there was that kind of... Listen, that was an era, man. It was like, think about this. Because I just know when I would come home from school, I was young enough that I didn't see them during their initial run. They would be on in the daytime, right? Yeah, same. You come home from school and you could get yourself a double dose of a network show about a Dracula, vampiric...

family with Uncle Fester in a spooky black and white mansion, and then followed by that, a comedy in a concentration camp. Oh, that's right. That's right. Of, what is it, Hogan's Heroes. Hogan's Heroes. I mean, everybody likes to take bows about the golden age of television. How about that age? I know. They put those shows on TV. A comedy takes place in a concentration camp. It's hilarious. Trust us.

And very little competition. Like, it was just the three channels or four channels or whatever it was. That's probably why they could do it. That's probably why they could do it. Yeah. Is there like the new, like, all right, people are just going to watch no matter what. How about just this? Is like, did they get the rights to, well, you know what? Here's the thing I'm realizing. I'm kind of conflating the Munsters right now as I'm thinking with the Addams Family. Yeah. But that's okay. They were on at the same time. So, the same era. Do you think the Munsters were the ripoff?

Of the Addams Family? My guess is that it's that thing that happens in movies and TV where like, for some reason, there's just two of the same concept. Yes. It gets in the zeitgeist. Yeah. It's something happens where, which I guess it's just, you know, part of how things come out. And that's,

That's okay. I mean, I just feel like everyone watched both, I think. I remember there was a, this is 20, 30 years ago, there was a slate of movies about

kids inhabiting an adult's body. And like, yes, like four of those movies came out and then big was the last one. And we're like, well, that's clearly going to bomb. I mean, we've seen this. How many times do we have to see this movie? Yeah. And I guess they got it right. They were like, no, this is how you do it. Here's how you need you. You just need Tom Hanks to do it. Yeah. What? And, and,

Jen, the, the, uh, the it girl of the moment, Jenna Ortega is the titular Wednesday. Um, will there be anything that will top the famous Wednesday dance from last season? I, I think they're, you know, I can't speak for them, but I think they're not trying, you know, cause you can tell when you're, you're trying to top something like that. Yeah, yeah, for sure. So I, I, my guess is that they're,

Just going to try to like let this season have its own feel. Yeah. Just because it's too, people are, I just feel like audiences are smart enough to go like, oh, they're just trying to, you know, do a carbon copy. And you're, and Catherine Zeta-Jones is obviously in it with you. Yes. Yeah. And Louise Guzman. Louise Guzman and I did Code Black together. I love him. Man, he's amazing. Amazing.

Do you do a Louis Guzman impersonation? You must at this point. Yeah, he told me, we got to hang out a bunch and he told me a really good story because, you know, he's like an original New Yorker, meaning I was like, man, you're really from New York. And my concept of Rosalie from New York, I just mean like the 70s, you know, like, hey, you know, Studio 54 and like the 80s and stuff. And he's like, uh-uh. He's like,

I'm from Greenwich Village in the 60s. And the way he said 60s was like, all your concepts of New York are like, I go way deeper than that. And then he goes, I saw the Twin Towers go up. It's such a like...

You know, we all know where that sentence is supposed to go. That's amazing. I saw the Twin Towers go up. I was like, that's all he had to like, that was so crystal clear to me. That says it all. What do you say? That's, there's no, it's a mic drop. There's nothing, he's seen it all, truly. Yeah, yeah. And it's funny because when he was telling me, he also didn't sound like he'd said that a million times. You know, you can kind of tell. He was just like, he is a true old school New Yorker.

And it was pretty cool, you know, but he's great. Yeah. He's one of those guys. And I think you're like this a little bit too, that is like still into working. And I know everyone throws the word gratitude around. I hear it all the time, but I do feel like with him and you, you're like, so glad I get to do this. Yeah.

You're right. I mean, and it's a good club. It's not a big club to be in, you know? Their membership's revoked all the time, voluntarily or not. Yeah. Yeah.

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Do you golf? I forget if we've talked about golf. I don't golf, no. Because, you know, Catherine, I once did a golf tournament that Catherine Zeta-Jones hosted with Michael when they first started dating. And I killed a person, but I broke someone's arm on the first tee, teeing off. That's when I think of Catherine, I have a traumatic memory of... Wait, how did you break someone's arm?

I T I hooked my drive off the first tee into the crowd and it broke someone's arm and a ball from the golf ball. It was, it was gnarly. And I don't know what is worse me doing that or her taking an 11 on the first hole, which she did. Did you ever meet the person who, who was armed? No, it was amazing. Was I, I kind of, I, you kind of hear all and you kind of see like a kerfuffle and, and,

By the time I walked down there, they'd had that person removed as if they never existed. It was like, nothing to see here. It was in Wales. Just move on. Nothing to see here. Oh, it was in Wales. It was in Wales. Catherine Zeta-Jones is Welsh. Yeah. Yeah. From what I understand, she's really into golf. And in Ireland, she was doing a lot of golfing. I was going to say, that's what I'm looking for.

When I get over there, I'm going to be doing some very serious golf. Did you shave your head for the part? Yeah, yeah. It's still sort of coming in now. So you don't have to wear a bald cap then? Yeah. You know, it's funny trying to explain to you. I don't need to explain it to you. The labor that goes into putting on a bald cap and then like...

making sure it stays on all day and the glue. And then it's just not worth it. It's not worth it. And it's sometimes, I think it even looks like a bald cap. You can still kind of tell. For sure. It's just so much easier to just shave my head. I learned that from Mike Myers. Mike Myers, whenever he would do any of the Austin Powers movies, just shaved. Just immediately. Oh, he did? Yeah. For all those movies, he shaved. Wow.

Because Austin's a wig. Yeah. And Dr. Evil is bald, so he doesn't have to wear the bald cap. That is the way to go. Isn't it? That is brilliant. I had no idea. I keep waiting for an excuse to shave my head. You'd look great. I always feel like I'd look like, here's a deep cut, Persis Kambada from one of those 80s Star Wars movies. That is a deep cut.

Kind of like basically a bald woman is what I'm going for. Do it. Do it. Do it, man. But anyway, also Ireland is just a fantastic place. It's like, you know, people always say like, oh, it's so beautiful. But then it really is beautiful. It's like green like a commercial. It looks like a commercial. Well, here's what I didn't realize until I got over there. The Gulf Stream hits it. So it never gets...

super cold or super warm. It's really temperate. And there are palm trees in Ireland. Like, like you go into the forest, there are like palms. It's like, I couldn't, I couldn't, I was like, I did not, I thought it would be like Game of Thrones. Yeah. And it is, you know, it has that look. Maybe the, maybe the North. But yeah, but down around Dublin, I was now, did you see Bono? Did you see Bono in Dublin? I didn't see Bono. I wish. Then you weren't really there. No, you're right.

You're right. I think Enya lives there somewhere. Enya, I would have taken Enya. Yeah. You know, Bano, Enya, any of the U2s. So it didn't happen. It didn't happen. Well, then it wasn't a real authentic experience. No. That's all I can tell you. It was a work trip. I'm excited for everybody to see our little oeuvre, our little project, Unstable. Yeah. Season two. Same. August 1st.

Soon. Soon. It's basically almost tomorrow on Netflix. And season one is obviously out now. So get caught up. I know I told you how funny you are in it. When people, I've been doing press talking about it and people go, tell me about season two. I go, really, all you need to know is that we just let Fred run amok.

Oh, you're so nice. This is like, season two is just Fred running amok. Oh, come on. And it's... That's all you, it's everyone. It's, you know, the writing was really great, or is. It is. It's super funny. I'm really proud of this one. And what's nice is, you know, when you do all the interviews, you can tell when the interviewers have seen it, haven't seen it, like it, don't like it. Yeah.

people are losing their shit for this. And I think it's great. And I think it's cause we worked really hard to make it sharper, funnier. Um, and I, I, I'm, I know Netflix is super excited about it. And, um, I, I, I got my fingers crossed for a, for a season three because I think without giving anything away, I think, uh,

The way that we end the season with you and I is beyond belief. Yeah, that's right. That was so fun. What a great atmosphere all around. How would you describe coming to work on Unstable? That's it. Like the chemistry that you and Johnny have is an immediate thing. And it's not as simple as like, oh, they get along. There's like a funny dynamic.

that is played out in the show, but then in real life, it's kind of, you know, it, it is like that. And it's complex. It's not as simple. It's not a simple thing to describe, but it's funny. It's, it's supportive of each other and funny. Um, and there's like an optimism in it. So even though it's like, you know, there's like jokes happening, there's like forward movement. So I like that. Like, it's like building something. Um,

And then the vibe for this season, what I liked, what about, what I like about any second season is that's when you've like, that's when you find the voice. Like, you know, it's not that, you know, like the first season with anything is always like, I think this is what we are. Yes. And then second season is like, ah, this is what we are. Right. And I really, really like that. I love that. It's true. It's true in comedy, right? Particularly in comedy, like Parks and Rec famously first season, um,

didn't know what it was and really came into its own in second season. And people always go, well, why aren't there so many like legacy comedies like there used to be? And it's because a lot of them don't get a second season. And that's when the magic happens. Yeah. That's, you need that like little bit of sort of just like, you know, experience of having gone through it just to kind of like make those little, I can't even call them fixes, but just, it's just like getting to know somebody. And,

That's what I feel like that's what happened with this. Like we all got to know each other a little more. That just makes for a more relaxed and fun environment. But it's so funny and silly and not silly for the sake of being silly. It's kind of, I was trying to think about what it is that it's kind of the absurdist humor. There's an absurdity silliness to it that 30 Rock had.

Yeah. That the grinder had that I did before it. It's, it's, it just, it's, it's a very, it's hard to pull off. And when it does, it just makes me laugh so hard. Like the, the sillier, more absurd, the more I like it. I wonder where I got. I wonder it's because I watched too many to watch too much SNL growing up. It's like, it's, it's the sketch sensibility, but with,

Better acting and more grounded stakes would be the way I would describe it. I would say, first of all, I agree. But there's also not. And there's also, you know, the physical look of the sort of headquarters like I were like most of the scenes took place. Yeah, that's it's also well designed. Like it looks real and authentic.

for lack of a better word, like fancy. Yes. And whenever I see that, I feel like it's more believable. Yes. So there's something in there where like there's not a cheat of, you know, making something look like a respectable, serious corporation. Yes. So something like, I was like,

Because I remember on set, if you look deep into the set, way in the back, it keeps going back. It keeps there's like the little kitchen and everything. And I like that attention to detail. I like the feeling of let's make this great as opposed to like, I don't know. It doesn't matter. We'll just put a screen up here and we'll just, you know, people will get the idea. I'm like, no, build it out.

set it in deep. And I, I really, um, I just really liked that. Yeah. Thank you. But well, and that's, it is the, the details that, that, that make it. And you look at like, you know, it's like you could, Mel Brooks could have made, uh, blazing saddles, not look like a Western. Really? Yeah. It looks like a real Western. It really does. And, and I think that's, that's the part of our set is spectacular. Uninstable. Yeah. I mean, really, really good. If that,

It's just... Yeah, it's just... You need that frame around it. It was great at bringing on Lamorne Morris. I loved him in New Girl. Yeah. Yeah, he's great. He's so good in it. And Iris Apatow. That's right. Little Iris, who's kind of a... She and Johnny have a little chemistry going in it. Yeah. Super, super good. I have to say, I was...

I'm not jaded enough to not be thrilled when somebody I respect goes, Hey, I saw, I love unstable. Can't wait for it to come out. And I ran into, uh, Adam Sandler, uh, last weekend and he was talking about it. And I thought, wow, you go, well, Adam Sandler knows about unstable. Yay. Oh, that's great. Oh, he's such a great guy. Super good. And by the way, you'll love this. Um,

It was at a party for Mick Jagger. What? Yes. I got... What do you mean for Mick Jagger? Well, you know that thing they do in like Europe where they have, I'm having a dinner for Mick.

Uh-huh. Like, it's not really an American thing, is it? I guess not. No. When was the last time any American regular person, friend of yours said, I'm having a dinner for Bill or I'm having a dinner for Mary? Just like, they don't have to be famous, but just like a dinner for a person is not a concept we do. Do you notice that? Yeah. So, and so you went to this dinner for Mick. And what city was it? Was it in LA? It was in LA, but of course, you know, it was a dinner for, it was a lot of Brits. Um,

And it was a lot of heavy hitters. And like McConaughey was there and Spade and Leo made a flyby. But I got to spend a lot of time with Ron Wood. And you'll be proud of me. I said, what's it like not having Charlie Watts? What is that like to not have that? He said, what did he say? Something like, Charlie was an impressionist.

who could move you in flowery, impressionistic ways. And our new drummer, whose name is escaping me, but you would know he's a famous drummer. Oh, Steve Jordan. Steve Jordan. He goes, and Steve Jordan is like an atomic bomb. Like he kicks us in the ass every night. Wow. Isn't that cool as a drummer to have a little drummer talk? Yeah. Oh, that's so cool that you did that. And they really, they sort of like...

keep going in a way that like everyone still loves them. I'm like, they play these stadiums and I love that it's, it no longer is like, you don't question it. Oh, I remember the first time I saw the stones is in 1981. I was like, I better go. Cause this is, this is for sure the last chance I'm going to get to see them. So I'm going to go. It was 1981. Over 40 years ago. I saw them maybe, uh,

10 years ago, eight years ago or something. And it was great. So, so great. They're the most charming. So you don't look, it's like McCartney. You don't get to that point where you see if cycled through every possible iteration of attitude. Yeah. Like I promise you, they weren't like this coming up. There's no way. It's like, if you go see Bruce Springsteen, I love Bruce. Now he used to be seething and there's no other word for it. Seething.

with on any given moment in the show, passion, anger, exuberance, love. And now he's like Santa Claus. Yeah. He's like, he's like, he's like America's dad.

Yeah. But, you know, and so that angry young man thing is long gone. He doesn't even try to manufacture because that's not who he is anymore. When you're around that long, you've got to go through the seasons of your life on stage. It's like that's why when you see people are still trying to do the old thing, you're like, like, God bless Madonna. It's like I want to see I don't want she's trying to do the Madonna of 1985. Yeah.

Yeah, and I suppose the Stones do, they are, you know, they've definitely like moved on to whatever this era is. Mick's still doing his, he's still dancing like a crazy person, but how about this one? He's slightly older than Joe Biden. No way. What? That's bananas. Bananas. Yeah. Bananas. And as charming as ever.

He's the only person that I ever had dinner with that made me question my sexuality. I know. He's so... He's so flirty. He's so... You know what it is? Here's the word to describe it. Coquettish. Oh, that's good. He's very coquettish. He's also like... I feel like his posture is really good. And that like... To be that age and just be that so like... You know, to have maintained that. Yeah.

All set for your flight? Yep. I've got everything I need. Eye mask, neck pillow, T-Mobile, headphones. Wait, T-Mobile? You bet. Free in-flight Wi-Fi. 15% off all Hilton brands. I'll never go anywhere without T-Mobile. Same goes for my water bottle, chewing gum, nail clippers. Okay, I'm going to leave you to it. Find out how you can experience travel better at slash travel. ♪

Have you been to the Sphere to see any music? I haven't yet, no. I want to go. I'm not a dead person, so I didn't go see the Grateful Dead, but I am going to go see the Eagles. I know that's like confirming my middle-aged white man cred more than anything that has ever been said on this podcast.

But I am going. I just saw them in Manchester in England. While I was in Ireland, I went over. Yeah. And it's a great show. It's really, really great. And it's kind of... One song after another, you're like, oh, that's right. This monster, this, you know... Beast. Beast of a song. Beast. One after another. And there's this thing that happens. This is just me personally, where...

Joe Walsh comes out. It's his part of the show. And as soon as he starts talking, you feel like he's your best friend. I don't know what it is. This arena was gigantic. And I really felt like a buddy of mine was on the mic. He made the show very intimate and casual. It felt like a casual, fun show. As soon as he opens his mouth and starts talking, I don't know how he does it.

I know the song sounded great. He was amazing. His personality, he's one of the great, great, great, great guys ever. And, you know, listen, I love Don Henley, but Don's a curmudgeon. And, you know, and how about Vince Gill? How sick is Vince Gill? Fantastic. It's insane, right? Beautiful, beautiful. It was, what a good idea. He was fantastic. It was like, and I also like,

seeing them in England. Because to me, they're such a California band. And we all have the experience of Los Angeles and Southern California. But I'm like, what do these British people make of it? What did they make of it? They played multiple nights at this arena and it was just packed. But I wonder if for them, it's more sort of like distant fantasy. To them, it's like,

It's sort of an imaginary, oh, this must be like what California is like, as opposed to us being, you know, just knowing that it's that experience. It's like me when I listen to the Pogues. So this would be what it's like to be drunk in an alley in Dublin in February. Exactly. Exactly. Oh, you're so great. I can't wait to hear more of this. Yes. Yeah. I like that. So that's good that you're going to go see... Wait, you're going to go see them. Yeah. At the Sphere. At the Sphere. I, you know...

When I was a teenager, I was very against bands like the Grateful Dead for no reason. It's just because you're with your friends and you're just like, this is cool, this is not cool or whatever. And then as we all get older, I like everything so much more. And Grateful Dead being the same thing where I'm like, what was this band?

block against them that I had. They're great musicians. How cool that they weren't trying to have hit records and they didn't change their style. I like that they were true to who they were. I hate when people say true to who they were, but they were. That's great that all those bootlegs and stuff that they supported and

We, you know, one could only wish to be in a band like that. I'm the same way. And I'm like that with food too. I'm like, why did I, where did I decide that I didn't want pickles? Pickles are fucking, dude, pickles are sick.

They're great. I still may not want a pickle on everything. It's not my favorite food, but I got to let it chill with my pickle prejudice. And Grateful Dead are like that. It's the same. I'll go. I'll check it out. Right? Yeah. Have a great time. Some of those songs are great. So, yeah. But I do want to go to the Sphere. Although I'm a little afraid of being too high up in the back.

Just because I'm afraid of heights a little bit. And I think that big, you know, this is sort of that screen might make it feel a little bit higher. Here's what I'm afraid to go to. I'm hoping to go to the Sphere in one week. And then within 10 days, I'm actually going to be at the CERN. Do you know what the CERN is? I don't know what it is. The CERN is the Hadron Collider.

What? Where they split subatomic particles and it's underneath the border of Switzerland. Yeah, yeah. I remember it was in the news. Yeah, yeah. When they finally did it. It was like recent-ish. Dark matter and all that stuff. And there are people that think it's open to portal and the boson Higgs particle and all that stuff. But I figured just the notion of being at the sphere and the CERN.

It just sounds good. Wait, are you having like a private tour of it? I'm getting a private tour. I am. Your life, your life. What are you going to do when you're 90 and you look back? How it's just like one thing after the next, every it's like heightened experiences, which is, I mean, this is a wonderful thing. I love it. But it's like, that is just,

You see it all. And it's not even like that lame, like I'm an adventurer. You're just like, I'm going to go see this and this. This is going to be cool. This is going to be fun. It doesn't seem like you really put yourself in danger, which is nice. You just have this like life where like really fantastic things happen all the way through. Well, I feel blessed and I am aware of it. And part of it is kismet, like,

I just have, like, I have good sports mojo. Like, if I go to a game, there'll be, like, a grand slam or I'll go to a fight and Mike Tyson will bite someone's ear off in the ring. Like, weird shit happens. So, I definitely have a little bit of right place, right time energy about me karmically.

And then the other thing is, is like, I'm curious. And if you're not curious, you don't have those things. You're just not interested. You're like, oh, I don't know. It seems like it's so far away or, but how are we going to get in? What's the weather? And oh, well, I have a thing that I, a thousand reasons to not do anything ever. Totally. Right? Yes. I think the curiosity part is probably what propels you forward. And also that you don't turn it into like,

sort of like death wish kind of thing either. Like I was on the cliff of this little, like you want to enjoy the view of something without, you know, it. Yeah. The death wish thing. I mean that, have you seen this thing Orlando Bloom has going on where he's, did he got in one of those wingsuits? Like, I don't even want to jump out of an airplane. I don't want to parachute with somebody strapped. None of it. I don't want to do any of it. He wore a wingsuit.

Where you're flying. I've seen those. Orlando Bloom. Yeah, don't do it. And I'm like, I don't, like I go, I think I've got as much testosterone as the next guy, but I don't want to do that. No, I don't want to put rocks in my, like, I don't want to come close to rocks at a high speed. No, and you don't want to-

Maybe you can climb them somewhere, but I'm not going at them. I'm not going close to them at high speeds. No desire. I have no desire to climb any mountain. Same. None. Zero. It sounds awful to me. Sounds too nerve wracking all the way through. There's a lot. Too nerve wracking. Just not fun to me. No. I would surf a big wave. I'd do that and I would ski something super gnarly.

And do. Are you a good skier? I've been skiing my whole life. So I know my way around that pretty well. And I'll ski almost anything. Like I would, in a different life, I would do that type of skiing. I'm not too old for it. Because I realize just if you get injured, you know, you can't. You can't. I'm not putting myself in a place of getting injured now. That's the issue. But I would run like Tom Cruise. I'll run.

You know what I would do? I would do those like high-speed cars, either like Formula One or whatever. But what are the ones that are like in the desert? You know, sometimes they go in a straight line. Oh, yeah. The ones where you have a navigator next to you? Yeah. Like one of those, like super high speed on the ground. In the dust, like they do it in sub-Saharan Africa and they do one in Baja. Yeah, I would do that. The Baja 1000.

Or I'd be in the back of, like, you know, if you could be a passenger, if I could be a passenger in a race car and I trusted the driver, I would do that. I would hold on to the, you know, roll bar or whatever. And just, that must be kind of a fun thing. They call it, in F1, they call it a hot lap. What is that? Hot lap is just like just driving around. Hot lap. Yeah. It's like, it's their version of two, two. They don't want to just say, hey, do you want to go?

You want to go for a lap, but everything has to have a cool hot lap. Yeah, hot lap. Nick? I went to one Formula One event in Las Vegas, and it's so fast that I could barely register that a car went past me. Yeah, you just hurt your neck. Yeah, it's just volume and...

And so loud. I'm very much into the Brad Pitt Formula One movie that's coming, mostly for the hair. Because he's got such good streaks going on in all of the pictures that I've seen. It's not out yet? No, I'm super into it. I mean, the black leather, I mean, the suit. I'm all about wardrobe and hair when it comes to Brad Pitt.

That's my thing. Oh, I know what I need to ask you about before we leave. Yeah. Tell me, and I meant to ask you about it on the set. I meant to ask you about it when you did the podcast a couple of years ago. When you were the lead protagonist in the official George Harrison, My Sweet Lord, I might have retired after that. I might have been like, there's nothing further I can do in my career. When that song comes on the radio now,

It's me. It's very similar to the experience you have when you say that you're curious and open and the good things happen. That is an example of that for me, where I'm like, to be in proximity to anything Beatles related in any official capacity, I am so into it.

And to be part of something that's not just being a fan, to be part of the art, the art of to be in any way related to it. It's the music video of that song. That's it. You're the guy. It's the best. It's the best. How did it happen?

Lance Bangs is the director and I've worked with him a bunch. He's the director from Portland and he works on all kinds of stuff. And he was working with the Harrison estate. And I've gotten to know them, the people from the estate and the people who run the label and they just want to make great stuff like for all the reissues. So yeah,

I think that like, you know, I never, I never got to meet George, but I can see that he was really into comedians. Like he was, he was like, liked being around comedians and he was friends with Eric Idle. So it, all of that stuff made sense. On his deathbed, he was watching Austin Powers. No way. Because Mike, he reached out to Mike and Mike told me that story. Loved comedians. Loved them. Yeah. I think, yeah. Gosh, yeah.

Everyone I've met from his camp, I'll call it. They're just really wonderful. I got to do that video. I can't even believe it because Ringo's in it. Then Lance was like, "Let's make sure that you guys have a scene together." He made it happen and we did. Ringo, by the way, you're talking about getting to meet Mick.

Ringo is also, I think, early 80s or 84 now. And he's just like, he's such a strong, funny. Amazing, isn't he? He's a really funny guy. And he's really fit, like slim little rock and roll body.

I don't know. I think rock and roll people, they just have these little bodies. He might be my favorite drummer ever. Oh, he's the greatest. He's the greatest. Right? He's the greatest. He's like hearing his... By the way, first time I ever heard the Beatles when my parents played them for me, that's what I heard first. So it was the beginning to I Am The Walrus that I was right away was like... Me sitting here in this interview or this podcast, like...

comes from me wanting to get into show business from hearing that drum beat. Wow. All of that. Ringo is the reason for everything. Gosh, he's great. There's just no... That little kit, that tiny little kit that he had. That sound. Oh, it's the best. It's the best. And I love also that he loves playing drums. He loves talking about drums. That he...

didn't sway from that. He's like, this is, my deal is that I'm a drummer. Yeah, there was no branching out particularly. Although, I did remember going to the movie theater and seeing him star in the movie Caveman. Oh, that's right. He was in Caveman. Well, okay, he did some acting. It was right before he got sober though. So you got to cut in some slack. And that's where he met Barbara. That's where he met Barbara.

But I was a kid when I was a preteen, something like that. And I thought that movie was fine. Like, I haven't seen it since, but I remember it being funny enough. It was fine. By the way, as Beatles movies go, not terrible? No. Well, listen, I think, I'm trying to think if there's anything, there's always so much going on with you. It's hard for me to keep up with everything. Well, I want to express...

my happiness that we got to do that this second season because at first there's the first season and I was like wow I get to work with Rob and Johnny and now there's like no now it's like it's actually more present tense to say like no I work with them I'm on a show with them agreed I love that so it's not so I like that it's not so rare now it's a little bit more like no a couple years in a row we've gotten to hang out

And you guys came to this stand-up show that I did. Oh, it was so fun. Oh, that's really nice. I wasn't trying to pump myself up about it. But I did the stand-up show. And it's a weird show because it's about music. But there you guys were.

And you were so supportive and you were getting into it and stuff in a very real way. And then we did something together on stage. And I felt like I like that we do stuff together also for the show. Same. For Unstable. I'm like, I like that. It doesn't feel perfunctory. It feels like, yeah, they came to the show and we're now like...

You guys are very welcoming to me, is what I'm trying to say. Listen, you know I keep trying to angle for how I can get on documentary now. You got to just call my number, figure me out. Oh, you got it. I'll be on the next plane. And I wish I could say, because it's the season cliffhanger of season two, which comes out August 1st. But the plan for you and I for season three, bro.

Really? Well, just think about it. Let your imagination run wild with how we ended it. And you can kind of imagine what it might be. Yes. But it would be super... Yeah, you're already on your way. Yeah. I mean, you guys got to listen. You guys, you got to watch the minute it comes out because Fred and I are planning...

in this new, this new, the new season three. Yeah. Yes. We got to make sure we get there, but hopefully we will. Thank you, buddy. It was great talking to you as always. Johnny sends his love. He was very excited that I was talking to you today and he's, he gives you all his best for sure as well. Is he going to be a guest on this as well at some point? He is. He's been, he's been a guest. He's coming back.

I'm actually doing Andrew Gerland. Oh, great. There you go. I hope you bring up, because I don't know if you're going to want to talk about this kind of thing. I will. Tell me. What should I say? When you guys were waiting for the green light for season two and because of the writer's strike, the sort of like right down to the wire. Oh,

Timing of everything. That's like pretty, I love that. Like it was, it was not, I don't know. It's really interesting. Yeah. We were literally. It's not your typical story. We were five, literally, and I'm not exaggerating. We were five hours away. That's right. From the show not being able to be made ever again. Yes. And the writer's strike settled.

and all of the executive pulled the right levers at the right second. But it had gone from, well, we've got a couple of months to decide. Well, we've got a month to decide. Well, we've got a couple of weeks to decide. Well, we've got a couple of days to decide. Well, we have a couple of hours to decide. And literally, it was down to the last five hours whether the show would live or die. Yes. And that is no exaggeration. I feel like

TV show stuff, like they don't mess because it's money. Yeah. There's no like, oh, whatever. We'll sort it out. When they say it's five hours, it's five hours. Yeah. And to have that be a show that everybody wanted to do. It wasn't like we want to make it. They don't know if they want to make it. No, it was literally like, are we going to be able to make it in this window, which is the only window with which we can make this show we all love? Oh,

Man, well. We got lucky. We got lucky. We got lucky. All right. Thank you so much, man. Enjoy the rest of your day. Great to see you. All right, buddy. Talk to you soon. Talk to you later. I love that man. I have a man love thing for Fred Armisen, and I don't care who knows about it. Thank you so much for listening. Don't forget season two of Our Comedy with my son coming out August 1st.

on Netflix and catch up on season one right now while you can. You will like it very mucho. Ring, ring. What's that? Oh, it's the lowdown line. Hello. You've reached literally in our lowdown line where you can get the lowdown on all things about me, Rob Lowe. 323-570-4551. So have at it. Here's the beep.

Hey, sir. Love your podcast and all that good stuff. Hey, we're about the same age. And like a lot of people, I admire your...

useful look and everything about it. So if somebody is like your age and we want the hairstyle that you have, what process do we go into our barber and say, I want the Ravlo? What are your tips on hair and the products that you use and the style that you have? This is again for all of us.

in your age group, all of us who want that kind of, you know, look that we admire with you. Thank you very much, sir. Have a very nice day. My name is Rick. I'm in California and that's where I'm from. Okay. Thank you very much, sir. Have a good day. Thank you, Rick from California. Okay. Here's the thing. Lots of product in the hair. Lots. Not gel. Lots. Like my hair is like baby fine.

So I got, I put more crap in my hair. So most guys don't do products. Most guys don't know from products or they don't put enough in it. So product like paste, matte, sea salt, spray, anything to give it like texture and body. And then here's the main thing. It's all about the haircut. And most hair cutters are afraid, particularly with men, to get in and cut the shit out of it.

So tell them PC and choppy PC, chunky, choppy, and don't be shy because everybody's in there. You know, if you're going for my vibe, you're not going for like banker, president of the United States country club, dude. And that's one type of haircutting. And that's what most people are going to get when they go into quote unquote, get their haircut. You got to go PC choppy,

Punk rock, chop it up, don't be afraid. And that's what's going to give you that chunky, like I got going on right now. Haircut is 90%. Hope that was helpful.

You've been listening to Literally with Rob Lowe, produced by me, Sean Doherty, with help from associate producer Sarah Begar and research by Alyssa Grau. Engineering and mixing by Joanna Samuel. Our executive producers are Rob Lowe for Low Profile, Nick Liao, Adam Sachs, and Jeff Ross for Team Coco, and Colin Anderson for Stitcher. Booking by Deirdre Dodd. Music by Devin Bryant. Sports and Media by Devin Bryant.

Special thanks to Hidden City Studios. Thanks for listening. We'll see you next time on Literally.

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