cover of episode Virtual Reality Fail

Virtual Reality Fail

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The Jann Arden Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jan Arden
Sarah Burke
Jan Arden: 本期节目开始时,Jan Arden讲述了她使用朋友的虚拟现实眼镜时头部受伤的经历,以及她在急诊室的治疗过程。她还与Caitlin和Sarah讨论了小费文化,分享了他们在不同场合(如费尔蒙酒店的高茶和零售店)的个人经历。此外,她们还讨论了生活中一些细微小事带来的快乐,以及充足睡眠对身心健康的重要性。最后,她们谈到了社交和读书会的乐趣。 Jan Arden在节目中分享了自己在使用虚拟现实眼镜时头部受伤的经历,详细描述了受伤过程、就医过程以及在医院接受的简单处理方式,并对加拿大医疗系统的现状表达了担忧。她幽默地讲述了整个过程,并提醒听众在使用虚拟现实眼镜时注意安全。 关于小费文化,Jan Arden表达了强烈的不满,认为其已经失控,并举例说明了在各种场合被要求支付小费的经历,包括在线购物、酒店服务和零售店。她认为企业应该支付员工合理的工资,而不是依赖顾客支付小费来弥补工资不足。 Caitlin Green: Caitlin Green主要参与了关于小费文化的讨论,分享了她的一些个人经历,例如在购买饼干时被要求支付小费,以及在不同零售店遇到的不同客户服务体验。她对小费文化表达了不满,认为其已经失控,并呼吁企业应该支付员工合理的工资,而不是依赖顾客支付小费。 Sarah Burke: Sarah Burke在节目中主要参与了关于小费文化、生活中的小确幸以及睡眠对身心健康影响的讨论。她分享了自己在不同商店的购物体验,并对Aritzia的客户服务表示赞赏。在关于小确幸的讨论中,她提到了与宠物相处、享受阳光以及制定睡前常规等能够提升幸福感的小事。关于睡眠,她强调了充足睡眠对身心健康的重要性,并分享了自己的睡眠习惯和使用睡眠追踪设备的经验。

Deep Dive

Jan recounts her experience of cracking her head open while using virtual reality goggles, including her trip to the emergency room and the unconventional treatment she received.

Shownotes Transcript

Jann Arden begins this episode with her virtual reality fail; she recounts the story of cracking her head open while using her friend's virtual reality goggles, her trip to the emergency room and the unconventional treatment she received. Next, Jann, Caitlin and Sarah have a discussion about tipping culture and the increasing expectation to tip in various situations. They share personal experiences, including a high tea outing at the Fairmont Hotel and contrasting customer service experiences at different retail stores. Jann dives into a reddit thread about little things that make people happy. The ladies talk about finding happiness in little things and prioritizing rest for personal growth. They emphasize the impact of dogs and animals on mental well-being is discussed, along with the significance of bedtime routines for better sleep. The benefits of sleep tracking devices and the connection between sleep and overall well-being are highlighted. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the joy of socializing and book clubs. Have you read Jann’s new book The Bittlemores) yet? Tell us the little things that make you happy! Comment or leave us a voice message at

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