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你会爱上一个曾经背叛过的人吗?Can you love the one who once betrayed?别再去打扰一个不回复你信息的人。Do not disturb the one who doesn’t reply your message.别把时间浪费在那个口口声声说爱你却不做出表示的人身上。Do not waste your time on the one who always says I love you but does nothing.不爱你的人也不会爱你的其它。The one who doesn’t love you doesn’t love your dog.最爱你的人是我。难道你还不明白吗?I'm the one who loves you the most. Don't you get it?真正爱你的人不会让你哭。The one who truly loves you won’t make you cry.愿意花时间陪你的人值得你珍惜。The one who is willing to spend time with you deserves your cherish.照顾好自己的人才能让自己的生活精彩。The one who takes good care of himself can colour his life.努力的人不一定会升职。The one who works hard doesn’t necessarily get promoted.努力的人会让自己的生活变得多彩多姿。The one who works hard colours his own life.欲戴皇冠,必承其重。The one who wants to wear the crown must bear the weight.那些给过你伤痛的人,就忘记吧。Leave those who once hurt you behind.单身的人一直在找另一半。事实是,没那么简单,就能找到聊得来的伴。Those who are single keep looking for their partners. The fact is it’s not easy to find the one who can chat with well.你说,那个懂你的人才能填补你心里空白的地方。The one who understands you can fill the empty place in your heart.记着,千万不要忽略在你极度困难时帮过你的那些朋友,也不要再和那些给你带来麻烦让你的生活雪上加霜的人交往。Remember: Do not neglect those who helped you out of the predicament. Cut off the tie with those who made you in trouble and worsen your life.谨以此篇,献给那些年,爱过我的人们。I'm dedicating this writing to those who loved me over the years.