cover of episode 99. The Teenage Monsters

99\. The Teenage Monsters

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Into The Dark

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#serial killer investigation#personal experiences with death#mystery and suspense#investigative journalism#suspect profiles#forensic investigation#legal proceedings#revenge narrative#parenting insights#relationship dynamics and dating People
Payton Moreland
@Payton Moreland : 本期节目讲述了丹尼尔·哈尔塞斯被杀害的案件,案件的核心围绕着一个充满危险的爱情故事,受害者并非预料之中的那个人。案件中存在许多争议,以及事件是如何出错的。丹尼尔·哈尔塞斯在2000年秋季开始了他在大西洋俄勒冈大学的最后一年学习,主修音乐,并以优秀的钢琴和鼓手而闻名。他与高中生伊丽莎白相识并迅速结婚,婚后育有三个孩子。他们的婚姻因年龄差距和生活方式差异而出现问题,最终在2011年离婚。2011年,伊丽莎白指控丹尼尔对她进行肢体攻击,丹尼尔认罪并被判缓刑。伊丽莎白搬到阿拉斯加,导致丹尼尔与孩子们的相处时间减少,引发了抚养权纠纷。丹尼尔和伊丽莎白之间关于子女抚养权的争执升级,双方都互相指责虐待儿童。丹尼尔的女儿西耶拉声称在母亲家中感到不安全,但同时也指责父亲虐待。儿童保护服务机构调查了西耶拉的指控,但未能找到确凿证据。法官在2020年10月的听证会上注意到西耶拉的情况异常,暗示存在某种未被发现的问题。2021年4月8日,丹尼尔没有回复前妻和母亲的联系。丹尼尔的母亲的朋友发现丹尼尔的房子着火了,并在车库里发现了一具尸体。警方发现丹尼尔死于多处刀伤,死前并未吸入烟雾,表明他死于谋杀。警方通过信用卡交易记录和监控录像确定西耶拉是购买凶器的人。警方在盐湖城逮捕了西耶拉和她的男友亚伦·格雷罗。西耶拉和亚伦在案发后录制了一段视频,其中他们承认杀害了丹尼尔。西耶拉和亚伦都认罪,西耶拉声称丹尼尔对她进行性侵犯和虐待。亚伦支持西耶拉的说法,认为丹尼尔对西耶拉的虐待是他们杀害丹尼尔的动机。丹尼尔的母亲不相信丹尼尔虐待西耶拉,认为西耶拉是为了减轻刑罚而撒谎。丹尼尔的妻子伊丽莎白支持西耶拉的说法,理解她杀害丹尼尔的动机。西耶拉和亚伦都被判处终身监禁,有资格在服刑22年后获得假释,并在判决后分手。亚伦在采访中表示,他在犯案时吸食了LSD,并声称这影响了他的判断力。丹尼尔被谋杀的原因仍然存在争议,他的家人仍在努力寻找真相和安慰。 @Sierra @Aaron Guerrero @Christine @Elizabeth

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Who was Daniel Halseth and what were his interests?

Daniel Halseth was a senior at Western Oregon University in 2000, majoring in music. He was known as an excellent piano player and drummer, earning the nickname 'Drummer Dan.' He was also an avid photographer who enjoyed taking pictures of nature during long walks. Additionally, he worked in telecommunications, which provided him with financial stability.

What led to the breakdown of Daniel and Elizabeth's marriage?

Daniel and Elizabeth's marriage became rocky due to their rapid progression from dating to marriage and parenthood, compounded by their age gap. Elizabeth's political career required her to travel frequently, leading to long absences from home. By 2011, they divorced after Daniel was arrested for physically attacking Elizabeth, to which he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months of probation.

What were the circumstances surrounding Daniel Halseth's murder?

Daniel Halseth was brutally murdered in his Las Vegas home in April 2021. He was stabbed over 70 times, with 42 wounds on his back, and his throat, arms, and legs were cut. His body was found in a sleeping bag in the garage, and the house was set on fire to destroy evidence. His daughter, Sierra, and her boyfriend, Aaron Guerrero, were later arrested and confessed to the murder.

What evidence linked Sierra and Aaron to Daniel's murder?

Surveillance footage showed Sierra using Daniel's credit card to purchase bleach, lighter fluid, drop cloths, gloves, and cutting tools, including a saw that matched the wounds on Daniel's body. Aaron was also seen buying tools at Home Depot. Additionally, a video on Sierra's phone showed the couple joking about the murder, and they were captured on camera at a train station before their arrest, appearing happy and unremorseful.

What were the motives behind Daniel Halseth's murder?

Sierra claimed she killed her father because he was abusive, alleging he sexually assaulted her, hit her, and forced her to drink alcohol. Aaron supported her claims, stating they murdered Daniel to protect Sierra. However, Daniel's mother, Christine, disputed the abuse allegations, suggesting Sierra fabricated them to justify the crime. The couple also admitted they wanted to stay together, as Daniel had forbidden their relationship.

What were the legal outcomes for Sierra and Aaron?

Sierra and Aaron pleaded guilty to nine charges, including murder, theft, and arson, as part of plea deals. They were each sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 22 years. They were incarcerated in separate prisons and eventually broke up, ceasing all communication.

Did Sierra and Aaron express remorse for their actions?

Aaron later expressed regret in an interview, stating he was under the influence of LSD and off his prescribed medication at the time of the murder, which impaired his judgment. He called the murder an 'evil act' and said he regretted it daily. Sierra, however, has never publicly expressed remorse and maintains her claims of abuse by her father.

This chapter explores the life of Daniel Halseth, from his college years to his marriage, divorce, and eventual death. It highlights the troubled relationship with his ex-wife, Elizabeth, and the custody battle over their children, which involved allegations of abuse from both sides.
  • Daniel Halseth's life and career
  • Marriage to Elizabeth and subsequent divorce
  • Custody battle and abuse allegations
  • Mysterious circumstances surrounding his death

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, Payton delves into the chilling case of Daniel Halseth, a man whose life was tragically cut short under shocking and unthinkable circumstances.




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Case sources:

American Monster – Season 10, Episode 2 “Day Three After Murder”

CBS 8 NewsNation Now - 

NBC 3 News -

Las Vegas Review-Journal - 

KTNV Channel 13 Las Vegas -  

Investigation Discovery -- 

News Nation Now - 

Florida Today - 

Statesman Journal - 

Anderson’s Tribute Center - 

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