cover of episode 74. The Canadian UFO Incident

74. The Canadian UFO Incident

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Into The Dark

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Payton Moreland
Payton Moreland: 本期节目深入探讨了1967年发生在加拿大沙格港的UFO事件。该事件至今仍未得到官方解释,成为一个持续的未解之谜。事件发生在1967年10月4日,多个目击者描述了不同形状和颜色的发光物体,这些物体以超乎寻常的方式移动,最终坠入海中。目击者包括儿童、成年人和飞行员,他们的描述相互印证,增加了事件的可信度。尽管加拿大和美国政府都对该事件进行了调查,但未能找到合理的解释。一些非官方报告声称,不明飞行物在坠毁后移动到了其他地方,并得到了另一艘飞行器的帮助。一位匿名潜水员证实了官方搜救行动是掩盖真相的幌子。此外,在坠毁事件发生后,加拿大其他地区也出现了类似的不明飞行物目击事件。沙格港事件至今仍未得到解释,但它引发了人们对UFO和不明飞行物现象的持续关注,也反映了人们对未知事物的好奇和探索精神。 Payton Moreland: 沙格港UFO事件的独特之处在于,它没有像其他UFO事件那样被轻易解释或掩盖。康登委员会对该事件进行了调查,但未能找到合理的解释。这使得沙格港事件成为历史上最引人注目的UFO事件之一。即使是怀疑论者也无法提出替代性解释,这进一步证明了目击者证词的可信度。沙格港事件也反映了人们对UFO事件的态度变化。近年来,美国政府也承认存在无法解释的空中物体,这表明人们对UFO事件的接受度正在提高。沙格港事件的持续未解,促使人们对不明飞行物现象进行更深入的探索,并可能帮助我们更接近真相。

Deep Dive

Multiple witnesses, including a pilot, described seeing strange lights in the sky that behaved in ways inconsistent with known aircraft, leading to confusion and fear among the townspeople.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hey everyone and welcome back to the Into the Dark podcast. I am your host Peyton Moreland and I am so so happy that you are here. Thank you for supporting this show and thank you guys for always supporting my little ventures that I go on. I'm glad you are here and before we get into the episode we are going to start with my 10 seconds. So I just spent the last week in Idaho. That's where I grew up and I was, some of you might

not know this, but I actually grew up dancing. I was a dancer. I danced in college and I still love to choreograph. I obviously don't have all the time in the world for it, but it is something I like to do once or twice a year. And so this week I went back to Idaho and set a couple of routines for

on some teams and it was so fun. I got to do it with my sister. It was just a blast. I love being back with my family and I really did have such a good time, but I'm glad to be back and back recording for you guys. So yeah, that is my update. I was in Idaho. I loved it. And let's get into today's story.

Okay, so there are thousands of documented UFO or UAP sightings every year. And for the record, UAP stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon and it's basically an updated phrase that means the same thing as UFO. And of

those thousands of sightings, only a few get much news coverage or have a lot of official documentation to support them. And even fewer of them are still considered unidentified after some investigation. And it's kind of crazy to think about it, that we have this thing like a UFO and

And people ask you, do you believe in UFOs? Even though there are thousands of people who've said, I have seen a UFO. Now, some sightings can be easily chalked up to ordinary explanations like tricks of the light or airplanes, or even hoaxes.

But today I'm going to discuss an almost 60 year old UFO incident that has never been debunked. Even after the Canadian and United States governments reviewed the event, they couldn't come up for any official explanation for what the people of Shag Harbor, Nova Scotia saw.

and to this day it's a completely unsolved mystery and one of the most notorious ufo sightings

Now let's head over to Canada to tell you where this all takes place. Shag Harbor is a tiny fishing village. As its name implies, it sits right off a harbor that's home to a kind of bird called a shag, and it only has a population of a few hundred people. So it's not the sort of place that you'd expect to be internationally famous.

And the town was just as small and out of the way nearly 60 years ago when this story takes place. So it's on the night of October 4th, 1967. A local 12-year-old boy named Chris Stiles was getting ready to go to bed in Shag Harbor. It was about 10 p.m. And before he could get under the blankets, he saw something strange out of his bedroom window.

There was something in the sky. It was round. It glowed with a soft orange tint and it was moving. Now, since Chris's bedroom looked out over the ocean, he knew that the light, whatever it was, seemed to be traveling above the beach. So he jumped out of bed and ran outside to get a better look. But it didn't help Chris figure out what he was seeing. It wasn't any easier for him to tell what it was up close.

the only thing that had changed was that once chris ran to the shoreline he felt this sudden fear come over him he didn't want to be outside all alone with whatever that thing in the sky was so he turned and ran back into his house now chris wasn't the only person this night

who saw something strange in the sky it was another young boy 13 year old peter gorham who was also in bed but it was actually a lot later when he spotted the lights through the window he said he first noticed that there was something going on at around 12 30 in the morning when peter saw the lights they were so bright that they almost blinded him even through the window

He knew they weren't an ordinary flashlight or even a spotlight. And at first, the lights were silent, which was how he knew they weren't from a helicopter. Even if they had been from a spotlight or a helicopter, the lights would have been confusing. There was no reason for anyone to be shining this beam outside his house,

in the middle of the night, especially because he lived more than a half a mile away from the nearest road. So his home was very far off the beaten path. So Peter is sitting in bed and he keeps watching these lights just in shock. They were holding still in midair, hovering not too far above the tallest trees. But after some time, they began moving toward his house. And the closer they got,

The louder those lights became, Peter said he began to hear a deafening noise, like some kind of vehicle was spiraling out of control. It still seemed like it was rushing right at his house, and Peter was terrified that whatever these lights were, whatever was going on, was going to crash. But then suddenly, the thing roared past his home, and that was the end of it. And just to give you some more evidence...

There are more people who saw something weird this night. Another teenager named Norman Smith was pretty close to the beach when he saw the exact same glowing orange sphere hurtle toward the water. He was with his uncle and his father that night, and they all rushed over to the harbor to see what it was. So all three of them saw. But I don't want to make it sound like all of the sightings involved young people or even people on the ground.

Whatever happened this night in Shag Harbor was also spotted by a pilot who was passing over the place at the same time, except his description of the light was a little different. And maybe it was because he was looking at it from the sky, so he had a different angle. But instead of a glowing orange orb, he saw a line of lights in the shape of a backslash. They

They were bluish white and they were racing right toward his plane. He and the coal pilot could tell the vessel or whatever it was, was very large and it looked like it was about to turn left and cut them off.

Now, a mid-air collision could be deadly at that speed and height. So the pilot grabbed the controls and he was ready to veer out of the way until he realized that he didn't have to do anything. The flying lights had stopped moving entirely, like stopped mid-air right before they're going to crash. The lights on that side just pause, like they're going to just wait for the airplane to pass and then go. Like there are two cars driving on the street.

Except we know that this should have been impossible. Most airplanes need to keep the wind moving under their wings to stay in the sky. They can't just hover. Except this thing that multiple people see, including these two pilots, is doing just that, hovering in midair.

Now, when the pilot called a nearby air base to ask him, hey, what's up here? What's going on? We just passed this thing. The people at the base told him their radar didn't show anything in the sky besides his own plane. Their equipment said he was alone, even though he could clearly see this other lit up object in the air right next to him and not just him, his co-pilot, too.

And even more shockingly, once they were safe and there was no danger of colliding, the lights just began moving again and they went from a complete standstill to speeding away at more than 2,000 miles per hour in less than a second. There was no existing airplane that could accelerate that quickly in 1967.

So this whole sighting defied explanation. And there are more and more stories like this. People in Shag Harbor ran out of their homes or their cars on the night of October 4th to stare at the strange object in the sky. Like this is documented, this is real. Something happened that night.

They watched it move in a way that should have been impossible, assuming it was designed using any known technology. The witnesses didn't all agree on what the lights in the sky actually looked like. I mean, some described it as an orange circular orb. But in addition to the pilot who saw a slash-shaped row of lights, other Shag Harbor residents said they saw four orange lights flashing on and off in sequence.

It also made a whistling sound as it flew, like when a bomb gets dropped out of an airplane. One man even thought he saw the vessel that those lights were attached to. He said it appeared to be 60 feet long, so roughly as long as a bowling lane.

Now, the eyewitnesses did agree, however, on what happened next. As they all watched, the lights raced toward the harbor, and then they plummeted downward, rushing toward the waves and came to a stop right at the horizon. It looked like some kind of aircraft had crashed into the ocean. If the light was still bobbing near the waterline, it might have been floating, but that didn't mean it would stay above the waves for long.

Now, I mentioned the teenager Norman who'd run to the shore with his father and uncle to see what was going on. Well, they had a boat docked nearby, and when they saw the object plummet towards the water, they immediately ran to the boat and got in to see if anyone needed rescued from the wreckage. Another eyewitness named Lori Wickens rushed over to the nearest phone booth to call the emergency number.

He was the first person to report the incident to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or the RCMP, but he wasn't the last. That night, 11 different phone calls came in about this object crashing into the water. And it's not like the police needed people to call to know what was going on. At least three RCMP officers were on patrol in the area when they saw the strange light crash down for themselves.

Now, by this point, most of the witnesses who called the operator and the officers themselves assumed that it had been a plane that had plummeted into the harbor. It seemed like the most logical conclusion, right? So all of those emergency calls asked for ambulances, police officers, divers, and the sorts of first responders you'd expect following an airplane accident.

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So when the RCMP get out to Shag Harbor, they found a huge crowd of people already gathered on the shore. Now the good news was that the aircraft had not completely sunk yet. It still seemed to be floating because the lights were still visible. But it was about a half mile away from the shore and there was no easy way to get to it without a lot of boats.

And even worse, the tide was going out which meant every wave that came in pulled this object further out to sea. Now although the night was dark, all of the witnesses could still see a strange yellow foam coming off the wreckage. It had a strong smell like sulfur. And strangest of all, the object had changed shape.

It did not look like an orange ball anymore or a 60-foot long ship. It was beginning to look like something else, although the official reports aren't clear on exactly what it looked like now. I don't want to make it sound like the witnesses were confused or like they were giving contradictory statements. One of those RCMP officers who'd seen the vehicle in the air also reported it to the call in the harbor. He watched the ship go down and he wrote in his report that it...

changed until it resembled, in his words, no known object. Almost like it had some kind of shape-shifting ability and it transformed in preparation for its crash into the water. You heard that right. People think this object went from a flying object to landing on the water and changing shape so it could submerge and begin traveling under seas.

The RCMP coordinated with the Coast Guard and other volunteers who owned boats like Norman and his family, and they all sped out to the wreck.

But by the time they got there, it was too late. The strange craft had finally sunk beneath the waves. However, it wasn't totally gone without a trace. Remember the yellow foam was still floating on the water surface and it still had a very strong smell. It didn't look like anything that the rescuers had ever even heard before. Some of them were hesitant to steer through it in case it contained strange chemicals that might damage their boats.

Still, they thought there was a chance, a remote one, but still a chance that someone might still be alive if they'd escaped from this sunken vessel. So they kept circling and sweeping their flashlights across the water. And they listened to see if any survivors might be yelling for help. But they didn't see or hear anything or anyone. They searched until 3 a.m. and then they took a break for the night. Now the next morning, when it was bright enough to get into the water safely, the searches resumed.

By now, no one was expecting to find any survivors, but they were looking for some kind of evidence to explain what had gone down and where it had come from. The authorities also sent seven divers to see if they could recover anything from the wreck.

Now, these people spent the whole day up until sundown scouring the water. And it was like this downed vessel had never existed. Like it had just literally driven away. They didn't see anything. Meanwhile, anyone who had a boat circled the area to see if anything would wash up. And they eventually called off those searches too after they found nothing.

Now, the Shag Harbor residents didn't realize it at the time, but there was nothing to find. The downed vessel, whatever it was, kept traveling after it slipped underwater. At least that's what we think it did. To explain why I came to that conclusion, we have to jump forward in the timeline a bit.

Now you may remember 12 year old Chris Stiles. He was getting ready for bed the night of the crash when he saw something outside his window. I remember he went outside to see what was going on and then he felt scared and he went back into his room. Well, after he grew up, Chris became very interested in UFOs and alien stories. As you probably can imagine, he lived through one of the most notorious UFO sightings that a town has ever seen.

At one point, he actually tracked down one of the scuba divers who'd been searching for wreckage. Now, some sources are contradictory. Depending on what you read, the divers were either part of the Canadian Navy or from the Coast Guard. And I'm not sure which service this diver was part of. And that might be intentional because he only agreed to talk to Chris if he'd keep his identity anonymous. But he told Chris something interesting years later. According to him...

All of their dives that day and in the days that followed were for show. He said, government officials already knew at that point that the downed airship had moved on. It was parked on the ocean floor about 25 miles northeast of Shag Harbor.

And as soon as the Canadian Navy detected it, they sent some submarines down just to keep an eye on it. They didn't know if it was a threat or what it was going to do, but they wanted to be ready just in case the ship tried something unusual. After all, it didn't seem like the vehicle was totally wrecked. It had traveled those 25 miles underwater. At some point, and it's not clear when this was, a second vessel dove to the ocean floor and joined the original one, almost like it was there to help it.

Now, one theory is that even though the first ship was okay enough to drive around underwater, maybe it had been damaged in some way that stopped it from flying back out. So the second vehicle was there to assist with the repairs. And all the while, the Canadian Navy sat and waited to see what would happen next. They put on these fake shows of searching for the vessel, even though they already knew where it was and were watching.

Now, according to some unverified unofficial reports, in mid-October, or about a week after the crash, the Canadian Navy learned that a Russian submarine had been spotted in their territory. And it was passing right near the area where the two mysterious vehicles were still sitting on the ocean floor.

Now, since the submarines stationed near the wreck were the only ones in the area, they had to go confront the Russian submarine. And while they were busy with it, the two airships rose to the ocean's surface and they burst out of water and flew away. Again, legend has it, this is what went down.

And that same day, there were more strange sightings elsewhere in Canada. People saw mysterious lights in the sky that they couldn't identify. And all of the witness reports were extremely similar to what the people of Shag Harbor had seen back on the 4th.

Now it sounded like this was the same ship as before or its companion. And I mean, it is a little weird. It's weird that this guy is coming forward saying that, yeah, we had this crash and we put on this big show, even though the government actually knew what was going on. And then we had to go handle business. And while we were doing that, these two ships rise up and they take off. And then other people in Canada report seeing things that same day. I mean, that's, that's weird. Now,

Now, again, all of this evidence we have comes from unofficial reports and an interview with an anonymous witness. So, of course,

Of course, it may not be true. But a few years ago, another diver came forward with more information that might help corroborate this account. His name was David Svet, and he wasn't part of the original search team. He actually came to Shag Harbor decades later in 2009 because he was curious about whether he could find anything that the earlier divers had missed.

And he said that when he swam down toward the ocean floor, he found something pretty strange there. He saw these circular depressions on the ground. It looked like someone had taken a round object about the size of a dinner plate and pressed it against the rocks and the sand, leaving an impression in the soft sand. Except these depressions were a foot deep. So these little holes about the size of a plate that are a foot deep.

Something really heavy must have made them because they lasted this long. And weirdly, there was nothing inside the depression. So seaweed, no animals or rocks. They were perfectly uniform and perfectly empty, except for these little pebbles that dotted the bottom.

defies explanation. It does sound like maybe some kind of ship put down landing gear to leave those marks on the seabed. And then later when it took off to go somewhere else, it might've left those depressions as the only evidence that it was ever there. I

I don't know why that would stop other ocean life from coming back to that spot 42 years later. It's also surprising that the currents wouldn't have pushed rocks or other debris into these holes. So it defied explanation then and honestly it defies it now. Maybe this suggested something about the technology that we don't understand.

Either way, at the time of the crash and in the days afterward, the residents of Shag Harbor didn't know anything about any of the military operations that were going on 25 miles away from the crash site.

Nobody told them that anyone had reason to think the wreck was still operational or that it had done anything but sink to the bottom of the harbor. So for four days after the crash, the fishermen kept searching for evidence of what had happened. And officials from the United States even traveled north to get involved in the rescue and recovery operation. Because, okay, even if you don't believe in UFOs, even if you don't believe that 25 miles away, the government was watching these unidentified objects in the ocean, right?

The crash that night and the amount of people that saw it and the RCMP responding, that's real. That's documented. That actually happened. Okay, you guys, let me guess. Your medicine cabinet is crammed with stuff that doesn't work. You still aren't sleeping. You still hurt and you're still stressed out.

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The mystery was baffling enough that even the United States wanted to be there for any new discoveries. Now, meanwhile, the Canadian authorities turned their attention to trying to identify the downed craft.

The commercial airports and the military bases in the area all said that they didn't have any missing planes. There weren't any flights scheduled that could have ended with a tragic fall into the harbor. And the RCMP even confirmed that nobody was missing a private plane either.

Despite all of these findings, the locals still stuck to what seemed like the most likely explanation. Everyone still thought the craft that had crashed into the water was an airplane, even though a lot of the witness reports didn't fit with what you'd expect from a plane. They don't change shape when they hit the water. They might break apart, but they don't go from being a round ball of light to something you'd describe as flammable.

no known object. And at that time in the 1960s, they didn't hover in place like the craft that the pilot saw in the air. They also couldn't go from zero to 2,000 miles per hour in an instant. And on top of that, a lot of the witnesses said the strange light or lights were flying very slowly before it hit the water. The problem was that nobody on earth had the technology at the time to fly a plane that slowly without it falling. And

And while the object did eventually crash into the harbor, it spent way too much time moving at a slow pace beforehand for the crash to be a result of its speed. Now, some people thought the vehicle could have been a top secret military plane, maybe Canadian, American or Russian. It may have had some state of the art technology that wasn't public knowledge yet, but a new possibility emerged two or three days after this crash went down.

That's when newspapers began printing headlines about how a UFO had crashed into Shag Harbor.

Now keep in mind, the phrase UFO just means unidentified flying object. It refers to any aircraft that hasn't been identified yet. So honestly, in a very literal sense, the vehicle that crashed in Shag Harbor was a UFO. But of course, that acronym has a lot of connotations. And for the first time, the locals started considering the possibility that the aircraft might have actually been from outer space.

This explanation made as much sense as any other, but even with all of this evidence and the official reports, nobody wanted to talk about it publicly. The eyewitnesses were afraid they'd sound irrational if they went on the news to talk about aliens or that they didn't think this was from Earth.

So the story kind of fizzled out. And while the people of Shag Harbor would never forget what they'd seen, the rest of Canada and even the rest of the world just kind of moved on. For example, take Peter Gorman, the 13-year-old boy who almost saw the light hit his house a little after midnight. He told his parents exactly what had happened the day after the crash.

But by then they had to know that something had hit the water and that search teams were still looking for it. There was no reason to really doubt Peter's story that this thing had kind of flew over their house and then eventually went on to crash in the water. But his parents doubted him anyway. His account of strange lights in the sky and unidentified flying objects sounded too much like something out of a movie or a novel.

Given the way they reacted, Peter felt like he couldn't tell anyone else either. He did give a statement to the police because he felt like that was the right thing to do, but after that, he decided to never speak about it again. He figured he'd be disbelieved or even mocked, and he didn't want to seem like the sort of person who believes in tinfoil tales. He kept his secret for decades, but once one or two people were willing to admit, okay, I lived back in Shag Harbor that night and...

Something strange did happen October 4th, 1967. Other people felt a bit more comfortable sharing what they remembered too. Peter spoke up for the first time in 2013 when UFO investigators came to town and started asking questions. That's how long it took for him to feel safe enough to tell anyone what he knew. And this is one reason it took so many years for Shag Harbor to actually become famous in the UFO enthusiast community.

Now, one more interesting detail about this case is that a lot of the time when you hear a UFO sighting, you also hear about various attempts to explain it away or try to cover it up. Government investigators may get involved and say the flying vessel was a trick of the light, a weather balloon, a hoax. But this time around, none of that happened.

So a group called the Condon Committee even looked into the Shag Harbor incident. And if you're a big fan of UFO stories, you might recognize the Condon Committee as being a part of Project Blue Book. This was a program funded by the US military to investigate UFO sightings.

The investigators had looked into countless reports and tried to find explanations for what was really going on. So they were kind of experts in this entire thing. Think of them like Mulder and Scully from the X-Files, except this was real and it was in the 1960s.

And after they heard about the Shag Harbor incident, they couldn't come up with any way to explain what all of those people had seen. They didn't come right out and say they thought the object was an alien ship, but they also didn't say what it could have been either.

At the end, everyone seemed to agree that something strange had happened that nobody could explain. That makes the Shag Harbor incident one of the history's most compelling UFO stories in my mind. The fact that even skeptics couldn't come up with an alternative explanation drives home just how credible all of those witness accounts were.

So it may be no surprise today that Shag Harbor is one of the most famous UFO sites in all of Canada. Some people have even dubbed it Canada's Roswell. In 2001, the government issued a special postage stamp with a picture of a flying saucer hovering over the ocean and it had the words Shag Harbor printed over it. People who didn't even live in Canada requested the stamp to add to their collections.

And more recently in 2019, the officials issued a commemorative coin. This one featured people watching from the shores as a saucer sank below the waves. It even had a black light feature. So under the right lighting, the UFO disappeared from the image, but four glowing orange lights remained.

So every year, the people of Shag Harbor host a UFO conference in their town. But don't let me make it sound like the event is a bigger deal than it is. Shag Harbor is still a pretty sleepy seaside community. It's not the sort of place that can accommodate huge crowds of tourists.

And for the 50th anniversary in 2017, the residents welcomed a couple dozen visitors. They decorated their rundown old community center with balloons and set up folding chairs and tables. And then all the locals who remembered the original event shared their experiences.

So it's not like this was some major tourist attraction that was selling out hotels or filling stadiums. And in light of that, it's not too surprising that outside of that conference, the town really hasn't done as much to draw tourists as you might expect.

Even though it's so well known in the alien hunting community, very few people actually bother to visit. If you were to head to the crash site today, you'd see a small easy to miss sign by a gazebo that says, "Site of 1967 UFO Incident." And that's it. A little ways away from there, visitors can stop by the local UFO museum. It's actually owned and operated by a man named Laurie Wickens. You might remember that name. He was the first person to call the police after he witnessed the crash.

The museum is modest and it only has two rooms of exhibits. It plays some documentaries and has newspapers on display, but you really won't see much else. Now the good news is that attitudes about UFOs and unexplained incidents seem to kind of be changing. In the past few years, even the US government has acknowledged that there are objects in the sky that can't fully be explained.

that might be a sign of shifting opinions. You can believe in alien visitors without coming across as naive or gullible, which is a positive sign. If we can talk more openly about these incidents, we can learn more about them and maybe even get closer to answering the big questions we have.

And unsolved cases like the Shag Harbor incident can help bring us one step closer to the truth. All right, you guys, that was our case today on the very popular Shag Harbor UFO sighting. If you liked it, please let me know in the comments. Please give this video a thumbs up, turn on notifications, or leave me a review if you're listening on audio. I love you guys so much, and I will see you next week as we continue to climb further into the dark together. Goodbye.