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Trailer: Real Dictators

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Real Dictators

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Paul McGann
受害者:独裁者及其追随者犯下了令人发指的罪行,残忍杀害了无数无辜的平民,包括妇女和儿童。他们对人民进行残酷的压迫和统治,让人民生活在水深火热之中,甚至让数百万人民对这些暴行视而不见。他们的暴行罄竹难书,令人发指。 Paul McGann: 本播客将深入探讨历史上著名独裁者的生平,揭露他们统治下的黑暗现实。我们将通过对历史事件的回顾、对相关人物的采访以及对专家意见的收集,来展现独裁统治的残酷本质以及其对人民造成的深远影响。我们将深入分析独裁者如何利用各种手段来巩固权力,操纵民众,以及他们是如何将自己的意志强加于人民之上的。我们将探讨独裁者如何利用宣传、暴力和恐怖来维持统治,以及他们是如何利用各种手段来压制异见和反抗的。 Paul McGann: 本播客将带你深入了解金正日如何将好莱坞电影中的内容当作现实,并利用国家的实力进行各种犯罪活动,例如贩毒、伪造货币、贩卖人口和核武器等。我们将揭露斯大林如何将俄罗斯从农业国转变为拥有原子武器的超级大国,以及他如何通过高超的宣传技巧来操纵民众。我们将探讨毛泽东的共产主义思想如何强调强硬和极端,以及他的统治如何导致大饥荒和文化大革命等灾难性事件。我们将分析东条英机发动对美国全面战争的动机和后果,以及他为何不后悔自己的行为。我们将揭露杜瓦利耶如何利用现代医学和巫毒教的关联来巩固自己的权力,以及他的统治是如何充满了酷刑、公开处决和尸体示众等恐怖行为。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

How does a single human being convince thousands to kill for them and millions to turn a blind eye?

Real Dictators is the new podcast series hosted by Paul McGann (Dr Who, Luther, Withnail and I) that explores the hidden lives of history’s tyrants.

We encounter the American-trained doctor, “Papa Doc” Duvalier, who used modern medicine to convince the people of Haiti that he was a Voodoo god. There’s Kim Jong-il, who developed nuclear warheads alongside blockbuster movies. There’s Mao Zedong – the peasant’s son who transformed China, presiding over the catastrophic Great Chinese Famine and the bloody Cultural Revolution. And Joseph Stalin, the man who turned Russia into a superpower and set the stage for the Cold War, while upending and destroying the lives and livelihoods of millions of his own people. 

Real Dictators fuses immersive, dramatic storytelling with interviews with world-renowned experts. The voices of historians sit alongside an array of regime insiders such as Jang Jin-sung – a former psychological warfare officer for Kim Jong-il – and François Benoit, a survivor of ‘Papa Doc’ Duvalier’s reign of terror.

New episodes on Wednesdays from May 2020.

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