cover of episode Oliver Cromwell Part 2: Civil War Across the Realms

Oliver Cromwell Part 2: Civil War Across the Realms

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Dr. Anna Kaye
Professor John Morrill
Professor Nicholas of Shaughnessy
@Narrator : 本集讲述了英国内战的残酷和破坏性,以及克伦威尔从一个默默无闻的政治家到杰出军事指挥官的崛起。内战持续十四年,造成数十万人死亡,几乎没有一个家庭幸免于难。战争波及英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰和北美等地。 @Dr. Anna Kaye : 内战并非关于共和与君主制,而是关于宗教安排和国王权力范围的争论。双方都希望保留君主制,但对宗教和国王权力的看法存在分歧。 @Professor John Morrill : 内战初期,大多数人希望通过谈判和妥协解决问题,但随着局势恶化,地方军队的控制权落入强硬派手中,克伦威尔就是其中之一。 @Professor Peter Gawne : 议会军总指挥埃塞克斯伯爵能力不足,而国王虽然名义上是最高军事统帅,但常常授权他人指挥。 @Professor Clare Jackson : 内战导致许多家庭成员站在对立阵营,鲁珀特王子是国王的王牌,但其冲动性格也带来问题。 @Professor Nicholas of Shaughnessy : 皮姆是议会早期反抗的领导者,克伦威尔崛起较晚,而英格兰清教徒内部存在长老派和独立派的分裂。 @Professor Miholo Shukra : 克伦威尔及其新模范军具有强烈的宗教色彩,他将自己的行动视为上帝旨意,并以此激励士兵。 @Oliver Cromwell : 克伦威尔在内战中展现出卓越的军事才能和领导才能,他组建的新模范军纪律严明,战斗力强,最终取得了决定性胜利。他认为能力胜过出身,主张军队改革,清除贵族将领。

Deep Dive

Oliver Cromwell, initially an obscure politician with no military experience, quickly proves himself as an outstanding military commander during the English Civil War. His rise is marked by effective leadership and strategic acumen, leading to significant victories and a rapid ascent through the ranks.

Shownotes Transcript

England is plunged into conflict. Oliver Cromwell, an obscure politician, soon proves himself an outstanding military commander. King Charles, meanwhile, unveils his own star signing - a dashing young cavalry officer named Prince Rupert. A daring mission featuring the Queen threatens to tip the balance the Royalists’ way. But Cromwell’s New Model Army will prove itself unstoppable…

A Noiser production, written by Jeff Dawson.

Many thanks to Peter Gaunt, Clare Jackson, Anna Keay, John Morrill, Nicholas O’Shaughnessy, Micheál Ó Siochrú.

This is Part 2 of 4.

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