cover of episode Macías Nguema Part 1: The Dachau of Africa

Macías Nguema Part 1: The Dachau of Africa

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Real Dictators

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Oscar Scafidi
Paul Kenyon
旁白: 本集讲述了赤道几内亚第一任也是唯一一位自由选举产生的总统弗朗西斯科·马西亚斯·恩格玛的暴政统治。马西亚斯凭借机会主义上位,后因吸毒导致偏执狂,最终导致国家毁灭。他的统治充满了暴力、恐怖和对异见的残酷镇压,大规模公开处决是其统治的象征,赤道几内亚人民生活在恐惧之中。黑滩监狱成为其暴政的象征,无数人遭到酷刑和杀害。马西亚斯最终被其亲信推翻。 Oscar Scafidi: 马西亚斯出生在赤道几内亚方族剧变时期,西班牙殖民者正扩张其统治,这对他的人生造成了深远的影响。西班牙殖民统治对方族人民造成了极大的负面影响,包括强迫劳动和压迫性的法律框架。 Paul Kenyon: 马西亚斯在西班牙殖民统治下接受教育,这为他日后的成功奠定了基础。他通过努力成为一名法院书记员和翻译,逐渐融入西班牙殖民统治体系。然而,他的性格古怪,且有健康问题,这为他日后的行为埋下了伏笔。

Deep Dive

Francisco Macías Nguema's rise to power in Equatorial Guinea is detailed, from his humble beginnings as a Fang tribesman to his ascent through the ranks of the Spanish colonial administration, culminating in his election as the country's first president.

Shownotes Transcript

This is the extraordinary, blood-curdling story of a dictator you may never have heard of. From 1968-1979, the African nation of Equatorial Guinea was helmed by its first, and to date only, freely elected president. Initially, Francisco Macías Nguema was seen by the Spanish colonial authorities as a safe choice. He proved to be anything but. Things went off the rails at an astonishing rate, as Macías rapidly turned the country into what would be called the ‘Dachau of Africa’. His is a tale of sheer opportunism on the way up, and drug-fuelled paranoia on the way down…

Narrated by Paul McGann. A Noiser production, written by Sean Coleman.

This is Part 1 of 2.

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