cover of episode Introducing: D-Day: The Tide Turns - Episode 1

Introducing: D-Day: The Tide Turns - Episode 1

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Real Dictators

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Dr. Tessa Dunlop
Giles Milton
Jeff Wara
Joshua Levine
Paul McGann
Sir Max Hastings
@Paul McGann : 本集探讨了二战期间盟军在诺曼底登陆的历史,以及这场战役对世界历史的深远影响。节目追溯了士兵、伞兵、间谍和指挥官的经历,并引用了历史学家的观点和当时的档案音频。D日是二战乃至世界历史上一个关键的转折点,虽然有英雄主义,但也充满了残酷和暴力。 @Giles Milton : 诺曼底登陆地点的选择考虑了防御强度和地形。帕德卡莱海峡距离德国更近,但防御更严密;诺曼底的海滩更长,适合大规模登陆,防御相对较弱。盟军最终选择在诺曼底五个代号海滩登陆,并试图连接成一个大型区域,以便运送坦克、装甲车和步兵。 @Jeff Wara : D日之所以被称为D日,是因为它成为了一个具有神圣意义的事件,标志着盟军开始重创纳粹政权。 @Sir Max Hastings : D日的成功依赖于前所未有的规划、组织和后勤工作。大量的文职人员参与了规划和组织工作,解决了各种各样的难题。 @Dr. Tessa Dunlop : 女性在D日之前的准备工作中发挥了重要作用,她们负责后勤保障、物资供应和行政工作。 @Joshua Levine : 战略欺骗比简单的战术欺骗更复杂,规模更大,它涉及到误导敌人关于整个政治和军事战略。 @Jonathan Trigg & @Sir Anthony Beaver : 盟军创造了一个虚假的军队来迷惑德国人,让他们误以为盟军将在加莱登陆,从而分散了德国的兵力。 Paul McGann: 为了迷惑德国人,盟军采取了各种欺骗手段,包括制造假坦克、假登陆艇、假机场,甚至还编造了虚假的无线电通讯。他们还利用双重间谍向德国传递虚假情报,其中最成功的是加尔博。

Deep Dive

Captain Logan Scott Bowden and Sergeant Bruce Ogden Smith, on a stealth mission in Nazi-occupied France, collect sand samples to determine if the terrain can support armored vehicles during the upcoming D-Day invasion.

Shownotes Transcript

This is a taster episode of a brand-new podcast from the Noiser network. Host Paul McGann follows the real people involved in the D-Day landings.

It’s 1944 and Europe is in the grip of the Nazi war machine. But on the shores of Great Britain, thousands of men and women are planning the great fightback. What will it take to turn the tide of World War 2?

Search ‘D-Day: The Tide Turns’ in your podcast app and hit follow to get new episodes each Thursday. Or listen at

Episode 2 is live now on D-Day: The Tide Turns.

Real Dictators will be back soon with the story of Augusto Pinochet.

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