cover of episode The Psychopedia Podcast

The Psychopedia Podcast

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#comedic interactions#psychology discussion#literature and publishing Topics
@Tank Sinatra @Investigator Slater 共同主持播客《Psychopedia》,该节目将真实犯罪案件与喜剧元素相结合。他们两位分别以喜剧演员和专业调查员的身份,为听众带来独特的视角和体验。节目中,他们会讨论骇人听闻的真实犯罪案件,但同时也会加入许多幽默的元素,以轻松的方式呈现严肃的主题。这种独特的节目形式,既能满足听众对真实犯罪故事的好奇心,又能带来轻松愉快的收听体验。两位主持人长达20年的友谊也为节目增添了独特的魅力,他们之间轻松自然的互动,使得节目更具吸引力。 Investigator Slater作为一名经验丰富的专业调查员,为节目提供了真实可靠的犯罪案件信息和专业分析。而Tank Sinatra作为一名成功的喜剧演员,则负责为节目注入幽默的元素,并以独特的视角解读案件。他们二人不同的专业背景和性格特点,使得节目内容丰富多彩,既有严谨的案件分析,又有轻松幽默的互动,满足了不同听众的需求。这种独特的组合,也使得《Psychopedia》在众多犯罪播客中脱颖而出,成为一个备受关注的节目。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Psychopedia is a true crime podcast infused with comedy….making it a crimedy.

Each week, Investigator Slater presents a horrific true crime case to Tank Sinatra for the first time, whose reaction to each gruesome detail prompts thought provoking conversation and hilarious dialogue. The episodes contain several pop quizzes to keep Tank on his jacked toes, while causing listeners to question Investigator Slater’s mental health.

Tank Sinatra has been called the most prolific original meme creator in the world and one of the most talented content curators.

Investigator Slater is a highly regarded leader in the field of investigative law.

But above all else, Tank and Slater bring to the table 20 years of friendship and A LOT of hysterical memories. When they come together to discuss true crime each week, you can count on enjoying a well-researched, entertaining new volume of Psychopedia.

Instagram + TikTok: @psychopediapod @tank.sinatra @investigatorslater

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