cover of episode EP11: "Don't Be Afraid [stab]...I'm Only A Little Kitty Cat"

EP11: "Don't Be Afraid [stab]...I'm Only A Little Kitty Cat"

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Investigator Slater
Tank Sinatra
Tank Sinatra: 本期播客节目进展顺利,收到许多积极评价,并额外制作了一期节目。对Investigator Slater选择的案件感到兴奋,并赞扬她认真负责的工作态度。认为好的作品源于压力下的认真投入,并感谢听众的关注、评价和分享。认为播客并非适合所有人,但即使是负面评价也代表听众的参与和感受。感谢喜欢并评价播客的听众,并强调Investigator Slater为播客付出的巨大努力,其工作量如同全职工作甚至更多。准备好倾听Investigator Slater讲述案件,并赞扬了发现受伤女孩的自行车骑手,认为他是英雄。对Morgan Geyser和Anissa Weyer的行为感到愤怒,但同时也表达了对精神疾病患者的同情。 Investigator Slater: 对本周要讲述的案件进行了大量的研究,并认为播客是其对真实犯罪的热爱的自然延伸。讲述了2014年5月31日发生在威斯康星州沃基肖市一起12岁女孩刺伤朋友的案件,并介绍了Slender Man的起源和在互联网上的迅速走红。详细描述了受害者Peyton Lutner和凶手Morgan Geyser以及Anissa Weyer的背景和关系,以及她们如何因为迷恋Slender Man而策划并实施了这起案件。解释了creepypasta的概念,以及Morgan Geyser如何相信Slender Man真实存在并因此产生幻觉。详细描述了案件的经过,包括她们如何制定计划、使用暗语、以及最终如何刺伤Peyton Lutner。讲述了Peyton Lutner在受伤后如何顽强地生存下来,以及Morgan Geyser和Anissa Weyer被捕后的情况。分析了Morgan Geyser和Anissa Weyer的精神状态,并讨论了她们的判决结果。最后,表达了对受害者Peyton Lutner的同情,并赞扬了她积极乐观的态度。

Deep Dive

The episode discusses the background and immediate events leading up to the stabbing of Peyton Lutner by her friends, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, who believed they were serving Slender Man.

Shownotes Transcript

On May 31, 2014 in the backwoods of Waukesha, Wisconsin, two 12-year-old girls violently plunged a kitchen knife into their best friend nineteen times before leaving her alone to bleed out and die.   The young assailants claimed that they were forced to murder "someone they loved" in order to prevent Slenderman - an evil, mythical, online urban legend - from harming their families. In an outrageous and heartbreaking act of premeditated brutality, three young lives were forever changed, causing a seismic shockwave to tear through the nation as people were forced to confront the dangers of the Internet and the frightening capabilities of two children unable to determine fact from fiction.

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