cover of episode you are on your own journey, advice session

you are on your own journey, advice session

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anything goes with emma chamberlain

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Emma Chamberlain
Emma Chamberlain:本期节目重拾播客中“建议环节”的栏目,为听众提供生活建议。尽管缺乏专业资质,但仍乐于提供建议,希望帮助听众在生活中获得成功。节目中涵盖了多个听众提出的问题,例如:19岁从未恋爱是否落后、对未来的迷茫、对人生道路与他人不同的焦虑以及如何停止在意他人看法等。针对这些问题,Emma Chamberlain分享了自己的经验和观点,鼓励听众专注于自身节奏,不必与他人比较,诚实面对自己的不足,并相信自己能够快速成长。她强调,人生没有唯一的正确道路,重要的是找到自己感兴趣的事情并为之努力,不必追求闪耀的职业道路,随时可以调整方向。她鼓励听众将人生看作一张白纸,自由地创作属于自己的人生画卷,不必在意他人的评价。同时,她也分享了自己如何通过努力工作和做一个善良的人来让自己感到自豪,从而不再在意他人的看法。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

if you're a long-time listener of anything goes, you might remember a little series i used to do called advice session, where i would ask you to submit current challenges and struggles that you're dealing with, and i would take a few of them and give my advice. i think the reason why i stopped doing this series was because i had imposter syndrome about whether or not i had the credentials to give advice. however, i enjoy giving advice and so we're bringing it back. i have the best intentions and i want you to win in life! but still, take everything i say with a grain of salt. 

if you’re struggling with something right now and want my advice, send me a dm on the anything goes instagram page

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