cover of episode more than a character, a talk with rainn wilson [video]

more than a character, a talk with rainn wilson [video]

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Rainn Wilson
Rainn Wilson: 我从小父母离异,经历坎坷,这让我对人生有了独特的理解。在尼加拉瓜的童年经历,以及后来在华盛顿州奥林匹亚市的生活,都塑造了我独特的性格和人生观。我曾经是一个非常内向,自卑的书呆子,但我也很幽默。高中时期,我开始对表演产生兴趣,并最终走上了演员的道路。我的演艺生涯并非一帆风顺,我做过很多兼职工作,也经历过焦虑和自我怀疑。但是,我对表演的热爱一直支撑着我,最终我获得了成功,并在《办公室》中饰演了Dwight Schrute 这个家喻户晓的角色。虽然我因此成名,但我并不认为名利是人生的全部意义。我更看重的是内心的平静和对人生的深刻理解。 我的童年经历中,父母的不幸福婚姻让我对爱情和家庭有了更深刻的思考。我经历过多次婚姻的家庭,这让我更加珍惜自己和妻子的婚姻。我努力经营自己的家庭,并从中获得了幸福。 在成年后,我经历过焦虑、抑郁和孤独,这让我开始寻求灵性的慰藉。我阅读了佛经、圣经和可兰经,并重新回到儿时信仰的巴哈伊教。我通过祈祷、冥想、与大自然的连接以及与他人的联系来寻找内心的平静。灵性对我来说,是一种与比自己更大的事物建立联系的方式,它帮助我应对生活中的挑战,并找到人生的意义。 主持人: Rainn Wilson 的演艺生涯、童年经历和灵性追求,都展现了他复杂而丰富的人生。他的童年经历充满了动荡和不确定性,但这并没有让他放弃对人生的追求。他通过自己的努力,在演艺事业上取得了巨大的成功,并成为了一个备受尊敬的演员。同时,他也在积极探索灵性,并从中找到了内心的平静和人生的意义。他的经历和思考,对我们每个人都有启发意义。他强调了家庭和人际关系的重要性,以及在面对焦虑和挑战时,寻求内在力量和灵性支持的重要性。

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Shownotes Transcript

[video available on spotify] i’m so honored to be bringing this guest to you because i’m such a big fan of everything this man does. today we have rainn wilson. rainn is an emmy nominated actor, best known for his role as dwight schrute in the u.s. version of* the office*. he’s also a producer and author. his latest book is called soul boom: why we need a spiritual revolution, and he’s also the host of the podcasts “metaphysical milkshake” and the soon to be launched “soul boom.” i've heard rainn talk a lot about anxiety and spirituality, two things that are very relevant in my personal life. i think they're relevant in a lot of our lives. i'm very anxious and because of that, i've become very spiritual to try to cope with it, which is another reason i’m excited to speak to rainn today. so let's bring in the incredible rainn wilson

links to rainn wilson's audiobooks

soul boom: why we need a spiritual revolution

the bassoon king: my life in art, faith, and idiocy

**soul boom podcast with rainn wilson: **

metaphysical milkshake podcast with rainn and reza

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