Kate Winkler-Dawson
Kate Winkler-Dawson & Paul Holes
共同主持历史真 crime 播客《Buried Bones》
Paul Holes
Kate Winkler-Dawson: 本期节目讲述了1917年密苏里州斯普林菲尔德一起富裕家庭婴儿失踪的案件。事件发生后,警方立即展开调查,并出动了警犬进行追踪。然而,媒体的过度报道干扰了案件的侦破,导致绑匪的勒索计划失败。最终,婴儿被发现已经遇害,而参与绑架的嫌疑人则被绳之以法。本案反映了媒体报道与执法部门之间的平衡问题,以及过度报道可能带来的负面影响。 Paul Holes: 我对绑架案和绑匪的行为模式很感兴趣。本案中绑匪提出的赎金交付指示虽然古怪,但在逻辑上是合理的,目的是为了最大限度地降低自身的风险。警犬追踪在案件侦破中发挥了一定的作用,但其可靠性受环境条件和警犬处理员水平的影响。此外,本案也反映了在案件调查中,媒体报道和执法部门之间的平衡至关重要,过度的报道可能会对案件的侦破和受害者家属造成负面影响。 Paul Holes: 许多看似绑架的案件,实际上是父母伤害或杀害孩子后伪造的现场。本案中,受害者家属在孩子被绑架后立即报警并积极配合调查,这符合大多数父母在类似情况下的反应。在养育孩子的过程中,我会采取措施增加入室者入侵的难度,例如让孩子住在二楼。二层建筑的楼梯结构对入侵者来说是一个“死亡漏斗”,方便屋主进行防御。警犬追踪的可靠性取决于环境条件和警犬处理员的水平,不能完全依赖。罪犯使用掩盖气味的物质干扰警犬追踪,但只要提供正确的线索,警犬仍然可以追踪。绑匪将勒索信寄往银行而非受害者家,暗示绑匪可能与银行或受害者之间存在某种联系。尽管绑匪的赎金交付指示看起来古怪,但从犯罪者的角度来看,这些指示在逻辑上是合理的,目的是为了最大限度地降低自身的风险。媒体的报道干扰了绑匪的计划,导致赎金交付失败。犯罪团伙内部成员之间的矛盾和互相猜忌,往往是警方破案的关键。根据嫌疑人提供的线索,警方在废弃的豪宅中发现了婴儿的踪迹,但婴儿已经遇害。由于尸体在水中浸泡,尸检结果可能无法准确判断死亡时间。根据尸检结果,婴儿的死亡更可能是故意行为而非意外。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the kidnappers choose to target such a wealthy family in 1917 Springfield, Missouri?

The kidnappers chose to target the wealthy Keat family because James Keat was known to be extremely rich, worth about $3 million in 1917 (equivalent to almost $75 million today). His wealth and his connection to the Holland Bank made him an attractive target for a ransom kidnapping.

Why was the ransom letter sent to the Holland Bank instead of directly to James Keat's home?

The ransom letter was sent to the Holland Bank because the kidnappers were aware of James Keat's role as vice president there. Sending the letter to the bank indirectly revealed the kidnappers' knowledge of his financial connections and possibly made them feel more secure about the transaction.

Why did the kidnappers give such specific and seemingly comical instructions for the ransom drop?

The specific and seemingly comical instructions for the ransom drop, such as painting one headlight red and driving slowly, were designed to minimize the risk of detection. The red headlight allowed the kidnappers to identify James's car from a distance, while driving slowly gave them time to assess the situation and ensure he was alone. The voice command and lantern placement were meant to keep his physical presence a mystery and confirm the drop.

Why did the kidnappers become increasingly frustrated with the press and outside interference?

The kidnappers became increasingly frustrated because the press continuously leaked details of the ransom plans and instructions, causing outsiders to follow James during his attempts to pay the ransom. This interference thwarted their plans and put them at greater risk of being caught.

Why did the police focus on the Adams family and their boarder Claude?

The police focused on the Adams family and their boarder Claude because Claude had been talking around town about being involved in other ransom plots, and the family was unusually vague about their whereabouts on the night of the kidnapping. Additionally, the number of perpetrators mentioned in the ransom note (three) matched the number of people living in the cabin, and evidence was found at the abandoned Crenshaw Mansion, a location connected to Claude's earlier plans.

Why did the case attract such a large mob after the discovery of Buddy's body?

The case attracted a large mob after the discovery of Buddy's body because the kidnapping and subsequent death of a baby was a highly sensational and emotional event, especially given the extensive press coverage. The mob, estimated to be around 20,000 people, sought justice and targeted Claude, who had loose ties to the ransom plot, leading to a chaotic and violent scene.

Why did the kidnappers' plans fail despite some initial sound decisions?

The kidnappers' plans failed due to the extensive media leaks and public interference. Each time James followed the ransom instructions, the press reported it, and outsiders followed him, causing the kidnappers to abandon their plans out of fear of being caught. Additionally, Claude's loose lips about other kidnapping schemes drew unwanted attention from the police.

Why did the police charge Claude Adams with kidnapping and not murder initially?

The police charged Claude Adams with kidnapping and not murder initially because they were still gathering evidence and needed to secure a conviction on the lesser charge first. They had to establish a connection to the kidnapping before they could charge him with murder, especially since the cause of Buddy's death was not immediately clear.

Why did Claude eventually acknowledge his involvement in the kidnapping?

Claude acknowledged his involvement in the kidnapping after being found guilty to provide some context and possibly seek sympathy. He claimed that Buddy's death was an accident due to an overdose of laudanum, which was given to keep the baby quiet. However, this claim was inconsistent with the autopsy findings, which suggested intentional asphyxia.

Why did the press play such a significant role in the failure of the ransom plans?

The press played a significant role in the failure of the ransom plans by leaking details of the kidnapping and ransom instructions. This sensationalistic reporting led to public interference, with many people following James during his attempts to pay the ransom, which the kidnappers saw as a threat to their safety and the success of their plan.

In 1917 Springfield, Missouri, a wealthy couple discovers their 14-month-old baby, Buddy, missing from his first-floor nursery. The open window and missing screen suggest a possible kidnapping. The family immediately contacts the police, who initiate a search with bloodhounds.
  • Wealthy banker James Holland Keat's 14-month-old son, Buddy, kidnapped from their home.
  • Initial search with bloodhounds leads to the outskirts of town, then loses the scent.
  • The nursery window was open, screen removed.

Shownotes Transcript

In this week's episode, Kate and Paul take us to 1917 Springfield, Missouri where a wealthy couple comes home from a night out to find their baby missing. With the help of authorities, the family attempts to have their baby returned safely. 

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