cover of episode Think Fast, Talk Smart: The Podcast (A Sound Bite!)

Think Fast, Talk Smart: The Podcast (A Sound Bite!)

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Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

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Matt Abrahams
Matt Abrahams: 本播客的核心在于提升沟通技巧,帮助人们在各种情境下有效表达。他指出,PowerPoint演示文稿往往会让人们失去讲故事的能力,而有效的沟通应该像一个更好的自己。他还建议,与其谈论自身的特质(例如勤奋、创造力),不如谈论自己的行为(例如努力工作、创造事物)。此外,他还强调了沟通中的倾听和回应的重要性,认为领导力在于提出正确的问题,而非拥有所有答案。演讲的目的在于激励行动,而非仅仅是信息传递。有效的沟通需要在压力下保持清晰,并能够提供建设性的反馈。克服沟通焦虑的关键在于理解兴奋和紧张的生理反应是相同的,将沟通视为对话而非独白,从而建立更有效的沟通模式。 Matt Abrahams: 在沟通技巧方面,本播客提供了大量基于研究的技巧和方法,帮助听众提升沟通能力。它涵盖了多个方面,例如如何在压力下清晰地表达自己的想法,如何提供更有效的反馈,如何轻松地传达复杂的信息,如何管理个人声誉,以及如何在任何演讲场合中有效地管理焦虑情绪。通过学习和实践这些技巧,听众可以显著提升沟通能力,并在工作和生活中取得更大的成功。播客中还强调了倾听的重要性,指出有效的沟通是对话而非独白,回应对方的方式会直接影响对方对沟通效果的感受。此外,播客还探讨了领导力与沟通的关系,指出领导力在于提出正确的问题,而非拥有所有答案。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Whether you’re giving a toast or presenting in a meeting, communication is critical to success in business and in life. Join Matt Abrahams, a lecturer of Strategic Communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business, as he sits down with experts in the field to discuss real-world communication challenges.

How do I send my message clearly when put on the spot? How do I give better feedback? How can I easily convey complex information? How do I manage my reputation? How do I manage my anxiety in *any *speaking situation?  

*Think Fast, Talk Smart *provides the tools, techniques, and best practices to help you communicate more effectively.

*Think Fast, Talk Smart: The Podcast *is a production of Stanford Graduate School of Business. To find more podcasts from Stanford GSB, visit our website.)

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