cover of episode 98. Give It to Me Straight: How to Give Honest, Constructive Feedback

98. Give It to Me Straight: How to Give Honest, Constructive Feedback

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Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

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David Dodson
David Dodson: 本期节目中,David Dodson 详细阐述了其在管理和领导力方面的经验和见解,涵盖了有效沟通、反馈机制、面试技巧以及高效会议管理等多个方面。他强调了深入浅出式面试法的重要性,这种方法通过深入探讨特定主题,更全面地了解候选人是否符合岗位要求。他还提出了一个六步反馈框架,包括明确期望、设定衡量标准、提供反馈、询问障碍、提供支持和确保一致性,以确保反馈的有效性和实用性。此外,Dodson 还分享了其对 360 度评估的独到见解,他认为 360 度评估的成功关键在于策划、制定计划和闭环反馈,这能有效提升团队竞争力。在会议管理方面,Dodson 提出了七个步骤来改进会议效率,包括在会议开始前提出明确的问题,确保每个人都参与发言,并建议从级别较低的员工开始发言,以避免受资历影响。他强调了充分准备的重要性,认为充分准备是富有同情心的表现,能提升沟通效率和同情心。Dodson 还分享了他对高效时间管理的看法,他建议缩短会议时间,并尽可能减少不必要的会议。 Matt Abrahams: Matt Abrahams 作为主持人,引导 David Dodson 分享其在管理和领导力方面的经验和见解,并就相关话题进行深入探讨。他与 Dodson 就深入浅出式面试法、六步反馈框架、360 度评估、高效会议管理以及高效时间管理等方面进行了深入交流,并就这些方法的实践应用和潜在挑战提出了自己的看法。他积极参与讨论,并就 Dodson 分享的观点和经验提出了自己的见解和补充,使得访谈内容更加丰富和全面。

Deep Dive

David Dodson explains the concept of deepening and narrowing in interviews, emphasizing its effectiveness in assessing a candidate's suitability by focusing on specific aspects of their skills and experiences.

Shownotes Transcript

 How do we deal with professional blind spots? According to David Dodson,) MBA ’87, we need the panoramic perspective of those who work around us.

“360 reviews, done properly, are a massive competitive weapon,” says Dodson), also a lecturer in management at Stanford GSB and author of the new book, The Manager’s Handbook). Such comprehensive and constructive feedback, he says, can be transformational for employees and managers alike. “The first time I did a 360 review and got feedback was a massive turning point in my development as a manager,” he says. “Had I not had 360 feedback, I probably would have gone a decade or more with ineffective technique.”

In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Dodson shares valuable insights and actionable advice for individuals in leadership and management roles, highlighting the importance of effective communication and feedback in achieving success.

For a full transcript of this interview, visit the episode web page).

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